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THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 1:11

Deeds of Apostles written in about A.D. 60-63 in Rome known as

ACTS Chapter

One The Promise of the Father


I made the first word concerning all things, O Theophilos which Iesous began both to do and to teach, 2until which day having commanded the apostles whom He chose through the Holy Spirit He was taken up [Markos 16:19 - lead verse]; 3to whom also He presented Himself living after Him to suffer in many proofs, appearing to them through forty days and saying the things concerning the kingdom of God [Acts 10:41 - lead verse]; 4and being together He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem [Loukas 24:47 - lead verse] but “to wait for the promise of the Father which you heard of Me [Loukas 24:49]; 5because Ioannes indeed baptized in water, but you yourselves will be baptized in Holy Spirit not after these many days” [Maththaios 3:11 - lead verse]. [Loukas 1:3],


therefore the men who have come together were asking

Him saying: “Lord, if in this season Thou art restoring the kingdom to Israel?” 7And

He said to them:

“It is not of you to know seasons or times which the Father placed in His own authority [Maththaios 24:36 - lead verse], 8but you will receive power of the Holy Spirit having come upon you and you will be witnesses of Me both in Jerusalem [Loukas 24:47 - lead verse] and in the whole Judea and Samaria and until the last part of the earth.” The Ascension of Iesous [Markos 16:19-20; Loukas 24:50-53] 9And

having said these things He was lifted up of them looking and a cloud took Him from the eyes of them [Markos 16:19 - lead verse]. 10And as they were gazing into heaven of Him going, and behold two men in white clothing had stood by them, 11who also said:



Acts 1:12

THE WILL (Greek to English)

“Men Galileeans [Acts 2:7], why have you stood looking into heaven? This Iesous the One who has been taken up from you into heaven will come thus in what manner you saw Him going into heaven” [Maththaios 24:30 - lead verse]. Maththias Took the Place of Ioudas Iskariotes 12Then

they returned into Jerusalem [Loukas 24:47 - lead verse] from the mountain which is called Mount of Olives, which is near Jerusalem having a way of Sabbath. 13And when they entered, they went up into the upper room where they were staying, both Petros and Ioannes and Iakobos and Andreas, Philippos and Thomas, Bartholomaios and Maththaios, Iakobos of Alphaios and Simon the Zealot and Ioudas of Iakobos [Maththaios 10:2-4; Markos 3:16-19; Loukas 6:14-16]. 14All these were carrying on with the prayer with one mind with women and Mariam the mother of Iesous and the brothers of Him [Maththaios 13:55 - lead verse]. 15And in these days having stood up in the middle of the brothers Petros said; and it was a crowd of names on the same purpose about one hundred twenty: 16“Men

brothers, it was necessary for the Scripture to be fulfilled which the Holy Spirit said beforehand through the mouth of Dauid concerning Ioudas who has become a guide to the men who have taken Iesous [Psalm 41:9], 17because he was having been numbered in us and obtained the lot of this ministry. 18Indeed therefore this man got a lot out of the reward of the unrighteousness and having fallen head first he cracked in the middle and all the tenderlies of him were poured out [Maththaios 27:3-5]; 19and it became known to all the men who dwell Jerusalem, so as that lot to be called in the dialect of them ‘Aceldamach,’ this is ‘A Lot of Blood’ [Maththaios 27:8]. 20For it has been written in the Book of Psalms: ‘Let the dwelling of him become desolate and let not the man who dwells be in it’ [Psalm 69:25], and, ‘Let a different man take the episcopate of him’


[Psalm 109:8].


THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 2:10


it is necessary of the men coming together with us in every time in which the Lord Iesous entered and went out from us, 22having begun from the baptism of Ioannes until the day of which He was taken up from us, one of these men with us to become a witness of the resurrection of Him.” 23And

they appointed two men, Ioseph the man who is called Barsabbas who was called Ioustos, and Maththias. 24And having prayed they said: “Thou Lord heart-knower of all, show one whom Thou would choose out of these two 25to take the place of this ministry and apostleship from which Ioudas transgressed to go into his own place.” 26And

they gave lots to them and the lot fell on Maththias and he was chosen together with the eleven apostles [Proverbs 16:33].



The Apostles were Baptized with the Holy Spirit 1 And

in the time for the day of the Pentecost [Leviticus 23:15-21; to be fulfilled they were all together on the same purpose. 2And an echo suddenly came out of heaven as being brought by a violent blowing and filled the whole house where they were sitting 3and tongues as of fire were seen by them being divided and sat on each one of them, 4and they all were filled with Holy Spirit [Maththaios 3:11 - lead verse] and they began to speak in different tongues as the Spirit was giving to them to utter [Acts 10:44; 11:15; 15:8]. Deuteronomy 16:9-11]


Jews were dwelling into Jerusalem [Loukas 24:47 - lead verse], devout men from every nation under heaven. 6And of this sound having occurred the multitude came together and was confused, because each one was hearing his own dialect of them speaking. 7And they were ecstasized and wondering saying: “Behold are not all these men who speak Galileans? [Acts how do we ourselves each of us hear his own dialect in which we were begotten? 9Parthians and Medes and Elamites and the men who dwell Mesopotamia, both Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 both Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya throughout Cyrene, 1:11] 8And



Acts 2:11

THE WILL (Greek to English)

and the Romans who sojourn, 11both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabians, we hear them speaking in our tongues the great things of God.” 12And

all were ecstasized and perplexed, another saying to another: “What is this willing to be?”


different men mocking were saying that: “They are having been filled with sweet wine.” The First Preaching of Petros


having stood with the eleven Petros lifted up the voice of him and he uttered to them: “Men Jews and all the men who dwell Jerusalem [Loukas let this be known to you and listen to the words of me. 15For these men are not drunk as you yourselves take, for it is third hour of the day, 16but this is the thing which has been said through the prophet Ioel: 24:47 - lead verse],

17‘And it will be in the last days, God says, I will pour out from the Spirit of Me on every flesh, and the sons of you and the daughters of you will prophesy and the young men of you will see visions and the presbyters of you shall be made to dream dreams [Acts 21:9 - lead verse]; 18and indeed I will pour out from the Spirit of Me on the men-slaves of Me and on the women-slaves of Me in those days, and they will prophesy. 19And I will give wonders in heaven above and signs down on earth, blood and fire and vapor of smoke; 20the sun will be changed into darkness and the moon into blood before the great day of the Lord to come and become manifest. 21And it will be that every man whoever would call upon the name of the Lord will be saved’ [Joel 2:28-32]. 22“Men

Israelites, hear these words: Iesous the Nazarene, the Man having been proven from God into you by miracles and wonders and signs which God did through Him in the middle of you as you yourselves know, 23you took up having



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 2:35

nailed this by the having been determined counsel and prognosis of God given up through the hand of lawless men, 24whom God raised having loosed the travails of death, because it was not possible for Him to be held by it. 25For Dauid says into Him: ‘I was seeing the Lord before Me through all time, because He is out of the right of Me in order that I would not be shaken. 26On account of this the heart of Me enjoyed and the tongue of Me gladdened, but still even the flesh of Me will tabernacle on the basis of hope, 27because Thou will not abandon the psyche of Me into Hades nor Thou will give the Holy One of Thee to see corruption. 28Having made known to Me the ways of life, Thou will fill Me with gladness with the face of Thee’ [Psalm 16:811]. 29“Men

brothers, it is lawful to say to you with outspokenness concerning the patriarch Dauid that he also died and was buried, and the tomb of him is in us until this day [1 Kings 2:10; Acts 13:36]. 30Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God swore to him with an oath to sit on the throne of him One out of the fruit of the loins of him [Psalm 132:11], 31having seen beforehand he spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ that: ‘Neither was He abandoned into Hades nor the flesh of Him saw corruption’ [Psalm 16:10]. 32“God

raised this Iesous, of whom we all ourselves are witnesses; 33therefore having been exalted to the right of God, and having received the promise of the Holy Spirit from the Father, He poured this out which you yourselves see and hear. 34For Dauid went up not into the heavens, but he himself says: ‘The Lord said to the Lord of me: “Sit out of the right of Me, 35until I could place the enemies of Thee a footstool of the feet of Thee”’ [Maththaios 22:44 lead verse].



Acts 2:36

THE WILL (Greek to English)


therefore let the whole house of Israel know that God made Him both Lord and Christ, this Iesous whom you yourselves crucified.” Change Mind and Be Baptized 37And

having heard they were pierced down the heart and they said to Petros and the remaining apostles: “What shall we do, Men brothers?” 38And

Petros said to them:

“Change mind [1 Samuel 7:3; Ezekiel 33:9; Maththaios 3:8; 21:32; Markos 1:15; 6:12; Loukas 13:3, 5; 15:7, 10; 17:4; 24:47; Acts 3:19; 8:22; 11:18; 17:30; 26:20; Romans 2:4; 2 Corinthians 7:10; Hebrews 12:17; 2 Petros 3:9], and let each of you be baptized on the basis of the name of Iesous Christ [Maththaios 28:19; Ioannes 3:5; Acts 2:41; 8:12, 38; 9:18; 10:48; 16:15, 33; 18:8; 19:5; 22:16; Romans 6:5; Galatians 3:27; Colossians 2:12; 1 Petros 3:21] into forgive-

ness of the sins of you [Maththaios 1:21; Markos 1:4; Loukas 1:77; 3:3; 24:47; Acts 3:19; 8:22; 10:43; 13:38; 22:16; 26:18; Colossians 1:14] and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit [Joel 2:28; Acts 5:32; 19:2; Romans 5:5; 8:11, 15; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19; 2 Corinthians 1:22; 5:5; 6:16; Galatians 4:6; Ephesians 1:13; 2:22; 4:30; 1 Thessalonians 4:8; 5:19; 2 Timotheos 1:14; Titos 3:5-6; Iakobos 4:5; 1 Ioannes 3:24; 4:13]. 39For the promise is to you and to the children of you and to all the ones into far, as many as the Lord the God of us would have called” [Psalms 67:2; 98:3; Isaiah 14:1; 40:5; 43:7; 49:6; 56:3-8; 57:19; Joel 2:32; Amos 9:12; Zechariah 9:10; Loukas 3:6; Ioannes 10:16; Acts 9:15; 10:45; 11:1, 17; 13:47; 14:27; 15:3, 7, 14, 19; 18:6; 22:21; 26:17, 20, 23; 28:28; Galatians 2:8; Ephesians 2:13, 17]. 40And

with different words he witnessed thoroughly and he was exhorting them saying: “Be saved from this crooked generation”

[Philippians 2:15 -

lead verse].

Believers were Baptized and Added to the Lord 41Indeed therefore the men who have received [Markos 1:15; 9:23; 16:16; Ioannes 3:16, 36; 6:29, 40, 47, 69; 7:38; 11:25-26; 12:46; 20:31; Acts 2:44; 4:4, 32; 10:43; 11:21; 13:48; 16:31, 34; 18:8; Romans 1:16; 3:22; 9:33; 10:11] the word of him were baptized

[Acts 2:38 - lead verse] and about three thousand psyches were added to the [Acts 5:14 - lead verse] in that day. 42And they were carrying on with




THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 3:10

the teaching of the apostles [Maththaios 28:20] and the fellowship, the breaking of the bread and the prayers. 43And

fear was coming to every psyche, and many wonders and signs were happening through the apostles. 44And all the men who have believed [Acts 2:41 - lead verse] were on the same purpose and they had all things common [Acts 4:32] 45and they were selling the properties and the goods and they were dividing them to all according to what someone had a need [Acts 4:35 - lead verse]; 46and every day carrying on with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread in every house, they were sharing food in gladness and sincerity of heart 47praising God and having grace to the whole people. And the Lord was adding to Him [Acts 5:14 - lead verse] the men who are saved every day on the same purpose.



Petros and Ioannes Healed a Lame Man 1And

Petros and Ioannes were going up into the temple on the hour of prayer the ninth. 2And a certain man being lame out of the womb of the mother of him was being carried, whom they were placing every day towards the door of the temple which is called “Beautiful” to request alms from the ones who enter into the temple; 3who having seen Petros and Ioannes who are about to enter into the temple, was asking to receive alms. 4And Petros with Ioannes having gazed into him said: “Look into us.” 5And

the man was holding on to them expecting to receive something from them. 6And Petros said: “Silver and gold is not with me, but what I have this I give to thee; in the name of Iesous Christ the Nazarene walk.” 7And

having seized him by the right hand he raised him; and at once the feet of him and the ankles were made firm, 8and leaping he stood and he was walking and he entered with them into the temple walking and leaping and praising God. 9And all the people saw him walking and praising God; 10and they were recognizing him that he himself was the man who sit at the Beautiful Gate of the temple to request alms and they were filled with amazement and ecstacies at the thing that has happened to him.



Acts 3:11

THE WILL (Greek to English) Change Mind and Be Converted


of him holding Petros and Ioannes all the people ran together to them at the porch which is called Porch of Solomon astounded. 12And having seen Petros answered to the people: “Men Israelites, why are you wondering at this or why are you gazing at us as by our own power or godliness we have made him to walk? 13The God of Abraham and of Isaak and of Iakob [Maththaios 22:32 - lead verse], the God of the fathers of us, glorified the Child of Him Iesous whom you yourselves indeed delivered and denied according to face of Pilate, having judged to release that One; 14but you yourselves denied the Holy and Righteous and you requested a man a murderer to be graced to you, 15and you killed the Beginner of life whom God raised out of the dead, of whom we ourselves are witnesses. 16And on the basis of faith of the the name of Him, the name of Him made firm this man whom you see and know, and the faith through Him gave to him this wholeness before all of you. 17“And now, brothers, I know that you did according to ignorance just as also the rulers of you; 18but God fulfilled thus, the things which He announced beforehand through the mouth of all of the prophets for the Christ of Him to suffer. 19Therefore change mind and return in order for the sins of you to be wiped out [Acts 2:38 - lead verse], 20in order that times of refreshing would come from the face of the Lord and He would send to you Christ Iesous the One who has been appointed beforehand, 21whom it is necessary for heaven indeed to receive until the times of the restoration of all of which God spoke through the mouth of the holy prophets of Him from age.

People Who Do Not Obey Christ Shall Be Destroyed 22“Mouses

indeed said that:

‘The Lord the God of you will raise a Prophet for you out of the brothers of you as me; you will hear of Him according to all things whatsoever He would speak to you. 23And it will be that every



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 4:10

psyche whoever would not hear of that Prophet shall be destroyed out of the people’ [Deuteronomy 18:15, 18-19; Ioannes 1:45; 5:46; 6:14; 7:40; Acts 7:37]. 24“And

even all the prophets from Samouel and the ones afterward who spoke also proclaimed these days. 25You yourselves are the sons of the prophets and of the covenant which God covenanted to the fathers of us saying to Abraham: ‘And in the seed of thee all the families of the earth will be eulogized’ [Genesis 12:3; 21:12; 22:18; 26:4; 28:14; Loukas 1:35; Galatians 3:8, 16]. 26“God having raised the Child of Him sent Him to you first eulogizing you in the time for each to turn away from the wickedness of you.”



People are Saved Through Iesous Only 1And of them speaking to the people the priests and the officer of the temple and the Sadducees stood by them, 2being annoyed on account of them to teach the people and to proclaim in the temple the resurrection of Iesous out of the dead, 3and they casted the hands upon them and placed into keeping into the morrow; for it was evening already 4but many of the ones who have heard the Word believed [Acts 2:41 - lead verse], and (the) number of the men was five thousand. 5And

it happened on the morrow for the rulers and the presbyters and the scribes of them to be assembled in Jerusalem, 6and Annas the high priest and Kaiaphas and Ioannes and Alexandros and as many as were out of the genus of the high priest, 7and having caused them to stand in the middle they were inquiring: “In what sort of power or in what name you yourselves did this?” 8Then

having been filled with Holy Spirit Petros said to them:

“Rulers of the people and presbyters, 9if we ourselves today are being examined on a good work of healing the weakening of man in which this man has been saved, 10let it be



Acts 4:11

THE WILL (Greek to English)

known to you all and to all the people of Israel that in the name of Iesous Christ the Nazarene whom you yourselves crucified, whom God raised out of the dead, in this this man has stood before you sound. 11This is: ‘The stone, which has been despised by you the men who build, is the One which has become into head of the corner’ [Maththaios 21:42 - lead verse]. 12“And

the salvation is not in another not even one, for there is not a different name under heaven which has been given in men in which it is necessary for us to be saved” [Maththaios 1:21 - lead verse]. Petros and Ioannes were Threatened 13And

seeing the outspokenness of Petros and Ioannes and perceiving that they are uneducated men and idiots, they were wondering and they were recognizing them that they were with Iesous, 14and seeing the man who has been cured having stood with them they had nothing against to oppose. 15But having commanded them to go away outside the Sanhedrin they were meeting with one another 16saying: “What shall we do to these men? For that indeed a known sign has happened through them manifest to all the ones who dwell Jerusalem and we are not able to deny; 17but in order that it would not spread on more into the people let us threaten them no longer to speak to no one of men on the basis of this name.” 18And

having called them they commanded them not to utter at all nor to teach on the basis of the name of Iesous. 19But having answered Petros and Ioannes said to them: “If it is righteous before God to hear you rather than God, you judge; 20for we ourselves are not able to speak not the things which we saw and heard.” 21But

having threatened further the men released them, finding nothing on how they could punish them, on account of the people, because all glorified God on the basis of the thing that has happened; 22for the man on whom this sign of healing had happened was more than forty years.



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 4:34

The Believers Prayed for Courage 23And

having been released they came to their own and reported whatsoever things the ruling priests and the presbyters said to them. 24And the men who have heard with one mind lifted up voice to God and said: “Master, Thou art the One who has made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all the things in them [Exodus 20:11; Psalm 146:6; Acts 7:50; 14:15; 17:24], 25the One of the father of us who has said through the Holy Spirit by the mouth of Dauid a servant of Thee: ‘Why do nations rage and peoples care for empty things? 26The kings of the earth stood by and the rulers assembled on the same purpose against the Lord and against the Christ of Him’ [Psalm 2:1-2]. 27“For

they were assembled on truth in this city against the Holy Child of Thee Iesous whom Thou anointed, and both Herodes and Pontios Pilate with nations and peoples of Israel, 28to do whatsoever the hand of Thee and the counsel (of Thee) determined beforehand to happen. 29And the things now, Lord, look upon the threats of them and give to the slaves of Thee to speak the Word of Thee with all outspokenness [Ephesians 6:19 - lead verse], 30in Thee to stretch out the hand (of Thee) into healing and signs and wonders to happen through the name of the Holy Child of Thee Iesous.” 31And

of them having petitioned the place in which they were having been assembled was shaken, and they were all filled with Holy Spirit and they were speaking the Word of God with outspokenness. The Disciples Including Barnabas Shared Possessions 32And the heart and psyche of the multitude of the ones who have believed [Acts 2:41 - lead verse] was one, and not even one was saying a certain thing of the things being for him to be his own but all things was common to them [Acts 2:44]. 33And with great power the apostles were giving the witness of the resurrection of the Lord Iesous, and great grace was on them all. 34For neither someone in them was needy; for as many as were owners of lots or of houses, selling they were bringing the prices



Acts 4:35

THE WILL (Greek to English)

of the things being sold 35and they were placing along the feet of the apostles, and they were being distributed to each according to that which someone had a need [Maththaios 19:21; Acts 2:45]. 36And

Ioseph the man who has been called Barnabas from the apostles, which is being translated son of exhortation, a Levite, a Cyprean by genus, 37having sold a field being for him brought the money and placed towards the feet of the apostles.



Ananias and Sapphira Died for Lying to God 1And

a certain man with a name Ananias with Sapphira the woman of him sold a property 2and he purloined from the price, also of the woman having known, and having brought a certain part he placed along the feet of the apostles. 3But Petros said: “Ananias, on account of what Satan filled the heart of thee, for thee to lie the Holy Spirit and to purloin from the price of the lot? 4Is it not that remaining it remained to thee and it was having been sold in thy authority? Why is it that thou set this matter in the heart of thee? Thou lied not to men but to God.” 5And of hearing these words having fallen Ananias expired, and great fear came to all the men who hear. 6And having risen the younger men wrapped him and having brought out they buried. 7And

an interval of about three hours occurred and the woman of him not knowing the thing that happened entered. 8And Petros answered to her: “Say to me, if you gave the lot of such amount?” And the woman said: “Yes, of such amount.” 9And

Petros said to her:

“Why is it that it was agreed by you to test the Spirit of the Lord? Behold the feet of the ones who have buried the man of thee at the door and they will carry thee out.”



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 5:25


at once she fell to the feet of him and she expired; and having entered the young men found her dead and having brought out they buried with the man of her. 11And great fear came upon the whole Ekklesia and on all the men who hear these things. More Believers were Added to the Lord 12 And

many signs and wonders were happening in the people through the hands of the apostles. And they were all with one mind in the Porch of Solomon, 13and henceforth no one was daring to join them, but the people were magnifying them. 14And more who believe were being added to the Lord, a multitude of both men and women [Acts 2:41, 47; 11:21, 24], 15so as to bring out the men who weaken even into the wide streets and to place on small beds and mats, in order that if the shadow of Petros coming might also overshadow some of them. 16And even the multitude of the cities around Jerusalem were coming together bringing weak and being troubled by unclean spirits, who were all being cured. Prison Doors Were Opened 17And

having stood up the high priest and all the men with him, the heresy which is of the Sadduccees, were filled with zeal 18and they casted the hands on the apostles and placed them in public keeping. 19And an angel of the Lord through night opened the doors of the prison and having led them out he said: 20“Go

and having stood speak to the people in the temple all the words of this life.” 21And

having heard they entered into the temple by dawn and they were teaching. And having arrived the high priest and the men with him called together the Sanhedrin and the whole senate of the sons of Israel and they sent into prison for them to be led. 22And having arrived the helpers found them not in the prison; and having returned they reported 23saying that: “We found the prison having been closed in all certainty and the guards having stood on the doors, but having opened inside we found no one.” 24And

as both the officer of the temple and the ruling priests heard these words, they were perplexed concerning them what might this be. 25And having arrived someone reported to them that:



Acts 5:26

THE WILL (Greek to English)

“Behold the men whom you placed in the prison are in the temple standing and teaching the people.” 26Then

having gone away the officer with the helpers were leading them not with violence, for they were fearing the people lest they would be stoned. “We Ought to Obey God Rather than Men” 27And having led them they stood in the Sanhedrin. And the high priest asked them 28saying:

“We commanded to you a command not to teach on the basis of this name, and behold you have filled Jerusalem with the teaching of you and you wish to bring upon us the blood of this Man.” 29And

having answered Petros and the apostles said:

“It is necessary to obey God rather than men. 30The God of the fathers of us raised Iesous on whom you yourselves laid hands having hung on a wood; 31God exalted this Beginner and Saviour to the right of Him to give change of mind to Israel and forgiveness of sins. 32And we ourselves are witnesses of these words and the Holy Spirit which God gave to the ones who obey Him” [Acts 2:38 - lead verse]. The Work of God Cannot be Overthrown 33And the men who have heard were being cut through and they were wishing to take them up. 34And having stood up someone in the Sanhedrin a Pharisee with a name Gamaliel, a law-teacher precious to all the people, commanded to put the men outside for a short time 35and he said to them:

“Men Israelites, hold on for yourselves at these men what you are about to do. 36For before these days Theudas stood up saying himself to be someone, to whom a number of men about four hundred were joined; who was taken up, and all as many as were obeying him were scattered and came into nothing. 37After this Ioudas the Galileean stood up in the days of the registration and caused people to stand behind him; and that man perished and all as many as were obeying him were



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 6:7

scattered. 38And now I say the things to you, stand away from these men and let them; because if this counsel or this work be out of men, it will be destroyed, 39but if it is out of God, you will not be able to destroy them lest perchance even you would be found God-fighters.” And they obeyed him 40and having called forth the apostles having beaten they commanded them not to speak on the basis of the name of Iesous and they released them. 41Indeed therefore the men were going from the face of the Sanhedrin rejoicing, because they were considered worthy to be dishonored on behalf of the name [1 Petros 4:14 - lead verse], 42and every day in the temple and every house they were not stopping teaching and evangelizing the Christ Iesous.



It is Better to Teach the Word of God than to Serve Tables 1And

in these days of the increasing of the disciples a murmuring of the Hellenists towards the Hebrews occurred, because the widows of them were being overlooked in the daily ministry. 2And having called forth the multitude of the disciples the twelve said: “It is not pleasing for us to serve tables having left the Word of God. 3And, brothers, oversee seven men out of you being witnessed, to be full of Spirit and wisdom, whom we will appoint over this need, 4and we ourselves will carry on with the prayer and the ministry of the Word.” 5And

the word pleased before all of the multitude and they chose Stephanos, a man full of faith and Holy Spirit, and Philippos [Acts 8:40; 21:8] and Prochoros and Nikanor and Timon and Parmenas and Nikolaos a proselyte of Antioch, 6who stood before the apostles, and having prayed they laid the hands on them. 7And

the Word of God was growing and the number of the disciples was being exceedingly increased in Jerusalem, and a big crowd of the priests was obeying the faith [Acts 12:24; 19:20].



Acts 6:8

THE WILL (Greek to English) Stephanos Was Arrested


Stephanos full of grace and power was doing wonders and great signs in the people. 9And some of the ones out of the synagogue which is called Synagogue of Libertines and of Cyreneans and of Alexandrians and of the ones from Cilicia and Asia stood up disputing with Stephanos, 10and they were not strong to stand against the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking. 11Then they casted men saying that: “We have heard him speaking blasphemous words into Mouses and God.” 12And they stirred up the people and the presbyters and the scribes and having stood by they grabbed him and led into the Sanhedrin, 13and a liar stood saying:

“This man stops not speaking words against the holy place and the Law [Jeremiah 26:11]; 14for we have heard him saying that ‘This Iesous the Nazarene will destroy this place and He will change the customs which Mouses delivered to us’” [Maththaios 26:61 - lead verse]. 15And

having gazed into him all the men who sit in the Sanhedrin saw the face of him as a face of an angel.


Seven Stephanos Preached


the high priest said:

“If he has these things thus?” 2And

he was saying:

“Men brothers and fathers, hear. The God of glory was seen by the father of us Abraham being in Mesopotamia before him to dwell in Charran [Genesis 11:31-12:1] 3and He said to him: ‘Go out of the land of thee and the relatives of thee, and come here into the land which I would show to thee’ [Genesis 12:1].



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 7:16


having come out of the land of the Chaldeans he dwelt in Charran [Hebrews 11:8]. And from there after the father of him to die He exiled him into this land into which you yourselves now dwell, 5and He gave not to him an inheritance in it nor a tribune of a foot and He promised to give it to him into a possession and to the Seed of him after him, of a child not being to him [Genesis 12:7; 15:18; 17:8; 24:7]. 6And God spoke thus that: ‘The Seed of him will be a sojourner in a foreign land and they will enslave it and they will mistreat four hundred years; 7and I Myself will judge the nation whichever they will serve,’ God said, ‘and after these things they will come out and they will religiously serve Me in this place’ [Genesis 15:13-14; Exodus 3:12]. 8“And

He gave to him a covenant of circumcision; and thus he begot Isaak and circumcised him on the eighth day, and Isaak begot Iakob, and Iakob the twelve patriarchs [Genesis 17:10-13; 21:4]. 9“And having envied the patriarchs were giving Ioseph into Egypt. And God was with him [Genesis 37:11, 28; 39:2-3, 21-23] 10and He took him out of all of the tribulations of him and He gave to him grace and wisdom before Pharaoh king of Egypt and he appointed him governor on Egypt and the whole house of him [Genesis 41:37-44; Psalm 105:21]. 11“And

famine and great tribulation came on the whole Egypt and Canaan, and the fathers of us were finding not foodstuffs [Genesis 41:54]. 12And having heard wheat being into Egypt Iakob sent out the fathers of us first. 13And in the second time Ioseph was made known to the brothers of him and the genus of Ioseph became manifest to Pharaoh [Genesis 42:1-5; 45:1-16]. 14“And

having sent Ioseph called Iakob the father of him and all the relatives in psyches seventy-five [Genesis 45:9-11, 1819; 46:1-27; Exodus 1:1-5; Deuteronomy 10:22]. 15And Iakob went down into Egypt and he himself died and the father of us [Exodus 1:6], 16and they were transferred into Sychem and they were placed in the tomb which Abraham bought with a price of silver from



Acts 7:17

THE WILL (Greek to English)

the sons of Hemmor in Sychem 13; Joshua 24:32].

[Genesis 23:2-20; 33:19; 49:29-33; 50:7-


as the time of the promise which God confessed to Abraham was drawing near, the people grew and were multiplied in Egypt 18until which time a different king who had not known Ioseph stood up. 19Having exploited the genus of us this mistreated the fathers to make the babies of them placed out in order not to be made alive [Exodus 1:7-11, 22]. 20In which time Mouses was begotten and he was fine to God; who was nourished three months in the house of the father, 21and of him being placed out the daughter of the Pharaoh took him up and nourished him into a son for herself. 22And Mouses was trained in all wisdom of Egyptians, and he was powerful in the words and works of him [Exodus 2:2-10]. 23“And

as a time of forty years was being fulfilled to him, it came up on the heart of him to oversee the brothers of him the sons of Israel. 24And having seen someone being done wrong he warded off and made vengeance for the one who is being oppressed having struck the Egyptian [Exodus 2:11-12]. 25And he was supposing the brothers (of him) to comprehend that God is giving salvation to them through the hand of him; but the men comprehended not. 26And on the next day he appeared to them fighting and he was reconciling them into peace having said: ‘Men, you are brothers; why are you wronging one another?’ [Exodus 2:13] 27“And

the man who wrongs the neighbor pushed him away having said: ‘Who appointed thee a ruler and a judge over us? 28Art thou thyself not willing to kill me in which manner thou killed the Egyptian yesterday?’ [Exodus 2:14; Acts 7:35] 29“And

Mouses fled in this word and he became a sojourner in the land Midian, where he begot two sons [Exodus 2:15, 21-22; 18:3-4].



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 7:40


forty years having been fulfilled an angel was seen by him in the wilderness of Mount Sinai in a flame of fire of a bush. 31And having seen the vision Mouses was wondering, and of him approaching to observe voice of the Lord came: 32‘I

the God of the fathers of thee, the God of Abraham and Isaak and Iakob’ [Maththaios 22:32 - lead verse]. And of trembling having come Mouses was not daring to observe. 33And the Lord said to him: ‘Loose the sandal of the feet of thee, for the place on which thou have stood is a holy land. 34Having seen I saw the evil-treatment of the people of Me in Egypt and I heard the sigh of them, and I came down to take them out; and now come here let Me send thee into Egypt’ [Exodus 3:5, 7-10]. 35“This

Mouses, whom they denied saying: ‘Who appointed thee a ruler and a judge?’ [Acts 7:27 - lead verse] God has sent this man a ruler and a redeemer with the hand of the angel who has been seen by him in the bush. 36This man led them out having done wonders and signs in the land Egypt and in the Red Sea and in the wilderness forty years [Exodus 7:3; 14:31]. 37This man is Mouses who has said to the sons of Israel: ‘God will raise a Prophet for you out of the brothers of you as me’ [Acts 3:23 - lead verse]. 38“This

is the man who was in the Ekklesia in the wilderness with the angel who speaks to him in Mount Sinai and with the fathers of us, who received the living oracles to give to us [Exodus 19:1-6; 20:1-17; Deuteronomy 5:4-22; 9:10], 39to whom the fathers of us willed not to become obedient, but they pushed away and were turned in the hearts of them into Egypt [Numbers 14:3] 40having said to Aaron: ‘Make for us gods which will go before us; for this Mouses, who led us out of the land of Egypt, we know not what happened to him’ [Exodus 32:1, 23].



Acts 7:41

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they made a calf in those days and they led up a sacrifice to the idol and they were enjoying in the works of the hands of them [Exodus 32:4-6]. 42And God turned and delivered them to religiously serve the host of the heaven as it has been written in the Book of the Prophets: ‘You offered not to Me slaughtered animals and sacrifices forty years in the wilderness, house of Israel? [Jeremiah 7:18; 19:13] 43And you took up the tent of Moloch and the star of the god Rhaipha, the types which you made to worship them, and I will exile you beyond Babylon’ [Amos 5:25-27]. 44“The

tent of the witness was for the fathers of us in the wilderness as the One who speaks to Mouses ordered him to make it according to the type which he had seen [Exodus 25:9, 40; 26:30; 27:21; Numbers 1:50; Hebrews 8:5]; 45which the fathers of us having received also led in with Iesous [Ioshua] in the possession of the nations, of whom God drove out from the face of the fathers of us until the days of Dauid [Joshua 23:9; 24:18], 46who found grace before God and requested to find tabernacle for the house of Iakob. 47But Solomon built a house for Him [1 Chronicles 17:1-14; 2 Chronicles 3:1; 5:1; 6:2-10]. 48But the Most High dwells not in places made with hands, as the prophet says: 49‘Heaven

is the throne for Me [Maththaios 5:34 a footstool of the feet of Me what sort of house will you build for Me,’ says the Lord, or what is the place of the rest of Me? [1 Kings 8:27; 2 Chronicles 6:18; Psalm 146:5-6; Isaiah 66:1-2; Acts 4:24; 17:24] 50Did not the hand of Me make all these things?’ [Acts 4:24 - lead verse] lead verse], and the earth [Maththaios 5:35 - lead verse];


and uncircumcised in hearts and in the ears, you yourselves are ever resisting the Holy Spirit as the fathers of you and you [Exodus 32:9; 33:3-5; Leviticus 26:41; Isaiah 63:10; Jeremiah 6:10; 9:26]. 52Whom of the prophets the fathers of you persecuted not? And they killed the men who have announced beforehand concerning the coming of the Righteous One, of whom now you yourselves became betrayers and murderers



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 8:5

[Maththaios 23:34 - lead verse], 53who

received the Law into ordinances of angels and you guarded not.” Stephanos was Stoned to Death


of hearing these things they were cut through in the hearts of them and they were gnashing the teeth on him. 55But being full of the Holy Spirit having gazed into heaven he saw the glory of God and Iesous having stood out of the right of God, 56and he said: “Behold I see the heavens having been opened and the Son of Man having stood out of the right of God.” 57And

having cried out with a great voice they constrained the ears of them and they rushed with one mind on him 58and having casted outside of the city they were stoning him. And the witnesses placed away the garments of them along the feet of a young man who is called Saulos [Acts 8:1; 22:20], 59and they were stoning Stephanos calling and saying: “Lord Iesous, receive the spirit of me.” 60And

having set the knees he cried out with a great voice: “Lord, lay not to them this sin.”

And having said this he fell asleep.


Eight Saulos Chased the Believers

1And Saulos was consenting to the killing of him. And a great persecution against the Ekklesia in Jerusalem occurred in that day, and all men were dispersed throughout the areas of Judea and Samaria except the apostles [Acts 11:19]. 2And devout men gathered up Stephanos for burial and made a great mourning at him. 3And Saulos was devastating the Ekklesia entering throughout the houses, and dragging men and women he was delivering into prison [Acts 9:1-2, 13-14, 21; 22:4-5, 19; 26:911; Galatians 1:13; Philippians 3:6; 1 Timotheos 1:13].

Philippos Baptized Believers in Samaria 4Indeed

therefore the men who have been dispersed went evangelizing the Word. 5And having gone down into (the) city of Samaria



Acts 8:6

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Philippos preached Christ to them. 6And the crowds were holding on to the things which are said by Philippos with one mind in the time for them to hear and to see the signs which he was doing. 7For many of the ones who have unclean spirits were coming out shouting with great voice, and many men who are paralyzed and lame were cured; 8and much joy came in that city. 9And

a certain man with a name Simon was previously in the city practising magic and ecstasizing the nation of Samaria, saying himself to be someone great, 10to whom all men from small up to great were holding on saying: “This is the power of God which is called Great.” 11And

they were holding on to him on account of the considerable time for him to have ecstasized them with the magics. 12And when they believed Philippos evangelizing concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Iesous Christ, both men and women were being baptized [Acts 2:38 - lead verse]. 13And even Simon himself believed and having been baptized he was carrying on with Philippos, and he was being ecstasized seeing both signs and great miracles happening. The Gift of God Cannot Be Purchased with Money 14And

having heard that Samaria has received the Word of God, the apostles in Jerusalem sent to them Petros and Ioannes, 15who having gone down prayed concerning them in order that they would receive the Holy Spirit; 16for He was not yet having fallen on not even one of them, but they were only having been baptized into the name of the Lord Iesous [Acts 19:2]. 17Then they were laying the hands on them and they were receiving the Holy Spirit. 18And Simon having seen that through the laying on of the hands of the apostles the Spirit is being given, offered to them money 19saying: “Give to me also this authority in order that to whomever I would lay the hands may receive the Holy Spirit.” 20But

Petros said to him: “May the silver of thee with thee be into destruction because thou supposed to get the gift of God through money; 21there is not a part nor a lot for thee in this Word, for the heart



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 8:32

of thee is not straight before God. 22Therefore change mind from this evil of thee and petition the Lord, if then the thought of the heart of thee will be forgiven to thee [Acts 2:38 - lead verse], 23for I see thee being into a gall of bitterness and bond of unrighteousness.” 24And

having answered Simon said:

“You yourselves petition to the Lord on behalf of me in order that nothing of which you have said would come upon me.” 25Indeed therefore the men who have witnessed and who have spoken the Word of the Lord were returning into Jerusalem, and they were evangelizing many villages of the Samaritans.

Philippos Baptized the Eunuch 26And

an angel of the Lord spoke to Philippos saying:

“Stand up and go during midday to the way which goes down from Jerusalem into Gaza, this is a desolate place.” 27And

having stood up he went. And behold a man an Ethiopian a eunuch [Isaiah 56:3-5] a potentate of Kandake the queen of Ethiopians, who was over all the treasure of her, who had come into Jerusalem to be worshipping, 28and he was returning and sitting on the chariot of him and he was reading the prophet Esaias. 29And the Spirit said to Philippos: “Approach and join this chariot.” 30And

having run forth Philippos heard him reading Esaias the prophet and he said: “Then indeed thou know the things which thou art reading?”


the man said:

“For how would I be able unless someone will guide me?” And he besought Philippos having come up to sit with him. passage of the Scripture which he was reading was this:





Acts 8:33

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“He was led as a sheep to slaughter and dumb as a lamb before the one who shears it, thus He opens not the mouth of Him. 33In lowliness the judgment of Him was taken; who will narrate the generation of Him? Because the life of Him was taken from the earth” [Isaiah 53:7-8]. 34And

having answered the eunuch said to Philippos:

“I petition thee, concerning whom the prophet says this? Concerning himself or concerning someone different?” 35And

having opened the mouth of him and having begun from this Scripture Philippos evangelized Iesous to him. 36And as they were going throughout the way, they came to a certain water, and the eunuch says: “Behold water, what hinders me to be baptized?” (37And Philippos said to him: “If thou believe out of the whole heart of thee, thou will be saved.” And having answered he said: “I believe into Christ the Son of God” [Maththaios 10:32; Loukas 12:8; Romans 10:9-10; 14:11; Philippians 2:11].) 38And

he commanded the chariot to stand and they both went down into the water, both Philippos and the eunuch, and he baptized him [Acts 2:38 - lead verse]. 39And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord grabbed Philippos and the eunuch saw him not no longer, for he was going the way of him rejoicing. 40And Philippos [Acts 6:5 - lead verse] was found into Azotus; and going through he was evangelizing all the cities until him to come into Caesarea.


Nine The Conversion of Paulos [Acts 22:3-16; 26:12-18]

1And Saulos still sniffing threatening and murder into the disciples of the Lord, having approached the high priest 2requested from him epistles into Damascus to the synagogues, in order that if he would find some who are of the Way, both men and women, he would lead into



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 9:14

Jerusalem having been bound. 3And it happened in the time for him to go to draw near Damascus, and suddenly a light out of heaven flashed around him 4and having fallen on the ground he heard a voice saying to him: “Saulos Saulos, why art thou persecuting Me?” 5And

he said: “Who art Thou, Lord?”

And the One said: “I Myself am Iesous whom thou thyself persecute [Acts 22:8; stand up and enter into the city and that which is necessary for thee to do will be spoken to thee.” 26:15; Galatians 1:16]; 6but


the men who accompany him stood speechless, indeed hearing the voice but seeing no one. 8And Saulos was risen from the ground, and he was seeing nothing with the eyes of him having been opened; and they led him into Damascus by the hand. 9And he was not seeing three days and he ate not nor he drank. 10And

a certain disciple with a name Ananias was in Damascus, and the Lord said to him in a vision: “Ananias.” And the man said: “Behold I, Lord.” 11And

the Lord said to him:

“Having stood up go to the lane which is called Straight and seek a Tarsian with a name Saulos in the house of Ioudas; for behold he is praying [Acts 21:39; 22:3; Galatians 1:14] 12and he saw a man with a name Ananias having entered and having laid the hands upon him in order that he could see again.” 13But

Ananias answered: “Lord, I heard from many concerning this man how many evil things he did to the holy men of Thee in Jerusalem; 14and



Acts 9:15

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he has an authority from the ruling priests to bind all the men here who call upon the name of Thee” [Acts 8:3 - lead verse]. 15And

the Lord said to him:

“Go, because this man [Acts 13:2; Romans 1:1; Galatians 1:15] is a vessel of choice for Me to bear the name of Me before nations and both kings and sons of Israel [Acts 2:39 - lead verse]; 16for I Myself will show to him whatsoever is necessary for him to suffer on behalf of the name of Me” [Acts 20:23; 21:11, 33]. 17And

Ananias went away and entered into the house and having laid the hands on him he said: “Saulos brother, the Lord has sent me, Iesous the One who has been seen by thee in the way by which thou were coming, in order that thou would see again and thou would be filled with Holy Spirit.” 18And

immediately things as scales fell from the eyes of him, and he saw again and having stood up he was baptized [Acts 2:38 - lead verse] 19and having taken food he was strengthened. Saulos Preached in Damascus And he was with the disciples in Damascus some days [Acts 9:22; immediately he was preaching Iesous in the synagogues that this is the Son of God. 21And all men who hear were ecstasized and they were saying: 26:20] 20and

“Is this not the man who has ravaged the men who call upon this name in Jerusalem, and he had come here into this in order that having been bound he would lead them to the ruling priests?” [Acts 8:3 - lead verse] 22But

Saulos was being empowered more and was pouring with Jews who dwell in Damascus [Acts 9:19 - lead verse] proving that this is the Christ [Acts 17:3; 18:5, 28]. Saulos Escaped from the Jews 23And

as sufficient days were being fulfilled, the Jews counseled to take him up; 24and the plot of them was known to Saulos. And they



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 9:38

were observing even the gates both day and night in order that they could take him up; 25and having taken the disciples of him by night lowered him in a basket having let down through the wall. Believers Increased 26And

having arrived into Jerusalem he was trying to be joined with the disciples, and all were fearing him not believing that he is a disciple. 27But having taken hold Barnabas led him to the apostles and he narrated to them how he saw the Lord in the way and that He spoke to him and how he spoke out in the name of Iesous in Damascus. 28And he was with them going in and going out into Jerusalem, speaking out in the name of the Lord, 29he was both speaking and disputing with the Hellenists, and the men were attempting to take him up. 30And having fully known the brothers led him down into Caesarea and they sent him out into Tarsus [Acts 11:25]. 31Indeed therefore the Ekklesia down from the whole of Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace building and going with the fear of the Lord and with the exhortation of the Holy Spirit they were being multiplied.

Petros Healed Aineas and Resurrected Dorkas 32And

it happened for Petros going through all to come down also to the holy men dwelling Lydda. 33And he found there a certain man with a name Aineas lying down on a mat out of eight years, who was having been paralyzed. 34And Petros said to him: “Aineas, Iesous Christ heals thee; stand up and spread for thyself.” And immediately he stood up. 35And all the men who dwell Lydda and Sharon saw him, who turned to the Lord. 36And there was a certain woman-disciple in Joppa with a name Tabitha, which being interpreted is called Dorkas; this woman was full of good works and alms which she was doing. 37And it happened in those days for her to die having been weakened; and having bathed they placed in an upper room. 38And of Lydda being near to Joppa the disciples having heard that Petros is in it they sent two men to him beseeching:



Acts 9:39

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“Thou should not delay to go through until us.” 39And

having stood up Petros went with them; whom arriving they led up into the upper room and all the widows wailing and showing tunics and garments whatsoever Dorkas was making being with them stood by him. 40And having casted all outside and having set the knees Petros prayed and having turned to the body he said: “Tabitha, stand up.” And the woman opened the eyes of her, and having seen Petros she sat up. 41And having given a hand to her he raised her; and having called the holy men and the widows he presented her living. 42And it became known down from the whole Joppa and many believed on the Lord. 43And he came to remain sufficient days in Joppa beside a certain Simon a tanner [Acts 10:6, 32].



1And a certain man in Caesarea with a name Kornelios, a centurion out of a band which is called Italian Band, 2godly and fearing God with the whole house of him, giving many alms to the people and petitioning God through all time, 3saw in a vision manifestly about the ninth hour of the day concerning an angel of God entering towards him and saying to him:

“Kornelios.” 4And

having gazed at him and having become afraid he said: “What is it, Lord?”

And he said to him: “The prayers of thee and the alms of thee went up into a memorial in front of God. 5And now send men into Joppa and send for a certain Simon who is called Petros; 6this man is lodged beside a certain Simon a tanner, whose house is along the sea” [Acts 9:43 - lead verse]. 7And

as the angel who speaks to him went away, having called two of the servants and a godly soldier of the ones who carry on with him, 8and having explained all things to them he sent them into Joppa [Acts 10:3033].



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 10:22


on the morrow, of those men traveling and drawing near the city, Petros went up on the housetop to pray about the sixth hour. 10And he became hungry and he was willing to taste. And of them preparing an ecstasy came to him 11and he sees heaven having been opened and a certain vessel coming down as a great linen cloth with four beginnings being lowered on the earth, 12in which all four-footed things and reptiles of the earth and birds of heaven were. 13And a voice came to him: “Having stood up, Petros, slaughter and eat.” 14But

Petros said: “Certainly not, Lord, because I never ate any thing common and unclean” [Leviticus 11:1-47; Ezekiel 4:14].


again a voice out of a second time said to him: “The things which God cleansed, thou thyself defile not”

[Genesis 1:31; Markos 7:15, 19; Acts 10:28; 11:9; 1 Timotheos 4:4]. 16And

this happened thrice and right away the vessel was taken up into heaven. 17And

as Petros was perplexed in himself what might be the vision which he saw, behold the men who have been sent by Kornelios having asked the house of Simon stood by on the gateway, 18and having called they were inquiring “if Simon the man who is called Petros is lodged here.” 19And of Petros thinking concerning the vision the Spirit said: “Behold three men are seeking thee, 20but having stood up go down and go with them doubting nothing because I Myself have sent them.” 21And

having gone down Petros said to the men:

“Behold I myself am whom you are seeking; what is the cause on account of which you are present?” 22And

the men said:

“Kornelios a centurion, a righteous man and fearing God, and being witnessed by the whole nation of the Jews, was advised by a holy angel to send for thee into the house of him and to hear words from thee.”



Acts 10:23


THE WILL (Greek to English)

having called them in he lodged them.

And on the morrow having stood up he went out with them and some of the brothers from Joppa went with him. Petros Refused to be Worshipped 24And on the morrow he entered into Caesarea. And Kornelios was expecting them having called together the relatives of him and the necessary friends. 25And as Petros came to enter, having met him having fallen on the feet Kornelios worshipped. 26But Petros raised him saying:

“Stand up; even I myself am a man.” 27And


he entered talking with him and he finds many having come to28and he was saying to them:

“You yourselves understand how uncustomary it is for a man a Jew to join or to approach another tribe [Acts 11:3]; and God showed to me to say not even one man common or unclean [Acts 10:15 - lead verse]; 29wherefore I also came without objection having been sent for. Therefore I am inquiring what word you sent me for?” 30And

Kornelios was saying:

“From the fourth day until this day I was praying on the ninth hour in the house of me, and behold a man in shining clothing stood before me 31and he says: ‘Kornelios, the prayer of thee was heard and the alms of thee were remembered before God. 32Therefore send into Joppa and call for Simon who is called Petros [Acts 11:13], this man is lodged in the house of Simon a tanner along the sea’ [Acts 9:43 - lead verse]. 33“Therefore

I sent immediately to thee, and thou thyself did well having arrived. Now therefore we ourselves are all present before God to hear all the things having been ordered to thee by the Lord” [Acts 10:1-8].



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 10:46

Kornelios was Converted 34And

having opened the mouth Petros said:

“On truth I perceive that God is not an outaker [Deuteronomy 10:17; 1 Samuel 16:7; 2 Chronicles 19:7; Job 34:19; Romans 2:11; Galatians 2:6; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 3:25; Iakobos 2:1, 9; 1 Petros 1:17], 35but in every nation the man who fears Him and who works righteousness is acceptable to Him [Romans 2:14]. 36He sent the Word to the sons of Israel evangelizing peace [Isaiah 52:7; Nahum 1:15; Romans 10:15; Ephesians 6:15] through Iesous Christ, this is the Lord of all, 37you yourselves know the thing which has become a word down from the whole Judea [Loukas 24:47 - lead verse], having begun from Galilee after the baptism which Ioannes preached, 38Iesous from Nazareth, as God anointed Him with Holy Spirit and power, who went through working good and healing all the men who are oppressed by the devil, because God was with Him [Isaiah 61:1]. 39“And

we ourselves are witnesses of all things which He did both in the area of the Jews and Jerusalem. Whom they also took up having hung on a wood [Deuteronomy 21:22], 40God raised this on the third day and He gave Him to become manifest [Maththaios 16:21 - lead verse], 41not to all people, but to witnesses having been chosen beforehand by God, to us, who ate and drank with Him after Him to rise out of the dead [Ioannes 14:19, 22; Acts 1:3]; 42and He commanded us to preach to the people and to witness that this is the One who has been determined by God as Judge of the living and of the dead [Romans 14:9; 1 Corinthians 15:12-19; 1 Thessalonians 4:14; 2 Timotheos 4:1; 1 Petros 4:5]. 43All the prophets witnessed to this through the name of Him every man who believes [Acts 2:41 - lead verse] into Him to receive forgiveness of sins” [Acts 2:38 - lead verse]. 44Of

Petros still speaking these words the Holy Spirit fell upon all the men who heard the Word [Acts 2:4 - lead verse]. 45And the faithful men out of the circumcision as many as who came together with Petros were ecstasized, because the gift of the Holy Spirit has been poured out also on the Gentiles [Acts 2:39 - lead verse]; 46for they were hearing them speaking in tongues and magnifying God. Then Petros answered:



Acts 10:47

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is not able to hinder these who received the Holy Spirit as also we to be baptized with water?” 48And

he ordered them to be baptized [Acts 2:38 - lead verse] in the name of Iesous Christ. Then they asked him to remain some days.



Gentiles were Rejected at First by Some Disciples 1And

the apostles and the brothers who are throughout Judea heard that even the Gentiles received the Word of God [Acts 2:39 - lead verse]. 2And when Petros went up into Jerusalem, the men out of the circumcision were discerning with him 3saying that: “Thou entered to men having uncircumcision and ate with them” [Acts 10:28]. 4And

having begun Petros was setting out to them afterward saying: 5“I

myself was in the city of Joppa praying and I saw a vision in an ecstasy, a certain vessel coming down as a great linen cloth with four beginnings being lowered out of heaven, and it came up to me. 6Into which having gazed I was observing and I saw the four-footed things of the earth and the beasts and the reptiles and the birds of heaven. 7And I also heard a voice saying to me: ‘Having stood up, Petros, slaughter and eat.’ 8But

I said: ‘Certainly not, Lord, because a common or an unclean thing never entered into the mouth of me.’


a voice out of heaven answered out of a second time: ‘The things which God cleansed, thou thyself defile not’ [Acts 10:15 - lead verse].


this happened thrice, and the whole was pulled up again into heaven. 11And behold immediately three men stood by the house in which I was, having been sent from Caesarea to me.



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 11:23


the Spirit said to me to go with them having doubted nothing. And these six brothers also came with me and we entered into the house of the man. 13And he reported to us how he saw (the) angel in the house of him having stood and having said: ‘Send into Joppa and send for Simon the man who is called Petros [Acts 10:32 - lead verse], 14who will speak words to thee in which thou thyself will be saved and the whole house of thee.’ 15“And

in the time for me to begin to speak the Holy Spirit fell upon them just as also upon us in the beginning [Acts 2:4 lead verse]. 16And I was reminded of the Word of the Lord as He was saying: ‘Ioannes indeed baptized in water, but you yourselves will be baptized in Holy Spirit.’ 17If

therefore God gave to them equal gift as also to us who have believed on the Lord Iesous Christ, who was I myself to be able to hinder God?” [Acts 2:39 - lead verse] 18And

having heard these things they became quiet and they glorified God saying: life”

“Then God also gave to the Gentiles change of mind into [Acts 2:38 - lead verse].

Disciples of Christ were Called Christians First in Antioch 19Indeed therefore the men who have been dispersed [Acts 8:1] from the tribulation which has happened at Stephanos went through until Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch speaking the Word to no one except Jews alone. 20And some men out of them were Cypreans and Cyreneans, who having gone into Antioch were speaking also to the Hellenists [Ioannes 7:35] evangelizing the Lord Iesous. 21And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a big number the man who has believed [Acts 2:41 - lead verse] returned to the Lord [Acts 5:14 - lead verse]. 22And

the Word was heard into the ears of the Ekklesia which is in Jerusalem concerning them and they sent out Barnabas until Antioch. 23Who having arrived and having seen the grace of God, rejoiced and



Acts 11:24

THE WILL (Greek to English)

he was exhorting all men with the purpose of heart to continue with the Lord, 24because he was a good man and full of Holy Spirit and faith. And a considerable crowd was added to the Lord [Acts 5:14 - lead verse]. 25And

he went out into Tarsus to seek Saulos [Acts 9:30], 26and having found he led into Antioch. And it happened to them also to be assembled in the Ekklesia a whole year and to teach a considerable crowd, and to call the disciples Christians [Isaiah 43:7; 56:5; 62:2; 65:15; Amos 9:12; Acts 15:17; 26:28; Iakobos 2:7; 1 Petros 4:16] firstly in Antioch. 27And

in these days prophets came down from Jerusalem into Antioch. 28And having stood up one out of them with a name Agabos was signifying through the Spirit a great famine to be about to come on the whole inhabited earth, which happened at the time of Klaudios [Acts 21:10]. 29And they determined, a certain man of the disciples as he was prospering each of them to send into ministry to the brothers dwelling in Judea; 30which they also did having sent to the presbyters through the hand of Barnabas and Saulos [Acts 12:25].



Herodes Killed Iakobos and Imprisoned Petros 1And

during that time Herodes the king casted the hands to mistreat some from the Ekklesia. 2And he took up Iakobos the brother of Ioannes with a sword. 3And having seen that it is pleasing to the Jews, he added to take Petros also, - and they were days of the Unleavened Bread - 4whom also having seized he placed into prison having delivered to four quaternion of soldiers to guard him, wishing to lead him up to the people after the Passover. 5Indeed therefore Petros was being kept in prison; but prayer to God concerning him was intensely being made by the Ekklesia. 6And when Herodes was about to lead him forth, at that night Petros was sleeping between two soldiers having been bound with two chains and guards before the door were keeping the prison. 7And behold an angel of the Lord stood by and light shone in the room; and having struck the side of Petros he roused him saying:

“Stand up in haste.”



Acts 12:17

THE WILL (Greek to English) And the chains of him fell out of the hands. him:


the angel said to

“Gird and bind the sandals of thee.” And he did thus. And he says to him: “Cast around the garment of thee and follow me.” 9And

having gone out he was following and he had not known that the thing which happens through the angel is true; but he was thinking to see a vision. 10And having gone through the first prison and the second they came to the iron gate leading into the city, which was automatically opened to them and having gone out they approached one lane, and immediately the angel stood away from him. 11And having become in himself Petros said: “Now I know truly that the Lord sent out the angel of Him and took me out of the hand of Herodes and of all the expectation of the people of the Jews.” 12And

realizing he came to the house of Maria the mother of Ioannes who is called Markos, where competent men were having been gathered together and praying. 13And of him having knocked the door of the gateway a maidservant with a name Rhoda approached to listen, 14and having recognized the voice of Petros from joy she opened not the gateway, but having run in she reported Petros to have stood before the gateway. 15But the men said to her: “Thou art crazy.” But she was asserting to have thus. And the men were saying: “It is the angel of him.” 16But

Petros was remaining knocking; and having opened they saw him and they were ecstasized. 17And having waved the hand to them to be silent he narrated how the Lord led him out of the prison and he said: “Report these things to Iakobos and to the brothers.” And having gone out he went into a different place.



Acts 12:18

THE WILL (Greek to English)

Herodes Died for Receiving Honor from Men 18And

of day having come there was not a little trouble in the soldiers Petros became what then. 19And having sought him and having found not, having examined the guards Herodes commanded to be led away, and having come down from Judea into Caesarea he was staying. 20And

he was fighting furiously with Tyrians and Sidonians; and with one mind they were coming to him and having persuaded Blastos, the man over the bedchamber of the king, they were requesting peace on account of the area of them to be nourished from the realm. 21And on a scheduled day having put on a royal clothing (and) having sat down on the tribunal Herodes was delivering a speech to them, 22and the public was shouting: “A voice of god and not of man.” 23And

at once an angel of the Lord struck him because he gave not the glory to God, and having been eaten by worms he expired. 24And

the Word of God was growing and was being multiplied [Acts Barnabas and Saulos returned into Jerusalem having fulfilled the ministry [Acts 11:30], having taken along Ioannes the man who has been called Markos [Acts 13:5, 13; 15:37-39]. 6:7 - lead verse]. 25And



The First Missionary Journey of Paulos 1And

prophets and teachers were in Antioch throughout the Ekklesia which both Barnabas and Sumeon the man who is called Niger and Loukios the Cyrenean, and Manaen a man nourished with Herodes the tetrarch and Saulos were. 2And of them ministering to the Lord and fasting the Holy Spirit said: “Necessarily separate for Me Barnabas and Saulos into the work for which I have called them” [Acts 9:15 - lead verse]. 3Then

having fasted and having prayed and having laid the hands on them they released. 4Indeed therefore having been sent out by the Holy Spirit they themselves came down into Seleucia, and from there they sailed away



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 13:19

into Cyprus 5and having been in Salamis they were proclaiming the Word of God in the synagogues of the Jews. And they had also Ioannes as a helper [Acts 12:25 - lead verse]. 6And having gone through the whole island until Paphos they found a certain man a magi a false prophet a Jew to whom a name of Bariesous was given 7who was with the proconsul Sergios Paulos, an intelligent man. This man having called forth Barnabas and Saulos sought to hear the Word of God. 8But Elumas the magi, for thus the name of him is being translated, was standing against them, seeking to pervert the proconsul from the faith. 9But Saulos, also Paulos, having been filled with Holy Spirit having gazed into him 10said: “O full of all deceit and of all fraud, son of devil, enemy of all righteousness, will thou not stop perverting the straight ways of the Lord? 11And now behold the hand of the Lord is against thee and thou will be blind not seeing the sun until a time.” And at once mist and darkness fell on him and he was leading around seeking men to lead by hand. 12Then having seen the thing which has happened the proconsul believed being astonished at the teaching of the Lord. 13And having been led up from Paphos the men around Paulos came into Perga of Pamphylia, and having departed from them Ioannes returned into Jerusalem [Acts 12:25 - lead verse]. 14And having gone through from Perga having arrived into Antioch in Pisidia, and having entered into the synagogue on the day of the Sabbaths they themselves sat. 15And after the reading of the Law and of the Prophets the rulers of the synagogue sent to them saying:

“Men brothers, if there is in you a certain word of exhortation to the people, you say.” 16And

having stood up and having waved the hand Paulos said:

“Men Israelites and the men who fear God, hear. 17The God of this people Israel chose the fathers of us and exalted the people in the sojourn in the land of Egypt and with a high arm He led them out of it [Exodus 6:1, 6; 12:51], 18and about forty years time He endured them in the wilderness 19and having destroyed seven nations in the land Canaan He distributed as



Acts 13:20

THE WILL (Greek to English)

inheritance the land of them [Deuteronomy 7:1; Joshua 14:1] 20about four hundred and fifty years. And after these things He gave judges until Samouel the prophet [Judges 2:16; 1 Samuel 3:20]. 21“And

from there they requested a king and God gave to them Saoul son of Kis, a man out of the tribe of Beniamin, forty years [1 Samuel 8:5, 19; 10:20-24; 11:15], 22and having removed him He raised Dauid to them into a king to whom also He said having witnessed: ‘I found Dauid the son of Iessai, a man according to the heart of Me, who will do all the wills of Me’ [1 Samuel 13:14; 16:12-13; Psalm 89:30; Isaiah 11:1]. 23“From the seed of this man God led to Israel a Saviour Iesous according to a promise [2 Samuel 7:12; Isaiah 11:1], 24of Ioannes having preached beforehand a baptism of change of mind to all the people of Israel before the face of the entrance of Him [Maththaios 3:1-2; Markos 1:4-5; Loukas 3:3; Acts 19:4]. 25And as Ioannes was fulfilling the race, he was saying:

‘What are you thinking me to be? I myself am not; but behold He comes after me the sandal of the feet of whom I am not worthy to loose’ [Maththaios 3:11 - lead verse]. 26“Men

brothers, sons of the genus of Abraham and the men in you who fear God, the Word of this salvation was sent out to us. 27For the men dwelling in Jerusalem and the rulers of them having ignored this and the voices of the Prophets being read during every Sabbath fulfilled having judged [Loukas 24:27 - lead verse], 28and having found not even one charge of death they requested Pilate for Him to be taken up. 29And as they fulfilled all the things which have been written concerning Him, having taken down from the wood they placed into a tomb. 30“But

God raised Him out of the dead, 31who was seen at the time of many more days by the ones who have come up with Him from Galilee into Jerusalem, who are witnesses of Him to the people. 32And we ourselves evangelize you the



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 13:43

promise having come to the fathers, 33that God has fulfilled this to us the children having raised Iesous as it has also been written in the second Psalm: ‘Thou Thyself art the Son of Me, I Myself have begotten Thee today’ [Psalm 2:7 Hebrews 1:5; 5:5]. 34And

that He raised Him out of the dead no longer being about to return into corruption, thus He has said that: ‘I will give to you the holy things of Dauid the things trustworthy’ [Isaiah 55:3].


even in a different Psalm He says:

‘Thou will not give the Holy One of Thee to see corruption’ [Psalm 16:10]. 36“For

indeed having helped his own generation with the counsel of God Dauid fell asleep and was added to the fathers of him and saw corruption [Acts 2:29 - lead verse]; 37but He whom God raised, saw not corruption. 38Therefore let it be known to you, men brothers, that through this One forgiveness of sins [Acts 2:38 - lead verse] from all of which you were not able to be justified in the Law of Mouses is being proclaimed to you, 39in this One every man who believes is being justified [Romans 10:4]. 40Therefore see lest you would come upon the thing which has been said in the Prophets: 41‘Behold,

despisers, both wonder and be made to disappear, because I Myself work a work in the days of you, a work which you would not at all believe if someone explains to you’” [Habakkuk 1:5]. People Who Were Ordained to Everlasting Life Believe the Word of God 42And

of them going out they were beseeching these words to be spoken to them into the next Sabbath. 43And of the synagogue having been loosed many of the Jews and of the proselytes who worship followed Paulos and Barnabas, who speaking to them were persuading them to continue in the grace of God.



Acts 13:44

THE WILL (Greek to English)


on the coming Sabbath almost the whole city was assembled to hear the Word of the Lord. 45And having seen the crowds the Jews were filled with zeal and they were opposing the things which are being spoken by Paulos blaspheming [Acts 18:6]. 46And having spoken out Paulos and Barnabas said: “It was necessary for the Word of God to be spoken to you first; since you pushed it away and you judge yourselves not worthy of the everlasting life, behold we turn into the Gentiles [Acts 18:6; 28:25]. 47For thus the Lord commanded to us: ‘I have set thee into a light of Gentiles of thee to be into salvation until the last part of the earth’” [Acts 2:39 - lead verse]. 48And hearing the Gentiles were rejoicing and they were glorifying the Word of the Lord and they believed [Acts 2:41 - lead verse] as many as were having been ordered into everlasting life; 49and the Word of the Lord was being brought through the whole area.

Paulos and Barnabas Shook Off the Dust from Their Feet 50And

the Jews roused the women who worship who are dignified and the first men of the city and they raised up persecution against Paulos and Barnabas and they casted them out from the borders of them. 51And having shaken out the dust of the feet [Maththaios 10:14 - lead verse] against them the men came into Iconium, 52and the disciples were being filled with joy and Holy Spirit.



Paulos and Barnabas Refused to be Worshipped 1And

it happened in Iconium during the same time for them to enter into the synagogue of the Jews and to speak thus so as for a big multitude of both Jews and Hellenists to believe. 2But the Jews who have disobeyed rose up and hurt the psyches of the Gentiles against the brothers. 3Indeed therefore they stayed a sufficient time speaking out at the Lord witnessing for the Word of the grace of Him, giving signs and wonders to happen through the hands of them [Markos 16:20 - lead verse].



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 14:18


the multitude of the city was divided, and indeed some were with the Jews, but others with the apostles. 5And as an impulse both of the Gentiles and of the Jews happened with the rulers of them to humiliate and to stone them, 6having realized they fled into the cities of Lycaonia Lystra and Derbe and the surrounding area [Maththaios 10:23], 7and there they were evangelizing. 8And

a certain disabled man in Lystra was sitting with the feet, lame out of the womb of the mother of him who never walked. 9This man was hearing Paulos speaking; who having gazed at him and having seen that he has faith to be saved, 10said with a great voice: “Stand up straight on the feet of thee.” And he leaped and was he walking. 11And having seen what Paulos did the crowds lifted up the voice of them in Lycaonian saying: “The gods having been likened to men came down to us.” 12And

they were calling Barnabas Dios, and Paulos Hermes, since he himself was the man who leads the Word. 13And the priest of Dios who is before the city was willing to sacrifice bulls and garlands having brought with the crowds to the gateways. 14And having heard apostles Barnabas and Paulos having ripped the garments of them rushed out into the crowd crying out 15and saying: “Men, why are you doing these things? Even we ourselves are men having similar feelings to you evangelizing you from these worthless things to return to the living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all the things in them [Acts 4:24 - lead verse]; 16who in the generations that have passed allowed all the Gentiles to go to the ways of them [Acts 17:30 - lead verse]; 17and yet He left Him not without witness working good, having given to us rain from heaven and fruitbearing times, filling the hearts of you with food and gladness” [Psalm 147:8; Jeremiah 5:24]. 18And

saying these things they hardly restrained the crowds not to sacrifice to them.



Acts 14:19

THE WILL (Greek to English) Paulos Ended His First Missionary Journey


Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and having persuaded the crowds and having stoned Paulos they dragged outside the city supposing him to have died. 20But of the disciples having surrounded him having stood up he entered into the city. And on the morrow he went out with Barnabas into Derbe. 21And

having evangelized that city and having discipled sufficient men they returned into Lystra and into Iconium and into Antioch 22strengthening the psyches of the disciples, beseeching to remain in the faith and that it is necessary for us to enter into the kingdom of God through many tribulations [Maththaios 23:34 - lead verse]. 23And having chosen presbyters for them in every Ekklesia, having prayed with fasting they commended them to the Lord into whom they had believed. 24And having gone through Pisidia they came into Pamphylia 25and having spoken the Word in Perga they went down into Attalia 26and from there they sailed away into Antioch, from where they were having been delivered to the grace of God into the work which they fulfilled. 27And having arrived and having assembled the Ekklesia they announced whatsoever things God did with them and that He opened a door of faith to the Gentiles [Acts 2:39 - lead verse]. 28And they were staying not a little time with the disciples.


Fifteen Petros and Paulos on Circumcision

1And some having come down from Judea were teaching the brothers that:

“Unless you would be circumcised to the custom by Mouses, you are not able to be saved” [Leviticus 12:3]. 2And

of not a little uprising and discussion having brought by Paulos and Barnabas to them, they ordered Paulos and Barnabas and some others out of them to go up into Jerusalem to the apostles and presbyters concerning this question [Galatians 2:1]. 3Indeed therefore the men who have been sent forth by the Ekklesia were going through both Phoenicia and Samaria explaining the conversion of the Gentiles [Acts 2:39 - lead verse] and they were making great joy with all the brothers. 4And having



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 15:18

arrived into Jerusalem they were accepted by the Ekklesia and the aposltes and the presbyters, and they announced whatsoever things God did with them. 5But some of the ones who have believed from the heresy of the Pharisees rose up saying that it is necessary to circumcise them and to command to keep the Law of Mouses. 6And

the apostles and presbyters were assembled to see concerning this word. 7And of much discussion having come Petros having stood up said to them: “Men brothers, you yourselves understand that from archaic days God chose in us the Gentiles to hear the Word of the evangel and to believe through the mouth of me [Acts 2:39 - lead verse]. 8And God the heart-knower witnessed having given to them the Holy Spirit as also to us [Acts 2:4 - lead verse] 9and He was doubting nothing between both of us and them having cleansed the hearts of them with faith. 10Now therefore why are you tempting God to lay a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither the fathers of us nor we ourselves were strong to carry? 11But through the grace of the Lord Iesous we believe to be saved according to which manner also those.” 12And the whole multitude became silent and they were hearing Barnabas and Paulos explaining whatsoever signs and wonders God did in the Gentiles through them. 13And after them to be silent Iakobos answered saying:

“Men brothers, hear me. 14Sumeon explained how God first oversaw to take out of the Gentiles a people for the name of Him [Acts 2:39 - lead verse]. 15And the words of the prophets agree with this as it has been written: 16‘After

these things I will return and I will again build the tent of Dauid which has fallen and I will again build the things of it which have been turned down and I will again straighten it, 17in order that the rest of the men would seek out the Lord and all the Gentiles on whom the name of Me has been called upon them, the Lord says doing these things’ [Acts 11:26 - lead verse] 18known from age.



Acts 15:19

THE WILL (Greek to English)

Abstain from Pollutions of Idols, Fornication, Strangled Animals, and Blood 19“Wherefore

I myself judge not to trouble the men from the Gentiles returning to God [Acts 2:39 - lead verse], 20but to write to them to abstain from the pollutions of the idols and fornication and strangled animal and blood [Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 3:17; 17:10, 14; 19:26; Deuteronomy 12:16; Acts 15:29; 21:25]. 21For Mouses out of archaic generations has the men who preach him in the synagogues throughout a city being read during every Sabbath.” 22Then

it seemed good to the apostles and to the presbyters with the whole Ekklesia having chosen men out of them to send into Antioch with Paulos and Barnabas, Ioudas the man being called Barsabbas and Silas, men leading in the brothers, 23having written through the hand of them: “The apostles and the presbyters brothers to greet brothers throughout Antioch and Syria and Cilicia who are out of the Gentiles. 24Since we heard that some out of us agitated you with words reversing the psyches of you to whom we ordered not, 25it seemed becoming to us with one mind having chosen men to send to you with the beloved of us Barnabas and Paulos, 26men who have delivered the psyches of them on behalf of the name of the Lord of us Iesous Christ. 27Therefore we have sent Ioudas and Silas also proclaiming the same things through word by them. 28For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay burden upon you nothing more than these things of necessity, 29to abstain from things sacrificed to idols and blood [Acts 15:20 - lead verse] and strangled animals and fornication, out of which keeping yourselves you will do well. Farewell.” 30Indeed

therefore the men who have been released went down into Antioch, and having assembled the multitude they gave the epistle. 31And having read they rejoiced at the exhortation. 32And Ioudas and Silas also themselves being prophets exhorted the brothers through much word and they strengthened them, 33and having spent a time they were released with peace from the brothers to the men who have sent them. (34And it seemed good to Silas of him to remain with them, and Ioudas



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 16:7

alone went into Jerusalem.) 35And Paulos and Barnabas stayed in Antioch teaching and evangelizing the Word of the Lord with many others also. The Second Missionary Journey of Paulos 36And

after some days Paulos said to Barnabas:

“Having returned let us necessarily oversee the brothers throughout every city in which we proclaimed the Word of the Lord how they are having.” 37And

Barnabas was wishing to take along also Ioannes who is called Markos; 38but Paulos was not considering worthy to take along this man who has stood away from them from Pamphylia and not going with them into the work. 39And it became a provocation so as for them to be separated from one another, and Barnabas having taken along Markos sailed out into Cyprus, 40and Paulos having chosen Silas went out having been delivered to the grace of the Lord by the brothers. 41And they were going through Syria and Cilicia strengthening the Ekklesias.


Sixteen Paulos Took Timotheos with Them


he arrived into Derbe and into Lystra. And behold a certain disciple was there with a name Timotheos, a son of a faithful Jewish woman, but of a Hellenist father, 2who was being witnessed by the brothers in Lystra and Iconium. 3Paulos willed this man to go out with him, and having taken he circumcised him on account of the Jews who are in those places; for all had known the father of him that he was a Hellenist. 4And

as they were going through the cities, they were delivering to them to guard the dogmata which have been judged by the apostles and presbyters in Jerusalem. 5Indeed therefore the Ekklesias were being made firm with the faith and they were abounding in number every day. The Writer was With Paulos 6And

they went through the Phrygian and Galatian area having been hindered by the Holy Spirit to speak the Word in Asia; 7and hav-



Acts 16:8

THE WILL (Greek to English)

ing come throughout Mysia they were trying to go into Bithynia, and the Spirit of Iesous allowed them not; 8having passed Mysia they went down into Troas. 9And a vision through night was seen by Paulos, a certain Macedonian man was having stood and beseeching him and saying: “Having passed through into Macedonia help us.” 10And

as he saw the vision, immediately we sought to go out into Macedonia concluding that God has called us to evangelize them. Ludia Was Baptized 11And

having been led up from Troas we ran a straight course into Samothrace, and on the next day into Neapolis 12and from there into Philippi, which is a city of first part of Macedonia, a colony. And we were staying in this city some days. 13And on the day of the Sabbaths we went outside the gate along a river where we were supposing to be a place of prayer, and having sat down we were speaking to the women who have come together. 14And a certain woman with a name Ludia, a seller of purple cloths of the city of Thyatira worshipping God, was hearing, of whom the Lord opened the heart to hold on to the words having been spoken by Paulos. 15And as she was baptized [Acts 2:38 - lead verse] and the house of her, she besought saying: “If thou have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, having entered into the house of me remain.” And she urged us. Believe in the Lord Iesous Christ 16And it happened of us going into the place of prayer for a certain maidservant having a spirit of a python to meet us, who was granting much work to the lords of her by soothsaying. 17Having followed down Paulos and us she herself cried out saying:

“These men are slaves of God the Most High, who proclaim to you a way of salvation.” 18And

she was doing this on many days. And having been annoyed and having turned to the spirit Paulos said:



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 16:31

“I command thee in the name of Iesous Christ to come out from her.” And it came out in the same hour. 19And having seen that the hope of the work of them came out, having taken hold of Paulos and Silas the lords of her drew into the marketplace to the rulers 20and having led them to the officers they said: “These men, who are Jews, agitate the city of us, 21and they proclaim customs which are not lawful for us to accept nor to do being Romans.” 22And

the crowd stood up together against them and the officers were commanding to beat with rods having ripped off the garments of them, 23and having laid on them many plagues they casted into prison commanding the jailer to keep them safely. 24Who having received such command casted them into the inner prison and he secured the feet of them into the wood. 25And

during midnight Paulos and Silas praying were hymning to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. 26And suddenly a great earthquake occurred so as the foundations of the prison to be shaken; and at once all the doors were opened and the bonds of all were loosed. 27And the jailer having become awake and having seen the doors of the prison having been opened, having drawn the sword he was about to take up himself supposing the prisoners to have escaped. 28But Paulos called with a great voice saying: “Thou should do nothing evil to thyself, for we are all here.” 29And

having requested lights he rushed in and of trembling having come he fell before Paulos and Silas 30and having led them forth outside he was saying: “Lords, what is necessary for me to do in order that I would be saved?” 31And

the men said:

“Believe on the Lord Iesous and thou and the house of thee will be saved” [Acts 2:41 - lead verse].



Acts 16:32

THE WILL (Greek to English)


they spoke to him the Word of the Lord with all the men in the house of him. 33And having taken them along in that hour of the night he bathed from the plagues, and he himself and all the men of him were baptized at once [Acts 2:38 - lead verse], 34and having led them up into the house he set a table and he gladdened with his household having believed God [Acts 2:41 - lead verse]. Paulos Was a Roman Citizen 35And

of day having come the officers sent the rod-bearers saying:

“Release those men.” 36And

the jailer reported the words to Paulos that:

“The officers sent in order that you would be released; now therefore having gone out go in peace.” 37But

Paulos was saying to them: “Having beaten us publicly uncondemned, men who are Romans, they casted into prison, and now they cast us out secretly? For not, but having come they themselves lead us out” [Acts 22:25; 23:27].


the rod-bearers reported these words to the officers. And having heard that they are Romans they feared, 39and having come they besought them and having led out they were asking them to go away from the city. 40And having gone out from the prison they entered to the house of Ludia and having seen they exhorted the brothers and went out.


Seventeen Berean Searched the Scriptures Daily

1And having traveled through Amphipolis and Apollonia they came into Thessalonica where there was a synagogue of the Jews. 2And according to the custom for Paulos he entered with them and on three Sabbaths he discussed to them from the Scriptures, 3opening and setting that:

“It was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise out of the dead and that this is the Christ Iesous whom I myself proclaim to you” [Acts 9:22 - lead verse].



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 17:18


some out of them were persuaded and were alloted to Paulos and Silas, and a big multitude of Hellenists who worship, and not a few of the firsts of women. 5And having envied and having taken forth some evil men of the marketplaces and having gathered a crowd the Jews were troubling the city and having stood by the house of Iason they were seeking them to lead forth into the public; 6and having found them not they were dragging Iason and some brothers to the city rulers shouting that: “The men who have stirred the inhabited earth these men also come here [Acts 24:5], 7whom Iason has welcomed; and all these men are doing against the dogmata of Caesar saying Iesous to be a different King.” 8And 9and

they agitated the crowd and the city rulers hearing these things, having taken security from Iason and the rest they released them.

10And immediately the brothers through night sent out both Paulos and Silas into Berea, who having arrived were away into the synagogue of the Jews. 11 And these were more wellborn than the ones in Thessalonica, who received the Word with all eagerness examining the Scriptures every day if it has these things thus [Ioannes 5:39]. 12Indeed therefore many out of them believed and of the dignified Hellenist women and not a few of men. 13And as the Jews from Thessalonica knew that even in Berea the Word of God was proclaimed by Paulos, they came there also shaking and agitating the crowds. 14And then immediately the brothers sent out Paulos to go up to the sea, and both Silas and Timotheos remained there. 15And the men appointing Paulos led him up to Athens, and having received a commandment to Silas and Timotheos in order that they should come as most quickly to him they were going out.

Paulos in Athens 16And

in Athens of Paulos expecting them the spirit of him in him was being provoked seeing the city being full of idols. 17Indeed therefore he was discussing in the synagogue with the Jews and the ones who worship and in the marketplace throughout all day with the men who happen to be near. 18And even some of the Epicureans and Stoic philosophers [1 Corinthians 1:22] were meeting with him, and some were saying:



Acts 17:19

THE WILL (Greek to English)

“What might this scavenger will to say?” But some: “He seems to be an announcer of foreign demons.” Because he was also evangelizing Iesous and the resurrection. having taken hold of him they led to the Areopagus saying:


“Are we able to know what is this new teaching being spoken by thee? 20For thou bring some things which are strange into the ears of us; therefore we wish to know what wills these things to be.” 21And

all Athenians and the strangers who sojourn into nothing different were having a good time either to say something or to hear something newer. God Does Not Dwell in Temples Made with Hands and is Not Worshipped with Hands 22And

having stood in the middle of the Areopagus Paulos was

saying: “Men Athenians, I see you as more superstitious according to all things. 23For going through and watching I found the objects of worship of you and an altar in which it had been inscribed: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Therefore He whom you show godliness without knowing, I myself proclaim this to you. 24“The

God who has made the world and all things in it this being Lord of heaven and earth dwells not in temples made by hands [Acts 7:48-50 - lead verses] 25nor by human hands is He being served needing something, He Himself having given to all life and breath and all things; 26and out of one man He made every nation of men to dwell on the whole face of the earth, having determined having been appointed times and the boundaries of the dwelling of them [Deuteronomy 32:8] 27to seek God, if then indeed they might feel Him and might find, and indeed being not far from each one of us [Isaiah 55:6; Psalm 145:18; Jeremiah 23:23]. 28For in Him we live [Acts 4:24 - lead verse],



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 18:3

and we move and we are, as even some of the poets according to you have said: ‘For we are also a genus of God.’ God is Not Like Gold, Silver, Stone, Nor Graven by Art and Man’s Device 29“Therefore being a genus of God we ought not to suppose the divine to be like gold or silver or stone, mark of art and thought of man [Genesis 1:27; Isaiah 40:18-20; 44:10-17; Acts 19:26]. 30Indeed therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance [Psalm 50:21; Acts 14:16], God now commands all men everywhere to change mind [Acts 2:38 - lead verse], 31because He appointed a day in which He is about to judge the inhabited earth in righteousness, in a Man whom He determined, having granted faith to all having raised Him out of the dead” [Psalms 9:8; 96:13]. 32And

having heard resurrection of the dead some indeed were mocking but others said: “We will also hear of thee again concerning this.” 33Thus

Paulos went out of the middle of them. 34And some men having joined him believed, in whom also were Dionusios the Areopagite and a woman with a name Damaris and different men with them.


Eighteen Paulos Met Akulas and Priskilla


these things having departed out of Athens he came into Corinth. 2And having found a certain Jew with a name Akulas, by genus of Pontus and Priskilla the woman of him [Romans 16:3] having come recently from Italy, on account of Klaudios to have ordered all the Jews to depart from Rome, he approached them 3and on account of them to be of the same trade he was remaining beside them, and he was working; for they were tentmakers by trade [Acts 20:34; 1 Corinthians 4:12; 1 Thessalonians 2:9].



Acts 18:4

THE WILL (Greek to English) Believers in Corinth were Baptized


he was discussing in the synagogue during every Sabbath, and he was persuading Jews and Hellenists [Acts 13:27]. 5And as both Silas and Timotheos came down from Macedonia, Paulos was constrained by the Word witnessing to the Jews Iesous to be the Christ [Acts 9:22 - lead verse]. 6And of them opposing and blaspheming [Acts 13:45 - lead verse] having shaken out the garments he said to them: 20:26]

“The blood of you on the head of you; I am clean [Acts from now I will go into the Gentiles” [Acts 2:39 - lead verse].

7And having transferred from there he entered into a house of a certain man with a name Titios Ioustos worshipping God, the house of whom was adjoining the synagogue. 8And Krispos [1 Corinthians 1:14] the synagogue ruler believed the Lord with the whole house of him, and many of the Corinthians hearing were believing and were being baptized [Acts 2:38, 41 - lead verses]. 9And the Lord said to Paulos in night through a vision:

“Fear not, but speak and thou should not be silent, 10because I Myself am with thee and no one will lay on thee to harm thee, because many people in this city is for Me.” 11And

he sat down a year and six months teaching in them the Word of

God. Paulos Ended His Second Missionary Journey 12And of Gallion being proconsul of Achaia the Jews with one mind stood up against Paulos and they led him to the tribunal 13saying that:

“This persuades men to worship God alongside the Law.” 14But

of Paulos being about to open the mouth Gallion said to the Jews: “If indeed it was a certain wrong or an evil fraud, O Jews, according to a word I would bear with you, 15but if it is questions concerning a word and names and Law according to you, you yourselves will see; I myself wish not to be a judge of these things.”


he drove them away from the tribunal. 17And having taken hold of Sosthenes the synagogue ruler all were striking in front of the tribunal; and nothing of these mattered to Gallion.



Acts 19:2

THE WILL (Greek to English) 18And

having still continued sufficient days with the brothers having said farewell Paulos was sailing out into Syria, and Priskilla and Akulas with him, having shorn the head in Cenchrea, for he had a vow [Numbers 6:5, 18]. 19And they arrived into Ephesus, and he left those here, and entering into the synagogue he himself discussed with the Jews. 20And of them asking to remain on more time he nodded not, 21but having said farewell and having said: “Again I will return to you of God willing”

[Iakobos 4:15 -

lead verse].

He was led up from Ephesus, 22and having come down into Caesarea, having risen and having greeted the Ekklesia he went down into Antioch. 23And having made some time he went out afterward going through the Galatian area and Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples. Apollos Taken by Priskilla and Akulas 24And

a certain Jew with a name Apollos, Alexandrian by genus, an eloquent man, arrived into Ephesus, who is powerful in the Scriptures [1 Corinthians 3:5]. 25This was having been catechized the Way of the Lord and boiling with spirit he was speaking and teaching accurately the things concerning Iesous, understanding alone the baptism of Ioannes [Acts 19:3]; 26and this began to speak out in the synagogue. And having heard him Priskilla and Akulas took him forth and set out to him the Way (of God) more accurately. 27And of him wishing to go through into Achaia, having encouraged the brothers wrote to the disciples to receive him, who having arrived met much with the ones who have believed through grace; 28for vigorously he was reproving with the Jews publicly showing through the Scriptures Iesous to be the Christ [Acts 9:22 - lead verse].



Disciples of Ioannes the Baptist were Baptized into Christ 1And

it happened in the time for Apollos to be in Corinth Paulos having gone through the upper parts to come into Ephesus and to find some disciples 2and he said to them: “If you received the Holy Spirit having believed?”


7:39; Acts 2:38; 8:16]



Acts 19:3

THE WILL (Greek to English)

And the men said to him: “But we heard not if there is Holy Spirit.” 3And

he said: “Therefore into what were you baptized?”

And the men said: “Into the baptism of Ioannes” 4And

[Acts 18:25].

Paulos said:

“Ioannes baptized with a baptism of change of mind [Acts saying to the people that they should believe into the One who comes after him, this is into Iesous.” 13:24 - lead verse]


having heard they were baptized into the name of the Lord Iesous of the hands of Paulos having been laid on them the Holy Spirit came on them, and they were speaking in tongues and they were prophesying. 7And all the men were about twelve.

[Acts 2:38 - lead verse], 6and

God Worked Special Miracles Through Paulos 8And

having entered into the synagogue he was speaking out on three months discussing and persuading concerning the kingdom of God. 9But as some were hardened and were disobeying speaking evil of the Way before the multitude, having stood away from them he separated the disciples every day discussing in the school of Turannos. 10And this happened on two years, so that all the men who dwell Asia were able to hear the Word of the Lord, both Jews and Hellenists. 11And

God was doing miracles which have not happened through the hands of Paulos [Markos 16:20 - lead verse], 12so that even sudaria or aprons to be brought from the body of him to the men who weaken and the diseases to be released from them, and the evil spirits to go out. The Seven Sons of Skeua 13And some of the Jews who go around exorcising also attempted to name the name of the Lord Iesous on the men who have the evil spirits saying:



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 19:26

“I adjure you Iesous whom Paulos preaches.” 14And

they were seven sons of a certain Skeua a Jewish high priest who do this. 15And having answered the evil spirit said to them: “I know Iesous and I understand Paulos, but you who are you?” 16And

the man in whom the evil spirit was having leaped on them, having lorded over all prevailed against them so as for them to escape out of that house naked and having been wounded. 17And this became known to all both Jews and Hellenists who dwell Ephesus and fear fell upon them all and they were magnifying the name of the Lord Iesous. 18And many of the ones who have believed were coming confessing out and announcing the deeds of them. 19And competent men who have done things pertaining to magic [Deuteronomy 18:10-11] having brought the books were burning them before all, and they counted the prices of them and they found five myriads of silver. 20Thus down from might the Word of the Lord was growing and was becoming strong [Acts 6:7 - lead verse]. Those Which are Made with Hands are Not Gods 21 And

as these things were fulfilled, having gone through Macedonia and Achaia Paulos set in the spirit to go into Jerusalem having said that: “After me to be there it is necessary for me also to see Rome” [Acts 23:11; Romans 1:13]. 22And

having sent into Macedonia two of the ones who serve him, Timotheos and Erastos, he himself stayed a time into Asia. 23And not a little trouble concerning the Way happened during that time [1 Corinthians 15:32; 2 Corinthians 1:8]. 24For a certain man with a name Demetrios, a silversmith, making silver temples of Artemis was granting not a little work to the craftsmen, 25who also having gathered together the workers concerning such things said:

“Men, you understand that the wealth for us is out of this work 26and you see and you hear that this Paulos having persuaded removed a sufficient crowd not only of Ephesus but almost all of Asia saying that: ‘The men who are made



Acts 19:27

THE WILL (Greek to English)

through hands are not gods’ [Acts 17:29 - lead verse]. 27And this endangers not only the part for us to come into disrepute but also the temple of the great goddess Artemis to be reckoned into nothing, and also of the majesty of her to be about to be taken down which the whole Asia and the inhabited earth worships.” 28And

having heard and having become full of fury they were crying out saying: “Great is Artemis of Ephesians.” 29And

the city was filled with confusion, and they rushed with one mind into the theater having grabbed Gaios [1 Corinthians 1:14; Romans 16:23] and Aristarchos Macedonians, traveling companions of Paulos. 30And of Paulos wishing to enter into the public the disciples were not allowing him; 31and even some of the rulers of Asia, being friends to him, having sent to him were beseeching him not to give himself into the theater. 32Indeed therefore others were crying out another certain thing; for the ekklesia was having been confused and the majority had not known because of what they had come together. 33And some out of the crowd instructed Alexandros, of the Jews having casted him forth; and having waved the hand Alexandros was willing to defend to the public. 34But having recognized that he is a Jew, one voice came out of all crying out about two hours: “Great is Artemis of Ephesians.” 35And

having calmed down the crowd the scribe says:

“Men Ephesians, for who is of men who knows not the city of Ephesians being the temple-keeper of the great Artemis and of the one fallen from heaven? 36Therefore of these things being without objection it is necessary for you to be having been calmed down and to do nothing reckless. 37For you led these men neither temple robbers nor blaspheming the goddess of you. 38Indeed therefore if Demetrios and the craftsmen with him have a word against someone, marketplaces are open and there are proconsuls, let them accuse one another. 39But if you seek something further, it will be explained in the



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 20:12

lawful ekklesia. 40For we are also in danger to be accused of an uprising concerning today, there being not even one charge concerning which we will be able to give a word concerning this ploy.” 41And

having said these things he released the ekklesia.



The Disciples Broke Bread on the First Day of the Week 1And

after the turmoil to stop having sent for the disciples and having besought Paulos, having greeted went out to go into Macedonia. 2And having gone through those parts and having besought them with much word he went into Greece 3and having spent three months; of a plot against him having been made by the Jews being about to lead up into Syria, he made a decision to return through Macedonia. 4And Sopatros of Pyrrhus a Berean was accompanying him, and Aristarchos and Sekoundos Thessalonians, and Gaios a Derbean and Timotheos, and Asians Tuchikos and Trophimos. 5And these having gone before us were remaining in Troas, 6and we ourselves sailed out after the days of the Unleavened Bread from Philippi and we came to them into Troas until five days, where we stayed seven days. 7And

in the first day of the Sabbaths of us having been assembled to break bread, Paulos was discussing with them being about to go out on the morrow, and he was prolonging the Word until midnight. 8And sufficient lamps were in the upper room where we were having been assembled. 9And a certain young man with a name Eutuchos sitting on the window, being brought down by a deep sleep of Paulos discussing on more, having been brought down from the sleep fell down from the third story and was taken dead. 10And having gone down Paulos fell upon him and having embraced he said: “Be not troubled, for the psyche of him is in him.” 11And

having gone up and having broken the bread and having tasted and having talked on a sufficient time until daylight, he went out thus. 12And they led the servant living and they were exhorted not measurably.



Acts 20:13

THE WILL (Greek to English) Paulos Had Declared the Evangel of God


having gone to the boat we ourselves were led up to Assos being about to take up Paulos from there; for it was having been ordered thus he being about to travel on foot. 14And as he met us into Assos, having taken him up we went into Mitylene, 15and from there having sailed away on the next day we arrived opposite Chios, and on the other day we casted along into Samos, and on the coming day we went into Miletus. 16For Paulos had judged to sail along Ephesus, in order that it would not happen to him to spend time in Asia; for he was hurrying if it be possible for him to be into Jerusalem on the day of the Pentecost. 17And

from Miletus having sent into Ephesus he called for the presbyters of the Ekklesia. 18And as they arrived to him he said to them: “You yourselves understand, from the first day from which I came into Asia, how I decided with you every time, 19serving the Lord with all lowliness of mind and tears and temptations which happened to me in the plots of the Jews, 20as I withheld nothing of the things which are profitable not to announce to you and to teach you publicly and throughout houses, 21witnessing both to Jews and to Hellenists change of mind into God and faith into the Lord of us Iesous. 22“And

now behold I myself having been bound by the Spirit go into Jerusalem having known not the things in it which will meet me, 23except that the Holy Spirit witnesses to me saying that bonds and tribulations await me in every city [Acts 9:16 - lead verse]. 24But I make the psyche not even one word precious to myself as I would finish the race of me and the ministry which I received from the Lord Iesous, to witness the evangel of the grace of God [Acts 21:13; 1 Corinthians 9:26-27; Galatians 1:1, 11-12; 2 Timotheos 4:7]. 25“And

now behold I myself know that you will no longer see the face of me you all in whom I went through preaching the kingdom [Acts 20:38]. 26Wherefore I witness to you in a day today that I am clean from the blood of all [Acts 18:6]; 27for I withheld not to announce to you the whole counsel of God.



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 20:38

Shepherd the Ekklesia which Christ Acquired through His Own Blood 28“Hold

on for yourselves and for every little flock, in which the Holy Spirit placed you overseers to shepherd the Ekklesia of Christ [Deuteronomy 12:5; Jeremiah 7:10; Maththaios 16:18; Romans 12:5; 16:16; 1 Corinthians 12:12, 27; Ephesians 5:23-27; Colossians 1:13, 18], which He acquired through His own blood [Revelation 5:9]. 29I myself know that grievous wolves will enter into you after the departure of me not sparing the little flock [Maththaios 7:15 - lead verse], 30and men of them will rise out of you speaking things which have been perverted which draw away the disciples behind them [1 Corinthians 11:19; 1 Ioannes 2:19]. 31“Wherefore

you watch remembering that three years night and day I stopped not admonishing each one with tears. 32And now I set you to God and to the Word of the grace of Him, which is able to build and to give the inheritance in all the men who have been made holy [Acts 26:18]. “It is More Blessed to Give than to Receive” 33“I

desired nothing of silver or gold or clothing; 34you yourselves know that these hands helped to the needs of me and the men who are with me [Acts 18:3 - lead verse]. 35I showed to you all things that thus toiling it is necessary to help the ones who weaken, and to remember the words of the Lord Iesous that He Himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” 36And

having said these things having set the knees of him with them all he prayed. 37And considerable wailing of all occurred and having fallen upon the neck of Paulos they were intensely kissing him, 38suffering most especially at the word which he had said, that they are about to see the face of him no longer. And they were sending him forth into the boat [Acts 20:25].



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 21:1



Paulos Ended His Third Missionary Journey 1And

as it happened for us to lead up having been drawn away from them, having run a straight course we came into Cos, and on the next day into Rhodes and from there into Patara, 2and having found a ship crossing over into Phoenicia having embarked we lead up. 3And

having sighted Cyprus and having left it behind on the left we were sailing into Syria and we came down into Tyre; for the ship was unloading the cargo there. 4And we remained seven days having found the disciples of him, who were saying to Paulos through the Spirit not to embark into Jerusalem. 5And when it came for us to complete the days, having gone out we went with women and children of all sending us forth until outside the city, and having set the knees on the shore having prayed 6we farewelled one another and we embarked into the ship, and those returned into their own things. 7And

having completed the voyage from Tyre we ourselves arrived into Ptolemais and having greeted the brothers we remained one day beside them. 8And on the morrow having gone out we came into Caesarea and having entered into the house of Philippos the evangelist, who is out of the seven, we remained beside him [Acts 6:5 - lead verse]. 9And to this were four virgin daughters prophesying [Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17]. 10And of remaining more days a certain prophet from Judea with a name Agabos came down [Acts 11:28], 11and having come to us and having taken the belt of Paulos, having bound the feet and the hands of himself he said: “The Holy Spirit says these things: ‘The Jews in Jerusalem will bind thus the man of whom this belt is and they will deliver into the hands of the Gentiles’” [Acts 9:16 - lead verse]. 12And as we heard these things, both we ourselves and the residents were beseeching him not to go up into Jerusalem. 13Then Paulos answered:

“What are you doing wailing and crushing the heart of me? For I myself have readiness not only to be bound but also to die into Jerusalem on behalf of the name of the Lord Iesous” [Acts 20:24 - lead verse].



THE WILL (Greek to English) 14And

Acts 21:26

of him not being persuaded we bacame quiet having said: “Let the will of the Lord happen” [Maththaios 26:39 - lead verse].


after these days having packed up we were going up into Jerusalem; 16and also some of the disciples from Caesarea went with us, leading Mnason a certain Cyprean, an archaic disciple beside whom we would be lodged. Paulos Arrived in Jerusalem 17And

of us having come into Jerusalem the brothers gladly received us. on the next day Paulos was entering with us to Iakobos, and all the presbyters arrived. 19And having greeted them he was explaining according to each one, which God did in the Gentiles through the ministry of him. 20And having heard the men were glorifying God and they said to him: 18And

“Thou see, brother, how many myriads there are in the Jews who have believed and all are zealots of the Law; 21and they were catechized concerning thee that thou teach all the Jews throughout the nations apostasy from Mouses saying to them not to circumcise the children nor to walk in the customs. 22What is it therefore? Entirely they will hear that thou have come. 23Therefore do this which we say to thee; there are four men to us having a vow on themselves. 24Having taken along these men purify with them and spend at them in order that they will shave the head, and all will know that there is nothing of which they have been catechized concerning thee but thou walk thyself also guarding the Law [Numbers 6:5, 18]. Abstain from Things Offered to Idols, Blood, Strangled Animals, and Fornication 25“And

concerning the Gentiles who have believed we ourselves wrote having judged them to guard both the things sacrificed to idols and blood [Acts 15:20 - lead verse] and strangled animal and fornication” [Acts 15:20 - lead verse]. 26Then

Paulos having taken along the men on the coming day having been purified with them, was entering into the temple declaring the fulfillment of the days of the purification until which time the offering was brought on behalf of each one of them.



Acts 21:27

THE WILL (Greek to English) Paulos Was Arrested


as the seven days were about to be completed, the Jews from Asia having seen him in the temple were confusing the whole crowd and they casted the hands upon him 28crying out: “Men Israelites, help; this is the man teaching all everywhere against the people and the Law and this place, and still he even led Hellenists into the temple and had defiled this holy place” [Acts 24:6]. 29For

they were having seen before Trophimos the Ephesian in the city with him, whom they were supposing that Paulos led into the temple. 30And the whole city was moved and a running together of the people happened, and having taken hold of Paulos they drew him outside the temple and immediately the doors were closed [Acts 21:28; 24:6; 26:21]. 31And of seeking to kill him a report to the chiliarch of the band went up that the whole Jerusalem is being confused. 32Who immediately having taken along soldiers and centurions ran down to them, and having seen the chiliarch and the soldiers they stopped striking Paulos. 33Then

having drawn near the chiliarch took hold of him and commanded to be bound with two chains, and he was inquiring who he be and what is he having done [Acts 9:16 - lead verse]. 34And others were shouting something another in the crowd. And of him not being able to know the thing certain on account of the turmoil he commanded him to be led into the camp. 35And when he came to the stairs, it happens for him to be carried by the soldiers on account of the violence of the crowd, 36for the multitude of the people was following crying out: “Take him.” Paulos Defends Himself 37And

being about to be led into the camp Paulos says to the

chiliarch: “If it is lawful for me to say something to thee?” And the man was saying:



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 22:7

“Thou know Hellenist? 38Art thou thyself not then the Egyptian who before these days had revolted and has led out into the wilderness the four thousand men of the Assassins?” 39And

Paulos said:

“I myself am indeed a man a Jew, a Tarsian of Cilicia, a citizen of not an insignificant city; and I petition thee, permit me to speak to the people” [Acts 9:11 - lead verse]. 40And

of him having permitted Paulos having stood on the stairs waved the hand to the people. And of much silence having come he called forth in the Hebrew dialect saying:


Twenty-Two The Conversion of Paulos [Acts 9:1-19; 26:12-18]


brothers and fathers, hear the defense of me to you

now.” 2And

having heard that he was calling forth to them in the Hebrew dialect, they granted more quietness. And he says: 3“I myself am a man a Jew, having been begotten in Tarsus of Cilicia [Acts 23:34], and having been nourished in this city, having been trained along the feet of Gamaliel according to the accuracy of the ancestral Law, being a zealot of God as all you yourselves are today [Acts 9:11 - lead verse]; 4who persecuted this Way until death binding and delivering into prisons both men and women, 5as even the high priest witnesses for me and the whole presbyterion, from whom also having received epistles to the brothers I was going into Damascus, and will be leading the men who are having been bound there into Jerusalem in order that they would be punished [Acts 8:3 - lead verse]. 6“And

it happened to me going and drawing near Damascus about midday suddenly a considerable light out of heaven to flash around me, 7and I fell into the ground and I heard a voice saying to me:



Acts 22:8

THE WILL (Greek to English) ‘Saulos Saulos, why art thou persecuting me?’


I myself answered: ‘Who art Thou, Lord?’

And He said to me: ‘I Myself am Iesous the Nazarene, whom thou thyself persecute’ [Acts 9:5 - lead verse]. 9And

the men who are with me indeed saw the light but they heard not the voice of the One speaking to me. 10And I said: ‘What shall I do, Lord?’ And the Lord said to me: ‘Having stood up go into Damascus and there it will be spoken to thee concerning all of which have been ordered for thee to do.’ 11And

as I was not seeing from the glory of that light, I went into Damascus being led by the hands of the ones who are with me. 12“And

a certain Ananias, a devout man according to the Law, being witnessed by all of the Jews who dwell there, 13having come to me and having stood by said to me: ‘Brother Saulos, see again.’ And I looked up into him at the same hour.


he said:

‘The God of the fathers of us appointed thee beforehand to know the will of Him and to see the Righteous and to hear voice out of the mouth of Him, 15because thou will be a witness for Him to all men which thou have seen and heard. 16And now what art thou about to do? Having stood up baptize and wash the sins of thee having called upon the name of Him’ [Acts 2:38 - lead verse].



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 22:25

Paulos Was Sent to the Gentiles 17“And

it happened to me having returned into Jerusalem and of me praying in the temple for me to be in ecstasy 18and to see Him saying to me: ‘Hurry and go out of Jerusalem in haste, because they will not accept the witness of thee concerning Me.’ 19And

I said:

‘Lord, they themselves understand that I myself was imprisoning and beating the men who believe on Thee throughout the synagogues [Acts 8:3 lead verse] , 20and when the blood of Stephanos the witness of Thee was being poured out, even I myself was having stood by and consenting and guarding the garments of the ones who take him up’ [Acts 7:58 - lead verse]. 21And

He said to me:

‘Go, because I Myself will send thee out far into the nations’”[Acts 2:39 - lead verse]. Paulos Was a Roman Citizen 22And they were hearing him until this word and they lifted up the voice of them saying:

“Take such man from the earth, for it is not proper for him to live.” 23And

of them crying out and throwing the garments and casting dust into the air, 24the chiliarch commanded him to be led into the camp, having said him to be examined with scourgings in order that he would fully know on account of which charge thus they were shouting against him. 25And as they stretch him forth with the straps, Paulos said to the centurion who has stood: “If it is lawful for you to scourge a man a Roman and uncondemned?” [Acts 16:37 - lead verse]



Acts 22:26

THE WILL (Greek to English)


having heard the centurion having approached the chiliarch reported saying: “What art thou about to do? For this man is a Roman.”


having approached the chiliarch said to him: “Say to me, art thou thyself a Roman?”

And he was saying: “Yes.” 28And

the chiliarch answered: “I myself got this citizenship by much sum.”

But Paulos was saying: “But I myself have also been begotten a Roman.” 29Immediately

therefore the men who are about to examine him stood away from him, and the chiliarch also feared having fully known that he is a Roman and that he was having bound him. Paulos Was Brought Before the Sanhedrin 30And

on the morrow wishing to know the certain thing, why he is being accused by the Jews, he loosed him and he commanded to go with the ruling priests and the whole Sanhedrin, and having led down Paulos he caused him to stand into them [Acts 23:28].


Twenty-Three Paulos Was a Pharisee


having gazed at the Sanhedrin Paulos said:

“Men brothers, I myself have become a citizen to God in all good conscience until this day” [Acts 24:16]. 2And

the high priest Ananias ordered the men who have stood by him to strike the mouth of him. 3Then Paulos said to him: “God is about to strike thee, wall having been whitewashed; and thou thyself sit judging me according to the Law



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 23:11

and thou command me to be struck transgressing the Law?” [Leviticus 19:15] 4And

the men who have stood by said: “Thou revile the high priest of God?”


Paulos was saying:

“I had not known, brothers, that he is the high priest; for it has been written that: ‘Thou shall not say evilly against a ruler of the people of thee’” [Exodus 22:28]. 6And

having known that one part is of Sadducees and the other of Pharisees Paulos was crying out in the Sanhedrin: “Men brothers, I myself am a Pharisee [Acts 26:5; Philippians a son of Pharisees, I am being judged concerning hope and resurrection of dead” [Ioannes 5:29 - lead verse]. 3:5; 2 Corinthians 11:22],


of him saying this an uprising of the Pharisees and of Sadducees occurred and the multitude was divided. 8For indeed Sadducees say resurrection not to be so nor angel nor spirit, but Pharisees confess both things [Maththaios 22:23; Markos 12:18; Loukas 20:27]. 9And a great outcry occurred, and having stood up some of the scribes of the part of the Pharisees were fighting saying: “We find nothing evil in this man; and if a spirit having spoken to him or an angel?” 10And

of much uprising having come having feared lest Paulos would be torn by them the chiliarch commanded the army having gone down to grab him out of the middle of them and to lead into the camp. Paulos Was Set to Witness at Rome 11And

on the next night having stood by him the Lord said:

“Cheer up; for as thou witnessed the things concerning Me into Jerusalem, thus it is necessary for thee also to witness into Rome” [Acts 19:21 - lead verse].



Acts 23:12

THE WILL (Greek to English)

Paulos Was Brought to Caesarea Before Governor 12And

of day having come having made a ploy the Jews cursed themselves saying neither to eat nor to drink until which time they could kill Paulos. 13And the men who have made this conspiracy were more than forty, 14who having approached the ruling priests and the presbyters said: “We cursed ourselves with an anathema to taste of nothing until which time we could kill Paulos. 15Now therefore you yourselves manifest to the chiliarch with the Sanhedrin in order that he would lead him down into you as being about to diagnose more accurately the things concerning him; but we ourselves are ready to take him up before him to draw near” [Acts 25:3]. 16But

the son of the sister of Paulos having heard the ambush, having arrived and having entered into the camp reported to Paulos. 17And having called forth one of the centurions Paulos was saying: “Lead away this young man to the chiliarch, for he has something to report to him.” 18Indeed

therefore having taken him along he led to the chiliarch and

he says: “Paulos the prisoner having called asked me to lead this young man to thee having something to speak to thee.” 19And

having taken hold of the hand of him and having withdrawn privately the chiliarch was inquiring: “What is the thing which thou have to report to me?” 20And

he said that:

“The Jews agreed to ask thee in order that tomorrow thou would lead down Paulos into the Sanhedrin as being about to inquire something more accurately concerning him. 21Therefore thou thyself should not be persuaded by them; for more than forty men out of them lie in wait for him, who cursed themselves neither to eat nor to drink until which time they could kill him, and now they are ready expecting the promise from thee.”



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 23:35


therefore the chiliarch released the young man having commanded “to speak out to no one that thou manifested these things to me.” 23And

having called forth two of the centurions he said:

“Prepare two hundred soldiers, in order that they could go until Caesarea, and seventy horsemen and two hundred spearmen from the third hour of the night, 24and a cattle to stand by in order that having mounted Paulos they could keep him safe to Phelix the governor,” 25having

written an epistle having this type: 26“Klaudios

Lusias to greet the most excellent governor

Phelix. 27“I

took out this man having been taken by the Jews and being about to be killed by them having stood by with the army having learned that he is a Roman [Acts 16:37 - lead verse]. 28And wishing to fully know the charge on account of which they were accusing him, I led down into the Sanhedrin of them [Acts 22:30] 29whom I found being accused concerning questions of the Law of them, and having not even one accusation worthy of death or of bonds [Acts 25:25; 26:31; 28:18]. 30But of a plot into the man to be out of them having been disclosed to me immediately I sent to thee having commanded also the accusers to say with him at the time of thee” [Acts 24:5-8; 25:5]. 31Indeed

therefore having taken up Paulos according to the thing having been ordered to them the soldiers led through night into Antipatris, 32and on the morrow having allowed the horsemen to go away with him they returned into the camp; 33who having entered into Caesarea and having given up the epistle to the governor also presented Paulos to him. 34And having read and having asked out of what province he is, and having learned that “from Cilicia” [Acts 22:3], 35“I

will hear thee,”

he was saying, “when the accusers of thee would also arrive;” having commanded to guard him in the Praetorium of Herodes.



Acts 24:1

THE WILL (Greek to English)


Twenty-Four Paulos Defended Himself


after five days the high priest Ananias went down with some presbyters and a certain Tertullos an orator, who informed the governor against Paulos [Acts 25:2, 15]. 2And of him having been called Tertullos began to accuse saying: “Of much peace attaining through thee and of reforms coming to this nation through thy foresignt, 3we received always and also everywhere, most excellent Phelix, with all eucharist. 4And in order that I hinder thee not on more, I beseech thee to hear us briefly with thy considerateness. 5For having found this man a pestilence and moving an uprising to all the Jews who are throughout the inhabited earth and president of the heresy of the Nazarenes [Acts 17:6], 6who tried to profane even the temple whom we also seized (and we willed to judge according to our Law [Acts 21:30 - lead verse]. 7But Lusias the chiliarch having passed led him away out of the hands of us with much violence 8having commanded the accusers of him to come to thee), from whom thou thyself having examined will be able to fully know concerning all these things of which we ourselves accuse him” [Acts 23:30 - lead verse]. 9And

the Jews also joined the attack insisting to have these things thus.


Paulos answered the governor having nodded to him to say:

“Understanding thee being a judge for this nation out of many years I defend cheerfully the things concerning myself, 11of thee being able to fully know that there are not more than twelve days to me from which I went up to be worshipping into Jerusalem. 12And neither in the temple they found me discussing with someone or making an uprising of a crowd nor in the synagogues nor throughout the city, 13nor are they able to present to thee concerning which they now accuse me [Acts 25:7]. 14“But

I confess this to thee that according to the Way which they say a heresy, thus I religiously serve the ancestral God believing all the things according to the Law and the



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 24:27

things which have been written in the Prophets, 15having hope into God which even they themselves expect, a resurrection of both righteous and unrighteous to be about to come [Ioannes 5:29 - lead verse]. 16In this also I myself endeavor to have a conscience without stumbling to God and men through all time [Acts 23:1]. 17“And

through more years I arrived to be giving alms and offerings into the nation of me, 18in which they found me having been purified in the temple not with a crowd nor with turmoil, 19but some Jews from Asia, whom it was necessary to be present at the time of thee and to accuse if they have something against me. 20Or let these themselves say what wrong they found of me having stood at the time of the Sanhedrin, 21or concerning this one voice which I cried out in them having stood that ‘Concerning resurrection of the dead I myself am being judged today at the time of you’” [Ioannes 5:29 - lead verse]. Phelix Prolonged Paulos’ Detention 22And Phelix adjourned them, having known more accurately the things concerning the Way having said:

“When Lusias the chiliarch would come down, I will diagnose the things according to you;” 23having

ordered the centurion to keep him and to have relief and to hinder no one of his own people to help him. 24And

after some days Phelix having arrived with Drousilla his own woman being a Jewess sent for Paulos and he heard him concerning the faith into Christ Iesous. 25And of him discussing concerning righteousness and self-control and the judgment which is about to come, Phelix having become afraid answered: “Go for I had the thing now, but having taken a time I will call for thee,” 26at

the same time also hoping that money will be given to him by Paulos; wherefore also sending for him more often he was talking to him. 27And

of two years having been fulfilled Phelix received a successor Porkios Phestos, and willing to set down grace to the Jews Phelix left behind Paulos having been bound.



Acts 25:1


THE WILL (Greek to English) Twenty-Five Paulos Appealed to Caesar


having come to the province after three days Phestos came up into Jerusalem from Caesarea, 2and the ruling priests and the first men of the Jews informed him against Paulos and they were beseeching him [Acts 24:1 - lead verse] 3requesting grace from him in order that he would send for him into Jerusalem, making an ambush to take him up during the way [Acts 23:5]. 4Indeed therefore Phestos answered Paulos to be kept into Caesarea, and himself to be about to come out in haste; 5he says: “Therefore, the able men in you having come down with me if there is something amiss in the man let them accuse him” [Acts 23:30 - lead verse]. 6And

having stayed in them not more than eight or ten days, having come down into Caesarea, on the morrow having sat on the tribunal he commanded Paulos to be led [Acts 25:17]. 7And of him having arrived the Jews who have come down from Jerusalem stood around him and bringing many heavy charges which they were not strong to prove [Acts 24:13], 8of Paulos defending that: “I sinned something neither into the Law of the Jews nor into the temple nor into Caesar.” 9And

willing to set down grace to the Jews having answered Paulos Phestos said: “Having gone up into Jerusalem art thou willing to be judged there concerning these things at the time of me?” [Acts 25:20] 10And

Paulos said:

“I am having stood on the tribunal of Caesar, where it is necessary for me to be judged. I have wronged not the Jews as even thou thyself fully know very well. 11Indeed therefore if I do wrong and I have done something worthy of death, I am not refusing to die; but if there is nothing of which these men accuse me, no one is able to grace me to them; I am calling upon Caesar” [Acts 26:32; 28:19].



THE WILL (Greek to English) 12Then

Acts 25:22

having talked with the council Phestos answered: “Thou have called upon Caesar, thou go to Caesar”



Paulos Was Brought Before King Agrippas 13And of some days having passed King Agrippas and Bernike arrived into Caesarea having greeted Phestos. 14And as they were staying there more days, Phestos set up to the king the things according to Paulos saying:

“A certain man a prisoner is having been left behind by Phelix, 15concerning whom of me having come into Jerusalem the ruling priests and the presbyters of the Jews informed requesting condemnation against him [Acts 24:1 - lead verse]. 16To whom I answered that ‘It is not a custom to Romans to grace a certain man before which the man who is accused has the accusers a place according to face and could take a defense concerning the accusation.’ 17“Therefore

having come together with me here no one having made a postponement on the next day having sat on the tribunal I commanded the man to be led [Acts 25:6]; 18concerning whom the accusers having stood were bringing not even one charge of evil of which I myself was thinking, 19but they had against him some questions concerning their own superstition and concerning a certain Iesous who has died whom Paulos was insisting to live. 20“And

doubting the discussion concerning these things I myself was saying if he wishes to go into Jerusalem and to be judged there concerning these things [Acts 25:9]. 21And of Paulos having called upon thus him to be kept into the diagnosis of the Emperor, I commanded him to be kept until which time I could send him up to Caesar” [Acts 25:11-12]. 22And

Agrippas said to Phestos: “I myself was wishing also to hear the man.”

He says:



Acts 25:23

THE WILL (Greek to English)

“Tomorrow, thou will hear him.” 23Therefore

on the morrow of Agrippas and Bernike having come with much fantasy and having entered into the audience chamber with both chiliarchs and men of the city according to prominence and of Phestos having commanded Paulos was led. 24And Phestos says: “King Agrippas and all the men who are present with us, you see this man concerning whom the whole multitude of the Jews interceded to me both in Jerusalem and here shouting it is not necessary for him to live no longer. 25But I myself found him to have done nothing worthy of death, and of this man himself having called upon the Emperor I judged to send [Acts 23:29 - lead verse]. 26Concerning whom I have not something certain to write to the lord, wherefore I led him forth to you and most especially at the time of thee, King Agrippas, in order that of an examination having done I would have what I would write; 27for it seems illogical to me sending a prisoner not even to signify the charges against him.”


Twenty-Six Paulos Testified Before King Agrippas


Agrippas was saying to Paulos:

“It is permitted for thee to say concerning thyself.” Then having stretched out the hand Paulos was defending: 2“Concerning

all things of which I am being accused by the Jews, King Agrippas, I have considered myself blessed being about to defend today at the time of thee 3most especially being thee an expert of all of both the customs and questions according to Jews, wherefore I petition thee to hear me patiently. 4“Indeed

therefore all Jews have known the life of me out of youth having been in the nation of me from the beginning and in Jerusalem 5knowing me beforehand from above, if they will to witness, that I lived a Pharisee according to the most accurate heresy of our religion [Acts 23:6 - lead verse]. 6And now I have stood being judged on the basis of the hope of the prom-



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 26:17

ise having been made by God into the fathers of us, 7into which the twelve tribes of us religiously serving night and day in intenseness hope to arrive, concerning which hope I am accused by Jews, King. 8“Why

is it being judged unbelievable in the presence of you if God raises dead men? 9Indeed therefore I myself thought to myself to be necessary to do many things contrary to the name of Iesous the Nazarene, 10which I also did in Jerusalem, and having received the authority from the ruling priests I myself also shut down many of the holy men in prisons and of them being taken up I casted down a stone. 11And throughout all the synagogues often punishing them I was compelling them to blaspheme and abundantly outraging at them I was persecuting them until even into cities outside [Acts 8:3 - lead verse]. The Conversion of Paulos [Acts 9:1-19; 22:3-16] 12“In

which going into Damascus with authority and commission of the the ruling priests 13I saw during the way in the middle of day, King, a light from heaven above the brilliance of the sun having shone around me and the men who go with me. 14And of all of us having fallen down into the ground I heard a voice saying to me in the Hebrew dialect: ‘Saulos Saulos, why art thou persecuting me? It is hard for thee to kick against goads.’ 15And

I myself said: ‘Who art Thou, Lord?’

And the Lord said: ‘I Myself am Iesous whom thou thyself persecute [Acts 9:5 - lead verse]. 16But stand up and stand on the feet of thee; for into this I was seen by thee, to appoint thee a helper and a witness both of the things which thou saw (Me) and of the things which I will be seen by thee, 17taking thee out of the people



Acts 26:18

THE WILL (Greek to English)

and out of the Gentiles into whom I Myself send thee [Acts 2:39 - lead verse] 18to open the eyes of them, to turn from darkness into light and the authority of Satan to God [Isaiah 42:16], for them to receive forgiveness of sins [Acts 2:38 - lead verse] and a lot in the ones who have been made holy by faith into Me’ [Acts 20:32]. 19“From

there, King Agrippas, I became not disobedient to the heavenly vision 20but to the ones in Damascus first [Acts 9:19 - lead verse] and also in Jerusalem, and the whole area of Judea and to the Gentiles [Acts 2:39 - lead verse] I was proclaiming to change mind and to return to God, doing works worthy of change of mind [Acts 2:38 - lead verse]. 21Because of these things the Jews having taken me in the temple were trying to lay hands [Acts 21:30 - lead verse]. 22Therefore having obtained help from God I have stood until this day witnessing to both small and great saying nothing outside the things which both the prophets and Mouses spoke being about to happen, 23if the Christ suffers, if first a light is about to proclaim resurrection out of the dead both to the people and to the Gentiles” [Acts 2:39 - lead verse]. 24And

of him defending these things Phestos with a great voice

says: “Thou art crazy, Paulos; the many letters turn thee into mania. 25But

Paulos says: “I am not crazy, most excellent Phestos, but I utter words of truth and soberness. 26For the King understands concerning these things to whom I also speak with outspokenness, for I am persuaded not nothing of these things to be hidden from him; for this is not having been done in a corner. 27Thou believe, King Agrippas, the prophets? I know that thou believe.”


Agrippas says to Paulos: “Thou art persuading to make me a Christian in a little time” [Acts 11:26 - lead verse].



THE WILL (Greek to English) 29But

Acts 27:8

Paulos says: “I would pray to God even in a little and in a great time not only thee but also all the men who hear me today to become such as what sort even I myself am except these bonds.” 30And

the King and the governor and Bernike and the men who sit together with them stood up, 31and having departed they were speaking to one another saying that: “This man does nothing worthy of death or of bonds” [Acts 23:29 - lead verse]. 32And

Agrippas was saying to Phestos:

“This man was able to have been released if he had not called upon Caesar” [Acts 25:11 - lead verse].


Twenty-Seven Paulos Was Brought to Rome


as it was judged for us to sail away into Italy, they were delivering both Paulos and some different prisoners to a centurion with a name Ioulios of a band of Emperor. 2And having embarked to a ship of Adramyttium being about to sail in the places throughout Asia we lead up of Aristarchos a Macedonian of Thessalonica being with us. 3And on the other day we were led down into Sidon, and having used Paulos Ioulios philanthropically permitted him to obtain care having gone to the friends. 4And

from there having been led up we sailed under Cyprus on account of the winds to be blowing contrary, 5and having sailed through the deep throughout Cilicia and Pamphylia we came down into Myra of Lycia. 6And there having found a ship of Alexandria sailing into Italy the centurion embarked us into it. The Tempest Tossed Paulos and Company 7And in sufficient days sailing slowly and hardly having come during Cnidus, of the wind not allowing us we sailed under Crete throughout Salmone, 8and hardly coasting along it we came into a certain place which is called Fair Havens to which the city of Lasea was near.



Acts 27:9

THE WILL (Greek to English)


of a considerable time having passed and of the voyage being already dangerous on account also of the Fast to have already passed Paulos was advising 10saying to them: “Men, I see that the voyage will be about to be with harm and much loss not only of the burden and of the ship but also of the psyches of us” [Acts 27:22]. 11But

the centurion was persuaded by the pilot and by the captain rather than by the things which are said by Paulos. 12And of the harbor being unsuitable towards wintering the majority set counsel to be led up from there, if somehow they might be able to spend winter having arrived into Phoenicia a harbor of Crete looking throughout southwest and throughout northwest. 13And of the south wind having blown lightly having thought to have obtained the purpose, having taken nearer they were coasting along Crete. 14But with not much time a tempestuous wind which is called Euraquilo casted against her; 15and of the ship having been grabbed and not being able to face against the wind we were being carried having given. 16And having run under a certain small island which is called Cauda we were hardly strong to become in control of the skiff, 17which they were using having taken helps undergirding the ship, and fearing lest they would fall out into the Syrtis, having let down the gear, they were carried thus. 18And

of us being exceedingly exposed to bad weather on the next day they were making jettison 19and on the third day they threw the gear of the ship with their own hands. 20And of neither the sun nor stars shining on more days, and of not a little stormy weather lying upon, all remaining hope for us to be saved was being taken away. 21And

of many days being without food having stood in the middle of them then Paulos said: “It was indeed necessary, O men, having obeyed me not to be led up from Crete and to gain this harm and loss. 22And now I advise you to cheer up; for not even one psyche out of you will be a cast away except the ship [Acts 27:10]. 23For an angel of the God of whom I am and for whom I religiously serve, stood by me this night 24saying:



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 27:38

‘Fear not, Paulos, it is necessary for thee to stand before Caesar, and behold God has graced to thee all the men who sail with thee.’ 25“Wherefore

cheer up, men; for I believe God that it will be thus according to which manner it has been spoken to me. 26But it is necessary for us to fall out into a certain island.” The Boat Was Totally Wrecked 27And as the fourteenth night came of us being carried in the Adria, during the middle of the night the sailors were thinking a certain area to lead forth to them. 28And having taken soundings they found twenty fathoms, and a short distance having intervened and again having taken soundings they found fifteen fathoms; 29and fearing lest we fall out somewhere against rough places, having thrown four anchors out of the stern they were praying for day to come. 30And of the sailors seeking to flee out of the ship and having let down the skiff into the sea under pretense as being about to stretch out anchors out of the prow, 31Paulos said to the centurion and to the soldiers:

“Unless these men would remain in the ship, you yourselves are not able to be saved.” 32Then

the soldiers cut off the ropes of the skiff and they allowed it to fall out. 33And

until which day was about to come, Paulos was exhorting all to partake food saying: “Today is the fourteenth day you continue expecting without wheat having taken nothing. 34Wherefore I exhort you to partake food; for this is to your salvation, for a hair of not even one of you will be lost from the head” [Maththaios 10:30 - lead verse]. 35And

having said these things and having taken bread he gave thanks to God before all and having broken he began to eat. 36And all becoming cheerful they themselves also took food. 37And we were all two hundred seventy six psyches in the ship. 38And having been satisfied with food they were lightening the ship casting out the wheat into the sea.



Acts 27:39

THE WILL (Greek to English)


when it became day, they were not recognizing the land, but they were perceiving a certain bosom having a shore into which they were wishing if they might be able to drive out the ship. 40And having taken away the anchors they were allowing into the sea, at the same time having loosed the bands of the rudder and having lifted up the foresail to the wind blowing they were holding down into the shore. 41And having fallen around into a place between two seas they ran the ship ashore and indeed the prow having become firmly fixed remained immovable, and the stern was being loosed by the violence (of the waves). 42And

the counsel of the soldiers was that they would kill the prisoners, lest someone would escape having swam out. 43But the centurion wishing to keep Paulos safe hindered them of the counsel, and he commanded the men who are able to swim having leaped first to go out to the land 44and the rest indeed on the planks, and some on the things from the ship. And thus all came to be kept safe on the land.


Twenty-Eight Paulos Was Bitten By Snake


having been kept safe then we recognized that the island is called Melita. 2And the barbarians were granting us the philanthropy which has not happened, for having lighted a fire they accepted us all on account of the rain having stood upon and on account of the cold. 3And of Paulos having gathered a certain multitude of brushwood and having laid on the fire, a poisonous snake having come out from the heat fastened on the hands of him. 4And as the barbarians saw the beast hanging out of the hand of him, they were saying to one another: “Entirely this man is a murderer whom having been kept safe out of the sea justice allowed not to live.” 5Indeed therefore having shaken off the beast into the fire he suffered nothing evil, 6but the men were expecting him to be about to be swollen or to fall down suddenly dead. But of them expecting on much time and seeing nothing amiss happening into him changing mind they were saying him to be a god.



THE WILL (Greek to English)

Acts 28:20

Paulos Healed Sick People 7And

in the areas around that place were lots to the first man of the island with a name Poplios, who having received us three days entertained friendly. 8And the father of Poplios happened to be lying down being constrained with fever and dysentery, to whom Paulos having entered and having prayed laying the hands on him healed him. 9And of this having happened even the rest in the island having weakness were coming and were being cured, 10who also honored us with many honors and leading up they laid the things towards the needs. Paulos Arrives in Rome 11And after three months having spent the winter in the island we were led up in a ship, Alexandria, with a sign Dioscuri. 12And having been led down into Syracuse we remained three days, 13from where having gone around we arrived into Rhegium. And after one day of a south wind having blown we came into Poteoli on the second day, 14where having found brothers we were besought to remain beside them seven days; and thus we came into Rome. 15And from there having heard the things concerning us the brothers came into a meeting with us up to Appii Forum and Three Taverns, whom Paulos having seen having given thanks to God received courage. 16And

when we entered into Rome, it was permitted to Paulos to remain according to himself with the soldier guarding him. Paulos Preached the Kingdom of God in Rome 17And

it happened after three days for him to call together the first men who are of the Jews; and of them having come together he was saying to them: “I, men brothers, having done nothing contrary to the people or to the ancestral customs a prisoner out of Jerusalem was delivered into the hands of the Romans, 18who having examined me were wishing to release on account of the thing to have not even one charge of death in me [Acts 23:29 - lead verse]. 19But of the Jews opposing I was compelled to call upon Caesar not as having something to accuse the nation of me [Acts 25:11 - lead verse]. 20Therefore on account of this charge I besought you to see and to speak, for because of the hope of Israel I lie around this chain.”



Acts 28:21


THE WILL (Greek to English)

the men said to him: “We ourselves received neither letters concerning thee from Judea nor someone of the brothers having arrived reported or spoke something evil concerning thee. 22But we consider worthy to hear from thee the things which thou think, for indeed concerning this heresy it is known to us that it is opposed everywhere.” 23And

having ordered a day for him more came to him into the lodging to whom he was setting out witnessing the kingdom of God, and persuading them concerning Iesous both from the Law of Mouses and the Prophets, from early until evening. 24And indeed the men were being persuaded by the things which are said, but the others were disbelieving; 25and being without agreement to one another [Acts 13:46 - lead verse] they were released of Paulos having said one word, that: “The Holy Spirit spoke well through Esaias the prophet to the fathers of us 26saying: ‘Go to this people and say: “You will hear a news and you would not at all comprehend and seeing you will see and you would not at all see; 27for the heart of this people was made thick and they heard heavily with the ears and they closed the eyes of them; lest perchance they would see with the eyes and they would hear with the ears and they would comprehend with the heart and they would return, and I will heal them”’ [Maththaios 13:14-15 - lead verses]. 28“Therefore

let it be known to you that this salvation of God was sent to the Gentiles; and they themselves will also hear” [Acts 2:39 - lead verse]. (29And the Jews went away having said of him these things, having many discussions in themselves.) 30And

he remained two whole years in his own expenses and he was receiving all the men going to him, 31preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things concerning the Lord Iesous Christ with all outspokenness without hindrance.



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