Adorage Manual

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  • Pages: 37

The quick guide Very important for registration and checkbacks!

(c) proDAD GmbH All Rights Rerserved

When installing this product the following juridical premisses are accepted : The purchaser of this product obtains the right to install this software onto one computer. This computer has to be a single system which is not part of a network where it could offer the use of software to other systems. For network-computers special additional license agreements have to be stipulated with copyright-owner. The purchaser is allowed to use the product on only one computer. Before selling a computer this software has to be completely deleted/deinstalled from it. This product may not be reproduced and is copyrighted possession of its producer The producer is : proDAD Software GmbH Gauertstr. 2 78194 Immendingen Germany

Any single violation against this copyright or this allowance of utilization or any illegal duplicating of components of this product will be pursued. The animations, the graphical data and the alphamasks contained in this product may not be included as usable data in other products, neither for comercial nor for non-comercial use, and been offered for distribution/sale. The same is valid for other software products, as well as for videotapes or printmedia. Eccepitons may only occur by license agreements in written with the owner of the copyright. The rendered results (effects) made with this product may be used for private as well as for commercial use and do not require even for shows in public any further allowance by the owner of the product copyright. proDAD Software will take in no case any responsibility regarding quality, content, usability and appropriateness for certain applications. The same is valid for any damages resulting from the use of this product. proDAD Software will also take in no case any responsability for the usability and its possible limitation by coming versions of operating systems or programs for which this product is meant to be used as plugin. This product has been tested with the actual editing software, date 5/99. The names of wares and trade marks mentioned in this manual, in the software and on the products package are supposed to belong to the actual companies. The user is told further license conditions at the beginning of the installation which are accepted by continuing the installation procedure.


Preface ...................................................................................................... Installation ............................................................................................ The Online-Help ................................................................................... The stand-alone version .................................................................... I ts application fields .......................................................................................

4 6 9 9

9 Start the program ........................................................................................... 9 The interactive preview ................................................................................................... 9 The list of presets .................................................................................................... 9 The motif effects .................................................................................................. 9 Video A and Video B .................................................................................................... 10 The Import-Formats ............................................................................................. 10 Drag-and-Drop - the multifunctional loading feature ....................................................... 11 An effective result / the export ............................................................................... 12 The stand-alone version in connection with editing software that does not support any plugin standards - explained through the example of Videostudio / VideoWave / Studio 400 .................................................................13 Adorage plugin ..................................................................................... 17 The path to Adorage .......................................................................................... 17 Fast or in high detail ................................................................................. 20 Until now for this effect you would have needed ......................................... 21 Details on settings ........................................................................................ 21 The mixer - the source for the transition .......................................................... 23 The coloring of the Contour ............................................................................... 23 Manipulating / scaling the Videomaterial ............................................................ 23 Save your own Effects as Setting .............................................................................. 23 Tips & Tricks .................................................................................................. 24 The preview window contains hidden functions ...................................................................... 24 Creation of a picture-in-picture-effect (PIP) ........................................................ 24 Transforming an existing motifeffect ..................................................................... 25

Adorage Magic Volume 2......................................................................29 Differences to Volume 1.....................................................................................31 Further advantages for registered users...................................................................37

Preface Congratulations on the purchase of the Adorage Magic for your PC. With this purchase many new possibilities in the field of digital video effects have become available to you. Furthermore, you will save a lot of time and money with the features that are offered by this program, features that, until now, could only be available by purchasing a multitude of other software usually effordable by professionals only. Discover the possibilities by playing with the preset effects and enjoy the immediate preview of their results. Test the presets in the deeper levels and create your own, new effects. Enjoy the interactive preview and the clear structure of the handling. While developing this product our most important goal was to offer you a clear and simple operation. The Adorage Magic had to be able to offer you a maximum amount of effects by combining an unusually large amount of cliparts and effect presets. But, do not let yourself be taken back by the amount of effects. Regulate the effects appropriately project by project in order to avoid any overloading. An „eye-catcher“ here and a „wow-impression“ there is often enough and an additional decent alpha-channel transition in the one or the other spot sure won`t hurt. We hope that you are successful and that you enjoy the impressive effects. Sincerely, proDAD Software


Installation -

insert the Adorage Magic CD into your CD-Rom drive start Windows Explorer. double-click onto the drive named AdoMagVol1(double-click when necessary) start the installation procedure by double-clicking on setup-eng.exe (english) click on „continue“ and agree to the license conditions by clicking onto the actual button choose the language you want and click on „continue“ select the versions you want to install. „Stand-alone version“ means that this version can be used independently from any editing software like Adobe Premiere or Ulead Media Studio . A useful feature in this Adorage version is the im-/export interface for Avi and (series of)single pictures. This version is especially interesting for the use of videosoftware without the possibility for third party plugins (i.e. Videostudio, Videowave, etc.) All other versions that are offered for selection as far as the editing software in question is installed on your computer.



select the versions you want by marking the selection buttons click on „continue“. now you get the chance to choose the aim direcory for the graphical data. Please consider that the big installation needs a capacity of several 100 MBs or at least one hundred MB for the small one. Choose the appropriate aim directory. We suggest to select the „big installation“ because this will influence the quality of the effects considerably to the better. Just in case, you just can dispose of a slower computer (Pentium 160 or so) and/ or of not enough capacity on your harddisk then select the installation with less requirement. You should select „graphical data directly from CD-Rom“ as your last possibility since the relatively slow transport of data offered by cd-drives would especially slow down the comfortable preview feature. again click on „continue“ you now have the possibility to choose the aim directory for the stand-alone version. But we suggest to accept the offered Windows usual directory by simply clicking on „continue“.


Now follow an overview/listing of the components to install their aim directories. You can start this installation by clicking on „start install procedure“ or you can make changes by clicking on „back“. The installer has already checked if there is enough space left for the components and will now proceed with the installation. If there was not enough space the installer would have told you giving you the possibility either to create more space on your harddisk or to change the destination. The installation can take several minutes due to the comprehensive animations and alphachannels that are included in the package. You will be rewarded by the uncountable possibilities and the great quality – if you selected the „big installation“. After the installation you can start to enjoy working with Adorage Magic. We will now begin the manual by describing the „stand-alone“-version.



The Online Help The comprehensive online help will explain more in detail how to use all the many other effect settings. In order to begin the online help you need to click on the question mark in the window‘s titlebar and then on the element you want to be informed about, for instance the preview for “Smoke”. A short note appears and a green “i” enables you to request further information on this topic. Just click on the green “i” and a window will appear containing the requested information. A click on the button “Content” will lead you then to the manual in a strucured form, the function “search” will enable you to search for keywords and the related topics through the complete manual.Just play with the effect parameters, use the online help and create new effects by your own.

Registration - the key to free service

Customer =

Registered customer =

+ service

We included several hundreds of these effects already in the package. Further effects and additional motif animations as well as alphachannels will follow soon. It is mandatory for you to register yourself, because only registered users will be offered service like additional products. You can use the free telephone/e-mail hotline just in case you have a specific question which may not be covered in our online-manual or if you just want to achieve something particular and you would like our support.

Only registered users will receive this service! 8

The stand-alone version Its application fields This version is used, as mentioned above, when the present editing software does not offer any plugin interface or when the Adorage is used for other aims than video, like for creating effect-animations for Websites or any other presentational use. In order to learn to understand the basics of this program we would like to start with this stand-alone (short: SAL) version. Starting the program Start the program through the windows-start-button in programs/proDAD/AdorageI. The main surface will appear. In its preview you can already see the default effect (soft transition) running.

Volume 1 - Classic

Volume 2 - Lights & Particles 9

The interactive preview This preview automatically and immediately displays for you everything you change or choose, which is in fact an enormous help while working with this program, since it is not necessary to start and then stop the preview after each change. In the top-left quarter of the picture you can see a list of presets of effects. The list of presets - example from Volume 1 (Volume 2 basically responds the same way) In this list you can find several hundred presets, all sorted in categories. Just click in the list on the entry „horizontal wipe“. You will see the result at once and the impression of the selected effect in the preview. - Double-click the list on the category entry „transition-alpha“. Immediately new subcategories will appear. These can be opened by a double-click. - Select the „geometrical simple“ and then the subcategory „geometric simple with smoke/ color“. - Select now „three 1-2“. By doing this you obtain an exciting effect : an alphachannel transition, combined with smoke particles and added coloring. Let‘s test the motif effects: The motif effects ( Volume 1 ) With this feature you have the possibility to create transitional effects initiated by a motif (graphic,3D-Object etc.) . - move the vertical slider of the list all the way up until you see the category „motif effects“. In order to simplify the view of the list, please double-click again on the entry „transition-alpha“ to close this category. - double-click on the entry „motif effects“ and then on „transitions“. - again you will have the possibility to choose among different topics. Let us choose the category „fire“ by double-clicking it, as usual with all categories.


Now you can select any of the actual effects in this category -

click on „burn up“ (Bonanza). After that or almost in no time at all (depending on the speed of your computer) the effect is displayed in the preview. Test the impression of the other effects by clicking on „fire bottom up“ or „explosion III“. Of course you can also test other entries in other categories. Select now „burn up/ Bonanza“.

Now let‘s go through inserting your own videomaterial. Video A and Video B „Video A“ and „Video B“, which are found on the surface to the bottom left, represent the videosources. At this time two default pictures are displayed. Double-click on the small picture of „Video A“ ( not on its symbol ). By doing this you change to another surface, precisely to the one which is of concern for all the settings of „Video A“. To the top left you can see the button for a requester. Select the entry „file“. The yellow folder symbol is now active. One click is enough to be able to select your own file in the habitual Windows manner. At this time the following formats are supported : PNG, TGA, PPM, PGM, AVI, JPG, TIF, BMP - for a test choose a graphic file from your own archive (JPG, TIF or BMP).If the file is accepted it will be displayed in the file preview. - by clicking on „Open“ you can load the file. - by clicking on „OK“ you reach the main level/surface again. By the way : if you want to load an AVI file or a serie of single pictures you can do it the same way. Just consider that a series of single pictures always has to be found in its own directory and that this directory is loaded through the issue „open directory“ and not „open file“. Drag and drop - the multifunctional loading feature We would like to demonstrate by using „video B“ as an example the possibilities of the drag-n-drop function which is how trained Windows users handle files. - start the Windows-explorer and set the window to fit next to the Adorage surface. - in the Explorer window please choose the file you would like to be displayed on video B. For this example just choose a picture. - drag this file by holding down the left mouse-button directly onto the small picture of Video B. When you have reached it just let the left mouse button 11

go and at the same time you will see the effect displayed in the preview applied to your own video-source. By doing this you can drag files from multimedia, graphic programs and from various video-editing programs very easily into Adorage Magic. How can the effect be rendered as a result ? Effective results / the export - click with the right mouse button over the area of the main preview - in the appearing context menu select the option „Export sequence“. You will obtain the window for the export and its settings. - type „C:\test.avi“ as filename. As export-format please select „Indeo Video 5.04“, an AVI-exportformat. - type 50 as number of frames, quality=80, width=256, height=200. - confirm by clicking „OK“. The AVI-animation has been rendered now. If you would like to watch the result just start Windows-explorer and double-click the file „test.avi“ in your C: directory. You have just rendered and displayed your first effect. This file could now be inserted in most multimedia programs, on homepages or in video-editing software (i.e. Ulead Videostudio, Premiere, RexEdit, MainActor,...).


The stand-alone version in connection with editing software that is not prepared for any plugin standards – explained through the example of “Videostudio” 1. start Adorage with the windows-start-button/programs/proDAD/Adorage 2. click with the right mouse-button on the running preview and activate the issue “window – (always) in foreground” 3. start Videostudio Adorage Magic Stand-alone Version working in parallel with VideoStudio 4 basic steps with the stand-alone version (example with Video-Studio)

3. right mouse-button = otions menue

2. Import Data

4. Export data

1. Symbol for file-requester

4. drag the Adorage window to the upper right 5. load the project „sample VSP“ 6. with a click on the button “Directory/File” “insert videodata” you can start the filerequester 7. select the subdirectory „Video“ (Ulead VideoStudio 3.0\samples\Video\party_4.avi) 8. now drag, while holding down the left mouse-button, the file party_4.avi out of the filerequester into the Adorage window specififally into the frame underneath “Video A” 13

9. now drag, while holding down the left mouse-button, the file party_3.avi out of the filerequester into the Adorage window specififally into the frame underneath “Video B” You just provided the videodata. In the plugins for MediaStudio, RexEdit or Premiere this is done automatically. 10. select an effect form the effectlist of Adorage. For training purposes please choose something striking. 11. click onto the running preview with the right mousebutton and select “export sequence”. 12. as path select “your installpath ...\Ulead Videostudio 3.0\samples\Video\Effekt1.avi” As export-format please select either your hard- or your softcodec. For an example select “Cinepak Codec ...” Please set the following values to this : Frames=100, because the original scenes A+B take 4 seconds (PAL) (for NTSC projects of course the duration is different, we prefer therefore to talk in terms of frames) Width= 320, since this is also the width of the original material, height=240 Confirm with “OK” and wait for the process bar to fill out its frame. 13. in the still open filerequester of VideoStudio you can see the new entry “effect1.avi”, which can now be integrated at the appropriate posititon of your video project.

Tips: a) Before importing scenes into Adorage these scenes are supposed to be prepared. Please make sure that the files only contain parts that you really want to be influenced by the effect by splitting them out from the original scenes. Adorage always combines both scenes and renders the effect from the beginning to the end of the imported videomaterial. b) For calculating the right value of “frames” in the export-option please use this formula: Duration of the imported material in seconds *50 = amount of frames to be rendered. (PAL) (NTSC=*60) If you are not quite sure about the actual length of your scenes you can get the information from VideoStudio at “properties of the clip” ; of course, this clip has to be active in the timeline/storyboard.


c) It is best to use the same project-directory for the exported results as the one you use in Videostudio. By double-clicking onto the Video A preview picture you can see besides the data-load-symbol also the path of the imported file. This path can to be copied with (Ctrl + c) into the clipboard and then pasted (Ctrl + v) later on into the area for “Filename”at “Export sequence”. In any case you should change the name of the file at the end of the pathname, otherwise you would overwrite the original file.

The stand-alone version in use with editing software that does not support plug-ins- examples are „VideoWave“ or „Studio400“ The operation is analogue to the one described in the previous chapter at the example of „VideoStudio“. On the following page you will find screenshots of the actual programs. The examples are shown using Volume 1, of course everything is working, even much more comfortably, with Volume 2 as well.


Adorage Magic Stand-alone Version runnning side by side with VideoWave


Right mouse-button „Insert files in Library“



right mouse-button „Export Sequence“

Distribute files as Video A+B via Drag & Drop

Adorage Magic Stand-alone Version running side by side with Studio 400


Requester for opening files

3 2

right mouse-button „Export Sequence“

Distribute files as Video A+B via Drag & Drop


Adorage plugin - the others do the work now The use of Adorage as plugin version is even easier . If you work with Adobe Premiere, RexEdit or Ulead Media Studio, then you probably already did create a transitional effect from Video A to Video B. The principle is the same with Adorage. After having installed Adorage you will find it in your (transition) effect list of your editing software. -

in case the SAL-version is still running, close it and start the editing software. create a timeline project that will enable you to define a transitional effect. Make sure that Video A and Video B overlap for a certain duration. Create the transition effect by selecting Adorage out of the transition-list (in Media Studio it‘s animated symbol) and by dragging it into the appropriate track.


set the effect duration on 2 seconds.

The path to Adorage - by double-clicking on the effect-object, which is now integrated in your timeline, you can start the settings that apply to the editing software itself. There you can also find a button labeled „options“ or „settings“ (depending on which software you are using). - by one click on this button you will start Adorage and you will recognize the same surface you know from the SAL-version. The difference is clear at once : Video A and Video B are already selected ! This was done by a dialog between your editing software and Adorage. The default effect „soft transition“ is already running in the preview.


1 setting the time

3 Settings within Premiere

2 List of transitional effects incl. Adorage


Adorage Magic in Adobe Premiere

start Adorage

Adorage Magic in Ulead MediaStudio

setting the time


Settings within MediaStudio

3 start Adorage


1 List of transitional effects incl. Adorage


Adorage Magic in DVRex Starting Adorage Magic in DVRex happens the same way as starting the effects already included in DVRex.

Adorage Magic in MainActor Adorage can be found in the usual browser for the effects of MainActor, precisely in the category „Advanced“. Please note that Adorage`s icon does not differ from its neighbour. When the mouse pointer hovers over the Adorage icon you can see the Adorage text to the bottom left. Drag this icon into the „FX“-track, doubleclick on it and the Adorage frontend will appear.


Fast or in high detail At this time the effect is displayed in the preview showing only a still picture of each video source. We have chosen this default setting because some of the editing software is slow in transfering whole series of single pictures. In case you would like to watch the animated preview you can obtain it as follows :



click with the right mouse button on the main preview window, you will see the option „render“. Click on „show videos“. The time that is taken to show the effect in a fluent run is the time that your editing software needs to transfer the videodata to Adorage. Luckily, this delay will not happen too often since Adorage is able to temporarily save the data, depending on the memory capacity, so that everything is speeded up when you experiment around or change effects. just browse around by clicking in the list. for a test click on „Motif-effects“ (change of category = double-click), then on „transition“, „home&household“ and for selcting an effect on „shaders“. The result is a scene-transition which is introduced by shaders.

That was it! Nothing more is needed now. - simply click on „OK“ and you will find yourself back at your editing software. - select as the editing range (preview range) the time of 2 seconds (1 second & 40 frames in NTSC) of the effect itself and let the effect be rendered (usually by pressing the enter button). The time needed is depended upon your editing software, CPU and memory extension of your computer. Usually the time needed to render by Adorage is very short and can easily be proved by the SAL-version of Adorage ... After the rendering you can display the effect as usual and admire it because with this program you can save the following (and from now on you will):


Until now for creating this effect you would have needed: - a software for the creation of 3D Animations that is also able to imply the alpha-channel technique (shaders 3D) - a software for the compositing technique (for the clipping technique with alpha-antialiasing) - a lot of your time for the creation of the shaders (3D-Modell, animationpath, motion etc.) - a lot of your time for the many sample renderings (until the data finally fits your wishes and can therefore be exported) - a lot of your time for the rendering of these shaders (even nowadays 3D-animations are not rendered in just seconds) - a lot of know-how in the range of 3D-design (the creation of 3D-animations is an extremely complex application) What you just used is „merely“ Adorage with merely a few mouse-clicks on the list and within the effects. You will appreciate this difference from now on. If this effect did not suit your video signal, please note that it was in fact just a training example. But with the help of the fast preview and the incredibly vast choice of effects you should be able to find the effect that is perfect for your video material. If you went through this example, you are now capable to select effects on your own and to use Adorage as a plugin. Let‘s now turn to creating your own effects and trying out new things with Adorage. Details on settings The ease of selecting effects and their fast displaying are sure a great convenience of Adorage. There are no confusing options. It is because of the permanent preview that experimenting with very abstract parameters turns to be an enjoyment in practicing. We can base on your knowledge from the example above to get to know the background levels of operation of this program and by this its additional possibilities. - start Adorage either as SAL-version or as plugin. The best would be to choose the version you usually want to work with later on. - in order to make experiments switch the setting for the rendering option „show videos“ to off (remember : right mouse-click over preview). - select an effect from the list as follows : transitions-alpha/fractal/fractal(standard)/“disperse1out4" The effect you can see now dissolves the picture somehow „sandy“ beginning from the middle and ending with dissolving lines. Let‘s now refine this effect. -double-click on the mixer-picture (the symbol of two celluloid filmrolls)that is on the greyshaded symbol in the picture frame. 21

The mixer - the source for the transition - example from Volume 1 You are now in the level for „effect settings“ ! - move the slider for „Sharpness“ to 90%. - click on the button „Position“ and on the cardflag of „endposition“. - Now click with the right mouse-button on the big green box. - Select with the left mouse-button a scaling of 150%.

You will see the result at once. The alphamask receives a perspectival look. Let‘s get back to the „effect-settings“ level (click „OK“) and take a look at the „coloring of the contour“ (bottom left).

The coloring of the Contour Set the popup menu from “Video-source A” to “File”. - click onto the yellow symbol of the filerequester and then “choose file...”. Where you installed the Adorage graphic data there you can find a directory named “texture image”. Select the subdirectory “Fractal” and the file “Fabric07”. After having selected the file you automatically return to the level for the effect settings where you will immediately be able to see how the texture influences the effect. We already have transformed the effect, but we would like to continue by taking a look at the videosignal. 22

Manipulating the scaling of the video material In order to achieve this click on the cardflag of “Video A”. - choose now the cardflag “endposition” with the green box. - as you did before, click with the right mousebutton and set the scaling again on 150 %. - confirm by clicking on “OK” in order to get back to the main level. The video material is scaled and the effect that was originally selected ist thoroughly restyled now – your first effect variation is complete now ! Of course now we would like to save your variation for later use. Save your own Effects as Setting Click on the effectlist and click on it with the right mouse-button. - in the popup menu you can now select “new effect”. Type the effectname you wish and confirm with “OK”. Your own effect has been added now at the end of the category. - for a comparison select “disperse1out4” once again, in order to check the original setting, and then select back the one you created to quickly see the difference ... fast, easy and individual – this is how Adorage will present itself to you from now on.


Tips & tricks The preview window contains hidden functions: - click with left mouse-button = halt the preview click anew = one frame step further click with right mouse-button = continue running - click with right mouse-button when preview IS running = context menu with further items to choose from TIP: creation of a decorative picture-in-picture-effect With regards to other solutions, the Adorage Magic can create impressive PIP (picturein-picture)effects. This is easily done. With your knowlegde of the operation of your editing software we would like to go through an example.

Preparations in the timeleine of the videoediting software - create two scenes (A+B) that overlap each other. - drag the effect “Adorage” into your timeline into the transiton effects and set the duration to 2 seconds. This element wil be our Blend-In (IN) effect for our PIP. - create now a second effect directly attached to the first and set its duration on 4 seconds. This will be our statical (FIXED) picture-in-picture element. - attached to this create a third Adorage-effect this one again with the duration of 2 seconds, which will be our blend-out element (OUT). Please note the definitions IN, FIXED, OUT, since these will be of importance.

Your timeline should look aproximately like this :


Now the Adorage : - start Adorage, the first one, that is the IN-effect - select from the effect list the following: - “PIPs” (Picture in picture), subgroup “Border” - “as blend-in (in)” (!) - “b05-Video adopted blend” The preview shows you at once what has happened. The video is placed within the border (IN). -


confirm with “OK” and return to the timeline of your editing software. start the second effect, that is to sy its operator, Adorage. select the following from the list: - “PIPs” (Picture in picture), subgroup “Border” - “fixed (still)” - Now select the same effect “b05-video adopted blend” confirm with “OK” and return to your timeline.

Now to create the blend-out effect: - start the third Adorage operator, that is the OUT-effect. - select the following from the list: - “PIPs” (Picture in picture), subgroup “Border” - “as blend-out (out)” (!) - now select a variant, also based on “b05”, let‘s say “b05-Video A zoom”. That‘s it! Just let the whole thing be rendered by your editing software and then admire what you have obtained in no time at all. You will never have to ask your collegues how THEY did something like this, just do it yourself, simply and in no time with Adorage ... For later projects just remind yourself to set up 3 operators in the timeline of your editing software and to distribute the three categories IN, FIXED, OUT. You don‘t need to care about anything more (graphic import, alphachannel, FADE, SCALE, Timeline positioning etc.). TIPs Transforming an exisiting motifeffect Please note: before continuing with this chapter you should have gone through the examples above, because now comes the tricky part. 25


Start Adorage (as plugin or as Sal version) Select from the category “motif effects”, subcategory “airplanes” the effect “747_start”.

The result immediately is visible in the preview : an airplane dissolving scene A behind itself and therefore making scene B more and more visible. Our goal : to allow the airplane make a right turn. -

double-click on the preview picture of “Overlay” (underneath the umbrella symbol) click on the button “position” in the upper left area.

Now, only the overlay animation is displayed. -

click on the cardflag with the green box for the “endposition”. now turn the airplane by dragging the slider for rotation to the right until you reach the value of 9. this value can also be typed directly into the input area . Immediately, an inclination of 9 % of the animation is visible. -

set all the other values as follows : Position horizontal : 10% Position vertical : 10% Size horizonal : 130% Size vertical : 130%

These values allows the animation to be increased by 30 % and the airplane to follow a slightly corrected direction. Let us now change the starting position. - click onto the cardflag with the blue box which is the symbol for the start position. - in order to avoid problems due to the frameborder, as the ones you can see in the lower part, increase 30% : - Size horizontal : 130% 26


Size vertical : 130% All other values remain at 0%

click the right mouse-button on the blue box, select “position” and then “center”. By doing this the airplane is centered at the start.

Now the initial “problem” has been solved. The animation runs flawlessly and in the intended direction. -

confirm with “OK” and check for an understanding the result in the preview.

The airplane has been perfectly repositioned, but the effect blend is still running as before. This is usually a feature that enables you to run the animation separately from the scenic transition. In this case, this feature is not of any help. But, what would Adorage be if it was not able offer a simple solution for this case?

- click on the button “fast selection” an then select “Position to mixer-mask” and the whole thing is set correctly now.

To check just change to “Mixer” (cardflags) and check on its “position”- surface the coordinates (they resemble the ones we just selected). You can easily add this new effect “of your own” to the effect list in the main surface – you remember: right mouse-button, type in the name and press “OK”.


Would you like to create a new tail-effect ? No problem. - change from the main surface to the mixer (double-click on preview underneath “Mixer”) and after having selected “Coloring of the contour” click on the yellow symbol for the filerequester. - choose as example “Fantasy01”. - click on “open” you can see the effect as it is affected only by the mixer but with the selected new color. - if you click on the cardflag “smoke” you can also make some changes to the smoke effect. - try these new values : - Rotation impulse = 100 - Smoke intensity = 20 What you see now is the completely changed smoke effect and by clicking on the cardflag “Overlay” you can also see the smoke direction mix with the motion of the airplane. If you click on the button “refresh” the entry in the effect list you just created receives the changes for the smoke-effect. Another click on “OK” will bring you back to the main surface. If you want to see the effect on the main surface split in its single steps, then just activate the checkbox “preview” to the bottom right. Now you can see the single steps and the result of this effect, which now and then might be helpful for a better understanding. The only thing now is to render the effect as usual – and to enjoy it ...


Adorage Magic Volume 2 – the new features and advantages Infos for purchasers of Volume 1 The first part of this manual is most important to you – eccept if you want to learn about the new features offered by the sequel version. Unfortunately we cannot show you here the effects that are contained in each effect-package (volume). For that we suggest you to take a look at the complete html-demos on your program CD in order to receive a little insight about the effect possibilities of the following volume.

Infos for purchasers of Volume 2 We recommend to first read the general installation instructions and about the use of the stand-alone and of the plug-in version before you start with the following part of the manual that explains the specialties of volume 2.

Infos for purchasers of Volume 1 & Volume 2 You certainly made a good decision both for Volume 1 and Volume 2. As a bonus for the purchase of both packages you obtain some special advantages:


Better overview and better selection possibilities for volume 1 too. Volume 2 offers a new order of the selectionable list. All effects of Volume 1 are automatically integrated in this new order so that they can be found (through the new search mode) more easily and comfortably. We also changed, as far as possible, all rather cryptical effect names into intelligible ones.

Volume 1 - Classic

Volume 2 - Lights & Particles

Better compression: Through a new setup procedure the originally very space-needing files of Volume 1 are newly compressed during the installation of Volume 2. By this the need for memory capacity of Volume 2 is remarkably reduced.

Optimized effects: Some effects to be found in the list of Volume 1 were optimized or brought to perfection by the use of the new funtions in Volume 2.

Free additional effects for registered customers: At effects are downloadable that are reserved for owners of Volume 1 and Volume 2. this download is for free.


Differences to Volume 1: In general Adorage Magic 2 differs from Volume 1 in the following: - strongly expanded software in which customers wishes have been integrated in detail - for each package completely new kinds of effects - expandability through optional effect packages (at Volume 2 is available as soon as this documentation, Volume 3 around 2-3 months later. Since the operationability of Volume 1 was very successful, in the following Volumes merely new items and options were added. Consequently we recommend to first learn the first part of this manual and then to read about the additions and tips&tricks in the following volumes.

What‘s new in the softwareversion 2.0? The main page


- more comfortable selection list of the effects - new icons for better intelligibility - menue item “search in context menue” (right mouse-click) Since the list is probable to contain now several 1000 effects, the search function helps while seeking certain groups or single effects

2 - new button “Export sequence” in order to comfortably save the results


- direct display of the reference effect of a group right at the first selection, in order to improve the comfort and the transparency of each group - new menue items in the context menue (right mouseclick) over the effect preview - “Adorage” information about the installed settings (effect)packages - “preview-duration” for a preview as close as possible to the result while using the stand-alone version - “preview-rate” for selecting NTSC or PAL most exactly

- new context menue over the preview of video A or B: “fix” in order to fix the selected video source, so that, while using the stand-alone version, the desired video does not need to be selected again after each new choice of effect. “Reset” to deactivate this function. 32

The Mixer - new function “priming” to avoid unwanted border effects in the alphamask, i.e. with zoom, rotation or similar in “position”

The Smoke - new gadget “Preparation” which allows now a statical smoke, that is to say that it does not need to slowly build up from the mixermask border.

The Overlay

- on “Overlaygraphic” a new mode has been added: a temperature coloring file.These are color dispersion files that colorize when used on greyscale overlay motifanimations. By this a more flexible and a color independent use of overlay graphics is possible.

- at “stencil mask” a new function has been added: “use mixer mask”. Whenever a motif overlay graphic is selected usually this graphic is shown in full. If now the mixer mask is used then this mask has its effect on the motif-graphic. The motiv is blended in in synchrony with the changing of the scene. A thoroughly new kind of effect is possible now: you can have a colorized animation displayed within the border of the mixermask, that is to say within the space between scene A and B.


- The likewise added “Sharpness of the contour” is able to set the border to soft or to sharp. - With covering you can also set the intensity of the color or of the transparency. - new slider “covering” for the transparency adjustment of the overlay. Tip: Independently form scene changing, with this function you can easily integrate graphics or animations that base on a black background. For that just set the slider to 100%. Of course graphics or animations can be layed over the video even with transparencies. A very easy way to integrate animations, AVI files, sequences or graphics into editing software like MediaStudio, Premiere and others ...

Positioning function (in Video-A, Video-B, Mixer, Texture and Overlay)

- new button “Properties” for reducing the border, mirroring and tile number as well as orientation


- new rubric “Dynamic” for activating extremely natural motion speed of - Rotation - Scaling - Motion - Corners each with the following possibilities: - linear (standard) - accelerate (2 variations) - delay (2 variations) - bounce (as well inverted) - moult(as well inverted) - swing (as well inverted) - new button “timing” to set the time of effect of the dynamic and of the change between start and end. Example: between start- and endpoint let‘s say a rotation is running. The closer start and end are the faster the rotation. - new button “Settings” to change swing and suppression of a dynamik. - new corner grips for a free distortion. With this e.g. pseudoperspectival pip effects can be created. - corner grips for start- and endposition to create animations - new context menue (right mouseclick) over the blue or the green rectangle - “edit” for a numerical exact positioning of the corners - “display” o scale the editing surface for finer editing - “dynamic” for a fast inversion of the active dynamic-properties - “default settings” to reset all or parts of the settings - card flag “start and end” for a fast and comfortable editing of identical start and end situations of the keyframes


Summing up: all in all many of the items serve to rise the comfortability or the finesse. Sure, the most outstanding novelty is the possibility to freely distort the video sources, the motiv animation or even the mixer mask. Furthermore the additions in the overlay combined with the mixermask really are a basis for increasing the number of effect possibilities. Soft effects with smooth impression or hard edges, Adorage sure offers in Volume 2 possibilites beyond competition for adjusting video, effect, coloring and transparency. Each of the more than 1200 effects (only Volume 2) is easily reachable through the search mode and the preview of the reference effects, the categorisation with more intlligible names emphasizes this.

Further advantages for registered users Registered users of Volume 2 receive at the homepage the possibility to download utorials and new effects. Furthermore on our hompage we will offer you new effect packages to expand the root package of Volume 2. These are – like in the html demo of the included effects on the CD – displayed in our homepage so that you can dispose of an absolutely realisitc impression of the effect possibilities.


The import of new effect packages in Volume 2 (or higher) In case you provided yourself with several effect packages you can easily install them with the included setup. This setup automatically finds Adorage Volume 2 which makes integrating of new effects much easier. The first time you restart Adorage afterwards you will receive a message of what has been installed. Of course you can obtain the list of the installed packages their number and their version number at any time. For that just use the context-menue by clicking with the right mouse-button on the main preview and confirm the item “Adorage”. At first you receive some information about Adorage, after that the list of the installed packages.


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