About Me

  • Uploaded by: Nurul Mas Ayu
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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 755
  • Pages: 9


korang leh put <em>anything kt cni
that's why it's not <strong>headed with a title

So,korg leh bbuat dmikian.

kpd kwn2 ak yg lme ak xdgr kabo..gajin2lh kmen ak..ak sgt rndu korg.

<strong>WARNING!!do not copy without permission owner.
pixels are credited to <strong>STRAWBERRYCHOKELAT .


yesrterday memories

Abaout me\

Myspace Layouts

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a.whatmichelledo:hover{ background:url(http://cbimg6.com/layouts/09/01/33246al.png) top left no-repeat; z-index:4; visibility:visible;display:inline; } I want t meet
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name ak mas ayu. but korang leh pgglcHOkelat/strawberry coz that is my real name. why?? <s>fovarite food ak..ak ske sgt 2 bnde2 coz that's make me 4get my sadness.so CHOKELATSTRAWBERRY adalah ak!


huhuhuu very funny. coz ak single mingle wat mse skng. whY?? cinte ak just tok <s>kekaWAN sejak dlu smpai lor nie! u ALL msti plik kn??. hahhahaa e2 delah my real life huuhuhu. so xyah r buang mse tnye ak soal chenta k!

neGATIF bout ak

me lAZY. IF Dh dok dpnPc sure2 r ak mles nk wt kje len. me <s>crazy if hangout ngn mmber.lastly,ak sgt2lhforgetfull person . kekadang nme sdiri pon ak lper..huhuhu..ak pon xth nape!

4sitive bout ak

i'm simple. but sengal ckit. also<s>appy go lucky huhhhuhuhuuuhu...so... it up 2 u nk dscribe ak per..coz ak tetp ak.ak xnk jd ssaper..i just 1 2 be myself ONLY!

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