A Pair Of Eyes

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August, 2007

Among the various organs of our body, the eyes are very sensitive as the organ of sight. The power of seeing and observing is done by the pair of eyes which are called sometimes as the ‘sharp eyes. If we are visually handicapped, we miss a whole lot of our life. It appears, there are 135 million visually handicapped people in the world and one fourth of this number is in India. Total blindness and visually impaired are two categories of people we find in our population. Some are curable and others are not. Why some are blind, and others or not? We do not know the reason, although many superstitious believes are there among us. Eyes express the feelings of the human beings. Eyes have beautiful shapes with different sizes. Eyes give the beauty to the face of both men and women who keep tem clean and safe. The pair of eye lids is the protective covering for opening and closing the eyeballs. They are very sensitive; a blink occurs once every two to ten seconds, lasting 0.3 to 0.4 sec. Above the eyes we find an arch of hair which may be thin or thick. In fact, the functions of which are not known. Still they add beauty to the eyes and thus to the face itself. The eyeball is composed of iris and pupil. The iris may be of different colours – blue, green or black. Generally blue eyes look very attractive. Light enters the eyes through pupil which opens up or closes down, depending on the amount of light. The iris controls the amount of light allowed to fall on the back of the eye called retina which transmits information to the brain. Out vision is three dimensional, it distinguishes colours, sizes and distances. Colour-blindness is one of the visual defects. The most common form of clolour-blindness is an inability to distinguish red from green. Normally it takes about 20 minutes for the eyes to adapt completely to a dark room after leaving a well-lit one. In fact, the eye and brain work together to perceive the sight.

The amazing action of the eyes to give us the visual perception in coordination with the brain aids us the feeling of seeing the things around us. At the same time, a good number of people who are unable to enjoy this feeling of seeing are most unfortunate. We feel sorry for them. Eye transplantation, laser treatment for correction of eye defects, sight correction by suitable lenses, contact lenses are some of the advancements to help the visually handicapped people. People can donate their eyes after their death. It appears that there is huge demand for eyes. Eyes can be donated by every one, irrespective of age, sex, race or religion. There are eye banks in various hospitals. The eyes are collected only after a person’s death. Eye donation fortnight is from 25 August to 8 September 2007. It is said: ‘Miracles can’t cure blindness, you can.’

THE EVIL OF EXTREMISM NARA August, 2007 ‘I am extremely sorry, Sir, someone said after pushing me in a queue. The word ‘extreme’ is a beautiful word very often used in our day-today life. The expression indicates a very high degree either ends of anything and far from moderate or normal. Although it is used in various contexts, more often a person who holds extreme views is referred as an extremist. There are various kinds of extremists in our society based on religion, moral values, nationality, language, caste, political ideology etc., Extremism is a complex phenomenon. Activities such as beliefs, attitudes, feelings, action, strategies of a person or a group may also take an extreme step at times. “34 killed as two blasts rock Hyderabad. Weekend crowds targeted; tension mounts in the Andhra Pradesh” was a recent front page news item in the dailies. Martin Luther King Jr. once said ‘The nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremists.’ Sometimes, the extremism is viewed as just in the case of freedom fighting; whereas some others feel as unjust and immoral. They call it antisocial or terrorism.

In other words, the terrorist are one form of extremists. They hold extreme views which can not be altered. In a society, the dominant groups generally employ extreme measures to suppress the less dominant groups. Such happenings are very common between the factory workers and administration. Similar activities are noticed among student communities too. Extremism leads to damage of properties, killing of people, injuring innocent people including the weaker section of the society. Extremists employ violent means to achieve their ends. Similarly those who want to control them are also applying violence in the form of brutality and torture which are institutionalized. Non-violence and dialogue for a compromise often help not to go for extremism. But extremists form a group and train young people by brain washing with their ideology. Those who are trained in such a way do not even care for their own life. Suicide bombers are a set of people trained in this way. Nowadays, most of the countries are infested with extremism, and safety of human beings is not assessed. Aero planes are hijacked, or blown off, high tower buildings are destroyed by redirecting passenger planes, railway compartments are blown off, religious and market places where innocent people assemble in large numbers are the target of bomb blasts. It has become an every day affair that we have to bear with. In spite of the enormous expenditure incurred by every government to provide safety and security, extremism and terrorize are the order of the day. ‘Blood for blood’ philosophy will not work to control extremism. One of the ways for bringing down these dreadful activities is to understand the underlying reasons for such activities. A denial of basic hum needs (poverty, inadequate healthcare, nutrition, education and employment) and justice is one of the causes of extremism. In order to demand the human rights, groups are formed under a leadership; otherwise individual effort may not be effective. These groups are sometimes underground or over ground and mostly clandestine. Since every one knows the names of these groups all over the world, I do not wish to mention them here. Sometime, I used to feel that extremism is a kind of pathological illness. It is a disease to destroy everything around us. Extremists live on such feeling, taking a pleasure in killing others and themselves.

Suicide is considered to be a psychological illness which feeds on the destruction life. Whatever may be the opinions about extremism, we are bound to live with it. Organized groups with optimum men and machines operating all over the world, demand their rights through violence which is not liked by one and all. The consequences of extremism are numerous and they may be positive or negative. Extremism draws the attention of one’s opponent, general public or even the international community. Commitment to a cause is thus conveyed to the concerned, and it may lead to negotiation or intervention of third parties. They are the positive consequences. Extreme acts like civilian bombing, kidnappings and spread of biotoxins are the negative consequences of extremism which are opposed by everyone and not supported by the population because of the violence involved in it. Is it possible to eliminate extremism? There are a number of attempts to locate and identify extremists or their leaders and apprehend or eliminate them. Another way to eliminate the m is to prevent all their economic resources thereby crippling the ability to function. There are civil liberties and human rights organizations which question as sympathizers. Elimination is not the ultimate solution unless we address the underlying causes of extremism. ‘Divide and rule’ is another tool to conquer the extremists. Such strategy can backfire sometimes and lead to increased group unity. Therefore, as I mentioned in the beginning that extremism is a complex phenomenon. Handling of extremism requires careful appropriate techniques which can be arrived at after analyzing the underlying reasons for the extremism. That is what every country is trying to do with partial or full success. Let us hope to transform the extremists through the appropriate measures in which they have great hope and faith. Violence should be faced with non-violent methods.

GLORIOUS GLOBALIZATION NARA August, 2007 I was at a fruit stall enquiring the price of apples which I wanted to buy for presenting to one our relatives. The sales man of the stall was showing me various kinds of apples ranging from the costly to cheaper one. I saw some big, pink colored apples with a nice sticker on them, and I asked the sales man to show it to me. I saw the sticker which had a Kangaroo picture on it. ‘It is from Australia, Sir. It costs Rs. 100/- per kg.’ said the sales man. I was wondering, the apples produced in Australia are in Coimbatore stall. Someone by my side, another customer said, nowadays we can get anything from any part of the world. I remembered the term ‘Globalization.’ I bought 2 kg of those Australian apples for my relative, thinking that he would like them more than anything else. So globalization is felt by the public already in India. The glory of it is growing day by day all over the world. I still remember, in my boyhood, why? Even in eighties, there was a craving for foreign goods. A color film for my camera during sixties has to come from foreign countries.

Some of the photo studios get the films through smuggling and setting to customers. The processing used to be done only at Bombay. I have experienced in those days to process my color films which was brought by my friends who returned from the US for a vacation in India. Similarly different people preferred different things according to their wish. But today, there is no need for such cravings for foreign goods, because they are sold right in our country. It is due to globalization and free market. What is globalization? It refers to increasing global connectivity integration and interdependence in the economic, social, technological, cultural, political and ecological spheres. Global connectivity through telephone and internet is known to all of us. Homogenization of culture, world market prices, products, wages, profits are converged because of connectivity. Human migration from one country to another has become very easy due to the improvement and availability of airlines. International trade is improved considerably between developed and developing countries. Today we find the world is shrunk due to technological developments. Although there are different view points about globalization, it is growing leaps and bound through out the world. At this stage, no one can stop the surging globalization which is spreading like a wild fire. Modern scientific technologies add fuel to the fire of globalization. In spite of that, there are resistances to it from many quarters. The ill-effects of globalization are pointed out by many organizations both in developed and developing nations. Inequality in society is the major problem created by globalization, because of rise in the number of millionaires and billionaires in the society. In other words the gap between the rich and the poor is widening instead of shrinking. The major beneficiaries of globalization are the multinational corporations at the cost of the local, regional traders. Millions of petty traders lose their business and become poor and unable to cope up with the cost of living. Ecological degradation caused by excess exploitation of natural resources followed by rapid industrialization. Another important ill-effect generally pointed out is the degradation of ethnic culture which is unique for every country. Like tsunami, globalization affects the money market all over the world.

International petrol prices influence the gold market of the world. The inter dependence has grown beyond out control. Apart from the above ill-effects of globalization, people prefer to have it because of the benefits derived. Free trade between nations is increased and one can get foreign made things at their door steps. People from developed nations invest a lot in developing and under developed countries, providing employments to millions of people. Global mass media ties the world together and thus flow of communication and sharing of knowledge has become easier. Transportation of goods and people has improved considerably between nations. The democratic ideals are spreading to almost all countries of the world. Help to the poor nations comes from kind hearted rich nations whenever there are natural calamities which is common for all nations without exemption. Therefore, we have seen the various advantages and disadvantages of globalization which has spread very rapidly. There are bad elements everywhere to take advantage by using globalization. Opposition parties and NGOs are the watch dogs to check these undesirable activities. Because of globalization all category of people have a change of going around the world physically or through various media and enjoy the various cultures and monuments of the world. Such a chance was not here for our fore-fathers, but our and future generations are fortunate to get this opportunity.

THE THROWAWAY CULTURE NARA August, 2007 In today’s world, disposables are preferred over permanent articles. Durability was the consideration when we buy any item for our house or office. Most of the items we buy stay for a very long time, even for two or three generations depending on the item. We used to take pride in telling our grand children about the story of such items – when it was bought? Why it was bought? How it was maintained?

These items were transported very carefully from place to place when we were transferred. Some damages were caused due to faulty loading and unloading more than many times. Such damages were being repaired at once and the items were kept in the original shape and size. What are those items? They are mostly furniture, clocks, watches, pens, kitchen wares, vehicles and the like. I do have still a watch presented by my brother when I passed my intermediate examination. Similarly most of us keep our gifts carefully and gracefully. We do give some lecture on those items to friends and relatives. It is very difficult to part with such items. That was the way we preserved out precious household items to go for a number of years. No one likes to throw away these items. The attachment with those items is immeasurable. But today, disposables have overtaken the durable items. Plastic furniture replaced the wooden ones. Ball point pens drove away the fountain pens. Plastic cups, cutleries pushed out the metal ones. Likewise, we have attractive things with less durability are available for less price. Once they get damaged, they are thrown away and go for a new one. The repairs cost more than the cost of the item itself. Most of the electronic gadgets fall into this category. In every office or house we find more than one computer, air conditioner, cell phone, land line phone and many more things. Repairing such items is not advisable because of two reasons. It will be more costly than the cost of the items itself; the item might have out dated. New models with more additional features are appearing in the market almost every month. In order to have the more recent models we discard and try to dispose the old-not-working items; sometimes even the working ones. Vehicles are good examples. Discarding is easy but disposing is difficult. Where to dump the non degradable things? It is a big problem for local administration. Electronic instruments are manufactured in unimaginably large quantities all over the world. All are throwaway articles after use. The e-waste disposal has become a real problem everywhere.

Used computers, CDs, cassettes, mobile phones, printers, copiers and all sorts of accessories are non degradable solid waste mounting all over the globe. People think of using biodegradable items so that disposal does not harm the environment. Some of the eco-friendly items are available in the market, but they are costly and not affordable for all. There is another dimension to the disposal of non degradable materials. Recycling of waste is an upcoming industry which the raw materials are easily and cheaply available. Recycling of paper and plastics is going on at various parts of the country. Large number of people is employed in this business. Recycling helps to dispose and use. Such innovative activities aid in waste management in a useful manner. Compared to the old thinking of keeping everything, use and throw has become the way of life today. Goods are manufactured only to throwaway after use. ‘Variety is spice of life’ So we like to have a change every time and replace the old with the new ones. That culture has taken over the traditionally followed habit of use and use and use.


NARA August, 2007 “I’ll not believe unless I see” is an argument often put forth by some people. “We cannot see everything, to believe” some others say. “God can not be seen, so I do not believe in God” some say this way. Hence idols are made to represent God, so that people can see and believe in God. Seeing and believing is a very good concept, but it has lot of limitations. Even if we see a murder, and we know who committed the crime, the court will not accept it unless we provide certain proofs and evidences. To make someone to believe certain things is difficult; however convincing with logical evidences will work. Earlier if a match is played in England, we can hear the audio commentary in radio. Whatever the commentator says we will imagine and believe. Today live matches are seen in TV and we believe whatever we see. Therefore, as we advance in technology we try to accept the concept of ‘seeing is believing’. Close circuit video cameras are fixed in hotels, important traffic junctions, roads, railway stations, airports, supermarkets, malls, banks etc., The movement of people is closely monitored through CC TVs in the important places. Most of the things in Nature are seen by us and thus we believe. Some of the things which we never see, are blindly believed. The superstitious believes can not be seen, but heard from mouth to mouth. People have faith in them, so they believe. Anything abnormal is very difficult to believe unless we see it. So evidences are expected for believing. Scientist while trying to find the truth, makes hypothesis whish is only a belief, and designs experiments to prove the hypothesis. When the proof is repeatable, sometimes visible is accepted as a theory. Everyone believes the theory. Visual evidence can be easily believed. A plant if it wilts because of want of water we can see and believe that the plant can not survive without water. If someone says the plant has wilted and died, then we make many queries to find out the truth because we have not seen the wilted plant. Sometimes we will be misguided by visual evidences. Counterfeit currencies are the examples.

Similarly photographs or voices can be manipulated and make one to believe. Therefore, the control even in visual evidences has become necessary. How far the visual evidences are truthful? Day by day ‘seeing is believing’ also getting more criticism from different quarters. No thief or criminal accepts their mistake, unless it is proved. Although we know someone is a known thief or criminal, we can not punish him or her straight away. It has to be proved with all kinds of evidences and arguments for and against. The judiciary play an important role with the help of police, intelligent service, Interpol etc., Sometimes proves may be wrong and the innocent person is punished. May be a very small per cent fall under such cases. A blind person can not see, but still he believes the things which he has not seen. He may touch, smell, hear or feel to believe certain things. For him, ‘seeing is believing’ is not acceptable. Therefore, when we apply this concept, it has to taken with a pinch of salt. Seeing is a great opportunity offered to living beings to lead a happy life. All the time, we see things around us including friends, relatives, people and all other things. Whether we believe or not, sight is the great boon we have. Let us make use of it even for believing.

SECURITY FOR SIXTY PLUS NARA August, 2007 When we attain 60 years, we have a general feeling of getting old. Grey hair is the sign by which the young ones conclude that we are old and experienced. We do get some respect in the society as senior citizens for the sake of age After serving the society through the government or private organizations, we are labeled as retired at the age of 55/58/60/62/65 years depending on the organizations. Retirement from service is a great relief for many of us because we can be independent in our life with the pension offered by the organizations. Grey haired retired grand fathers and mothers are the great support for their sons and daughters to take care of their children. Thus one likes to take rest after retirement usually does not get full relief. However, some of them like to take care of the grand children with great love and affection even at the cost of their comfort. It is more prevalent in Asian societies. Some of the sixty plus people have problems with their sons and daughter-in-laws. The relationship among them depends on the economic status of the family. Invariably the retired persons are isolated because of their children are on the spree by staying abroad. Once in a while they pay a visit to the retired parents and stay with them for a few days even though they get a month’s leave. Most of the time, they try to procure as many cheap things as possible to carry to their home of earning. If the parents are too old, they admit them in old age homes and leave with a great satisfaction. All sorts of things happen to the sixty plus people. If these grey haired people are not healthy, it becomes more problematic, No one is there to look after with affection.

Those joint family days are gone, although there are some here and there in India, which are dying day by day. The only help the retired person gets is the pension every month whish keeps him or her smiling. Some of the independent couples are happy in visiting temples, churches, mosques or tourist spots and enjoy the rest of their life with the 30 per cent concession in railway fares in India. Some still work hard as they were doing earlier to earn more money and save for their grand children. All kinds of grey haired, retired persons are seen in the society. Most of them are disciplined and take care of health by regular morning / evening walk, healthy food and social activities. They try to give their expertise to the society for a cost or not cost, just to offer help. Society gets lot of help from such retired persons. The Director of the Institute of Gerontology, China says ‘we do not only have the world’s largest population but also the largest population of people over sixty.’ Same is the case in almost all countries of the world. It is going to be a great task for the governments in future for meeting age-related fiscal, social, health and productivity challenges. The 4-2-1 phenomenon is happening in China, where one child has to look after four grand parents and two parents because of the one-child norm prevalent in China. Pension and healthcare are the burden every national government has to face. People live long nowadays because of various reasons including medical support and healthy food. Therefore, in future, the security for sixty plus is going to be more serious than now. Government assistance is going to be the only key to tackle the challenges of a graying population. Families and its numbers have a tremendous role to play in handling the problems of these people. So far we have seen only those who are getting the government support of pension. What happens to those unfortunate sixty plus people who live in villages far away from the towns and cities? They also attain the age of sixty, but they are not labeled as retired, so they have to continue their service till their end of life. Who supports those people? Of course, they depend mainly on their progenies in a joint family. Their needs are limited and also most of them lead a healthy life because of their life style. Time and again, the issue of the rural graying population has been raised to get their share.

But, the politicians turn a deaf ear to those demands. Sooner or later it’s going to be a serious issue to back fire. Thus a rapidly ageing population is giving rise to its own worrying challenges. Engaging where ever possible would be one of the sensible things one can think of.

PLEASURES AND PAINS NARA August, 2007 Every human being in this world, experiences the perceptions of pleasures and pains. No one escapes the feeling of pleasure or pains in one’s life. Pleasure is a pleasant one whereas pain is not pleasant, but still we have to undergo the influence of it sometime or other in our lifetime. There are several simple kinds of pleasures such as sense, wealth, skill, amity, good name, power, piety, benevolence, memory, imagination, relief etc., Similarly, the pains are of different kinds; Pains of privation, awkwardness, enmity, bad name, physical pain due to injury etc., When we are hungry, if we get a sumptuous food of our choice, it gives us pleasure of the taste as well as quenching of appetite. People drink all kinds of alcohol containing liquors to get intoxicated to get a sort of pleasure. Pleasure is derived from fragrance of flowers, scents and similar articles. The pleasure of touch is considered to be one of the best. Shaking hands is a habit among human beings to derive a sort of pleasure and happiness. Sometimes patting on the back or shoulder is a custom with many people. Hugging is another form of touch prevalent mostly in the US.

Kissing the cheek or lips, mostly followed in Europe is also a pleasure from touch. Hearing music or songs either live or from radio or TV induces a kind of pleasure. Although, I do not know the ABC of music, I enjoy hearing the sound of music and relax. It gives me immense pleasure. Looking at a picture, or nature invariably immerse us in the sea of pleasure. When we get relief from illness, the pleasure we derive is great. Sometimes possession of properties including a good bank balance also gives us pleasure. Helping the helpless is another form of pleasure everyone enjoys. Likewise, there are still many pleasures human beings enjoy in their life. When we look into the pains we face in life, they are really painful. The pain of disappointment makes us mad because of high expectations. Sports persons encounter such pains in their career, however they are taught not to expect too much so that the pain of disappointment may be reduced to extent possible. However the physical pains we encounter sometime in life is unbearable for a period of time. Such pains are mostly curable whereas the mental pains linger on in the mind for long time till we come across a kind of pleasure. Considering the two perceptions – pleasure and pain, every one has the capacity to accept pleasure with both hands, whereas we feel bad to get pained. We try to avoid the circumstances which lead us to the door of pain. Still it would be possible, pain can follow us catch us and lay us for some period of time. We need courage at this period to bear the pain. The courage may come from within for some and from others for some others. Friends who really understand the pain can offer positive help to bring down the severity of the pain. Once we get relief from the pain, the pleasure embraces us. That is the time we come to know about the real happiness. Let us get less of pain and more of pleasure. Let us get pain to enjoy the ensuing pleasure. “If Winter comes, Can Spring be far behind”?


WHY WE WORRY? NARA August, 2007 ‘For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’ is Newton’s third law of motion. When we pour water one container to another, the first container becomes empty. In day-to-day activity, we see this universal law operating every time. All of us use fossil fuels and generate enormous quantity of carbon dioxide. Creation of Special Economic Zones takes away the agricultural lands of the poor farmers. Building of dams and development of eco tourism destroy the ecology of the regions and the natural environment. Excessive use of pesticides and inorganic fertilizers for crop protection and production, causes environmental pollution. When production increases, the price comes down. We can go on and on citing various examples. It is the cause and effect phenomenon. Fossil fuel is a must, without which no country can survive. Special Economic Zones are required for the economic development of our country. Similarly, dams are needed for impounding water to generate power and also for agriculture, industry and human use. Crops have to be fertilized and protected from insect pests and diseases in order to get good harvest to feed the teeming millions of our world. Production, whether agricultural or industrial has to be increased to meet the needs of the world. Therefore, we have to act, and action has to be initiated. By fearing for the resulting reactions, we can not run away from the action. Therefore, actions have to happen at the same time the reactions which worry us have to be tackled. Worrying about the reactions which are harmful sometimes to our life kindles us to think and find a solution. Tackling drastic reactions is not easy, still human brain has to be harnessed to make the undesired reaction as desired. It may not be fully possible, still attempts should be made to the extent possible. Large scale reactions such as global warming, environmental pollution, health problems, land degradation etc., concern us considerably. One of the arguments offered by scientists is ‘not to worry’, because all questions have their own answers.

They are optimistic after knowing the seriousness of the problems, whereas millions of people are ignorant about the reactions and do not worry at all. There are a set of people who are pessimistic about the reactions and worried always and find fault with the ‘actions’ and try to stop them. It is a constant fight between the optimists and pessimists ever since our society came into existence in Planet Earth. Arguments and counter arguments for and against the problems are certainly required, so that appropriate control measures can be taken at proper time to avoid long-term reactions. Before action, we have to predict the resultant reactions. Depending on the need and necessity and also the seriousness of the reaction, we have to decide either to act or not to act. A sensible way of starting an action will certainly help us to solve at least partly the unwanted reactions.

SURGING SALARIES NARA August, 2007 Employments in Government Services helped and help millions of families in the world. Educating children to get a better job in a better place was and is the dream of every parent. Even now some of the aged people used to utter that in their time, the salary they got per month was so meager, but today’s salary is surging leaps and bounds. They know very well that the value of money they get in the name of salary for the work rendered was very high as against today’s money value. The cost of living was so low in those days, whereas today’s cost of living is so high that the organizations have to compensate. It is simple economics, but poorly understood by people. Salaries are fixed at different grades depending on the qualification of a candidate. Generally, it will be in the running scale. Every year, there will be addition of dearness allowance and other perquisites of some kind. Festival advance and loans of different kinds are also availed by the salaried class.

Salaries are invariably credited to the bank accounts to keep a track of the money one earns. Salaried class has to pay their income tax every year without fail unlike the self-employed who escape some way or other. Salaried people are considered to be the privileged class in the society. People used to refer them either as State or Central Government Servants. I heard from my Japanese friends that in Japan the Government Servants are paid more than those who work for the private organizations. Moreover, the Government employees have a special respect in the society. In other countries like India for example it is just the opposite. Inequality in salary is invariably seen both in public and private organizations. Since the Information Technology brought a boom all over the world, young graduates are absorbed and paid high salary. Even at the age of mid-twenties, one was paid anywhere between Rs. 30,000 to 60,000/- per month, with perquisites in some cases. Surging salaries have altered the life style of men and women. Monthly salary brings in more and more money which is being invested in costly apartments, cars, landed properties etc., Spending increases because of the buying power. Many things are specially made for such high salaried class who like to buy them whether they need them or not. Most of these items are bought, but never used. A lot of money wasted, because of the surging salary. Some of the salaried class share a portion of their money for social causes and get exemption for income tax. Therefore, I feel that people who are capable of earning through their salary either from their native nation or other countries are the lucky lots. Excess money sometimes brings evil behaviour. Because of the high salary, people neglect their health and fall a prey to diseases. They try to eat unwanted food, and make their system sick. Surging salary does not come for nothing. One has to put in lot of hard work, day and night. As a result, some become workaholic without enjoying their family life. Problems are many due to excess money. Meditation, yoga and involvement in spirituality are being taught to these people by preachers. Health clinics, fitness centre, fashion stalls are some of the developing units for the salaried people particularly. People work in the US, UK, Australia and other developed countries, bring enormous amount of money to their native countries.

It is mainly because of the low exchange rate of money in the developing countries. Surging salary sometimes creates inequality in a society. It leads to lot of problems for the poor to cope up with the high cost of living. Social evils develop because of such surging salaries. Economists are studying the effects and try to balance the inequality to minimize the evils and protect the society. The society itself is evolving to enter the status of salary class for a happy livelihood. Surging salary is an upcoming challenge for the social scientists and more so for the economy of a nation. Adequate measures are needed at once to alleviate the ill effects of surging salary anywhere in the world.

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