Accelerate Java Development With Uml

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  • Pages: 59
Accelerating Java Development Using the UML: An Application Development Tutorial Chattanooga JAVA User Group

Jeffrey H Bush

Software Consultant Embarcadero Technologies,Inc.

© 2001 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

Tutorial Outline • Part 1: Overview of the UML • Part 2: Building a sample Java application • Appendix: UML diagrams reviewed

Part One

© 2000 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

UML Overview

What is the UML? • Unified Modeling Language • An industry standard design notation for: • Expressing software architecture • Expressing software dynamics and behavior • Documenting software deployment

• OMG standard • The de-facto industry standard today • The UML supports both Process and Architecture

UML Architecture Support 4 + 1 View Model of Architecture Design View

Implementation View Component Diagram Interaction Diagrams Statechart Diagram Activity Diagram

Class & Object Diagrams Interaction Diagrams Statechart Diagram Activity Diagram

Use Case View Use Case Diagram Interaction Diagrams Statechart Diagram Activity Diagram Class & Object Diagrams Interaction Diagrams Statechart Diagram Activity Diagram

Deployment Diagram Interaction Diagrams Statechart Diagram Activity Diagram

Process View

Deployment View Reprinted from The Unified Modeling Language Users Guide

Architecture • Use Case View – encompasses the use cases that describe the behavior of the system – does not specify the organization of the software system – does specify the forces that shape the system’s architecture – static aspects are captured in Use Case diagrams – dynamic aspects are captured in Interaction (Sequence and Collaboration), Statechart and Activity diagrams

Architecture • Design View – classes, interfaces and collaborations that form the vocabulary of the problem and its solution – supports the functional requirements of the system – static aspects are captured in Class and Object diagrams – dynamic aspects are captured in Interaction, Statechart and Activity diagrams

Architecture • Process View – threads and processes that form the system’s concurrency and synchronization mechanisms – addresses performance, reliability, scalability and throughput of the system – static and dynamic aspects are captured as with the Design View with a focus on active classes that represent the processes and threads

Architecture • Implementation View – the components and files used to assemble the system – primarily addresses the configuration management of the system’s releases – static aspects are captured in Component diagrams – dynamic aspects are captured in Interaction, Statechart and Activity diagrams

Architecture • Deployment View – the nodes that form the system’s hardware topology – addresses the distribution, delivery and installation of the system – static aspects captured in Deployment diagrams – dynamic aspects captured in Interaction, Statechart and Activity diagrams

The UML and Software Process • The UML is a standard notation only • It does not specify process at all • UML is most effective when combined with an effective software process

Lifecycle Phases

Test & Delivery Analysis Implement Requirements Requirements


Design Design




UML and the Software Process The The Unified Unified Process Process

The The Software Software Development Development Plan Plan

Inception Inception Elaboration Elaboration Construction Construction Transition Transition

Software Software Development Development Team Team

Software Software Development Development Tools Tools

Software Development Life Cycle





Requirements Analysis Design Implementation Test Iter. 1

Iter. 2






Iter. n-1

Iter. n

Reprinted from The Unified Modeling Language Users Guide

Inception Phase

Inception Inception

Elaboration Elaboration

Construction Construction

Transition Transition

Inception Phase • Major Activities – Capture all user requirements

• Deliverables – – – –

Use Case database Use Case / Sequence / Activity / Collaboration diagrams Requirements document User interface prototypes

• Completion Criteria – Domain experts and requirements team have recorded all Use Cases – User sign-off on requirements

Inception: Use-Case Diagram

Inception: Development Use-Case Database

FIELD OSE Case Name Identifier Identifier of Underlying Userlevel Use Case Description Owner Date




Inception: Sequence Diagram

Elaboration Phase

Inception Inception

Elaboration Elaboration

Construction Construction

Transition Transition

Elaboration • Major Activities – Detailed System Design – Preparation for Construction

• Deliverables – Development Use Cases – Package Diagrams / Class Diagrams / Sequence Diagrams – Initial Test Matrix

• Completion Criteria – Design is complete - all Use Cases have been accounted for – Complete dynamic and static view of system has been designed

Package Diagram

Class Diagram

Sequence Diagram

Construction Phase

Inception Inception

Elaboration Elaboration

Construction Construction

Transition Transition

Construction • Major Activities – System coding – System integration – Alpha testing

• Deliverables – Completed initial release of system – User and internal system documentation – Beta release plan

• Completion Criteria – Stable release exists that meets all agreed upon requirements – Complete documentation is ready to release with initial system

Construction: Models guide Code

Java Source Code

Transition Phase

Inception Inception

Elaboration Elaboration

Construction Construction

Transition Transition

Transition • Major Activities – Refining system performance – Correcting bugs – Clarification of documentation

• Deliverables – Updated builds of system – Updated user and internal documentation

• Completion Criteria – Improved builds address specific identified issues – New release is ready for next iteration

Transition: Document As-Built


Java Source Code

Part Two

© 2001 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

Sample Java Application

Network Monitor Program Login

Sample application to track a user’s portfolio of stock and provide real-time updated values.

User DB Create/Edit Portfolio

Yahoo Quote Server

User Get Quotes

Get News

CNN Financial News

Export Portfolio

Application Use Case


Primary Scenario Use Case 1. Login to the server 2. Create or Edit a stock portfolio 3. Get updated quotes for all stocks in the portfolio 4. Get current news for stocks in the portfolio 5. Export portfolio for use in other applications

User DB Create/Edit Portfolio

Yahoo Quote Server

User Get Quotes

Get News

CNN Financial News

Export Portfolio

Hands-On Example Building a Stock Tracker with the Support of the UML

© 2001 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

UML References Recommended Books

© 2001 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

Recommended UML Guides •SAMS Teach Yourself UML in 24 Hours Schmuller, Joseph. 1999.. Indianapolis: SAMS: A Division of Macmillan Computer Publishing.

•Instant UML Miller, Pierre-Alain, 1997. Paris: Wrox Press Ltd.

•The Unified Modeling Language User Guide Booch, Grady, J. Rumbaugh, and I. Jacobson. 1999. Reading: Addison-Wesley.

Appendix UML Models Reviewed

© 2001 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

Activity Diagram


What is an Activity Diagram • Describes activities and flows of data or decisions between activities • Provides a very broad view of business processes • Can be used to break out the activities that occur within a use case • Commonly show many different activities that will be handled by lots of different objects • Good for showing parallel threads

When to use an Activity Diagram • When describing work flow across many use cases • When analyzing a use case, and before methods are assigned to objects • When dealing with multi-threaded applications 37

Activity Diagrams • Special case of State Diagram – where all/most states are action states – where all/most transitions triggered by completion of the action

• Good for workflow where parallel processing is prevalent

Interaction Diagrams

•Show interaction between object instances •Two types –Sequence Diagrams –Collaboration Diagrams

Sequence Diagram


What is a Sequence Diagram z

This diagram is a model describing how groups of objects collaborate in some behavior in a time sequence


The diagram captures the behavior of a single use case


It shows objects and the messages that are passed between these objects in the use case

When to use a Sequence Diagram z

A good design can have lots of small methods in different classes. Because of this it can be difficult to figure out the overall sequence of behavior. This diagram is simple and visually logical, so it is easy to see the sequence of the flow of control


A sequence diagram also clearly shows concurrent processes and activations 41

Sequence Diagrams •Interaction between objects arranged in a time sequence •The time is the life of the object •There are no associations described •Explicit sequence of messages •Best for real-time specifications

Collaboration Diagram


What is a Collaboration Diagram •

Cross between an object diagram and a sequence diagram

Describes a specific scenario

Numbered arrows show the movement of messages during the course of a scenario

When to use a Collaboration Diagram • When you prefer to show a spatial organization of objects and interaction rather than concentrating on the sequence of the interaction


Collaboration Diagrams •Shows relationships between the objects •Does not show time sequence •Uses sequence numbering to display path of interaction •Best used to understand the effects on a particular object and procedural design

Class Diagram


What is a Class Diagram • Diagram that shows classes, their relationships with other classes and, in some cases, relationships between objects • Can be a high level view of a system or a specific subsection of the overall model • Shows the static structure of a system

When to use a Class Diagram • Class diagrams exist for every system and are usually the central diagram of a system


Package Diagram


What is a Package Diagram • Diagram that is just a form of the class diagram • Shows how classes can be divided into modules and high-level relationships between packages • Can be a high level view of a system or a specific subsection of the overall model

When to use a Package Diagram • Used strictly for logical modularization • When the application is very large • Usually done in the design phase of a project


State Diagram


What is a State Diagram • Provides a very detailed picture of how a specific object changes states • A state refers to the value associated with a specific attribute of an object and to any actions or side effects that occur when the attribute’s value changes

When to use a State Diagram • Used when you are working on real-time process control applications or systems that involve concurrent processing • When you want to show the behavior of a class over several use cases


State Diagram • Describes all possible states of an object • Shows state changes based on events • Good at describing behavior of an object across several use cases • Most likely to refine user interface and controller objects

Implementation Diagrams • Shows implementation aspects and structure – Component Diagram – Deployment Diagram

Component Diagram


What is a Component Diagram z

Simple, high-level diagram


Refers to physical components in a design


Used to show how code is actually divided into modules


There is usually a one-to-one relationship between package diagrams and component diagrams

When to use a Component Diagram z

Package diagrams show the logical divisions and the component diagram shows that you actually implemented it as you proposed in the package diagram


Component Diagrams •Shows dependencies among software components –source –binary –executables

•Has only a Type form not an Instance form •Instance form would be a Deployment diagram

Deployment Diagram


What is a Deployment Diagram z

Developer can model the physical platforms and network connections to be used in their application


Nodes usually represent hardware platforms

When to use a Deployment Diagram z

Developers place component diagrams on top of deployment diagrams to indicate which modules of code will go on which hardware platform


Deployment Diagrams • Shows how components and objects are routed through a distributed system • Show the configuration of run-time elements

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