A Natural Disaster Is The Consequence Of A Natural Hazard

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  • Pages: 28


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                           A natural disaster is the consequence of a natural hazard (e.g. volcanic eruption, earthquake, or landslide) which affects human activities. Human vulnerability, exacerbated by the lack of planning or appropriate emergency management, leads to financial, environmental or human losses. The resulting loss depends on the capacity of the population to support or resist the disaster, their resilience.[1] This understanding is concentrated in the formulation: "disasters occur when hazards meet vulnerability".[2] A natural hazard will hence never result in a natural disaster in areas without vulnerability, e.g. strong earthquakes in uninhabited areas. The term natural has consequently been disputed because the events simply are not hazards or disasters without human involvement.

    (also known as a tremor or temblor) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. Earthquakes are recorded with a seismometer, also known as a seismograph. The moment magnitude of an earthquake is conventionally reported, or the related and mostly obsolete Richter magnitude, with magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes being mostly imperceptible and magnitude 7 causing serious damage over large areas. Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale. At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by shaking and sometimes displacing the ground. When a large earthquake epicenter is located offshore, the seabed sometimes suffers sufficient displacement to cause a tsunami. The shaking in earthquakes can also trigger landslides and occasionally volcanic activity. In its most generic sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic eventͶ whether a natural phenomenon or an event caused by humansͶthat generates seismic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults, but also by volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear experiments. An earthquake's point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter. The term epicenter refers to the point at ground level directly above this.

        Fault typesTectonic earthquakes will occur anywhere within the earth where there is sufficient stored elastic strain energy to drive fracture propagation along a fault plane. In the case of transform or convergent type plate boundaries, which form the largest fault surfaces on earth, they will move past each other smoothly and aseismically only if there are no irregularities or asperities along the boundary that increase the frictional resistance. Most boundaries do have such asperities and this leads to a form of stick-slip behaviour. Once the boundary has locked, continued relative motion between the plates leads to increasing stress and therefore, stored strain energy in the volume around the fault surface. This continues until the stress has risen sufficiently to break through the asperity, suddenly allowing sliding over the locked portion of the fault, releasing the stored energy. This energy is released as a combination of radiated elastic strain seismic waves, frictional heating of



the fault surface, and cracking of the rock, thus causing an earthquake. This process of gradual buildup of strain and stress punctuated by occasional sudden earthquake failure is referred to as the Elastic-rebound theory. It is estimated that only 10 percent or less of an earthquake's total energy is radiated as seismic energy. Most of the earthquake's energy is used to power the earthquake fracture growth or is converted into heat generated by friction. Therefore, earthquakes lower the Earth's available elastic potential energy and raise its temperature, though these changes are negligible compared to the conductive and convective flow of heat out from the Earth's deep interior.[1]

          Main article: Fault (geology) There are three main types of fault that may cause an earthquake: normal, reverse (thrust) and strike-slip. Normal and reverse faulting are examples of dip-slip, where the displacement along the fault is in the direction of dip and movement on them involves a vertical component. Normal faults occur mainly in areas where the crust is being extended such as a divergent boundary. Reverse faults occur in areas where the crust is being shortened such as at a convergent boundary. Strike-slip faults are steep structures where the two sides of the fault slip horizontally past each other ; transform boundaries are a particular type of strike-slip fault. Many earthquakes are caused by movement on faults that have components of both dip-slip and strike-slip; this is known as oblique slip.

            Where plate boundaries occur within continental lithosphere, deformation is spread out a over a much larger area than the plate boundary itself. In the case of the San Andreas fault continental transform, many earthquakes occur away from the plate boundary and are related to strains developed within the broader zone of deformation caused by major irregularities in the fault trace (e.g. the ͞Big bend͟ region). The Northridge earthquake was associated with movement on a blind thrust within such a zone. Another example is the strongly oblique convergent plate boundary between the Arabian and Eurasian plates where it runs through the northwestern part of the Zagros mountains. The deformation associated with this plate boundary is partitioned into nearly pure thrust sense movements perpendicular to the boundary over a wide zone to the southwest and nearly pure strike-slip motion along the Main Recent Fault close to the actual plate boundary itself. This is demonstrated by earthquake focal mechanisms. [2] All tectonic plates have internal stress fields caused by their interactions with neighbouring plates and sedimentary loading or unloading (e.g. deglaciation). These stresses may be sufficient to cause failure along existing fault planes, giving rise to intraplate earthquakes.[3]




!    The majority of tectonic earthquakes originate at the ring of fire in depths not exceeding tens of kilometers. Earthquakes occurring at a depth of less than 70 km are classified as 'shallow-focus' earthquakes, while those with a focal-depth between 70 and 300 km are commonly termed 'midfocus' or 'intermediate-depth' earthquakes. In subduction zones, where older and colder oceanic crust descends beneath another tectonic plate, deep-focus earthquakes may occur at much greater depths (ranging from 300 up to 700 kilometers).[4] These seismically active areas of subduction are known as Wadati-Benioff zones. Deep-focus earthquakes occur at a depth at which the subducted lithosphere should no longer be brittle, due to the high temperature and pressure. A possible mechanism for the generation of deep-focus earthquakes is faulting caused by olivine undergoing a phase transition into a spinel structure.[5]

    "   "  Earthquakes also often occur in volcanic regions and are caused there, both by tectonic faults and by the movement of magma in volcanoes. Such earthquakes can serve as an early warning of volcanic eruptions, like during the Mount St. Helens eruption of 1980.[6]

     Most earthquakes form part of a sequence, related to each other in terms of location and time.[7]

  Main article: Aftershock An aftershock is an earthquake that occurs after a previous earthquake, themainshock. An aftershock is in the same region of the main shock but always of a smaller magnitude. If an aftershock is larger than the main shock, the aftershock is redesignated as the main shock and the original main shock is redesignated as a foreshock. Aftershocks are formed as the crust around the displaced fault plane adjusts to the effects of the main shock.[7]

     February 2008 earthquake swarm near MexicaliMain article: Earthquake swarm Earthquake swarms are sequences of earthquakes striking in a specific area within a short period of time. They are different from earthquakes followed by a series of aftershocks by the fact that no single earthquake in the sequence is obviously the main shock, therefore none have notable higher



magnitudes than the other. An example of an earthquake swarm is the 2004 activity at Yellowstone National Park.[8]

      Main article: Earthquake storm Sometimes a series of earthquakes occur in a sort of earthquake storm, where the earthquakes strike a fault in clusters, each triggered by the shaking or stress redistribution of the previous earthquakes. Similar to aftershocks but on adjacent segments of fault, these storms occur over the course of years, and with some of the later earthquakes as damaging as the early ones. Such a pattern was observed in the sequence of about a dozen earthquakes that struck the North Anatolian Fault in Turkey in the 20th century and has been inferred for older anomalous clusters of large earthquakes in the Middle East.[9][10]

#       Minor earthquakes occur nearly constantly around the world in places like California and Alaska in the U.S., as well as in Guatemala. Chile, Peru, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, the Azores in Portugal, Turkey, New Zealand, Greece, Italy, and Japan, but earthquakes can occur almost anywhere, including New York City, London, and Australia.[11] Larger earthquakes occur less frequently, the relationship being exponential; for example, roughly ten times as many earthquakes larger than magnitude 4 occur in a particular time period than earthquakes larger than magnitude 5. In the (low seismicity) United Kingdom, for example, it has been calculated that the average recurrences are: an earthquake of 3.7 - 4.6 every year, an earthquake of 4.7 - 5.5 every 10 years, and an earthquake of 5.6 or larger every 100 years. [12] This is an example of the Gutenberg-Richter law. The number of seismic stations has increased from about 350 in 1931 to many thousands today. As a result, many more earthquakes are reported than in the past, but this is because of the vast improvement in instrumentation, rather than an increase in the number of earthquakes. The USGS estimates that, since 1900, there have been an average of 18 major earthquakes (magnitude 7.0-7.9) and one great earthquake (magnitude 8.0 or greater) per year, and that this average has been relatively stable.[13] In recent years, the number of major earthquakes per year has decreased, although this is thought likely to be a statistical fluctuation rather than a systematic trend. More detailed statistics on the size and frequency of earthquakes is available from the USGS.[14]

Most of the world's earthquakes (90%, and 81% of the largest) take place in the 40,000-km-long, horseshoe-shaped zone called the circum-Pacific seismic belt, also known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, which for the most part bounds the Pacific Plate.[15][16] Massive earthquakes tend to occur along other plate boundaries, too, such as along the Himalayan Mountains. Humans can cause



earthquakes for example by constructing large dams and buildings, drilling and injecting liquid into wells, and by coal mining and oil drilling.[17] With the rapid growth of mega-cities such as Mexico City, Tokyo or Tehran, in areas of high seismic risk, some seismologists are warning that a single quake may claim the lives of up to 3 million people.[18][19]

  $      1755 copper engraving depicting Lisbon in ruins and in flames after the 1755 Lisbon earthquake. A tsunami overwhelms the ships in the harbor.There are many effects of earthquakes including, but not limited to the following:

         Shaking and ground rupture are the main effects created by earthquakes, principally resulting in more or less severe damage to buildings or other rigid structures. The severity of the local effects depends on the complex combination of the earthquake magnitude, the distance from epicenter, and the local geological and geomorphological conditions, which may amplify or reduce wave propagation.[20] The ground-shaking is measured by ground acceleration. Specific local geological, geomorphological, and geostructural features can induce high levels of shaking on the ground surface even from low-intensity earthquakes. This effect is called site or local amplification. It is principally due to the transfer of the seismic motion from hard deep soils to soft superficial soils and to effects of seismic energy focalization owing to typical geometrical setting of the deposits. Ground rupture is a visible breaking and displacement of the earth's surface along the trace of the fault, which may be of the order of several metres in the case of major earthquakes. Ground rupture is a major risk for large engineering structures such as dams, bridges and nuclear power stations and requires careful mapping of existing faults to identify any likely to break the ground surface within the life of the structure.[21]

    "    Main article: Landslide Landslides are a major geologic hazard because they can happen at any place in the world, much like earthquakes. Severe storms, earthquakes, volcanic activity, coastal wave attack, and wildfires can all produce slope instability. Landslide danger may be possible even though emergency personnel are attempting rescue.[22]



›   Fires of the 1906 San Francisco earthquakeFollowing an earthquake, fires can be generated by break of the electrical power or gas lines. In the event of water mains rupturing and a loss of pressure, it may also become difficult to stop the spread of a fire once it has started. For example, the deaths in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake were caused more by the fires than by the earthquake itself.[23]

     Soil liquefaction occurs when, because of the shaking, water-saturated granular material (such as sand) temporarily loses its strength and transforms from a solid to a liquid. Soil liquefaction may cause rigid structures, as buildings or bridges, to tilt or sink into the liquefied deposits. This can be a devastating effect of earthquakes. For example, in the 1964 Alaska earthquake, many buildings were sunk into the ground by soil liquefaction, eventually collapsing upon themselves.[24]

  The tsunami of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquakeMain article: Tsunami Tsunamis are long-wavelength, long-period sea waves produced by an sudden or abrupt movement of large volumes of water. In the open ocean, the distance between wave crests can surpass 100 kilometers, and the wave periods can vary from five minutes to one hour. Such tsunamis travel 600800 kilometers per hour, depending on water depth. Large waves produced by an earthquake or a submarine landslide can overrun nearby coastal areas in a matter of minutes. Tsunamis can also travel thousands of kilometers across open ocean and wreak destruction on far shores hours after the earthquake that generated them.[25] Ordinarily, subduction earthquakes under magnitude 7.5 on the richter scale do not cause tsunamis. However, there have been recorded instances, yet most destructive tsunamis are caused by magnitude 7.5 plus earthquakes.[25] Tsunamis are distinct from tidal waves, because in a tsunami, water flows straight instead of in a circle like the typical wave. Earthquake-triggered landslides into the sea can also cause tsunamis.[26]

› Main article: Flood



A flood is an overflow of any amount of water that reaches land.[27] Floods usually occur because of the volume of water within a body of water, such as a river or lake, exceeds the total capacity of the formation, and as a result some of the water flows or sits outside of the normal perimeter of the body. However, floods may be secondary effects of earthquakes, if dams are damaged. Earthquakes may cause landslips to dam rivers, which then collapse and cause floods.[28] The terrain below the Sarez Lake in Tajikistan is in danger of catastrophic flood if the landslide dam formed by the earthquake, known as the Usoi Dam, were to fail during a future earthquake. Impact projections suggest the flood could affect roughly 5 million people.[29]

„    Earthquakes may result in disease, lack of basic necessities, loss of life, higher insurance premiums, general property damage, road and bridge damage, and collapse of buildings or destabilization of the base of buildings which may lead to collapse in future earthquakes. Earthquakes can also lead to volcanic eruptions, which cause further damages such as substantial crop damage, like in the "Year Without a Summer" (1816).[30] Most of civilization agrees that human death is the most significant human impact of earthquakes.[31]

%        Today, there are ways to protect and prepare possible sites of earthquakes from severe damage, through the following processes: Earthquake engineering, Earthquake preparedness, Household seismic safety, Seismic retrofit (including special fasteners, materials, and techniques), Seismic hazard, Mitigation of seismic motion, and Earthquake prediction.

       [edit] Mythology and religion In Norse mythology, earthquakes were explained as the violent struggling of the god Loki. When Loki, god of mischief and strife, murdered Baldr, god of beauty and light, he was punished by being bound in a cave with a poisonous serpent placed above his head dripping venom. Loki's wife Sigyn stood by him with a bowl to catch the poison, but whenever she had to empty the bowl the poison would drip on Loki's face, forcing him to jerk his head away and thrash against his bonds, causing the earth to tremble.[32]



In Gree  my  y Pose  on was the god of and cause earthquakes When he was in a bad mood, he would strike the ground with a trident, causing this and other calamities He also used earthquakes to punish and inflict fear upon people as revenge [33]

 an overflow of an e panse of water that submerges land, a deluge [1] In the sense of "flowing water", the word may also be applied to the inflow of the tide Flooding may result from the volume of water within a body of water, such as a river or lake, e ceeding the total capacity of its bounds, with the result that some of the water flows or sits outside of the normal perimeter of the body It can also occur in rivers, when the strength of the river is so high it flows out of the river channel, particularly at bends or meanders The word comes from the Old English flod, a word common to Teutonic languages (compare German Flut, Dutch vloed from the same root as is seen in flow, float). The term "The Flood," capitalized, usually refers to the great Universal Deluge described in the Bible, in Genesis, and is treated at Deluge.


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A muddy f d  generaed by runoff on cropand.

c  ›oods can occur f waer accumuaes across an mpermeabe surface #e.g. from ranfa$ and canno rapdy dsspae #.e. gene orenaon or ow evaporaon$. É| A seres of sorms movng over  e same area. É| ÷am-budng beavers can food ow-yng urban and rura areas, ofen causng sgnfcan damage. É|



      - an range anywhere from brdges, cars, budngs, sewer sysems, roadways, canas and any oher ype of srucure. É| Y   - Peope and vesock de due o drownng. I can aso ead o epdemcs and dseases. É|


 <    - onamnaon of waer. ean drnkng waer becomes scarce. ÷   - Unhygenc condons. Spread of waer-borne dseases Y     - Shorage of food crops can be caused due o oss of enre harves.[2] [3] É|   - Non-oeran speces can de from suffocaon É| É| É|



 - Economc hardshp, due o: emporary decne n oursm, rebudng coss, food shorage eadng o prce ncrease ec.





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he New Oreans &eropoan Area, 35% of whch ss beow sea eve, s proeced by hundreds of mes of evees and food gaes. hs sysem faed caasrophcay durng Hurrcane Karna n he y Proper and n easern secons of he &ero Area, resung n he nundaon of approxmaey 50% of he &eropoan area, rangng from a few nches o weny fee n coasa communes. In an ac of successfu food prevenon, he ›edera Governmen of he Uned Saes offered o buy ou food-prone properes n he Uned Saes n order o preven repeaed dsasers afer he 1993 food across he &dwes. Severa communes acceped and he governmen, n parnershp wh he sae, bough 25,000 properes whch hey convered no weands. hese weands ac as a sponge n sorms and n 1995, when he foods reurned, he governmen ddn' have o expend resources n hose areas.[4] In hna, food dverson areas are rura areas ha are deberaey fooded n emergences n order o proec ces [1]. #See rossng he Lnes$ &any have proposed ha oss of vegeaon #deforesaon$ w ead o a rsk ncrease. Wh naura fores cover he food duraon shoud decrease. educng he rae of deforesaon shoud mprove he ncdens and severy of foods. [5]

›     ean-up acves foowng foods ofen pose ha"ards o workers and vouneers nvoved n he effor. Poena dangers ncude eecrca ha"ards, carbon monoxde exposure, muscuoskeea ha"ards, hea or cod sress, moor vehce-reaed dangers, fre, drownng, and exposure o ha"ardous maeras.[6] .ecause fooded dsaser ses are unsabe, cean-up workers mgh encouner sharp 4agged debrs, boogca ha"ards n he food waer, exposed eecrca nes, bood or oher body fuds, and anma and human remans. In pannng for and reacng o food dsasers, managers provde workers wh hard has, gogges, heavy work goves, fe 4ackes, and waergh boos wh see oes and nsoes.[7]

      here are many dsrupve effecs of foodng on human seemens and economc acves. However, foodng can brng benefs, such as makng so more fere and provdng nurens n whch  s defcen. Perodc foodng was essena o he we-beng of ancen communes aong he grs-Euphraes vers, he Ne ver, he Indus ver, he Ganges and he Yeow ver, among ohers. he vaby for hydroogca based renewabe sources of energy s hgher n food prone regons.




Whe food modeng s a fary recen pracce, aemps o undersand and manage he mechansms a work n foodpans have been made for a eas sx menna.[8] he recen deveopmen n compuaona food modeng has enabed engneers o sep away from he red and esed "hod or break" approach and s endency o promoe overy engneered srucures. Varous compuaona food modes have been deveoped n recen years eher 1÷ modes #food eves measured n he channe$ and 2÷ modes #food deph measured for he exen of he foodpan$. HE-AS[9], he Hydrauc Engneerng enre mode, s curreny among he mos popuar f ony because  s avaabe for free. Oher modes such as U›LOW[10] and ›owroue[11], combne 1÷ and 2÷ componens o derve food deph n he foodpan. So far he focus has been on mappng da and fuva food evens bu he 2007 food evens n he UK have shfed he emphass ono he mpac of surface waer foodng. [12]

÷    ÷    2,500,000± 3,700,000 [13] 900,000±2,000,000 500,000±700,000


145,000 more han 100,000 100,000 100,000 50,000±80,000 60,000 40,000 36,000 30,000 28,700

   1931 hna foods


1887 Yeow ver #Huang hna He$ food 1938 Yeow ver #Huang hna He$ food .an%ao ÷am faure, resu of yphoon Nna. Approxmaey 86,000 hna peope ded from foodng and anoher 145,000 ded durng subse%uen dsease. 1935 Yang"e rver food hna S. ›ex's ›ood, sorm surge Neherands Hano and ed ver ÷ea Norh Venam food 1911 Yang"e rver food hna S. Luca's food, sorm surge Neherands Norh Sea food, sorm surge Neherands 1949 Easern Guaemaa Guaemaa food S. &arceus food, sorm Neherands surge 1954 Yang"e rver food hna 1974 .angadesh monsoon .angadesh ran

÷    1931 1887 1938


1935 1530 1971 1911 1287 1212 1949 1219 1954 1974



25,000±40,000 20,006 20,000 20,000 14,000 10,000±100,000 8,000±15,000 10,000 10,000 severa housands severa housands severa housands severa housands severa housands 6,200 5,000

4,892 4,800 3,838 3,814 3,800 3,656 3,500 3,084 3,076

S. &arceus food / Groe &andrenke, sorm de 1999 Vargas mudsde A Sans' ›ood, sorm surge 1939 an4n food

Neherands, Germany, ÷enmark Vene"uea Neherands

hna Neherands, hrsmas food, sorm surge Germany, ÷enmark S. E"abeh food, sorm Neherands, surge .egum Germany, .urchard food ÷enmark Grea Iran ›ood Iran 1824 S. Peersburg food ussa S. Juana food, sorm surge Neherands S. Agaha food, sorm surge Neherands S. emens food, sorm Neherands surge A Sans food, sorm surge Neherands Norh Sea food, sorm surge Neherands Schuan, Hube, Anhu food hna o4up vaey, ordera .anca mounan range, Peru andsde by massve avaanche 1968 a4ashan, Gu4ara Inda monsoon ran 1951 &anchura food hna 1998 Easern Inda, Inda, .angadesh monsoon ran .angadesh 1989 Schuan food hna 1978 Norhern Inda Inda monsoon ran 1998 Yang"e rver food hna 1948 ›u"hou food hna Nepa, Inda, 1993 Souh Asan monsoon .angadesh, ran Paksan 2004 Easern Inda, Inda,

1362 1999 1570 1939 1717 1421 1634 1954 1824 1164 1288 1334 1532 1703 1980 1941

1968 1951 1998 1989 1978 1998 1948 1993 2004



3,000 2,910 2,775


2,400 2,379 2,200 2,142 2,075 2,055

.angadesh monsoon ran 1992 Afghansan food, many, Gubahar, Kaoak, Shuu, Parwan, fash food, mudsde 1950 Paksan food 1996 hna food, orrena foods, mud-rock fows 1953 Japan food, many Kakyushu, Kumamoo, Wakayama, K"ugawa, massve ran, food, mudsde Norh Sea food, sorm surge 1988 .angadesh monsoon ran














Uned Saes 1889 #Pennsyvana$ Norh Sea food of 1953 Neherands, 1953 Uned Kngdom sorm surge 1981 Schuan, Shanx ›ood hna 1981 1987 .angadesh monsoon .angadesh 1987 ran Johnsown ›ood

2,000±5,000 some repors s as many as &orv dam burs 12,000 dead Huascaran, anrahrca 2,000±4,000 andsde by massve avaanche Va4on ÷am andsde and 1,909 food 1992 Paksan, Norhern 1,834 Inda monsoon ran 1991 hna food, many, Schuan, Gu"hou, Hube, 1,723 orrena foods, mud-rock fows ›u4an, Anhu, Zhe4ang 1,624 food 1,605±3,363


Inda #&orv, Gu4ara$






Paksan, Inda






Ha, ÷omncan 2004 epubc S. &arn food, sorm surge Neherands 1686 sprng  



1,532 1,503


1,348 1,144 1,029 1,000±1,500 992 941 933 915 848 844 827 800 800 785


702 672

2002 hna food, orrena foods, mud-rock fows &umba and he surroundng sae &aharashra, Kamaaka, monsson ran 1995 hna food, many, Hunan, Jangx, Laonng, Schuan, ›u4an, orrena ran, devasang foods, mud-rock fows 2007 hna food, mounan orrens, mud-rock fows 2006 Souhern Leye mudsde 2004 hna food, mounan orrens, mud-rock fows, andsde Sana aarna, [2]ubarão], orrena heavy ran Isahaya, massve ran and mudsde Inuyama Iruka pond faure 1938 &assve ran of Japan, many okyo, Kobe, massve ran and andsde .arceona, fash food 1977 Karach food 2006 Norh Korea foodng Agers, .ab E Oued, devasang food, mudsde Norh Sea food, sorm surge 2000 &o"amb%ue food 1967 .ra" food, many o de Janero, Sao Pauo, food and andsde 2006 Ehopa food, many Omo ver ÷ea, ÷re ÷awa, ena, Gode, fash food, heavyran 1999 Venam food, many occurred a hua hen Hue 1972 Seou, Kyongg food





















Span Paksan Norh Korea

1962 1977 2006



Neherands &o"amb%ue

1825 2000







Souh Korea




653 640 610 540 532

517 506 500 500 464 445


425 421 420



405 400 400 386

1972 Lu"on food Phppnes 1987 Vana andsde oomba dsaser 2007 Norh Korea foodng Norh Korea 1969 unsa foodng unsa u"co, Huaaga, orrena Peru ran, foodng, andsde 1967 &assve ran of Japan, many, Kobe, Kure, Agano Japan ver, massve ran and andsde KwaZuu-Naa Souh Afrca &aaw, fash food and &aaw andsde Gauda, andsde Norway Lsbon fash food Poruga Wesern Japan, massve ran Japan and andsde 2002 Nepa food, many occurred a &akwanpur, Nepa monssna ran, food, andsde 1999 &exco food, many occurred a abasco, Pueba, &exco hapas, food and mudsde &apasse ÷am faure ›rance S. Aarons ›ood Amserdam 1969 Souh Korea food, many, Gyeongsangbukdo, Gyeongsangnamdo, Souh Korea Gangwon, orrena ran, andsde 1993 Iran food, many occurred a Isfahan, .andar Iran Abass, fash food and andsde 1998 Souh Korea food, Souh Korea heavy massve ran, andsde 1955 Lebanon rpo food Lebanon Uned Saes S. ›rancs ÷am faure #aforna$ haand, &aaysa, many, haand,

1972 1987 2007 1969 1982

1967 1987 1991 1345 1967 1972


1999 1959 1420



1998 1955 1928 1988



Nakhon, Songkha, Keanan, orrena ran


Oho ver food of 1937

&aaysa, Uned Saes #Pennsyvana, Oho, Wes 1937 Vrgna, Kenucky, Indana, Inos$


1966 o de Janero food, food and andsde Pura, umbes, orrena ran, foodng, andsde Grea ÷ayon ›ood


2007 Afrcan Naons food


1996 Yemen food 1987 Souh Korea food, many, hungchongnamdo, Souh Korea hoanamdo, Kangwon, orrena ran, andsde Kenya, Ehopa, 2006 Eas Afrcan ›ood Somaa Norh Sea food of 1962 Germany sorm de 2003 Sumara food, many Jamb, .aanghar, ondano, Indonesa orrena ran, fash food, andsde Quebrada .anca canyon, oomba andsde Pampayaca avaanche Peru Nagasak, massve ran and Japan andsde o de Janero and .ra" ›umnense food 1973 Granada, Amera, Span &urca food Grea Sheffed food dam Uned Kngdom

373 364


342 315


300 300 299 290 272 270





Uned Saes 1913 many Sudan, Ngera, .urkna ›aso, Ghana, 2007 Kenya, and many Afrcan counry Yemen 1996 1987

2006 1962


1974 1963 1982 1988 1973 1864



159 154

dsaser Va d Sava dam dsaser Gormec, avaanche 1966 &aan food 1998 a4ksan food Josefna dam faure apd y, Souh ÷akoa food &arrakesh fash food hungar andsde, food, avaanche Pamr &ounan area, mud and rock sdes, orrena ran Hugra, andsde 2004 .ra" food, many Sao Pauo, Pemambuco, orrena ran, mudsde Sarno food and andsde KwaZuu-Naa


Aberfan dsaser



O"enge, avaanche I"umo, massve ran and mudsde 1991 Anofagasa ›ood, mud swep 2007 enra and Eas Java orrena monsson ran, andsde, food &asuda, massve ran and andsde Verda, andsde Seou, Inchon, heavy ran norhern aucasas, norhern Okrug, heavy ran, andsde 1981 Langsburg food


›ood of he mennum


&ameyes ÷saser

268 261 259 255 250 238 230 200±600 200 190 165

128 120 119 117 116 114 110

Iay urkey Jordan a4ksan Ecuador

1985 1992 1966 1998 1993

Uned Saes












Iay Souh Afrca Uned Kngdom #Waes$ urkey

1998 1995









Norway Souh Korea

1893 1990



Souh Afrca Poand, "ech epubc Puero co #Ponce$


1966 1993

1997 1985



oumbus, Oho food on Uned Saes &arch 25, 1913 Homfrh ›ood².berry Uned Kngdom eservor dam faure Johnsown ›ood²›aure of Laure un ÷am and fash Uned Saes foodng Ausn ÷am faure Uned Saes Kagoshma, mudsde and Japan debrs fow Gudbrandsdaen food and Norway andsdes 2005 evee faures n Uned Saes Greaer New Oreans ›rank Sde, Abera anada &c÷onad ÷am faure Uned saes Yuba y, aforna hrsmas Eve food, evee Uned Saes faure Norh Sea food, sorm surge Neherands 1997 hreadbo andsde Ausraa .rsbane food Ausraa 2007 Uned Kngdom foods Uned Kngdom

over 90 81 80 78 73 72 70 70 47 37 19 19 16 11


›ood sk Assessmen

1913 1852 1977 1911 1993 1789 2005 1903 1900 1955 1916 1997 1974 2007



 &pronounced /(t)suÕÚnàÕmi/) is a series of waves created when a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced. Earthquakes, mass movements above or below water, some volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslides, underwater earthquakes, large asteroid impacts and detonation of nuclear weapons at sea all have the potential to generate a tsunami. Due to the immense volumes of water and energy involved, the effects of tsunami can be devastating. Since meteorites are small, they will not generate tsunami.

The Greek historian Thucydides was the first to relate tsunami to submarine quakes,[1] [2] but understanding of the nature of tsunami remained slim until the 20th century and is the subject of ongoing research.

Many early geological, geographic, oceanographic etc., texts refer to "Seismic sea waves"Ͷthese are now referred to as "tsunami(s)".

Some meteorological storm conditionsͶdeep depressions causing cyclones, hurricanesͶcan generate a storm surge which can be several metres above normal tide levels. This is due to the low atmospheric pressure within the centre of the depression. As these storm surges come ashore the surge can resemble a tsunami, inundating vast areas of land. These are not tsunami. Such a storm surge inundated Burma (Myanmar) in May 2008.

   he erm sunam comes from he Japanese meanng ú  #"su", $ and ã  #"nam", 0$. [a. Jap. sunam, unam, f. su harbour + nam waves.²c  ú   ]. ›or he pura, one can eher foow ordnary Engsh pracce and add an , or use an nvarabe pura as n Japanese. sunam are common hroughou Japanese hsory; approxmaey 195 evens n Japan have been recorded. sunam are somemes referred o as   ã  , a erm ha has faen ou of favor, especay n he scenfc communy, n recen years because sunam acuay have nohng o do wh des. he once popuar erm derves from her mos common appearance, whch s ha of an exraordnary hgh ncomng de. sunam and des boh produce waves of waer ha move nand, bu n he case of sunam he nand movemen of waer s much greaer and ass for a onger perod, gvng he mpresson of an ncredby hgh de. Ahough he meanngs of "da" ncude "resembng"[3] or "havng he form or characer of"[4] he des, and he erm    s no more accurae because sumans are no med o harbours, use of he erm   ã  s dscouraged by geoogss and oceanographers.



he ony oher anguage han Japanese ha has a word for hs dsasrous wave s am anguage[   

] and he word s "Aa"h Peraa". Souh Easern coass of Inda have experenced hese waves some 700 years before and was a reguar even by ha me as per he sone carvngs #scrpures n sone$ read.



A sunam can be generaed when convergng or desrucve pae boundares abrupy move and vercay dspace he overyng waer. I s very unkey ha hey can form a dvergen #consrucve$ or conservave pae boundares. hs s because consrucve or conservave boundares do no generay dsurb he verca dspacemen of he waer coumn. Subducon "one reaed earh%uakes generae he ma4ory of a sunams. A sunam has a much smaer ampude #wave hegh$ offshore, and a very ong waveengh #ofen hundreds of komeers ong$, whch s why hey generay pass unnoced a sea, formng ony a sgh swe usuay abou 300 mm above he norma sea surface. A sunam can occur a any sae of he de and even a ow de w s nundae coasa areas f he ncomng waves surge hgh enough. On Apr 1, 1946 a &agnude 7.8 #cher Scae$ earh%uake occurred near he Aeuan Isands, Aaska. I generaed a sunam whch nundaed Ho on he sand of Hawa' wh a 14 m hgh surge. he area where he earh%uake occurred s where he Pacfc Ocean foor s subducng #or beng pushed downwards$ under Aaska. Exampes of sunam beng generaed a ocaons away from convergen boundares ncude Soregga durng he Neohc era, Grand .anks 1929, Papua New Gunea 1998 #appn, 2001$. In he case of he Grand .anks and Papua New Gunea sunams an earh%uake caused sedmens o become unsabe and subse%ueny fa. hese sumped and as hey fowed down sope a sunam was generaed. hese sunam dd no rave ransoceanc dsances. I s no known wha caused he Soregga sedmens o fa. I may have been due o overoadng of he sedmens causng hem o become unsabe and hey hen faed soey as a resu of beng overoaded. I s aso possbe ha an earh%uake caused he sedmens o become unsabe and hen fa. Anoher heory s ha a reease of gas hydraes #mehane ec.,$ caused he sump. he "Grea hean earh%uake" #19:11 hrs U$ &ay 22, 1960 #9.5 ‘w$, he &arch 27, 1964 "Good ›rday earh%uake" Aaska 1964 #9.2 ‘w$, and he "Grea Sumara-Andaman earh%uake" #00:58:53 U$ ÷ecember 26, 2004 #9.2 ‘w$, are recen exampes of powerfu megahrus earh%uakes ha generaed a sunam ha was abe o cross oceans. Smaer #4.2 ‘w$ earh%uakes n Japan can rgger sunam ha can devasae nearby coass whn 15 mnues or ess. In he 1950s  was hypohessed ha arger sunams han had prevousy been beeved possbe may be caused by andsdes, exposve vocanc acon e.g., Sanorn, Krakaau, and



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naura phenomena and f correc, carefu observaon and monorng coud possby provde advance warnng of earh%uakes, sunam ec. However, he evdence s conroversa and has no been proven scenfcay. here are some unsubsanaed cams ha anmas before he Lsbon %uake were resess and moved away from ow yng areas o hgher ground. Ye many oher anmas n he same areas drowned. he phenomenon was aso noed by meda sources n Sr Lanka n he 2004 Indan Ocean earh%uake.[5][6] I s possbe ha ceran anmas #e.g., eephans$ may have heard he sounds of he sunam as  approached he coas. he eephans reacon was o move away from he approachng nose²nand. Some humans, on he oher hand, wen o he shore o nvesgae and many drowned as a resu. I s no possbe o preven a sunam. However, n some sunam-prone counres some earh%uake engneerng measures have been aken o reduce he damage caused on shore. Japan has mpemened an exensve programme of budng sunam was of up o 4.5 m #13.5 f$ hgh n fron of popuaed coasa areas. Oher ocaes have bu foodgaes and channes o redrec he waer from ncomng sunam. However, her effecveness has been %uesoned, as sunam ofen surge hgher han he barrers. ›or nsance, he Okushr, Hokkadō sunam whch sruck Okushr Isand of Hokkadō whn wo o fve mnues of he earh%uake on Juy 12, 1993 creaed waves as much as 30 m #100 f$ a²as hgh as a 10sory budng. he por own of Aonae was compeey surrounded by a sunam wa, bu he waves washed rgh over he wa and desroyed a he wood-framed srucures n he area. he wa may have succeeded n sowng down and moderang he hegh of he sunam, bu  dd no preven ma4or desrucon and oss of fe.[7] he effecs of a sunam may be mgaed by naura facors such as ree cover on he shorene. Some ocaons n he pah of he 2004 Indan Ocean sunam escaped amos unscahed as a resu of he sunam's energy beng absorbed by rees such as coconu pams and mangroves. In one srkng exampe, he vage of Nauvedapahy n Inda's am Nadu regon suffered mnma damage and few deahs as he wave broke up on a fores of 80,244 rees paned aong he shorene n 2002 n a bd o ener he Gunness .ook of ecords.[8] Envronmenass have suggesed ree panng aong sreches of seacoas whch are prone o sunam rsks. I woud ake some years for he rees o grow o a usefu s"e, bu such panaons coud offer a much cheaper and onger-asng means of sunam mgaon han he consrucon of arfca barrers.

       ‘         Hsorcay speakng, sunam are no rare, wh a eas 25 sunam occurrng n he as cenury. Of hese, many were recorded n he Asa±Pacfc regon²parcuary Japan. he .oxng ÷ay sunam n 2004 caused approxmaey 350,000 deahs and many more n4ures. As eary as 426 ... he Greek hsoran hucyddes n%ured n hs book  ú      abou he causes of sunam, and argued correcy ha  coud ony be



expaned as a conse%uence of ocean earh%uakes.[1] He was hus he frs n he hsory of naura scence o correae %uakes and waves n erms of cause and effec:[2] he cause, n my opnon, of hs phenomenon mus be sough n he earh%uake. A he pon where s shock has been he mos voen he sea s drven back, and suddeny recong wh redoubed force, causes he nundaon. Whou an earh%uake I do no see how such an accden coud happen.[9]

he oman hsoran Ammanus &arcenus #g    26.10.15-19$ descrbes he ypca se%uence of a sunam ncudng an ncpen earh%uake, he sudden rerea of he sea and a foowng gganc wave on he occason of he 365 A.÷. sunam devasang Aexandra.[10] [11]

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