A True Story

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 662
  • Pages: 12
Th is in ci dent happened in a female dormito ry so metim e in th e 9 0s.. ..... ...

A fe male student , fo r re aso ns unknown, committe d su ic id e by jumping fro m the roof to p of th e dormito ry , BU T th is su ic id e wa s a little “u ncommon” - sin ce sh e fel l down head first wh en she ju mped. Sin ce th en , a “Splat! Splat! Splat!” head sm as hin g sound could be hea rd alo ng the co rr id or of th is dormito ry….f ro m one end sl owl y movin g to wards th e room of th e student th at ju mped, and sto ps th ere.

Then an eerie voice asks: “Is anyone in there?” Everybody knew it was her… However nobody dared to answer the door…. This continued on for a few weeks and the occurrence gradually lessened………

Soon came the summer break and everyone gradually left the dormitory for home 。 But this eerie incident however did not stop..................

One nig ht, when th e jan ito r was cle an in g th e dormito ry after th e gir ls le ft fo r home, sh e fe lt goose bumps on th e back of her nec k when sh e came to th e room door of th e su icid e gir l. Th e ja nitor knew of th e rumors of th e sp la ttin g so unds, but sh e chose to sh ru g off th at th ought and we nt in to TH AT room a nd st ar te d c le anin g…… . Sh e felt a cold draft as sh e ste pped in to the room……

Wh en sh e notic ed an open win dow at th e north si de of th e ro om, sh e felt a se nse of rel ief 。 The ja nit or th en wen t to clo se th e win dow. At th at very moment when the win dow was clo se d, she hear d a “Spla t!” 。 Sh e tu rned aro und ju st in time to see th e d oor sl am sh ut on its o wn 。

Her heart sta rted beatin g fast, and su ddenly sh e hear d “Spla t!.. .Sp la t!. ...Sp lat! ” movin g fr om th e far end of th e corr id or to wa rd s THE ro om. As hard as she was tr yin g, sh e could not sh rug off th e fe ar th at we lle d w ith in h er th is tim e.

She is now freaking out, but what can sh e do? She could not just give in to fate, so she quickly hid und er the one of the desk s, thinking to wait under the desk until the smashing soun d has stopped.

Th e sp la ttin g so und sto pped in fr ont of th e door and a slo w eer ie voic e spoke: “Th er e…is… no…n eed …t o…h id e. I… can … se e…y ou.” The ja nitor wa s sh ock ed. Sh e was th in kin g: “H ow co uld sh e se e me when I am hid in g under th e desk with the door clo se d?"

The janitor slowly walked to the door and peeked through the gap at the bottom of the door, trying to see the thing that is talking to her. As she looked through the gap she saw two bloody eyes staring back at her saying…….

You can’t hi de from me… ……… ………

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