A Push

  • November 2019
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Victoria Watson August 13, 2008 APU SH United States History: Preparing for the AP Exam Outline-Chapter one I.) North American Exploration a.) cultures-Native American men hunted/made tools. b.) women grew crops: tobacco, corn, beans. c.) Sioux & Pawnee followed buffalo herds. 1.) Large societies lived in SW pueblos. 2.) They discovered/ developed irrigation systems. 3.) East Mississippi River had rich food supply. d.) Iroquois formed political confederacy 1.) League of Iroquois discovered it. 2.) They withstood attacks from opposing Native Americans and Europeans during the 17th century. II.) Central & South America a.) Population greater than North America 1.) 25 million. b.) Aztecs/ Incas ruled over empires centuries later. III.) Europe moves toward exploration a.) Renaissance motivated exploration. 1.) No knowledge of existing continents. 2.) Gunpowder, compass, printing press discovered. b.) Religious zeal. IV.) Religion a.) Catholic Church threatened by Turks. 1.) Spain was united by Isabella & Ferdinand 2.) 1492 3.) Caused new leadership—lead to new hope. b.) Northern Europeans revolt (P.R.) 1.) Religious wars were caused. 2.) Other countries followed. V.) Expanding Trade a.) Trading increased for Africa, India, and China. 1.) Used to travel through Venice & Constantinople. 2.) Overland Routes & Sea Routes used. b.) Ways of Trade 1.) Around Africa. 2.) Attempting routes lead to discoveries. c.) Monarchs of Nation-States depended on trade. 1.) Isabella & Ferdinand VI.) Early Explorations a.) Christopher Columbus 1.) 8 Years for raising $ for trip to Indies.

2.) 1492 he got $ from Isabella Ferdinand. 3.) 3 trips across Atlantic, dying not knowing that he found North America. b.) His Legacy 1.) Viewed as Failure 2. Europeans took over land. 3. He was an important character overall c.) Exchanges 1.) Spain & Portugal 2.) 1493-1494 3.) Treaty of Tardesillas (Pope)-divided them d.) Conquest 1.) Ships sent silver and gold to Spain from the New World 2.) Cultural Diffusion 3.) Ecomienda system to Spain 4.) Slaves from Africa to Asia to system. VII.) English Claims a.) New World Territory 1.) Cabot-Newfoundland-1497 2.) Sir Walter Raleigh attempted to establish Roanoke (NC) 3.) 1587 failed b.) French Claims 1.) Giovanni de Verrazono-1524(Italian) 2.) Search for NW passage (Asia to Americas) 3.) Jacques Carter (1534-1542) Lawrence River c.) French vs. English settlement 1.) Both developed colonies, slavery 2.) Religious conflict (Roman Catholic vs. Protestant & Huguenots.) 3.) Samuel de Champlain, 1608, Quebec (1st French Settlement) d.) Dutch Claims 1.) 1600-Netherlands-voyages 2.) Henry Hudson (NW passage) 3.) Hudson River discovered & Dutch West India Co. VIII.) Early English Settlements a.) Colonizing Lands 1.) Spanish Armada-1588 defeat 2.) Naval power-England 3.) Increasing population 4.) Joint-Stock companies b.) Jamestown 1.) 1607- established- King James I 2.) Indian attack, disease, famine. 3.) Law food supplies c.) Tobacco Prosperity 1.) John Smith & John Rolfe 2.) Rolfe & Pocahontas developed new tobacco.

3.) Slavery helped them survive. IX.) Transition to Royal Colony a.) Royalize me Captain 1.) Virginia Company went bankrupt (1642) 2.) Gained control of King James I. 3.) Virginia became the first Royal colony. b.) Puritan Colonies 1.) Plymouth (1st) 2.) Massachusetts (2nd) Both settled by English Protestants 3.) Anglican Church 4.) Puritans were considered a threat and jailed at the hands of James I. c.) The Plymouth Colony 1.) Separatists did not want to reform the Church of England. 2.) Left England for Religious freedom (Pilgrims). 3.) Mayflower-65 days- Massachusetts d.) Early Hardships 1.) Welcomed by Native Americans 2.) Thanksgiving 1621 3.) Colony grew slowly e.) Massachusetts Bay Colony 1.) Increase of persecuted puritans 2.) New king, Charles I 3.) New puritans gained a royal charter in 1629 by the MBC. 4.) 1630- 1000 of them lead by John Winthrop sailed to Boston and other places, great migration occurred. 15,000 more settlers came. X.) Early Political Institution a.) Majority rule in Plymouth 1.) Mayflower Compact 2.) Represented self-government & constitution. 3.) Established power to government. b.) Representative Government at Jamestown 1.) Settlement Encouraged 2.) Same rights as England 3.) 1619- first representive assembly- the House of Burgesses. c.) Representative government in Massachusetts. 1.) All male puritans could vote for governor, assistants. 2.) They had rights to representative assembly. d.) Limited nature of colonial democracy. 1.) Only male property owners could vote. 2.) Governors ruled with autocratic powers (unlimited) 3.) Anti-democratic practices co-existed. XI.) Spanish Settlements in North America a.) Florida 1.) 1565-St. Augustine (oldest city in North America) b.) New Mexico

1.) Capitol of New Mexico-Santa Fe- 1609 2.) Tried to Christianize the Native Americans. 3.) Pueblo people revolted in 1680. c.) Texas 1.) 1700’s, Spain tried to stop French from exploring lower Mississippi River. d.) California 1.) 1769- San Diego established by Spanish. 2.) 1776- San Francisco 3.) Father Junipero Serra founded nine missions. XII.) European Treatment of Native Americans a.) Europeans 1.) Spanish-conquer, rule, intermarry with Aztecs, Mayans, Incas 2.) French treated Native Americans as economic & military allies. 3.) Long-term effects of European colonization. -Destruction by disease and war of large segments of the Native American population. - Establishment of a permanent legacy of subjugation. b.) Spanish Policy 1.) Warfare & enslavement, diseases let to death of millions of Native Americans. 2.) Spain conquered people of Central and South America. 3.) Class system developed by pure-blooded Spaniards. c.) English Policy 1.) Native Americans showed how to hut and grow food. 2.) Traded tools, weapons, furs, etc. 3.) English had no respect for Native Americans and began to take more land.

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