Acwa 18th Annual Report

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Aquaculture Council of Western Australia Inc

18th Annual Report 2005/06

18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

ACWA Board of Management Committee Director Mr Steve Parsons Appointed Oct 2004

Experience and Special Responsibilities Operations Manager and joint owner of Great Southern Marine Hatcheries Pty Ltd for the past 7 years. Previously worked in the commercial diving industry for 15 years and has also experienced time with the both pearling and tuna farming industries. Steve is currently a member of WAAAA (Western Australian Abalone Aquaculture Association) and serves as the WA representative on the FRDC (Fisheries Research & Development Commission) Abalone Sub-Committee.

Vice Chair

Mr. Rick Scoones Appointed Oct 2005

Has an MSc in Zoology and about 20 years of experience in the aquaculture and fishing industries. He is an independent aquaculture consultant with specialties in research, environmental issues and administration of aquaculture, and has expertise in pearl oysters, abalone, scallops, marron and ornamental fish. He has held positions on the ACWA Board since its inception in 1987, including five years as Chairman from 1995 to 2000.


Mr. Glenn Dibbin Appointed Oct 2004

Has extensive experience in Mussels Aquaculture in Australia over the past 21 years. He is founding partner in Blue Lagoon mussels, Western Australia’s leading mussel producer. Serves as Chair of Western Australia Mussel Producers Association. Previously worked in Western Australia in the Scallop, Crayfish And Prawn Commercial Fishing Industry.


Mr. Dan Sampey Appointed Oct 2005

Graduated majoring in Geology and Chemistry from University of WA. Worked as an exploration Geologist /Geochemist. For 15 years owned and ran a geochemical laboratory, exploration contracting service and Consultancy in the mining industry (up to 300 employees). Between 1970-75 Lectured at WAIT (precursor of Curtin Uni) in Applied Geochemistry. Initiated and help guide the discovery and delineation of the Esperance lignite deposit. Director of several public mining companies and subsidiaries. In 1979 started experiments on growing marron. Since 1997 Secretary of the Marron Growers Association. of WA


Mr Stephen Hood Appointed Oct 2005

Has a BSc (Hons) in Marine Biology, a BEd and a Post Graduate Diploma in Aquaculture. Spent 12 years in the commercial fishing industry before lecturing in fishing and aquaculture at Geraldton TAFE for nine years. For the past 10 years has been employed by MG Kailis Group as the Compliance and Projects Manager, heading up the Company’s Aquaculture Development Group, Environmental Management System and having responsibility for the proposed Esperance Southern Bluefin Tuna trial. From 2002 to 2005, was a member of the WA Aquaculture Development Council and is a representative on a number of State and National Research and Training Boards.


Dr. Bruce Phillips Appointed Oct 2004

Currently an Adjunct Professor with the Muresk Institute, of Curtin University of Technology in Western Australia. From 1992-1996 was the Chief Scientist with AFMA and was involved in developing a research program for all Commonwealth managed fisheries, including trawl fisheries, finfish, sharks, tuna and prawns. Prior to this he spent 28 years as s scientist with the CSIRO.


Mr Trevor Blinco Appointed Oct 2005

Has always been self-employed. He spent 20 years in the furniture business, making “antiques to order”. He is the founding Director of Sun Kissed Yabbies Pty Ltd and, for the last 4 years, has operated from a purpose-built facility at Oceanfarm Pty Ltd, Fremantle where he has been intensively rearing yabbies, focusing on minimising cannabalism and increasing growth rates.



18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006



Mr McLinden Appointed 2005

Shane Oct

Mr Greg Jenkins Appointed Oct 2004

Executive Director of Southseas Abalone Limited and SAM Abalone Pty Ltd – an operating abalone farm in Port Lincoln S.A.; executive director of Two Rocks Abalone Pty Ltd – a company undertaking a significant research project. Director of the Australian Abalone Growers Association Inc and Director of WA Abalone Aquaculture Association. B. Engineering (UWA); Diploma of Company directorship. Greg Jenkins has worked in the aquaculture industry in Australia since 1981. During this time he has worked on pilot farms for freshwater prawns in remote areas of Far North Queensland and the Kimberley, WA; as the company biologist for a large wild-capture prawn company in Shark Bay; and as a Research Biologist and Hatchery Manager with a private R & D company in Western Australia investigating the aquaculture potential of marine finfish. Greg has been employed at the WA Maritime Training Centre since 1991 and as Manager of Aquaculture Research and Development since 1994 has led the development of the Aquaculture Development Unit's facilities and programs. Greg is Chair of the WA Sustainable Development of Marine Fishfarming Forum; Vice-Chair of the WA Fish Foundation; Secretary/Treasurer of the WA Marine Fish-farming Association; a Board Member of the WA Fisheries Research Advisory Board and the Aquaculture Council of WA and a member of the National Steering Committee for Inland Saline Aquaculture.

Executive Officer

Mr Dan Machin

Executive Officer of ACWA since Feb 2004. Has 14 years experience in aquaculture industry development. Over this time he has held both senior and middle management positions in aquaculture businesses (Ireland & Greece) and in government, and has provided him with a strong technical knowledge. Dan has BSc. (zoology and botany); Diploma in Business, MSc. in Aquaculture.

Front Cover: Image courtesy of Andrew Beer.


18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

Table of Contents Quick reference table of ACWA activities 2005-2006 ..............................................................................................4 Chair’s Report...........................................................................................................................................................8 Management Committee Report ..............................................................................................................................9 ACWA’S Business Programs ................................................................................................................................ 11 Aquaculture for Profit......................................................................................................................................... 11 Aquaculture for People...................................................................................................................................... 13 Aquaculture for Tomorrow................................................................................................................................. 13 Corporate Services ................................................................................................................................................ 14 ACWA Financial Report..........................................................................................................................................16 Appendix 1


18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

Quick reference table of ACWA activities 2005-2006 Aquaculture for People Project Member & Communication

Strategy Industry

Maintain an up to date website

Status Achieved ACWA maintained an updated website lodging 87 new pages under ten new sections. The website is ranked by google in the top three aquaculture sites out of 3.5 million. Moving 2.5 million places in 12 months. As such, it is a major asset for ACWA member, and a potential source of future revenue. ACWA website is receiving 13% of aquaculture global related inquiries. The Online Directories have proved popular with 170 business listed, and has assisted in promoting members business and managing first line inquiries.

Member & Communication Member & Communication


Schedule regular deputations to the Minister for Fisheries Attend the Aquaculture Development Council (ADC) meetings. ACWA provided an industry issue paper for each meeting. Hold a minimum of 10 Board meetings per annum and one AGM,

Three deputations with the Minister.

Member & Communication


Member & Communication


Arrange and regular meetings with DoF to progress aquaculture industry management and compliance issues

Ongoing Eight (8) meetings held.

Member & Communication


Publish ACWA digest bimonthly newsletter for members to facilitate timely two-way communication between industry and the ACWA board.

Not achieved. Alternatively, ACWA sent 120 personalised messages to association and its members regarding specific issues relevant to their businesses, 36 alerts to members.



Held 10 board meetings AGM held on 9 November 2006

ACWA has published 5 articles for the MGA bulletin. Member & Communication


Provide a referral service for members and prospective members, and investors

Achieved. Investment referrals 10 Business referrals 54 First Line inquiries: 1152, excludes the 2300 per months website hits. Member inquiries: 156 4

18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

Human Development

Develop and Implement Industry Leadership Training Program.


Industry Promotion

Contribute to Secondary, VET tertiary aquaculture courses, on a as needed basis..

Achieved Curtin Coastal Planning lectures

Secure World Aquaculture 2012 Bid

Extension in University. Ongoing.

Industry Promotion



ACWA met with WAS, NAC at WAS 2006, Italy.

Industry Promotion

Coordinate, setup and manned the ACWA, WAMPA and DoF Stand for Mussel Fest

Industry Promotion

Provide regular interviews.

Industry Promotion Human Capital

Develop a industry events plan Promote Brussels Food Expo




Made arrangements for John Cooksey to visit Perth in February 2007. Achieved Over 600 people visited the booth On going Three releases and two radio interviews provided Achieved. Achieved.

Aquaculture for Profit Project Representation Minister Deregulation Aquaculture Working Group Members Saving Programs


Strategy See appendix 1of the Annual Report Coordinate industry submission

Status Achieved. Achieved

Decrease members.

Ongoing Developed ACWAcard though membership of Shop rite. This provides members with access to discounts on food, travel, electrical goods and pharmaceuticals.




Improve membership value

Power capacity at Bremer bay and its reconnection to the Southwest Integrated System. Regional Head works for Abalone Aquaculture Training

Achieved, in principle.

Obtain Government Regional Head works



Provide input on industry training needs to the following committees: • Primary Industry Skills Council. • Challenger TAFE Maritime Industry Training Advisory Group • Muresk Institute Board • WA Primary Industry Training Council. • WAFIC OHS & training subcommittee • Central West College of TAFE


Attended all meetings of these groups. Undertook a Skills Survey pilot study with Farmbis.


18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

Industry Collaboration

Assist industry to develop cooperative marketing arrangements and generically brand product where appropriate.

Ongoing Highlights: Assisted the AMWING PPA in market trip to Japan, July 2006. Participated in ADC Industry development workshop.

Policy and Legislation

Key issues advocated : 1. Aquaculture Leases 2. Biosecurity Agriculture Management Bill 3. Risk based environmental reporting on licence conditions 4. Aquaculture long term Licences 5. Industry Comment on Aquaculture & pearling applications 6. Cockburn Mussel Leases 7. Aquaculture Licence Conditions 8. Live Sand Rock & Coral Policy 9. Food Safety Standards 10. State Marine Planning 11. Advocacy for specific ACWA members.

Marron Plan

Achieved. See Appendix 1 of the Annual Report

See Appendix 1: for a summary of key submissions. Aquaculture Development Council (MAC)

Represent industry at the ADC


Provide a background paper to EO of the ADC detailing industry issues affecting the development of Aquaculture industry in WA.

ACWA also participated in marine aquaculture site identification and R&D audit working group.

Aquaculture for Tomorrow Project Animal Welfare

Food Safety

Strategy Assist the DoF develop an Animal Welfare policy.

Status Achieved

Develop food safety plans relevant to industry sectors as required by the New Food Regulations developed by ANZFA.

Achieved in two sectors: Mussels, Finfish.


18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

Corporate Services Project Strategic and Business Plans

Strategy Review and update business plan.

Status Achieved

Peak Body Funding – Levy

Seek the Minister’s advice on the introduction of the levy.


Finalise the levy papers.

Achieved and


Undertake awareness campaign on the levy.


Set up contract arrangements for the ballot with the WA electoral commission.


Implemented the levy ballot arrangements for second quarter of 2006/07 financial year. Provide WAMPA, WASQAP, YPA, AMWING with secretariat support


Implemented constitutional business model changes.

Assoc. Secretariat

Finance, Database and Office management, EO support Advocacy for Co-funding agreement between industry and the Minister.


On going. Obtain a new co-funding agreement with the Minister of Fisheries to maintain an independent, effective and representative peak bodies that can be relied upon to represent the substantive views of a wide range of constituents.

On-going Secure a commitment for 2006/07 Entered into negotiation over future DBIF arrangements.


18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

Chair’s Report The past 12 months has given me a sense of déjà vu, in as much many of the issues that ACWA has been confronted with are not new. We are still negotiating leases despite the continued assurances given by the Department of Fisheries that the issue would be resolved by June 2006, although the possible outcomes do look to be positive, these include the automatic right of renewal and 21 year terms. The standardisation of license conditions is another area where we are moving slowly forward, regrettably this is delaying the inception of collaborative industry environmental monitoring program as part of the ESD reporting process required to assure export approval. On the plus side ACWA has been proactive in areas such as the Bio-Security Agriculture Management Bill and the regulations controlling the use of pesticides in rural areas and the establishment of buffer zones in areas sprayed for locusts. ACWA has also been successful in the move to reconnect Bremer Bay to the South West Integrated Power System and has been promoting the call for Headwork grants for aquaculture projects. ACWA’s goals of progress through working with members and improving our responsiveness to member concerns are also being met. Emerging issues for ACWA include state water reform legislation, ESD reporting for the DoF, The FRMA Amendment Bill and the deregulation-working group. These will be the focus of ACWA’s lobbying efforts over the next 12 to 18 months and signals the shift of ACWA from a representative organization to a member service and support organization. Efforts to assist some of our member organizations such as WAMPA and AMWING to achieve their goals have been successful, as has been the ongoing development of the ACWA website in raising our profile and creating opportunities to broaden the membership base and develop other avenues of revenue to lessen the cost burden on members. Whilst the levy poll failed to give ACWA the funding base it sought, the result is not unexpected and we believe that we can take some positives out of it. 50% of license holders actually voted, 21% of them voted for some form of financial support for ACWA. This equates to around 100 license holders, more than double the number who are currently members of ACWA today. It will be up to the new committee of ACWA to get these license holders to join ACWA. As some of you may be aware I will not be re-nominating for the position of Chairman. On a personal level the last 12 months has seen the end of 9 years of hard work in the aquaculture industry, a lot of sweat, not a few tears and even some blood has been shed. Was it worth it? Probably not, would I do it again? Probably not in today’s business and bureaucratic environment, any regrets? No. I would like to think that for everyone who does not succeed today there will be 10 who will succeed in the future. Many of us can see the writing on the wall for the wild capture fisheries, with bad news arriving on an almost daily basis. We understand that a sustainable aquaculture industry is the only way forward. One day perhaps through the efforts of individuals and organizations such as ACWA the rest of our society may come to appreciate this fact. In closing I would like to thank the members who have supported ACWA through its trials and tribulations over the past 19 years. You have shown the drive and determination needed to succeed in an industry and business environment such as ours, without you ACWA would have no purpose. It is my belief, that as long as the commitment of our members remains, so will ACWA’s to support you in your endeavours. Our ACWA committee members have all made personal sacrifices to what they believe is in the common good, not something you see a lot of these days. I would like to thank the committee members for the work done and the support shown to Dan and myself over the past 2 years and I am confident that this level of commitment will continue under the guidance of the new chairman. It has also been a pleasure to work with Dan. ACWA owes much of its vibrancy and success to Dan’s hard work and determination to see aquaculture as one of the economic, social and environmental pillars of our state. I believe ACWA is in good hands with Dan, but he will need the continued and growing support of the committee members to raise the profile of ACWA and boost the interaction with members.


18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

Finally, I wish the new Chairman the best of luck and hope that he finds his term as challenging as I did. Thank you.

Steve Parsons Chair

Management Committee Report Your Management Committee present their report on the Aquaculture Council of Western Australia Inc. for the financial year ended 30 June 2006.

Management Committee The following people were Management Committee of ACWA during the financial year and up to the date of this report: Chair

Mr Steve Parsons


Mr Stephen Hood

Vice Chair

Mr. Rick Scoones


Dr. Bruce Phillips


Mr. Glenn Dibbin


Mr Steve Parsons


Mr. Dan Sampey


Mr Shane McLinden


Mr Greg Jenkins


Mr Trevor Blinco

REVIEW OF OPERATIONS Overview In the year to June 30 2006, income and expenses was $130,245 and $130,674 respectively. . Of the income $9,923.75 was attributable to member’s subscriptions and $6750 from secretariat services purchased by three sectors associations (AMWING, YPA, and WAMPA). The remaining $115,264.26 came from various projects undertaken and managed by ACWA totaling $35264.26 and $80,000 Minister of Fisheries through the Development and Better Interest fund peak industry body. Consequently, the ACWA has finished the year with a net loss -$429.16, after cutting costs by 20.7%. This sum does not include $27,414 of deferred income for projects that will be achieved in 2006/07. ACWA has challenging outlook, with the indications reduction of DBI peak industry funding to $80,000 for 2007/08, with the Council needing to raise $70,000 p.a of income to provide full service program to members over 2007/08 and beyond, if DBIF is maintained at only $80,000. Principal Activities The principal activities during the financial year ended 30 June 2006 comprised of the representation and promotion of the Western Australian Aquaculture Industry. 9

18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

Results The net loss of $429.16


18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

ACWA’S Business Programs Aquaculture for Profit Progress was made during the year towards our goal of creating a world best practice environment for aquaculture industry development in Western Australia. The journey of course is a perpetual one and much still needs to be achieved. Tenure for Aquaculture Aquaculture Leases for Coastal Waters ACWA has made significant progress with the leases deed, the application process and bonds, which should see the release to industry in 2006/07. The negotiations have focused on the obtaining the fundamentals of the absolute right of renewal, and the appropriate term of the lease. Despite the progress the lease, in its current form, cannot have a mortgage raised, nor have the site been vested in the Minister for Fisheries, these will be implemented over the next 12 months. Long Term Licences Despite government’s support and agreement on long term licences as a key area of importance in investment attraction, the ACWA has not been able to get Department of Fisheries to commit to a timeline. This is despite a formal recommendation on the matter requested by ACWA through the ADC. State Policy for Aquaculture A series of decisions within government have seen development be significantly stifled, and highlights a critical public policy gap, namely the withdrawal of MG Kailis from Esperance southern bluefin tuna and challenges regional power to Bremer Bay. ACWA has sought a State Policy for Aquaculture. The Premier has indicated that this will occur in the first half of 2006/07. State Marine Planning Policy ACWA is represented on the State marine Planning Key Stakeholder reference Group. Spray Drift & Biosecurity Agriculture Management Bill & regulations The BAM Bill has had its first reading in parliament in September 2006. The Bill and its regulation will be promulgated in the spring sitting 2007. The Bill will provide the head powers for a series of yet-to-be drafted regulations that should see arrangements such as mandatory sensitive neighbour notification and mandatory training for chemical users implemented. ACWA has sat on the Over-arching Reference Group, Biosecurity review reference group, BAM Bill fisheries regulation drafting committee to finalise the Bill and the regulations. As such, ACWA is in the best position to protect aquaculture’s interests. Submissions on Government Policy & Fisheries Management papers, leases, licences, variations and translocation applications ACWA provided a total of 33 letter and submissions over the 2005/06 year, see Appendix 1 for a summary. Key Policy Officer Relations ACWA has maintained relationships and networks with the following Ministerial and Departmental policy officers: The Minister for Fisheries, the Minister for Energy, The Minister for local government and regional development, the Minister of Health, the Minister of the Environment, Minister for Planning and Infrastructure; Department of Premier & Cabinet, Department of Environment and Conservation t, Department for Planning and Infrastructure; Department of Fisheries (Aquaculture program, community relations, research, legal); Department of Health, Office of Energy, Western Power Country Networks, Regional Development commissions.


18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

Environmental Monitoring (EM) and reporting Given the costs of compliance with EMP at the early stage of a project’s development ACWA has been working with DoE and DoF to develop an EMP that is commensurate with the environmental risks of the stages of a project development. In addition, ACWA has been advocating the need for DoE to improve the efficiency and effectiveness by standardising licence conditions, make provision for online records and provide pro-forma EM plans for species sectors. Abrolhos Island Management Advisory Committee (AIMAC) Advocated for an aquaculture position on AIMAC. Mr Martin Jurat was accepted by the Minister in October 2005 to the AIMAC board.

Representation Positions held By Management Committee and Executive of ACWA On Behalf Of the Organisation And Other Associations (* denotes representation made on behalf of ACWA. Board Member

Committee & Working Group

Steve Parsons

Western Australian Representative FRDC Abalone Sub-Program WAAAA Committee South Coast Regional Initiative Planning Team (SCRIPT) Marine Reference Group*

Rick Scoones

Chair, ACWA Finance subcommittee* ACWA Industry Promotion subcommittee*

Shane McLinden

Chair - Australian Abalone Association Seafood Enterprises Alliance South Australian Abalone Growers Rep on South Australia Aquaculture Council

Stephen Hood

State Fisheries Research Advisory Board (FRAB) Seafood Quality Management Initiative (SQMI) steering committee FRDC Rock Lobster Post-Harvest Program Chair - Midwest TAFE Marine Industry Advisory Council Curtin Uni Aquaculture Course Review Committee Rock Lobster Industry Advisory Committee R&D Sub-committee Joint Trawl Ministerial Advisory Committee

Glenn Dibbin

Seafood Quality Management Initiative (SQMI) steering committee Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Advisory Committee WAFIC Representative Cockburn Sound Management Committee Chair - WA Mussel Producers Association

Bruce Phillips

FRDC Rock Lobster Post-Harvest Program FRDC Rock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Sub-Program

Greg Jenkins

State Fisheries Research Advisory Board (FRAB)* Challenger TAFE Centre Industry Advisory Committee on Training ACWA Industry Promotion subcommittee*

Dan Sampey

Secretary of Marron Growers Association Management Committee for the Marron Genetic Research Program

Dan Machin

Fish Resources Management Act Amendment Bill working Group* WA Fishing Industry Council (WAFIC) Native Title Subcommittee* Marine Protected Area Compensation Working Group* Overarching Reference Group for the Biosecurity & Agriculture Management Bill* Regulation Reference Group for the Biosecurity & Agriculture Management Bill* Steering Committee of Improve Marron stocks tenders* ACWA Industry Promotion subcommittee* Aquaculture Environmental Monitoring Conditions Working Group* WAFIC Occupational Health and Safety & Training Sub-committee* ACWA Finance subcommittee* Muresk Institute Board, CURTIN Univ * National FRDC ESD working group* Plantagenet Community Consultative Group* FRDC Marron Project Steering committee* FRDC Aquatic Animal Health FRDC Sub-programme* Vice Chair, Shellfish Industry Council of Australia Challenger TAFE Centre Industry Advisory Committee on Training*


18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

Aquaculture for People Events Mussel Festival 2006 This event was held on Saturday & Sunday 22 & 23 April, 2006. The ACWA and the Western Australian Mussel Producers Association presented and staffed a shared display booth. The key messages were the promotion of the mussel sector, ecological sustainable development and the new mussel code of practice. Over 40,000 people visited the event. Leadership Training ACWA held two Expressions of interest rounds” leadership training collaborating with other agri-food and fibre associations. Only two parties expressed an interest, as such, the government funding for this project was allocated to develop ACWA leadership group, the ACWA management committee. A report was submitted to Building and empowering sustainable community’s fund”, this will form the basis of future management committee development. Promotion & Communication ACWA website The new site was launched in October 2005. The site provides a gateway to information, in particular products and services. The website is ranked by Google in the top three aquaculture sites out of 3.5 million, moving 2.5 million places in 12 months. ACWA website is receiving 13% of aquaculture global related inquiries, with traffic increasing 10% per month. As such, it is a major asset for ACWA membership, and a source of potential revenue for the association through advertising and sponsorship. The Online Directories have proved popular with 176 business listing, and have assisted in promoting members businesses and managing first line inquiries. 2005 Royal Show ACWA contributed to Challenger TAFE to stand at the Royal Show. Over the seven days, over 2000 people visited the stand. World Aquaculture 2012 Conferences and Exhibitions EO attended WAS 2006, Florence, Italy to arrange the visit of John Cooksey in January 2007. Media releases ACWA continues to provide with media releases and interviews a total of five (5). ADC Industry Issue Papers Provided background papers to all of the Minister Advisory Committee, the Aquaculture Development Council (ADC) meetings.

Aquaculture for Tomorrow Animal Welfare DoF has commenced consulting with industry with regard to legislation for fish welfare. The ACWA position was that Codes of Practice need to be voluntary and not enshrined in the legislation. ACWA provided comment to the DoF on its position paper.


18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

Corporate Services The ACWA board has developed a new strategic plan and operational plan for 2005 to 2008. The plan focuses on improving member’s services – through improved communication networks, training and representation. Membership ACWA direct membership represents 223 people involved in the Western Australian Aquaculture Industry. These businesses are responsible for over 95% of the current and prospective aquaculture industry GVP. Aquaculture Sector Associations Marron Growers Association Inc Yabby Producers Association Inc Western Australian Mussel Producers Association Inc Great Southern Aquaculture Association Inc Marine Fishfarmers Association Inc Kimberley Aboriginal Aquaculture Corporation AMWING Pearl Producers Association

Number Members 138 4 7 6 3 17 9


Table 1: Memberships numbers of Aquaculture Sector Association members of the Aquaculture Council of Western Australia.

Discount programs The Aquaculture Council of Western Australia as part of its commitment to reduce costs to its members has maintained the following discounts: • • •

Shoprite ACWAcard 20% off Fish Farm International. $40 discount on Austasia Aquaculture Magazine

Industry Levy Over 2005/2006 ACWA finalized the constitutional changes and finalized discussions with industry, the Minister and the Department of Fisheries on the levy poll. The levy ballot is scheduled for three weeks in September/ October 2006. The Minister agreed to fund ACWA for $125k for 2006/07. Significant changes in the State of Affairs In the opinion of the Management Committee, there were no significant changes in the state of affairs of ACWA that occurred during the financial year, not otherwise disclosed in this report. Matters subsequent to the end of the financial year Except as disclosed in the financial report, no other matter or circumstance has arisen since 30 June 2006 that has significantly affected, or may significantly affect: 1. the operations of ACWA in future years 2. the results of those operations in future years, or 3. the state of affairs of the company in future years. Likely Developments and expected results of operations Further information on likely developments in the operation of the Council and expected results of those operations have not been included in this report because the Management Committee believe it would likely result in unreasonable prejudice to ACWA.


18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

Meetings of Management Committee The number of meetings ACWA held during the financial year ended 30 June 2006 and the number of meeting attended by each director are set out below. Number of Management Committee meeting held During the financial Year Chair Vice Chair Director Director Director Director Director Director Director

Mr Steve Parsons Appointed Mr. Rick Scoones Appointed Mr. Glenn Dibbin Appointed Mr. Dan Sampey Appointed Mr Stephen Hood Appointed Dr. Bruce Phillips Appointed Ms Trevor Blinco Appointed Mr Shane McLinden Appointed Mr Greg Jenkins


Number of Management Committee meeting attended during the financial Year 9








6 (Only eligible for 7 1 )




7 (Only eligible for 7)


4 (Only eligible for 7)



We commend our report to you and look forward to playing a part in pursuing aquaculture industry in Western Australia.

Steve Parsons Chairman On behalf of the Board of Management Committee of ACWA


Due to election to the committee in October 2005, as such was only eligible to attend the seven subsequent committee meetings. 15

18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

ACWA Financial Report


18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

APPENDIX 1: Summary of ACWA’s Key Submissions & letters Department of Premier and cabinet 21 December 2005 Need for State Policy for aquaculture 8 February 2006 Need for flow through tax shares for aquaculture. MPG 8 24 August 2005 Capricorn Pty Ltd 22 August 2005 Maxima Pearling Company Pty Ltd 8 September 2005 Broome Pearls Pty Ltd 21 September 2005 Fantome Pearls Pty Ltd 10 October 2005 Marine Farms Ltd 11 October 2005 Southern Flats Extension, Cockburn Sound 2 November 2005 Marine farms Ltd. 23 December 2005 Shark Bay Tuna Farms 16 January 2006 Tiger International Pty Ltd 23 January 2006 Zak Launay 7 February 2006 Paspaley Pearling Co. Pty Ltd 27 March 2006 Summermor Pty Ltd 9 June 2006 Challenger TAFE 26 June 2006 Paspaley Pearling Co. Pty Ltd 30 June 2006 Paspaley Pearling Co. Pty Ltd ADC 14 September 2005 Industry Issue Paper October 2005 Scallop Proposal 3 November 2005 Industry Issue Paper 12 December 2005 Industry Issue Paper 21April 2006 Industry Issue Paper 23 May 2006 Industry Issue Paper Minister for Fisheries FRMA amendment Committee 26 August 2005 FRMA amendment Country of Origin Labeling 8 September 2005 Minister or Fisheries Deregulation Working Group 11 November 2005 15 February 2006 Submission. Department of Environment and Conservation Set up response framework for whale entanglements Fremantle Port Authority Set up response framework for adverse impacts Department of Health December 22 2005 Pesticide Advisory Committee Review of pesticide legislation. Department of Treasury and finance 10 November 2005 EOI for Infrastructure Strategy Committee February 2006 Submission for State Infrastructure Strategy green paper.


18th ACWA Annual Report 2005-2006

Minister of Fisheries & DoF 18 August 2005 Abrohlos Islands Management Plan 25 October 2005 AIMAC nomination 8 November 2005 Abalone IFM Leases 31 October 2005 MPG on Leases Coral, Live Rock & sand 12 October 2005 DoF Submissions Emergency Incidents November 2005 Whale entanglement in Albany 17 May 2006 Abalone translocation. ASIC Strengthen ASIC training & Education arrangements


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