A Solitary Ray

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  • Words: 4,669
  • Pages: 21
SOLITARY RAY By Arya Characters:Edward Cullen, Bella Swan-Cullen, Alice Cullen-Whitlock, Jasper Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Hale-Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Cullen, Oliver Cullen, Michelle Toulson, Lilly Toulson, Angelina Toulson, Tony Toulson, Dominic Toulson, Renesmee Cullen-Black, Jacob Black, Seth Clearwaters, Leah Clearwaters....n many more(it's really unpredictable)

Prologue: It's nearly 90 years from where Stephenie Meyer left off... A couple of years after her transformation, Bella saved a 17year old boy, Oliver, after he was nearly killed, accidentally by Jacob. Oliver, now, is a part of the Cullen family.The Cullens are back in Forks.Edward, Bella, Emmett, Rosalie, Alice, Jasper and Oliver study at Forks' High School. The Toulson family has just moved to Forks from Pheonix. Lilly & Tony Toulson have three children, Angelina, Dominic & Amelia. This story follows how sparks fly between Mia & Oliver.... READ ON!!!!! N PLEEEEEEEZ REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!! The story is mostly from Amelia's point of view.

Chapter 1: The Move

In the Olympic Peninsula of northwest Washington State, a small town named Forks exists under a near-constant cover of clouds. It rains on this inconsequential town more than any other place in the United States of America. It is to this place our family has just moved, in order to accomodate our parents' ever-gowing business empire. "Aw, man!!!!! This place is so totally WET!!!!", grumbled Ang. "Yeah. It kinda sucks.....But you have to admit, the Mansion is AMAZING!!!" Dom,as usual, commented. "Ummm....Guys! We haven't even gotten inside yet...Give it a break, ok???" I had to say something, or else it would end up being a huge fight between Angelina & Dominic. That's how it is in our family. I am the youngest, at 17 years. Even though Ang is 19, she loves annoying Dom(who's 18). Then, they get into these huge fights, if i don't nip it at the bud. I am generally the peacemaker in our place. Mom & Dad are very busy, especially since they started their new entrepreuneurial venture, into restoration of "ancient architectural heritages".They just dropped us off at our new place,in Forks, with Griselda. Griselda has been living with us as far as any of us can remember. Mom had hired her to look after Dom, when he was a baby, and then she took care of me as well. Griselda had just gone in.She called us in & told us to pick our rooms, unpack and then come down for lunch. I picked the room with the balcony over-looking the lake. Ang's room is on the opposite side.And Dom's taken the room in the next corridor.They are unpacking already. I'll unpack too. Ang & Dom came into my room after unpacking, and told me that i had to go with them to explore our backyard. The mansion was surrounded by a thick forest, with a stream running through it. There was a huge patio behind our house, with a

swimming pool and a herb garden near the kitchen. Since it was Sunday tomorrow, we decided to go check out the town then. Early on Sunday morning, i woke up to the chirping of birds, with the first rays of the sun falling on my face, with my alarm clock buzzing in my ear. Dominic stood near my bedside table, with a huge grin adorning his face. "Wipe that grin off your face!" I said "Why are you trying to wake me up at dawn?" "ANG!!! It seems that our darling li'l sis has forgotten that she promised to come with us for a morning jog...Could you please do me a favour, & kick her out of bed?" screamed Dom. "Oh man!!! Puh-leeeeeeez spare me...I am dead tired..." I said, and i suddenly had an idea," And, Dom, I'll play basketball with you every weekend, for an hour...Only if you let me sleep another hour." Dom was thinking, I could see it on his face... Finally, he said "Deal....N,Mia?Just an hour, ok?....Sleep tight." "Ya sure...whatever. N thanks!" Two hours later. I stood in front of the dresser, staring at my reflection. I am pretty tall, and thin too, with just a perfect amount of curves. And add to that grey eyes,that stand out of a slightly tanned angular face, brownish-bronze hair, falling in waves to just below my shoulder....And you have me... I was in a dilemma as to what i should wear for exploring Forks. Hmmmmm....I have to find my blue empire-waist top...it'll match perfectly with my new white capris... After searching for half an hour, I found it. Pulling on a pair of matching sandals, I made my way downstairs to breakfast.

Mom & Dad were at the table... "Mia, sweetheart, did you sleep well?" asked Mom. "Yeah, Mom." "Did you like the house & the surroundings?" "Ya... I loved it, though i haven't seen much of the forest or the stream. My room has a great view of both, though..." "Sweetie, are you going with your brother & sister to have a look at the town?" asked Dad. "Ummm...Ya, Dad... Why did you ask?" "Because I thought you kids might want to go and meet our neighbours...And their kids can show you around town." "I dunno.... I'll ask Ang & Dom though. Where do they study?" "They study in Forks' High School, as well...That's why i think you ought to meet the Cullens...And I know Carlisle.He's a doctor at the hospital here.And they're great folks, from what I've heard..." "Carlisle & his wife, Esme, have adopted all their children...Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Bella and Oliver...I think Oliver is also in his junior year. He may be in the same class as you..."said Mom. "Hey!!! Sleepyhead! You finally woke up..." Ang said,walking in through the door, followed by Dom. "Hey!! Did you guys enjoy the jog?" asked Dad. "Ya....Dad, there's a house a little further into the trees...Do you have any idea who lives there?" Dom asked "The Cullens live there...I was just telling Mia about them...You should go meet them. They can show your around town...."

"Ummmm.....Ok..." said Ang. After breakfast, we went to the garage, with the new keys that dad had given each of us. Dom unlocked his car first, it was a Blue 2019 Audi TT RS. "Coooooooooool!!!!" Then Ang unlocked hers, a White 2019 Infiniti G37 Convertible. "Aw man....It's HOT!!!" Then, it was my turn...."Oh My God!!!! A Silver 2020 Cadillac Convert Concept!!!!!!!!" I was nearly dancing, with joy. "Do we all go in separate cars to the Cullens' place?" asked Dom. "I guess so....'Coz they have seven kids there.. and i don't think we'll all fit in one car." "Give me the directions to their place..." "Once you get out of our driveway, turn to the right. Go straight till the road turns to the left. There, you'll see a small driveway on the right side, opposite to the road..." "Ok....Cool. I'll race you there..." "Bye....Don't drive too rashly Mia, I am warning you." screamed Ang, as I took off.

Ten minutes later, I stood at the turn, the first to reach, as usual. Half a minute later, I saw Dom, with Ang coming behind him. "Ha! I won!" I screamed to them. Dom grinned back at me, and Ang scowled,"You drove like a maniac!!!" We drove down the driveway, and soon a mansion bigger than ours

came into view. We parked our cars in the foyer, and walked up the steps. Before ringing the bell, Dom turned to me with raised eyebrows. He was asking me how he looked. He looked perfect as usual. He was a jock, with a muscular, athletic body, and a chiselled face, with chocolate-brown eyes. I gave him a thumbs-up. Then Ang turned to me...asking the same thing. She was built along similar lines as me...except she had green eyes, and she wasn't tanned.I gave her the thumbs-up too. We rang the door-bell. The door was almost immediately opened by a short girl, pixielike, thin in the extreme, with small features. Her hair was a deep black, cropped short and pointing in every direction.She was nearly bouncing on her two feet. In a musical voice, she introduced herself "Hi!!! I am Alice Cullen. And this is my boyfriend Jasper Whitlock..." A tall, lean & muscular guy with honey blond hair came up behind her. "I am Angelina Toulson. And this is my brother Dominic & my sister Amelia..." "Hi....Call me Mia" "Hi...." "Come on in!!!!!" trilled Alice. "Who's that?" asked a big muscled guy, like a serious weight lifter, with dark, curly hair sitting on the sofa, cuddling the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. "This is Angelina, Dominic & Amelia....Guys, this is my brother Emmett & his girlfriend Rosalie Hale." "Hi..." boomed Emmett. "Hi... I am sure you are on the football team...Am I right?" i asked. He laughed a booming laugh, and answered "Not a chance, coz, no one else on the opposition would be able to move after the first quarter..."

Everyone laughed to that... We were joined by a very gorgeous couple....The guy was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair. And the girl, a brunette, with an amazing figure, and beautiful face. I saw Dominic's jaw drop as he took in the girl. Then, the bronze-haired guy spoke up, "Hey, I am Edward, and this is my girlfriend Isabella Swan... You must be the Toulsons..." He smiled easily at us. "Edward!!!!" Isabella scowled at him, & to us she said "Ignore him... I prefer being called as Bella." Then Alice asked, "Have any of you seen Oliver?" "I am here", a musical voice spoke from behind Edward & Bella.

Chapter 2: Sparks Fly I saw him.....an angel, with topaz coloured eyes, a perfect face, built along similar lines to Edward......And the people around me ceased to

exist. I heard Emmett & Dominic chuckling behind me...That brought me back from the Heavens, and I realised that I was staring at Oliver, & everyone else was staring at me. "Sorry..."I mumbled... then after a few minutes of silence, i introduced myself to him... "Ummm.... Hi. I am Amelia Toulson." "And I am Oliver Cullen..." "So...How come you guys are here?" asked Bella, diverting everyone's attention from me...I was really grateful to Bella. "We were thinking of exploring Forks...you know, cuz we're new here & all....Then, Dad told us that he knew your family....."said Ang. "So, we were thinking that it would be fun if you guys could join us, & probably even "guide" us around town...." added Dom. "Ummm.... Would you guys mind joining us?" I finished. "Not at all....We had to go shopping anyways....Rose & me, I mean...You guys can come along..." said Alice. "Oliver, Edward & me were going to take a walk round town, you can join us....." added Bella. "Jasper & me were going to watch the basketball game that's on in the gym, at school...Wanna join?" asked Emmett. "I'll go with Alice & Rosalie...Mia, do you wanna come?" asked Ang. "Ummm...Ang? When was the last time you managed to convince Mia to go SHOPPING with you??" asked Dom, adding "You should know by now that it's a moot point to ask Mia about shopping......Oh yeah! I'll go with Jasper & Emmett...." "I'll go with Bella, Edward & Oliver...." I said, & added "Ang, it's not my fault that i run from shopping trips with you...Your shopping trips are more tiring than a 6-mile dash!!!" Everyone burst out laughing. One laugh stood out distinctly from the

rest, to my ears, far too musical n beautiful, Oliver's laugh. Alice, Rose & Ang exchanged exasperated looks. Then Alice muttered, "Just what we needed, a Bella Part 2!" "Did i hear my name mentioned, Alice?" Bella looked at Alice."And, I completely agree with Amelia..." "Please call me MIA!!! I hate it when people call me Amelia...It's so wrong!!" I had to say that. I mean, whoever named me was surely off their rocker. "Since we've decided who's going with whom...I think we should leave..." said Edward. I felt Oliver's eyes on me, all through that time...It made me feel like I was melting on the inside.I didn't understand. I am used to having guys ogle at me, and, yet, Oliver's gaze on me made me feel like a princess. At the door, I asked Bella, "Where are we going?" "You'll see..." she answered with a smile,"But we need to drive a little ways outta town" "In whose car are we going?" asked Oliver, from behind me. I whirled around to face him, & said "You nearly scared me! I didn't realise that you were standing behind me!!!! When did you come?" He laughed, "I've been standing here for about 5 seconds..." Bella shook her head. "I think Edward may have gone to get the Volvo..." "Can we go in my car?" I asked.I was impatient to get behind the wheel of my Cadillac again. "Hmmmmm.....Why don't you & Oliver come in your car? N Edward & I will come in the Volvo...if that's ok with you." said Bella.

"Sure... Great idea" I told Bella, then to Oliver,"This way..." "Bye guys! See you there." Bella said from behind us. "Nice car...." exhaled Oliver from just behind me. I stopped, & turned around, only to find his chest a few centimetres from my face. I took a step back, but not before inhaling that heady scent coming off him. I was suddenly filled with a desire, to pull his face down to mine, and kiss those full, perfect lips of Oliver Cullen. I shook my head, and muttered "Thank you." We got into the car and I revved the engine. "Ummm..Do you know the place Bella was talking about?" I asked. "Ya...I'll give you the directions." he replied shortly. Fifteen minutes later, we were standing at the side of the road, a few metres away from a track leading into the forest. "Do you think Bella & Edward are going to be late?" I asked, bored of waiting. "I don't think so....I know it", Oliver shook his head ruefully,"They tend to forget the rest of the world when they are left alone, even for a couple of minutes....." After a few minutes, he said,"I think we should go back into town..." "Ok...Where do you think we should go?" "Since you've just come here, I don't think you might know....But, Forks itself is not that interesting. So, we could go to Port Angeles...That's where Alice & Rosalie have taken Angelina shopping..." "Are you suggesting that we join them for shopping?" I couldn't stop myself from asking. "No...There are great book n music stores there, where we could go." "That's a start...."

Forty five minutes later, I was standing outside M-World at Port Angeles, with an angel named Oliver at my side. He walked ahead of me, and held the door open for me saying "After you", with a smile. "Are you a music lover too?" I asked him as he joined me at the nearest aisle, filled with classics. "Sort of...I prefer old songs though..." "Me too...." By then we had reached the old songs' section... Both of us reached for 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift, and our hands brushed, and a lightning bolt seemed to pass through the point of contact. We pulled our hands away simultaneously, & looked at each other.

Chapter 3: Shocked? I suddenly felt conscious of my every action, no doubt a reaction to the Adonis standing next to me...and, of course, the jolt of electricity that still seemed to be coursing through my veins, from our earlier contact. "Ummm...I think I am done here.", I said, at last breaking the awkward silence. We both walked out of the store. We were standing outside L'Italia, a fancy restaurant next to the music store. "You wanna grab lunch, or join Ali, Rose n your sis?" Adonis was asking me. "Are you crazy? If we decided to join the three musketeers, and "shop" with them, it would be like walking up to an executioner, with our necks held out for him to chop off!!!!!" He laughed, a beautiful sound, "Ok...So I take it that you want to go get lunch?" "Sure...Do you think we could call all the others and ask them if they wanna join us?" "Great idea... I'll just call them...." "Hmmm...." I called Ang, and she picked up on the third ring. "Yes, Mia?" "Do you gals wanna get lunch with Emmett, Jasper, Dom, Oliver & me?" "Gimme a sec, I'll ask Ali n Rose................. They're up for it.." "Cool...." "So, see you in 10 mins, at????" "L'Italia, near M-World..." "What did you do?" "I went song shopping, with Oliver, coz Edward n Bella bailed out on us without advance notice..."

"MmmHmmm.....Good. I got some stuff for you too...You'll LOVE it...." "Aaaaaargh!!!! I hate your sly methods of shopping. It better be decent, or else, you'll find your beautiful car trashed...." "It's decent, I swear...." "Whatever.. See you in 10" I shut my phone, and turned around, to find Oliver looking at me intensely.I touched my cheek self-consciously, looking questioningly at him.He shook his head and turned his face away from me. I could've sworn I saw an amused smile on his face as he turned. As we walked into the restaurant, Oliver held the door open for me with a small flourish of his hand, "After you...". I smiled at him and entered, only to be met by the stare of a jealous looking waitress. Suddenly, she looked away. As i turned to l;ook for Oliver, I found him still looking at me intensely. For some reason, I felt a deep sense of satisfaction. The waitress then directed us to a small table, in a booth. Oliver turned to her,"We need a table for eight...Do you have such a large table here?" "S-S-Sure...Right this way..." she said, leading us to a large table, tucked into a corner. I was about to pick a seat, when Oliver pulled out a chair, near the head of the table, and gestured for me to sit down. I sat down, and looked up to find him sitting down opposite to me. We were talking about books, when we heard a boisterous laugh behind us. Emmett, Jasper & Dom stood near the door, gazing out through the window. "Look at them...They seem to have bought the whole mall in their shopping bags..." Emmett laughed. Dom & Jasper shook their heads ruefully. Then, they came to the table, and sat themselves. Jasper & Dom sat next to Oliver. Emmett sat at the head of the table, between Oliver and me. Then, Ang, Ali, n Rose entered. They joined us. The waitress brought our menus, and all of us ordered.

Oliver & me seemed to share the same taste in a lot of things. As we waited for our food, conversation at the table restarted. Ang & Alice were busy discussing their shopping. Rose & Emmett were deep in a private conversation. Jasper was lost in looking at Alice. Dominic & Oliver were talking cars. I took the time to look around. That's when I saw him....

Chapter 4: Old Acquaintances Michael Weber. My ex-boyfriend from Pheonix. Who transferred away after our junior-high year, when I broke-up with him. Right on cue, he turned, and saw me, through the window. He jumped up from the table, which he was sharing with Charles, his father.

He was headed to our table. Dom, saw Micheal as he got out of their booth, and grinned sheepishly at me. "Oooooh!!! Romeo is headed here... Right towards Mia...Or should I say Juliet?" Dom was laughing. "Ang... Check this out. Mia seems to be destined for the Micheal guy she used date....Remember him?" Dom commented, between his chuckles. "Yeah... The guy used to worship the gorund on which Mia walked.." added Ang. By this time, everyone's attention was on me, and I was embarrased, as usual. Oliver looked at me, with an odd expression on his face. "Hi Mia!!!!" Michael was nearly gushing. "Hey Michael. How are you?" "I am great, since I saw you again. Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" "Oh! Ya...Sorry! You do know my brother Dominic & sister Angelina, right? This is Emmett, & his girlfriend Rosalie. That is Jasper, his girlfriend Alice. This is Oliver. They're the Cullens. And.... Guys, this is Michael Weber, an old friend of mine, from Pheonix." "Nice meeting you all....Will you mind if I steal Mia away to my table

for a few minute? I'd like to introduce her to my father..." "Not at all...Have a nice time Mia..." responded Dom & Emmett. As I was being lead away from my table by Michael, I shot them both death glares. After a few minutes at his table, Michael accompanied me back to my table. As we were walking back, Michael said, "Mia...We should meet up sometime...How about this Tuesday? We can go to a movie, & then get dinner...." "Ummm.... I......" "Great!!! I'll pick you up at 7.30, from your house...Gimme the address." I recited the address, and hurried back to my table., saying bye over my shoulder. After lunch, we left the restaurant in the same smaller groups. As we got into the car, Oliver looked at me, and opened his mouth,and then shut it immediately. After the car was started, I turned to him, "Where to?" Oliver seemed to have sunken deep into his thoughts, he seemed oblivious to his surroundings. "Hmmm??" "I asked where we're going next..." "I was thinking we could go back to my place...Emmett & the guys will surely be there...maybe Edward & Bella too." "Cool..." The drive back was pretty silent, except for the radio, and once when Oliver asked me about Michael. "Who was that guy? I didn't think he was just "an old friend"?" "uh-mmmm.... Ok. We used to go out, looong back. Then I brokeup with him & he was pissed for a long time.........I thought he'd gotten over me...But..." "I guess not.." Oliver chuckled. "Ya...It's freaky, actually...He asked me if I wanted to go out with him this tuesday, & took the answer as yes, even before I could say no!!!" "That's great!! Nothing like an obsessive ex-boyfriend, huh?" We laughed, for a long time after that.

All too soon, we reached the Cullens' house. The guys hadn't yet arrived, but we saw the Volvo outside the garage. I was thinking to myself, about Oliver & how different he was from the other guys I met. He joked around with me, without making any real effort. He made me feel...Oh My God!!!! I, Mia Toulson, was gushing about a guy! This was serious! Was I falling for him? This was horrible...maybe not. I had promised myself that if I ever fell in love, I wouldn't drool & moon over the guy...And I was already doing just that... We had just gone into the house, when I heard Horns laring from the driveway. Oliver & I went to the door. It was a hot pink Jaguar. I didn't think it belonged to any of the Cullens. It stopped just near the front steps, and from it stepped out a girl. She was as pretty & perfect as the Cullens...With a willowy frame, long blonde hair, and ,strangely, golden eyes... She rushed up the steps. Then she stopped, just in front of Oliver. Suddenly, she threw her arms around him, and locked her lips with his in a passionate kiss. She unwound herself for a second, saying "Oh Oliver!!! I missed you so much!!!!"

Chapter 5: Broken Heart? My heart was shattering, into a billion tiny pieces...The first guy I've ever felt this way about, is already hooked? Where is there any fairness in this world? Oliver, somehow managed to walk back into the house, still holding on to her. And they were nestled comfortably on a sofa, and were happily sucking each others face. I started walking down the steps, to my car. I was too close to tears to be able to stay and watch this. I couldn't find my car keys. I had left it on the coffee table inside. I ran up the stairs, and grabbed my keys off the table, all the while keeping my gaze averted from the sofa. I drove fast, and rash, and reached home in two minutes. The house was empty, and, for once, I was thankful for it. I went up to my room and flung myself down on my bed. I cried, for a long time, with loud sobs escaping me. This was how it felt to have your heart stomped on, to have it broken.I had broken many hearts, and this was payback for it all... I felt like a broken shell. Yet, I didn't want my family to know. I had to bring myself together before Ang & Dom returned. So, I went into the shower, washed myself, rubbed myself sore, and soaked in hot water. I washed myself of my misery and sorrow, knowing fully well that it would return at a later time, in larger magnitude. I pulled on my favourite black denims shorts, with my running shirt. I pulled my hair into a pony at the back of my head. I pulled on my sneakers. What better time than now to go and explore my surroundings?, I

thought to myself. I pulled my iPod out of my backpack, fixed it on my handband, and ran out of my room. I was down the stairs and out of the house within seconds. As I neared the woods, I switched on the iPod, and random music filled my ears. I wasn't paying attention, neither to the music, or to my surroundings. I was lost in the pain of a broken heart. I continued running, thinking to myself all along. Oliver hadn't flirted with me, a first. I was the one who had taken things too far within my head. I would forget all about this. I would try to become Oliver's friend. I wouldn't let things get awkward between Oliver & me. Yes, I thought, that's what I'll do. I would forget all about this stupid thought going around my head. By the time I started paying attention to my surroundings, I was hopelessly lost. I decided to call Dom & ask him if he knew the woods and if he could help me find my way back. He picked the call on the first ring. "Mia!!! WHERE THE BLOODY HELL ON EARTH ARE YOU?" he was screaming. "Uh....In the woods..." "Do you have any ideas how frickin worried we were?According to Oliver, you just suddenly walked out of their house, and drove away... And then we checked home, you weren't there either! We had no ideas where you were!!! We couldn't get your phone either, it always said unreachable!! And all this while you were roaming in the woods????....... Un-frickin-beliavable!!! Get your ass back home this instant" "Ummmm,yeah.... About that....I think I am lost...What do I do??" "Wait a sec... I'll give the phone to Alice. She says that they all know the woods pretty well..."

Chapter 6: Found & Lost Alice asked " WHO EXACTLY DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO GO WANDERING OFF BY YOURSELF INTO THE WOODS?" "Ummmmm....Does saying sorry help in any way?" "NO! YOU SHOULD BE THANKING YOUR LUCKY STARS THAT WE KNOW THOSE WOODS WELL..." "Ummm....I am already thanking my stars...Sorry!" "Apology accepted..." "Thanks...Is this gonna help with th scenario at hand?" "Wait... Tell me which tree you are standing next to...." "How's THAT gonna help?????" "I am the one asking questions here...." "Ummm....Yeah....I'm right next to a large...I think it's a silver oak....which is like the tallest tree around here...."

"Cool.... I'm sending Oliver right now...He should be over there in,say, 10 minutes..." "Thanks, Alice.....You're a life saver!!!" I paced about, around the silver oak, as I waited...for Oliver... I didn't know how I would be able to look him in the face without rebreaking my heart.

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