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J JAN 2006 A5-R3: STRUCTURED SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN NOTE: 1. There are TWO PARTS in this Module/Paper. PART ONE contains FOUR questions and PART TWO contains FIVE questions. 2.

PART ONE is to be answered in the TEAR-OFF ANSWER SHEET only, attached to the question paper, as per the instructions contained therein. PART ONE is NOT to be answered in the answer book.

Maximum time allotted for PART ONE is ONE HOUR. Answer book for PART TWO will be supplied at the table when the answer sheet for PART ONE is returned. However, candidates, who complete PART ONE earlier than one hour, can collect the answer book for PART TWO immediately after handing over the answer sheet for PART ONE. TOTAL TIME: 3 HOURS TOTAL MARKS: 100 (PART ONE - 40; PART TWO - 60) 3.

PART ONE (Answer all the questions) 1.

Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the "tear-off" answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10)

1.1 A) B) C) D)

Which of the following is the most important phase of SDLC Requirements Analysis Design Testing Coding

1.2 A) B) C) D)

An Entity in ER diagram represents what in DFD? Data Flow Store Process Both A) and b)

1.3 A) B) C) D)

The output of System Design stage is represented by ER diagram Context Diagram Structure Chart Activity Diagram

1.4 A) B) C) D)

UML stands for Unified Modeling Language Unified Modular Language Unique Modeling Language None of the above

1.5 A) B) C) D)

The largest percentage of total life cycle cost of software is Design cost Maintenance cost Coding cost Testing cost


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January, 2006

1.6 A) B) C) \. D)

The popular project management technique/s is/are: :Cdtical Path Method Gantt Chart PERT All of the above

1.7 A) B) C) D)

Which of the following is not a Cost Benefit Analysis Technique Net present value Return on Investment Break Even analysis JAD

1.8 A) B) C) D)

Which one of the following Testing is done by user? Acceptance testing Stub Testing Unit Testing All of the above

1.9 A) B)' C) D)

Cost of error correction is least at Design stage Requirement analysis stage Development stage I mplementation stage

1.10 A new instance of a class is created by: A) Query operation \.-8) Constructor operation C) Update operation D) Destructor operation


Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the "tear-off" sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10)

2.1 2.2

DFD is used to represent the functional view of the application Domain. Use Case Diagram Plays the same role in Object Oriented Analysis and Design that Context Diagram plays in Structured Analysis and Design. 2.3 Changes made to an Information System to evolve its functionality to meet the changing requirements are called corrective maintenance. 2.4 A database administrator is one who designs the database for an application. 2.5 All activities lying on critical path have slack time equal to zero. 2.6 In second normal form non-key attributes do not depend on other non-key data elements. h 2.7 PERT stands for Project Evaluation Review Tec nicu8. 2.8 UML consists of nine diagrams. 2.9 In order to maintain the software efficiently, the modules must have high coupling. 2.10 Data dictionary is a technique for writing process specifications. 3.


X Benefits that can be measured in Rupees and with certainity


Y Computer system security


The Repository of all data items


Component Diagram


Data at rest


Tangible Benefits


Disaster Recovery


Data store


A diagram which shows the Architectu:al View


Class Diagram


One of the concept used in Use case Diagram



One of the technique to control the User access Extent to which modules are dependent on each other Changing a system in response to environmental changes

F. G.


Temporal Cohesion

3.8 3.9 3.10

1 6

Match words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning! word(s)!phrase(s) in column Y. Enter your selection in the "tear-off" answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10)


Part of relationship

Page 3 of 6

Data dictionary



J. K.






Configuration Management


Adaptive maintenance

O. P.

Aggregation Actor

January, 2006


Each statement below has a blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrase(s) in the list below. Enter your choice in the "tear-off" answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10)





Data couple




CASE Tools








Network diagram



Sequence Diagram

Context diagram


Audit trail

Component Diagram

B. E. H. K. N.


Requirement analysis





O. R.




System Design



Code Generators

A(n) __________ is an interrelated set of components with an identifiable boundary working together for some purpose.


PERT and _________ are techniques for scheduling project plans.


Tools that enable the automatic generation of program and database definition code directly from design documents, diagrams, forms and reports are called


In UML collaboration diagram and __________ are complementary to each other.


A(n) _________ dependency in a relation exists between two non-key attributes.


A(n) _________ shows data being exchanged between the modules.

4.7 __ _________ is a formal group activity where participants manually examine code for occurrence of errors. 4.8 ____________ is a list of changes to a data file which allows business transactions to be traced. 4.9

The number of entity types that participate in a relationship is called _

of the

relationship. 4.10 The phase of SDLC in which all funCtional features of the system are described IndependEmtly of any computer platform is called

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1 PART TWO (Answer any FOUR questions)

5. a} b) c}

What are the different stages of object oriented development life cycle? Define a system. What are its characteristics? What are the three views of modelling? Explain briefly their purpose and also name the models used to represent these views. (6+4+5)

6. a} b)


Explain the purpose of making decisions tree and decision tables. Why do we record data descriptions? An Art Gallery is the business of buying and selling paintings. Artists can register with the gallery for selling their Paintings by paying a nominal amount. Whenever artists approach the Gallery for registration. Gallery checks the past auction records to know about the artist's standing. If satisfied, artist is given a registration code. In case artist is a new artist he is given six months temporary registration code to prove himself failing to which his registration is cancelled. Paintings can be classified as masterpiece, masterwork and other paintings. They can be also categorized as landscape, portrait spiritual etc. For every painting to be sold, its title, date of work, artist name, medium used, size, classification, expected price by the artist and target selling price are recorded. Once the painting is sold, status is changed to sold. Every three months, payments to be made to various artists are computed and cheques are dispatched. Gallery also maintains the record of customers who visit the gallery. Based on their past purchases, customers are also offered discounts. Customers also record their liking for the artists so that Gallery can contact them when paintings by those artists are available. Gallery also keeps updating the auction records. Gallery also gives its exhibition hall Oll rent to the customers for holding exhibition. For these requirements draw a Context Diagram. What is quality assurance? What factors determine quality of a system? (6+5+4)

7. a) b) c)

Write the names of diagrams used by UML. Explain the functions of Transaction Processing System, Decision Support System and Expert System. Write the basic principles of successful systems. (3+7+5)

8. a) b)

Explain the methods of interacting while designing Human Computer Interface. A module of an Employee Management System computes salary of the employees. Each employee can have status .Qr worker, instructor or manager. Each of these is given fixed salary per week. However if the employees work more than 40 hours per week, they are given fixed salary plus extra money per hours as per following rate. Worker Manager Instructor


Rs. 100 RS.200 Rs. 150

In case an employee works more than ':'0 hours in a week he also given an additional allowance of Rs. 1000. Prepare a decisicn table to show the logic of the module.

. A5-R3

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January, 2006

JULY 2003 A5-R3: STRUCTURED SYSTEM ANALYSIS & DESIGN NOTE: 1. There are TWO PARTS in this Module/paper. PART ONE contains FOUR questions and PART TWO contains FOUR questions. 2.

PART ONE is to be answered in the TEAR-OFFANSWER SHEET only, attached to the question paper, as per the instructions contained therein. PART ONE is NOT to be answered in the answer book.


Maximum time allotted for PART ONE is ONE HOUR. Answer book for PART TWO will be supplied at the table when the answer sheet for PART ONE is returned. However, candidates who complete PART ONE earlier than one hour, can collect the answer book for PART TWO immediately after handing over the answer sheet for PART ONE. TOTAL TIME: 3 HOURS TOTAL MARKS: 100 (PART ONE-40; PART TWO – 60) PART ONE (Answer all the questions) 1.

Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10)


Which statement best reflects the role of a systems analyst? A) systems analysts focus basically on how a system works. B) systems analysts must understand business requirements as well as technical requirements. C) systems analysts’ primary job is to manage projects. D) the most common work performed by a systems analyst is programming.


Which of the following is a true statement regarding the SDLC phases? A) The SDLC is not iterative. B) The life cycle is always a sequentially ordered set of phases. C) It is not possible to complete some activities in one phase in parallel with those of another phase. D) The life cycle may be thought of as a circular process in which the end of the useful life of one system leads to the beginning of another project to develop a new version of or replace an existing system.


When comparing a Gantt chart to a PERT chart, which of the following is a true statement: A) A Gantt. Chart is best used for determining the critical path. B) PERT charts are only used for simple projects C) PERT charts are the most common charts used in Information Systems projects and show the timeline better than other charts. D) Gantt charts are the most common charts used in Information Systems projects.


A critical path refers to A) a sequence of activities whose order and durations have no direct impact on meeting a project’s completion deadline. B) a sequence of activities whose duration cannot last more than 40% of the time allotted to the project. C) a sequence of activities whose order and durations directly affect the completion date of a project. D) a sequence of activities whose order must be performed in parallel


The phase of System Development associated with creation of test data is A) System analysis B) Physical design C) System acceptance D) Logical design


Software tools that provide automated support for some portion of the systems development process defines A) CAM B) CASE C) NOS D) Gantt


Which of the following would most likely not be an example of an attribute? A) employee name B) customer address C) stock number D) cancel appointment


Scalability refers to A) easy increase or decrease of the storage space B) fact hat there is no central point of failure in the system C) outer skin of the computer D) support of many different types of clients and servers


Which of the following would not be an appropriate class name? A) Student B) Patient C) John D) Customer


Indexes are created for A) Optimizing Queries B) Optimizing Updates, Inserts and Deletes C) Index Speed up all types of operations D) None of the above


Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10)


During the needs analysis phase, developers must determine what problems exist with the current system, then decide whether to proceed with development.


BPA involves greater risks than Reengineering.


In the development phase of the SDLC, programmers either create software from scratch or purchase commercially available software.


The names of data stores on primitive-level data flow diagrams often correspond to the names of data entities in entity-relationship diagrams.


Joint Application Design and prototyping can help keep the analysis effort at a minimum yet still effective.


The diagram that shows the scope of the system, indicating what elements are inside and which are outside the system, is called a level-2 diagram.


Sometimes the systems development life cycle is iterative.


A PERT diagram shows how tasks must be ordered and when an activity should begin and end.


Coupling is the extent to which subsystems depend on each other.


Process, logic and data model descriptions of a system must be consistent and complete since they are prepared during the analysis phase.




Match words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning/ word(s)/phrases in column Y. Enter your selection in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10) X A collection of those places where we keep all documentation associated with the application and project

A model that identifies only the most fundamental of entities 3.3 A study phase model that includes only entities relationships, but not attributes 3.4 The four stage process of creation, startup, maturity, and decline of systems 3.5 Automation of entire System Development process 3.6 It can be used to track the tasks of a project when task time estimates are fairly uncertain 3.7 Methodology where cost of new system equals cost of old 3.8 Airline ticketing is an example of 3.9 Module eleven technique 3.10 Hierarchical relationship between modules of a system

Y A.

Application data model


Systems life cycle





E. F.

Enterprise data model Real time System


A repository

H. I. J.

Structure Chart PERT Chart Context data model

K. L. M. N.

CASE Tools Breakeven analysis Presentation chart Check Digit


A. D. G. J. M.

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10

Each statement below has blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrases in the list below. Enter your choice in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10) Needs analysis Abundance Data Dictionary Maintenance complexity

B. E. H. K. N.

Prototype BOM Lower DDL Physical Design

C. F. I. L.

Effort Waterfall Model Systems Acceptance Hurricane model

A _______ establishes relationships, fields and record types. A _________ is a minimodel of the proposed system. A __________ is a comprehensive integration and collection of data about data. The phase of the system Development associated with creation of test data is ____________. __________ lists all the items required in fabrication of an item. During ___________ phase of the SDLC, users or developers may discover errors or problems that cause the entire process to start over again. __________ CASE tools are used to create diagrams and generate code for database tables system functionality during the design phase. Function points are used to measure the estimated ______ of a project. When estimating the project time schedule after the size of a project has been determined, the next step is to estimate the ______ that is required for each task. The __________ implies that project estimates become more accurate as the project’s product becomes better understood.

PART TWO (Answer any Four questions) 5. a) b) 6. a) b) c)

Define what is a system? List the players involved in a typical systems development project. Describe the role of a system analyst in a system development project. (9+6) List 5 key principles of system development. What is the difference between the SDLC and a methodology? Draw a structure chart to represent the following: A invokes B, then conditionally invokes C, then repeatedly iterates D. B selects E or G. C is not decomposed any further. D is a sequence of F and G. E, F and G are not decomposed any further. (3x5)


8. a) b)

9. i) ii) iii) iv)

An association oversees a swimming lessons program in the city of Delhi. Seven course levels are offered: Level 1 is for beginners (usually 4-7 years old) and Level 7 is advanced. Swimmers move to the next level when they pass a series of tests that are geared toward the level (e.g., front crawl for 30 feet). Courses are offered three times during the summer and monsoon in the spring season. Parents register their children by submitting a registration form(s) and a payment. The registration form contains the name of the child and the desired classes(s) and times. A parent may sign up a child for more than one course and time as long as the classes are not during the same time period. For example, a parent may sign up a child for level 2 in the first summer session, level 3 in the second summer session, and level 4 in the monsoon. A parent may submit more than one registration form per payment: One form per child. Draw a DFD to represent the registration process. (15) Compare and contrast the modeling of data and behaviors in the traditional versus the object-oriented approach. Management Information Systems should facilitate decision making at all levels of management; each level requires information with different characteristics, and with differing degrees of probability. Your are required to: i) compare, briefly, the characteristics of information used in strategic planning with those required for operational control and ii) discuss the features of deterministic, probabilistic and adaptive systems. Give a practical example of each type of system. (6+9) Write short notes on any three of the following: UML Context Diagrams Cohesion and Coupling Testing vs Quality Assurance (3x5)

JULY 2003

A5-R3: STRUCTURED SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN NOTE: 1. There are TWO PARTS in this Module/paper. PART ONE contains FOUR questions and PART TWO contains FOUR questions. 2.

PART ONE is to be answered in the TEAR-OFFANSWER SHEET only, attached to the question paper, as per the instructions contained therein. PART ONE is NOT to be answered in the answer book.


Maximum time allotted for PART ONE is ONE HOUR. Answer book for PART TWO will be supplied at the table when the answer sheet for PART ONE is returned. However, candidates who complete PART ONE earlier than one hour, can collect the answer book for PART TWO immediately after handing over the answer sheet for PART ONE. TOTAL TIME: 3 HOURS TOTAL MARKS: 100 (PART ONE-40; PART TWO – 60) PART ONE (Answer all the questions) 1.

Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10)

1.1 A) B) C) D)

Which of the following is not a named phase in the systems development life cycle? Need Analysis Development Testing Maintenance

1.2 A) B) C) D)

At the highest level, a DFD is referred to as a Level 0 DFD Level 1 DFD context diagram scope diagram


This is another name for a working model that demonstrates how part of an information system works. CASE tool Prototype Data flow diagram Decision Tree

A) B) C) D) 1.4 A) B) C) D)


This can be used to track the tasks of a project when the esimationoftask time are firly uncertain. PERT TUFP DFD CASE tools

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1.5 A) B) C) D)

The information gathering technique that enables the analyst to collect facts and options from a wide range of geographically dispersed people quickly and with the least expense is the Document analysis Interview JAD session Questionnaire

1.6 A) B) C) D)

This is a common problem encountered during a JAD session. A few people trying to dominate discussion A whiteboard or flip chart Everyone participating People that are excited about the chance to participate

1.7 A) B) C)

When comparing a Gantt chart to a PERT chart, which of the following is a true statement: A Gantt Chart is best used for determining the critical path. PERT charts are only used for simple projects. PERT charts are the most common charts used in Information Systems projects and show the timeline better than other charts. Gantt charts are the most common charts used in Information Systems projects.

D) 1.8 A) B) C) D)

Which of the following is the most secure method of protecting sensitive data during transmission over a network? public key encryption private key encryption access control matrix parity check

1.9 A) B) C) D)

All of the following are stages in the systems life cycle EXCEPT: creation startup change maturity

1.10 A) B) C) D)

Which of the following is NOT a component of audit risk? inherent risk control risk detection risk management risk


Page 2 of 7


Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10)


To create an information system, developers follow a set of steps, called the systems development planning process.


In bottom-up design, developers start with the large picture and move to the details.


CASE tools can help developers create computer software quickly and reliably.


Adding staff to a project to shorten the project’s length is usually a wise move, because adding staff normally translates into increased productivity.


In the development phase of the SDLC, programmers either create software from scratch or purchase commercially available software.


During the needs analysis phase, developers must determine what problems exist with the current system, then decide whether to proceed with development.


In a data flow diagram, arrows are used to represent data stores.


The system development lifecycle describes the temporal, causal and I/O relationships among the processes of the organization studied.


Participants at a Joint Application Development (JAD) workshop meeting identify system requirements.


An entity in an ER diagram is basically the same as an entity in a DFD, the only difference being that in the former it stores data and in the latter it processes data.


Page 3 of 7


3.1 3.2

Match words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning/ word(s)/phrases in column Y. Enter your selection in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10) X In ER modeling, entities are depicted using A repository of information about a database that documents data elements of a database

A. B.

Y Data Dictionary Triangles

3.3 3.4

An important security feature A diagram which depicts the flow of data in different elements of the system

C. D.



The name for tools that support high-level program development




A complete software facility of building, maintaining and generating reports from a database.




A display using icons and other graphical images rather than typed lines of text.




The lowest layer of the OSI reference model.




In SDLC, the stage which refers to the technical specifications for input, output, file and processing that will be applied in implementing the candidate system, is known as



J. K. L. M. N.

Physical Layer Tuples Batch Processing Check Digit GUI

3.10 Common method for checking transposition errors


Page 4 of 7


A. D. G. J. M.

Each statement below has blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrases in the list below. Enter your choice in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10) Logical Design UML Physical Design Upper CASE Tools Mapping

B. E. H. K. N.

Lower CASE Tools Coupling close-ended DFD ER Diagram

C. F. I. L.

Cohesion Biometric Class BPA


The extent to which a system or a subsystem performs a single functions called __________.


A phase of the SDLC in which all functional features of the system chosen fro development are described independently of any computer platform is called __________.


Tools designed to support the implementation and maintenance phases of the SDLC are called __________.


Alternatives must be considered at many levels in the SDLC. When considering alternatives in scope, a good visual model to use is __________.


The analysis strategy that results in the existing business processes being left essentially the same, but with a new system that makes them more efficient is __________.


During an interview, the following question is asked: “How many times during a typical week does a customer complain about inadequate service following a sale?” This question is an example of a(n) __________ question.


_____________ is a computer-based test procedure which determines whether all logic paths in a computer program have been traversed.


A device to measure or detect fingerprints or signatures in called a(n) _______ device.


________ is a standard object-oriented language for describing system requirements, analysis and design phase.


The structural or object model is represented in UML primarily with _______________ Diagrams.


Page 5 of 7

PART TWO (Answer any four questions) 5. a) b) c) 6. a)

What is the SDLC? Name each of the phases that make-up the SDLC and clearly indicate the sequence in which the phases must be performed. List the activities necessary to complete the study phase of the project. Name three modeling techniques that may be used in the definition phase of a system. (8+4+3) The Video Rentals and Sales (VRS) company rents and sells videos to customers, and wants to computerize its operations. It wants the new system to do everything the current system does, which is a follows: • In the current system all customers must be registered in the customer file. • New customers must provide identification, name, address, telephone, etc., and is entered in their customer record in the customer file. • Videos are rented and the rental is recorded in the rental file and a fee charges. • Returned videos are checked-in and the rental file is updated. • Customers who are late are contacted by telephone. • All video sales are recorded. • The system produces sales and rentals reports for management. • All cash from rentals and sales is passed to the Accountant along with a daily Rentals/Sales Report. • Customers are sent a Monthly Bonus Letter. • Customers are sent an Annual Bonus Letter. • VRS purchases all its videos from a Supplier and passes the invoices to the Accountant for payment. Given the above information, draw a context diagram.


7. a) b) c)

Why should you develop both logical and physical DFDs for systems? What advantage is there for drawing a logical DFD before a physical DFD for the information system discussed in Part a) above. (9+6) What are CASE tools used for? What is the purpose of: i) upper-CASE tools ii) lower-CASE tools Name techniques for validating system requirements. What are the main principles used in designing forms for data entry? (6+4+5)


Page 6 of 7

8. a) b)

Describe the salient features of IIML? Discuss its use of dynamic modeling of a system. The sales staff of a Jewelry Retailer is divided into commissioned salespersons and salaried salespersons. A commissioned sales person receives 7% commission on every sale greater than or equal to Rs.10, 000.00; receives 5% commission on every sale greater than or equal to Rs.1, 000.00 and less than Rs. 10, 000.00 and receives 2% commission on every sale less than Rs.1, 000.00. A salaried salesperson receives a Rs.700.00 bonus for cumulative sales greater than or equal to Rs.10, 000.00; receives a Rs.50.00 bonus for cumulative sales greater than or equal to Rs.1, 000.00 and less than Rs.1, 000.00, and receives no bonus for sales less than Rs. 1, 000.00 From the above description develop a class diagram for the system. (7+8)


Write short notes on any three of the following: i) JAD ii) Protyping iii) Real-Time System iv) Transactional Analysis (TA) (5x3)


Page 7 of 7

A5-R3: STRUCTURED SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN NOTE: 1. There are TWO PARTS in this Module/paper. PART ONE contains FOUR questions and PART TWO contains FOUR questions. 2.

PART ONE is to be answered in the TEAR-OFFANSWER SHEET only, attached to the question paper, as per the instructions contained therein. PART ONE is NOT to be answered in the answer book.


Maximum time allotted for PART ONE is ONE HOUR. Answer book for PART TWO will be supplied at the table when the answer sheet for PART ONE is returned. However, candidates who complete PART ONE earlier than one hour, can collect the answer book for PART TWO immediately after handing over the answer sheet for PART ONE. TOTAL TIME: 3 HOURS TOTAL MARKS: 100 (PART ONE-40; PART TWO – 60) PART ONE (Answer all the questions) 1.

Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10)

1.1 A) B) C) D)

The primary tool used in structured design is a: Data-flow diagram Module Structure chart Program flowchart

1.2 A) B) C) D)

At the highest level, a DFD is referred to as Level 0 DFD Level 1 DFD Context Diagram Scope Diagram

1.3 A) B) C) D)

The black-box concept is based on the assumption(s) that: The relationship between input and output is stable Black boxes are dependent on environment The subsystem is stable All of the above

1.4 A) B) C) D)

A medium of transporting the output of a system to the input of another is a (an): Boundary Countermeasure Feedback Interface

1.5 A) B) C) D)

Which of the following is not a characteristic of structured system development? Partitioning of systems into manageable levels of details Specification of the interfaces between modules The use of graphical tools, such as data-flow diagrams, to model system All of the above


Page 1 of 7

1.6 A) B) C) D)

The data-flow diagrams, an originator or receiver of data is usually designated by: A square box A circle A rectangle An arrow

1.7 A) B) C) D)

Which of the following tools are not used in modeling the new system? Decision tables Data dictionary Data-flows diagrams All of the above

1.8 A) B) C) D)

The process at the most detailed level of the data-flow diagrams are called: Functional primitives Transform descriptions Data flows Interfaces

1.9 A) B) C)

Which of the following is a true statement regarding the SDLC phases? The SDLC is not iterative The life cycle is always a sequentially ordered set of phases It is not possible to completed some activities in one phase in parallel with those of another phase The life cycle may be though of as a circular process

D) 1.10 A) B) C) D)

What information gathering strategy enables the analyst to see the reality of situation rather than listen to others describe it? document analysis interviewing Joint Application Design (JAD) Sessions questionnaires


Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10)


A system is an organized way of achieving a goal without any consideration of the people involved. A critical path refers to a sequence of activities whose order and durations gave no direct impact on meeting a projects completion deadline. The feasibility committee is responsible for devising a plan to implement both the new computer hardware and the proposed system. Once a new system is completed, no subsequent evaluation of its performance is undertaken. The limits check is a procedural control. Greater risk is associated with direct conversion than with phased conversion. The post-implementation evaluation is normally conducted one year after system implementation. The success of an software project depends entirely on its quality as viewed by users. CASE are software tools that provide automated support for some portion of the systems development process. A parallel run involves the concurrent operation of the existing system and the new system.

2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10


Page 2 of 7



Match words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning/ word(s)/phrases in column Y. Enter your selection in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10) X User testing of a completed information system using real data in the real user environment


Y Closed System


The search for the implementation of radical changes in B. business process to achieves breakthrough improvements in products and services

Alpha testing


A system that is cut off from its environments and does C. not interact with it

Object Diagram


A picture of the movement of data between external D. entities and processes and data stores within a system

Business process Reengineering


A graph of instances that are compatible with a given class diagram




A diagram that depicts project tasks and their relationships




The traditional methodology used to develop, maintain and replace information systems.


PERT Chart


An iterative process of systems development in which H. requirements are converted to a working system that is continually revised through close work between an analyst and user


A planned undertaking of related activities to reach an object that has beginning and an end



3.10 Each module is tested above in an attempt to discover any errors in its code






Unit testing


Spiral modeling




Page 3 of 7



A. D. G. J.

Each statement below has blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrases in the list below. Enter your choice in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein. (1 x 10) OBJECT Normalization Black Box Outsourcing

B. E. H. K.

Decision tree Boundary System analysis Decision table

C. Structure Chart F. Decision traces I. Data Dictionary L.


The __________ is the area that separates one system from another.


A(n) __________ is a listing of all data elements in a database.


__________ is a method for modeling and understanding complex system.


A(n) __________ is an abstraction of real-world thing.


__________ is the process of converting complex data structures into simple, stable data structures.


Under the __________ concept, the system is defined in terms of inputs and outputs rather than in terms of how the system effects a transformation.


A graphical representation of a decision situation is __________.


A(n) __________ is a hierarchical diagram showing the relationship between various program modules.


Decision table and decision trees are alternative tools for defining data processes, but __________ are easier for most people for understand.


__________ is a practice of turning over some or all responsibilities of an organization’s information systems application and operations to an outside firm.


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PART TWO (Answer any four questions) 5. a) b) c) 6. a) b) 7. a)


Why do Businesses need Systems Analysts? What is a System Analyst? Differentiate between the Management Information Systems and Decision Support Systems. What are the various system users? Discuss the functionality of these users. (4+4+7) What is systems analysis? What are the various strategies for systems analysis and problem solving? What is a data flow diagram? Why do systems analysts use data flow diagram? (7+8) Define the following terms: i) Candidate Key ii) Primary Key iii) Alternate Key iv) Foreign Key What are CASE tools used for? What is the purpose of i) Upper Case Tools ii) Lower Case Tools. (8+7)

8. a) b)

What is Object Modeling? What are the system concepts for Object Modeling? Discuss the Concept of Object /Class relationships. (7+8)


Write short notes on any three of the following: i) Rapid Application Development (RAD) ii) Operational Feasibility iii) Project Walkthroughs iv) Modelling using VML (3x5)


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A5-R3: STRUCTURED SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN PART ONE (Answer all the questions) 1. 1. 1 A) B) C) D)

Multiple choice of answers A Zero level DFD describes The fully blown of system design That the system design cannot be split together Overflow of processes, input and output None of the above

1.2 A) B) C) D)

Prototype is a Working model of the existing system Mini-model of the existing system Mini-model of the processed system None of the above


Which one of the following is not an important characteristic of useful and effective information? Completeness Timeliness Economy Accuracy

A) B) C) D) 1.4

A sequential access file is not a file In which the last record is retrieved in the same time as the first record In which the a record cannot be accessed unless its predecessor records are accessed Usually stored on magnetic tape In which, a new copy of the file is created to insert a record

1.5 A) B) C) D)

Cost of error correction is least at Implementation stage Design stage Development stage Requirement Analysis stage

1.6 A) B) C) D)

A starting point in the hardware design phase of a system design project is Benchmarking Preparation of a purchase contract The determination of size and capacity requirements for the hardware Calling quotations from hardware vendors

1.7 A) B) C) D)

The most creative and challenging phase of the system life cycle is Feasibility study Maintenance Design None of the above


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1.8 A) B) C) D)

The data base design activity deals with the design of the Logical data base Physical data base Both A) & B) None of the above

1.9 A) B) C) D)

The static System Models exhibit which type of relationship Time-cost Activity-time Quantity-cost None of the above

1.10 A) B) C) D)

A decision table consists of two parts Stub and entry Pros and cons Condition and result None of the above




A phase in which physical system and computerized system both work is called as parallel run.


Each data flow in the DFD has a corresponding entry in the data dictionary.


Coupling is a measure of relative functional strength of a module and cohesion is a measure of relative interdependence among the modules.


Structured decisions are programmable and unstructured decisions are judgmental.


A data dictionary is a structured repository of data about data.


HIPO diagrams are not used to develop packages.


Audit trails ensure against loss of data.


Intangible costs are those that have financial values, which are not easily measured.


An activity of all phases of a structured project is the walkthrough.


Structure chart is the documentation tool for structure design.


Match Words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning/word(s)/phase(s) in columnY. Enter your selection in the “tear-off” answer sheet attached to the question paper, following instructions therein


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A. Hacking


Knowledge base

B. Facilitating use of application software


Structure chart

C. Real time system


Decision tree

D. Desired future course of an organization



E. Part of Expert system


Smart Card

F. Documentation tool for structure design



G. Verification


Alpha Test

H. Logical structure based on some criteria


Computer Crime

I. Transaction Processing



J. Hardware Selection K. Record management programs L. Data integrity

4. A D G J M P

Fill in the blanks Structure design Closed system Information Sequential Environment Module testing


Maintainability Feasibility Study Implementation Top-down Module


Acceptance External Structured design Hierarchical Data communication


_____________ testing is running the system with live data by the actual user.


Open systems interact with the ___________.


___________ is an attempt to minimize complexity and make a program manageable by subdividing it.


Managers performing strategic functions need _____________ information.


Digital signature is used in __________.


_________ testing must precede unit testing and system testing.


The __________ structuring specifies that an entity can have no more than one owning entity.


In the testing phase of the SDLC, the first activity is ____________.


Where one has to process all the records in a file, the best file organization is ____________.

4.10 A5-R3

A HIPO chart is the __________ decomposition. Page 8 of 7

PART TWO (Answer any four questions) 5. a) b) c)

Write short notes on the following: Tangible and Intangible Costs and Benefits Coupling and Cohesion Top-down and bottom-up Approach (5 x 3)

6. a) b)

What is SDLC? Explain various phases of this cycle? Explain the strategies used for determining information requirements. (7+ 8)

7. a) b) c) 8. a) b) c)

Information requirements depend upon various factors. What are these factors? Discuss them. What is System testing and what do we test in test in this testing? Discuss system feasibility study. (5 x 3) What is logical and physical design? What do you mean by system analyst? What are the multifaceted roles of a system analyst? What are objectives of a database? (5 x 3)

9. a)

What quality related concerns are to be pursued while creating software for inventory control in a MIS?


Prepare a limited entry decision table for the following case:

A wholesaler has three commodities to sell and has three types of customers. Discount is given as per the following procedure:

i) ii)

For DGS & D orders, 10% discount is given irrespective of the value of the order. For orders more than Rs. 50,000/- agent gets a discount of 15% and the retailer gets a discount of 10%. iii) For orders of Rs. 20,000/- or more upto Rs. 50,000/- agent gets a discount of 12% and the retailer gets a discount of 8%. iv) For orders of the value less than Rs. 20,000 agent gets 8% and retailer gets 5% discount. The above rules do not apply to the furniture items where in a flat rate of 10% discount is admissible to all customers irrespective of the value of the order. (5 + 10)


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