A Thought For All

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 522
  • Pages: 1
A THOUGHT FOR ALL Dear friends! One should think that ‘ Whom am I ‘ ‘ Where do I come from’? ‘ What for ‘ and ’ What you were born to do’? Mankind ignorant of their ‘ True Divine nature ‘ and struggle for material wealth and power, little realizing that within the human body lies ‘power ‘ that is far greater than that he or she can imagine in every one this internal ‘ power ‘ was identified by our ‘ Ancient Sages ‘ and ‘ Seers ‘ as “Kundalini “. ‘ Kundalini power ‘ is the dormant ‘ Cosmic force ‘ that lies coiled up at the base of the spinal column. It was compared by ‘ Ancient Rishis ‘ to a ‘sleeping Serpent ‘ coiled up around the base of a bamboo pole. If awakened this ‘Cosmic Power ‘ will light up and the top of the brain or ‘Sahasrara ‘ through a narrow passage in the Spinal cord radiating a brilliant glow within which give good health , happiness, peace of mind, intellectual vigor, intuitive knowledge and Bliss. The word ‘Yoga ‘ comes from a Sanskrit root ‘ Yuj ‘ which means to joins in its ‘ Spiritual sense ‘ it is that human ‘ Soul ‘ is brought into ‘ Conscious communication with ‘ God ‘. ‘ Kundalini Yoga ‘ is the path of enjoyment and liberation. ‘ Kundalini ‘ is awakened by ‘ Yogic kriyas ‘ it forces a passage up wards though the different ‘ Chakras / Spiritual Centers ‘ in ‘ Sushmna Nadi / Spinal cord ‘. i.e. • MULADHARA CHKRA / Sacro- Coccygeal plexus. • SWADHISHTHANA CHARA / Prostatic plexus. • MANIPURA CHAKRA / Solar plexus. • ANAHATHA CHAKRA / Cardiac plexus. • VISHUDDHA CHAKRA / Laryngeal plexus. • AJNA CHAKRA / Cavernous plexus. • SAHASRARA / Pineal gland. The number of petals in each ‘Chakra’ is determined by the number and position of the ‘ Yoga Nadis / Astral tubes ‘ around the ‘ Chakra ‘.’ Kundalini Yoga ‘ is the ultimate of the all Yoga’s. It is simple, sure, and short way to achieving ‘ physical fitness ‘, ‘ Super Consciousness ‘ and ‘ Self realization ‘. It provides every one the zest to live and liberates from the bondage of ignorance and fear. One can lead a normal family life, continue in his or her profession, and practice this ‘ Yoga ‘, no restrictions are imposed except that ‘Smoking ‘ and ‘Intoxicating ‘ are deprecated. ‘Kundalini ‘ must be awakened only by a real ‘ Guru ‘. He lights the torch of ‘ Cosmic energy ‘ within all Seekers to generate the powerful effulgence culminating in the attainment of intellect ‘ Supra – mental consciousness ‘ and ‘ Bliss ‘. All aspirants of Gnana,spiritual knowledge, the supreme bliss of ‘ Kundalini ‘ who ever they may be irrespective of their caste, creed, religion or nationality, no matter if they are disciples of any other Guru, or already practicing any Yogasanas, pranayamas, etc. Can do this ‘Kundalini Yoga ‘.

Bliss { With blessing of my great Guru }


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