99 Names Of Allah

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 14
99 Names of Allah Al-Malik (The Ar-Rahim (The Mercifull) Sovereign Lord) Allah (The Name Of Ar-Rahman (The Beneficent) Al-Jabbar (The Compeller) God) Al-Muhaymin (The Al-Mu'min (The Guardian Of Al-Aziz (The Mighty) Protector) Faith) As-Salam (The Source Of Al-Ghaffar (The Al-Musawwir (The Fashioner) Peace) Forgiver) Al-Bari (The Evolver) Al-Khaliq (The Creator) Al-Mutakabbir (The Majestic) Al-Alim (The All Knowning) Al-Fattah (The Opner) Ar-Razzaq (The Provider) Al-Qahhar (The Al-Wahhab (The Bestover) Al-Muizz (The Honourer) Subduer) Ar-Rafi (The Exalter) Al-Khafiz (The Abaser) Al-Basit (The Expender) Al-Qabiz (The Constrictor) Al-Adl (The Just) Al-Hakam (The Judge) As-Sami (The All Al-Basir (The All Seeing) Al-Muzill (The Dishonourer) Hearing) Al-Ghafur (The AllAl-Azim (The Great Al-Halim (The Forbearing One) Forgiving) One) Al-Latif (The Subtle Al-Khabir (The Aware) Al-Muqit (The Maintainer) One) Al-Kabir (The Most Al-Hafiz (The Preserver) Al-Ali (The Most High) Great) Ash-Shakur (The Al-Mujib (The Ar-Raqib (The Watchfull) Appreciative) Responsive) Al-Karim (The Generous Al-Jalil (The Sublime Al-Haseeb (The Reckoner) One) One) Al-Majeed (The Most Al-Ba'ith (The Resurrector) Al-Wadud (The Loving) Glorious One) Al-Wasi (The AllAl-Hakeem (The Wise) Al-Mateen (The Firm One) Embracing) Al-Qawi (The Most Strong) Al-Wakil (The Trustee) Al-Haqq (The Truth) Ash-Shaheed (The Witness) Al-Mu'id (The Restorer) Al-Mubdi (The Originator) Al-Hameed (The Al-Muhsi (The Reckoner) Al-Wali (The Protecting Friend) Praiseworthy) Al-Qayyum (The SelfAl-Wajid (The Finder) Al-Hayee (The Alive) Subsisting) Al-Mumit (The Creator Of Al-Muhyi (The Giver Al-Qadir (The Able) Death) Of Life) Al-Quddus (The Holy)

As-Samad (The Eternal) Al-Ahad (The One) Al-Majid (The Noble) Al-Aakhir (The Last) Al-Mu'akhkhir (The Al-Muqaddim (The Delayer) Expediter) Al-Barr (The Source Of All Al-Muta'ali (The Most Goodness) Exalted) Az-Zahir (The Al-Batin (The Hidden) Manifest) Ar-Raoof (The Al-'Afuw (The Compassionate) Pardoner) At-Tawwab (The Acceptor Al-Mughni (The Of Repentance) Enricher) Al-Muqsit (The Al-Jaamay (The Gatherer) Equitable) Al-Haadi (The Guide) An-Noor (The Light) Al-Maanay (The Ad-Daarr (The Distresser) Preventer) Ar-Rasheed (The Guide To Al-Waris (The Supreme The Right Path) Inheritor) Al-Badei (The Incomparable)

Al-Wahid (The Unique) Al-Awwal (The First) Al-Muqtadir (The Powerful) Al-Wali (The Governor) Malik-Ul-Mulk (The Eternal Owner Of Sovereignty) Al-Muntaqim (The Avenger) Al-Ghani (The Self-Sufficient) Zul-Jalal-E-Wal-Ikram (The Lord Of Majesty And Bounty) An-Naafay (The Propitious) As-Saboor (The Patient) Al-Baqi (The Everlasting)

99 Names of Muhammad (pbuh) Qasim (The Distributor) Ahmad (The Most Commendable) Hashir (The Awakener) Aqib (The Latest) Nazeer (The Frightener) Madani (Resident of Madina) Maah (The Obliterator of Infidelity) Hashmi (The Hashmi) Nabi (The Prophet) Rauf (MIld Compassionate)

Mahmood (The Commendable) Muhammad (The Praised One) Noor (The Light) Sha'fin (The Healing) Basheer (The Messenger of Good News)

Hamid (The Praiser) Rasheed (The Guided) Faateh (The Victor) Daa'in (The Invitor)

Muneer (The Radiant)

Shafi (Healer Recommender)

Mahd (The Guided One)

Haad (The Leader)

Teha'mi (The Makkan) Rasool (The Messenger) Haris (The Covetous for the

Ummi (Unlettered) Raheem (The Merciful) Aziz (Noble Dear

Yasin (The Ya'Sin)

Believers) Murtaza (Content Beloved One) Muzammil (The Wrapped One) Mustafa (The Chosen)

Musaddiq (The Verifier)

Mateen (The Strong)

Saahib (The Companion) Aalim (The Scholar) Tayyab (Chaste Good Sweet) Qarshi (The Member of The Quraish) Murabi (The Fruit) Aleem (The Knowledgeable) Hafiz (The Guardian) Awwal (The First) Qaim (Staying One) Habib (Loved One) Muntahin (The Examiner)

Yateem (Orphan) Mansoor (The Victorious) Arabi (The Arabic)

Muti (Obedient) Muddassir (The Wrapped One) Burhan Nasir (The Helper) Makeen

Sadiq (The Truthful)

Hijazi (The Hijazi)

Naseer (The Conqueror) Wali (The Protector)

Kareem (Generous) Natiq'un Faseeh (The Clarifier) Zakir (The Reciter) Bayan (The Statement) Hashim (Arabic Tribe) Shaheed (Witness Martyr) Mahdi (He Who is Well Miraj (The Above) Guided) Mahi (He Who Wipes Out Fasih (Clear) Infidelity) Ghani Mutahhar (He Who Cleans) Mashkoor (Thankful) Shakur (Grateful) Mutawasit (The one who walks Muzakkir (The Adviser in center) Preacher) Zahir (Outward External) Imam (The Guide) Khateeb (The one who Aadil (Justice Deliverer) explains) Mashhud (The Witness) Sabiq Abdullah (God's Servant)

Kaleem (Who has talked)

Qawi (Strong)

Haq (Truth) Mubashir (Bringer of Good News) Syed (Lord)

Mukarram (Honored) Siraj (Lamp)

Honoured One) Mujtaba (The Selected) Waiz (The Deliverer)

Hakeem (The Wise) Ameen (The Honest One) Gharib (The Poor) Amir (Prince) Mukhtar (The Controller) Khalil (The True Friend) Nakeer (Refuse) Hadi (He Who Guides Right)

Qayim (He Who Stays) Khatim (Seal)

Naji (Safe Intimate) Jawad (The Generous) Kamil (Perfect) Mujeeb (Complying Replying) Mubin (Clear Evident) Muttahir (Purified) Mamun (Trusted)

Batin (Internal Inner) Shahir (Well known) Safi (Sincere)

Malum (Well known) Taha (The Clean)

Qarib (Near) Madu (Who is Called)

Names of Male Name AbdulAleem Abdul Azeem Abdul-Baari AbdulFataah AbdulGhafaar AbdulHaady Abdul-Haq AbdulHakeem AbdulHameed



Servant of the Omniscient

Abdul-Aalee Servant of the Most High

Servant of the Mighty


Servant of the Creator Servant of the Opener (of the gates of sustenance)


Servant of the Mighty, the Powerful Abdul-Baasit Servant of the Extender, Creator Abdul-Jabaar Servant of the Mighty

Servant of the Forgiver


Servant of the Guide

Abdul-Haafiz Servant of the Protector

Servant of the Truth

Servant of the Forgiver

Abdul-Hakam Servant of the Arbitrator AbdulServant of the Wise Servant of the Mild, Patient Haleem Servant of the Praiseworthy, AbdulServant of the Respected, the Ever-Praised Haseeb Esteemed Servant of the Great, Abdul-Jaleel Abdul-Qaadir Servant of the Capable Revered AbdulServant of the Noble, Abdul-Lateef Servant of the Kind Kareem Generous AbdulServant of the Giver of Might and Servant of the Glorious Abdul-Muiz Majeed Glory AbdulAbdulServant of the Most High Servant of the Responder Mutaal Mujeeb AbdulAbdulServant of the Supervising, the Servant of the Firm, Strong Mateen Muhaimin Guardian, the Protector AbdulServant of the Helper, AbdulServant of the Most Holy Nasser Granting Victory Qudoos AbdulServant of the Subduer, the Servant of the One Who Raises Abdul-Raafi' Qahaar Almighty (intellect, esteem), Elevates AbdulServant of the Most AbdulServant of the Mercifully Raheem Compassionate Rahmaan Gracious

AbdulRasheed AbdulSalaam AbdulKhaaliq AbdulSamad

Servant of the Rightly Guided


Servant of the Peace

Abdul-Raouf Servant of the Most Merciful

Servant of the Creator

Abdul-Saboor Servant of the Patient

Servant of the Eternal

Abdul-Samee' Servant of the All-Hearing


Servant of God

AbdulTawaab AbdulWaahid Abaan Al Abbas Abed Adham Aadil

Servant of the Forgiver Servant of the One

AbdulShakoor AbdulWadood AbdulWahaab Abbas Abedin Adnan Ashraf Afeef

Alaa Ali Ameer

Old Arabic name Description of a lion Worshipper Black Just Commendable, Praiseworthy Nobility, Excellence Excellent, Noble Ruler, Prince


Populous, Full, Prosperous Ammar


Old Arabic name


Anees Awad Ayman

Close friend Reward, Compensation Lucky, On the right The most shining, Azhar Luminous The companion of Prophet Abu Bakr Muhammad Aasim Protector Ataa Gift Badr Udeen Full moon of the Faith

Servant of the Maintainer, the Provider

Servant of the Most Thankful Servant of the Loving Servant of the Giver Description of a lion Worshippers Proper name More Honorable Chaste, Modest


Most Generous

Alaa Udeen Ameen Amjad

Aarif Ayoob Aws

Excellence of Religion Faithful, Trustworthy More Glorious The builder, constructor, one who prays and fasts a great deal A group of people (as opposed to other creatures) Acquainted, Knowledgable A Prophet's name Name of a tree


Determined, Resolved

Abul Khayr

One who does good

Asif Arsh Baha

Forgivness Dominion , Crown Beautiful, Magnificent


Baha Udeen The magnificent of the Faith Baahir Bahiy Udeen The magnificent of the Faith Bashaar Basel Brave Basaam Baasim


Bishr Joy Dawoud A Prophet's name Diyaa Udeen Brightness of the Faith Fadl Outstanding, Honorable Fahad Lynx Faakhir Proud, Excellent Fareed Unique He who distinguishes truth Faarooq from falsehood Fawaz Successful Faris Perspicacity Ghaalib Victor Ghaazi Conqueror Haady Guiding to the right Hamza Lion Humam Courageous and generous Haaroon A Prophet's name Name of the Prophet's Haashim grandfather, Old Arabic name Haatim Judge Haashim Generosity Husaam


Ihsaan Houd Idrees Imaad Imraan Iesa Isaam Izz Udeen

Beneficence A Prophet's name A Prophet's name Support, Pillar A Prophet's name A Prophet's name Safeguard Might of the Faith

Burhaan Dhul Fiqaar Fadi Fadl Ullah Faisal Fakhry Faaris

Dazzling, Brilliant Bringer of glad tidings Smiling The Prophet's Muezzin (person who calls to prayer) Proof The name of the Prophet's Sword Redeemer The excellence of God Decisive Honorary Horseman, Knight


Clever, Smart

Fidaa Fuad Ghasaan Ghiyaath Haamid Haani Haarith Hassan

Redemption, Sacrifice Heart Old Arabic name Succorer Praising (God), Loving (God) Happy, Delighted, Content Plowman, Old Arabic name Beautiful



Haytham Huthayfa Husaam Udeen Hussein Ibraheem Ikrimah Imaad Udeen Irfaan Is-haaq Ismaael Jaabir

Young hawk Old Arabic name


The sword of the Faith Beautiful A Prophet's name Female of a pigeon The pillar of the Faith Thankfulness A Prophet's name A Prophet's name Consoler, Comforter

Jaafar Jamaal Jameel Jawad Kaamil Khairy Khaldoon Khaleel Labeeb Lutfi Ma'n Mahdy Mahmoud Majd Majdy Mamnoon Marwan Masoud Maazin Muaath Muayid Muhannad Muhsin Mujaahid Munthir Muntasir Moosa Muslim Mutasim Mutaa Muwafaq Nabeeh Natheer

Rivulet Beauty Beautiful Openhanded, Generous Perfect Charitable, Beneficent Old Arabic name Friend Sensible, Intelligent Kind and friendly Benefit Guided to the right path Praised Glory

Jalaal Glory of the Faith Jamaal Udeen Beauty of the Faith Jihad To Strive for Kamal Perfection Kareem Generous, Noble Khair Udeen The good of the Faith Khalid Eternal Khuzaymah Old Arabic name Luqmaan A Prophet's name Lu'ay Proper name Ma'd An old Arabian tribe's name Maahir Skilled Makeen Strong, Firm Majd Udeen The glory of the Faith One who is commended, Praised, Glorious Mamdouh Glorified Trustworthy Mansour Aided (by God), Victorious Old Arabic name Marzouq Blessed (by God), Fortunate Happy, Lucky Maysarah Ease, Comfort Proper name Misbaah Lamp A young dog or fox (First Protected Ma'awiya Umayyad Khalifah) Supported Muhammad Praised Sword Mufeed Useful Beneficent, Charitable Muhtady Rightly guided Fighter (in the way of Allah) Mukhtaar Chosen Warner, Cautioner Muneer Brilliant, Shining Victorious Murtadhy Satisfied, Content A Prophet's name Musad Unfettered camel Chosen (One of the Prophet Submitting himself to God Mustafa Muhammad's names) Adhering (to Faith, to God) Mutazz Proud, Mighty Obeyed Mutee Obedient Successful Nabhan Noble, Outstanding Noble, Outstanding Nabeel Noble Warner Nadeem Friend

Naadir Najeeb Najm Udeen Naasih Nasser Udeen Nazeeh Nooh Noori Omar Omeir Qasim Qays Qutaybah Rabee' Ragheb Rajab Raamiz Rashid Ridha Riyadh Saabir Safwan Saad Saajid

Dear, Rare Of noble descent The star of the Faith Advisor Protector of the Faith

Naeem Naajy Naa'il Naseem

Comfort, Ease, Tranquil Safe Acquirer, Earner Fresh air Generous, Old Arabic name for Nawfal the sea Naathim Arranger, Adjuster Nu'man (Blood) Old Arabic name Noor Udeen Brightness of the Faith Omran Solid structure Ossama One of the names of the lion. Qatadah A hardwood tree Qudamah Courage Rabah Gainer Rafee' Kind friend Ra'ed Leader

Pure, Chaste A Prophet's name Shining Life, long living Long living Divider Firm Irritable, Impatient Spring Desirous The seventh month of the Raakin Muslim year Symbol Rashad Rightly guided, Having the Raatib true Faith Contentment

Gardens Patient Old Arabic name (rocks) Good luck One who worships God The righteousness of the Salah Udeen Faith Salem Safe Salman Safe Samir Entertaining companion Sayf Udeen Sword of the Faith Shaady Singer Shareef Distinguished, Noble Siraaj Lamp, Light

Respectful Integrity of conduct Arranger

Sabeeh Safiy Saahir Saeed Salah

Acceptance, Good will, Name of the keeper of the Gates of Heaven Beautiful Best friend Wakeful Happy, Rivulet Righteousness


Good, Righteous

Saleem Sameer Saariyah Sayid Shafeeq Shihab Subhy

Safe Entertaining companion (man) Clouds at night Master Compassionate, Tender Flame, Blaze Early morning


Suhayb Sulayman Taahir Talha Taamir Tareef Tawfeeq Taymullah Thaqib Ubaidah Umar Umair Usaamah Wadee' Wafeeq Wajeeh Waliyullah Waseem Yaman Yaaseen Yazeed Yoosuf Zaahid Zakiy Ziyad Zaahir

Of reddish hair or complexion A Prophet's name Chaste, Modest Kind of tree One who knows dates Rare, Uncommon Success, Reconciliation Servant of God Shooting Star Servant of God Old Arabic name (Second Khalifah) Old Arabic name Description of a lion Calm, Peaceful Successful Noble Supporter of God Graceful, Good looking Proper name One of the Prophet Muhammad's names To increase, Grow, Enhance A Prophet's name Abstemious, Ascetic Pure Superabundance Bright, Shining


Name of a star

Suoud Talal Tamam Tarfah Tariq Tayseer Thaabit Ubaadah Ubay

Good luck Nice, Admirable Generous Kind of tree Name of a star Facilitation Firm Old Arabic name Old Arabic name


Old Arabic name

Uqbah Utbah Waahid Waa'il Waleed Waliyudeen Yahyaa Yasaar

The end of everything Old Arabic name Single, Exclusively, Unequalled Coming back (for shelter) Newborn child Supporter of the Faith A Prophet's name Ease, Wealth



Yoonus Zaafir Zakariya Zayd Zuhayr

A Prophet's name Victorious A Prophet's name Superabundance Bright

Names of Female Name Abeer Aadab

Meaning Fragrance Hope and need

Name Ablaa Adeela

Meaning Perfectly formed Equal




White Witty; one who has pleasant Afrah Happiness Ahlam dreams; imaginative Ahd Pledge; Knowledge Aida Visiting; Returning Living; Prosperous; Wife of Prophet Exalted; Highest social Aisha Aalia Muhammad standing Alia Exalted; Highest social standing Almas Diamond Aamaal Hopes; Aspirations Amal Hope; Aspiration Amani Wishes; Aspirations Amatullah Female servant of Allah Ameena Trustworthy; Faithful Ameera Leader; Princess Anaan Clouds Anbar Perfume; Ambergris Aneesa Friendly; of good company Anwaar Rays of light Areebah Witty and smart Areej Pleasant smell Aroob (Woman) Loving to her husband Arwa Female mountain goat One who tends to the weak and heals Asiya Asah Plant known for its greenness them One belonging to a great Asalah Purity Aseelah heritage and family Asma Daughter of Abu Bakr Aasmaa Excellent; Precious Ayeh Sign; distinct Azhaar Flowers; Blossoms Azeeza Esteemed; Precious; Cherished Azza Young female gazelle Badriya Resembling full moon Baheera Dazzling; Brilliant The name of the Queen of Bahiyaa Beautiful; Radiant Balqis Sheba Banan Finger tips Baraa'a Excelling Baasima Smiling Baseema Smiling Basheera Bringer of good tidings Basma A smile Batool Ascetic virgin Bushra Good omen Buthayna Of beautiful and tender body Dhuha Forenoon Faiza Victorious; Winner Fadheela Virtue Fadwa Name derived from self-sacrifice Falak Star Fareeda Unique Fareeha Happy; Joyful Name of Prophet Firyal Name Fatima Muhammad's daughter (Literally: accustom) Faatin Captivating Faatina Captivating Fawziya Successful; Victorious Firdoos Paradise

Ghaada Ghaydaa Haadiya Hameeda Hanan Haleema Haniya Hayaam Haifa Hind

Beautiful Young and delicate Guide to righteousness Praiseworthy Mercy Gentle; Patient Pleased; Happy Deliriously in love Slender; of beautiful body Proper name A bird which lives in a quiet area and Huma whenever it flies to the city it fills the people with joy Husn Beauty Ikraam Honor; Hospitality; Generosity Iman Faith; Belief Act of kindness; Benefaction; Inaam Bestowal Inaya Concern; Solicitude Izdihaar Flourishing; Blossoming Jameela Beautiful Jumaana Silver pearl Kameela Most perfect Kawkab Satellite Khadeeja Name of Prophet Muhammad's wife Khawlah Proper name Khulood Immortality Daughter of the prophet Mohammed Kulthoom peace be upon him Lamya Dark-lipped Leena Tender Lama Darkness of lips Maha


Majida Glorious Makaarim Of good and honorable character Manaar Guiding light (lighthouse)

Ghaaliya Ghusoon Hadiya Hana Haala Haneefa Hasna Hayat Hessa Huda

Fragrant Branches (tree) Gift Happiness Aureole True believer Beautiful Life Destiny Right guidance



Ibtihaaj Ilhaam Imtithal

Joy Intuition (Polite) Obedience



Intisaar Jala Janaan Kaamla Kareema Kawthar Khalida Khairiya Kouther

Triumph Clarity; Elucidation Heart or soul Perfect Generous; Noble River in Paradise Immortal Charitable; Good River in Jennah (paradise)


Soft to the touch

Lateefa Gentle; Kind Lubaaba The innermost essence Madeeha Praiseworthy Walking with proud swinging Maisa gait Majeeda Glorious Malak Angel Maraam Aspiration

Maryam Mawiya Maimoona Maysoon Mufeeda Muna Musheera Nabeela Nadia Nadeeda Nafeesa Naeema Najeeba

Name of Mother of Jesus Old Arabic name Auspicious; Blessed Of beautiful face and body Useful Wish; Desire Giving counsel Noble The beginning, first Equal (to another person); Rival Precious thing Living a soft, enjoyable life Of noble birth

Manaal May Maysaa Mayyada Muhja Muneera Nabeeha Nada Nadira Nadwa Naila Najaah Najiya




Najla Nashida Nasiha Nawal Nazaaha Nazeeya Nibaal Nesayem Nimaat Nuha Noor Nusayba Rabab Radhiyaa Raghd Raja Rafa Raniya Rasheeda

Of wide eyes Student One who gives valuable advice Gift Purity; Righteousness; Honesty Optimistic and full of hope Arrows Flower Blessings; Loans Intelligence; Mind Light Proper name White cloud Content; Satisfied Pleasant Hope Happiness; Prosperity Gazing Wise; Mature Transmitter (of ancient Arabic poetry)

Najya Nashita Nasira Nawar Nazeeha Nazeera Naeema Nida Nudhar Nahla Nouf Nuzha Rabeea Radhwa Raaida Rana Rand Rasha Rawdha

Attainment; Achievement Old Arabic name To walk with a swinging gait To walk with a swinging gait Heart's blood; Soul Illuminating; Shedding light Intelligent Generosity; Dew Rare, Precious Council Acquirer; Obtainer Success Safe Confidential talk; Secret conversation Victorious Energetic and full of life Victorious, helper Flower Honest Like; Equal; Matching Blessing; Loan Call Gold A drink (of water) Highest point on a mountain Pleasure trip; Excursion spot Garden Name of mountain in Medina Leader To gaze; Look Tree of good scent Young gazelle Garden


Sated with drink






Steady; Confident


Ruwayda Walking gently



Clarity; Purity; Serenity





Saleema Salma Samaah

God-inspired peace of mind; Tranquility Safe; Healthy Peaceful Generosity



Saamiya Sawda Shatha Shareefa

Elevated; Lofty Proper name Aromatic Noble


Name of a star

Suhayma Sumaiyaa Taroob Tharaa Tamadhur Wafeeqa Wajeeha Widad Wisaal Yasirah Yakootah Yumn Zaafira Zahraa Zakiyaa Zaina

Small arrow Proper name Merry Wealth Proper name Successful Eminent; Distinguished Love; Friendship Communion in love Lenient Emerald Good fortune; Success Victorious; Successful White Pure Beautiful


Saaliha Saalima Salwa Samar

White antelope Name of the Prophet's daughter Patient Untroubled; Serene; Pure; Best friend Smooth; Soft (ground); Fluent; Flowing (style) Good; Useful

Safe; Healthy Quail; Solace Evening conversations Entertaining companion Sameera (woman) Sana Resplendence; Brilliance Sawsan Lily of the valley Shaadiya Singer Sihaam Arrows Smooth; Soft (ground); Suhayla Fluent; Flowing (style) Suhair Proper name Taahira Pure; Chaste Thanaa Thankfulness Thuraya Star Wafa Faithfulness Wafiya Loyal; Faithful Warda Rose Wijdan Ecstasy; Sentiment Yasmeen Jasmine Yafiah High Yamha Dove Yusraa Proper name Zahira Shining; Luminous Zahrah Flower; Beauty; Star Zainab Name of Prophet's daughter

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