Love from Saadi’s point of view M. Charmegy omrani, Ph.D Assistant Professor, Payamenor University Abstract Love is one of the oldest, the most controversial, and the most descriptive words carrying a great weight; and no complete definition of this word has ever been presented. Since the emergence of this word, the followers of different thinking schools such as scientists, philosophers, men of words, astronomers, Gnostics, and poets have presented different definitions of this word based on their personal feelings. While pointing to the most important ideas about love, the present study introduces Saadi as one of the greatest theoreticians of love school. Key words: Love, love school, Farsi poetry, Saadi
Manifestations of spring as symbols in Molana’s speech H.Zangoiy, A.S Teacher.F Persian Language and Literature
Abstract The words and phrases used by speakers and writers are the means to express their thoughts, to show the hidden relationship between words and meanings, and to lead the reader to the fact. The concepts introduced through nature and its reflection in literal and Gnostic works are worth considering. This study aims at finding Molana’s ideas and words on different manifestations of ‘spring’-a symbolic spring reflecting his Gnostic thoughts- through looking at his poems. Key words: symbolization, spring manifestations, Gnosticism, Farsi poetry, Molavi
Evaluating Foroogh Farrokhzad’s poems due to her inner emotions A. Samkhaniani, Ph. D Assistant professor, Birjand uneversity N. Zamiri. A.S
Abstract Literature, especially pure poems, is always linked with poet’s sentiments, feelings, and inner emotions. Evaluating inner emotions is closely associated with psychology. It is clear that the poet’s thoughts and feelings can be more comprehensible if it is psychologically evaluated since the words and expressions reflect his inner sensations. Foroogh has suffered many mental crises in her life. She failed in her love and was separated from her child. Analyzing poems in this way can help understand the poems better and can reveal poet’s hidden mentality. Key woerds: Evaluating emotional feelings, sentiment, imagination, Farsi poetry, Foroogh Farokhzad
Dream allegory in Persian contemporary poetry
A.Shamian, Ph.D Assistant professor, Birjand uneversity
Abstract While referring to the background of dream allegory, a kind of imaginary literature in myths and literary works, its application in Persian contemporary poetry is taken into account in the present research. This form of allegory has often been representing a spiritual behavior in the form of an imaginary trip. In recent centuries, however, some new concepts other than the traditional ones have been expressed through this form. The nature of these new concepts can be determined by considering this kind of allegory in Persian contemporary poetry. Some prominent examples of dream allegory in contemporary poetry can be found in Eshghi, Nima, Shahriar, Sepehri, and Shafiee Kadkani’s poems. Key words: dream allegory, myth, literature, contemporary poetry, Eshghi, Nima, Shahriar, Sepehri, Shafiee Kadkani
A linguistic analysis on translation of ‘Bahram Choobin and his fights’ J.Faroghi hendovalan, Ph.D. Assistant Proffesor, Birjand university
Abstract A poem can be considered as a good one if no word can be changed, or replace another one. This may be one of the oldest criteria to evaluate or criticize a poem and should be taken into account in translating a poem. Is the structure of a written text in prose so precise that changing a single word can affect the whole meaning or beauty of the text? To find a plausible answer to this question the translation of a written prose should be analysed to consider its hidden delicacy. To do this, and to find criteria for a good translation in Farsi old prose, the present research looks at part of a Farsi translation on ‘Tarikh Tabari’ known as ‘Tarikh Balaami’. Key words: linguistic criticism, Farsi prose, Tarikh Balaami, the story of Bahram Choobin and his fights.
Pathology of contemporary lyric poems A.modarreszadeh, Ph.D Assistant professor, Islamic Azaduniversity
Abstract As the topic indicates, this study tries to find out some of the shortcomings and inappropriate usages of contemporary lyric poems in the last three decades, or to say, after the revolution in 1357. After detecting detailed shortcomings, the researcher classifies them into linguistic, literary, and intellectual ones. We have to look at the historical events to find the answer how we have received the modern lyric poems and the difficulties it has already faced. It should be noted that contemporary Farsi lyric poems have faced as much problem as they were facing in the past but in some other respects. The present study tries to tackle Farsi lyric poems from this point of view. The poems of some but not all young poets suffer from these shortcomings and appropriate criticism can hinder shortcomings in modern poetry to help Farsi poetry save face. Key words: lyric poems, identification of shortcomings, Farsi poetry, three decades after the revolution.
Principles of recognition in Farsi Gnostic culture and literature
M.M.Naseh, Ph.D Professor, Mashhad Ferdowsi’s university
Abstract Finding out the reality of the things in this world is one of the most important issues in Gnostic anthropology. Recognition is based on knowledge, and it is a spiritual and mental effort a person makes to know everything in the world. The tool for this recognition is within us. To have a good knowledge about the world, the person should first know himself. The principles of recognition lie in having a good conception of righteousness; having knowledge in every field; arriving at an illumination, strong will, and good opinion. It also lies in acquiring knowledge after being ignorant; and knowing whatever around partially or fully, with or without reason. To perceive people’s circumstances and recognition is a significant issue familiarizing one with a kind of recognition. The other way to get to such recognition is to purify the heart. The present study takes Gnostic recognition and its principles into consideration. Key words: recognition, science, witnessing, getting to Gnostic circumstances and recognition, self-consciousness, perceiving the realities of the world, recognizing oneself and god