Aashto 07012009 Sg Notebook

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Standards and Guidelines Notebook July 1, 2009

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Members of the Special Committee on Joint Development and Product/Project Task Forces Chairpersons


Technical & Application Architecture Task Force

Subject: AASHTOWare Standards & Guidelines Notebook Enclosed for your use is the AASHTOWare Standards & Guidelines Notebook. This notebook contains all currently approved standards and guidelines. Please refer to the notebook's introduction for explanations of its content, organization, scope, maintenance, and compliance requirements. The latter of these, because of its importance, bears restatement. Compliance with the approved AASHTOWare Standards is required from their effective date. Any exception to the application of approved standards requires the approval of the Special Committee on Joint Development. All new contracts should include the approved standards and guidelines in this notebook. These standards are living documents. They should be expected to change along with AASHTOWare development practices and technology. User input will be appreciated to insure that these documents always reflect these changing circumstances. A summary of changes made since the previous approved release of the notebook is provided as an attachment to this letter. Questions concerning application for exceptions should be directed to your SCOJD or AASHTO Staff Liaison. Technical questions about the notebook and its contents may be directed to the members of the T&AA Task Force.

cc: AASHTO Staff and T&AA Task Force members Attachment: Summary of Changes

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Summary of Changes

Standards and Guidelines Notebook Summary of Changes The following summarizes the changes that have been made to this version of Standards and Guidelines Notebook since the previous approved release of the notebook. ●

The cover letter was updated and a summary of changes was attached.

The Introduction was reformatted and updated.

All standards and guidelines have been renumbered and reformatted, and include a new cover page.

Standard numbers are appended with an “S” and guideline numbers with a “G”. The numbers of reference or informational documents are appended with a “R”.

All standards and guidelines are published in the notebook in numerical order with a single table of contents in lieu of the previous grouping of all standards and then all guidelines.

The AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Standard (1.010.01S) replaces the previous Standards Proposal and Approval Standard ( This standard describes the process used by AASHTOWare to establish and maintain standards and guidelines, the Standards and Guidelines Notebook, and associated collaboration workspaces.

The Development Methodology Guideline (1.020.02G) was reformatted and renumbered. The previous guideline number was 1.02.G35.01.

The Requirements Standard (3.010.02S) replaces the previous Requirements Management Standard (

Provide provides new procedures for requirements development, analysis, and validation, in addition to those for requirements management.

The System Requirements Specification (SRS) now must include security, accessibility, interface, user interface, and performance requirements. Interface requirements should include data transfer/exchange requirements and the use XML for new development.

The requirements that describe the approach for compliance with Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) of the World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative (W3C WAI) must be included with the accessibility requirements.

Some required elements of the User Requirements Specification (URS) and the Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) have been eliminated.

The Requirements Activity Log and Requirements Acceptance Criteria work products have been have eliminated.

The XML Standard (3.015.01S) replaces the previous XML Implementation & Migration Guideline (3.03.G20.01). Compliance with this standard is now required. ■

Supplements the Requirements Standard.

Provides direction for developing data transfer and data exchange requirements.

Requires the use of XML for data transfer/exchange for new development.

The Security Standard (3.020.01S) is a new standard created to provide direction for developing security requirements and implementing security in AASHTOWare products. Page 1


Summary of Changes ●

The Product Graphical Interface Standard (3.030.03S) was reformatted and renumbered. The previous standard number was

The Communication Interface Guideline (3.03.G40.01) was discontinued and removed from the notebook.

The Database Selection and Use Guideline (3.040.02G) replaces the previous Database Selection Guideline (3.03.G50.01). This guideline, which provides guidance for applying industry standards in the use of databases for AASHTOWare products, has been updated and reformatted.

The Product Documentation Standard (3.050.04S) was reformatted and renumbered. The previous standard number was

The Glossary of Product Terminology Standard (3.060.03S) was reformatted and renumbered. The previous standard number was

The Application Design Guideline (3.03.G30.03) was discontinued and removed from the notebook.

The Testing Standard (3.080.02S) was reformatted and renumbered. The previous standard number was

The Product Release Checklists Standard (3.085.05S) was reformatted and renumbered. References to previous standard numbers within the standard were also changed. The previous standard number was

The Installation and Use Training Guideline (3.090.02G) was reformatted and renumbered. The previous guideline number was 3.04.G50.01.

The Quality Assurance Standard (4.01.02S) is a new standard that describes the AASHTOWare quality assurance process. ■

Replaces interim standard used during a pilot QA process.

Deliverables are submitted for evaluation twice during the fiscal year.

The second evaluation involves a visit/meeting at the contractor site.

Evaluation reports are created by an AASHTOWare QA analyst to document areas of non-compliance with approved standards.

The Disaster Recovery Standard (4.020.02S) was reformatted and renumbered. The previous standard number was

The AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF) document (5.010.01R) replaces the previous AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework Process Areas (1.01.G01.01) and AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework Work Products (1.01.G02.01) documents. The revised ALF document has been simplified and the amount of content has been reduced. The document describes the framework used for AASHTOWare process improvements. In addition, the document describes each process area with the related process areas, specific goals, specific practices, and typical work products. A general reference to the existing AASHTOWare standards, guidelines, policies, and procedures that support each process areas is also provided. The ALF document is now located in the notebook Appendices.

The Standards and Guidelines Glossary has been updated and moved to the notebook Appendices.

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AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Table of Contents Introduction 1-Process Management 1.010S AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Standard 1.020G Development Methodology Guideline

2-Project Management Project management standards will be created in future versions of the notebook.

3-Software Engineering 3.010S Requirements Standard 3.015S XML Standard 3.020S Security Standard 3.030S Product Graphical Interface Standard 3.040G Database Selection and Use Guideline 3.050S Product Documentation Standard 3.060S Glossary of Product Terminology Standard 3.080S Testing Standard 3.085S Product Release Checklists Standard 3.090G Installation and Use Training Guideline

4-Support 4.010S Quality Assurance Standard 4.020S Disaster Recovery Standard

5- Appendices 5.010R AASHTOWare Life Cycle Framework 5.020R Standards and Guidelines Glossary

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AASHTOWARE STANDARDS & GUIDELINES NOTEBOOK 1. Introduction The Special Committee on Joint Development (SCOJD) formed the Technical & Application Architecture (T&AA) Task Force to provide standards & technical guidance for the development of AASHTOWare software products. The purpose of these standards and guidelines was and is to maximize the return on investment, improve the quality, and increase the usefulness of the products. Later the SCOJD determined that there was a need for the improvement of the AASHTOWare development practices. The AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF) was developed to investigate and recommend potential process improvements. ALF provides a framework for creating AASHTOWare process improvement projects. These projects involve the development of new standards and guidelines and the revision of existing standards and guidelines that are based on goals and practices within the framework. AASHTOWare’s goal is to improve its software development and maintenance processes, and, subsequently, improve AASHTOWare products. Over time most of the existing standards and guidelines will be redeveloped to include elements that address process improvement. The AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework document (05.02.02R) located in the Appendices of the notebook describes the framework and the implementation within current and planned standards and guidelines. While pursuing the above purposes or objectives the following principles should be emphasized and employed. ●

Standards should be adaptable to changing technological and procedural circumstances so as not to hamper product growth or viability. They should not be viewed as static, but rather as dynamic specifications which can be easily revised whenever circumstances change and be retired whenever they no longer achieve their objectives.

Standards should not be developed or implemented for their own sake, but only where there are apparent opportunities for benefiting AASHTOWare products.

The development and implementation of standards should be a cooperative effort. All participants in the AASHTOWare development process should be included in the formulation, review, and implementation of standards and their perspectives and requirements should be respected.

Standards should not ordinarily be applied retroactively. Their application should be coordinated with scheduled product enhancements in order to avoid any unnecessary disruptions in service or wasteful use of resources.

Standards should be designed to avoid, as far as possible, increasing the administrative burdens of the Project and Product Task Forces.

This notebook is designed to provide a repository and vehicle of communication for the AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines.

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2. Organization The notebook is divided into the following sections. ●

1 - Process Management

2 - Project Management

3 –Software Engineering

4 - Support

5 - Appendices

The standards and guidelines will be numbered to correspond to the sections to which they belong. They will be ordered sequentially by number in their respective sections. For a more detailed description of the numerical format refer to the “AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Standard” (01.010.02S), in this notebook. Guidelines, which are identified by the suffix “G” following the guideline number, are used to convey suggestions and recommendations which may be useful to Project and Product Task Forces but are not binding. Standards, however, which include an “S” suffix, must be complied with from their effective date. Only approved standards and guidelines will be included in the notebook. Reference or informational documents, such as the Glossary, include an “R” suffix.

3. Format The AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Standard” (01.010.02S) describes the format of standards and guidelines documents. Each standard and guideline includes sections that provide the purpose of the standard and overviews of responsibilities and the required/recommended deliverables and work products. This information should be useful to the Project and Product Task Forces and the contractor for determining the applicability of the standard to their endeavors. Standards also include additional details regarding procedures, technical requirements, and definitions of required work product and deliverable. Also, many of the standards use red italicized text to highlight the activities that must be followed and work products that must be produced in order to comply with the standard.

4. Requirements & Exemptions All standards are in force from their effective date. Exemptions from their application require the approval of the Special Committee on Joint Development.

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1 – Process Management

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Document History Version No.

Revision Date



Revision Description Initial Version. Replaces AASHTOWare Standards Proposal and Approval standard ( Presented to T&AA. Made corrections. Reviewed by stakeholders with no changes suggested. -----------------------------------------------------------------Additional minor changes and format modifications for publishing were approved by T&AA on 06/16/2009.

Approval Date 05/26/2009 Approved by SCOJD


AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Standard


Table of Contents 1.

Purpose ............................................................................................................... 1


Responsibilities .................................................................................................. 1


Deliverables and Work Products....................................................................... 2


Procedures.......................................................................................................... 2 4.1

Establish the Standards and Guidelines Workspaces.....................................2 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3


Develop or Revise Standards and Guidelines..................................................3 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7


Compile New Notebook ....................................................................................... 7 Move Current Notebook to History....................................................................... 8 Move New Notebook to Current........................................................................... 8 Notify Stakeholders .............................................................................................. 8

Develop and Maintain Lifecycle Model Descriptions.......................................8 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4

4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8

Analyze the Objective or Assignment .................................................................. 3 Develop or Revise Standard or Guideline ........................................................... 4 Obtain T&AA and Stakeholder Feedback ............................................................ 5 Approve Standard or Guideline............................................................................ 6 Store Standard or Guideline in S&G Notebook Workspace ................................ 7 Delete Development Files and Sub Folder .......................................................... 7 Update ALF Document ........................................................................................ 7

Create and Publish the Standards and Guidelines Notebook.........................7 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4


Create S&G Notebook Workspace ...................................................................... 2 Copy Content to S&G Notebook Workspace....................................................... 3 Create S&G Development Workspace ................................................................ 3

Develop Lifecycle Model ...................................................................................... 8 Review and Approve Lifecycle Model .................................................................. 9 Store and Publish the Life Cycle Model ............................................................... 9 Maintain Life Cycle Model .................................................................................... 9

Establish Standard Requirements and Customization Guidelines.................9 Request an Exception to Standards .................................................................9 Establish Measurement Repository ................................................................10 Maintain the Standards and Guidelines..........................................................10


Technical Requirements .................................................................................. 10


Deliverable and Work Product Definitions ..................................................... 11 6.1

Standard or Guideline......................................................................................11 6.1.1 6.1.2


Standards and Guidelines Notebook ..............................................................12 6.2.1 6.2.2


Description ......................................................................................................... 12 Content (by Workspace Tabs) ........................................................................... 12

S&G Development Workspace ........................................................................14 6.4.1 6.4.2


Description ......................................................................................................... 12 Content............................................................................................................... 12

S&G Notebook Workspace ..............................................................................12 6.3.1 6.3.2


Description ......................................................................................................... 11 Content............................................................................................................... 11

Description ......................................................................................................... 14 Content (by Workspace Tabs) ........................................................................... 14

Updates to the AASHTO Lifecycle Framework (ALF) Specification .............14 6.5.1 6.5.2

Description ......................................................................................................... 14 Content............................................................................................................... 14

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AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Standard


1. Purpose The AASHTOWare Standard and Guideline Definition standard defines the process used to establish and maintain AASHTOWare standards and guidelines. A standard describes mandatory procedures that must be followed, results that must be produced, and technologies and technical specifications that must be used or adhered to during the development and maintenance of AASHTOWare products. AASHTOWare standards are created and implemented in order to ensure a consistent approach is used to develop, maintain and deliver software products. A guideline describes procedures, results, technical specifications and/or technologies that are considered good practices to follow, produce, or use; however, these are not required. A proposed standard or standard process may be initially implemented as a guideline with future plans to implement it as a requirement. Refer to the glossary in the Standards and Guidelines Notebook for additional definitions of terms used in this document.

2. Responsibilities Where most of the AASHTOWare standards focus on the project/product task force and contractor responsibilities, this standard focuses more on the responsibilities of the Special Committee on Joint Development (SCOJD) and the Technical and Application Architecture (T&AA) Task Force. SCOJD and T&AA are responsible for the majority of the work associated with the standards, while the responsibilities of the task forces and contractors are limited. The responsibilities of all AASHTOWare participants impacted by this standard are summarized below: Additional details on these responsibilities are provided in the Procedures section of this document. ●

The Special Committee on Joint Development (SCOJD) is responsible for: ■

Defining the needs and setting the objectives for AASHTOWare process improvement, and for new or revised standards and guidelines.

Approving all new and revised standards.

The Technical and Application Architecture (T&AA) Task Force is responsible for: ■

Developing, reviewing, revising, and maintaining AASHTOWare standards, guidelines, and related documentation; and for performing analysis and research associated with these activities.

Reviewing all standards and guidelines annually to ensure that each document is correct, up-to-date, and relevant.

Communicating and coordinating with the other AASHTOWare stakeholders to report status, provide information, and resolve reported issues.

Approving guidelines, reference documents, the Standards and Guidelines Notebook, and any related documentation, other than standards.

Approving edit changes in standards that do not change the intent or the required components of the standard.

Maintaining the Standards and Guidelines Notebook and the Groove workspaces used to develop, collaborate, store, and share the standards and guidelines.

The project/product task force chairpersons are responsible for: ■

Reviewing and reporting issues with all new or revised standards and guideline.

Reviewing the current version of each standard and guideline as each is used and applied, and reporting any issues resulting from the review or use of a standard or guideline.

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AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Standard


The chairpersons may choose to appoint designees (Task Force members, Technical Advisory Group members, Technical Review Team members, or contractor personnel) to assist in these efforts.

AASHTO Staff is responsible for: ■

Reviewing and reporting issues with all revised or new standards, guidelines, and related documentation.

Periodically reviewing the current version of each standard and guideline, and reporting any issues resulting from these reviews.

3. Deliverables and Work Products The following summarizes the work products that are created or updated by the T&AA Task Force as a result of the procedures in document. Definitions and content requirements are provided in the Deliverable and Work Product Definitions section of this document. •

Standard or Guideline

Standards and Guidelines Notebook

S&G Notebook Workspace

S&G Development Workspace

Updates to the AASHTO Lifecycle Framework (ALF) document and Lifecycle Models

4. Procedures This section describes the procedures used to develop, maintain, store, and publish individual standards and guidelines and the complete AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Notebook. Many of the procedures are broken down into activities and some activities may be further broken down into tasks.


Establish the Standards and Guidelines Workspaces

The purpose of this procedure is to establish a repository workspace to store and access approved standards and guidelines and a development/collaboration workspace to develop and revise standards and guidelines. Both workspaces are created, maintained, and accessed using the Microsoft Groove software. A workspace administrator is appointed by the T&AA Task Force Chairperson to develop and maintain these workspaces. The following activities to create the standard and guidelines workspaces are prerequisites to all other procedures and activities defined in this standard.

4.1.1 Create S&G Notebook Workspace This activity should be performed if the S&G Notebook workspace does not exist or becomes corrupted and cannot be restored. A new workspace should be created in accordance with the S&G Notebook Workspace work product definition, which is defined in the Deliverable and Work Product Definition section of this document. When completed, the S&G Notebook workspace should include tabs for each of the following. Each of these is discussed with the work product definition. ○

Current S&G Notebook

S&G History

Next Version

Document Library


The workspace administrator and the T&AA chairperson should be provided with read/write access to this work space. All project/product task force members,

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AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Standard


contractors, SCOJD members, T&AA members, and AASHTO staff members should be provided with read access to this workspace.

4.1.2 Copy Content to S&G Notebook Workspace After the workspace is created, the current version of the Standards and Guidelines notebook should be copied to the Current S&G Notebook tab. Previous versions should be copied to root level folders in the S&G History tab. Each version of the notebook should include the complete notebook in both PDF and the word processing formats, and all files and documents needed to create the complete notebook, including: ○

The word processing documents for all standards and guidelines included in the notebook;

The word processing documents or other editable file for the title page, cover letter, introduction, table of contents, glossary, and any other supplemental documents used to create the notebook; and

All files or documents used to compose each word processing document, such as inserted documents, tables, or drawings.

All documents and files should be copied to the tabs using the file structure, content, format, and naming conventions described in the S&G Notebook Workspace work product definition.

4.1.3 Create S&G Development Workspace This activity should be performed if the S&G Development workspace does not exist or becomes corrupted and cannot be restored. A new workspace should be created in accordance with the S&G Development Workspace work product definition, which is defined in the Deliverable and Work Product Definition section of this document. The S&G Development workspace will not include any content. All content is created or deleted through the Develop or Revise Standards and Guidelines procedure below. All T&AA members and the AASHTO and SCOJD liaisons should be provided with read/write access to the workspace. SCOJD members and AASHTO staff should be provided with read access to the workspace.


Develop or Revise Standards and Guidelines

The purpose of this procedure is to define the activities that should be performed to develop a new standard or guideline or to revise an existing standard or guideline. These activities begin with the initial analysis to determine if a new or revised standard or guideline is needed and end with an approved standard or guideline which is ready to be published in the next version of the Standards and Guidelines Notebook. The creation and publishing of a new version of the Standards and Guidelines notebook are discussed in the Create and Publish the Standards and Guidelines Notebook procedure below.

4.2.1 Analyze the Objective or Assignment The activity is performed when T&AA is provided with an objective from the AASHTOWare Strategic Plan or an assignment from SCOJD that may require an addition or revision to the standards and guidelines. T&AA begins by analyzing the objective or assignment to determine the best approach for satisfying the objective or assignment. The analysis should consider each of the following: ○

Analyze the objective/assignment and determine if it can be satisfied by revising one or more existing standards or guidelines. This analysis typically involves the review of existing standards and guidelines, as well as review of the ALF process areas. If revisions are required to address the objective/assignment, one or more action items should be defined to revise the applicable standards and guidelines.

Analyze the objective/assignment and the ALF process areas and determine if the goals and practices from one or more process areas should be used to satisfy the

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AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Standard


objective/assignment. When applicable, ALF based solutions should be chosen first to satisfy the objective/assignment. In this case, one or more action items should be defined to create a new standard or guideline based on ALF goals and practices. ○

Analyze the objective/assignment and determine it can be satisfied by creating one or more new standards or guidelines for processes, practices, and/or requirements that are not included in existing standards, guidelines or within the ALF process areas. If this method is selected, one or more action items should be defined to create a new standard or guideline.

If one or more action items are created from the above analysis, these items should be included as tasks in future T&AA work plans or as tasks in the current fiscal year. When approved, these action items should be implemented using the Develop or Revise Standard and Guideline procedure described below. If no actions items are created to revise or develop new standards or guidelines, the T&AA chair should advise SCOJD that another approach will be required to satisfy the objective/assignment.

4.2.2 Develop or Revise Standard or Guideline This activity is performed when the T&AA chairperson assigns an analyst the responsibility for developing a new standard or guideline or revising an existing standard or guideline. This analyst is normally a T&AA Task Force member or contractor. The analyst should follow the steps listed below to accomplish the development or revision of the standard or guideline. ○

Create a new folder for the standard or guideline in the S&G Development workspace in accordance with S&G Development Workspace work product definition.

In the case of a revision, copy all documents and files associated with the standard or guideline from the Current S&G Notebook tab to the standard or guideline folder in the S&G Development workspace.

Collect documentation from the previous analysis above; including the documentation on the ALF process areas, goals, practices, and work products that are applicable to developing or revising the standard or guideline and for satisfying the objective that initiated the assignment.

If needed, collect documentation from CMMI-DEV or other source documentation used for defining applicable ALF process areas, goals, practices, and work products.

Perform the appropriate industry research required to develop or revise the standard or guideline.

Review the applicable methods that are currently being used and work products being created by the project/product task forces, contractors, SCOJD, AASHTO staff or T&AA.

To ensure consistency in each standard or guideline, the AASHTOWare Standard Template must be used when creating a standard or guideline. The template is used to define the document layout, fonts, and the required type of content. The template is stored in the S&G Development workspace. Refer to the Standard or Guideline work product definition for information on the specific content required in each standard or guideline and for information regarding the location and use of the AASHTOWare Standard Template.

If a standard or guideline is to be based on one or more ALF process areas, then the ALF specific practices process areas should be used to define the procedures of the standard or guideline. Current methods used within AASHTOWare should also be considered for inclusion in the procedures.

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AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Standard


For standards and guidelines not based on ALF specific practices, use the applicable information gathered from industry research to define the appropriate procedures needed to implement the objective of the standard or guideline.

Develop each procedure with the appropriate level of detail needed to understand how to use the procedure. If needed for clarity or simplicity, divide the procedure into lower level activities and tasks.

Develop each standard so it is clear on what is expected or required of the various stakeholders and what elements of the standard may be customized. Refer to the Establish Standard Requirements and Customization Guidelines procedure for additional information.

Each standard and guideline should include the definition and content of the required or recommended deliverables and work products to be produced during the lifecycle stages associated with the standard or guideline. For the purposes of AASHTOWare standards and guidelines, a work product is defined as a result or artifact of the software development or project management process. Many of the work products described in a standard are also defined as deliverables. A deliverable is also a work product; however, deliverables must be planned and tracked in the project/product work plan and must be formally submitted to the task force for approval or rejection.

For those standards and guidelines based on ALF specific practices, the applicable work products defined in the ALF specification document should be included in the standard or guideline work products or deliverables. Work products and deliverables recommended through industry research and current AASHTOWare practices should also be considered.

Standards and guidelines that are not based on ALF specific practices should also consider the work products and deliverables from industry research and current AASHTOWare practices.

Ensure that the procedures describe when a deliverable or work product is to be produced, who is responsible for producing it, and the type of review and approval required.

Each standard and guideline should recommend that all deliverables and work products are versioned, stored, and controlled using configuration management procedures.

Define the applicable technical specifications for the standard or guideline.

In the case of guidelines, all procedures, work products and technical specifications should be defined as recommendations or best practices; whereas, standards will typically include compliance requirements for the majority of these items.

4.2.3 Obtain T&AA and Stakeholder Feedback During the revision or development of a standard or guideline, the analyst should initiate reviews by T&AA and AASHTOWare stakeholders, obtain feedback, and make modifications, as required, to address the feedback. The steps listed below should be followed. ○

Make presentations at T&AA Task Force meetings and communicate, as required, with T&AA members and liaisons to review working documents, provide status information, and to collect comments and issues. The T&AA review of the standard or guideline should include review for gaps, overlaps, and proper integration with other standard and guidelines. T&AA online reviews are implemented through Groove document discussions in the S&G Development workspace.

Address the T&AA issues and comments and prepare the standard or guideline for additional stakeholder review.

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AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Standard


If the document is a standard, the T&AA Chairperson will distribute the new or revised standard to the SCOJD chairperson, AASHTO staff manager, and the project/product task force chairpersons. Reviews should be requested from SCOJD, task forces, contractors, and AASHTO staff; and comments and issues should be solicited for return to T&AA by a specific date. The distribution of the standard and the return of comments and issues are normally accomplished by email.

Since there is no requirement to comply with a guideline, guidelines will have limited, if any impact, on the project/product task forces or contractors. T&AA will normally request a review by the above stakeholders for feedback on the content of the guideline and the usefulness of the guideline prior to approving the guideline.

Prior to beginning the review, the workspace administrator copies the standard or guideline to the _Stakeholder Review folder in the S&G Development workspace in the Files tab. The T&AA chairperson distributes the standard from this folder. After the review is complete, the standard or guideline is deleted from this folder.

The stakeholders should review the standard or guideline for how it satisfies the original objective or assignment, use and understanding of the document, applicability to each task force, and applicability to the AASHTOWare organization. For a standard, the review should also determine if the standard introduces any problems or issues for the stakeholders.

The analyst responsible for the standard or guideline or other T&AA members should communicate with the stakeholders as required to provide additional information or answer questions. If needed, presentations should be made to assist with communication and understanding.

T&AA will review the issues and comments from the stakeholder review and address those that are warranted. For standards, stakeholder reviews are repeated, as required, to address major issues.

4.2.4 Approve Standard or Guideline After the T&AA and stakeholder reviews are completed and the appropriate revisions are made, the standard or guideline must be approved as described below: ○

All guidelines are approved by the T&AA Task Force.

Revisions to standards which only affect the format or readability of the document, and do not change the meaning or the impact on stakeholders, are also approved by the T&AA Task Force.

All other revisions to standards and new standards must be approved by SCOJD as follows: □

The workspace administrator copies the standard to the _SCOJD Approval folder in the S&G Development workspace in the Files tab. After SCOJD approval, the standard is deleted from this folder.

The T&AA chairperson initiates the approval of a new or revised standard by preparing a cover letter to the SCOJD chairperson requesting SCOJD approval of the standard. The cover letter is sent to the SCOJD chairperson by email and the SCOJD liaison to T&AA.

The SCOJD liaison to T&AA copies the standard to the appropriate location for SCOJD balloting.

SCOJD approves or rejects the standard and the SCOJD chairperson notifies the T&AA chairperson of the approval decision. When rejected, the reason for rejection is included in the communication to the T&AA chairperson.

If the standard is rejected, T&AA reviews the reason for rejection and makes the appropriate changes to the standard. The approval process is repeated with submission of the new document to the SCOJD chairperson.

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AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Standard


4.2.5 Store Standard or Guideline in S&G Notebook Workspace After a standard or guideline is approved, the workspace administrator should copy all files used to compose and edit the standard or guideline to the S&G Notebook workspace in the Next Version tab. Any presentations, educational materials, checklists, or other materials that would be useful in implementation or use of the standard or guideline should also be copied to the Next Version tab. In addition, a file containing a brief summary of the revisions made should be created and stored with a revised standard or guideline. For new documents, the file should contain a brief summary of the purpose of the new standard or guideline. The folder location and the naming convention for the above files are defined in the S&G Notebook Workspace work product definition.

4.2.6 Delete Development Files and Sub Folder After copying the files for the approved standard or guideline to the S&G Notebook workspace, the workspace administrator should delete the folder and files for the standard or guideline from the S&G Development workspace. Any remaining files that are considered important should be copied to an archive workspace. If information from a discussion tab is needed, it can be exported to XML and then imported into another workspace. Information needed from other types of tabs in the S&G Development workspace that is relevant to the standard or guideline may need to be copied manually.

4.2.7 Update ALF Document The ALF document includes a general reference to the standards, guidelines, policies, and procedures that support the implementation of each process area. Prior to publishing a new or revised standard or guideline, the ALF document should be updated to reflect those process areas supported by the standard or guideline. Other internal AASHTOWare documentation that tracks the progress of the ALF implementation should also be updated. Any changes to the ALF document should be reviewed by the T&AA Task Force and the AASHTO and SCOJD liaisons. The revised document should then by approved by T&AA, stored in the S&G Notebook workspace as describe above, and published with the next version of the notebook as described below. The ALF document is published as a reference document in the notebook.


Create and Publish the Standards and Guidelines Notebook

This procedure is initiated when a new version of the Standards and Guidelines Notebook is to be created. All approved standard and guidelines and changes to the ALF document will be included in the next published version of the notebook. Since standards must be compiled by their effective date, the earliest effective date of all approved standards will determine the next notebook’s effective date. Most standards are created with an effective date at the beginning of the next fiscal year (July 1); however, SCOJD may deem that certain standards become effective at an earlier date. Guidelines are not binding and normally will not drive the publication of a new version of the notebook.

4.3.1 Compile New Notebook The workspace administrator begins this activity by verifying that all standards, guidelines, and ALF documentation that have been approved for the next version of the notebook have been stored in the Next Version tab of the S&G Notebook workspace, along with all needed supplemental files. If any approved standard or guideline or file is missing, the administrator copies the missing files to the appropriate locations following the activities described previously. Next, all unchanged documents and files from the Current S&G Notebook tab that are needed to create a new version are copied to the Next Version tab. This includes all unchanged standards and guidelines plus the cover page, cover letter, introduction, table of contents, glossary, and any other reference documents and supplemental files

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used to create the complete notebook. All reference documents should be changed as required to support the new notebook. All files must be stored and named as described in the S&G Notebook Workspace work product definition. After all files have been moved and verified, the title page, cover letter, introduction, table of contents and other supplemental files are modified as needed for the new version of the notebook. The summary files with each new or revised standard or guideline should be used to create a summary of changes which is included after the cover letter. The complete Standards and Guidelines Notebook is created in PDF format. A separate PDF file should be created for the current version of each standard, guideline, or supplemental file needed to create the notebook. The new notebook is then created by merging all of the PDF files into a PDF document which represents the complete Standards and Guidelines Notebook. After reviewing the notebook document and verifying that all content is correct and in the right order, the new notebook file must be stored and named as described in the S&G Notebook Workspace work product definition. The new notebook and all reference documents (cover page, cover letter, summary of changes, table of contents, introduction, ALF document, and glossary) are all approved by the T&AA Task Force.

4.3.2 Move Current Notebook to History On or before the effective date of the new notebook, the previous version of the notebook should be copied from the Current S&G Notebook tab to the S&G History workspace. The root folder in the Current S&G Notebook should be copied to S&G History workspace as a subfolder and renamed. Refer to the S&G Notebook Workspace work product for the naming convention for S&G History folders. After verifying that all content was copied correctly the S&G History tab, all subfolders and content is the Current S&G Notebook tab should be deleted.

4.3.3 Move New Notebook to Current After the copying the previous version to history, the subfolders in the Next S&G tab should be copied to the Current S&G Notebook workspaces under the root folder. The new notebook should be in place by the effective date. After verifying that all content was copied correctly to the Current S&G Notebook tab, all subfolders and content in the Next S&G Notebook tab should be deleted.

4.3.4 Notify Stakeholders After the new version of the notebook is available for use, the T&AA chairperson will provide the T&AA AASHTO Staff liaison with the complete notebook in PDF format, and the location of the notebook in the S&G Notebook Workspace. AASHTO Staff will then make all necessary copies and distribute both hardcopy and electronic copies of the notebook.


Develop and Maintain Lifecycle Model Descriptions

The purpose of this procedure is to establish and maintain descriptions of the lifecycle models approved for use in AASHTOWare development.

4.4.1 Develop Lifecycle Model A lifecycle model is used to partition a project into major stages or phases, such as requirements analysis, and construction. Each stage is typically divided into major activities and tasks, and includes key milestones and deliverables that must be completed before the stage can end and the next stage is approved to begin. The T&AA Task Force develops and maintains the lifecycle models that should be used for AASHTOWare development and maintenance. The AASHTOWare models should be described in a level of detail that allows them to be adapted to most development methodologies, including waterfall, incremental, iterative, and Agile.

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The procedures for adapting and customizing the lifecycle models for specific types of projects and methodologies should be included with the lifecycle descriptions. Any requirements that must be complied with regarding when customizing the lifecycle models for specific projects should be clearly documented. Refer to the Establish Standard Requirements and Customization Guidelines section for additional information. Where applicable, each standard or guideline should also describe the requirements and/or recommended practices that must or should be followed during lifecycle model stages.

4.4.2 Review and Approve Lifecycle Model The approved lifecycle models are documented in the Standards and Guidelines Glossary located in the appendices of the Standards and Guidelines Notebook. When changes are made to the lifecycle model, the glossary document or other documentation containing the lifecycle models should be reviewed and approved using the activities described previously for guidelines.

4.4.3 Store and Publish the Life Cycle Model The Standards and Guidelines Glossary, which includes the approved lifecycle models document should be stored in the S&G Notebook workspace and published in the Standards and Guidelines Notebook using the procedures defined previously for guidelines.

4.4.4 Maintain Life Cycle Model The lifecycle models should be reviewed routinely with the other standards and procedures and modified as needed to address strategic objectives and issues found during the reviews. When modified, the activities described above should be used to approve, store, and publish the modified models.


Establish Standard Requirements and Customization Guidelines

Each standard should clearly describe the procedures and activities that must be followed and the deliverables and work products that must be created, submitted, and/or approved. The required elements of each standard should be clearly identified and should be noted at the beginning of each standard. All new and revised standards will use red italicized text to identify the required elements. The procedures, activities, deliverables, and work products that are not required are based on best practices and are recommended. These may be implemented or customized as seen appropriate by the by the project/product task force and contractor. Some standards may also provide additional details on what may be customized and the approach that may be used for customizing certain elements.


Request an Exception to Standards

The project/product task force has the responsibility of ensuring that the required elements defined in each standard are complied with. In the event that a requirement of the standard cannot be complied with, the task force chair should advise the SCOJD or T&AA liaison early in the project/product life cycle. A formal request for an exception to the standard must also be submitted to the SCOJD. The exception request is typically sent by letter from the task force chairperson to the SCOJD chairperson. The letter should include all proposed changes and/or exclusions to one or more standards along with the documentation that describes or justifies the reasons for the reason exception(s) and any additional documentation for SCOJD consideration. The exception request must be submitted to SCOJD prior to beginning the stage of the project where the applicable standards are to be used. Approval of exceptions to the standards is under the purview of the SCOJD. SCOJD may choose to obtain a recommendation from the T&AA Task Force and/or AASHTO staff prior to making a decision to approve or reject the exception request. In this case, T&AA and/or

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AASHTO staff reviews the request and returns their recommendation along with the reasons for their recommendation to SCOJD. After reviewing the recommendations from T&AA and/or AASHTO staff, SCOJD makes the final decision to approve or reject the exception request. The SCOJD chairperson sends a letter to notify the task force chairperson of SCOJD decision to approve or reject the exception request. If rejected, the reasons for the rejection are also provided. The SCOJD members, AASHTO staff, and the T&AA chairperson should be copied on this letter. The approval/rejection letter should also be submitted by the task force chairperson to the AASHTOWare Quality Assurance Analyst prior to the evaluation of work products and deliverables that are impacted by the exception request.


Establish Measurement Repository

The purpose of this procedure is to establish and maintain a repository of measurements for use in AASHTOWare development. This procedure will be defined in a future update to this standard, as processes are developed to use the measurements in the repository.


Maintain the Standards and Guidelines

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that each standard and guideline is correct, upto-date, and relevant. The T&AA Task Force will perform annual reviews of all standards and guidelines in the current Standards and Guidelines Notebook. These reviews should include, but not be limited, to the following analysis: ■

Determine if any hyperlinks embedded in the standards and guidelines are invalid.

Determine if each standard and guideline is still relevant and up to date with industry directions.

Determine it there are issues in consistency, readability, and/or format with specific standards or guidelines when compared to the majority of the existing standards and guideline.

T&AA may request assistance from the project/project task forces, contractors, and/or AASHTO staff in reviewing the standards and procedures or in validating issues. In addition the users of the standards and guidelines should report any issues found while applying the standards and guidelines to ongoing development and maintenance efforts. If any issues are found during the reviews or reported by stakeholders, T&AA will review these and determine which issues warrant corrective actions. For those issues requiring corrective actions, T&AA will create tasks for the current fiscal year or future work plans. Issues found with hyperlinks and other minor issues that do not change the meaning or impact of a standard or guideline are normally corrected in the current fiscal year. All tasks to correct, revise, eliminate, or replace issues must follow the previously defined procedures and activities for revising, developing, reviewing, approved, storing and publishing standards and guidelines.

5. Technical Requirements There are no technical requirements for this standard.

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6. Deliverable and Work Product Definitions This section describes the deliverables and work products that are prepared, reviewed, approved, and saved during the review, creation, and update of the AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines.


Standard or Guideline 6.1.1 Description This work product definition is used to define the required content, optional content, format, and structure for new standards and guidelines. The work product definition is also used when revising an existing standard or guideline to bring an existing document into compliance with the AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Standard.

6.1.2 Content The following describes the content required for each standard and guideline. The AASHTOWare Standard Template is used to document the content in a consistent format, font, style, and structure. The template is a Microsoft Word template and is stored in the S&G Development Workspace under the Files Tab in the AASHTOWare Standard Template folder. ○

Cover Sheet □

Standard or Guideline Name

Standard or Guideline Number and Version – Each standard or guideline should be named using a “C.NNN.VVS” format. ◊

C is the number 1-5 which represents the number of the category for the standard or guidelines. The current categories are defined below with the S&G Notebook Workspace definition.

NNN is the number 001-099 which represents the standard or guideline number within the category. These are currently numbered in increments of 5 and 10.

VV is a number 01-99 which represents the version number of a standard or guideline.

S is a suffix that indicates the document type, with

S for standards, − G for guidelines, and − R for reference or informational documents (cover page, cover letter, summary of changes, table of contents, introduction, ALF document, and glossary, etc.) Examples of document numbers include 3.080.02S for the Testing Standard and 3.070.03G for the Application Design Guideline. −

Effective Date of the Standard or Guideline

Document History – includes entries for each new version ◊

Version, Date, Revision Description, and Approval Date

Table of Contents

Purpose – Describe the purpose of the standard or guideline.

Task Force/Contractor Responsibilities – Summarize the task force and contractor responsibilities regarding the standard. If needed, include the responsibilities of T&AA, SCOJD, and AASHTO staff.

Required (or Recommended) Deliverables and Work Products – Summarize the required deliverables and work products that must be prepared and saved in order to

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comply with a standard, as well as any optional ones . In the case of a guideline, the work products and work products should all be designated as recommended. If this section is not applicable to the standard or guideline, note “Not Applicable”. ○

Procedures – Define the procedures that must be carried out to comply with a standard or to follow the intent of a guideline. If this section is not applicable to the standard or guideline, note “Not Applicable”.

Technical Requirements (or Technical Recommendations) - Define the technical requirements that must be met to comply with a standard or technical recommendations for a guideline. If this section is not applicable to the standard or guideline, note “Not Applicable”.

Appendices - Create one or more appendices as required to document any information needed to supplement the primary content of the standard or guideline.


Standards and Guidelines Notebook 6.2.1 Description The Standards and Guidelines Notebook is the official published document that contains all AASHTOWare standards and guidelines. The currently approved notebook is stored in the Current S&G Notebook tab of the S&G Notebook workspace.

6.2.2 Content The notebook is divided into the following sections and subsections: ○

Cover Letter and Summary of Changes

Table of Contents


Standards and Guidelines organized by Category and ordered by Standard or Guideline Number within each Category. The Categories are discussed under the S&G Notebook Workspace below.

Appendices □

AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF) document

Standards and Guidelines Glossary

The standards and guidelines are numbered as described in the Standards and Guidelines work product definition. The format and content of the standards and guidelines are also descried in that work product definition. The standards and guidelines are ordered in the notebook sequentially by number in their respective sections. The notebook should use a naming convention of “MMDDYYYY S&G Notebook”, where the MMDDDYYYY contains the notebook effective date.


S&G Notebook Workspace 6.3.1 Description The S&G Notebook Workspace is a repository workspace used to store and access the current version of the Standards and Guidelines notebook, previous versions of the notebook, approved content for the next version of the notebook. All files and documents needed to create the complete versions of the notebook are also stored in the workspace. The workspace is created, maintained, and accessed using Microsoft Groove 2007 software.

6.3.2 Content (by Workspace Tabs) ○

Welcome – This tab provides a cover sheet for the workspaces and includes a description, date, and creator of the workspace.

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Current S&G Notebook – This is a Files tab used to store the current version of the notebook. The content of the notebook and the files used to create the notebook are stored in the following hierarchical folder structure. □

Category ◊

Standard or Guideline

Construction Additional folders (see explanation below) The following represent the current categories used for the notebook folder structure. The first four categories represent grouping of the ALF process areas, where the Notebook category is used to store the complete notebook and items that pertain to the complete notebook. − −

(1) Process Management

(2) Project Management

(3) Software Engineering

(4) Support

(5) Notebook

Each standard and guideline folder is created under the category for the standard or guideline. These folders are named with a “NNN AAA” format, where NNN is the standard or guideline number and AAA is the standard or guideline name. The word processing document and the PDF file for the standard or guideline is stored in this folder. These files should be named with the same “NNN AAA” format as the folder. Files needed to construct the word processing document are stored in the Construction folder. These files should be named with a “NNN BBB” format, where NNN is the standard or guideline number and BBB identifies the content of the construction file. Additional folders may be created, as required, to contain training material, presentations, or other information needed to assist with using the standard or guideline. The complete notebook is stored in PDF format in the Notebook folder. The Construction folder includes the word processing documents and PDF files for the cover letter, title page, glossary, table of contents, and introduction. ○

S&G History – This is a Files tab used to store previous versions of the notebook. Each of these version folders is organized the same and includes similar content to that discussed with the Current S&G Notebook.

Next Version - This is a Files tab used to store approved standards and procedures that will be included in the next version of the notebook. The folder structure and content is the same as discussed with the Current S&G Notebook.

Document Library – This is a Files tab used to store reports, plans, example deliverables, and other types of documents that are deemed useful to AASHTOWare stakeholders. A folder is created for each major type of document that is stored or grouping of documents.

Discussion – This tab is used for stakeholders to document issues and to initiate discussion regarding the current version of the notebook.

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S&G Development Workspace 6.4.1 Description The S&G Development Workspace is a development and collaboration workspace used to develop and revise standards and guidelines. The workspace is created, maintained, and accessed using Microsoft Groove 2007 software.

6.4.2 Content (by Workspace Tabs) ○

Welcome – This tab provides a cover sheet for the workspaces and includes a description, date, and creator of the workspace.

Files – This tab contains temporary folders for each standard or guideline that is currently being created or revised □


Standard or Guideline Folder – Each folder root level folder is named for the standard or guideline that being created or revised. These folders contain the documents that are in progress of being developed or revised for each standard or guideline. ◊

Reference – This folder contains additional reference materials collected during the development or revision of a standard or guideline, such as research and CMMI information.

Additional folders may be created, as required, to contain training material, presentations, or other information needed to assist with creating or using the standard or guideline.

_Stakeholder Review - This folder contains standards and guidelines that have been reviewed and updated by T&AA and are ready for stakeholder review. The documents are copied from the appropriate standard/guideline folders to this location when T&AA is ready to send out the documents for stakeholder review and comment. After the review is completed, all files are deleted from this folder.

_SCOJD Approval – This folder contains completed standards and guidelines that are pending SCOJD approval. The completed documents are copied to this folder after stakeholder review and updates are completed. After SCOJD approval, the files are deleted from this folder.

Document Discussion – This tab is used to post new or revised standards and guidelines for review and comment by T&AA.

Updates to the AASHTO Lifecycle Framework (ALF) Specification 6.5.1 Description The AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF) was developed as a means to implement process improvement in the AASHTOWare software development and maintenance processes. The ALF document describes this framework through target process areas, goals, and practices, and serves as the roadmap for AASHTOWare process improvement. The ALF document includes a general reference to the standards, guidelines, policies, and procedures that support the implementation of each process area. Prior to publishing a new or revised standard or guideline, the ALF document should be updated to reflect those process areas supported by the standard or guideline. Other internal AASHTOWare documentation that tracks the progress of the ALF implementation should also be updated.

6.5.2 Content Refer to the AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF) document in the Standards and Guidelines Notebook appendices for additional details.

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DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY GUIDELINE S&G Number: 1.020.02G Effective Date: July 1, 2009

Document History Version No. 01

Revision Date April 1995



Revision Description Initial Version Changed standard number from 1.02.G35.01 to 1.020.02G. Applied standard template formatting. Made minor changes and format modifications.

Approval Date Nov. 1996 06/16/2009 Approved by T&AA


Development Methodology Guideline


Table of Contents 1.

Background......................................................................................................... 1


Methodology Purpose and Requirements........................................................ 3 2.1 2.2 2.3


AASHTOWare Development Methodology ....................................................... 5 3.1 3.2 3.3


Contractor Training..........................................................................................25 Project/Product Task Force Training ..............................................................25 AASHTO Staff Training ....................................................................................25

Tools and Equipment ....................................................................................... 26 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4


Personnel Roles and Qualifications................................................................18 Personnel Organization ...................................................................................22

Training ............................................................................................................. 25 5.1 5.2 5.3


Methodology Background .................................................................................5 Methodology Overview ......................................................................................7 Methodology Objectives and Deliverables .....................................................12

Personnel .......................................................................................................... 18 4.1 4.2


Why Use a Development Methodology.............................................................3 Requirements for an AASHTOWare Methodology ...........................................4 Proposal Overview .............................................................................................5

CASE Tool Selection........................................................................................26 Development Platform Considerations...........................................................28 Repository Platform Selection ........................................................................28 Target Platforms:..............................................................................................28

Projects ............................................................................................................. 28 7.1 7.2 7.3

Project Types....................................................................................................28 Roles Versus Project Types ............................................................................29 Project Types Versus the Model Levels .........................................................30


Recommendations ........................................................................................... 30


APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 32 9.1 9.2 9.3

APPENDIX A: AASHTOWARE LIFECYCLE CHARTS .....................................32 APPENDIX B: SYMBOLOGY EXAMPLES........................................................34 APPENDIX C: AASHTOWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT CHARTS .............38

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1. Background Most businesses and organizations have seen the importance that information has in the achievement of business objectives. Those enterprises which can effectively tailor their information resources to business needs can more effectively compete in the marketplace. This recognition of the importance of information and the emerging automation technologies that facilitate its use, has given rise to much interest in development methodologies that are integrated in and driven by business planning. These methodologies usually prescribe a process which starts in the business planning cycle by identifying the business areas and information needed to support the organization’s missions and objectives as expressed in the plan. Strategies are formulated for providing information systems which support the objectives. By using modeling techniques and successive stages of refinement, a logical description of the procedures (processes) and information (data elements), sufficient to define a particular information system’s requirements, is produced. From these descriptions, the system can be designed and developed. The best known of the business planning driven methodologies is Information Engineering, a phased approach to information systems development which closely parallels the phases of highway development. The Phases of Information Engineering (IE) are: ●

Planning - Information Strategy Planning

Analysis - Business Area Analysis

Design - External Design or Functional Design

Internal Design or Technical Design

Construction - Development

Transition - Cutover


The first attempts at IE development were frustrated by the lack of Computer Assisted Software Engineering (CASE) Tools. Not until CASE tools which supported the methodology became commercially available did IE become a practical reality. This approach with its view toward both horizontal and vertical integration avoids many of the problems inherent in vertical (only) project-by-project development efforts that are conducted without a business systems plan. The project-by-project method often results in systems whose data cannot be integrated or shared and, in many cases, the resulting systems overlap each other or alternatively leave gaps. Another benefit of this approach is the employment of models which are suitable for use by both subject matter experts as well as information systems personnel thus insuring a good correspondence between business requirements and the resulting applications. In addition, when it is supported at all levels by commercially available CASE tools, there is the promise of greatly improved efficiency and accuracy in the development of information systems. Along with the potential benefits there are some concerns to be resolved and overcome: 1. IE follows the customary waterfall approach to development which contributes to lengthy production cycles with little provision for course correction in mid-stream. 2. IE does not provide an effective means for incorporating user input into the design and construction phases of the development cycle. 3. IE is best for very large projects within large organizations. It requires too much overhead in time and cost for small self contained projects. 4. Integrated CASE (I-CASE) tools do not uniformly develop quality applications in every target environment. Many of the I-CASE tools do not use the full potentials of their target

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environments. This is especially true of the microcomputer Graphical User Interface (GUI) environments. 5. IE and I-CASE cause large cultural changes in the DP organization, which if not planned for, can severely hamper success of initial projects. 6. IE complexity lends itself to bureaucratization and can thus contribute to long development cycles. To reduce the impact of some of the above problems many organizations have adopted the Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology. This methodology can be either used by itself or as a modification of IE in which case it replaces its last two phases (Design and Construction). Some of the attributes of RAD which are improvements over standard IE are described below: 1. RAD is designed to deliver applications within a fixed time period. This contributes to short and predictable development cycles which will be useful in the AASHTOWare development environment. 2. RAD provides for Joint Requirements Planning (JRP), Joint Application Design (JAD), and Joint Application Construction (JAC) sessions which include the user in the planning, design, and construction of the application. These sessions capture user information and their approval, using the CASE planning, design, and construction tools. this minimizes the requirement for manual transference of user information and insures that the application satisfies user needs. 3. RAD uses iterative processes for design and construction which permits rapid cycling of these phases as the application is refined. This also provides the flexibility to make course corrections during the design and construction phases. 4. RAD maximizes the use of CASE tools by bringing them into play during user sessions. The user can see his suggestions put into place during the session and can be assured that they contribute to the usability of the application. The combined phases of IE and RAD may be expressed as follows: ●

Planning - Information Strategy Planning (ISP)

Analysis - Business Area Analysis (BAA)

Requirements- Joint Requirements Planning (JRP)

Design - Joint Application Design (JAD)

Construction - Joint Application Construction (JAC)

Cutover - Implementation

The IE/RAD phases described above are a definite improvement over the IE approach when used alone; however, they still have some drawbacks: 1. BAA is a global analysis of a whole business area. It requires a more specific analysis to determine the needs of a particular application development effort. Also, within the context of AASHTOWare development, it may be impossible to expend the efforts necessary to perform a BAA. The RAD phases assume that the necessary analysis has been performed. 2. Although some iteration occurs (spiral development process) during the design and construction phases of RAD, there is no provision for revisiting the analysis phase which does not exist or is disguised in JRP sessions. 3. The RAD phases do not emphasize the importance of testing (validation) or reusability (generalization) to the development cycle. 4. RAD emphasizes joint sessions with the user (JRP, JAD and JAC) while it ignores many of the more technological aspects of the development process. Page 2


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To remove these weaknesses the following phases are proposed for the AASHTOWare Development Methodology: ●

Global or background phases to be performed continuously ■

Information Strategy Planning (ISP)

Business Area Analysis (BAA)

Phases specific to a particular development project ■

Application Planning

Spiral Application Analysis

Spiral Application Design

Spiral Application Construction

Spiral Application Validation

Spiral Component Generalization

Application Implementation

Because most AASHTOWare development projects will be performed without the benefit of ISP and BAA projects, this document will emphasize the phases pertaining to the development of a particular application. This document will also emphasize use of the most current development technologies and topologies (i.e. CASE development tools, Object Oriented Programming, and Client Server application structuring).

2. Methodology Purpose and Requirements This document defines a methodology guideline, AASHTOWare Development Methodology (ADM), which is intended to address some of the unique needs of AASHTOWare product development. ADM is not meant to be a total methodology, completely defining every possibility of the development process, nor is it, on the other hand, meant to be followed in all its particulars. It is intended to provide information which is useful for defining a flexible development framework that can be tailored to fit most commercially available CASE Tools, and to support various project needs (Strategic Planning, Business Area Analysis, Application Development and Maintenance). This document is also meant to emphasize the importance of the methodological approach to development, which can best be done by first explaining the purpose of development methodologies in general.


Why Use a Development Methodology

1. Avoidance of Costly Mistakes - Methodologies such as IE and RAD have, over time, become repositories of development experience. They have been amended and supplemented as development pitfalls were discovered and new technology for development and implementation became available. 2. Suitability to Requirements - Common failings of development projects have been that their results do not address the real needs of the enterprise, they are not accepted by their intended users, they are not completed on time and when they are needed, they cost more than was anticipated, they have impossible implementation requirements (in the areas of technology, implementation procedures, and cost), and their quality, upon implementation, is unacceptable. A good development methodology should provide tailorable procedures which can be incorporated in development plans that address these failings. ○

It should provide for analysis of the enterprise’s organization, workflow, and culture to plan for and insure product acceptability. Page 3


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The methodology should provide techniques for defining the information and procedural needs of the enterprise, for assessing their relative importance, and for designing strategies for realization of these prioritized needs.

The methodology should provide metrics and procedures which permit the accurate estimation of project cost and schedule. It should also require that projects are short in duration, insuring that the product is still relevant to the circumstances it was expected to address.

It should provide for implementation planning that covers all contingencies which would prevent an easy transition to the new product. These include the introduction of new technology, changes in work environment, changes in organizational structure, changes in user skill requirements, preservation of enterprise historical information, transitions to new work procedures and information, changes in quality of business product (not necessarily always improved).

It should provide for testing procedures which touch all aspects of product quality. These should include operational quality (no errors), performance, satisfaction of business requirements, user satisfaction, ease of implementation, supportableness, and documentation.

3. Technology Exploitation - The methodology should promote, certainly not impede, automation of the development process (adaptable to the many useful and commercially available CASE Tools). It should support the major application paradigms (ClientServer, Batch, Data and Processing Distribution, and Object Oriented Programming). It should also provide development techniques which insulate the application from the technical environment improving product portability.


Requirements for an AASHTOWare Methodology

In addition to the more general methodology purposes (requirements for the AASHTOWare Methodology) described above, there are requirements specific to AASHTOWare development. They arise from the differences between the AASHTO organization and the more ordinary software development enterprises. Some of the differences, which have necessitated customization of the methodology, are the following: 1. AASHTOWare development is administered and managed through the Special Committee on Joint Development and the Project/Product Task Forces whose members are drawn from the user community (i.e. the State Transportation Agencies). Since these persons are located at their home agencies where they have regular responsibilities, project work and meeting time is of necessity limited. An AASHTOWare methodology must maximize the use of this time and provide for the use of electronic communication tools which facilitate remote conferences, issue resolution, review of project deliverables, and project management. 2. The potential customers for AASHTOWare products are transportation agencies and associated contractors. Since these agencies differ in technical environments and vary in size, AASHTOWare products must be designed to be both portable and scalable. This requires a methodology tailored to promote the use of CASE tools for technology insulation and the employment of application structures such as client/server for scale ability and object oriented programming which enhances code reusability. 3. Most AASHTOWare Projects and all Products are contracted with independent software developers on a yearly basis to match the AASHTO planning and budget cycles. This results in yearly development cycles and as a consequence requires a methodology capable of dealing with variable sized projects within a fixed time frame of not greater than a year.

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Proposal Overview

To define an AASHTOWare Development Methodology which meets the requirements described above, this guideline will provide the following: 1.

It will define the personnel roles that are required and make suggestions as to how they should be organized to permit transportation agency participation in requirements planning, Project/Product Task Force management and contractor development using the ADM framework.

2. It will suggest training that is appropriate to contractor, Project/Product Task Force and AASHTO Staff personnel for development using the ADM framework. 3. It will make recommendations for selecting the CASE tools and hardware necessary for supporting the methodology. 4. It will define a product life cycle which fits the requirements of AASHTOWare development. Points in this cycle where information can be shared will be identified. Validation points will also be indicated. 5. A methodology will be recommended which can be tailored to the needs of AASHTOWare development projects. The phases of this methodology will be keyed to the product life-cycle, and required deliverables will be described. 6. Suggested variations to the AASHTOWare Testing and Documentation Standards will be described.

3. AASHTOWare Development Methodology 3.1

Methodology Background

In addition to the "traditional" system development stages of Planning, Analysis, External Design, Internal Design and Construction, the three other variants from which developers typically choose are "classical" Information Engineering Methodology (IEM), Business System Implementation (BSI), Rapid Application Development (RAD), and more recently, iterative or spiral development processes. "Classical" IEM includes seven stages: Information strategy Planning (ISP), Business Area Analysis (BAA), Business System Design (BSD), Technical Design (TD), Construction, Transition, and Production. The first five stages correspond to the "traditional" system development stages. Two additional stages, Transition and Production, address the movement of executing applications into production and the monitoring of applications once the system is operational. An alternative approach, Business System Implementation, treats External Design, Internal Design and Construction as a single stage. During this stage, developers define an outline of the external and implementation layers, including the business systems and databases to be implemented. Then they select a section of the outline and immediately begin iterating through design, construction and test. They do the same for the next section, and so on until a working system evolves. Another approach, Rapid Application Development, is a more radical departure from classical IEM because the durations and cutoff points of stages differ. RAD aims to build systems very swiftly by relying heavily on group development techniques. It begins with Joint Requirements Planning (JRP) for a business area over a one- to three-week period. Users then join developers in Joint Application Design (JAD) sessions over a three- to fiveweek period of User Analysis and Design (UD). This stage overlaps the last part of traditional Analysis and the first part of "traditional" Design. It relies extensively on prototyping to allow users to verify screen designs and overall system structure. During the next stage, Joint Application Construction (JAC), a SWAT team of programmers who are "Skilled with Advanced Tools" builds all the components required to complete the system Page 5


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from the external design. The final stage, Cutover, is equivalent to the Transition stage of "classical" IEM. The most recent entrant to the methodology scene is an iterative process which we are calling the Spiral Development Process (SDP). This iterative technique combines Analysis, Design, Construction, Validation, and Generalization into a series of steps which are repeated numbers of times as the application is developed. These iterated phases are sandwiched between two non-repeating phases, Planning and Implementation. The spiral process, which is especially well adapted to object oriented development, recognizes that system requirements are never completely defined prior to design and construction. It provides a mechanism for capturing changes in requirements, analysis or design during the development process. The more times the spiral is completed the better the delivered application will be. The final stage in the spiral model is designed to take components, or objects, that were developed for a specific system and to generalize them for use in other systems throughout the enterprise. The AASHTOWare Development Methodology combines attributes and phases from the IE, RAD and the Spiral Development Process. The first two phases which are taken from IE are Information Strategic Planning (ISP) and Business Area Analysis (BAA). The ISP activity is usually performed continuously - its updates being synchronized with the business planning cycle. BAA is performed as a continuous operation which maintains a high-level description of the information resources and work activities of the major business areas of the enterprise. These two phases are global and do not apply to a specific application development effort. They are performed continuously to provide the foundational strategies, architectures and business process/information definitions required to situate application systems in the enterprise environment. The remaining seven phases of the AASHTOWare Development Methodology are taken from RAD and the Spiral Development Process. They apply to the development of a specific application system. The following table illustrates the correspondences between IE, RAD, and the Spiral Development Process phases. Comparison of IE, RAD, SDP and ADM Phases

Planning: Information Strategic Planning (ISP)

AASHTOWare Development Methodology (ADM) Planning: Information Strategic Planning (ISP)

Analysis: Business Area Analysis (BAA)

Analysis: Business Area Analysis (BAA)

Information Engineering (IE)

Rapid Application Spiral Development Process (SDP) Development (RAD)

Requirements Planning Planning: using Joint Requirements Planning (JRP) Sessions

Application Planning

(continued from above)


Spiral Analysis: using Joint Application Development (JAD) Sessions


Spiral Design: using Joint Application Design (JAD)

Design: Functional & Design: using Joint Technical Application Design Page 6


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Information Engineering (IE)


Rapid Application Spiral Development Development (RAD) Process (SDP) (JAD) Sessions






AASHTOWare Development Methodology (ADM) Sessions


Spiral Construction


Spiral Validation


Spiral Generalization


Application Implementation

Methodology Overview

The following paragraphs define the phases of the AASHTOWare Development Methodology. 1. Information Strategy Planning: This phase is usually performed continuously and is integrated in the organization’s business planning cycle. Two types of studies are carried out in ISP. The first determines strategic opportunities, goals, critical success factors, and business function/information needs of different parts of the enterprise. A determination of how new technologies might better be used to meet the goals better and create new business opportunities. The second creates an overview model of the enterprise, and splits this into segments appropriate to Business Area Analysis. These segments, which are logical groupings of information and processes, define business areas. The chief deliverable from this stage is a model of the entire enterprise that includes information and function diagrams. ISP populates what is sometimes called the architectural layer. 2. Business Area Analysis: During this phase designers/analysts examine a particular segment of the business called a business area. They develop a detailed conceptual model of this business area based on its information needs. This model includes entity type and process diagrams. Analysis populates the conceptual layer. Sometimes a business area analysis reveals serious problems with the processes and information use of the business. When this occurs, it is possible to enter a stage called Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) which, after analysis of impacts and costs, incorporates in the plan the necessary activities to bring the business into conformity with the models produced during business area analysis. 3. Application Planning: This is the first phase of application specific development. It is the logical extension of ISP in that it applies strategy planning information to a specific system development effort. This phase occurs once in the development project. It either provides a transition between the upper global phases of ISP/BAA and the remaining iterative development phases or it is the first phase of a complete development project. During this phase, the need for the system and resources required are balanced. The requirements and scope of the system are defined. If the development is to be performed under contract, a request for proposal is developed and a contractor is selected. If an ISP or a BAA were being developed, then a phase similar to this would initiate those projects. 4. Spiral analysis can be divided into two activities: Requirements Analysis Process and Domain Analysis Process. Refer to “Appendix B: Symbology Examples” for graphical modeling symbols. a. Requirements Analysis Process: This activity consists in defining the system requirements both environmental and functional. It is of first importance to establish the Information Technology Architecture (the combination of computer technologies, methodologies, software engineering Page 7


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processes, and tools) that will be used for development of the application system. This combination is referred to as the Technical Framework for the development project and may be derived from an ISP effort, where one exists. Next the Organizational Framework needs to be established. This activity consists in defining the organization of the users (drawn from the ISP if one exists) and that of the project team. What functions are to be performed by each, what skills are needed to perform them, and what reporting mechanisms will be used in the project? A Requirements Model is developed which includes system goals/objectives, problem scope, and functional requirements. This activity is a more detailed and a corrected version of that defined in the previous phase. The requirements model may be developed using RAD techniques in which case the sessions used to define the system requirements could be called Joint Requirements Planning (JRP) sessions. For the purposes of this document, all sessions with the user will be called Joint Application Development (JAD) sessions. A Use Case Model should be developed which communicates the system’s functional requirements from the user’s viewpoint. Taken together, a system’s use cases represent everything users can do with it. The use case model relates use cases to actors. The system in a use case model is depicted as rectangle. Each use case (type of user interaction) is shown as an oval within the rectangle. Each actor that participates in a use case is shown outside of the system and is labeled with a role. Lastly, the models defined above are refined and finalized into a Formal Functional Specification. This is not to say that this specification will not have to be changed in future iterations of the development process. The changes, however, should usually be limited to the scope of the phase which necessitated them. That is to say, major changes in project scope should be avoided. b. The Domain Analysis Process is based on information derived from requirements analysis, described above. The remainder of this discussion of problem domain analysis will center around Object Oriented Development techniques; so it is best to pause here for some explanation of terminology. An object is the primary element or basic building block of object oriented systems. All the data and functionality in an object oriented system is contained within the objects that make up that system. All the functions that act upon a particular object’s data structures are contained within that object, and, conversely, all the data structures that are acted upon by an object’s functions or subroutines are contained in that object. An object has three parts: its object name, its data attributes, and its processes or methods. An example of an object might be the object name “person” where “name, age, address, and job” are its data and “change job and change address” are its processes. A class is the description of a group of objects or the blueprint that tells the system how to construct actual objects in memory. The class diagram is the basic building block of object oriented analysis and design. A class diagram should exactly describe how to write a class description in a programming language. The term instance and object are interchangeable and both refer to a physical manifestation of a class. Object messaging is the communication between classes and their instances in requesting an operation of another object. The requesting object is the client object and the object supplying the service is the server object. Object messaging is usually represented by a line connecting the methods portion of two object boxes with a point in the direction of the client object. Page 8


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Associations between objects describe either object messaging (described above) or common attributes (similar to primary and foreign keys in a relational database). Associations are usually indicated by a line between the attribute portions of the object boxes with a dot on the end to indicate a “many” relationship. An association is often described as “uses-a” or “used-by” Aggregation is a special form of association where one class is subordinate to another and is only used by that class. Aggregation is diagrammatically expressed by a line connecting the object boxes with a diamond on the end near the superior object. It is often described as a “has-a” or “part-of” relationship. Inheritance consists of an ancestor class and a descendant class. The descendant class can be an extension and/or restriction of the ancestor class. The relationship is often diagrammatically described by a line connecting the objects with a “Y” opening on the descending end. Inheritance is expressed as “is-a” or “kind-of”. Returning to the domain analysis process, the first activity required is to identify the potential objects of the new system. One approach consists in producing an object/action list by examining, statement by statement, the functional requirements described above. The basic steps to this process are: 1) identify subjects, verbs, and direct & indirect objects; 2) categorize and remove duplicates; 3) subjects are class candidates, 4) verbs are method candidates, 5) direct and indirect objects are class and attribute candidates. Another method of developing objects, where case models exist (described above), is to produce object models from each case model and then combine all the attributes and methods belonging to each object. After a set of classes, their attributes, and methods have been identified, the next step is to formalize the definition of them and their relationships to each other with a problem domain object model. This model should describe real world objects and their relationship to one another. It should not contain implementation details. Problem domain object models do not typically get created right the first time. As system requirements get better defined and understood, the problem domain object model gets refined. It is not unusual to have 3 to 4 iterations of this model. This model can be produced using JAD work sessions. Next a user interface prototype may be developed to facilitate communication with the user. Many times use case modeling does not help the user to know sufficiently his requirements. It requires visually seeing parts of the system. The goals of a user interface are to: help define the requirements of the system, identify required attributes, design the user interface, and explain corporate interface standards. The prototype is not to: develop system edits (though many will be detected), program business rules, or to construct an implementable system. The user interface prototype should be built with tools which provide a realistic facsimile of the system to be built. They should permit rapid changes (during work sessions if possible). Examine for reuse during analysis. Reuse any existing problem domain classes, components, or frameworks that have already been defined and identify any object model patterns (a template of class attributes, methods, and relationships that have been observed to occur again and again). Perform risk analysis/resolution. One of the major features of the spiral development process is that it creates a risk-driven approach to the software process rather than a primarily document-driven or code-driven process. Becoming aware of areas of uncertainty early, evaluating the possible consequences and devising ways of handling or managing them are the primary elements of risk analysis. The next process of domain analysis is estimating system development. This process consists in evaluating the number of key classes and subordinate classes, applying factors relating to class difficulty (type of user interface), and applying the average number of person days required to develop each class. This results in a Page 9


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total person time estimate for the project. See “Object Oriented Project Metrics: A Practical Guide”, by Mark Lorenz and Jeff Kidd for more detail on this process. The last activity of domain analysis is production of the systems development plan. This plan is dependant upon: the estimated size and complexity of the system, the number of systems or subsystems to be concurrently developed, user availability, and development resources, the number of iterations planned. A common goal is to produce subsystems or system increments every 3 to 6 months. A skeletal development plan can be found in the Appendix C. 5. Spiral Design: During the design phase the following design models are produced: Problem Domain Partition Object Model, User Interface Partition Object Model, System Management Partition Object Model, Dynamic Models, Functional Models, Database Model. Input to the design models is the requirements model and the analysis model. The design activity populates the implementation layer. The following paragraphs describe the models produced in the design phase: a. Dynamic Models: Dynamic models are often created during system design to define what states an object is in at any given time or stage of its use. It also defines the events which cause state changes. There are many different kinds of dynamic models, but all of them provide views of the execution paths of a system. They are defined from case use models (described above). b. Functional Models: Functional Models show the data an object needs and the processes necessary to transform it. They specify what happens in a system. Functional models show the flow of data between actors, processes, and data stores. Functional models can also be derived from case models. Dynamic and Functional Models are combined with the Object Model to make up a complete object oriented design. The functional model specifies what is to be done, the dynamic model specifies when it is to be done, and the object model specifies the structure and relationships of the objects. c. System Architecture Partitions (System Design Object Models): The System Architecture Partitions are three models into which the System Design Object Model is normally divided. These three partitions are called the Problem Domain Partition Model (PDP), the User Interface Partition Model (UIP), and System Management Partition Model (SMP). The advantages of dividing the System Design Object Model into these three parts is that it: promotes creation of more reusable classes, creates classes that are more easily distributed, promotes encapsulation of business rules, and provides for faster functional prototyping. The PDP is the partition which holds the classes containing the application systems business rules. The classes in this partition contain only business logic. These classes are based on actual entities used in the business, the rules that define how business transactions are processed, and how calculations are applied. This partition could be distributed to a server to reduce client processing. The UIP is the partition which holds the visual classes. These classes define how users interact with the system. Results from the user interface prototype and the use case models are inputs to this partition. The SMP is the partition which holds task-oriented classes. These are the classes that typically contain logic that pertains to communication among two or more other classes. These classes are all created at design time. Examples of classes that would be included in the system management partition include: classes that manage communication between a class and a database, operating system, network, or peripheral device.

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After the PDP, UIP, and SMP have been defined, they can be combined to form the overall design object model. Classes in the various partitions are usually combined using association relationships. If the three partitions are designed correctly, then it will be easy to change the classes in one partition without affecting the classes in the other partitions. d. Database Model: The Database Model is another important model created in the design phase. Even if a prototype database were created to support the user interface prototype, the actual database design is not performed until the Problem Domain Partition Object Model is complete. There are rules for mapping an object model to a relational database design. These rules often produce database designs which are over-normalized. Ordinary entity relationship (ER) modeling theory can then be useful for de-normalizing the database model for performance. Other activities which should occur during the design phase are: identification of frameworks of user interface, problem domain, and system management components which can be reused in the system and refinement of work estimates based on design metrics. 6. Spiral Construction: The key deliverable associated with the construction phase is the production of a functional prototype which replaces the user interface prototype and adds the following: a. Business logic and system edits through connections to the problem domain partition objects. b. System management partition objects such as network middleware and security or object request brokers. During the construction phase the database is physically created, the user interface objects are created (if not already), the non-visual objects for problem domain & system management domain are created, and the object connections are established. 7. Spiral Validation: The validation phase consists of testing the system. A system can be subjected to two kinds of tests. Validation is the process of comparing the end product with the true requirements of the users. Verification is the process of detecting faults and deviations from the expectations of the developers when they set out to build the system. Verification answers the question: Is the system built correctly? Validation answers the question: Is the correct system being built? The validation process consists of Component Testing, Integration Testing, System/Subsystem Testing, Alpha Testing, and Beta Testing. a. Component Testing: In object oriented systems the unit of work is an object, not a program or a routine. An object contains both the data and the operations that work on the data. Component testing is thus the testing of each object to be sure it behaves as designed. b. Integration Testing: Insures that assemblies of objects or components work together as expected and that no failures occur as a result of their interaction. Because of the nature of component development, as the services between objects are tested, the integration between them is tested. As a consequence, component testing and integration testing are very closely tied together. c. System/Subsystem Testing: Test scenarios are created which correspond to each use case in the subsystem and run through the system in a similar way to that for walkthroughs. System/Subsystem Testing is really an external test of the system to validate correspondence with the system requirements. It is no different than Page 11


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customary testing except that it is based on scenarios defined in the Requirements Analysis. d. Alpha Testing: Alpha Testing is testing performed in the last iteration of the testing phase which confirms to the developer that all functionality defined in Requirements Analysis is present and performing correctly. The system is also configuration, stress, and performance tested in the target environments until the developer is satisfied that the system is ready for delivery and implementation. e. Beta Testing: Beta Testing is testing performed in the last iteration of the testing phase which confirms to the user that all functionality defined in Requirements Analysis is present and performing correctly in the users own environment and that the system is ready for delivery and implementation. Beta Testing also includes review of all the project deliverables such as documentation. Beta Testing culminates in user acceptance or rejection of the system. 8. Spiral Generalization: The generalization phase consists in maximizing the benefits of reusability by identifying and generalizing components which may be used in future systems and by managing component libraries and frameworks which support the disciplines and technical environments of the user organizations. 9. Implementation: This stage includes the performance of all activities necessary for successful implementation of the validated system. Some of these activities are: training (technical support, product administration, and users), testing (setup and installation procedures), and product packaging for distribution. This phase is performed once in the development cycle.


Methodology Objectives and Deliverables

The objectives and deliverables of the stages of the AASHTOWare Development Methodology are here described sequentially to avoid unnecessary confusion. Bear in mind that this is an iterative process rather than sequential one. Two other points which should be made are the following: 1. The terminology used to describe the different model layers (the Architectural Layer or the Implementation Layer, for example) are drawn from the IE field and are not used universally even there. The terminology has been adopted in this paper to make easier references to different levels of the modeling hierarchy. 2. The IE Methodology emphasizes information as a resource over the business processes which use and produce it. In object oriented development, information and process are combined and have equal importance. Information Strategy Planning (ISP) - The Architectural Layer ISP populates the architectural layer. It is concerned with top management goals and critical success factors and with how technology can be used to create new opportunities or competitive advantages. A high level overview is created of the enterprise , its functions, data, technical/organizational environment, and automation needs. Planning supplies a way to plan for the use of technology to meet business objectives and capitalize on business opportunities. Accordingly, planners typically begin with a strategic evaluation of business goals and objectives. By interviewing key management personnel and technical contributors, they determine such factors as the enterprise's mission and critical success factors. Planners identify the functions and information that the enterprise needs to carry out its mission, and build a framework for meeting these goals and opportunities. From this data and from other sources such as the corporate Business Plan, they build a blueprint (an architectural framework) for future development. The framework devised during planning consists of four major architectures: the Information/Function Architecture, the Business System Architecture, the Technical Page 12


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Architecture, and the Organizational Architecture. Together, these architectures address the total information requirements of an enterprise. They form a blueprint from which an enterprise can build an environment for addressing its long-term needs. By moving towards this target environment, the enterprise can manage its information resources effectively and support its business objectives. The objectives of Planning are to: 1. Assess the function/information requirements of the enterprise. 2. Build an Information/Function Architecture that will meet those requirements. The Information/Function Architecture defines the activities performed by the enterprise and the information required to perform them. The result is an overall business model - a shared architecture tied directly to business goals. This high-level view of activities and data lays the groundwork for the detailed analysis of business areas conducted during Analysis. 3. Build a Business System Architecture to support implementation of the Information Function Architecture. The Business System Architecture describes probable business systems needed to support the Information/Function Architecture. Although more detailed analysis in later stages will determine its actual contents, the Business System Architecture formulates business areas and attempts to predict subsequent business systems to be developed. Before Design, designers can use the Business System Architecture to segment business areas correctly into business systems. 4. Identify the Technical Architecture necessary to support the Business System Architecture. The Technical Architecture describes the hardware and software environment required to support the Business System Architecture. During Internal Design, the technical support for business systems is influenced by the definition of the technical architecture during planning. 5. Identify the Organizational Architecture necessary to support the architectures described above. Determine what organization and human resources are needed to support the information and business systems needs of the organization. 6. Present the project's findings in a way top management can readily understand, evaluate, and act upon. The deliverables from Planning include the following: 1. Facts about the enterprise. Planners document these facts in a mission statement; an information/function needs map; a list of objectives, strategies, and critical success factors by organizational unit; a ranked list of objectives; and a number of supporting matrices. 2. Facts about the current environment (existing organizations and hardware/software systems). Planners document these facts in an organizational hierarchy list, a technical inventory list, and supporting matrices. 3. A model of the Information/Function Architecture as it should be to serve the mission of the enterprise. The model includes a Subject Area Diagram, a high-level Entity Relationship Diagram, an overall Function Hierarchy Diagram, a set of Function Dependency Diagrams and supporting matrices. This deliverable incorporates the three components of Information Engineering: data, activities, and their interaction. If object oriented development techniques are used the diagrams defined above can be replaced with a high level object model which encompasses the enterprise. 4. The Business System Architecture. Planners determine this architecture by matrix clustering and affinity analysis, based primarily on common use of data by activities. They document the architecture in an Implementation Plan as a prioritized list of potential Analysis projects. Page 13


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5. The Technical Architecture. Planners document this architecture in a statement of technical direction. This document describes technical alternatives based on supporting matrices. 6. A formal Information Strategy Planning Report. This report documents the project results to top management. Analysis - The Conceptual Layer Analysis populates the conceptual layer. During Analysis, analysts examine a selected area of the business in detail, based on project boundaries established as part of Planning. An Analysis project refines a business area - a subset of the Information/Function Architecture developed during planning. In some cases, businesses may wish to bypass Planning and begin by automating a chosen business area. During Analysis, analysts define and refine representations of activities of a business (functions and processes), fundamental things relevant to the business (entity types), and the interaction between the two. Analysis provides a foundation for developing integrated information systems. Its results are independent of any hardware or software technology. Designers use these results in successive stages to develop the computerized systems needed to manage the enterprise's information resources. The objectives of Analysis are to: 1. Fully identify and define the type of data required by the business area. 2. Identify and define the business activities that make up each business function. 3. Define the data required for each business activity. 4. Identify the necessary sequence of business activities. 5. Define how business activities affect data. 6. Produce a plan for Design based on a prioritized sequence of business systems (normally, multiple business systems are defined to support a single business area). The deliverables from Analysis are: 1. A data model for each business area. This model consists of an Entity Relationship Diagram. 2. An activity model for each business area. This model consists of a process hierarchy Diagram and a set of Process Dependency Diagrams. 3. An interaction model for each business area. This model consists of a set of Process Action Diagrams. Where object oriented techniques are to be employed, the above three models may be replaced with a business area object model. 4. An Implementation Plan for each business area. Analysts arrive at this plan through matrix clustering and affinity analysis. The plan is a prioritized list of potential External Design projects. Application Planning - The Architectural Layer The purpose of Application Planning is to gather together sufficient information to initiate the development of a specific application system. Where an ISP and a BAA have been performed, the strategic need for the application and how it fits into the Page 14


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Information/Function Architecture of the enterprise will have been established. The Technical and Organizational Architectures will also have been established. What remains to be defined are the resources required, the methodology of development, a statement of scope, and a brief system requirements definition. Where the development is to be performed under contract, a RFP will be developed and a contractor will be selected. The objectives of Application Planning are: 1. Gather all architectural and conceptual layer information relevant to the proposed project. 2. Define the scope and requirements for the proposed system. 3. Decide whether the project should be initiated. This determination is made by assessing the need for and benefits of the system and balancing these against the estimated resources (funding, people, equipment, and software) necessary to carry the project through implementation. 4. If the project is to be performed under contract, develop an RFP and select a contractor. 5. Develop a project plan. 6. Assemble project participants and initiate the development project. The deliverables from Application Planning are: 1. Sufficient cost/benefits analysis to initiate the project. 2. Statement of application scope and requirements. 3. Where the project is to be performed under contract, a contract containing a definition of the deliverables and the work to be performed, the methodology to be used, a project plan (defining schedules for producing and providing deliverables), and specification of the standards to be followed. Where the project is to be performed in-house, a project plan identifying all task schedules and resource requirements/assignments. Spiral Analysis - The Conceptual Layer Spiral Analysis is the first iterative phase of the AASHTOWare Development Methodology. Though it produces models for the conceptual layer, these models relate to a specific application to be developed. Where and ISP and BAA have been performed, Spiral Analysis uses this information, as well as that defined in Application Development to produce models defining the application system’s requirements problem domain objects. The objectives of Spiral Analysis are: 1. Analysis of the technical architecture of the target environment to determine the hardware, software, tools, components, methodologies, and procedures that will be needed to develop and test a system which targets that environment. 2. Analysis of the user’s organizational requirements and their implications for the new system. Determine the project development team composition and organization. 3. Through JAD sessions with the users, discover the system requirements. 4. Through JAD sessions with the users, discover all cases of how the system will be used. Produce, as a result, a Use Case Model.

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5. Analysis of the user requirements and use cases to determine the objects of the systems problem domain and their relationships. 6. Through JAD sessions with users, using interface prototyping techniques, discover user interface requirements. 7. Analyze the risks to the project and formulate resolutions. 8. Estimate system development resource requirements using object analysis metrics. 9. Revise the project plan based upon findings of analysis activities. The deliverables of Spiral Analysis are: 1. The Formal Functional Specification is produced by refining and incorporating the Technical Framework, the Organizational Framework, the Requirements Model, and the Use Case Model. 2. A Problem Domain Object Model is developed. 3. A user interface prototype is developed. 4. Risk analysis is assessed. 5. A development plan is produced. Spiral Design - The Implementation Layer Spiral Design is an iterated process which populates the implementation layer. Using terminology drawn from other methodologies both external/functional and internal/technical design models are produced. Spiral Design draws on the conceptual models produced during analysis and translates them into models representing the real detailed requirements and objects of the system. The designer must define a system which fits into a real technical environment using actual development tools, interfacing with real databases, and meeting all of the specific user requirements. The objectives of Spiral Design are: 1. Produce Functional and Dynamic Models, as needed, to assure that all aspects of what the system does and when it does it are defined. 2. Identify and partition system objects into three partition models, separating the user interface, the business logic or computation, and the technical environment interfaces. This will permit distribution of portions of the system to servers. Complete the three object models, including information derived from the Functional and Dynamic Models. Combine them using object associations to produce a structured object model of the system. 3. If the system uses a relational database, design the database by capturing attribute information from the designed objects and converting it to an entity relationship diagram, defining the database. The deliverables from Spiral Design are: 1. A System Design Object Model consisting of the Problem Domain Partition Model, the User Interface Partition Model, and the System Management Partition Model connected by object associations 2. A Database Model in the form of an entity relationship model 3. A new development plan based on estimates made using design metrics Page 16


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Spiral Construction - Execution Layer Spiral construction populates the Execution Layer. The purpose of this iterated phase is to produce a Functional Prototype of the system. This prototype will have applied all system edits identified in previous iterations. The Functional Prototype is where new system components are constructed and actual frameworks are added if they were not used in the user interface prototype. The deliverable from Internal Design is: 1. A Functional Prototype which replaces the user interface Spiral Validation - May Cause Changes in all Layers The purpose of Spiral Validation is to test each Functional Prototype to insure that it is developed correctly and that it satisfies all user requirements. To perform these tests, scenarios are developed which correspond to each use case defined for the system. If a CASE testing tool is used to develop the scenarios, testing can be automated. Only those scenarios which test additional new functionality need to be developed for each iteration of the Construction and Validation phases. JAD sessions are held to demonstrate developed functionality to the user to capture changes that need to be made to adhere to user requirements. The deliverables from Spiral Validation are: 1. A test plan 2. A collection of test scenarios which test all case uses of the system 3. A repository of test results 4. For the last iteration of Spiral Validation, the development team verifies that the system is free of error from their perspective (Alpha Test) and the users validate that the system meets their requirements (Beta Test). For this iteration the system is packaged as it will be delivered and it is tested in a production-like environment. All implementation enabling software is also tested. 5. Review of system documentation Spiral Generalization - Effects all Layers Spiral Generalization is the last iterated phase in the AASHTOWare Development Methodology. Its purpose is to identify and collect any potentially reusable constructs which were developed in the analysis, design, and construction phases. After review, some constructs may be selected for generalization. Generalized objects are placed in component libraries for future use. The Deliverables for Spiral Generalization are: 1. Libraries of constructs which are candidates for reuse 2. Library of components which are ready for reuse Implementation The purpose of the Implementation phase is to identify and perform all activities necessary for implementation of the system. The objectives of Implementation are: Page 17


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1. Insure that the training needs for users, product administrators, and technical help are provided for. 2. Test all implementation scripts, instructions, and procedures. 3. Insure that product is properly packaged containing all materials (software and documentation) necessary for implementation. 4. Make sure that all necessary hardware and software is present and operating in the target environment. The deliverable of Implementation is: 1. A successful system implementation.

4. Personnel 4.1

Personnel Roles and Qualifications

The following discussion is concerned with the roles and qualifications needed to develop systems using elements of the AASHTOWare Development Methodology (ADM) supported by CASE tools. 1. Enterprise (Business) Related Skills and Knowledge: a. Enterprise Administration There must be direction and input from executives and administrators who have a broad understanding of the entire enterprise. They must know the organization's missions, objectives, and the factors critical to its success. They should be familiar with the organization’s information resources and needs. They should understand the organization's major business areas, how they interact and the information they need and produce. They should have business planning skills. They should have understanding of how business systems can support the information needs of the organization and what are potential areas where business systems might be advantageous. They should also understand the organizational requirements of the business areas of the enterprise and how they will be effected by the introduction of business systems. b. Business Area Management Once the business areas of the enterprise are identified, there is need for the kind of information normally possessed by the management of the business area selected. Someone must have a detailed knowledge of the types of data required by the business area. They must know all of the functions of the business area and all of the activities/roles that go to make up those functions. They must know the data required and produced by each of the activities, as well as their proper sequence. c. Subject Matter and User Expertise Once a specific business system, within a business area, is selected for development, there is a need for the kinds of knowledge possessed by those who perform the activities and use the data. They should know how the data should be presented for its most efficient use, what data should be presented, what data should be requested, and what activities and data may be combined. They should know the order and flow of work activities and the data that is needed and produced at each step along the way. 2. Project Management Activities and Skills: a.

Project Administration Page 18


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Project administration requires an understanding and enforcement of the organization’s policies and procedures and specifically those which apply to the development of business systems. Also included, is the approval, allocation, and disbursement of the fiscal resources necessary to begin and bring to conclusion projects. Project administrators must have the skills necessary for reviewing and approving technical contracts and insuring that their obligations are met. They should have knowledge of the deliverables (the models created at each level of the methodology) and the ability to inspect and verify them. b. Project Management Project management, which operates within the province of project administration, requires the skills necessary to develop a project plan which includes all activities necessary to complete the project, identification of all resources needed by each activity, identification of the deliverables that should result from each phase of the project, and the order and completion times for the activities and phases of the project. They should have a thorough knowledge of the methodology and a familiarity with the CASE tools being employed to support it. The project manager must be able to interpret all the model information contained in the layers (Architectural, Conceptual, Implementation, and Execution) of the methodology. The project manager must also be able to control priorities of project activities. 3. Information Systems Skills and Knowledge: a. Planning Planners, by interviewing key management personnel (those possessing the skills and knowledge described above in "IV.A.1.a. Enterprise Administration"), gather the necessary information about the enterprise for building the Architectural Layer of the ADM. They must be thoroughly skilled in the concepts, models, and supporting tools of the methodology, with special emphasis on the disciplines required to complete the Architectural layer. This first layer comprises the Information, Business Systems, Technical, and Organizational Architectures. b. Analysis The Business Process Analysts, using the information produced in the Architectural Layer combined with that derived through interviews and meetings with key business area managers (those possessing the skills and knowledge described in "IV.A.1.b. Business Area Management"), build the Conceptual Layer as prescribed by the methodology. Their skills are the same as those of the planners, except the emphasis is on the concepts, models, and supporting tools necessary to complete the Conceptual Layer. They should be experienced with the use of JAD work sessions for capturing and defining user requirements c. Design System Architects (designers) are responsible for the overall design and development of an integrated architecture for a system. Their responsibilities are to design and develop the application architecture, oversee design and integration of system components, develop the feasibility prototype, if required, and insure the system meets functional objectives for performance. The design of new application objects is usually performed by developers. Designers, using information from the Architectural and Conceptual Layers combined with that derived through JAD work sessions or interviews with users and subject matter experts (Those with the knowledge and skills described in "IV.A.1.c. Subject-matter Experts and Users") build the models of the Implementation Layer as prescribed by the ADM. Their skills are the same as those of the planners and analysts, except the emphasis is on the Page 19


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concepts, models, and supporting tools necessary to complete the Implementation Layer. d. Development Developers of object oriented software are responsible for the construction and design of application objects. Their responsibilities are to design and code new application objects, assemble new and existing objects together, develop user interface prototypes, build back-end SQL stored-procedures, build and optimize programming interfaces to database servers, and build other low-level interfaces such as remote procedure calls and security. Using information produced by the previous levels, they construct an implementable business system. They must have an overall knowledge of the Implementation Level models with emphasis on the concepts, tools, and products necessary to complete the Execution Layer. e. Validation Testers are responsible for developing test cases and specifications for expected results, execute test cases, examine the results, and identify those situations where “actual results” do not match “expected results”. The developed test cases are drawn from use case models and user requirements. f.

Generalization Component Developers are responsible for the generalization and maintenance of reusable components. They develop new components, user navigation styles, and templates. They make modifications to existing components and frameworks. They work with development teams in identifying opportunities to generalize objects. They maintain component libraries and remove obsolete components.

g. Implementation Those responsible for the implementation of a product must understand both the product and the user business and technical environment in which it is being situated. The implementation function includes determination of when the product has met all requirements and is ready for implementation, planning the implementation strategy (order and pace of implementation), measurement of user acceptance of the product, and insuring that product defects are corrected. h. Technology Specialists Technical Infrastructure Experts provide information to the planning process for determining the Technical Architecture, to the design process for determining the characteristics of the target computing environment, and to the construction process for determining implementation requirements. They must have strong technical computing environment skills. The Database Design Specialist develops and maintains data models, logical and physical table design, and writes SQL based code. The Scribe has expertise in using tools which support JAD sessions. The scribe should be able to capture user interface requirements as they are discussed. The GUI Designer assists in the design of graphical user interfaces, including the navigation model, verifying that designs conform to enterprise and industry-wide design standards. The Technical Writer develops and maintains all on-line help and user documentation for the system. i.

Model Management Personnel with skills in developing, integrating, and maintaining information engineering models are needed to keep the repositories of models produced as part Page 20


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of the development effort. They must also be able to verify the correctness and validity of these models which are project deliverables. j.

Technical Development Support Technical development support personnel are responsible for implementing the hardware and software needed to support the development effort and model management. They should have skills in the installation and maintenance of the chosen workstations and development tools.

The table on the following page illustrates how the above described rolls or skills are utilized in the Planning, Analysis, Design, and Construction Layers of ADM development. Information System Development Roles Versus The Modeling Layers of the AASHTOWare Development Methodology Layers\Roles




Planning (ISP) / IB Architectural Layer Analysis (BAA) / Conceptual Layer Design (BSD) / Implementation Layer



Construction/ Execution Layer








































In the above table “A” indicates Administer, “M” indicates Manage, “IB” Information resource for Business requirements, “IT” indicates Information resource for Technology, “S” indicates Support, “MIE” Indicates Management of Information Engineering Facilitation, while “P” indicates Performance of the Information Engineering function. The acronyms used for column headings have the following meanings: EA= Enterprise Administration

DEV= Development

BAM= Business Area Management

VAL= Validation

SE= Subject Matter and User Expertise

GN= Generalization

PA= Project Administration

IMP= Implementation

PM= Project Management

TS= Technical Specialist

PLN= Planning

MM= Model Management

ANL= Analysis

TDS= Technical Development Support

D= Design

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Personnel Organization

The following descriptions of AASHTO organizational components are supplied to facilitate comparison of the roles required by ADM, described above, with those of the existing AASHTO organization. The are not intended to be exhaustive definitions, but rather to supply only that information which is useful for determining where the skills required can best be situated and to define additional skills that are needed in that area. For more complete definitions of many of these roles see the “AASHTO Cooperative Computer Software Policies, Guidelines and Procedures” publication. 1. Special Committee on Software Systems (SCOSS): This special committee formulates and oversees the policies and guidelines needed for the proper conduct of joint computer software development. They insure that actions by the Special Committee on Joint Development (SCOJD) and the Project/Product Task Forces are consistent with AASHTO policies. This committee can be a resource to the strategic planning effort. It can also promote the advantages of joint development with the transportation agencies. 2. AASHTO Committees: The AASHTO committees are most usually engaged in defining standard practices in transportation business areas. Some AASHTOWare products are centered around standards developed by these committees. Since the standards and reports of these committees reflect the consensus of many transportation agencies, their input concerning business practices and rules can be valuable guides to planning, analysis, and design in a given business area. Examples of AASHTOWare Products which are based on committee publications are IGRDS and DARWin which are coordinated with the publications “A Policy on the Geometric Design of Highways” and “AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures” respectively. 3. Special Committee on Joint Development (SCOJD): The chairperson and the members of the SCOJD perform strategic planning for the AASHTOWare projects and products. They direct and oversee the activities of the Project/Product Task Forces. They are customarily chosen for their experience in managing and utilizing information technologies in transportation agencies. The skills required for these positions are: management experience, knowledge of transportation agency planning processes, incite into the application of information technologies to achieve transportation agency goals and a general knowledge of agency business areas. 4. AASHTO Executive Staff: The Executive Director and his authorized delegate(s) perform the contractual and fiscal operations of joint development. These activities include contract negotiation and revision, contract administration and management guidelines, solicitation, billing, budget preparation, contractor payment, and financial planning. The AASHTO Executive Staff along with the Project Staff are the primary resources for determining the legal, financial, and contractual policies governing the cooperative development of AASHTOWare. Since these persons are retained on a permanent full-time basis, they provide for continuity and consistency in policy over time. 5. AASHTO Project Staff: The AASHTO Project Staff are authorized by the Executive Director to participate, as non-voting members, in the Product/Project Task Forces and the SCOJD activities. They assist the task forces in contractual, fiscal and AASHTO policy areas while providing a liaison between the task force and the Executive Staff. 6. Project/Product Chairperson: Page 22


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The Chairperson directs the activities if the Project/Product Task Force, described below, and is the person who is primarily responsible for supervising the efforts of the contractor towards a product which satisfies user requirements and stays within budget. Some useful skills for a project chairman are: management experience in the business area of the system development, project management experience, familiarity with the capabilities of automation technologies, and knowledge of AASHTOWare policy, procedures, standards and guidelines. Since the chairperson must interact effectively with users, user groups, the task force members, the contractor, AASHTO staff, and the SCOJD, communication skills are required. 7. Project/Product Task Force Members: The Project/Product Team is normally composed of the representatives from states which have some interest in the information system being developed. Either their agency is sponsoring or using the application in question. The designation of Project or Product Task Force distinguishes between groups supervising new development and those which are performing maintenance and continued enhancement of an existing product. Personnel who are appointed to a task force have the responsibility, under the direction of their chairperson, of planning for future development and enhancement, supervising current development, and insuring that user requirements are met. This implies that subject matter expertise, knowledge of user business requirements, and an overall understanding of the business area are attributes which should be sought in task force members. Since the task force members are usually chosen for their business knowledge, they must depend on the SCOJD, AASHTO Staff, T&AA Liaisons, and TAG Groups for information systems development experience. 8. State Sponsors: Development of new information systems or major additions to the functionality of existing ones is usually financed through state sponsorship. The decision to sponsor an AASHTOWare development project is primarily based on whether the proposed project fits within the business systems plans of the sponsoring states, whether there is sufficient consensus on product requirements to insure that all sponsors are satisfied, whether the system is affordable, and whether it is perceived to be the safest, most flexible, and most efficient way to provide the required functionality. The states should choose personnel who have the requisite skills to make the above described determinations. 9. Product Users: Product users are those who have the right to use the AASHTOWare Product as a result of belonging to a subscribing organization. 10. User Groups: User group members represent their product licensed agency for the purpose of providing advice on product effectiveness, deficiencies and needed enhancements. The user group should also identify training and support needs. Once maintenance, enhancements and support are identified, they are prioritized and submitted to the Project/Product Task Force. User group members should have actual experience using the product and should have knowledge of the business area involved. 11. Technical & Application Architecture Task Force (T&AA): This group was formed by the Special Committee on Joint Development and works under its direction to develop AASHTOWare Application Standards and to provide consultation services relating to Application Architecture and Technology. 12. Technical Advisory Group (TAG):

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A Technical Advisory Group is an ad hoc group formed to provide technical advice (can be either automation or business area related) to the Project/Product Task Force. Members of these groups are chosen for their expertise in the area where advice is needed. They are expected to provide advice that is independent of that of the contractor. 13. Contractor: AASHTOWare is typically developed and maintained under contract. The contractor is usually selected on the basis of response to a RFP. The subsequent contract is composed from the proposal and the customary AASHTO contractual requirements. The chosen contractor should have all of the technical and business skills necessary to complete efficiently the contract within the estimated time and budget. The contractor is usually expected to perform the following functions: project management, planning, analysis, design, construction, testing, implementation, maintenance, documentation, support, and sometimes training. 14. Unassigned Support: Skills that would be useful to support ADM which are not presently assigned to any AASHTO position are: a. component and framework development library management skills for maintaining reusable objects, b. and model management skills for verifying, building, maintaining, and integrating models for purposes of reusability and to assist the task forces in validating deliverables. The following table maps the roles of the AASHTO organization with those needed to support the AASHTOWare Development Methodology. ADM Role/Skill Requirements Versus Existing AASHTOWare Development Roles EA SCOSS




















Committees SCOJD



AASHTO Exec Staff



















Proj Staff Proj/Prod Chair







Proj/Prod Task Force














Sponsors Product Users



User Group







TAG Team




R R+







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1.020.02G PM












In the above table “X” indicates responsibility for skill area. “R” indicates resource for the skill. “R?” indicates a possible resource for the skill. “R+” indicates the primary resource for the skill. The acronyms used for column headings have the following meanings: EA= Enterprise Administration

DEV= Development

BAM= Business Area Management

VAL= Validation

SE= Subject Matter and User Expertise

GN= Generalization

PA= Project Administration

IMP= Implementation

PM= Project Management

TS= Technical Specialists

PLN= Planning

MM= Model Management

ANL= Analysis

TDS= Technical Development Support

D= Design

5. Training The table at the end of this chapter describes in summary form the experience or educational requirements for implementation of ADM.


Contractor Training

For contracts covering development of new systems, it would be preferred that the contractor’s staff has experience in skill areas required by the project. This may be determined by requiring that staff profiles, detailing experience in the appropriate skill areas and with the tools to be used on the project, be supplied with the proposal. For contracts covering the continuation of support and maintenance for an existing system, inclusion of contractor education might be considered as part of the contract. It is not, however, recommended that existing systems be converted to the use of ADM unless they are undergoing major revisions or if there are serious problems resulting from the methodology being used.


Project/Product Task Force Training

As the education/experience chart indicates, the Project/Product Chairperson should be experienced in the management of the business area, with the subject matter of the business area, and in project management. The chairperson should have conceptual knowledge of the phases of ADM. The task force members usually need experience with the subject matter only. Training for these personnel can be limited to conceptual training on project management and the phases of ADM.


AASHTO Staff Training

The AASHTO Project Staff will require training in Project Administration and Project Management if they do not already have experience in these areas. In addition, they will require conceptual education in all other areas where they do not have experience. The conceptual education should emphasize the phases of ADM. These personnel would benefit greatly from development experience or training as well.

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Beyond the existing AASHTO development roles, there is a need for personnel with experience in model management and the generalization process. Each of these roles will require experienced personnel. ADM Training or Experience Requirements for Existing AASHTOWare Development Roles EA SCOSS





































AASHTO Exec Staff AASHTO Proj Staff Proj/Prod Chair Proj/Prod Task Force


















































AASHTO A? Committees SCOJD E

State A Sponsors Product Users User Group









TAG Team















Unassigned Support


A? E



In the above table “E” indicates Experience Required. “T” indicates Training Required. “ET” indicates experience with tools employed on project required. “C” indicates Conceptual Understanding Required. “A” indicates the Source of Authoritative Information.”?” after any of the codes indicates that the function (training, experience ...) contingent upon the circumstances of the project. The acronyms used for column headings have the following meanings: EA= Enterprise Administration

DEV= Development

BAM= Business Area Management

VAL= Validation

SE= Subject Matter and User Expertise

GN= Generalization

PA= Project Administration

IMP= Implementation

PM= Project Management

TS= Technical Specialists

PLN= Planning

MM= Model Management

ANL= Analysis

TDS= Technical Development Support

D= Design

6. Tools and Equipment 6.1

CASE Tool Selection

The development of complicated software systems, especially where definition of the planning, analysis, and design layers is expected, requires the use of CASE Tools. The Page 26


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question that occurs is: Can a single Integrated CASE (ICASE) tool serve all AASHTOWare development needs? In answer, ICASE tools usually impose too many restrictions and have too little flexibility to be used in the development of systems targeted for the diverse environments of the transportation agencies. ICASE tools often do not support new technology or support it with severe functionality restrictions. These tools are therefore not recommended for the development of AASHTOWare. It makes little difference how efficient the development process is, if the resulting product in inadequate in “look and feel”, performance, or functionality. The alternative to the one-tool-does-all approach is to pick multiple tools which are as compatible as possible and cover all of the areas where automation of the development process can produce savings. Where multiple tools are used, the construction tool (the tool which supports the development phase of ADM and produces the executable modules of the system) is by far the most important. Some of the criteria for selecting the construction tool follow: 1. It must efficiently exploit the full functionality of the target environment. The resulting systems must perform and fit well in the intended environment. The developer should be able to use most of the environment’s functionality. 2. The tool should support Object-Oriented Programming techniques and should provide for object partitioning to facilitate the development of client-server applications. 3. Must support ODBC connection with a wide variety of relational database systems either locally or across a wide area network. 4. Should permit quick development of prototypes and have an efficient screen painter to facilitate use in RAD sessions. 5. Should require no fees or licenses for use of developed software. If the system is to use a relational database, the next most important tool is a database design and modeling tool which has a two-way interface with the construction tool. If the database design tool is included in the construction tool, one needs look no farther. If a tool needs to be selected, it should support the generation and loading of all brands of databases that will be used by the system. It should also produce entity relationship diagrams. If it is not already included with the construction tool, select an analysis and design modeling tool which is as compatible as possible with the construction tool. Some of the desirable models to be produced are the use case model, the dynamic model, the functional model, and the partitioned object design model. Other tools which may be useful are: validation, configuration management/version control, project management, and help authoring tools. The validation, configuration management/version control, and help authoring tools should be closely compatible with the construction tool. A category of tool which requires special attention in the joint development context is the communication tool. Because AASHTOWare projects are managed by transportation agency personnel, whose time is limited and who are geographically distributed, usually no more than five project meetings per year are possible. This limitation in meeting time can cause delays in product development decisions, incomplete participation in product analysis/design, and reduces considerably the interaction between contractor and task force personnel. A communication tool which facilitates issue notification and resolution, review of deliverables (at the analysis, design, construction, and validation levels), and project documentation (updated project plans/status, meeting minutes, and project correspondence) is strongly recommended for AASHTOWare development.

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Development Platform Considerations

Though many construction tools are capable of generating applications for target environments dissimilar to the development environment, this approach has the disadvantage of reducing the ease of validation of source additions and changes. In fact, the testing operation cannot be integrated with the construction tool, since, to be valid, it must occur on the target platform. The many problems which arise as a result of development/target environment differences (database data type support, SQL processing capabilities, client/server system performance, network capability, and middleware functionality) are not readily apparent to the developer until the application is used in the production environment. As a result, the construction tool environment should be as compatible as possible with the target environment. In the case of client-server systems, the server hardware, the client hardware, the database software (connectivity standard: i.e. DRDA or ODBC and structure type: i.e. relational or object oriented), the network (protocols and APIs), and all the supporting systems software and middleware should be, where possible, of the same type as that of the production environment. Where the environments cannot be the same, additional steps should be added to the project plan which defines proof of concept and validation operations covering the above mentioned technology differences.


Repository Platform Selection

The repository should reside on a server platform which has the following characteristics: 6. Supports server versions of the construction tool, the configuration management/change control tool, the communication tool, and, where possible, the target relational database. 7. Supports file sharing for all of the other tools. 8. Should be, where possible, of the same type as the target server.


Target Platforms:

See the “Product Technical and Platform Standards/Guidelines” sections in the “AASHTOWare Standards & Guidelines Notebook” for recommendations for product target environments.

7. Projects 7.1

Project Types

1. Information Strategy Plan (ISP): The Information Strategy Plan populates the Architectural Layer of the ADM (see section III of this document for a detailed description of the objectives and deliverables of this layer). ISP can be performed as an independent project or as the first phase of system development. All of the other layers of the methodology are dependant on the planning layer and consequently it must be developed first. When the ISP is developed as a separate product and under separate contract, it is useful if the deliverables which are machine readable are usable by the developers of the lower layers. This type of project is not currently employed for the development of AASHTOWare. 2. Business Area Analysis (BAA): The Business Area Analysis populates the Analysis or Conceptual Layer of ADM (see section III pf this document for descriptions of the objectives and deliverables of this layer). The Analysis Layer is dependant upon the product of the Planning Layer and thus the BAA cannot be begun until there is an ISP. When the BAA is developed as a separate product and under a separate contract, it is important to pick CASE tools which use compatible data formats to those employed in developing the ISP and those intended for use in populating the lower layers. Page 28


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This type of project is not currently employed for the development of AASHTOWare. 3. System Development: System Development requires the completion and population of all of the layers of ADM. System Development may be based on a preexistent ISP or BAA, or it can include their development. An AASHTOWare System Development project can begin with the Application Planning phase of ADM. In this case the Application Planning and Spiral Analysis phases will be used in place of an ISP and BAA to populate the architectural and conceptual layers. Present AASHTOWare development practice relies upon sponsor and user requirements to define the architectural and conceptual layers. System development is thus begun at the implementation layer with an external design that is based on requirements expressed in a contract, or informally by sponsors and users. 4. Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR): Often the ISP and BAA reveal inefficiencies in business processes, or the External Design, Business System Design (BSD), reveals that automation can facilitate beneficial changes in business processes. If this occurs, a Business Process Re-Engineering project can be initiated to make the indicated changes to the business. When the BPR project results from and depends on System Development, there must be careful planning and coordination of the changes to business processes and the implementation of the new information system. Though the implementation of AASHTOWare products may require changes to user business processes, there is no formal use of BPR techniques, and the changes required are often the result of accident rather than of plan. 5. Maintenance: Maintenance projects may include all four model layers, but most usually, they effect only the last two (Implementation and Execution). The maintenance project must begin at the highest layer that is affected by the maintenance. This implies that all higher layers are wholly complete and correct with regard to the planned maintenance. AASHTOWare product maintenance never begins at a higher level than Design. Whatever information there is about the higher layers (Architectural and Conceptual) is contained or implied in user requirements.


Roles Versus Project Types

Information Engineering Roles Versus The Project Types of Information Engineering EA Information Strategy Plan (ISP)




Business Area Analysis (BAA)
























Business Process ReEngineering


















Page 29



























System Development



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In the above table “A” indicates Administer, “M” indicates Management, “IB” Information resource for Business requirements, “IT” indicates Information resource for Technology, “S” indicates Support, “C” indicates Coordination with those who are managing and performing the activities, while “P” indicates Performance of the development function. An “*” following a table symbol indicates that there may not be a need for the role in some cases. The acronyms used for column headings have the following meanings: EA= Enterprise Administration

DEV= Development

BAM= Business Area Management

VAL= Validation

SE= Subject Matter and User Expertise

GN= Generalization

PA= Project Administration

IMP= Implementation

PM= Project Management

TS= Technical Specialist

PLN= Planning

MM= Model Management

ANL= Analysis

TDS= Technical Development Support

D= Design


Project Types Versus the Model Levels

Project Types Versus The Methodology Model Levels of ADM Architectural Layer Conceptual Layer (Planning) (Analysis) P N/A

Implementation Layer Execution Layer (Design) (Construction) N/A N/A

Business System Analysis (BAA)





System Development

ME or P

ME or P



Process Re-Engineering





ME or P



Information Strategy Plan (ISP)

In the above table “P” indicates that the layer in question is produced in this type of development project, “N/A” indicates that the layer is not applicable to this type of development project, and “ME” means that this layer must be populated but is not produced by this kind of development project.

8. Recommendations Future RFPs should require, as part of the proposal, a description of the methodology which will be used to complete or continue the proposed development. All of the phases of the methodology should be described as well as the deliverables which can be expected as a result of completion of each phase. Also there should be required, as part of the proposal, a project plan which corresponds to the proposed methodology. It should describe the tasks, including durations and resource requirements, needed to accomplish the work. It should also indicate when the deliverables will be submitted. Page 30


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The AASHTOWare Development Methodology, as expressed in this document, should be treated as a starting point for a process which probably will not be completed. This process should consist in continuously revising the methodology based on information from developers, changes in information technologies, and new requirements of participating transportation agencies and joint development. Where the document does not fit the realities of joint development, contractors should feel free to modify or omit activities which do not apply. Constructive critiques of this document are encouraged.

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2 – Project Management No project management standards or guidelines exist at this time. Future versions of the notebook will include project management standards and/or guidelines.

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3 – Software Engineering

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REQUIREMENTS STANDARD S&G Number: 3.010.02S Effective Date: July 1, 2009

Document History Version No.

Revision Date



Revision Description Replaces REQM Standard ( Reviewed and modified after T&AA and AASHTOWare stakeholder reviews. ------------------------------------------------------------------Additional minor changes and format modifications for publishing were approved by T&AA on 06/16/2009.

Approval Date 03/04/2009 Approved by SCOJD


Requirements Standard

Version 3.010.02S

Table of Contents 1.

Purpose ............................................................................................................... 1


Task Force/Contractor Responsibilities........................................................... 1


Required Deliverables and Work Products ...................................................... 1


Procedures.......................................................................................................... 2 4.1

Develop and Document User Requirements ....................................................2 4.1.1 4.1.2


Analyze and Approve User Requirements........................................................3 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3


Develop System Requirements ........................................................................... 4 Develop Use Cases and Functional Model.......................................................... 4 Allocate Systems Requirements and Update Requirements Traceability Matrix 5

Analyze, Validate, and Approve Systems Requirements ................................5 4.4.1 4.4.2

4.5 4.6 4.7

Review and Analyze User Requirements ............................................................ 3 Approve User Requirements Specification .......................................................... 3 Create Initial Requirements Traceability Matrix ................................................... 4

Develop and Document System Requirements................................................4 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3


Elicit Business and User Needs........................................................................... 2 Develop User Requirements................................................................................ 2

Analyze and Validate System Requirements....................................................... 5 Approve Systems Requirements Specification.................................................... 6

Manage Changes to Requirements...................................................................6 Maintain Bi-Directional Traceability..................................................................7 Identify Inconsistencies.....................................................................................8


Technical Requirements .................................................................................... 8


Deliverable and Work Product Definitions ....................................................... 9 6.1

User Requirements Specification .....................................................................9 6.1.1 6.1.2


System Requirements Specification (SRS) ......................................................9 6.2.1 6.2.2


Description ......................................................................................................... 10 Content............................................................................................................... 11

Deliverable Acceptance ...................................................................................11 6.4.1 6.4.2


Description ........................................................................................................... 9 Content................................................................................................................. 9

Requirements Traceability Matrix ...................................................................10 6.3.1 6.3.2


Description: .......................................................................................................... 9 Content................................................................................................................. 9

Description ......................................................................................................... 11 Content............................................................................................................... 11

Change Request Acceptance ..........................................................................12 6.5.1 6.5.2

Description ......................................................................................................... 12 Content............................................................................................................... 12

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Requirements Standard

Version 3.010.02S

1. Purpose The purpose of the AASHTOWare Requirements Standard is to define the responsibilities of the product task forces and contractors in developing and managing business needs, user requirements, and system requirements for AASHTOWare product development. This standard applies to new development and major enhancement projects and does not apply to minor enhancements and software maintenance efforts. Refer to the Glossary in the Standards and Guidelines Notebook for definitions of the types of projects and efforts. The standard defines activities and outcomes that are considered best practices and should be followed to ensure that AASHTOWare product development uses quality processes for requirements development and requirements management that can be measured and subsequently improved. In addition, the standard defines certain activities that must be followed and work products that must be produced in order to comply with the standard. These requirements are shown in red italicized text.

2. Task Force/Contractor Responsibilities The product task force and contractor responsibilities in regards to the AASHTOWare Requirements Standard are summarized below. Additional details on these responsibilities are provided in the “Procedures” section of this document. ●

The contractor must prepare and submit the User Requirements Specification (URS), System Requirements Specification (SRS), and Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) for the proposed product or enhancement(s).

The task force must review, analyze, validate, and approve or reject the URS, SRS, and RTM and document and communicate the approval decision.

The contractor must determine the impact of requested changes to the approved requirements on the project/product work plan, deliverables, and other planned work products.

The task force must approve or reject all changes, additions, or deletions to the user and system requirements after the URS and SRS have been approved.

The task force and contractor must manage the impact of changes to requirements on the project/product work plan, deliverables, and other planned work products, and changes to these items on the requirements.

The task force and contractor must ensure that the approval or rejection of the above deliverables and change requests are documented and communicated to the appropriate parties.

All requirements deliverables and work products must be versioned, stored, and controlled using configuration management procedures.

In addition, the task force has the responsibility of ensuring that the required submissions, approvals, communications, documentation, and technical requirements defined in this standard are complied with. In the event that a requirement of the standard cannot be complied with, the task force chair should advise the SCOJD or T&AA liaison early in the project/product life cycle. A request for an exception to the standard must be submitted to the SCOJD with any necessary documentation for their consideration. Approval of exceptions to the standards is under the purview of the SCOJD.

3. Required Deliverables and Work Products The following summarizes the required work products that must be prepared and saved in order to comply with the Requirements Standard. The work products designated as deliverables are Page 1


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planned and tracked and must also be formally submitted to the task force for approval or rejection. Definitions and content requirements are provided in the “Deliverable and Work Product Definitions” section of this document. ●

User Requirements Specification (URS) – Deliverable

System Requirements Specification (SRS) – Deliverable

Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) – Deliverable (A RTM is not normally created for enhancements; refer to section 4.6 for further details.)

Deliverable Acceptance for each URS, SRS, and RTM

Change Request Acceptance for each change request

4. Procedures The procedures described below define activities that are to be followed by the task force and/or contractor and the results of those activities.


Develop and Document User Requirements 4.1.1 Elicit Business and User Needs ♦ Prior to developing the product/project work plan, the task force should provide the contractor with a list of prioritized business/user needs, enhancements, expectations, high-level security needs, and constraints. This list should be maintained and updated over the life of the project/product as items are translated into user requirements and implemented. ♦ The task force should collect these items by requesting business stakeholders to provide them, as well as, using eliciting techniques to proactively identify additional needs not explicitly provided by stakeholders. ♦ Interfaces with other business processes or systems should be identified and documented while eliciting needs. ♦ Users, user groups, Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs), Technical Review Teams (TRTs), and/or other types of business stakeholder groups should participate in the definition and review of these items.

4.1.2 Develop User Requirements ♦ The task force and/or the contractor should review and analyze the list of business and user needs, enhancements, expectations, constraints, high-level security needs, and interfaces and determine if any conflicts exist. ♦ For existing applications, the analysis should determine if the proposed needs, enhancements, expectations, etc. conflict with or “undo” previous change requests and/or requirements. The analysis should also determine if the proposed items will have an adverse impact on the application’s current processes and logic; and determine if any existing interfaces will need modifications based on the proposed requirements. ♦ Items that were collected in prior years, such as enhancement requests, should be reviewed to determine if they are still valid and still need to be implemented. ♦ After eliminating conflicts and invalid needs/enhancements, the contractor should translate the business/user needs, enhancements, expectations, constraints, security needs, and interfaces into a set of user requirements. User requirements should describe what the users or business stakeholders expect from the proposed product.

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♦ The user requirements must be compiled into a User Requirements Specification (URS) which includes the content listed in the “Deliverables and Work Products Definition” section of this document. ♦ The URS is a working document that will eventually become a component of the project/product work plan. The URS may also be maintained as a separate file (document, spreadsheet, repository, etc.) and referenced in the work plan..


Analyze and Approve User Requirements 4.2.1 Review and Analyze User Requirements ♦ Before the URS is completed, the task force and contractor should both review and analyze the user requirements to ensure that: ○

Each user requirement is traceable to a source business/user need, enhancement, expectation, constraint, security need, and/or interface.

Both parties have a common understanding of the intent of each requirement, □

Each requirement is accepted based on standard set of acceptance criteria. The recommended acceptance criteria is listed below: □

Reviews or consultations with the requirement originators or user group representatives should be held, as needed, to help understand specific requirements.

Each user requirement should be clear, complete, uniquely-identified, consistent with each other; appropriate to implement, testable, and traceable to a source.

There is an appropriate balance between the needs of the user versus known constraints. This is especially important for those requirements that have a significant impact on cost, schedule, functionality risk, maintainability, or performance. Cost versus requirements tradeoffs may need to be made to ensure the most cost effective solution that meets the priority needs of the user organizations.

♦ If the analysis of the URS reveals any conflicts or problems, then: ○

Requirements should be modified as required, and

Requirements that are not needed or cannot be justified should be removed from the URS.

♦ After defining, analyzing, deleting, and modifying the user requirements; the list of user needs, enhancements, expectations, constraints, high-level security needs, and interfaces should be reviewed and updated. Any items that will be implemented should be removed from the list, as well as items that were eliminated during the development and analysis of user requirements or in subsequent analysis.

4.2.2 Approve User Requirements Specification ♦ After the task force and contractor agree on a set of user requirements to include in the URS, the contractor must include or reference the URS in the project/product work plan. ♦ Since the URS is included or referenced in the work plan, the task force approval of the work plan also represents approval of the URS. ♦ The inclusion of the URS in the work plan and the subsequent task force approval acknowledges: ○

That task force or its designee has reviewed, analyzed, and accepted each requirement in the URS, and Page 3


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The commitment of both the task force and contractor to implementing all requirements in the URS.

4.2.3 Create Initial Requirements Traceability Matrix ♦ After the task force has approved the URS, the contractor must create a Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) that includes all user requirements in the URS. ♦ Each user requirement entered in the RTM must include the same Requirement ID used in the URS and must include a backwards reference to a documented need, enhancement request, expectation, constraint, or interface. ♦ This initial version of the RTM is normally created early in the project life cycle. ♦ A RTM is normally not created for enhancements to an existing product. Refer to the “Maintain Bi-Directional Traceability” and “Deliverable and Work Product Definition” sections for more information on the RTM and the conditions when a RTM should be created for enhancements.


Develop and Document System Requirements 4.3.1 Develop System Requirements ♦ After the URS is approved, the contractor should begin developing the System Requirements Specification (SRS). ○

The SRS is a deliverable that contains the requirements which describe, in the language of the software developer and integrator, what the proposed product will do. The SRS should describe all functional, non-functional (behavior), technical, data, and interface requirements of the proposed system in sufficient detail to support system design.


The SRS may be created as a document, spreadsheet, or another type of digital file or repository.


The URS should be reviewed and analyzed and used as the basis for developing the requirements in the SRS.

The SRS is normally created early in the project life cycle or, in the case of an existing product, early in the work program. When Agile or another type of incremental development methodology is used, the SRS is typically created and/or revised with each implementation increment.

♦ Security, accessibility, interface, user interface, and performance requirements must always be included in the SRS. The approach for compliance with Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) of the World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative (W3C WAI) must be included with the accessibility requirements. ♦ Refer to the “Deliverables and Work Product Definition” section for the required content of the SRS.

4.3.2 Develop Use Cases and Functional Model ♦ The SRS must contain functional requirements that define the fundamental actions or behaviors that must take place within the product to accept and process the inputs and to process and generate the outputs. These describe what the proposed product must do in order to fulfill the user requirements and are normally described by use case models. ♦ A functional model (or similar type of product) should be created with the development and refinement of system requirements and use cases. A functional

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model is the hierarchical arrangement of functions and sub functions and their internal and external functional interfaces and external physical interfaces. ♦ Other products such as operational concepts, scenarios, storyboards, and flow diagrams may be used in lieu of or in addition to the use case and functional models.

4.3.3 Allocate Systems Requirements and Update Requirements Traceability Matrix ♦ The contractor must enter each system requirement in the SRS into the RTM and reference each to its source user requirement. ♦ Each system requirement should be allocated to a function, sub function, screen, report and/or other design object of the proposed product. ♦ The allocation of system requirements to design objects must be documented as forward traceability references in the RTM. ♦ Refer to the “Maintain Bi-Directional Traceability” and “Deliverable and Work Product Definition” sections for more information on the RTM.


Analyze, Validate, and Approve Systems Requirements 4.4.1 Analyze and Validate System Requirements ♦ Before the SRS is completed, the task force and contractor should review and analyze the SRS in the same manner that was used for the URS (refer to section 4.2.1). ♦ After reviewing and analyzing the SRS, the task force and/or a designated stakeholder group should validate the system requirements to ensure that: ○

The resulting end product will perform as intended if the requirements are implemented, and

Conflicts between the system requirements, user requirements, and the source needs, enhancement requests, expectations, constraints, and interface requirements are identified and resolved.

♦ The contractor should conduct facilitated reviews of the system requirements with the task force and/or stakeholder groups to help validate the system requirements. ♦ The contractor should develop product representations such as prototypes, mockups, simulations, or storyboards to assist in the analysis or validation of the system requirements. These should aid in validating the requirements by: ○

Describing to the business stakeholders how the proposed product will be used to accomplish specific goals or tasks,

Defining how stakeholders will interact with the product and how they will interact with each other with regards to the product, and

Helping ensure the stakeholders that the right product is being developed and that the product will meet their needs.

♦ Any issues or new requirements discovered during the analysis or validation of the SRS should be documented and reviewed by both the task force and contractor. The RTM should be updated accordingly. ♦ If the SRS is reworked and resubmitted, the task force should repeat the analysis, validation, and approval process.

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4.4.2 Approve Systems Requirements Specification ♦ After the task force completes the validation of the SRS, the contractor should analyze the impact of the system requirements against the current project/product work plan, tasks, deliverables, and other planned work products. ♦ The completed SRS must be submitted to the task force for review and approval. ♦ Any significant issues or findings from the impact analysis should also be provided to the task force. ♦ The task force must approve or reject the SRS and communicate the approval decision to the contractor. ♦ When Agile or another type of incremental development methodology is used, the SRS may be approved with each implementation increment. ♦ If the SRS is rejected, then: ○

The task force should provide the reason for rejection to the contractor,

The contractor should rework and resubmit the SRS, and

The task force should repeat an appropriate level of analysis and validation, and then repeat the approval process.

♦ Evidence of the task force approval/rejection of the SRS and the communication to the contractor must be created and saved for future reference. The Deliverable Acceptance work product in the “Deliverables and Work Product Definition” section defines the requirements for this documentation. ♦ The submission and approval of the SRS acknowledges:


That task force or its designee has reviewed, analyzed, validated, and accepted each requirement in the SRS, and

The commitment of both the task force and contractor to implementing all requirements in the SRS.

Manage Changes to Requirements ♦ Each product task force must have a documented change control procedure that includes, but is not limited to, the following features listed below: ○

The ability to monitor requests that add, change, or remove functionality or requirements documented in the approved URS. All requests must be submitted to the task force for approval or rejection.

The ability to monitor requests that add, change, or remove functionality or requirements documented in the approved SRS. All requests must be submitted to the task force for approval or rejection.

Change requests should include a priority, clear description, and a justification for the change.

The contractor should perform an impact analysis on each change request and return the following information to the task force:

New, deleted, or changed requirements that result from the change request,

The cost and estimated time to implement the change request, and

The impact to the work plan, tasks, deliverables, and other work products if the change request is implemented.

The task force should review the change request and the impact analysis, approve or reject the request, and communicate the approval decision to the Page 6


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contractor and the originator of the request. If rejected, the reason for rejection should be included.



Evidence of the task force approval/rejection of each change request and the communication to the contractor must be created and saved for future reference. The Change Request Acceptance in the “Deliverables and Work Product Definition” section defines the requirements for this documentation.

The contractor must modify the RTM to reflect additions, changes, or deletions made to user or system requirements.

The contractor should modify plans, tasks, deliverables, and work products that are impacted by approved change requests and should keep the task force advised of progress and issues associated with the impacted items.

Maintain Bi-Directional Traceability ♦ As previously discussed, the contractor must create a Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) that: o

Includes all users requirements from the approved URS,


Includes backwards traceability references for all user requirements to a source need, enhancement request, change request, expectation, constraint, or interface requirement,


Includes a backwards traceability reference for all systems requirements to a source user requirement,


Includes forward traceability for each system requirement to design objects and test procedures,


Includes the content listed in the “Deliverables and Work Product Definitions” section.

♦ If a RTM was previously created for an existing product, then the RTM should be maintained for enhancement projects. If an RTM does not exist for the product, then an RTM is not required for enhancements. The only exception to this is when the size and scope of a major enhancement is equivalent to a new development project. In the case of a very large enhancement, an RTM should be created exclusively for the enhancement project. The T&AA, SCOJD, and/or AASHTO liaison should assist in identifying these cases. ♦ The reference of system requirements to design objects and test procedures may be alternately documented in other work products that are reviewed and approved by the task force. Refer to the “Deliverables and Work Product Definition” section for additional information. ♦ The RTM may be created as a document, spreadsheet, or another type of digital file or repository. ♦ The RTM should be maintained and updated throughout the product/project life cycle as iterations to the project are completed and as changes to the user and system requirements are implemented. ♦ The task force must review the RTM at different time frames in the product/project life cycle to ensure that: o

All requirements from the approved URS or those resulting from approved change requests are included in the RTM with references to their source.


All requirements from the SRS are referenced to their source user requirement.

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♦ All requirements in the SRS include forward references to design objects and test procedures. ♦ The RTM must be submitted as a deliverable to the task force prior to beta testing. If no beta testing is performed, the RTM should be submitted after alpha testing is completed. ♦ Evidence of the task force approval/rejection of the RTM and the communication to the contractor must be created and saved for future reference. The Deliverable Acceptance in the “Deliverables and Work Product Definition” section defines the requirements for this documentation.


Identify Inconsistencies

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that inconsistencies, which arise during the execution of the project/product work, between the plan and requirements, are identified and corrected. ■

The task force should review the work plan and planned deliverables and work product for inconsistencies with the requirements when the following conditions occur: ♦ Approval of the User Requirements Specification. ♦ Approval of the System Requirements Specification. ♦ Approval of a change request that adds, modifies, or deletes requirements. ♦ Work plan changes. If inconsistencies are found, proposed changes to the work plan, URS, SRS, or change request should be submitted to the task force to address the inconsistencies.

5. Technical Requirements The Technical Architecture portion of the SRS should be used to document the specific technical requirements that the proposed product must comply with.

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6. Deliverable and Work Product Definitions This section describes the deliverables and work products that must be prepared and saved in order to comply with the Requirements Standard. All deliverables and work products must be versioned, stored, and controlled using configuration management procedures.


User Requirements Specification 6.1.1 Description: The User Requirements Specification (URS) is a deliverable that contains all of the user requirements that are approved by the task force to be accomplished in a specified contract period. The URS, which is incorporated in or referenced by the project or product work plan, specifies the requirements that the user expects from the proposed product.

6.1.2 Content The primary content of the URS should be the information that describes the user requirements. Each requirement in the URS must include the content listed below. The task force and contractor may arrange the mandatory items in any order and may add any additional information to the overall URS or the individual requirements. ♦ Requirement ID: The number or tag that uniquely identifies each requirement. ♦ Description: The full description of the requirement. ♦ Short Description: An optional short description which describes the content of the requirement but is short enough to use in tables and listings. ♦ Priority: The business priority for implementing the requirement (example - Critical, Urgent, High, Medium, Low). ♦ Cost: Estimated cost to implement the requirement. In addition to the requirement information, the URS should include the following document identification information: Project/Product Name, Contract Period, Version Number, and Submission Date.


System Requirements Specification (SRS) 6.2.1 Description The System Requirements Specification (SRS) is a deliverable that contains the requirements which describe, in the language of the software developer and integrator, what the proposed product will do. The SRS should describe all functional, nonfunctional, technical, role, and data requirements of the proposed system in sufficient detail to support system design. Each requirement in the SRS should be traceable to a requirement in the URS.

6.2.2 Content There is no rigid format required for the SRS; however, the content listed below must be included in the SRS. Any other information useful to the task force or contractor may also be added to the SRS. ♦ Requirement ID: Each requirement included in the SRS must be identified by a unique number or tag. ♦ Short Description: An optional short description which describes the content of the requirement but is short enough to use in tables and listings.

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♦ Technical Architecture: The SRS must contain requirements that define the technical environment which must be supported by the proposed product. (Examples are requirements which define platforms, databases, etc.). ♦ System Roles: The SRS must define the roles and skills needed for use and support of the system. These identify the system users and stakeholders; define their roles associated with the system; and define the skills needed to perform their roles. The system roles are used in conjunction with the security requirements when defining access permission for specific groups of system users or stakeholders. (Example roles include users, managers, executives, system administrators, security administrators, database administrators, and application support personnel). ♦ Functional Requirements: The SRS must contain functional requirements that define the fundamental actions or behaviors that must take place within the product to accept and process the inputs and to process and generate the outputs. Functional requirements describe what the proposed product must do in order to fulfill the user requirements. Functional requirements are normally described by use case models. (Examples include validity checks, calculations, and data manipulations, input or output sequences, and responses to abnormal situations). Functional requirements are normally described by or supported by Use Case models. ♦ Non Functional Requirements: The SRS must contain non-functional requirements which specify criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. Non functional requirements are requirements that are not specifically concerned with the functionality of a system. They define the overall qualities or attribute of the resulting product and place restrictions on how the user requirements are to be met. Non functional requirements should be broken down into types such as reliability, accuracy, performance, scalability, testability, maintainability, security, usability, interface, user interface, design constraints, and implementation constraints. Security, accessibility, interface, user interface, and performance requirements must always be included in the SRS. Refer to the Security Standard for additional information regarding security requirements. The requirements that describe the approach for compliance with Section 508 of the U.S. Rehabilitation Act and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) of the World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative (W3C WAI) must be included with the accessibility requirements. The interface requirements should include Data Transfer/Exchange requirements as documented in the XML Standard. ♦ Data Models: The SRS must contain data models for all data to be stored or exchanged with other systems. For existing systems, a reference or link to the existing data model should be provided. In addition to the requirement information, the SRS should include the following document identification information: Project/Product Name, Contract Period, Version Number, and Submission Date.


Requirements Traceability Matrix 6.3.1 Description The Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) is a deliverable that describes the backward traceability and forward traceability of the requirements in the URS. The RTM Page 10


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documents that every requirement has been addressed in the design and that every design object addresses a requirement. The RTM also documents that each requirement is traced to a testing procedure. A RTM is not normally created for enhancements to existing products. Refer to the Maintain Bi-Directional Traceability (4.6) section for additional information.

6.3.2 Content The RTM must contain the following content. The RTM is normally created as grid with columns for each of the following items. ♦ User Requirement ID: The number or tag that uniquely identifies a user requirement. All requirements from the approved URS must be included in the RTM and use the same IDs used in the URS. Each requirement is normally a row in the matrix. ♦ User Requirement Source: A reference or link to source user need, expectation, enhancement request, change request, constraint, interface, or other information that was used to derive the user requirement. Multiple user requirements may be traced to a User Requirement Source. ♦ System Requirement ID: The number or tag that uniquely identifies a system requirement that was derived from the user requirement. Each system requirement in the approved SRS must be entered in the RTM. Multiple system requirements may be traced to a source user requirement. ♦ Design Object Reference: A reference or link to a design object that was derived from a system requirement. Multiple design objects may be traced to a source system requirement. ♦ Test Reference: A reference or link to the alpha or beta test procedure or script used to test and accept a user or system requirement. Multiple tests references may be traced to a source requirement. ♦ Note: The reference of system requirements to design objects and test procedures may be alternately documented in other work products that are reviewed and approved by the task force. In this case, a document must be prepared that describes where the components of the RTM are located and how they are used to define traceability. Each document must use the same Requirement IDs that are used in the URS, SRS, and RTM. In addition to the requirement information, the RTM should include the following document identification information: Project/Product Name, Contract Period, Version Number, and Submission Date.


Deliverable Acceptance 6.4.1 Description This work product is the record of the each task force approval or rejection of the SRS and RTM. A separate Deliverable Acceptance must be created for each of these deliverables. Since the work plan approval represents the approval of the URS, a Deliverable Acceptable for the URS is not required, but may be used if the contractor and/or task force desires.

6.4.2 Content Each Deliverable Acceptance must include following content: ♦ Project/Product Name ♦ Contract period Page 11


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♦ Submission date ♦ Deliverable Name ♦ Task force approval or rejection decision ♦ Date of the decision ♦ Reason for rejection (if applicable) The Deliverable Acceptance may be created and saved in any form acceptable to both the task force and contractor, such as a letter, form, email, or minutes. Although not required, it is recommended that the document be signed by the task force chair.


Change Request Acceptance 6.5.1 Description This work product is the record of a change request submittal, impact analysis, and the task force approval or rejection decision. A separate Change Request Acceptance must be created for each change request.

6.5.2 Content A Change Request Acceptance must include the following content: ♦ Project/Product Name ♦ Submission date ♦ Originator ♦ Change request description ♦ Business priority ♦ Impact analysis ○

New, deleted, or changed requirements that result from the change request,

The cost and estimated time to implement the change request, and

The impact to the work plan, tasks, deliverables, and other work products.

♦ Task force approval or rejection decision ♦ Date of the decision ♦ Reason for rejection (if applicable) The Change Request Acceptance may be created and saved in any form acceptable to both the task force and contractor, such as a letter, email, or minutes. Although not required, it is recommended that the document be signed by the task force chair.

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XML STANDARD S&G Number: 3.015.01S Effective Date: July 1, 2009 Document History Version No. 01

Revision Date 2/03/2009

Revision Description Replaces AASHTOWare XML Implementation and Migration guideline (3.03.G20.01). Reviewed and updated by T&AA. Reviewed by stakeholders and then updated. -----------------------------------------------------------------Additional minor changes and format modifications for publishing were approved by T&AA on 06/16/2009.

Approval Date 03/04/2009 Approved by SCOJD


XML Standard


Table of Contents 1.

Purpose ............................................................................................................... 1


Task Force/Contractor Responsibilities........................................................... 1 2.1 2.2


For New Development Projects.........................................................................1 For Major Enhancement Projects......................................................................1

Required Deliverables and Work Products ...................................................... 2 3.1 3.2

For New Development Projects.........................................................................2 For Major Enhancement Projects......................................................................2


Procedures.......................................................................................................... 2


Technical Requirements and Recommendations............................................ 2 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7


XML .....................................................................................................................2 TRANSXML .........................................................................................................2 Schemas .............................................................................................................3 Names .................................................................................................................3 Namespaces .......................................................................................................3 Data Dictionaries................................................................................................3 XML Tools...........................................................................................................3

Deliverable and Work Product Definitions ....................................................... 4 6.1

XML Strategy (included in product Strategic Plan)..........................................4 6.1.1 6.1.2


Data Transfer/Exchange User Requirements ...................................................4 6.2.1 6.2.2


Description ........................................................................................................... 4 Content................................................................................................................. 4 Description ........................................................................................................... 4 Content................................................................................................................. 4

Data Transfer/Exchange System Requirements ..............................................4 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3

Description ........................................................................................................... 4 Content................................................................................................................. 4 XML Reporting Requirements.............................................................................. 5

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XML Standard


1. Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide details for the use of XML (eXtensible Markup Language) in AASHTOWare products. This standard applies to new development and major data transfer/exchange related enhancement projects. The standard does not normally apply to minor maintenance and software maintenance efforts, however, it should be reviewed when these efforts involve data transfer/exchange. Refer to the Glossary in the Standards and Guidelines Notebook for definitions of the types of projects and efforts. This standard includes certain activities that must be followed and work products that must be produced in order to comply with the standard. These requirements are shown in red italicized text.

2. Task Force/Contractor Responsibilities The product task force and contractor responsibilities for the XML standard are summarized below: In the case of existing products, each task force should develop a strategy for using XML to add or revise internal and external data transfer/exchange functionality and include the strategy in the product strategic plan. When deemed beneficial, the strategic plan should also include the strategy for adding new reports using XML or converting existing reports to XML. For new products, XML must be used as the method for data transfer and/or exchange and is strongly recommend for reporting. In addition, to the above responsibilities, the product task force and contractor also have the following responsibilities regarding the project/product work plan.


For New Development Projects

Document the project needs for new internal and/or external data transfer/exchange functionality as user requirements in the project work plan. Also, document that this functionality will be implemented using XML.

Using the user requirements, develop system requirements to expand and detail specifically what the system must do and how it is to be accomplished in regards to data transfer/exchange and the use of XML. Document these requirements in the Systems Requirement Specification (SRS).

As discussed above, it is strongly recommended that XML be used for reporting on new products. When the task force and/or contractor determine that XML based reporting is beneficial, the same work plan and SRS activities listed above should be followed.

Implement and test the XML requirements in the SRS.


For Major Enhancement Projects

If the major enhancement involves new data transfer/exchange needs, document these as user requirements in the product work plan.

If XML is to be used for implementing the data transfer/exchange requirements, note this in the work plan.

Using the user requirements, develop system requirements to expand and detail specifically what the system must do and how it is to be accomplished in regards to data transfer/exchange and the use of XML. Document these requirements in the Systems Requirement Specification (SRS).

When a major enhancement involves reporting, it is recommended that the use of XML for reporting be considered. When the task force and/or contractor determine that XML based reporting is beneficial, the same work plan and SRS activities listed above should be followed. Page 1


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In addition to the above responsibilities, the task force has the responsibility of ensuring that the required submissions, approvals, communications, documentation, and technical requirements defined in this standard are complied with. In the event that a requirement of the standard cannot be complied with, the task force chair should advise the SCOJD or T&AA liaison early in the project/product life cycle. A request for an exception to the standard must be submitted to the SCOJD with any necessary documentation for their consideration. Approval of exceptions to the standards is under the purview of the SCOJD.

3. Required Deliverables and Work Products The following summarizes the required deliverables and work products that must be created and/or delivered in order to comply with the XML standard. Refer to the “Deliverable and Work Product Definitions” section below for additional information.


For New Development Projects

Include data transfer/exchange and XML user requirements in the project work plan.

Include detailed requirements for implementing data transfer/exchange in the SRS.

Include XML reporting strategies and requirements in the above deliverables when applicable.


For Major Enhancement Projects

Include XML strategies in the product strategic plan.

Include XML items in the same deliverables listed above, when major enhancements involve data transfer/exchange.

Include XML reporting strategies and requirements in the above deliverables when applicable.

4. Procedures Not Applicable

5. Technical Requirements and Recommendations Technical descriptions and requirements for the use of XML are available on the web. This section does not attempt to reproduce the web data. Brief descriptions and/or requirements are provided along with minimal links to associated information.



XML is a general purpose specification for creating custom markup languages. It is flexible, or extensible, because it allows users to define their own elements if needed rather than follow a strict, limited format. The specification is recommended and maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). For a full definition of XML, refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XML. AASHTOWare recognizes the benefit of XML as a method for data exchange and recommends that all AASHTOWare products consider how the specification might be utilized, either internally or externally. W3C XML web site & link to specifications




In March of 2004, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) began Project 20-64, XML Schemas for Exchange of Transportation Data. The objectives of the project were to develop broadly accepted public domain XML schemas for exchange of Page 2


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transportation data and to develop a framework for development, validation, dissemination, and extension of current and future schemas. The framework developed was called TransXML. The project was completed in October of 2006. There were four business area schemas (Bridge, Transportation Safety, Survey/Roadway Design, and Transportation Construction/Materials) developed during the project. The final report from Project 20-674, Report 576, is available at various sites on the web. Abstract and access to contents of the CD-ROM included with the report


NCHRP Report 576


TransXML web site


AASHTOWare supports the results of the TransXML project and recommends that all AASHTOWare products consider the use of the schemas developed and/or modification thereof when implementing XML functionality.



Schema definitions for AASHTOWare products should be compatible with the W3C specification and should follow the schemas developed under the TransXML project to the extent possible. Maximum use of existing schema(s) should be made; development of completely new schemas is unacceptable where there is an existing schema or an existing schema that may be modified to meet the needs.



XML names shall be W3C compliant, self-explanatory and meaningful to the business area. When the possibility of data sharing between products exists, all of the involved product task forces should review the proposed naming conventions to prevent ambiguous names. Theses activities should be coordinated through AASHTO staff liaisons assigned to each project or product.



Where namespaces are used, they shall be W3C compliant. Namespaces in XML 1.1 (2nd http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml-names11-20060816/ Edition)


Data Dictionaries

Data dictionaries shall be produced which contain information for each element in the schema. A brief description of the element should be included in the data dictionary and as a comment in the schema. When the schema is maintained by a third party, the task force and/or contractor should only maintain documentation associated with the additions or modifications unique to the AASHTOWare product.


XML Tools

There are a variety of tools that can be used for XML development. They range from extensive suites of tools to shareware and freeware editors. Many of the suites of tools include all of the products necessary for formatting, generating stylesheets and schemas, etc. This document does not provide a list of recommended tools. Lists can easily be obtained using Google Search or other web search engines.

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XML Standard


6. Deliverable and Work Product Definitions All deliverables and work products listed below must be versioned, stored, and controlled using configuration management procedures. This does not apply to the strategic plan; however, similar practices are recommended for storing versions of the strategic plan.


XML Strategy (included in product Strategic Plan) 6.1.1 Description If XML has not been fully implemented in an existing product, the product Strategic Plan should include the long term strategy to convert existing data transfer/exchange functionality to XML and to implement new functionality with XML.

6.1.2 Content There is no specific format or content required for strategic plan XML strategies.


Data Transfer/Exchange User Requirements 6.2.1 Description User requirements that describe the basic functionality needed for data transfer and exchange should be included in the project/product work plan. In the case of new development projects, the requirement to implement this functionality with XML should also be included.

6.2.2 Content These user requirements should include the same content as all other user requirements described in the URS, including a requirement ID and description. Refer to the AASHTOWare Requirements Standard for additional information regarding user requirements.


Data Transfer/Exchange System Requirements 6.3.1 Description Data Transfer/Exchange requirements must be included in the SRS or must be included in a separate document that is referenced in the SRS for all new development projects. All major internal and external data transfer/exchange instances associated with the new product or the proposed major enhancement must be defined.

6.3.2 Content As with other components of the SRS, there is no rigid format for SRS items. For each major internal and external data transfer/exchange instance, the following content should be included. Data items and other items needed to define the requirements should be added or referenced as required. A tabular format is recommended for documenting Data Transfer/Exchange system requirements. Refer to the AASHTOWare Requirements Standard for additional information regarding the system requirements and the SRS. Requirement ID Each requirement included in the SRS must be identified by a unique number or tag. Short Description Each requirement included in the SRS should optionally include a short description which describes the content of the requirement but is short enough to use in tables and listings. Description This item provides a detailed description of the data transfer/exchange instance. Page 4


XML Standard

3.015.01S Existing Process This item only applies to existing products. The current method used for each existing data transfer/exchange instance should be identified. Examples include, but are not limited to, binary, XML, and delimited file. Proposed Process This identifies the proposed process to be used to implement the data transfer/exchange instances. Examples include, but are not limited to, binary, XML, and delimited file. XML should be used for new development unless there is a valid reason for not using XML. Reason For Proposed Process If XML was not identified as the proposed process, the reason for not using XML must be provided. The reason for selecting XML may be optionally provided. XML Implementation Descritpion This item provides a brief description of how XML will be implemented for the specified instance.

6.3.3 XML Reporting Requirements For new development, it is also recommended that XML be strongly considered for reporting. In this case, each major report instance for the proposed product should also be included in the data transfer/exchange requirements, or documented in a similar reporting section, with the reason for choosing or not choosing XML as the method of implementation. If a major enhancement involves reporting, it is also recommended that the report instances associated with the enhancement be included with the data transfer/exchange requirements or similar reporting section.

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SECURITY STANDARD S&G Number: 3.020.01S Effective Date: July 1, 2009

Document History Version No. 01

Revision Date 02/02/2009

Revision Description Initial Draft. Reviewed and modified after T&AA and AASHTOWare stakeholder reviews. -----------------------------------------------------------------Additional minor changes and format modifications for publishing were approved by T&AA on 06/16/2009.

Approval Date 03/04/2009 Approved by SCOJD


Security Standard


Table of Contents 1.

Purpose ............................................................................................................... 1


Task Force/Contractor Responsibilities........................................................... 1


Required Deliverables and Work Products ...................................................... 1


Procedures.......................................................................................................... 1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4


Technical Requirements .................................................................................... 2 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6


Establish Security Requirements......................................................................1 Include AASHTOWare Security Technical Requirements ...............................2 Review Impact to Existing Security ..................................................................2 Test and Implement the Security Requirements ..............................................2 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) ...............................................2 Encryption of Sensitive Data.............................................................................2 Role Based Security...........................................................................................3 Industry Standard Passwords ...........................................................................3 Appropriate Levels of Hardening ......................................................................3 Security Patches ................................................................................................3

Deliverable and Work Product Definitions ....................................................... 4 6.1

Security Requirements ......................................................................................4 6.1.1 6.1.2


Description ........................................................................................................... 4 Content................................................................................................................. 4

System Roles......................................................................................................4 6.2.1 6.2.2

Description ........................................................................................................... 4 Content................................................................................................................. 4

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Security Standard


1. Purpose AASHTOWare recognizes its responsibility for providing secure applications. Further, AASHTOWare endorses and demands that applications delivered meet user needs and maintain the highest level of application, data, and infrastructure security as practical. This standard defines the security requirements and responsibilities that must be met when developing AASHTOWare products. This standard applies to new development and major security related enhancement projects. The standard does not normally apply to minor maintenance and software maintenance efforts, however, it should be reviewed when these efforts involve security. Refer to the Glossary in the Standards and Guidelines Notebook for definitions of the types of projects and efforts. In addition, the standard primarily addresses multi-user applications except where noted otherwise. The Security Standard includes certain activities that must be followed and work products that must be produced in order to comply with the standard. These requirements are shown in red italicized text.

2. Task Force/Contractor Responsibilities The product task force and contractor responsibilities for the Security Standard are summarized below: ●

Ensure that business specific security requirements are defined and implemented.

Ensure that the security technical requirements defined in this standard are implemented in the product when applicable.

Ensure that industry best security practices and emerging security trends are considered and implemented appropriately.

In addition, the task force has the responsibility of ensuring that the required submissions, approvals, communications, documentation, and technical requirements defined in this standard are complied with. In the event that a requirement of the standard cannot be complied with, the task force chair should advise the SCOJD or T&AA liaison early in the project/product life cycle. A request for an exception to the standard must be submitted to the SCOJD with any necessary documentation for their consideration. Approval of exceptions to the standards is under the purview of the SCOJD.

3. Required Deliverables and Work Products The following summarizes the required deliverables and work products that must be created and/or delivered in order to comply with the Security Standard. Definitions and content requirements are provided in the “Deliverable and Work Product Definitions” section of this document. •

Security Requirements – must be included in the System Requirements Specification (SRS).

System Roles – must be included in the SRS.

4. Procedures 4.1

Establish Security Requirements

For each new development or major enhancement effort, the task force and/or contractor should: ■

Analyze the business needs, expectations, and constraints that impact the data, application, and system security,

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Security Standard


Define the applicable security requirements and system roles for the effort and include in the System Requirements Specification (SRS).


Include AASHTOWare Security Technical Requirements

Where applicable, the task force and/or contractor must ensure that the technical requirements listed below are included in the SRS.


Review Impact to Existing Security

For each enhancement or modification to an existing application, the task force and/or contractor should ensure that there is no impact to the existing security introduced by the implementation of the enhancement or modification.


Test and Implement the Security Requirements

The task force and contractor should ensure that all security requirements in the approved System Requirements Specification are tested and implemented.

5. Technical Requirements Research performed by T&AA reveals that there is a wide variety of tools, products, and computer environments in use at member agencies. Such variety exists that identifying detailed security requirements is not practical. Therefore, the following high-level security requirements are identified. In addition to the standards listed below, product contractors and task forces are responsible for ensuring that industry best security practices and emerging security trends are considered and implemented appropriately.


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

User authentication routines must support the use of Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for user authentication and when feasible should support the use of LDAP for access permissions. The use of internal processes to support user authentication and access permissions is not prohibited, but AASHTOWare products must also support authenticating users via LDAP queries. References: LDAP


List of LDAP software



Encryption of Sensitive Data

User accounts, passwords, and any other data identified as being sensitive must be encrypted while in transit or at rest using methods and techniques accepted by the industry as being reliable and secure. This includes, but is not limited to, data transmitted on internal, external, public, or private networks and data stored in a database management system such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, etc. References: Data encryption standards


Microsoft SQL encryption


Encryption and SQL injection

http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/3483931 http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-22-5083541.html

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Security Standard


Oracle Transparent Data Encryption


Configuring data encryption and integrity


Payment Card Industry standards



Role Based Security

Applications must use role based security. Roles should be controlled within the application. This will eliminate the need for users to have accounts that access databases directly, which improves overall security.


Industry Standard Passwords

Passwords must follow industry recognized standards for minimum length, makeup (i.e., characters, numbers, or symbols), and change frequency. References: Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS 112)


US Agency of International Development password creation standards



Appropriate Levels of Hardening

Hardware and software provided to AASHTOWare customers that is exposed to external network users, including Internet users, must be hardened to levels accepted by the industry as appropriate and effective for the hardware and software being used. References: World Wide Web Consortium FAQ




SANS Institute

http://www.sans.org/ http://isc.sans.org/diary.html?storyid=1615&rss

Windows hardening guidelines

http://www.first.org/resources/guides/#bp11 http://www.whitehatinc.com/services/security/hardening

US Security Awareness

http://www.ussecurityawareness.org/highres/infosecprogram.html http://www.usccu.us/documents/US-CCU%20CyberSecurity%20Check%20List%202007.pdf

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)



Security Patches

AASHTOWare contractors should assist in identifying and monitoring security patches for third-party components used in AASHTOWare products. In addition, contractors should notify the licensees of the location where the patches may be obtained and provide any specific instructions needed to incorporate the patches into AASHTOWare products within a Page 3


Security Standard


reasonable timeframe from when the manufacturer of the third-party component makes patches available.

6. Deliverable and Work Product Definitions 6.1

Security Requirements 6.1.1 Description The security requirements of the proposed application, system, database, or enhancement must be included in the System Requirements Specification (SRS). In addition, the security requirements must be included in the appropriate test procedures for alpha and best testing.

6.1.2 Content The SRS must include a section where all security requirements are documented. Other methods that allow all security requirements to be easily identified may be used in lieu of this method. The security requirements should define:


Privacy concerns associated with the application or data;

The types of users that have access to the applications, systems, databases, and data (see system roles below);

What each type of user has access to and the type of access allowed;

AASHTOWare and member organization technical and organizational security requirements and constraints; and

Security Requirements

System Roles 6.2.1 Description The SRS must define the roles of the various stakeholders that use and support the system.

6.2.2 Content The roles may be provided in any format that identifies the groups of users and stakeholders along with their roles and responsibilities regarding the proposed system. Example roles include users, managers, executives, system administrators, security administrators, database administrators, and application support personnel.

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PRODUCT GRAPHICAL INTERFACE STANDARD S&G Number: 3.030.03S Effective Date: July 1, 2009

Document History Version No. 01

Revision Date Oct. 2000


June 2001

This specification is a revision of the “Graphical Interface Guideline, No: 3.10.G10.01 and replaces “User Interface Standards”, No:

April 2002



Applied standard template and changed standard number from to 3.030.03S. Made minor changes and format modifications.

06/16/2009 Approved by T&AA

Revision Description Initial Version.

Approval Date Oct. 2000


AASHTOWare Product Graphical Interface


1. Scope or Area of Application This specification applies to all AASHTOWare software.

2. Description This specification describes requirements and recommendations for the graphical user interfaces of AASHTOWare products. Emphasis will be on MS Windows operating environments since most AASHTOWare development is for these platforms.

3. Compliance (Requirements & Recommendations Summary) ●

All AASHTOWare products shall provide a user interface which is consistent with the best practices of the Version/Release of the Operating/Windowing Environment for which the product is designed.

If the manufacturer of the Operating/Windowing Environment provides a style guide, it shall be used as a guideline for user interface design.

Development tools which limit useful functionality of the Operating/Windowing Environment shall be avoided.

Products with browser interfaces should support Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. The user interface shall conform to the capabilities of the Version/Release required by the product user community.

The user interface, where possible, should operate at the application specific minimum screen resolution without resorting to window or panel scrolling. For example, if the application design specifies 800x600 pixels as the minimum screen resolution, then all window/panel objects (i.e. buttons, tabs, menus) should be visible without scrolling when the window/panel is maximized on the screen.

Products shall conform to the initiation, termination, installation, and removal conventions of the Operating/Windowing Environment.

Products shall be designed to coexist with other concurrently running applications without modifying or interfering with their user interfaces. The minimizing, maximizing, window positioning, window sizing, and window activation functions appropriate to the Operating/Windowing Environment shall be enabled.

Products shall provide application help facilities which are consistent with those provided by the environment. The granularity of context sensitive help shall be at least to the window/frame level. Bubble help should also be employed where useful.

All AASHTOWare products shall display their registered name, AASHTO logo, AASHTOWare configuration name, and AASHTOWare copyright notice in a manner consistent with the environment.

4. Benefits or Advantages Observance of this specification will reduce the time required to learn how to use the product. It will also improve its marketability.

5. Costs or Disadvantages Additional development costs may be incurred. These should be offset by training and usability improvements. Page 1


AASHTOWare Product Graphical Interface


6. Implementation Method This specification should be observed for all AASHTOWare product releases that occur after its effective date.

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DATABASE SELECTION AND USE GUIDELINE S&G Number: 3.040.02G Effective Date: July 1, 2009

Document History Version No. 02

Revision Date 06/09/2009

Revision Description Replaces existing Database Selection Guideline (3.03.G50.01). Reviewed by T&AA. Reviewed by stakeholders and changes were made.

Approval Date 06/16/2009 Approved by T&AA


Database Selection and Use Guideline


Table of Contents 1.

Purpose ............................................................................................................... 1


Task Force/Contractor Responsibilities........................................................... 1


Recommended Deliverables and Work Products ............................................ 1


Procedures.......................................................................................................... 1 4.1 4.2 4.3

New Database Notification ................................................................................1 Discontinued Database Planning......................................................................2 Database Selection ............................................................................................2 4.3.1 4.3.2



Update Public Web Site and/or Product Catalog .............................................3

Technical Recommendations ............................................................................ 3 5.1 5.2


Database Selection Criteria ................................................................................. 2 Additional Considerations .................................................................................... 3

Enterprise (Multi-User) User Databases ...........................................................3 Standalone (Single User) Databases ................................................................3

Deliverable and Work Product Definitions ....................................................... 4 6.1

Published List of Database Platforms and Versions .......................................4 6.1.1 6.1.2

Description ........................................................................................................... 4 Content................................................................................................................. 4

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Database Selection and Use Guideline


1. Purpose Relational databases are the preferred method of data storage for application programs. This is especially true for multi-user applications, where data update coordination between many users is essential. Databases provide built-in functions that lend themselves to performance, security, and multi-user access. It is the intent of this guideline to apply industry standards in the use of databases in AASHTOWare product development. In addition, the guideline provides information and recommendations which promote the preservation, sharing, and exchange of data supported by AASHTOWare products. This guideline is applicable and should be considered for new product databases; database support of existing products; development efforts that include the establishment/replacement of an application data storage repository; and efforts that include major enhancements to the data storage repository.

2. Task Force/Contractor Responsibilities The project/product task force and contractor responsibilities regarding this guideline are summarized below: ●

Routinely survey the current and potential user base to determine what databases are supported, planned, being eliminated, and regarded as the preferred databases.

Recommend new database platforms to be supported in specific products.

Notify the T&AA Task Force when new database platforms are planned.

Participate in research and testing associated with evaluating and accepting new database platforms.

Maintain a list of supported database platforms and versions on a public web site and/or in the product catalog.

Develop a product migration plan before or shortly thereafter the date that the database version will no longer be supported.

Ensure compliance with all license requirements and report potential issues to AASHTO.

3. Recommended Deliverables and Work Products The following summarizes the recommended deliverables and work products for this guideline. Refer to the “Deliverable and Work Product Definitions” section below for additional information. ●

Published list of supported database platforms and versions.

4. Procedures 4.1

New Database Notification

When a project/product task force is making plans to add support for a new database platform, the task force chair person should advise the T&AA liaison or T&AA task force chair person. This is strictly a courtesy notification and may be communicated verbally, by phone, or email. This will allow T&AA to communicate any concerns to the project/product task force and contractor early in the product development life cycle.

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Database Selection and Use Guideline



Discontinued Database Planning

When a vendor announces the discontinuation of support for a specific version of a database product, a plan should be developed to migrate the product away from that version. An action should be included in the next product tactical work plan to address the discontinuation of AASHTOWare support for that database version.


Database Selection

Database software is selected for use in AASHTOWare products by using the selection criteria and additional consideration described below.

4.3.1 Database Selection Criteria The following selection criteria are used as a basis for evaluation of database products and for their recommended use in the development of AASHTOWare products. Standards Conformance The products recommended are chosen on the basis of their conformance with industry standards such as SQL and connectivity. Platform Support The products recommended are chosen because of their support of a broad range of development and operational platforms (operating software/hardware). Special attention is given to those platforms which are currently employed by AASHTOWare products. Consideration is also given to those products which are current industry leaders. Scalability The products recommended are highly scalable within their product family. Security The product recommended should have adequate security features for database administration. Development Tools The products recommended are accessible and usable by a broad range of development tools which are suitable for the development of AASHTOWare products. Middleware and Gateway The recommended database product families provide middleware and gateways which permit access to and from other manufacturers’ database products over a variety of networking types (differing network protocols). Replication The products chosen support replicating data across a network and to different server environments. Product Viability All products recommended are well established in the market place and/or the user community.

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Database Selection and Use Guideline


4.3.2 Additional Considerations New AASHTOWare product development should also consider the items listed below when determining which database(s) to support. It is also suggested that existing products utilize the items to determine if the list of currently supported databases can be reduced. Use of the Latest ODBC and JDBC Client Drivers Software database drivers are available for most database platforms so that application software can use a common Application Programming Interface (API) to retrieve the information stored in a database. AASHTOWare product development should ensure that the latest stable ODBC and JDBC client drivers are used when developing and maintaining AASHTOWare products. Surveying User base In order to stay abreast of database platforms being used in the current and potential user base, AASHTOWare management should routinely survey the member departments to determine what databases are: preferred, currently supported, not used, planned for future use, and planned for retirement. □

The project/product task force should routinely solicit this information when surveying the current organizations licensing their products, as well as potential new users.

The SCOJD and the T&AA Task Force should routinely include questions regarding database platforms in the AASHTO Annual IT survey, which is sent to the Chief Information Officer in each of the AASHTO member departments. Maintain the Minimum Number of Databases AASHTOWare should select and maintain support for the minimum number of database platforms required to meet the user and organizational requirements for new and existing product development.


Update Public Web Site and/or Product Catalog

When support for a new database platform or new version of an existing platform has been added to an AASHTOWare product, the web site that is used to provide information to the public should be updated to show the new platform and/or version number. This information should also be updated when support for a platform or version is eliminated. If this information is not maintained on a web site, this information should be updated in the next release of the product catalog.

5. Technical Recommendations 5.1

Enterprise (Multi-User) User Databases

The following enterprise databases are recommended for new and existing AASHTOWare product development. ■


Microsoft SQL Server


Standalone (Single User) Databases

When using standalone databases the following recommendations should be considered:

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Database Selection and Use Guideline


Use a single standalone database engine within the application.

Licenses should be included and distributed with the AASHTOWare product.

Functionality to transfer of data to and from the enterprise database should be included in the application.

6. Deliverable and Work Product Definitions 6.1

Published List of Database Platforms and Versions 6.1.1 Description A list of supported database platforms and versions for each AASHTOWare product should be published for public access on a web site and/or in the product catalog.

6.1.2 Content The content should include the product, product version, database platforms, and database versions.

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PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION STANDARD S&G Number: 3.050.04S Effective Date: July 1, 2009 Document History Version No. 01

Revision Date Nov. 1993


April 1997

Update to permit distribution of machine readable documentation.

June 1997


Dec. 2005

Remove all definitions relating to requirements to prepare for Requirements Management implementation. Remove Appendix B which duplicates information in the AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF). Simplify information defining page numbering.

Jun 2006



Changed standard number from to 3.050.04S; and applied standard template. Made minor changes and format modifications.

Revision Description Initial version of the specification

Approval Date Jan. 1994

06/16/2009 Approved by T&AA


Product Documentation Standard


Table of Contents 1.

Documentation Types ........................................................................................ 1 1.1

Requirements Documentation - User and System Requirements .................1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3

Purpose:............................................................................................................... 1 Audience: ............................................................................................................. 2 Distribution: .......................................................................................................... 2

1.2 Internal Documentation - Product Development / Modification, and Maintenance ..................................................................................................................2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3


User Documentation - Product Use ..................................................................3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3



Requirements: ....................................................................................................4 Medium ...............................................................................................................4 Organization Components.................................................................................4 Numbering Requirements..................................................................................6 Revision Recommendations .............................................................................6

Requirements Documentation........................................................................... 6 3.1 3.2


User Requirements Specification .....................................................................6 System Requirement Specification...................................................................6

Internal Documentation ..................................................................................... 6 4.1

Physical Data Design or Model .........................................................................6 4.1.1 4.1.2


Physical Process Design ..................................................................................... 7 Processing Model/Module Mapping..................................................................... 7 Module Relationship Mapping.............................................................................. 7 Environment Specifications.................................................................................. 7

User Documentation .......................................................................................... 7 5.1

Reference............................................................................................................7 5.1.1 5.1.2



Physical Database Design ................................................................................... 6 Data Model/Physical Data Mapping..................................................................... 6

Physical Process Design or Model ...................................................................7 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4


Purpose:............................................................................................................... 3 Audience: ............................................................................................................. 3 Distribution: .......................................................................................................... 4

Document Format and Organization................................................................. 4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4


Purpose:............................................................................................................... 3 Audience: ............................................................................................................. 3 Distribution: .......................................................................................................... 3

Promotional Documentation..............................................................................3 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3


Purpose:............................................................................................................... 3 Audience: ............................................................................................................. 3 Distribution: .......................................................................................................... 3

System Documentation - Product Implementation and Administration.........3 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3


Purpose:............................................................................................................... 2 Audience: ............................................................................................................. 2 Distribution: .......................................................................................................... 2

Quick Reference .................................................................................................. 7 Expanded Reference ........................................................................................... 7

Learning Guide...................................................................................................8

Systems Documentation.................................................................................... 8 Page i


Product Documentation Standard


Implementation Documentation ........................................................................8 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 6.1.8 6.1.9

6.2 6.3

Differences ........................................................................................................... 8 Environment ......................................................................................................... 8 Warnings .............................................................................................................. 8 Recovery and De-installation ............................................................................... 9 Installation ............................................................................................................ 9 Problem Resolution.............................................................................................. 9 Interfaces to Systems and Other Applications Software...................................... 9 Required Maintenance (system care and feeding, not changes) ........................ 9 Customization Features ....................................................................................... 9

Security Management ........................................................................................9 Administration Documentation .........................................................................9 6.3.1



Operator Documentation...................................................................................... 9

Appendices ....................................................................................................... 10 7.1

Appendix A: Document Requirements Table .................................................10 7.1.1 7.1.2

Keys: .................................................................................................................. 10 Notes: ................................................................................................................. 10

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Product Documentation Standard


1. Documentation Types Development of effective documentation depends upon an understanding of the documents purpose and an appreciation of the intended audience. The following sections define and distinguish, on the basis of purpose and audience, the five types of documentation which apply to AASHTOWare applications.


Requirements Documentation - User and System Requirements

Refer to the “30100101 AASHTOWare Requirements Management Standard” to find definitions of user and system requirements. The following definitions are provided merely to maintain the completeness of this document.

1.1.1 Purpose: The purpose of requirements documentation is to insure efficient and correct execution of product requirements and to define for the professional what the product is supposed to do. This documentation may be divided into the two following categories: ○

The User Requirements Specification (URS) should describe all aspects of required product functionality and performance. This documentation is the responsibility of the Project or Product Task Force though it may derive from submissions by User Groups or product sponsors. This documentation should be designed to fulfill the following needs. □

Provide sufficient information to user groups and sponsors to permit prioritization and approval of user or sponsor requirements for enhancement of existing products.

Provide sufficient information for communicating scope and deliverables of new development projects.

Provide information suitable for inclusion in the Project or Product work plan. Costs, times of completion, and priorities are examples of items which should be included.

The System Requirements Specification (SRS) - sometimes referred to as Functional or Logical Design Documentation - is a refined statement of what the existing or proposed system does or will do. This documentation serves as a bridge between the user requirements specifications and the internal documentation described below. The SRS should provide the following elements: □

Organizational Architecture defining the roles and skills needed for use and support of the system. Requirements that identify the system actors and define their roles (Examples of some of these actor roles are: roles of usage - users, managers, and executives; roles of administration - application; security; and data; and roles of technical support - installation and performance monitoring).

Business Rules defining the non-functional requirements that describe how the various entities concerned with the system conduct business.

System Behavior definitions that describe the results of all the actions of the system actors (the roles of the system actors are defined in the Organizational Architecture area above). These system behaviors shall be described with Use Case models that are linked to the business rules (defined above in the Business Rule area), which are applicable.

Data Models defining all data to be stored or exchanged with other systems.

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Product Documentation Standard


Interface Description Models defining the interrelation of processing and data for all interfaces with other systems.

Other Analysis Models: optional area containing all other analysis models that the Task Force and contractor deem necessary or useful for defining the system.

User Interface Prototype: optional area containing information on prototypes developed to confirm interface requirements.

1.1.2 Audience: The user requirements specification should be expressed in terms suitable for submission to users, sponsors, and non- information processing professionals. The system requirements specification should be addressed to both the non-professional and professional, so that it may serve as a bridge between the user’s and the developer’s idea as to what the system should do.

1.1.3 Distribution: External documentation should be supplied upon request by AASHTO Administration.


Internal Documentation - Product Development / Modification, and Maintenance 1.2.1 Purpose: The purpose of internal documentation is to reduce the cost of and provide portability for product development, modification, and maintenance. It also insures that the resulting product is faithful to the user and system requirements specifications described above. Internal documentation - sometimes referred to as Development or Physical Design Documentation - should include such elements as physical database design, data model/physical database entity mapping, physical data structure mapping, processing model/module mapping, module specifications, module relationship mapping, environment specifications, and source code.

1.2.2 Audience: All internal documentation should be written to satisfy the needs of data processing professionals, specifically those needing to develop, modify, and maintain the product.

1.2.3 Distribution: Internal documentation should not normally be needed by users of the product. The most common reasons cited for needing source code and internal documentation are that the product requires modification to conform to the users needs and that the software has serious problems which are not solved in a timely fashion. The first of these reasons can be addressed by providing and documenting mechanisms for product alteration, such as exits or replaceable modules, which permit customization without requiring source code modification. The second problem can be resolved by improving the quality of new releases (fewer and less severe software errors) and in providing error analysis and resolution services which inspire the customer's confidence. Internal documentation should be distributed by AASHTO staff upon request and as the current policy concerning the right to source code and the subject documentation dictates.

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User Documentation - Product Use 1.3.1 Purpose: The purpose of user documentation is to provide sufficient information to make easy the unassisted and correct use of the software product. The two major categories of user documentation are Learning Guides and Reference Manuals. The purpose of the first is to train personnel who are unfamiliar with the application and its functionality. The purpose of the second is to provide easy access to detailed information about the product that cannot be or is not committed to memory.

1.3.2 Audience: These documents should be written in terms which are understandable by the users (not installers, administrators, or programmers, unless of course they are also the only users) of the software application.

1.3.3 Distribution: This documentation should be distributed to all licensees and should be written to address the needs of the users of the product. Both learning and reference material may be incorporated in the software product itself. To the degree that this is successfully achieved, reliance on education and manuals can be reduced.


System Documentation - Product Implementation and Administration 1.4.1 Purpose: The purpose of system documentation is to provide installers and product managers with sufficient information to safely integrate the software product into their computing environment and to understand the consequences of such integration.

1.4.2 Audience: This documentation should be written to satisfy the needs of product installers, managers, and administrators.

1.4.3 Distribution: This documentation should be distributed to all licensees. Because the System Documentation may contain sensitive information such as security administration it should be structured so that the sensitive material can be distributed only to those persons authorized to use it.


Promotional Documentation 1.5.1 Purpose: The purpose of promotional documentation is to acquire new customers and to keep existing ones.

1.5.2 Audience: This documentation, which is the responsibility of the Project or Product Task Force, should be governed by the following principles. ○

It should show potential and current customers the benefits of using the product. (Both costs and intangibles).

It should promote confidence in the product, where warranted, by describing such things as a proven track record (history), favorable customer experiences, ease of implementation, quality of service, and plans for future enhancements.

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It should describe what the product does in terms the manager, administrator, executive, and procurement agent can understand.

It should provide means for acquiring additional information or for ordering the product either for demonstration or permanent use.

Information should be provided on future events such as new releases, new features, and user group conferences.

1.5.3 Distribution: Production and distribution of this material are the responsibilities of the Project or Product Task Forces.


Requirements: Of the above document types, only Promotional Documentation is optional at the discretion of the project or product task force; the rest are required as defined. The above document types and the information they contain must remain distinct even when they are combined in a single volume. In other words, information appropriate to the different document types should not be intermixed. Information which is of a sensitive nature should be segregated in such a fashion as to be separated easily. Finally, information which has different audiences should be segregated into separate volumes.

2. Document Format and Organization 2.1


Appendix A defines all of the required and permissible mediums for distribution and use of documentation. Paper, Magnetic Tape, Optical Disk, and Floppy Disk are examples of mediums which could be used.


Organization Components

The following items describe organizational components which may be present in documentations. For descriptions of the information which will vary depending on the type of document, see the specifications dealing specifically with each document type. ■

The cover and/or title page (should include the following information: AASHTO logo, document name, application name, version, platform, revision level, release number, preparer information, telephone numbers, and addresses). This component is required for all AASHTOWare application documents.

The notices component should contain AASHTOWare required information (logo, copyrights, disclaimers, and rights of use, copying & quotation). The standard required AASHTO copyright notice is as follows:  Copyright 200X by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Inc. 444 North Capitol Street, N. W., Suite 249 Washington, D.C. 20001 U.S.A. (202) 624-5800 All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of the publishers.

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Credits for all trademarks used in the document should also appear in this component. This component is required for all AASHTOWare application documents. ■

The table of contents entries should contain the title of the information referenced and its page number. If the page number and the title are widely separated, lines, periods or some other character should be used to lead the eye across the intervening space. Table of contents entries should be arranged in the same order as the topics referenced. Table of contents entries should distinguish between major topics and subordinate topics by bolding or indentation. The structure of the document should be evident in the structure of the table of contents. This component is optional only for very small documents, promotional documents, and internal documentation.

The table of figures or illustrations should provide a list of the titled graphics contained in the document. This component is optional.

The preface or summary component should define the purpose of the document, summarize its contents, and describe the audience for whom it is intended. The requirements for this component are the same as those for the table of contents.

Document text varies according to the type of document (see the following sections for the specific requirements relating to each specific document type). This component is required for all AASHTOWare application documents.

A glossary should serve as a dictionary for terminology, used in the document, which the reader might not understand or that requires precise or special definition. The expansion and definition of acronyms which appear in the text should be included. The entries in the glossary should be sequenced alphabetically. This component is optional but strongly recommended.

The appendices should contain information which is occasionally needed and would not be appropriate in the text portion. Examples of information which might go into an appendix are error codes with explanations of corrective actions, Useful examples of product usage, command summary, keyboard and mouse assignments, and specifications on limits and capacities of the product. This component is optional.

A list of references supporting all citations occurring in the document should be provided. This component should employ standard bibliography formats.

The index should enable the user to locate key information in the document. Index entries should be arranged alphabetically and include the location in the manual where the term or keyword is used. The index should not reference text where terms are merely used and no substantive information explaining them is provided. This component is optional for all types of documents except User and Systems.

The order notice, when present, should include information for acquiring additional copies of the document or for requesting permission to copy.

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This component is recommended but optional. ■

The reader response notice, when present, should include information on how the user of the document may make suggestions for its improvement. This component may be combined with the previous component when both are present. This component is recommended but optional.


Numbering Requirements

Page numbering is required. Page numbers on title pages may be omitted. Page numbers may apply to the chapters of the document or may be continuous for the whole document. Where they apply to the chapters of a document, the chapter name should appear in the footer along with the page number.


Revision Recommendations

Documents may be revised in the following manners: ■

Total replacement - usually applicable when a large percentage of the material in the document has been revised.

Replacement and insertion of pages in the document - usually reserved for making minor changes to a document.

Revision marks in the margins to indicate material which has changed may be useful but are not required. An example of a revision mark is a vertical bar in the right hand margin which extends to all of the lines changed. Revision marks should not be used to mark insignificant changes, cosmetic changes for instance, which are of no interest to the reader.

3. Requirements Documentation 3.1

User Requirements Specification

Refer to the “30100101 AASHTOWare Requirements Management Standard” to find definitions of user and system requirements.


System Requirement Specification

Refer to the “30100101 AASHTOWare Requirements Management Standard” to find definitions of user and system requirements.

4. Internal Documentation The Internal Documentation (Physical Database and Process Design) includes all elements necessary to develop, implement, and maintain a working system on all the platforms supported.


Physical Data Design or Model

The following components of the physical data design will be produced.

4.1.1 Physical Database Design Include all procedures, control statements, and definitions (Structured Query Language (SQL), XML Schema, and Data Definition Language (DDL) for example) necessary to actually create the physical database in the target environment.

4.1.2 Data Model/Physical Data Mapping Provide a map which relates the physical data entity, structure, and element definitions (e.g. database tables, screens, inter-process communications areas, temporary storage queues, and external (flat) files) with those of the logical data model as defined in the Page 6


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System Requirements Specification (see the “30100101 AASHTOWare Requirements Management Standard”). This is a quality control check point which assures that the physical data design meets all the requirements of the logical data design.


Physical Process Design or Model 4.2.1 Physical Process Design Provide all source code, compile, link, make, and build procedures, and all case tool inputs necessary to build the physical software in the target environment.

4.2.2 Processing Model/Module Mapping Provide a map which relates the physical modules provided in "1" above with the definitions of the logical functions defined in the function inventory of the SRS (see section "III.B.3.a").

4.2.3 Module Relationship Mapping Provide graphic and/or tabular representation of the relationships (e.g. Include, Call, Transfer of Control) between modules. All symbology used should be defined.

4.2.4 Environment Specifications All interactions and requirements of the target environment should be documented. Any required library, communications, or systems software definition requirements must be documented. Any case tools used to produce the system or its documentation must also be specified. The following must be supplied for each tool used. ○

Name of tool

Supplier and manufacturer

Commercial availability and cost (indicate if not commercially available)

Description of what the tool does with regard to the AASHTOWare application.

The input and output formats that the tool is capable of using and producing.

The input and output formats used to produce AASHTOWare applications

5. User Documentation 5.1

Reference 5.1.1 Quick Reference This optional document usually includes frequently used commands and procedures taken from the expanded reference and presented in schematic form. It is useful to users who are familiar with the operation of the application and as a consequence do not need explanation of the commands or procedures in question. Quick references should be produced if it saves the time and effort of experienced users. This form of documentation can often be incorporated in the software application itself (on-line command references and context specific help are examples of this) and in that case is not needed as a separate hard copy document.

5.1.2 Expanded Reference ○

The expanded reference should express briefly and simply all information needed to use (not learn to use) the product. Every functional capability, all inputs, and all

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outputs must be described. In short, the reference manual should be a complete description, with respect to use, of what the application can do and how to cause it to do it. ○


The following organizational components are recommended: □

An introduction to the application should provide an overview of the system - its work flows and its functionality.

Discussion of all operational aspects of the system which should include such topics as screen navigation, management of storage media, data entry, initiation of procedures, production of output, and backup of data.

Process, procedure, and command documentation providing generalized command or procedure formats and specific examples of their use to perform relevant work.

Examples of product usage should be provided and graphics or illustrations should be included where useful, especially for description of data input, data presentation or output, and data flow between components of the system.

The format of the text should follow the logical structure of the application when possible, grouping together commands and procedures which are related and used together. The index should contain all commands and thereby satisfy the need for an alphabetic reference.

The document should contain an appendix describing methods for the diagnosis of problems. Lists of error and warning messages should also be provided. These messages should be arranged by number or alphabetically and should be followed by corrective actions to be taken.

Learning Guide No standards have been established in this area at this time.

6. Systems Documentation Systems documentation should normally be divided by function. The following sections describe these functions.


Implementation Documentation 6.1.1 Differences Provide brief descriptions of the differences (deltas) between this and the previous version. Release level, maintenance level, fixes applied, and testing level information should also be supplied in this section.

6.1.2 Environment Provide description of environment and resource requirements. These descriptions should include documentation of interactions with systems & communications software, dependencies on or interfaces with other products, resource requirements, hardware feature or device requirements, and performance characteristics.

6.1.3 Warnings Provide warning messages with clear descriptions of any potential for destroying of corrupting data as well as any irreversible actions.

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6.1.4 Recovery and De-installation Provide instructions for removing the product either because of a failed installation or to return to a previous version.

6.1.5 Installation Provide instructions for installation of the whole product, maintenance, and fixes. Also provide instructions for running test scripts to verify correct installation and operation.

6.1.6 Problem Resolution Describe the methods and procedures that should be employed for isolating, identifying, documenting, and reporting errors.

6.1.7 Interfaces to Systems and Other Applications Software Describe data formats and method of interaction.

6.1.8 Required Maintenance (system care and feeding, not changes) 6.1.9 Customization Features


Describe customization features such as generation or installation parameters. Explain implications of choosing different options.

User maintainable system parameters such as initialization files, account profiles, performance parameters, or configuration definitions should be documented.

User exits, hooks, and replaceable modules should be documented along with the processes and procedures necessary to activate them.

A data dictionary defining the data elements required for the implementation of the exits, hooks, and replaceable modules described above should be provided. This dictionary should also define those data elements input from and output to external files which the user is permitted to access.

Security Management

Contains information appropriate for distribution to installation security managers. This component should be separately packaged when it is likely that security administration will be performed by personnel other than the installers.


Administration Documentation

Where it is likely that the product will require management or administration by personnel separate from installers or maintenance personnel this, section may be separately packaged. Some examples of such management are data file maintenance, performance monitoring, problem resolution, resource allocation, account management, database maintenance, work scheduling, and report distribution.

6.3.1 Operator Documentation Operator documentation, where separate from user documentation as in the case of shared use systems (mainframes, servers), should be separately packaged. This documentation should contain all operator messages. These messages should be segregated by severity and by whether or not they require responses.

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7. Appendices 7.1

Appendix A: Document Requirements Table Document Type

Document Required? (1)

Document Medium Requirements (2)

Development Tools Source (3)

Internal Documentation Physical Data


S or MRD


Physical Process


S, NSM, or MRD


Quick Reference


S, NSP, or MRD


Expanded Reference


S, NSP, or MRD


Learning Guide


S, NSP, or MRD




S or MRD


Customizable Features


S or MRD


Security Management


S or MRD


Manager or Admin.


S or MRD




S or MRD


User Documentation

System Documentation

Requirements Documentation User Requirements

(See the 30100101 Standard for specification of this document)

System Requirements

(See the 30100101 Standard for specification of this document)

7.1.1 Keys: R = Required O = Optional (at the discretion of the Project or Product Task Force) S = Standard Paper Size of 8.5" X 11" (consistent with method of update) NSM = Non Standard Size Machine Listings NSP = Non Standard Size Printed Text MRD = Machine Readable Documentation residing on tape, diskette or CD ROM for example (If a required document is supplied in machine readable format only, then the software and instructions for printing the document must also be supplied.) MRS = Machine Readable Development Tool Data such as Analysis, Design, and Construction Models or Source Code

7.1.2 Notes: (1) This column indicates whether a document is required or optional. (2) This column indicates medium types which are permissible for the given document. (3) This column indicates requirements for machine readable development tool input and output. All non-proprietary machine readable material necessary to maintain or modify the product must be provided to AASHTO staff with the distribution of each new release. This should include such items as source code, frameworks, load modules, data dictionaries, and model or component libraries.

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GLOSSARY OF PRODUCT TERMINOLOGY STANDARD S&G Number: 3.060.03S Effective Date: July 1, 2009

Document History Version No. 01

Revision Date April 1995


March 2000



Revision Description Initial Version This standard was updated to current AASHTOWare and industry practices. Software systems have become increasing complex, requiring more advanced product versioning control and documentation. That same information must now be reflected through standard GUI interfaces to provide the developer, implementer and end-user fast, reliable and accurate information about the software application and related components. Applied standard template and changed new standard number from to 3.060.03S. Made minor changes and format modifications.

Approval Date April 1995 March 2000

06/16/2009 Approved by T&AA


Glossary of Product Terminology Standard


Table of Contents 1.

Introduction......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2


AASHTO..............................................................................................................1 AASHTOWare .....................................................................................................1

AASHTOWare Product Nomenclature .............................................................. 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5

Owner Name .......................................................................................................1 Family Name .......................................................................................................1 Product Name.....................................................................................................1 Module Name......................................................................................................1 Version Name .....................................................................................................2 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.5.4


Platform Name....................................................................................................2 2.6.1 2.6.2


Syntax .................................................................................................................. 3 Examples ............................................................................................................. 3 Functional Name .................................................................................................. 3 Syntax .................................................................................................................. 3 Examples ............................................................................................................. 3

Trade Name.........................................................................................................3 2.8.1 2.8.2


Syntax .................................................................................................................. 2 Examples ............................................................................................................. 2

Edition Name ......................................................................................................3 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3 2.7.4 2.7.5


Major Version Number ......................................................................................... 2 Minor Version Number ......................................................................................... 2 Maintenance Version Number ............................................................................. 2 Build Version Number .......................................................................................... 2

Syntax .................................................................................................................. 3 Examples ............................................................................................................. 3

AASHTOWare Product Identification................................................................ 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

AASHTO Logo ....................................................................................................4 AASHTOWare Logo............................................................................................4 AASHTOWare Family Logo ...............................................................................4 AASHTOWare Product Logo .............................................................................4 AASHTOWare Product Icon...............................................................................5 AASHTOWare Product Splash Screen..............................................................5 AASHTOWare Product About Dialog Box ........................................................5

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Glossary of Product Terminology Standard


1. Introduction AASHTO has established the AASHTOWare Product Terminology standard to assist AASHTOWare contractors and users in proper use of the AASHTOWare terminology for product nomenclature and identification. AASHTO reserves the right to change this standard at any time at its discretion. The AASHTOWare contractors must comply with this standard as amended from time to time. The AASHTOWare Product Terminology standard provides a source for consistent and correct usage for terms and graphics that are specific to the AASHTOWare products. This standard is applicable to all AASHTOWare documentation and packaging describing the AASHTOWare products and services. To comply with the AASHTOWare Product Terminology standard it is important to understand and differentiate the usage of the term AASHTO and AASHTOWare.



The term AASHTO is the acronym for American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials and is a registered trademark of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Inc.



The term AASHTOWare is a registered trademark and service mark of AASHTO. It collectively represents all intellectual property including computer software products resulting from the AASHTO Cooperative Software Development Program.

2. AASHTOWare Product Nomenclature The AASHTOWare product nomenclature provides definitions of terms specific to the AASHTOWare environment for uniform naming of the AASHTOWare products. AASHTOWare product names based on this nomenclature are generally submitted to the United States Patent and Trademark Office to obtain official trademark registration.


Owner Name

This term represents the name of the legal owner of the AASHTOWare products. An AASHTOWare product may include intellectual property or components legally licensed by AASHTO for distribution. AASHTO is the designated Owner Name for all AASHTOWare products.


Family Name

This term designates a group of AASHTOWare products designed for a specific transportation-engineering domain. The use of Family Name for AASHTOWare product naming is optional. Trns•port and BRIDGEWare are examples of the existing AASHTOWare Family Names.


Product Name

This term designates an AASHTOWare product that provides information and functionality for an identifiable or definable segment within a transportation-engineering domain. DARWin, SDMS, and SiteManager are examples of some of the existing AASHTOWare Product Names


Module Name

The term Module Name designates a portion of an AASHTOWare product that can operate independently but is usually data compatible with the other portions or modules of the product. The use of Module Name for AASHTOWare product naming is optional. AASHTO SDMS Collector and Processor are example of two modules of an AASHTOWare product. Page 1


Glossary of Product Terminology Standard



Version Name

The Version Name represents a specific designation for each compiled component of an AASHTOWare Product. The Version Name is composed of four distinct numerical terms separated by decimal points specifying the chronological order of the software productions. The AASHTOWare contractor should maintain a written record of Version Name with description of software changes associated with each version. A complete Version Name must appear on the AASHTOWare product About Dialog Box for product identification. The Version Name can be truncated to the first two terms for display in the AASHTOWare product Splash Screen and other documentation.

2.5.1 Major Version Number The first term designates the major revisions to the AASHTOWare product, which usually include major functional additions and enhancements. AASHTOWare Task Force approval is required to update this term.

2.5.2 Minor Version Number The second term designates minor changes to the AASHTOWare product such as minor functional additions, improved performance, and improved user interface. AASHTOWare Task Force approval is required to update this term.

2.5.3 Maintenance Version Number The third term designates maintenance updates to the AASHTOWare product resulting form software malfunction correction. The AASHTOWare contractor can update this term with every software maintenance release.

2.5.4 Build Version Number The forth term designates incremental software build indicator. The AASHTOWare contractor should update this term with every build of the AASHTOWare product.


Platform Name

The term Platform Name designates the operating platform for the AASHTOWare product. The operating platform includes the operating system and any other operating environment software necessary for designed functional use of the AASHTOWare product. The AASHTOWare product naming convention requires the use of the word "for" before the Platform Name. The syntax and examples of AASHTOWare product naming convention using Owner Name, Family Name, Product Name, Module Name, Version Name and Platform Name terms is presented below (optional terms are shown in parentheses):

2.6.1 Syntax Owner Name [Family Name] Product Name [Module Name] Version Name for Platform Name

2.6.2 Examples AASHTO Trns•port SiteManager 2.0 for Microsoft Windows AASHTO Trns•port BAMS/DSS 6.1 for Microsoft Windows AASHTO DARWin 3.1 for Microsoft Windows AASHTO BRIDGEWare Opis 3.0 for Microsoft Windows AASHTO SDMS Collector 3.4 for DOS AASHTO SDMS Processor 1.0 for Microsoft Windows AASHTO IGrds 9.0 for Sun Unix and Bentley MicroStation AASHTO IGrds 9.0 for Microsoft Windows and Bentley MicroStation Page 2


Glossary of Product Terminology Standard



Edition Name

The term Edition Name designates the AASHTOWare product implementation alternatives. An AASHTOWare product may offer a number of implementation alternatives depending upon user computing infrastructure, export restrictions, and commercial use restrictions. The use of Edition Name for AASHTOWare product naming is optional. The AASHTOWare product naming convention requires the use of the word "Edition" after the Edition Name. The syntax and examples of AASHTOWare product naming convention using Edition Name term is presented below:

2.7.1 Syntax [Edition Name] Edition

2.7.2 Examples Client/Server Edition Developer Edition Evaluation Edition Educational Edition International Edition

2.7.3 Functional Name The term Functional Name designates a descriptive name of the AASHTOWare product corresponding to the functionality of the product. The syntax and examples of AASHTOWare product naming convention using Functional Name term is presented below:

2.7.4 Syntax Functional Name

2.7.5 Examples Pavement Analysis and Design System Bridge Management System Cost Estimation System Interactive Graphics Roadway Design System


Trade Name The term Trade Name designates an abbreviated marketing name for the AASHTOWare product. The Trade Name is generally adopted to distinguish a specific release of the AASHTOWare product with the standard annual release of the product. The use of Trade Name for AASHTOWare product naming is optional. The syntax and examples of AASHTOWare product naming convention using Trade Name term is presented below.

2.8.1 Syntax [Trade Name]

2.8.2 Examples Pontis 2000 IGrds 2000 Superpave LE

3. AASHTOWare Product Identification AASHTOWare product identification through the use of appropriate graphic elements is recommended to enhance the outlook of the AASHTOWare products. This section provides Page 3


Glossary of Product Terminology Standard


information of different types of graphic elements recognized by AASHTO for the AASHTOWare product identification. AASHTOWare Task Force approval is required for incorporating graphic element into AASHTOWare products for identifications. Alteration of color and aspect ratio is not allowed.



The AASHTO logo is a registered trademark of AASHTO.

Figure 1. Sample AASHTO Logo.



The AASHTOWare logo is a trademark and service mark of AASHTO. This logo should be used to identify a product as an AASHTOWare product.

Figure 2. Sample AASHTOWare Logo


AASHTOWare Family Logo

The AASHTOWare family logos should be used to identify a product as a member of an AASHTOWare family of products.

Figure 3. Sample AASHTOWare Family Logos.


AASHTOWare Product Logo

AASHTOWare product logos are the most visible form of product identification elements. It is recommended that product logos within an AASHTOWare product family should have common graphical elements to allow visual association of individual products within a product family.

Figure 4. Sample AASHTOWare Product Logos.

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AASHTOWare Product Icon

AASHTOWare product icons are the most recognizable graphical element for the product user. Consistency should be maintained in updating product icons between major releases of the AASHTOWare products.

Figure 5. Sample AASHTOWare Product Icons.


AASHTOWare Product Splash Screen

The AASHTOWare product splash screen should be used to illustrate product quality and consistency. Splash screen can serve as a strong identification mark for a family of AASHTOWare products. The splash screen should contain complete product nomenclature and product logo or other graphics representing the product.

Figure 6. Sample AASHTOWare Product Splash Screen.


AASHTOWare Product About Dialog Box

The AASHTOWare product About Dialog Box is the most significant product identification component. The About Dialog Box must contain complete product nomenclature, copyright notices, product icon, and information for product registration and support.

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Figure 7. Sample AASHTOWare Product About Dialog Box.

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TESTING STANDARD S&G Number: 3.080.02S Effective Date: July 1, 2009

Document History Version No. 01

Revision Date Sep. 2006



Revision Description Initial version of the specification Changed standard number from to 3.080.02S, and applied standard template. Made minor changes and format modifications.

Approval Date Oct. 2006 06/16/2009 Approved by T&AA


Testing Standard


Table of Contents 1.

Introduction......................................................................................................... 6 1.1 1.2 1.3


Purpose of Testing.............................................................................................6 Definitions ..........................................................................................................7 Deliverables ........................................................................................................8

Procedure Definitions ........................................................................................ 9 2.1

Test 1: Test Planning .........................................................................................9 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3


Test 2: Preparation of Test Instance .................................................................9 2.2.1 2.2.2


Description ......................................................................................................... 16 Participation in Testing Process Flow ................................................................ 16 Task Force Activities .......................................................................................... 16

Test 11: Beta Testing Acceptance ..................................................................17 2.11.1 2.11.2 2.11.3


Description ......................................................................................................... 16 Participation in Testing Process Flow ................................................................ 16

Test 10: Alpha Testing Acceptance ................................................................16 2.10.1 2.10.2 2.10.3


Description ......................................................................................................... 13 Participation in Testing Process Flow ................................................................ 14 Task Force Activities .......................................................................................... 14 Tester Activities.................................................................................................. 15

Test 9: Peer Review and Exception Correction..............................................16 2.9.1 2.9.2


Description ......................................................................................................... 12 Participation in Testing Process Flow ................................................................ 13 Task Force Activities .......................................................................................... 13

Test 8: Beta Testing .........................................................................................13 2.8.1 2.8.2 2.8.3 2.8.4


Description ......................................................................................................... 12 Participation in Testing Process Flow ................................................................ 12

Test 7: Alpha Testing .......................................................................................12 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3


Description ......................................................................................................... 11 Participation in Testing Process Flow ................................................................ 12

Test 6: System Testing ....................................................................................12 2.6.1 2.6.2


Description ......................................................................................................... 11 Participation in Testing Process Flow ................................................................ 11

Test 5: Build Testing ........................................................................................11 2.5.1 2.5.2


Description ......................................................................................................... 10 Participation in Testing Process Flow ................................................................ 10 Stakeholder Activities......................................................................................... 10

Test 4: Unit Testing ..........................................................................................11 2.4.1 2.4.2


Description ........................................................................................................... 9 Participation in Testing Process Flow ................................................................ 10

Test 3: Walkthrough.........................................................................................10 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3


Description ........................................................................................................... 9 Participation in Testing Process Flow .................................................................. 9 Task Force Activities ............................................................................................ 9

Description ......................................................................................................... 17 Participation in Testing Process Flow ................................................................ 17 Task Force Activities .......................................................................................... 17

Test 12: Installation..........................................................................................17 2.12.1 2.12.2

Description ......................................................................................................... 17 Participation in Testing Process Flow ................................................................ 18

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2.12.3 2.12.4 2.12.5


Task Force Activities .......................................................................................... 18 Tester Activities.................................................................................................. 19 Standing Committee on Joint Development Activities ....................................... 19

Work Product Definitions................................................................................. 19 3.1

Test Plan ...........................................................................................................19 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3



Description ......................................................................................................... 27 Content............................................................................................................... 27 Payment and Deliverable Considerations.......................................................... 27

Installation Status Report ................................................................................27 3.8.1 3.8.2 3.8.3


Description ......................................................................................................... 26 Content............................................................................................................... 26 Payment and Deliverable Considerations.......................................................... 27

Beta Test Acceptance Report..........................................................................27 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3


Description ......................................................................................................... 25 Content............................................................................................................... 25 Payment and Deliverable Considerations.......................................................... 26

Alpha Test Acceptance Report........................................................................26 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3


Description ......................................................................................................... 24 Content............................................................................................................... 24 Payment and Deliverable Considerations.......................................................... 25

Test Results Repository ..................................................................................25 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3


Description ......................................................................................................... 24 Content............................................................................................................... 24 Payment and Deliverable Considerations.......................................................... 24

Distribution Test Materials ..............................................................................24 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3


Walkthrough Criteria .......................................................................................... 20 Unit Test Criteria ................................................................................................ 20 Build Test Criteria............................................................................................... 20 System Test Criteria........................................................................................... 21 Alpha Test Criteria ............................................................................................. 22 Beta Test Criteria ............................................................................................... 23

Installation Materials........................................................................................24 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3


Description ......................................................................................................... 19 Plan Elements .................................................................................................... 19 Payment and Deliverable Considerations.......................................................... 19

Test Criteria ......................................................................................................20 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6

Description ......................................................................................................... 27 Content............................................................................................................... 27 Payment and Deliverable Considerations.......................................................... 28

Test Instance Report........................................................................................28 3.9.1 3.9.2 3.9.3



Description ......................................................................................................... 28 Format................................................................................................................ 28 Payment and Deliverable Considerations.......................................................... 29

Appendices ....................................................................................................... 30 4.1

Appendix A: Procedure Activity Diagrams.....................................................30 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6

Test 1: Test Planning ......................................................................................... 31 Test 2: Preparation of Test Instance.................................................................. 32 Test 3: Walkthrough ........................................................................................... 33 Test 4: Unit Testing ............................................................................................ 33 Test 5: Build Testing .......................................................................................... 34 Test 6: System Testing ...................................................................................... 34

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4.1.7 4.1.8 4.1.9 4.1.10 4.1.11 4.1.12



Test 7: Alpha Testing ......................................................................................... 35 Test 8: Beta Testing ........................................................................................... 36 Test 9: Peer Review and Exception Correction ................................................. 37 Test 10: Alpha Testing Acceptance ................................................................... 38 Test 11: Beta Testing Acceptance ..................................................................... 38 Test 12: Installation ............................................................................................ 39

Appendix B: Test Criteria Examples ...............................................................40 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6

Examples of Types of Walkthrough ................................................................... 40 Examples of Unit Testing ................................................................................... 40 Examples of Build Testing ................................................................................. 40 Examples of System Testing ............................................................................. 42 Examples of Alpha Testing ................................................................................ 43 Examples of Beta Testing .................................................................................. 45

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Test Phase and Work Product Definition Compliance Testing Procedures


Project Types (2)

Test 1 Test Planning


All Types

Test 2 Preparation for Test Instance


All Types

Test 3 Walkthrough


All Types

Test 4 Unit Testing


All Types

Test 5 Build Testing


All Types

Test 6 System Testing


All Types

Test 7 Alpha Testing


All Types

Test 8 Beta Testing


All Types

Test 9 Peer Review and Correction


All Types

Test 10 Alpha Testing Acceptance


All Types

Test 11 Beta Testing Acceptance


All Types, MajMOptional

Test 12 Installation


All Types

Testing Work Product Definitions

Required? / Deliverable?

Project Types (2)

Test Plan

Yes /Yes

All Types

Test Criteria

Yes (1)/No

All Types

Test Instance Report

Format Optional (1)/No

All Types

Distribution Test Materials

Yes (1)/Yes

All Types

Requirements Traceability Matrix

Optional (1,3)/Optional (3)

All Types

Test Results Repository

Yes (1)/No

All Types

Alpha Test Acceptance Report

Yes (1)/Yes

All Types

Beta Test Acceptance Report

Yes (1)/Yes

All Types

Installation Materials


All Types

Installation Status Report


All Types

(1) Where testing tools are employed by AASHTOWare contractors, formats of Work Product Definitions may be modified to conform to those provided by the chosen tool. The content of deliverables, however, may not be changed. If the tool does not provide for recording some of the content information, it will have to be added, as a supplement, by the contractor.

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(2) Project Type Requirements - For the purposes of the table above “All Types” is defined as including “New Development,” “Enhancement,” and “Major Maintenance,” while it is defined as excluding “Minor Maintenance.” ○ New Development (ND) – For each new development effort all Testing Procedures and Work Product Definitions are required. ○

Enhancement (E) – For each enhancement effort, a statement will be included defining the Testing Procedures and Work Product Definitions to be followed based on this specification. The Task Force will review and determine, for each enhancement, if deviations from the Testing Specification are warranted and, if so, they need to be justified/documented in the Product Work Plan.

Major Maintenance (MajM) – For each major maintenance version, the Task Force will receive from the contractor a statement which will define the Test Procedures and Work Product Definitions to be followed, based on the Testing Specification. The Task Force will review, if any deviations from the Testing Specification are proposed, to determine if the need is justified. The Task Force will be responsible that decisions will be documented before work is initiated.

Minor Maintenance (MinM) – This project type represents the temporary fix or repair of an existing product module. The temporary fix or repair results must not add to, change nor delete from the functionality of a product module. Minor maintenance is outside the scope of this Specification.

(3) Use of the “Requirements Traceability Matrix” to store and deliver the Test Procedures and Result Criteria is optional. They may be delivered in the Alpha or “Beta Test Acceptance Report”. Wherever they are stored and delivered, it is required that they be backward linked to a requirement in the “Requirements Traceability Matrix”. See the attached specification for descriptions of the Testing Procedures and Work Product Definitions.

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1. Introduction 1.1

Purpose of Testing

The purpose for testing AASHTOWare systems or system components is to insure that the specified requirements are met (this is called verification) and to demonstrate that a system or system component fulfills its intended use when placed in its intended environment (this is called validation). In other words, verification ensures that “you built it right;” whereas, validation ensures that “you built the right thing.” The following table describes how Verification and Validation are supported by the procedures of this specification. Testing Procedure

Verification Validation? ?

Test 1: Test Planning



Test 2: Preparation of Test Instance



Test 3: Walkthrough



Test 4: Unit Testing



Test 5: Build Testing



Test 6: System Testing



Test 7: Alpha Testing



Test 8: Beta Testing



Test 9: Peer Review and Correction



Test 10: Alpha Testing Acceptance



Test 11: Beta Testing Acceptance



Test 12: Installation



Verification activities are usually performed in a testing environment provided by the developer. This environment balances testing efficiency, cost of maintenance, and compatibility with customer target environments. Verification tests are as varied as are the requirements for the system being tested. Validation activities use approaches similar to verification (e.g., test, analysis, inspection, demonstration, or simulation). Most often, the end users are involved in the validation activities. Where possible, validation should be accomplished using the system or system component operating in its intended environment and using real data. Because AASHTOWare systems are produced using differing development methods, this specification is designed to be neutral to development methodologies. It can be easily used with either waterfall or iterative methodologies. An appendix is included to assist in the understandability and the execution of AASHTOWare Testing. It provides a detailed pictorial view of the tasks and activities that should take place in test procedures.

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The following highlighted table shows the AASHTOWare Lifecycle phases, which contain testing activities. Strategy/ Tactic/ Requirement/ Contract Planning Design Proposal Solicitation Analysis



Verification/ Product Implementation Validation Maintenance


In order to reduce confusions and simplify the text of this document, the following definitions are provided: ■

Project/Product Work Plan – this term refers to the activities, schedule, and resource costs proposed and contracted to satisfy the defined user requirements. This plan is developed in the Tactics / Solicitation phase of the AASHTOWare Lifecycle and is established in the Contract phase. A Project/Product Work Plan is usually an annual plan, and the work described within it is scheduled to correspond to the AASHTO fiscal year.

Work Product Definition – A Work Product Definition usually the criteria of acceptance, format, content, responsibilities, and usage of an artifact.

Requirements Traceability Matrix: the Requirements Traceability Matrix is the repository of all the traceable objects. It is the method used to manage the requirements and is capable of all the attribute definition and linking (source, derivative, and horizontal) needed to support traceability. The Requirements Traceability Matrix is an artifact or requirements management.

Project Types: ○

New Development – This project type represents the addition of major new functional requirements to an existing product line or to an existing product module; or the creation of a new product line or product module. New Development is formally identified and approved through user groups, technical advisory committees, project task forces, and the Subcommittee on Joint Development. Example: Addition to product line of new module.

Enhancement – This project type represents the addition of new features to an existing product module; or the correction of limited-scope, non-critical inconsistencies or inadequacies of a product module. Enhancements are formally identified and approved through user groups, technical advisory committees, and product task forces. For each enhancement effort, a statement will be included defining the test procedures to be followed based on the Testing Specification. The Task Force will review and determine, for each enhancement, if deviations from the Testing Specification are warranted and, if so, they need to be justified/documented in the Product Work Plan. Example: Upgrade of a product's or a module's technical platform (i.e. use of new data base or teleprocessing technology).

Major Maintenance – This project type represents the SCHEDULED repair of an existing product module or the product's technical operating environment which is required to enable successful execution of the product as prescribed by business requirements. For each major maintenance version, the Task Force will receive from the contractor a statement which will define the test procedures to be followed, based on the Testing Specification. The Task Force will review, if any deviations from the Testing Specification are proposed, to determine if the need is justified. The Task Force will be responsible that decisions will be documented before work is initiated.

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Example: Maintenance release which could contain permanent fixes as a result of unscheduled repairs. ○

Minor Maintenance – This project type represents the temporary fix or repair of an existing product module. The temporary fix or repair results must not add to, change nor delete from the functionality of a product module. Minor maintenance is outside the scope of this Testing Specification. Example: Client site A is not able to successfully execute module XYZ. After attempting to resolve the problem without success, client notifies the Contractor with appropriate termination codes, messages, and information. Contractor provides a new system load module to be re-linked, or other technical resolution.



The required deliverables for testing are: ■

A Test Plan, described in the Work Product Definitions section below, specifies the schedule, activities, and resources required to perform the testing of a system, system components, documentation, or procedures. It also includes a schedule of deliverables. It is a component of the Project / Product Work Plan.

The Distribution Test Materials, described in the Work Product Definitions section below, contains all of the materials needed by the beta test participant to implement and perform beta testing in the appropriate environment and to report the results.

A Traceability Matrix (see Requirements Traceability Matrix in the Work Product Definitions section of the “301001 Requirements Management” specification) contains the requirements to be tested. This deliverable is optional for it may be used to store the test procedures and result criteria and to backward and forward link them to the tested requirement. Since it is required that the test procedures and result criteria be stored, as part of the Test Instance Report, in the Beta Test Acceptance Report or the Alpha Test Acceptance Report, their storage in the Requirements Traceability Matrix is allowed for convenience.

Alpha Test Acceptance Report, described in the Work Product Definitions section below, contains the identification (ID) of requirements (from the “Requirements Traceability Matrix” - this is the same as a backward link to the requirement), the test procedures / result criteria, the identification of the system being tested, the summary of test results, the documented exceptions, and the approved / accepted resolutions for all contributing test types (Unit, Build, System, and Alpha).

Beta Test Acceptance Report, described in the “Work Product Definitions” section below, contains the Requirement ID (from the “Requirements Traceability Matrix” - this is the same as a backward link to the requirement), Test Procedures / Result Criteria, summary of Test Results, documented Exceptions, Approved and Accepted Exception Resolutions. The report contains all tests performed for Beta Testing.

Installation Materials contain all procedures, executables, and documentation needed to implement and operate the delivered system at the user agency site.

Installation Status Report contains the number of licensees, date/agency of each successful installation, date/agency/description of each problem encountered, and date/agency/description of each problem resolution. When the Task Force approves the Installation Status Report, testing is complete.

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2. Procedure Definitions 2.1

Test 1: Test Planning 2.1.1 Description The purpose of the Test Plan is to define the schedule of activities for testing the system being developed. The Test Plan is developed prior to the performance of any testing activities, though it may be modified, using the procedures of Project Planning, whenever the need arises. The Test Plan is a required deliverable which must be consistent with the specification of the same name, provided below in the Work Product Definitions section. Test 1: Test Planning is required for all project types (new development, enhancements, maintenance). This procedure defines the activities needed to accomplish the following tasks: ○

Develop Test Plan.

Accomplish Task Force review and approval.

2.1.2 Participation in Testing Process Flow This procedure may be started any time after contract approval. This procedure is complete when the Test Plan is approved by the Task Force and the Supplier Agreement Management procedures are completed.

2.1.3 Task Force Activities The contractor will develop the Test Plan and submit it to the Project/Product Task Force for approval. Review and Approve or Reject with Reasons the Test Plan The Task Force shall review the plan for consistency with the Test Plan work product definition. After review, notify the contractor of approval or rejection. If the Test Plan is rejected, reasons for that rejection shall be included in the notification so that the contractor may make appropriate revisions to the plan and resubmit it. If the Test Plan is approved, it is forwarded to the Project Planning procedures for integration in the appropriate plan. After this is complete, the Test Plan is submitted as a deliverable for processing by the Supplier Agreement Management procedures


Test 2: Preparation of Test Instance 2.2.1 Description The purpose of this procedure is to prepare everything that is needed to perform a test. The types of tests that are prepared for are Walkthrough, Unit, Build, System, Alpha, and Beta. A test instance may be developed when it is possible to identify or develop requirements to be tested, when test procedures and result criteria may be developed, and when the system or system components may be identified or developed. No testing may be performed until all of the components of a test instance are prepared. The test instances must be consistent with the section of the Test Criteria work product definition, which describes test type (i.e. Walkthrough, Unit, Build, System, Alpha, or Beta).

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Each new test instance and its test results shall be documented in accordance with the Test Instance Report work product definition. These documents, when complete, shall be stored in accordance with the Test Results Repository work product definition. Test 2: Preparation of Test Instance is mandatory for all project types (new development, enhancements, maintenance). This procedure defines the activities needed to accomplish the following tasks: □

Identify system or component and test type for a new version of a test instance.

Establish test requirements.

Establish test procedures and result criteria.

Establish system or system component to be tested.

2.2.2 Participation in Testing Process Flow See Figure 1 for a description of this procedure and Figure 1 through Figure 4 below for demonstrations of all of the possible interactions with other procedures.


Test 3: Walkthrough 2.3.1 Description Walkthroughs, in this specification, are used to examine (test the concepts of) the components of test instances. It may examine the requirements, the test procedures / result criteria, or the system / component of the test instance. A Walkthrough should directly precede any planned testing activity (Unit, Build, System, Alpha, and Beta), which will benefit from presentation to and collaboration with peers or stakeholders. Stakeholders (AASHTO organization personnel, Task Force members, technical experts, user or agency representatives, subject matter experts) should be invited whenever their participation would be useful. For a more thorough discussion, see the Walkthrough Criteria in the Test Criteria work product definition. Test 3: Walkthrough is optional for all project types (new development, enhancements, maintenance). This procedure defines the activities needed to accomplish the following tasks: ○

Confirm walkthrough environment and contents.

Invite walkthrough participants.

Conduct walkthrough and perform resulting actions.

2.3.2 Participation in Testing Process Flow

2.3.3 Stakeholder Activities Stakeholders Participate in Walkthrough After the contractor has produced the environment and materials for the Walkthrough, any stakeholders that are needed beyond the contractor staff are

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invited. The stakeholders participate in the walkthrough, representing their concern or area of expertise. Their contributions are documented in the Test Instance Report.


Test 4: Unit Testing 2.4.1 Description Unit testing is performed on each class/object or program module to reduce the complexity of testing the entire system. It is also useful for discovering errors which might be difficult to detect or isolate at a higher level of testing. For object oriented development the methods of the class/object are the natural unit of testing. For a more thorough discussion, see the Unit Test Criteria section of the Test Criteria work product definition. Test 4: Unit Testing is mandatory for all project types (new development, enhancements, maintenance). This procedure defines the activities needed to accomplish the following tasks: ○

Confirm unit test environment.

Perform unit test procedures and document results

Store unit test results and complete test or continue iteration.

2.4.2 Participation in Testing Process Flow The logic of the following diagram is the same for Build Testing and System Testing as it is for Unit Testing; consequently, it will not be repeated again to describe the process flow of those procedures.


Test 5: Build Testing 2.5.1 Description Build Testing is the means used for testing a component that is made up of lesser components (units or other builds). Build boundaries usually correspond to the boundaries established by the application architecture employed. The build component must be isolatable from the rest of the system so that it can be independently tested. Because of this its interfaces should be clearly definable. Build testing can reduce the complexity of testing and simplify system maintenance. For a more thorough discussion, see the Build Test Criteria section of the Test Criteria work product definition. Test 5: Build Testing is mandatory for all project types (new development, enhancements, maintenance). This procedure defines the activities needed to accomplish the following tasks: ○

Confirm build test environment.

Perform build test procedures and document results.

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Store the build test results and complete test or continue iteration.

2.5.2 Participation in Testing Process Flow See Figure 2: Unit, Build, and System Test Iterations above.


Test 6: System Testing 2.6.1 Description The purpose of System Testing is to test the system as a whole to ensure that the integration is completed and that it performs as required. All use cases or user stories and business rules should also be tested. System Testing leads to Alpha Testing and may be used to prepare for formal Alpha Test Acceptance. For a more thorough discussion, see the System Test Criteria section of Test Criteria work product definition. Test 6: System Testing is mandatory for all project types (new development, enhancements, maintenance). This procedure defines the activities needed to accomplish the following tasks: ○

Confirm system test environment.

Perform system test procedures and document results.

Store system test results and complete test or continue iteration.

2.6.2 Participation in Testing Process Flow See Figure 2: Unit, Build, and System Test Iterations above.


Test 7: Alpha Testing 2.7.1 Description Alpha Testing covers the same system and system components as does System Testing. The emphasis is, however, on breaking the system, checking the user requirements, and reviewing all documentation for completeness by using the application as if it were in production. For a more thorough discussion, see the Alpha Test Criteria section of the Test Criteria work product definition. Test 7: Alpha Testing is mandatory for all project types (new development, enhancements, maintenance). This procedure defines the activities needed to accomplish the following tasks: ○

Confirm alpha test environment.

Perform alpha test procedures and document results.

Provide for Task Force participation in alpha test.

Store alpha test results and continue iteration.

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2.7.2 Participation in Testing Process Flow

2.7.3 Task Force Activities Review Test Instance Report and Approve or Reject with Reasons After the contractor has developed the Test Instance Report for the Alpha Test, it is delivered to the Task force for review to determine if the test instance components are in accordance with the Test Criteria work product definition (are all requirements developed, do the test procedures and result criteria cover all requirements, and is the system fully developed and ready for testing). If the alpha test instance is approved, the contractor is advised that Alpha Testing may begin. If the test instance is rejected, the contractor is advised of the reasons for rejection and the redevelopment of the test instance begins again at Test 2: Preparation of Test Instance.

Review Test Results and Determine which Exceptions Need Resolution; Report to Contractor After the Alpha Test has been performed, the contractor documents the test results in the Test Instance Report and then compares them with the result criteria documenting all exceptions in the same document. The contractor then delivers the Test Instance Report to the Task Force for conformation of the discovered exceptions. The Task Force reviews the materials and determines which exceptions require resolution. These determinations are returned to the contractor who documents them by updating the Test Instance Report. The test continues with Test 9: Peer Review and Exception Correction.


Test 8: Beta Testing 2.8.1 Description Beta Testing confirms to the user / tester that all functionality and operability requirements are satisfied and that the system is ready for delivery and implementation. Beta Testing also includes the review of all the project deliverables such as documentation and installation procedures. Beta testing provides for the development of the Distribution Test Materials defined below. These materials are provided to agency participants so they may test the developed system using ‘real’ data, in the ‘real’ work environments, on all intended platforms. The participants, who represent agencies which are licensees, install the

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system or system components, perform the included test procedures, and report the testing results, especially exceptions to the result criteria. For a more thorough discussion, see the Beta Test Criteria section of the Test Criteria work product definition. The Distribution Test Materials document is a required deliverable. Test 8: Beta Testing is mandatory for new development and enhancements and is optional for maintenance (Determined by Product Task Force). This procedure defines the activities needed to accomplish the following tasks: ○

Prepare and approve distribution test materials.

Select testers and send materials.

Confirm beta test environment.

Perform beta test procedures and compare to criteria.

Store, review, and document exceptions.

2.8.2 Participation in Testing Process Flow

2.8.3 Task Force Activities

Review and Approve or Reject with Reasons the Distribution Test Materials After the contractor has developed the Distribution Test Materials document, it is delivered to the Task Force for review and approval or rejection with reasons. The basis for rejection of the Distribution Test Materials is usually that they do not conform to the work product definition of the same name, that they do not cover the areas of system functionality that should be tested, or that the developed test procedures and result criteria do not adequately conform to the Beta Test Criteria. If the Distribution Test Materials are rejected, they are returned to the contractor for resolution of the rejection reasons and resubmission. If the Distribution Test Materials are approved, they are returned to the contractor who performs the following activities:

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Perform Configuration Management procedures to store and identify the approved version of the Distribution Test Materials document.

Perform Supplier Agreement Management procedures to submit and process the Distribution Test Materials document as a deliverable. Review and Send Invitations for Beta Testing Participation After the contractor has selected potential agency testers for validating the system in all of the intended environments, invitations are prepared and given to the Task Force for review. If the Task Force approves of the invitations they are sent to the agencies requesting their participation.

2.8.4 Tester Activities Assess Invitation and Determine whether or not to Participate Each agency tester assesses the invitation and decides whether to commit to beta test participation. The contractor then determines whether all of the intended environments are represented. If not, additional potential sites need to be selected and invitations sent. When all intended environments are covered, the contractor ships the Distribution Test Materials to the beta test participants. Install Product and Report any Problems After receiving the Distribution Test Materials including system to be tested (included in the Installation Materials), the agency beta tester installs the system and reports any installation problems to the contractor. The contractor will then resolve the issues and redistribute all materials if necessary. Perform Beta Test Procedures After the successful completion of the installation, the tester will perform each of the beta test procedures that were included in the Distribution Test Materials.

Compare Results to Test Criteria and Report the Results in the Test Instance Report Work Product Definition The beta tester then compares the results of the performed procedures with the test result criteria and records the results and exceptions. The Test Instance Report, which shall be used to distribute the test procedures and result criteria may also be used by the tester to record test results and exceptions. After all of the results and exceptions are recorded the tester will return the report to the contractor. This should not be interpreted to mean that exceptions can not be reported as soon as they are found to speed up their correction. When the contractor receives the results and exceptions from an agency beta tester, the following activities will be performed:

Discover any additional exceptions missed by the beta tester and store testing results and exceptions in the Test Instance Report. If test procedures, result criteria, test results and discovered exceptions are to be stored in the Requirements Traceability Matrix, backward links may be maintained there. Otherwise, all links will be made in the updated Test Instance Report.

After all Test Instance Reports describing the test results and exceptions that have been collected from Beta Testing participants are complete, combine them into a single Test Instance Report, which contains all results and documented exceptions.

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Test 9: Peer Review and Exception Correction 2.9.1 Description Peer Review and Exception Correction is concerned with resolving test exceptions by correcting one or more of the following test instance components: system or system component, test procedures / result criteria, and test requirements. The exceptions are generated by the execution of Unit, Build, System, Alpha, or Beta Tests described above. Test 9: Peer Review and Exception Correction is mandatory for all project types (new development, enhancements, maintenance). This procedure defines the activities needed to accomplish the following tasks: ○

Peer review of test exceptions.

Perform revisions to requirements, system/component, and/or procedures/criteria.

2.9.2 Participation in Testing Process Flow See Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4, which demonstrate all of the possible interactions with this procedure.


Test 10: Alpha Testing Acceptance

2.10.1 Description In the Alpha Testing Acceptance procedure, the results of the resolution of exceptions are reported in the “Alpha Test Acceptance Report” which is submitted to the Task Force for approval. Approval of the results indicates that no further cycles of alpha testing are needed. The Alpha Test Acceptance Report is a required deliverable. Test 10: Alpha Testing Acceptance is mandatory for all project types (new development, enhancements, maintenance). This procedure defines the activities needed to accomplish the following task: ○

Approve alpha test results or re-issue test.

2.10.2 Participation in Testing Process Flow For a description of the inputs and outputs of this procedure and how it fits in the flow of testing procedures, see Figure 3 above.

2.10.3 Task Force Activities Review and Approve or Reject with Reasons the Alpha Test Acceptance Report After all of the alpha test results have been reviewed and all mitigating revisions to the tested requirements, the developed system, and/or the test procedures / result criteria have been made, the contractor produces the Alpha Test Acceptance Report, which is a required deliverable that is defined by the work product definition of the same name. The report contains links to the tested requirements, the testing procedures / result criteria, and the documented testing exceptions / resolutions. The report is presented by the contractor to the Task Force for review and approval, or rejection. If the report is rejected, the Task Force shall notify the contractor of the reasons for the rejection. After review of the rejection reasons the contractor shall make any

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necessary corrections and restart the alpha testing process with Test 7: Alpha Testing, described above. If the report is approved the contractor will be notified. The contractor shall then submit the Alpha Test Acceptance Report for Configuration Management and submit it as a deliverable for Supplier Agreement Management processing.


Test 11: Beta Testing Acceptance

2.11.1 Description In the Beta Testing Acceptance procedure, the results of the resolution of exceptions are reported in the Beta Test Acceptance Report which is submitted to the Task Force for acceptance. Acceptance of the results indicates that no further cycles of beta testing are needed and that distribution to agency licensees may begin. The Beta Test Acceptance Report is a required deliverable. Test 11: Beta Testing Acceptance is mandatory for new development and enhancements. It is optional for maintenance (Determined by the Task Force). This procedure defines the activities needed accomplish the following task: □

Accept Beta Test Results or Re-issue Test

2.11.2 Participation in Testing Process Flow For a description of the inputs and outputs of this procedure and how it fits in the flow of testing procedures, see Figure 4 above.

2.11.3 Task Force Activities Review and Approve or Reject with Reasons the Beta Test Acceptance Report After corrections of documented exceptions have been made, the contractor produces the Beta Test Acceptance Report. This report is a required deliverable that is defined by the Beta Test Acceptance Report work product definition. The report contains links to the tested requirements, the test procedures / result criteria, and the documented testing exceptions / resolutions. The report is presented by the contractor to the Task Force for review and approval, or rejection. If the report is rejected, the Task Force shall notify the contractor of the reasons for the rejection. These reasons will usually consist of departures from the Beta Test Acceptance Report work product definition or inadequate resolutions of exceptions discovered during testing. After review of the rejection reasons the contractor shall make any necessary corrections and begin another iteration of the beta testing process with Test 8: Beta Testing described above. If the report is approved the contractor will be notified. The contractor shall then submit the Beta Test Acceptance Report for Configuration Management and submit it as a deliverable for Supplier Agreement Management processing.


Test 12: Installation

2.12.1 Description The purpose of this procedure is to validate the installation of the system at user/licensee sites. The contractor assembles the Installation Materials, defined in the work product definition of the same name, and distributes them. The first task, installing on the intended platform, may include installing hardware, installing the program(s) on the computer, reformatting/creating the data base(s), and verifying that all components

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have been included. The system is then placed into operation either by phasing in or parallel operation with the pre-existing version of the system. The delivered system must successfully install and operate in the intended environment. The Installation Materials are required deliverables of this procedure. The Installation Status Report is a required deliverable of this procedure. Test 12: Installation is mandatory for all project types (new development, enhancements, maintenance). This procedure defines the activities needed to accomplish the following tasks: ○

Assemble and Distribute Project/Product Materials

Install Product

Complete Testing

2.12.2 Participation in Testing Process Flow This procedure may be started after the Beta Test Acceptance Report is accepted. In this procedure, the installation materials are produced, these materials are approved by the Task Force, they are delivered to the user agencies where installations occur, and the contractor records installation progress in the Installation Status Report. When this report is approved by the Task Force, all development testing is complete.

2.12.3 Task Force Activities Review, Approve or Reject with Reasons the Installation Materials After the contractor has produced and delivered to the Task Force the Installation Materials for approval, the Task Force shall review and approve or reject the materials. If the materials are rejected, the contractor will be asked to address the supplied reasons for the rejection and resubmit the corrected Installation Materials. If the materials are approved, the contractor will be notified to begin distribution of the system. The approved Installation Materials will be processed by Configuration Management and Supplier Agreement Management procedures. Review Installation Problems and Resolution Efforts to Determine that Problems are Resolved The contractor will provide to the Task Force any installation problems reported by the tester/user of the product and resolution efforts taken by the contractor to resolve the problems. The Task Force will review the installation problems and resolution efforts to insure that problems are being resolved by the contractor. If the Task Force decides that a reported problem is not satisfactorily resolved they shall notify the contractor to continue efforts to resolve the issue. Review, Approve or Reject with Reasons the Installation Status Report After the contractor has produced and delivered to the Task Force the combined “Installation Status Report” for approval, the Task force shall review and approve or reject the report. If the report is approved, it will be sent to the Standing Committee on Joint Development for their review. The approved Installation Status Report will be processed by Supplier Agreement Management procedures. All testing procedures are considered complete at this point. If the report is rejected, the contractor will be asked to begin requirements analysis (described in the section titled “Test 2: Preparation for Test Instance”) of a new beta testing cycle.

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2.12.4 Tester Activities Install Product and Report Any Installation Problems Encountered After the Task Force approved installation materials have been delivered to a Tester/User by the contractor, the Tester/User shall install the system and report to the contractor any problems encountered. The Tester/User and the contractor shall work to resolve these problems.

2.12.5 Standing Committee on Joint Development Activities Review the Combined Status of Installations Report After the Task Force approval of the Combined Status of Installations Report (beta testing completion), the report is provided to the Standing Committee on Joint Development (SCOJD) for their review.

3. Work Product Definitions The Work Product Definitions used for testing are defined in the following sections.


Test Plan 3.1.1 Description The Test Plan specifies the schedule and duration of activities required to perform the testing of a system, system components, documentation, and procedures. It also includes a schedule of deliverables. It is a component of the contractor’s project plan. The elements required to populate the plan are described below.

3.1.2 Plan Elements ○

System or system components to be tested and the testing methods to be used.

Schedule for submission of each testing deliverable.

Define the following Activities: □

Schedule (ending date and duration) of Beta Test activities (inclusive of all walkthroughs, unit, and build testing and regression testing to correct problems)

Schedule (ending date and duration) of Alpha Test activities (inclusive of all walkthroughs, unit, and build testing and regression testing to correct problems)

Schedule (ending date and duration) of System Test activities (inclusive of all walkthroughs, unit, and build testing and regression testing to correct problems)

Schedule (ending date and duration) of the high level Build Test activities (inclusive of all walkthroughs, unit testing, subordinate build testing and regression testing to correct problems)

3.1.3 Payment and Deliverable Considerations The document(s) described by this specification is required. It is eligible for payment by deliverable when approved. Cost and schedule may be provided by procedures of Project Planning. The document(s) is processed as a deliverable by Supplier Agreement Management procedures. The document(s) shall be delivered, complete with contractor configuration management versioning information, in production tool format and in PDF format on a medium which is acceptable to both parties.

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Test Criteria 3.2.1 Walkthrough Criteria Description Walkthroughs, in this specification, are used to examine (test the concepts of) the components of test instances. They may examine the requirements, the test procedures / result criteria, or the system / component of the test instance. A Walkthrough may precede any type of test: Unit, Build, System, Alpha, and Beta. If errors or exceptions are found during a walkthrough, action items are developed that when performed will correct them. Stakeholders (AASHTO organization personnel, Task Force members, technical experts, user or agency representatives, subject matter experts) should be invited to walkthroughs whenever their participation would be useful. Areas to Test The following Test Instance Types may be tested with a Walkthrough: □

Unit Test

Build Test

System Test

Alpha Test

Beta Test

For each of the above types, the following Test Instance Components may be tested: □

System or System Component being tested

Test Procedures and Result Criteria

Requirements being tested

3.2.2 Unit Test Criteria Description Unit testing consists in testing the smallest isolatable development product. This can be the method of a Class/Object or function of a module where object oriented development is not being used. Unit testing reduces the complexity of testing the entire system. It is also useful for discovering errors which might be difficult to detect or isolate at a higher level of testing. Areas to Test The ease of unit testing is contingent on how many units are independent of other portions of the system and can thus be independently tested. A system architecture which isolates functionality and reduces dependencies is the best method for easing the unit test burden as well as reducing maintenance effort and facilitating system portability. For more information on system architecture, see Build Test Criteria below.

3.2.3 Build Test Criteria Description Build Testing is the means used for testing a component that is made up of lesser components (units or other builds). A Build is expected to operate as a functional whole. All of its parts are expected to be well integrated and to contribute to its functional mission. The build component must be isolatable from the rest of the

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system so that it can be independently tested. Because of this its interfaces should be clearly definable. Build testing can reduce the complexity of testing and simplify system maintenance. Areas to Test Build boundaries should correspond to the abstract boundaries established by the application architecture (for an example of application architecture boundary definitions, see the Examples of Build Criteria section of Appendix B). These boundaries must be capable of being mapped to the physical boundaries of the deployed system. These boundaries are established through re-factoring the design to achieve the layer (boundary) characteristics described below: Functionality layers are used to segregate functionality within an application into independently testable segments. These layers will have the following characteristics: □

Layers should have minimal interdependence with other layers.

Layers should have clear defined interfaces. Interfaces should not be insisted upon for layers with no dependencies, such as a domain layer.

Layers should have a minimal of duplicated code or definition.

Layers must map to the tiers by which the system is to be physically deployed.

Since layer boundaries are dependant on application architecture, they will be as varied as are the architectures needed to solve entire range of automation problems. The layers represent the highest level of build testing. Each layer should be tested in accordance with the capabilities provided by its interface(s). Any dependencies to other layers should be mocked. Sub builds that are within the boundaries of a layer may be performed where useful.

3.2.4 System Test Criteria Description The purpose of System Testing is to test the system as a whole to ensure that the integration is completed and that it performs as required. System Testing leads to Alpha Testing and may be used to prepare for formal Alpha Test Acceptance. Areas to Test The emphasis of system testing is to ensure that the system functionality is properly integrated. Secondarily and in anticipation of Alpha testing, it is important to show that the system meets user requirements. Integration □ Test the build functionality to insure that nothing has been lost as a result of integration. □

Test that activities which cross build (layer) boundaries perform correctly thus checking integration of system. This means that everywhere dependencies were mocked, there needs to be tests devised that check the real interface.

Meet User Requirements □ Test all functional requirements that are defined by use cases or user stories. □

Test all requirements that are defined by business rules.

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3.2.5 Alpha Test Criteria Description Alpha Testing should demonstrate that the system conforms to its requirements; however, the emphasis is on breaking the system. For that reason, only discovery of system faults is discussed here. For conformity to requirements see the discussion of System Testing above. To clarify the differences, consider the following: □

Intended Functionality: That which is represented in the requirements.

Actual Functionality: That which is known to be represented by the developed system.

Ordinary Faults: Those which represent known system behavior that is contrary to intended functionality.

Unintended, Undocumented, Unknown Functionality: That which lies unknown in the developed system.

Because unintended and unknown functionality may contain faults which cause the system to fail or security to be compromised, it is important to test for these possibilities. Areas to Test The emphasis of alpha testing is to break the system or its security. Secondarily, it is important to show that the system meets user requirements. Break the System and System Security □ Attacking Software Dependencies – Applications rely heavily on their environment in order to work properly. They depend on the OS (operating system) to provide resources like memory and disk space; they rely on the file system to read and write data; they use structures such as the Windows Registry to store and retrieve information; the list goes on and on. These resources all provide input to the software – not as overtly as the human user does – but input nevertheless. Like any input, if the software receives a value outside of its expected range, it can fail. □

Breaking Security Through User Interface – Most security faults result from additional, unintended, and undocumented user behavior from the UI (user interface). This amounts to handling unexpected input from the user in a way that compromises the application, the system it runs on, or its data. The result could be privilege escalation or allowing secret information to be reviewed by nonauthorized users.

Attacking Design – Design documentation does not often reveal potential design faults. The problem is that subtle design decisions can lead to component interaction and inherent flaws that lead to exploitable vulnerabilities.

Attacking Implementation – A perfect design can still be made vulnerable by imperfect implementation. For example, the Kerberos authentication scheme is renowned as a well thought out and secure authentication scheme, yet the MIT implementation has had many serious security vulnerabilities in its implementation, most notably buffer overruns.

Test User Requirements These tests should be brought forward from system testing described above. □

Test all functional requirements that are defined by use cases or user stories.

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Test all requirements that are defined by business rules.

3.2.6 Beta Test Criteria Description The purpose of Beta Testing is to demonstrate that a system or system component fulfills its intended use when placed in its intended environment. The Beta Test Criteria defined below provide indications as to what should be tested to establish the validity of a system, system components, or documentation.

Areas to Test

Technical Environment □ Design Operating Environments (what operating environments must the system support) □

Design Hardware Capacities (how must the product perform on its minimum and recommended hardware configurations)

Design Network Environments (what network types, topologies, and capacities are supported)

Design Database Environments (what releases of which DBM systems are supported)

Design Interfaces (what releases of which other software products are supported)

Organizational Environment □ Supports organizations workflow (what information is passed from one user to another) □

Supports workplace organizational structure and job functions (i.e. subject or professional, supervisors, managers, application administrators, technical support)

Intuitively understandable by users in each functional area (screen interfaces and product outputs are readily understandable within the context of the technical environment and professional discipline)

Method or Philosophy of Solution □ Method and Philosophy of solution that satisfies customer subject matter and information system experts □

Repeatability of results from release to release or from product to product where method and philosophy are the same.

Implementation and Operation Characteristics □ Accuracy of implementation and operation documentation within target environments □

Procedures or methods for backward and forward preservation of data in target environments

Methods for incorporating maintenance in target environments

Additional Customer Testing □ During Beta Testing at the customer site, the users may test the product in any way they see fit as long as the testing is completed by a date that fits the project plan. The contractor would not provide procedures for these tests.

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The contractor shall provide the user requirements tests used in System Testing and Alpha Testing which may be performed at the customer site as long as they do not interfere with the timely completion of beta testing.

Installation Materials 3.3.1 Description The Installation Materials contain all procedures, executables, and documentation needed to implement and operate the System at the user agency site. These materials are a required deliverable.

3.3.2 Content ○

System components

Installation software

Installation procedures and documentation

All system documentation

All other materials needed to install, operate, and maintain the delivered system

3.3.3 Payment and Deliverable Considerations The document(s) described by this specification is required. It is eligible for payment by deliverable when approved. Cost and schedule may be provided by procedures of Project Planning. The document(s) is processed as a deliverable by Supplier Agreement Management procedures. The document(s) shall be delivered, complete with contractor configuration management versioning information, in production tool format and in PDF format on a medium which is acceptable to both parties.


Distribution Test Materials 3.4.1 Description The Distribution Test Materials document contains all of the materials pertaining to a release of beta testing which are needed by the Beta Testers to perform their testing activities. The Distribution Test Materials document is part of a beta testing distribution which contains, in addition the system or system components, and system documentation.

3.4.2 Content ○

Procedures for the implementation of the beta test environment. Since there may be multiple different environments for which the system is to be tested, there may need to be multiple different versions of the Distribution Test Materials work product.

Test Instructions: □

Test Identification (Test Phase, Test Version, Product/Component name, Product/Component version)

Test Purpose (in the case of beta testing the purpose is to achieve acceptance of the Product/Component).

Description and use of test materials.

Method for reporting problems and getting help with the test.

Test schedule.

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Identification of optional tests (included verification tests or user composed tests, for example).

Method for reporting results of test.

Method for reporting product acceptance.

Beta test procedures and result criteria (see Test Instance Report).

Map of relationships of selected requirements, test procedures / result criteria (see REQM Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)).

3.4.3 Payment and Deliverable Considerations The document(s) described by this specification is required. It is eligible for payment by deliverable when approved. Cost and schedule may be provided by procedures of Project Planning. The document(s) is processed as a deliverable by Supplier Agreement Management procedures. The document(s) shall be delivered, complete with contractor configuration management versioning information, in production tool format and in PDF format on a medium which is acceptable to both parties.


Test Results Repository 3.5.1 Description The Test Results Repository contains all materials relating to testing and the results of that testing. The repository may be organized in any manner that is convenient to the contractor.

3.5.2 Content The following definition of the contents of the Test Result Repository is organized by testing types for convenience of description only. The contents may be organized in whatever scheme is convenient: Walkthroughs The Walkthrough information is reported in the Test Instance Report and therefore is contained in the documentation of the testing instance it preceded. Unit, Build, and System Testing The Unit, Build, and System Testing information has the same structure and content but is segregated by type: □

Name of Unit, Build, or System component / system and version tested (as many instances as are needed). •

Name of Test and Version (as many instances as are needed to complete testing). ♦ “Test Instance Report” includes Results and documented Exceptions. Alpha Testing and Alpha Testing Acceptance The Alpha Testing information has the following structure and content: □

Name of System and Version tested (as many instances as are needed). •

Name of Test and Version (as many instances as are needed to complete alpha testing). ♦ “Test Instance Report” document with Results and documented Exceptions.

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“Alpha Testing Acceptance Report” (included in those Alpha Testing iterations in which acceptance is sought). This entry should also include reasons for rejection where they apply. Beta Testing and Beta Testing Acceptance The Beta Testing information has the following structure and content: □

Name of System and Version, tested (as many instances as are needed). •

“Distribution Test Materials”, with Name of Test and Version (as many instances as are needed to complete beta testing). ♦ Agency (as many instances as are needed). ♠

“Test Instance Report” document with Results and documented Exceptions (an instance for each participating agency).

Combined “Test Instance Report” with all Results and documented Exceptions.

“Beta Testing Acceptance Report” (included in those Alpha Testing iterations in which acceptance is sought). This entry should also include reasons for rejection where they apply.

3.5.3 Payment and Deliverable Considerations The document(s) described by this specification are required as supporting documents during operation of the testing procedures. They are not deliverables. They are not eligible for payment by deliverable.


Alpha Test Acceptance Report 3.6.1 Description The Alpha Test Acceptance Report (ATAR) documents the last instance of Alpha Testing.

3.6.2 Content The contained Test Instance Reports may be reorganized, links should be expanded, and explanatory information inserted, where necessary, to make the report understandable and readable. ○

System Name and Version being submitted.

Date submitted for Task Force Approval.

Person and Organization submitting the report.

Justification for Alpha Test Acceptance Report approval.

The complete and final Test Instance Report (see the work product definition of the same name) for Alpha Testing.

The complete and final Test Instance Report (see the work product definition of the same name) for System Testing.

All of the complete and final Test Instance Reports (see the work product definition of the same name) for Build components that contributed to the final System.

All of the complete and final Test Instance Reports (see the work product definition of the same name) for Unit components that contributed to the Builds that make up the final System.

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3.6.3 Payment and Deliverable Considerations The document(s) described by this specification is required. It is eligible for payment by deliverable when approved. Cost and schedule may be provided by procedures of Project Planning. The document(s) is processed as a deliverable by Supplier Agreement Management procedures. The document(s) shall be delivered, complete with contractor configuration management versioning information, in production tool format and in PDF format on a medium which is acceptable to both parties.


Beta Test Acceptance Report 3.7.1 Description The Beta Test Acceptance Report (BTAR) documents the Acceptance and Approval of the last instance of Beta Testing.

3.7.2 Content The contained Test Instance Report may be reorganized, links should be expanded, and explanatory information inserted, where necessary, to make the report understandable and readable. ○

Name and Version of system tested.

Date submitted for Task Force Approval.

Person and Organization submitting the report.

Justification for Beta Test Acceptance Report approval.

The complete and final Test Instance Report (see the work product definition of the same name) for Beta Testing. This report combines all results collected from the beta testing agencies.

3.7.3 Payment and Deliverable Considerations The document(s) described by this specification is required. It is eligible for payment by deliverable when approved. Cost and schedule may be provided by procedures of Project Planning. The document(s) is processed as a deliverable by Supplier Agreement Management procedures. The document(s) shall be delivered, complete with contractor configuration management versioning information, in production tool format and in PDF format on a medium which is acceptable to both parties.


Installation Status Report 3.8.1 Description The Installation Status Report is a request for approval of installation progress. It includes a summary report of installation progress. When the Task force approves the Installation Status Report, testing procedures are complete. This report is a required deliverable.

3.8.2 Content The Installation Status Report contains the following information: ○

Date and Title of report

Recommendation for approval with reasons.

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Total number of licensees for the product

Total number of licenses covered by installs performed.

Date/agency of each successful installation

Date/agency/description of each problem encountered

Date/agency/description of each problem resolution.

3.8.3 Payment and Deliverable Considerations The report described by this specification is required to acquire approval for system installation, but it is not eligible for payment by deliverable.


Test Instance Report 3.9.1 Description A Test Instance Report combines all of the components needed to perform a test and to document its results. It identifies the requirements that are being tested, the system or system component that is being tested, the test procedures / result criteria used to perform and measure the test, the results of the test, discovered exceptions, and proposed resolutions. A Test Procedure, also called a test script or test scenario, is a sequence of activities/events that will test the system or system component for compliance with functional and performance requirements. The procedure represents a "transaction" with a desired result (a result could include a desired response time or measurement of resource consumption, etc.). The specification of the boundaries or equalities of the result are the Result Criteria. All major functional and performance requirements are translated into Test Procedures and Result Criteria. Once developed the procedures will become part of the product documentation to be used repeatedly during product development, enhancement, and maintenance. Successful testing of all procedures against the product is a minimum requirement before a product can be released commercially.

3.9.2 Format A form may be used for documenting testing procedures, result criteria, and the results of testing. It could be useful during Beta Testing as a vehicle for capturing testing results from the user. Any method for capturing the results, which captures all of the needed information, as described below, is satisfactory. Test Instance Identification □ Test Instance Number: Unique identification of the test instance. □

Test Instance Name: Name which is meaningful to users of this documentation and its derivatives.

Test Instance Description.

Test Type: Designates whether the test is Unit, Build, System, Alpha, or Beta.

Test Objective: Describes what the test is to achieve (Test Functionality, Test Performance, etc.). System or System Component Identification □ System or System Component Identification: Identification of system or system component tested.

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System or System Component Version: Unique version identification of system or system component tested.

Current Author Name.

Development or Revision Date. Requirements Definition □ Requirement ID: Unique ID of the requirement in the Requirements Traceability Matrix. There should be as many instances of this as there are requirements to be tested by this test instance. •

Requirement Descriptive Name: This name also comes from the Requirements Traceability Matrix. Test Procedure Definition Procedure Unique Name: There may be as many instances of this as are needed to perform the test instance.

□ □

Activity / Event / Script: The actual activities, events or scripts may be placed here or links to them.

Link to Requirement(s) Tested: There may be as many instances of this as are needed for this procedure. •

Data Used Name: There may be as many instances of this as are needed to perform the test instance. Use of Data. ♦ Source or Destination of Data

Miscellaneous Notes: Notes describe test considerations, special arrangements or platforms, and etc. Test Criteria Definition □ Result Criteria Unique Name: There may be as many instances of this as are needed to perform the test instance. • •

Link to Procedure Unique Name. Result Criteria Description: This shall contain the criteria or a link to it. Actual Results □ Result Instance Name: There can be as many instances of this as are needed. • • • •

Link to Criteria Unique Name. Tester Agency or Name Result of Test Exception Description: This item and its subordinates will appear only if an exception is discovered. ♦ Proposed Resolution. ♦

Action Performed.

3.9.3 Payment and Deliverable Considerations The document(s) described by this specification contains information which is used in the Distribution Test Materials, Alpha Test Acceptance Report and the Beta Test Acceptance Report work products, which are required deliverables. The Test Results Repository work product provides for the retention of these documents. The document(s) is not a required deliverable and is not eligible for payment by deliverable.

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4. Appendices 4.1

Appendix A: Procedure Activity Diagrams

The procedure activity diagrams provided in this appendix are not required and are for reference only. They are intended to help in understanding the context in which the Task Force, Testers, and Stakeholders activities are performed and to help the contractor prepare the materials needed to complete those activities. The activity diagrams (flow charts) are color coded. See the legend provided with each procedure for coding. The following list provides descriptions of the graphics figures used in the procedure diagrams: ■

Rectangles represent activities to be performed.

Diamonds represent decisions to be made.

Rectangular areas with round ends represent entrance to, exit from, or use of another procedure. These procedures may be within the Testing Process Area or they may be in some other process area.

Circles represent a jump to some other part of the same procedure.

Arrow points on connecting lines represent the direction of flow.

When process areas, not yet developed, are referenced, the current accepted methods of AASHTOWare development will be used. The following list describes the external process areas referenced by the procedures: ■

Requirements Development (RD): The purpose of RD is to produce and analyze customer, project/product, and project/product component requirements.

Requirements Management (REQM): The purpose of REQM is to manage and maintain customer, project/product, and project/product component requirements.

Supplier Agreement Management (SAM): The Purpose of SAM is to manage the acquisition of products from suppliers for which there exists a formal agreement. This process area is used to specify and manage AASHTOWare Product Contracts.

Configuration Management (CM): The purpose of CM is to establish and maintain the integrity of work products using configuration identification, configuration control, configuration status accounting, and configuration audits.

Project Planning (PP): The purpose of PP is to establish and maintain plans that define project activities.

Technical Solution (TS): The purpose of TS is to design, develop, and implement solutions to requirements.

Product Integration (PI): The purpose of PI is to integrate the components of the system.

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Test 1: Test Planning

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4.1.2 Test 2: Preparation of Test Instance

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4.1.3 Test 3: Walkthrough

4.1.4 Test 4: Unit Testing

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4.1.5 Test 5: Build Testing

4.1.6 Test 6: System Testing

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4.1.7 Test 7: Alpha Testing

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4.1.8 Test 8: Beta Testing

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4.1.9 Test 9: Peer Review and Exception Correction

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4.1.10 Test 10: Alpha Testing Acceptance

4.1.11 Test 11: Beta Testing Acceptance

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4.1.12 Test 12: Installation

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Appendix B: Test Criteria Examples

The examples of test criteria provided here are not required. They are provided to illustrate the kinds of tests which might be employed for each of the testing types (Walkthrough, Unit, Build, System, Alpha, and Beta).

4.2.1 Examples of Types of Walkthrough One example would be a Logic Walkthrough, which is a verbal description of the logic in a class method or program module. This description is provided by the component’s developer to members of the development team, who follow the presentation of the logic structure of the component. The objective of the logic walkthrough is to detect logic errors. In a larger sense, walkthroughs may by used in any instance where the presentation of intended actions to peers or stakeholders might uncover errors or difficulties. This principle is used in pair programming, and in Joint Application Development sessions. Other uses of walkthroughs would be the development or confirmation of User Stories or Use Cases, confirmation of Test Procedures or Result Criteria, re-factoring system design, and confirmation of system or system component functionality / logic.

4.2.2 Examples of Unit Testing Classes may be tested by instantiating all variations of objects of which the class is capable and testing each method and associated attributes of these objects. This can be done by writing a ‘main’ program that performs the instantiation and testing. Tools are available which automate this process. Modules may be tested in similar manner by writing an executive program which calls eacah module function with all of its possible parameters / arguments, and checks its returns. For this process to be useful, it is assumed that good modular programming techniques have been employed.

4.2.3 Examples of Build Testing Build boundaries are dependant upon the application architecture used to structure the application. Functionality layers are used to segregate functionality within an application into independently testable segments. The following examples of application layers are taken from “Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow” by Seth Ladd. ○

User Interface (View) – The user interface layer is responsible for presenting the application to the end user. This layer renders the response generated by the web layer into the form requested by the client. For cell phones this may be WML or at least specializations of XHTML. Other clients may want PDFs for their user interface. And of course, browsers want the response rendered as XHTML. Reasons for isolating the user interface layer are the following: □

De-linking the processing of the rest of the application from the processing that is dependant on the unreliable network.

Isolation of the user interface layer allows the changing of rendering technologies (examples of rendering tools are Velocity, FreeMarker, XSLT) without affecting the other layers.

This isolation permits UI specialists to be shielded from the intricacies of the application. These specialists are usually focused on different concerns than the rest of the developers.

Web – The web layer is responsible for navigation through the web site, which may be as simple as mapping a single URL to a single page or as complex as a

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implementing a full workflow engine. Most layers are stateless; however, the web layer must maintain states in order to guide the user through the correct path. The web layer also provides the glue that binds the world of HTTP and the service layer. The HTTP world is populated with request parameters, HTTP headers, and cookies. These aspects are not business logic specific and thus are kept isolated from the service layer. This layer logically contains all of the connection mechanisms such as HTTP, SOAP, or XML-RPC. The following are reasons for isolating the web layer: □

Divorcing the web concerns from the service layer means that the system can export the same business logic via multiple methods.

Isolation of navigation, creates a more flexible design, because the individual functions of the domain model can be combined in many different ways to create many different user experiences.

Moving the web concerns out of the business logic makes the core logic very easy to test. You won’t be worrying about setting request variables, session variables, HTTP response codes, or the like when testing the business layer. Likewise, when testing the web layer, you can easily mock the business layer and worry only about issues such as request parameters.

The web layer is dependent on the service layer and the domain model layer. ○

Service – For the client, the service layer exposes and encapsulates coarse-grained system functionality (Use Cases) for easy client usage. A method is coarse grained when it is very high level, encapsulating a broad workflow and shielding the client from many small interactions with the system. The service layer should be the only way a client can interact with the system, keeping coupling low because the client is shielded from all of the interactions that implement the use case. For the system the service layer’s methods represent transactional units of work. This means that with one method call, many objects and their interactions will be performed under a single transaction. Performing all of the work inside the service layer keeps communication between the client and the system to a minimum (in fact down to one single call). Each method in the service layer should be stateless so that many transactions may be handled concurrently without collisions. This layer provides encapsulations for all of the use cases of the system. A single use case is often one transactional unit of work. Consolidating the units of work behind a service layer creates a single point of entry into the system for end users and clients.

The service layer is dependant on the domain model and the persistence layer. It combines and coordinates calls to both the data access objects and domain model objects. The service layer should never have a dependency on the view or web layers.

Domain Object Model – The domain object model is the most important layer in the system. This layer contains the business logic of the system, and thus, the true implementation of the use cases. The domain model is the collection of nouns in the system, implemented as objects. These nouns, such as User, Address, and ShoppingCart, contain both state (user’s first name, users last name) and behavior (shoppingCart.purchase()). It may be helpful to think of the domain model as a vertical layer. In other words, all of the other layers have dependencies on the domain model. The objects of the domain model, however, have no dependencies on any other layer or the framework employed. Thus the domain model can be decoupled from its environment. This means the business logic can be tested outside the container and independently of the framework. This speeds up development tremendously, as no deployments are

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required for testing. Unit tests become very simple to create, as they are testing simple code, without any reliance on database connections, web frameworks, or other layers in the system. All layers are responsible for its problem domain, but they all live to service the domain model. ○

Persistence (Data Access) – The data access layer is responsible for interfacing with the persistence mechanism to store and retrieve instances of the object model. The data access functionality gets its own layer for two reasons. One of the primary reasons for the layering abstraction in object oriented systems is to isolate sections of the application from change. The data access functionality is no different, and it is designed to isolate the system from changes in the persistence mechanisms. As an example, a business requirement change might force all user accounts to be stored inside an LDAP-compliant directory instead of a relational database. While this might happen rarely, abstracting the persistence operations behind a single interface makes this a low impact change for the system. Keeping the time to run the system tests low is the other key reason the data access layer is isolated. Database connections are expensive resources to create and maintain. Unit tests should be very quick to run, and they will slow down tremendously if they require connections to the RDBMS. Isolating the persistence operations to one layer makes it easy to mock those operations, keeping test runs fast. Typically only the service layer has a dependency on the data access layer. From a practical standpoint, the service layer coordinates the data access layer and the object domain layer such that the appropriate objects are loaded and persisted for the use case.

4.2.4 Examples of System Testing The following items are examples of integration testing. ○

Test that all client screens and reports are formatted and rendered properly for the type of client (PDA, Cell Phone, internet attached Workstation, hosting Workstation).

Test navigation through the system functionality.

Test workflow by user organizational type (technical support, application administrator, executive, manager and user) and request type.

Check HTTP transaction handling.

Test that all supported connection types (HTTP, XHTML, RPC-XML, and SOAP) are working properly.

Test connections to other applications.

Test to see that the function described by each use case is exposed with appropriate security.

Test that all functions of all use cases are implemented correctly.

Test to see that all required business rules are properly applied.

Test to see that appropriate data or objects are correctly loaded or stored in all the appropriate persistence mechanisms.

Test that the system delivers the expected throughput, when implemented in the designed minimum environment and using the network and persistence mechanisms of the contractor test environment.

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4.2.5 Examples of Alpha Testing Information supplied below is drawn from “How to Break Software a practical guide to testing,” James A Whittaker, Addison Wesley, 2003 and “How to Break Software Security,” James A Whittaker and Herbert H Thompson, Addison and Wesley, 2003. Both books supply free tools which allow manipulation of system interfaces to perform testing. The list of examples are not meant to be exhaustive, but rather to give an idea of this type of testing and to provide a beginning nucleus for a fault model which may be added to over time and system iterations. Breaking the system and breaking security are close in kind. Usually a security breach is the result of a system fault that can as easily cause the system to break. Breaking the System and Security through the User Interface □ Overflow Input Buffers. Buffer overflows are by far the most notorious security problems in software. A hacker can attach code to the end of a long string which the process may execute because it has overlapped (replaced) application code. These problems occur when applications fail to constrain input lengths. □

Examine all common switches and options. Changing application switches from default settings to obscure or inappropriate options may force the application into poorly tested code or error conditions with no recovery routine or a poorly written one.

Explore escape characters, character sets, and commands. If the program accepts strings as input, which characters does the application treat as special cases? Testing these special case values is a good way to find bugs that can leave the application vulnerable.

Force the screen to refresh in various circumstances. Refreshing a screen where objects have been added, moved and resized or where data has been added can be problematic. Testing the situations in which the screen is or should be forced to refresh will save your users many headaches.

Investigate alternative ways to modify internal data constraints. This attack is more general than the one concentrating on overflow size. In this attack we are concerned with investigating all of the access points to any constraint on the data structure including its size. Such constraints can be size, dimension, type, shape, location on the screen, and so forth.

Experiment with invalid operator and operand combinations.

Force computation results to be too large or too small.

Find Features which share data or interact poorly. Feature interaction failures are most often caused when two or more features work with a shared set of data and each feature enforces a different set of constraints on the data. Attacking Software Dependencies □ Block access to libraries. Software depends on libraries from the operating system, third-party vendors, and components bundled with the application. This attack ensures that the application under test does not behave insecurely if software libraries fail to load. □

Manipulate the applications registry values. In the Windows world, the registry contains information crucial to the normal operation of the operating system and installed applications. For the OS the registry keeps track of information such as key file locations, directory structure, execution paths and library version numbers. Applications rely on this and other information stored in the directory to

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work properly. However, not all information stored in the registry is secured from users or other installed programs. This attack tests that applications do not store sensitive information in the registry or trust the registry to always behave predictably. □

Force the application to use corrupt files. Applications can only do so much before they need to store or retrieve persistent data. It is the tester’s job to make sure the application can handle bad data gracefully, without exposing sensitive information or allowing insecure behavior.

Force the application to operate in low memory, disk-space, and networkavailability conditions. When an application is forced to operate in low memory, disk-space, and network-availability conditions, it is forced into error recovery conditions. This is common to the other attacks described above. If the error recovery scripts are poorly written the application may be left in an insecure state.

With the supplied tools, memory or network conditions can be varied to inject memory faults, to determine which functions are memory hogs, to determine the applications lower-bound threshold of tolerance for low memory, to inject faults at runtime during memory use, to determine the applications lower-bound threshold of tolerance for a slow network, and to inject faults at runtime during network use.

With the supplied tools, it is possible to fill the file system to its capacity or to force the media to be busy or unavailable. Application dependencies on the file system are tested to see whether the application will handle the operating system generated error or fail. Attacking Design □ Test for common default and test account names and passwords. Applications may have undocumented, invisible, and un-configurable accounts that ship with the product. This attack is often the result of leftover test accounts, legacy support accounts and incomplete documentation. □

Expose unprotected test APIs. Most user-accessible APIs don’t include the capabilities necessary for efficient testing. Test APIs and hooks are added to the application with the intention of removing them before release. In practice, they may become so integrated into the code that they are sometimes not removed. Since the purpose of these APIs and hooks is to make testing more efficient, application security is not their concern. These APIs may be found by using the supplied tools while testing tools and scripts are used.

Connect to all ports. Applications commonly open ports to send data across the network. However, an open port is not automatically a secure conduit for communication. Without proper measures taken by application developers, an open port is a welcome mat for a hacker attempting to gain unauthorized access to the system. The ports may be scanned, using supplied tools, to see which are open and to capture error messages from those that are closed. When an open port is found, it is the tester’s job to find the application which has opened it and to determine if it represents a security threat.

Fake the source of data. Some data is trusted implicitly, based on its source; for example, applications tend to accept data from sources like the OS with minimal scrutiny. Some sources must be trusted (in fact, they must be trusted) for the application to function. Problems arise when the trust an application extends to a particular source is not commensurate with the checks it makes to ensure that data is indeed from that source. The usual problem is that trust is solely extended

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on the basis of identification without being coupled with authentication. Identification is the act of saying who you are and Authentication is the act of proving you are who you say you are. An example would be the user name and password combination. Security is compromised whenever we can get the application to accept data or commands from an un-trusted or un-authenticated source that passes itself off as legitimate. □

Create loop conditions in any application that interprets script, code, or other user-supplied logic. Force a function to call itself recursively by repeating a command over and over, thus denying needed resources and functionality to entitled users and processes. The major cause of this class of bugs is that developers write code that does not guarantee that loops and recursive calls terminate.

Force the system to reset values. This attack can be applied to all kinds of software. It is easy to apply because you don’t have to do anything; indeed that is the whole point of the attack. Leave entry fields blank, click finish instead of next, or just delete values. These kinds of actions force the application to provide a value when you haven’t. Testers need to test for two types of faults: variables that have illegal or non-existent default values and default values or configurations that leave the software in an unsafe state. Attacking Implementation □ Get between time of check and time of use. Data is at risk whenever an attacker can separate the functions that check security around a feature or a piece of data from the functions that use it. □

Create files of the same name as files protected with a higher classification. Files which are given higher classification based on their name or location may be mimicked by placing a file of the same name in a directory, protected from the user, which is previous in the search path. This would apply to DLLs, which are acquired by name alone. The application should be able to identify files by some method that is more definite than name alone.

Force all error messages. Apply inputs that force all error messages to occur and apply inputs that will result in computational error messages. Inspect error messages to see if they reveal information that will make the application more vulnerable to attack. The reason this is an effective attack is that error causes require developers to write additional error checking code. It is very difficult to make a program fail gracefully and such difficulty usually means bugs. Solutions are input filters, input checking, and error handlers.

Look for temporary files and screen contents for sensitive information. Temporary files are a convenient way to store data. This is particularly true when large amounts of data are being accessed or when an application needs to retain information between executions. Cookies are a good example of small files that hold persistent data between executions. Web developers often work on the implicit assumption that cookies will not be viewed or altered by the user or will not be viewed by a different user or web site. This leads to personal information (name, login information, shopping habits, and other data) being stored in plain text on the client machine.

4.2.6 Examples of Beta Testing ○

Proof of Concept tests may be employed to determine that product functionality can be supported within a certain technical environment or interfaced with other products in the environment.

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JAD sessions supported by look-and-feel prototypes may be used to determine suitability of product in the users work environment.

Beta testing in the intended environment, using real data, and operated by typical users is the most certain way to prove the validity of a product.

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PRODUCT RELEASE CHECK LISTS STANDARD S&G Number: 3.085.05S Effective Date: July 1, 2009 Document History Version Revision Date Revision Description No. 01 Feb. 1999 Initial Version

Approval Date Feb.1999


June 2001

Revised to reflect changes to the Product Deliverables and Product Testing Standards.

April 2002


Jan. 2006

June 2006


Sep. 2006



Revised to reflect the establishment of the Requirements Management Standard Revised to reflect requirements for 2 copies, extended life media in final shipments to AASHTO. Revised to reflect establishment of the Testing Standard. Changed standard number from to 3.085.05S, and applied standard template. Changed standard number references in checklists. Made minor changes and format modifications.

Oct. 2006

06/16/2009 Approved by T&AA


Product Release Checklists Standard


Table of Contents 1.

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 1.1 1.2


Preface ................................................................................................................1 Objectives...........................................................................................................1

SOFTWARE PREPARATION .............................................................................. 2 2.1 2.2

Software Preparation Checklist.........................................................................2 Explanation of Checklist Items..........................................................................3 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6


SHIPMENT PREPARATION ................................................................................ 5 3.1 3.2

Shipment Checklist ............................................................................................5 Explanation of Checklist Items..........................................................................5 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3


Product Naming Conventions .............................................................................. 3 Testing Standards ................................................................................................ 3 Product Graphical Interface Standards................................................................ 3 Requirements Deliverables .................................................................................. 4 System Documentation ........................................................................................ 4 Task Force Approval ............................................................................................ 4

Documentation ..................................................................................................... 6 Software ............................................................................................................... 6 Hardware.............................................................................................................. 7

CONTENTS LIST ................................................................................................. 8

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As a software product goes from its first release to the many following releases, there is a need for consistency among the releases. This consistency applies not only to the working of the software but also to the steps taken to put out the release. For example, the release numbers should be consistent from release to release. Going from 5.2.3 to 6.0.0 should show a major revision while going from 5.2.1 to 5.3.0 should show only minor changes. This specification applies to all new releases of AASHTOWare products and to all enhancement and/or maintenance releases. Temporary emergency fixes, where there is not a new build of the product, are outside the scope of this specification. For maintenance releases, however, this specification is required.



The objective of this standard is to present a list of items that shall be performed and documented prior to distributing a new release of software. This checklist, which summarizes the AASHTOWare standards, identifies the minimum requirements needed before a new release is shipped. The goal of this specification is to promote consistency in the preparation of deliverables, documentation, and packaging of new AASHTOWare software releases.

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Product Release Checklists Standard


2. SOFTWARE PREPARATION This checklist shall be completed by the contractor, with the exception of “Task Force Approval.” The Task Force then reviews the checklist and, if appropriate, checks off “Task Force Approval.”


Software Preparation Checklist ITEM

Standard #


Product Naming Conventions Product Naming Conventions have been followed


Testing Standards The following deliverables have been approved and delivered ■

Test Plan


Alpha Test Acceptance Report


Distribution Test Materials


Beta Test Acceptance Report


Installation Materials


Installation Test Report


Product Graphical Interface

Product Graphical Interface standards have been followed


Requirements and Documentation Deliverables The following documents have been produced/updated and are being released with the software ■

User Requirements Specification


System Requirements Specification


Requirements Traceability Matrix


Design Documentation


Task Force Approval ■

The Task Force has approved this release for shipment

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Product Release Checklists Standard



Explanation of Checklist Items 2.2.1 Product Naming Conventions A fully qualified name for the AASHTOWare product is required. This fully qualified name will include a release number. See the AASHTOWare Standards & Guidelines Notebook, standard number 3.060.xxS - use most current version (Glossary of AASHTOWare Product Terminology) for more on product naming conventions.

2.2.2 Testing Standards Following a well thought out test program will produce a product that is more stable, easier to enhance or maintain, and will hold its value a longer time. A list of testing deliverables follows. For more details, see the AASHTOWare Standards & Guidelines Notebook, standard number 3.080.xxS (AASHTOWare Testing), use the most current version of this standard. Test Plan The Test Plan specifies the schedule, activities, and resources required to perform the testing of a system, system components, documentation, or procedures. It also includes a schedule of deliverables. Alpha Test Acceptance Report The Alpha Test Acceptance Report contains the identification of requirements, the test procedures / result criteria, the identification of the system being tested, the summary of test results, the documented exceptions, and the approved / accepted resolutions for all contributing test types (Unit, Build, System, and Alpha). Distribution Test Materials The Distribution Test Materials contains all of the materials needed by the beta test participant to implement and perform beta testing in the appropriate environment and to report the results. Beta Test Acceptance Report The Beta Test Acceptance Report contains the identification of requirements, the test procedures / result criteria, the identification of the system being tested, the summary of test results, the documented exceptions, and the approved / accepted resolutions for all tests performed for Beta Testing. Installation Materials Installation Materials contain all procedures, executables, and documentation needed to implement and operate the delivered system at the user agency site. Installation Status Report Installation Status Report contains the number of licensees, date/agency of each successful installation, date/agency/description of each problem encountered, and date/agency/description of each problem resolution. When the Task Force approves the Installation Status Report, testing is complete and the system is accepted.

2.2.3 Product Graphical Interface Standards All AASHTOWare products should employ graphical interfaces which are as consistent as can be within the parameters of best practice for the supported platform. This means the look and feel the user gets should be as consistent as possible across the AASHTOWare product line. See the most current version of the AASHTOWare Standards & Guidelines Notebook, standard number 3.030.xxS (AASHTOWare Product Graphical Interface) for the complete specification of the user interface.

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Product Release Checklists Standard


2.2.4 Requirements Deliverables The following deliverables are required by the AASHTOWare Requirements Standard, standard number 3.010.xxS. User Requirements Specification The User Requirements Specification becomes a part of the Project or Product Work Plan and is the definition of work to be done under the authority of the Project or Product Contract. System Requirements Specification The Systems Requirement Specification represents the technical requirements used by developers to design and construct the product in conformance with the User Requirements approved in the contract. Requirements Traceability Matrix The Requirements Traceability Matrix permits all requirements to be fully identified and traced both forward and backward to determine their origin and outcome. Such bidirectional traceability helps determine that all source requirements have been completely addressed.

2.2.5 System Documentation This documentation is specified in the AASHTOWare Product Documentation Standards, standard number 3.050.xxS. Design Documentation This documentation is specified in the AASHTOWare Product Documentation Standards (3.050.xxS).

2.2.6 Task Force Approval After the vendor has successfully completed the above steps and any additional requirements needed for the release of this product, the Project/Product Task Force shall consider approval for shipment. The product must not be shipped until this approval is given. Once the vendor receives approval for shipment from the Task Force, it should then ship the code and documentation to AASHTO Headquarters. AASHTO headquarters will then archive this material for safekeeping. It is important that the start and length of the warranty period be clearly defined in the contractor’s contract. For consistency among AASHTO products, it is recommended that any warranty period start at the point at which AASHTO Product/Project Manager accepts the code and documentation.

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Product Release Checklists Standard



Shipment Checklist

This checklist is for the vendor to use in preparing for a shipment.



Documentation ■

Name of Product being Shipped

Platform (computing environment) this Shipment is for

New Manuals or Updates for Existing Manuals (including update instructions)

Platform Specific Installation Instructions

Summary of CD, Tape, or Cartridge Contents

Summary of Changes in this Release

Special Instructions


Contents List

Cover Letter

Software ■

Appropriate Media

Product Software

Command Language Procedures (Scripts, JCL, EXECs, EXEs )

Database Definition Procedures

Installation Jobs

Third Party Software at appropriate release (if applicable)

Virus Scan has been Passed

Hardware ■


Hardware Security Device (if applicable)

Explanation of Checklist Items

It should be noted that a shipment may include parts, if not all, that have been sent electronically. The fact that an item has been electronically sent should be noted on the

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checklist. If the entire shipment is electronically sent, it must still include all items (electronic checklist, contents list ...).

3.2.1 Documentation Name of Product being Shipped The complete name of the Product being shipped should be clearly stated on all items shipped. Platform this Shipment requires It should be clearly stated on the Contents List what platform (computing environment) this shipment was prepared for. New Manuals or Updates for Existing Manuals New manuals or updates to manuals the recipient already has should be shipped. If updates are shipped, clear instructions for updating must be included. Platform Specific Installation Instructions Any instructions specific to the platform this shipment is to be installed on must be included. Summary of CD, Tape, or Cartridge Contents The electronic medium used to ship machine readable components should be identified. Also the platform requirements for reading the electronic medium should be specified. If a tape is being shipped a tape map must be included in the shipment. The kinds of things the tape map should show are: the number of files, how the tape was created, and its density. Summary of Changes in the Release A summary of new features, changes, or features removed must be included in the shipment. Special Instructions Any special instructions unique to this customer must be included in the shipment. Also, any known malfunctions must be clearly noted with the appropriate workarounds documented. Checklists This checklist must be included in the shipment. Contents List A contents list must be included in the shipment showing what is being shipped. Cover Letter The cover letter includes information like: whom the shipment is being sent to, who is shipping it, what is being shipped, and for what reason.

3.2.2 Software Appropriate Media The software must be shipped on extended life (minimum 50 years archival life expectancy) media that provides ease of installation and use to the recipient. A duplicate copy of the software, also on extended life media, must be supplied to assist in archival processes. In instances where media with a shorter life expectancy than 50 years is required because of installation processes, exceptions to the use of extended life media may

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be requested in writing by the contractor or task force and granted by the special committee on software development. Product Software All software the recipients are entitled to must be shipped. Command Language Procedures Command language procedures needed to install or run the product must be shipped. Database Definition Procedures The necessary procedures and schema needed to setup the customer chosen (and supported) database must be included. Installation Jobs Installation jobs and procedures to install the product on the platform the shipment is being prepared for must be included. Third Party Software If the AASHTOWare software being shipped requires third party software, the following should be considered. If the third party software is being shipped with the AASHTOWare software, the latest release of the third party software that has been tested should be shipped. If the Third party software is not being shipped, it should be clearly stated in the install document what third party software is needed and what release it should be. Virus-Scan has been Passed Any media that is shipped must be scanned for viruses if a commonly used virusscanning product is available for that media. The virus-scan software must be of current release and an industry leader. The scan must show no viruses on the media.

3.2.3 Hardware Hardware Security Device If the product requires a hardware security device or software security key to operate, this device/key should be included in a shipment to a first time recipient. In all first time shipment cases arrangements must be made to get this device/key to the recipient. If this shipment is an update of the software and the update does not require a change in the hardware security device or software security key, a new one need not be shipped.

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4. CONTENTS LIST This is an example of a contents list which is shipped as part of the new release package.

Shipped From:

Shipment Date


Shipped To:

Release Number -- >

Product Name Platform / Version (computing environment) Tape / Cartridge / Diskette / CD-ROM Hardware Security Device or Software Security Key ( if applicable )


Documentation Type

User Reference Manual


) New Manual



) Updates

Implementation Manual


) New Manual



) Updates

Security Management Manual


) New Manual



) Updates

Manager or Administration Manual


) New Manual



) Updates

Operator Manual


) New Manual



) Updates

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INSTALLATION AND USE TRAINING GUIDELINE S&G Number: 3.090.02G Effective Date: July 1, 2009

Document History Version No. 01

Revision Date June 1998



Revision Description Initial Version Changed guideline number from 3.04.G50.01 to 3.090.02G; and applied standard template. Made minor changes and format modifications.

Approval Date July 1998 06/16/2009 Approved by T&AA


Installation and Use Training


Table of Contents 1.

Introduction......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 1.3


Purpose...............................................................................................................1 Background ........................................................................................................1 Results of Survey ...............................................................................................1

Training ............................................................................................................... 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

Planning for Training .........................................................................................1 Development of Training ...................................................................................2 Methods of Training Delivery ............................................................................2 Evaluate Effectiveness of Training ...................................................................3

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Installation and Use Training


1. Introduction 1.1


Each AASHTOWare product should provide training to its customers in order to meet the goal for which that particular product was designed and developed. Good training, delivered timely and in an effective manner, will result in (1) high customer satisfaction and (2) effective and correct use of the product in the customer work site. Meaningful training should also reduce Help Desk and Support calls which might result if product is not well understood.



In the past, training for AASHTOWare products has been developed and delivered in an inconsistent manner. TAA was assigned by the SCOJD to perform an analysis to determine a better method to accomplish consistent and effective training, and to develop a Guideline for this purpose. (1) TAA was assigned this task in the annual work plan for 1996/97. (2) The Special Committee on Joint Development (SCOJD) proposed an amendment to “The Governing Policies, Guidelines and Procedures (PG&P) Document for AASHTO’s Cooperative Computer Software Program.” An item was added which states “End user training and related training materials may be included in the license fees so long as they are offered and performed in an equitable manner. Product training materials shall comply with established guidelines and procedures.” (3) In order to assess current conditions, TAA conducted a customer satisfaction survey in the Fall of 1997. Results have been compiled.


Results of Survey

(1) Results of the survey yielded the following: (a) No product received an “excellent” rating from customers. (b) The preferred method for delivery of training is instructor-led, classroom style training

or CBT (Computer Based Training). (People like hands on training and being able to ask questions.) (c) There exist differences in opinions of Users in their view of training for installation

and their view of training for product use. (d) As could be expected, some older products did not provide training in methods

currently preferred. Many of the older products’ training was by way of “passing down” the information from experienced users to newer employees at the customer’s state. (e) On-line help is considered an important part of training/help.

(2) Review of these results gives clear indication that we can improve in the area of training. (3) A repeat survey at periodic intervals could be performed to build a comparison to the initial (base line) survey. This method could be used to track progress toward accomplishing training improvements.

2. Training 2.1

Planning for Training

(1) A needs assessment should be conducted to determine the training needs associated with each product periodically. (2) Distinguish between training materials and reference manual so that training follows in a set of orderly steps. (3) Determine which method(s) of delivery of training will be available.

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Installation and Use Training


(4) Consider making training a component of each product’s Annual Work Plan.


Development of Training

(1) Timing - The timing of training is important. Develop training to be made available at the following times: (a) Shipment of product to new customer (b) Shipment of new product release which includes any significant changes (c) Annually upon request; consideration should be given to using annual User Group

meeting time, if applicable. (d) Specialized, customized training to specific customer sites may still be purchased as

service units. (e) For customized training, the state should contact the trainers in advance in order to

insure that it will be customized to fit “the way that state does things.” (2) Key components of and considerations for training (a) Product Overview - describe in business terms, what the software actually does.

Provide a framework of where the product fits into their business. Describe the main features in chronological sequence. (b) Provide sequential steps to demonstrate how the product is to be used and identify

sequential dependencies and prerequisites. Training should as nearly as possible simulate “real life” examples that users of the product might encounter when running it in their own state. Generally speaking, “worked through” examples may not be sufficient to cover the reality of product use in the customer’s home state. Therefore additional training and product use by the student should be encouraged, to allow them to try out and experiment with the product in a manner that most closely simulates their state’s experience. (c) Provide test data which is complete enough to demonstrate all main product

capabilities. Test data should be easy to load and evaluate on software which is shipped with the product and does not require additional purchase and installation of separate (data base or file) products specifically for testing purposes. (d) Provide scripts for the User to follow. Training should include “hands on” where the

User actually executes the required and frequently used parts of the product. (e) Give information on optional or advanced features and functions. Training should

include information and examples on optional features of the product. For example, if a product provides report-writing capability for the User to write their own ad-hoc reports, training should include an example of how such a report could be constructed, saved, run and retrieved for future changes. (f) Complexity plays a role. For very complex products or features of a product, break

the training out into units which are manageable. Then tie the units logically together as the training progresses. (g) Periodic refresher is highly desirable due to turnover in customer agencies and loss

of internal expertise resulting in declining use of product or declining satisfaction.


Methods of Training Delivery

In determining the preferred method of delivery of training for the product, the following criteria can be used:

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Installation and Use Training


(1) Classroom, Instructor led is often preferred. This method should be considered when it makes sense to do so. Conditions which lend themselves to this method: a large customer base, many customers receiving new product or new release of a product at the same time and if there is an assemblage of many of the customers at the same time would provide an opportunity and reduce travel. (2) Computer based training or CD has the distinct advantage of being available whenever the customer is ready to use it. This, combined with a support desk telephone number, may be the most effective of all. This works well when a few users at a time are beginning to use the product or a new release of the product since it can accommodate these differences in timing. (3) On-line Help and a User Reference Manual are both important parts of the customer’s overall understanding of the product and their proficiency at using it. Especially on-line help should be encouraged for all new developments. However, either of these should not be considered a replacement for training.


Evaluate Effectiveness of Training

(1) Each training opportunity (by any method) should be accompanied by a training evaluation. These results should be kept and reviewed by the Task Force to determine effectiveness of the training. (2) Periodic customer satisfaction surveys should be conducted and reviewed to determine if modifications/improvements are needed.

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4 – Support

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QUALITY ASSURANCE STANDARD S&G Number: 4.010.02S Effective Date: July, 01, 2009

Document History Version No. 01

Revision Date 02/12/2008



Revision Description

Approval Date

Initial Version for Pilot Process. Modified initial version based on T&AA and stakeholder review. Implemented standard template, changed to six month review cycle. Completed additional T&AA/stakeholder reviews. -----------------------------------------------------------------Additional minor changes and format modifications for publishing were approved by T&AA on 06/16/2009.

03/04/2009 Approved by SCOJD


Quality Assurance Standard


Table of Contents 1.

Purpose ............................................................................................................... 1


Task Force/Contractor Responsibilities........................................................... 1


Required Deliverables and Work Products ...................................................... 2


Procedures.......................................................................................................... 2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11

Submit First List of Completed Deliverables and Work Products ..................2 Select Deliverables and Work Products for QA Evaluation.............................2 Submit Deliverables and Work Products for Evaluation .................................2 Evaluate Deliverables and Work Products .......................................................2 Review Evaluation Reports and Provide Comments .......................................3 Resolve Issues and Provide Comments...........................................................3 Prepare and Distribute Final Evaluation Reports.............................................3 Submit Second List of Completed Deliverables and Work Products .............3 Repeat procedures 4.2 through 4.7...................................................................3 Meet With QA Analyst at Contractor Work Site................................................3 Prepare and Review Annual QA Report............................................................4


Technical Requirements .................................................................................... 4


Deliverable and Work Product Definitions ....................................................... 4 6.1

List of Deliverables and Work Products Completed........................................4 6.1.1 6.1.2


QA Evaluation Report ........................................................................................4 6.2.1 6.2.2


Description ........................................................................................................... 4 Content................................................................................................................. 4 Description ........................................................................................................... 4 Content................................................................................................................. 4

Annual QA Report ..............................................................................................5 6.3.1 6.3.2

Description ........................................................................................................... 5 Content................................................................................................................. 5

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Quality Assurance Standard


1. Purpose The purpose of the Quality Assurance (QA) Standard is to define the responsibilities of the product task forces and contractors in ensuring that products are being developed and implemented in compliance with the published AASHTOWare Standards. The activities in the standard focus on evaluating if required deliverables and work products are created in compliance with standards and if required processes in the standards are being followed. The activities do not address whether a deliverable or work product meets its intent or purpose. Review and acceptance are the responsibility of the task force, and should be completed prior to submission for QA evaluation. The activities also do not require areas of non-compliance to be resolved; however recommendations for resolution and common problems found will be used for process improvement within the applicable standards and within the internal procedures used by each task force and contractor. For the purposes of this and other AASHTOWare standards, a work product is defined as a result or artifact of the software development or project management process. The majority of work products in each AASHTOWare standard are also defined as deliverables. Deliverables are always required, must be planned and tracked in the project/product work plan, and must be formally submitted to the task force for approval or rejection. In addition to deliverables there are other work products that document the results or outcomes of the processes defined in the standard and provide evidence that required processes have been followed. This standard applies to those deliverables and work products that are documented as a requirement to comply with an AASHTOWare standard. Examples of required deliverables include the user requirements specification, requirements traceability matrix, and beta test acceptance report. Examples of required work products that demonstrate process compliance are the Alpha Testing Acceptance and the Beta Testing Acceptance. The Quality Assurance Standard includes certain activities that must be followed and work products that must be produced in order to comply with the standard. These requirements are shown in red italicized text.

2. Task Force/Contractor Responsibilities The product task force and contractor responsibilities in regards to the AASHTOWare Quality Assurance (QA) Standard are summarized below. Additional details on these responsibilities are provided in the “Procedures” section of this document. ●

Provide a list of deliverables and work products completed during the first six months of the fiscal year and at the end of the fiscal year.

Submit requested deliverables and work products to the AASHTOWare QA Analyst for evaluation.

Meet with QA Analyst at the contractor work site at least once a year.

During the above meetings, provide the QA Analyst with access to all deliverables, work products, and other artifacts that demonstrate that AASHTOWare standards are being followed.

Review evaluation reports and provide comments.

Review the Annual QA Report.

In addition, the task force has the responsibility of ensuring that the required submissions, approvals, communications, documentation, and technical requirements defined in this standard are complied with. In the event that a requirement of the standard cannot be complied with, the task force chair should advise the SCOJD or T&AA liaison early in the project/product life cycle. A request for an exception to the standard must be submitted to the SCOJD with any necessary

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documentation for their consideration. Approval of exceptions to the standards is under the purview of the SCOJD.

3. Required Deliverables and Work Products The following summarizes the required deliverables and work products that must be created and/or delivered in order to comply with the Quality Assurance Standard. ●

List of deliverables and work products completed: This list is prepared for the first six months of the fiscal year and at the end of the fiscal year.

4. Procedures The following provides detailed descriptions of Quality Assurance procedures that involve the product task force and/or contractor.

4.1 Submit First List of Completed Deliverables and Work Products At the end of the first six months of the fiscal year, the product task force chairperson will send an email to the SCOJD and T&AA liaisons providing a list of deliverables and work products completed during the prior six months. The list may be submitted by email or letter and should be submitted by January 10 of each fiscal year. If a task force is responsible for multiple AASHTOWare products or projects, a separate list may be submitted for each product/project or a combined list can be submitted for all. Also, if the task force uses multiple contractors with specifically defined individual deliverables and work products, a separate list may be submitted for each contractor.


Select Deliverables and Work Products for QA Evaluation

The SCOJD and T&AA liaisons will review the lists and will select a sampling of the completed deliverables and work products for evaluation. The items will be selected using the following criteria: ■

The item is important in determining if the processes in a standard are being followed.

The content of the item is required to comply with the applicable standard.

A type of item has not been evaluated recently.

The evaluation of a specific item is important to the product task force.

After the items are selected for evaluation, the SCOJD liaison will notify the product task force chairperson and the QA Analyst of the items selected.


Submit Deliverables and Work Products for Evaluation

After receiving the list of selected deliverable and work products, the task force chairperson will send the selected items to the QA analyst electronically. If an exception was approved regarding a standard applicable to the deliverable or work product, the exception approval letter from SCOJD should also be included with the submission.


Evaluate Deliverables and Work Products

After receiving the deliverables and work products, the QA analyst will evaluate each item for compliance against the applicable standard(s). The results of each evaluation are documented in preliminary QA evaluation reports. Each report documents where the items are not in compliance with the applicable standards and references any exceptions that have been granted. The report also includes recommended actions to address the areas of non-compliance. When completed, the preliminary evaluation reports are returned to the product task force chairperson.

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Review Evaluation Reports and Provide Comments

After receiving the preliminary evaluation reports, the task force chairperson should distribute the reports to the task force members and contractor. The QA analyst will meet (normally by conference call) with task force and contractor representatives to review the evaluation results and noncompliance issues.


Resolve Issues and Provide Comments

Following the meeting/telephone call with the QA analyst, the task force should analyze the preliminary evaluation reports and any notes from the meeting and decide if any corrective actions will be taken to resolve the noncompliance issues. The task force chair should then prepare a response to the evaluation reports and send the response to QA analyst and copy the task force members, contractor, and liaisons. The decision to resolve or not resolve noncompliance issues should be included in the response. If a deliverable or work product will be updated, a target date should be provided for the revised deliverable. Revised deliverables and work products should be submitted through the task force chairperson to the QA analyst for re-evaluation.


Prepare and Distribute Final Evaluation Reports

After receiving the task force response, the QA analyst will prepare final QA evaluation reports, which include the task force response. If an item was resubmitted and reevaluated, these results/actions are included in the final report. A cover letter to the task force chairperson will be prepared and sent with the final QA evaluation reports. A copy is provided to the SCOJD chairperson and liaison, T&AA chairperson and liaison, and AASHTO Staff manager and liaison. The product task force chairperson distributes the reports to the task force members and contractor representatives. Any additional distribution should be handled by the recipients.

4.8 Submit Second List of Completed Deliverables and Work Products Near the end of the fiscal year, the product task force chairperson will send an email to SCOJD and T&AA liaisons providing a list of deliverables and work products completed during the prior six months. The list may be submitted by email or letter and should be submitted by June 30 of each fiscal year. As with the first list, multiple lists may be submitted in cases of multiple products, projects, and/or contractors.


Repeat procedures 4.2 through 4.7.

The procedures to select, submit, and evaluate deliverables or work products are the same as those for the first list of completed items. The procedures to review reports, resolve issues, and prepare the final evaluation reports are also the same.


Meet With QA Analyst at Contractor Work Site

The QA analyst will schedule at least one visit per year at the contractor work site. This visit will normally be scheduled after the end of the fiscal year or early in the following fiscal year. If needed, the task force may request an additional visit in conjunction with the first six month review. The purpose of these visits will be to review deliverables, work products, and other items that help determine standard compliance. In addition, the QA analyst will solicit feedback from the product contractor on issues and concerns with the current QA standard, as well as the other AASHTOWare standards. The QA analyst will also collect suggestions for improving standards. The T&AA product task force liaison will normally attend these visits, and it is recommended that the task force chairperson or their designee attend.

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Prepare and Review Annual QA Report

At the beginning of each fiscal year, the QA analyst will produce an Annual QA Report that summarizes the results of all evaluations performed during the past fiscal year. The report will include the number of evaluations performed, the types of deliverables or work products evaluated, noncompliance issues that were identified and resolved, noncompliance issues that were indentified and not resolved, and number and types of exceptions that have been approved. The report will also document any trends found and will document the findings and recommendations from contractor work site visits. The QA analyst will submit the Annual QA Report to the SCOJD chairperson. The SCOJD chairperson will then distribute the report to the SCOJD members, AASHTO Staff, T&AA chairperson, and the project task force chairpersons. SCOJD will solicit comments and recommendations that would help in minimizing future non compliance issues and exception requests. The task force and contractor should review the annual report, and may choose to provide a response to SCOJD. Based on the comments and recommendations from all parties, SCOJD and T&AA will determine if any changes in the QA standard or other AASHTOWare standards are needed. If changes are needed, SCOJD will provide direction to T&AA regarding the time frames for planning and implementation the standard revisions.

5. Technical Requirements There are no technical requirements for this standard.

6. Deliverable and Work Product Definitions 6.1

List of Deliverables and Work Products Completed 6.1.1 Description This list is prepared for the first six months of the fiscal year and at the end of the fiscal year; and should be submitted to both the SCOJD and T&AA liaison. The list may be sent by email or by letter.

6.1.2 Content No specific content other than the names of the deliverables is required.


QA Evaluation Report 6.2.1 Description This report is not prepared by the task force or contractor; however, the task force and contractor should review the report and provide a response to the findings.

6.2.2 Content The results of the QA evaluation will be provided in this report. The report will include the following content. Other content may also be added. ○

Report Date: The date the report was prepared.

Prepared By: The name of the person that prepared the QA evaluation report.

Task Force: The name of the task force submitting the deliverable or work product.

Project/Product: Name of the project or product of the deliverable or work product.

Deliverable: Name of the deliverable that was evaluated.

Deliverable/WP Version: The version of the deliverable or work product.

Submitted Date: The date the deliverable was submitted for evaluation.

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Standard: The name and date of the AASHTOWare standard used for evaluation.

Evaluation Results: The evaluation results and areas of non-compliance.

Recommended Action: Recommended action to address non compliance.

Comments: Any overall comments regarding the evaluation of all items.

Task Force Response: This section will initially be blank. It will be updated after the QA analyst receives comments from the task force.

Resolution: Text describing the resolution (if any) to the area of noncompliance.

Annual QA Report 6.3.1 Description This report is not prepared by the task force or contractor; however, the task force and contractor should review the report and optionally provide comments.

6.3.2 Content The report summarizes findings, areas of noncompliance, and exceptions to standards, trends, resource requirements for QA activities, recommendations, and other significant results from the prior year’s quality assurance activities. The specific content of this report will be developed during the first annual reporting period and the standard will be updated after feedback is gathered.

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DISASTER RECOVERY STANDARD S&G Number: 4.020.02S Effective Date: July 1, 2009

Document History Version No. 01

Revision Date Feb. 1999



Approval Date April 1999

Revision Description Initial Version Changed standard number from to 4.020.01S; and the standard template applied. Made minor changes and format modifications.

06/16/2009 Approved by T&AA

Modified on 06/24/2009 23:25 PM

Disaster Recovery Standard


Table of Contents 1.

I. Introduction...................................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2


A. Preface ...........................................................................................................1 Objectives...........................................................................................................1

Backups .............................................................................................................. 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9

The Backup Plan ................................................................................................1 What Must be Backed Up...................................................................................1 How Often and How Long Must the Backups be Kept.....................................1 Incremental Backups .........................................................................................2 Full Backups.......................................................................................................2 Offsite Storage ...................................................................................................2 Compatible Media...............................................................................................3 Care of Media......................................................................................................3 Document What is Being Done .........................................................................3


Contractor Check List ........................................................................................ 5


Compliancy Check List ...................................................................................... 6

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Disaster Recovery Standard


1. I. Introduction 1.1



When a contractor works on an AASHTOWare Product/Project, AASHTO is investing both time and money into this effort. Until a release point is reached, AASHTO has nothing in hand to show for this investment. If a disaster were to happen at the contractor’s site, the work the contractor had done on the project may be lost. This would be a loss to AASHTO in both time and money invested to the point of the disaster. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to expect the contractor to have steps in place that would protect AASHTO’s investment in the event of a disaster.



The objective of this standard is to present the minimum steps an AASHTOWare contractor must take to safeguard AASHTO’s development investment in a Product/Project should a disaster occur. These steps must be in place throughout the time the contractor is developing new or maintaining present AASHTOWare software, as well as anytime the contractor is working on Task Force directed assignments.

2. Backups One of the best ways to guard against the loss of software is to have more than one copy of the software at any point in time. While the software is in development it is changing daily, so copies must be made daily. Backups to tape are one of the best and most cost effective ways to save multiple copies of software in development. Following are some of the items to be considered when setting up backups.


The Backup Plan

To protect software in development from loss with backups, a good backup plan must be in place. This plan needs to consider and address all the topics in this backup section as well as any special circumstances the project may have. The plan must be documented in writing and updated whenever things change. It must include the procedures, steps to be followed, to recover the production-working environment at a backup site. Roles and responsibilities also need to be clearly stated in the plan. The backup plan should also be reviewed on an annual basis.


What Must be Backed Up

A big reason for backing up data is to safeguard it against loss, so it will not have to be redone. This means that all parts of the development effort must be backed up. This must include, but is not restricted to the following: ■

Source code

All documentation for the system

Tools and development software used (have a copy available)

Test Scripts and test data

Databases used to document system processes. (Include problem report and test status databases.)


How Often and How Long Must the Backups be Kept

At a minimum, backups must be done daily. Multiple copies at all levels of backups must be kept and not released until the next level up has been completed. A typical example would be: ■

Daily backups kept for 14 days.

Weekly backups kept for 5 weeks.

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Monthly backups kept for 13 months.

Yearly backups kept for the life of the development effort.

The backup cycle must be documented in the Backup Plan.


Incremental Backups

Full backups are usually best, but where data is large and backup windows are small, incremental daily backups may be done. This means you will only be backing up data which has changed that day. If a drive is lost on the seventh day of the backup cycle and a full restore is needed, all 6 of the daily tapes as well as the last full backup will be needed and in the right order. As with all backup tapes, incremental tapes need to be well documented.


Full Backups

Full backups are backups that copy all the data, not just data that has been changed in a system. The advantage of doing a full backup daily is that if the system should need to be restored it could be done from this one backup. There would be no problems making sure all the right incremental backups were applied and in the right order. A full backup would be needed in any case as a starting point for the restore.


Offsite Storage

One of the reason for doing backups is to safeguard the work and investment that is being done against loss in the event of a disaster. Disasters come in many forms, hardware failures, fires, floods, or a disgruntled employee to name a few. Storing a recent copy of the system being worked on at another site is a good safeguard against loss should a disaster happen at the main site. One should pick this offsite location carefully. Consider why you are storing this data offsite, to safeguard it against loss should a disaster occur. Some of the things that should be considered when picking an offsite location are listed here. 1. Distance from Main Site The offsite storage location should not be located near the main site. If the disaster were a fire or flood and the offsite location was next door or in the same block as the main site, the offsite location might also be lost. The offsite location should be at a distance great enough so that any disaster at the main site will not impact the offsite location. One must also make sure that the data can easily be moved from the main site to the offsite location and back. 2. Environment The environment at the offsite storage location should be one suited for the storage of the backup tapes. A damp warehouse basement must not be used as an offsite storage location. 3. Kind of Location One of the best places to store offsite backups is at a site setup specifically for this function. This site would have a controlled environment and could be managed by a company who’s business it is to do this type of offsite storage. Another office of the main company might also be an option, if the location and environment were right. Another location that is sometimes used is an employee’s home; and although it is better than nothing, it is not recommended as the main offsite storage location. This site is often near the main site and has no controlled environment. In addition, if the disaster is a disgruntled employee and it is at their home the backups are being kept, all could be lost.

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4. Frequency of Storage Backups must be moved to the offsite storage location at least weekly. This should be done more often if the development work is large with many changes happening daily. This is not a complete list but does provide a starting point when picking a location for offsite storage. The main thing to consider is that the offsite location should be safe and accessible if a disaster should happen at the main site. In your planning cover as many types of disaster at the main site as possible.


Compatible Media When one backs up a system for the purpose of disaster recovery, it is important to consider the compatibility of the media being used for the backup. Putting the backup on a tape that requires special equipment or special software to read is not desirable. The special equipment or software may not be available, or easily obtained, at the site being used to recover from a disaster at the main site. It is best to pick a media, usually tape, and equipment to read and write the media that is common to many sites and that can easily be obtained from a market leader in supplying this type of hardware. Picking the software that is used to write the data to the media is also important, because it is best to have the same type of software to read the media when restoring the data. Again it is best to use backup software that is common to many sites and can easily be obtained from a market leader in supplying this type of software. One of the best ways to make sure your media is compatible is to take the media to your backup location, or a location that is setup similar to a location you could setup as a backup site, and try to restore the data. If you can restore from the backup tape and use the data at the backup site, a good test of the media’s compatibility has been done.


Care of Media

Once the backup of the system has been done, the media it is backed up on must be properly cared for. The manufacturer of the media being used should have guidelines on the care of its media. Some of the things these guidelines will cover and the AASHTOWare contractor must follow are: 1. Environment The environment the media is stored in is important. Temperature, humidity, and air quality are a few environmental factors that effect the life of the media being stored. 2. Handling The media should be handled properly throughout its life. Transport to and from the offsite storage location are important factors. 3. Age The age of the media should be tracked; and when it passes the manufacturer’s recommendation for media life, it must be replaced. 4. Usage The use the media gets (number of times the media has been written to and read from) should be tracked; and when it passes the manufacturers use recommendation, the media must be replaced. The manufacturer’s guidelines for the care of the media being use must be completely followed to ensure the best chance of having a readable media if it is needed.


Document What is Being Done

Documentation is an important part of your backups in your Disaster Recovery Plan. Should a disaster happen at the main site and the system need to be restored at another site, not Created on 04/30/2009 11:39 PM

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only would the backup media be needed but knowing what is on each of the media would be very useful. Knowing what is on each of the backups, which is the latest, and what might not be on the backups, will all help shorten the time it takes to recover a system. To ensure that this documentation is available when recovering from a disaster, it must also be stored offsite.

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3. Contractor Check List The Contractor Check List must be completed by the contractor and sent to the Task Force for their review.

Contractor Check List Is there a written backup plan ? (yes/no) What is being backed up Source code (yes/no) Project/Product documentation (yes/no) Test scripts and test data Databases used for the project/product (yes/no) At a minimum, are daily backups of changed data being done (yes/no) Are weekly, monthly, and yearly backups of all data being done (yes/no) Is the media and software being used common, a market leader (yes/no) List type and brand of media: ___________________________________________________ What software is being used for the backups: ___________________________________________________ Is the media being tracked for age and use (yes/no) Offsite Storage Is backup media being stored offsite (yes/no) Distance main site is from offsite storage location Does offsite storage location have a controlled environment for media storage (yes/no) Location of offsite storage: _____________________________________________ How often is media taken to offsite location Is the documentation of what is being stored on what media being stored offsite as well (yes/no)

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Disaster Recovery Standard


4. Compliancy Check List The Compliancy Check List, shown on the next page, is the Contractor Check List with the minimum level for compliancy written in italic. The Task Force may take this check list and compare it with the Contractor Check List (made out by the contractor) to see if the contractor is in compliance with this standard.

Compliancy Check List Is there a written backup plan ? (yes/no)


What is being backed up Source code (yes/no)


Project/Product documentation (yes/no)


Test scripts and test data


Databases used for the project/product (yes/no)


At a minimum, are daily backups of changed data being done (yes/no)


Are weekly, monthly, and yearly backups of all data being done (yes/no)


Is the media and software being used common, a market leader (yes/no)


List type and brand of media: (A market leading brand media must be listed here) What software is being used for the backups: (A market leading brand software must be listed here) Is the media being tracked for age and use (yes/no)


Offsite Storage Is backup media being stored offsite (yes/no)


Distance main site is from offsite storage location

Does offsite storage location have a controlled environment for YES media storage (yes/no) Location of offsite storage: (Offsite storage location must be listed here) How often is media taken to offsite location


Is the documentation of what is being stored on what media being stored offsite as well (yes/no)


Best distance will depend on location and type of controlled environment. In most cases it must be at least a few miles from the main site. Created on 04/30/2009 11:39 PM

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5 - Appendices

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AASHTOWARE LIFECYCLE FRAMEWORK (ALF) S&G Number: 5.010.02R Effective Date: July 1, 2009

Document History Version No. 02

Revision Date 06/16/2009

Revision Description Replaces AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework Process Areas and Work Products documents (1.01.G01.01 and 1.01.G02.01).

Approval Date 06/16/2009 Approved by T&AA


AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF)


Table of Contents 1.

Purpose ............................................................................................................... 1


Overview of ALF and CMMI-DEV....................................................................... 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12


Generic Goals and Practices ............................................................................. 6 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5


Process Areas.............................................................................................................2 Related Process Areas...............................................................................................2 Process Area Categories ...........................................................................................2 List of Categories and Process Areas.......................................................................2 Specific Goals.............................................................................................................3 Specific Practices.......................................................................................................3 Typical Work Products...............................................................................................4 Generic Goals .............................................................................................................4 Generic Practices .......................................................................................................4 Staged and Continuous Representation...................................................................4 Capability Levels ........................................................................................................5 AASHTOWare Implementation of Process Areas.....................................................6 GG 1: Achieve Specific Goals....................................................................................6 GG 2: Institutionalize a Managed Process................................................................6 GG 3: Institutionalize a Defined Process ..................................................................9 Applying Generic Practices .......................................................................................9 Process Areas That Support Generic Practices.......................................................9

Process Area Descriptions .............................................................................. 11 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16

Organizational Process Focus ................................................................................11 Organizational Process Definition...........................................................................13 Organizational Training............................................................................................14 Project Planning .......................................................................................................15 Project Monitoring and Control ...............................................................................17 Supplier Agreement Management ...........................................................................19 Requirements Development ....................................................................................20 Requirements Management .....................................................................................22 Technical Solution....................................................................................................23 Product Integration...................................................................................................25 Verification................................................................................................................27 Validation ..................................................................................................................29 Configuration Management .....................................................................................30 Process and Product Quality Assurance................................................................31 Measurement and Analysis......................................................................................32 Advanced Process Areas.........................................................................................34

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AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF)


1. Purpose The AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF) was developed to: ●

Improve the AASHTOWare software development and maintenance processes and, subsequently, improve AASHTOWare products.

Provide a framework for creating AASHTOWare process improvement projects. These projects will involve the development of new standards and guidelines and the revision of existing standards and guidelines that are based on goals and practices within the framework.

Recommend typical work products that should be created to support each standard or guideline based on ALF. These work products are the recommended output or results that should be created when implementing the practices defined by each standard and guideline.

Provide a method for mapping the AASHTOWare standards and guidelines against the framework and for reporting the status of process improvement projects.

● Provide a method for measuring improvement in AASHTOWare processes. Process improvement projects will normally involve the development of standard processes that implement specific practices with required outcomes or work products; therefore, most of these projects will involve the development of new standards or the revision of existing standards. Guidelines may also be developed in those cases where AASHTOWare management determines that it’s best to implement the process as recommended practices rather than as a requirement. In addition, AASHTOWare may choose to implement certain processes as a guideline for an evaluation period with a future goal of implementing the processes as a standard. It should be noted, that additional standards and guidelines will be developed and maintained independent of AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework. These standards and guidelines typically involve technical specifications or requirements for AASHTOWare software development and maintenance. The process to develop and maintain the standards and guidelines is defined in the AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Process (ASGD) which is included in the AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Notebook.

2. Overview of ALF and CMMI-DEV The AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF) is based on the Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development (CMMI-DEV) which was developed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) of Carnegie Mellon University. The CMMI-DEV model consists of best practices that address development and maintenance activities that cover the product lifecycle from conception through delivery and maintenance. The current version of ALF is based on version 1.2 of CMMI-DEV. The complete documentation for CMMI-DEV, V1.2 is available on the SEI web site at the following address: http://www.sei.cmu.edu/publications/documents/06.reports/06tr008.html. Much of the content in this document was extracted from the CMMI-DEV V1.2 document. It should be noted that ALF does not include the additional requirements for the CMMI-DEV+IPPD model which is also described in the CMMI-DEV V1.2 document. The SEI has taken the process management premise that “the quality of a system or product is highly influenced by the quality of the process used to develop and maintain it.” The CMMI-DEV model was created to embrace this premise. This premise is the primary reason AASHTOWare has chosen CMMI-DEV as the basis for improving its software development and maintenance processes.

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AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF)



Process Areas

A process area is a cluster of related practices in an area that, when implemented collectively, satisfy a set of goals considered important for making improvement in that area. The ALF model currently includes the fifteen process areas from the CMMI-DEV V1.2 model that are classified as “Basic”. Refer to the next section for more information. Each process area in the framework also includes information on related process areas, specific goals and practices, and typical work products for each process area, as well as, generic goals and practices which apply to multiple process areas. Each of these topics is discussed below.


Related Process Areas

There are certain interactions among process areas that help to see an organization’s view of process improvement and help to see which process areas build on the implementation of other process areas. Relationships among process areas are presented in two dimensions. The first dimension comprises the interactions of individual process areas that show how information and artifacts flow from one process area to another. These interactions help to see a larger view of process improvement. The second dimension comprises the interactions of groups of process areas. Process areas are classified as either “Basic” or “Advanced”. The “Basic” process areas should be implemented before the “Advanced” process areas to ensure that the prerequisites are met to successfully implement the “Advanced” process areas. The “Process Area Descriptions” section includes a table of related process areas for each process area described. An example of a related process area for the “Requirements Management” process area is the “Project Planning” process area which provides additional information about how project plans reflect requirements and need to be revised as requirements change.


Process Area Categories

Process areas can also be grouped into group of related process areas by the four categories listed below: ■

■ ■


Process Management process areas contain the cross-project activities related to defining, planning, deploying, implementing, monitoring, controlling, appraising, measuring, and improving processes. Project Management process areas cover the project management activities related to planning, monitoring, and controlling the project. Software Engineering process areas cover the development and maintenance activities that are shared across software engineering disciplines. Software engineering includes the requirements development, requirements management, technical solution, product integration, verification, and validation process areas. Support process areas cover the activities that support product development and maintenance. The Support process areas address processes that are used in the context of performing other processes. In general, the Support process areas address processes that are targeted toward the project and may address processes that apply more generally to the organization. For example, the “Process and Product Quality Assurance” process area can be used with all the process areas to provide an objective evaluation of the processes and work products described in all the process areas.

List of Categories and Process Areas

The following table includes the each process area is listed with its appropriate category and its classification of “Basic or Advanced”. For the time being, development of process areas under the AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF) will be limited to the “Basic” process Page 2


AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF)


areas. Refer to the CMMI-DEV V1.2 document for additional information on the relationships among process areas. Categories / Process Areas

Basic / Advanced

Process Management Organizational Process Focus (OPF) Organizational Process Definition (OPD) Organizational Training (OT) Organizational Process Performance (OPP) Organizational Innovation and Deployment (OID) Project Management Project Planning (PP) Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) Integrated Project Management (IPM) Risk Management (RSKM)

Advanced Advanced Basic Basic Basic Advanced Advanced

Quantitative Project Management (QPM) Software Engineering Requirements Management (REQM) Requirements Development (RD) Technical Solution (TS) Product Integration (PI)

Advanced Basic Basic Basic Basic

Verification (VER) Validation (VAL) Support Configuration Management (CM) Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA) Measurement and Analysis (MA) Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR) Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR)


Basic Basic Basic

Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Advanced Advanced

Specific Goals

A specific goal describes the unique characteristics that must be present to satisfy the process area. A specific goal is used in appraisals to help determine whether a process area is satisfied. An example of a specific goal from the Requirements Management” process area is: “Requirements are managed and inconsistencies with project plans and work products are identified”. The ALF Process Area” section below provides a list of the specific goals for each ALF process area.


Specific Practices

A specific practice is the description of an activity that is considered important in achieving the associated specific goal. The specific practices describe the activities that are expected to result in achievement of the specific goals of a process area. A specific practice is an expected model component. An example of a specific practice from the “Requirements Management” process area is: “Maintain bidirectional traceability among the requirements and work products”. The specific will be implemented as procedures in each standard or guideline that is based on ALF. If needed for clarity or simplicity, the procedures will be divided into lower level activities and tasks. The “ALF Process Area” section below provides a list of the specific practices for each specific goal in the process area. Page 3


AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF)



Typical Work Products

Most specific practices include one or more typical work products. These are typical outputs or results from the specific practice. An example of a typical work product from the “Maintain bidirectional traceability among the requirements and work products” specific practice in the “Requirements Management” process area” is the “Requirements Traceability Matrix”. Each process area in the “ALF Process Areas” section below includes a list of Typical Work Products. These represent potential outcomes or work products that should be considered when developing new and revised standards and guidelines.


Generic Goals

A generic goal applies to multiple process areas, and describes the characteristics that must be present to institutionalize the processes that implement a process area. As with a specific goal, a generic goal is used in appraisals to determine whether a process area is satisfied. An example of a generic goal is: “The process is institutionalized as a defined process”. The “Generic Goals and Practices” section below provides a description of each ALF generic goals.


Generic Practices

A generic practice applies to multiple process areas, and describes an activity that is considered important in achieving the associated generic goal. An example generic practice for the generic goal “The process is institutionalized as a managed process” is “Provide adequate resources for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process.” The “Generic Goals and Practices” section below provides a description of the generic practices for each generic goal.


Staged and Continuous Representation

Levels are used in CMMI to describe an evolutionary path recommended for an organization that wants to improve the processes it uses to develop and maintain its products and services. Levels can also be the outcome of the rating activity of appraisals. Appraisals can be performed for organizations that comprise entire (usually small) companies, or for smaller groups such as a group of projects or a division within a company. CMMI-DEV enables an organization to approach process improvement and appraisals using two different representations: continuous and staged.

2.10.1 Staged Representation The staged representation is concerned with the overall maturity level of the organization, whether individual processes are performed or incomplete is not the primary focus. It prescribes an order for implementing process areas according to maturity levels, which define the improvement path for an organization from the initial level to the optimizing level. If you do not know where to start and which processes to choose to improve, the staged representation is a good choice for you. It gives you a specific set of processes to improve at each stage that has been determined through more than a decade of research and experience with process improvement.

2.10.2 Continuous Representation The continuous representation offers maximum flexibility when using a CMMI model for process improvement. An organization may choose to improve the performance of a single process-related trouble spot, or it can work on several areas that are closely aligned to the organization’s business objectives. The continuous representation also allows an organization to improve different processes at different rates. There are some Page 4


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limitations on an organization’s choices because of the dependencies among some process areas. The continuous representation is concerned with selecting both a particular process area to improve and the desired capability level for that process area. It has the same process areas as staged but provides more flexibility for picking the development of process areas in an order that fits business needs. The continuous representation uses capability levels to characterize improvement in an individual process area and was chosen as the best fit for ALF. Refer to the “Tying It All Together” chapter in the CMMI-DEV V1.2 document for more information on staged and continuous representations.


Capability Levels

Capability levels are used to support those using the continuous representation of the CMMI-DEV model. A capability level consists of a generic goal and its related generic practices as they relate to a process area, which can improve the organization’s processes associated with that process area. As you satisfy the generic goal and its generic practices at each capability level, you reap the benefits of process improvement for that process area. CMMI-DEV includes six capability levels, designated by the numbers 0 through 5; however, ALF will only include capability levels 0-3. Each process area in ALF may be developed to a higher capability level independently of the other process areas in the framework. Initial development of standard processes will be to capability level 1 and none will be developed beyond capability level 3. The ALF capability levels are defined below Capability Level 0: Incomplete. One or more of the specific goals of the process area are not satisfied. ■ Capability Level 1: Performed. The process satisfies the specific goals and specific practices of the process area; however, it is not institutionalized. ■ Capability Level 2: Managed. The process which was performed at capability level 1 becomes a managed process when: ○ There is a policy that indicates the process will be performed, ○ It is planned and executed in accordance with policy, ○ There are resources provided to support and implement the process and produce the required work products, ○ Training is provided on how to perform the process, ○ The process and work products are monitored, controlled, and reviewed, and ○ The process and work products are evaluated for adherence to the standard process. ■ Capability Level 3: Defined. The process which was managed at capability level 2 becomes a defined process when: ○ Tailoring guidelines are established that allows a specific project to customize the standard process to suit the needs of that particular project. This allows consistency, except for the differences allowed by the tailoring guidelines. ○ The process contributes work products, measures, and other process improvement information to the organizational process assets. ○ The process clearly states the purpose, inputs, entry criteria, activities, roles, measures, verification steps, outputs, and exit criteria. At capability level 3, processes are managed more proactively using an understanding of the interrelationships of the process activities and detailed measures of the process, its work products, and its services. Refer to the “Tying It All Together” chapter in the CMMI-DEV V1.2 document for more information on capability levels. ■

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AASHTOWare Implementation of Process Areas

As discussed above, AASHTOWare will implement process improvement through developing and implementing standards and guidelines that are based on a framework of CMMI-DEV process areas, goals, and practices, as well as other industry process improvement best practices, where appropriate. The implementation of ALF will be accomplished over multiple years by incrementally developing new standards and guidelines and by revising existing standards and guidelines. Each standard or guideline will be based on the process improvements goals in ALF and will include procedures that implement the ALF practices. A single ALF standard may include the practices from a single process area or from multiple process areas. The time line to develop and implement the ALF-based standards will be planned and scheduled through the AASHTOWare strategic plans and annual work plans. Although the goal will be to implement standards for all Process Area Descriptions and practices, AASHTOWare management recognizes that this may not be possible within the constraints of an organization that is primarily composed of part-time, volunteer employees. Due to these constraints, in some cases, certain practices may not be included in initial process implementations and others may never be implemented. In addition, certain process areas may never be implemented. As discussed previously, ALF will initially only address the process areas in the Basic classification. Detailed descriptions of each ALF process area are included in the “Process Area Descriptions” section below.

3. Generic Goals and Practices This section describes generic goals one through three and the generic practices for each of these goals. Each goal includes a number GG n followed by a title of the goal. The text of the goal follows the goal number and title in italicized text. As discussed previously to achieve capability level one for a process area, all generic practices for goal one must be met. Capability level two is achieved by meeting all of the generic practices for goal two; and capability level three is achieved by satisfied the generic practices for goal three.


GG 1: Achieve Specific Goals

The process supports and enables achievement of the specific goals of the process area by transforming identifiable input work products to produce identifiable output work products. To achieve capability level one for a process area, the following practice must be performed for that process area.

3.1.1 GP 1.1: Perform Specific Practices Perform the specific practices of the process area to develop work products and provide services to achieve the specific goals of the process area. This practice is performed by producing the work products and delivering the services that are defined for the process area. For example, by performing the specific practices in the Project Management process area and by producing the recommended work products, this general practice is satisfied.


GG 2: Institutionalize a Managed Process

The process is institutionalized as a managed process. Achieving capability level two for a process area is equivalent to saying you manage the performance of processes associated with the process area. To achieve capability level two Page 6


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for a process area, the work products for that process area must be produced, as in level one, and all of the practices listed below must be performed.

3.2.1 GP 2.1: Establish an Organizational Policy Establish and maintain an organizational policy for planning and performing the process. This generic practice is performed for a process area when AASHTOWare implements a standard or policy that requires the practices defined in the process area to be planned and performed. For example, the Requirements Standards defines organizational procedures and required work products that must be planned, created, submitted, and approved for the Requirements Development and Requirements Management process areas.

3.2.2 GP 2.2: Plan the Process Establish and maintain the plan for performing the process. This generic practice is performed for a process area when the project/product task force or contractor plans the tasks and work products for that process area in the project plan, work plan, or another planning document. An example of this is including tasks to develop, submit, and obtain approval for the System Requirements Specification in the work plan. Another example is to plan the configuration management activities and work products as a component of the work plan or as a separate configuration management plan.

3.2.3 GP 2.3: Provide Resources Provide adequate resources for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process. Resources include adequate funding, appropriate physical facilities, skilled people, and appropriate tools. Examples include the following: ○

Skilled staff: Project management, quality assurance, configuration management, database management, system analysis, software development, sub matter experts, etc. Tools: Project management and scheduling, configuration management, problem tracking, software development, prototyping, process modeling, database management, testing, requirements tracking, etc.

3.2.4 GP 2.4: Assign Responsibility Assign responsibility and authority for performing the process, developing the work products, and providing the services of the process. Examples would be assigning staff to perform configuration management and quality assurance processes.

3.2.5 GP 2.5: Train People Train the people performing or supporting the process as needed. Examples of training topics include the following: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Planning, managing, and monitoring projects Change management Configuration management Process modeling Risk management Data management Requirements definition and analysis Page 7


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○ ○


Design methods Testing

3.2.6 GP 2.6: Manage Configurations Place designated work products of the process under appropriate levels of control. Examples of work products that should be placed under control include the following: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Project plans Organization’s set of standard processes Work breakdown structures and project schedules Status reports Change requests Quality assurance reports User and system requirements Requirements traceability matrix System design documents Code, build scripts, and installation scripts Test plans, scripts, and test results User, installation, operation, and maintenance documentation Training materials Deliverable submittal and acceptance documentation

3.2.7 GP 2.7: Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders Identify and involve the relevant stakeholders of the process as planned. Examples of stakeholder involvement include stakeholder reviewing work plans; stakeholders participating in requirements collection, review, and validation; stakeholders participating in problem or issue resolutions; and stakeholders participating in testing activities.

3.2.8 GP 2.8: Monitor and Control the Process Monitor and control the process against the plan for performing the process and take appropriate corrective action. An example is to monitor and control the schedule and budget against the project plan and take appropriate corrective action. Another example is to monitor and control process used for requirements changes against the plan for performing the change control process and take appropriate corrective action. Monitoring and controlling the test process against the test plan is another example.

3.2.9 GP 2.9: Objectively Evaluate Adherence Objectively evaluate adherence of the process against its process description, standards, and procedures, and address noncompliance. Examples are objectively evaluating processes and work products against the Requirements and Testing Standards and tracking and communicating noncompliance issues.

3.2.10 GP 2.10: Review Status with Higher Level Management Review the activities, status, and results of the process with higher level management and resolve issues. Examples include reviewing the status of process improvement projects with SCOJD, and reviewing the results of a pilot process with SCOJD. Page 8


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GG 3: Institutionalize a Defined Process

The process is institutionalized as a defined process.

3.3.1 GP 3.1: Establish a Defined Process Establish and maintain the description of a defined process. Examples are to define and maintain AASHTOWare standards for that define an organizational process for Project Management, Requirements, and Testing. These would be standards are that the project/product task forces and contractors are required to comply with. Defined tailoring methods would allow project specific modifications to the standards.

3.3.2 GP 3.2: Collect Improvement Information Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the process to support the future use and improvement of the organization’s processes and process assets. Examples of work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information include the following: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○


Records of significant deviations from plans Corrective action results Estimated costs versus actual costs Quality assurance report that identifies areas for improvement Number of requirements introduced at each phase of the project lifecycle Number of unfunded requirements changes after baselining Lessons learned reports Results of applying new methods and tools Number of product defects found during each testing phase

Applying Generic Practices

Generic practices are components that are common to all process areas. Think of generic practices as reminders. They serve the purpose of reminding you to do things right, and are expected model components. For example, when you are achieving the specific goals of the Project Planning process area, you are establishing and maintaining a plan that defines project activities. One of the generic practices that applies to the Project Planning process area is “Establish and maintain the plan for performing the project planning process” (GP 2.2). When applied to this process area, this generic practice reminds you to plan the activities involved in creating the plan for the project. When you are satisfying the specific goals of the Organizational Training process area, you are developing the skills and knowledge of people in your project and organization so that they can perform their roles effectively and efficiently. When applying the same generic practice (GP 2.2) to the Organizational Training process area, this generic practice reminds you to plan the activities involved in developing the skills and knowledge of people in the organization.


Process Areas That Support Generic Practices

While generic goals and generic practices are the model components that directly address the institutionalization of a process across the organization, many process areas likewise address institutionalization by supporting the implementation of the generic practices. Knowing these relationships will help you effectively implement the generic practices.

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Such process areas contain one or more specific practices that when implemented may also fully implement a generic practice or generate a work product that is used in the implementation of a generic practice. The following types of relationships between generic practices and process areas occur: The process areas that support the implementation of generic practices ■ The recursive relationships between generic practices and their closely related process Both types of relationships are important to remember during process improvement to take advantage of the natural synergies that exist between the generic practices and their related process areas. Given the dependencies that generic practices have on these process areas, and given the more “holistic” view that many of these process areas provide, these process areas are often implemented early, in whole or in part, before or concurrent with implementing the associated generic practices. ■

To support the meeting generic practices of generic goal 2 and achieving Capability Level 2, the following process areas should be considered for early implementation: Organizational Training ■ Project Planning ■ Project Monitoring and Control ■ Integrated Project Management (Advanced) ■ Configuration Management ■ Measurement and Analysis ■ Process and Product Quality Assurance To support the meeting generic practices of generic goal 3 and achieving Capability Level 3, the following process areas should be considered for early implementation: ■

Organizational Process Focus ■ Organizational Process Definition ■ Integrated Project Management (Advanced) Refer to the “Process Areas That Support Generic Practices” section in “Part Two - Generic Goals and Generic Practices, and the Process Areas” in the CMMI-DEV V1.2 document for more information on this topic. ■

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4. Process Area Descriptions This section provides a description of each of the ALF process area including the purpose, related process areas, specific goals, specific process, and typical work products. Each ALF specific goal and practice includes the same number, title, and description as used in CMMIDEV V1.2. As discussed previously, each process area from the CMMI-DEV V1.2 model is included in the ALF framework; however, only those classified as Basic will be addressed initially. Those process areas that are classified as Advance will not be addressed in the foreseeable future, and will only be listed with their purpose. Additional details regarding each process area, including those classified as Advanced, can be found in the “Generic Goals and Generic Practices, and the Process Areas” chapter in the CMMI-DEV V1.2 document. Each Basic process area description also includes a reference to the current standards, guidelines, policies or procedures that requires or recommends the implementation of the practices in the process area. Future implementations are also noted in general terms.


Organizational Process Focus

The purpose of Organizational Process Focus (OPF) is to plan, implement, and deploy organizational process improvements based on a thorough understanding of the current strengths and weaknesses of the organization’s processes and process assets. AASHTOWare’s set of processes includes the Standards and Guidelines Notebook, the Cooperative Computer Software Policies, Guidelines and Procedures (PG&P), and the AASHTOWare Project/Product Task Force Handbook. The process assets include the various standards, guidelines, the ALF framework, Lifecycle Models, policies, procedures, Groove workspaces, templates, work products, QA evaluation reports, and other artifacts and tools used to plan, develop, implement, manage, and improve the set of processes. This process area is currently supported by the AASHTOWare Strategic Planning Process, the AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Standard, and the Quality Assurance Standard. Organization Process Focus will be further addressed in the future by a new or revised standard, guideline, policy, or procedure.

4.1.1 Related Process Areas Process Area

Related Topic

Organizational Process Definition

Organizational process assets

4.1.2 Specific Goals and Practices Specific Goals and Practices SG 1: Determine Process Improvement Opportunities Strengths, weaknesses, and improvement opportunities for the organization's processes are identified periodically and as needed. SP 1.1: Establish Organizational Process Needs Establish and maintain the description of the process needs and objectives for the organization. Typical Work Products • Organization’s process needs and objectives SP 1.2: Appraise the Organization’s Processes Appraise the organization's processes periodically and as needed to maintain an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Typical Work Products • Plans for the organization's process appraisals • Appraisal findings that address strengths and weaknesses of the organization's processes • Improvement recommendations for the organization's processes Page 11


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Specific Goals and Practices SP 1.3: Identify the Organization's Process Improvements Identify improvements to the organization's processes and process assets. Typical Work Products • Analysis of candidate process improvements • Identification of improvements for the organization's processes SG 2: Plan and Implement Process Improvements Process actions that address improvements to the organization’s processes and process assets are planned and implemented. SP 2.1: Establish Process Action Plans Establish and maintain process action plans to address improvements to the organization's processes and process assets. Typical Work Products • Organization's approved process action plans SP 2.2: Implement Process Action Plans Implement process action plans. Typical Work Products • Commitments among the various process action teams • Status and results of implementing process action plans • Plans for pilots SG 3: Deploy Organizational Process Assets and Incorporate Lessons Learned The organizational process assets are deployed across the organization and process-related experiences are incorporated into the organizational process assets. SP 3.1: Deploy Organizational Process Assets Deploy organizational process assets across the organization. Typical Work Products • Plans for deploying organizational process assets and changes to them across the organization • Training materials for deploying organizational process assets and changes to them • Documentation of changes to organizational process assets • Support materials for deploying organizational process assets and changes to them SP 3.2: Deploy Standard Processes Deploy the organization’s set of standard processes to projects at their startup and deploy changes to them as appropriate throughout the life of each project. Typical Work Products • Organization's list of projects and status of process deployment on each project (i.e., existing and planned projects) • Guidelines for deploying the organization’s set of standard processes on new projects • Records of tailoring the organization’s set of standard processes and implementing them on identified projects SP 3.3: Monitor Implementation Monitor the implementation of the organization’s set of standard processes and use of process assets on all projects. Typical Work Products • Results of monitoring process implementation on projects • Status and results of process-compliance evaluations • Results of reviewing selected process artifacts created as part of process tailoring and implementation SP 3.4: Incorporate Process-Related Experiences into the Organizational Process Assets Incorporate process-related work products, measures, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the process into the organizational process assets.

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Specific Goals and Practices Typical Work Products • Process improvement proposals • Process lessons learned • Measurements on the organizational process assets • Improvement recommendations for the organizational process assets • Records of the organization's process improvement activities • Information on the organizational process assets and improvements to them


Organizational Process Definition

The purpose of Organizational Process Definition (OPD) is to establish and maintain a usable set of organizational process assets and work environment standards. This process area is currently supported by the AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Definition Standard.

4.2.1 Related Process Areas Process Area

Related Topic

Organizational Process Focus

Organizational process-related matters

4.2.2 Specific Goals and Practices Specific Goals and Practices SG 1: Establish Organizational Process Assets A set of organizational process assets is established and maintained. SP 1.1: Establish Standard Processes Establish and maintain the organization's set of standard processes. Typical Work Products • Organization's set of standard processes SP 1.2: Establish Life-Cycle Model Descriptions Establish and maintain descriptions of the life-cycle models approved for use in the organization. Typical Work Products • Descriptions of lifecycle models SP 1.3: Establish Tailoring Criteria and Guidelines Establish and maintain the tailoring criteria and guidelines for the organization's set of standard processes. Typical Work Products • Tailoring guidelines for the organization's set of standard processes SP 1.4: Establish the Organization’s Measurement Repository Establish and maintain the organization’s measurement repository. Typical Work Products • Definition of the common set of product and process measures for the organization’s set of standard processes • Design of the organization’s measurement repository • Organization's measurement repository (that is, the repository structure and support environment) • Organization’s measurement data SP 1.5: Establish the Organization’s Process Asset Library Establish and maintain the organization's process asset library.

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Specific Goals and Practices Typical Work Products • Design of the organization’s process asset library • Organization's process asset library • Selected items to be included in the organization’s process asset library • Catalog of items in the organization’s process asset library SP 1.6: Establish Work Environment Standards Establish and maintain work environment standards. Typical Work Products • Work environment standards


Organizational Training

The purpose of Organizational Training (OT) is to develop the skills and knowledge of people so they can perform their roles effectively and efficiently. This process area will be addressed in the future by a new or revised standard, guideline, policy, or procedure.

4.3.1 Related Process Areas Process Area

Related Topic

Organizational Process Definition

Organization’s process assets

Project Planning

Specific training needs identified by projects

Decision Analysis and Resolution

Applying decision-making criteria when determining training approaches

4.3.2 Specific Goals and Practices Specific Goals and Practices SG1: Establish an Organizational Training Capability A training capability, which supports the organization's management and technical roles, is established and maintained. SP 1.1: Establish the Strategic Training Needs Establish and maintain the strategic training needs of the organization. Typical Work Products • Training needs • Assessment analysis SP 1.2: Determine Which Training Needs Are the Responsibility of the Organization Determine which training needs are the responsibilities of the organization and which will be left to the individual project or support group. Typical Work Products • Common project and support group training needs • Training commitments SP 1.3: Establish an Organizational Training Tactical Plan Establish and maintain an organizational training tactical plan. Typical Work Products • Organizational training tactical plan SP 1.4: Establish Training Capability Establish and maintain training capability to address organizational training needs. Typical Work Products • Training materials and supporting artifacts • Provide Necessary Training • Training necessary for individuals to perform their roles effectively is provided. Page 14


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Specific Goals and Practices SG 2 Provide Necessary Training Training necessary for individuals to perform their roles effectively is provided. SP 2.1: Deliver Training Deliver the training following the organizational training tactical plan. Typical Work Products • Delivered training course SP 2.2: Establish Training Records Establish and maintain records of the organizational training. Typical Work Products • Training records • Training updates to the organizational repository SP 2.3: Assess Training Effectiveness Assess the effectiveness of the organization’s training program. Typical Work Products • Training-effectiveness surveys • Training program performance assessments • Instructor evaluation forms • Training examinations


Project Planning

The purpose of Project Planning (PP) is to establish and maintain plans that define project activities. This process area is currently supported by the PG&P and Task Force Handbook. Project Planning will be further addressed in the future by a new or revised standard, guideline, policy, or procedure.

4.4.1 Related Process Areas Process Area

Related Information

Requirements Development

Developing requirements that define the product and product components Managing requirements needed for planning and re-planning Identifying and managing risks

Requirements Management Risk Management Technical Solution

Transforming requirements into product and product component solutions

4.4.2 Specific Goals and Practices Specific Goals and Practices SG 1: Establish Estimates Estimates of project planning parameters are established and maintained. SP 1.1: Estimate the Scope of the Project Establish a top-level work breakdown structure (WBS) to estimate the scope of the project. Typical Work Products • Task descriptions • Work package descriptions • Work breakdown structure SP 1.2: Establish Estimates of Work Product and Task Attributes Establish and maintain estimates of the attributes of the work products and tasks.

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Specific Goals and Practices Typical Work Products • Technical approach • Size and complexity of tasks and work products • Estimating models • Attribute estimates SP 1.3: Define Project Lifecycle Define the project lifecycle phases on which to scope the planning effort. Typical Work Products • Project lifecycle phases SP 1.4: Determine Estimates of Effort and Cost Estimate the project effort and cost for the work products and tasks based on estimation rationale. Typical Work Products • Estimation rationale • Project effort estimates • Project cost estimates SG2: Develop a Project Plan A project plan is established and maintained as the basis for managing the project. SP 2.1: Establish the Budget and Schedule Establish and maintain the project’s budget and schedule. Typical Work Products • Project schedule • Schedule dependencies • Project budget SP 2.2: Identify Project Risks Identify and analyze project risks. Typical Work Products • Identified risks • Risk impacts and probability of occurrence • Risk priorities SP 2.3: Plan for Data Management Plan for the management of project data. Note: Data refers the various deliverables and nondeliverable documents and data (minutes, research results, notes, working papers, action items, etc.). The data can take any form of reports, spreadsheets, manuals, notebooks, charts, drawings, specifications, files, emails, correspondence, and any other medium used to support the project. Typical Work Products • Data management plan • Master list of managed data • Data content and format description • Data requirements lists for acquirers and for suppliers • Privacy requirements • Security requirements • Security procedures • Mechanism for data retrieval, reproduction, and distribution • Schedule for collection of project data • Listing of project data to be collected SP 2.4: Plan for Project Resources Plan for necessary resources to perform the project.

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Specific Goals and Practices Typical Work Products • WBS work packages • WBS task dictionary • Staffing requirements based on project size and scope • Critical facilities/equipment list • Process/workflow definitions and diagrams • Program administration requirements list SP 2.5: Plan for Needed Knowledge and Skills Plan for knowledge and skills needed to perform the project. Typical Work Products • Inventory of skill needs • Staffing and new hire plans • Databases (e.g., skills and training) SP 2.6: Plan Stakeholder Involvement Plan the involvement of identified stakeholders. Typical Work Products • Stakeholder involvement plan SP 2.7: Establish the Project Plan Establish and maintain the overall project plan content. Typical Work Products • Overall project plan SG3: Obtain Commitment to the Plan Commitments to the project plan are established and maintained. SP 3.1: Review Plans That Affect the Project Review all plans that affect the project to understand project commitments. Typical Work Products • Record of the reviews of plans that affect the project SP 3.2: Reconcile Work and Resource Levels Reconcile the project plan to reflect available and estimated resources. Typical Work Products • Revised methods and corresponding estimating parameters (e.g., better tools and use of offthe-shelf components) • Renegotiated budgets • Revised schedules • Revised requirements list • Renegotiated stakeholder agreements SP 3.3: Obtain Plan Commitment Obtain commitment from relevant stakeholders responsible for performing and supporting plan execution. Typical Work Products • Documented requests for commitments • Documented commitments


Project Monitoring and Control

The purpose of Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) is to provide an understanding of the project’s progress so that appropriate corrective actions can be taken when the project’s performance deviates significantly from the plan. This process area is currently supported by the PG&P and Task Force Handbook. Project Monitoring and Control will be further addressed in the future by a new or revised standard, guideline, policy, or procedure.

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4.5.1 Related Process Areas Process Area

Related Information

Project Planning

Project plan, including how it specifies the appropriate level of project monitoring, the measures used to monitor progress, and known risks Process of measuring, analyzing, and recording information

Measurement and Analysis

4.5.2 Specific Goals and Practices Specific Goals and Practices SG1: Monitor Project Against Plan Actual performance and progress of the project are monitored against the project plan. SP 1.1: Monitor Project Planning Parameters Monitor the actual values of the project planning parameters against the project plan. Typical Work Products • Records of project performance • Records of significant deviations SP 1.2: Monitor Commitments Monitor commitments against those identified in the project plan. Typical Work Products • Records of commitment reviews SP 1.3: Monitor Project Risks Monitor risks against those identified in the project plan. Typical Work Products • Records of project risk monitoring SP 1.4: Monitor Data Management Monitor the management of project data against the project plan. As noted in above in Project Planning, data refers the various deliverables and non-deliverable documents and data (minutes, research results, notes, working papers, action items, etc.). Typical Work Products • Records of data management SP 1.5: Monitor Stakeholder Involvement Monitor stakeholder involvement against the project plan. Typical Work Products • Records of stakeholder involvement SP 1.6: Conduct Progress Reviews Periodically review the project's progress, performance, and issues. Typical Work Products • Documented project review results SP 1.7: Conduct Milestone Reviews Review the accomplishments and results of the project at selected project milestones. Typical Work Products • Documented milestone review results SG2: Manage Corrective Action to Closure Corrective actions are managed to closure when the project's performance or results deviate significantly from the plan. SP 2.1: Analyze Issues Collect and analyze the issues and determine the corrective actions necessary to address the issues.

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Specific Goals and Practices Typical Work Products • List of issues needing corrective actions SP 2.2: Take Corrective Action Take corrective action on identified issues. Typical Work Products • Corrective action plan SP 2.3: Manage Corrective Action Manage corrective actions to closure. Typical Work Products • Corrective action results


Supplier Agreement Management

The purpose of Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) is to manage the acquisition of products from suppliers. This process area is currently supported by the PG&P, Task Force Handbook, and AASHTO contracting and payment processes. Supplier Agreement Management will be further addressed in the future by a new or revised standard, guideline, policy, or procedure.

4.6.1 Related Process Areas Process Area

Related Information

Project Monitoring and Control Requirements Development Requirements Management

Monitoring projects and taking corrective action Defining requirements Managing requirements, including the traceability of requirements for products acquired from suppliers Determining the products and product components that may be acquired from suppliers

Technical Solution

4.6.2 Specific Goals and Practices Specific Goals and Practices SG1: Establish Supplier Agreements Agreements with the suppliers are established and maintained. SP 1.1: Determine Acquisition Type Determine the type of acquisition for each product or product component to be acquired. Typical Work Products • List of the acquisition types that will be used for all products and product components to be acquired SP 1.2: Select Suppliers Select suppliers based on an evaluation of their ability to meet the specified requirements and established criteria. Typical Work Products • Market studies • List of candidate suppliers • Preferred supplier list • Trade study or other record of evaluation criteria, advantages and disadvantages of candidate suppliers, and rationale for selection of suppliers • Solicitation materials and requirements SP 1.3: Establish Supplier Agreements Establish and maintain formal agreements with the supplier.

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Specific Goals and Practices Typical Work Products • Statements of work • Contracts • Memoranda of agreement • Licensing agreement SG2: Satisfy Supplier Agreements Agreements with the suppliers are satisfied by both the project and the supplier. SP 2.1: Execute the Supplier Agreement Perform activities with the supplier as specified in the supplier agreement. Typical Work Products • Supplier progress reports and performance measures • Supplier review materials and reports • Action items tracked to closure • Documentation of product and document deliveries SP 2.2: Monitor Selected Supplier Processes Select, monitor, and analyze processes used by the supplier. Typical Work Products • List of processes selected for monitoring or rationale for non-selection • Activity reports • Performance reports • Performance curves • Discrepancy reports SP 2.3: Evaluate Selected Supplier Work Products Select and evaluate work products from the supplier of custom-made products. Typical Work Products • List of work products selected for monitoring or rationale for non-selection • Activity reports • Discrepancy reports SP 2.4: Accept the Acquired Product Ensure that the supplier agreement is satisfied before accepting the acquired product. Typical Work Products • Acceptance test procedures • Acceptance test results • Discrepancy reports or corrective action plans SP 2.5: Transition Products Transition the acquired products from the supplier to the project. Typical Work Products • Transition plans • Training reports • Support and maintenance reports


Requirements Development

The purpose of Requirements Development (RD) is to produce and analyze customer, product, and product component requirements. This process area is currently supported by the Requirements Standard.

4.7.1 Related Process Areas Process Area

Related Topic

Requirements Management

Managing customer and product requirements, obtaining agreement with the requirements provider, obtaining commitments with those implementing the requirements, and maintaining traceability Page 20


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Process Area

Related Topic

Technical Solution

How the outputs of the requirements development processes are used, and the development of alternative solutions and designs used in refining and deriving requirements Interface requirements and interface management Verifying that the resulting product meets the requirements How the product built will be validated against the customer needs Identifying and managing risks that are related to requirements Ensuring that key work products are controlled and managed

Product Integration Verification Validation Risk Management Configuration Management

4.7.2 Specific Goals and Practices Specific Goals and Practices SG1: Develop Customer Requirements Stakeholder needs, expectations, constraints, and interfaces are collected and translated into customer requirements. SP 1.1: Elicit Needs Elicit stakeholder needs, expectations, constraints, and interfaces for all phases of the product lifecycle. Typical Work Products • List of needs, expectations, enhancements, etc. SP 1.2: Develop the Customer Requirements Transform stakeholder needs, expectations, constraints, and interfaces into customer requirements Typical Work Products • Customer requirements • Customer constraints on the conduct of verification • Customer constraints on the conduct of validation SG2: Develop Product Requirements Customer requirements are refined and elaborated to develop product and product component requirements SP 2.1: Establish Product and Product Component Requirements Establish and maintain product and product component requirements, which are based on the customer requirements. Typical Work Products • Derived requirements • Product requirements • Product component requirements SP 2.2: Allocate Product Component Requirements Allocate the requirements for each product component. Typical Work Products • Requirement allocation sheets • Provisional requirement allocations • Design constraints • Derived requirement • Relationships among derived requirements SP 2.3: Identify Interface Requirements Identify interface requirements.

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Specific Goals and Practices Typical Work Products • Interface requirements SG3: Analyze and Validate Requirements The requirements are analyzed and validated, and a definition of required functionality is developed. SP 3.1: Establish Operational Concepts and Scenarios Establish and maintain operational concepts and associated scenarios. Typical Work Products • Operational concept • Product or product component installation, operational, maintenance, and support concepts • Disposal concepts • Use cases • Timeline scenarios • New requirements SP 3.2: Establish a Definition of Required Functionality Establish and maintain a definition of required functionality. Typical Work Products • Functional architecture • Activity diagrams and use cases • Object-oriented analysis with services or methods identified SP 3.3: Analyze Requirements Analyze requirements to ensure that they are necessary and sufficient. Typical Work Products • Requirements defects reports • Proposed requirements changes to resolve defects • Key requirements • Technical performance measures SP 3.4: Analyze Requirements to Achieve Balance Analyze requirements to balance stakeholder needs and constraints. Typical Work Products • Assessment of risks related to requirements SP 3.5: Validate Requirements Validate requirements to ensure the resulting product will perform as intended in the user's environment. Typical Work Products • Record of analysis methods and results


Requirements Management

The purpose of Requirements Management (REQM) is to manage the requirements of the project’s products and product components and to identify inconsistencies between those requirements and the project’s plans and work products. This process area is currently supported by the Requirements Standard.

4.8.1 Related Process Areas Process Area

Related Information

Requirements Development

Transforming stakeholder needs into product requirements and deciding how to allocate or distribute requirements among the product components Transforming requirements into technical solutions How project plans reflect requirements and need to be revised as requirements change

Technical Solution Project Planning

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Process Area

Related Information

Configuration Management

Baselines and controlling changes to configuration documentation for requirements Tracking and controlling the activities and work products that are based on the requirements and taking appropriate corrective action Identifying and handling risks associated with requirements

Project Monitoring and Control

Risk Management

4.8.2 Specific Goals and Practices Specific Goals and Practices SG1: Manage Requirements Requirements are managed and inconsistencies with project plans and work products are identified. SP 1.1: Obtain an Understanding of Requirements Develop an understanding with the requirements providers on the meaning of the requirements. Typical Work Products • Lists of criteria for distinguishing appropriate requirements providers • Criteria for evaluation and acceptance of requirements • Results of analyses against criteria • An agreed-to set of requirements SP 1.2: Obtain Commitment to Requirements Obtain commitment to the requirements from the project participants. Typical Work Products • Requirements impact assessments • Documented commitments to requirements and requirements changes SP 1.3: Manage Requirements Changes Manage changes to the requirements as they evolve during the project. Typical Work Products • Requirements status • Requirements database • Requirements decision database SP 1.4: Maintain Bidirectional Traceability of Requirements Maintain bidirectional traceability among the requirements and work products. Typical Work Products • Requirements traceability matrix • Requirements tracking system SP 1.5: Identify Inconsistencies Between Project Work and Requirements Identify inconsistencies between the project plans and work products and the requirements. Typical Work Products • Documentation of inconsistencies including sources, conditions, and rationale • Corrective actions


Technical Solution

The purpose of Technical Solution (TS) is to design, develop, and implement solutions to requirements. Solutions, designs, and implementations encompass products, product components, and product-related lifecycle processes either singly or in combination as appropriate. This process area is currently supported by several standards and guidelines that deal with design, construction, and implementation. Technical Solution will be further addressed in the future by new or revised standards, guidelines, policies, or procedures. Page 23


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4.9.1 Related Process Areas Process Area

Related Information

Requirements Development


Decision Analysis and Resolution Requirements Management Organizational Innovation and Deployment

Requirements allocations, establishing an operational concept, and interface requirements definition Conducting peer reviews and verifying that the product and product components meet requirements Formal evaluation Managing requirements Improving the organization’s technology

4.9.2 Specific Goals and Practices Specific Goals and Practices SG1: Select Product Component Solutions Product or product component solutions are selected from alternative solutions. SP 1.1: Develop Alternative Solutions and Selection Criteria Develop alternative solutions and selection criteria. Typical Work Products • Alternative solution screening criteria • Evaluation reports of new technologies • Alternative solutions • Selection criteria for final selection • Evaluation reports of COTS products SP 1.2: Select Product Component Solutions Select the product component solutions that best satisfy the criteria established. Typical Work Products • Product component selection decisions and rationale • Documented relationships between requirements and product components • Documented solutions, evaluations, and rationale SG2: Develop the Design Product or product component designs are developed. SP 2.1: Design the Product or Product Component Develop a design for the product or product component. Typical Work Products • Product architecture • Product component designs SP 2.2: Establish a Technical Data Package Establish and maintain a technical data package. Note: A technical data package should include the following as appropriate for the type of product being developed: product architecture description, allocated requirements, product component descriptions, product-related lifecycle process descriptions, key product characteristics, required physical characteristics and constraints, interface requirements, bills of material, verification criteria used to ensure that requirements have been achieved, conditions of use (environments) and operating/usage scenarios, modes and states for operations, support, training, disposal, and verifications throughout the life of the product, and rationale for decisions and characteristics (requirements, requirement allocations, and design choices). Typical Work Products • Technical data package SP 2.3: Design Interfaces Using Criteria Design product component interfaces using established criteria.

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Specific Goals and Practices Typical Work Products • Interface design specifications • Interface control documents • Interface specification criteria • Rationale for selected interface design SP 2.4: Perform Make, Buy, or Reuse Analyses Evaluate whether the product components should be developed, purchased, or reused based on established criteria. Typical Work Products • Criteria for design and product component reuse • Make-or-buy analyses • Guidelines for choosing COTS product components SG3: Implement the Product Design Product components, and associated support documentation, are implemented from their designs. SP 3.1: Implement the Design Implement the designs of the product components. Typical Work Products • Implemented design SP 3.2: Develop Product Support Documentation Develop and maintain the end-use documentation. Typical Work Products • End-user training materials • User's manual • Operator's manual • Maintenance manual • Online help


Product Integration

The purpose of Product Integration (PI) is to assemble the product from the product components, ensure that the product, as integrated, functions properly, and deliver the product. This process area is will be addressed in the future by a new or revised standard, guideline, policy, or procedure.

4.10.1 Related Process Areas Process Area

Related Information

Requirements Development Technical Solution

Identifying interface requirements Defining the interfaces and the integration environment (when the integration environment needs to be developed Verifying the interfaces, the integration environment, and the progressively assembled product components Performing validation of the product components and the integrated product Identifying risks and the use of prototypes in risk mitigation for both interface compatibility and product component integration


Validation Risk Management

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Process Area

Related Information

Decision Analysis and Resolution

Using a formal evaluation process for selecting the appropriate integration sequence and procedures and for deciding whether the integration environment should be acquired or developed Managing changes to interface definitions and about the distribution of information Acquiring product components or parts of the integration environment

Configuration Management Supplier Agreement Management

4.10.2 Specific Goals and Practices Specific Goals and Practices SG1: Prepare for Product Integration Preparation for product integration is conducted. SP 1.1: Determine Integration Sequence Determine the product component integration sequence. Typical Work Products • Product integration sequence • Rationale for selecting or rejecting integration sequences SP 1.2: Establish the Product Integration Environment Establish and maintain the environment needed to support the integration of the product components. Typical Work Products • Verified environment for product integration • Support documentation for the product integration environment SP 1.3: Establish Product Integration Procedures and Criteria Establish and maintain procedures and criteria for integration of the product components. Typical Work Products • Product integration procedures • Product integration criteria SG2: Ensure Interface Compatibility The product component interfaces, both internal and external, are compatible. SP 2.1: Review Interface Descriptions for Completeness Review interface descriptions for coverage and completeness. Typical Work Products • None SP 2.2: Manage Interfaces Manage internal and external interface definitions, designs, and changes for products and product components. Typical Work Products • Table of relationships among the product components and the external environment (e.g., main power supply, fastening product, and computer bus system) • Table of relationships among the different product components • List of agreed-to interfaces defined for each pair of product components, when applicable • Reports from the interface control working group meetings • Action items for updating interfaces • Application program interface (API) • Updated interface description or agreement SG3: Assemble Product Components and Deliver the Product Verified product components are assembled and the integrated, verified, and validated product is delivered.

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Specific Goals and Practices SP 3.1: Confirm Readiness of Product Components for Integration Confirm, prior to assembly, that each product component required to assemble the product has been properly identified, functions according to its description, and that the product component interfaces comply with the interface descriptions. Typical Work Products • Acceptance documents for the received product components • Delivery receipts • Checked packing lists • Exception reports • Waivers SP 3.2: Assemble Product Components Assemble product components according to the product integration sequence and available procedures. Typical Work Products • Assembled product or product components SP 3.3: Evaluate Assembled Product Components Evaluate assembled product components for interface compatibility. Typical Work Products • Exception reports • Interface evaluation reports • Product integration summary reports SP 3.4: Package and Deliver the Product or Product Component Package the assembled product or product component and deliver it to the appropriate customer. Typical Work Products • Packaged product or product components • Delivery documentation



The purpose of Verification (VER) is to ensure that selected work products meet their specified requirements. This process area is currently supported by the Testing Standard.

4.11.1 Related Process Areas Process Area

Related Information Confirming that a product or product component fulfills its intended use when placed in its intended environment Generation and development of customer, product, and product component requirements Managing requirements

Validation Requirements Development Requirements Management

4.11.2 Specific Goals and Practices Specific Goals and Practices SG1: Prepare for Verification Preparation for verification is conducted. SP 1.1: Select Work Products for Verification Select the work products to be verified and the verification methods that will be used for each. Typical Work Products • Lists of work products selected for verification • Verification methods for each selected work product Page 27


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Specific Goals and Practices SP 1.2: Establish the Verification Environment Establish and maintain the environment needed to support verification. Typical Work Products • Verification environment SP 1.3: Establish Verification Procedures and Criteria Establish and maintain verification procedures and criteria for the selected work products. Typical Work Products • Verification procedures • Verification criteria SG2: Perform Peer Reviews Peer reviews are performed on selected work products. SP 2.1: Prepare for Peer Reviews Prepare for peer reviews of selected work products. Typical Work Products • Peer review schedule • Peer review checklist • Entry and exit criteria for work products • Criteria for requiring another peer review • Peer review training material • Selected work products to be reviewed SP 2.2: Conduct Peer Reviews Conduct peer reviews on selected work products and identify issues resulting from the peer review. Typical Work Products • Peer review results • Peer review issues • Peer review data SP 2.3: Analyze Peer Review Data Analyze data about preparation, conduct, and results of the peer reviews. Typical Work Products • Peer review data • Peer review action items SG3: Verify Selected Work Products Selected work products are verified against their specified requirements. SP 3.1: Perform Verification Perform verification on the selected work products. Typical Work Products • Verification results • Verification reports • Demonstrations • As-run procedures log SP 3.2: Analyze Verification Results Analyze the results of all verification activities. Typical Work Products • Analysis report (e.g., statistics on performances, causal analysis of nonconformances, comparison of the behavior between the real product and models, and trends) • Trouble reports • Change requests for the verification methods, criteria, and environment

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The purpose of Validation (VAL) is to demonstrate that a product or product component fulfills its intended use when placed in its intended environment. This process area is currently supported by the Testing Standard.

4.12.1 Related Process Areas Process Area

Related Information

Requirements Development

Requirements validation Transforming requirements into product specifications and for corrective action when validation issues are identified that affect the product or product component design. Verifying that the product or product component meets its requirements

Technical Solution


4.12.2 Specific Goals and Practices Specific Goals and Practices SG1: Prepare for Validation Preparation for validation is conducted. SP 1.1: Select Products for Validation Select products and product components to be validated and the validation methods that will be used for each. Typical Work Products • Lists of products and product components selected for validation • Validation methods for each product or product component • Requirements for performing validation for each product or product component • Validation constraints for each product or product component SP 1.2: Establish the Validation Environment Establish and maintain the environment needed to support validation. Typical Work Products • Validation environment SP 1.3: Establish Validation Procedures and Criteria Establish and maintain procedures and criteria for validation. Typical Work Products • Validation procedures • Validation criteria • Test and evaluation procedures for maintenance, training, and support SG2: Validate Product or Product Components The product or product components are validated to ensure that they are suitable for use in their intended operating environment. SP 2.1: Perform Validation Perform validation on the selected products and product components. Typical Work Products • Validation reports • Validation results • Validation cross-reference matrix • As-run procedures log • Operational demonstrations SP 2.2: Analyze Validation Results Analyze the results of the validation activities. Typical Work Products • Validation deficiency reports • Validation issues • Procedure change request Page 29


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Configuration Management

The purpose of Configuration Management (CM) is to establish and maintain the integrity of work products using configuration identification, configuration control, configuration status accounting, and configuration audits. Configuration management of deliverables and work products is required in many of the existing standards; however, no formal configuration management process exists. This process area will be further addressed in the future by a new or revised standard, guideline, policy, or procedure.

4.13.1 Related Process Areas Process Area

Related Information Developing plans and work breakdown structures, which may be useful for determining configuration items Performance analyses and corrective actions

Project Planning Project Monitoring and Control

4.13.2 Specific Goals and Practices Specific Goals and Practices SG1: Establish Baselines Baselines of identified work products are established. SP 1.1: Identify Configuration Items Identify the configuration items, components, and related work products that will be placed under configuration management. Typical Work Products • Identified configuration items SP 1.2: Establish a Configuration Management System Establish and maintain a configuration management and change management system for controlling work products. Typical Work Products • Configuration management system with controlled work products • Configuration management system access control procedures • Change request database SP 1.3: Create or Release Baselines Create or release baselines for internal use and for delivery to the customer. Typical Work Products • Baselines • Description of baselines SG 2: Track and Control Changes Changes to the work products under configuration management are tracked and controlled. SP 2.1: Track Change Requests Track change requests for the configuration items. Typical Work Products • Change requests SP 2.2: Control Configuration Items Control changes to the configuration items. Typical Work Products • Revision history of configuration items • Archives of the baselines SG3: Establish Integrity Integrity of baselines is established and maintained. SP 3.1: Establish Configuration Management Records Establish and maintain records describing configuration items. Page 30


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Specific Goals and Practices Typical Work Products • Revision history of configuration items • Change log • Copy of the change requests • Status of configuration items • Differences between baselines SP 3.2: Perform Configuration Audits Perform configuration audits to maintain integrity of the configuration baselines. Typical Work Products • Configuration audit results • Action items


Process and Product Quality Assurance

The purpose of Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA) is to provide staff and management with objective insight into processes and associated work products. This process area is currently supported by the Quality Assurance Standard.

4.14.1 Related Process Areas Process Area

Related Information Identifying processes and associated work products that will be objectively evaluated Satisfying specified requirements

Project Planning Verification

4.14.2 Specific Goals and Practices Specific Goals and Practices SG 1: Objectively Evaluate Processes and Work Products Adherence of the performed process and associated work products and services to applicable process descriptions, standards, and procedures is objectively evaluated. SP 1.1: Objectively Evaluate Processes Objectively evaluate the designated performed processes against the applicable process descriptions, standards, and procedures. Typical Work Products • Evaluation reports • Noncompliance reports • Corrective actions SP 1.2: Objectively Evaluate Work Products and Services Objectively evaluate the designated work products and services against the applicable process descriptions, standards, and procedures. Typical Work Products • Evaluation reports • Noncompliance reports • Corrective actions SG 2: Provide Objective Insight Noncompliance issues are objectively tracked and communicated, and resolution is ensured. SP 2.1: Communicate and Ensure Resolution of Noncompliance Issues Communicate quality issues and ensure resolution of noncompliance issues with the staff and managers. Typical Work Products • Corrective action reports • Evaluation reports • Quality trends

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Specific Goals and Practices SP 2.2: Establish Records Establish and maintain records of the quality assurance activities. Typical Work Products • Evaluation logs • Quality assurance reports • Status reports of corrective actions • Reports of quality trends


Measurement and Analysis

The purpose of Measurement and Analysis (MA) is to develop and sustain a measurement capability that is used to support management information needs. This process area will be addressed in the future by a new or revised standard, guideline, policy, or procedure.

4.15.1 Related Process Areas Process Area

Related Information Estimating project attributes and other planning information needs Monitoring project performance information needs Managing measurement work products. Meeting customer requirements and related information needs Maintaining requirements traceability and related information needs Establishing the organization’s measurement repository Understanding variation and the appropriate use of statistical analysis techniques

Project Planning Project Monitoring and Control Configuration Management Requirements Development Requirements Management Organizational Process Definition Quantitative Project Management

4.15.2 Specific Goals and Practices Specific Goals and Practices SG1: Align Measurement and Analysis Activities Measurement objectives and activities are aligned with identified information needs and objectives. SP 1.1: Establish Measurement Objectives Establish and maintain measurement objectives that are derived from identified information needs and objectives. Typical Work Products • Measurement objectives SP 1.2: Specify Measures Specify measures to address the measurement objectives. Typical Work Products • Specifications of base and derived measures SP 1.3: Specify Data Collection and Storage Procedures Specify how measurement data will be obtained and stored. Typical Work Products • Data collection and storage procedures • Data collection tools SP 1.4: Specify Analysis Procedures Specify how measurement data will be analyzed and reported.

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Specific Goals and Practices Typical Work Products • Analysis specifications and procedures • Data analysis tools SG2: Provide Measurement Results Measurement results, which address identified information needs and objectives, are provided. SP 2.1: Collect Measurement Data Obtain specified measurement data. Typical Work Products • Base and derived measurement data sets • Results of data integrity tests SP 2.2: Analyze Measurement Data Analyze and interpret measurement data. Typical Work Products • Analysis results and draft reports SP 2.3: Store Data and Results Manage and store measurement data, measurement specifications, and analysis results. Typical Work Products • Stored data inventory SP 2.4: Communicate Results Report results of measurement and analysis activities to all relevant stakeholders. Typical Work Products • Delivered reports and related analysis results • Contextual information or guidance to aid in the interpretation of analysis results

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Advanced Process Areas

4.16.1 Organizational Process Performance The purpose of Organizational Process Performance (OPP) is to establish and maintain a quantitative understanding of the performance of the organization’s set of standard processes in support of quality and process-performance objectives, and to provide the process-performance data, baselines, and models to quantitatively manage the organization’s projects.

4.16.2 Organizational Innovation and Deployment The purpose of Organizational Innovation and Deployment (OID) is to select and deploy incremental and innovative improvements that measurably improve the organization’s processes and technologies. The improvements support the organization’s quality and process-performance objectives as derived from the organization’s business objectives.

4.16.3 Integrated Project Management The purpose of Integrated Project Management (IPM) is to establish and manage the project and the involvement of the relevant stakeholders according to an integrated and defined process that is tailored from the organization’s set of standard processes.

4.16.4 Risk Management The purpose of Risk Management (RSKM) is to identify potential problems before they occur so that risk-handling activities can be planned and invoked as needed across the life of the product or project to mitigate adverse impacts on achieving objectives.

4.16.5 Quantitative Project Management The purpose of Quantitative Project Management (QPM) is to quantitatively manage the project’s defined process to achieve the project’s established quality and processperformance objectives.

4.16.6 Decision Analysis and Resolution The purpose of Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR) is to analyze possible decisions using a formal evaluation process that evaluates identified alternatives against established criteria.

4.16.7 Causal Analysis and Resolution The purpose of Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR) is to identify causes of defects and other problems and take action to prevent them from occurring in the future.

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Standards and Guidelines Glossary


AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines Glossary 1. General Definitions: The following are definitions are general and apply to the majority of all standards and guidelines.




Describes mandatory procedures that must be followed, results that must be produced, and technologies and technical specifications that must be used or adhered to during the development and maintenance of AASHTOWare products. AASHTOWare standards are created and implemented in order to ensure a consistent approach is used to develop, maintain and deliver software products.


Describes procedures, results, technical specifications and/or technologies that are considered good practices to follow, produce, or use; however, these are not required. A proposed standard or standard process may be initially implemented as a guideline with future plans to implement it as a requirement.

Standards and Guidelines Notebook

The published document and repository of all approved AASHTOWare standards and guidelines.

Project/Product Work Plan (PWP)

This term refers to the activities, schedule, and resource costs proposed and contracted to satisfy the defined user requirements. This plan is developed in the Tactics / Solicitation phase of the AASHTOWare Lifecycle and is established in the Contract phase. A Project/Product Work Plan is usually an annual plan, and the work described within it is scheduled to correspond to the AASHTO fiscal year.

Work Product

For the purposes of AASHTOWare Standards and Guidelines, a work product is defined as a result or artifact of the software development or project management process.


A deliverable is also a work product; however, deliverables must be planned and tracked in the project/product work plan and must be formally submitted to the task force for approval or rejection.

Deliverable or Work Product Definition

A deliverable or work product definition is used to define the purpose, format, content, usage, and responsibilities of a work product or deliverable.

New Development Project

A new development project includes the addition of major new functional requirements to an existing product line or to an existing product module; or the creation of a new product line or product module. New development projects are formally identified and approved through user groups, technical advisory committees, project task forces, and SCOJD.

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Enhancement Project

An enhancement project includes the addition of new features to an existing product module; or the correction of limited-scope, noncritical inconsistencies or inadequacies of a product module. Enhancement projects are formally identified and approved through user groups, technical advisory committees, project task forces, and SCOJD.

Major Enhancement Project

An enhancement project that requires significant funding and effort to implement.

Minor Enhancement Project

A very small enhancement effort that requires minimum funding and effort to implement.

Major Maintenance

A project that includes the scheduled repair of an existing product module or the product's technical operating environment which is required to enable successful execution of the product as prescribed by business requirements.

Minor Maintenance

A project to provide a temporary fix or repair of an existing product module. The temporary fix or repair results must not add to, change nor delete from the functionality of a product module.

2. Requirements Definitions The following are definitions are associated with the Requirements Standard (3.010.nnS). Refer to this standard for additional information.



User Requirement

A user requirement describes what a user or business stakeholder expects from a proposed product (what the user wants to product to do).

User Requirements Specification (URS)

The URS is a required deliverable which contains all of the approved user requirements that are to be accomplished in a specified contract period for a specified product. The URS is normally incorporated in or referenced by the project/product work plan; however, in some cases, a separate document is created.

System Requirement

A system requirement describes what the proposed product must do in order to one or more user requirements (how the product will do it). These may describe functionality or impose constraints on the design or implementation (such as performance requirements, security, or reliability). System requirements are documented in the language of the software developer or integrator with the appropriate detail needed to design the proposed product.

System Requirements Specification (SRS)

The SRS is a required deliverable which contains all of the system requirements. The SRS should describe all functional, nonfunctional, technical, role, and data requirements of the proposed system in sufficient detail to support system design.

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Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM)

The RTM is a required deliverable that describes the backward traceability and forward traceability of the requirements in the URS. The RTM documents that system requirements are be traced to source user requirements. The RTM also documents that each requirement is traced to a design object and a testing procedure.

Deliverable Acceptance

This is a work product which is used to document the task force acceptance of deliverables. A separate Deliverable Acceptance must be created for each of accepted deliverable and may be documented in various formats (email, letter, form. etc.)

Change Control Procedure

A documented procedure that provides the ability to monitor requests that add, change, or remove functionality or requirements documented in the approved URS. The procedure includes activates to submit, review, analyze, approve, and reject change requests, and the communication of the approval/rejection decision.

Change Request Acceptance

This work product is the record of a change request submittal, impact analysis, and the task force approval or rejection decision. A separate Change Request Acceptance must be created for each change request and may be documented in various formats (email, letter, form. etc.)

3. Testing Definitions The following are definitions of work products and deliverables associated with the Testing Standard (3.080.nnS). Refer to this standard for additional information.



Test Plan

This plan describes the testing methodology, what will be tested, testing schedule, and testing deliverables. The test plan is required and may be included or referenced in the project/product work plan or submitted as separate deliverable.

Alpha Testing Acceptance Report

This report is a required deliverable that documents the results from Alpha Testing (what was tested, results, problems found, corrections made, outstanding issues, etc.). The Alpha Testing Acceptance Report is submitted to the task force with a request to accept the completion of Alpha Testing.

Distribution Test Materials

This contains all of the materials needed to release a product for Beta Testing. The Distribution Test Materials includes the product, instructions, installation procedures, methods to record testing/results and report problems, etc.

Beta Testing Acceptance Report

This report is a required deliverable that documents the results from Beta Testing (what was tested, who participated, results, problems found, corrections made, outstanding issues, etc.) The Beta Testing Acceptance Report is submitted to task force with a request to accept the completion of Beta Testing and to acknowledge that the product is ready for implementation.

Installation Materials

This contains all procedures, executables, documentation needed to install, implement, and operate the product at the user agency site. Page 3


Standards and Guidelines Glossary


4. AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework Definitions The AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF) is framework created to improve AASHTOWare software development and maintenance processes and, subsequently, improve AASHTOWare products. Process improvement projects are implemented to develop new or revised standards and guidelines that are based on goals and practices within the framework. ALF is based on the CMMI-DEV model (see definition below). The following are definitions associated with the AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework (ALF). Refer to the AASHTOWare Lifecycle Framework document in the appendices for additional information regarding ALF.



Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development (CMMIDEV)

A process improvement maturity model that provides a comprehensive integrated solution for development and maintenance activities applied to products and services. CMMI-DEV was developed by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) of Carnegie Mellon University. The CMMI-DEV model consists of best practices that address development and maintenance activities that cover the product lifecycle from conception through delivery and maintenance.

Process Areas

A process area is a cluster of related practices in an area that, when implemented collectively, satisfy a set of goals considered important for making improvement in that area. The ALF model currently includes the 15 process areas that are classified as “Basic” and 7 that are classified as “Advanced”. For the time being, development of process areas under ALF will be limited to the “Basic” process areas. Example process areas include Project Planning, Requirements Development, Requirements Management, Verification, Validation, and Process and Product Quality Assurance. A full list of process areas and their purpose is provided in the ALF document.

Process Area Categories

These are groups of related ALF process areas. The Standards and Guidelines Notebook uses the same categories to group standards and guidelines. The ALF categories are listed below: • Process Management process areas contain the cross-project activities related to defining, planning, deploying, implementing, monitoring, controlling, appraising, measuring, and improving processes. • Project Management process areas cover the project management activities related to planning, monitoring, and controlling the project. • Software Engineering process areas cover the development and maintenance activities that are shared across engineering disciplines. • Support process areas cover the activities that support product development and maintenance. The Support process areas address processes that are used in the context of performing other processes.

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Specific Goals and Practices:

Specific goals and practices apply to a given process area. A specific goal describes the unique characteristics that must be present to satisfy the process area. A specific practice is the description of an activity that is considered important in achieving the associated specific goal. Each process area includes one or more specific goal, and each specific goal includes one or more specific practices.

Generic Goals and Practices:

General goals and practices apply to multiple process areas. A generic goal describes the characteristics that must be present to institutionalize the processes that implement a process area. A generic practice describes an activity that is considered important in achieving the associated generic goal. ALF includes 3 generic goals, and 13 generic practices. Each goal includes one or more of the generic practices.

Capability Levels

A capability level is a process improvement achievement within an individual process area. As an organization satisfies each generic goal (1-3) and its generic practices, the equivalent capability level (1-3) is achieved. The ALF capability level are listed below: • Capability Level 0 (Incomplete). One or more of the specific goals of the process area are not satisfied. • Capability Level 1 (Performed). The process satisfies the specific goals and specific practices of the process area; however, it is not institutionalized. • Capability Level 2 (Managed). The process which was performed at capability level 1 becomes a managed process when: There is a policy that indicates the process will be performed, It is planned and executed in accordance with policy, There are resources provided to support and implement the process and produce the required work products, ■ Training is provided on how to perform the process, ■ The process and work products are monitored, controlled, and reviewed, and ■ The process and work products are evaluated for adherence to the standard process. • Capability Level 3 (Defined). The process which was managed at capability level 2 becomes a defined process when: ■ Tailoring guidelines are established that allows a specific project to customize the standard process to suit the needs of that particular project, ■ The process contributes work products, measures, and other process improvement information to the organizational process assets, and ■ The process clearly states the purpose, inputs, entry criteria, activities, roles, measures, verification steps, outputs, and exit criteria. ■ ■ ■

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5. Lifecycle Phases The highlighted table below shows the AASHTOWare Lifecycle phases. Although these phases are depicted consecutively, they actually overlap each other, even when a waterfall methodology is being employed. Where iterative techniques are being used the Planning through Verification phases are repeated for as many cycles as are needed. In addition there may be multiple parallel threads of development occurring concurrently. In some methodologies, Design, Construction, and Verification may be a single unified operation which iterates with the Requirements/Analysis phase. Strategy/ Tactics/ Requirements/ Contract Planning Proposal Solicitation Analysis



Verification/ Product Implementation Validation Maintenance

The AASHTOWare Product Lifecycle Phases are defined as follows:

Lifecycle Phases

Phase Definitions

Strategy / Proposal

During this phase, strategy planning is performed to identify beneficial opportunities, which may be realized through development and technology initiatives. Goals/Practices, Organization, Technology, Information, and Application Architectures are planned to support proposals designed to realize these opportunities.

Tactics / Solicitation

During this phase, tactical work plans, guided by strategic plans and aimed at satisfying identified requirements, are developed. The Project or Product Work Plan (PWP) is developed in this phase and is used to define the scope of a project. The AASHTOWare Tactical Plan (ATP) is also developed in this phase.


AASHTOWare contracts are developed, submitted, negotiated, and approved in this phase. The phase is completed when AASHTO and the contractor agree on its terms. The contract includes the approved provisions of the Project or Product Work Plan (PWP).


This phase includes all of the planning activities required to manage the project.

Requirements / Analysis

This phase includes all of the requirements and analysis activities needed to specify and track the user and system requirements of product development, product enhancement, or product maintenance. All requirements to be Verified and Validated are developed and managed during this phase


This phase includes all of the activities needed to explore alternative solutions and build the external/internal design of the product or product enhancement.


This phase includes all of the activities needed to construct the product, product enhancement, or product maintenance.

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Lifecycle Phases


Phase Definitions

Verification / Validation

This phase is composed of verification and validation activities. Verification includes all of the activities needed to compare the developed product or product enhancements with the developed and managed requirements. Validation includes all of the activities needed to determine if the product or product enhancements work acceptably in the intended environment. This phase ends with acceptance by the user of the product.


This phase consists in preparing the product or product enhancement for distribution and implementing it at customer sites.

Product Maintenance

After the product is accepted it goes into the maintenance phase.

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6. CLIENT/SERVER A computing architecture in which application functions are decomposed and data bases are segmented so that processing and information can be distributed over multiple platforms across a network to precisely meet information and processing requirements while optimally utilizing available computing resources. Definition form I/S Resource Group's presentation on Client/Server Development Principles. The key benefit to a client/server environment is the flexibility it provides which allows maximum utilization of both staff and computing resources. Therefore, a Standard or Guideline for Client/Server Architecture should ensure that the computing elements of a client/server application are properly identified and defined. The client/server computing elements are distributed processing, distributed data, and the network. The distributed processing elements must assure that the application is decomposed into component functions. This decomposition will allow application processes to be performed on the most appropriate client or server platform at the most appropriate network location. Distributed data requires that the database be physically organized into logical data segments. This segmentation then allows for the individual data segment to be placed on the most appropriate network location. The network provides the connectivity to link the clients and servers via communications protocols so that programs can interact to share data and processing.

7. PORTABILITY I f we wish to sell a program to many different users or if we wish to use a program over a long period of time, we must be concerned with the extent to which a program can be easily and effectively operated in a variety of computing environments. The goal is development and implementation of software and data base code which will execute with different (technical environments) hardware platforms and operating systems with a minimum of modification, if any. To port an application from one technical environment to another involves changing every specification in the application which is specific to a particular environment. This implies that at least one, and probably all, of the following statements should be true. 1. The product is constructed with a case tool which supports all of the target environments and allows easy portation by regeneration of the application. 2. The specifications of the application which are environment specific are minimal, are well documented and easy to change. 3. The specifications of the application which are environment specific are isolated to modules or components which can easily be re-written or are replicated with commercially available equivalents targeting the new environment. The primary benefit of developing software with maximum portability is to broaden the base of potential customers and to protect the AASHTO software investment over time. A checklist is helpful in accomplishing this goal. 1. Is the program written in machine independent language? 2. Is the program written in a widely used standardized programming language, and does the program use only a standard version and features of that language? Page 8


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3. Does the program use primarily standard, universally available library functions and subroutines? 4. Does the program use operating system functions minimally if at all? 5. Does the program isolate and document machine-dependent statements? 6. Is the program structured to phased (overlay) operation on a smaller computer? 7. Has dependency on internal bit representation of alphanumeric or special characters been avoided or documented in the program? Reference material used included:| Software Maintenance: The Problem and Its Solutions. Martin, James and McClure, Carma, PRENTICE-HALL, 1983.

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