Ad Hoc Sec

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Security in ad hoc networks UCLA EE Chris Kurpinski Sungha Kim

Outline  Introduction  Security Requirements of Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks  Typical attacks on Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks  Security protocols and methods for ad-hoc networks

Motivation  Security is the most often cited concern with wireless networks  Wireless networks pose unique security problems  Power and computation constraints are often higher in wireless networks, making security requirements different

Requirements for network security 

Data confidentiality: keep data secret (usually accomplished by encryption) Data integrity: prevent data from being altered (usually accomplished by encryption) Data freshness: data is recent  Weak freshness: provides partial ordering of msgs  Strong freshness: provides total ordering and allows for delay estimation

Data availability: data should be available on request Data authentication: verification that the data or request came from a specific, valid sender

Why security on sensors is hard  Constrains  Peanut CPU (slow computation rate)  Battery power: trade-off between security and battery life  Limited memory  High latency: conserve power, turn on periodically

 Nature of wireless ad-hoc network  Every node can be a target  No trusted peer  Decentralized and cooperative participation of all nodes  Encryption and authentication cannot eliminate threats  No matter how many intrusion prevention measures are inserted in a network, there are always some weak links that one could exploit to break in

Wireless Ad-Hoc Network Security Methods  Public-key cryptography overview  Public-key cryptography for wireless:  Key distribution :Certification Authorities, PGP(Pretty Good Privacy)  Imprinting


 Intrusion Detection

Public-key cryptography overview  Alice chooses a random large integer a and a X = g mod n sends Bob  Bob chooses a random large integer b and Y = g b mod n sends Alice  Alice computes k = Y a mod n k ' = X b mod n  Bob computes '  Both k , k are equal to g ab modn

Public-key cryptography overview Alice a

Bob X






 Key agreement protocol


Imprinting  Policy 

New nodes are "imprinted" upon un-packaging (birth) with their 'parent' and given a secure key and identity

A node's parent becomes its security admin. and can change its security policy at any time

The initial imprinting should not be sent wirelessly, to avoid imprinting multiple nodes with the same key

A node cannot change parents until it 'dies'

Death can occur at a set time, or can be triggered by the parent (and only by the parent). After death, a node can be imprinted by a new parent.

SPINS: Security Protocols for Sensor Networks  A suite of security building blocks developed at UC Berkley  Designed for resource-constrained environments and wireless communications  Consists of two building blocks, µ TESLA and SNEP  SNEP    

 µ 

Data Confidentiality Two-party data authentication Data Integrity Freshness

TESLA authenticated broadcast

SNEP (Sensor Network Encryption Protocol) parties each keep a counter, and  Communicating increment it after each block is transmitted. master secret key, K is initially shared between the node  Aand base station and is used to derive all other keys  Low communication overhead :adds 8 bytes per message security: prevents an eavesdropper from  Semantic inferring encrypted data  Data authentication: MAC (Message Authentication Code) Freshness: Counter in MAC prevents replaying old  Weak messages

SNEP (Contd.) M=MAC(KMAC ,C|E)

represents the Message Authentication Code, where C is the shared counter, E is the encrypted data ({D} ), and KMAC is the MAC key A complete message from node A to node B consists of encrypted data, and a MAC.

A -> B : {D}

, MAC(KMAC , C|{D}


The counter in SNEP provides weak freshness, but cannot show that a message was created by B in response to a request from A To achieve Strong Freshness  use a pseudo-random number called a nonce  Where NA is a nonce from A, and RA is a request from A, our new messages look like this:

A -> B : NA, RA B -> A : {R }


, NA|C|{RB}



(Timed Efficient Streaming Loss-tolerant Authentication Protocol) 

  

Restricts the number of authenticated senders Discloses the key once per epoch Requires loose time synchronization between base station and nodes µ TESLA Description  Each MAC key is a key (K) of a key chain, generated by a public one-way function F, where Kj =F(Kj+1)  All blocks sent in a specific time period use the same key  Received blocks are stored in a buffer until the associated key is released and verified  Any valid key can be used to derive earlier keys, or validate later keys, but cannot be used to derive later keys.

µ TESLA(Contd.)  Sender Setup  The sender generates a chain of secret keys by choosing

the last key (Kn) randomly, and applying a one-way function F, such that: Kj =F(Kj +1)

 Broadcasting Authenticated Packets  Time intervals are set, and each key of the key-chain is

associated with an interval.  During interval t, the sender uses key Kt to compute the

MAC of all packets.  The sender waits for a delay of δ before revealing Kt,

where δ is greater than any reasonable packet round trip time.

µ TESLA(Contd.)  Bootstrapping a new receiver  Each receiver must have one authentic key of the key

chain, and must know the key disclosure schedule.  A new receiver M sends a nonce in the request message

to the sender S.  The sender replies with its current time Ts, a key Ki from a

past interval i, the starting time Ti of interval i, the duration Tint of the time intervals, and the disclosure delay δ .  M -> S : NM  S -> M : Ts| Ki |Ti |Tint |δ , MAC(KMS, NM | Ts| Ki |Ti |Tint |δ )

µ TESLA(Contd.)  Authenticating broadcast packets  When receiving a new packet, the receiver needs to

check that the key for that interval has not been disclosed yet. This implies that no adversary could have spoofed the contents  If this condition is met, the packet is stored. Otherwise it

is dropped  As soon as the key Kj of a previous time interval is

received, the receiver checks it against the last authentic key it knows, Ki, by applying the function F.  After Kj has been authenticated, Ki is replaced by Kj in

memory, and all the packets that were sent between time intervals i and j can be verified.

µ TESLA(Contd.)  What if nodes need to broadcast data?  Nodes are limited in CPU and battery resources

 Nodes broadcast data through the basestation, using SNEP as an authentication method  Nodes broadcast the data, but do not compute the keys.  The basestation sends the key to the node as needed.  The basestation can also broadcast the key disclosure,

and/or perform the bootstrapping procedure for new nodes.

µ TESLA (Contd.)  Implementation  Block cipher E performs the

encryption  Code space is saved by using

the same function for encryption and decryption  Random-number generation

performed by the MAC, and counter C.  MAC(Kran, C)  Key setup Fk(x)=MAC(K,x)

Evaluation of a protocol based on SPINS

Distributed public key infrastructure  Certificates are stored and distributed by users  Trust graph G(V,E) where V: users, E: public-key certificates  If two vertices u and v are in H, and there is a directed path from u to v in H, then v is v) reachable from u in H. ( u → H  S(G,u) : subgraph on G by user u  S(G,u,v) : S(G,u)  S(G,v)  Performance #{(u, v) ∈ V × V : u S  → v} ( G ,u , v ) p A (G ) = #{(u , v) ∈ V × V : u → v} G

Infrastructure Improvements Shortcut hunter algorithm: finds the path with the most shortcuts for all outgoing and incoming edges of a given node

Intrusion Detection 

Assumptions  User and program activities are observable  Misuse and anomaly detections are possible locally and in a distributed manner

Problems of IDS (intrusion detection system)

Intrusion Detection (contd)  Misuse detection 

Uses patterns of well-known attacks to match and identify known intrusions

Accurate and effective

Only works against known attacks

 Anomaly detection 

Uses established normal usage profiles to detect deviation from the norm

Able to detect new types of attacks

Cannot always describe the nature of an attack

May have a high false positive rate

Intrusion Detection (contd.)  Anomaly detection in Wireless Ad-Hoc  Detection can be performed at each layer (link layer,

MAC, applications, etc.) 

During the learning process, normal network conditions are recorded and used to create a 'normal profile'

 If a node detects an intrusion that affects the entire

network, it can initiate a re-authentication process throughout the network, to exclude the malicious nodes  If a node detects a local intrusion at a higher layer (e.g.,

one of its services), the lower layers are notified. The lower layer detection modules can investigate and possibly block access from the offending nodes.

Secure Aware Protocol  Traditional way RREQ/RREP

 SAR  Embed security metric into the RREQ packet  Ensure intermediate nodes can provide required security  Authenticated users belonging to same trust level share a secret key

References  SPINS: Security Protocols for Sensor Networks. A Perrig, R. Szewczyk, V. Wen, D. Culler, J.D. Tyger  The Resurrecting Duckling: Security Issues for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks. Frank Stajano, Ross Anderson  Intrusion Detection in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks. Yongguang Zhang, Wenke Lee.  The Quest for Security in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Levente Buttyan, Srdan Capkun.  Ad Hoc Networking Critical Features and Performance Metrics. Madhavi W.Subbarao.  Lowering Security Overhead in Link State Routing. Ralf Hauser, Tony Przygienda, Gene Tsudik.

References (Contd)  Mitigating Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Sergio Marti, T.J.Giuli, Kevin Lai, and Mary Baker.  Secure Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Panagiotis Papadimitratos and Zygmunt J. Hass.  Securing Ad Hoc Networks. Lidong Zhou and Zygmunt J. Haas.  Securing-Aware Ad hoc Routing for Wireless Networks. Seung Yi, Prasad Naldurg, and Robin Kravets.  RFC2137 Secure Domain Name System Dynamic Update

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