Activities The Signs Of The Zodiac - Completo

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  • Pages: 4
Ativities of English - Teacher: Dayse Lopes

The signs of the Zodiac / What’s your lucky star?

Aries (March 21 to April 20) – Your planet is Mars. Your color is red. You are strong and have a lot of energy. But you drink too much Coke. You shouldn’t drink so much Coke. That’s not good for your health. Taurus (April 21 to May 22) – Your planet is Venus. Your color is pink. The native of Taurus is serious and careful in his work. Sometimes he is too serious. He loves science and he says he doesn’t like superstitions. But he knows he should be careful on Friday 13th. Gemini (May 23 to June 21) – Your planet is Mercury. Your color is yellow. You are intelligent, artistic and sociable. You love to talk, but sometimes you talk too much. You shouldn’t be so talkative. Cancer (June 22 to July 22) – You are under the influence of the Moon. Your color is gray. You are nice and friendly, but you eat too many cookies. You shouldn’t eat so many cookies. You may get fat. Leo (July 23 to August 22) – Leos are under the influence of the Sun. Your color is orange. Leos are very responsible (sometimes too responsible), and they have a strong personality. Are you a Leo? You may be a leader one day. That’s possible. Virgo (August 23 to September 22) – Your planet is Mercury. Your color is brown. The native of Virgo is practical, logical, systematic. He/she will be famous one day and make a lot of money. But he/she mustn’t worry so much. Life is so short… Libra (September 23 to October 22) – You are under the influence of Venus. Your color is blue. You are nice and make friends easily. Everybody loves a Libra. But sometimes you don’t have enough decision. It’s not easy for you to make decisions. Scorpio (October 23 to November 21) – Your planets are Pluto and Mars. Your color is red. The native of Scorpio is a creative and determined person. But he is also an extremist in all he does; with him it’s all or nothing. He is not patient enough to wait for his opportunity. But he shouldn’t worry. His dream will be a really soon. Sagittarius (November 22 to December 22) – Your planet is Jupiter. Your color is purple. You are generous and very optimistic. You are optimistic enough to believe the world will be perfect one day. You might be right. Capricorn (December 23 to January 20) – Your planet is Saturn. Your color is black. The native of Capricorn is practical and objective. He has a lot of energy and talent, but he should be more patient. It’s not easy for him to be patient. Aquarius (January 21 to February 19) – Your planets are Uranus and Saturn. Your color is blue. The native of Aquarius is original, artistic and talented. But he doesn’t like sports and he doesn’t take enough exercise. Pisces (February 20 to March 20) – You are under the influence of Neptune and Jupiter. Your color is green. Talent and creativity will bring you fame and a lot of money. You have enough good qualities to be a great success. You should worry less. You are poor now but you will be rich one day.

Read and learn I) Relacione os signos com seus respectivos astros e cores: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo

( ( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) ) )

Venus; pink Mercury; brown Mercury; yellow Sun; orange Mars; red Moon; gray

II) Retire do texto em inglês, as palavras ou expressões que correspondentes a: 1. 2. 3. 4.

forte: saúde: sob, debaixo de: tão falador:

5. 6. 7. 8.

cuidadoso: ficar gordo: líder: preocupar-se tanto

III) Relacione os signos às suas características: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo

( ( ( ( ( (

) simpático e camarada. ) inteligente, artístico e sociável. ) responsável e de personalidade forte. ) forte e com muita energia. ) prático, lógico, sistemático. ) sério e cuidadoso em seu trabalho.

IV) Todas as características descritas no exercício anterior têm sentido positivo ou negativo? Comente. V) Agora, relacione as características menos positivas, de acordo com o texto: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo

( ( ( ( ( (

) é sério demais. ) come biscoitos demais. ) preocupa-se demais. ) bebe coca-cola demais. ) é falador demais. ) é responsável demais.

VI) O texto apresenta conselhos e previsões para os diversos signos. Encontre-os em cada signo e complete as frases abaixo: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Áries não deve_______________ Touro deve _________________ Gêmeos não deve ____________ Câncer não deve _____________ Leão, um dia, pode ___________ Virgem não pode _____________

VII) Que verbo foi usado para dar conselhos: should ou Will? VIII) Complete as frases com but, because ou or: • •

You shouldn’t drink so much Coke _____________ that’s not good for your health. You mustn’t worry so much _______________ life is so short.

A palavra utilizada indica que, entre as orações, há uma relação de oposição, causa ou alternativa? IX) Retire do texto em inglês, as frases que correspondem às idéias abaixo: 1. Uma boa razão para que as pessoas não se preocupem demais. 2. Uma boa razão para não comer muitos biscoitos. 3. Uma boa razão para não beber muita coca-cola. X) De acordo com o texto, coloque V ou F e corrija as declarações falsas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

People Born under Cancer are under the influence of our satellite. ( Drinking too much Coke is bad for you. ( ) Eating too many cookies is good for your health. ( ) We must worry because life is so short. ( ) People born under the sign of Virgo will be rich one day. ( ) People born under Aries have very little energy. ( )


7. Talkative people sometimes talk too much. ( ) The signs of the Zodiac - Part 2 I) Relacione os signos com seus respectivos astros e cores: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

( ( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) ) )

Saturn; black Jupiter; purple Neptune and Jupiter; green Venus; blue Uranus and Saturn; blue Pluto and Mars; red

II) Retire do texto em inglês, as palavras ou expressões que correspondentes a: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

facilmente: suficiente: tudo: nada: esperar por: logo, em breve:

7. talentoso: 8. trazer: 9. grande: 10. menos: 11. pobre: 12. rico:

III) Relacione os signos às suas características: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (

Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces ) talentoso e criativo.

( ) original, artístico e talentoso. ( ) simpático e com facilidade para fazer amigos. ( ) criativo e determinado. ( ) generoso e muito otimista. ( ) prático, objetivo, talentoso e muita energia.

IV) Agora, relacione as características menos positivas, de acordo com o texto: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

( ( ( ( ( (

) não faz exercícios físicos e não gosta de esportes. ) é otimista demais, a ponto de acreditar que o mundo será perfeito um dia. ) tem dificuldades para tomar decisões. ) é extremist em tudo o que faz; com ele é tudo ou nada. ) preocupa-se demais. ) tem dificuldades para ser paciente.

V) De acordo com o texto, coloque V ou F e corrija as declarações falsas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

It is not easy for a native of Libra to make friends. ( ) It is difficult for a native of Scorpio to be patient. ( ) The native of Sagittarius is too optimistic. ( ) The native of Capricorn is not patient enough. ( ) The Aquarius person takes too much exercise. ( ) The Pisces person will be rich and famous in the future. (


VI) Encontre os respectivos opostos: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

all dream right great more rich

( ( ( ( ( (

) ) ) ) ) )

small wrong less nothing poor reality

VII) Retire do texto, em inglês, duas(2) qualidades que podem levar alguém a ter fama e dinheiro. VIII) Relacione as frases com as idéias contidas à direita: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Everybody loves a Libra. You might be right. With him, it’s all or nothing. You should worry less. He shouldn’t worry. His dream will be a reality soon. He doesn’t take enough exercise.

( ) Possibilidade remota de você estar certo a respeito de um assunto. ( ) Afirmação de que em breve alguém realizará seu sonho. ( ) Conselho para que a pessoa não se preocupe. ( ) Opinião unânime e positiva sobre um tipo de pessoa.

( ) Crítica à quantidade insuficiente de exercícios feitos por alguém. ( )Posição radical, de alguém que age sem moderação.

( ) Conselho para que alguém se preocupe menos.

2 1

*Gemini are talkative

He is so serious. =tão sério He is too serious. =sério demais They talk so much. =tanto They too much. Demais

and sociable. *Leos are active and responsible. *Virgos are practical and logical.

He drinks so much Coke. =tanta coca-cola. He drinks too much Coke. =coca-cola demais

3 * * * *

She eats so many cookies. =tantos biscoitos She eats too many cookies. =biscoitos demais

This is real. – This is reality. You are creative. – You have creativity. He is generous. – He has generosity. She is responsible. – She has responsibility.

EXERCISE 1 – De acordo com o desenho, complete as frases com a palavra correta: He is _____________________ strong! (so / so much) He has _____________________ energy! (so much / so many)

Uncle Scrooge has _____________________money. (too much / too many) Why does he want ______________________money? (so much / so many)

EXERCISE 2 – Observe as frases da elipse 2 (acima) e responda: os sufixos -ive, -able/ible e –al formam advérbios, verbos ou adjetivos? EXERCISE 3 – Dê o correspondente em português das palavras destacadas nas frases abaixo. Preste atenção aos sufixos. Na maioria dos casos, as semelhanças com o português podem ajudar. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Cancers are creative people. They are also very communicative. Leos have a strong personality and sometimes they become aggressive. Gemini are friendly people but sometimes they are ironical. Taurus love comfortable houses. Virgos are very practical and they like to use washable materials. Aries have a lot of energy and they take physical exercise every day.

EXERCISE 4 – Ao acrescentarmos o sufixo ity a um adjetivo, formamos um: substantivo abstrato ou verbo? EXERCISE 5 – Forme novas palavras acrescentando o sufixo -ity e dê o correspondente em português das palavras formadas: 1. 2. 3. 4.

national: personal: popular: original:

Agora, preste atenção às mudanças ortográficas necessárias: 5. possible: 6. probable: 7. active:

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