A Bpel Overview

  • November 2019
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More details

  • Words: 568
  • Pages: 8
IBM United Kingdom Ltd

Workflow - A Business View

John Ibbotson Francisco Curbera

IBM UK Ltd IBM Research


© 2003 IBM Corporation

IBM United Kingdom Ltd

Motivation 

Application integration is a key problem facing businesses –

Intra enterprise integration (Enterprise Application Integration)

Integrating with partners (Business Process Integration)

Web services are enabling the move towards serviceoriented computing –

Applications are viewed as “services”

Loosely coupled, dynamic interactions

Heterogeneous platforms

No single party has complete control

Application integration => Service composition –


How do you compose services in this domain?


© 2003 IBM Corporation

IBM United Kingdom Ltd

BPEL4WS for Application Integration .net WAS

PROVENANCE Process brokering

SOAP, Transactions Business Process

Service Description RMI IIOP

Service Description MQSeries

Delivery channels


Legacy integration




© 2003 IBM Corporation

IBM United Kingdom Ltd

Process Model Requirements  

Portability and Interoperability Flexible Integration –

Rich, and easily adaptable to changes in the services it is interacting with

Recursive, type-based composition –

Enables: • • • •

Separation and composability of concerns –

Can carry multiple stateful long-running conversations

Recoverability –


Decoupled from the supporting mechanisms (quality of service, messaging frameworks)

Stateful conversations and lifecycle management –

third-party composition of existing services, providing different views on a composition to different parties, inter-workflow interaction, and increased scalability and reuse

Business processes, and in particular long running ones, need a way to build-in fault handling and compensation mechanisms to handle and recover from errors.


© 2003 IBM Corporation

IBM United Kingdom Ltd

Two-level Programming Model  Programming in the small – base services – Programmers implementing functions – Function logic deals with a discrete fine-grained task (such as retrieving an order document or updating a customer record)

 Programming in the large – BPEL and SCA – Non-programmers implementing flows – Flow logic deals with combining many functions in order to solve a more complex problem (such as processing an order)



© 2003 IBM Corporation

IBM United Kingdom Ltd

BPEL Processes and interactions are Strongly Typed  BPEL is built on WSDL described services – Strongly typed

 A BPEL process interacts with the

world through a set of strongly typed channels: – Partner link = pair of WSDL port types – BPEL flows are tightly coupled to specific interfaces and message types

Process WSDL Service B

 BPEL supports traditional WfMS

properties: – Statically analyzable – Transactional, reliable, monitored execution, etc. – Fits well the (SOA) model of application to application integration through well defined service interfaces


 But BPEL is being extended to support interaction with human actors – BPEL4People: services implemented by people


Partner Link


© 2003 IBM Corporation

IBM United Kingdom Ltd

BPEL Composition of Web Services Process WSDL Service B


Partner Link



© 2003 IBM Corporation

IBM United Kingdom Ltd

BPEL in Scientific Flows - questions  Scientific flows are likely to be: – Heterogeneous in control and data, – Dynamic

 But also require – Monitoring, auditing, compliance with specific policies

 Both types of workflows are likely to be part of any realistic scientific workflow.

– How do we integrate these different models? • Business and Scientific

– Can we provide flexibility and robustness, dynamic change and monitoring at the same time



© 2003 IBM Corporation

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