Refere nce # 15.1
Development Log Semester #1 How will I know I’ve learned it?
By When? April 17, - When I get a good mark after completing the 2009 class - When I am able to speak about pathologies confidently without clues from others - When I find it easy to understand all of my readings - When I can explain how pathologies work and how they are treated appropriately in laymen’s terms, and to individuals without anatomical knowledge April 17, - When I get a good mark after completing the 2009 class - When I can understand different problems and pathologiesinside and out. - When I feel confident treating people with different problems without doubting myself and asking the teacher to double check my treatment - When the client comes back to me speaking of improvements that I have made on their health through massage April 17, - When I get a good mark after completing the 2009 class - When I find it easy to understand readings from books, texts, magazines, etc -When I can tell about the person`s condition just by looking at them quickly
-When I get the source of the problem right every time - When I find it easy to pinpoint the area that is causing the client discomfort