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In partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING











FABRICATION OF SOLAR OPERATED PORTABLE TYPE COOLANT SYSTEM” is the bonafide work of S.A.MOHAMMED DILDAR (510516114032) who carried out the project work under my

supervision. Submitted for the viva voice examination on


the academic year 2017-2018.




Mr. S.ARASU, M.E.,



Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Bharathidasan Engineering College

Bharathidasan Engineering college,



Vellore Dt.

Vellore Dt.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The completion of this project brings a sense of satisfaction, but it is never completed without thanking the person who was responsible for the successful completion. First and foremost we wish to express our thanks to the almighty god who is the real one to help us through the preparation of this project. I would like to express our warm and deepest gratitude to our honorable Chairman

and trustees, who provided

all the facilities to build our project successfully. I am thankful to our beloved principal, guide Dr. G.BASKER, ME., Ph.D. FIE, for being the source of inspiration for his valuable suggestions. I thankful to our beloved HOD Mr. C. NATESAMURTHI, ME., (Ph.D)., for being the source of inspiration for his valuable suggestions. I









Mr.S.ARASU.,ME., Head of Mechanical Engineering for his valuable guidance for my project work that made me to complete the project in a much determined way within a stipulated time. We also to express our thanks to all faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department for their kindly help during the course of the project.






























This project is on the design and construct of a Coolant which is supposed to absorb heat efficiently in the effort to reduce the temperature. This paper reports on the effect of coolant temperature on machining of high carbon steels. The development of cooling system to reduce the temperature of water soluble coolant to 7.9 degree Celsius from ambient temperature. The cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut where the machining parameters used, while the tool-work piece interface temperature was monitored using a digital thermometer with k-type thermocouple wire. The selected control factors are material removal rate and surface roughness. The experimental results were analysed using Minitab 16. The main effects and percentage contributions of various parameters affecting surface roughness and material removal rate were discussed, and the optimal cutting conditions were determined. It was observed that surface finish improved by 65% with the use of the developed cooled system. The reduction in coolant temperature played a vital role in improving a surface finish during machining high carbon steels. So a new efficient process has been introduced to improve the cutting zone and be economical in coolant use. The intelligent cooling system(ICS)has been used to corroborate the environment by reducing the cutting zone temperature as to less use of coolant .In this work related parameters experimented along with the amount of coolant use in order to reach conclusion about the performance of newly executed technique compared to similar purpose method


Cutting fluids or coolants greatly increase the life of drill bits, taps, lathes and milling cutters. Standard cutting fluids was a dark sulphur zed oil. Today water soluble oils are used in recirculating must system. There also simple shop recipes, makes do and localised cutter lubricants. The products all do a number of things.  Cool the cutting edges  Lubricates the noncutting surfaces and chips  Wash away fine chips

For production drilling have used kerosene mixed oil. The kerosene boils evaporate at the cutting edge cooling where it is most important. This can be a Smokey way to drill and can be a fire hazard.

On machining with pump system including lathes, mills, saws and grinders we use water soluble oil. This makes a milky white liquid that cools and lubricates. It washes off easily and carries other oils to the tank. This are known as “Tramps” oil and there are systems for removing them from the tank. Most water based coolants have an anti-microbial agent prevent them from going stale. Bacteria growing in the coolant can be a health hazard and often stinks. Pumped system can be messy on saws and drills. Some production drill presses are equipped tables with a large gutter and drain as well as no holes for coolant to leak through. Saws tend to be messy even when designed for


Scarcity of electricity coupled with the increasing unreliability rains and prevalent costly diesel pumping systems pose an economic risk to small and marginal farmers. Additionally, complex set of factors including global warming, competitive land use and lack of basic infrastructure is creating new challenges for agrarian population of developing countries Brownson et al. (2015).

The ever increasing mismatch between demand and supply for energy, and electricity in particular, is posing challenges especially to farmers in remote areas. This coupled with the increasing unreliability of monsoon rains is forcing farmers to look for alternate fuels other than that of diesel for running irrigation pump sets.

Centre for study of Science, Technology and Policy(C-STEP) “Harnessing Solar Energy- Options for India” (2010) estimates that 9 million diesel water pumping sets are in use in India. If 50% of these diesel pumps were replaced with solar PV pumps sets, diesel consumption could be reduced to the tune of about 225 billion litres/year.

This fact has allowed the use of the dry machining technology and also machining with minimum quality of lubricant (Durval et al 2002). According the machining without cooling is becoming increasingly more popular because of safety to environment. Further more coolants are used machining represents 16-20% of the manufacturing cost. So the excessive use of these fluids should be restricted.

Although,the advantageous of dry maching include: non-pollution of the atmosphere,no resiude on the swarfwhich will be reflected in reduced disposal allergy free. Additionally, it offers a cost reduction in machining (sreejith&Ngoi). Nowadays there has been a growing interest and tendency to employ more friendly processing technique.

In the machining process, minimum use of lubricant and dry machining are good solutions for reducing the wastage, but the lack of reduction of cutting fluid are tends to drive into problems of associated with heat generations and chip removal. This problem become more prominent when dealing with titanium (pujana et el 2009). So the drill are allowed to machine in dry conditions with moderate cutting parameters an elevated number of holes without an important variation in drill geometry on titanium dry drilling (Cnatero net el 2005).

The literature review can give some rough ideas to help on developing the project successfully and the able to achieve the objectives that have been outline. Before any development can take place a research must be carried out on all the possible components that will be used.


Materials Used to Construct the Project There are different materials and components which are used to construct the solar energy operated water pump. These systems and components are well constructed together to produce the final project result. The materials are selected considering the overall cost such as initial cost, running cost and maintenance cost [4-8].

1 .Solar panel 2 .Pumping motor 3 .pumping element 4 .Storage battery 5 .Charge controller 6. Pressure valve 7. Flexible pipe 8. Filter paper

Solar panel (PV) The solar panel which is selected to perform the project is DC photovoltaic (PV) cells which are made of semi-conducting materials that convert the sun light ray directly to electricity (FIG. 3). When sun light strikes the cell, it dislodges and liberates electrons within the material which then move to produce a direct electrical direct current (DC). This direct current then used to charge the solar storage battery and operates the pumping motor. The purpose of

photovoltaic panel is to convert the sun light which is abundantly found in to electrical energy. For this project, the size of the PV is 0.56 m² of three 12 V series connected batteries and 60 w. The ratio of proto type is three to one the area of one PV panel is 0.18 m². Sizing of the PV panel determine the electrical energy which is used to charge and operate the pumping motor. If the size of the photovoltaic panel increases the output energy of the overall system sizing also increase and the amount of water which pumped increase determining the area which is irrigated can also be increase. Therefore, the overall selection of the panel depends up on the area of the farm land which is cultivated and the type of seeds. For this project, the above indicated size of the PV panel is selected.

FIG. 1. Photovoltaic (PV) panel.

Pumping motor There are different types of electrical motors which are designed to perform different tasks. The electrical motor which is designed to perform this project is brushless direct current (BLDC) motor (FIG. 4). The BLDC motors are one of

the electrical motor types rapidly gaining popularity and are used in industries and are found in the market. As the name implies the BLDC motors do not use brush for commutation, instead they are electronically commuted and have many advantages over that of brushed direct current motors such as: 1) Better speed vs. torque characteristics; 2) High dynamic response; 3) High efficiency; 4) Long operating life; 5) Noiseless operation; 6) Higher speed ranges [9].

In addition, the ratio of torque delivered to the size of the motor is higher, making it useful in applications where space and weight are critical factors.

FIG. 2. Brushless DC motor.

The type of pumping motor system for this project is surface pumping motor system hence there are also some other types such as submersible pumping systems are also there. The pumping system sizing for the motor is determined by the power required to move the water. So, to select the motor the researchers should determine;

1. How high the water needs to be pumped; 2. How much water is needed per day; 3. How fast the water needs to be pumped, i.e., the nominal flow rate of the pump (per minute or second) and whether it is compatible with the well/spring capability; 4. For solar: Available solar energy (PSH/kWh/m²).

Depending on the above parameters the power of the pump which is selected for the project is BLDC motor having 0.442 Nm with 825 w. Hence the project shows the prototype and testing it for the real

Project with small value (FIG. 5). If other researchers want to construct the project the size of the components should be increased based on the size of the irrigation.

Pumping elements The pumping elements which are known as impellers are components which are used to suck and pressurize the water to move to the expected place in this project reservoir. The type of impeller which is used for this project is centrifugal pumping impeller which is fixed on the brushless dc motor.

FIG.3. Pumping impeller [9].

Storage battery The solar storage battery stores the electrical energy in the form of chemical energy. This chemical energy is then performing electrical tasks when the circuit is completed. For this project, the storage battery which is used is 12 V, 20 Ah and come to operation when there is no sun light or the sun is covered with cloudy and the pumping motor is needed to operate (FIG. 6). The most common type of battery found in PV system is the lead acid battery. Therefore, the storage battery that is used is lead acid class of battery, because this type of battery has higher performance characteristics and suitable for air transportation.

FIG. 4. Gel storage battery. Charge controller The charge controller is the component in the circuit which is used to control the condition of the charging, that is whether the storage battery is fully charged,50%charged or discharged and controls the panel itself inwhether the p.

FIG.5.Solar charge controller

In addition to this the charge controller monitors the state of charge of the battery bank, the charging process and the connection/disconnection of loads.

The water reservoir The water reservoir is used to reserve the water which is pumped and after or simultaneously irrigating the farm lands. Whenever the sun light is covered by cloud or there is no sun light, farmers can use the reserved water for irrigation (FIG. 8). The elevation at which the reservoir is mounted is higher than the farm land hence the pump is set at off position the water is moved by gravitational difference. The reservoir can be constructed by concert like water tank or one can use the plastic tanks which are installed on stands.

FIG. 6. Water reservoir (tank).

Operating voltage: DC 12V Operating Current: 65 Ma-380Ma Maximum flow: 350 litre/hour brushless Diameter of water pump (In): 8mm Diameter of water pump (out): 7m


Pressure control valve are found in virtually every hydraulic system, and they assist a variety of functions, from keeping system pressure safely below a desired upper limit to maintaining a set pressure in part of a circuit. Types include relief, reducing, sequences, counter balance and unloading. All of these are normally closed valves, except for reducing valves, which are normally open. For most of these valves, a restriction is necessary to produce the required pressure control.one exception is the extremely piloted unloading valve, which depends on an external signal for its actuation.

Flexible pipe

Flex pipe is flexible piece of pipe that allows the exhaust system some flexibility. Flex pipes are an essentials part of any front wheel drive vehicle and

on most all wheels drive vehicles. On front wheel cars, since the motor is mounted transversely, when you accelerate the motor rocks and the flex pipe protects your exhaust system from breakage

Filter paper

Filter paper is a semi permeable paper barrier placed perpendicular to a liquid or air flow. It is used in science also to remove solids from liquids. This can be used to remove sand from water The main application of this paper filter is used to remove chips particles of the cutting fluids. A paper for this filter needs to be very porous and have a weight of 100-200% gram/Normally particularly long fibrous pulp that is mercerised is used to get these properties .The paper is normally impregnated to improve the resistance to moisture. Some heavy duty qualities are made to be rinsed and there by extended the life of the filter.


Its working is very simple and easy to understand as it works under the action of gravitational force. Its working is described in following steps:

1. First of all desired coolant is filled in the coolant tank which mounted over head of the drilling machine.

2. When the tank is fully filled by coolant then the outlet valve is used to start or stop the passage of coolant as per requirement.

3. The coolant comes out through a flexible pipe due to gravity.

4. With the help of flexible pipe the operator can easily direct the flow of cutting fluid.

5. The coolant will cool the drill bit while the cutting process is carried out.

6. It provides smooth cutting operation with less heat emission.

7. Which enhances the tool life and increase productivity.

The cutting zone temperature without having any contact. (12) IR temperature sensor with laser marking for metal, ceramic and lustrous targets having a range of 0 – 2000 0C, optics 150:1, and spectral range 1 / 1, 6 µm has been calibrated for this purpose. When the prescribed temperature 120oC get passed by the machining zone temperature the solenoid valve switched on and the fluid starts to flow. The program of the micro-controller has been designed in such a way that when the input temperature goes up to 120oC the valve will be open continuously and if the temperature stand still at 120oC, the valve will act as a pulsed jet device so it will open and close after 2 sec interval. This supply of coolant continues until the cutting zone temperature goes down to the safe temperature. A LED is placed on the circuit to indicate whether the temperature is in safe zone. The following flow chart Fig 5 shows the logical interpretation of the control circuit.

Fig. 7: Flow chart of the control logic


I. Tool wear: It is the amount of metal shrank from the tool point to a degree which eventually cause distorted operation on the work-piece. When cutting velocity is high as 120 m/min, the chip makes fully plastic or bulk contact with the tool rake surface and prevents any fluid from entering into the hot chip- tool interface. This will results in high cutting force. When cutting velocity is less, feed and depth of cut is more the cutting force will be more. Lubricant or cutting fluid mitigates the effects of friction as to heat generation on the cutting zone. Fig. 6 depicts the average tool wear for the experimental conditions respective to different cutting conditions. It is evident that in the Flood cooling condition (A) the tool wear is maximum and intelligent coolant supply minimizes that tearing down of tool. Hence improve tool life as to machining performance.

Fig.8: Pictorial view of tool wear in various machining condition (12)

II. Temperature variation with the change in depth of cut: Temperature is the key parameter of the cutting zone as all operations performed in the machine engender heat and increase temperature. This heat or temperature

is involved in the development of high friction, residual stress, deformation of both tool and work piece and high surface roughness. In Fig. 7 it is apparent that intelligent cooling of cutting zone render most consistent temperature control over flood or pulsed jet system. When the IR sensor detect a temperature of 40oC or higher it opens the valve to deliver fluid. This fluid is mixed up with ice at the reservoir so it is much cooler than the cutting zone temperature. Thus the coolant takes away a lot of heat and reduce the machining temperature. In case of flood cooling a large amount of coolant wasted away but carry less heat because of the specific heat of water. In the occasion of pulsed jet and intelligent cooling the lubricant is supplied in the form of mist so it can carry a lot of heat with it. Furthermore the intermittent cooling of pulsed jet provides same amount of mist after certain interval which cannot handle capricious temperature changes due to high depth of cut machines.

III. Surface roughness Surface roughness is directly related to the cutting edge of the tool and the chip removal along with the machinability index of the cutting forces. Fig. 8 substantiate the effectiveness of the intelligent cooling system. The flood cooling and pulsed jet cooling reduce the surface roughness though not as appositely as the intelligent system. In the advanced intelligent coolant supply method

maximum surface roughness found is 18 µm. whereas the value is 23 µm & 19 µm for flood and pulsed jet cooling respectively.

Fig. 8: Surface roughness trend due to tool wear

IV. Tool life It is also dependent on the temperature of the cutting zone and the feed rate and depth of cut. Tool life can be increased by reducing the cutting zone temperature which has been done here by using cold cutting fluid in the form of mist according to the system requirement. Fig. 9 illustrates the flood coolant flow provides maximum tool life than other two, however the wastage of fluid is high in the conventional flood cooling. Compared to the pulsed jet cooling, intelligent coolant flow offers more tool life.

Fig. 9: Different tool life measured in three cooling method

V. Amount of coolant used

The key and desired parameter of the experiment is to find the coolant needed for some analogous coolant supply method. Because in conventional flood cooling large amount of liquid get away without taking any heat which eventually cost higher machining cost. Fig. 10 depicts the amount needed for the three types of cooling and it is apparent that the flood cooling takes a lot more amount than other two method. Only 21 ml/min coolant flow is needed on average of 1 hour time for delivering coolant to the machining zone. Though the amount is a bit higher than pulsed jet coolant, the overall performance of the proposed method facilitates us to demonstrate the better phenomena.

7. CUTTING FLUIDS WHAT ARE THE FUNCTIONS OF A CUTTING FLUID ? Primarily, a cutting fluid must contribute in three ways to a machining process. 1. First, it must act as a lubricant. By reducing friction, it reduces the heat generated. 2. Because frictional heating cannot be completely eliminated – and often, not even substantially reduced the cutting fluid must also act as an effective coolant. 3. Finally, it should act as an antiweld agent to counteract the tendency of the work material to weld the tool under heat and pressure.

CUTTING FLUIDS AS LUBRICANTS To perform satisfactorily as a lubricant, the cutting oil must maintain a strong protective film in that portion of the area between the tool face and the metal being cut where hydrodynamic conditions can exist. Such a film assists the chip in sliding readily over the tool. Besides reducing heat, proper lubrication lowers power requirements and reduces the rate of tool wear, particularly in machining tough, ductile metals.

CUTTING FLUIDS AS COOLANTS If a cutting fluid performs its lubricating function satisfactorily the problem of heat removal from the cutting tool, chip, and work is minimised. But, cooling still remains an important function. To perform this function effectively, a cutting fluid should possess high thermal conductivity so that maximum heat will be absorbed and removed per unit of fluid volume.

WHY IS IT THAT WATER CANNOT BE USED AS A CUTTING FLUID ? Water, which has high thermal conductivity and a high specific heat, is a very effective coolant but its lubricating property is practically nil. Moreover, water rapidly corrodes machine parts and components. It can neither lubricate the moving parts of the machine like guides and slides nor can it reduce friction in the cutting area. Also, it is not effective in absorbing heat as it cannot spread well on metallic surfaces.


Soluble Oils Synthetic Oils Semi-Synthetic Oils Straight Cutting Oils

SOLUBLE OILS WHAT ARE THE MAIN CONSTITUENTS OF SOLUBLE OILS ? Soluble oil contains :  Mineral Oil - Provides lubricity  Emulsifier - Breaks oil into small globules  Rust inhibitor - Since water can cause rusting  Bactericide - To control the growth of anaerobic bacteria which causes foul smell and renders oil useless. WHAT IS AN "EMULSION" ? Oil does not dissolve in water. Oil is suspended in water in the form of tiny globules. Breaking of the oils into tiny particles is done by a chemical known as "Emulsifier". This medium of oil in water is known as an "Emulsion". "Specific heat" (ability to absorb heat) and thermal conductivity (ability to dissipate heat) of water is much better than oil whereas "lubricity" (ability to reduce "Friction") can be provided only by oil. In a metal cutting operation using an emulsion "oil" provides lubricity and "water" does the cooling.

WHY DOES "EMULSION STRENGTH" VARY FOR DIFFERENT OPERATIONS ? "Oil" provides lubricity and "water" ensures cooling. Operations where lubricity is equally important as cooling is, require "Richer emulsions" (higher oil concentration) e.g. Drilling, Milling, Turning. Operations where cooling is the primary role of the coolant permit "higher dilutions" e.g. Grinding.

EXPLAIN THE EFFECTS OF "HARD WATER" ON EMULSIONS ? Emulsifier chemical used in soluble oils is "Sodium petroleum sulphonate". Hard water contains dissolved carbonates and sulphates of Sodium and Potassium. These salts react with the emulsifier. The emulsifier is consumed and balance left over is not sufficient enough to form a stable emulsion. "Separation" takes place and the emulsion is rendered useless. The pace of separation depends on the degree of hardness. "Hard Water" also accelerates the growth of Anaerobic bacteria which renders the emulsion useless.

HOW DOES ONE OVERCOME "HARD WATER" PROBLEMS ? Our soluble oil is capable of forming stable emulsions up to a hardness of 400 ppm. If the water is harder beyond this, "separation" would take place. Use of soda ash at the rate of 5 gms. Per litre of water used would soften the water to some extent. If the salt content in the water is carbonate of Potassium or magnesium, this would be neutralised by soda and water would be "softened". However, if water contains mostly sulphates (permanent hardness) addition of soda would make no difference. Addition of larger quantities of soda would not only have no effect on the water but would result in a very alkaline emulsion. Highly alkaline emulsion would cause skin-etching, rusting of components, weakening of bonding of resin bonded grinding wheels. In view of the above, permanent solution for hard water problem is to use soft water or demineralised water.

SYNTHETIC AND SEMI-SYNTHETIC OILS WHAT ARE SYNTHETIC OILS? WHAT ARE ITS MAIN ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS? Synthetic oils do not contain mineral oil. Instead they contain some synthetic chemicals as substitutes. Its main advantages are:  They are not affected by bacterial growth. "Life" of synthetic coolants is very high.  They are capable of forming emulsions in hard water. Limitations of Synthetic Oils are:  They provide very poor lubricity.

 PH value is much higher around 9.5.  They are used in dilutions around 1:60. Arbitrary topping of emulsion and increase in this dilution can result in "component rusting".  Synthetic coolants peel of poor quality epoxy paints on the machines.  Synthetic coolants have a very high detergency property. This results in collection of large quantities of muck and dirt in the coolant pump. Unless the filtering mechanism is very good, this property can lead to a lot of undesirable machining conditions.  Synthetic coolants have a tendency to foam. If the rate of coolant flow for a particular requirement is very high, excessive foaming can be caused. This would result in poor surface finish and reduced tool life.





 Carbide grinding with diamond wheel.  Very sophisticated CNC machines with low stock removal and no operator contact with coolant  Ordinary commercial grinding where finish is not very critical. WHAT ARE SEMI-SYNTHETIC COOLANTS? Semi-Synthetic coolants contain partially mineral oil and synthetic chemicals. They combine the advantages of synthetic coolants and at the same time the disadvantages are not as in the case of hundred percent synthetics. Ideal applications for semisynthetic coolants are : General purpose cylindrical and centreless grinding where very high surface finishes are not required. STRAIGHT CUTTING OILS OR NEAT OILS WHAT ARE STRAIGHT CUTTING (NEAT) OILS ? Straight Cutting Oils or Neat Oils are petroleum based mineral oils reinforced with "Extreme pressure" additives (EP additives). For applications where the speed of the tool is very low, depth of cut taken is high, cutting pressures are high, the primary role of coolant is to provide:  Adequate lubricity so that friction is reduced.  Prevent chip welding of the tool of edge build up.  Wash away the chips from the cutting zone.

Lubricity is provided by the mineral oil. Commonly used EP additives are chlorine and sulphur. These additives form a low shear strength chloride or sulphide coating over the tool rake preventing chip welding. Choice of one or both of these additives is governed by the nature of the application and the material that is being machined. WHAT ARE THE IMPORTANT PROPERTIES OF NEAT OILS TO BE BORNE IN MIND WHILE SELECTING THEM FOR A GIVEN APPLICATION ?  Viscosity: The correct viscosity is very important to give adequate lubricity and wash away the chips from the cutting zone.  Flash Point: Neat oil application generates enormous amount of friction and cutting pressures. If the quantity of coolant and the viscosity is not optimum, the friction reduced would not be sufficient. This would lead to excessive heat being generated and risk of fire. Therefore, the flash point should be high enough to provide adequate factor of safety against chances of fire.  The EP package: Depending on the material that is being machined and the severity of the operation, this has to be decided.  Wetting agents: To provide adequate lubricity in the cutting zone. WHAT ARE DIFFERENT TYPES OF NEAT CUTTING OILS ?  Fatty-Mineral Oils (Oils containing Mineral Oil + Fatty Oils) Under this classification are included combinations of one or more fatty oils blended into straight mineral oils. Of the fatty oils, lard oil is most frequently used for this purpose. The percentage of fatty oils in the blend may very upto 40% depending upon depth of cut, cutting speed, feed, and type of chip in the particular machining operation. 

Sulfurised-Mineral Oils (Oils containing Mineral Oil + Sulphur (EP) additive) Sulphur added to mineral oils increase their cooling and lubricating qualities and helps prevent welding of chip and tool. Such oils are useful for general and severe machining operations on tough metals of high ductility. Not to be used on yellow metals since Sulphur causes "staining".

Chlorinated-Mineral Oils (Oils containing Mineral Oil + Chlorine (EP) additive) Chlorine gives mineral oil excellent antiweld characteristics.

Sulfurised-Fatty-Mineral Oils (Oils containing Mineral Oil + Fatty Oils + Sulphur (EP) additive).Oils of this type have excellent lubricity

and stain less than sulfurised-mineral oil. 

Sulfo-Chlorinated-Mineral Oils (Oils containing Mineral Oils + Sulphur + Chlorine additives) Oils of this type give anti-weld properties over a wide range of temperatures. TROUBLE SHOOTING COMMON PROBLEMS AND LIKELY CAUSES 1. Rusting of components Soluble oil: Normal topping up required on a daily basis is around 10 to 15 percent. The recommended practice for this topping up is by making a separate emulsion of the desired strength and mixing up with the existing emulsion. However, in most shopfloors the topping up is done by adding of water and oil directly into the emulsion tank. Over a period of time this arbitrary practice results in altering of emulsion strength to well beyond the maximum limit of 1:40. The rust inhibitive property of any soluble oil emulsion beyond 1:40 is weakened and components would begin to rust. Solution: Care should be taken to ensure that emulsion dilutions do not exceed 1:40. Chlorinated Neat Oils : Chlorinated neat oils have to be stored in air tight condition. If atmospheric moisture seeps into the drums it reacts with the highly volatile chlorine and forms hydrochloric acid. This acid is a very corrosive medium and oils thus "contaminated" can cause rusting of components. 2. Emulsion Separation: If soluble oil forms a proper emulsion at the time of mixing, any subsequent separation is caused only due to water hardness. Extent of the hardness would determine the pace of separation. Common complaints would be separation in 3 days to separation within a day in some cases. Soluble oil if stored vertically in the drums for a long time would result in emulsifier settling down at the bottom of the barrel. The oil pump which draws oil would be pumping out oils at the bottom which is "rich in emulsifier content". As the oil gets consumed and the

level in the barrel goes down the "oil" that is now being drawn is poor in emulsifier content and therefore, it is not capable of forming a stable emulsion. Oil barrels should, therefore, be stored horizontally with the two caps in 3 O'clock and 9 O'clock positions. If, however, oil is drawn from a vertically stored barrel care should be taken to stir the oil in the drum before using the same. 3. Foul Smell: Any residual oils smudges in the coolant tank even after cleaning with water would be areas for bacterial growth and cause smell even though the emulsion is new. Care should be taken to use a disinfectant like phenyl in the water that is circulated to clean the coolant tank. This would make the tank bacteria free and life of new emulsion would be relatively better. Leaking of hydraulic oils and other machine oils into the emulsion sump can cause rapid growth of bacteria and this would also result in severe smell problem. 4. Skin itching caused by soluble oils: Soluble oil emulsions have a pH of 8.5. Human skin is acidic and pH value is around 5.5. Continuous contact of skin with soluble oil emulsions results in drying of the skin due to neutralisation reaction. Dry skin is prone to injuries. Cotton waste used commonly in shopfloor contain metallic chips. When rubbed against the dry skin, minute scratches are caused resulting in injury. Over a period of time, these injuries get infected and result in "itching". Use of very corrosive and cheap soaps can also cause dry skin which can get further aggravated by exposure to soluble oils. 5. Skin etching and Dermatitis caused by Straight Cutting Oils: Contact of the skin by cutting fluids may cause dermatitis in one of two ways. Cutting fluids - like dirt, grease, and other matter - tend to plug hair follicles and pores of the skin, causing blackheads to form. These block the flow of the skin's natural oils and cause them to build up under the blackheads along with bacteria normally present on the skin. Eventually, accumulation of skin oils and growth of bacteria result in irritation and pimples. Cutting fluids that contain solvent oils remove the skin's natural oils. This causes dryness and loss of pliability that can result in redness, cracking, soreness, and a high degree of susceptibility to infections.

6. Fuming and strong smell: This is a problem associated with neat oils. If the viscosity of the oil chosen for an application is less, the quality of oil available at the cutting zone in the job and tool interface is low. This results in inadequate lubricity and high heat generation. The heat so produced would burn the oil, the chip produced is very hot and the tool also gets heated up. All of this results in fuming and strong smell. 7. Poor Surface Finish: The probable cause of this is lack of lubrication or chip interference. To overcome the problem of lack of lubrication select a fluid with better lubricating qualities and check for dilution of fluid. To correct the problem of chip interference, improve the volume pressure and direction to move chips out of cut area. You may also try to improve filtration to remove particles.

8. STORAGE OF CUTTING FLUIDS  Care of cutting oils begins with storage. Contamination with water, grit, dirt, or any impurities should be avoided. Best results are obtained by storing cutting fluids in a separate enclosure within the shop. The insides of tanks and receptacles should be kept clean.  Contamination with water can be most harmful. Large users of cutting oils buy bulk quantities and employ underground storage. Condensation of moisture within the tank or seepage from the outside can easily become quite a problem. To avoid water contamination, tanks and their contents should be inspected regularly. Extraneous water can be detected by taking samples of the fluid at the bottom of the tank.

 Mixing of soluble oils supplied by different manufacturers should also be avoided. While each oil may perform satisfactorily by itself, some ingredients may be incompatible when mixed.  Contamination of cutting oils with any other types of oils might also produce adverse effects.  Avoid excessive temperatures.  In a cutting fluid, the balance of the oil and the water may be upset by excessive heating. Overheating might promote acidity changes and further impair the stability of the emulsion.  Cutting fluids are generally not oversensitive to low temperatures. However, intermittent freezing and thawing may unbalance the components. In soluble oils, it may result in unstable emulsion. It is best to arrange storage of cutting oils so that they will not be subjected to any extended periods of freezing or overheating. Repeated extreme temperature changes will eventually impair the oils and cause separation of the ingredients which contribute to better

Solar insolation and PV panel installations on site: Project team investigate the site solar insolation. The investigation conducted by project team on the actual solar insolation at the site. The site gats full day solar energy so that possible to use solar panels as energy production. Our site location is free from any significant shading, so in order to achieve full sun exposure to the panels, adjust the panel to south facing for maximizing the solar-powered system’s energy production.

Most of solar panels installations for water pumps are stationary and oriented due south to take advantage of the maximum sunlight available in the middle of the day. The default tilt angle for a PV panel is equal to the latitude of the location. For a fixed array, this default angle will maximize annual energy production.

A tilt angle of +/-15 degrees from latitude will increase energy production for the winter or summer months, respectively. • Summer tilt angle=latitude-15° (when the sun is higher in the sky). • Winter tilt angle=latitude+15° (when the sun is lower in the sky).

Design flow rate for the pump: To calculate the pump flow rate the following two important points are required: 1. Weekly water needs for one-hectare irrigation field is 189, 250 L 2. Number of peak sun hours per day is six (6 hrs) Change weekly water requirements to daily water requirements. Daily water requirement=(Weekly water requirements)/(Number of days in a week) =189, 250/(7 Days) =27, 035.71 L/day Because of the pump’s design flow rate is based on the estimated daily water needs for irrigation divided by the number of peak sun hours per day [8], as shown below:

Flow rate(Q)=(Total daily water requirement)/(Total daily solar insolation ×60 min/hr) =(27,035.71 L/day)/(6 hrs × 60 (min)/hr) =75.1 L/min

Total dynamic head (TDH) for the pump: To determine the pum’s TDH by using the following equation: Total dynamic head (m)=Total vertical lift (static head)+HL+friction loss TDH(m)=Total vertical lift (static head)+HL+friction loss Where, Vertical lift: is the difference between the water surface at the intake or suction point and water surface at the delivery point. Water depth is 1.5 m from deep surface of the water, the distance between pump and suction point is 1 m. Vertical lift=0.5 m+3 m+2 m=5.5 m

1. Gutting Fluids (Coolants) – General Information 1.1 Tribology in metal cutting Tribology plays a pivotal role in materials processing, particularly in metal cutting operations. The tribological conditions in these operations – real area of contact, stress distribution along contact areas, interfacial temperature fields, and highly active and freshly generated (nascent) surfaces – are more severe than in other applications. Because the economic and technical feasibility of a process or product can be dictated by wear, tribological knowledge can help strengthen the competitiveness of the manufacturing industries and minimize the energy and

resources they consume. Consider, for example, machining in the automotive industry, where the cost of the tool itself is insignificant, while the downtime and direct cost to change the tool each time it is worn or fails may be many times greater because such a change, if unscheduled, requires usually to shut down the entire production line. Or consider the cost of an expensive aircraft engine part rejected (at best) or failed (at worst) due to premature fracture of a cutting tool during machining or due to high residual stress generated in machining by the worn tool. Current demands for tribological advances to support improved productivity coincide with additional challenges to tribology posed by the increased utilization of engineered materials. Some of these materials are useful as tools and dies and can perform optimally due to their improved properties. Others are difficult-to-machine work materials and create tribological problems during machining such as severe tool wear, great residual stresses in the machined surface, metallurgical and structural changes of the machined surface and many others. Direct effects of tribology in metal cutting, such as wear of the tools and surface quality of finished products, are obvious. Indirect effects, less readily evident, are equally important. It is a know fact, for example, that a product’s tribological history during manufacturing may later determine such characteristics as reliability, corrosion and irradiation resistance (important in nuclear power industry), fatigue tolerance, and frictional properties. The tribological problems may inhibit or impede the introduction of new or advanced machining processes such as high speed machining, combined machining, etc. Figures for the economics of tribology in metal cutting are difficult to obtain due to the diversity and pervasiveness of the field. The replacement of a prematurely worn $2 tool insert or a $80 broken gundrill may hold production of a $1 million machine or assembly line. But how much of the associated cost can be attributed to tribology? Should the costs of replacement, downtime, capital invested in lessthan-optimally efficient equipment, missed opportunities, etc. be included? Unfortunately, many researches have concentrated on the energy and direct costs aspects of tribology in metal cutting – energy consumption and energy savings due to tribology, saving on cutting tool consumption and quality improvement that could accrue from advances in tribology. The ASME Research Committee on Lubrication has studied the role of tribology in energy conservation. It concluded that about 5.5 percent of U.S. energy consumption is used in primary metals and metal-processing industries and that 0.5 percent can be saved through advances in tribology of metal removal and forming processes, achievable through relatively modest research expenditures and effort. The combined potential savings in manufacturing alone of 1.8 percent of the national’s energy consumption totaled about $21.5 billion per year [1]. Among the economic activities surveyed, the manufacturing sector was estimated to provide the

greatest potential savings per dollar spent on tribology research. Tribological conditions encountered in machining are severe [2-5]. The contact stress at the tool/chip interface is very high resulting in high shear stresses along the tool/chip contact area. The real area of contact is near the apparent area at the plastic part of the tool-chip contact where the shear stress may be much higher than the yield shear stress of the original work material. The chip surface sliding over the tool face is a virgin and thus chemically active. The mechanical properties of the chip contact layer are different (usually much superior) that those of the work material. The contact temperature may reach more than 1000oC in machining difficult-tomachine materials. As the result, chemical interactions between the tool, the work material, and the environment are crucial in machining. Similarly, abrasion, adhesion, seizure, diffusion or their complex combination may occur between the tool and the chip. Although there are a great number of research papers and book on the contact conditions on the tool rake face published in the last 50 years, we are very far from a clear understanding of the nature and complicity tribological phenomena in this region. Simple force diagram is still in use for determining “an average friction coefficient” on the tool rake face based on assumptions of equality and colinearity of the resultant force acting on the shear plane and tool face although it is well known that a coefficient of friction is inadequate to characterize the sliding between chip and tool [6]. On the other hand, the friction and normal forces, shear and normal stresses on the tool rake face could be obtained experimentally by conducting orthogonal machining tests and measuring cutting and trust components of the cutting force parallel and normal to the tool rake face. The friction coefficient thus obtained, unfortunately, does not much with common experience [1]. The same can be said about the shear and normal stresses distributions [5]. Similar processes take place at the tool flank face(s) where the tool is in contact with the work material primary due to work material spring back [2]. The nature and importance of this spring back is not fully understood and thus appreciated although the wear of the flank face often defines tool life. When material is cut by the cutting edge, it first deforms elastically and then plastically. When this edge passes over the deformed region, this region springs back due to the reversibility of elastic deformation. The heavier the cut, the greater volume of the work material deforms causing larger spring back. Besides, this work material has been plastically deformed so that its properties are different from those of the original material. As a result, the contact stresses at the flank face(s) are much higher than might be expected from just spring back [7]. Although the temperatures at the tool flank(s)/work material contact area are much smaller than those at the tool-chip interface, the properties of the work material in this contact are modified by its strain hardening. Moreover, the sliding speed at the tool flank/work material interface is much

greater than that at the tool/chip interface (2-10 folds). Due to this high sliding speed a great amount of heat generated at this interface. The contact temperatures at the tool flank(s)/work material interface, however, are much smaller that those at the tool-chip interface because the significant amount of the heat energy generated dissipates into the workpiece usually having a significant mass. It may not be the case while machining work materials having low thermal conductivity. As such, much smaller amount of heat energy generated is carried out by the chip and the workpiece so that the tool temperatures become much higher concentrating in the regions to the cutting edge. There are three principal ways to reduce the severity of the contact processes in metal cutting and thus reduce the tool wear: cooling and lubricating of the machining zone [8-14]; coatings on the cutting tools [15-17]; and modification of the workpiece chemical composition [18-28]. Usually these are used in their combination although the compatibility of a particular combination of the cutting fluid, tool coating and workpiece chemical composition are practically ignored. It follows from the foregoing consideration that the understanding of the tribology of metal cutting is of great importance. This should provide clear guidelines in the selection of parameters of the metal cutting system maintaining its coherence, high productivity and efficiency. Therefore, this chapter aims to present an entirely new inside into the nature of contact processes at the tool-chip and the tool-workpiece interfaces accounting for their relative motions and the cyclic nature of the cutting process. 1.2 Cutting fluids (Coolants) 1.2.1 General Cooling and lubrication are important in reducing the severity of the contact processes at the cutting tool-workpiece interfaces. Historically, more than 100 years ago, water was used mainly as a coolant due to its high thermal capacity and availability [8,9]. Corrosion of parts and machines and poor lubrication were the drawbacks of such a coolant. Oils were also used at this time as these have much higher lubricity, but the lower cooling ability and high costs restricted this use to low cutting speed machining operations. Finally, it was found that oil added to the water (with a suitable emulsifier) gives good lubrication properties with the good cooling and these became known as the soluble oils. Other substances are also added to these to control problems such as foaming, bacteria and fungi. Oils as lubricants for machining were also developed by adding extreme pressure (EP) additives. Today, these two types of cutting fluids (coolants) are known as water emulsifiable oils and straight cutting oils. Additionally, semi-synthetic and synthetic cutting fluids were also developed to improve the performance of many machining operations [10,11]. Although the

significance of cutting fluids in machining is widely recognized, cooling lubricants are often regarded as supporting media that are necessary but not important [12]. In many cases the design or selection of the cutting fluid supply system is based on the assumption that the greater amount of lubricant used the better the support for the cutting process. As a result, the contact zone between the workpiece and the tool is often flooded by the cutting fluid without taking into account the requirements of a specific process. Moreover, the selection of the type of the cutting fluid for a particular machining operation is often based upon recommendations of sales representatives of cutting fluid suppliers without clearly understanding the nature of this operation and the clear objectives of cutting fluid application. The brochures and web sites of cutting fluid suppliers are of little help in such selection. The technique of cutting tool application, which includes the cutting fluid pressure, flow rate, nozzles’ design and location with respect to the machining zone, filtration, temperature, etc, are often left to the machine tool designers. Moreover, the machine operators are often those who decide the point of tool designers. Moreover, the machine operators are often those who decide the point of application and flow rate of the cutting fluid for each particular cutting operation. On the other hand, it was pointed out that the cutting fluids also represent a significant part of manufacturing costs. Just two decades ago, cutting fluids accounted for less than 3% of the cost of most machining processes. These fluids were so cheap that few machine shops gave them much thought. Times have changed and today cutting fluids account for up to 15% of a shop production cost [29]. Figure 42 illustrates the cost of production of camshafts in the European automotive industry [12-14]. The conspicuous high share of the costs for cooling lubrication technology reaches 16.9% of the total manufacturing costs. As seen from Fig. 1, the costs of purchase, care and disposal of cutting fluids are more than two folds higher than tool costs although the main attention of researchers, engineers, and managers is focused on the improvement of cutting tools. Moreover, cutting fluids, especially those containing oil, have become a huge liability. Not only does the Environmental Protection Agency regulate the disposal of such mixtures, but many states and localities also have classified them as hazardous wastes. At present, many efforts are being undertaken to develop advanced machining processes using less or no coolants [7,9,30]. Promising alternatives to conventional flood coolant applications are the minimum quantity lubrication (known as MQL) and dry machining technologies. It was pointed out, however, that the use of MSQ will only be acceptable if the main tasks of the cutting fluid [31] (heat removal – cooling; heat and wear reduction – lubrication; chip removal; corrosion protection) in the cutting process are successfully replaced [7]. As such, the understanding of the metal cutting tribology plays a vital role.

1.2.2 Action of cutting fluids A still open question in metal cutting regards the action of cutting fluids. When cutting fluids are applied, the existence of high contact pressure between chip

and tool, particularly along the plastic part of the tool-chip contact length, should apparently preclude any fluid access to the rake face. In spite of this, to explain the marked influence which cutting fluids have on the cutting process outputs (cutting force and temperature, surface finish and residual stresses in the machined surface, tool wear) the theory considering these fluids as boundary lubricants is still leading [32]. Despite a relatively great number of publications on cutting fluids, only very few of them have been aimed to understand the role of a cutting fluid in the complex mechanics of the cutting process [34-40]. To account for cutting tool penetration to the rake face four basic mechanisms of cutting fluid access to the rake face have been suggested, namely, access through capillarity network between chip and tool, access through voids connected with build-up edge formation, access into the gap created by tool vibration, propagation from the chip blackface through distorted lattice structure. However, no conclusive experimental evidences are available to support these suggestions. It was observed that cutting fluids reduce (sometimes) the tool-chip contact length. To understand the action of cutting fluids, the above-discussed system-based model should be considered as shown in Fig. 2. At the beginning of a chip formation cycle (Phase 1) the action of the cutting fluid is as follows: (1) contamination of the rake face at A providing lubricating between the chip and the rake face, (2) contamination of the two chip elements sliding over each other, (3) cooling the zone of plastic deformation at C and thus limiting the flow shear stress in this zone, (4) lubrication and cooling of the flank-workpiece interface at D. At the middle of the cycle (Phase 2): (1) contamination of the rake face at A providing lubricating between the chip and the rake face, (2) cooling of the free surface of the partially format chip at B, (3) cooling the zones of plastic deformation at C and E that increases the flow shear stress of the work material in these zones [41]. As such, the stress at fracture of the work material is achieved with less plastic deformation that promotes the formation of cracks [5, 42], along the surface of the maximum combines stress (4) lubrication and cooling of the flank-workpiece interface at D. At the end of a chip formation cycle (Phase 3): (1) contamination of the rake face at A providing lubricating between the chip and the rake face, (2) cooling of the free surface of the partially format chip at B reducing its plastic deformation and thus the chip compression ratio [2, 5, 43], (3) cooling the zones of plastic deformation at C and E promoting propagation of cracks. When the cutting fluid penetrates into the crack formed in the chip free surface it suppresses the above-discussed healing of these cracks. Our multiple analyses of the chip structures obtained in cutting with and without cutting fluid prove this fact [44]. (4)lubrication and cooling of the flankworkpiece interface at D. Multiple experimental results are available to prove

adequacy of the proposed model [5, 41,42,44-49]. When the cutting fluid is applied by simple flooding of the machining zone, the weakest actions of the cutting fluid is observed at A and D. The application of a high- pressure cutting fluid jet significantly increases tool life and lowers the cutting forces [50, 51]. The relative influence of the cutting fluid actions at A -D significantly depend on the frequency of chip formation and thus on the cutting speed [5]. The higher the cutting speed, the lower viscosity of the cutting fluid should be in order to penetrate into the above discussed cracks formed on the chip free surface. This explains why soluble oils of low viscosity are more efficient at high cutting speeds compare to straight oils. 1.2.3 Types of cutting fluids There are the five major types of the cutting fluids available today: 1. Straight Cutting Oils. These are oil-based materials, which generally contain what are called extreme pressure or anti-weld additives. These additives react under pressure and heat to give the oil better lubricating characteristics. These straight cutting oils are most often used undiluted. Occasionally they are diluted with mineral oil, kerosene or mineral seal oil to either reduce the viscosity or the cost. They will not mix with water and will not form an emulsion with water. The advantages of straight cutting oils are good lubricity, effective anti-seizure qualities, good rust and corrosion protection, and stability. Disadvantages are: poor cooling, mist and smoke formation at high cutting speeds, high initial and disposal cost. Straight oils perform best in heavy duty machining operations and very critical grinding operations where lubricity is very important. These are generally slow speed operations where the cut is extremely heavy. Some examples would include broaching, threading, gear hobbing, gear cutting, tapping, deep hole drilling and gear grinding. Straight oils do not work well in high speed cutting operations because they do not dissipate heat effectively. Because they are not diluted with water and the carryout rate on parts is high, these oils are costly to use and, therefore, only used when other types of cutting fluid are not applicable. 2. Water Emulsifiable Oils. More commonly referred to as soluble oils. This, however, is a misnomer because they are not really soluble in water but rather form an emulsion when added to water. These emulsifiable oils are oil based concentrates, which contain emulsifiers that allow them to mix with water and form a milky white emulsion. Emulsifiable oils also contain additives similar to those found in straight cutting oils to improve their lubricating properties. They contain rust and corrosion inhibitors and a biocide to help control rancidity problems. Advantages of water emulsifiable oils are The relative influence of the cutting fluid actions at A -D

significantly depend on the frequency of chip formation and thus on the cutting speed [5]. The higher the cutting speed, the lower viscosity of the cutting fluid should be in order to penetrate into the above discussed cracks formed on the chip free surface. This explains why soluble oils of low viscosity are more efficient at high cutting speeds compare to straight oils. 1.2.2 Action of cutting fluids A still open question in metal cutting regards the action of cutting fluids. When cutting fluids are applied, the existence of high contact pressure between chip and tool, particularly along the plastic part of the tool-chip contact length, should apparently preclude any fluid access to the rake face. In spite of this, to explain the marked influence which cutting fluids have on the cutting process outputs (cutting force and temperature, surface finish and residual stresses in the machined surface, tool wear) the theory considering these fluids as boundary lubricants is still leading [32]. Despite a relatively great number of publications on cutting fluids, only very few of them have been aimed to understand the role of a cutting fluid in the complex mechanics of the cutting process [34-40]. To account for cutting tool penetration to the rake face four basic mechanisms of cutting fluid access to the rake face have been suggested, namely, access through capillarity network between chip and tool, access through voids connected with build-up edge formation, access into the gap created by tool vibration, propagation from the chip blackface through distorted lattice structure. However, no conclusive experimental evidences are available to support these suggestions. It was observed that cutting fluids reduce (sometimes) the tool-chip contact length. To understand the action of cutting fluids, the above-discussed system-based model should be considered as shown in Fig. 2. At the beginning of a chip formation cycle (Phase 1) the action of the cutting fluid is as follows: (1) contamination of the rake face at A providing lubricating between the chip and the rake face, (2) contamination of the two chip elements sliding over each other, (3) cooling the zone of plastic deformation at C and thus limiting the flow shear stress in this zone, (4) lubrication and cooling of the flank-workpiece interface at D. At the middle of the cycle (Phase 2): (1) contamination of the rake face at A providing lubricating between the chip and the rake face, (2) cooling of the free surface of the partially format chip at B, (3) cooling the zones of plastic deformation at C and E that increases the flow shear stress of the work material in these zones [41]. As such, the stress at fracture of the work material is achieved with less plastic deformation that promotes the formation of cracks [5, 42], along the surface of the maximum combines stress (4) lubrication and cooling of the flank-workpiece interface at D. At the end of a chip formation cycle (Phase 3):

(1) contamination of the rake face at A providing lubricating between the chip and the rake face, (2) cooling of the free surface of the partially format chip at B reducing its plastic deformation and thus the chip compression ratio [2,5, 43], (3) cooling the zones of plastic deformation at C and E promoting propagation of cracks. When the cutting fluid penetrates into the crack formed in the chip free surface it suppresses the above-discussed healing of these cracks. Our multiple analyses of the chip structures obtained in cutting with and without cutting fluid prove this fact [44]. (4) lubrication and cooling of the flankworkpiece interface at D. Multiple experimental results are available to prove adequacy of the proposed model [5, 41,42,44-49]. When the cutting fluid is applied by simple flooding of the machining zone, the weakest actions of the cutting fluid is observed at A and D. The application of a high- pressure cutting fluid jet significantly increases tool life and lowers the cutting forces [50,51].


ADVANTAGE  The major advantage of straight oils is the excellent lubricity effect they provide between the work piece and cutting tool.  His is particularly useful for low speed, low clearance operations requiring high quality surface finishes.

 Although their cost is high, they provide the longest tool life for a number of applications.

 Highly compounded straight oils are still prepared for severe cutting operations such as crush grinding, severe broaching and tapping, deep-hole drilling and for the most difficult to cut metals such as certain stainless steels and super alloys.

 They are also the fluid of choice for most honing operations due to their high lubricating operations.

 Straight oils offer good rust protection, extended sump life, easy maintenance and are less likely to cause a problems if misused.

They also resist rancidity, since bacteria cannot thrive unless water contaminates the oil. DISADVANTAGES

 Disadvantage of straight oils include poor heating dissipating properties and increasing fire risk  They may also create a mist or smoke that results in an unsafe work environment for the machine operator.

 Particularly, when machines have inadequate shielding or when shops have poor ventilation system.  Straight oils are usually limited to low temperature, low-speed operations.

 The oily film left on the work piece makes cleaning more difficult, often requiring the use of cleaning solvents.  Water hardness affects the stability of semi synthesis and may results in the formation of hard water scum deposits.

 Semi synthesis also foam easily because of their cleaning additives and generally offer less lubrication than soluble oils.



1 2


Cardboard Electronic devices


2000 300








Solar panel









Other operations







OTHER COST Transportation charges

COST 500









Material cost



Labour charges



Other cost





The automatic coolant unit has been successfully introduced instead of manual cooling process by design and fabrication the components of the units. A temperature in the tool-work piece interface comes above the references temperature, the unit successfully activated and reduced the temperature. Similarly, as the temperature comes below the reference temperature, the unit gets deactivated successfully.


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