Advanced Outlook 2003

  • November 2019
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Outlook 2003 Advanced





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Managing E-mail Electronic mail is an essential form of communication in today’s work-place. In addition to sending and receiving mail messages, Outlook 2003 provides us many other tools.

Email Formatting Message Format and Fonts Microsoft Outlook can send and receive messages in HTML, Plain Text, and Outlook Rich Text formats. The standard is Rich Text which supports text formatting, including bullets, alignment, and linked objects. To view or change these settings: 1. Select Tools…Options from the menubar.

2. Click the Mail Format tab.

The Internet Format button allows you to set options for sending email over the internet (outside Deloitte). The default settings allows Outlook to automatically convert RTF messages to HTML, so message formatting is maintained and attachments will be received properly.

Deloitte’s default International Option for encoding is Western European (ISO) allowing Microsoft Outlook automatically selects this character set for messages you are sending. However, sometimes the preferred encoding will not work for a specific character set. In that case, you need to manually change the encoding. This can be changed for one message or by changing the Preferred encoding for all messages.


Adding Signatures to Messages A signature is a predefined block of text that can be inserted manually or automatically, at the end of your messages. To create a signature: 1. Select Tools…Options from the menubar.

2. From the Mail Format tab, select the Signatures button.

3. The Deloitte Default Signature contains the required and optional information along with the font type and size to be used in standard signatures.

4. To create your standard signature, select the New button.


5. Enter a name for your signature, select the “Use this existing signature as a template” option, and then click the Next button.

NOTE: The Deloitte Default Signature format should be used for all emails.

6. Make the changes as necessary to personalize your signature, and click the OK button twice.

7. Your signature is, by default, selected in the Signature for new messages list on the Mail Format Tab.


vCard Option The vCard option allows you to attach a business card as your signature. To do this, you must have a contact setup for yourself in your Contacts folder. To add a vCard:

1. Click the New vCard from Contact button.

2. Change the Global Address List to Contact, and select your name from the list.

3. Click OK and then Finish.


Spelling Spellchecker is turned on by default. To change settings: 1. Select Tools…Options from the menubar.

2. Click the Spelling tab.

3. Make changes and click OK.

Email Options Outlook offers several options that allow you to manage how and when a message is sent, as well as tracking features. To access these options:

1. When in a message, choose View…Options or click on the Options button.


Message Settings Allow you to set the priority and sensitivity for your outgoing messages.

Importance:  Normal, the default, will have nothing next to the message.  Low Priority messages will have a  High priority message will have a

icon next to them. icon next to them.

Sensitivity:  Private messages cannot be modified after you send it.  A confidential message cannot be forwarded.  Personal or normal messages have no restrictions.

Voting and Tracking Options Allows you have more control over how a recipient replies to your message and to know when a recipient receives and/or opens your message. Voting Buttons: See Using Voting Buttons below for more information. Return Receipts:  Requesting a receipt of delivery will let you know when the message appears in the recipient’s mailbox.  Requesting a read receipt will let you know when the recipient opens the message.


Delivery Options  Have replies to your message sent to another person by typing the name of the person, or click Select Names to select from the Global Address List or your Contacts.  The standard is to save sent messages in your Sent Items container.  Messages set for future delivery will remain in your Outbox until the specific time; however, the date and sent time will reflect when it went to your Outbox. NOTE: Outlook must be open (running) for your message to be sent.  If there is a specific date in the Expires after field and the recipeint(s) do not retrieve their mail before that date they will not receive that message.

Using Voting Buttons Voting buttons allow you to insert voting options into an outgoing message. The results of the responses are automatically tallied by Outlook. 1. Select the Use voting buttons check box; click the drop-down arrow to see the default options.

2. Select an option from the list or specify your own list. If you choose to enter a customized list of options, they must be entered in the following format: • Option 1;Option 2;Option 3 (Place just a semi-colon ‘;’ between each option. No spaces.) NOTE: Under Delivery options, the option Save sent message to is selected. To change this option, click Browse. 3. Click Close, and then click Send.

TIPS  By default, responses that do not contain comments are recorded in the original message and resonses that contain comments are kept in the Inbox.  When voting options are lengthy, list the button options as A, B, C and D with the description within the body of your message.


To view the voting results: 1. Open the original message stored in the Sent Items folder. 2. Click the Tracking tab.

Tracking displays the totals for each option, the recipient’s name, their vote and the time their vote was submitted.

To copy voting results to Excel: 1. Highlight the responses you want to copy. 2. Select Edit…Copy from the menubar, or press Ctrl+C. 3. Open Microsoft Excel. 4. Select Edit…Paste from the menubar.


Assigning Contacts This option allows you to associate a contact with your email message. To do so: 1. Select the Contact button from the Options window.

You can type your contact names directly in the field.

2. From the Select Contact window, highlight the contacts you want associates with this email. Hold your Ctrl key to select multiple names. 3. Click OK. NOTE: To add a contact to an existing email, right-click on the email and select Options.

Assigning Categories A category is a keyword or phrase that helps you keep track of items so you can easily find, sort, filter, or group them. Use categories to keep track of different types of items that are related but stored in different folders. For example, you can keep track of all outlook items associated with “ABC Company” when you create a category named “ABC Company” and assign items to it. To use this feature: 1. Select the Categories button from the Options window. 2. A list of available categories will display, as well as an area for you to type in a new category. Select the appropriate category and click OK.

To create a new category, type the category in the section and click Add to list

NOTE: To add a category to an existing email, right-click on the email and select Options.


Organizing Messages in Personal Folders Messages that you want to retain should be stored in your Personal Folder container. You can create multiple folders under the Personal Folder. There are multiple ways to create a new folder in your Personal Folders container: 1. Right-click on your Personal Folder container and select New Folder. Or, •

Select the down arrow next to the New button and select Folder.

Choose File…Folder…New Folder from the menubar.


2. Enter a name for your folders, and be sure that Personal Folders is highlighted and that the Folder contains: reads Mail and Post Items.

3. Click OK. NOTE: Only create folders in your Personal Folders container. Creating folders under your Mailbox may cause you to reach the 100MB limit.


To store an Item in a folder 1. Click n’ drag the item you want to move to a specific folder or right-click on the item you want to move, and select Move to folder.

2. If the folder does not exist, you can select the New button.

To delete a folder 1. In the Folder List, click the folder you want to delete. 2. Select File…Folder…Delete Folder name from the menubar, or right-click on the folder and choose Delete Folder name. NOTE: If you attempt to delete a folder that contains messages, you will be requested to confirm deletion of all its contents.


Additional Options 1. Right-click on your folders for additional options such as, Move, Copy, and Rename.

TIPS  Your Personal Folder is just one file no matter how many messages or sub-folders it contains.  The Personal Folder is stored on your hard drive and not subject to the 100MB size limitation placed on your mailbox.  Use your control key to select non-contiguous message to move to a folder.

Organize Tools Managing Messages Using Folders You can move messages to another folder automatically by creating a rule. To move selected messages: 1. From within your Inbox, select Tools…Organize from the menubar. The Ways to Organize Inbox pane appears.

2. Click Using Folders.


3. Highlight selected messages that you want moved. 4. Choose a folder name as the destination of the messages. 5. Click Move.

Managing Messages Using Rules 1. Click Rules and Alerts located in the top right corner of the Organize Folders screen.

2. Choose the appropriate rule to apply and click Run Rule Now.

To create a new rule 1. Click the New Rule button. 2. Choose Start a rule from a template or Start from a blank rule. A blank rule allows choices on when to execute based on upon arriving or after sending.

3. Click Next.


4. Determine the conditions and click Next.

5. Select the appropriate action and click Next.

6. Select the appropriate exceptions if any, and click Next.


7. Enter a name for your rule and select any additional options, then click Finish.

8. Click OK to save the rule.

Managing Messages Using Color Color-coding messages can help you easily distinguish messages sent to or received from certain people. To color-code messages: 1. From within your Inbox, choose Tools…Organize from the menubar.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Select Using Colors from the left navigator. Highlight a message from a sender that you want to always be color-coded. In the Color Messages section, select From. Select a desired color in the third box and click Apply Color. Choose Automatic Formatting in the upper right corner for more advanced options.

NOTE: Color customization applies only to your current view. If you change the view of your Inbox, the color options will not carry over.


Managing Messages Using Views To change the way you view messages: 1. From within your Inbox, choose Tools…Organize from the menubar.

2. Click Using Views. 3. Choose one of the following views: • Messages • Messages with AutoPreview • Last Seven Days • Unread Messages in This Folder • Sent To • Message Timeline.

Managing Junk E-Mail The Junk E-mail Filter is on by default and the protection level is set to Low, which is designed to catch the most obvious junk e-mail messages. Any message that is caught by the Junk E-mail Filter is moved to a special Junk Email folder, where you can review it at a later time.

To add a name to the Blocked Senders List 1. Right-click on the junk message. 2. From the menu, select Junk EMail…Add Sender to Blocked Senders List.

Or, you can manage your Junk email using the following: 1. Select Tools … Options from the menubar.


2. On the Preferences tab, under E-mail, click Junk E-mail. 3. Click the appropriate tab: Safe Senders, Safe Recipients, Blocked Senders. 4. Select Add and enter the internet address to be filtered.

To delete an address from the Junk E-mail Filters 1. 2. 3. 4.

Select Tools … Options from the menubar. Go to the appropriate tab. Highlight the address. Click Remove.

TIPS  You can also manage your Junk E-mail by choosing Action…Junk E-Mail… Junk E-Mail Options.  To delete all junk messages, richt-click on your Junk E-Mail folder and choose Empty Junk E-Mail Folder.  To delete all suspected Junk E-Mail instead of moving them to the Junk E-Mail folder, choose Tools…Options….Preferences…Junk E-Mail and click the bottom choice to Prementantly Delete.

Using Out of Office Assistant The Out of Office Assistant allows you to setup an outgoing message that will be sent automatically while you are out of the office. To configure the Out of Office Assistant: 1. Select Tools…Out of Office Assistant from the menubar.

2. Select I am currently Out of the Office.

3. Enter the text you want delivered to senders.

4. If desired, click Add Rule. 5. Establish the rule for determining when and how to treat mail.

6. Click OK for the rules and OK to activate the Out of Office Assistant.


To 1. 2. 3.

turn the Out of Office Assistant off: Select Tools…Out of Office Assistant from the menubar. Select I am currently In the Office. Click OK.

NOTE: You must be in Connect mode to set your Out of Office Assistant, or you can use Outlook Web Access (OWA) on

Finding Messages You can use Find and Advanced Find features to look for messages in a single folder, a group of folders or all folders. You can search on text of the whole message or only the Subject field.

1. Choose Tools…Find…Find from the menubar.

Or, click the

button from the toolbar.

2. The Find pane appears above the Inbox.

3. In the Look for box, enter a word or phrase contained within the message you are trying to locate.

4. In the Search In box, choose the folder or group of folders to search from the drop-down menu.

5. Click the Find Now button.


Advanced Options 1. Click the Options button at the far right of the Find pane and choose Advanced Find from the drop down box. Or, Select Tools…Advanced Find from the menubar.

2. Select what you are searching for in the Look for: field. 3. If the container listed in the In: field is not correct, select the Browse button.

4. Enter your search criteria in the Search for the word(s): field. 5. Click on From or Sent To to display the Address books and choose a name. 6. For additional search criteria fields, select the More Choices tab.

7. When all search criteria has been defined, click Find Now. 8. The results of the search will display at the bottom of the window. 9. To close the window, click the


TIP  You can open a message directly from the list of matching messages in the bottom of the Find/Advanced Find screen.


Managing Your Calendar The calendar feature in Outlook can assist you in managing your appointments, events and meetings.

Scheduling Appointments and Events An Appointment is any activity you schedule for a portion of a day. An Event typically lasts the entire day. To create a new Appointment or Event: 1. Use one of the following options to begin: • Choose File…New…Appointment from the menubar. • Select the down arrow next to the New button on the toolbar and choose Appointment. • If you are in the Calendar container, the New button will automatically open a new Appointment without needing to select the down arrow for options.

2. Enter a Subject, Start Time and Date, and Location. Outlook remembers the locations you’ve previously used. Click the down arrow and select the location you want.


3. If desired: • Set a Reminder and the amount of time prior to the appointment for the alert to appear. • Choose how to Show time (Free, Tentative, Busy, Out of Office). • Choose a Label. • Choose a Contact by clicking the Contact button to display the Address Book. • Choose a Category. • Mark as Private. 4. Click Save and Close.

TIP  You can also quickly create an appointment by clicking the appropriate place on the Calendar and then begin typing.

To Customizing Reminder Options 1. Select Tools …Options from the menubar. 2. Choose the Preferences tab.

3. Select the checkbox to turn on the Default reminder. 4. From the drop down menu, choose the amount of time prior to your appointment to be reminded. 5. Click OK to save your changes.


When a reminder appears, you can: Dismiss All Closes all reminders and this will not appear again. Open Item Opens the item so you can review the contents or make edits. Dismiss Closes the reminder selected. Snooze Displays the reminder again after the amount of time you select.

Customizing Additional Calendar Options 1. Select Tools…Options from the menubar. 2. Select the Preferences tab. 3. Select the Calendar Options button. Select your default work week

Customize when you workday starts and ends

Choose to see week numbers in your calendar.

Add Holidays to your calendar

Allow meeting attendees to Propose New Times for

Select to display additional time zones in your calendar

Select a background color for our calendar

Customize how your Free/Busy time appears to others

Additional options with planning meetings and viewing Group Schedules


Changing Fonts & Timescales on your Calendar 1. Right-click on any area of your calendar not containing an appointment. 2. From the menu, select Other Settings.

3. Choose from the following options.

Click on any of the Font buttons to change the fonts for different views.

Divides each hour into sections representing minutes – for example, 30 minutes divides one hour into two 30 minutes sections.


Editing/Deleting Appointments Delete Button

To extend or shorten the duration of your appointment, place your mouse on the border of the appointment until your mouse turns to a double arrow. Then click and drag to adjust.

To move your appointment, place your mouse in front of the appointment until your mouse turns into a “plus” sign and click and drag it to a different time slot.

By right clicking on your appointment you can: • Open It • Print It • Forward It • Mark it Private (only the owner can view a Private appointment) • Change how the appointment Shows, the Label or Category • Delete it

Creating Recurring Appointments A recurring appointment is one that occurs repeatedly at regular intervals (daily, weekly or monthly). 1. Choose File…New … Appointment from the menubar, or select the New button on the toolbar. 2. Fill in the applicable fields.


3. Click the Recurrence button.

4. Note the options in the dialog box that appears, mark those that apply and click OK when finished.

By default, No end date is selected. Be sure to change this option if necessary


Scheduling and Managing Meetings A meeting is an appointment with invited attendees. Outlook gives you the ability to interact with other’s calendars to verify availability and once sent, manage the responses. To create a meeting: 1. Choose File …New … Meeting Request, or choose Actions… New Meeting Request from the menubar.

Click the To button if you need to view the Address Book

2. Using the To field, enter the names of your participants. 3. Specify your Subject, Location, and Time. 4. To verify participant’s availability, select the Scheduling tab.

AutoPick button will find the next available time for all participants to meet. Availability legend

5. Click Send.


Responding to Meeting Requests When you receive a meeting request you can view the request in your Inbox. The requests will appear with the icon. 1. Double-click to open the meeting request. 2. Your options are: Accept, Decline, Tentative or Propose New Time. You also have the option to view your Calendar, but would then need to return to the meeting message screen to respond.

If you want to view your calendar before responding, click the Calendar button

The information bar will inform you if conflicts exist

3. If you select Accept, Tentative, or Decline, the following will appear.  Edit the response before sending: allows you to send a message or comments to the sender.  Send the Response Now: your response will be sent with no additional message.  Don’t send a Response: no response will be sent. 4. Select the appropriate option and click OK.


Propose New Time: If the meeting time is inconvenient, you may be able to use the Propose New Time option. This option is controlled by the meeting organizer, and may not be available with all meeting requests. 1. Select the Propose New Time button. 2. The availability of each participant will appear. You can manually change the meeting time by changing the Meeting start time field, or allow Outlook to locate the next available time by selecting the AutoPick button.

3. Once you determine a new meeting time, click the Propose Time button. 4. A response window will appear, giving you the option to enter comments to your proposal. 5. Click Send to forward your response. NOTE: The meeting is added to your calendar as tentative for the original meeting time. The originator of the meeting will determine the final date and time for the meeting and send a meeting update to all invitees.


Automatically Process Meeting Requests Outlook gives you the ability to automatically manage your meeting requests. To do so: 1. Choose Tools…Options. 2. Click on the Preference tab. 3. Click on the Calendar Options button. 4. Click on the Resource Scheduling button. 5. Click to place a checkmark on Automatically accept meeting requests and process cancellations. 6. If desired, also click the place a checkmark on the Automatically decline conflicting meeting requests and/or Automatically decline recurring meeting requests. 7. Click OK.

Updating a Meeting 1. Open the meeting. 2. Make any necessary changes, i.e. add/remove participants, change meeting time or location, or add comments or attachments. 3. Click Send Update and the following will appear:

4. Select the appropriate option and click OK to send your changes to the participants.

TIP  You can send an email message to all attendees of a particular meeting by choosing Actions…New Message to Attendees. This method works only on meetings for which attendees have already been invited.


Cancel a Meeting 1. Open the meeting. 2. Select File…Delete from the menubar, or click the The following dialog box will appear.

on the toolbar.

3. Select the appropriate options and click OK.

Using Group Schedules Group Schedule, is a new feature in Outlook 2003 that makes it easy for you to see the combined schedules of a number of people at a glance.

Create a Group Schedule 1. While in the Calendar, select Actions…View Group Schedules from the menubar, or click on the

icon from the toolbar.


2. Select the New button to create a new group.

3. Enter a name for the group, and click OK.

4. To add new members, type their names directly in the Click here to add a name or select the Add Others button to view the Address Book.

5. Click Save and Close to establish your group.

Schedule a meeting 1. Select Actions…View Group Schedules or click on the icon from the toolbar. 2. Highlight the appropriate group name and click Open, or double-click.


3. To ensure you are viewing the most up to date calendar information, click the Options button and select Refresh Free/Busy time.

4. Use the Go to field or the scroll bar to navigate the calendar to locate an appropriate meeting time. 5. To schedule a meeting, click the Make Meeting button and select New Meeting with All.

New Mail Message will create an email message for all members of the group.


Creating a Meeting from an Email Message Outlook makes it easy for you to create a calendar item from an email message. 1. Highlight the message containing information for the appointment. Click n’ drag the message to your calendar container. 2. Release your mouse and a new appointment will be created.

3. The appointment will default to the current date and time. Change the necessary fields and click Save and Close.

Assigning Contacts and Categories You have the ability to associate contacts and/or categories to your Meeting Request or Appointments. To do so: 1. Open an existing, or create a new Appointment or Meeting Request. 2. Click either the Contacts or Categories button. You can also type directly in the Contacts or Categories fields


3. For Contacts, select the appropriate names and click OK. 4. For Categories, select the appropriate category or create a new one, and click OK.

Printing Your Calendar Outlook has predefined styles you can use to print your calendar.  Daily Style  Weekly Style  Monthly Style  Tri-fold Style  Calendar Details Style 1. From within the Calendar view, choose File…Print from the menubar.

To hide the details of your private appointments, click this box

2. Select the desired Print Style and Print Range, and specify the number of copies. 3. Click the Preview button to see the page(s) before you print or click OK to print. 4. Any djustmenst that need to be made can be done by clicking the Page Setup or the Define Styles buttons.

TIP  Printing of the Daily Style includes tasks.  To print appointment/meeting end times in the monthly view, you need to have Don’t Print Weekends checked.  To print someone else’s calendar you must have access to all aspects of Outlook within the style.


Contacts A contact is a person or organization with which you correspond. You can store information about contacts such as job titles, phone and fax numbers, addresses, notes and Internet addresses. When you create a contact, you can start by entering all new information, or you can start with information from an existing contact from the same company.

Create a Contact 1. Choose File … New … Contact from the menubar, or select the New button is you are currently in the Contacts folder. The following window will appear:

Entering name, Job, Title and Company  If the information you are entering is about a person, enter the person’s name in the Full Name field.  If the information is about an organization, ignore the Full Name and Job title and enter the organization’s name in the Company field.  Press TAB to move to the Job Title box, Outlook then automatically displays the person’s name in the File as box with the last name first.  If you wish to change how the name is filed, simply click on the dropdown arrow:


Entering Phone and Fax Numbers  The contact screen displays only four fields for phone numbers however, Outlook saves up to 19 phone and fax numbers for each contact.  When entering phone numbers Outlook ignores characters other than numbers. It automatically displays phone numbers with dashes in the format used in the region you have selected in the Windows Control Panel Regional Settings.  To enter additional phone or fax numbers, click one of the arrow buttons at the left of the phone number boxes to display a list of types:

Entering Addresses  Outlook saves three addresses for each contact: Business, Home and Other. The default is a business address.  Enter the address by typing in the large address display box or click on the Address button and enter the information in each cell. If you follow the format below each cell will contain the appropriate information regardless of entry screen used: • Enter the street address on the first line and press Enter. • Enter the city name, comma, State, two spaces and then the zip code.

Entering E-Mail, Web Page Addresses  Outlook can save three email addresses for each contact. Simply enter the email address in the normal manner (e.g. [email protected]).  To customize how the address will display, enter your preferred text in the Display as field.  Outlook will format your web page address automatically. Simple enter the address as follows: It will display as

Adding Notes and Attachments  You can use the large unnamed text box near the bottom of the General tab to enter miscellaneous notes.  You can choose the Insert…File or the button to attach information to the contact item.  Unlike many other fields in this form, there is not specific limit to the amount of text you enter into the Notes box.


The Add Contact Picture allows you to attach a picture to your contact. This feature will take up additional space and counts towards your 100MB limit.

TIP  To save any email address for later use (client, family member, or friend’s), you must create a Contact for them.

More Contact Details Select the Details, Activities, Certificates or All Fields tab to enter and/or display more information. 1. Enter any additional information you want, and select Save and Close.

Entering a Birthday and Anniversary on the Details tab will automatically add those dates to your calendar


Activities Tab When you use the Contacts field located at the bottom of an Appointment/Meeting, Task, Note or e-Mail (under Options) Outlook automatically makes and entry in the Activities section. It cross-references any of these items for quick access by double-clicking.

Viewing Contacts Outlook offers several ways to view your contacts. To change your view choose View…Arrange By…Current View from the menubar and select from the following options:  Address Cards  Detailed Address Cards  Phone List  By Category  By Company  By Location  By Follow Up Flag

Editing a Contact 1. While in the Contact View, double-click to open the contact item you want to edit. 2. Change the necessary information, and click Save and Close.


Creating a Contact from an Email Message Outlook makes it easy for you to create a contact from information in an email message. 1. Highlight the message containing information for a contact. Click n’ drag the message to your contact container. 2. Release your mouse and a new contact will be created 3. A contact form opens with the email message sender’s name entered in the Full Name field. 4. The header and body of the message are displayed in the text box in the bottom of the Contact form.

5. Type the information into the Contact form as desired. 6. When completed, click Save and Close.

TIP  Share contact information with others by forwarding it as a vCard in an email message. Right-click on the Contact item and choose Forward. Send mutiple Contacts by choosing Insert Item while in a new message.


Personal Distribution Lists A distribution list is a collection of contacts (internal or external contacts), and provides an easy way to send messages to a group of people. Distribution lists are identified by the icon, and are stored by default in your Contacts folder.

Create a Distribution List 1. Select File…New…Distribution List from the menubar. 2. Enter the name for your Distribution list in the Name field. 3. To add members that are currently in your Contacts or Address Book, click Select Members.

4. Locate your members by typing their names into the Type Name or Select from List field. Highlight the entry and then click the Members button. 5. To add members from your Contacts, select the drop-down arrow for the Show Names from field and click on Contacts. 6. When you have added all of your members, click OK.

7. If you want to add members that are not located in your Contacts or Address Book, click the Add New button.


8. Enter the new members information, and click OK.

9. Click Save and Close to save your new Distribution List.

Edit a Distribution List 1. Open the distribution list from your Contacts folder. 2. To add a new member from the address book or contacts folder, click the Select Member button. If the member does not exist in your contacts folder or address book, click the Add New button. 3. To delete a member, hightlight the name and click Remove.

Send a Distribution List 1. Create a new mail message. 2. Select Insert…Item from your menubar. 3. Select Contacts from the Look in section.

Your distribution lists will appear bold in the Items section

4. Select your distribution list from the Items section and click OK. 5. Click Send.


To quickly create a distribution list from an existing email message: 1. Highlight the appropriate names from the address fields, select Edit…Copy from the menubar. 2. Select File…New…Distribution List from the menubar. 3. In the Name field, type the name of your list. 4. Click the Select Members button. 5. In the Members field, righ-click and select Paste. 6. Click OK, and then Save and Close.

Assigning Contacts and Categories You have the ability to associate contacts and/or categories to your Contacts or Distribution Lists. To do so: 1. Open an existing or create a new Contact.

You can type directly into the Contacts and Categories fields

2. Click either the Contacts or Categories button. 3. For Contacts, select the appropriate names and click OK. 4. For Categories, select the appropriate category or create a new one, and click OK.


To view all items associates to a Contact: 1. Open the contact that has items associated. 2. Select the Activity tab.

By default all items will appear. Select the drop-down arrow to select a specific list.

Printing Contacts You can print your Contacts in various formats as well as edit them and create your own. Following are some common styles available when printing contacts:  Card Style  Small Booklet Style  Medium Booklet Style  Memo Style  Phone Directory Style 1. Choose File…Print from the menubar. 2. Select the style and options you desire. 3. It is recommended that you choose the Preview button to see the page(s) before you print. 4. Any adjustments that need to be made can be done by clicking the Page Setup or Define Styles buttons.


Tasks Tasks are activities, personal or work-related, that you want to track through completion. Tasks can have a due date and start date, but they do not have a scheduled work date.

Creating a Task When you create a task in the Task Form you can enter more information than just the task name. 1. From the menubar, select File…New…Task or select the the toolbar.

Once a Due date is set, the reminder box will activate.


Status choices: Not Started, In Progress, Completed, Waiting on someone else or Deferred

Select the drop-down to set the Due date and Start date

Priority choices: Normal, Low or High

Mark the % completed your task is

Click to mark Private if you do not with others to see this task

2. At a minimum, you need to enter information in the Subject field. All other informaiton is optional. 3. You can select the Details tab, to add additional information.

4. Click Save and Close when completed.


Creating a Recurring Task 1. Open or create a task. 2. Click the Recurrence button on the toolbar


3. Select the appropriate options for your recurrence, and click OK. 4. Click Save and Close when complete.

Assigning Contacts and Categories You have the ability to associate contacts and/or categories to your Tasks. To do so: 1. Open an existing or create a new Task.

You can type directly into the Contacts and Categories fields

2. Click either the Contacts or Categories button. 3. For Contacts, select the appropriate names and click OK. 4. For Categories, select the appropriate category or create a new one, and click OK.


Viewing Tasks Outlook offers several ways to view your tasks. To change your view, select View…Arrange By…Current View from the menubar and choose from the following:  Simple List  Detailed List  Active Tasks  Next Seven Days  Overdue Tasks  By Category  Assignement  By Person Resonpsible  Complted Tasks  Task Timeline

Customize your View If you can’t find what you want under the defines views, you can customize your view as follows: 1. Select View…Arrang By…Current View…Customize Current view from the menubar, or right-click in an empty area of your tasks list and select Customize Current View.

2. Click the Fields button.


3. Highlight the desired fields from the Available fields column and click the Add button.

4. Click OK when complete.

OrganizingYour Tasks You can easily organize tasks: 1. While viewing the Tasks folder, choose Tools…Organize from the menubar. 2. In the Ways to Organize Tasks pane:

 Click Using Folders, select the task(s), select the folder and click the Move button.  Click Using Categories, select the task(s), select the category and click the Add button.  Click Using Views, and select the view you want.


Assigning a Task to Another You can create a task but assign it to someone else for completion. 1. From within your task, click the Assign Task button.

2. Assign your task the same way you address an email message.

These two options are selected by default, deselect if necessary

3. Enter all other necessary information, and click Send. 4. You will be notified when the assignee accepts or declines the task. 5. To view all assigned tasks, choose View…Current View…Assignment from the menubar.

TIPS  When you assign a task to someone else, only that person can update it. Your copy will be updated as the other person updates the tasks.  You can send a task to another person by sending it as an attachment to an email message, but you cannot track its progress.  You cannot keep a copy of a task assigned to multiple people.


Printing Tasks Tasks can be printed in Table or Memo Style. 1. Choose File…Print from the menubar.

2. Choose your desired style and specify any other options including the range of rows to print. 3. Any adjustments that need to be made can be done by clicking the Page Setup or Define Styles buttons. 4. It is recommended that you choose the Preview button to see the page(s) before you print. 5. Click OK You can also print from within a task: 1. Open the task. 2. Select File…Print from the menubar. 3. Memo style is the only option available.


Notes Notes are the electronic equivalent of paper sticky notes. Use Notes to jot down questions, ideas, reminders, and anything you would write on note paper. You can leave notes open on the screen while you work.

Creating a Note 1. Choose File…New…Note from the menubar or click the


2. Enter whatever information you wish into the note. However, the first line of the note is the title. 3. To access additional features for your note, click the note icon in the top left corner.

Select to forward a note to another person

Assign Categories and Contacts

4. To close and save your note, click the X in the top right corner.


Viewing Notes Outlook provides several ways to sort Notes within five different views. To access these options select View…Arrange By…Current View from the menubar:  Icons  Notes List  Last Seven Days  By Cetegory  By Color


Sharing Your Outlook Content Just as you might have an assistant who helps you manage your incoming paper mail, Microsoft Outlook provides similar functionality by making it possible for you to give another person access to any of your Outlook folders. The process of granting someone access to the contents of your Outlook is called delegate access. Once a person is elected to be a delegate, you then specify the permissions that person will have to your context. Delegate access is suggested for Administrative Assistants or Executive Assistants that are responsible for supporting Partners/Senior Managers/Managers. If all you want to do is grant a colleague access to view your calendar, or another specific folder, it is suggested you use permissions (pg. 57) not delegate access.

Adding Delegates This option is suggested for assistants that are responsible for supporting Partners/Senior Managers/Managers. 1. Choose Tools…Options from the menubar. 2. Choose the Delegates tab.

3. To add delegates, click the Add button.


4. Locate the person(s) you want as a delegate and click Add.

5. Click OK when done. 6. On the Delegate Permissions window, select the appropriate permissions for your delegates.

Permission Options: • None: No access. • Editor: Can read, create and modify items. • Author: Can read and create items. • Reviewer: Can read items.

NOTE: If you grant someone Editor or Author permissions, they automatically have the right to send emails on your behalf. 7. Additonal settings:  Determine if you want the delegate to receive copies of meetingrelated messages.  Determine if your want to send a message to the Delegate summarizing the permissions granted.  Determine if you want the delegate to see your private items. 8. Click OK to save your changes, they are effective immediately.


Allowing Delegates to Add a Shortcut to Your Folder List To allow delegates to add a shortcut to your folder(s) to their folder list, follow these steps:

1. In the Folder List, right-click on your name at the top of your mailbox. 2. From the menu, select Properties for “Your Name”.

3. From the Permissions tab, the option for Folder visible must be checked.

4. Click OK.


Adding Permissions Permissions is the preferred method to use if you want to give a colleague access to a specific folder, such as your calendar. 1. From the folder list, right-click on the folder you want to grant access to. 2. Select Properties from the menu.

3. Select the Permissions tab, and click the Add button.


4. Locate the person(s) you want to grant permissions to, then click OK.

5. Select the drop-down arrow for the Permission Level and select the appropriate option. Permission Levels: Owner

Publishing Editor

Editor Publishing Author


Nonediting Author Reviewer Contributor


Create, read, modify, and delete all and files, and create subfolders. As the folder owner, you can change the permission levels others have for the folder. (Does not apply to delegates.) Create, read, modify, and delete all items and files, and create subfolders. (Does not apply to delegates.) Create, read, modify, and delete all items and files. Create and read items and files, create subfolders, and modify and delete items and files you create. (Does not apply to delegates.) Create and read items and files, and modify and delete items and files you create Read items and files only Create items and files only. The contents of the folder do not appear. (Does not apply to delegates.) No permission

6. Click OK when complete. NOTE: With author or editor rights to an Inbox, allows that person to send messages on your behalf.


Viewing another Person’s Folders If you have the necessary permission to view someone else’s folder(s), and only do so occasionally, follow these steps: 1. Choose…File…Open…Other User's Folder from the menubar.

2. Enter the person’s name in the Name field, or select the Name button to select it from the Global Address List. 3. Specify the appropricate folder in the Folder type field. 4. Click OK.

Adding Another’s Folder to Your Folder List If you have the necessary permission to view someone else’s folders and you do so on a regular basis, follow these steps: 1. Select Tools…Email Accounts from the menubar. 2. Keep the selection on View or change existing e-mail accounts and click Next.


3. Click the Change button.

4. Then select the More Settings button.

5. From the Advanced tab, select the Add button.

6. Type in the name of the person/mailbox you wish to view and click OK.


7. Click OK, Next and the Finish. 8. The other person’s Mailbox folder will appear in your folder list. 9. When viewing someone else’s folder, their name (or the name of the Special Mailbox) will appear in the Microsoft Outlook title bar.

NOTE: If you receive “Unable to display the folder. You don’t have permission to perform this operation” check to be sure the folder’s owner granted the correct permissions and that they selected Folder Visible pg. 56.


Microsoft Outlook Keyboard Shortcuts Creating Items and Files An appointment A contact A folder A meeting request A message A note A task A distribution list

Ctrl+Shift+A Ctrl+Shift+C Ctrl+Shift+E Ctrl+Shift+Q Ctrl+Shift+M Ctrl+Shift+N Ctrl+Shift+K Ctrl+Shift+L

Working in the Inbox Display Address Book Mark message as read Reply to message Reply All to message Forward a message Display Address Book

Ctrl+Shift+B Ctrl+Q Ctrl+R Ctrl+Shift+R Ctrl+F Ctrl+Shift+B

Applying Formatting to Text Make selected text Bold Make selected text bulleted Center selected text Italicize selected text Increase selected text indent Decrease selected text indent Left align selected text Underline selected text Increase font size Decrease font size Clear formatting

Ctrl+B Ctrl+Shift+L Ctrl+E Ctrl+I Ctrl+T Ctrl+Shift+T Ctrl+L Ctrl+U Ctrl+] Ctrl+[ Ctrl+Shift+Z

Move around in a dialog box Switch to the next tab in a dialog box Switch to the previous tab in a dialog box Move to the next option or option group Move to the previous option or option group Perform the action assigned to the selected box; select or clear the check box Move to item in drop-down list Select the option, or select or clear Open a drop-down list box Close a drop-down list box Perform the action assigned to a button Cancel the command and close the dialog box

CTRL+TAB CTRL+SHIFT+TAB TAB SHIFT+TAB SPACEBAR Press key corresponding to first character of item in list ALT+underlined character ALT+DOWN ARROW ALT+UP ARROW or Esc ENTER ESC


Moving around in a Text Box Move to beginning of text in box Move to end of text in box Move by one character Move by one word Select from insertion point to beginning of text in box Select from insertion point to end of text in box Select or deselect one character to left of insertion point Select or deselect one character to right of insertion point Select or deselect one word to left of insertion point Select or deselect one word to right of insertion point

Home End or  Ctrl+ or Ctrl+ Shift+Home Shift+End Shift+ Shift+ Ctrl+Shift+ Ctrl+Shift+

Working in Forms and Views Cancel Current operation Display Screen Tip for active item Move from item to item Switch to next tab Switch to previous tab Switch to previous tab Find Next Item Previous item

Esc Shift+F1 Arrow keys Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+PageDown Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+PageUp Ctrl+Shift+B Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+Shift+> Ctrl+Shift+<


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