Absolute Monarchies

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 655
  • Pages: 19
Absolute Monarchies Featuring: France and Louis XIV

16th C Context: 

Religious Violence

France + Paris = overwhelmingly C h li Catholic Huguenots = French F hP Protestants t t t St. Bartholemew’s Day Massacre (1572) Civil War

Henry (IV) the Huguenot 

Converts to Catholicism (1589) Edict of Nantes (1598)   

“Paris is worth a Mass”

Freedom of worship Allow set up churches Civil rights same as Catholics Right g to defend towns

Henry (IV) the Huguenot 

Henry restored authority & order  

  

Rebuilt bureaucracy Collected taxes for strong army O Oversaw justice j ti Repaired roads Encouraged new businesses

Assassination (1610)

Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu  

The Estates General Richelieu increased power of monarchy 

Religious Freedom BUT no more defense d f of towns Destruction es uc o o of provincial fortified castles (>noble power)

Cardinal Richelieu and Louis XIII  

Richelieu encouraged Mercantilism Ri h li Richelieu strengthened merchants and weakened nobles 

Awarded titles of nobility Awarded gov’t positions

Louis XIV: “The Sun King” 

The Model of Absolutism  

Louis = Sun Louis = State “L’état L état c’est c est moi! moi!” Divine Right of King

Louis increased royal authority

Louis XIV: “The Sun King” 

Louis increased royal authority (cont’d)   

Reorganized army Increased army size A Appointed i t d intendants i t d t

Revoked Edict of Nantes

Louis XIV: “The Sun King” 

Versailles: the model palace  

 

27 years to build 20,000 acres of gardens and woods Cultural Center Hall a o of Mirrors os

Louis XIV: “The Sun King” 

Versailles: the model palace  

 

27 years to build 20,000 acres of gardens and woods Cultural Center Hall a o of Mirrors os

Louis XIV: “The Sun King” 

Versailles: the model palace  

 

27 years to build 20,000 acres of gardens and woods Cultural Center Hall a o of Mirrors os

Louis XIV: “The Sun King” 

Versailles: the model palace  

 

27 years to build 20,000 acres of gardens and woods Cultural Center Hall a o of Mirrors os

Louis XIV: “The Sun King” 

Versailles: the model palace  

 

27 years to build 20,000 acres of gardens and woods Cultural Center Hall a o of Mirrors os

Louis XIV: “The Sun King” 

Versailles: the model palace  

 

27 years to build 20,000 acres of gardens and woods Cultural Center Hall a o of Mirrors os

Louis XIV: “The Sun King” 

Jean Colbert, finance minister 

 

 

Reformed tax collection Increased taxes Increased infrastructure Increased tariffs Supported colonies

Louis XIV: “The Sun King” 

Louis’ Wars 

Purpose: to extend France to its “natural borders” 30 years of war in 54 years Dutch D t hN Netherlands, th l d S Sweden d  England, Spain 

  

War of Spanish Succession (1701) Peace of Utrecht (1713) France left in debt

Peace of Utrecht The Treaty of Utrecht confirmed the expansion of French power in Europe after the half century of wars of Louis XIV, the increased strength of Brandenburg Prussia, and the decline of the Habsburg Empire.

Letter to Louis XIV (1694) ( ) “Meanwhile,, your y people…are p p dying y g of hunger. g The cultivation of the earth is almost y are abandoned;; the towns and the countryside depopulated; all the industry languishes, and no g supports pp the workers. All commerce is longer destroyed….

Letter to Louis XIV (1694) ( ) You have consumed half the wealth and vitality y of the nation to make and defend vain q abroad. All France is now but a vast conquests hospital, desolate and without provisions.” —Anonymous Anonymous

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