Adjectives And Adverbs - Advanced.pdf

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Oxford Practice Grammar

George Yule

Unit 9 Adjectives and adverbs

grammar practice that gets results

Supplementary Exercises

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Supplementary Exercises Ideal for self-study

• Yule

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2 25/3/09 11:14:59

Oxford Practice Grammar Supplementary Exercises is specifically designed for advanced learners, and helps them prepare for advanced-level exams. This lesson consolidates your students’ knowledge of adjectives for describing and classifying in the context of food and places.

Lesson length: 60-75 mins Aim: 1. to review adjective order, participle adjectives and compound adjectives

2. to review and extend vocabulary connected with food and drink



Bring some herbs, spices and unusual fruits into class.


You will need a copy of the following for each student:

Activity worksheet: Fruit, vegetables, nuts, herbs and spices (Oxford Word Skills Advanced

Unit 20) Activity worksheet: Adjectives (OPG Advanced Supplementary Exercises Unit 9) Activity worksheet: Food and you

GRAMMAR REVIEW 1: Adjectives for describing n Lead-in to the lesson by showing the class the herbs, spices and fruits you have brought. Let the students feel and smell them, and elicit some adjectives to describe them. Write the adjectives on the board. n Give each student a copy of Activity worksheet: Fruit, vegetables, nuts, herbs and spices. Give them a few minutes to complete exercises 1 and 2. n Ask the students to turn their worksheets over. Divide the class into teams. Tell the students to listen carefully as you read out descriptions. The first team to identify and call out the correct fruit, vegetable, nut, herb or spice gets a point:


a lovely large oval orange fruit with shiny black seeds inside (papaya)


very young, white plants (bean spouts)


a long, papery spice (cinnamon)

n Get the students to turn their worksheets back over. Can they remember the description of the papaya? Elicit it to the board as an example sentence:

a lovely large oval orange fruit with shiny black seeds inside

n Point out that describing adjectives (adjectives that express perceptions and judgments) usually follow this order (although this is not the only order):


Highlight the example description accordingly:



a lovely


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physical quality








age or time



physical quality colour fruit with


black seeds inside

page 1

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n Elicit some two- or three-adjective descriptions of the items you brought to class or other items on the worksheet.

1. REVIEW ACTIVITY n Give each student a copy of Activity worksheet: Adjectives. Put them in pairs to complete exercise 1, then check the correct answers with the whole class. GRAMMAR REVIEW 2: Adjectives for classifying n Point out that there is also a typical order for classifying adjectives (adjectives that express facts). Write these phrases on the board. Put the students into pairs to discuss which of the phrases have the correct adjective order:

1 a Victorian recipe book

2 a seating outdoor area

Answers: 1 [3] 2 [8] an outdoor seating area 3 [8] a South Indian metal cooking pot 4 [3]

Classifying adjectives usually follow this order:



Highlight the example phrases:


origin / source




1 a Victorian recipe book

4 a town centre fast food restaurant


3 a cooking South Indian metal pot



3 a South Indian





2 an outdoor seating area


purpose cooking pot


4 a town centre fast food restaurant


Activity worksheet: Adjectives exercise 2: Tell the students they are going to read and complete a text describing a house. Give them 10 seconds to scan the text and find the answer to this question: Where is the house located? (Kona, a place on an island in the Pacific ocean) Then give them a few minutes to complete the text. Let them compare answers in pairs, then check the correct answers with the whole class.

n Afterwards, ask a few open-class questions, e.g. What do you think the writer means by a ‘Southern European style’? Can you think of somewhere that has ‘an amazing panoramic view’?

GRAMMAR REVIEW 3: Participle adjectives


Copy this café sign onto the board: º CAFÉ º Home-cooked food, refreshing drinks

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n Underline the –ed and –ing endings in the two participle adjectives. Clarify which participle adjectives describe what is done to something or someone:

home-cooked: past participle (-ed) = the food has been cooked at home

and which describe what something or someone does:

refreshing: present participle (-ing) = the drinks refresh you

3. REVIEW ACTIVITY n Put the students in pairs to complete exercise 3 on Activity worksheet: Adjectives, then check the correct answers with the whole class. GRAMMAR REVIEW 4: Compound adjectives n Ask the class what kind of adjective ‘home-cooked’ is, as well as a past participle adjective (a compound adjective). Point out that compound adjectives are formed of nouns, adverbs and adjectives (including present and past participle adjectives) in all different combinations, e.g.:

noun + noun

adjective + adjective

adverb + adjective


Activity worksheet: Adjectives exercise 4: Tell the students they are going to read and complete a text describing an area. Give them 10 seconds to scan the text and find the answer to this question: What and where is the area? (a failed business area of a town or city in North Africa) Then give them a few minutes to complete the text with compound adjectives formed from the wordpool. Let them compare answers in pairs, then check the correct answers with the whole class.

n Afterwards, ask the class questions about their country/countries, e.g.: Do cities in your country have grand tree-lined avenues? Are there newly-constructed office and apartment buildings that stay empty for a long time? 5. CONTEXTUALIZED ACTIVITY: FOOD AND YOU

Task Instructions:

A. Divide the class into two groups, A and B. Give Student A worksheets to all the students in group A and Student B worksheets to all the students in group B. Give the groups about 5 minutes to complete their questions. Monitor the groups as they work to make sure they all have the correct answers.

Student A answers: 1 frozen 2 fattening 3 tired 4 highly-spiced

6 freshly-brewed

Student B answers: 1 appetizing 2 disgusting 3 processed 4 low-fat

5 genetically-modified

5 ice-cold

7 deep-fried 6 well-done 7 mouth-watering

B. Regroup the students into AB pairs to interview each other using their questions.

C. At the feedback stage, ask the students to report back on interesting or surprising information they learnt about their partner.

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2 1 customary HOMEWORK

Unit 21

2 frowned 1 1 streets 4 it all 7 around 3 manners n Remind the class about the detailed descriptions of 2 a house and an of a city8 in batteries exercises 2 and wander 5 area track 4 viewed 3 easy 6 atmosphere 45 on Activity Worksheet: Adjectives. Ask them to write a detailed description of a café or restaurant considered that they know well. They should include information 2 1 about: undergone 4 unique 6 Customs 2 flourishing 5 unspoilt answer key 7 regarded, respectful key the location answer key go there3 remarkably answer the building people who the food and drink 6 remote 8 offensive 9 discourteous/disrespectful 3 1 thriving 9.4 Tell[111 the] students to try to include participle adjectives and 9.8 112]compound adjectives, as well as some 10 etiquette 2 [[stunning 9.4 [111 9.8 112] [106 ]] 8.20 sequences of describing and classifying adjectives.   physical the The medical Canadian teams teams  the the physical physical spiritual spiritual aspects aspects  3 diverse 4 1 put foot in it Canadian physical 11hisThe medical 11 the  because she is 1 because unhappy 4 off theand beaten track / isolated Table 5] spiritual aspects [11 11] Canadian medical teams teams [[Table 2 All three are possible. 5 ] and spiritual aspects [ ] Canadian medical unhappy [7] 5 trek2 being strong tough brave fighters  being  the first real food cheek the real first food  EXTRA3HELP theno first real food the real first food 2 being strong tough brave fighters  being  and has friends [ 5 ] and no friends 6 retain 4 her foot in it Table 3] [Table strong, tough, tough, brave brave fighters fighters [[99]] 3 ] [ strong, help and sell it topractice 2 students and sellare toneed raise money unwind / take it easy / chill Do your more and with7adjectives?: Direct them toout pages 110-115 of 5 All three possible. answer key  small  black and white round fruit 2 round small fruit 3 black white shapes  small round fruit  black and white 2 round small fruit 3 black white shapes 8 restored 11 ] raise money [ 6 comments, disgrace OPG Advanced and Exercises. 4] page 50 of OPG Advanced Supplementary shapes 10] [Table 4]possible. ] 5 wander [[10 7 All three are but[Table they didn’t want  but they didn’t 4 1 easy4 shapes rough reddish skin reddish rough skin wonderful dedicated hard-working 8.20 Have you got the books to develop Usededicated units from Oxford Word Skills 8 an reddishand skin extend2 vocabulary?: reddish rough skin  rough 4 wonderful hard-working remote 6 cobbled ] want to [16right [106 ] insolence  Table 4] wonderful, dedicated, hard[[Table teacher 4be ] in the6playground dedicated, teacher  wonderful, for5 ‘I1can…’ 3 restoration 7 away from ithardisor in the or confidence. wouldunhappy class downright because she 13 because  a luxurious 9 ] 3 a green old luxurious sofa working teacher [ 4 laze working teacher [9] 3 a green[7old sofa  a luxurious 2 manners ] 7 remark/comment playground [12luxurious unhappy  who is smart Table 4] old green green] sofa sofa [[Table who is is smart smart successful successful  3 behaviour 8 exception 4 ] who is smart old 55 who   and but I couldn’t find[5her but couldn’t find has no friends ] and no friends  lovely round seats and successful [ 11 ] round lovely seats Unit 22 4 foot 9 taste  lovely round seats and successful [ 11 ] round lovely seats ] to raise money  and sell it to [5,11sell 2 and  has become Table 4] has become become rich rich powerful ANSWERS 5 put [[Table 1 1 edge has 6 powerful unanimously  has become 4]eat[11 they usually eat 4 raise so usually first ]  sobig money soft cushions and powerful [ 11 ] soft big cushions rich effects 7 adaptation Activity worksheet – Fruit, vegetables, spices  [11] soft cushions rich and powerful  big orbig so usually eatsoft firstcushions [7] nuts, herbs2and first but they didn’t didn’t wantthey Unit 20 but Table 4] [[they 6 educational industrial commercial 3 -biting 8 -tingling 4children ]] 6 educational industrial commercial the Table older after  the older want tonew [16   4 out of 9 ghost educational, industrial 4 the scientific western approaches opportunities 1 1 artichoke 7 western ginger approaches   educational, industrial 4 would the new scientific opportunities10 children eat after them [18]  or in the 3 or be in the playground 5 twist applaud 2 pomegranate 8 squash Table 5] 13] western scientific scientific approaches approaches [[Table and commercial commercial [[13 5] ] western and playground [12]Christian 3 beetroot 9 almonds  old religious schools 2 1 audience  old religious Christian schools  butradishes I couldn’t find her butChristian couldn’t find 4 cinnamon 10 2 [brilliant/sensational Table 5] religious schools 9.9 114] 5] Christian religious schools [[Table 9.9 114] 5 papaya 11 lentils ] [5,11 3 [acclaim 1 boring* [[11]] 6 fennel sproutseat  sobean they usually 4 so usually eat first12 4 cast 12 boring* 9.5 [ 112] interesting [4] ]first or 5 set 2 interesting [4] )] usually they firstof[7dried ] 29.5 1 [112 Raisins andso sultanas are[4eat types ] 1 small round silver 3 interested 6 phenomenally ] the older 1 small silver [4 3 interested [[22]] fruit. the olderround children after 3 ] 2 major new [ tired [[22]] 7 nail-biting/gripping 9.1 [2 111,Sage and coriander are herbs. Table 4] 2 major new [3] them [18] 44 tired children eat after tiny white plastic [[44]] bored [[22]] 8 clapping 3 Almonds and cashews are types of nut. 1 large hairy spider 33 tiny white plastic 55 bored 4 ] 4] 4 principal economic [ 6 depressing* 4 Papaya and passion fruit are tropical fruits. 2 long narroweconomic bomb 3 1 D 2 S 3 S 4 S [[5 D 6 S 7 S 8 D 4] 4 principal [4] 6 depressing* 4 ] 2 ] 5 entire British scientific [ 7 surprised [ 5 Ginger and cinnamon are spices. 3 reptile …British hard round 5 entire scientific [4] 7 surprised [2] 5 unconvincing 4 1 deadly, stiff 6 ✓ ✓ electronic device hidden [[22]] 4 cheese grater, lemon squeezer, kitchen scales, 4 6small 88 hidden 2 clichéd 6 rubbish 4 ] *1 and 6 can be exchanged exchanged 7 death, mediocre 7 delicious hot French [ food processor, garlic crusher, deep fat fryer 3 wooden 5 tall brightly-coloured flower 4 ] *1 and 6 can be 7 delicious hot French [ ANSWERS ] ugly hard hard metal 4 feeble 8 dire 5 1 worksheet colander 3– metal corkscrew 5 sieve 88 ugly [[44]] Activity Adjectives 114] 9.10 [ 2 4 ladle 6 whisk 111,wok Table 43]] 9.2 [[111, 9.1 Table 9.10 [114] Unit 23 1 (e) ringing [1] 9.6 [112 (d) complete 11 ]]large hairy spider 1 69.6 1 [112 lemon/lime/orange 1 (e) ringing [1] 3 1, 5] 2] terrifying (c) afraid afraid [[1, (d) blocked 1 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F [[5 T 2 cheese (c) exact 22 long narrow bomb 5] 2] 6 T 7 F 8 T 11 terrifying (c) 22 (d) blocked 1, 6 ] 2 ] 2 big (a) tall [ 3 (f) stolen [ 3 flour (e) only 2 1 round 33 reptile … hard 6] 2 big (a) tall [1,round 3 (f) stolen [2] 5 runners-up 1, 5] 3 happy happy (e) glad gladdevice [1, (a) screaming screaming [[611]] got through 4 rice/fish/vegetables 2 drawn 4 (b) extreme 4 small electronic 5 ] 3 (e) [ 44 (a) ust sit 5 fruit, vegetables, meat, bread, etc. 7, 5 ] 4 wrong (f) ill [ 5 (c) frozen 3 victories (a) major (f) ill [7, 5] flower 55 tall brightly-coloured 4 and wrong 5 (c) frozen [[22]] 7 the rest ot. [1, 5] 6 meat some vegetables 4 draw 1, 5] 5 sleepy (b) asleep [ (b) broken broken [[22]] 8 knocked out 5 sleepy (b) asleep [1, 5] 66 (b) f the mess 7 1 grapes 4 bread 7 cake 1, 5 ] 6 only (d) alone [ 3 1 we dominated the first half 111,Table Table 5]] (d) alone [1, 5] 9.3 [[111, 9.2 6 3only go to work. 2 chickens 5 cheese 8 nut 9.11 114us 2 put 1 imported building 1 (d) complete 9.11 [[114 ]] under a lot 2 3 fish 6 pear 3 we gave away a 9.7 [[112, 112, 8] newly-constructed 4 southern 22 (c) 9.7 8] exact European 11 to newly-constructed [[77]] hing in last 4 went pieces 8 1 made a meal of it 7 ] 1 large 2 tree-lined [ interior 33 (e) only living 1 large 2 down tree-lined [7] ay’s. [3, 12] 5 let us 2 to have his cake and eat it 3 money-making money-making [[66]] 2 shiny shiny 4 amazing panoramic 4 (b) extreme 3 2 6 no chance of ’ust d like sit to buy 3 chalk and cheese 4 London-based [[77]] 3 purple 5 outdoor swimming 5 (a) major 4 London-based 3 purple 7 could be relegated 4 eat my words y won’t ot. [1, 5]want well-dressed [[77]] soft Italian 55 well-dressed 44 soft 5 a6fish out marble of water f the mess 6 slow-moving 5 white 6 fishy Table ]bit fishy (to me) 9.3 [111, 6 slow-moving [[66]] 5 / a5white astic o to work.

Unit 9 Adjectives and adverbs

Unit 9 Adjectives and adverbs

hairy building 1 imported 66 hairy 7 brownEuropean 2 southern 7 brown no and hing inthe last soft living 3 interior 88 soft just [because 3, 12] © Oxford University ay’s. Press Photocopiable 9 green 4 amazing panoramic 9 green I dt because like to buy 10 black swimming 5 10 outdoor black y won’t want OWSA_PDFBK.indb 2136 Italian marble


page 4

17/11/08 15:48:48

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Activity worksheet: Fruit, vegetables, nuts, herbs and spices

20 I can talk about food A Fruit, vegetables, nuts, herbs, and spices




passion fruit

bean sprouts







(tropical fruits)




cashews (types of nut)

(type of pulse)

(types of herb)



sultanas and raisins

1 Complete the foods. The last four are plural. 1 arti      4 cinn     7 gin               2 pom 5 pap 8 squ           6 fen 9 alm     3 beet

(types of spice)

(types of dried fruit)

10 rad  11 len  12 bean


2 Complete the sentences in a logical way. Artichoke and 1 Raisins and 2 Sage and 3 Almonds and 0h


are l[][jWXb[i $ are types of . 4 Papaya and are . 5 Ginger and are types of .

are are

fruits. .

3 ABOUT YOU AND YOUR COUNTRY Study the words and pictures for two minutes. Then

shut your book and write down the items that you grow in your own country, and a list of page 5 Photocopiable the ones you have eaten.

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mar Advanced Supplementary Exercises helps you TOEFL, IELTS and other advanced-level exams.

cifically designed for advanced learners

xercises for every page of grammar explanation in mmar Advanced including: es which expand your vocabulary and improve accuracy which enable you to write accurate longer texts in

es which improve your ability to produce more and written English

levant explanations and examples in Oxford dvanced help you with each exercise.

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e Grammar

Adjectives: emphasizing, describing, classifying  2 111


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9.1 Using a dictionary if necessary, complete the definitions with these nouns and adjectives.

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George Yule

Oxford Practice


bombGrammar flower device reptile


 A tarantula is a Activity worksheet:  A torpedo is a  A tortoise is a with a 2  A transistor is a  A tulip isand a Describing classifying Supplementary Exercises Ideal for self-study

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brightly-coloured hairy large narrow small and adverbs electronic hard9 adjectives long round tall .

Adjectives .

Adjectives and adverbs



 2 111 Adjectives: emphasizing, describing, classifying .

9.1 a dictionary if necessary, definitions nouns andadjectives. adjectives. 1. Using 9.2 Choose the best sentence (a–e)complete to follow the each sentencewith (1–5)these and add these bomb spider major brightly-coloured hairy large narrow small complete flower exact extreme only device reptile electronic hard long round tall  I had never seen the woman before. ( ) a She had a influence on their writing. .  A tarantula is a  The old woman had said something. ( ) b She was living in poverty. .  A torpedo is a  The room was full of doctors. ( ) c We wanted to know her words. with a shell.  A tortoise is a  The woman had no money. ( ) d She was a stranger. .  A transistor is a 9 adjectives  They had all studied Jane Austen. ( ) e She was the womanand there.adverbs 9 adjectives and adverbs .  A tulip is a

Participle Participle adjectives, adjectives, compound compound adjectives adjectives and and adjectives as nouns adjectives as nouns 2 2

9.3 2. Complete the text with one pair of adjectives in each space (not necessarily in 9.2 Choose the best sentence (a–e) to follow each sentence (1–5) and add these adjectives. this order).  114  114 complete exact extreme major only amazing / panoramic European / southern Italian / marble 9.9 Add these adjectives to the text. building / imported interior / living outdoor / swimming  I had never seen the woman before. ( ) a She had a influence on their writing. 9.9 Add these adjectives to the text. depressing interested bored The old woman hadinsaid something. (beautiful. ) bsurprised She was living in usingpoverty. The house we visited Kona was really It had been constructed mostly bored depressing interested surprised boring hidden interesting tired boring The room was full of doctors. ( ) c We wanted to know her words. hidden interesting tired () materials and had been designed in a () OnThe woman had no money. ( ) d She was a stranger. . No matter how hard the teacher some days, students actgive as if everything is ()to the () style to open feeling space. . No matter how hard the teacher On some days, students act as ifaneverything is () works They had all studied Jane Austen. ( ) e She was the woman there. tasks, the students areofjust () ocean. At the back . Yet, on to create view thenot Pacific of the There was an ()() () tasks, the students are just not () . Yet, on works to create () teacher is sure that the students are going to be other days, when the () and recreation area had been carved out of the house, an () teacher is sure that space the students are going to bein other days, when the with 9.3 Complete the text one pair of adjectives in each (nothe necessarily () by some () story they had to used read, or she isthe pleasantly () tiles had been all around pool. rock and then () order). by some () story they had to read, he or she is pleasantly this () to discover their () passion for discussion, learning and life. () to discover their () passion for discussion, learning and life. amazing panoramic European / southern Italian / marble 9.4 Correct/the nine mistakes these sentences. Participle adjectives and in compound nouns building / an imported interior / living (1–6) and add participle outdoor / adjectives swimming 9.10 Choose ending (a–f) for each beginning  The medical Canadian teams brought in the real first food that some of the people had received 3. derived 9.10 Choose an ending (a–f) for each beginning (1–6) and add participle adjectives these The housefrom we visited inverbs. Kona was really beautiful. It had been constructed using mostly derived from these verbs. in two or three weeks. block break freeze ring scream steal () materials and had been designed in a () block break freeze ring scream steal  A lychee is a kind of round small fruit with reddish flesh inside. space.  I was woken up style ( ) to give an open feeling to the () arough of skin and sweet white children. a of children.  I was woken up ( ) () view of the Pacific ocean. At the back of There was an Didn’t you have a green old(luxurious sofa with round lovely seats  The basement was flooded ) b because of a and soft big cushions? toe. the b because of a toe.  The basement was flooded ( ) and area had been carved out of the an () gothad house, The robbers away (be)found between the new crecreation and a western pizza.  A compromise to scientific approaches and the traditional c and a pizza.  The robbers got away ( ) () a large group ( ) had been pool. then rock Weand could hear dtiles because of a used all around thedrain. ) religious Christian d because drain.  We couldmethods hear a large group teaching used in the( old schools. of a  Donald bought some beer ( ) e by a sound. ) these sentences. e by a sound.  Donaldthe bought some beer ( in  9.4 Correct nine mistakes Eddie couldn’t walk ( ) f in a car. f in a car.  Eddie couldn’t walk ( )  The medical Canadian teams brought in the real first food that some of the people had received 9.11 Make appropriate compound adjectives from each pair of words and add them to 4. Make in two or three weeks. 9.11 appropriate compound adjectives from each pair of words and add them to11/5/09 4579872_OPGA_Suppex.indb 49 the text. the text.  A lychee is a kind of round small fruit with reddish rough skin and sweet white flesh inside. base / London dress / well make / money base / London dress / well make / money / newly line / tree sofa with round move / slow construct Didn’t you have a green old luxurious lovely seats and soft big cushions? construct / newly line / tree move / slow It’sA compromise toare be rows foundofbetween the new scientific approaches and the traditional () officewestern and apartment buildings along a strange sight. had There office and apartment buildings along It’s a strange sight. There are rows of () () methods used inavenues suddenly end inschools. the desert. They are the result of a failed empty teaching the oldthat religious Christian () avenues that suddenly end in the desert. They are the result of a failed empty () scheme organized by a () investment company to develop a () scheme organized by a () investment company to develop a sales new business and technology centre in this part of North Africa. The () sales new business and technology centre in this part of North Africa. The () white personnel still occasionally conduct tours for prospective buyers, but their () white personnel still occasionally conduct tours for prospective buyers, but their () limousines are the only vehicles to use these streets since the construction crews left six months ago. 4579872_OPGA_Suppex.indb 49 limousines are the only vehicles to use these streets since the construction crews left six months ago.11/5/09 9.12 Correct the twelve mistakes in these sentences. 9.12 Correct thePress twelve mistakes in these sentences. © Oxford University Photocopiable  Nobody wants a clean office job because it’s such bored low pay work.  Nobody wants a clean office job because it’s such bored low pay work.  We need more well train medical teams that can operate in threaten life situations.  We need more well train medical teams that can operate in threaten life situations.



page 6

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Activity worksheet: Food and you

Student A A Complete questions 1-3 with participle adjectives derived from the verbs.

1 How often do you eat ______________ food? freeze

2 What’s the most ______________ food you’ve eaten in the last few days? fatten

3 What kind of food do you eat when you’re too ______________ to cook? tire

B Complete questions 4-7 with compound adjectives formed from the words below.

freshly- deep-







4 Do you prefer food that is ______________ or plain and simple?

5 Do you like to drink juice and water at room temperature or do you prefer ______________ drinks?

6 Which do you prefer, ______________ coffee or instant coffee?

7 How often do you eat ______________ food like chips?

C Answer the questions for yourself, then use them to interview Student B.

! Student B A Complete questions 1-3 with participle adjectives derived from the verbs.

1 Which of the items from today’s lesson look the most and least _____________ to you? appetize

2 What’s the most ______________ food you’ve ever eaten or seen? disgust

3 How often do you eat _______________ meats like sausages and burgers? process

B Complete questions 4-7 with compound adjectives formed from the words below.

low- genetically-

well- mouth-

done watering

modified fat

4 How often do you buy ______________ , or ‘diet’, foods?

5 Would you be happy to eat ______________ fruit and vegetables? Why? Why not?

6 If you eat steak, do you like it rare, medium or ______________?

7 For you, what’s the most ______________ cooking smell?

C Answer the questions for yourself, then use them to interview Student A.

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page 7

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