Friendship is a connection made at a point of time where two threads of information come together connected by an event that both share in common at that point in time. “We met on the train; she fell over and a CD fell out of her bag that I just love” – we instantly struck up conversation. As time goes by and the thread of friendship connects at different points in time – those times satisfy a requirement for both energies to share and become a united one. Sometimes friendship is over-rated because sometimes the one of the other should not depend upon the “friendship” to satisfy a requirement when the other isn’t available. What happens then? Well, what happens then is courage sets in and connections are made to satisfy a momental time of companionship. This companionship neither is friendship or love – it simply is a connection in time; within the period as a conscious companionship. When the company is parted; the segment is over – for the time and beyond that period. People that identify this often think these moments are angelic. Maybe they are. Friendship is a renounceable verb. Companionship is a connection threaded by a period in time shared as a friendship within that time. It's a quantum concept. If it were that as children we were enabled this simple understanding then all company would be fine; no expectation would fail our assumptions and assumptions would cease to exist. We wouldn’t miss our friends because we would understand that friendship exists within a frame – that’s it. We enjoy the company of others ; however, we don’t own the attachment. Consciously continuing continuum within the company of self and always inspired by the company that frequently I am fortuned to enjoy. Formed by 19 August 2009