A340 Limitation

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TG Engine/ Conf/ Cabin version A345 4 RR TRENT 553-FADEC Thrust: 53,000 lb. Seat 60C +42U +113Y = 215 (3452 215) HSTLA TLB TLC TLD

= = = =


version crew [A B C D E] pax LifeVest O2mask 3452 4/14 [30 30 42 56 57]=215 237 292 3461 4/15 [8 36 24 100 99]=267 283 409 A346 4 RR TRENT 556-FADEC Thrust: 56,000 lb. Seat 8F +60C +199Y = 267 (3461 267) HSTNA TNB TNC TND TNE TNF


Day and night opns VFR and IFR Extended over water Flight in icing conditions

Aircraft Wingspan: Length: Height: Wheel base: Range (max pax) Range (max pay load) Min T/O RWY Length Min L/D RWY Length

A345 63.45 67.87 17.10 10.68 8,500 7,000 3,250 2,050

Weight(tons) Max Taxi Wt. MTOW MLDW MZFW Min Wt. Max Payload Max Fuel

TLD 373.2 372 246 232

A345 369.2 368 240 225 161 54.1 169.4

The pax/cargo doors must be closed when the wind exceeds 60 kt SPEED

m m m m NM NM m m A346 366.2 365 256 242 166 65.7 153.8

A346 63.45 75.27 17.29 10.68 7,500 5,800 3,250 2,100 TNF 366.3 365 265 251

Note: In exceptional circumstances (in-flight turn back or diversion) an immediate landing above the maximum landing weight is permitted, provided the pilot follows the overweight landing procedure.

Flight Maneuvering Load Acceleration Limits Clean configuration -1 g to +2.5 g (normal law) Slats extended 0 g to +2.0 g (normal law) Min Flight Crew Max Aircraft Altitude Environmental Envelope 0' Up to 12,500' From 12,500 to 41,450' Airport Operations Runway slope (mean) Runway altitude

(do not land unless a greater emergency exists) 40 kt (50 kt if aircraft nose oriented into wind) Max wind for cargo door opn 40 kt (50 kt if aircraft nose oriented into wind and cargo door is on the leeward side)

Max wind for pax door opn

Certification Public transport category (pax and freight) -

Wind Limitations Max T/O xwind 35 kt certified (gust included) Max L/D xwind 37 kt demonstrated (gust included) Max tailwind 10 kt (manual landing) Other crosswind limits: Wet runway 32 kt (no gusts) Contaminated runway: XWC limits: Braking action kt GOOD 32 GOOD/MEDIUM 27 MEDIUM 20 MEDIUM/POOR 20 POOR 15

2 pilots 41,450 ' -54 to +55 °C ISA +40 °C ISA +25 °C ±2 % 12,500'

Max Operating Speeds Vmo 330 kt up to FL300 (CAS) Mmo 0.86 M

The maximum operating limit speed must not be exceeded deliberately in any regime of flight.

Max Design Maneuvering Speeds VA A345 A346 VA: 316 314 (alt.0' to 8,000') then to 330 kts (alt.8,000’ to 27,000’) then M 0.78 (27,000' to 41,000')

If alternate or direct law is active, full ailerons and rudder application should be confined to speeds below VA. If alternate or direct law is active, maneuvers involving angle of attack near stall should be confined to speeds below VA. CAUTION Rapid and large alternating control inputs, especially in combination with large changes in pitch, roll, or yaw (e.g. large sideslip angles) may result in structural failures at any speed, even below Va.

Max Flap/ Slat Speed Position/ ECAM Ind./ Max Spd/ Flight Phase 1 1 280 Holding 1 1+F 233 Takeoff 2 2 225 Approach 2 2 216 Takeoff+App 3 3 206 Takeoff+App+Landing FULL FULL 200 Landing Max Alt. flaps/ slats extended 20,000' Max Gear Down Speeds Landing gear extended (VLE) 250 kt/ 0.55M Landing gear opn (VLO) (extension &retraction) 250 kt/ 0.55M Gravity extension (VLE, VLO) 250 kt Max Alt. gear may be extended


A340 LIMITATIONS & TOLERANCES Misc. Speeds Max tire speed Max speed windshield wiper use Max speed cockpit window open

204 kt 230 kt 230 kt

Note: Cockpit window opening is not possible with the packs on.

Speed Brake Extension No limitation. Min Control Speeds kt A345 A346 VMCL 130 132 VMCL-2 154 157 at SL VMCA 128.5 130.5 VMCG conf 1+F 140.5 136.5 VMCG conf 2 140 136 VMCG conf 3 141 136.5 at 2000' (decreases with altitude) VMCA 125.5 127.5 VMCG conf 1+F 137.5 133 VMCG conf 2 137.5 132.5 VMCG conf 3 138 133.5

Use of NAV and FINAL APP Modes For NPA

See 3.01.22 page 2a in Limitations (many conditions).

Max Wind for CAT2/3 AUTO APP or AUTOLAND and AUTO ROLLOUT A345 A346 HWC 30 kt 35 kt XWC 23 kt 20 kt TWC 10 kt 10 kt

Note: Wind is based on surface wind as reported by the tower. If the wind displayed on the ND exceeds the abovenoted autoland limitations, but the tower reports surface wind within the limitations, then AP can remain engaged. If the tower reports surface wind beyond the limitations, only a CAT 1 automatic approach without autoland can be performed.


PRESSURIZATION Cabin Pressure Max positive differential press. Max negative differential press. Safety relief valve setting

guidance may occur after takeoff. _ GPS must be deselected for takeoff from these airports, until a safe altitude is reached.


9.25 psi -1 psi 8.85 to -1psi

Outflow valve closure 15,000' Max cabin alt. selection 14,000' Min cabin alt. selection -2,000' Max norm. cabin alt. 7,350” Max neg. ∆P -70 hPa (-1psi) Note: Max diff. Press. and safety valve setting tolerances =+/-7 hPa (0.1psi) - RAM Air inlet opens only if diff. press. is lower than 1 psi. - Do not use conditioned air simultaneously from packs and low pressure ground units. - Air supplied by 2 ground carts should not exceed 2x1.6 kg/sec (2x3.53 lb./sec). - Do not use high pressure ground unit when APU supplies bleed air (to avoid bleed system damage).

minima DH 100'AGL

AFS FMA at least 1AP “CAT 2/ CAT 3 SINGLE/ CAT 3 DUAL”

CAT 3 Fail-Passive DH 50' at least 1AP+A/THR CAT 3 Fail-Operational AH 200' 2APs+A/THR min RVR 75'


Engine Out Autoland CAT 2/3 autoland are only approved in conf 3 if engine out procedure are completed before 1,000' in app. CAT 3 Fail-Passive autoland is approved in single inner engine out. CAT 3 Fail-Operational autoland is approved in single outer engine out. Automatic Landing

AUTOFLIGHT AP Function Min height use AP on T/O w SRS mode


(and an internal logic prevents AP engagement during 5 sec. after lift-off)

Min height use AP in: _ St.-in NPA app. _ Circling app.

applicable MDA(MDH) applicable MDA -100' (or MDH -100') _ ILS app.with CAT 1 displayed on FMA 160'AGL _ Go-around (AP or FD engage not below) 100'AGL _ All other phases 500'AGL Use of the AP or FD in OPEN DES or DES mode is not permitted in approach unless the FCU altitude is set to, or above MDA(MDH) or 500', whichever is the highest.

A/THR Function Use of the autothrust is approved with, or without, AP/FD in selected or managed mode. Takeoff in GPS Primary

_ For certain airports, where the difference between the local coordinate system and WGS 84 (geodesic standard used by GPS, FMS) is not negligible, an incorrect NAV

CAT 2/3 autoland are approved in conf 3 & conf FULL Automatic Landing has been demonstrated: (not limitation) _ with CAT 2/3 ILS beam, _ with ILS slope angle A345 A346 2.85 to 3.15 ° 2.5 to 3.15 ° _ airfield elevations below 5,750' 9,200' _ weight less than MLDW _ at app. speed ---VAPP=VLS+(5 to15) kt _ demonstrated to MLDW only (crew responsibility) 250t 270t Automatic rollout performance has been approved on dry and wet runways (but snow covered or icy runways not demonstrated) Autoland with Unprotected Beams Autoland has been demonstrated on CAT 2 and CAT 3 ILS beams. However autoland in CAT 1, or better, weather conditions is possible on CAT 1 ground installation or CAT 2/3 facility when ILS-sensitive area are not protected, if the following precautions are taken: _ airline checked the ILS beam quality and terrain profile has no effects on AP guidance (terrain discontinuities within 300m before runway threshold must be evaluated). _ pilot is aware and prepare to disconnect AP and take action if LOC or GS beam fluctuations, and unsatisfactory

A340 LIMITATIONS & TOLERANCES guidance occur. _ at least CAT 2 capability displayed on FMA and CAT 2/3 procedures are used. _ visual references are obtained at a DH appropriated for CAT 1 approach being flown, or a go-around is performed. Note Autoland can be performed up to (A345= 250 ton/ A346= 270 ton) in case of emergency and under crew responsibility.

FUEL Fuel Types JET A1, JET A, JP 5 or JP 8 Max Allowed Wing Fuel Imbalance Tank fuel Q (heavier side) Max asymm. Inner tk 1/4 full to 2,900 kg 2,900 kg (Inners 2/3/outer balanced) Inner tk 2/3 full to 6,700 kg (Inners 1/4/outer balanced)

6,700 kg

Outer tk full to 1,700 kg (Inners 1/2/3/4 balanced)

1,700 kg

Max Fuel Temp. Min Fuel Temp. Freezing points:

A345 70 ° 52m

A346 76 ° 55m

_ No brake pivot is allowed (i.e. Differential braking can not be used to fully stop one main gear). _ Asymmetric thrust may be used during turns at high NWS angles, in order to initiate the turn and keep the aircraft moving during turn. But, it should not be used to tighten the turn. Taxi with deflated tires: If tire damage is suspected after landing, or after a RTO, inspection of the tire is required before taxi. If the tire is deflated but not damage, the aircraft can be taxi at low speed with the following limitations: 1. if one tire is deflated on one or more gears (i.e. A max of 4 tires), speed limit to 7 kts in turns. 2. if two tires are deflated on the same main gear (the other main gear tires not being deflated), or on the center gear, speed limit to 3 kts and NWS angle limited to 30°


+55°C (JET A1 JET A JP8 JP5) freezing point JET A1 -47 ° C JET A -40 ° C JP 8 -47 ° C JP 5 -46 ° C

Fuel Management -Tanks must be emptied in the following order: Centre tank, then wing tanks. - In case of a trim tank forward transfer pump failure, do not select the trim tank forward when the pitch attitude is above 3 degree to avoid inadvertent fuel aft transfer.

Min Fuel Quantity for Takeoff

NWS angle limit 180° turn radius

4,000 kg

(“ALL INRS LO LVL “must not be displayed on ECAM for takeoff) Fuel Capacity (based on SG = 0.785 kg /litter) (kg) A345 A346 OUT tk 4,953 4,953 INN tk 1,4 each 19,402 19,402 INN tk 2,3 each 27,322 27,322 CTR tk 43,279 43,279 Rear CTR tk 15,497 nil Trim tk 6,191 6,190 total 168,321 152,823

LANDING GEAR Brake System Max brake temp. for takeoff (brake fans off) 300°C Release parking brake > 400 °C Must use brake cooling > 500 °C Must call Fire Services > 600 °C Autobrake

The flightcrew can disengage the automatic brake by _ Pressing the TO pb. for takeoff or _ Setting the AUTO/BRK LDG selector to DISARM position for landing or _ Applying sufficient press. to at least one brake pedal

Parking Brake Do not set EPR above 1.30 on all engines with the parking brake ON

Minimum Flight Crew Oxygen Pressure If less than 1,000 psi check chart 03.01.35 (worst case: hot temp and 4 pilots - minimum 1,000 psi) MINIMUM BOTTLE PRESSURE TO COVER : _ Preflight checks _ Usage of oxygen when only one pilot is in the cockpit _ Unusable quantity (to ensure regulator functioning with min pressure) _ Normal system leakage and ** taking into account following flight profile: • 1 minute at FL400 • descent at 5,500 fpm from FL400 to cruise altitude • flight time at cruise altitude read on the chart (at least 105 minutes at FL 100 for 2 crew members ) • descent at 2,700 fpm from cruise alt. to FL100 or ** Protection against smoke with 100% oxygen for all cockpit members during 15 minutes at 8,000' cabin alt. Note: The above times are based on the use of a sealed mask, may be shorter for bearded crew (in terms of performance, pressure or duration).

APU Oil Quantity APU may be started and operated even the LOW OIL LEVEL ECAM advisory is displayed. Maintenance action is required within next 20 hrs of APU operation. APU Starter After 3 consecutive start attempts without cooling down, a 60-min cooling interval must be observed before start.

Rotor Speed max N 106 % EGT max temp. 650 °C max temp.for start 1,250 °C APU Opn (elec.power only) & Start max 41,450' APU Supply bleed air+elec. power max 22,500' engine start max 22,500' two packs max 22,500' APU Start in the APU start envelope, APU start is guaranteed within 3 consecutive start attempts. Envelope max ISA +40°C to 16,600' then ISA +35°C Battery start limit (Elec. Emer. Config) max 25,000' Ground starting and opn limit max 14,600' _ APU air bleed extraction for wing anti-ice is not permitted

A340 LIMITATIONS & TOLERANCES APU BATTERY at preflight _ If aircraft has been electrically powered for 6 hours or more: check voltage above 25.5V (if below charge min 20 minutes with external power) _ For APU start on battery only, V must be above 23.5V


time limit EGT limit 5 min 900 °C * (10 min in the case of engine failure) unlimited 850 °C on ground 700 °C in flight 850 °C

Oil Max continuous temp. 196 °C Min starting temp. -40 °C Min temp. prior T/O 20 °C Min oil press amber 25-40 psi (70-100 %N3) red 25 psi (oil lo press warning) Min oil quantity (cockpit praparation-not limitation) 6 quarts + 0.66 qt/h but not lower than 10 qt (OAT>0°C) 13 qt (OAT<0°C) RPM N1 max 92.5 % (a lower limit may apply

Refer to Polar Navigation section in the FCOM 4.04.40. Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System EGPWS _ A/C not to be navigated based on EGPWS display (SA tool only). EGPWS algorithm does not take into account manmade objects. _ TERR pushbutton to OFF (inhibits GPWS enhanced function) when the aircraft position is less than 15 NM from the airfield and: * For operations to/from runways not incorporated in the EGPWS database. * For specific approach procedures, which have previously been identified as potentially producing false terrain alerts. ISIS When both PFDs are lost, the ISIS bugs function must not be used. IRS Drift Error _ Max position error see FCOM 3.03.25 _ Residual groundspeed check to be below 15 kts If it is above: the excessive deviation must be confirmed after two consecutive flights). If above 21 kts, IRU to be removed. Perform Residual GS check within 2 minutes after aircraft stopping (LITTON IRS). Electrical Outlets It is forbidden to use the electrical outlets during takeoff and landing.

depending on ambient conditions and bleed configuration)

In Seat Power Supply System ISPSS The ISPSS for PED, carried by the pax, must be switched off during takeoff and landing

Starter Max continuous opn.

Flight Crew Rest Compartment The flight crew compartment seats can be used during taxi, takeoff, landing, according to local regulation. Bulk Crew Rest Compartment Do not occupy the crew rest compartment during during taxi, takeoff, landing.

N2 max N3 max

99.4 % 97.4 %

5 min

_ Two 3-minute cycles, and a consecutive 1 minute cycle, with a run down to zero N3 between each cycle or _ One 5-minute cycle Wait 30 minute after the last cycle to cooling the starter. _ No running engagement of the starter when N3 above 10% on ground or 30% in flight.

Reverse Thrust _ Not to be selected in flight.

_ Backing the aircraft with reverse thrust not permitted. _ Max Reverse thrust not to be used below 60 kt. _ Idle reverse permissible down to aircraft stop.

Reduced Thrust Takeoff _ Takeoff at reduced thrust is only permissible, if the

airplane meets all applicable performance requirements at the planned takeoff weight. _ Thrust reduction not to exceed 40% of full rated takeoff thrust. (max flex temp. T MAX FLEX not higher than ISA +60 °C) _ The assumed temp. not be lower than the flat rated temp. or the actual OAT. _ Reduced thrust takeoff is not permitted on contaminated runways. _ Reduced thrust takeoff is only allowed with any inoperative item affecting the performance, if the associated performance shortfall has been applied to meet all performance requirements at the takeoff weight, with the operating engines at the thrust available for the flex temp. OTHER SYSTEM LIMITATIONS Hydraulic Normal operating pressure is 3000 psi ± 200 Inertial Reference System IRS

rest and bulk and




Speed tgt+10 “ SPEED ” Descent Rate > 1200 fpm “SINK RATE ” Pitch Attitude > 10° or < 0° “ PITCH ” Bank Angle >7° “ BANK ” LOC > 1/4 dot PFD deviation “ LOCALIZER ” GS > 1 dot PFD deviation “ GLIDE SLOPE” NPA > 1/2 dot PFD (VOR 2.5°/ADF 5°) “ COURSE ” altitude(check point) deviation “__ft HIGH/LOW”

FLIGHT TOLERANCES Normal Flight Tolerances HDG ± 5° of nominated HDG IAS ± 10 kt (± M0.02) of nominated speed.(not below min approach speed for the configuration).


± 100 feet, at min altitudes +100, -0 feet

Asymmetric Flight Tolerances HDG ± 20° initially then ± 5° IAS Initial climb: engine inop => V2 to V2+5 kt. Subsequent operations ± 10 kt (± M0.02) and not below min approach speed for the configuration. ALT ± 100 feet, at min altitudes +100, -0 feet Navigation Aid Tolerances

A340 LIMITATIONS & TOLERANCES NDB ± 5° of nominated track. Descent not commenced until established within tolerance. VOR ± 1/2 scale deflection. Descent not commenced until established within tolerance. ILS & LLZ ± 1/2 scale deflection. Able to land from minimum without undue manoeuvring. DME ARC ± 2 NM DME ARRIVAL - Tracking within NDB or VOR tolerances when on defined track, or, if not on a defined track, stay within the defined sector at all times. Descent below LSALT or limiting altitude not before distance specified in the arrival procedure.

Note: CAT C/D MDA should all be above 1,000’ AGL

Circling Approach

A min altitude of 1,000’ above the landing threshold is maintained until intercept of a 3º visual approach path. Note: At night, descent below the circling MDA is permitted only when intercepting a 3 º visual approach path.

RULE and REGULATIONS (RAR) CAT D Determination and Speed _ CAT D: VTH = 141-165 kt (base on ‘at threshold’ speed) _ VLS (min selectable speed) = 1.3 VSO The A340 has VLS as VTH reference speed rather than 1.3 Vso (granted because of the efficiencies and safety of flyby-wire) _ VTH normally = 1.3 VSO (stall speed) at max landing weight in landing configuration. Also equals = 1.23 Vs1g (if higher than Vso) Note: C of G not considered for this calculation (actually does affect stall speed) _ V alpha-max (less than VLS) is very close to actual

stall speed _ Vso = stall speed, straight & level, gear down, landing flap, idle power _ Vs1g = stall speed clean _ Min obstacle clearance in circling approach: 400’ _ Circling Area Radius (day and night): PANS-OPS 5.28 NM TERPS 4.2 NM (7.778 km) Holding Speed PAN-OPS FL < 140 FL > 140-200 FL > 200-340 FL > 340 TERPS FL < 60 FL > 60 FL > 140

normal 230 240 265 M0.83 200 kt 230 265

Handling Speeds Initial & Intermediate Approach: Final Approach: Max For Circling: Max For Missed Approach:

turbulence 280 kt 280 or M0.8 280 or M0.8 M0.83

185-250 kt 130-185 kt max 205 kt 185-265 kt

Timing 45°/180° procedure turn for CAT C/D: 1 min 15 sec Land and Hold Short Operations LAHSO is approved for CAT D aircraft. Circling Minima The circling minima is published on the applicable approach chart. The aircraft must not descend below 1,000’ HAT (day) or MDA (night) until intercepting the 3 ° final approach path. There is no 50’ buffer applied to the circling minima.

Edit by punn33567 [email protected]

4 Aug 09

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