Ade Faizar

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 524
  • Pages: 3
ADE FAIZAR, ST Jl. Asdi Agung 4 Blok C1/9 Jati Agung 1 Bekasi 17412 Cellphone : 081574602223 Email : [email protected]

November 04th, 2008 To Human Resource / Personnel Manager

Dear Sir, I was informed that your company is looking for positioned in your company. I would appreciate it if you would consider me as a candidate to fill that position. I am twenty eight years old and have finished my study at the faculty of Industrial Technology in Islamic Indonesian University on April 30, 2005. I am majoring in Informatics and I am very interested to reply your advertisement. I find myself very excited and challenged with this opportunity your company has offered. I am interested to fill the position mostly because I truly believe that my educational background can provide me with good analytical competence, interpersonal, and communication skills required for the position available. With this application letter I’m including my CV and my recent photograph. I hope my qualifications and enthusiasm merit your consideration. Thank you for your attention. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely,

Ade Faizar, ST

Curriculum Vitae Name

: Ade Faizar

Place and date birth

: Sukabumi, June 6th 1980

Address (now)

: Jl. Asdi Agung 4 Blok C1/9 Jati Agung 1 Bekasi 17421

Address (optional)

: Jl.Pasar Baru no.2 RT 01/10. Kp.Cikiray Kidul, Desa Sukamanah. Cisaat - Sukabumi


: 081574602223


: [email protected]


: Male


: Islam

Marital Status

: Single


: 2.81

Educational Background Formal Education : 1999-2005 Faculty of Industrial Technology Majoring in Informatics at the Islamic Indonesia University, Yogyakarta 1996-1999

SMUN 3, Sukabumi


SLTP Mardiyuana 1, Sukabumi


SDN Ir.H.Juanda, Sukabumi

Informal Education : 2000-2001 English Course in LIA, Yogyakarta 2001-2002

English Course in ELTI, Yogyakarta GIS Course Program Computer in GeoInfo, Yogyakarta

Special Qualification • Have good technical skills in computer application such as Borland Delphi, Visual

Basic, database MySQL and Access. • Have good technical skills in computer networking such as wireless, TCP/IP, LAN, Internet, Intranet, Troubleshooting, also hardware and software. • Have good technical skills and knowledge in Web (PHP, HTML, etc) and networking installation. • Competent with Microsoft Office and internet application. • Can operate adobe photoshop, coreldraw for computer graffic with good result. i also can operate premier adobe for capturing film (movie) • Have good command in English • Able to work independently and as a team player, organization skill, proactive, strong leadership, excellent in both interpersonal, self-motivated, integrity disciplines.

Experience • 2003 – May 2005 at BIOS private as IT staff, Yogyakarta • August 15, 2005 – December 6, 2006 at GMWSS as GA & Administration Staff, Jakarta handling payroll and schedule. • April – November, 2007 at PT. PENERBIT ERLANGGA as Sales Marketing, Sukabumi • December, 2007 at PT. Caesar Digital Intersolution as IT Support, installment and set up application at several clinic and hospital in Jakarta for PJTKI • December, 2007 – Now CV. Cipta Buana Sarana, handling several projects :  as Programmer, handling application & system maintenance for BNP2TKI at Terminal 4 Soekarno-Hatta Airport  as IT Support for AIL (Aerowisata Inflight Logistics) Garuda Airlines

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