Admin Guide

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  • Words: 83,906
  • Pages: 532
Primavera® Administrator’s Guide

Version 5.0

© 1997 - 2005 Primavera Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise noted, this software is the property of Primavera Systems, Inc. (Primavera) or its licensors and is entitled to copyright protection. Any reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of this document, Primavera assumes no liability resulting from any omission or inaccuracies in this document or from use of the information obtained herein. Primavera reserves the right to make changes to any products described herein to improve reliability, function, or design, and reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes from time to time in content hereof with no obligation to notify any person of revisions or changes. Primavera does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein; neither does it convey license under its patent rights or the rights of others. Please send your comments to: Primavera Systems, Inc. Three Bala Plaza West Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Telephone: 1-610-667-8600 FAX: 1-610-667-7894 World Wide Web site: Computer Software Copyrights: The Primavera software products described in this document may not be copied, reproduced, modified, or distributed in any manner without Primavera's express written permission. Use and Disclosure Restrictions: The software described in this document is the property of Primavera Systems. It is furnished under a license agreement and may be used and/or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. U.S. Government Restricted Rights: If the Software is acquired for or on behalf of the United States of America, its agencies and/or instrumentalities (“U.S. Government”), it is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The Software and accompanying documentation are “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation,” respectively, pursuant to 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 227.7202, and “restricted computer software” pursuant to 48 C.F.R. 52.227-19(a), as applicable. Use, modification, reproduction, release, performance, display or disclosure of the Software and accompanying documentation by the U.S. Government are subject to restrictions as set forth in this Agreement and pursuant to 48 C.F.R. 12.212, 52.227-14 (Alternate III), 52.227-19, 227.7202, and 1852.227-86, as applicable. Trademarks: Primavera, the Primavera sundial logo, Evolve, Expedition, P3, P3e, P3e/c, Primavera Enterprise, Primavera Project Planner, Primavision, PrimeContract, SureTrak Project Manager, SureTrak, and TeamPlay, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Primavera Systems, Inc., in the United States and/or in other countries. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. JSQLConnect is copyrighted 2002 by Net Direct, LLC. Printed in the United States of America.


Table of Contents Preface................................................................................................. ix Using the Administrator’s Guide.......................................................................... x Primavera Documentation .................................................................................. xii Where to Get Support ........................................................................................ xiv

Part 1. Before You Begin Installation Process Overview.............................................................3 What is the Primavera Solution? .......................................................................... 4 Who Should Help with the Installation?............................................................... 8 Installation Process Phases ................................................................................. 10

Planning Your Implementation ........................................................11 Which Components Do I Need? ......................................................................... 12 Client and Server Requirements ......................................................................... 15 Database Server Sizing Guide ............................................................................ 19

Part 2. Database Installation and Configuration Automatic Database Install...............................................................23 Overview............................................................................................................. 24 Running the Database Wizard ............................................................................ 25 Automatically Installing an Oracle Database and Loading Application Data.......................................................................... 26 Automatically Installing a SQL Server Database and Loading Application Data.......................................................................... 36


Table of Contents

Configuring the Server Databases....................................................45 Overview ............................................................................................................. 46 Creating the Database Structure for Oracle ........................................................ 47 Creating the Database Structures for MS SQL Server........................................ 53 Installing the Application Data (Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server) ................. 59

Part 3. Server Installation and Configuration Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets................................69 Installing the Group Server and Timesheets Web Site........................................ 70 Configuring Group Server/Timesheets for LDAP Authentication ..................... 86 Configuring Group Server/Timesheets for Single Sign On Authentication ....... 88 Configuring Group Server Settings..................................................................... 90 Setting up Java Web Start for Timesheets........................................................... 94 Creating Multiple Instances of Group Server ..................................................... 97 Group Server Configuration Settings................................................................ 100

Installing myPrimavera...................................................................105 Upgrading to myPrimavera 5.0 ......................................................................... 106 Uninstalling Previous Versions ......................................................................... 107 Installing the myPrimavera Application Server................................................ 109 myPrimavera Installation Process ..................................................................... 110 Starting the myPrimavera Server ...................................................................... 117 Stopping the myPrimavera Server .................................................................... 119 Accessing myPrimavera from Client Browsers ................................................ 120 Changing Database Configuration Settings ...................................................... 121 Using the myPrimavera Administration Application........................................ 123 Starting the myPrimavera Administration Application..................................... 124 Reviewing and Modifying myPrimavera Configurations ................................. 126 myPrimavera Configuration Settings................................................................ 134 Implementing Application Server Plug-Ins ...................................................... 149

Collaboration Setup .........................................................................151 Preparing the Installation .................................................................................. 152 Installing the Collaboration Server ................................................................... 153 Applying the Collaboration Update for Compatibility with myPrimavera 5.0 ........................................................ 155 Creating a Collaboration Configuration............................................................ 159 Configuration Tasks .......................................................................................... 166 Adding the Indexer Service............................................................................... 171 Adding Trustees ................................................................................................ 174 Adding a Facility............................................................................................... 177 Adding a Domain and Admin User................................................................... 179 Extend the Collaboration Schema..................................................................... 186 Adding Updated Document Formats ................................................................ 187 Configuring myPrimavera for Collaboration .................................................... 189 Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Table of Contents


Configuring the Distributed Job Service .......................................191 Distributed Job Service Overview .................................................................... 192 Installing the Distributed Job Service............................................................... 193 Configure Access to the Distributed Job Service ............................................. 194 Configure DCOM for the Distributed Job Service ........................................... 195 Configure the Controller and DJS servers ........................................................ 201 Job Service Registry Settings ........................................................................... 204

Part 4. Primavera Client Installation and Configuration Installing Client Modules and Additional Components ...............209 Installing Database Client Software ................................................................. 210 Running the Setup Wizard.................................................................................211 Installing Client Modules ................................................................................. 216 Installing the Job Service and Distributed Job Service .................................... 223 Installing the Software Development Kit ......................................................... 233 Installing ProjectLink ....................................................................................... 239 Installing and/or Upgrading the Stand-Alone Version...................................... 242

Creating and Running an Unattended Setup ................................247 Creating Unattended Setup Files ...................................................................... 248 Running an Unattended Setup .......................................................................... 257

Changing Database Configuration Settings ..................................259 Changing Database Connection Settings.......................................................... 260 Performing Administrative Tasks ..................................................................... 266

Configuring Authentication Modes................................................271 Authentication in Primavera ............................................................................. 272 Process Overview ............................................................................................. 274 Choosing an Authentication Scheme................................................................ 275 Login Procedures and Authentication .............................................................. 286

Administering Users and Security..................................................287 Understanding Security in Primavera............................................................... 288 Process Overview ............................................................................................. 296 Defining Global Profiles................................................................................... 298 Defining Project Profiles .................................................................................. 305 Adding Users in the Project Management Module........................................... 310 Assigning OBS Elements and Project Profiles................................................. 314 Assigning OBS Elements to the EPS ............................................................... 317 Defining User Access to Resources.................................................................. 320 Setting Security in the Methodology Management Module............................. 323

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Table of Contents

Implementing Timesheets ...............................................................331 Implementation Overview................................................................................. 332 Setting Timesheet Preferences .......................................................................... 334 Configuring Resources to Use Timesheets ....................................................... 337 Creating Timesheets for Timesheets Users ....................................................... 339 Setting Project-Specific Timesheets Preferences.............................................. 340 Using Overhead Codes...................................................................................... 341 Running Timesheets Web Browser Version and JAWS Version....................... 342

Automatic Database Upgrade.........................................................345 Upgrade Process Overview ............................................................................... 346 Upgrading an Oracle Database to Version 5.0 .................................................. 349 Upgrading a Microsoft SQL Server Database to Version 5.0 ........................... 355 Uninstalling Previous Versions ......................................................................... 360

Part 5. Importing and Exporting Data Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users .............................................365 Exporting Projects............................................................................................. 366 Exporting Roles or Resources........................................................................... 370 Importing Projects............................................................................................. 373 Importing Roles or Resources........................................................................... 381

Transferring Methodology Data .....................................................385 Exporting Methodologies.................................................................................. 386 Exporting Roles or Resources........................................................................... 388 Importing Methodologies.................................................................................. 390 Importing Projects as Methodologies ............................................................... 395 Importing Roles or Resources........................................................................... 401

Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files ..........................405 Exporting Projects............................................................................................. 406 Exporting Resources ......................................................................................... 411 Importing Projects from Microsoft Project ....................................................... 415 Importing Resources from Microsoft Project ................................................... 424

Transferring Data using Microsoft Excel Files .............................429 Exporting Project Data to Microsoft Excel....................................................... 430 Updating Project Data in Microsoft Excel ........................................................ 436 Importing Projects from Microsoft Excel ......................................................... 438

Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module .................................................441 Exporting Projects to P3 3.x ............................................................................. 442 Importing P3 3.x Projects to the Project Management Module ........................ 451

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Table of Contents


Transferring Data to Primavera Contractor Users ......................479 Exporting Projects ............................................................................................ 480 Exporting Resources......................................................................................... 483

Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance ..................................................................485 Process Overview ............................................................................................. 486 Running MMDB and PMDB in a Single Oracle Instance................................ 487 Upgrading a Single Instance Database from Primavera 3.5x or 4.x to 5.0....... 497

Appendix B: Undoing Changes in the Project Management Database...............................................503 Understanding Undo......................................................................................... 504 Configuring Safe Deletes.................................................................................. 505

Appendix C: Defining Financial Periods .......................................507 Defining Financial Periods in the Project Management Module...................... 508


Primavera - Administrator’s Guide



Preface In this preface Using the Administrator’s Guide Primavera Documentation Where to Get Support

Primavera provides comprehensive, multiproject planning and control software, built on Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle databases for organization-wide project management scalability. Stand-alone installations can use the Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE). The Primavera solution includes the Project Management module, which can stand alone for project and resource management or be used with companion products. Timesheets enables Web-based team communication and time keeping; the Methodology Management module stores methodologies as templates for new projects; the Portfolio Analysis module provides project analysis across the organization; and, myPrimavera allows users to access project management data via the Internet.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide



Using the Administrator’s Guide This book is a step-by-step guide to installing and configuring Primavera software components. Read Part 1 to become familiar with the overall process of installing Primavera software components, then read the chapters in the rest of the book that discuss the components you plan to install and configure. This manual is organized as follows: Part 1: Before You Begin Provides an overview of Primavera software components, discusses how to plan an implementation for your organization, and offers an overview of the process of installing and configuring Primavera software components. Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration Provides steps for using a wizard to automate the process of creating project management and methodology management databases on either Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server/MSDE and loading application data into the databases. This part also details how to manually create a database. Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration Provides steps for manually installing and configuring the server-based components of the Primavera solution, including the following: ■

Group Server and Timesheets files on a Web server


myPrimavera Collaboration Server

Distributed Job Service

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide



Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration Describes how to install and configure Primavera client modules. Part 4 explains how to ■

Install the Project Management, Methodology Management, and Portfolio Analysis modules, as well as Timesheets

Install additional components such as the (Distributed) Job Service, Software Development Kit, and ProjectLink

Create and run an unattended setup

Configure module connectivity to the project management database, user passwords, database logins, and module licensing using the Database Configuration wizard

Set up authentication

Set up users and configure security

Configure the Project Management module to allow Timesheets users to record their time in the project management database

Use a wizard to automatically upgrade from previous versions of Primavera

Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data Describes how to import and export project and methodology data using Primavera’s proprietary exchange format (XER). This part also describes how to transfer data between the Project Management module and Microsoft Project, Microsoft Excel, Primavera Project Planner (P3) 3.x, and Primavera Contractor. You can also import data from Expedition to the Project Management module. Refer to the Linking Expedition Data with the Project Management Module topic in the Project Management Help for more information.

Appendix Provides steps for running your project management and methodology management databases in a single Oracle instance, describes how to undo changes to the project management database, and describes how to create financial periods in the financial periods dictionary.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide



Primavera Documentation Primavera documentation consists of printed and online manuals. You can access online documentation by inserting the Primavera Documentation CD in your workstation’s CD drive. In the \Documentation folder on the CD-ROM, open the appropriate industry-specific documentation folder, then double-click the applicable PDF file to view the information using Adobe Acrobat Reader (available on the Documentation CD). The following table describes each manual and lists the recommended readers by role. Primavera roles are described in “Installation Process Overview” on page 3 of this manual. Title


Primavera Administrator’s Guide

This guide explains how to set up the Primavera server, database, and components; it also provides an overview of all the components in the Primavera solution. The guide describes the workflow required to administer the Project Management module, including setting up security and configuring global preferences. The Project Management module network administrator/database administrator and project controls coordinator should read this guide.

Project Management Reference Manual

This guide explains how to plan, set up, and manage projects in a multiuser environment. If you are new to the Project Management module, start with this guide to learn how to use the software effectively to plan and manage projects. When you need more detail, refer to the Project Management Help. The project controls coordinator, program manager, project manager, resource/cost manager, and team leader should read this guide.

Methodology Management Reference Manual

This guide explains how to establish methodologies, or project templates, using the Methodology Management module. Methodologies enable your organization to gather its “best practices” and reuse them to create custom project plans in the Project Management module. If you are new to the Methodology Management module, start with this guide to learn how to use the software to create base, plugin, and activity library methodologies. When you need more detail, refer to the Methodology Management Help. The project controls coordinator, program manager, project manager, resource/cost manager, and team leader should read this guide.

Portfolio Analysis Reference Manual

This guide describes how to group Project Management module projects into portfolios for quick analysis of summary data and status. If you are new to the Portfolio Analysis module, start with this guide. When you need more detail, refer to the Portfolio Analysis Help. The project controls coordinator, project manager, and program manager should read this guide.

myPrimavera Web-based Help

myPrimavera Web-based Help describes how to create and manage projects, review resource allocation and requirements, and evaluate budget, performance and ROI for project portfolios. The operations executive, project controls coordinator, program manager, project manager, resource/cost manager, and team leader should read this Help.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Timesheets Web-based Help


Timesheets Web-based Help describes how to use Timesheets to enter and update time spent on assignments. Team members should read this Help.

Software Development Kit (SDK) This documentation describes how to use the SDK to connect to the project Web-based documentation management database. The tables, fields, and stored procedures that you can access through the SDK are described. Examples are also provided to show how you can use the SDK to perform several basic tasks, such as creating a new project or assigning a resource to a project activity. The Project Management network administrator/database administrator and project controls coordinator should read this documentation, which is available in your \Program Files\Common Files\Primavera Common\PMSDK\Doc folder. Double-click the INDEX.HTML file to open the Table of Contents page. ProjectLink Help

Describes how to use ProjectLink to enable Microsoft Project (MSP) users to work in the MSP environment while being connected to Primavera's enterprise features. MSP users can learn how to open/save projects from/to the Project Management module database from within the MSP application and how to invoke Primavera's resource management within the MSP environment. Team members that utilize MSP for daily project maintenance in organizations that use Primavera for enterprise-wide project planning and control should read this help.

Distributing Information to the Team The online documentation can be copied to a network drive for access by project participants. Each team member can then print only those portions that specifically relate to his or her role in the organization.

The documentation assumes a standard setup of the product, with full access rights to all features and functions.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide



Where to Get Support If you have a question about using Primavera products that you or your network administrator cannot resolve with information in the documentation or Help, call Primavera Customer Support at the times and locations listed below. Please have your Primavera product serial number ready when you call. Each call is logged to help Primavera resolve your questions quickly.


Time Zone




Internet Address*

Bala Cynwyd, ET Pennsylvania, USA

8:00–8:00 (Mon–Fri) 9:00–2:00 (Sat)



[email protected]

London, England, UK


8:30–6:30 (Mon–Thur) 8:30–5:30 (Fri)



[email protected]

Hong Kong

GMT +8

8:00–5:00 (Mon–Fri)



[email protected]

*For 24-hour support, visit Primavera’s online Knowledgebase at:

In the United States, Primavera periodically and randomly monitors technical support calls to ensure that you receive the highest quality support.

All Primavera products are backed by comprehensive support and training. To request product literature in the United States, contact your local dealer, call Primavera at 1-610-667-8600, or send your request via e-mail to [email protected]. In the United Kingdom, call 44-20-8563-5500 or e-mail your request to [email protected].

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Before You Begin In this part

Installation Process Overview Planning Your Implementation



his part discusses how to plan and prepare for installing Primavera components. Begin by reading Installation Process Overview, which describes the Primavera components, summarizes the skills needed to install these products, and explains each phase in the installation process. Planning Your Implementation demonstrates how to identify the components your organization requires and helps you ensure that you have the hardware and software needed to support that implementation.

Installation Process Overview


Installation Process Overview In this chapter What is the Primavera Solution?

This chapter describes the components that make up the Primavera solution and reviews the installation and configuration process.

Who Should Help with the Installation? Installation Process Phases

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 1: Before You Begin

What is the Primavera Solution? Primavera provides a set of integrated components that meet the project management needs of different areas of an organization. It uses standard Windows interfaces, Web-enabled technology, and stand-alone (MSDE) or network-based (Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server) databases. This installation guide assumes you are installing Primavera software components on a client/server network, which requires the installation and configuration of both client software and server-based components. It also provides information on stand-alone installations. Primavera uses DBExpress as the standard interface between its components and the project management and methodology management databases. DBExpress is automatically installed when you install the Project Management and Portfolio Analysis modules. Some additional components, such as the Group Server and Job Service, also install DBExpress to connect to the databases.

Client components The Primavera solution consists of the following client modules: MSDE is a data engine built on SQL Server technology. It supports up to eight concurrent users and multiple databases, limited to 2 GB per database. If your requirements extend beyond these limitations, you can easily move to SQL Server.

Project Management Project Management is a module that enables users to plan and control a large number of projects. Project data is stored in a central project management database. Either Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server can be used as the relational database management system in a large networked configuration. For smaller multiuser or stand-alone implementations, you can use Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE) as the database. Project Management also provides centralized resource management, including resource timesheet approval and the ability to communicate with project resources through the Timesheets module, a Web-based timesheet management application.

Methodology Management Methodology Management is a module for authoring and storing methodologies, or project plan templates. Methodology Management enables your organization to gather its “best practices” and store them in a central methodology management database.

Portfolio Analysis Portfolio Analysis is an executive reporting tool, providing summaries and tracking layouts of project data. Portfolio Analysis is the ideal tool for members of the senior management team to review project data and analyze performance.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installation Process Overview


Timesheets Timesheets is a Web-based interproject communication and timekeeping system. Team members use Timesheets to enter upto-the-minute information about their assignments across projects and record time against their workload.

Server components Primavera may require the installation and configuration of the following server-based components: ■

Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) Project data and project methodologies are each stored in separate central databases. These two databases should be maintained on a database server running Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, or MSDE. (You also need to install the client software for the RDBMS on each computer needing network access to the database server. If you are running Microsoft SQL server or MSDE, the necessary software is installed for you automatically when you install Primavera’s Project Management module.)

Group Server If your implementation of Primavera includes the Timesheets client module, you must install the Group Server. This component is a Windows 2000/2003 service that runs on your Web server and allows clients to download Timesheets from that server using their Web browsers. It further acts as an intermediary between the Timesheets client and the project management database.

Additional components Your Primavera implementation may require the installation of one or more optional components. These additional components expand the functionality of the Primavera solution: ■

myPrimavera myPrimavera is a Web application that provides browser-based access to project, portfolio, and resource data across the enterprise. Every myPrimavera user can customize a Personal Workspace page to create an individualized and focused view of the specific projects and categories of project data that are most relevant to their role in managing projects and resources. Project Workspaces and Workgroups extend the model of customizable, focused data views by enabling designated project team members to create a uniform team view of data that relates to one specific project or to a subset of activities within a project. Navigation and Related Actions menus provide access to a wide range of data views and features that enable myPrimavera users to manage their projects from initial concept review and approval through to completion.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 1: Before You Begin

myPrimavera Collaboration Server The myPrimavera collaboration infrastructure provides enhanced capabilities to connect all team members, at all levels, to all shared work necessary for the successful completion of a project. Features include full discussion threads, improved issues management, team and project event calendars, personal and project workspaces, comprehensive file management, and comprehensive email integration.

(Distributed) Job Service The Job Service is a Windows 2000/2003 service that runs defined jobs on project data at preconfigured intervals. Users create jobs in the Project Management module. The job details are stored in the central project management database. The Job Service periodically reads the database and performs jobs as directed. This service must run on a server that has a constant connection to the database server. The Distributed Job Service is an extension of the Job Service that enables a controller machine to manage multiple servers running job services.

Software Development Kit (SDK) The SDK enables you to integrate the data in the project management database with external databases and applications. It provides access to the schema and to business logic. The SDK supports the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard and ODBC-compliant interfaces, such as OLE-DB and JDBC, for connecting to the project management database. The SDK must be installed on any computer that needs to integrate with the Primavera database.

ProjectLink ProjectLink is a plug-in that enables Microsoft Project (MSP) users to work in the MSP environment while being connected to Primavera's enterprise features. The functionality enables MSP users to open/save projects from/to the Project Management module database from within the MSP application. Moreover, MSP users have the ability to invoke Primavera's resource management within the MSP environment. ProjectLink benefits organizations that utilize MSP for daily project maintenance but require some users to have the enterprise capabilities available within Primavera applications.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installation Process Overview


The following figure illustrates the relationship between Primavera components. Desktop Client

Collaboration Server

Browser Client

myPrimavera Server

Timesheets Server

Job Services Server(s)

Projects Portfolios Methodologies Documents

For details on the configuration requirements of each component, see “Planning Your Implementation” on page 11.

You are not required to install the server-based components as shown here. For example, myPrimavera and the collaboration server can be installed on the same server (if necessary), and Job Services can run on any computer with a constant connection to the project database.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 1: Before You Begin

Who Should Help with the Installation? The talents of several different types of employees may be required to install and configure Primavera components in your organization. The following section describes the basic roles and the responsibilities typically given to those roles during the installation process. Roles may vary or overlap depending on the structure of your organization. Network administrators Network administrators configure an organization’s network environment (local- and wide-area networks) for optimal performance with Primavera components. They install and maintain the server and client components in the Primavera solution. They manage user access to project data and develop and maintain a comprehensive security policy to ensure that project and methodology data is protected from unauthorized access, theft, or damage. Network administrators ensure that the hardware and software supporting Primavera function reliably by ■

Setting up and maintaining the network to ensure reliable connections and the fastest possible data transfer

Creating and maintaining accurate lists of network resources and users so that each has a unique network identity

Database administrators Database administrators (DBAs) are responsible for setting up, managing, and assigning access rights for the Primavera databases. They set and oversee rules governing the use of corporate databases, maintain data integrity, and set interoperability standards. Database administrators ensure reliable access to the Primavera databases by ■

Installing, configuring, and upgrading database server software and related products as required

Creating and implementing the databases

Implementing and maintaining database security, including creating and maintaining users, roles, and privileges for the databases

Monitoring database performance and tuning as needed

Planning for growth and changes and establishing and maintaining backup and recovery policies and procedures

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installation Process Overview


Project controls coordinator Project control coordinators are responsible for ensuring that the Project Management module is implemented properly and that it operates smoothly. They play a key role during implementation by ■

Working with senior management to establish the enterprise project structure, resource hierarchy, and organizational breakdown structure (OBS); set up basic calendars; and define organization-wide codes in the Project Management module

Working with the network administrator to create user accounts and user groups for the Project Management module

Assigning security rights to Primavera users in the Project Management module

Working with the Human Resources (HR) department to keep the resource hierarchy in the Project Management module up-to-date and complete, possibly through integration of an HR module from an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system

Program and project managers In some cases, program and project managers may also become involved in the initial configuration of the Primavera solution, though they are not normally involved in the installation. They are responsible for managing one or more projects and use the Project Management module for ■

Adding projects to the project management database

Prioritizing resources across projects

Planning and managing projects

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 1: Before You Begin

Installation Process Phases The network administrator, database administrator, and project controls coordinator should work together to ensure that the Primavera solution is successfully installed for your organization. These roles may be played by teams of people or by a few people sharing responsibilities. Primavera recommends installing and configuring the Primavera solution in phases. Each phase of the installation process is explained below. The planning phase is covered in this part of this guide.

Phase 1: Plan your Primavera configuration Before you begin the installation, decide how your organization will implement the Primavera solution. Identify the servers and network hardware you will need to support the implementation. Install and configure the third-party database server software (Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server), if necessary. Perform any upgrade procedures as needed to roll projects from previous versions into the new version. If you simply will be installing a stand-alone version, refer to “Installing and/or Upgrading the Stand-Alone Version” on page 242.

Automatic and manual configuration of the databases is covered in Part 2 of this guide.

Phase 2: Configure your Primavera servers Once you have set up your network and prepared your servers, you can begin to configure the servers. Start by setting up the project management and methodology management databases on the database server. You can choose an automated or a manual method to complete this process. If you are using MSDE, you should follow the automated process.

The client module configuration phase is covered in Part 4 of this guide.

Phase 3: Configure your Primavera client modules Once your servers are configured and the databases are installed, you can begin to install the Primavera client modules on your client workstations according to your implementation plan. You can then install and configure additional components as needed for your implementation.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Planning Your Implementation


Planning Your Implementation In this chapter Which Components Do I Need? Client and Server Requirements Database Server Sizing Guide

Read this chapter when you are ready to plan your Primavera implementation. For more detailed information and assistance, please consult with Primavera Customer Support or Professional Services.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 1: Before You Begin

Which Components Do I Need? When planning your Primavera implementation, you will first need to know what client modules and server components you will need to install and configure, and where those modules and components need to be installed. The following is a set of questions that you will want to answer before you begin. Which relational database management system (RDBMS) will we use on our database server? You can use either Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server on your database server for enterprise installations. For smaller implementations, you can use Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE). MSDE is a data engine built on SQL Server technology. It supports up to eight concurrent users and can have multiple databases, each limited to 2 GB. If your requirements extend beyond these limitations, you can easily migrate to SQL Server. Which workstations will require the Project Management module? Which will require Portfolio Analysis? Which will require Methodology Management? All Project Management, Portfolio Analysis, and Methodology Management users will need access to the database server. If using Oracle as the RDBMS, you must install the Oracle client software on each computer that runs these client modules. If using SQL Server as the RDBMS, Primavera automatically installs the required SQL Server files when you install the Project Management module. Do we want our administrators to install the Project Management, Portfolio Analysis, and Methodology Management modules using standardized preconfigured settings? If you want all of your client modules to be configured identically, your administrators can run an unattended setup for each module based on a standard configuration. You can create one or more sets of unattended setup files and share them on a network server. Will our Project Management module users need to automatically run jobs (such as scheduling or summarizing) on project data? If your Project Management users will need to run jobs, you must install the Job Service. For non-distributed jobs, install the Job Service on a server that has constant access to the database server. For distributed jobs, install the Distributed Job Service on multiple servers operated by a Controller server. Additionally, the Primavera Web Scheduler is available, but disabled by default. The Web Scheduler can be enabled via the myPrimavera Administrator Application.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Planning Your Implementation

Which Timesheets Client Do I Choose? Timesheets is a three-tier client/server module, consisting of the Timesheets client on the front end, the database server that contains your projects on the back end, and the Group Server in the middle, providing a link between Timesheets clients and the database. Primavera facilitates project communication among team members across the organization by providing two types of interfaces for Timesheets: a Web Browser version and a Java Web Start version. The Java Web Start version is optional. The differences between the two interfaces are described below. Web Browser version Timesheets Web Browser version enables users to access their timesheet data across the Internet as a Java applet.

To run the Web Browser version, users simply visit a specified URL, and the Java applet automatically downloads to their computers; the applet can then be run in their Web browsers. When many users will need to use Timesheets, running it as a Java applet can provide great administration time savings—no client-side installation is required, and software updates are automatically distributed. The primary disadvantage may be the initial download time for the applet, which can take up to 20 minutes over a slow modem connection. Java Web Start (JAWS) version Timesheets JAWS version performs the same function as the Web Browser version, but this version runs as a Java application. JAWS provides a secure and platformindependent deployment of Timesheets, using the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP) technology. JAWS also ensures that users always launch the most recent version of Timesheets under the correct JRE version, even if there is more than one JRE version present at the same time. JAWS automatically downloads the most recent version of Timesheets to the user’s computer, so users never have to upgrade manually.



Part 1: Before You Begin

Do we need to integrate our project data with other systems? If you need to integrate your project data with other systems, such as accounting or Human Resources systems, you must install the Software Development Kit (SDK) on the computers that require access to the data. The SDK makes project data available to external applications through Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interfaces, such as OLE-DB and JDBC. Will our team members use Timesheets to submit timesheets to the project managers? If team members will use Timesheets, you must install the Group Server and the Timesheets files on your Web server. If we use Timesheets, which version of the Timesheets client will we use? Primavera provides two versions of Timesheets: a Web Browser version that runs as a Java applet in the user’s browser, and a Java Web Start version that runs as a Java application on the user’s desktop. Do we want to provide Web access to project data for performance of project management tasks? myPrimavera provides access to project data via a Web browser. myPrimavera supports the creation and management of projects within the company, provides resource availability and allocation details, and provides project portfolio reporting features to support strategic decision-making. The following table lists each client component and the corresponding server-based components that it requires. RBDMS Group Server myPrimavera 1

Project Management


Portfolio Analysis


Methodology Management





myPrimavera Web User



1 2

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Primavera Job Service



1 1



If using Oracle as the RDBMS, these modules require the Oracle client software to be installed on the client computer. The Job Service is an optional component for the Project Management module.

Planning Your Implementation


Client and Server Requirements After determining your Primavera implementation plan, ensure that your hardware and software can support it. For the full list of system requirements and tested configurations, refer to the testedcfg.pdf file in the \Documentation\Technical Documentation\Tested Configurations folder on the Primavera Documentation CD.

Supported Platforms for Primavera

Minimum Client Configurations

Client modules (Project Management, Methodology Management, myPrimavera, and Portfolio Analysis) ■

Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional (SP4)

Microsoft Windows XP (SP2)

Citrix MetaFrame XP FR2 (for Windows 2000)

Citrix MetaFrame XP FR3 (for Windows 2003)

For clients running the Project Management, Portfolio Analysis, and Methodology Management modules ■

128 MB of RAM, 256 MB free recommended

40 MB of hard-disk space (per module)

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (SP1 or SP2)

TCP/IP network protocol

For clients running Timesheets Web Browser version ■

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (SP1 or SP2) or Netscape 7.2

JRE 1.4.2_07 or JRE 1.5.0_01 (automatically installed with Timesheets)

TCP/IP network protocol

For clients running Timesheets JAWS version ■

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (SP1 or SP2), Netscape 7.2, or Firefox 1.0.1

JRE 1.4.2_07 or JRE 1.5.0_01 (automatically installed with Timesheets)

TCP/IP network protocol

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 1: Before You Begin

For clients accessing myPrimavera ■

128 MB of RAM minimum, 256 MB recommended

25 MB of free hard-disk space

TCP/IP network protocol

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (SP1 or SP2)

JRE 1.4.2_07 or JRE 1.5.0_01 (automatically installed with myPrimavera) You can change the minimum JRE plug-in to version 1.4.2_07 by changing the JavaPluginURL_IE and JavaPluginVersion_ID settings using the myPrimavera Administration Application. Version 1.4.2_07 is required to access Primavera Expedition in myPrimavera. Refer to “Configure myPrimavera to access Primavera Expedition information” on page 128 for more information.

The Software Development Kit (SDK) can be installed on any Windows 2000, Windows 2003, or Windows XP computer. System requirements will vary depending on the requirements of the module that uses the SDK to integrate with Primavera databases. Supported Configurations for Servers

For the database server ■

Oracle version on Windows 2000 Server (SP4), Windows 2003 Server, HP-UX 11i, or RedHat Linux Advanced Server 3.0.

Oracle version on Windows 2000 Server (SP4), Windows 2003 Server, or Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 3.0

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (SP3) on Windows 2000 Server (SP4) or Windows 2003 Server

Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE) 2000 (SP3) on Windows 2000 (SP4)

Job Service must run on Windows 2000 Server (SP4) or Windows 2003 Server.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Planning Your Implementation


For the server running Group Server and providing the Timesheets files ■

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server (SP4) or Windows 2003 Server

Web server software installed and running

512 MB of memory

200 MB of hard-disk space

Microsoft TCP/IP networking protocol

For the collaboration server ■

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server/Advanced Server (SP4) or Windows 2003 Server

Solaris 2.9 (SPARC)

1 GB of RAM recommended

1 GB (minimum) available hard-disk space

Application server requirements hosting myPrimavera ■

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server (SP4) or Windows 2003 Server

Solaris 2.9 (SPARC)

Application server requires JDK 1.4.1_03 or 1.4.2_05 (WebLogic 8.1.4 and Tomcat 5.0.28 require JDK 1.4.2_05, WebSphere 5.1.1 is bundled with JDK 1.4.1_03, and Websphere 6.0 is bundled with 1.4.2_05.)

1 GB of RAM minimum, 1 GB recommended

1 GB minimum of available hard-disk space

JSP server requirements hosting myPrimavera ■

BEA WebLogic Express Server 8.1.4 (or 8.1.4 ISV)

BEA WebLogic Enterprise Server 8.1.4

IBM WebSphere Application Server v5.1.1 or 6.0

Apache Tomcat 5.0.28

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 1: Before You Begin

For the Web server hosting Project Web Site files ■

Microsoft Windows 2000 Server (SP4) or Windows 2003 Server

Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 5.0 (on Windows 2000 Server SP4) or 6.0 (on Windows 2003 Server)

Microsoft TCP/IP networking protocol

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (SP1) or higher

For the myPrimavera Web server

Supported E-Mail Systems and Network Protocols

Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 5.0 (on Windows 2000 Server SP4) or 6.0 (on Windows 2003 Server)

BEA WebLogic Express Server 8.1.4 (or 8.1.4 ISV)

BEA WebLogic Enterprise Server 8.1.4

Apache Tomcat 5.0.28

IBM WebSphere Application Server v5.1.1 or 6.0

Apache HTTP Server 2.0.52

Sun ONE Web Server 5.1 or 6.0 (SP1, SP5)

Internet e-mail (SMTP) or MAPI is supported

Network protocols depend only on database vendor

Web site requires TCP/IP myPrimavera supports only SMTP.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Planning Your Implementation


Database Server Sizing Guide The following sizes refer to a single instance of the project management database. Memory sizes do not include overhead required by the operating system, which typically adds 32 MB to the memory requirement and varies depending on the server version. Oracle File




Temp TBS

300 MB

500 MB

1,000 MB


300 MB

500 MB

1,000 MB

Index TBS

250 MB

500 MB

1,000 MB

Data TBS

250 MB

500 MB

1,000 MB


250 MB

500 MB

1,000 MB

1,350 MB

2,500 MB

5,000 MB

384 MB

512 MB


Total RAM:

Microsoft SQL Server File





300 MB

500 MB

1,000 MB

Data Log

150 MB

250 MB

500 MB


100 MB

200 MB

275 MB

50 MB

100 MB

125 MB


600 MB

1,050 MB

1,900 MB


384 MB

512 MB


Temp Log

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Database Installation and Configuration In this part

Automatic Database Install Configuring the Server Databases



hile it is best to have an experienced database administrator install and set up Primavera applications to run on a network server, your company may not have this type of person available. Primavera provides a quick and easy Setup program for installing the necessary database components on your database server. Read Automatic Database Install and simply follow the steps in the Database wizard to create a new project management and/ or methodology management database and load the required data. If you choose not to follow the automated steps, you can also manually set up the database and load the data. See Configuring the Server Databases for detailed instructions.

Automatic Database Install


Automatic Database Install In this chapter Overview Running the Database Wizard

Follow the steps in this chapter to set up and load the Project Management and Methodology Management module databases on a server using the automatic install process.

Automatically Installing an Oracle Database and Loading Application Data Automatically Installing a SQL Server Database and Loading Application Data

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

Overview Two databases are used to run Primavera: ■

The project management database (PMDB) stores the Project Management data used by Primavera. It is a required database.

The methodology management database (MMDB) stores the methodologies that can be used as templates when creating new projects. You must install this database if you will be using the Methodology Management module.

Primavera supports Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE) databases. The MS SQL Server or Oracle server software must be installed on the database server(s) before you can create the database. If you need detailed steps on installing Oracle for the server and client, or SQL Server for the server, contact Primavera Customer Support.

If you intend to run Primavera on an Oracle database server, the Oracle client must be installed on each machine that will be accessing the database server. When you install the Oracle client, the TNSPING.EXE utility is automatically installed in the \oracle\\bin folder. This utility must be present for Primavera applications. Do not delete it.

If you intend to run Primavera on a SQL Server or MSDE database server, the required SQL Server client files are automatically installed when you install the Project Management module on a client machine. You can run the database wizard to automatically create a database structure and load application data into it; or, you can manually configure the database structures and then run the database wizard to load the application data.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Install


Running the Database Wizard The Database wizard guides you through the steps for creating a new database structure and loading the application data into it. You need not be an experienced DBA to perform these steps; however, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server or MSDE must already be installed on the database server. Primavera supports Oracle versions and and Microsoft SQL Server/MSDE 2000 (SP3). You can run the Database wizard to create a new database from a client computer or from the server itself. The Database wizard creates any necessary file structures and users for you. Run the Database wizard twice: first to create the database structure and load data for the project management database, then again for the methodology management database. For SQL Server users, when you install Primavera’s Project Management client module, the SQL Server client files necessary to connect to Primavera are automatically installed.

For Oracle users, the Oracle client must be installed on a client computer before you configure a connection to an Oracle database using the Database wizard.

For Oracle users, Oracle must be run in Dedicated Mode (rather than MTS mode).

For Oracle users, if you need to use the Euro symbol in any Western European language, you must use codepage WE8MSWIN1252 or UTF8.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

Automatically Installing an Oracle Database and Loading Application Data Complete the following steps to automatically create an Oracle database and load application data: Primavera Systems recommends that you create a 500 MB temporary tablespace, a 500 MB rollback tablespace, and a 500 MB UNDOTBS tablespace. Refer to your Oracle database documentation if you are unfamiliar with this process.

1 If you are installing from a CD, insert CD 1. An introductory screen should appear that provides installation options. If the screen does not appear, or if you are installing from a network location, double-click AUTORUN.EXE in the root folder of CD 1. 2 Choose Install Other Tools.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Install


3 Choose Server Databases.

Click Next on each wizard dialog box to advance to the next step.

4 Choose to create a new Primavera database and enter the product key located on the CD 1 label.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

5 Choose Oracle as the database type and whether to include sample project data in the selected database.

6 Choose the database for which you are installing data (PMDB or MMDB). PMDB is the project management database. MMDB is the methodology management database.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Install


7 Choose Create Database and Load Application Data as the installation method and set the option to load the license key file. If you choose to load the license key file now, browse to the location of the LICENSE.TXT file. A license key file is required to use the software and should have been provided via e-mail or diskette. It contains your company name, serial number, the product components with version number you have purchased, and the number of users allowed. If the LICENSE.TXT file is not available at this time, you can clear this checkbox and load the file later using the Database wizard. Refer to “Changing Database Configuration Settings” on page 259 for more information.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

8 Type the Oracle system user name and password to log on to the database. Also, enter the Oracle connect string. If you chose the defaults during the Oracle installation, accept system as the database administrator name and type manager as the password; otherwise, type the new names. You must specify an Oracle connect string. It can be found in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. The TNSNAMES.ORA file is created when you or your DBA set up the Oracle client.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Install


9 Click Next to accept the name for the Data, Index, and LOB tablespaces and estimated tablespace sizes. The wizard automatically names the tablespaces using the Oracle connect string you previously specified as the prefix (for example, PMDB). You can change the estimated tablespace sizes. Refer to “Database Server Sizing Guide” on page 19 for guidelines on sizing. Mark the Use Existing Tablespaces only if the database to which you are connecting already has existing tablespaces. For a new database, do not mark this option.

10 Accept the default location for the Oracle tablespaces, Data, Index, and LOB, or specify different locations.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

11 Accept the default names for the Oracle administrative user, privileged user, and public user, or specify the appropriate names. If necessary, choose a different default tablespace and temporary tablespace from the dropdown list. You can choose a default tablespace from the dropdown list in the Default Tablespace field. In the Temporary Tablespace field, use the temporary tablespace that you created prior to starting this procedure. The temporary tablespace must be of temporary type; otherwise, errors can occur to your database.

12 In the Ready to Begin Creating Database dialog box, choose 'Yes, I Want to Create Database Tables and Structure', then click Next.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Install


If the database creation fails before completion, a Database Creation Failed dialog box appears with messages stating the errors. Click Copy to Clipboard on this dialog box to record the messages and contact Customer Support for more information.

13 Click Next to start the process of loading the database tables with application data. You can cancel from the Database wizard at this point if you do not want to populate the database tables with application data. To continue the process at another time, start the wizard again and choose the Load Application Data Only option on the Select Installation Method dialog box.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

When the process has completed, the message “Data Loading Completed” appears. Click Finish to exit the wizard.

14 Run the Database wizard again if you will be using the Methodology Management module.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Install


Overriding the Cleanup of the REFRDEL Table Timestamp fields on each row in the database enable you to track the latest updates to the data. Deleted data is stored in a table called REFRDEL. This table contains a row for each record deleted from the database. A stored procedure called REFRDEL_CLEANUP will remove any rows older than the earliest login. You can change how often the records are deleted from the REFRDEL table. Login to SQL *Plus using PRIVUSER as your username, then run the following statement: INSERT INTO admin_config ( config_name, last_change_date, config_value ) values ('REFRDEL_DELETE_DAYS', sysdate, '30'); A positive value in the config_value field indicates that you want to delete all records older than that time. For example, enter 30 to delete all records older than 30 days in the past. To turn off the stored procedure so records are never deleted from the REFRDEL table, enter 0 or a negative number. If REFRDEL_DELETE_DATE already exists in the ADMIN_CONFIG table, update the row in the table by running the following statement: UPDATE admin_config set config_value = '30' where config_name = 'REFRDEL_DELETE_DAYS';

The V_$TRANSACTION table stores the earliest login time that data was changed. This improves performance when refreshing data because data before that login time is not accessed. Users must have access to view the V_$TRANSACTION table. Otherwise, the earliest login time cannot be viewed and redundant data is accessed which causes slower performance. To grant access to this table, connect to Oracle as SYS. Run the RUN_AS_SYS.SQL script or run the following GRANT statement: grant select on v_$transaction to admuser;

Once both sets of application data are installed (Project Management and Methodology Management), you can begin to install client modules and additional components. Refer to Part 3 and Part 4 for more information on configuring the servers and installing client module(s) and additional components. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

Automatically Installing a SQL Server Database and Loading Application Data Complete the following steps to automatically create a SQL Server or MSDE database and load application data: 1 If you are installing from a CD, insert CD 1. An introductory screen should appear that provides installation options. If the screen does not appear, or if you are installing from a network location, double-click AUTORUN.EXE in the root folder of CD 1. 2 Choose Install Other Tools.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Install


3 Choose Server Databases.

Click Next on each wizard dialog box to advance to the next step.

4 Choose to create a new Primavera database and enter the product key located on the CD 1 label.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

5 Choose Microsoft SQL Server or MSDE as the database type and whether to include sample project data in the selected database.

6 Choose the database for which you are installing data (PMDB or MMDB). PMDB is the project management database. MMDB is the methodology management database.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Install


7 Choose Create Database and Load Application Data as the installation method and set the option to load the license key file. If you choose to load the license key file now, browse to the location of the LICENSE.TXT file. A license key file is required to use the software and should have been provided via e-mail or diskette. It contains your company name, serial number, the product components with version number you have purchased, and the number of users allowed. If the LICENSE.TXT file is not available at this time, you can clear this checkbox and load the file later using the Database wizard. Refer to “Changing Database Configuration Settings” on page 259 for more information.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

8 Type the Microsoft SQL Server system administrator name and password to register to the server. Also, enter the server machine name or IP address where Microsoft SQL Server is installed. If you chose the defaults during the Microsoft SQL Server installation, accept SA as the system administrator name and a blank password; otherwise, type the new names. You must specify a server name. If you are running the Database wizard from the server machine, the Database wizard automatically enters the server name for you.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Install


9 Accept or modify the default name of the database and the location and name for the data and log files. Also, select the database codepage and collation settings that are appropriate to your installation. You can change the name of the database. Duplicate database names are not permitted—you are prompted to enter a unique name if a database with the specified name already exists. The data file contains the database tables and procedures. The log file contains a record of changes. By default, the Database wizard stores these files in the folder on your server where Microsoft SQL Server is installed. The database name that you specify is used to name the files. If you change the location, the destination folder must exist on the server.

10 Click Next when the database name, file locations, codepage, and collation settings are correct.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

11 In the Ready to Begin Creating Database dialog box, choose 'Yes, I Want to Create Database Tables and Structure', then click Next.

If the database creation fails before completion, a Database Creation Failed dialog box appears with messages stating the errors. Click Copy to Clipboard on this dialog box to record the messages and contact Customer Support for more information.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Install


12 Click Next to start the process of loading the database tables with application data. You can cancel from the Database wizard at this point if you do not want to populate the database tables with application data. To continue the process at another time, start the wizard again and choose the Load Application Data Only option on the Select Installation Method dialog box.

When the process has completed, the message “Data Loading Completed” appears. Click Finish to exit the wizard.

13 Run the Database wizard again if you will be using the Methodology Management module. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

Overriding the Cleanup of the REFRDEL Table Timestamp fields on each row in the database enable you to track the latest updates to the data. Deleted data is stored in a table called REFRDEL. This table contains a row for each record deleted from the database. A stored procedure called REFRDEL_CLEANUP will remove any rows older than the earliest login. You can change how often the records are deleted from the REFRDEL table. Open Query Analyzer and connect as PRIVUSER. Select the PMDB database. In the ADMIN_CONFIG table, run the following statement: INSERT INTO admin_config ( config_name, last_change_date, config_value ) values ('REFRDEL_DELETE_DAYS', getDate(), '30'); A positive value in the config_value field indicates that you want to delete all records older than that time. For example, enter 30 to delete all records older than 30 days in the past. To turn off the stored procedure so records are never deleted from the REFRDEL table, enter 0 or a negative number. If REFRDEL_DELETE_DATE already exists in the ADMIN_CONFIG table, update the row in the table by running the following statement: UPDATE admin_config set config_value = '30' where config_name = 'REFRDEL_DELETE_DAYS'; Once both sets of application data are installed (project management and methodology management), you can begin to install client modules and additional components. Refer to Part 3 and Part 4 for more information on configuring the servers and installing client module(s) and additional components.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Server Databases


Configuring the Server Databases In this chapter Overview Creating the Database Structure for Oracle Creating the Database Structures for MS SQL Server Installing the Application Data (Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server)

Read this chapter to manually set up the central project management database and the methodology management database on a server running Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server. The steps in this chapter should be performed by your database administrator (DBA). Setup is divided into two steps: creating each database’s structure and loading the application data into each database. To use a wizard that automatically creates the database structures and loads the data, refer to ““Automatic Database Install” on page 23.” If you are using MSDE you should run the Database wizard.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

Overview Two databases are used to run Primavera:

If you need detailed steps on installing Oracle for the server and client, or SQL Server for the server, contact Primavera Customer Support.

The project management database (PMDB) stores the Project Management data used by Primavera. It is a required database.

The methodology management database (MMDB) stores the methodologies that can be used as templates when creating new projects. You must install this database if you will be using the Methodology Management module.

Primavera supports Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE) databases. The MS SQL Server or Oracle server software must be installed on the database server(s) before you can create the database. When you install the Oracle client, the TNSPING.EXE utility is automatically installed in the \oracle\\bin folder. This utility must be present for Primavera applications. Do not delete it.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Server Databases


Creating the Database Structure for Oracle The Oracle database administrator (DBA) creates the project management and methodology management database, then runs two SQL scripts provided by Primavera, one for each database, that create each database’s structure (tables, indexes, relationships, and so on). Primavera supports Oracle versions and Server and Enterprise editions. The Group Server requires a Unicode project management database when supporting international languages.

Oracle must be run in Dedicated Mode (rather than MTS mode).

If you need to use the Euro symbol in any Western European language, you must use codepage WE8MSWIN1252 or UTF8.

You can also use a wizard that automatically creates the database structures and loads the data for you. Refer to “Automatic Database Install” on page 23 for more information.

These instructions assume you are an Oracle DBA or are familiar with administering Oracle databases. Create the PMDB Oracle database structures 1 Copy the ORPM_INS.SQL script to a local folder. The script is located on CD 1 in the \install\database\scripts\install\or folder. You must copy the script to a local drive so it can be edited. 2 Turn off the file’s read-only attribute. Since files on a CD are read-only, this attribute is turned on when a file is copied from a CD. In Windows Explorer, right-click the file, choose Properties, and clear the Read-Only checkbox. 3 Edit the ORPM_INS.SQL script. Follow the instructions in the header of this script to modify all parameters with double question marks (??parameter??).

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

4 Create a database with system, temporary, and rollback tablespaces. To keep it simple, create an alias PMDB for that database. Then, make sure that the Oracle client can connect using that alias. Primavera Systems recommends that you create a database with 500 MB temporary tablespace, a 500 MB rollback tablespace, and a 500 MB UNDOTBS tablespace. Refer to your Oracle database documentation if you are unfamiliar with this process.

5 Log on to the PMDB database as a SYSTEM or other DBA privileged user. 6 Run the edited ORPM_INS.SQL script. This script creates the data structure for PMDB. The results of the SQL script are spooled to a text file, ORPM_INS.LST, which is created in the location from which the script is executed. Review this file for error messages to ensure that the process ran as expected.

The V_$TRANSACTION table stores the earliest login time that data was changed. This improves performance when refreshing data because data before that login time is not accessed. Users must have access to view the V_$TRANSACTION table. Otherwise, the earliest login time cannot be viewed and redundant data is accessed which causes slower performance. To grant access to this table, connect to Oracle as SYS. Run the RUN_AS_SYS.SQL script or run the following GRANT statement: grant select on v_$transaction to admuser;

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Server Databases


Dropping PMDB Oracle Database Objects If you make a mistake or want to recreate the database objects, first drop the objects created by the database installation script. Dropping database objects deletes them permanently. For your convenience scripts are provided to drop the database objects. Run the scripts in the \install\database\scripts\install\or\drop\pmdb folder on CD 1. This folder contains the following files: ORDP_SPS.SQL

drops stored procedures


drops synonyms


revokes privileges


drops foreign keys constraints


drops primary keys


drops indexes


drops tables

If data exists, you must drop the objects in the order they are listed. The results of each script are spooled to a file with an .LST extension. For example, ORDP_TAB.LST contains the results of the SQL script of that name.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

Overriding the Cleanup of the REFRDEL Table Timestamp fields on each row in the database enable you to track the latest updates to the data. Deleted data is stored in a table called REFRDEL. This table contains a row for each record deleted from the database. A stored procedure called REFRDEL_CLEANUP will remove any rows older than the earliest login. You can change how often the records are deleted from the REFRDEL table. Login to SQL *Plus using PRIVUSER as your username, then run the following statement: INSERT INTO admin_config ( config_name, last_change_date, config_value ) values ('REFRDEL_DELETE_DAYS', sysdate, '30'); A positive value in the config_value field indicates that you want to delete all records older than that time. For example, enter 30 to delete all records older than 30 days in the past. To turn off the stored procedure so records are never deleted from the REFRDEL table, enter 0 or a negative number. If REFRDEL_DELETE_DATE already exists in the ADMIN_CONFIG table, update the row in the table by running the following statement: UPDATE admin_config set config_value = '30' where config_name = 'REFRDEL_DELETE_DAYS';

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Server Databases


Create the MMDB Oracle database structures 1 Copy the ORMM_INS.SQL script to a local folder. The script is located on CD 1 in the \install\database\scripts\install\or folder. You must copy the script to a local drive so it can be edited. 2 Turn off the file’s read-only attribute. Since files on a CD are read-only, this attribute is turned on when a file is copied from a CD. In Windows Explorer, right-click the file, choose Properties, and clear the Read-Only checkbox. 3 Edit the ORMM_INS.SQL script. Follow the instructions in the header of this script to modify all parameters with double question marks (??parameter??). 4 Create a database with system, temporary, and rollback tablespace. To keep it simple, create an alias MMDB for that database. Then, make sure that the Oracle client can connect using that alias. Primavera Systems recommends that you create a database with 500 MB temporary tablespace, a 500 MB rollback tablespace, and a 500 MB UNDOTBS tablespace. Refer to your Oracle database documentation if you are unfamiliar with this process.

5 Log on to the MMDB database as a SYSTEM or other DBA privileged user. 6 Run the edited ORMM_INS.SQL script. This script creates the data structure for MMDB. The results of the SQL script are spooled to a text file, ORMM_INS.LST, which is created in the location from which the script is executed. Review this file for error messages to ensure that the process ran as expected.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

Dropping MMDB Oracle Database Objects If you make a mistake or want to recreate the database objects for the methodology management database, first drop the objects created by the database installation script. Dropping database objects deletes them permanently. For your convenience scripts are provided to drop the database objects. To drop the objects created by the database installation script, run the scripts in the \install\database\scripts\install\or\drop\mmdb folder of CD 1. This folder contains the following files: ORDP_SPS.SQL

drops stored procedures


drops synonyms


revokes privileges


drops foreign keys constraints


drops primary keys


drops indexes


drops tables

If data exists, you must drop the objects in the order they are listed. The results of each script are spooled to a file with an .LST extension. For example, ORDM_TAB.LST contains the results of the SQL script of that name. Once the database structures are created, you can install the application data in the PMDB and MMDB databases as described in “Installing the Application Data (Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server)” on page 59.

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Configuring the Server Databases


Creating the Database Structures for MS SQL Server The Microsoft SQL Server DBA creates the project management and methodology management database, then runs two SQL scripts provided by Primavera, one for each database, that create each database’s structure (tables, indexes, relationships, and so on). See “Client and Server Requirements” on page 15 for more detailed information.

Primavera supports Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (SP3). These instructions assume you are a DBA or are familiar with how to administer Microsoft SQL Server databases. Before you create the Microsoft SQL Server database structure, you should first register to the server as a system administrator (SA) and review the following server-level configuration changes in the Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager: ■

Max Worker Threads Specify the number of threads used to support the users connected to the server. The default setting (255) may be too high for some configurations, depending on the number of concurrent users. Each worker thread is allocated, even if it is not in use, which means that if there are fewer concurrent connections than allocated worker threads, you could be wasting memory resources.

Memory Keep the setting as Dynamic. Microsoft SQL Server dynamically acquires and frees memory as needed, up to the maximum available memory on your server.

Open Objects Keep the setting as Dynamic. This setting determines the maximum number of objects that can be opened concurrently on Microsoft SQL Server. The value is set automatically depending on current system needs. You should not need to change this value.

User Connections Keep the setting as 0, which designates Microsoft SQL Server to adjust the number of simultaneous user connections allowed based on how many are needed, up to the maximum value.

Network Packet Size Set to 16384.

After configuring the server, stop and start Microsoft SQL Server to ensure that the changes take effect.

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Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

Configuring for International Language Support (SQL Server 2000) For non-Latin language support (Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Russian, or Japanese), the Group Server requires specific settings when configuring the database. In the database setup, choose the codepage and collation options that coincide with your installation when prompted. Create the PMDB Microsoft SQL Server database structures 1 Copy the SSPM_INS.SQL script to a local folder. The script is located on CD 1 in the \install\database\scripts\install\ss folder. You must copy the script to a local drive so it can be edited. 2 Turn off the file’s read-only attribute. Since files on a CD are read-only, this attribute is turned on when a file is copied from a CD. In Windows Explorer, right-click the file, choose Properties, and clear the Read-Only checkbox. 3 Edit the SSPM_INS.SQL script. Follow the instructions in the header of this script to replace the ??DATABASE_NAME?? parameter in the USE statement with the name of your database (for example, PMDB). Primavera Systems recommends that you use Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager to perform these steps.

4 Register to the server as user SA. 5 Create a database named PMDB with a data device of 500 MB or more and a log device of 200 MB or more. You can increase or decrease these amounts depending on how much data you plan to store in the database. You can also mark the Automatically Grow File checkbox to specify that these values automatically increase based on need.

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Configuring the Server Databases


6 At the server level, create logins named PRIVUSER and PUBUSER with secure passwords. Mark the Permit checkbox for the PMDB database for both PRIVUSER and PUBUSER. Also make sure users named PRIVUSER and PUBUSER have been created for the PMDB database in the public group, which should be created automatically when you create logins. 7 In Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager, choose Tools, SQL Server Query Analyzer. 8 Run the SSPM_INS.SQL script. This script creates the data structure for PMDB. It also creates all of the necessary grants for PRIVUSER and PUBUSER.

Dropping PMDB Microsoft SQL Server Database Objects If you make a mistake or want to recreate the database objects for the project management database, first drop the objects created by the database installation script. Dropping database objects deletes them permanently. For your convenience scripts are provided to drop the database objects. To drop the objects created by the database installation script, run the scripts in the \install\database\scripts\install\ss\drop\pmdb folder of CD 1. This folder contains the following files: SSDP_SPS.SQL

drops stored procedures


drops foreign keys constraints


drops primary keys


drops indexes


drops tables

You must connect to the server as SA to drop objects. Before running each script, copy the scripts to a local drive, turn off the read-only attribute of each file, and edit each script to replace the ??DATABASE_NAME?? parameter in the USE statement with the name of your database (for example, PMDB). If data exists, you must run the scripts in the order listed.

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Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

Overriding the Cleanup of the REFRDEL Table Timestamp fields on each row in the database enable you to track the latest updates to the data. Deleted data is stored in a table called REFRDEL. This table contains a row for each record deleted from the database. A stored procedure called REFRDEL_CLEANUP will remove any rows older than the earliest login. You can change how often the records are deleted from the REFRDEL table. Open Query Analyzer and connect as PRIVUSER. Select the PMDB database. In the ADMIN_CONFIG table, run the following statement: INSERT INTO admin_config ( config_name, last_change_date, config_value ) values ('REFRDEL_DELETE_DAYS', getDate(), '30'); A positive value in the config_value field indicates that you want to delete all records older than that time. For example, enter 30 to delete all records older than 30 days in the past. To turn off the stored procedure so records are never deleted from the REFRDEL table, enter 0 or a negative number. If REFRDEL_DELETE_DATE already exists in the ADMIN_CONFIG table, update the row in the table by running the following statement: UPDATE admin_config set config_value = '30' where config_name = 'REFRDEL_DELETE_DAYS';

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Server Databases


Create the MMDB Microsoft SQL Server database structures 1 Copy the SSMM_INS.SQL script to a local folder. The script is located on CD 1 in the \install\database\scripts\install\ss folder. You must copy the script to a local drive so it can be edited. 2 Turn off the file’s read-only attribute. Since files on a CD are read-only, this attribute is turned on when a file is copied from a CD. In Windows Explorer, right-click the file, choose Properties, and clear the Read-Only checkbox. 3 Edit the SSMM_INS.SQL script. Follow the instructions in the header of this script to replace the ??DATABASE_NAME?? parameter in the USE statement with the name of your database (for example, MMDB). Primavera Systems recommends that you use Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager to perform these steps.

4 Register to the server as user SA. 5 Create a database named MMDB with a data device of 500 MB or more and a log device of 200 MB or more. You can increase or decrease these amounts depending on how much data you plan to store in the database. You can also mark the Automatically Grow File checkbox to specify that these values automatically increase based on need. 6 At the server level, create logins named PRIVUSER and PUBUSER with secure passwords. Mark the Permit checkbox for the PMDB database for both PRIVUSER and PUBUSER. Also make sure users named PRIVUSER and PUBUSER have been created for the PMDB database in the public group, which should be created automatically when you create logins. 7 In Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager, choose Tools, SQL Server Query Analyzer. 8 Run the SSMM_INS.SQL script. This script creates the data structure for MMDB. It also creates the necessary grants for PRIVUSER and PUBUSER.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

Dropping MMDB Microsoft SQL Server Database Objects If you make a mistake or want to recreate the database objects for the methodology management database, first drop the objects created by the database installation script. Dropping database objects deletes them permanently. For your convenience scripts are provided to drop the database objects. To drop the objects created by the database installation script, run the scripts in the \install\database\scripts\install\ss\drop\mmdb folder of CD 1. This folder contains the following files: ORDP_SPS.SQL

drops stored procedures


drops foreign keys constraints


drops indexes


drops primary keys


drops tables

You must connect to the server as SA to drop objects. Before running each script, copy the scripts to a local drive, turn off the read-only attribute of each file, and edit each script to replace the ??DATABASE_NAME?? parameter in the USE statement with the name of your database (for example, PMDB). If data exists, you must run the scripts in the order listed. Once the database structures are created, you can begin to install the application data in the PMDB and MMDB databases, as described in the next section, “Installing the Application Data (Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server)”.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Server Databases


Installing the Application Data (Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server) When the project management and methodology management database structures are set up, run the Database wizard to load the application data in each of the new databases. You can load the data from a client computer that has access to the databases, or, if your database server is running Windows 2000/2003, you can load the data from the server itself. The client computer used to install the Primavera databases must have the database drivers installed on it. Perform these steps twice: first load the data for the project management database (PMDB), then perform these steps again to load the data for the methodology management database (MMDB). Load the application data 1 If you are installing from a CD, insert CD 1. An introductory screen should appear that provides installation options. If the screen does not appear, or if you are installing from a network location, double-click AUTORUN.EXE in the root folder of CD 1. 2 Choose Install Other Tools.

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Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

3 Choose Server Databases.

Click Next on each wizard dialog box to advance to the next step.

4 Choose to create a new Primavera database and enter the product key located on the CD 1 label.

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Configuring the Server Databases


5 Choose Oracle or SQL Server as the database type and whether to include sample project data in the selected database.

6 Choose the database for which you are installing data (PMDB or MMDB). PMDB is the project management database. MMDB is the methodology management database.

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Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

7 Select an installation method and whether to load the license key file. To create database structures and load data automatically, see “Automatic Database Install” on page 23.

Choose Load Application Data Only if you have already set up the central databases as described earlier in this chapter. You can choose to load the license key file now. Browse to the location of the LICENSE.TXT file. A license key file is required to use the software and should have been given to you via e-mail or diskette. It contains your company name, serial number, the product components with version number you have purchased, and the number of users allowed. If you do not have the LICENSE.TXT file available to you at this time, you can clear this checkbox and load the file later using the Database Configuration wizard. See “Changing Database Configuration Settings” on page 259 for more information.

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Configuring the Server Databases


8 Click Next to load the database. Before clicking Next, the database structure must already exist, or the application data will not be installed.

9 Type your privileged user name and password. If you are connecting to SQL Server, you must specify the server machine name and a database name. If you are running the Database Installation wizard from the server machine, the Database Installation wizard automatically enters the server name for you.

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Part 2: Database Installation and Configuration

If you are connecting to Oracle, type the Oracle connect string, which can be found in the TNSNAMES.ORA file.

10 In the Ready to Begin Loading Data dialog box, choose Yes, I Want to Overwrite My Database with Default Data, then click Next. The data loading process will overwrite any data in the specified database.

If you are connecting to Oracle, this box will show the Oracle connect string.

After you click Next, the process of clearing the database tables (if they already exist) and loading them with data starts. When the data is loaded, the message “Data Loading Completed” appears. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Server Databases


11 Click Finish to close the Database Configuration wizard. Once both sets of application data are installed, you can begin installing other Primavera components and client modules.

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Server Installation and Configuration In this part

Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets Installing myPrimavera Collaboration Setup Configuring the Distributed Job Service



ead this part to install and configure the components of Primavera that need to run on a network server. Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets discusses how to prepare a server for a Timesheets implementation, which requires a Web server. The Installing myPrimavera chapter provides instructions for setting up myPrimavera. The Collaboration Setup chapter describes how to set up the collaboration server for use with myPrimavera. The Configuring the Distributed Job Service chapter provides details on how to configure the job service to distribute jobs to multiple servers simultaneously.

Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets In this chapter Installing the Group Server and Timesheets Web Site Configuring Group Server/ Timesheets for LDAP Authentication Configuring Group Server/ Timesheets for Single Sign On Authentication

To implement Timesheets as part of your Primavera installation, you must install the Group Server on your network. The Group Server acts as an intermediary between the Timesheets client module and your database server. This chapter describes how to install and configure the Group Server.

Configuring Group Server Settings Setting up Java Web Start for Timesheets Creating Multiple Instances of Group Server Group Server Configuration Settings

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Installing the Group Server and Timesheets Web Site Timesheets is a Web-based module that project team members can use to update project data. Timesheets connects to the project management database via the Group Server, which is a Windows 2000/2003 service. If you are upgrading from a previous version, we recommend that you first uninstall the existing Group Server. A new website is created during the version 5.0 Setup. See “Uninstalling Previous Versions” on page 360.

Timesheets requires a two-part installation: installing and configuring the Group Server and installing the Timesheets Web site. You can install the Group Server on any Windows 2000/2003 server that has constant access to the project management database. The Timesheets Web site must be installed on a Web server. The files installed to the Timesheets Web site include HTML and Java files, applet download files, the Java JRE installer, and the Timesheets Help site. The installation process allows you to enable users to launch Timesheets via Java Web Start (JAWS) as well. A JAWS configuration typically includes a Web server that resides on the same machine as the Group Server; however, this is not required.

For more information about Java Web Start, visit the Web site.

Java Web Start (JAWS) Java Web Start (JAWS) provides a secure and platform-independent deployment of Timesheets using Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP) technology. JAWS also ensures that users always launch the most recent version of Timesheets under the correct JRE version, even if there is more than one JRE version present. Supported operating systems for JAWS: Windows 2000 (SP4) Windows XP (SP2) Red Hat Linux 3.0 Supported Web servers for JAWS: Microsoft IIS 5.0 Apache 2.0.52 Client requirements for JAWS:

JRE 1.5.0_01 or 1.4.2_07 Internet Explorer 6.0 (SP1 or SP2),Netscape 7.2, or Firefox 1.0.1

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Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


For Oracle connections, the Group Server machine must have the Oracle Provider for OLE DB installed. A full Oracle client installation (Administrator Setup) will install the required Oracle Provider for OLE DB files. If connecting to a unicode Oracle database, the Oracle OLE/DB driver or higher must be installed on the machine running the Group Server. This driver version fixes an issue related to reading certain data types. For SQL Server connections, the Group Server machine requires that the SQL Server client is installed. The SQL Server client is automatically installed when you install Primavera’s Project Management module.

FOR LANGUAGE SUPPORT If the Group Server is connecting to a Unicode Oracle database and international language support is required, confirm the following Registry setting under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\HOME The suffix for the NLS_LANG key must coincide with the current language (e.g., CL8MSWIN1251 to support Russian). See the appropriate Oracle NLS documentation for more information. If the Group Server is connecting to a SQL Server database, the system default locale for the operating system of the Group Server machine must match the codepage setting of the database instance to which it is connecting.

Before performing these steps, you must have already set up the central project management database.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Set up the Group Server and Timesheets files 1 Uninstall any existing version of the Group Server (see “Uninstalling Previous Versions” on page 360). 2 Insert CD 1. An introductory screen should appear that provides installation options. If the screen does not appear, double-click AUTORUN.EXE in the root folder of CD 1. 3 Click Install Other Tools.

4 Choose Team Member Timesheets.

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Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


Click Next on each wizard dialog box to advance to the next step.

5 Enter the product key located on the CD 1 label.

6 Click Next on the Welcome dialog box. 7 Choose the components you want to install. Mark the first two checkboxes to install the Group Server and Timesheets Web site on the same server. If you choose to install only the Group Server, skip to step 10.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

8 Choose to install Timesheets in any of the languages listed.

9 Click Browse to specify a destination folder for the Web files. The files will be installed in a folder named \GroupServer\Language, where \Language is the two-character standard acronym for the language you selected: en, de, fr, or ru. If you chose not to install the Group Server, skip to step 12.

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Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


10 Select the database type (Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server/MSDE). The database must already be installed and configured.

11 Specify the database connection parameters. The database user name must be a privileged user (privuser). If connecting to Oracle, an Oracle DSN need not be predefined. Enter the Oracle Service Name, which may have been defined using Oracle’s Net8 Easy Config tool, or refer to your TNSNAMES.ORA file located in \Oracle_Home\Network\Admin.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

If connecting to Microsoft SQL Server, type the SQL Server database machine name, which is the name of the computer on which the Microsoft SQL Server database is running. In the Database Schema Name field, type the name of the database specified when the Microsoft SQL Server database was created, such as PMDB.

12 Choose the Group Server authentication method.

If you choose LDAP authentication, additional configuration steps are required after you complete this procedure. For details, see “Configuring Group Server/Timesheets for LDAP Authentication” on page 86.

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Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


13 If you chose Native or LDAP authentication in step 12, choose the protocol to connect to the Group Server. Choose Socket for direct communication between the client and the Group Server. If you choose this option, continue with step 14. Choose HTTP(S) for secure transmission of timesheet data using the HTTP(S) protocol. If you choose this option, stop performing these steps and continue with “Installing Group Server to use HTTP(S)” on page 81.

If you chose Single Sign On authentication in step 12, the installation procedure does not present the communication protocol selection dialog box shown above. Instead, the installation wizard assumes HTTP protocol and modifies the Choose User Authentication Method dialog box (step 12) to allow you to choose a destination folder for the required Group Server servlet. After accepting the default location or specifying a new location for the servlet, continue the installation procedure as documented in “Installing Group Server to use HTTP(S)” on page 81, beginning with step 3 (page 83).

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

14 When you choose Socket, type the name of the computer running the Group Server. Accept 9002 as the port number, or specify a port number greater than 1024. This number is used with the IP address to create a Windows socket (Winsock) connection between the Timesheets client and the Group Server. If your organization uses a firewall, this port must be opened for Internet use.

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Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


15 Enter the URL for Java Web Start. You can change the JAWS URL later by manually editing the proper files. See “Changing the JAWS URL” on page 95.

To allow users to launch Timesheets via Java Web Start, you have to enter the URL for the JAWS Web server. Enter the server IP address, and change the folders if necessary. Apache URLs are case-sensitive. In case of a mismatch, instead of being processed by the server, the XML content of the JNLP file is displayed in the browser.

16 Click Next to begin the installation.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

17 Click Test on the Test Database Connection String dialog box to test the connection.

If errors are reported, you can modify the database connection string and click Test to retry the connection. Use the following format in the Database Connection String field: If you receive the error “Provider not found,” install the Oracle Provider for OLE DB, which can be downloaded from Oracle’s Web site.

If connecting to Oracle: Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=Oracle Service Name, where the Oracle Service Name can be found in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. If connecting to Microsoft SQL Server: Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=MachineName; Initial Catalog=DatabaseSchemaName 18 Click Next to continue. 19 Click Finish to close the Setup wizard. Setup is now complete. You can run the Group Server Administrator to review or modify additional configuration settings, as described in the next section.

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Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


Installing Group Server to use HTTP(S) When installing the Group Server, you can use the HTTPS protocol for secure transmission of timesheet data. The GroupServer.war file includes a J2EE-compliant servlet that enables client communications to occur over the HTTP protocol. This Web archive file (WAR) must be installed on a Java application server, such as Tomcat. You can install Tomcat from CD 2. The following figure illustrates the relationship between the components. In this figure, the Group Server and the Java application server can reside on the same or separate machines.

Web Server

Configure this connection to use secure communication.

Timesheets Web Browser Version

Java Application Server

Group Server

Looks at GroupServer.war file

If the Group Server and Java application server do not reside on the same machine, you must edit the web.xml file. The web.xml file is contained within the GroupServer.war file. For more information, see the HTTPSREADME.TXT file, located in the \Install\Programs directory of CD 1.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

To use the HTTP protocol, follow these steps: 1 Follow the steps to install the Group Server as described earlier in this chapter (beginning on page 72) until you reach step 12. 2 Choose HTTP(S) as the protocol. Click Browse to specify a destination folder for deploying the GroupServer.war file. By default, this file installs to your inetpub\wwwroot folder. However, you should specify the location that your Java application server uses for storing Web applications.

You may need to expand the GroupServer.war file manually. Refer to the Java application server’s documentation for more information.

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Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


3 Specify the URL for the Group Server servlet, which depends on the Java application server being used and its configuration.

For normal transmission using the HTTP protocol, enter http and the port number to which you have configured your Java application server to service http requests. Use the following format: http://<Java app server:port number>/GroupServer/GroupServer. You can manually change the URL after Setup by editing the erps8x6.html file in the \GroupServer\Language folder.

For secure transmission using the HTTPS protocol, enter https and the port number to which you have configured your Java application server to service https requests.

For more information, see the HTTPSREADME.TXT file in the \Install\Programs directory of CD 1.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

4 If you plan to use the Timesheets JAWS version, enter the URL that will launch Timesheets. Also, specify the server name and port number Timesheets will use to establish a socket connection with the Group Server. By default, the port is 9002. If you use a port number other than 9002, you must edit the web.xml file, as described in the HTTPSREADME.TXT file, located in the \Install\Programs directory of CD 1.

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Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


5 Click Next to begin the installation. 6 Click Test on the Test Database Connection String dialog box to test the connection.

If errors are reported, you can modify the database connection string and click Test to retry the connection. Use the following format in the Database Connection String field: If connecting to Oracle through ODBC: Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=Oracle Service Name, where the Oracle Service Name can be found in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. If connecting to Microsoft SQL Server: Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=MachineName; Initial Catalog=DatabaseSchemaName 7 Click Next to continue. 8 Click Finish to close the Setup wizard.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Configuring Group Server/Timesheets for LDAP Authentication To run Group Server/Timesheets using LDAP authentication: ■

Select LDAP mode when you install Group Server

Modify the Timesheets website file erps8X6.html

Modify the erps8X6.html File The erps8X6.html file is located in the language folder within the Group Server install location. For example, for English, the location is GroupServer/en/erps8X6.html. If Group Server is installed to communicate with Timesheets using a socket connection, modify erps8X6.html to match the settings following settings: ServerName and Server Port Number are specific to your installation.

var ServerName='yourGroupServer ServerName' (only used if Timesheets is communicating with Group Server via socket) var ServerPortNum=9002 (only used if Timesheets is communicating with Group Server via socket) var DebugLevel=0; var Protocol='socket'; var url= ''; (optional - only used if Timesheets is communicating with Group Server via servlet) var appType='atP3e' var authMode='LDAP';

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


If Group Server is installed to communicate with Timesheets using HTTP(S) protocol, modify erps8X6.html to match the following settings: ServerName and Server Port Number are specific to your installation.

var ServerName=' ' (unused - this is specified in theweb.xml in the Group Server servlet) var ServerPortNum=9002 (for socket only) var DebugLevel=0; var Protocol='http'; In the erps8X6.html file, the entire var url entry must appear on a single line.

var url='http://yourServerName:780/groupserver/groupserver'; var appType='atP3e' var authMode='LDAP';

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Configuring Group Server/Timesheets for Single Sign On Authentication To run Group Server/Timesheets using Single Sign On authentication: ■

Select Single Sign On mode when you install Group Server

Configure the Web server plug-in you are using to proxy requests

Modify the Timesheets Web site file erps8X6.html Timesheets Single Sign On authentication requires that the Group Server be installed using HTTP protocol.

Configure the Web Server Plug-In for Single Sign On The procedure for configuring a Web server plug-in to proxy Group Server requests depends on your application server/Web server combination. For specific instructions, refer to the documentation provided for your application server/Web server. Modify the erps8X6.html File After installation, modify the Group Server erps8x6.html file so that the URL for the Group Server servlet contains the fully qualified Web server name and the SiteMinder protected port. The erps8X6.html file is located in the language folder within the Group Server install location. For example, for English, the location is GroupServer/en/erps8X6.html. Modify the erps8X6.html file as shown in the following settings: ServerName and Server Port Number are specific to your installation. The format of the Group Server servlet URL depends on the server you are using to host the Group Server servlet. The settings shown here are only an example.

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Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


var ServerName=' ' (unused - this is specified in the web.xml in the GroupServer servlet) var ServerPortNum=9002 (for socket only; socket is not supported for Single Sign On) var Protocol='http'; In the erps8X6.html file, the entire var url entry must appear on a single line.

var url='http://yourfullyqualifieddomainname:yourSiteMinder protectedportnumber/groupserver/groupserver'; var appType='atP3e' var authMode='WebSSO'; The URL line in the erps8X6.html file identifies the Web server/port number that is being protected by SiteMinder. It is through this URL that the timesheet applet communicates with the GroupServer servlet. For Single Sign On, all requests for this URL go through the SiteMinder agent that is running on the Web server. In the Web server, you must configure a virtual directory to redirect requests received on the virtual directory to the Group Server servlet. SiteMinder 6.0 requires yourfullyqualifiediPlanetservername to be a fully qualified domain name that can be looked up in a DNS.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Configuring Group Server Settings As the system administrator, you can view and modify additional administrative information using the Group Server Administrator. Start the Group Server Administrator From the server computer’s desktop, click Start, then choose Settings, Control Panel. Double-click the TPGS Administrator icon. Administer servers The Administration tab displays the current Group Server to administer. If multiple Group Servers are installed, you can choose which server to administer. Click the Browse button in the Server field and navigate to the server you want to add. For security purposes, Primavera Systems recommends placing all Group Servers in the same domain or at a minimum, establishing trust relationships between them.

If you need to take the server offline to perform system maintenance, click Take Off-Line. Login requests are denied when the server is offline.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


The Take Off-Line Options dialog box displays the number of users currently connected to the server. Choose whether to wait for the last user to exit from Timesheets before taking the server offline automatically, or specify a number of minutes to wait before the server is taken offline. When you choose either option, no new users can start Timesheets. You can type @TIME in the body of the message, which will automatically report the amount of time remaining before the server goes offline.

Mark the Send Message to Logged in Users checkbox and type a message. You can specify how often to resend the message. Once the Group Server is offline, all client connections are terminated and future connection requests are denied. Review configuration settings for Group Server The Properties tab provides information about how the Group Server is configured. Generally, you do not need to modify these settings. You can click on each property to display a brief description at the bottom of the dialog box. To modify a setting, click the property and type the new value in the Value column.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

For an explanation of each property and its location in the system registry, see “Group Server Configuration Settings” on page 100.

Mark the Show Advanced Properties checkbox to show additional properties that you can change. You should not change these properties casually; incorrect settings may prevent the server or operating system from working properly. You must first close the TPGS Administrator, then stop and restart the Group Server (TPGS) service for changes to take effect.

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Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


The Users tab displays the active user names. Click Refresh to refresh the list of users connected. Click Disconnect User(s) to immediately disconnect the currently selected user. You can also send a message to one or more users, for example, a notification before you disconnect them. Select each user name in the Users area, then type a message in the Message field at the bottom of the screen. Click Send Message.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Setting up Java Web Start for Timesheets Java Web Start (JAWS) provides a secure and platform-independent deployment of Timesheets, using the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP) technology. JAWS also ensures that users always launch the most recent version of Timesheets under the correct JRE version, even if there is more than one JRE version present. To learn how to run Timesheets after JAWS has been configured, refer to “Running Timesheets Web Browser Version and JAWS Version” on page 342.

How does JAWS work? JAWS can launch a Java application stored on a server by presenting a link in an HTML page to the user. When the user clicks the link on the HTML page, JAWS detects whether the user has the correct JRE version installed and the most recent version of Timesheets cached. If not, JAWS automatically downloads the necessary files, then launches Timesheets from the user’s machine. This allows the user to run the most recent version of Timesheets without manual upgrade and forces the user to use the correct version of JRE. By temporarily hiding and not overwriting other versions of the JRE, JAWS ensures that applications that need those JRE versions will still run. JAWS allows you to launch more than one instance of Timesheets at the same time. Previously, Timesheets did not allow multiple instances running at the same time.

Configure Microsoft IIS 5.x Web server to support JNLP files Make sure the correct MIME type is set for JNLP files. From the IIS services, select the Default Web Site. Right-click to choose Properties and click the HTTP Header tab. Click the File Types on the bottom of the window and add the following new type if necessary: .jnlp application/x-java-jnlp-file

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


Configure Apache Web server to support JNLP files To ensure the Web server recognizes the JNLP files, add the following two lines to the http.conf file if necessary: AddType application/x-java-jnlp-file.jnlp AddType application/x-java-archive-diff.jardiff Remember that Apache URLs are case-sensitive. In case of a mismatch, instead of being processed by the server, the XML content of the JNLP file is displayed in the browser.

Changing the JAWS URL If you change the original JAWS URL (for example, to move the JAWS Web site), you have to edit the URL manually in the following four files: ■





Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Changing the required JRE version The Timesheet.jnlp file defines the required JRE for JAWS when launching Timesheets. Currently, JRE version 1.5.0_01 or 1.5.0_02 is downloaded when you install Timesheets; however, Timesheets can run on JRE version 1.4.2_07 or later. To change the JRE used by Timesheets and JAWS, open the Timesheet.jnlp file and edit the section to include the desired JRE. If you have a JRE version earlier than 1.4.2_07, the version that is automatically downloaded is 1.5.0_02 and not 1.5.0_01. If you have JRE version 1.4.2_07 or later, JRE 1.5.0_01 is not downloaded. For more information on running Timesheets using different JRE versions, refer to “Running Timesheets Web Browser Version and JAWS Version” on page 342.

Troubleshooting ■

For Linux clients with Netscape, if Generate Report does not work, make sure the installed path for Netscape is in the PATH environment variable. Modify the .bashrc file to include the path.

Remember that Apache URLs are case sensitive, even if the user has a Windows client that does not differentiate.

For non-Windows clients, the server IP address has to be mapped to the server name in the host file.

For Windows clients, if the URL with the server name is not recognized (you see the content of the JNLP file), use the server IP address in the URL or add an entry for the server in host file.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


Creating Multiple Instances of Group Server You can create multiple Group Server instances in the TPGS Administrator. This enables you to access several different databases from the same server machine. You must have a unique database for each new instance. Launching the TPGS Administrator starts the primary instance. To start a new instance, select it from the list.

Select an instance, then use these tabs to view properties/ users for that instance.

Create a new instance Click the New Instance button and specify its properties. Type an instance name, description, unique port number, and your privileged administrative database user name and password.

You must specify a port number that differs from other ports used by the Group Server.

Choose the database driver type.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Use the following formats to specify the connection string: For Oracle: Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=Oracle Service Name For Microsoft SQL Server: Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=MachineName; Initial Catalog=DatabaseSchemaName You can define the Oracle Service Name using Oracle’s Net8 Easy Config tool, or you can refer to your TNSNAMES.ORA file located in \Oracle_Home\Network\Admin. Once a new instance is created, it appears in the Services dialog box. You can start or stop the instances from the Services dialog box. A new instance has a Manual startup property (does not start automatically after a reboot).

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


Set up the Web site for a new instance You must create a new Web site folder for each new instance. Once a new instance is set up in the TPGS Administrator, you must copy the Group Server Web site to enable clients to connect to the new instance. For example, copy the GroupServer Web site folder to a new name, GroupServer2. In the GroupServer2 folder, edit the erps8x6.html file to update the port number. For example, by default, the original Group Server instance has a port number equal to 9002. In the erps8x6.html file, change the ServerPortNum variable to match the port number of the newly created instance (9003), as shown. // *** Configurable variables. // *** May be changed by the system administrator. var ServerName='servername’ var ServerPortNum=9003 Clients can visit the original instance by visiting the index.html file in the GroupServer folder; clients can visit the newly created instance by visiting the index.html file in the GroupServer2 folder.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Group Server Configuration Settings Configuration settings can be reviewed or modified using the Properties tab in the TPGS Administrator. Mark the Show Advanced Properties checkbox to display all properties. These settings are stored in the Registry in the HKEY\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\TPGS\Configuration key on the computer running the Group Server. Only experienced administrators should use the Registry to modify configuration settings.

In the tables below, the Value column lists the recommended settings given heavy load conditions (1000 users or more).

[General key values] Value Name



Allow Negative Actuals


Allow negative actuals when calculated. No - Disallow. Yes Allow.

Edit Subordinate Resources’ Timesheets


Allow supervisor to modify subordinate resources’ timesheets.

Edit Work Product and Document Details


Allow editing of public document path in the Work Product and Document Details dialog box in the timesheet client.

Enable Performance Counters

Sets Performance Monitor counters based on TPGS server activity. Use the Windows Performance Monitor utility to view TPGS performance counters.


Sets the message that appears in the client when first connected to the TPGS server

LDAP Connect Timeout


The maximum amount of time Group Server will allow for a connection attempt to an LDAP data store to succeed. This is only used if the Group Server is configured for LDAP authentication.

Log Transactions

Records transactions for tracing to the event log

Maximum Auto-Fetch Size 2048 (bytes)

Maximum size of blobs (notes/memos) in bytes that will be sent automatically in low bandwidth mode

Maximum Request Size

Largest client TCPIP request that will be accepted by TPGS server

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets


[General key values] Value Name





Sets the TCP/IP port number used by the Group Server to communicate with the Java client. This port must be opened to the Internet, or you can change this setting to specify another port that is open to the Internet. The default value is 9002.

Startup Wait Period (seconds)


Amount of time the TPGS service delays before starting. Use this setting if dependent services (such as a database server service) need time to start first.

User Inactivity TimeOut Period


Amount of time in seconds a connection can remain idle before being logged off. The default value is 600.



[Database key values] Value Name

ADO Connection TimeOut 15 (seconds)

Amount of time to wait while establishing a connection before terminating the attempt and generating an error message

ADO Command TimeOut (seconds)

Amount of time to wait while executing a command before terminating the attempt and generating an error message


ADO RecordSet Cache Size 5

The number of records stored in memory at any given time

ADO Stalled Check Period 30 (seconds)

Frequency with which the connection is checked for stalled operations

Auto Translate


The Auto translate property of the SQL Server ODBC Driver for a SQL Server Unicode database.

Base Connections

25 (default=10)

Default number of database connections that the TPGS server makes on startup

Cache Refresh Interval (seconds)


Frequency of the TPGS server for refreshing cached data from the database

Connect Retry Period (milliseconds)


Amount of time to wait before retrying to connect

Connection String

ADO connection string used to connect to the database. For example, if using Oracle, provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle; Data Source =

Database Type

Type of database (Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, or MSDE) that the TPGS server uses for data

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

[Database key values] Value Name



DB Connectivity Check


Determines if database connectivity is tested periodically. and if connections are closed and restored upon database shutdown, restart.

DB User


User name with privileged access used to connect to the database. The default value is PRIVUSER.

License Inactivity TimeOut 900 (seconds)

Period that inactive licensed client connections are considered to be bad

Log Invalid Login Attempts Y/N

Logs invalid login attempts to the event log. The default value is No.


Sets SQL tracing flags for tracing to the event log


Max Search Result Records 100

Maximum number of records in search results


Encrypted password of DB user account used to connect to the database

Sync Period (seconds)


Period between updating the sync table in the database

Synchronize ADO Connection Creation


Blocks other requests while connecting to a database. The default value is Yes.

Temporary Connections


Number of database connections that the TPGS server can make as demand warrants. These settings determine how many connections the Group Server has to the database. If you are getting an error where HRESULT = 8004b002, this indicates the Group Server cannot handle the load and needs more database connections to process all requests. A value of 400 is recommended if more than 1000 timesheet users are accessing the Group Server, which will allow more connections so that TPGS can handle a larger load. Consideration is also given to the Oracle Server machine.

Verbose Logging


Determines if verbose logging is enabled when sending error messages to the event log.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets

[Threading key values] Value Name Value



Caching Threads


Number of threads that will handle cached transaction processing. This is the minimum number of caching threads. Cache threads in the Group Server are responsible for processing data where the data can be cached. The Group Server will create up to “Maximum Temporary threads per CPU” caching threads as needed.

Coalescing Jobs Busy Threshold


Number of coalesced jobs that determine when the coalescing processor is considered busy

Coalescing Threads


Number of threads that will handle coalesced transaction processing. This is the minimum number of coalescing threads. Coalescing threads in the Group Server are responsible for processing jobs which can be coalesced. Coalescing is the act of taking like requests (e.g., open, update timesheet) and coalescing them into a single SQL request to satisfy several clients concurrently with one DB hit, thus greatly improving performance. The Group Server will create up to “Maximum Temporary threads per CPU” coalescing threads as needed.

Coalescing Timeout (milliseconds)


Frequency that coalesced requests are fulfilled

Connection Check Period (seconds)


Frequency at which database connections are checked

Connection TimeOut Period (seconds)


Period of inactivity for which attached database connections are assumed to be good

License Manager Interval (seconds)


Frequency that the license manager is checked for concurrent users

Message Threads Per CPU 3 (default=1)

Number of threads that will handle socket connections from the client. This is the minimum number of threads which accept messages from the client via a socket connection and create jobs to be processed in the Group Server. The Group Server will create up to “Maximum Temporary threads per CPU” message threads as needed.

Maximum Coalescing Size 20

Maximum number of coalesced transactions that can be queued before they are processed

Maximum Temporary Threads Per CPU (SMP)

Maximum number of threads that can be started by each processor. MaxTempThreads=CPU>1?MaxTempThreads+(MaxTempThread s*4/CPU


Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

[Threading key values] Value Name Value


Thread Inactivity TimeOut Period (seconds)


Period of inactivity before a temporary thread is shut down

Transaction Threads


Number of threads that will handle transaction processing. This is the minimum number of threads which create transactions in the Group Server. Transactions created are either Caching, Coalescing, or Update. The Group Server will create up to “Maximum Temporary threads per CPU” transaction threads as needed.

Update Threads


Number of threads that will handle update transaction processing. This is the minimum number of Update threads. Update threads in the Group Server are responsible for updating data. The Group Server will create up to “Maximum Temporary threads per CPU” update threads as needed.

Watch Dog Period (seconds)


Frequency that the TPGS server checks for connection problems

[Security keys] Keys



Accept Filters

Filter #1, *.*.*.*

TCP/IP client addresses that will be accepted

Reject Filters

Filter #1, *.*.*.255

TCP/IP client addresses that will be rejected

[Install key values] Value Name





Path to the HTML files

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installing myPrimavera


Installing myPrimavera In this chapter Upgrading to myPrimavera 5.0 Uninstalling Previous Versions Installing the myPrimavera Application Server myPrimavera Installation Process

This chapter describes how to install myPrimavera 5.0 on a Windows, Solaris, AIX, or HP-UX server. In addition, this chapter explains how to use the myPrimavera Administration Application to review, modify, add, and delete myPrimavera Application Server configurations.

Starting the myPrimavera Server Stopping the myPrimavera Server Accessing myPrimavera from Client Browsers Changing Database Configuration Settings Using the myPrimavera Administration Application Starting the myPrimavera Administration Application Reviewing and Modifying myPrimavera Configurations myPrimavera Configuration Settings Implementing Application Server Plug-Ins

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Upgrading to myPrimavera 5.0 For information on upgrading a database for compatibility, see “Automatic Database Upgrade” on page 345.

Before upgrading to myPrimavera 5.0, you should upgrade the project management and/or methodology management database for compatibility with version 5.0 and install the Project Management and/or Methodology Management client modules. For further details, see “Automatic Database Upgrade” on page 345 and “Installing Client Modules and Additional Components” on page 209.

Prior to version 4.1, myPrimavera was called Primavision.

For the full list of myPrimavera tested configurations, refer to the testedcfg.pdf file in the \Documentation\Technical Documentation\Tested Configurations folder on the Primavera Documentation CD.

To upgrade from Primavision 3.x/4.0 or myPrimavera 4.1 to myPrimavera 5.0 ■

Uninstall the current version of myPrimavera/Primavision.

Install one of the supported application servers. Tomcat 5.0.28 (for Windows and Solaris) is included on CD 2. For a list of supported application servers, see “Client and Server Requirements” on page 15.

Install myPrimavera 5.0.

Install or upgrade the myPrimavera collaboration server (see the “Collaboration Setup” on page 151).

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installing myPrimavera


Uninstalling Previous Versions You must uninstall any previous versions of myPrimavera (known as Primavision prior to version 4.1) before upgrading to version 5.0. To uninstall Primavision 4.0/myPrimavera 4.1 from a Tomcat 4.1 Server ■

On Windows, from the Start menu, choose Programs, , Uninstall . On Solaris, change to the webapps directory under the Tomcat install directory and run the script.

To uninstall Primavision 3.5x or 4.0/myPrimavera 4.1 from a WebLogic 7.0.1 or 8.1.1 Server 1 On Windows, from the Start menu, choose Programs, , Uninstall . On Solaris, run the script in the \user_projects\<domain> directory. 2 Launch the WebLogic Admin Console and delete the “phoenix” application (for v4.0 and earlier) or “myPrimavera” application (for v4.1 and later) from the Web Application modules. The phoenixwl.war or myprimavera.war file must be deleted manually. To uninstall Primavision 4.0/myPrimavera 4.1 from a WebSphere 5.0.2 Server 1 On Windows, from the Start menu, choose Programs, , Uninstall . On Solaris, change to the installableApps/ directory under the WebSphere install directory and run the script. 2 Launch the WebSphere Application Console and remove the current Primavision/myPrimavera deployment. If you will use the same or <myPrimavera_home> directory for the new deployment, the existing phoenixwl.war (for Primavision 4.0 and earlier) or myprimavera.war (for myPrimavera 4.1 and later) file must be deleted from the or <myPrimavera_home> directory.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Uninstalling WebLogic Server 6.1 If you are running Primavision 3.x on WebLogic Server 6.1 or Evaluation version, you must uninstall it before upgrading to the WebLogic 8.1.4 Express or Enterprise version. To uninstall WebLogic Server 6.1 or Evaluation version ■

On Windows, choose Start, Programs, BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform, WebLogic Server 6.1, Uninstall WebLogic Server 6.1.

On Solaris, change to the uninstaller directory under the WebLogic install directory and run the script.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installing myPrimavera


Installing the myPrimavera Application Server For details about installation and deployment on supported application servers, see the appropriate file in the \docs directory of CD 2.

myPrimavera 5.0 includes Tomcat server version 5.0.28. The files for Windows and Solaris are located in the \Tomcat-5.0.28 folder on CD 2. This version of Tomcat requires JDK 1.4.02_05. The JDK is not provided by Primavera. To download the JDK, go to For the full list of myPrimavera tested configurations, refer to the testedcfg.pdf file in the \Documentation\Technical Documentation\Tested Configurations folder on the Primavera Documentation CD.

myPrimavera also supports several other application servers. For a complete list of supported application servers, see “Client and Server Requirements” on page 15. On Windows, it is recommended that you install the application server to a folder with a short name.

To install Tomcat 5.0.28 ■

On Windows, launch the Tomcat installer (jakarta-tomcat-5.0.28.exe) located in the \Tomcat-5.0.28 folder on CD 2.

On Solaris, copy, unzip, and launch the Tomcat installer ( file in the \Tomcat-5.0.28 folder on CD 2. An installation wizard will guide you through the Tomcat installation.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

myPrimavera Installation Process For information on installing the project management database, see “Database Installation and Configuration” on page 21. For information on upgrading a database for compatibility, see “Automatic Database Upgrade” on page 345.

Before installing myPrimavera 5.0, you need to install the project management database and the version 5.0 Project Management client module. Before upgrading to myPrimavera 5.0, you should upgrade the project management and/or methodology management database for compatibility with version 5.0 and install the updated Project Management and/or Methodology Management client modules. For instructions on installing the Project Management module, see “Installing Client Modules and Additional Components” on page 209.

The myPrimavera 5.0 installer provides a wizard to guide you through the installation process, which includes: ■

Identifying the application server used for myPrimavera

Installing myPrimavera and Administration Application files

Setting up and configuring the myPrimavera database If you are using Tomcat 5.0.28 as your application server, you must install the Sun JDK 1.4.2_05 prior to installing myPrimavera.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installing myPrimavera


To install myPrimavera 1 Launch the installer from the root folder of CD 2: For the Windows platform, double-click 'SetupMainWin.exe'. For the Solaris platform, double-click 'SetupMainSol.bin'. For the AIX platform, double-click 'setupaix'. For the HP-UX platform, double-click 'setupHP11.bin'.

Click Next on each wizard dialog box to advance to the next step.

2 Accept the license agreement.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

3 Choose the application server you are using for myPrimavera and type or browse to the location for the myPrimavera Home folder. Click Yes to create the directory, if necessary. For a complete list of supported application servers, refer to the 'testedcfg.pdf' file located in the \Documentation\Technical Documentation\Tested Configurations folder of the Primavera Documentation CD.

When you choose the “All other supported application servers” option, setup copies the myprimavera.war file to the myPrimavera Home folder. You must then use the application server’s deployment tools to deploy the myPrimavera WAR file.

If you choose the “All other supported application servers” option, skip Step 4 and proceed with step 5.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installing myPrimavera


4 If installing myPrimavera on Tomcat, browse to or type the path of the Tomcat 5.0.28 installation and JDK 1.4.2_05. myPrimavera supports SSL implementation for Tomcat. For information on configuring SSL, refer to the Tomcat server documentation.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

5 Click Next to start the installation.

6 Specify the database type (Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server/MSDE).

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Installing myPrimavera


7 Specify the database connection parameters. Type your database user name and password, the database name, host address, and host port. The database name, host address, and host port are specific to your Oracle or MS SQL Server installation. Database Host Port displays the default port for the database type you selected. You can edit this port. The Public Group ID must be 1 for a standard configuration.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

For more information about configurations, see “Using the myPrimavera Administration Application” on page 123.

8 If there is an existing Primavera configuration, you can choose whether you want to use it, or create a new configuration. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Primavision/ myPrimavera against the same database, choose the option to create a new configuration. This is necessary to accommodate newly added configuration settings.

If there is no existing myPrimavera configuration, the previous screen does not appear and the installation process automatically creates a default configuration named Primavera Configuration. You can edit the settings for this configuration through the myPrimavera Administration Application. After installation, you can use the Database Configuration Setup wizard to choose a different configuration, if necessary

For more information, see “Changing Database Configuration Settings” on page 121.

9 When the message displays to confirm that the database configuration has completed successfully, click OK. Then, click Finish to close the Setup wizard. For information about installing the Job Service, see “Installing the Job Service and Distributed Job Service” on page 223.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

The schedule, apply actuals, and summarize functions of myPrimavera require you to install the Job Service.

Installing myPrimavera


Starting the myPrimavera Server Starting the myPrimavera Server on Tomcat The following procedures assume you have installed myPrimavera into Tomcat 5.0.28 and completed the additional installation steps outlined in the file tomcat50.txt, which is located in the \docs folder on CD 2. ■

On Windows, from the Start menu, choose Programs, myPrimavera, Start myPrimavera Server.

On Solaris, from the <myPrimavera_home> directory specified during myPrimavera setup, run the script.

Starting the myPrimavera Server on WebLogic Express 8.1.4 The following procedures assume you have installed myPrimavera into WebLogic Express 8.1.4 and completed the additional installation steps outlined in the file weblogic814.txt, which is located in the \docs folder on CD 2. If myPrimavera is installed as an application ■

On Windows, from the Start menu, navigate to the BEA WebLogic submenu, then choose User Projects, <domain>, Start Server. When prompted for a username and password in the WebLogic console window, type in the admin username and password you specified when creating the domain.

On Solaris, change to the /user_projects/<domain> directory and run the script. When prompted for a username and password in the WebLogic console window, type in the admin username and password you specified when creating the domain. If myPrimavera is installed as an application, and the WebLogic precompile option has been turned on, the WebLogic console displays “Server started in RUNNING mode” when precompiling has completed. For information about turning on precompilation, see your WebLogic Server documentation.

If myPrimavera is installed as a Windows Service ■

Open the Services applet. Locate the myPrimavera entry, then rightclick and choose Start. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Starting the myPrimavera Server on WebLogic Enterprise 8.1.4 The following procedures assume you have installed myPrimavera into WebLogic Enterprise 8.1.4 and completed the additional installation steps outlined in the file weblogic814.txt, which is located in the \docs folder on CD 2. ■

On Windows, from the Start menu, navigate to the BEA WebLogic submenu, then choose User Projects, <domain>, Start Server.

On Solaris and HP-UX, change to the /user_projects/ <domain> directory and run the script. If myPrimavera is installed as an application, and the WebLogic precompile option has been turned on, the WebLogic console displays “Server started in RUNNING mode” when precompiling has completed. For information about turning on precompilation, see your WebLogic Server documentation.

Starting the myPrimavera Server on WebSphere Advanced Server v5.1.1 or v6.0 The following procedures assume you have installed myPrimavera into WebSphere Advanced Server v5.1.1 or v6.0 and completed the additional installation steps outlined in the file websphere511.txt or websphere60.txt, which is located in the \docs folder on CD 2. ■

On Windows, Linux, and AIX, from the WebSphere administrative console, start the myPrimavera module. myPrimavera is the default module name assigned during installation.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installing myPrimavera


Stopping the myPrimavera Server Stopping the myPrimavera Server on Tomcat ■

On Windows, from the Start menu, choose Programs, myPrimavera, Stop myPrimavera Server.

On Solaris, from the <myPrimavera_home> directory specified during myPrimavera setup, run the script.

Stopping the myPrimavera Server on WebLogic Express 8.1.4 If myPrimavera is installed as an application ■

On Windows and Solaris, in the WebLogic terminal console, press Ctrl+c.

Stopping the myPrimavera Server on WebLogic Enterprise Server 8.1.4 ■

On Windows, Solaris, and HP-UX, in the WebLogic terminal console, press Ctrl+c.

Stopping the myPrimavera Server on WebSphere Advanced Server v5.1.1 or v6.0 ■

On Windows, Linux, and AIX, from the WebSphere administrative console, stop the myPrimavera module. myPrimavera is the default module name assigned during installation.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Accessing myPrimavera from Client Browsers To select the myPrimavera authentication mode, use the Authentication Configuration wizard (LDAPCfgWiz.exe, located in the \install\ database\ldap-config folder on CD 1). Also, specify the myPrimavera configuration settings required for authentication. For details on the Configuration wizard, see “Configuring Authentication Modes” on page 271. For information about configuration settings for myPrimavera authentication, see “Configure myPrimavera Authentication” on page 132.

Users can access myPrimavera from client browsers using the following URL structure, depending on the application server platform. On a WebLogic Express or Enterprise 8.1.4 application server http://serverIP:listenport/ContextRoot/login_cmt Example: The default listenport for new WebLogic domains is 7001. The default context root is myprimavera. On a WebSphere application server http://serverIP:listenport/ContextRoot/login_cmt Example: The default listenport is 9080. The default context root is myprimavera. On a Tomcat application server http://serverIP:listenport/ContextRoot/login_cmt Example: The default listenport is 8080. The default context root is myprimavera. The context root is configurable on all supported application servers. For information about context root configuration, refer to your application server documentation. Also, URLs may be case-sensitive, depending on your application server configuration.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installing myPrimavera


Changing Database Configuration Settings The Database Configuration wizard enables you to change the database connection settings you specified during myPrimavera installation. The database you select during installation stores one or more Primavera configurations, each one specifying a set of configurable parameters that determine how myPrimavera operates. During installation, you select an existing Primavera configuration or create a new one. Later, you can use the Database Configuration wizard to select a different Primavera configuration or create a new one. After selecting a different Primavera 5.0 configuration or creating a new configuration, you must stop and restart the myPrimavera application server for the changes to take effect.

Starting the Database Configuration wizard on Tomcat ■

On Windows, from the Start menu, choose Programs, myPrimavera, Database Configuration Setup.

On Solaris, change to the <myPrimavera_home> directory specified during myPrimavera setup and run the script.

Starting the Database Configuration wizard on WebLogic Express 8.1.4 ■

On Windows, run dbconfigpv.cmd (located in the <myPrimavera_home> directory specified during myPrimavera setup), or choose Start, Programs, myPrimavera, Database Configuration Setup.

On Solaris, change to the <myPrimavera_home> directory specified during myPrimavera setup and run the script.

Starting the Database Configuration wizard on WebLogic Enterprise 8.1.4 ■

On Windows, run dbconfigpv.cmd (located in the myPrimavera_home> directory specified during myPrimavera setup), or choose Start, Programs, myPrimavera, Database Configuration Setup.

On Solaris and HP-UX, change to the <myPrimavera_home> directory specified during myPrimavera setup and run

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Starting the Database Configuration wizard on WebSphere ■

On Windows, run dbconfigpv.cmd (located in the <myPrimavera_home> directory specified during myPrimavera setup), or choose Start, Programs, myPrimavera, Database Configuration Setup.

On Linux and IBM AIX, change to the <myPrimavera_home> directory under the WebSphere install directory and run

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installing myPrimavera


Using the myPrimavera Administration Application As the system administrator, you can use the myPrimavera Administration Application to review, modify, add, and delete Primavera configurations. Primavera configurations are stored in the myPrimavera database specified during installation. These configurations contain all of the settings used to run the myPrimavera Application Server. Only experienced administrators should use the myPrimavera Administration Application to modify configuration settings.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Starting the myPrimavera Administration Application You can run the myPrimavera Administration Application locally or remotely through a browser. After launching the Administration Application, you will be prompted for a database level username and password. The default PMDB database-level user name and password are “pubuser.” Starting the Administration Application on Tomcat

The myPrimavera installation sets the default URLs for remote access to the Administration Application. You can use the application server’s configuration utility to change the listen port number and context root.

On Windows, to launch the Administration Application locally, from the Start menu, choose Programs, myPrimavera, Administration Application.

On Solaris, to launch the Administration Application locally, change to the <myPrimavera_home> directory specified during myPrimavera setup and run the script.

To launch the Administration Application remotely, launch a browser and navigate to http://server IP:listenport/ContextRoot/admin.jsp, where serverIP:listenport is the IP address and listen port for the myPrimavera server. The default context root is myprimavera.

Starting the Administration Application on WebLogic Express 8.1.4 ■

On Windows, run adminpv.cmd (located in the <myPrimavera_home> directory specified during myPrimavera setup), or choose Start, Programs, myPrimavera, Administration Application.

On Solaris, to launch the Administration Application locally, change to the <myPrimavera_home> directory you specified during myPrimavera setup, then run the script.

To launch the Administration Application remotely, launch a browser and navigate to http://server IP:listenport/ContextRoot/admin.jsp, where serverIP:listenport is the IP address and listen port for the myPrimavera server. The default context root is myprimavera.

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Installing myPrimavera


Starting the Administration Application on WebLogic Enterprise 8.1.4 ■

On Windows, run adminpv.cmd (located in the <myPrimavera_home> directory specified during myPrimavera setup), or choose Start, Programs, myPrimavera, Administration Application.

On Solaris and HP-UX, to launch the Administration Application locally, change to the <myPrimavera_home> directory you specified during myPrimavera setup, then run the script.

To launch the Administration Application remotely, launch a browser and navigate to http://server IP:listenport/ContextRoot/admin.jsp, where serverIP:listenport is the IP address and listen port for the myPrimavera server. The default context root is myprimavera.

Starting the Administration Application on WebSphere ■

On Windows, run adminpv.cmd (located in the <myPrimavera_home> directory specified during myPrimavera setup), or choose Start, Programs, myPrimavera, Administration Application.

On Linux and IBM AIX, to launch the Administration Application locally, change to the <myPrimavera_home> directory under the WebSphere install directory and run the script.

To launch the Administration Application remotely, launch a browser and navigate to http://server IP:listenport/ContextRoot/admin.jsp, where serverIP:listenport is the IP address and listen port for the myPrimavera server. The default context root is myprimavera.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Reviewing and Modifying myPrimavera Configurations The myPrimavera Administration Application presents configuration settings in a tabbed dialog box. Tree view and Table view display the current configurations and settings. Log displays a history of configuration changes, additions, or deletions. You cannot edit the Factory Default configuration settings. You can only modify custom configurations.

To display brief setting descriptions in Tree or Table view, mark the Show tool tips checkbox. Then, position the mouse over a setting to read the popup description. Configurations highlighted in red are out of date. Primavera recommends that you delete these configurations.

Click to display a hierarchical view of the configuration data.

To change a setting value, triple-click on the setting name, then type a new value. On Windows, you can also press F2 to change to Edit mode.

To return a setting to its default value, select it, then right-click and choose Revert to default value.

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Installing myPrimavera


To change a setting value, select the setting, click in the Value column, then type a new value.

Click to display configuration settings in a table format.

To sort the table, click a column heading. Sorting can help you distinguish similar settings contained in multiple configurations.

Add myPrimavera configurations To create a new configuration, you can duplicate an existing configuration. ■

To duplicate a configuration, select the configuration name in Tree View, then right-click and choose Duplicate. Enter a name for the configuration, then click OK. Edit the settings as needed.

To create a new configuration based on factory default settings, rightclick on Factory Defaults in Tree View and choose Duplicate.

Add database instances to a configuration To add a new database instance to a myPrimavera configuration, you can duplicate an existing instance. ■

To duplicate a database instance, select the icon representing the instance, then right-click and choose Duplicate. Enter a unique name for the new instance and edit other settings as needed.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Delete myPrimavera configurations and database instances To delete a configuration or database instance, select it, then right-click and choose Delete. You cannot delete the Factory Defaults configuration. You can delete any custom configuration, but not all of them. There must always be at least one custom configuration. You can delete any database instance associated with a configuration, but not all of them. Each configuration must have at least one database instance. You are not prohibited from deleting the database that was specified during the database configuration. If you do so, you will need to run the Database Configuration wizard again (see “Changing Database Configuration Settings” on page 121).

Configure myPrimavera to access Primavera Expedition information To access Primavera Expedition information in myPrimavera, the default JRE plug-in must be set to version 1.4.2_07. To do this, launch the Administration Application. In the Tree View, underneath the Primavera Configuration you created, navigate to the Application folder. Change the default value for the JavaPluginURL_IE setting to: ../applets/jre/j2re-1_4_2_07-windows-i586-p.exe#Version=1,4,2,07 Change the default value for the JavaPluginVersionID_IE setting to: CAFEEFAC-0014-0002-0007-ABCDEFFEDCBA

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Installing myPrimavera


To change the default values for the JavaPluginURL_IE and JavaPluginVersion_ID settings, triple-click the setting name, then type a new value.

Once these settings are modified, users will be prompted to download JRE version 1.4.2_07 the next time they access an applet in myPrimavera.

Configure myPrimavera to run the Project Architect job service To run the Project Architect job service in myPrimavera, the myPrimavera database instance must be connected to the appropriate methodology management database. To do this, launch the Administration Application. In the Tree View, underneath the Primavera Configuration you created, navigate to the following location: Database/Instance/ MethodologyManagement.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Make sure the Job Service points to the project management database instance shown in your myPrimavera database configuration. Modify the URL to point to the desired methodology management database.

Modify the DB Alias so that it exactly matches the DB Alias of the Job Service you want to use. If you specify a DB Alias that does not exist on the Job Service machine, you must create the new DB Alias on the Job Service machine.

In the Methodology Management folder, modify the URL so that it points to the desired MMDB. Finally, if you want to use an existing DB Alias, modify the alias to match the DB Alias of the Job Service. These instructions assume you have already installed the Job Service. For information on installing and configuring the job service, refer to “Installing the Job Service and Distributed Job Service” on page 223 .

Creating a new DB Alias You may want to create a new DB Alias to connect the Job Service to a methodology management database. On the machine in which the Job Service was installed, browse to the following location: c:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\DBExpress. Open the DBXCONNECTIONS.INI file. Add a new DB Alias that points to the methodology management database you specified in the myPrimavera database configuration (the “URL” in the previous figure). Make sure the new alias name is exactly the same as the Methodology Management alias name. For example:

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Installing myPrimavera


[MMDB] DriverName=SQLServer BlobSize=-1 HostName=jobservice_machine_name DataBase=MMDB_new User_Name= Password= RowsetSize=128 To ensure that the new alias is accurate, Primavera recommends that you copy the data for one of the existing methodology management databases and paste it at the end of the file, then modify the data.

Manage access to multiple database instances myPrimavera enables you to access data from different project management databases. When you configure myPrimavera to support multiple database instances, the Login page displays a Database drop-down list that enables users to choose the database instance they want to connect to. Through the Administration Application, you can configure the myPrimavera server to manage user access to specific databases by requiring a database parameter in the URL. The database parameter, which is the name of a database instance, is appended to the myPrimavera server URL and points to that specific database instance. When users access the URL you specify, the Database drop-down list does not display in the Login page and they have login access only to the database instance defined by the database parameter. If users attempt to access the login page URL without specifying the required database parameter, a message displays to indicate that the URL is invalid and directs them to the myPrimavera administrator. For example, the following URL would log a user into the database instance named Sample. http://serverIP:listenport/login_cmt?db=Sample As the administrator, you can specify a keyword that bypasses the database parameter requirement, so that you can access all databases through the Login page database drop-down list.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

To require a myPrimavera URL database parameter 1 Launch the Administration Application. 2 Under the configuration you want to modify, specify a value for the setting Application.DBDropdownKeyword. Specifying a value adds the database parameter requirement to the server URL. Use the value you specify as the keyword to bypass the database requirement when logging in to the myPrimavera server. For example, http://serverIP:listenport/login_cmt?db=bypass For more information, see Database.Instance.Driver and Database.Instance.URL in “myPrimavera Configuration Settings” on page 134.

Database driver configurations The following table lists the database drivers myPrimavera supports for each application server/ database configuration. Use the Database.Instance.Driver configuration setting to specify the database driver you are using. Application Server

Database Type

Database Driver




Oracle Thin Client



SQL Server





Oracle Thin Client



SQL Server





Oracle Thin Client



SQL Server



Configure myPrimavera Authentication myPrimavera uses up to six configuration settings to support authentication. ■






Authentication.LDAP.SSLStorePassword The Authentication.Mode settings must match the mode selected for Group Server.

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Installing myPrimavera


Because one myPrimavera server instance may control more than one database, in addition to specifying an authentication mode through the LDAP Configuration wizard, you use the new Authentication.Mode configuration setting to specify the overall mode you want to use for the myPrimavera server. If using Single Sign On, you will also need to modify three additional configuration settings required for the policy server. For LDAP authentication with secure communication (SSL) between myPrimavera and the LDAP server, two additional configuration settings are required. For more information about each of these settings, refer to the Authentication Settings subsection in the next section, “myPrimavera Configuration Settings”. A myPrimavera configuration might include database instances that are not set to the same authentication mode as the myPrimavera server. If a user connects and requests a database that is set to a different authentication mode than the myPrimavera server, an error message displays. The user must select a database that matches the authentication mode set for the myPrimavera server.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

myPrimavera Configuration Settings You can review and modify configuration settings in the myPrimavera Administration Application Tree View or Table View. Configuration settings are stored in the myPrimavera database specified during installation. Only experienced administrators should use the myPrimavera Administration Application to modify configuration settings.

[Localization settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values

Localization.SystemLanguage Language for server string constants


Localization.SystemCountry Country for server string constants



Valid Ranges/Values

[Database Settings] Setting Name and Description

Database.ConnectionPoolResizeRate 240000 The timeout period, in milliseconds, after which the system will adjust the number of database connections to be equal to the maximum number of database connections concurrently used during the last period.


Database.MaintenanceFrequency The run frequency, in milliseconds, of the maintenance that ensures leases have not exceeded the maximum duration.



Database.MaxLeaseDuration The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, a database connection can be leased before it is revoked.



Database.LongRunningMaxLeaseDuration The maximum amount of time a database connection can be leased before it is revoked.



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Installing myPrimavera


[Database Settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values

Database.LeaseRequestWaitTimeout 30000 The amount of time, in milliseconds, a request for a database connection will wait.


Database.Instance.Name The name of this database instance

up to 32 characters

Database.Instance.Description A description of this database instance

up to 128 characters

Database.Instance.Driver The class name of the JDBC driver

com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLDriver oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver;

Database.Instance.URL The database URL used to establish a connection to the database.

Oracle example1 SQL example w/NetDirect driver2

Database.Instance.PublicGroupId The public group ID used to establish a connection to the database.


Database.Instance.UserName The name used to establish a connection to the database.


pubuser Database.Instance.Password The password used to establish a connection to the database.

Database.Instance.MaxConnections 50 The maximum number of connections the server will have to the database


Database.Instance.TraceSQL Trace all SQL sent to the database



Database.Instance.CollaborationDomain The collaboration domain name used by myPrimavera.

Database.Instance.GroupServer.Protocol Protocol for GroupServer


http, https, socket

Database.Instance.GroupServer.Server GroupServer host machine name



( 2 jdbc:JSQLConnect://xxxx:yyyy/database=zzzz xxxx = SQLServer IP address or hostname yyyy = database listen port zzzz = database name Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

[Database Settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values

Database.Instance.GroupServer.Port GroupServer host listen port


Database.Instance.GroupServer.URL GroupServer servlet URL

http://servername —

Database.Instance.MethodologyManagement.Name Name of this database instance

Database.Instance.MethodologyManagement.Description — Description of this database instance

Database.Instance.MethodologyManagement.Driver Class name of the JDBC driver

com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLDriver oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver;

Database.Instance.MethodologyManagement.URL — Database URL used to establish a connection to the database.

Oracle example1 SQL example w/NetDirect driver2

Database.Instance.MethodologyManagement.UserName The name used to establish a connection to the database.

Database.Instance.MethodologyManagement.Password — The password used to establish a connection to the database.

Database.Instance.MethodologyManagement.GroupID 1 The Group ID used to establish a connection to the database.

Database.Instance.MethodologyManagement. MaxConnections The maximum number of database connections the server will have to the database


Database.Instance.MethodologyManagement.TraceSQL If true, trace all SQL sent to the database.



Database.Instance.MethodologyManagement. MMDB DBAlias The DB Alias name used by the Project Architect job service to create a project plan from a methodology.


( 2 jdbc:JSQLConnect://xxxx:yyyy/database=zzzz x = SQLServer IP address or hostname y = database listen port z = database name

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Installing myPrimavera


[Database Settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values

Database.Instance.SessionSettings.Setting1-5 “Alter session” commands used to establish cursor sharing, rule-based mode, SQL trace, and more. Invalid settings in these fields are ignored.

alter session set _ = _

Database.Instance.CostBasedOptimizationSettings. EnableCBO Enable Cost Based Optimization if true.



Database.Instance.CostBasedOptimizationSettings. — LogFileName Enter a file name to log matching or non-matching Cost Based Optimization queries. If there is no file name, queries will not be logged. The DumpMatchingSQL setting controls the type of queries that will be logged (matching vs. nonmatching).

false Database.Instance.CostBasedOptimizationSettings. DumpMatchingSQL If true, log matching Cost Based Optimization queries. If false, log non-matching queries. There must be a file name in the LogFileName setting to log queries.


[Thread Pool Settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values

ThreadPool.NumThreads The number of server threads



ThreadPool.MaxTaskDuration 180000 The maximum duration, in milliseconds, a thread can be used for one task.


ThreadPool.MaintenanceFrequency The frequency, in milliseconds, at which threads are checked for excess time durations.



*MAX_INT = 2,147,483,647

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

[Log Settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values

Log.HtmlLogger.Severity.SeverityLevel Log severity level for the HTML Logger


debug, info, warning, error1

Log.HtmlLogger.WriteFrequency 3000 The time period, in milliseconds, for which log messages will be cached between writes.


Log.HtmlLogger.ArchiveSize The minimum size (in bytes) a log file must be before it is archived.



Log.HtmlLogger.ArchiveNumber 6 Maximum number of log files to be used. The default files are named myprimaveralog0.html through myprimaveralog5.html.


Log.HtmlLogger.Enabled Enable the HTML Logger



Log.ConsoleLogger.Severity.SeverityLevel Log severity level for the Console Logger


debug, info, warning, error1

Log.ConsoleLogger.WriteFrequency 3000 The time period, in milliseconds, for which log messages will be cached between writes.


Log.ConsoleLogger.Enabled Enable the Console Logger




The ranges are inclusive. For example, choose “debug” to log all messages; choose “warning” to log both warning and error level messages. 2 Log files are created in a folder named myPrimaveraLogs, located as follows: WebLogic on Windows: \myPrimaveraLogs WebLogic on Solaris: /mount_point//myPrimaveraLogs WebSphere on Windows: \myPrimaveraLogs WebSphere on Linux: /mount_point/WebSphere/AppServer/myPrimaveraLogs Tomcat on Windows: \myPrimaveraLogs Tomcat on Solaris: /mount_point//myPrimaveraLogs

*MAX_INT = 2,147,483,647

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installing myPrimavera


[Performance Settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values

Performance.Enabled Performance monitor packets are sent when true.



Performance.MonitorHost The destination IP or machine name for the performance monitor packets


Performance.MonitorPort The destination port for the performance monitor packets



Performance.UpdateInterval The rate, in milliseconds, at which the performance monitor packets are sent.




Valid Ranges/Values

[LicenseService Settings] Setting Name and Description

LicenseService.CalcRate 300000 The rate, in milliseconds, at which the database is checked for changes in total license counts.


LicenseService.UpdateRate The rate, in milliseconds, at which a Business Rule Engine synchronizes with the database for license counts.



LicenseService.ExpirationCheckRate 120000 The rate, in milliseconds, at which licenses are checked to see if they should expire.


LicenseService.WaitPeriod The duration, in milliseconds, of a new license search before failure occurs.



Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

[TimestampService Settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values

TimestampService.RefreshRate The rate, in milliseconds, at which the database is queried to determine if a table change notification is necessary.




Valid Ranges/Values

[RegistryService Settings] Setting Name and Description

RegistryService.RefreshRate 90000 The rate at which the database is updated with the status of the business rule engine.


RegistryService.StalePeriod The duration of inactivity, in milliseconds, that indicates an inoperable Business Rule Engine.



RegistryService.Port The TCP/IP port on which requests to revive dead Business Rule Engines will be received.




Valid Ranges/Values

[NextKeyService Settings] Setting Name and Description

NextKeyService.RefreshRate 60000 The rate, in milliseconds, at which nextkey cache is refreshed.


NextKeyService.MaxCachedKeys Maximum nextkeys to cache per table


Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Installing myPrimavera


[Application Settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/ Values

Application.IgnoreDaylightSavingsTime Set to true to ignore daylight savings time.



Application.TimesheetURL URL for invoking timesheet program


Application.TimesheetCodebase URL for the timesheet application Web site


Application.JavaPluginURL_IE URL for Internet Explorer users to download Java Plug-in (JRE).

Defaults to the plug-in version 1.5.0_01 that is installed during setup.

Application.JavaPluginURL_NS URL for Netscape users to download Java Plug-in (JRE)

Defaults to the plug-in version 1.5.0_01 that is installed during setup.

Application.JavaPluginVersionID_IE JRE version used by applets in Internet Explorer

Application.JavaPluginVersionID_NS JRE version used by applets in Netscape

see 1 below

Application.ExcelImportMaxTransactions 2000 The maximum number of transactions (activities or resources) that can be imported at once from a .xls or .csv file


Application.ExcelImportMaxFileSize The maximum size of the .xls or .csv file uploaded during an import attempt (KB)



Application.AllowAutoSummarizeOption true Set to true to allow automatic summarization to be available in resource staffing user preferences.


Application.DBDropdownKeyword blank Keyword to use for enabling database selection control in the login page. Pass this as a URL parameter db=keyword. Set this to an empty string if you do not want to require the keyword.


application/x-java-applet;version=1.3 -- Major jre version; supports previously installed JRE 1.3x and above on client. application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.3.1_02 -- Absolute jre version; forces specific version JRE 1.3.1_02 on client. application/x-java-applet;version=1.4 -- Major jre version; supports previously installed JRE 1.4x and above on client. application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.4.2_01 -- Absolute jre version; forces specific version JRE 1.4.2_01 on client.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

[Application Settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/ Values

Application.LogoutURL Directs myPrimavera to a specific URL when the user exits with the Logout/Close icon in the myPrimavera banner. Any valid URL can be used. If no URL is specified, myPrimavera directs the user to the myPrimavera launch page.

Application.MaxProjectsInPortfolio The maximum number of projects returned when creating a portfolio with a filter.



Application.MaxRPSpreasheetProjects LoadedFromPortfolio The maximum number of projects that can be open in the Resource Planning spreadsheet.



Application.Performance.UseEnterpriseSummary Use enterprise level summary data for resources and roles.


true/false see 1 below

Application.Performance.MaxSummaryNodeCount 1000 The threshold for displaying summarized data in views such as Resource Usage and Resource Analysis. If the number of child elements contained in a node exceeds this number, no data is displayed.


Application.Tracer.Enabled If true, debugging messages are sent to Tracer application.



Application.Tracer.ServerName localhost Hostname or IP address of destination for sending tracer information.

Application.Tracer.SocketPort Port to use for Tracer socket connection



Application.Tracer.UseBackGrndSendThread If true, use background thread for sending TCP messages to tracer.



Application.WebScheduler.Enabled If true, scheduling for jobs from myPrimavera is performed using the Web Scheduler. If false, scheduling is performed using the Job Service Scheduler.



1 This setting specifies whether you want to use EPS level records or Project level records to draw Resource Manager histograms. If true, performance is better because only one record (EPS record) is used for the histogram. If false, a much larger number of records (Project records) is used to draw the histogram chart, so performance is slower. However, it is important to note that histogram data is more accurate when the setting is false, using Project records.

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Installing myPrimavera


[Application Settings] Setting Name and Description

Valid Ranges/ Values


Application.WebScheduler.SchedulingInterval 300000 Amount of time (in milliseconds) the Web Scheduler will wait before scheduling the next available job.


Application.WebScheduler.ConcurrentSchedulers The number of processes (active schedulers) used for scheduling on this server. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that scheduling will not be performed on this server.



Application.WebScheduler.ActiveSchedulerMode If true, jobs are processed continuously until all jobs are scheduled. If false, each job is processed according to the Scheduling Interval.



Application.WebScheduler.ASAPCleanupRate Amount of time (in milliseconds) at which completed WebASAP scheduler jobs are removed from the database.



Application.CollaborationServer.ServerName Hostname of the myPrimavera collaboration server.

Application.CollaborationServer.LibraryName The name of the database where library data resides.

Application.CollaborationServer.Collaboration WorkspaceName The default collaboration workspace name.


Application.CollaborationServer.Initiation WorkspaceName The default initiation workspace name.


Application.CollaborationServer.AppName The default app name used by myPrimavera.


Application.CollaborationServer.PoolSize The number of collaboration connections initialized.



Application.CollaborationServer.PoolUserName The user name used to start the connection pool.


Application.CollaborationServer.PoolUserPassword proxyuser Password for the user name used to start the connection pool.

Application.CollaborationServer.AdminUserName The Admin user with full privileges.


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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

[Application Settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/ Values

Application.CollaborationServer.AdminPassword The password of the admin user.


Application.CollaborationServer.CacheUserName The user name that enables myPrimavera to access the application cache.


Application.CollaborationServer.CachePassword The password that corresponds to the CacheUserName.


Application.CollaborationServer.CacheLimit The maximum number of CMS objects that are kept in the application cache.



Application.CollaborationServer. StrictDocumentVersioning If true, document checkout is restricted to the most recent version of a document. If false, any document version can be checked out.



Application.Notifications.EnableIssueNotifications Enable or disable automated notifications when Issues are added or modified.



Application.Notifications.EnableEventNotifications Enable or disable automated notifications when Events are added or modified.



Application.Notifications.EnableInvitationNotifications false Enable or disable automated notifications when Invitations are added.


Application.Notifications.EnableInitiationNotifications false Enable or disable automated notifications when Invitations are pending.


Application.Notifications.Notifications false FromEmailOverride Set to true to always use the system’s From email address. Set to false to use the email address of the user who causes notifications to be sent, if their email address is configured.


Application.Notifications.NotificationsFromEmail “Joe User” <joeuser@ The email address from which Notifications will be sent when> either NotificationsFromEmailOverride is true or the user’s email address is not configured

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[Application Settings] Setting Name and Description

Valid Ranges/ Values


Application.CollaborationSyncService. 3600000 SynchronizationInterval The interval at which the collaboration synchronization service will run. The synchronization moves documents marked for deletion to the collaboration server \trash folder. Additionally, other collaboration items (e.g., discussions or issues) that should be removed (e.g., when a project is deleted) are moved to the \trash folder.


Application.CollaborationRecyclerService.Automatic 1 If true, enables the collaboration recycler service, which purges deleted documents and other collaboration items (in the collaboration file server \trash folder).



Application.CollaborationRecyclerService. RecycleInterval 1 The interval at which the collaboration recycler service should run.

2147483647 (MAX_INT)


1 To enable the recycler service, edit the .cmd or .sh file that is used to launch the Database Configuration

wizard (see “Changing Database Configuration Settings” on page 121). Add the following string to the end of the line starting with “SET MYPRIMAVERA_OPTS“: -Dadmin.showRecycler=Y. Save the file and launch the Database Configuration wizard. You must create a new configuration and the recycler options will be available in that configuration. *MAX_INT = 2,147,483,647

[Authentication settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values

Authentication.Mode The method used for client authentication


Native, LDAP, WebSSO

Authentication.WebSSO.UserNameHeaderKey The name of the http header you specified in SiteMinder


Authentication.WebSSO.ContextPathOverride /Primavera The path used to pass web requests from the SiteMinder Web server to the myPrimavera server

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

[Authentication settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values

Authentication.WebSSO.ServerandPortOverride The fully qualified domain name and port for the Web server that SiteMinder is controlling

http:// — 82

Authentication.LDAP.SSLCertificateStore — The full path to the keystore that holds the SSL certificate for the LDAP server

Authentication.LDAP.SSLStore Password The password for the keystore that holds the SSL certificate

*MAX_INT = 2,147,483,647 For Authentication.WebSSO.UserNameHeaderKey, the value you specify must match the property of a SiteMinder response you have created under the policy domain/realm within which the myPrimavera Web server resides. The value of this response should be smuser=uid, where smuser is configurable and uid matches the LDAP server attribute that maps to the Primavera database USER_Name field.

[Asynch Jobs Settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values

AsynchJobs.PurgeInterval The frequency, in milliseconds, at which long running job records will be removed from the database.



AsynchJobs.GraceTime The minimum age, in milliseconds, of long running job records removed during purge.


*MAX_INT = 2,147,483,647

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Installing myPrimavera


[MailService Settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values

MailService.EmailNotificationServer E-mail notification server for Timesheet Approval

MailService.SendInterval The frequency, in milliseconds, at which queued mail messages are sent.



MailService.MaxQueueLength The maximum size of the mail message queue



*MAX_INT = 2,147,483,647

[Integration Server Settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values

IntegrationServer.RMI.RegistryPort The port for the RMI Registry.


1024-65535 1

IntegrationServer.RMI.Enable The setting that enables the RMI server.


IntegrationServer.RMI.CompressionServiceEnable The setting that enables compression service mode.


IntegrationServer.RMI.SSLServiceEnable The setting that enables SSL service mode.


IntegrationServer.RMI.StandardServiceEnable The setting that enables Standard service mode.


IntegrationServer.RMI.HTTPServiceEnable The setting that enables HTTP tunneling mode.


IntegrationServer.RMI.HTTPsServiceEnable The setting that enables secure HTTP (SSL) tunneling mode.



This value is usually set to at least 1024.

IntegrationServer.RMI.CompressionServicePort 0 The port to use for Compression service mode. A setting of 0 indicates that any available port will be used. If the server will be accessed across a firewall, you must set this to a specific port.


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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

[Integration Server Settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values

IntegrationServer.RMI.SSLServicePort 0 The port to use for SSL service mode. A setting of 0 indicates that any available port will be used. If the server will be accessed across a firewall, you must set this to a specific port.


IntegrationServer.RMI.StandardServicePort 0 The port to use for Standard service mode. A setting of 0 indicates that any available port will be used. If the server will be accessed across a firewall, you must set this to a specific port.


IntegrationServer.RMI.HTTPServicePort The port to use for HTTP tunneling mode. A setting of 0 indicates that any available port will be used.



IntegrationServer.RMI.HTTPsServicePort 0 The port to use for secure HTTP tunneling mode. A setting of 0 indicates that any available port will be used.


IntegrationServer.SessionTimeOut The amount of time (in seconds) after which an idle client connection will be terminated.



*MAX_INT = 2,147,483,647

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installing myPrimavera


Implementing Application Server Plug-Ins For a full list of myPrimavera tested configurations, refer to the testedcfg.pdf file in the \Documentation\Technical Documentation\Tested Configurations folder on the Primavera Documentation CD.

The Tomcat, WebLogic, and WebSphere application servers offer a variety of plug-ins that enable you to configure a Web server front-end other than the one provided with the application server. Primavera has tested myPrimavera on these three application servers using Microsoft Internet Information Server, Apache HTTP Server, and iPlanet Web Server. For procedures on configuring a Web server plug-in, refer to the individual application server’s documentation.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


Collaboration Setup In this chapter Preparing the Installation Installing the Collaboration Server Applying the Collaboration Update for Compatibility with myPrimavera 5.0 Creating a Collaboration Configuration Configuration Tasks Adding the Indexer Service Adding Trustees Adding a Facility Adding a Domain and Admin User Extend the Collaboration Schema Adding Updated Document Formats

This chapter describes how to install and configure the myPrimavera collaboration server. If you are installing the collaboration server for the first time, you must perform all of the steps listed in this chapter. If you have already installed the collaboration server (i.e., with the 4.x release of myPrimavera), then you need to upgrade your iManage Worksite MP Server to SP1 and apply the v3.1 HFB12 Hotfix. See “Applying the Collaboration Update for Compatibility with myPrimavera 5.0” on page 155 for more information.

Configuring myPrimavera for Collaboration

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Preparing the Installation This chapter details only the steps necessary to install the collaboration server for use with myPrimavera. For complete server setup and configuration information, refer to the Administrator’s Reference Manual and Worksite MP Server 3.1 Release Notes in the \collab\docs directory of CD 2. Prerequisites The only prerequisite to installing the collaboration server is the creation of a database that will be used as the authentication library for the collaboration server. The database should contain a data and log file, each at least 10MB in size. For Oracle users, the database owner must be created in Oracle, have a default tablespace assigned, and be granted “connect” and “resource” privileges. See step 7 on page 161.

Sizing Considerations The following guidelines should be considered when preparing the collaboration server for use in your organization. Collaboration file server disk space requirements are approximately equal (1-to-1 in byte size) to the total source file size + room to grow. For example, if the total source file size is 5 GB, then the collaboration file server space requirement would be 5 GB + room to grow. Room to grow is a projected calculation based on a company's growth and expected rate of entering new projects and data into Primavera.

If the user uploads 5 GB of documents, deletes the same 5 GB of documents, then adds 5 GB of new documents, the total disk space required is at least 10 GB. Documents are not purged from the system, they are placed in the \trash folder on the collaboration file server. Deleted documents can be retrieved from the \trash folder, if necessary. The Collaboration Recycler Service can be enabled in the myPrimavera Administration Application to purge deleted documents at user-defined intervals.

The Indexer service requires approximately 10% to 20% of the total file server disk space consumption. For example, if the disk space usage on the file server is 5 GB, the Indexer disk space requirement would rage between 500 MB (10%) to 1 GB (20%). Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


Installing the Collaboration Server 1 Insert/mount CD 2. 2 Launch the installer according to the operating system on which the collaboration server is being installed: Windows::\collab\31\instdata\windows\vm\Install.exe Solaris:/collab/31/instdata/solaris/vm/install.bin 3 Select the installation language and review the introduction. 4 Accept the license agreement. 5 Select the install location (to use a different location, type the full path or click “Choose...” and browse to the location).

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

6 Select the “Typical Install” option.

7 Review the details of the pre-installation summary. Click Install to continue or Previous to go back. 8 When the installation is complete, click Done to quit the installer. Complete the steps in the next section, “Applying the Collaboration Update for Compatibility with myPrimavera 5.0”. To improve the performance of the Worksite MP server running with JDK 1.4, users can download the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files, available under “Other Downloads” at 1.4.1/download.html. After the download is complete, unzip the file to a temporary directory and copy the local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar files directly into the jre/lib/security directory.

If Windows desktop or start menu shortcuts to the Configuration Manager and Library Manager are not created or do not work, you can create new shortcuts or launch the tools from the directory in which they are installed: Configuration Manager (if installed in C:\worksitemp): C:\worksitemp\worksiteserver\bin\win\imconfigmgr.exe Library Manager (if installed in C:\worksitemp): C:\worksitemp\worksiteserver\bin\win\imlibmgr.exe Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


Applying the Collaboration Update for Compatibility with myPrimavera 5.0 After the collaboration server has been installed, you must apply the Worksite MP Server v3.1 SP1 upgrade and the HFB12 Hotfix. Install Worksite MP Server 3.1 SP1 You must install the SP1 upgrade before you apply the HFB12 update. For detailed instructions on installing the SP1 upgrade, refer to the WorksiteMP3.1SP1ReleaseNotes.pdf file in the \collab\WSMP31SP1 folder on CD 2. To upgrade to SP1, run the SP1 installer at the following location: Windows: :\collab\WSMP31SP1_Server\server\ InstData\Windows\VM\svr31sp1update.exe Solaris: :/collab/WSMP31SP1_Server/server /InstData/Solaris/VM/svr31sp1update.bin Install the HFB12 update For more detailed HFB12 installation instructions and considerations, refer to the WSMP31B12ReleaseNotes.pdf file.

1 Stop the iManage Process Manager (impm or impm.exe). If you installed the Process Manager as a service on Windows, open the Services applet, locate the iManage PM service, and stop it. Stopping the iManage Process Manager will also stop the Indexer and CMS services.

2 If necessary, insert/mount CD 2. 3 Launch the installer according to the collaboration server operating system: Windows: :\collab\31HFB12\instdata\windows\vm\svr31b12.exe Solaris:/collab/31HFB12/instdata/solaris/vm/svr31b12.bin 4 Select the installation language and review the introduction. 5 Accept the license agreement. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

6 When prompted for the existing installation directory, verify that the path listed is correct. If not, click Choose... and select the base installation directory (this directory contains the "worksiteserver" directory).

7 When prompted for a backup directory, you can leave the default directory, type the path to a new directory, or click Choose... and select a backup directory.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


8 When the installer is finished, click Done to quit.

9 Delete any temporary files (all files) in the \fxfer directory of your Worksite MP installation. The default location of this directory is c:\worksitemp\\fxfer\. 10 Restart the iManage Process Manager (or restart the service on Windows). If CMS and Indexer are not set to Auto-Start, restart them from the Configuration Manager.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

11 To verify the upgrade, launch the Configuration Manager, click Help, About..., and scroll to the bottom of the window. After installing HFB12, the current version should be

Ensuring Optimal Performance of the Collaboration Server To ensure optimal performance, if you have installed the collaboration server for the first time with the myPrimavera 5.0 release or if you have previously installed the collaboration server and upgraded your iManage Worksite MP Server (by applying SP1 and the v3.1 HFB12 Hotfix as previously described), verify the following setting in the collaboration server file The file is located at <server install location>\worksitemp\worksiteserver\config\programs. New and upgrade installations set this property to the default value of true. Changing this setting to false improves performance.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


Creating a Collaboration Configuration After the collaboration server has been installed, it must be configured for the first time. The nodes in the Configuration Manager and Library Manager can be expanded by clicking the + next to the node or by double-clicking the node name.

1 Manually execute the Process Manager according to your operating system: Windows:C:\worksitemp\worksiteserver\bin\win\impm.exe Solaris:/worksitemp/worksiteserver/bin/unix/impm On Windows operating systems, it is recommended to install the Process Manager as a service by executing the following command in the directory listed above: impmservice –install After installing the service, launch the services control panel and set the startup type of the iManage PM service to Automatic, then start the service if it is not already running.

2 Launch the Configuration Manager from the Start, Programs, iManage Worksite MP Server menu. On Solaris, run /worksitemp/worksiteserver/bin/unix/imconfigmgr. 3 If a default cluster does not appear under the Worksite Cluster Configurations, right-click and select Add Cluster.

The cluster name must be the same as the hostname (machine name) of the collaboration server.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

4 Right-click the cluster and select Add > Server.

The server name must the same as the cluster name.

5 Right-click the server node and select Add, CMS.

In addition to CMS (Content Management System) the Indexer service must be added after the collaboration library has been configured. See “Adding the Indexer Service” on page 171 for more information.

6 Right-click the Local node under Libraries and select Add.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


7 Enter the details of the local library database:

Oracle only: This user must be created in Oracle, have a default tablespace assigned, and be granted “connect” and “resource” privileges.

This user must have DBA privileges (Oracle default is system/manager; SQL Server default is sa/sa).

The local library database is the database created before starting the installation of the collaboration server.




Library Name

The name of the collaboration library.


DBInstance Name

Instance name of the Oracle or SQL Server database to be used as the collaboration library.


Supplied database driver for MS SQL Server and Oracle.


Database system owner for collaboration IMANAGE tables and libraries.


Database server Host, Port, Account, and Password


Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

8 Click Test to validate the database details. If the test fails, ensure the library/database details are correct. Once the test is successful, click the Create button to create the authentication library.

The Content Library Creation Wizard creates the database tables and indices required to run the collaboration server. Click Next to move to the next step in the wizard. The following information is required: Library Object Model - choose worksitemp31

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Collaboration Setup


File Server Path - type or browse to the full path to the location where the library files should be created and stored (this can be any desired location)

Database Character Support - enable or disable the use of national characters for database string attributes Enabling the “National Character Support” option is NOT recommended when creating an Oracle database.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Once the wizard is finished, the new library must be defined as the Authentication Library. Add an Authentication Library 1 Right-click the cluster name and select Edit.

2 Click the CMS Libraries tab and click Add

3 Ensure the authentication library is selected and click OK.

4 Click OK to close the Edit Cluster dialog. When all database tables and indices are created, three system accounts are added: PROXYUSER, CACHEMANAGER, and TOOLUSER.

5 Select File, Save, to save your configuration settings.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


Start the CMS Service 1 To start CMS, right-click the service and select Start.

When CMS has started successfully, the red square on the CMS service icon changes to a green arrow. 2 After starting the CMS service, right-click the service name and select Auto-Start from the menu.

Enabling the CMS auto-start ensures that the collaboration services will be available in the case of a server reboot. 3 Save the configuration when finished.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Configuration Tasks After installing the collaboration server, several configuration tasks are required to prepare the server for use in the Primavera environment. The two main interfaces used to configure the collaboration server are the Configuration Manager and the Library Manager. This section describes the main configuration interfaces and highlights the tasks for which each interface is used. Configuration Manager The Configuration Manager is used to configure one or more server clusters and to control the CMS, Indexer, and other collaboration services. The entire WorkSite MP server cluster can be controlled via this application, which is what makes the Configuration Manager such a powerful tool. When you set up your WorkSite MP Server, you must run the Configuration Manager to create a configuration for all the components that make up a WorkSite MP Server Cluster. The list below denotes the components that are configured for each WorkSite MP Server Cluster using the Configuration Manager: ■

WorkSite MP Cluster Configurations •

Server Clusters

Local and Remote Libraries



Cluster node Server node Services Library node

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


Library Manager The Library Manager is an administrative tool used to set up and manage data associated with libraries serviced by WorkSite MP Server clusters. Using Library Manager, a WorkSite administrator can manage the following types of library data: ■

Facilities •


Library metadata instances •

Metadata classes

Metadata Relationships


System Configuration

Trustee information, including the following: •

Master Realm Settings

Realms, which include the ability to perform the following tasks: • Add a Master Realm to the library • Add individual users, groups, localities, and organizational units as native trustee nodes under a library’s Master Realm • Import and synchronize directories from external LDAP directory services as imported trustee nodes under a library’s Master Realm • Add Slave Realms from other libraries

System Users

When a library is created, it has a predefined directory structure that corresponds to the WorkSite object model. This structure can be implemented as an out-of-the-box solution. It can also be viewed as a model for building an application based on a custom object model.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Library Manager Window The Library Manager Window section is divided into five subsections that describe different parts of the Library Manager window and their functions. The five subsections are: ■

Directory frame

Display frame



Look-Up toolbar

Top-Level Nodes The Top-Level Nodes section covers the functions that can be performed from the following nodes: ■


Server Cluster


The tasks that can be performed from these nodes are:

Add a Server Cluster

Delete a Server Cluster

Login to a Library

Facilities Node The Facilities Node section contains descriptions of the tasks that can be performed from the Facilities node and descriptions of the dialogs that are used to perform the tasks. The following tasks can be performed from this node: ■

Adding Metadata instances

Editing Metadata sources and instances

Deleting Metadata instances

Adding Metadata relationships

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


Privileges Node The Privileges Node section contains descriptions of the tasks that can be performed from the Privileges Node as well as descriptions of the dialogs that are used to perform these tasks. The Privileges node helps administrators to determine security for trustees. Depending upon the privilege, security can be either set automatically or require specific settings. The following tasks can be performed from the subnodes that appear below the Privileges node: ■

Edit Privileges

System Configurations Node The System Configurations Node section contains descriptions of the tasks that can be performed from the System Configurations node as well as descriptions of the dialogs that are used to perform these tasks. The System Configurations node help administrators to keep track of global configurations at the library level. The following tasks can be performed from the subnodes that appear below the System Configurations node: ■

Edit System Configurations

Trustees Node The Trustees Node section contains descriptions of the tasks that can be performed from the Trustees node and descriptions of the dialogs that are used to perform the tasks. The Trustees node contains a variety of subnodes that are used to create and maintain native and imported trustees for a library. The following tasks can be performed from the subnodes that appear below the Trustees node: ■

Add, Edit, or Delete libraries in the Accessible Libraries list

Edit an existing LDAP Link

Add, Edit, or Delete Connections to external LDAP Directory servers

Add, Edit, or Delete Maps to external LDAP Directories

Add or Edit a Master Realm

Add, Edit, or Delete Trustees

Import, Synchronize, or Delete external LDAP Trustee directories to/ from the Master Realm

Add a Unique Identifier to an LDAP Directory

Add, Edit, or Delete Slave Realms

Add, Edit, or Delete System Users

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Add Unique Identifier to LDAP Directory The WorkSite MP Server uses a unique identifier attribute (or synchronization ID) to enable the import and synchronization of LDAP-compliant directories into the Library Manager tree. The default name for this attribute is iManageSyncId, though any appropriate name can be used. The following section provides a guide for extending the schema of a remote LDAP directory service to include the iManageSyncId and iManageSyncIdClass. ■

Creating a User with Restricted Access Rights

The following figure illustrates the Configuration Manager interface.

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Collaboration Setup


Adding the Indexer Service 1 Launch the Configuration Manager from the Start, Programs, iManage Worksite MP Server menu. On Solaris, run /worksitemp/worksiteserver/bin/unix/imconfigmgr. 2 Expand the “Worksite Cluster Configurations” tree to show the server node (below the cluster node). 3 Right-click the server node and select Add, Indexer.

The “Add Indexer” window is displayed. 4 If you want to enable SSL on the Indexer service, mark the checkbox next to “SSL Enabled.”

5 Click the Libraries tab.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

6 Select the library to which you are adding the Indexer service from the Available list. To select multiple libraries, use Ctrl or Shift.

7 Click the arrow button ( to the Configured list.

) to add the selected library (or libraries)

8 Click OK when you are finished. 9 Select File, Save to save your configuration settings. Start the Indexer Service 1 To start the Indexer, right-click the service and select Start.

When the Indexer has started successfully, the red circle on the Indexer service icon changes to a green arrow.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


2 After starting the Indexer service, right-click the service name and select Auto-Start from the menu.

Enabling the Indexer auto-start ensures that the service will be available in the case of a server reboot. 3 Save the configuration when finished.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Adding Trustees 1 Launch the Library Manager according to your operating system: Windows:Start, Programs, iManage Worksite MP Server, Library Manager Solaris:/worksitemp/worksiteserver/bin/unix/imlibmgr The CMS service must be running before the Library Manager can be launched.

By default, the master local library (created in the Configuration Manager) is displayed in the Library Manager. 2 Expand the cluster node to display the library node. 3 Expand the library node to display the library sub-nodes. 4 Expand the Trustees node. 5 Right-click on the Realms node and select Add.

6 When prompted for the type of realm to add, select Master.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


7 Enter a name for the master realm next to RDN (the suggested default name is “ImanageRealm”), then click OK.

Enter master realm name.

Click OK when finished.

8 Expand the Realms node, right-click the new master realm, then select Add to add a trustee.

The first trustee is not necessarily used by Primavera, but it is required to initialize the collaboration facility.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

9 Enter the following details for the new trustee: RDN - the name of the new trustee (can be any desired name) Class - leave the default value, “Person” Label - defaults to “p” when Class = Person UID - the user ID of the new trustee (user-defined) Domain - an LDAP-related value, manually defined (not required) You can set a password for the trustee, but no other changes are needed.

RDN Class Label

UID Domain

10 Click OK when finished.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


Adding a Facility After adding at least one trustee to the master realm, the next step is to add a default facility. 1 Right-click on the Facilities node and select Add.

2 Enter a name for the facility. Select the master realm under the Trustee Selection Tree, select the new trustee from the Trustee Selection list, then click Add to move the trustee to the Grants list.

Add facility name

Select the master realm Select the desired trustee Click Add

Click OK

3 Click OK to save the changes.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

4 When prompted for an initializer trustee, select Members under Trustee Selection Tree, select the new trustee under Person Selection, enter the trustee password if one was assigned, then click OK.

Select Members

Select the desired trustee Enter trustee password (optional) Click OK

You will be notified when the facility has been successfully initialized. By default, the new trustee is also added Grant access to the facility’s two child workgroups: Administrators and Workspace Creators. Additionally, a default Workspace is created, called “Worksite MP Home.”

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


Adding a Domain and Admin User For integration with myPrimavera, the must be added to the master realm. Within that domain, a user called DomainAdmin must be added. 1 Right-click the master realm (ImanageRealm) and select Add.

2 Enter the following details for the domain, then click OK: RDN - Class - Domain Label - d (changed automatically when Class is changed)

RDN Class Label

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

3 Click on the Libraries tab and uncheck each of the Inherit boxes under Preferences Facility and Homepage Workspace.

Uncheck the “Inherit” checkboxes...

...then click the browse button to set each option.

4 Click the browse button (...) next to Preferences Facility, browse to and highlight the facility that was created in the previous section, then click OK.

Expand the libraries node and select the newly created facility...

...then click OK.

The value should look like :.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


5 Click the browse button (...) next to Homepage Workspace, browse to and highlight Worksite MP Home workgroup (under the facility node), then click OK.

Expand the libraries and facilities nodes, select the “WorkSite MP Home” workgroup...

...then click OK.

The value should look like ::Worksite MP Home.

6 Click OK when finished. 7 Right-click the domain and select Add.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

8 Enter the following details for the domain admin user: RDN - DomainAdmin Class - Person Label - p UID - DomainAdmin Domain - The password for the DomainAdmin user should be left blank, and you should select the ‘Password never expires’ option.

RDN Class You should always select this option.


UID Domain

9 Click OK when finished.

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Collaboration Setup


Make DomainAdmin the Manager of After the DomainAdmin user has been created, it should be designated as the manager of the domain. 1 Right-click the domain node under the master realm and select Edit.

2 Click on the Managers tab, expand the Trustee Selection Tree, select the DomainAdmin user under Person Selection, then click Add to add the user to the Trustee Managers list.

Select the domain Select the “DomainAdmin” user Click Add

Click OK

3 Click OK when finished.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Add DomainAdmin to the Trustee Browsers and Workspace Creators Workgroups After creating the DomainAdmin user, the user must be added to the Trustee Browsers and Workspace Creators workgroups. 1 Right-click the Trustee Browsers workgroup and select Edit.

2 Select the domain under Trustee Selection Tree, select the DomainAdmin user under Trustee Selection, then click Add to add the user to the Members list.

Select the domain

Select the “DomainAdmin” user Click Add

Click OK

3 Click OK when finished.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


4 Right-click the Workspace Creators workgroup and select Edit.

5 Select the domain under Trustee Selection Tree, select the DomainAdmin user under Trustee Selection, then click Add to add the user to the Members list.

Select the domain

Select the “DomainAdmin” user Click Add

Click OK

6 Click OK when finished.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Extend the Collaboration Schema After installing the collaboration server and library, the database must be upgraded to the extended schema. Extending the Database Schema 1 Copy finalschema.dat from the \collab\schema directory on CD 2 to \worksitemp\worksiteserver\config\objectmodels on the collaboration server. 2 Stop the CMS service in the Configuration Manager. 3 Open a command prompt or shell and go to the following directory: Windows:C:\worksitemp\worksiteserver\bin\win\ Solaris:/worksitemp/worksiteserver/bin/unix/ 4 Run the following command: imlibmigrate -from objectmodels\worksitemp31.dat -to objectmodels\finalschema.dat -database -cluster Replace the values for -database and -cluster to the library name and cluster name for your installation. In the library database, table p_project will have new fields X_PVPKID and X_PVTYPE. 5 Reboot the collaboration server. 6 Restart CMS (if not set to auto-start). Verifying the Upgrade To verify whether the schema upgrade was successful, check the cms.ImLibraryMigrate..log file located in the following directory: \worksitemp\worksiteserver\logs\\ The path and filename of the log file for your server will use the cluster name (hostname) of the collaboration server instead of , as shown above.

The log file should end with the following line in the case of a successful upgrade: : INFO [main] Library Migrate ended successfully

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


Adding Updated Document Formats Two document formats are supported by myPrimavera, but not by the collaboration server, by default. These formats should be added to the collaboration library after server setup is complete. The document format details are listed below: DESCRIPTION



MicroStation Design File



AutoCAD Drawing File



1 Launch the Library Manager according to your operating system: Windows:Start, Programs, iManage Worksite MP Server, Library Manager Solaris:/worksitemp/worksiteserver/bin/unix/imlibmgr The CMS service must be running before the Library Manager can be launched.

2 Expand the cluster and library nodes to display the library sub-nodes. 3 Expand the Metadata node. 4 Right-click on the Application Formats node and select Add.

The “Add Metadata” dialog is displayed.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

5 Enter the values listed on the previous page for one of the document formats. To enter data in a “Value” cell, left-click the desired cell and enter the text required. 6 Click OK when finished. If the file format is used frequently, you may want to mark the IS_INDEXABLE checkbox to enable faster loading of the specified document format.

7 Repeat steps 4 through 6 for the second document format.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Collaboration Setup


Configuring myPrimavera for Collaboration After the collaboration server has been successfully installed, you should modify the appropriate settings in the myPrimavera Administration Application (see “Using the myPrimavera Administration Application” on page 123). The settings related to collaboration are listed below. Required Settings The values for certain settings are specific to your installation. Therefore, the following settings must be modified in the myPrimavera Administration Application before your collaboration server will properly function in your environment. ■

Database.Instance.CollaborationDomain - The collaboration domain created in “Adding a Domain and Admin User” (page 179).

Application.CollaborationServer.ServerName - Hostname of the myPrimavera collaboration server.

Application.CollaborationServer.LibraryName - The collaboration library created in step 7 on page 161.

Application.CollaborationServer.CacheUserName - The ID of the user having access to the collaboration application cache. This setting (CACHEMANAGER) is created by default and must match the ID of the user created on the collaboration server when adding the authentication library (see “Add an Authentication Library” on page 164).

Application.CollaborationServer.CachePassword - The password that corresponds to the CacheUserName. This setting must be entered in the myPrimavera Administration Application and must match the password used for CACHEMANAGER on the collaboration server. The default password created on the collaboration server is also CACHEMANAGER (see “Add an Authentication Library” on page 164).

Additional Settings The remaining collaboration settings can be modified as needed, but changes are not required to enable collaboration functionality in myPrimavera. ■

Application.CollaborationServer.Collaboration WorkspaceName - The default collaboration workspace name.

Application.CollaborationServer.Initiation WorkspaceName - The default initiation workspace name. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Application.CollaborationServer.AppName - The default app name used by myPrimavera.

Application.CollaborationServer.PoolSize - The number of collaboration connections initialized.

Application.CollaborationServer.PoolUserName - The user name used to start the connection pool.

Application.CollaborationServer.PoolUserPassword - Password for the user name used to start the connection pool.

Application.CollaborationServer.AdminUserName - The Admin user with full privileges.

Application.CollaborationServer.AdminPassword - The password of the admin user.

Application.CollaborationServer.CacheLimit - The maximum number of CMS objects that are kept in the application cache.

Application.CollaborationServer.StrictDocumentVersioning - If true, document checkout is restricted to the most recent version of a document. If false, any document version can be checked out.

Application.CollaborationSyncService. SynchronizationInterval - The interval at which the collaboration synchronization service will run. The synchronization moves documents marked for deletion to the collaboration server \trash folder. Additionally, other collaboration items (e.g., discussions or issues) that should be removed (e.g., when a project is deleted) are moved to the \trash folder.

Application.CollaborationRecyclerService.Automatic - If true, enables the collaboration recycler service, which purges deleted documents and other collaboration items (in the \trash folder).

Application.CollaborationRecyclerService. RecycleInterval - The interval at which the collaboration recycler service should run.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Distributed Job Service


Configuring the Distributed Job Service In this chapter Distributed Job Service Overview Installing the Distributed Job Service Configure Access to the Distributed Job Service

Use the Distributed Job Service (DJS) to run jobs independently on multiple Job Service servers at the same time. You can configure a controller server that manages the distributed Job Service by distributing jobs to multiple machines.

Configure DCOM for the Distributed Job Service Configure the Controller and DJS servers Job Service Registry Settings

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Distributed Job Service Overview The Distributed Job Service (DJS) is an extension of the Job Service that enables a controller machine to manage multiple machines (servers) running job services. Non-distributed job services run jobs on a single machine; installing the non-distributed job service on multiple machines results in each service running independently on each machine. With distributed job services, each designated server runs jobs as requested by the controller via DCOM communication, as shown in the following figure. This distributes the job service load across multiple machines. If desired, the controller can also run jobs.

In addition to the preparations described in this section, you must configure the myPrimavera database to run the Project Architect job service. Refer to “Configure myPrimavera to run the Project Architect job service” on page 129.

Prepare the Controller and DJS servers for installation and configuration Be sure to complete the following tasks before you install and configure DJS on the Controller and servers: ■

On the Controller and all DJS servers, define the “Temp” and “TMP” variables in Environment variables (both User variables and System variables).

Synchronize the system clocks of the Controller and all DJS servers to have identical time stamps in the log files.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Distributed Job Service


Installing the Distributed Job Service Before installing the Distributed Job Service, identify the Controller and servers (maximum 10). Install the Job Service on each machine as described in “Installing the Job Service and Distributed Job Service” on page 223. On the Controller, be sure to select the Distributed Job Service Configuration option as shown in the following figure. When you finish the installation, return to this section to configure user access. Primavera recommends that the controller and all related servers be in the same network domain. Also, each machine should have Windows 2000 SP4 or Windows 2003 as the operating system.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Configure Access to the Distributed Job Service Before configuring DCOM and the DJS, you must create users that have privileges to launch the Job Service, access the registry and path information on the Controller, and access applications across the network. On the server that controls the domain in which the Controller and DJS servers reside, perform the following steps: 1 Create a user group (e.g., PrmJob Admins). 2 For the Controller and each DJS server, add a user name to the user group you just created. For example, Name of Controller : ControllerUser Name of Server1 (DCOM Server) : Server1User Name of Server2 (DCOM Server) : Server2User Name of Server3 (DCOM Server) : Server3User 3 On the Controller and each DJS server, add the group you created to the Local Administrator Group. 4 In the Security tab of the DCOM Configuration dialog, add the group you created to each Custom permission. The example above illustrates a multi-user scenario. You can also configure single-user access. For example, you could create a single domain user (e.g., ControllerUser) and add that user to the Local Administrator group on the Controller and each DJS server. Then, when configuring DCOM, you could use the ControllerUser instead of the PrmJob Admins user group shown above.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Distributed Job Service


Configure DCOM for the Distributed Job Service To configure DCOM for the Distributed Job Service, perform the following steps for the Controller and each DJS server. 1 From the command line (or Start, Run utility), run dcomcnfg. The Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog is displayed. 2 In the Applications tab of the Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog, select {9E521861-5A76-11D5-98F400C0F680F1F}, then click Properties.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

3 In the Properties dialog, General tab, set the Authentication Level to Connect.

Make sure the Controller and all DJS servers are set to the same Authentication Level. If desired, you can set Connect as the Default Authentication Level in the Default Properties tab of the Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog.

4 In the Properties dialog, Applications tab, select the Run Application On This Computer option.

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Configuring the Distributed Job Service


5 In the Properties dialog, Security tab, select the following options as shown in the next figure: Use custom access permissions; Use custom launch permissions; and Use custom configuration permissions.

Select the options as pictured. Click Edit for each option to add users and groups to each custom permission.

6 For each custom permission type, click the associated Edit button and perform steps 7-9. When you have completed steps 7-9 for all three custom permission types, continue with Step 10. The Registry Value Permissions dialog opens.

For access permissions, this field says Allow Access. For launch permissions, this field says Allow Launch. For configuration permissions, this field says Full Control.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

7 In the Registry Value Permissions dialog, click Add. The Add Users and Groups dialog opens.

For access permissions, select Allow Access. For launch permissions, select Allow Launch. For configuration permissions, select Full Control.

8 In the Add Users and Groups dialog, select the user group you previously created (in this example, PrmJobAdmins). In the Type of Access field, select Allow Access. Click OK. When you repeat this step for the Use Custom Launch Permissions option you selected in step 5, select Allow Launch in the Type of Access field. When you repeat this step for the Use Custom Configuration Permissions option you selected in step 5, select Full Control in the Type of Access field.

9 In the Registry Value Permissions dialog, click OK. The dialog closes. The Properties dialog, Securities tab should still be open. If you have not performed steps 6-9 for all three custom permissions (access, launch, and configuration) selected in step 5, return to step 6. If you have performed steps 6-9 for all three custom permissions, continue with step 10.

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Configuring the Distributed Job Service


10 In the Properties dialog, Identity tab, select the This User option. Enter the Password for a user who has administrative privileges on the machine you are using.

11 Click OK to close the dialog. 12 On the Controller, launch the Services Control Panel. 13 In the Services dialog, double-click the Primavera Job Service (JSDB) to open the Properties dialog.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

14 In the Properties dialog, select This Account and enter the password of an administrative user on the Controller. Steps12-14 enable the DJS to use the name and password of the administrator you specified during DCOM configuration as the launching user for all servers.

15 Click OK to close the dialog.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring the Distributed Job Service


Configure the Controller and DJS servers Configure the Controller and DJS servers using the Distributed Job Services Configuration tool. Follow the instructions to access the configuration tool and configure the Controller and DJS servers. 1 On the Controller, run the DistributedJobsAdmin.exe from the following file location: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Primavera Common\JobService\JSConfig. The Distributed Job Service Configuration dialog opens (shown in the next figure)

2 In the Distributed Job Service Configuration dialog, click Browse. Navigate to the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Primavera Common\JobService\JSConfig folder and select PrmJobSvXXXX.exe, where XXXX equals the DB Alias of the database connection (in this example, XXXX equals JSDB as shown in the next figure).

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

3 In the Distributed Job Service Configuration dialog, click Add. For each server listed, select the equivalent PrmJobSvXXXX.exe. The Distributed Job Service Configuration dialog should appear similar to the next figure.

Select Disabled to disable the DJS on that machine. In this example, the Controller will execute jobs on the servers but not on itself.

If you have already used the configuration tool, all servers you previously configured appear in the list of servers (bottom grid of previous figure).

4 Set the Status (Enabled/Disabled) for the Controller and each DJS server. You can disable the DJS on any machine (e.g., if you want to execute jobs only on the servers and not on the Controller). However, a disabled machine may still run jobs if no enabled machine is available (e.g., due to network problems).

5 Click Test to verify that the DCOM configuration and PrmJob installation is working correctly on each machine.

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Configuring the Distributed Job Service


6 In the Maximum Number of myPrimavera Jobs field, enter a value between 0 (zero) and the number of enabled DJS machines. The Maximum Number of myPrimavera Jobs value determines the number of myPrimavera jobs that can be run at one time. Also, this value does not affect recurring jobs set up using the Job Services dialog in the Project Management module.

7 Click Save Settings, Close. 8 Reboot the Controller and all DJS servers. When the Controller restarts, its job scheduling actions are listed in the Event Viewer. Log files for all jobs are located in the appropriate folder of the Controller (not on the servers).

After you reboot the Controller and DJS servers, if you modify the DCOM settings you specified in “Configure DCOM for the Distributed Job Service,” you must reboot the machine(s) on which you made the modifications.

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Part 3: Server Installation and Configuration

Job Service Registry Settings You can edit the registry settings that apply to the (Distributed) Job Service and the summarizer service (in both the Job Service and the Project Management module). Edit (Distributed) Job Service registry settings Type 'regedit' in the Start, Run utility to open the Registry Editor. In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following directory: My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\PrmJobSvXXXX\Parameters (where XXXX equals the DB Alias of the database connection). The following table summarizes the Job Services registry settings. [Job Service settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/Values





1-(no maximum)







Number of times to try to connect to database on startup.

MaxNumRecurringJobs The maximum number of recurring jobs that can run simultaneously.

NonRecurringJobCleanupRate Frequency (in seconds) in which completed myPrimavera jobs are removed from the database (1 minute to 7 days).

NonRecurringJobRefreshRate Frequency (in seconds) in which myPrimavera jobs are loaded from the database.

RecurringJobRefreshRate Frequency (in seconds) in which Project Management jobs are loaded from the database.

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Configuring the Distributed Job Service

For more information about summarizer jobs, refer to “About summarizer jobs and myPrimavera” on page 230.


Edit registry settings for summarizer jobs Type 'regedit' in the Start, Run utility to open the Registry Editor. In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following directory: My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Primavera. You can add any of the following settings as D Words and modify the defaults to the recommended value The following settings apply to the Job Service and the Project Management module.

. [Summarizer settings] Setting Name and Description


Valid Ranges/ Values








Number of projects that can be summarized at the same time by the Job Service or the Project Management module. To achieve the best possible performance, Primavera recommends that the value of this setting = 20.

PreQuerySummarizablePct The percentage threshold that determines how the summarizer will analyze a project’s need for summarization. If the value of the equation shown below is less than the threshold, each project is considered for summarization individually. If the value of the following equation is greater than the threshold, all projects to be considered for summarization are analyzed simultaneously. The equation that determines this behavior is: # of projects to be summarized / # of projects user can access*100.

MaxDurationToSummarize The maximum remaining duration, in hours, that an activity or activity assignment can have in order to be summarized. If an activity or activity assignment has a remaining duration greater than this threshold, it is ignored during summarization. To ensure that all activities are summarized, Primavera recommends that the value of this setting = 100000.

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Primavera Client Installation and Configuration In this part

Installing Client Modules and Additional Components Creating and Running an Unattended Setup Changing Database Configuration Settings Configuring Authentication Modes Administering Users and Security Implementing Timesheets Automatic Database Upgrade


ead this part to install and configure the Primavera client modules, additional components, and the standalone version. The first chapter, Installing Client Modules and Additional Components, describes how to set up each module and component on a client workstation. If you want to set up an automated installation rather than install the software manually, read Creating and Running an Unattended Setup. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Primavera, read Automatic Database Upgrade. Once the modules are installed, read Changing Database Configuration Settings to learn how to use the Database Configuration utility to modify database connection information, administer licensing, change user passwords, and configure private database user accounts. Read Configuring Authentication Modes to select a method for validating user access to modules. Then, read Administering Users and Security to learn how to use the Project Management module to set up user accounts to secure project data. If you installed Timesheets, refer to Implementing Timesheets to set up users and timesheets.

Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


Installing Client Modules and Additional Components In this chapter Installing Database Client Software Running the Setup Wizard Installing Client Modules Installing the Job Service and Distributed Job Service Installing the Software Development Kit Installing ProjectLink Installing and/or Upgrading the Stand-Alone Version

Read this chapter to install the Primavera modules (Project Management, Portfolio Analysis, and Methodology Management), additional components (Job Service, Software Development Kit, and ProjectLink), and the stand-alone version. Run the Setup program on the client/desktop computers that will be used by project personnel. Install the Primavera client modules only after you install and configure the servers. The Setup wizard needs to connect to the database server when installing client modules. If you are upgrading from an existing installation, you should first uninstall the previous version before you install the new version (see “Automatic Database Upgrade” on page 345).

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Installing Database Client Software Before you install Primavera client modules, first install the client software for the database you will be using. The database client software enables the client computer to connect over the network to the database on the server computer. Microsoft SQL Server/MSDE When you install the Project Management module on a client computer, the Microsoft SQL Server client files necessary to connect to Primavera modules are also automatically installed for you. You must use this method to install database client software if you are using MSDE. Or, if you are using Microsoft SQL Server, you can also use your Microsoft SQL Server installation CD to install the client network utility. If you are unfamiliar with this process, please contact your database administrator. Oracle Use your Oracle installation CD to set up an application user and configure your Oracle SQL*NET or NET8 client files to match your network. If you are unfamiliar with this process, please contact your database administrator. Ensure that all clients are configured to use TCP/IP as the default network protocol.

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Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


Running the Setup Wizard If you do not want to install the software manually, you can run an unattended setup. Refer to “Creating and Running an Unattended Setup” on page 247.

Install the client modules (Project Management, Methodology Management, and Portfolio Analysis), additional components (Job Service, Software Development Kit, and ProjectLink), and the stand-alone version by running the Setup wizard. The first several steps of the installation process are exactly the same for all of these Primavera applications. These preliminary steps are documented in this section. When you complete the steps in this section, proceed to the section that contains the instructions for installing the module or component you want to install. You can install one or more modules. Each module requires approximately 20 MB of disk space. Administrator rights are required to install Primavera client modules on a computer running Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP. The network protocol TCP/IP must be installed on the client computer.

When you install Primavera applications, Primavera automatically installs MDAC 2.8 (English version) if it is not present on your machine. If you are installing Primavera applications on a machine running on a non-English operating system, Primavera recommends that you install the appropriate language version of MDAC 2.8 before installing Primavera. The Primavera installer will not overwrite the existing version of MDAC 2.8. To download the correct MDAC version, go to

Preliminary steps for installing the client modules, additional components, and the stand-alone version 1 If you are installing from a CD, insert CD 1. An introductory screen should appear that provides installation options. If the screen does not appear, or if you are installing from a network location, double-click SETUP.EXE in the root folder of CD 1 and skip Step 2.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

2 Click Install Client Applications.

Click Next on each wizard dialog box to advance to the next step. Click Cancel at any time to exit the wizard.

3 Click Next on the Welcome screen. 4 Enter the product key located on the CD 1 label. If you are installing from a network location and are not sure what the product key is, ask your system administrator.

5 Accept the license agreement. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


6 If you want to install only the client modules (Project Management, Methodology Management, and Portfolio Analysis), choose Primavera Client Applications. If you want to specify the client modules and additional components (including the Job Service, Software Development Kit, and ProjectLink) you want to install, choose Custom. If you want to install the stand-alone version, choose Primavera Stand-alone.

For detailed instructions on installing an additional component individually, refer to its section in this chapter.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

7 Enter or select the destination folder for the client modules.

8 Enter or select the destination folder for Primavera common files.

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Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


9 Proceed to the section that contains installation instructions for the module or component you want to install: For client modules, continue with “Installing Client Modules” on page 216. For the Job Service, continue with “Installing the Job Service and Distributed Job Service” on page 223. For the Software Development Kit, continue with “Installing the Software Development Kit” on page 233. For ProjectLink, continue with “Installing ProjectLink” on page 239. For the stand-alone version, continue with “Installing and/or Upgrading the Stand-Alone Version” on page 242.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Installing Client Modules Complete the following steps to install the Project Management, Methodology Management, and/or Portfolio Analysis modules. The following instructions assume you are installing the client modules only and that you have completed the steps detailed in “Preliminary steps for installing the client modules, additional components, and the stand-alone version” on page 211.

Install one or more modules 1 Deselect the modules you do not want to install. By default, each module is selected.

2 Enter or select the group name in which the Primavera client icons will be stored on the Start menu. If you make no changes, these icons are stored under Programs, Primavera. 3 Click Install to begin the installation. When the installation is complete, you are prompted to configure the database connection(s).

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Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


4 Select the driver type for the Primavera database. If you are installing the Project Management module, you must configure the client’s connection to the project management database. If you are installing the Methodology Management module, you must configure a connection to the methodology management database. If both are being installed, you are prompted to configure the project management database connection first.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

5 Configure the database connection settings. If you are configuring Microsoft SQL Server or MSDE, type the database host name and database name. The database name was specified when the database was created. The host name is the name of the computer or IP address where Microsoft SQL Server is installed.

If you are configuring Oracle, type the Oracle database name.

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Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


6 Enter your public login information.

7 Click Next to test the database connection.

8 Click Finish to complete the database connection setup. If you chose to install both the Project Management and Methodology Management modules, the Database Configuration wizard starts again so you can configure the connection to the methodology management database.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

9 Click Finish to complete the installation. 10 Open the Project Management module and set the base currency that will be used to calculate cost values across all projects in the database (as described in the next section, “Setting the Base Currency”).

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


Setting the Base Currency The base currency is the monetary unit used to store cost data for all projects in the database and is controlled by a global administrative setting in the Project Management module. The default base currency for Primavera is dollars ($). The view currency is the monetary unit used to display cost data in Primavera and is controlled by a user preference. The exchange rate for the base currency is always 1.0. When a user selects a different currency than the base currency to view cost data, the base currency value is multiplied times the current exchange rate for the view currency to calculate the values displayed in cost and price fields. For example, if the base currency is U.S. Dollars, the view currency is Euros, and the exchange rate for Euros is .75, a value of $10 stored in the database is displayed as 7.5 Euros in cost and price fields. Similarly, if you enter 7.5 Euros in a cost or price field, it is stored in the database as $10. When data is displayed in a view currency that is different than the base currency, some cost and price values may vary slightly (e.g., due to rounding). As long as the correct base currency is selected, a user can view completely accurate cost and price data by changing the view currency to match the base currency. YOU MUST SET THE BASE CURRENCY IMMEDIATELY AFTER INSTALLATION IS COMPLETE IF YOU DO NOT WANT US DOLLARS ($) TO BE THE BASE CURRENCY. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO CHANGE THE BASE CURRENCY ONCE PROJECTS ARE IN PROGRESS.

To set the base currency: 1 From the Start menu choose Programs, Primavera, Project Management. 2 Choose Open Global Data. 3 Choose Admin, Currencies. The Currencies dialog box lists the base currency (USD) and all predefined view currencies. 4 Select the base currency (USD, the top currency listed). 5 In the General tab, enter or edit the new base currency’s ID, name, and symbol. The exchange rate for the base currency is always one.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

The data will be automatically updated in the dialog each time you click in a different field. 6 Click the Appearance tab to further define how the currency is displayed. 7 Click Close. If you want to view costs in the old base currency, you will need to add it to the list of available currencies.

To change the base currency from US dollars to Euros, for example, select the base currency (USD), then enter the information for Euros in the General tab. US dollars will no longer be available as a currency. If you want to be able to view costs in US dollars, click Add to add US dollars as a view currency.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


Installing the Job Service and Distributed Job Service The Job Service enables you to automate certain functions in the Project Management module. You can apply actuals, run a batch report, export projects, schedule projects, and summarize projects. These operations run in the background at specified intervals. The Job Service runs as a Windows 2000/2003 service and can support an unlimited number of jobs, each with its own schedule of execution. Jobs are defined in the Project Management module and stored in the organization’s project management database. If you are working with more than one project management database, you can run jobs for all of the databases from one Windows 2000 (SP4)/2003 server machine by installing multiple instances of the Job Service, as described in this section. For more information on the distributed job service, refer to “Configuring the Distributed Job Service” on page 191.

If you want to be able to run multiple jobs simultaneously on separate servers, you can install the Distributed Job Service on a controller server that manages the Job Service and distributes jobs to the Job Service servers.

In addition to installing the job service, you must configure the myPrimavera database to run the Project Architect job service. Refer to “Configure myPrimavera to run the Project Architect job service” on page 129.

Install the Job Service Complete the following steps to install the Job Service and/or Distributed Job Service. The following instructions assume you are installing the Job Service only and that you have completed the steps detailed in “Preliminary steps for installing the client modules, additional components, and the stand-alone version” on page 211.

1 In the Other Components section, expand the Job Service option and choose the type of job service to install. Choose Job Service when: •

you want to install the non-distributed Job Service (single server only)

you want to use the Distributed Job Service but the machine on which you are installing is NOT the controller server.

Choose Distributed Job Service Configuration only when you want to use the Distributed Job Service and the machine on which you are installing is the controller server.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

If you want to run Job Service jobs in a language other than English, you must install the Project Management module on the Job Service machine. You can install it along with the Job Service, or you can install it at another time. After the applications are installed, refer to “Specify a different language for the Job Service” on page 232 for detailed instructions.

Setup will verify that the user has administrator rights on the computer. If the user does not have administrator rights, the Setup wizard will end.

2 Type the database alias. Click the More button if you want to add more than one service. You can create multiple instances of the Job Service, which enables you to run multiple job services for all project management databases from one Windows 2000 (SP4)/2003 server machine. Create one job service instance for each database. When installing multiple instances of the Job Service, you should first stop all existing job services. For more information on running jobs on multiple databases using the Job Service, see “Running Job Services on Multiple Databases” on page 229.

The Job Service uses the DB alias to connect to the database server.

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Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


Do not use dashes as part of the DB alias; otherwise, an error will occur.

3 Enter or select the program folder. 4 Click Install to begin the installation. 5 Choose the database server type: Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server/ MSDE.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

6 If you are connecting to Oracle, type the Oracle connect string (database name), which can be found in the TNSNAMES.ORA file.

If you are connecting to Microsoft SQL Server or MSDE, type the database name and specify the server computer name.

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Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


7 Enter public login information.

8 Click Next to validate the database connection.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

The DB alias that you specified is created.

9 Click Finish. You are prompted to test the Job Service alias. If you are installing on a SERVER machine in a Distributed Job Services environment, DO NOT click the Test button as described in the following step.

10 Click Yes to test the database connection. If the test fails, you can still continue the installation. 11 Click Finish. Once the Job Service is installed on your computer and it is able to successfully connect to the database, the service will periodically run any user-defined jobs that are scheduled in the Project Management module.

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Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


Running Job Services on Multiple Databases Once you have installed a separate job service instance for each project management database, you can apply actuals, run a batch report, export projects, schedule, or summarize all of the databases from one Windows 2000 (SP4)/2003 server machine. Log into the Project Management module and select one of the project management databases that you want to summarize.

Choose the alias for one of the databases you want to summarize.

In the Project Management module, choose Tools, Job Services. Add the job service you want to run for that database. To set up another job service for a second project management database, exit the Project Management module. Log in again and choose a different project management database by selecting its database alias. In the Job Services dialog box, add the job for the currently open database.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

About summarizer jobs and myPrimavera Resource Management functions in myPrimavera that use summary data rely on the creation of current enterprise resource records. Each record is the sum of all assignments for a resource. To ensure that enterprise records are current, use the methods below when summarizing projects.

For more information on registry settings for summarizer jobs, refer to “Edit registry settings for summarizer jobs” on page 205.

Summarize the project from within myPrimavera. myPrimavera summarizer jobs always update the enterprise records for resources in the selected project.

In the client/server module, login as Admin Superuser and create a summarizer job to generate enterprise resource records for all resources in the specified projects.

In the client/server module, if using the menu options to summarize, a registry key must exist for enterprise resource records to be created. To make the key, add EnterpriseSummaries as a D Word under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Primavera and modify the setting value to (1).

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Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


Configure the Job Service to send jobs directly to a printer To send jobs directly to a printer, you must run the Job Service using an administrator account rather than the general system account. On the machine running the Job Service, complete the following steps to login to the Job Service using your administrator user name and password. 1 From the Control Panel, select Administrative Tools, Services. 2 Double-click the Primavera Job Service. 3 In the Primavera Job Service Properties dialog, select the Log On tab. 4 Select the This Account option and enter the account and password of an administrative user. 5 Click Apply, OK.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Specify a different language for the Job Service You can specify the output language for Job Service jobs. Complete the following steps to specify a language other than English. 1 Complete the steps in the previous section, “Configure the Job Service to send jobs directly to a printer,” to login to the Job Service using your administrator account rather than the system account. 2 If you did not install the Project Management module when you installed the Job Service (as described in Step 1 on page 223), install the Project Management module on the Job Service machine. For detailed instructions on installing the Project Management module, refer to “Installing Client Modules” on page 216. 3 After the Project Management module is installed and the database configured, start the module by choosing Programs, Primavera, Project Management from the Start menu. 4 Login to the Project Management module using the same administrator account you used to login to the Job Service. 5 On the Welcome dialog, choose Open Global Data Only. 6 Choose Tools, Set Language, then select the desired language. The Job Service will run jobs in the selected language assuming that the Job Service continues to run using the administrator account you used to login in Step 1. If, at any time, a different login is specified, you must repeat these steps using the alternate login. You cannot run Job Service jobs in a different language using the local system account.

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Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


Installing the Software Development Kit The Software Development Kit (SDK) makes Primavera data available for use by external applications. In addition to data, the SDK provides application business rules and calculated values, and enforces application security. The SDK supports the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard for connecting to the project management database. ODBCcompliant interfaces, such as OLE-DB and JDBC, are also supported. Install the Software Development Kit Complete the following steps to install the Software Development Kit. The following instructions assume you are installing the Software Development Kit only and that you have completed the steps detailed in “Preliminary steps for installing the client modules, additional components, and the stand-alone version” on page 211.

1 In the Other Components section, Choose Software Development Kit.

2 Click Install.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

3 Click OK after reading the explanation of the remaining process. You will be creating a DB alias named PMSDK for use with the SDK. You will then create an ODBC user data source name (DSN) called PrimaveraSDK. The ODBC DSN will use the DB alias to connect to the project management database.

4 Select the driver type of your database server. You can select Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server/MSDE.

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Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


5 Type the connection information as required for your database type. If you are configuring Oracle, type the Oracle connect string.

If you are configuring Microsoft SQL Server or MSDE, type the database name and server computer name.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

6 Enter your public login information.

7 Click Next to validate the database connection.

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Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


8 If the connection was successful, a DB alias named PMSDK was created. Click Finish. If the connection was not successful, click Back to re-enter the database information.

9 Verify that the ODBC connection values are correct for your database, and click OK. An ODBC DSN named PrimaveraSDK is created.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Once the SDK is installed on your computer, you can connect to the project management database using the ODBC DSN. The SDK documentation is located in your \Program Files\Common Files\Primavera Common\PMSDK\Doc folder. To access the SDK, you need to be added as a user with Admin Superuser access rights or be assigned the global privilege View All Global/Project Data via SDK.

The SDK documentation can be read using a Web browser. Open the INDEX.HTM file to view the table of contents for the documentation.

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Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


Installing ProjectLink ProjectLink is a plug-in that enables Microsoft Project (MSP) users to work in the MSP environment while being connected to Primavera's enterprise features. The functionality enables MSP users to open/save projects from/to the Project Management module database from within the MSP application. With ProjectLink, MSP users have the ability to invoke Primavera's resource management within the MSP environment. ProjectLink enables users to utilize MSP for daily project maintenance while also having access to the enterprise capabilities available within Primavera applications. Install ProjectLink Complete the following steps to install ProjectLink. The following instructions assume you are installing ProjectLink only and that you have completed the steps detailed in “Preliminary steps for installing the client modules, additional components, and the stand-alone version” on page 211.

1 In the Other Components section, choose Project Link.

2 Enter or select the program folder. 3 Click Install.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

4 Click Finish when the download is complete. After you have successfully completed the installation, Primavera ProjectLink will appear as a toolbar in Microsoft Project. You can also choose Tools, Primavera ProjectLink in Microsoft Project to access any ProjectLink dialog box. ProjectLink Help is automatically installed in the same folder in which you installed the program. You can also access ProjectLink Help by clicking the help icon in any ProjectLink dialog box.

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Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


Ensuring Access to ProjectLink Access to ProjectLink is user-specific, not machine-specific. Only the user that installs ProjectLink on a machine can use ProjectLink on that machine. For example, a typical computer will have multiple defined users (e.g., Administrator, All Users, <User Name>). If ProjectLink is installed by the 'Administrator' user, only the 'Administrator' user can view/access ProjectLink in Microsoft Project; when any other user logs in on that machine, ProjectLink is not visible. To ensure that users can access ProjectLink on their computer, you should allow users to physically install ProjectLink through the Install wizard as previously described in this section. If it is not possible for each user to physically install ProjectLink (e.g., the administrator performs the install for all users), you can enable access to ProjectLink on a user’s computer by performing the following steps after ProjectLink is installed: 1 On the user’s computer, log in using the same login that was used to install ProjectLink (e.g., 'Administrator'). 2 Using the Start, Run utility, type regedit and click OK. 3 In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following directory: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\MSProject\ Addins 4 Select the PMAddin.PrimaveraAddin folder. 5 Choose Registry, Export Registry File. 6 Export the registry file to a location on the user’s computer that the user can access (e.g., c:\<user>\My Documents). 7 Login to the user’s computer with the user’s login. 8 Repeat steps 2 and 3. 9 Choose Registry, Import Registry File. 10 Import the registry file you exported in step 6. The user should now be able to access ProjectLink on the local machine.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Installing and/or Upgrading the Stand-Alone Version Before you begin, make sure your computer is running Windows 2000 (SP4), Windows 2003, or Windows XP (SP2). Also, even though you are running Primavera as a stand-alone product, a network interface card or modem must be installed and TCP/IP networking software must be running on the computer. If you are upgrading from a previous version, the Install wizard will upgrade your existing Interbase database to an MSDE database for you. If you are upgrading your existing Interbase database(s), DO NOT uninstall Interbase before running the Primavera Standalone install/upgrade. You can uninstall Interbase after your existing databases have been upgraded to MSDE.

Primavera recommends that you make a backup copy of your Interbase database (*.gdb file) before you upgrade the database to MSDE. While your existing *.gdb file will most likely not be damaged during the upgrade process, a backup copy will ensure that no project data is lost.

Be sure you check in any projects that are checked out before you upgrade the database.

When installing Primavera on Windows 2000 or XP, you must have administrator rights to your computer. See your network administrator for more information or contact Primavera Customer Support.

Install/upgrade the stand-alone version Complete the following steps to install/upgrade the Primavera stand-alone version. The following instructions assume you are installing or upgrading the stand-alone version only and that you have completed the steps detailed in “Preliminary steps for installing the client modules, additional components, and the stand-alone version” on page 211.

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Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


1 If you want to install sample projects, mark the checkbox next to Sample Projects.

2 Select the group name in which the Primavera icons will be stored on the Start menu. If you make no changes, these icons are stored under Programs, Primavera. If you are upgrading from a previous version, you may be prompted that a Primavera folder already exists. Click Yes to install version 5.0 in this folder.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

3 Browse to the location of the LICENSE.TXT file. A license key file is required to use the software and should have been provided via e-mail or diskette. If you are upgrading from a previous version, click Browse to select your project management and/or methodology management Interbase databases. Your existing Interbase databases will be converted to MSDE databases under the' MSDE (Primavera)' instance.

4 Click Install to begin the installation/upgrade. During the installation, the setup program automatically installs and configures Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE). The setup also installs/upgrades the project management and methodology management databases. If MSDE is already present on your computer, the setup will create a separate MSDE instance named Primavera.

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Installing Client Modules and Additional Components


5 After the installation is complete, you must restart your computer before you can use the software. Choose to restart your computer now or later, then click Finish.

You can launch a module by clicking Start, Programs, Primavera, then select the module of your choice.

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Creating and Running an Unattended Setup


Creating and Running an Unattended Setup In this chapter Creating Unattended Setup Files Running an Unattended Setup

This section provides instructions for creating an unattended setup of Primavera applications and running an unattended setup on client computers. An unattended setup enables administrators to install Primavera applications on client computers without having to run through the setup process each time. It also ensures that each user receives the same Primavera configuration.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Creating Unattended Setup Files An unattended setup allows an administrator to install Primavera modules on a client computer without having to answer the configuration prompts of the Setup wizard. All configuration details for the installation are specified when the unattended setup files are first created. You can choose which client modules to install, configure the connection to the project management database, and specify the destination folders where the program files are copied. Unattended installations ensure that all client modules are configured identically at setup. To create an unattended setup, you enter command lines to automatically create a response file and launch the Primavera Setup wizard. The response file records the configuration settings you specify during the setup process. When completed, you can copy the response file to a network location which an administrator or users can access from any networked computer. The unattended setup can be run by an administrator or users on client computers by entering the appropriate command lines. The unattended setup will silently install Primavera according to the configuration you specify in the response file. For information on running an attended setup, see “Running an Unattended Setup” on page 257.

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You can also rerun the Setup wizard to recreate a set of unattended setup files or to create multiple sets of files for different configurations.

Creating and Running an Unattended Setup


Create unattended setup files 1 Select a computer that does not have Primavera currently installed. 2 Copy the contents of CD 1 to a folder on the local machine. Primavera recommends creating a new folder (e.g., Primavera_Install). Do not include spaces in the folder name. 3 Open a command line by choosing Start, Run. Type ‘cmd’ and click OK. 4 Enter a command line that will access the directory to which you copied the Primavera installation files. For example, cd c:\Primavera_install In the next step, you will enter a command that creates a response file and a log file, then automatically launches the Primavera setup in record mode. The response file will record your selections while you proceed through the Primavera setup. Users will then be able to install Primavera from the response file you create. There are no restrictions on the name of the response and log files; however, Primavera recommends that you name the response file ‘setup.iss’ and the log file ‘setup.log’. If errors occur during the setup process, they will be recorded in the specified log file.

5 Enter the following command line to create response and log files and to launch the Primavera setup in record mode, where pathname = the directory you accessed in Step 4 (e.g., Primavera_install): setup /r /f1"c:\pathname\setup.iss" /f2"c:\pathname\setup.log"

The Primavera setup launches automatically.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Click Next on each wizard dialog box to advance to the next step.

6 Enter the product key located on the CD 1 label.

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Creating and Running an Unattended Setup


7 Accept the license agreement. 8 Choose Custom.

9 Accept the default installation folder or click Browse to specify a different folder.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

10 Accept the default location for Primavera common files or click Browse to specify a different folder.

11 Mark the checkbox next to each application you want installed when an administrator or another user runs this unattended setup on a client machine.

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Creating and Running an Unattended Setup


You should not include the Job Service or Distributed Job Service when configuring an unattended setup unless you are creating an unattended setup that will only be run on server machines that you intend to use as Job Service or Distributed Job Service servers.

12 Accept the default location for Primavera program icons or select/ type a different folder name.

13 Click Install to begin the installation.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

14 When the installation is complete, you will be prompted to configure the database connection. Click Yes. 15 Choose the database type, either Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server/ MSDE.

16 If users will be connecting using SQL Server, enter the server host name and the database name.

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Creating and Running an Unattended Setup


If users will be connecting using Oracle, enter the Oracle connection string.

Before you enter the database information, confirm that all users who will be running the unattended setup have access to the specified database.

17 Enter the public username and password for the database connection.

18 Click Next to validate the database connection. If the connection is not valid, you can go back and change your settings.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

19 Click Finish.

20 If you chose to include the Methodology Management module in the unattended installation, repeat steps 14-19 to configure the methodology management database. 21 Copy and paste the contents of the folder you created in Step 2 to a network location accessible to all computers that need to run the unattended setup. This folder should contain the contents of CD 1 as well as the 'setup.iss' and 'setup.log' files. Refer to the next section for instructions on running an unattended setup on a client machine.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Creating and Running an Unattended Setup


Running an Unattended Setup An unattended setup is a special installation program that uses the configuration file you or another administrator created in the previous section (“Creating Unattended Setup Files” on page 248) to supply information such as the module to be installed, the database connection settings, and the destination folders for the installation. This configuration file is typically named 'setup.iss;' however, the administrator who created the configuration file may have provided a different name. Running an unattended setup saves you time and effort, and it ensures that every Primavera client module is configured identically at setup. If the 'setup.iss' (or equivalent) file has been stored on a network server, you can run the unattended setup from any client computer with a network connection to that server. The 'setup.iss' (or equivalent) file and the contents of CD 1 must be stored in the same folder on the network server.

As an administrator, you have several options for installing Primavera on client machines using the unattended setup. For example, you can physically run the unattended setup on each machine, write scripts that will run the unattended setup on the client machines you specify, or provide these instructions to users who can run the unattended setup on his/her computer. The following instructions assume that an administrator or the owner of the client computer is physically running the unattended setup from the client computer. Also, as an example, the folder containing the required files is named "Primavera_install," the setup file is named 'setup.iss,' and the log file is named 'setup.log.' The administrator who configured the unattended setup may have provided different names.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Run an unattended setup 1 On the client computer, open a command line by choosing Start, Run. Type 'cmd' and click OK. 2 Enter a command line that will access the directory on the network server that contains the CD 1 files, the 'setup.iss' file, and the 'setup.log' file. For example, cd e:\Primavera_install

If you are unsure of the location of the unattended setup file, refer to your system administrator. 3 Enter a command line to run the unattended setup, where pathname = the directory you accessed in Step 2 (e.g., Primavera_install). For example: setup.exe /s /f1"e:\pathname\setup.iss" /f2"c:\pathname\setup.log"

The Primavera installation launches automatically. You will not see a dialog box; however, a Primavera taskbar icon indicates that the installation is in progress. The installation is complete when the taskbar icon closes. 4 Confirm that the files were successfully installed by navigating to the appropriate folder on the local drive. By default, Primavera applications are installed in c:\Program Files\ Primavera. The administrator who configured the unattended setup may have supplied a different default installation folder. If the Primavera applications were not installed, or if you cannot run a Primavera application, contact your system administrator. All errors are logged in the 'setup.log' file (or equivalent).

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Changing Database Configuration Settings


Changing Database Configuration Settings In this chapter Changing Database Connection Settings Performing Administrative Tasks

The Database Configuration wizard enables you to alter database connection settings for Primavera client modules. This chapter describes how to change database connection settings, configure licenses, change user passwords, and administer login names and passwords.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Changing Database Connection Settings Use the Database Configuration wizard to change connection settings for a client module if your database server configuration changes. For example, if the database is moved to a new server, run the Database Configuration wizard to configure the connection to the new server. You must always browse for the location of the module’s INI file when you run the Database Configuration wizard with the stand-alone version of Primavera.

To be able to change database connection settings, the Database Configuration wizard must access the module’s initialization (INI) file. This file is located in the module’s folder; for example, the INI file for the Project Management module is PM.INI. If the wizard cannot locate the module’s INI file, you will be prompted to browse for it.

Change database configuration settings 1 From the client computer’s desktop, click Start, then choose Programs, Primavera, Help and Utilities, Database Configuration. If you are running the stand-alone version of Primavera, click Start, then choose Programs, Primavera, License and Database Configuration. 2 Click Next on the Welcome dialog box. If you are running the stand-alone version of Primavera, in the Select INI File dialog box, select Use INI Settings, then click Browse to search for the module’s INI file. Click Next. Click Next on each wizard dialog box to advance to the next step.

3 Choose Configure My Database Connection.

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Changing Database Configuration Settings


4 Choose the appropriate database.

5 Select the alias and driver type of the database. If you are changing the alias or database driver, type the new alias or select the new driver type.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

6 Type the new connection settings for the database. If the client computer is connecting to an Oracle database, type the connection string, which can be found in the TNSNAMES.ORA file.

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Changing Database Configuration Settings


If the client computer is connecting to Microsoft SQL Server or MSDE, type the server host name and the database name.

7 Type the public login information. The public login is used by module users to connect to the database.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

8 Click Next to test the connection. If the test connection fails, you can ignore the error or click Back to correct the settings now.

9 Click Finish.

If you create a new DB alias for a module, the module’s INI file is updated to reflect the change. If multiple modules are installed on one client computer, changing the DB alias for one module does not affect the other modules.

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Changing Database Configuration Settings


If you change the database connection settings for a DB alias and multiple modules share that alias to access the database, your changes affect all the modules that share the alias.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Performing Administrative Tasks Use the Database Configuration wizard to configure application licensing, change user passwords, and administer private database logins. If you want to configure application licensing, you can use the wizard to connect to the database and store the license in the database. You can store two types of licenses using the Database Configuration wizard: the new license you receive from Primavera when you implement a new or upgraded Primavera installation; or, the incremental license you receive from Primavera when you purchase additional users for your existing license. You can also use the Database Configuration wizard to change the passwords of module user logins. Note that these logins are not database logins but are the Primavera logins that are administered using the Project Management module. Private database logins are used primarily by administrators to gain direct access to a database. For example, the privileged user login that you use to access the database is a private database login. You can modify existing logins or create new ones using the Database Configuration wizard. Run the Database Configuration wizard Whether you are configuring application licensing, changing user passwords, or administering private database logins, most of the steps required to perform these administrative tasks are the same. Complete the following steps to perform all of these tasks: 1 From the client computer’s desktop, click Start, then choose Programs, Primavera, Help and Utilities, Database Configuration. If you are running the stand-alone version of Primavera, click Start, then choose Programs, Primavera, License and Database Configuration. 2 Click Next on the Welcome dialog box. If you are running the stand-alone version of Primavera, in the Select INI File dialog box, select Do Not Use INI Settings. Click Next and skip to step 4. Click Next on each wizard dialog box to advance to the next step.

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Changing Database Configuration Settings


3 Choose Administration Tasks.

4 Choose the appropriate administrative task.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

5 Select the appropriate database.

6 Type the name and password of a privileged database user. This login should have administrative rights on the database.

7 Complete the following instructions that correspond to the administrative task you are performing:

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Changing Database Configuration Settings


To configure application licensing: You can paste a license or load one from a file. To paste a new license in place of the old license, copy the license, click Paste, and click Yes to overwrite the old license. To add a license from a file, click Load from File. Click Finish to close the wizard.

After applying any licensing changes that affect myPrimavera, the application server hosting myPrimavera must be restarted before the changes will take effect.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

To change user passwords: Select the module login and set its new password. Click OK, then click Finish to close the wizard.

To administer private database logins: Review the explanation of private database logins and click Next. To modify the settings for a login, click the appropriate cell and type the new value. To add a new login, click Add. To delete a login, select the login and click Delete. Click Finish to close the wizard.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Authentication Modes


Configuring Authentication Modes In this chapter Authentication in Primavera Process Overview Choosing an Authentication Scheme

This chapter describes the Primavera authentication modes, outlines the steps required to implement an authentication scheme, and explains how to use the configuration wizard to specify the mode you want to use for client/ server and Web modules.

Login Procedures and Authentication

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Authentication in Primavera Typically, within an organization, user access to software applications is managed through authentication and authorization mechanisms. Simply put, authentication is the process of validating user identity and authorization is the mechanism used to control access to specific resources or data. Primavera supports three authentication modes: Native (the original Primavera authentication scheme), Single Sign On, and LDAP. ■

Native Native authentication is the default mode for all Primavera modules. In this mode, when a user attempts to log in to a Primavera module, authentication is handled directly through the module with the Primavera database acting as the authority.

Single Sign On Single Sign On authentication, which provides access control for Web applications, is available for Group Server and myPrimavera. In this mode, when a user attempts to log in to a Primavera module (protected resource), a Web agent intercepts the request and prompts the user for login credentials. The user’s credentials are passed to a policy server and authenticated against a user data store. With Single Sign On, a user logs on only once and is authenticated for all Web applications for the duration of the browser session (provided that all Web applications authenticate against the same policy server).

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) LDAP is directory-based authentication and is available for client/ server and Web applications. In this mode, when a user attempts to log in to a Primavera module, the user’s identity is confirmed in an LDAP-compliant directory server database. If the Project Management module is configured for Single Sign On or LDAP authentication, all Project Management module applications (e.g., Update Baseline, Claim Digger) or third-party applications (e.g., Pertmaster) that utilize the Primavera Integration API must be separately configured for Single Sign On or LDAP authentication using the API AdminApp java utility. For more information on the API, refer to the Primavera Integration API Administrator’s Guide on the Integration API installation CD.

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Configuring Authentication Modes


Regardless of the authentication scheme you choose, Primavera controls user authorization though the project management or methodology management database. For details about user authorization, see “Administering Users and Security” on page 287.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Process Overview By default, all Primavera modules are installed using Native authentication. After you install Primavera client/server modules and additional components, you can choose a different authentication scheme. To specify an authentication scheme: The Borland Database Engine and the database client software must be installed on the machine used to run the Authentication Configuration wizard.

Run the Authentication Configuration wizard to choose an authentication mode for the project management database (PMDB) and, if applicable, methodology management database (MMDB).

Configure settings in the Timesheets Web site file erps8X6.html. For information, see “Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets” on page 69.

Configure myPrimavera administrative settings. For information, see “Installing myPrimavera” on page 105. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Primavera software, refer to the procedures in “Automatic Database Upgrade” on page 345 before running the Authentication Configuration wizard.

Authentication mode is database-driven, so the Authentication Configuration wizard enables you to first specify a database connection setting, then choose authentication modes for the modules that access that database. Although the wizard prompts you to separately choose an authentication mode for client/server modules and Web modules, you must use a consistent authentication scheme within the Primavera suite when choosing Native authentication; that is, both client/server and Web modules must use Native mode. LDAP authentication can be used for both client/server and Web modules, or LDAP client/server authentication can be combined with Single Sign On, which is available only for Web modules. For LDAP authentication, the configuration utility also enables you to specify LDAP servers, map LDAP attributes to Primavera database fields, and provision users.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Configuring Authentication Modes


Choosing an Authentication Scheme After installing Primavera, use the Authentication Configuration wizard to set up an authentication scheme, which includes one or more of the following steps: ■

Selecting an authentication mode

Configuring LDAP servers

Provisioning LDAP user information to a Primavera database

Depending on the authentication modes you select for client/server and Web modules, the wizard guides you through the applicable steps. When initially configuring Primavera modules to use LDAP mode for either client/server or Web modules, you can provision users. Once you have configured an LDAP authentication mode, you can also run the Authentication Configuration wizard at a later time to reprovision user information as necessary. The Authentication Configuration wizard is provided on CD 1. You can run the wizard directly from the CD. To set up an authentication scheme 1 On CD 1, in the Install\Database\ldap_config directory, double click on the file LDAPCfgWiz.exe.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

2 Select the database alias you want to configure for authentication, then type the database username and password.

3 Choose to configure an authentication mode.

The Import option is active only if the database has previously been configured for either LDAP or Single Sign On mode.

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Configuring Authentication Modes


4 Choose an authentication mode for the client-server and Web modules.

If you choose Native, the Finish button becomes active so you can exit the wizard. For all other authentication mode selections, continue through the wizard to configure additional information as described in the following steps. 5 To add a new LDAP server, click Add. If previously configured LDAP servers are listed, you can modify the information or remove server entries.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

6 On the General tab, specify the LDAP directory server host name or IP address, listening port, and Base Directory Node. For Base Directory Node, specify the location in the directory information tree (DIT) that is the location from which to start the search for module users during login. Base Directory Node is also the location where the provisioning function begins the search for directory server users. To use SSL protocol for communication with the LDAP server, mark the Enable SSL checkbox. For myPrimavera, if choosing SSL, you will need to configure two settings that identify the location and password for the keystore that holds the SSL certificate. For details about myPrimavera Configuration settings, see “Installing myPrimavera” on page 105.

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Configuring Authentication Modes


If the LDAP server does not allow anonymous searches, click the Login tab. Type the username and password of an LDAP server user who has search access for the Base Directory Node you specified on the General tab.

When you are finished configuring the LDAP server, click OK or, to validate connection with the LDAP server, click Test, then click OK after a successful connection message.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

USER_NAME is a required field that must be mapped and can not be deleted. Up to four fields can be mapped between the LDAP store and the project management/methodology management database.

7 Select an LDAP server. Then, in the LDAP attribute column, specify the term/field in the LDAP store that corresponds to the Primavera project management/methodology management database USER_NAME field. Optionally, specify the LDAP term/field for e-mail address, actual name, and office phone number. To add fields, click Add. To remove a field, select it and click Remove. If you are unsure of the correct LDAP terms, check with your LDAP directory server administrator.

8 To provision LDAP user information to the Primavera database, click Next. You can search the LDAP directory server or import an LDIF file to provision users. To exit the wizard, click Finish.

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Configuring Authentication Modes


9 Click Search and Import Users.

When you provision users, changed records are updated in the Primavera database and new users are added. However, users that have been deleted from the LDAP directory or LDIF file are not automatically removed from the Primavera database. You will need to manually delete these users.

10 To import from an LDIF file, click Load LDIF, then navigate to the file you want to import and click OK. To import from an LDAP server, you can run an existing search or define a new search. If one or more previously defined searches exist, the name of the most recently run search is displayed next to the Search Name drop-down list. To initiate the current search, click Run Search. Results display in the Available Users section. To specify a new search, click Define Criteria.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Displays the name of the current search.

Starts the search based on the filter selected in the Search Name drop-down list.

To set the number of search results listed at one time, type a number or click the arrow buttons. To advance through the list, click Go.

Click to save information for the selected users to the Primavera database.

Click to remove the current search results or currently selected users.

After running a search, select the Available users you want to add to the Primavera database, then click the right arrow button. To remove a user from the Selected users list, click the left arrow button. Click the double arrows to add or remove all listed users.

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For the selected users, click to compare records between the Primavera db and LDAP store. Status is indicated by background color. White indicates a match, blue indicates that the db record differs from the record in the LDAP store, and red indicates that the user record does not exist in the database.

Configuring Authentication Modes


When you click Define Criteria, the Select/Define Searches dialog box displays so you can add, modify, and delete searches. •

To add a search, click Add. Type a unique name for the search. In the Search criteria field, specify the LDAP search filter you want to use. When finished specifying criteria, click Save, then click Close. Search filter syntax should adhere to the rules outlined in RFC 2254.

After provisioning users, you will need to set up Primavera user accounts for the imported users by assigning security profiles and licenses through the Project Management or Methodology Management modules.

To modify a search name or criteria, edit the existing information, click Save, then click Close.

To delete a search, select it. Click Remove, then Close.

11 When finished importing user information, in the Import LDAP Users dialog box, click Close. To exit the Authentication Configuration wizard, click Finish.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

To provision LDAP user information to the Primavera database When you provision users, changed records are updated in the Primavera database and new users are added. However, users that have been deleted from the LDAP directory or LDIF file are not automatically removed from the Primavera database. You will need to manually delete these users.

1 On CD 1, in the Install\Database\ldap_config directory, double click on the file LDAPCfgWiz.exe. 2 Select the database alias you want to provision LDAP information for, then type the database username and password.

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Configuring Authentication Modes


3 Choose to import user information.

The Import option is active only if the database has previously been configured for either LDAP or Single Sign On mode.

4 Follow steps 9 through 11 (beginning on page 281) in “Choosing an Authentication Scheme” (the previous procedure), which describes how to set up an authentication scheme, including the provisioning of users.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Login Procedures and Authentication Login procedures for Primavera modules vary according to the authentication mode selected. In Native mode ■

Primavera modules present a login dialog that prompts for a user name and password. In Native mode, the use of passwords is optional.

In LDAP mode ■

All Primavera modules (Project Management, Methodology Management, Portfolio Analysis, Timesheets, myPrimavera, and Software Development Kit) require a login password. Additionally, because passwords are stored and authenticated against an LDAP directory, the capability for users to change passwords within a Primavera module is disabled.

In Single Sign On mode ■

For Timesheets, the Primavera login dialog box never appears. Instead, login credentials are requested and validated by SiteMinder. Once a user is authenticated, the Timesheets launch page appears.

For myPrimavera, login credentials are requested and validated by SiteMinder. Once a user is authenticated, the myPrimavera launch page appears so the user can select a database and language. The capability for users to change passwords within Timesheets and myPrimavera is disabled because passwords are stored and authenticated against a directory server user store.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Administering Users and Security


Administering Users and Security In this chapter Understanding Security in Primavera Process Overview Defining Global Profiles Defining Project Profiles Adding Users in the Project Management Module Assigning OBS Elements and Project Profiles Assigning OBS Elements to the EPS

Primavera enables multiple users to work simultaneously in the same projects across an organization. To ensure that data is protected from unauthorized changes, you can create global and project security profiles that control access. You can then set up users and assign organizational breakdown structure (OBS) elements to users, project profiles, and enterprise project structure (EPS) nodes. Read this chapter to understand the process for setting up users and implementing security in Primavera.

Defining User Access to Resources Setting Security in the Methodology Management Module

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Understanding Security in Primavera Each person who will be using any component of the Primavera suite must be registered as a “user” with the appropriate licensing rights. Additional security privileges determine each user’s access to data. Use the Project Management module to administer security for the Project Management, Portfolio Analysis, Timesheets, and myPrimavera modules. The Methodology Management module administers its own security. The Methodology Management module uses its own set of users and security profiles to control access to methodology data. See “Setting Security in the Methodology Management Module” on page 323.

To ensure security at various levels of data, the Project Management module provides two sets of security profiles: ■

Global profiles Define a user’s access to application-wide information and settings, such as the enterprise project structure (EPS), resources, roles, and cost accounts. Each user must be assigned a global profile.

Project profiles Define a user’s access to project-specific information. The Project Management module does not require that each user be assigned a project profile; however, users cannot access projects unless they are assigned a project profile or the global profile, Admin Superuser.

You can create a set of profiles that limit access to global information and then assign the appropriate global profile to each user. Similarly, to limit privileges for each project, you assign the appropriate project profile to each user via an organizational breakdown structure (OBS) element. When you create the EPS for your company, you must identify an OBS element, or person responsible, for each node and project within the EPS. This OBS element assignment determines the user’s rights to the EPS level (and all levels below it). You can further control access to specific project data by assigning a responsible OBS element to each work breakdown structure (WBS) element within a project. You can also control user access to resource data by implementing resource security. The following diagram illustrates the relationships between a user, the OBS, EPS, and WBS. If a user will be accessing Timesheets to update time, he/she will also need to be associated with a resource in the Project Management module. Timesheets Resource



License Resource Security

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EPS WBS Project Profile

Global Profile

Administering Users and Security


Primavera Terms Review the following Primavera terms to help you better understand how to administer users and security: User Any person who needs access to Primavera components, including the Project Management, Methodology Management, Portfolio Analysis, Timesheets, and myPrimavera modules. Resource The people, materials, and/or equipment that perform the work on activities. In the Project Management module, you can build a resource hierarchy that includes the required resources across all projects in the organization. Resources are assigned to activities in the Project Management module and can be set up to use Timesheets to report actual workhours. OBS A global hierarchy that represents the managers responsible for the projects in your organization. The OBS usually reflects the management structure of your organization, from top-level personnel down through the various levels constituting your business. The OBS can be role-based or name-based. EPS A hierarchy that represents the breakdown of projects in the organizatio. Nodes at the highest, or root, level might represent divisions within your company, project phases, site locations, or other major groupings that meet the needs of your organization, while projects always represent the lowest level of the hierarchy. Every project in the organization must be included in an EPS node.

WBS A hierarchical arrangement of the products and services produced during and by a project. In the Project Management module, the project is the highest level of the WBS, while an individual activity required to create a product or service is the lowest level. Each project in the EPS has its own WBS. An OBS is not the same as a resource pool. While resources are assigned to activities, OBS elements are associated with EPS nodes and projects. The OBS element corresponding to an EPS node is the manager responsible for all work included in that branch of the hierarchy. In this way, an OBS supports larger projects that involve several project managers with different areas of responsibility. A user does not have to be included in the OBS if he/she may need to access the Project Management module but is not part of the responsible management structure. Similarly, a user may or may not be a part of the resource hierarchy. For example, if the user is a resource assigned to activities and needs to update a timesheet in Timesheets, he/she must be included in the resource hierarchy; however, a user who is an executive requiring access to the Portfolio Analysis module only is not a part of the resource pool. For more information on resources, OBS, EPS, and WBS, see the Project Management Reference Manual.


Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Review the following portions of a sample EPS for Capital Improvement projects in Oak County and its corresponding portion of the OBS. Enterprise Project Structure (EPS) Capital Improvement

Oak County

Water/ Sewer Dept

Dept of Transport

Major Streets

Highway 101 Project


Pine Ave Project



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Green Lane Project

Hickory Bridge

Administering Users and Security


Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS)

State of PA

Labor Mgmt President

Dept of Transportation

Engineering Division



Water/Sewer Department

Project Controls Engineer

Project Manager


Engineering Division

Design Team

With these structures defined, you can map users to their corresponding roles in the OBS, which in turn can be assigned to each level in the EPS. The EPS level to which you assign the OBS determines the nodes/projects the associated user can access. For example, if you assign an OBS element to the root node of the EPS, the users associated with that OBS element can access the projects in the entire EPS. If you assign an OBS element to one branch of the EPS, the associated users can access only projects within that branch. The project profile associated with each OBS element determines which data items in the projects the user can access. Only one OBS element can be assigned to each EPS level. For example, suppose that two project profiles are defined: one that allows edit access to all data, including administration rights (Project Controls Coordinator profile), and one that allows viewing and editing of most, but not all, project data (the Project Management module profile). Joe Nolan, the President of Labor Management, is assigned to the Project Controls Coordinator profile. The OBS element, Labor Mgmt President, is assigned as the responsible manager at the Oak County node of the EPS, indicating that Joe Nolan has access to all nodes and projects within Oak County.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

If Tim Ryan is the Director of the Department of Transportation (DOT), he can be assigned Project Controls Coordinator rights to all projects under DOT. OBS Assignments to the EPS

Capital Improvement

Labor Management President Joe Nolan - PCC




Water/ Sewer Dept

Dept of Transport


Tim Ryan - PCC

Major Streets

Highway 101 Project


Pine Ave Project

Green Lane Project

Hickory Bridge



Project Profiles: Project Controls Coordinator (PCC) Project Manager (PM)

You can further control the access to projects by assigning OBS elements at the project and/or WBS level. In the previous example, if Marie Ross is the Project Manager in the Engineering Division responsible for the Highway 101 project, you can assign her to that OBS element with a Project Manager profile. She would then have editing access to just that project.

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Administering Users and Security


As another example, if the Design Team needs access to only the design portion of the Highway 101 Project. You can assign the Design Team to just the WBS branch in the Highway 101 project that involves the project design. You can assign multiple users to the same OBS element and/or you can assign each user to multiple OBS elements. This flexibility enables you to provide access to the same EPS branch or project to more than one responsible manager (OBS element), and it allows you to control access by the same user across different EPS nodes and projects. For example, suppose Marie Ross, who is a Project Manager in the Engineering Division responsible for the Highway 101 project, also needs access to the Pine Avenue project; however, you want to limit her access to reviewing and editing financial data only. Also suppose that Jim Harkey, another Project Manager in the Engineering Division, is responsible for the Pine Avenue project. He needs Project Manager access to the Pine Avenue project, but he also needs to review financial information in Marie’s Highway 101 project.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

You first would create another project profile that specifies viewing/ editing rights to just project costs and financial data (Account Manager profile) and then make the following assignments: OBS Assignments to the EPS

Capital Improvement

Labor Management President Joe Nolan - PCC



DOT Director

Water/ Sewer Dept

Dept of Transport

Tim Ryan - PCC

Major Streets

DOT Project Manager

Highway 101 Project

Marie Ross - PM Jim Harkey - AM



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Pine Ave Project

Green Lane Project

Hickory Bridge

Project Profiles: Project Controls Coordinator (PCC) Project Manager (PM) Account Manager (AM)

Administering Users and Security


To designate that Jim Harkey has Project Manager rights to the Pine Avenue project and Marie Ross has Account Manager rights to the Pine Avenue project, you would need to add another element to the OBS.

OBS Assignments to the EPS



Labor Management President Joe Nolan - PCC



DOT Director

Water/ Sewer Dept

Dept of Transport

Tim Ryan - PCC DOT Project Manager 2 Jim Harkey - PM Marie Ross - AM DOT Project Manager Marie Ross - PM Jim Harkey - AM

Major Streets

Highway 101 Project




Pine Ave Project

Green Lane Project

Hickory Bridge

Project Profiles: Project Controls Coordinator (PCC) Project Manager (PM) Account Manager (AM)

With these assignments, Jim Harkey and Marie Ross now have Project Manager rights to their primary projects and Account Manager rights to their secondary projects. The following section provides guidelines for setting up users and administering security in Primavera.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Process Overview Organization-wide project management involves a structured approach to managing several ongoing projects and teams across multiple locations at the same time. To ensure good results, up-front planning and coordination by various members of the organization are essential. Before you can use Primavera to manage your projects successfully, you must first administer users and set up structures in the Project Management module, including the organizational breakdown structure (OBS), enterprise project structure (EPS), and resource hierarchy. Once users and structures are in place, you can implement security to restrict and/or provide access to project data. The Methodology Management module uses its own security model to control access to the methodology management database. See “Setting Security in the Methodology Management Module” on page 323.

The following steps provide guidelines and a general process for administering users and security in Primavera. Because the structures are global across the company, some steps may require information from many participants. You can vary the order depending on your company’s implementation plan. 1 Create global and project security profiles in the Project Management module. Define a standard set of profiles that determine access rights to global and project-specific data. Most likely, administrators perform this step. See “Defining Global Profiles” on page 298 and “Defining Project Profiles” on page 305. 2 Add users in the Project Management module. You must add each user who needs access to any Primavera component. At a minimum, each user is assigned a login name, license, and a global profile. See “Adding Users in the Project Management Module” on page 310 for more information. 3 Set up the OBS for your company and assign each element of the OBS to the appropriate users and project profiles.

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Administering Users and Security

The Project Management Reference Manual (PMRefMan.pdf) is available online and can be accessed from your industry-specific folder in the \Documentation folder of the Primavera Documentation CD. View the information using Adobe Acrobat Reader (available on the Documentation CD).


Identify your company’s management structure and include the roles or names of those who will be responsible for the projects and work to be completed. See “Setting Up the Organizational Breakdown Structure” in the Project Management Reference Manual for more information. Also, see “Assigning OBS Elements and Project Profiles” on page 314. 4 Set up the EPS for your company and assign the responsible manager (OBS) to each node. Identify your company’s project structure, which is global across the organization. See “Setting Up the Enterprise Project Structure” in the Project Management Reference Manual for more information. 5 Define the resources necessary to complete the projects across the organization, and link resources to users if they will be using Timesheets. See “Defining Resources and Roles” in the Project Management Reference Manual for more information. Also, see “Adding Users in the Project Management Module” on page 310 later in this chapter. 6 Define user access to resource data. See “Defining User Access to Resources” on page 320. 7 Add projects to the EPS and define the WBS for each project. Project managers perform this step. They can further control security within their own projects by assigning specific OBS elements to WBS levels. See “Setting Up the Enterprise Project Structure” and “Reviewing Work Breakdown Structures” in the Project Management Reference Manual for more information.

Administrators can also set preferences for data in the Project Management module. See “Defining Administrative Preferences and Categories” in the Project Management Reference Manual.

The remainder of this chapter provides additional information on this process.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Defining Global Profiles A global profile determines a user’s access to application-wide information and settings, such as resources, global codes, and the OBS. The Project Management module requires that you assign a global profile to each user. You can define an unlimited number of global profiles in the Project Management module. In addition, the Project Management module provides two predefined global profiles: Admin Superuser and No Global Privileges. The Admin Superuser profile allows complete access to all global information and all projects. This profile is assigned to the user Admin when you install Primavera modules. For security reasons, you should limit the Admin Superuser assignment to only those individuals who require access to all data. At least one user must be assigned to the Admin Superuser profile. If only one user is assigned to this profile, the Project Management module does not allow that user to be deleted.

The No Global Privileges profile restricts access to global data. Assign this profile to anyone who is strictly a Timesheets user and does not require access to the Project Management module. If a user with licensed access to the Project Management module is assigned this profile, the user can log in to the Project Management module but has no access to project data and read-only access to global data. If a user is assigned this profile and is also assigned to an OBS element, the user will have access to project data as defined for the OBS element, but access to other global data is restricted. When defining each global profile, the Admin Superuser may designate that users have the ability to add/delete, edit, assign, or view secure codes. Secure codes enable privileged users to hide Project, Activity, and Resource codes from users that do not have security privileges to view them. Also, users with privileges to Edit Security Profiles can restrict other users to edit, assign, and view privileges. For example, management could track project approval processes through secure codes that others cannot edit or, in some cases, view. Secure codes are structured hierarchically. In other words, if a user is granted add/delete privileges, that user automatically has edit, assign, and view privileges. If a user is granted edit privileges, that user is automatically granted assign and view privileges. If a user is granted assign privileges, that user is automatically assigned view privileges. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Administering Users and Security


The Project Management module does not limit the group of codes that a user can edit or assign. Once you designate a security privilege, the same security privilege applies to all codes (secure or not). If you designate add/delete, edit, assign, or view privileges to a user, that user has the ability to add/ delete, edit, assign, or view all existing codes.

Create global profiles In the Project Management module, choose Admin, Security Profiles. Choose Global Profiles, then click Add. Type the new profile’s name. To make the new profile the default global profile, mark the Default checkbox. In the Privilege area, mark the appropriate Has Privilege checkboxes to grant privileges to the profile.

Select a global profile...

Click to view the privileges in alphabetical order.

...then review the privileges associated with that profile.

For information on assigning global profiles, see “Adding Users in the Project Management Module” on page 310.

The following table defines each global privilege: The following table groups global privileges by functionality. The privileges are listed in the same order as displayed in the Security Profiles dialog box. To view the privileges in alphabetical order in the Security Profiles dialog box, click the Privileges bar as shown in the previous image.

Privileges that are new or modified in version 5.0 are marked with an asterisk (*).

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Privilege Name

Privilege Definition

Edit Global Change Definitions

Create, edit, and delete Global Change specifications available to all users.

Edit Admin Preferences Change administrative preferences and categories as and Categories defined in the Admin Preferences and Admin Categories dialog boxes. Edit currency data in the Currencies dialog box. Delete Resources*

Remove resources from the project management database. This privilege automatically grants the Add Resources and Edit Resources privileges.

Add Resources*

Create resources. This privilege automatically grants the Edit Resources privilege.

Edit Resources*

Edit resource data. Display resource price/unit (if the View Resource Costs global privilege is also granted), and resource skill level (a resource’s role proficiency), in reports.

View Resource Role Proficiency

View, group/sort, filter, and report on resource and role proficiency. A user must have this privilege to view and search by resource and role proficiency in myPrimavera.

Approve Resource Timesheets

Approve submitted timesheets as a Resource Manager.

Edit Cost Accounts

Create, edit, and delete cost accounts.

Import Global Information

Import projects, resources, and roles. A user must also have the Create Project within EPS project privilege to import and create new projects.

Edit Global Reports

Create, edit, and delete global reports; edit report groups and global report batches; and save global reports created or modified by the Report Wizard.

Edit Global Tracking Layouts

Create, edit, and delete global tracking layouts in the Project Management and Portfolio Analysis modules.

Edit Roles

Create, edit, and delete global roles.

Edit Global Activity Codes*

Edit the name of global activity codes. This privilege automatically enables you to add, edit, and delete global activity code values as well.

Add Global Activity Codes*

Add new global activity codes and code values. This privilege automatically enables you to edit existing global activity codes and code values as well.

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Administering Users and Security

Privilege Name


Privilege Definition

Delete Global Activity Delete global activity codes and code values. This Codes* privilege automatically enables you to add and edit global activity codes and code values as well. Edit Issue Forms*

Add, edit, and delete issue forms and issue form categories in myPrimavera. Enables access to the Issues menu in myPrimavera.

Edit Global Calendars* Create, edit, and delete global calendars and shifts. Edit Resource Calendars*

Create, edit, and delete resource calendars and shifts.

Edit Security Profiles

Create, edit, and delete global and project security profiles.

Edit Users

Add, edit, and remove Project Management module users.

Edit Timesheet Dates

Create and delete timesheet batches.

Edit Global Activity and Assignment Layouts and Filters

Create, edit, and delete global activity and resource assignment layouts and filters.

Edit OBS

Create, edit, and delete global OBS hierarchy.

Edit Project Codes*

Edit the name of project codes. This privilege automatically enables you to add, edit, and delete project code values as well.

Add Project Codes*

Add new project codes and code values. This privilege automatically enables you to edit existing codes and code values as well.

Delete Project Codes*

Delete project codes and code values. This privilege automatically enables you to add and edit project codes and code values as well.

Edit Resource Codes*

Edit the name of resource codes. This privilege automatically enables you to add, edit, and delete resource code values as well.

Add Resource Codes*

Add new resource codes and code values. This privilege automatically enables you to edit resource codes and code values as well.

Delete Resource Codes*

Delete global resource codes and code values. This privilege automatically enables you to add and edit resource codes and code values as well. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Privilege Name

Privilege Definition

Edit Global Portfolios

Create, edit, and delete global portfolios in the Portfolio Analysis and Project Management modules.

Administer Global External Applications

Administer the list of global external applications.

Edit Funding Sources

Create, edit, and delete funding sources in the Funding Sources Dictionary.

Run Project Architect

Run the Project Architect wizard. The wizard enables Project Management module users to create a new project based on methodologies imported from the Methodology Management module and to add methodologies to an existing project.

View Resource and Role Costs*

View all values for labor and nonlabor resource costs and price/unit values for roles. If this privilege is not granted to a user, all areas in the Project Management module that display monetary values for roles and labor, material, and nonlabor resources display dashes and cannot be edited. For resources, such areas include resource price/time, values in resource profiles in the Activities window, monetary values in Tracking layouts, and monetary values in layouts in the Portfolio Analysis module. For roles, the area is the price/unit value in the Roles dialog box.

Administer Job Services

Administer the Job Services; set up the Apply Actuals, Batch Reports, Export, Schedule, and Summarize services to run at specific time intervals.

Edit Personal Resource Enables users to edit their own resource calendars if Calendar they do not have the Edit Global and Resource Calendars global privilege. This privilege or the Edit Global and Resource Calendars privilege is required for access to the myPrimavera Import Appointments feature. Create Project Requests Initiate predefined workflow processes for reviewing and Project Processes new project requests or new work requests for existing projects. A separate privilege is required to create the templates that define the available workflow processes. Edit Project Request and Project Process Templates

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Create, edit, and modify templates that define workflow processes for reviewing new project requests or new work requests for existing projects.

Administering Users and Security

Privilege Name


Privilege Definition

Add and Delete Secure Create, edit, assign, view, and delete all global and Codes EPS-level secure activity codes and values, as well as all global secure issue codes and values. Edit Secure Codes

Edit, assign, and view global and EPS-level secure activity codes and values, as well as all global secure issue codes and values.

Assign Secure Codes

Assign and view global and EPS-level secure activity codes and values, as well as all global secure issue codes and values.

View Secure Codes

View global and EPS-level secure activity codes and values, as well as all global secure issue codes and values.

Edit EPS Activity Codes*

Modify EPS-level activity codes. This privilege automatically enables you to add, edit, and delete existing EPS-level activity codes as well.

Add EPS Activity Codes*

Create EPS-level activity codes. This privilege automatically enables you to edit existing EPS-level activity codes as well.

Delete EPS Activity Codes*

Remove EPS-level activity codes. This privilege automatically enables you to add and edit existing EPSlevel activity codes as well.

View All Global/ Project Data via SDK

Access the SDK in read only mode, without superuser privileges.

Edit Global Resource and Role Teams

Create, edit, and delete global Resource Teams and Role Teams. A Resource/Role Team is a collection of resources/roles. Resource/Role Teams are available in myPrimavera.

Edit Resource Curves

Create, edit, and delete resource distribution curves.

Edit User Defined Fields

Create, edit, or delete user-defined fields. Users that do not have this privilege can view user-defined fields.

Edit Global Project and Create, edit, and delete global project and WBS WBS Layouts layouts. Edit Microsoft Project Templates

Create, edit, and delete Microsoft Project Templates used to import/export data from/to Microsoft Project.

Edit Activity Step Templates*

Create, edit, and delete Activity Step Templates used to add a set of common steps to multiple activities.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Privilege Name

Privilege Definition

Add Global Issue Codes*

Create new issue codes and issue code values in myPrimavera. Enables access to the Issues menu in myPrimavera.

Edit Global Issue Codes*

Edit issue codes and issue code values in myPrimavera. Enables access to the Issues menu in myPrimavera.

Delete Global Issue Codes*

Delete issue codes and issue code values in myPrimavera. This privilege automatically enables you to add and edit global issue codes and issue code values as well. It also enables access to the Issues menu in myPrimavera.

Edit Financial Period Dates*

Create, edit, and delete financial periods in the Financial Period dictionary. A user must also be assigned the Edit Period Performance project privilege to edit period data.

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Administering Users and Security


Defining Project Profiles A project profile is a role-based profile that limits privileges to specific project data, such as baselines, the WBS, and thresholds. The Project Management module does not require that each user be assigned a project profile; however, users cannot access projects unless they are assigned a project profile or the global profile, Admin Superuser. You can define an unlimited number of project profiles in the Project Management module. In addition, the Project Management module provides a predefined project profile called Project Superuser. The Project Superuser profile allows complete access to elements within a project. For more information on assigning users to OBS elements, see “Assigning OBS Elements and Project Profiles” on page 314.

Project profiles are applied to users via OBS assignments. The Project Management module requires that all EPS and WBS elements, and projects, are assigned a responsible OBS. The combination of the project profile/user assignment to an OBS assignment, and the OBS assignment to the EPS/WBS, determines which projects and data the user can access. Create project profiles Choose Admin, Security Profiles. Choose Project Profiles, then click Add. Type the new profile’s name. To make the new profile the default project profile, mark the Default checkbox. In the Privilege area, mark the appropriate Has Privilege checkboxes to grant privileges to the profile.

You can create an unlimited number of project profiles based on the varying roles in your company. Click to list the privileges in alphabetical order

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

To allow read-write privileges for all aspects of a project, you can assign a user to a project’s root OBS element and then apply the Project Superuser profile to the OBS assignment.

The following table defines each project privilege: The following table groups each privilege by functionality. The privileges are listed in the same order as in the Security Profiles dialog box. To view the privileges in alphabetical order in the Security Profiles dialog box, click the Privileges bar as shown in the previous image.

Privileges that are new or modified in version 5.0 are marked with an asterisk (*).

Privilege Name

Privilege Definition

Create Project within EPS

Create, copy, and paste projects within the EPS.

Delete Project within EPS

Delete, cut, and paste projects within the EPS.

Summarize Project

Summarize data for all projects in the EPS.

Edit Project Details Except Financials

Edit fields in General, Dates, Defaults, Resources, and Settings tabs in Project Details. A user must be assigned this privilege to select the project baseline.

Administer Project External Applications

Administer links to external applications.

Schedule Project*

Schedule a project.

Level Resources*

Level resources for a project.

Apply Actuals*

Apply actuals to activities in a project.

Store Period Performance*

Store actual this period values for actual units and costs in a project’s financial periods. A user must be assigned the Add/Edit Project Activities Except Relationships project privilege before you can assign this privilege.

Edit Period Performance*

Edit period performance values for labor and nonlabor units as well as labor, nonlabor, material, and expense costs. A user must be assigned the View Project Cost/ Financials project privilege before you can assign this privilege.

Maintain Project Baselines

Save and delete a project’s baselines.

Run Baseline Update*

Update a project’s baselines with new project data using the Update Baseline utility.

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Administering Users and Security


Privilege Name

Privilege Definition

Assign Project Baseline*

Select the project baseline for a project. A user must also be assigned the Edit Project Details Except Financials project privilege to select the project baseline.

Edit Project Work Products and Documents

Create, edit, and delete a project's work products and documents. In myPrimavera, relate items to documents, change a document's access level, add and delete folders, and start project document reviews. Collaboration functionality is additionally required to change a document's access level, add and delete folders, and start project document reviews.

Add/Edit Project Template Documents

In myPrimavera, create, edit, delete, check out, and start reviews for project template documents. A user needs to have the privilege to 'Edit Project Work Products and Documents' also. Collaboration functionality is additionally required to check out and start reviews for project template documents.

View Project Costs/ Financials

View all monetary values for a project. If a user cannot view project costs, all features that display monetary values are replaced by three dashes (---) in the Project Management module and cannot be edited by the user. The ability to view resource price/time is controlled by the View Resource and Role Costs global privilege.

Edit Project Activity Codes*

Modify a project’s activity codes.

Add Project Activity Codes*

Create a project’s activity codes.

Delete Project Activity Remove a project’s activity codes from the project Codes* database. Monitor Project Thresholds

Run the threshold monitor for a project.

Publish Project Web site

Publish a project’s Web site.

Edit Project Reports

Edit a project’s reports and edit a project’s report batches.

Edit Project Calendars

Create, edit, and delete a project’s calendars.

Run Global Change

Run Global Change to update activity detail information.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Privilege Name

Privilege Definition

Check In/Check Out Project

Check projects in and out of the Project Management module.

Assign Issue Forms*

In myPrimavera, assign issue forms to a project.

Import/View Contract Management Data*

Import and view data from Expedition.

Edit Project WBS Except Financials

Edit WBS hierarchy (add/remove/move WBS nodes), notebook entries, earned value settings, milestones (steps), work products and documents, and dates.

Edit Project WBS Financials

Edit WBS budget logs, funding sources, spending plan, and financial data at the project level. Edit cost data at the activity level.

Edit EPS Except Financials

Edit EPS hierarchy (add/remove/move EPS nodes), edit EPS notebook, and edit all EPS-related data except financial information.

Edit EPS Financials

Edit EPS budget logs, funding sources, and spending plan.

Project Top-Down Estimation

Run Top-Down Estimation for a project.

Approve Timesheets as Project Manager

Review and approve or reject timesheets for a project.

Edit Project Expenses

Create, edit, and delete a project’s expenses.

Edit Project Thresholds, Issues and Risks

Create, edit, and delete a project’s thresholds, issues, and risks.

Edit Project Activity Relationships

Create, edit, and delete a project’s activity relationships.

Add/Edit Project Activities Except Relationships

Create and edit a project’s activity information, except activity relationships.

Perform Activity Resource Requests

Assign resource requests to activities in myPrimavera.

Delete Project Activities

Delete a project’s activities.

Delete Project Data with Timesheet Actuals

Delete a project’s activities that have timesheet actuals applied to them. A user needs to have the privilege to ‘Delete Project Activities’ also.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Administering Users and Security

Privilege Name

Privilege Definition

Create Workgroups

Add a new workgroup in myPrimavera.

Delete Workgroups

Delete a workgroup in myPrimavera.


Modify Project In myPrimavera, customize the project workspace and Workspace and workgroup preferences. Workgroup Preferences Edit Assignments for Resource Planning*

Assign, delete, or modify resource assignments on a project or WBS level in myPrimavera. For users that do not have this privilege, the spreadsheet information is read-only for that particular project or WBS. Since project-level security privileges go down to the WBS level, it is possible to be able to assign a resource to one WBS in a project and not another.

Edit Contract Management Project* Link

Create, edit, and delete a link to a Primavera Expedition project.

Edit Activity ID*

Edit Activity IDs in the Project Management module and myPrimavera.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Adding Users in the Project Management Module Depending on your security profile, the Users dialog box enables you to add and remove users and control user access to Primavera components. You must add a user in the Project Management module for each person who needs access to any Primavera component, except for the Methodology Management module, which uses its own security data. If your company’s OBS is established, and you know which OBS elements to associate with each user, you can make the assignments in the Project Access tab in the Users dialog box. See “Assigning OBS Elements and Project Profiles” on page 314.

At a minimum, each user requires a login name, global profile, and licensing information (component and access level). You can also provide additional information about the user, such as an e-mail address and office phone number. If your organization centralizes user information in an LDAP directory, you can add Primavera users by provisioning from the LDAP store. For more information, see “Configuring Authentication Modes” on page 271. After you provision users, you will need to assign each user a security profile and license.

Add new users Choose Admin, Users. Click Add. Click the General tab, type the user’s login name and personal name, then click Password. Type the user’s password, then retype the password to verify it. Click OK. If the user will be accessing Timesheets, you can associate the user with a resource in the Project Management module at this time, or you can create the link when you add resources. Click the Contact tab and type the user’s e-mail address and telephone number. If the Project Management module is running in LDAP authentication mode, when you click Add, a dialog appears for you to enter a user name and verify it against the LDAP store. When you click Test, if the user exists in the LDAP store, the actual name, e-mail address, and telephone number fields are populated—if you previously mapped those fields through the Authentication Configuration tool. To add the user, click Add. When you click Test, if the user is not found in the LDAP store, a message appears to notify you that the user cannot be added.

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Administering Users and Security


Displays the list of users who require access to any Primavera component

Identifies the name required to log in to Primavera components

The Password button does not appear if the Project Management module is running in LDAP authentication mode.

If the user will be accessing Timesheets, he/ she must be linked to a resource in the Project Management module

Associate resources and users Choose Admin, Users. Click the General tab, then click the Browse button in the ResourceID/Resource Name field to select a resource for the selected user. If the resource is already associated with another user, you are prompted to replace the association. The Project Management module allows a resource to be associated with only one user to maintain a single login name for project resources and users of both the Project Management module and Timesheets. You can also set this association from the Timesheets tab of Resource Details. For more information, see “Defining Global Profiles” on page 298.

Assign a global profile A global profile determines a user’s access to application-wide features, such as resources and roles. The Project Management module requires that each user be assigned a global profile. Choose Admin, Users. Select the user to whom you want to assign a global profile. Click the Global Access tab, then select the user’s global profile.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

You can also double-click in the Global Profile column and choose the appropriate profile for the selected user.

The Admin Superuser profile allows read-write access to all global and project data.

. Assign the global profile to users who may only access Timesheets. These users must also be granted access to Timesheets via a “Team Member” license.

Assign product licensing Each user accessing Primavera must be assigned the appropriate licensing. For each component of Primavera, a user identified as a named user is guaranteed access to the designated product. A concurrent user can access the designated component, along with other concurrent users, as long as the maximum number of available concurrent licenses has not been exceeded. Choose Admin, Users. Select the user for whom you want to set database access for licensed users of Primavera products. Click the Licensing tab. For each component you want the user to have access to, mark the checkbox in the Named or Concurrent column. If your organization has both named and concurrent licenses, you can assign a combination of named and concurrent licenses to a user for different components (e.g., named user for Portfolio Analysis but concurrent user for Project Management); however, a user cannot have both a named and concurrent license for a single component. Clear the checkbox if a user is not a valid licensed user of the corresponding Primavera component.

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Administering Users and Security


Mark or clear to indicate the selected user’s licensing access to the corresponding Primavera component.

The total number of named users must not exceed the maximum number of named users stored in your license file. Primavera Systems provides you with a license file based on the number of named users purchased.You can designate more concurrent users than the allowed maximum. Concurrent users access the software on a first-come, first-served basis. Once the maximum number of concurrent users is exceeded, no more users are able to log in to the software. Primavera Systems provides you with a license file based on the number of concurrent users purchased.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Assigning OBS Elements and Project Profiles To restrict or grant access to projects and their data, you must assign project profiles to users. A project profile is a role-based profile that limits privileges to specific project data, such as baselines, the WBS, and thresholds. Project profiles are linked to users through one or more OBS assignments. You assign responsibilities to specific projects and work within projects by assigning OBS elements to various levels of the EPS and each project’s WBS. The combination of the project profile/user assignment to an OBS assignment, and the OBS assignment to the EPS/ WBS, determines which projects and data the user can access. For more information on project profiles, see “Defining Project Profiles” on page 305.

You can assign a user an OBS element and a corresponding project profile in the Users dialog box when you are adding users, or you can make the assignment in the OBS dialog box during or after creating the OBS. The Project Management module does not require that each user have a project profile; however, a user cannot access a project without a project profile or the global profile, Admin Superuser.

Assign users and project profiles to OBS elements Choose Enterprise, OBS. Click the Users tab. Select the OBS element whose user and project profile you want to specify, then click Assign. Select the user to associate with the specified OBS element, then click the Select button. A default project profile is associated with the user. Double-click the project profile to choose another project profile from the predefined list.

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Administering Users and Security


Double-click to select another project profile. To grant the user read-write privileges for all aspects of a project, select Project Superuser.

Assign OBS elements and project profiles to users You can also assign OBS elements and project profiles to a user when you first add the user. Choose Admin, Users. Click the Project Access tab. Select the user to whom you want to assign an OBS element and project profile, then click Assign. Select the OBS element associated with the user, then click the Select button. A default project profile is associated with the user. Doubleclick the project profile to choose another profile from the predefined list. If an OBS element is the Responsible Manager for several projects in the EPS, any user you associate with that OBS element will have access to all the corresponding projects.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Click to assign the OBS element associated with the selected user. A user can have more than one OBS assignment, depending on the user’s role in different projects.

To deny the user access to an OBS element’s project information, select the Responsible Manager’s name, then click Remove.

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Administering Users and Security


Assigning OBS Elements to the EPS For more information on the EPS, see “Setting Up the Enterprise Project Structure” in the Project Management Reference Manual.

In the Project Management module, your database of projects is arranged in a hierarchy called the enterprise project structure (EPS). The EPS can be subdivided into as many levels or nodes as needed to parallel work in the organization. Nodes at the highest, or root, level might represent divisions within your company, project phases, site locations, or other major groupings that meet the needs of your organization, while projects always represent the lowest level of the hierarchy. Every project in the organization must be included in an EPS node. User access and privileges to nodes within the EPS hierarchy are implemented through a global OBS that represents the management responsible for the projects in the EPS. Each manager in the OBS is associated with an area of the EPS, either by node or by project, and the WBS of the particular level of the hierarchy. Once you have added users and associated them with OBS elements and project profiles, you can define the EPS and assign a responsible manager (OBS element) to each level. You must specify a responsible manager for each node of the EPS.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Assign OBS elements to the EPS You can assign the responsible manager (OBS element) to each level of the EPS when you create the project structure. Choose Enterprise, Enterprise Project Structure. Select the EPS node, then click the Browse button in the Responsible Manager field to select the appropriate OBS element. The users associated with the responsible manager will have access rights to the selected node and all nodes/projects within that branch. The specific data that can be accessed within the projects depend on the project profile that corresponds to the OBS element. If more than one user is responsible for the same node of the EPS, you must assign each of those users to the corresponding OBS element.

You must specify a responsible manager for each node in the EPS to enable security rights and privileges; the Project Management module uses the OBS root as the default for all nodes if you don’t provide one.

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Administering Users and Security


You can also assign/review the responsible manager in the Projects window. Choose Enterprise, Projects, then click the General tab.

The user assigned to this OBS element has access to the Apex Project node and all nodes/projects beneath it.

Once the EPS and OBS structures are defined and security is implemented at the EPS level, project managers can begin to add their own projects to the hierarchy. To further control security within projects, project managers can assign specific OBS elements to WBS levels. See “Setting Up the Enterprise Project Structure” and “Reviewing Work Breakdown Structures” in the Project Management Reference Manual for more information.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Defining User Access to Resources Resource security enables you to restrict a user’s access to resources. Each user can have access to all resources, no resources, or a limited number of resources in the resource hierarchy. To restrict access to a limited number of resources, you can designate each user’s root resource by assigning each user to a resource in the resource hierarchy. The position of the assigned resource in the hierarchy determines the user’s resource access. When the user logs in, the resource hierarchy displays only the assigned resource node and its children. Resources outside the user’s root resource are not displayed. Users with restricted resource access can still view and edit all current project resource assignments if they have the proper project privileges.

You can grant one of the following three types of resource access to each user: ■

All Resource Access disables resource security and provides access to all resources. This is the default option for upgrading users. Admin Superusers always have all resource access, no matter what option is selected.

No Resource Access does not provide access to any resources. This is the default option for new users. With no resource access, the user cannot view any global resource data in the resource dictionary.

Resource Node provides access to one selected resource (root resource node) and all its children in the resource hierarchy. Users with this restricted access can view global resource data for resources they have access to. You can assign only one resource node to each user. Multiple resource nodes are not supported.

The following example shows how resource access is determined by the root resource assigned to different users.

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Administering Users and Security


If USER1 has restricted access with root resource SADM assigned, USER! would see only these resources in the resource dictionary.

If USER2 has restricted access with root resource SJPP assigned, USER2 would see only these resources in the resource dictionary.

If USER3 has no resource access, USER3 would not see any resources in the resource dictionary.

Refer to the “Defining Resources and Roles” chapter in the Project Management Reference Manual for more information on setting up the resource hierarchy.

Implementing resource security Before you implement resource security, you must first set up your resource hierarchy in a manner that enables you to assign users to single resource nodes. For example, you can use resource security to restrict user’s access to resources who are not in the same department or geographic location. In this case, you would create a resource hierarchy containing separate branches for each department or geographic location. Once the resource hierarchy is in place, you can implement resource security by completing the following steps: 1 In the Project Management module, choose Admin, Users. The Users dialog displays a filtered users list based on your resource access.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

You can display All Resource Access and Resource Access columns in which you can enter/edit resource access settings. These two columns display the same resource security information as the Global Access tab.

Select the desired user, then select All Resource Access if you want the user to have access to all resources. If you want to limit the user’s resource access to a particular resource node, click the browse button to select the resource node you want the user to have access to.

2 Select the Global Access tab. 3 Select the user that you want to set resource security for. You can select only one user at a time. Resource access settings are ignored for Admin Superusers. Admin Superusers always have all resource access.

4 Set resource access for the selected user as follows: •

To provide all resource access to the selected user, mark the All Resource Access checkbox.

To restrict resource access to a single resource node for the selected user, unmark the All Resource Access checkbox. Then, click the browse button in the Resource Access field and select a resource.

If you do not want the selected user to have any resource access, unmark the All Resource Access checkbox and be sure there is no resource selected in the Resource Access field.

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Administering Users and Security


Setting Security in the Methodology Management Module The Methodology Management module uses its own set of users, global profiles, and methodology profiles to control access to Methodology Management data. These security data are stored in the methodology management database. No security data are shared between the Project Management and Methodology Management modules. Methodology Management uses its own OBS, users, global and methodology profiles, and license. The security model for Methodology Management differs from the Project Management module. Only one methodology can be open at a time, and there is no EPS. Users and methodology profiles cannot be assigned to OBS elements; methodology profiles must be assigned directly to users to allow the user access to a methodology. This section discusses the process of creating security profiles and users in the Methodology Management module. Create global profiles In the Methodology Management module, choose Admin, Security Profiles. Choose Global Profiles, then click Add. Type the new profile’s name. To make the new profile the default global profile, mark the Default checkbox. In the Privilege area, mark the appropriate Has Privilege checkboxes to grant privileges to the profile.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Select a global profile...

Click to list the privileges in alphabetical order.

...then review the privileges associated with that profile.

The following table defines each global privilege: The following table groups each privilege by functionality. The privileges are listed in the same order as in the Security Profiles dialog box. To view the privileges in alphabetical order in the Security Profiles dialog box, click the Privileges bar as shown in the previous image.

Privileges that are new or modified in version 5.0 are marked with an asterisk (*).

Privilege Name

Privilege Definition

Edit Security Profiles

Change security profile information.

Edit Users

Create and delete Methodology Management module users, and change user access permissions.

Edit Admin Preferences Change administrative preferences as defined in the and Categories Admin Preferences dialog box. Create, change, and delete administrative categories as defined in the Admin Categories dialog box. Edit currency data in the Currencies dialog box. Create New / Copy Methodology Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Create, import, or copy a methodology.

Administering Users and Security

Privilege Name

Privilege Definition

Edit Resources

Create, delete, and change elements of the resource hierarchy.

Edit Roles

Create, delete, and change role information.


Edit Work Products and Create, delete, and change work product and document Documents records. Import Global / Methodology Information

Import global and methodology information.

Edit Reports

Create, edit, and delete reports; save reports in the Report Wizard.

Edit Activity Attributes Create, change, and delete activity attributes. Edit Activity Codes

Create, change, and delete global activity codes and values.

Edit Estimation Factors Create, change, and delete estimation factors. View Resource Prices

View resource prices.

Edit Global Activity Layouts and Filters

Create, delete, and change global activity layouts and filters.

Edit OBS

Create, delete, and change organizational breakdown structure information.

Edit Methodology Codes and Resource Codes

Create, delete, and change methodology and resource codes.

Edit User Defined Fields

Create, edit, and delete user-defined fields. Users that do not have this privilege can view user-defined fields.

Edit Microsoft Project Templates

Create, edit, and delete Microsoft Project Templates used to import/export data from/to Microsoft Project.

Edit Activity Step Templates*

Create, edit, and delete Activity Step Templates used to add a set of common steps to multiple activities.

Create methodology profiles Choose Admin, Security Profiles. Choose Methodology Profiles, then click Add. Type the new profile’s name. To make the new profile the default methodology profile, mark the Default checkbox. In the Privilege area, mark the appropriate Has Privilege checkboxes to grant privileges to the profile.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

You can create an unlimited number of methodology profiles based on the varying roles in your company.

The following table defines each methodology privilege: Privileges that are new or modified in version 5.0 are marked with an asterisk (*).

Privilege Name

Privilege Definition

Edit Methodology Properties

Create, delete, and change a methodology’s properties, as defined in the Methodology Properties dialog box.

Edit Methodology WBS

Create, delete, and change a methodology’s work breakdown structure (WBS) elements and versions.

Edit Methodology Links

Create, delete, and change a methodology’s links, if the user has this privilege for both linked methodologies.

Edit Methodology Activities

Add, change, and delete activities and activity information.

Edit Methodology Expenses

Add, change, and delete expenses.

View Methodology Costs

View methodology cost information.

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Privilege Name

Privilege Definition

Check In/Check Out Methodology

Check methodologies in and out of the Methodology Management module.

Edit Methodology Risks

Create, delete, and change a methodology’s risks.

Edit Activity ID*

Edit methodology activity IDs.

Add new users Choose Admin, Users. Click Add. Click the General tab, type the user’s login name and personal name, then click Password. Type the user’s password, then retype the password to verify it. Click OK. If the Methodology Management module is running in LDAP authentication mode, when you click Add, a dialog appears for you to enter a user name and verify it against the LDAP store. When you click Test, if the user exists in the LDAP store, the actual name, e-mail address, and telephone number fields are populated—if you previously mapped those fields through the Authentication Configuration tool. To add the user, click Add. When you click Test, if the user is not found in the LDAP store, a message appears to notify you that the user cannot be added.

If your organization centralizes user information in an LDAP directory, you can add Primavera users by provisioning from the LDAP store. For more information, see “Configuring Authentication Modes” on page 271. After you provision users, you will need to assign each user a security profile.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Displays the list of users with access to the Methodology Management module

Identifies the name required to log in to the Methodology Management module

The Password button does not appear if the Methodology Management module is running in LDAP authentication mode.

Product licensing You do not need to assign product licensing for the Methodology Management module. For each license of the Project Management module that you have purchased, you automatically are granted one license of the Methodology Management module. Assign a global profile and methodology profiles A global profile determines a user’s access to global data, such as resources and roles; methodology profiles restrict the user’s access to methodology data. The Methodology Management module requires that each user be assigned a global profile. To open a methodology, the user must be assigned a methodology profile for that methodology. Choose Admin, Users. Select the user to whom you want to assign a global profile and methodology profiles. Click the Methodology Profiles tab.

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Administering Users and Security


Double-click in the Global Profile column and choose the appropriate profile for the selected user.

Click to select a methodology to which the user requires access...

...then double-click in the Profile column and choose a methodology profile for the selected user.

The Methodology Management module includes an Admin Superuser global profile that allows complete access to all global information and methodologies.

The Methodology Superuser profile grants read-write privileges to all aspects of a methodology. A user with Admin Superuser global privileges automatically has Methodology Superuser access to all methodologies. If a user creates a new methodology, that user is automatically granted the Methodology Superuser profile for that methodology.

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Implementing Timesheets


Implementing Timesheets In this chapter Implementation Overview Setting Timesheet Preferences Configuring Resources to Use Timesheets Creating Timesheets for Timesheets Users

Project team members can use Timesheets to submit timesheets that update their activities in the Project Management module. This chapter describes how to configure the Project Management module for use with Timesheets and how to run Timesheets once it has been configured.

Setting Project-Specific Timesheets Preferences Using Overhead Codes Running Timesheets Web Browser Version and JAWS Version

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Implementation Overview Timesheets enables project team members to use the web to communicate timesheet and activity status directly to their organization’s database, regardless of their location. This ensures that project managers are always working with the most up-to-date project information, making it easier to plan resource use or resolve conflicts. Timesheets consists of the Timesheets client, the database server that contains your organization’s projects, and the Group Server, which links the Timesheets client and database server. Installation and configuration of Timesheets is slightly different for the Web Browser version and the JAWS version. Refer to “Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets” on page 69 for complete details on how to configure either version of Timesheets.

Internet Explorer version 6.0 (SP1) or later is required to support the full functionality of Primavera Timesheets.

Before you implement Timesheets, first ensure that the following steps have been completed: ■

Install the project management database, as described in “Database Installation and Configuration” on page 21.

Install a Web server, if one is not already available.

Install the Group Server, as described in “Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets” on page 69.

Install the Timesheets Java files on the Web server, as described in “Installing the Group Server and Timesheets Web Site” on page 70.

If you are using Timesheets JAWS version, configure JAWS as described in “Setting up Java Web Start for Timesheets” on page 94.

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Implementing Timesheets


After the Timesheets files have been installed, use the Project Management module to perform the following steps, which are described in more detail in this chapter: ■

Set preferences for how users will use timesheets.

Configure resources to use Timesheets.

Create timesheets.

Set project-specific preferences for Timesheets.

Create overhead codes for recording nonproject hours. When you have actual units assigned to resource assignments (whether they came from an imported project or whether you decided to start using Timesheets in the middle of your project), all pre-existing actual values are lost the first time you use Timesheets.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Setting Timesheet Preferences Use the Timesheets and Timesheet Privileges tabs in the Admin Preferences dialog box in the Project Management module to configure how Timesheets users use timesheets to update project data in the Project Management module. You can determine how often users must report their time, which activities and timesheets users can view, how timesheets are approved before project data is updated, and which privileges are assigned to users for logging time. Set preferences for timesheets In the Project Management module, choose Admin, Admin Preferences. Click the Timesheets tab. Mark to require that all new resources use timesheets, unless you specify otherwise.

Choose to require that all resources report their hours on a daily basis for each assigned activity.

Choose to require that all resources report their hours as a single time value for each assigned activity in a timesheet reporting period, regardless of the number of days included in the timesheet period.

For information on approving timesheets, see the “Updating, Scheduling, and Leveling” chapter in the Project Management Reference Manual.

The Timesheet Approval Level section contains the following options: ■

Auto Submission Choose to indicate that resource timesheets do not need to be submitted or approved. Timesheet data are automatically updated in the database when you apply actuals.

Auto Approval Choose to indicate that resource timesheets do not require management approval. Timesheets are approved automatically when they are submitted.

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Implementing Timesheets


1 Approval Level Choose to indicate that resource timesheets require approval by the resource/cost manager only. If you select this option, the status of all submitted timesheets remains “Submitted” until the approving manager changes the timesheet’s status. If you previously required both project manager and resource/cost manager approval, and you select this option, the status of all current timesheets that have received one level of approval changes to “Approved.”

2 Approval Levels Choose to indicate that resource timesheets require approval by project and resource/cost managers. If you select this option, the status of all submitted timesheets remains “Submitted” until both managers approve the timesheet.

Project Manager Must Approve Before Resource Manager If you choose 2 Approval Levels, mark to indicate that project managers must approve timesheets before resource/cost managers.

Default Resource Manager Approving Timesheets The name of the manager who approves resource timesheets, unless you specify otherwise. Click the Browse button to select a new manager. Once Timesheets users have begun submitting timesheets, if you change the approval level to a lower setting, all currently submitted timesheets are altered to reflect the change. For example, if you change your setting from 2 Approval Levels to Auto Submission, all timesheets, including those that are currently approved by only one manager, are changed to no longer require submission or approval, and the project management database is updated with their data when you apply actuals.

Set Timesheets user privileges In the Project Management module, choose Admin, Admin Preferences. Click the Timesheet Privileges tab.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

The default number of days Timesheets users can preview an activity before it starts

The default number of days Timesheets users can review an activity after it ends

The Privileges for Logging Hours on Timesheets section contains the following options: ■

Log hours on future timesheets Mark to indicate that users can report hours on timesheets with dates after the current timesheet period (for example, entering vacation time in advance).

Log hours on not-started activities Mark to indicate that users can report hours for activities that have not been marked as started.

Log hours on completed activities Mark to indicate that users can report hours for activities that have been marked as completed.

Log hours on activities before the activity start date Mark to indicate that users can report hours for activities on dates before their start dates.

Log hours on activities after the activity finish date Mark to indicate that users can report hours for activities on dates after their finish dates.

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Implementing Timesheets


Configuring Resources to Use Timesheets To enable a project resource to use Timesheets, you must assign a user login account to the resource and set the resource to use timesheets. Create a user login for Timesheets In the Project Management module, choose Admin, Users. Click Add. Type a unique login name, then click the Licensing tab. Mark the Named or Concurrent User checkbox next to Team Member.

Ensure that the user is given permission to log in to Timesheets.

Named Users have a specific license associated with their login name and are guaranteed access to the specific application and database. Concurrent Users share access among a specified number of concurrent licenses. A Concurrent User can access the application and database provided a concurrent license is available when the user attempts to login.

A user must have a resource assigned to it for the user to access Timesheets. You can assign a resource to a login name in the Users dialog box by double-clicking the corresponding cell in the Resource column, selecting a resource in the Select Resource dialog box, and clicking the Select button. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Configure resources to use timesheets In the Project Management module, choose Enterprise, Resources. Display resource details, then click the Timesheets tab.

1 Select the resource.

2 Click the Browse button to assign a user login to the resource.

3 Mark to enable the resource to use timesheets to report progress.

4 Click to select an approval manager.

Each resource can be associated with only one user login. If you marked the New Resources Use Timesheets by Default checkbox in the Timesheets tab of the Admin Preferences dialog box, when you create a new resource, the Use Timesheets checkbox is marked automatically. You still must assign a user login to the resource and grant that user permission to log in to Timesheets.

Set overtime policy You can enable users to enter overtime in their timesheets. In the Project Management module, choose Enterprise, Resources, then click the Details tab. Mark the Overtime Allowed checkbox. Type the overtime factor by which the resource’s standard price is multiplied to determine the overtime price (standard price * overtime factor = overtime price). Resources indicate overtime with a slash (/) in the time field. For example, if a resource worked 10 hours in one eight-hour day, the user types 8/2 for that day. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Implementing Timesheets


Creating Timesheets for Timesheets Users Use the Timesheet Dates Administration dialog box to create timesheets for Timesheets users. You can also view a list of previous timesheets and determine which timesheets are currently in use by Primavera Timesheets users. Users cannot view any timesheets in Timesheets until you create them in the Project Management module. Create a batch of timesheets In the Project Management module, choose Admin, Timesheet Dates.

Set the starting and ending dates for this batch of timesheets.

Select the amount of time covered by each timesheet. Click to generate the batch of timesheets based on these settings.

To create another set of timesheets, reset the batch start and end dates, select the appropriate timesheet period, then click Batch Create. Create a single timesheet In the Project Management module, choose Admin, Timesheet Dates. Click Add.

Click to set the starting and ending dates for this timesheet. Click to generate the timesheet.

You cannot create new timesheets that have start and end dates that overlap existing timesheet dates. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Setting Project-Specific Timesheets Preferences For each project in an organization, you can control how resources report the status of their activities. Set project-specific Timesheets preferences In the Project Management module, choose Enterprise, Projects. Select the project, then click the Resources tab.

Mark to allow resources to determine when activities are completed and which activities they should begin next. Choose whether resources indicate progress on activities by entering percentages or units of time remaining.

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Implementing Timesheets


Using Overhead Codes Overhead codes enable users to log hours that are not associated with project activities; for example, users can enter time for vacations, holiday hours, sick time, or general administrative work as overhead activities. Add overhead codes If the existing set of overhead codes is not adequate, you can add new codes. In the Project Management module, choose Admin, Admin Categories, then click the Overhead Codes tab. Click Add. Type a unique code for the overhead type and a short description.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

Running Timesheets Web Browser Version and JAWS Version After you install and configure Group Server/Timesheets (as described in “Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets” on page 69) and implement Timesheets as described in this chapter, users can access either the Web Browser version or the JAWS version by following the instructions in this section. Timesheets JAWS version users only have to complete these steps the first time they attempt to access Timesheets. After completing these steps, users can access Timesheets JAWS version by choosing Start, Programs, Primavera Timesheets, Primavera Timesheets. Timesheets Web Browser version users must always access Timesheets using the URL specified in Step 1.

Run Timesheets Netscape users: if you do not have any version of the JRE installed on the user’s machine, you have to manually download it first.

1 To load the Timesheets version from the server, visit the URL where the Timesheets launch page is located (the server you specified during installation). •

For Timesheets Web Browser version, enter:

<Web server>/GroupServer/en/Index.html, where /en is the language subfolder. For example, •

For Timesheets JAWS version, enter:

<Web server>/GroupServer/App/index.html. For example, If the Web Server is not using the default port, you must enter the port number after the IP address separated by a semicolon (:).

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Implementing Timesheets


2 For Timesheets Web Browser version: Click Run Timesheets. Click Yes to install the Java files from Primavera Systems, if prompted. The Setup program searches for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4.2_07 or later. If it is not found on your machine, JRE 1.5.0_01 installation is automatically launched. Click Yes to install JRE 1.5.0_01 and accept the license agreement. If you already have JRE 1.4.2_07 or later, Setup skips this step. You will only be prompted to download the Java files the first time you click the Run Timesheets link.

For Timesheets JAWS version: Click Launch Primavera Timesheets Application. One of the following scenarios will occur depending on your current JRE version: •

If no previous version of the JRE is present, you are prompted to download JRE version 1.5.0_01. Click the provided link and download the JRE. When the JRE is installed, JAWS launches Timesheets.

If JRE version 1.4.2_07 or later is present, JAWS uses the existing JRE and does not download JRE version 1.5.0_01.

If a JRE version earlier than 1.4.2_07 is present, JAWS automatically downloads JRE version 1.5.0_02 from the server, then launches Timesheets. JAWS does not change the default JRE version for the browser, however. For example, if JRE 1.4.2_05 is present when you install JRE 1.5.0_02, JRE 1.4.2_05 remains the default version when the install is complete. You can change the default version by choosing Tools, Internet Options, in your web browser. On the Advanced tab, select the default JRE in the Java (Sun) section. Downloading the JRE may take some time, depending on your network speed.

3 If prompted, click Grant Always to run the applet. 4 Type your login name and password.

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Part 4: Primavera Client Installation and Configuration

For the JAWS version, this dialog contains a drop-down menu in which you can choose the language for Timesheets. For the Web Browser version, the language is determined by the URL you enter in Step 1.

If Timesheets is running in Single Sign On authentication mode, the preceding dialog box does not appear. Instead, login credentials are requested and validated by the policy server.

Your activities appear in the Activities window. Before a user can log on to Timesheets, the project administrator must configure the Project Management module for Timesheets users. See “Implementing Timesheets” on page 331.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Upgrade


Automatic Database Upgrade In this chapter Upgrade Process Overview Upgrading an Oracle Database to Version 5.0 Upgrading a Microsoft SQL Server Database to Version 5.0 Uninstalling Previous Versions

Read this chapter to upgrade your database to version 5.0 when version 3.5x or 4.x is already installed. You need to upgrade your database if you want to preserve your project data for use with the new version of Primavera. A wizard automatically upgrades your database for you. Instructions for manually upgrading your database are included on the Primavera Documentation CD. The files are available in the \Documentation\Technical Documentation\Manual Upgrades directory.

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Part 4: Upgrading from a Previous Version

Upgrade Process Overview You can upgrade your existing Primavera database (v3.5x or 4.x) to version 5.0. You must upgrade both your project management and methodology management databases so they will work with the new version. To upgrade a stand-alone installation, see “Installing and/or Upgrading the StandAlone Version” on page 242.

You can upgrade your database automatically using the Database wizard. The wizard runs the necessary scripts to upgrade the database structure and an upgrade program to add data required by the new version. To upgrade from version 3.5x, or 4.x The following list summarizes the steps required to upgrade to version 5.0: ■

Back up your project management and methodology management databases before beginning the upgrade process to ensure you will not lose any data due to unexpected problems.

Uninstall the current version of Primavera.

Install the new client version of Primavera as directed in this guide.

Run the Database wizard to automatically upgrade your existing project management and methodology management databases.

Test the new databases to ensure the upgrade succeeded.

Install the new Group Server and any additional components as described in this guide. If you need to preserve the data in your project management or methodology management database, when you install the new version of Primavera, you should NOT set up and install these databases as described in Part 2; otherwise, your existing data will be deleted and replaced with default application data.

If you do not want to preserve your database and are comfortable with replacing the existing database with a new database, prepare the database server for upgrading by dropping all objects (such as tables and indexes). You can then configure the databases as directed in Part 2.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Upgrade


Privileges The following privileges included in version 5.0 of the Project Management module are either new or modified. Assign them to your users as needed if you are currently using a previous version: New Global Privileges

New Project Privileges

Edit Resources (modified)

Schedule Project

Add Resources

Level Resources

Delete Resources

Apply Actuals

Edit Resource Codes

Store Period Performance

Add Resource Codes

Edit Period Performance

Delete Resource Codes

Run Baseline Update

Add Global Activity Codes

Assign Project Baselines

Edit Global Activity Codes (modified) Edit Project Activity Codes (modified) Delete Global Activity Codes

Add Project Activity Codes

Add Project Codes

Delete Project Activity Codes

Edit Project Codes

Add EPS Activity Codes

Delete Project Codes

Delete EPS Activity Codes

Add Global Issue Codes

Assign Issue Forms

Edit Global Issue Codes

Edit Contract Management Project Link

Delete Global Issue Codes

Edit Activity ID

Edit Issue Forms

Import/View Contract Management Data

View Resource and Role Costs (renamed and modified) Edit Activity Step Templates Edit Financial Period Dates

If you are currently running Primavera with Oracle, see “Upgrading an Oracle Database to Version 5.0” on page 349. If you are currently running Primavera version with Microsoft SQL Server, see “Upgrading a Microsoft SQL Server Database to Version 5.0” on page 355.

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Part 4: Upgrading from a Previous Version

Oracle Requirements The following should be noted if you are upgrading an Oracle database: ■

The upgrade will fail if you are using any Oracle version prior to

Datafiles in the LOB tablespace (e.g., PMDB_LOB1) should be made to autoextend. The estimated sizing is not exact, and the database conversion may fail if the datafiles are a fixed size.

If your existing database uses code page WE8ISO8859P1 and you want to use the Euro symbol, you will need to convert your database to WE8MSWIN1252 using the following statement: ALTER DATABASE CHARACTER SET WE8MSWIN1252;

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Upgrade


Upgrading an Oracle Database to Version 5.0 If you want to use the databases from Primavera 3.5x and 4.x with version 5.0, you need to upgrade them by performing the following sets of steps. Although recommended, it is not required that these steps be performed by an experienced database administrator. The wizard runs the necessary scripts to upgrade the database structure and an upgrade program to add data required by the new version. You must upgrade your project management and methodology management databases. Upgrade an Oracle project management or methodology management database 1 Perform a cold backup and a full database export. If you are unsure how to back up your Oracle database, do not proceed with the upgrade. Contact your database administrator, your database vendor, or Primavera Systems for assistance in backing up your database before performing the database upgrade. Also, ensure that you are familiar with the process of restoring the backup copy of the database in case you need to do so. 2 Uninstall the current version of Primavera as described in “Uninstalling Previous Versions” on page 360. 3 Install the new client version of Primavera as described in “Installing Client Modules and Additional Components” on page 209. You should NOT set up and install the databases as described in Part 2; otherwise, your existing data will be deleted and replaced with default application data.

4 Double-click CONFIGASST.EXE in the \Install\Database directory of CD 1 to start the Database wizard.

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Part 4: Upgrading from a Previous Version

5 Choose Upgrade an Existing Primavera Database, enter the product key located on the CD 1 label, then click Next.

6 Click Next to begin the upgrade process.

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Automatic Database Upgrade


7 Choose Oracle as the database type.

8 Log on to the database as an administrative user, such as ADMUSER. Type your password. Specify the Oracle connect string. ADMUSER must have DBA privileges and must be the owner of the application tables, specifically, the TASK table. The database must also have the Oracle compatible parameter set to 9.2.0 or greater. The Oracle connect string must be specified. It can be found in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. The TNSNAMES.ORA file is created when you or your DBA set up the Oracle client.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 4: Upgrading from a Previous Version

9 Select your privileged username for the database.

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Automatic Database Upgrade


10 Select the desired options for converting material resources. If you are upgrading from version 4.x, the data conversion dialog is not displayed.

When the first option is selected, resources which have a custom unit of measure and allow overtime will be converted to nonlabor resources with overtime allowed. If this option is not selected, these resources will be converted to material resources and the overtime will be removed. Selecting the second option lets you convert resources that use one of the custom units of measure shown (entered by the user) to a nonlabor resource instead of a material resource. Selecting the third option lets users mark User Defined Field columns as “unused.” Unused columns are treated as if they were dropped, even though their column data remains in the table's rows. This feature is useful when you want to remove the columns from regular access instead of dropping them, which will reduce the amount of time needed for the upgrade. Data affected by enabling the SET UNUSED option can be removed later, if desired.

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Part 4: Upgrading from a Previous Version

11 In the Ready to Begin Upgrading Data dialog box, choose Yes, I Want to Upgrade My Database, then click Next. The current version of your existing database appears.

The upgrade process could take several minutes, depending on its size. 12 Click Finish when the “Database Upgrade Completed” message is displayed. 13 Run the Database wizard again to upgrade your methodology management database. 14 Run the Database Configuration wizard from the client and update your license in the database. Refer to the “Changing Database Configuration Settings” on page 259 for more information. 15 Your database is now ready to use with version 5.0.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Upgrade


Upgrading a Microsoft SQL Server Database to Version 5.0 If you want to use the databases from Primavera 3.5x or 4.x with version 5.0, you need to upgrade the database(s) by performing the following sets of steps. It is not required that these steps be performed by an experienced database administrator. The wizard runs the necessary scripts to upgrade the database structure and an upgrade program to add data required by the new version. You must upgrade both the project management and the methodology management databases. Upgrade a Microsoft SQL Server database 1 Perform a full backup of the current databases. If you are unsure how to back up your SQL Server database, do not proceed with the upgrade. Contact your database administrator, your database vendor, or Primavera Systems for assistance in backing up your database before performing the database upgrade. Also, ensure that you are familiar with the process of restoring the backup copy of the database in case you need to do so. 2 Uninstall the current version of Primavera as described in “Uninstalling Previous Versions” on page 360. 3 Install the new client version of Primavera as described in “Installing Client Modules and Additional Components” on page 209. You should NOT set up and install the databases as described in Part 2; otherwise, your existing data will be deleted and replaced with default application data.

4 Double-click CONFIGASST.EXE in the \Install\Database directory of CD 1 to start the Database wizard.

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Part 4: Upgrading from a Previous Version

5 Choose Upgrade an Existing Primavera Database, enter the product key located on the CD 1 label, then click Next.

6 Click Next to begin the upgrade process.

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Automatic Database Upgrade


7 Choose Microsoft SQL Server or MSDE as the database type.

8 Register to the server as user SA or another user with system administrator privileges. Also, specify the server machine name and the database name to which you are connecting.

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Part 4: Upgrading from a Previous Version

9 Type your privileged user name and password for the database.

10 Select the desired options for converting material resources. If you are upgrading from version 4.x, the data conversion dialog is not displayed.

When the first option is selected, resources which have a custom unit of measure and allow overtime will be converted to nonlabor resources with overtime allowed. If this option is not selected, these resources will be converted to material resources and the overtime will be removed.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Upgrade


Selecting the second option lets you convert resources that use one of the custom units of measure shown (entered by the user) to a nonlabor resource instead of a material resource. 11 In the Ready to Begin Upgrading Data dialog box, choose Yes, I Want to Upgrade My Database, then click Next. The current version of your existing database appears.

The upgrade process could take several minutes, depending on its size. 12 Click Finish when the “Database Upgrade Completed” message is displayed. 13 Run the Database wizard again to upgrade your methodology management database. 14 Run the Database Configuration wizard from the client and update your license in the database. Refer to “Changing Database Configuration Settings” on page 259 for more information. Your database is now ready to use with version 5.0.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 4: Upgrading from a Previous Version

Uninstalling Previous Versions Before you upgrade to the new version, you must uninstall the client applications of the previous version of Primavera. Uninstall client applications 1 From the Start menu on the client computer, navigate to the folder that contains the Primavera installation, then choose the Uninstall option. 2 Choose Automatic as the method of uninstallation. 3 Click Finish when the wizard completes the uninstallation. Although you are not prompted to do so, it’s a good practice to restart your computer between uninstalling an application and installing another application.

Progress Reporter for the Web Desktop version 3.5x installs as a Java application on the client computer. To uninstall the Desktop version, click Start, then choose Settings, Control Panel. Double-click Add/Remove Programs. Select Progress Reporter for the Web Desktop version and click Add/Remove. Follow the wizard prompts to uninstall the application. Next, uninstall the previous version’s server components. Do not install the new client applications before you remove these components. If you have an existing implementation of Progress Reporter version 3.5x on your network, you must remove the existing Group Server before installing the new version of the Group Server. Uninstall a previous version of the Group Server 1 Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, then double-click Services. In Windows 2000, click Start, Settings, Control Panel, then doubleclick Administrative Tools, then Services. 2 Select the Primavera Group Server entry and click Stop. 3 Close the Services window. 4 In the Control Panel window, double-click Add/Remove Programs. 5 Select Primavera Group Server, then click the Add/Remove button. Follow the steps in the Uninstall wizard, then click Finish when the wizard completes the uninstallation. Once these components have been removed, install the new client modules and any desired additional components as described in “Installing Client Modules and Additional Components” on page 209.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Automatic Database Upgrade


After installing the client modules, run the Database wizard as described earlier in this chapter. When the upgrade is complete, you can continue with the installation. Refer to “Configuring the Group Server for Timesheets” on page 69.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide



Importing and Exporting Data In this part

Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users Transferring Methodology Data Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files Transferring Data using Microsoft Excel Files Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module Transferring Data to Primavera Contractor Users


his part describes the process of exporting Project

Management module data to multiple formats for use in other applications. Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users describes how to use XER, Primavera’s proprietary exchange format, to back up project/resource/role data or exchange data between project management databases. To export methodologies from the Methodology Management module and import them into the Project Management module, refer to the Transferring Methodology Data. To transfer data between the Project Management module and Microsoft Project, read Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files. To transfer data using Microsoft Excel, read Transferring Data using Microsoft Excel Files. To convert Primavera Project Planner (P3) 3.x projects to Project Management module format, or vice versa, read Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module. To export project or resource data for use with Primavera Contractor, read Transferring Data to Primavera Contractor Users.

Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users


Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users In this chapter Exporting Projects Exporting Roles or Resources Importing Projects Importing Roles or Resources

Data can be transferred from one Project Management module user to another Project Management module user by exporting and importing XER files (Primavera proprietary exchange format). This chapter describes how to use the Export and Import wizards to share project information and roles/resources.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Exporting Projects For more information about importing XER files, see “Importing Projects” on page 373. For information about the tables and fields that are converted, see the XERPROJECTS.PDF file, located in the \Documentation\Technical Documentation\Data Mapping Docs folder on the Primavera Documentation CD.

Project data can be transferred from the Project Management module as XER files (Primavera proprietary exchange format) and used with any other Project Management module installation, regardless of the database type on which it runs. Use the Export wizard to export Project Management projects to XER files; use the Import wizard to bring XER files into the Project Management module. You may want to use these wizards to quickly back up and restore one or more projects. They should not be used to back up your entire database. The Export wizard guides you through the steps for exporting projects. You can also export projects in XER format for use with Primavera Contractor. To export a project for use with Primavera Contractor 5.0, follow the instructions in this section. To export a project for use with Primavera Contractor 4.1, refer to “Transferring Data to Primavera Contractor Users” on page 479.

When you export project data, secure codes and secure code assignments related to the project are not exported. For more information about secure codes, refer to the “Defining Global Profiles” on page 298.

For Primavera ProjectLink users, when you export a Microsoft Project (MSP)-managed project to XER format, the project is no longer considered MSP-managed. For more information on Primavera ProjectLink, click Help on the Primavera ProjectLink toolbar in Microsoft Project (available only if Primavera ProjectLink is installed).

Select export type and projects Open the projects in the Project Management module that you want to export. Choose File, Export. Choose Primavera PM/MM, then click Next.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users


Choose Project as the export type, then click Next.

Clear the Export checkbox next to each project that should not be exported, then click Next. If you are exporting project(s) for use with Primavera Contractor, you should only include one project in an XER file. If there is more than one project in an XER file, the file cannot be imported by Primavera Contractor.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Lists only projects that are currently open in the Project Management module

Specify filename and location Type a name for the XER file. To specify the location where the file will be stored, click the Browse button. If you do not specify a location, the export file is stored in the folder in which you installed the Project Management module. Click Finish to export the project to a single file with an XER extension.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users


Export projects as a service Choose Tools, Job Services, then click Add. Select Export in the Service Type field. Specify a number in the Job # field to indicate the sequence in which the service should be performed, if more than one service is listed. Type a brief description of the service in the Job Name field. In the Status field, select Enabled to activate the export service. You can suspend a service at any time by selecting Disabled in the Status field. In the Run Job area on the Job Details tab, schedule when the service should be run: every day at a specific time, or weekly, every two weeks, or monthly on a day and time you specify.

Click the Job Options tab to select the projects/EPS nodes you want to export.

In this example, projects are exported everyday at 5pm.

Mark to log information about the service to a file you specify.

You must have the appropriate access rights to set up job services. The Job Service does not interact with the Project Management client when running jobs. All jobs are run on the server on which the Job Service is installed.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Exporting Roles or Resources For information about the tables and fields that are converted, see XERRESOURCES.PDF or XERROLES.PDF, located in the \Documentation\Technical Documentation\Data Mapping Docs folder on the Primavera Documentation CD.

The Project Management module enables you to export only the roles or resources in your resource hierarchy to XER files. You may want to choose this option to include existing roles or resources in a new database. You can also export resources in XER format for use with Primavera Contractor. To export resources for use with Primavera Contractor 5.0, follow the instructions in this section. To export resources for use with Primavera Contractor 4.1, refer to “Transferring Data to Primavera Contractor Users” on page 479. Roles are not available in Primavera Contractor.

When you export roles and resources, secure codes and secure code assignments related to the roles and resources are not exported. For more information about secure codes, refer to “Defining Global Profiles” on page 298.

Export roles or resource data In the Project Management module, choose File, Export. Choose Primavera PM/MM, then click Next.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users


Choose Resource Only or Role Only as the export type, then click Next.

Type a name for the XER file. To specify the location where the file will be stored, click the Browse button. If you do not specify a location, the export file is stored in the folder in which you installed the Project Management module. Click Finish to export the roles or resources to a single file with an XER extension.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Click to select the location where the file will be stored.

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Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users


Importing Projects For more information on exporting project data, see “Exporting Projects” on page 366. For information about the tables and fields that are converted, see the XERPROJECTS.PDF file, located in the \Documentation\Technical Documentation\Data Mapping Docs folder on the Primavera Documentation CD.

Project data can be transferred from the Project Management module as XER files (Primavera proprietary exchange format) and used with any other Project Management module installation, regardless of the database type on which it runs. Use the Export wizard to export Project Management projects to XER files; use the Import wizard to bring XER files into the Project Management module. You may want to use these wizards to quickly back up and restore one or more projects. The Import wizard guides you through the steps for importing projects. When you import project data, secure codes and secure code assignments related to the project are not imported. For more information about secure codes, refer to “Defining Global Profiles” on page 298.

If resource security is enabled in the Project Management module, some restrictions apply when importing activity resource assignments. Refer to the Help for more details. For information on importing material resources, see “Importing Roles or Resources” on page 381.

XER files exported from version 4.x of the Project Management module, or from Primavera Contractor 4.1, can be imported in version 5.0 of the Project Management module.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Select import type and file In the Project Management module, choose File, Import. Choose Primavera PM/MM, then click Next.

Choose Project as the import type, then click Next.

The data in the import file must match the format being imported. For example, you cannot import a project from an XER file that contains only role or resource data.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users


Click the Browse button to select the file you want to import. Click Next.

If you include more than one project in an XER file, the relationships between the projects are preserved.

Specify import project options An XER file can contain data from several projects. The first column in the Import Project Options dialog box lists all the projects included in the XER file. If a project with the same name already exists in the current installation of the Project Management module, the Match checkbox next to it is marked.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

To prevent data in the project management database from being overwritten when you import the file, double-click the Import Action field next to each project, then select one of the following options: ■

Update Existing Project The existing project is updated with any new/modified data in the XER file; adds new data if the record does not exist. Select the project to update in the Import To field. All currently open projects are listed. You can further define how data should be updated when matches occur. See “Choose update project options” on page 377.

Create New Project The existing project’s data remains the same. A new project is created. Click the Import To field to select where the new project will be placed in the EPS. A number is appended to the end of the project name. When the import is complete, you can rename the project. For example, if you are creating a new project from the existing project, AUTO, the new project is named AUTO-1. You must select the Create New Project option if you want the Project Management module to import past period actual data. If you choose any other option, past period actual values are not imported. If you select the Create New Project option, past period actual data will only be imported if the defined financial periods are exactly the same in both databases.

Replace Existing Project The existing project is deleted and replaced with the project imported from the XER file. Select the project to be replaced in the Import To field. Baselines and timesheets assigned to projects are deleted when you select the Replace Existing Project import option.

Ignore this Project The project is not imported in the Project Management module.

Add Into Existing Project You can merge the project you are importing within an existing project. Click the Import To field, then select a specific WBS level within an existing project. The imported project is appended to the selected WBS.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users


Choose update project options Click Next to select a layout configuration to use when importing project data. The options specified in the layout determine how the Project Management module handles data in the import file that matches data in the database. You can create and save several different configurations; however, only one configuration can be used to import the file. Select Yes in the Use field next to the configuration you want to use. The Update Project Options dialog box appears, regardless of the import option you select. For example, if you choose to create a new project, you still must select a configuration for importing global data.

Click to create a new layout configuration.

Click to customize the layout configuration.

Modify a layout configuration The options specified in a layout configuration determine how data is updated when projects are imported. To modify these options, select the layout in the Update Project Options dialog box, then click Modify.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

The import of activities, their relationships, and their resource assignments is dependent on one another. For example, if you choose to update one of these items, all three are updated automatically. If the XER file you are importing was exported from Primavera Contractor, do not select any of these options if the Project Management module project you are updating contains WBS Summary tasks. If you choose any of these options, the WBS Summary tasks will be deleted.

Mark to delete specific items that are in the project being updated, but are not included in the import file.

The Modify Import Configuration dialog box lists the data types for which you can set options. Mark the Delete checkbox next to a data item to remove data that exists in the project you are updating, but is not included in the file you are importing. For example, if several activities are defined in the project you are updating, but they are not included in the file to be imported, mark the checkbox in the Delete column to remove the activities from the project being updated. The Delete field applies only to risks, relationships to external projects, thresholds, activities, activity relationships, and activity resource assignments. Global data types are not affected by this setting.

Select one of the following in the Action field to indicate how the data type is updated:

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users


Keep Existing Retains data in the existing project and does not overwrite it with the updated data; adds new data if the record does not exist.

Update Existing Overwrites data in the existing project with updated data; adds new data if the record does not exist.

Insert New Retains data in the existing project and adds any new data items. For example, if a new role was added in the XER file, but you don’t want to change the existing roles, choose Insert New to add the new role to the existing project.

Do Not Import Retains data in the existing project and does not import the updated data.

The action you choose for importing the items in the Activity Data Type group are dependent on each other. For example, if you choose to update existing relationships, you must also update existing resource assignments and activities associated with the relationships.

The action for activity data types are dependent on one another.

The Delete field for these items can be independent.

If a relationship type was updated when the project was exported, to import the modified relationship type, you must choose to Update Existing and mark the Delete field for activity relationships; otherwise, a new relationship will be added. For example, suppose you have Activity 100 with a finish to start relationship type. If you import a project that has Activity 100, but the relationship type has been changed to a start to start type, the import process results in Activity 100 with both the finish to start relationship and the start to start relationship when you do not mark the Delete field. You must mark the Delete field to remove the original relationship type of finish to start. The Activity Resource Assignments item under Activity Data Type includes roles.

Click OK to save changes to the modified layout configuration. Click Next. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Select a currency If the import file does not specify a currency, or if the currency does not match a currency defined in the Project Management module, the Currency Type dialog box appears. Click the Browse button to select a currency that matches the one found in the import file. If your currency is not listed, cancel the Import wizard and add the currency in the Currencies dialog box (Admin, Currencies). You will not see this dialog box if the import currency is the same as the base currency.

Click Next, then click Finish to import the project.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users


Importing Roles or Resources For information about the tables and fields that are converted, see XERRESOURCES.PDF or XERROLES.PDF, located in the \Documentation\Technical Documentation\Data Mapping Docs folder on the Primavera Documentation CD.

The Project Management module enables you to import XER files that contain only roles or resources. You may want to choose this option to add new roles/resources to the resource hierarchy or overwrite the existing role/resource hierarchy. Roles and resources are defined at the global level. When you import roles and resources, secure codes and secure code assignments related to the roles and resources are not imported. For more information about secure codes, refer to “Defining Global Profiles” on page 298.

If resource security is enabled in the Project Management module, some restrictions apply when importing resources. Refer to the Help for more details.

XER files exported from version 4.x of the Project Management module, or from Primavera Contractor 4.1, can be imported in version 5.0 of the Project Management module.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Select import type and file In the Project Management module, choose File, Import. Choose Primavera PM/MM, then click Next. Choose to import Resource Only or Role Only data. Click Next.

Click the Browse button to select the file you want to import. Click Next.

The data in the import file must match the format being imported. For example, you cannot import resource data from an XER file that contains project data.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users


Choose update role or resource options Click Next to select a layout configuration to use when importing role or resource data. The options specified in the layout determine how the Project Management module handles role or resource data in the import file that matches data in the database. You can create and save several different configurations; however, only one configuration can be used to import the file. Select Yes in the Use field next to the configuration you want to use.

Click to create a new layout configuration.

Click to customize the layout configuration.

Modify a layout configuration The options specified in a layout configuration determine how data is updated when roles/resources are imported. To modify these options, select the layout in the Update Role/ Resource Options dialog box, then click Modify. The Modify Import Configuration dialog box lists the data types for which you can set options. The Delete field does not affect the import of resources or roles. This field applies only to activities, risks, relationships to external projects, and thresholds.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Double-click to select the action to take when duplicate data is encountered.

Select one of the following in the Action field to indicate how the roles or resources are updated: ■

Keep Existing Retains roles/resources in the global dictionary and does not overwrite them with the updated data; adds new data if the record does not exist.

Update Existing Overwrites roles/resources in the global dictionary with updated data; adds new data if the record does not exist.

Insert New Retains roles/resources in the global dictionary and adds any new roles/resources. Resource assignments to the roles are not included when exporting only roles. To maintain resource role assignments when selecting Insert New, resource data must be exported/imported.

Do Not Import Retains existing roles/resources in the global dictionary and does not import the updated roles/resources.

Click OK to save changes to the modified configuration, then click Next. Select a currency If the import file does not specify a currency, or if the currency does not match a currency defined in the Project Management module, the Currency Type dialog box appears. Click the Browse button to select a currency that matches the one found in the import file. If your currency is not listed, cancel the Import wizard and add the currency in the Currencies dialog box (Admin, Currencies). You will not see this dialog box if the import currency is the same as the base currency.

Click Next, then click Finish to import the resources/roles. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Transferring Methodology Data


Transferring Methodology Data In this chapter Exporting Methodologies Exporting Roles or Resources Importing Methodologies Importing Projects as Methodologies Importing Roles or Resources

Methodology data can be transferred between Project Management module users by exporting and importing XER files (Primavera proprietary exchange format). This chapter describes how to use the Export and Import wizards in the Methodology Management module to transfer methodologies between Methodology Management module users, export methodologies to the Project Management module as project plans, and import a project from the Project Management module as a new methodology.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Exporting Methodologies For more information about importing methodologies as XER files, see “Importing Methodologies” on page 390.

Methodologies can be transferred from the Methodology Management module as XER files (Primavera proprietary exchange format) and used with any other Methodology Management installation, regardless of the database type on which it runs. Use the Export wizard to export methodologies to XER files; use the Import wizard to bring XER files into the Methodology Management module. You may want to use these wizards to quickly back up and restore one or more methodologies. They should not be used to back up your entire database. The Export wizard guides you through the steps for exporting methodologies. Select export type and methodology In the Methodology Management module, open the methodology that you want to export. Choose File, Export. Choose Primavera PM/MM, then click Next.

Choose Methodology as the export type, then click Next.

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Transferring Methodology Data


Specify filename and location Type a name for the XER file. To specify the location where the file will be stored, click the Browse button. If you do not specify a location, the export file is stored in the folder in which you installed the Methodology Management module. Click Finish to export the methodology to a single file with an XER extension.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Exporting Roles or Resources The Methodology Management module enables you to export roles or resources in your resource hierarchy to XER files. You may want to choose this option to include existing roles or resources in a new database. Export roles or resource data In the Methodology Management module, choose File, Export. Choose Primavera PM/MM, then click Next.

Choose to export Resource Only or Role Only data, then click Next.

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Transferring Methodology Data


Type a name for the XER file. To specify the location where the file will be stored, click the Browse button. If you do not specify a location, the export file is stored in the folder in which you installed the Methodology Management module. Click Finish to export the roles or resources to a single file with an XER extension.

Click to select the location where the file will be stored.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Importing Methodologies For more information on exporting methodologies, see “Exporting Methodologies” on page 386.

Methodologies can be transferred from the Methodology Management module as XER files (Primavera proprietary exchange format) and used with any other Methodology Management installation, regardless of the database type on which it runs. Use the Export wizard to export projects to XER files; use the Import wizard to bring XER files into the Methodology Management module. You may want to use these wizards to quickly back up and restore one or more methodologies. The Import wizard guides you through the steps for importing methodologies. Select import type and file In the Methodology Management module, choose File, Import. Choose Primavera PM/MM, then click Next and choose Methodology.

Click the Browse button to select the file you want to import. Click Next.

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Transferring Methodology Data


Select the action to take with the imported data If you have a methodology open when you import, you are prompted to choose an action. Choose one of the following actions, then click Next: ■

Create a New Methodology The existing methodology’s data remains the same. A new methodology is created. This action is performed automatically if no methodology is open when you import.

Import into the Current Methodology You can merge the methodology you are importing within an existing methodology. Click Next, then select a specific WBS level within the methodology. The imported methodology is appended to the selected WBS.

Replace the Current Methodology The existing methodology is deleted and replaced with the one imported from the XER file.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Choose update methodology options Click Next to select a layout configuration to use when importing methodologies. The options specified in the layout determine how the Methodology Management module handles data in the import file that matches data in the database. You can create and save several different configurations; however, only one configuration can be used to import the file. Select Yes in the Use field next to the configuration you want to use. The Update Methodology Options dialog box displays, regardless of the import option you select. For example, if you choose to create a new methodology, you still must select a configuration for importing global data.

Click to create a new layout configuration.

Click to customize the layout configuration.

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Transferring Methodology Data


Modify a layout configuration The options specified in a layout configuration determine how data is updated when methodologies are imported. To modify these options, select the layout in the Update Methodology Options dialog box, then click Modify.

Mark to delete risks, activities, or activity cores that are in the methodology being updated, but are not included in the import file.

The Modify Import Configuration dialog box lists the data types for which you can set options. Mark the Delete checkbox next to a data item to remove data that exists in the methodology you are updating, but is not included in the file you are importing. For example, if several activities are defined in the methodology you are updating, but are not included in the file to be imported, mark the checkbox in the Delete column to remove the activities from the methodology being updated. The Delete field applies only to activities, activity cores, and risks. Global data types are not affected by this setting.

Select one of the following in the Action field to indicate how the data type is updated: ■

Keep Existing Retains data in the existing methodology and does not overwrite it with the updated data; adds new data if the record does not exist.

Update Existing Overwrites data in the existing methodology with data; adds new data if the record does not exist.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Insert New Retains data in the existing methodology and adds any new data items. For example, if a new role was added in the XER file, but you don’t want to change the existing roles, choose Insert New to add the new role to the existing methodology.

Do Not Import Retains data in the existing methodology and does not import the updated data.

Click OK to save changes to the modified layout configuration. Click Next. Select a currency If the import file does not specify a currency, or if the currency does not match a currency defined in the Methodology Management module, the Currency Type dialog box appears. Click the Browse button to select a currency that matches the one found in the import file. If your currency is not listed, cancel the Import wizard and add the currency in the Currencies dialog box (Admin, Currencies). You will not see this dialog box if the import currency is the same as the base currency.

Click Next, then click Finish to import the methodology.

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Transferring Methodology Data


Importing Projects as Methodologies For more information on exporting project data, see the “Importing Projects” on page 373.

Project data can be transferred from the Project Management module as XER files (Primavera proprietary exchange format) and imported as a methodology. You can capture the best practices of a successful project by importing the project as a methodology. Use the Export wizard in the Project Management module to export projects to XER files; use the Import wizard in the Methodology Management module to bring XER files in as methodologies. To import a project as a methodology, the XER file must contain only the project you are importing. XER files exported from Project Management 4.x can be imported in Methodology Management 5.0.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Select import type and file In the Methodology Management module, choose File, Import. Choose Primavera PM/MM, then click Next.

Choose Project as the import type, then click Next.

The data in the import file must match the format being imported. For example, you cannot import a project from an XER file that contains only role or resource data.

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Transferring Methodology Data


Click the Browse button to select the file you want to import. Click Next.

Select action to take with the imported data If you have a methodology open when you import, choose one of the following actions: ■

Create a New Methodology The existing methodology’s data remains the same. A new methodology is created. This action is performed automatically if no methodology is open when you import.

Import into the Current Methodology You can merge the methodology you are importing within an existing methodology. Click Next, then select a specific WBS level within the methodology. The imported methodology is appended to the selected WBS.

Replace the Current Methodology The existing methodology is deleted and replaced with the one imported from the XER file.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Select the source data for estimates You use either the actual effort and cost data from the project or the project’s planned data as the basis of the methodology’s effort and cost estimates.

Choose update project options Click Next to select a layout configuration to use when importing project data. The options specified in the layout determine how the Methodology Management module handles data in the import file that matches data in the database. You can create and save several different configurations; however, only one configuration can be used to import the file. Select Yes in the Use field next to the configuration you want to use.

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Transferring Methodology Data


The Update Project Options dialog box appears, regardless of the import option you select. For example, if you choose to create a new methodology, you still must select a configuration for importing global data.

Click to create a new layout configuration.

Click to customize the layout configuration.

Modify a layout configuration The options specified in a layout configuration determine how data is updated when projects are imported. To modify these options, select the layout in the Update Project Options dialog box, then click Modify.

Mark to delete risks, activities, or activity cores that are in the methodology being updated, but are not included in the import file.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

The Modify Import Configuration dialog box lists the data types for which you can set options. Mark the Delete checkbox next to a data item to remove data that exists in the methodology you are updating, but is not included in the file you are importing. For example, if several activities are defined in the methodology you are updating, but are not included in the file to be imported, mark the checkbox in the Delete column to remove the activities from the methodology being updated. The Delete field applies only to activities, activity cores, and risks. Global data types are not affected by this setting.

Select one of the following in the Action field to indicate how the data type is updated: ■

Keep Existing Retains data in the existing methodology and does not overwrite it with the updated data; adds new data if the record does not exist.

Update Existing Overwrites data in the existing methodology with updated data; adds new data if the record does not exist.

Insert New Retains data in the existing methodology and adds any new data items. For example, if a new role was added in the XER file, but you don’t want to change the existing roles, choose Insert New to add the new role to the existing methodology.

Do Not Import Retains data in the existing methodology and does not import the updated data.

Click OK to save changes to the modified layout configuration. Click Next. Select a currency If the import file does not specify a currency, or if the currency does not match a currency defined in the Methodology Management module, the Currency Type dialog box appears. Click the Browse button to select a currency that matches the one found in the import file. If your currency is not listed, cancel the Import wizard and add the currency in the Currencies dialog box (Admin, Currencies). You will not see this dialog box if the import currency is the same as the base currency.

Click Next, then click Finish to import the project.

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Transferring Methodology Data


Importing Roles or Resources The Methodology Management module enables you to import XER files that contain only roles or resources. You may want to choose this option to add new roles/resources to the resource hierarchy or overwrite the existing role/resource hierarchy. Roles and resources are defined at the global level. XER files exported from Project Management 4.x can be imported in Methodology Management 5.0.

Select import type and file In the Methodology Management module, choose File, Import. Choose Primavera PM/MM, then click Next. Choose to import Resource Only or Role Only data, then click Next.

Click the Browse button to select the file you want to import. Click Next.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

The data in the import file must match the format being imported. For example, you cannot import resource data from an XER file that contains project data.

Choose update role or resource options Click Next to select a layout configuration to use when importing role or resource data. The options specified in the layout determine how the Methodology Management module handles role or resource data in the import file that matches data in the database. You can create and save several different configurations; however, only one configuration can be used to import the file. Select Yes in the Use field next to the configuration you want to use.

Click to create a new layout configuration.

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Click to customize the layout configuration.

Transferring Methodology Data


Modify a layout configuration The options specified in a layout configuration determine how data is updated when roles/resources are imported. To modify these options, select the layout in the Update Role/ Resource Options dialog box, then click Modify. The Modify Import Configuration dialog box lists the data types for which you can set options. The Delete field does not affect the import of resources or roles. This field applies only to activities, risks, and activity cores.

Double-click to select the action to take when duplicate data is encountered.

Select one of the following in the Action field to indicate how the roles or resources are updated: ■

Keep Existing Retains roles/resources in the global dictionary and does not overwrite them with the updated data; adds new data if the record does not exist.

Update Existing Overwrites roles/resources in the global dictionary with updated data; adds new data if the record does not exist.

Insert New Retains existing roles/resources in the global dictionary and adds any new roles/resources. Resource role assignments are not included when exporting only roles. To maintain the resource role assignments when selecting Insert New, resource data must be exported/imported.

Do Not Import Retains roles/resources in the existing global dictionary and does not import the updated data.

Click OK to save changes to the modified layout configuration. Click Next.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Select a currency If the import file does not specify a currency, or if the currency does not match a currency defined in the Methodology Management module, the Currency Type dialog box appears. Click the Browse button to select a currency that matches the one found in the import file. If your currency is not listed, cancel the Import wizard and add the currency in the Currencies dialog box (Admin, Currencies). You will not see this dialog box if the import currency is the same as the base currency.

Click Next, then click Finish to import the roles/resources.

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Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files


Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files In this chapter Exporting Projects Exporting Resources Importing Projects from Microsoft Project Importing Resources from Microsoft Project

Use the Microsoft Project import/export option to transfer project and resource information between the Project Management module and Microsoft Project 98 or later. You can also use the Microsoft Project option to import/export MPX files. MPX files enable you to integrate with third-party applications that support MPX versions 4.0 and 4.1. This chapter describes how to use the Export and Import wizards to share information using the Microsoft Project format.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Exporting Projects For information about the fields that are converted, see MSPMAPPINGS.PDF or MPXMAPPINGS.PDF, located in the \Documentation\Technical Documentation\Data Mapping Docs folder on the Primavera Documentation CD.

When you export Project Management project data to MPX, MPP, or XML format, you can then import the file into Microsoft Project. MPX files can also be imported into other software applications that support the MPX format. The Export wizard guides you through the steps for exporting projects. You can convert multiple projects at a time to MPX, MPP, or XML format. When you export project data, secure codes and secure code assignments related to the project are not exported. For more information about secure codes, refer to “Defining Global Profiles” on page 298.

The Project Management module does not export past period actual data to Microsoft Project.

Select export type and project Open the projects in the Project Management module you want to export. Choose File, Export. Choose Microsoft Project and select the type of file to which you want to export, then click Next. You must have Microsoft Project 98 or later on your machine to export to MPP format. You must have Microsoft Project 2002 or later on your machine to export to XML format.

Suspend and resume dates can only be exported to MPP format.

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Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files


You can export to MPX, MPP, or XML format. The file formats listed here are based on the version of Microsoft Project you have installed on your computer.

Choose Project as the export type, then click Next.

Clear the Export checkbox next to each project that should not be exported. Double click in the Export File Name field if you want to change the name and location of the Microsoft Project file. By default, the export file is stored in the folder in which you installed the Project Management module. Click Next.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Modify template options Add a new template or modify the existing template (if necessary). The template contains options for exchanging data with Microsoft Project.

Click to create a new template.

Click to customize the selected template.

Click the Activity tab in the Modify Template dialog box. In the Export section, choose the text field to which to export the Activity ID from the Project Management module. If you choose not to export the Activity ID to a text field in Microsoft Project (the checkbox is not marked), the Project Management Activity ID is not exported to Microsoft Project.

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Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files


Click the Notebooks tab in the Modify Template dialog box. Notebook fields are defined in the Project Management module in Admin Categories (choose Admin, Admin Categories, then click the Notebook Topics tab). These notebook fields can be exported to project, WBS, and activity notes fields in Microsoft Project.

Mark to export all notebook topics defined in the Project Management module. Otherwise, only the notebooks selected for the Project, WBS, and Activity notes are exported.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Click the Custom Field Mappings tab in the Modify Template dialog box. To export your user-defined fields to a particular Microsoft Project field, select the user-defined field in the Project Management Field column.

You can map custom fields defined for WBS, projects, resources, activities, or activity resource assignments.

Click OK to save your modifications to the template. Click Next to review the settings for your export, then click Finish to export the projects to MPX/MPP/XML files. WBS Summary activities in the Project Management module convert to Summary Tasks in Microsoft Project.

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Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files


Exporting Resources For information about the fields that are converted, see MSPMAPPINGS.PDF or MPXMAPPINGS.PDF, located in the \Documentation\Technical Documentation\Data Mapping Docs folder on the Primavera Documentation CD.

The Project Management module enables you to export only the resources in your resource hierarchy. When you export the Project Management module’s resource data to MPX, MPP, or XML format, you can then import the file into Microsoft Project. MPX files can also be imported into other software applications that support the MPX format. The Export wizard guides you through the steps for exporting resources. When you export resources, secure codes and secure code assignments related to the resources are not exported. For more information about secure codes, refer to “Defining Global Profiles” on page 298.

Export resource data In the Project Management module, choose File, Export. Choose Microsoft Project and select the type of file to which you want to export, then click Next. You must have Microsoft Project 98 or later on your machine to export to MPP format. You must have Microsoft Project 2002 or later on your machine to export to XML format.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

You can export to MPX, MPP, or XML format. The file formats listed here are based on the version of Microsoft Project you have installed on your computer.

Choose Resource Only as the export type, then click Next.

Type a name for the MPX/MPP/XML file. To specify the location where the file will be stored, click the Browse button. If you do not specify a location, the export file is stored in the folder in which you installed the Project Management module.

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Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files


Click to select the location where the file will be stored.

Modify template options Add a new template or modify the existing template (if necessary). The template contains options for exchanging data with Microsoft Project.

Click to create a new template.

Click to customize the selected template.

Click the Custom Field Mappings tab in the Modify Template dialog box. Choose Resources from the drop down list. To export your user-defined fields to a particular Microsoft Project field, select the user-defined field in the Project Management Field column.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Click OK to save your modifications to the template. Click Next to review the settings for your export, then click Finish to export the resources to a single file with an MPX, MPP, or XML extension.

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Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files


Importing Projects from Microsoft Project For information about the fields that are converted, see MSPMAPPINGS.PDF or MPXMAPPINGS.PDF, located in the \Documentation\Technical Documentation\Data Mapping Docs folder on the Primavera Documentation CD.

You may want to transfer data from Microsoft Project to the Project Management module. You can import several different types of Microsoft Project files. The files you can import are determined by the version of Microsoft Project you have installed on your computer. If Microsoft Project 98 or later resides on your computer, you can import MPP, MPX, MPD, MDB, and MPT files. If Microsoft Project does not reside on your computer, you can import MPX files. MPX files may have been created in other third-party applications. The Import wizard guides you through the steps for importing projects. When you import project data, secure codes and secure code assignments related to the project are not imported. For more information about secure codes, refer to “Defining Global Profiles” on page 298.

For users importing MPX files, review the export table in Microsoft Project before you generate the MPX file. The default export table settings in Microsoft Project do not contain some data fields supported by the MPX format. For example, assume you have a custom field mapped to the task field Start1; by default, Start1 is not included in the Microsoft Project export table. In this case, you must add the Start1 field to the export table to accurately generate and import the MPX file. For thirdparty MPX tools, refer to the vendors’ documentation for information on how to export additional data fields. Refer to the Microsoft Project online help to learn how to edit the export table.

If your Microsoft Project software is not activated, you will be prompted to activate the software (through the Microsoft Office Activation Wizard) the first time you attempt to export data from MS Project to the Project Management module (by selecting File, Export, in MS Project). You must activate Microsoft Project the first time you are prompted; if you do not, the import will not be successful.

Microsoft Jet 4.0 users should install Service Pack 6. Import errors may occur on computers running Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 5 or earlier.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

If resource security is enabled in the Project Management module, certain restrictions apply when importing activity resource assignments. Refer to the Help for more details.

Select import type and file Choose File, Import. Choose Microsoft Project, then click Next.

The file formats listed here are based on the version of Microsoft Project you have installed on your computer.

Choose Project as the import type, then click Next.

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Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files


Click Select to choose the files you want to import. If there is a password on the Microsoft Project file, type the password. If you do not enter a password on a protected file, the project will not import. Suspend and resume dates can only be imported from MPP files (not MPX files). When an activity contains multiple suspend and resume dates in Microsoft Project, the first suspend and resume dates (split task dates in Microsoft Project) are imported into the Project Management module. Any remaining suspend and resume dates are ignored.

Double click the Import Action field to select how the Microsoft Project file should be imported: ■

Create New Project The existing project’s data remains the same. A new project is created. Select the level of the EPS at which the project should be imported. Click the Browse button in the Import To field to select an EPS node.

Add into Existing Project Click the Browse button in the Import To field to select a specific WBS level within an existing project. The imported project is appended to the selected WBS. The existing project must be open in the Project Management module.

Replace Existing Project The existing project is deleted (without preserving any information) and replaced with the project imported from the Microsoft Project file. Click the Browse button in the Import To field to select the project to replace. The existing project must be open in the Project Management module. Baselines and timesheets assigned to projects are deleted when you select the Replace Existing Project import option.

For organizations using Primavera ProjectLink, you cannot import MSP-managed projects when selecting Add into Existing Project or Replace Existing Project in the Project Management module. For more information on ProjectLink, click Help on any ProjectLink screen to access the Primavera ProjectLink Help in Microsoft Project (available only if ProjectLink is installed).

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Modify template options Add a new template or modify the existing template (if necessary). The template contains options for exchanging data with Microsoft Project.

Click to create a new template.

Click to customize the selected template.

Click the General tab in the Modify Template dialog box. The Project Management module cannot read the currency defined in Microsoft Project. Click the Browse button in the Select a Currency field to select a currency to use for values in cost fields. If your currency is not listed, cancel the Import wizard and add the currency in the Currencies dialog box (Admin, Currencies). You can also choose to schedule and/or summarize the project once it is imported. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files


If you choose to summarize the project after import, select the level of the WBS to which it should be summarized.

Click the Activity tab in the Modify Template dialog box. In the Import section, choose how you want to import milestone activities that have resource assignments. You can import them into the Project Management module as Start Milestone activities with associated expenses, or as Task Dependent activities with associated resource assignments. Then, choose to import the Task ID from Microsoft Project to the Activity ID field in the Project Management module or to a selected user-defined text field. Finally, choose if you want to import MSP’s fixed costs as project expenses; if you do not choose this option, fixed costs are not imported.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

If you choose this option but DO NOT select the 'Import Microsoft Project's fixed costs as expenses' option, the milestones are imported but expenses associated with the start milestones are not. If you choose not to import the Task IDs from Microsoft Project, the Project Management module creates Activity IDs for each activity. Unmark this checkbox if you do not want to import expenses.

Click the Resource tab in the Modify Template dialog box. Choose whether you want to import the Resource Initials or the Resource Name from Microsoft Project to the Resource ID field in the Project Management module. If you select Resource Initials, only one resource is imported if multiple resources in Microsoft Project use the same initials. If you select Resource Name, the first 20 characters of the name import (based on your setting in the Admin Preferences, ID Lengths tab in the Project Management module). Choose how to handle resources that already exist in the project management module database but are also contained in the Microsoft Project import file. ■

Keep existing resource Retains the resource in the project management database and does not overwrite it with the resource from the Microsoft Project file.

Update existing resource Overwrites the resource in the project management database with the resource from the Microsoft Project file.

Add new resource Retains the resource in the project management database but also adds the resource from the Microsoft Project file.

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Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files


Choose whether you want to add a new resource if the resource does not already exist in the project management module database but is contained in the Microsoft Project import file. Then, select the level of the hierarchy at which resources should be imported. Click the Browse button, then select the resource under which to place all resources from the Microsoft Project file.

If you choose not to import the resource, the resource assignments are not imported.

Click the Notebooks tab in the Modify Template dialog box. Project, WBS, and activity notes from Microsoft Project are imported into Notebook fields in the Project Management module. Notebook fields are defined in the Project Management module in Admin Categories (choose Admin, Admin Categories, then click the Notebook Topics tab). Select the Notebook fields into which you want to import the Microsoft Project notes.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Click the Custom Field Mappings tab in the Modify Template dialog box. You can import information from Microsoft Project into user-defined fields in the Project Management module. For each Microsoft Project field you want to import, select a user-defined field in the Project Management Field column.

You can map Microsoft Project fields to user-defined fields related to WBS, projects, resources, activities, or activity resource assignments.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files


Click OK to save your modifications to the template. Click Next to review your import settings, then click Finish to import the Microsoft Project files. Summary Tasks in Microsoft Project import as WBS Summary activities in the Project Management module.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Importing Resources from Microsoft Project For information about the fields that are converted, see MSPMAPPINGS.PDF or MPXMAPPINGS.PDF, located in the \Documentation\Technical Documentation\Data Mapping Docs folder on the Primavera Documentation CD.

You may want to transfer resources from Microsoft Project to the Project Management module. You can import several different types of Microsoft Project files. The files you can import are determined by the version of Microsoft Project you have installed on your computer. If Microsoft Project 98 or later resides on your computer, you can import MPP, MPX, MPD, MDB, and MPT files. If Microsoft Project does not reside on your computer, you can import MPX files. MPX files may have been created in other third-party applications. The Import wizard guides you through the steps for importing resources. When you import resources, secure codes and secure code assignments related to the resources are not imported. For more information about secure codes, refer to “Defining Global Profiles” on page 298.

If resource security is enabled in the Project Management module, certain restrictions apply when importing resources. Refer to the Help for more details.

Microsoft Jet 4.0 users should install Service Pack 6. Import errors may occur on computers running Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 5 or earlier.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files


Select import type and file Choose File, Import. Choose Microsoft Project, then click Next.

The file formats listed here are based on the version of Microsoft Project you have installed on your computer.

Choose Resource Only as the import type, then click Next.

Click Select to choose the files you want to import. If there is a password on the Microsoft Project file, type the password. If you do not enter a password on a protected file, the resources will not import.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Modify template options Add a new template or modify the existing template (if necessary). The template contains options for exchanging data with Microsoft Project.

Click to create a new template.

Click to customize the selected template.

Click the Resource tab in the Modify Template dialog box. Choose whether you want to import the Resource Initials or the Resource Name from Microsoft Project to the Resource ID field in the Project Management module. If you select Resource Initials, only one resource is imported if multiple resources in Microsoft Project use the same initials. If you select Resource Name, the first 20 characters of the name import (based on your setting in the Admin Preferences, ID Lengths tab in the Project Management module). Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Transferring Data using Microsoft Project Files


Choose how to handle resources that already exist in the project management database but are also contained in the Microsoft Project import file. ■

Keep existing resource Retains the resource in the project management database and does not overwrite it with the resource from the Microsoft Project file.

Update existing resource Overwrites the resource in the project management database with the resource from the Microsoft Project file.

Add new resource Retains the resource in the project management database but also adds the resource from the Microsoft Project file.

Choose whether you want to add a new resource if the resource does not already exist in the project management database but is contained in the Microsoft Project import file. Then, select the level of the hierarchy at which resources should be imported. Click the Browse button, then select the resource under which to place all resources from the Microsoft Project file.

If you choose not to import the resource, the resource assignments are not imported.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Click the Custom Field Mappings tab in the Modify Template dialog box. You can import information from Microsoft Project into user-defined fields in the Project Management module. Choose Resources from the drop-down list. For each Microsoft Project field you want to import, select a user-defined field in the Project Management Field column. The Field column is sorted by field type.

Click OK to save your modifications to the template. Click Next to review the settings for your import, then click Finish to import the Microsoft Project resources.

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Transferring Data using Microsoft Excel Files


Transferring Data using Microsoft Excel Files In this chapter Exporting Project Data to Microsoft Excel Updating Project Data in Microsoft Excel Importing Projects from Microsoft Excel

Use the Spreadsheet import/export option to transfer project and resource information between the Project Management module and Microsoft Excel. This chapter describes how to use the Export and Import wizards to share information using the Spread sheet (XLS) format.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Exporting Project Data to Microsoft Excel When you export Project Management project data to XLS file format, you can then open the file in Microsoft Excel. You can also import the file into other software applications that support the XLS file format. The Export wizard guides you through the steps for exporting projects. To import data from an XLS file, you must have the Project Superuser security profile.This setting is available in the Project Access tab in the Admin, Users dialog box.

Export does not support the sub-unit time format. Make sure the Sub-unit checkboxes are clear in the Edit, User Preferences, Time Units tab.

Select export format and subject area Open the project in the Project Management module you want to export. Choose File, Export to start the Export wizard. Choose Spread Sheet, then click Next.

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Transferring Data using Microsoft Excel Files


Select the subject areas you want to export, then click Next.

If you choose multiple subject areas, Export will create an individual worksheet for each subject area in the spreadsheet file.

Select the project to export from a list of open projects. Click Next. If you choose Resources as the only subject area to export, you do not have to select a project to export. This step is skipped during the Export wizard. The Project Management application exports all resources in the Project Management database.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Mark the appropriate checkbox next to the projects you want to export.

Modify template options Add a new template or modify the existing template. The template contains options for exchanging data with Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet applications. Click Modify to customize the selected template.

Single-click to rename the template.

Click to create a new template.

Select a Subject Area in the Modify Template dialog box to modify its options. In the Columns tab, select the fields to export. The available options are based on the selected subject area. You cannot remove a subject area’s required columns from the Selected Options section.

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Transferring Data using Microsoft Excel Files


Click to expand the list of data items.

Click to apply the default columns to the export template.

In the Modify Template dialog box, click the Filter tab to select the activities you want to export for the selected subject area. If using more than one filter, choose to show activities that meet all selection criteria in each filter, or to show activities that must meet only one selection criteria in each filter. Select the filter(s) to use for the export file. If necessary, click Modify to edit the selected user-defined filter. The fields available for filtering are based on the selected subject area.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Mark to include all the data items that export with the selected subject area.

Click the Sort tab in the Modify Template dialog box to apply order to the columns during export. Select the sort order for each field name. Click OK to save your modifications to the template.

Click to define a sort order for the selected subject area.

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Transferring Data using Microsoft Excel Files


Click Next to define the location to save the export file. Double click in the File Name field and click the Browse button if you want to change the name and location of the export file. Click Next to view the summary information for the export file. Click Finish to export the project data to an XLS file.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Updating Project Data in Microsoft Excel The Project Management module exports subject areas as individual sheets within the XLS file. In the export file, each field within a subject area displays as a column in the excel sheet. You can update each subject area in its own sheet. To successfully import data, do not delete the USERDATA sheet. This sheet contains the user preference settings for the Project Management application.

For information about sheet names for subject areas, refer to the Primavera Project Management module Help.

Update unit, cost, duration, percent complete, and date fields When updating unit, cost, duration, and percent complete fields, you may want to import one updated field at a time into the Project Management module. For example, you can export the Activities subject area, and update the activity percent complete and the remaining duration in the export file. When you import the Excel file, PM updates the activity data. However, to update other activity values related to the remaining duration and percent complete, PM needs to know which field was updated first. In PM, you cannot update these fields simultaneously. To update unit, cost, duration, and percent complete fields, make a copy of the export file you want to update. The activity expenses have been exported to Excel.

In the copied file, update the necessary field for an activity. In that activity row, blank out the remaining fields that are not marked (*) to give it a null value. As a result, during import, PM will not update the fields with null values in the project, and PM will calculate the other fields as necessary.

Updated field

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The other cost fields are blank in the export file. Import will only update the Budgeted Cost field for activity A1000.

Transferring Data using Microsoft Excel Files


Do not remove or null the value of unique fields. Refer to Table 1 to view the list of unique fields. In PM, choose File, Import to import the Excel file into the selected project. Repeat these steps for each unit, cost, duration, percent complete, and date field. Delete a row To delete a row in the exported file, place a “D” or “d” in the Delete This Row column in the export file. This is placed as the last column in the export file. When you import, the deleted row is moved from the project database. Update unique fields If you modify unique columns, such as Activity ID, Relationship type, and Resource ID, import adds new data instead of updating the existing information. For example, if you modify the Activity ID and import the file, import adds a new activity to the project. To successfully update the existing activity ID, or other unique fields, copy and paste the existing row, update it, then delete the original row. For example, to change the relationship between two activities, select the row of the relationship you want to modify in the TASKPRED sheet in Excel. Choose Edit, Copy, and then choose Edit, Paste to place a copy of the activity row in the same sheet. Change the value in the Relationship Type field of one of the rows. Type a “D” or “d” in the other row to delete it. As a result, Project Management adds a new relationship and deletes the old relationship. Table 1 lists the unique fields for each subject area. Subject Area



Activity ID

Activity Relationships

Successor, Predecessor, Relationship Type


Activity ID, Expense Item

Resource Assignments

Activity ID, Resource ID, Role ID, Cost Account ID

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Importing Projects from Microsoft Excel You can import data that has been exported and updated in Microsoft Excel into the Project Management module. If Microsoft Excel does not reside on your computer, you can still import XLS files that may have been created in other third-party applications. The Import wizard guides you through the steps for importing projects. The User Preference settings are stored in the USERDATA sheet of the exported file. If this sheet is deleted, information will not be imported based on the user preference settings that were used while exporting data.

The Project Management module ignores past period actual columns when importing data from XLS files.

For more information on importing, refer to the Project Management Help.

Select import format and file Choose File, Import. Choose Spreadsheet, then click Next.

Type the location of the XLS file or click the Browse button to select the file you want to import. Click Next. Select import type and options Choose the subject areas to import into the project. Click Next.

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Transferring Data using Microsoft Excel Files


Each subject area is exported to a separate worksheet in the XLS file. The Import wizard will not import a subject area if its title has been changed in the worksheet within the XLS file. If the title has been changed, the subject area will be grayed out on the Import Type window.

If resource security is enabled in the Project Management module, users with restricted resource access cannot import resources that do not currently exist in the resource dictionary. Rather, users with restricted resource access can only update existing resources contained in their assigned resource access node. Users with no resource access cannot add or update any resources.

Select the project to update The existing project is updated with any new/modified data in the XLS file. Click the Browse button in the Import To field to select the project to update. The project must be open in the Project Management module to use this option.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Click Next to display information about the import file. Click Finish to complete the import.

Import errors are recorded in the import log file PRM_XLSIMPORT.LOG. If errors occur, Import will prompt you to view this file in the user's temp directory.

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module In this chapter Exporting Projects to P3 3.x Importing P3 3.x Projects to the Project Management Module

Project data from Primavera Project Planner (P3) version 3.x can be converted and opened in the Project Management module, and Project Management projects can be converted and opened in P3 3.x. If you are using the Project Management module, however, Primavera recommends that you convert your P3 3.x projects to Project Management format, as the Project Management module contains many features and fields that cannot be converted to P3 3.x format. This chapter describes how to use the Export and Import wizards to share project information between P3 and the Project Management module.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Exporting Projects to P3 3.x For more information about data that is transferred from the Project Management module to P3 3.x, see “Special considerations” on page 446.

You can convert an existing Project Management project to Primavera Project Planner (P3) 3.x format, for example, when you need to share data with a subcontractor who does not use the Project Management module. Because the Project Management module uses many structures and features that P3 3.x does not support, some data is not converted. The Export wizard guides you through the steps for exporting projects. You can convert only one project at a time to P3 3.x format. Select export type and project Open the project you want to export. Choose File, Export. Choose Primavera Project Planner, then click Next.

Mark the Export checkbox next to the project you want to export, then click Next.

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


Type a name for the P3 3.x file.

Type a four-character name for the project.

Click the Browse button to select the location where the P3 3.x file will be stored.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Select planning unit Choose the planning unit (hours or days) that you want P3 3.x to use to schedule project data. The Project Management module uses only hourly planning units. If you choose Days, you can select to export the resource units as hours or days. Click Next.

See “Advanced conversion options” on page 475 to change the number used to calculate days.

Choose cost calculation rules You can set several Autocost rules for the exported project. Default settings are used for all other Autocost rules. These calculations apply only when the project is scheduled in P3 3.x. You can change these settings when you open the project in P3 3.x.

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


Yes, link remaining duration and schedule percent complete: This rule automatically links each activity’s schedule percent complete (PCT) with its remaining duration (RD). When you update either value, P3 3.x calculates the other. Clear this checkbox if the schedule percent complete for your activities does not typically indicate their remaining duration.

Yes, freeze resource units per timeperiod: Mark this checkbox to freeze the units per timeperiod and calculate a new estimate to complete when the remaining duration changes: Estimate to Complete = Units per Timeperiod x Remaining Duration Estimate at Completion = New Estimate to Complete + Actual to Date

When this checkbox is cleared, P3 3.x can adjust the units per time-period when the estimate to complete or the remaining duration changes: Units per Timeperiod = Estimate to Complete / Remaining Duration

When resources quantities are updated, P3 should use current unit prices to recompute the following costs: Budget, Actual to Date, Estimate to Complete: Mark any checkbox for this rule if you want P3 3.x to calculate the cost of the resource’s budget, actual to date, or estimate to complete as the product of its unit price (from the Resource dictionary) and the quantity. P3 3.x uses the following formulas: Budgeted Cost = Budgeted Quantity x Price per Unit Actual Cost = Actual Quantity to Date x Price per Unit Cost to Complete = Quantity to Complete x Price per Unit Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Because the cost at completion depends on the newly calculated costs, P3 3.x recalculates the cost at completion as Cost at Completion = Cost to Complete + Actual Cost

After selecting the cost calculation rules, click Finish to export the project. P3 3.x files are created in the folder specified. These files can be opened directly through P3 3.x. Special considerations The following list describes the data items that are transferred from the Project Management module to P3 3.x. ■

Duration types The Project Management module’s duration types control the way resource and activity dates are scheduled. Duration types are similar to Autocost rules in P3 3.x. When the duration type in the Project Management module is Fixed Units or Fixed Units/ Time, the resource assignment becomes driving in P3 3.x. When the duration type in the Project Management module is Fixed Duration & Units/Time or Fixed Duration & Units, the resource assignment becomes nondriving in P3 3.x. Using Fixed Duration & Units/Time is comparable to marking the Freeze Resource Units per Timeperiod checkbox in P3 3.x.

Resources The Project Management module contains a global dictionary of resources that are used for all projects in the organization. P3 3.x stores resources at the project level. Only resources assigned to activities in the project being exported are imported into P3 3.x. The resource ID in the Project Management module can contain 15 characters; resource IDs in P3 3.x can contain eight characters. P3 3.x truncates resource IDs to 8 characters. If duplicate IDs exist, P3 3.x automatically increments the last two characters of the ID.

Notebooks In the Project Management module, each activity is assigned a Notebook field, which can contain up to 32,000 characters. P3 3.x contains 99 log records. Each log can contain 48 characters. Notebooks are converted to logs in P3 3.x, but the information is truncated if it does not fit in the 99 log records.

Units and costs To calculate quantities in P3 3.x, labor and nonlabor units from the Project Management module are added. To calculate costs in P3 3.x, labor, nonlabor, and material costs, expenses, and overtime costs from the Project Management module are added.

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


Activity IDs In the Project Management module, activity IDs can contain 20 characters, while in P3 3.x, they are limited to 10 characters. P3 3.x truncates the Project Management module’s activity IDs to 10 characters. When duplicate IDs exist, the first eight characters of the activity ID are converted and P3 3.x increments the last two characters starting with 00. For example, the Project Management module’s activity IDs ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST and ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPPPP are converted to ABCDEFGHIJ and ABCDEFGH00 in P3 3.x.

Cost accounts The Cost Accounts Dictionary in both P3 3.x and the Project Management module can contain an unlimited number of cost accounts; however, in the Project Management module the dictionary is global, while in P3 3.x it is project-specific. Only the cost accounts assigned in the Project Management project are converted to P3 3.x. In the Project Management module, cost accounts can contain 15 characters; in P3 3.x they can contain 12 characters. P3 3.x truncates cost accounts to 12 characters. When duplicate accounts exist, P3 3.x automatically increments the last two characters of the account.

Calendars In the Project Management module you can create an unlimited number of global, project, and resource calendars. Global and project calendars can be assigned to activities; global and resource calendars can be assigned at the resource level. In P3 3.x, you can create one global calendar, 31 project calendars, and an unlimited number of resource calendars. When you import a Project Management project to P3 3.x, the global calendar in P3 3.x is not changed. All resource calendars are imported to P3 3.x. Resource holidays and exceptions are not converted to P3 3.x. Only the standard worktime is converted. For example, if a resource calendar’s standard worktime is three days per week, then the resource calendar is imported with a standard worktime of three days per week. No other nonworktime is imported.

If the Project Management module contains less than 31 calendars (global plus project), the calendars are imported directly to the project calendars in P3 3.x. However, if the Project Management module contains more than 31 calendars, only the first 30 calendars assigned are exported. These calendars are assigned numbers 2 to 31 in P3 3.x. Any activity in the Project Management module assigned to a calendar that is not exported is assigned to Calendar 1, the standard five-day, eight-hour calendar in P3 3.x.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

You can define work hours in the Project Management module in half hour increments. The smallest unit in P3 3.x is hour. If one half of an hour is work time and the other half is nonworktime in the Project Management module, the entire hour will be nonworktime in P3 3.x. ■

Activity codes P3 3.x supports up to 10 characters for the activity code value length; the Project Management module allows a maximum of 20 characters. P3 3.x truncates the Project Management module code values to 10 characters. The maximum number of activity codes in P3 3.x is 20, and the total of the lengths assigned to the codes cannot exceed 64. You can create an unlimited number of codes in the Project Management module. When you export a Project Management project to P3 3.x, only the first 64 characters of activity codes are converted to P3 3.x. Also, the Project Management module exports the first four letters of the activity code description to P3 3.x as the activity code name. For example, if the activity code description is Responsibility in the Project Management module, the module will export RESP as the activity code name in P3 3.x.

Project codes P3 3.x supports up to 10 project codes. All project codes assigned to the Project Management project are exported. However, only the first 10 project codes exported are imported to P3 3.x.

WBS The Project Management module supports a maximum of 25 levels with an unlimited number of characters. P3 3.x supports 20 WBS levels with a limit of 48 characters. The Project Management module will export as many levels as possible until the limit of 48 characters or 20 levels is reached. WBS descriptions are converted only if the WBS node is assigned to activities.

Custom data items The first eight custom data items in the Project Management module are converted to P3 3.x.

Suspend and resume dates In P3 3.x, a suspend date indicates that an activity is suspended at the end of the specified day. In the Project Management module, a suspend date indicates that an activity is suspended at the beginning of the specified day. Due to this discrepancy, actual and remaining durations are affected for daily projects. Hourly projects are not affected.

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


For example, an activity suspend date of 05OCT04 (beginning of the day) in the Project Management module will export to P3 as 05OCT04 (the end of the day). In P3, the actual duration for the activity will be one day greater than it was in the Project Management module because P3 progresses the work through the suspend date. Scheduling options The following advanced scheduling options convert to P3 3.x: Project Management

P3 3.x

Make open-ended activities critical

Show open ends as (Critical or Noncritical)

For activities started out of sequence use (Retained logic or Progress override)

When scheduling activities apply (Retained logic or Progress override)

Calculate start-to-start lag from (Early Start or Actual Start)

Calculate start-to-start lag from (Actual start or Early start)

Compute Total Float as (Start float, Finish float, or Smallest of start float and finish float)

Calculate total float as (Most critical, Start float, or Finish float)

In the Project Management module, you can choose the calendar to use for scheduling relationship lag. Regardless of your setting in the Project Management module, P3 3.x always uses the predecessor calendar. ■

Project level calculations In the Project Management module, you can choose how you want to update resource assignments. Choose to Add Actual to Remaining or Subtract Actual from At Completion when updating Actual Units or Costs. In P3 3.x this setting is the same as the autocost rule, Add actual to ETC or Subtract actual from EAC. The Recalculate Actual Units and Cost when duration % complete changes setting determines if the actual units and cost are updated when the % complete is updated. If the setting is marked, both the Actual quantity to date and Actual cost to date fields are marked in the autocost settings in P3 3.x. If it is not marked in the Project Management module, neither field is marked in P3 3.x. The Link Actual and Actual this Period Units and Cost field converts to the Link actual to date and actual this period autocost rule in P3 3.x.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Expenses All expenses become resource assignments in P3 3.x. An “expense” cost account is assigned to the resource assignment if a cost account is not already assigned.

Data not converted The following data is not converted to P3 3.x: ■

Constraints on Level of Effort activities

Enterprise project structure (EPS)

EPS Codes

Feedback (from resources)

Financial periods



Past period actuals

Resource curves



Secure codes



Timesheet data

Work products and documents

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


Importing P3 3.x Projects to the Project Management Module You can import an existing P3 3.x project to the Project Management module. In most cases, you will be upgrading your P3 3.x schedules to the project hierarchy in the Project Management module. The Import wizard guides you through the steps for importing P3 3.x projects to the Project Management module. Primavera recommends that you export large P3 3.x projects to XER format and then import the XER file. To convert projects to XER format, run P330XERCONVERT.EXE from the \Common Files\Primavera Common\Convert folder on the Project Management computer.

If resource security is enabled in the Project Management module, some restrictions apply when importing resources and activity resource assignments. Refer to the Help for more details.

Select import type In the Project Management module, choose File, Import. Choose Primavera Project Planner, then click Next.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Choose project group(s) to import When converting P3 projects to the Project Management module, you can import multiple project groups (master projects) simultaneously or import project groups individually. You should select multiple project groups only when you want to import all subprojects contained in those projects. You should import project groups individually when you want to specify the subprojects to import. The projects cannot be open in P3. The existing P3 projects remain intact. The import wizard displays different screens and options when you import a single project group versus multiple project groups. Determine if you want to import single or multiple project groups, then follow the corresponding instructions detailed in this section.

To import multiple project groups: In the P3 3.x Project Directory field, click the Browse button to select the location of the projects you want to import, then select the project groups to import. Click Next and skip to the next section, “Specify import project options” on page 454.

To import a single project group: In the P3 3.x Project Directory field, click the Browse button to select the location of the projects you want to import, then select the project group to import. Click Next.

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


The selected project group (master project and its associated subprojects) is displayed on the next wizard screen. By default, all projects (master project and subprojects) are selected for import. Unmark the checkbox next to each project you do not want to import. You do not have to import the master project. Choose to combine subprojects or create separate projects for each selected subproject. Mark the ‘Combine subprojects’ option if you want to import the selected projects as one project rather than separating them into individual projects. For example, in P3 3.x, the project group APEX contains three projects, AUTO, BLDG, and CONV (as shown in the following figure). If you select the Combine subprojects option, the Project Management module imports one project named APEX with all selected subprojects as WBS levels. If the project group contains subprojects and you choose to combine subprojects, you must select at least one subproject.

Mark the ‘Create separate projects’ option if you want to import each selected subproject as an individual project. If you select this option, you cannot import the master project. For example, in P3 3.x, the project group APEX contains three subprojects, AUTO, BLDG, and CONV. This group is converted to three individual projects (APEX is not converted). Before the import, create an EPS node to select as the location for the converted projects.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Mark to import the selected projects as one project with the subprojects representing WBS levels. If you select this option, you must select at least one subproject. You do not have to select the master project.

Select this option if you want to import each selected subproject as an individual project. If you select this option, you cannot select the master project.

Specify import project options Choose how the P3 3.x projects should be imported. Beside each project name, click the Import Action field, then click the down arrow to select the type of import. Normally, you will choose the Create New Project option when moving your P3 projects to the Project Management module. You can also choose to update or replace an existing Project Management module project. The projects listed on the wizard screen depend on your selections on previous screens, as described in the following images.

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


If you are importing multiple project groups simultaneously, the wizard displays the project group names.

If you are importing a single project group and chose to combine subprojects in the previous wizard screen, the Project ID will always be the name of the project group (master project), even if you do not import the master project itself.

If you are importing a single project group and chose to create separate projects in the previous wizard screen, each subproject is listed separately.

Create new project The existing project’s data remains the same. A new project is created. If the project does not fit within the existing EPS, create a new level before importing the project. Click the Browse button in the Import To field to select the level of the EPS at which the project should be imported.

Replace existing project The existing project in the Project Management module is deleted (without preserving any information) and replaced with the project imported from P3 3.x. Click the Browse button in the Import To field to select the project to replace. The project must be open in the Project Management module to use this option. Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Update existing project The existing project is updated with any new/modified data in the P3 3.x file. Click the Browse button in the Import To field to select the project to update. The project must be open in the Project Management module to use this option.

If you chose Create New Project in the Import Action field, click the Browse button in the Import To field to select the level of the EPS at which the project should be imported. To keep your projects organized, it is best to set up a basic EPS before you import projects. If you chose Update Existing Project or Replace Existing Project in the Import Action field, click the Browse button in the Import To field to select the project you want to update or replace.

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


If you choose to create a new project, select the location in the EPS for the imported project.

If you choose to replace or update an existing Project Management module project, select the project to replace or update.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Select location for resources For each project, select the level of the hierarchy at which resources should be imported. Click in the Import To field, then click the Browse button. Select the resource under which to place all resources from the P3 3.x project. To better organize your resources, it is best to set up a basic resource hierarchy before you import projects. If you leave the field blank, the Project Management module creates a root node with the same name as the P3 project. The resource field is disabled for the Replace Existing Project and Update Existing Project import types. If resource security is enabled in the Project Management module, users with restricted resource access will only have the option to select their assigned resource access node. Resources contained in the import file that do not exist in Project Management’s resource dictionary are added to the user’s resource access node. Users with no resource access cannot import resources.

Select the location in the resource hierarchy for the selected project’s resources.

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


Select location for activity logs P3 3.x activity logs are converted to notes in the Project Management module. Notebook topics are predefined categories in the Project Management module that help to organize your project notes. Choose to create a new notebook topic for the notes, or select from the existing list of notebook topics. To display notes in the Project Management module, in the Activities window click the Layout Options bar, then choose Show on Bottom, Activity Details. Click the Notebook tab.

Choose update project options Click Next to select a layout configuration to use when importing project data. The options specified in the layout determine how the Project Management module handles data in the import file that matches data in the database. You can create and save several different configurations; however, only one configuration can be used to import the file. Select Yes in the Use field next to the configuration you want to use. The Update Project Options dialog box appears regardless of the import option you select. For example, if you choose to create a new project, you still must set update options for global data.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Click to create a new layout configuration.

Click to customize the layout configuration.

Modify a layout configuration The options specified in a layout configuration determine how data is updated when projects are imported that contain duplicate data. To modify these options, select the layout in the Update Project Options dialog box, then click Modify.

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


Mark to delete relationships to external projects, activities, activity relationships, and activity resource assignments that are in the project being updated, but are not included in the import file.

The import of activities, their relationships, and their resource assignments is dependent on one another. For example, if you choose to update one of these items, all three are updated automatically.

The Modify Import Configuration dialog box lists the data types for which you can set options. Mark the Delete checkbox next to a data item to remove data that exists in the project you are updating but is not included in the file you are importing. For example, if several activities are defined in the project you are updating, but are not included in the file to be imported, mark the checkbox in the Delete column to remove the activities from the project being updated. The Delete field applies only to relationships to external projects, activities, activity relationships, and activity resource assignments. Global data types are not affected by this setting.

Select one of the following in the Action field to indicate how the data type is updated: ■

Keep Existing Retains data in the existing project and does not overwrite it with the updated data; adds new data if the record does not exist.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Update Existing Overwrites data in the existing project with updated data; adds new data if the record does not exist.

Insert New Retains data in the existing project and adds any new data items. For example, if a new calendar was added in the P3 3.x file, but you don’t want to change the existing calendars, choose Insert New to add the new calendar to the existing project.

Do Not Import Retains data in the existing project and does not import the updated data.

The actions you choose for importing the items in the Activity Data Type group are dependent on each other. For example, if you choose to update existing relationships, you must also update existing resource assignments and activities associated with the relationships.

The action for activity data types are dependent on one another.

The Delete field for these items can be independent.

If a relationship type was updated when the project was exported, to import the modified relationship type you must choose to Update Existing and mark the Delete field for activity relationships; otherwise, a new relationship will be added. For example, suppose you have Activity 100 with a finish to start relationship type. If you import a project that has Activity 100, but the relationship type has been changed to a start to start type, the import process results in Activity 100 with both the finish to start relationship and the start to start relationship when you do not mark the Delete field. You must mark the Delete field to remove the original relationship type of finish to start. The Activity Resource Assignments item under Activity Data Type includes roles.

Calculate cost values Click Advanced in the Update Project Options dialog box to display options specific to existing P3 3.x projects regarding how you want costs handled in the Project Management module.

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


Indicate whether you want the Project Management module to recalculate the cost values from the unit prices and assigned resource quantities.

When importing a daily project that has resources with a blank unit of measure in P3 3.x, choose to convert the resource assignments in days or hours. If you choose hours, the Project Management module retains the resource values as-is. If you choose days, the Project Management module multiplies all resource values by a factor of eight (assuming 8 hr/day). You can change the multiplier in the PRMCONVERT.INI file. Refer to Advanced Conversion Options section later in this chapter.

Choose whether to import resource assignments that only have cost information (no quantity information) associated with them as expenses or as resource assignments with a budgeted cost.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Choose additional project options Use the Project Options dialog box to specify the following additional options. Click Finish to begin the import process.

This option only appears when you are importing multiple project groups.

Click to import the P3 project.

Merge subprojects Mark this setting to import each project group as one project rather than separating them into individual projects. For example, in P3, the project group APEX contains three projects, AUTO, BLDG, and CONV. Merging the subprojects imports only one project named APEX with all activities under that project. This option is only available when you choose to import multiple project groups simultaneously. Projects are merged automatically when your Import Type is Replace Existing Project. If your Import Type is Update Existing Project, projects are merged automatically only when you import multiple project groups or multiple subprojects (in a single project group).

When you merge subprojects, all activity codes convert to Project Management as project activity codes. Otherwise, they convert as global activity codes. ■

Schedule project after import Mark this setting to automatically schedule the project in the Project Management module after the import.

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


Import WBS codes as a global activity code Mark this setting to import the WBS codes from P3 into the Project Management module as global activity codes assigned to the activities. The global activity code name created, P3 WBS - Proj, where Proj is the name of the project group in P3, will store the WBS values.

Import unused WBS codes Mark this setting to keep all the WBS codes within each project, even if they are not assigned to any activities.

Special considerations Most data is converted directly from P3 3.x to the Project Management module. This section explains how data is handled after it is imported into the Project Management module and a direct match does not exist; it also identifies data that is not converted. See “Data not converted” on page 450 for additional cases. ■

Planning unit You can only convert projects with an hourly or daily planning unit. Weekly and monthly planning units are not supported. To display duration units in hours, choose Edit, User Preferences, Time Units. Choose Durations as the time unit and Hour as the unit.

Activity codes The Project Management module contains global and project activity codes. Global activity codes are provided with the sample data delivered with the Project Management module. If you choose to create separate projects (rather than combine them) in the Import wizard, all activity codes, activity ID codes, and alias codes from P3 3.x import as global activity codes in the Project Management module, so they are available to all projects. If you choose to combine subprojects into one project to import, the activity codes, activity ID codes, and alias codes import as project-specific activity codes. Activity code values assigned to activities in P3 3.x that do not exist in the Activity Codes Dictionary are not converted to the Project Management module.

When activity codes are imported into the Project Management module, the P3 activity code description is used as the activity code in the Project Management module. For example, if the activity code name in P3 is RESP and the description is Responsibility, then Responsibility is imported as the activity code in the Project Management module. If there is no description associated with an activity code, then the four-character name is imported as the activity code.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Project codes The Project Management module contains a global project codes dictionary which is available to all projects in the organization. You can assign a project code value to projects for each project code you create. All 10 project codes defined in the P3 3.x project and their assignments are imported. If the import option “Combine subprojects” (when importing a single project group) or “Merge Subprojects” (when importing multiple project groups) is marked in the Import wizard, the project codes and values assigned to the master project are imported.

Activity type The Project Management module supports the following activity types that correspond to activity types in P3 3.x: .

P3 3.x Activity Type

Project Management Activity Type


Task Dependent


Resource Dependent

Start Milestone

Start Milestone

Finish Milestone

Finish Milestone


Resource Dependent

Start Flag

Start Milestone

Finish Flag

Finish Milestone


Level of Effort


WBS Summary

Duration types The Project Management module allows you to specify each activity's duration type as Fixed Units/Time, Fixed Duration and Units/Time, Fixed Units, or Fixed Duration and Units. When all resource assignments on the P3 3.x task are non-driving, the duration type becomes Fixed Duration & Units/Time, which indicates that an activity's duration will not change, regardless of the number of resources assigned to the activity or the amount of work required to finish the activity. When any resource assignment on the P3 3.x task is driving and Freeze Resource Units per Timeperiod is marked in the autocost rules, the duration type becomes Fixed Units/Time.

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


When any resource assignment on the P3 3.x task is driving and Freeze Resource Units per Timeperiod is not marked in the autocost rules, the duration type becomes Fixed Units. ■

Percent complete type Each activity in the Project Management module must be assigned one of the following percent complete types: physical, duration, or units. When you import P3 3.x activities to the Project Management module, they are assigned the percent complete type of Duration, which specifies that the activity's percent complete is calculated from the actual and remaining durations.

Suspend and resume dates In P3 3.x, a suspend date indicates that an activity is suspended at the end of the specified day. In the Project Management module, a suspend date indicates that an activity is suspended at the beginning of the specified day. Due to this discrepancy, actual and remaining durations are affected for daily projects. Hourly projects are not affected. For example, an activity suspend date of 05OCT04 (end of the day) in P3 will import to the Project Management module as 05OCT04 (the beginning of the day). In the Project Management module, the actual duration for the activity will be one day shorter than it was in P3 because P3 progresses the work through the suspend date (while the Project Management module suspends progress at the beginning of the day).

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Custom data items P3 3.x custom data items are converted to the following user-defined data items in the Project Management module.

P3 3.x Custom Data Item Type

Project Management Project Management Activity User Field Resource User Field

Character (C)

User Text

User Text

Start (S)

User Start Date

User Start Date

Finish (F)

User End Date

User End Date

Numeric (N)

User Integer

User Integer

Precision (P)

User Number

User Number

You can display converted activity custom data items as columns in the Project Management module’s Activity Table. In the Activities window (with an Activity Table or Gantt Chart displayed on top), click the Layout options bar, then choose Columns. Select the appropriate user-defined fields from the list of Available Options and add them to the layout. You can also display your converted resource custom data items as columns in the Project Management module. In the Activities window, click the Layout options bar, then choose Show on Bottom, Activity Details. Click the Resources tab to display resource information. Right-click in the column area, and choose Customize Resource Columns. Select the appropriate user-defined fields from the list of Available Options and add them to the table. ■

WBS codes In the Project Management module, a WBS must exist and all activities must be assigned to a WBS code. If the imported P3 3.x project uses a WBS, it is converted to the Project Management module. If no WBS exists, the Project Management module creates a WBS root node and names it PROJ, where PROJ is the P3 3.x project name. All activities are assigned to this WBS code.

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Because the Project Management module uses the WBS to define a project structure, you should not assign the same WBS code to different activities across projects within a project group in P3 3.x. For example, if activity CS300 is part of the Conveyor System project, it should not be assigned a WBS code that belongs to the Automation System project. If the conversion program encounters this situation, it duplicates the code's entire branch in both projects. To distinguish the projects, the program and project names are added as a prefix to the WBS code structure. For example, for the APEX project, APEX.CONV.AM.01 and APEX.AUTO.AM.01 would be included as branches in the WBS. ■

Resources The Project Management module contains one master resource pool across all projects. A sample resource hierarchy is provided when you install the Project Management module. When you import a project, the resources are imported to the location in the hierarchy you specify in the Import wizard. If duplicate resource IDs are encountered during the import process, you can choose how to resolve each conflict by modifying the import configurations in the Import wizard. In the Project Management module, resources are classified as labor, nonlabor, or material. Any resource in P3 3.x with a unit of measure equal to most variations of a time unit, such as h, hr, or hour, is converted as a labor resource. Any resource in P3 3.x with a unit of measure equal to those defined in the Admin Categories, Units of Measure tab in the Project Management module is converted as a material resource. All other resources are classified as nonlabor. Labor units are displayed as hrs/day. You can change the display unit by choosing Edit, User Preferences, and then clicking the Time Units tab. You can customize how the import program classifies resources. See “Advanced conversion options” on page 475 for more information.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

All time-based calculations in the Project Management module are based on hourly units. If your project in P3 3.x is planned in days, the Project Management module refers to each resource’s unit of measure to determine how to convert resource assignments. If the resource unit of measure is equal to most variations of an hourly time unit such as, hr or mh, then the Project Management module assumes the resource assignment is based on hours and converts it as-is. If the resource unit of measure is something other than hours such as, day or d, then the Project Management module assumes the resource assignment is in days and multiplies all resource values by a factor of eight (assuming 8 hr/day). In this case, decide if eight is the correct multiplier. If the resource is classified as a material resource, the resource units are not multiplied; they convert as-is. You can change the multiplier in the PRMCONVERT.INI file. You can also modify the list of unit of measure abbreviations that the Project Management module refers to during the conversion. Refer to Advanced Conversion Options section later in this chapter. For resources that have a blank unit of measure, use the Import wizard to decide how to handle the assignments, as described earlier in this chapter. The conversion process creates additional levels in the resource structure for P3 3.x hierarchical resources. The Project Management module supports only maximum limits for resources. Normal resource limits are not converted.

Resources assigned to milestone activities in P3 3.x become expenses in the Project Management module. The resource name is used for the expense name, and the resource’s budgeted cost is the expense’s budgeted cost. The first resource found on the milestone becomes the primary resource in the Project Management module. ■

Resource curves You can specify the allocation of resources and costs over the duration of an activity using resource curves. All resource curve definitions assigned to the projects being exported from P3 3.x, are imported into the Project Management module. The curve name is prefaced by the P3 3.x project name in the Project Management module (e.g., APEX - Triangular). The resource curve assignments are also imported.

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P3 3.x divides the activity’s duration into 11 increments (points) from 0 through 100 percent. Each increment indicates resource use. The value for 0% represents the amount of resource already used when the activity begins; the value for 10% represents the usage between the start and 10% completion. Curves in the Project Management module are defined using 21 points. The first point from P3 3.x imports directly into the Project Management module. The other 10 curve values are split in half and rounded to the nearest 10th. For example: P3 3.x Bell Shape 0 1 3 8 15 23 23 15 8 3 1 Project Management Bell Shape: 0 .5 .5 1.5 1.5 4 4 7.5 7.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 7.5 7.5 4 4 1.5 1.5 .5 .5 ■

Costs In P3 3.x, the estimate to complete can be a negative value to account for cost overruns on an activity. All negative cost values import to the Project Management module as expenses, so the cost overruns can be tracked. Lump sum costs can be converted as expenses or resource assignments with a budgeted cost in the Project Management module. Make your choice in the Import wizard.

Cost accounts Cost accounts are converted from P3 3.x to the Project Management module. Cost accounts are global across all projects in the Project Management module. A sample cost account hierarchy is provided when you install the Project Management module. When you import a project, the Project Management module creates a branch for the project cost accounts, and the project name is added to the beginning of each cost account. The cost category in P3 3.x becomes part of the cost account in the Project Management module. For example, cost account 11101 from project APEX creates the following branch in the Project Management module: •




If duplicate cost accounts are encountered when you import a P3 3.x project, you can choose how to resolve each conflict by modifying the import configurations in the Import wizard.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Calendars The Project Management module supports global, resource, and project calendars. Global calendars in the Project Management module apply to all projects. Sample global calendars are provided with the Project Management module. When you import a project, all base calendars are added to the list of existing global calendars. Resource calendars from P3 3.x are converted to resource calendars in the Project Management module. The Project Management module does not support the ability to designate repeating holidays. If you convert a daily P3 3.x project, the repeating holidays from the P3 3.x project are applied directly to the global calendars in the Project Management module. For example, if July 4 is a repeating holiday in P3 3.x, it is designated as a nonworkday in the global calendars for each applicable date from the project start date to the project finish date in the Project Management module.

Constraints The Project Management module supports two constraints per activity. Review the following conversion table:

P3 3.x Constraint Type

Project Management Constraint Type

Early Start (start no earlier than)

Start On or After

Late Start (start no later than)

Start On or Before

Early Finish (finish no earlier than)

Finish On or After

Late Finish (finish no later than)

Finish On or Before

Start On

Start On

Expected Finish

Expected Finish Date

Mandatory Start

Mandatory Start

Mandatory Finish

Mandatory Finish

Zero Total Float

Not Converted

Zero Free Float

As Late As Possible

Target projects You can convert target projects just as you would any other project; however, the target designators are not converted. To designate a target project in the Project Management module, choose Projects, Maintain Baselines. Click Add and choose Convert Another Project to a New Baseline of the Current Project. Select the converted target project as the baseline for the current project.

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


Scheduling options The following scheduling options convert to the Project Management module:

P3 3.x

Project Management

Show open ends as (Critical or Noncritical)

Make open-ended activities critical

When scheduling activities apply (Retained logic or Progress override)

For activities started out of sequence use (Retained logic or Progress override)

Calculate start-to-start lag from (Actual Calculate start-to-start lag from (Early start or Early start) Start or Actual Start) Calculate total float as (Most critical, Start float, or Finish float)

Compute Total Float as (Start float, Finish float, or Smallest of start float and finish float)

In P3 3.x, relationship lag is always calculated using the predecessor calendar. An advanced scheduling option in the Project Management module enables you to choose the calendar you want to use. This setting will default to predecessor calendar for imported P3 3.x projects. In the Project Management module, float calculations for subprojects converted as individual projects are always based on the finish date of each individual project. The Project Management module always rolls up resources assigned to an activity, which then determine the activity’s durations and schedule dates. ■

Autocost rules P3 3.x provides automatic resource/cost calculation rules by which P3 3.x calculates costs and estimates resource use when you update activities. These rules convert to the Project Management module. The autocost rule, Add actual to ETC or Subtract actual from EAC converts to the Add Actual to Remaining or Subtract Actual from At Completion when updating Actual Units or Costs field in the Calculations tab in the Projects window.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

P3 3.x provides an autocost rule to choose whether you want to use the updated percent complete to calculate actual quantity to date, actual cost to date, both (mark both checkboxes), or neither (clear both checkboxes). If both checkboxes are marked in P3 3.x, the setting in the Project Management module, Recalculate Actual Units and Cost when duration % complete changes, is marked. If neither checkbox is marked in P3 3.x, the setting is not marked in the Project Management module. If one checkbox is marked and the other is not, the setting in the Project Management module is not marked. The Link actual to date and actual this period autocost rule in P3 3.x converts to the Link Actual and Actual this Period Units and Cost field in the Calculations tab in the Projects window in the Project Management module. Data not converted This section lists the data items that are not converted from P3 3.x to the Project Management module. Refer to the Special Considerations section earlier in this section for additional cases.

Refer to “Appendix C: Defining Financial Periods” on page 507 for more information on defining financial periods in the Project Management module.

Layouts, filters, Global Change specifications, and report and graphic specifications Layouts, filters, Global Change specifications, and report and graphic specifications are not converted with the project; however, sample data is provided for these items in the Project Management module.

Access rights Access rights are not converted in the Project Management module. Your system administrator must set up global and project profiles that determine privileges.

Leveling options and leveling priorities Choose Tools, Level Resources, to set options for leveling in the Project Management module.

Webster time data Time data entered through Webster for Primavera is not supported in the Project Management module. The actual values from Webster are imported into the Project Management module as a lump sum value. However, all actual values are lost the first time you use Timesheets.

Financial periods and past period actuals In the Project Management module, financial periods are global. Financial periods and past period actual data are not converted to the Project Management module because financial periods are project-specific in P3. Choose Admin, Financial Periods, to define financial periods in the Project Management module. After you define financial periods choose Tools, Store Period Performance, to store past period actuals per financial period.

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Transferring Data Between P3 and the Project Management Module


Advanced conversion options The Conversion utility provides additional options that you can set in an INI file. You can also use command-line parameters to convert multiple projects at one time. The PRMCONVERT.INI file is created in your Windows or Winnt folder the first time an import is run. Add any of the following options to the file: [WBS] WbsAsActCode=[0,1] Choose 1 to enable the import process to import all WBS codes as a global activity code. The global activity code name created, P3 WBS - Proj, where Proj is the name of the project group in P3, will store the WBS values. If this option is set to 0, the WBS will import to the WBS structure in the Project Management module. The default setting is 0. AutoSelect=[0,1] Choose 1 to enable the conversion process to attempt to match the WBS with the project hierarchy structure. A unique WBS branch will be created for each project within the project group. The default setting is 1. [Settings] NoUI=[0,1] Choose 1 to remove the GUI screens when using command line conversions. For example, if you are using a batch file to perform many conversions, and you do not want any GUI to show, select 1. The default setting is 0. DailyMultiplier=[#] Select an integer to use as a multiplier when exporting/importing daily P3 3.x projects. The default multiplier is 8. For example: P3 3.x to Project Management: If a duration is one day in P3 3.x and the daily multiplier is set to 12, the duration in the Project Management module will be 12 hours. Project Management to P3 3.x: If a duration is 40 hours in the Project Management module and the daily multiplier is set to 10, the duration in P3 3.x will be four days.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

[Resource Units] The conversion process uses the unit of measure for resources in P3 3.x to determine whether to categorize a resource in the Project Management module as labor, nonlabor, or material. If a resource in P3 3.x contains one of the following units of measure, it is converted as a labor resource in the Project Management module: h, h., hr, hr., hrs, hrs., hour, d, d., day, days, w, w., wk, wk., wks, wks., week, m, m., mnth, y, y., yr, yr., yrs, yrs., year, md, md., mds, mds., mh, mh., mhs, mhs. If a resource in P3 3.x contains one of the following units of measure, it is converted as a material resource in the Project Management module: feet, ft, ft., sqft, cyds, cyd, cyd., yard, yrd, yrd., yrds, yd, yd., yds, yds., inch, ton, tons, in, in., lf, lnft, lft, ea, each, unit, u. All other resources are converted as nonlabor. The unit of measure conversion is not case-sensitive. Labor=[unit of measure] Specify unit of measure strings to add to the default labor list; use commas to separate each string. NonLabor=[unit of measure] Specify unit of measure strings to add to the default nonlabor list; use commas to separate each string. Material=[unit of measure] Specify unit of measure strings to add to the default material list; use commas to separate each string. In the following example, a1, test, and bbb will be added to the default list above, hrs and hr. will be removed from it and added to the nonlabor list, and lb, lbs will be added to the default material list:

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[Resource Units] Labor=a1,test,bbb NonLabor=hrs,hr. Material=lb,lbs BlankIsLabor=[0,1,2] Set to 0 to convert blank resource unit of measure fields to nonlabor resources in the Project Management module; set to 1 to convert blank resource unit of measure fields to labor resources; set to 2 to convert blank resource unit of measure fields to material resources. The default setting is 1. HourlyAdd=[comma-delimited string] Specify resource unit strings to be added to the default list of units treated as hourly. HourlyRemove=[comma-delimited string] Specify resource unit strings to be removed from the default list of units treated as hourly. DailyAdd=[comma-delimited string] Specify resource unit strings to be added to the default list of units treated as daily. DailyRemove=[comma-delimited string] Specify resource unit strings to be removed from the default list of units treated as daily. In the following example, the unit strings a1, test, and bbb are treated as hourly units: [Resource Units] HourlyAdd=a1,test,bbb The default string for Hourly = h,h.,hr,hr.,hrs,hrs.,hour,mh,mh.,mhs,mhs., rh,rh.,rhs,rhs.,ph,ph.,phs,phs. The default string for Daily = d,d.,day,days,md,md.,mds,mds.,rd,rd., rds,rds.,pd,pd.,pds,pds.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

[UOM Mapping] UOM1=unit of measure=unit of measure string Specify the units of measure used in P3 that are equivalent to the unit of measure specified in the Admin Categories in the Project Management module. In the following example, all abbreviations of cubic yard listed in the unit of measure string will convert to the standard cubic yard (cu. yard) unit of measure defined in the Project Management module: [UOM Mapping] UOM1 =cu. yard=cy, cuyd, cuy, kf

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Transferring Data to Primavera Contractor Users


Transferring Data to Primavera Contractor Users In this chapter Exporting Projects Exporting Resources

Data can be transferred from a Project Management module user to a Primavera Contractor user by exporting XER files (Primavera proprietary exchange format). This section describes how to use the Primavera Contractor 4.1 export option to transfer project and resource information from the Project Management module for use with Primavera Contractor 4.1. For information on transferring data between the Project Management module and Primavera Contractor 5.0, refer to “Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users” on page 365. You can also transfer data from any version of Primavera Contractor to the Project Management module user using the import process described in the “Transferring Data to Other Project Management Module Users” chapter.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Exporting Projects For more information about importing Primavera Contractor 4.1 XER files, see “Importing Projects” on page 373.

Project data can be transferred from the Project Management module as XER files (Primavera proprietary exchange format) and used with Primavera Contractor. Use the Export wizard to export Project Management module projects to Primavera Contractor 4.1 XER files; use the Import wizard to bring XER files into the Project Management module. The Export wizard guides you through the steps for exporting projects. Select export type and project Open the project(s) in the Project Management module you want to export. Choose File, Export. Choose Primavera Contractor 4.1, then click Next. Choose Project as the export type, then click Next.

Choose Project as the export type, then click Next.

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Mark the Export checkbox next to the project that you want to export. You can only export one project at a time. Click Next.

Lists only projects that are currently open in the Project Management module. You can only select one project to export.

Specify filename and location Type a name for the XER file. To specify the location where the file will be stored, click the Browse button. If you do not specify a location, the export file is stored in the folder in which you installed the Project Management module. Click Finish to export the project to a single file with an XER extension.

Click to select the location where the file will be stored.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Data not available in Primavera Contractor Primavera Contractor does not contain some of the functionality available in the Project Management module. To enable Primavera Contractor to import an XER file exported from the Project Management module, the following data is contained in the XER file but not imported into Primavera Contractor: •

Budget data

EPS Codes

Financial periods

Funding data


Issue Codes

Multiple critical float paths

Past period actuals


Project Codes

Resource Shifts




Work products and documents

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Transferring Data to Primavera Contractor Users


Exporting Resources For more information about importing Primavera Contractor 4.1 XER files, see “Importing Roles or Resources” on page 381.

The Project Management module enables you to export only the resources in your resource hierarchy to Primavera Contractor 4.1 XER files. Use the Export wizard to export Project Management module resources to Primavera Contractor 4.1 XER files; use the Import wizard to bring XER files into the Project Management module. The Export wizard guides you through the steps for exporting projects. Export resource data In the Project Management module, choose File, Export. Choose Primavera Contractor 4.1, then click Next. Then, choose Resource Only as the export type and click Next.

Choose Resource Only as the export type, then click Next.

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Part 5: Importing and Exporting Data

Type a name for the XER file. To specify the location where the file will be stored, click the Browse button. If you do not specify a location, the export file is stored in the folder in which you installed the Project Management module. Click Finish to export the resources to a single file with an XER extension.

Click to select the location where the file will be stored.

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Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance


Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance In this appendix Process Overview Running MMDB and PMDB in a Single Oracle Instance Upgrading a Single Instance Database from Primavera 3.5x or 4.x to 5.0

Read this appendix if you want to run the project management database (PMDB) and the methodology management database (MMDB) in one Oracle instance. If you already are running PMDB and MMDB in a single Oracle instance, read the section on upgrading.

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Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance

Process Overview The following steps outline the process for running the PMDB and MMDB databases in one Oracle instance. ■

Create an Oracle instance and install the PMDB database server as described in “Database Installation and Configuration” on page 21.

Install the Primavera client, which can install the Project Management, Methodology Management, and/or Portfolio Analysis modules, as described in “Primavera Client Installation and Configuration” on page 207.

Create the MMDB database and load data as described in this section.

Connect to the Oracle instance.

Configure the client for PMDB and MMDB. Be sure you have enough disk space available to run both databases in the same Oracle instance.

At the end of the process, your database should look like the following: For PMDB User

Default Tablespace







For MMDB User

Default Tablespace







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Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance


Running MMDB and PMDB in a Single Oracle Instance The following steps describe how to run MMDB and PMDB in the same Oracle instance. These steps should be performed by your database administrator (DBA). 1 Create the database structure and load the PMDB database as described in “Automatically Installing an Oracle Database and Loading Application Data” on page 26. If you have an existing project management database and you need to preserve the data, you should NOT set up and install the databases as described in “Configuring the Server Databases” on page 45; otherwise, your existing data will be deleted and replaced.

2 Install the Primavera client modules as described in “Installing Client Modules and Additional Components” on page 209. 3 Create the methodology management database, MMDB, and load data using the Database wizard, as described in “Automatically Installing an Oracle Database and Loading Application Data” on page 26. When you reach step 6 (page 28), choose MMDB as the database type.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance

4 Choose Create Database and Load Application Data as the installation method. If you choose to load the license key file now, browse to the location of the LICENSE.TXT file. A license key file is required to use the software and should have been provided via e-mail or diskette. It contains your company name, serial number, the product components with version number you have purchased, and the number of users allowed. If the LICENSE.TXT file is not available at this time, you can clear this checkbox and load the file later using the Database wizard. Refer to “Changing Database Configuration Settings” on page 259 for more information. 5 Type the Oracle system user name and password to log on to the database. Also, enter the Oracle connect string.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance


6 Click Next to accept the name for the Data, Index, and LOB tablespaces and estimated tablespace sizes.

7 Accept the default location for the Oracle tablespaces, Data, Index, and LOB.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance

8 Type ADMUSER1 as the Oracle administrative name, PRIVUSER1 as the Oracle privileged name, and PUBUSER1 as the Oracle public name. If necessary, choose a different default tablespace and temporary tablespace; however, the temporary tablespace must be of temporary type.

9 In the Ready to Begin Creating Database dialog box, choose Yes, I Want to Create Database Tables and Structure, then click Next. 10 Follow the remaining steps in the Database wizard to create the tables and load the data. Click Finish to exit the wizard when it has completed. If you need to drop the MMDB objects created by the database installation script, run the scripts in the install\database\scripts\install\or\OneInstance\drop\MMDB folder of CD 1. You must log onto the database as ADMUSER1. To drop PMDB objects, refer to “Configuring the Server Databases” on page 45. See the “Changing Database Connection Settings” on page 260 for more information.

Connect to the Oracle instance Once you create the Oracle instance, perform the following to connect to it using SQLPlus. ■

Log in as SYSTEM and run the following SQL statement on the instance: SQL>update pubuser1.pubuser set private_db_user_name = ‘privuser1’;

1 row updated.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance


SQL> commit;

Commit complete. Configure the database alias for PMDB 1 You can use the Database Configuration wizard to change/review the connection settings and database alias for PMDB, as shown in the next five figures.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance


Create a database alias for MMDB Use the Database Configuration wizard to create an alias for MMDB. 1 Choose to configure your database connection.

2 Choose MMDB as the database type.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance

3 Enter MMDB as the database alias and select Oracle as the driver type.

4 Enter the Oracle connect string.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance


5 Enter pubuser1 as the Username and Password.

6 Click Next to validate the database connection.

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Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance

The following dialog indicates if the connection was successful.

Once you complete these steps, you should be able to run the Methodology Management and Project Management modules using the aliases you established, while still connecting to the same database.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance


Upgrading a Single Instance Database from Primavera 3.5x or 4.x to 5.0 If you are configured to run your PMDB and MMDB database in a single Oracle instance and you are using version 3.5x or 4.x, follow these steps to upgrade the database for use with version 5.0. Upgrade an Oracle project management database when running with MMDB in a single instance 1 Perform a cold backup and a full database export. If you are unsure how to back up your Oracle database, do not proceed with the upgrade. Contact your database administrator, your database vendor, or Primavera Systems for assistance in backing up your database before performing the database upgrade. Also, ensure that you are familiar with the process of restoring the backup copy of the database in case you need to do so. 2 Uninstall the current version of Primavera as described in “Uninstalling Previous Versions” on page 360. 3 Install the new client version of Primavera as described in “Installing Client Modules and Additional Components” on page 209. You should NOT set up and install the databases as described in “Configuring the Server Databases” on page 45; otherwise, your existing data will be deleted and replaced with default application data.

4 Double-click CONFIGASST.EXE in the \Install\Database directory of CD 1 to start the Database wizard.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance

5 Choose Upgrade an Existing Primavera Database, enter the product key located on the CD 1 label, then click next.

6 Click Next to begin the upgrade process.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance


7 Choose Oracle as the database type.

8 Log on to the database as an administrative user, such as ADMUSER. Type your password. Specify the Oracle connect string. ADMUSER must have DBA privileges and must be the owner of the application tables, specifically, the TASK table. The database must also have the Oracle compatible parameter set to 9.2.0 or greater. The Oracle connect string must be specified. It can be found in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. The TNSNAMES.ORA file is created when you or your DBA set up the instance.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance

9 Log on to the database as a privileged user, such as PRIVUSER.

10 Select the desired options for converting material resources. If you are upgrading from version 4.x, the data conversion dialog is not displayed.

When the first option is selected, resources which have a custom unit of measure and allow overtime will be converted to nonlabor resources with overtime allowed. If this option is not selected, these resources will be converted to material resources and the overtime will be removed.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance


Selecting the second option lets you convert resources that use one of the custom units of measure shown (entered by the user) to a nonlabor resource instead of a material resource. Selecting the third option lets users mark User Defined Field columns as “unused.” Unused columns are treated as if they were dropped, even though their column data remains in the table's rows. This feature is useful when you want to remove the columns from regular access instead of dropping them, which will reduce the amount of time needed for the upgrade. Data affected by enabling the SET UNUSED option can be removed later, if desired.

11 In the Ready to Begin Upgrading Data dialog box, choose 'YES, I Want to Upgrade My Database', then click Next. The current version of your existing database appears.

The upgrade process could take several minutes, depending on its size. 12 Click Finish when the “Database Upgrade Completed” message is displayed.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Appendix A: Running Primavera Databases in One Oracle Instance

13 Run the Database wizard again to upgrade your methodology management database. This time, in step 8, log onto the database as ADMUSER1 and in step 9, log on as PRIVUSER1. ADMUSER1 must have DBA privileges and must be the owner of the application tables, specifically the TASK table. 14 Run the Database Configuration wizard from the client and update your license in the database. Refer to “Changing Database Configuration Settings” on page 259 for more information. Your database is ready to use with version 5.0.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Appendix B: Undoing Changes in the Project Management Database


Appendix B: Undoing Changes in the Project Management Database In this appendix Understanding Undo Configuring Safe Deletes

The Undo feature enables you to change certain actions made to a project. For example, if you add a resource to an activity then decide you do not want the resource assignment, you can choose to undo this action. This chapter explains what actions you cannot undo, and what tasks will prevent you from undoing an action.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Appendix B: Undoing Changes in the Project Management Database

Understanding Undo Use undo to replace project data to its previous state before changes were made. You can undo edits, additions, and deletions in the Activity and Resource Assignments windows in the Project Management module. Undo stores actions that were made to the project database, however, certain actions will clear the stored actions:

For more information on using the Undo feature, see the Project Management module Help.

Creating projects

Opening and closing projects

Summarizing data

Updating progress

Applying Actuals

Refreshing data


Auto scheduling

Logging in as a different user

Changing portfolios

Opening the Project Portfolios, User Preferences, Admin Preferences, and Time Approval dialog boxes

Exiting the application

Undo an action Choose Edit, Undo. The latest action stored for undo will display next to the Undo command. For example, if you add a resource assignment to an activity, then choose to remove the assignment from the activity, the Undo command in the Edit menu will display as Undo Add Activity Resource Assignment.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Appendix B: Undoing Changes in the Project Management Database


Configuring Safe Deletes The project management database normally handles restoring deleted data using a safe delete setting. Deleted data remains in the project management database until you choose to permanently clear it. Use the Undo command (Edit, Undo) to restore data that has been deleted. You can clear the delete history using the Purge Deletes feature. You must have the Admin Superuser security profile (Admin, Users) to clear the Project Management database’s delete history.

Clear deletes from the project management database To clear the delete history from the project management database, choose Admin, Purge Deletes. Automatically clear deletes when exiting Project Management Choose Admin, Admin Preferences. Select the Options tab, then mark the Purge Deletes on Exiting Project Management checkbox in the Purge Deletes section.

Mark to enable the Project Management module to clear the delete history when the application is closed.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Appendix B: Undoing Changes in the Project Management Database

Turn off safe deletes To instantly clear deletes from the project management database when data is deleted, you have to turn off the safe deletes function. If you are running SQL Server, you can use its administrative tools to execute SQL commands. In the database, if the table ADMIN_CONFIG has the following row, a CONFIG_VALUE of 'N' means turn off safe deletes. CONFIG_NAME = 'SAFEDELETE' and CONFIG_TYPE = 'ACTIVE' This is only loaded at startup. If you change this value while PM is running, the setting will not apply. You can run the following statements. To turn off safe deletes for the first time: INSERT INTO ADMIN_CONFIG (CONFIG_NAME, CONFIG_TYPE, CONFIG_VALUE) VALUES ('SAFEDELETE', 'ACTIVE', 'N') To turn on safe deletes after its been turned off run the following update statement: UPDATE ADMIN_CONFIG SET CONFIG_VALUE = 'Y' WHERE CONFIG_NAME = 'SAFEDELETE' AND CONFIG_TYPE = 'ACTIVE' To turn off safe deletes after its been turned on run the following update statement: UPDATE ADMIN_CONFIG SET CONFIG_VALUE = 'N' WHERE CONFIG_NAME = 'SAFEDELETE' AND CONFIG_TYPE = 'ACTIVE'

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Appendix C: Defining Financial Periods


Appendix C: Defining Financial Periods In this appendix Defining Financial Periods in the Project Management Module

Read this appendix if you want to define customized financial periods in the Financial Period dictionary of the Project Management module.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Appendix C: Defining Financial Periods

Defining Financial Periods in the Project Management Module The Project Management module enables you to define your organization’s global financial periods in the Financial Periods dialog box. Customized financial periods provide more accurate display and reporting of actual units and costs. Rather than spreading costs evenly throughout the length of a project, users can view how actual costs were incurred by customized financial period. Users can store the period performance for any predefined period in the Financial Period dictionary. You must have the Edit Financial Period Dates global privilege to add or edit data in the Financial Periods dialog box. Project Management module users must have the Store Period Performance project privilege to store past period actuals for a predefined financial period. To edit past period actual data after storing period performance, users must have the Edit Period Performance project privilege.

Create batches of financial periods In the Project Management module choose Admin, Financial Periods. After the batch is created, click in the Period Name column to edit the name. Names must be unique.

Enter the batch start and end dates.

Choose the timescale for each financial period in the batch, along with the day of the week you want the periods to end on. Click to generate the batch of financial periods.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide

Appendix C: Defining Financial Periods


The start and end dates of a financial period cannot overlap existing financial periods. Also, you cannot modify the start and end dates of a financial period after you create it.

Create a single financial period In the Project Management module choose Admin, Financial Periods. Click Add.

Click to set the start and end dates for the financial period.

Click to add the period to the dictionary.

Delete a financial period In the Project Management module choose Admin, Financial Periods. Select the financial period(s) you want to delete. Click Delete. You cannot delete a financial period that stores past period actuals for any project. If you attempt to delete multiple financial periods at the same time, none of the financial periods will be deleted if any period stores past period actuals for any project. In this case, to delete a financial period, you must archive and delete the project containing past period actuals, then delete the financial period.

Primavera - Administrator’s Guide


Index A Application data installing for Oracle 59 installing for SQL Server 59 loading for Oracle 26 loading for SQL Server 36 Authentication configure for myPrimavera 132 configuring 271–286 LDAP 86 login procedures 286 Native 272 Single Sign On 88 Authentication Configuration wizard 275 Authentication library, adding 164 Automatic database install 23 for Oracle 26 for SQL Server or MSDE 36

B Base currency, setting 221

C Check in projects 308 Check out projects 308 Client modules changing user passwords 266 installing 216 minimum requirements 15 supported platforms 15 uninstalling 360 CMS service, starting 165 Collaboration 6 applying collaboration update 155 configuration tasks 166 configuring myPrimavera 189

creating a configuration 159 extending the schema 186 installing 151–158 supported configurations 17 Collaboration server overview 6 CONFIGASST.EXE 349, 497 Configuration Manager 166 Controller server 192 configure 201 Customer support xiv

D Database automatic upgrade 345 changing configuration settings for myPrimavera 121 client drivers, installing 210 driver configurations 132 extending the collaboration schema 186 installing automatically 23 MMDB 24, 46 PMDB 24, 46 upgrading Oracle 349 SQL Server 355 Database administrator xii, xiii role defined 8 Database Configuration wizard application license changes 266 database setting changes 260 initialization (INI) files 260 private database logins 266 user password changes 266 DBConfig. See Database Configuration wizard. DBExpress 4



DCOM communication 192 configure for distributed job service 195 Distributed Job Service configure DCOM 195 servers 201 user access 194 installing 193, 211, 223 overview 6, 192 planning issues 12 prepare servers 192 registry settings 204 supported configurations 16 Document formats, updating 187 DomainAdmin user adding 179 make manager of 183

E E-mail, supported systems 18 Enterprise project structure access and privileges to 317 defined 289 EPS. See Enterprise project structure. Exchange rate 221 Export format P3 442–450 XER 366–372, 386–389 methodologies, XER format 386 projects as a job service 369 for use with Primavera Contractor 5.0 366 P3 format 442 XER format 366 resources 370, 388 for use with Primavera Contractor 5.0 370 roles 370, 388

F Facility, adding 177 Financial periods, defining 507

G Global profile assigning to users 311 creating 299 for the Methodology Management module 323 definitions 298 new privileges 347

overview 288 privileges defined 299 for the Methodology Management module 324 Group Server administrator applet 90 configure LDAP authentication 86 configure Single Sign On authentication 88 configuring settings 90 creating multiple instances 97 HTTP(S) 81 installation overview 70 installing 72 international language support 71 overview 5 planning issues 14 registry settings 100 reviewing properties 91 supported configurations 17 taking offline 90 uninstalling 360 user connections 93

H HTTP(S), using for secure transmission of timesheet data 81

I Import format P3 451–478 XER 373–384, 390–404 methodologies, XER files 390 projects as methodologies 395 P3 files 451 XER files 373 resources 381, 401 roles 381, 401 Incremental license, storing 266 Indexer service adding 171 starting 172 International language support 54, 71 for Job Service 232

J Java Web Start 70 Job Service choose language 232 configure Project Architect for myPrimavera 129 creating multiple instances 224

Index distributed 192 configure DCOM 195 configure servers 201 configure user access 194 Controller server 192 installing 193 exporting projects 369 installing 211, 223 overview 6 planning issues 12 registry settings 204 running on multiple databases 229 send jobs directly to printer 231 summarizer jobs 230 registry settings 205 supported configurations 16

L Language support 54, 71 for Job Service 232 LDAP authentication 272 for Group Server/Timesheets 86 login procedures 286 provisioning 284 LDAP servers configuring for authentication 275 Library Manager 167 License assigning to users 312 concurrent user 312 configuring 266 incremental 266 loading at database setup 29, 39, 62, 488 named user 312 License key file 29, 39, 488 Login name, maintaining single login for project resources and users 311

M MDAC 211 Methodologies exporting, XER format 386 importing from projects 395 XER files 390 transferring to other Project Management module users 385–404 Methodology management database 46 administering private logins 266 changing connection settings 260


client drivers 210 creating on Oracle 51 on SQL Server 57 installing application data 59 removing from Oracle 52 from SQL Server 58 running in same Oracle instance as PMDB 487 sample data 28, 38, 61 upgrading on SQL Server 355 Oracle 349 Methodology Management module installing 211 minimum configuration requirements 15 overview 4 planning issues 12 security 323–329 adding users 327 global profiles 323 methodology profiles 325 Methodology profile creating 325 privileges defined 326 Microsoft Project files exporting projects 406, 430 exporting resources 411 importing projects 415, 438 importing resources 424 Microsoft Project-managed projects See MSP-managed projects MMDB. See Methodology management database. MSDE database automatic install 36 installing 242 installing client drivers 210 MSP-managed projects exporting to XER files 366 importing 417 myPrimavera accessing from client browsers 120 adding configurations 127 adding database instances 127 administration application 123 application server requirements 17 changing database configuration settings 121 client requirements 16 collaboration 6 configuration settings 134 configure authentication 132 for collaboration 189



to run Project Architect 129 database drivers 132 deleting configurations 128 deleting database instances 128 implementing application server plugins 149 installation process overview 110 installing 105–149 installing the application server 109 JSP server requirements 17 managing access to multiple database instances 131 overview 5 planning issues 14 precompile option 117 reviewing and modifying configurations 126 starting the server 117 stopping the server 119 uninstalling 107 upgrading from a previous version 106 Web server requirements 18

N Native authentication 272 login procedures 286 Network administrator xii, xiii role defined 8 Network protocols, supported software 18

O OBS assigning to the EPS 318 to users 315 defined 289 denying access to project information 316 responsible 305, 317 root 318 Operations executive xii Oracle automatic database install 26 creating database structures 47 installing client drivers 210 running MMDB and PMDB in one instance 487 sizing guide 19 supported versions 16, 47 upgrading database 349 Organizational breakdown structure. See OBS. ORMM_INS.SQL 51 ORPM_INS.SQL 47 Overhead codes 341

P P3 projects exporting 442 data not converted 450 special considerations 446 importing 451 advanced conversion options 475 data not converted 474 special considerations 465 Passwords, changing 266 Past period actuals 508 PMDB. See Project management database. PMSDK 234 Portfolio Analysis module installing 211 minimum configuration requirements 15 overview 4 planning issues 12 Primavera additional components 5 authentication 272 choosing components 12 client modules 4 documentation xii installation process overview 10 license accessibility 312 minimum requirements 15 security 288 server components 5 solution overview 4 supported platforms 15 uninstalling previous versions 360 using the Administrator’s Guide x Primavera Contractor, exporting projects for use with 479 Primavision uninstalling 107 Privileges, new in 5.0 347 Program manager xii role defined 9 Project Architect 129 Project controls coordinator xii, xiii role defined 9 Project data transferring between P3 and the Project Management module 441–478 to other Project Management module users 365–384 to Primavera Contractor users 479–484 using Microsoft Excel files 429–440 using Microsoft Project files 405–423

Index Project management database 24, 46 administering private logins 266 changing connection settings 260 client drivers 210 configure safe deletes 505 creating on Oracle 47 on SQL Server 54 installing application data 59 removing from Oracle 49 from SQL Server 55 running in same Oracle instance as MMDB 487 sample project data 28, 38, 61 SQL Server parameters 53 undoing changes 503 upgrading on SQL Server 355 Oracle 349 Project Management module adding users 310 defining financial periods 507 installing 211 minimum configuration requirements 15 overview 4 planning issues 12 Project manager xii role defined 9 Project profile assigning to OBS elements 314 to users 315 creating 305 definitions 305 new privileges 347 overview 288 privileges defined 306 Project Web Site, supported configurations 18 ProjectLink export considerations 366 import considerations 417 installing 211, 239 overview 6 user access 241 Projects checking in 308 checking out 308 exporting Microsoft Project format 406, 430 P3 format 442 XER format 366 importing Microsoft Project format 415, 438


P3 files 451 XER files 373 Provisioning from LDAP 284

R RDBMS. See Relational database management system. Relational database management system overview 5 planning 12 supported configurations 16 Resource security 320 Resource/cost manager xii Resources associating with users 311 defined 289 defining access to 320 exporting 370, 388 for use with Primavera Contractor 5.0 370 Microsoft Project format 411 importing 381, 401 Microsoft Project format 424 Roles exporting 370, 388 importing 381, 401 Root OBS 318

S Safe deletes, configuring 505 SDK. See Primavera Software Development Kit. Security 287–329 associating resources and users 311 defining access to resources 321 global profiles 298 assigning to users 311 implementation process overview 296 licensing 312 Methodology Management module 323–329 OBS EPS assignments 318 user and project profile assignments 314 overview 288 project profiles 305 resource access 320 users 310 in the Methodology Management module 327 OBS and project profile assignments 315 Server components supported configurations 16 Setup wizard, running 211 Single Sign On



authentication 272 for Group Server/Timesheets 88 login procedures 286 Software Development Kit documentation 238 installing 211, 233 overview 6 planning issues 14 supported configurations 16 SQL Server automatic database install 36 creating database structures 53 installing client drivers 210 international language support 54 sizing guide 19 upgrading database 355 SSMM_INS.SQL 57 SSPM_INS.SQL 54 Stand-alone version installing 211, 242 upgrading automatically 242 Summarizer job settings 205

T Team leader xii Team member xiii Timesheets module 5 Technical support xiv Timesheets approval levels 334 creating batches 339 Timesheets module configure LDAP authentication 86 configure Single Sign On authentication 88 configuring in the Project Management module 331–341 configuring resources to use 338 creating timesheets 339 user login 337 entering overtime 338 implementation overview 332 installing Web files 72 JAWS version defined 13 JRE installation 343 minimum requirements 15 overview 70 running 342 overhead codes 341 overview 5 planning issues 14

preferences 334 project-specific preferences 340 selecting a client module 13 user privileges 335 versions 14 Web browser version defined 13 JRE installation 343 minimum requirements 15 running 342 TNSPING.EXE 24, 46 Tomcat, installing 109 Trustees, adding 174

U Unattended setup creating file set 248 planning issues 12 running 257 Undo, using 504 Uninstalling client modules 360 server components 360 the Group Server 360 Upgrading automatically 345 license 266 Oracle database 349 process overview 346 SQL Server database 355 stand-alone version 242 Users adding 310 Methodology Management module 327 assigning global profile 311 product licensing 312 profiles in the Methodology Management module 328 to OBS elements 314 associating with resources 311 changing passwords 266 defined 289 for the Timesheets module 337

W WBS, defined 289 Web browsers supported for myPrimavera 16 supported for the Timesheets module 15 Web Scheduler 12


X XER files exporting for use with Primavera Contractor 5.0 366 methodologies 386 MSP-managed projects 366 projects 366 resources 370, 388 roles 370, 388 importing methodologies 390 projects 373 projects as methodologies 395 resources 381, 401 roles 381, 401


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