Adam & Eve: He Just Couldn't Resist

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  • Words: 5,093
  • Pages: 14
Eve's Story

I am so happy to finally have the opportunity to tell the story as it really happened. Don't worry. I won't change the original and true version. But I will get to expose it for its true value. And I want to thank my dear Father for finally allowing me this opportunity. To begin with, I would like to relate my husband's rendition of life before I was brought in on the scene. Adam enjoyed fellowshipping with our Father, who birthed him from His very Being. I thought it most astonishing when I learned that Father had actually formed my husband from the dust of the earth, and then breathed His very own Spirit into him to give him life. Imagine that. Only the Father could do something as wondrous as bringing life to a lump of dirt. They had a special relationship, my husband and Father. Adam said that Father had given him total dominion over this planet called earth. Even though we originated in what is known as the Garden of Eden, Father told Adam that He was appointing him god over all the earth and over all that was within it. He even had all of the animals to march up to Adam for him to name them. And whatever name Adam decided to give to the animals was what they were called. Adam's dominion applied to the grounds of the earth as well. There was no need for my husband to tend the grounds. All he had to do was speak to it and the land obediently brought forth food in due season. Usually during the early morning hours, my husband said he would enjoy long swims with the fish, which honored his very presence. The wind would obediently blow Adam dry whenever he stepped out of the waters. He’d jump in and out over and over again, just to feel the warm winds obey his desire to be blown dried again. Adam loved to play. He was so childlike. Fun. He even played with the angels who, according to him, weren't always as excited about playtime as he was. There were two such angels who were posted just outside of the Garden. They were over nine feet tall and wore glimmering attire that shone almost as brightly as the sun. Their belts were made from pure gold and at their sides were flaming swords. Adam said that one day he offered the angels some of his food. The angels looked at one another, and then at Adam, and smiled with a slight shaking of their heads. They simply explained to Adam that their job was not to eat the food placed there for him, but to guard the Garden until they were told to do otherwise. 1

One day, Father came down to visit with Adam. It was in the early part of the evening, the time during which Father would usually come to visit. It was after one such visit that Adam felt really special at what he overheard the two angels talking about. "Have you noticed how the Almighty treats Adam? How exceptionally loving He is toward him?" "Yes. As a matter of fact, I have.” “What is Man, that even God would leave His throne in the cool of the day just to visit him?” “He’s made Adam to be His heir." "True, but doesn't the Almighty realize what He gave to Adam?" "What do you mean?" "A will. He gave Adam a free will.” “So?” “So, surely you haven't forgotten what happened to Lucifer and part of our family because of the free wills we were given?" "Of course I haven't forgotten. Lucifer used his free will to exalt himself. He was foolish enough to think he could overthrow God.” “And he dragged one-third of the angels with him. Now they’ve fallen, too.” “It was their own fault. They could’ve chosen God but they believed empty promises from Lucifer.” “What made him think that the creation could ever be greater than the Creator?" "Tisk tisk. That Lucifer never was too keen." "Well he was keen enough to deceive one third of the angels into following him." "True. That is why our fallen friends have been chained and bound in the underworld until the appointed time." "And Lucifer was cast down here to earth. I saw him fall from heaven like lightning. Sorry. I don't mean to snicker. But it was a sight to see." 2

"I'll bet. God wasted no time in expelling him." "That was many, many years ago, my friend. And it was his fall that caused this planet to become void and catastrophic." "Well, of course. I know very well that our God did not create a catastrophe. Old Lucifer himself made a mess of things when he fell. That is why we all rejoiced when the Almighty decided to once again allow His Glory to permeate and fill this atmosphere." "What was it that He shouted from His inner most Being?" "`LET THERE BE LIGHT', He said. Isn't it wonderful the way He restored the earth back to its original beauty?" "Well, He is God, don't forget." "Oh, I won't. But it still puzzles me as to why Adam causes the Almighty to become all goo-goo eyed whenever He mentions his name to any one of us. Why, we've had the pleasure of serving the Master for centuries, but He's never looked at us in the same manner. Tell me, friend. What is Man, that even God will leave His throne in the cool of the day to visit him?” "Let me explain something to you, my friend. We angels are God's beloved creation. But man is made in God's very image. He brought Adam forth from Himself. And He adores him. We should feel honored however, for we have been assigned the wonderful task of protecting God's most precious possession." "Speaking of which, where is Adam now?" "He's playing a game, actually. He thinks that I do not see him. There he is."

My husband said that the angels were not angry at him for eavesdropping, but rather amused by his childlike innocence. Shortly afterward however, Father came to visit with him. Adam thought they were going to laugh, talk and share the day's events as usual. But instead, Father put my husband into a deep sleep. Many times my husband has relayed the moment of when he was first introduced to me. Father had been expressing how proud of him He was up to that point, proud of how he was handling his authority over the beasts of the fields and the fowl of the air. God had also brought 3

to Adam's attention how for each male beast, there was a female counterpart. And for every male fowl, there was a female companion, and so it was with the fish. "And now, My son, it is time that you be blessed with your help mate." Adam said that Father then brought the most peaceful rest over him that he had ever known. And when he awoken from it, there I was by his side. I found myself being held in the arms of someone that I knew, but had never met. I felt secure and happy in his bosom while the Glory of our Father hovered above us. And then His voice spoke, filling us to the utmost with His love. “Repopulate the earth, My children."

The sun was setting - my favorite part of the day. The air was a bit cooler now and the birds made music for us. My husband and I were about to fall asleep when we suddenly heard the much welcomed voice of our Father. “My children, awaken yourselves, for I have something that you must be made aware of. As a parent, it is only fair that I teach you in the way that you must go.” Adam and I stood to attention right away. I myself couldn’t suppress the overwhelming joy that I felt anytime Father would make His Presence known. He shone forth a love that not even Adam was cable of displaying. Even when He was being stern, there was never any sense of fear. Just an awesome love. “Adam” he continued, “have you given a name to my daughter as of yet?” “Oh, no. Not yet Father. I’ve been having so much fun with her that giving her a name was the least of my thoughts. “Well son, I would like to know how I might address my daughter, and since I did give her to you . . . “ “Say no more, Father. I shall call her Eve. How does that please You?” “How does it please her?” “I am very pleased with the name my husband has chosen for me, Father,” I said. “Then I, too, am well pleased. But there is another matter which I would like to discuss with you, Adam. I hesitated telling you this before I brought Eve to you because it 4

is something you both should hear together. You are partners now, a team. You Eve, are flesh of Adam’s flesh and bone of Adam’s bone. You are one with each other, as you are also one with Me. Don’t ever forget that. He paused for several minutes. Adam and I both knew He wanted our undivided attention. “I have placed many trees in the garden for your eating pleasures - except for one.” Then Father lead us to a particular tree and allowed us to observe it for a moment. Adam nor I had noticed it before, though there was nothing unusual about it. It was just as beautiful as all the others. I was tempted to pull one of the fruits from the branch, but the expression on my husband’s face told me that I should wait to hear what the Father had to say about this tree first. “But of this tree” He continued, “the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, you are not to eat thereof. No matter what, do not allow yourselves to be deceived by the enemy that was cast from heaven many ages ago. Be aware, because he lurks about. He seeks to avenge Me. And the only way he can do that is through harming you, my children. As of now, as long as you are obedient to My Word you will have continual protection. When you see him, Adam, waste no time in casting him into the pit where he belongs. For I have given you the authority to do so, and you must therefore exercise your authority. "I understand father," my husband said, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. "I shall not eat the fruit of this tree. Nor shall my lovely wife." "For the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die. Do you understand Me, Adam?” “Sure,” my husband answered gleefully. Then Father embraced us in His love. The Glory, the very Being of God Himself, cuddled us to the point where Adam nor I wanted to do anything but remain there and absorb all of Him. I guess I could only explain this feeling as a sort of holy euphoria. Then it happened a couple of weeks after Father’s warning to us. Adam and I had been in the part of the Garden where we were first introduced to one another. Both of us were glorifying Father, but my attention was suddenly diverted to a creature that was of inexplicable beauty. It stood almost as tall as my husband and possessed a shiny gloss to its emerald covering. The eyes


were a pit less black and it moved about in the most carefree, hypnotizing motion. A very attractive being. “Oh Adam, look. Look at the beauty of the creature which lurks in our midst.” My husband momentarily diverted his attention from the Glory to me, the love-smile still on his face. “Eve, what is it about this creature that allures you so, that even the Glory does not keep your attention?” “Oh Adam, you know that I adore Father. Nothing else is capable of comparison. But of all the creatures you’ve shown to me, I don’t recall having seen this particular one of such distinct grace.” “My dear Eve, that is the serpent,” he said, “a creature no greater than any of Father’s other creatures. And I may exercise my dominion over it as well.” My husband then proceeded to lie down and rest. He appeared to be confused by my engrossment with the serpent. But I couldn’t be concerned with that. He didn’t understand how I felt. It was as though the serpent was speaking to me in its own sly way. And if I didn't know better, I'd say that it was deliberately avoiding saying anything to my husband, almost as though it did not want to be seen by Adam. “Adam, did you hear that?” I asked with a hasty thrill in my voice. “It said for me to follow it.” Adam’s eyes remained closed as he attempted to pull me down beside him. But I was not tired. I wanted to see where the serpent was headed. And therefore I decided to follow the creature. I didn’t think it would cause any harm. Besides, maybe there were others of such beauty around. I followed it admiringly, wondering if its female counterpart was as graceful. It lead me to a tree, the very tree which my Father had warned Adam against. Then it spoke, and this time, I was sure that I was not imagining it. “Isn’t this a lovely tree? Just look at the marvelous fruit which it brings forth.” “Yes, this tree is lovely,” I agreed. “But there are many other trees in the garden that are just as lovely.” “None are as magnificent as this particular tree, however. Look at its rich branches and luscious fruits. I’d bet they’re just dying to be picked and eaten.” 6

“Yes, I guess so,” I said looking around for my husband. I thought for sure he would’ve followed me there. “But I don’t believe the fruits of this tree are any more delectable than the others,” I said to this handsome creature. “Really? Don’t you agree that their taste is just a bit more pleasing?” “Well, I cannot say for certain, being as I have yet to taste of this particular tree. Nor am I allowed.” “What? Not allowed did you say? Why would God not allow Man, His most treasured being, His very own children, to taste of such exquisite fruit?” "I don't know my Father's reasons, except that He loves us and does not want to see us harmed. He said that we must not eat or touch of the tree or else we would surely die." At that point, I recall the serpent wrapping its body around the trunk of the tree as though embracing it with himself. "Did God really say that you would die if you touched the tree? If that were so, why am I still alive?" "I don't know. Maybe we can ask Him and . . ." "Um, wait . . . no need to ask on my account. I can tell you the real reason God does not want you or Adam to eat of this tree." I waited to hear his explanation. "God knows that if you were to eat thereof that you would be like God Himself." I began to think about what the serpent was saying. "But, that cannot be the reason," I replied. "For my husband and I are already like God. He made us in His image, and He made us to have dominion over every creature on this planet, including you." "Well then, you tell me the reason, Woman." "I don't know the reason." "Well I do. It is because you will receive knowledge. Why else would it be called the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? It is because you will become all-knowing like your God." "But, we are like God. My husband was born from Him, and I from my husband. We have all the knowledge we need." 7

"Really? Then why am I able to touch the tree and yet live?" "I do not know." As I stood there thinking over what was just said, the serpent's forked tongue slithered into one of the fruits, piercing its soft, ripened skin and spilling the syrup on top of my foot. Without hesitating, as though out of reflex, I bowed and wiped the juice from my foot, licking it from my fingers. It was so sweet and satisfying that I couldn't imagine why my God would want to keep something this blessed away from us. I stood up and was startled to find my husband by my side. "Eve, what are you doing? Father said that I should come and rebuke the evil one right away. Could He possibly be referring to my wife?” "Oh, Adam, how could you even imply such a thing?" "Then what is it that you're doing to cause Father to have such urgency in His voice?" "All I was doing was tasting of this most gratifying food." "What have you done, Eve? Father said that we must not eat of this tree or else we would die." "But Adam, I'm not dead." Then I looked around for the serpent and found that he had sauntered several yards away from us. "And neither is the serpent." "Did he force you to eat of this tree, Eve?" "Of course he did not force me. I tasted it of my own free will. And look at me. I'm just as alive as you are. Here," I said placing my fingers near his lips. "You must have a taste." He seemed to shiver with temptation, trying with all his might to resist my offer. "Just taste it, Adam. Nothing will happen." "But Father said not to." "The only reason Father said not to was because He doesn't want us to know all that He knows." "That's not true, Eve. We are His children. We have a right to all that is His." "But we don't know everything, Adam. For if we did, we would not need to annoy Father with all our petty inquiries." 8

"But if we did know everything, and if we never had need of Him, then which of us would be God? There can only be one, Eve. Nobody should exalt himself above Him Who Is, lest they be cast down. Don't you remember what He told us about the archangel, Lucifer, and why he fell from heaven? If Lucifer had been satisfied with his position, he would've still been one of God's most precious creations. But he said `I will be like the Most High; I will be like God'. But because there can only be one God, Lucifer was cast from heaven and is now known as Satan." My husband stared hard and long at me. "Such knowledge isn't worth loosing the love of my Father, Eve." "But that's another thing I don't understand, Adam. Where is this Satan you speak of? He was supposedly cast down to the earth, but I haven't seen him. Have you?" My husband seemed confused. "No." "Could it be that we've seen him and didn't know it, Adam?" "It could be. Maybe you're right, Eve. Maybe if I tasted of the fruit, I would at least receive the knowledge I need to discern this evil Satan. Then, being as I have dominion over all the creatures of this earth, I would be able to cast him into the pit with the other fallen angels that are bound until the appointed time." My husband wasted no time. He pulled the fruit from its branch and bit into it with long awaited fervor. And then he smiled at me. "You were right, Eve. We didn't die." "See, I told you." "Wait until Father hears about this," said my husband as he took another bite. "He'll be so proud of us." We began to run around the way we usually did whenever we were excited or happy. We wanted Father to know of our new discovery. But, something wasn't the same. Something about the thought of being in Father's presence wasn't as pleasing as it had once been. Then my husband stopped running and just stared at me. It was a sad, frightened kind of stare. "Wait a minute, Eve," he said looking down at himself. "We can't let the Father see us looking this way." That's when Adam grabbed me by the hand and we ran together to find refuge.


I don't know. We must've remained hidden for hours and hours. I can't say that we even understood why we were hiding at all. I think we believed that Father loved us. But . . . something was wrong. We couldn't sense His Glory anymore. It seemed as though time itself had abandoned us. If it was moving at all, it was at an incredibly slow pace. I sat huddled beneath a tree for what seemed like days. My husband sat nearby, but not so close, not the way he used to. He didn't smile at me as much either. Not the way he used to. And when we ate it was usually at separate times. The fruits didn't seem as flavorful anymore, and on some of them, soft, brown spots had begun to form. The fish weren't obedient to Adam's voice anymore. Instead of bringing themselves to the surface of the water at the sound of his voice, they remained where they were and pretended not to hear him. Now as it were, Adam had to go into the stream and actually wrestle just to get something for our meals. But worst of all, we hadn't heard Father's voice since the day we tasted of the tree. I was beginning to wonder if He still loved us.

"Adam, Adam . . . where are you, My son?" Upon hearing Father's voice Adam and I stood to immediate attention, careful not to let Father see us as we now were. "I am here, Father." "Why are you attempting to hide from Me?" "We were ashamed because of our nakedness." My husband claimed we were ashamed of our nakedness, but I personally was embarrassed because I wasn't quite sure how I was going to go about telling God that He was wrong. That we had eaten of the forbidden fruit and did not die. "Don't you know that you can never hide yourselves from Me? And who told you that you were naked?" "No one had to tell us, Father. We realized it for ourselves." "What is it that you've done, Adam? What have you done that would cause you to become afraid of Me? Have you eaten of the tree which I forbade." 10

"Th-th...the woman you gave me has eaten of the forbidden tree, Father." I was astounded that my husband would suddenly point the finger at me for this error. Before I had a chance to defend myself, I felt Father's wrath turn on me. "Eve, what have you done?" "Th- the serpent, Father. He deceived me." "He deceived me, too, Father." "Silence, Adam. Eve speaks the truth, whereas you speak falsely. Eve was deceived by Satan who posed as the serpent. When I said not to eat of the tree, I specifically addressed the command to you, Adam, as lord over the earth. I had appointed you king. It was your responsibility to see to it that your mate followed my instructions as well. You were given dominion over all the creatures of the land by Me. You, Adam, had the power to cast down the enemy that had beguiled your wife. I delegated the authority to you, and you gave it away through disobedience. Eve is not to blame, Adam. You are. "But Father, I only did it so that I could discern the evil one that You spoke of. How was I supposed to know that Satan was operating through the serpent? I had never known evil. How could I have possibly known that this was the evil one which should've been cast into the pit?" "Enough of the whining, Adam," Father shouted. "Anything that goes contrary to My Word is of evil. I and My Word are one. I gave you a commandment, then the enemy comes along and gives you a suggestion. You were given a free will and you used it to disobey Me, the Father of Light. In so doing, you have turned over your lordship to the father of lies. Satan himself.” I wanted to tell God that He was wrong, but I realized that He wasn't. When He said we would surely die if we ate of the tree, He didn't mean right away. I realized that He meant we would begin to die. And we had. I was no longer quite as loving with my mate. Where we used to be in total agreement, there was now friction. I was experiencing discomfort with my skin. The grass would sometimes make me itch now. The child within me caused pains like I had never known. Adam was becoming fatigue toward the end of each day. Neither of us possessed the glorious might that we once had. We didn’t run around to play anymore. Too much work to be done. Sin was settling in, not just in us, but in the land as well. The grass wasn't as green and the fruits did not 11

survive as long. They would turn brown or green with mold and shrivel. Pestilence were beginning to destroy our crops, and we did not know how to stop them. We had lost the authority to stop them. God was right. Though we lived, we had surely died.

THE SENTENCING As soon as Father learned of our sin, He immediately put us outside of the garden and appointed the two angels to guard the entrance. He explained that His reason for doing this was to prevent Adam and myself from eating of the Tree of Life which would've caused us to live eternally in the sinful state which we were in, with never any hope of redemption. Fortunately, as it turned out, God had already made plans for our deliverance. First, for allowing himself to be used by Satan, the serpent was cursed to eat dust throughout the remainder of his days. As soon as God announced the punishment, the serpent fell hard upon its belly, hitting the ground with a heavy thud. My punishment was not quite as harsh as I thought it should've been. I was told that in bringing my children into the world, I would be in great travail. The worst part was that I had brought this same affliction upon all of the daughters of my womb. My husband was sentenced to a life of labor in the fields. I asked Adam what was meant by that and he explained that since the earth was now cursed, anything that it produced would also be cursed. The plants, fruits and vegetables would now have a specified time of ripeness. Whereas in the beginning they would've lasted forever, they now rot after a matter of days. That's why laboring in the fields would never cease until the earth is once again redeemed. Then God proceeded to announce Satan's punishment. It took me a moment to realize He was not addressing the serpent, but the spirit of Satan himself. Satan's sentence was the most severe, but on the other hand, most beneficial to us. God spoke these words to His arch enemy. "I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed." I wasn't quite sure what Father meant by this statement. Everyone knew that the male carried the seed and the female, the egg. I wondered what Father meant when He said, `seed of


the woman’. My eating of the Tree of Knowledge definitely had no bearings on my knowledge up to this point. My husband explained to me what the Father was referring to. "He has made provisions for our salvation," he said. "Father's going to redeem us through a Savior, and this Savior will be born of a woman, meaning He will have no earthly father.” "But, why is that, Adam? Why must our Savior be born of a woman? How will our Savior be born of a woman?" "One question at a time, my wife. Father is going to make Himself another man . . ." "Another man?" I rudely interrupted. "How can He do that when the very earth is cursed?" "Not from the earth, Eve. And not from the seed of an earthly man either. But from His own Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit Himself will infuse with the egg of a virgin, which will then become her seed. This will be our Redeemer. I took a few moments to ingest all of this. Then finally I asked, "why not use an earthly man to impregnate a virgin?" "Because in the seed of an earthly man, sin abounds. In order to redeem us and restore the authority back to God’s people, God must be able to operate through a man who has not been poisoned by sin. Through this sinless man, our relationship with the Father can be restored to the way it was in the beginning. But from this time until then," my husband explained, "Satan will try extra hard to destroy our future Savior. This is because he doesn't know exactly when He will come into the Earth. That secret belongs to the Father. And from this time until the end of time, Satan will hate all of mankind for replacing him as God’s most treasured possession. But he will especially hate the woman because it is she who will give birth to the One who shall ultimately destroy him." So while my husband works in the fields and as my belly swells to capacity, we look forward to the coming of our Redeemer. We may no longer be on this present earth, but the Word has been spoken. And now, all of heaven is making preparation for the arrival of our King.


Scriptures to review Genesis

chapter 1, verses 26-28 Chapter 2, verses 15-23 Chapter 3, (entire chapter)


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