Abstrak Jesica

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 405
  • Pages: 2
Health department of republic Indonesia The health polytechnic department of health Semarang Environmental health department Purwokerto Environmental health diploma Scientific research, July 17 2009

Abstract Yesica Ledy STUDY SITTING GESTURE WORKING OF KOBELCO DRIVER WITH WAIST GRIEVANCE IN PT. TAMBANG BATUBARA BUKIT ASAM ASAM (PERSERO) TBK. TANJUNG ENIM YEAR OF 2009 XII + 47 pages People need a job to obtain their daily necessary, wherever and whatever the tipe of job done by people always expect in the safe please , comforttable, and healthy when they doing their job, so the goal of working that they expect more maximum, PT Tambang batubara bukit asam tanjung enim (persero) is bing company in its production area and equiped by heavy equipment which have potential hazard to workplace accident for worker. Workplace accident can be caused by uman factor itself or envoronmental vactor. So writers interested to research in the company about problem accur as consequence of sitting position on the kobalico driver and write into scientifict research by tittle: ”Study Sitting grievance working of kobelco driver with waist grievance in PT. Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (persero) tbk. Tanjung enim year of 2009”. Research method used deskriptif method such as survey method. research was conducted on April 01, 2009 to april 30, 2009. Data collected by interview, observation, and measurement. Research result saw, some of the driver`s seat of kobelco was in conformity with antropometri drivers who use them. Known that the occurrence of a sitting posture is not true, caused by the mistake sitting driver possition and effected grievance which experienced by worker such as pins, stiff on the waist. Sitting Grievance of kobelco drivers on the working have not applied ergonomict principles and grievance experienced by drivers were waist pain, stiff, tired and pins. In order not to arrise antrue sitting grievance on the part of kobalco body`s driver, so at the time work efforted to grievence naturaly and move optimaly and optimal move used efecient rest Reference : 8 (1990-2006) Key word : Driver Sitting geture , Weist Grievence Classification : −


Sikap duduk pengemudi kobelco pada saat bekerja tidak menerapkan prinsip sikap ergonomi dan jenis keluhan yang dialami oleh pengemudi kobelco adalah nyeri pinggang, pegal-pegal, lelah dan kesemutan. Agar tidak timbul sikap duduk yang salah dan keluhan pada bagian – bagian tubuh pengemudi kobelco, maka pada waktu bekerja diusahakan agar bersikap secara alamiah dan bergerak optimal dengan menggunakan waktu istirahat dengan efisien.


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