99 Names Of Allah

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 427
  • Pages: 7
99 NAMES OF ALLAH FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=" You can use 'ABDUL' in front of this names. Example : Abdul Wahab Abdul Aziz Abdul Qayyum etc. Ar-Rahman The most Generous; Compassionate; Beneficent Ar-Rahiim The most Merciful Al-Malik The King Al-Qudduus The Holy; Pure from any imperfection As-Salaam The Source of Peace Al-Mukmin Guardian of Faith Al-Muhaimin The Protector; The Guardian Al-'Aziiz The Mighty; The Strong; The Victorious Al-Jabbaar The Compeller Al-Mutakabbir The Greatest; The Majestic Al-Khaliq The Creator Al-Bari' The Evolver; The Maker

Al-Mushawwir The Fashioner; The Shaper Al-Ghaffaar The Forgiving; The Great Forgiver Al-Qahhaar The Dominant; The Subduer Al-Wahhaab The Giver of all Ar-Razzaaq The Sustainer; The Provider Al-Fattaah The Opener; The Reliever; Al-'Aliim The Knowledgeable; The Knower of all Al-Qabidh The Retainer; The Withholder Al-Basith The Expander; The Enlarger Al-Kafidh The Abaser Ar-Raafi' The Exalter Al-Mu'iz The Honorer Al-Muzil The Dishonorer As-Samii' The Listener; Listens to everything Al-Basiir The All-Seeing

Al-Hakam The Judge Al-'Adl The Just Al-Lathiif The Most Gracious; Al-Khabiir The Aware; Knowing Al-Haliim The Forebearing; The Patient and Calm Al-'Aziim The Almighty Al-Ghafuur The All-Forgiving As-Shakuur The Grateful Al-'Aliy The Most High Al-Kabiir The Most Great Al-Hafiizh The Preserver; The Protector Al-Muqiit The Feeder Al-Hasiib The Reckoner Al-Jaliil The Most Perfect Al-Kariim The Most Generous Ar-Raqiib

The Watcher Al-Mujiib The Granter Al-Waasi' The Vast Al-Hakiim The Wise Al-Waduud The Loving Al-Majiid The Most Glorious Al-Baa'ith The Resurrector As-Syahiid The Witness Al-Haq The truth Al-Wakiil The trustee Al-Qawiy The most Strong Al-Matiin The most Firm Al-Waliy The Protector Al-Hamiid The Praiseworthy Al-Muhshi The Counter Al-Mubdi' The Originator

Al-Mu'iid The Reproducer Al-Muhyi The Restorer Al-Mumiit The creator of death; The Destroyer Al-Hayyu The Alive Al-Qayyuum The Self-Subsisting Al-Waajid The Finder Al-Maajid The Glorious Al-Waahid The Unique; The Only One Al-Ahad The One As-Samad The Eternal; The Independant Al-Qaadir The Able; Capable Al-Muqtadir The Powerful Al-Muqoddim The Expediter Al-Mu'akhir The Delayer Al-Awwal The First; The Earliest

Al-Akhir The Last; Without an end Az-Zaahir The Manifest Al-Baatin The Hidden Al-Waliy The Governor; Owns Everything Al-Muta'aali The most Exalted Al-Barru The source of all Goodness At-Tawwaabu The acceptor of Repentance Al-Muntaqim The Avenger Al-'Afuw The Forgiver Ar-Ra'uuf The Compassionate Maalikul Mulk The Eternal owner of Sovereignty Zul-Jalaali Wal-Ikraam The Lord of Majesty and Bounty Al-Muqsith The Equitable Al-Jaami' The Gatherer Al-Ghaniy The Self-Sufficient Al-Mughniy

The giver of Richness Al-Maani' The Preventer Ad-Dhaar The Creator of harm An-Naafi' The Creator of good An-Nuur The giver Light Al-Haadi The giver of Guidance Al-Baadii' The Originator of Beauty Al-Baaqiy The Everlasting Al-Waaris The Supreme Inheritor Ar-Rasyiid The giver of Guidance Ash-Sabuur The Patient

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