89c51 Raining Cou > Lesson6

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 10
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ds 1

dseg at 50h tick: ds 1 sec100: ds 1 sec: ds 1 min: ds 1 hour: ds 1 timer3: ds 1 cseg at 8000h jmp start org 8100h

;---- initialization code ---------------start: orl tmod,#1 ; set timer0 to mode1 setb tr0 mov flag1,#0 mov sec,#0 mov min,#59h mov hour,#17h ;-------- main loop running -------------main: call wait_tick call update_clock call LED_on call LED_off call print_time jmp main ;------- subroutines ---------------------wait_tick: jnb tf0,$ clr tf0 orl th0,#0dch ret ; blink LED every second blink_led: inc tick mov a,tick cjne a,#50,exit1 mov tick,#0 cpl led exit1: ret update_clock: inc sec100 mov a,sec100 cjne a,#100,exit2 mov sec100,#0 setb flag1.0 setb flag1.1 mov a,sec add a,#1 da a mov sec,a

cjne a,#60h,exit2 mov sec,#0 mov a,min add a,#1 da a mov min,a cjne a,#60h,exit2 mov min,#0 mov a,hour add a,#1 da a mov hour,a cjne a,#24h,exit2 mov hour,#0 exit2: ret print_time: jnb flag1.0,exit_print_time clr flag1.0 print_time1: mov a,#cr call cout mov a,hour call phex mov a,#':' call cout mov a,min call phex mov a,#':' call cout mov a,sec call phex exit_print_time: ret LED_on: jnb flag1.1,exit_LED_on clr flag1.1 setb flag1.2 clr LED

exit_LED_on: ret LED_off: jnb flag1.2,exit_LED_off inc timer3 mov a,timer3 cjne a,#5,exit_LED_off mov timer3,#0 clr flag1.2 setb LED exit_LED_off: ret

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equ P1.7 equ 13 dseg at 20h


ds 1

dseg at 50h tick: ds 1 sec100: ds 1 sec: ds 1 min: ds 1

hour: ds 1 timer3: ds 1

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079=&D@>E =>$183'/1"52<15A1&>$17.50.381')1)'874$1.$7$3&1.;//'/01&3)6)1'/1A5.$($.14557, ;-------- main loop running -------------main: call wait_tick call update_clock call LED_on call LED_off call print_time jmp main

=>$1%5/%$7&1')1&>$1)38$13)12$)%.'"$21'/14$))5/1E,1-$1;)$1&'8$.1&51A5.%$1$3%>1&3)61&5 $X$%;&$1$($.<1+@8)1&'%6,1U5?$($.1?$1%3/1/5&1>3($13441&3)6)1)&3.&1.;//'/013&1&>$1)38$ &'8$B1)'/%$1?$1>3($15/4<15/$1GIY,1-$1&>$/10'($131)>5.&17$.'5215A1&'8$1A5.1$3%>1&3)6 $X$%;&'5/,1R$%3441&>$1&3)61.;//'/012'30.381303'/B1?$1)$$1/5?1?$1>3($1A'($1&3)6)1'/1&>$ +@8)14557, TF0=1








-$1%3/1)3<1&>3&1$3%>1&3)61?'441.$7$3&1$X$%;&'5/1$($.<1+@8),1:51&>$1A;/%&'5/1&>3&1.$Z;'.$) &'8$1%5/&.541%3/1;)$1+@8)1&'%61&51%5;/&,1-$1)$$1&>3&1&>$1+@8)1&'%61')131%.'&'%341&'8$1$($/&B )51?$1%3/1/5&1>3($1&3)61&>3&1.;/)1A5.$($.14557,1=>$1)54;&'5/1&514$&1&3)61)&3.&1$X$%;&'5/1') &51;)$1A4301)'0/34'/0,1-$1?'441)$$1>5?1&51;)$1A4301&51A5.%$1310'($/1&3)61&51)&3.&1$X$%;&'5/ 5/143&$., O5?14$&1;)1)&;2<1&>$12$&3'4)15A1&>$1);".5;&'/$), wait_tick wait_tick: jnb tf0,$ clr tf0 orl th0,#0dch ret ='8$@1')1)$&1&51+[\"'&1%5;/&$.,1=>$1.$4532$21%5;/&1NG@@U1?'441)$&1&'8$.1A430B1=P@1$($.< +@8),1->$/1)$&B1&>$1%52$1%4$3.)1'&13/21.$4532)1NG@@1&51='8$.@,1=>')1)7$%'341&3)61?'44 $X'&1?>$/1=P@1')1)$&17.5('2'/01"$0'/15A1$X$%;&'5/1&>$1A5445?'/01&3)6), Update_clock update_clock: inc sec100 mov a,sec100 cjne a,#100,exit2 mov sec100,#0 setb flag1.0 setb flag1.1

mov a,sec add a,#1 da a mov sec,a cjne a,#60h,exit2 mov sec,#0 mov a,min add a,#1 da a mov min,a cjne a,#60h,exit2 mov min,#0 mov a,hour add a,#1 da a mov hour,a cjne a,#24h,exit2 mov hour,#0 exit2: ret =>')1&3)61;723&$)1%;..$/&1&'8$1"<1>3('/01)$%+@@1&51%5;/&1+@@1&'8$)1A5.1+@@X+@8)15.15/$ )$%5/2, ->$/1)$%+@@1')1$Z;341+@@B1&>$1)$%1(3.'3"4$1?'441'/%.$8$/&1"<1322'/01&51+,1=>$1)$% (3.'3"4$1')1FGN1/;8"$.,1->$/1)$%1(3.'3"4$1')1$Z;341[@UB1'&1?3)1%4$3.$21&51@13/218'/;&$ ?3)1'/%.$8$/&$2, mov a,sec add a,#1 da a mov sec,a cjne a,#60h,exit2 mov sec,#0 P430+,@13/21P430+,+13.$1)$&1$($.<15/$\)$%5/2,1P430+,@1)'0/34)17.'/&]&'8$,1P430+,+1)'0/34) CMN]5/, setb flag1.0 setb flag1.1

LED_on LED_on: jnb flag1.1,exit_LED_on clr flag1.1 setb flag1.2 clr LED exit_LED_on: ret =>$1A;/%&'5/1CMN]5/1?'441$X$%;&$15/4<1'A1P430+,+1')1)$&,1TA1P430+,+1')1^$.5B1'&1?'441$X'&, TA1P430+,+1)$&)B1'&1?'441"$1%4$3.$2,1P430+,91?'441"$1)$&1A5.1CMN]5AA1A;/%&'5/B13/21&>$1CMN ?'441&;./15/, LED_off LED_off: jnb flag1.2,exit_LED_off inc timer3 mov a,timer3 cjne a,#5,exit_LED_off mov timer3,#0 clr flag1.2 setb LED exit_LED_off: ret =>$1A;/%&'5/1CMN]5AA1?'441.;/15/4<1'A1P430+,91')1)$&,1->$/1P430+,91)$&B1&'8$.H1') '/%.$8$/&$21;/&'41E1&'%6)B1'&1?'441"$1%4$3.$213/215/"53.21CMN1?'441&;./15AA, :51?'&>1&>')18$&>52B1&>$1CMN1?'441A43)>1$($.<1)$%5/21?'&>1&'8$15/17$.'521$Z;341E@8)_ print_time print_time: jnb flag1.0,exit_print_time clr flag1.0 mov a,#cr call cout mov a,hour call phex

mov a,#':' call cout mov a,min call phex mov a,#':' call cout mov a,sec call phex exit_print_time: ret =>')1A;/%&'5/17.'/&)1%;..$/&1&'8$1&51&$.8'/341$($.<15/$1)$%5/2,1=>$17.'/&'/01?3)1)'0/34$2 "<1P430+,@, "4"*2+#"&'5F( +,!


O5?1);775)$1?$1?3/&1&51;)$1IG16$<"53.21&5132#;)&1&'8$,1C$&13221&>$1A;/%&'5/1&>3&1.$32) %>3.3%&$.1A.581)$.'34175.&1?'&>5;&1A5.$($.145571'/)'2$,1R$8$8"$.1'A1?$1;)$1%'/1A;/%&'5/B '&1?'441?3'&1;/&'41:FYP1>3)1.$%$'($21S:GTT1%>3.3%&$., cin: jnb ri,$ ; this line will wait until RI = 1 clr ri mov a,sbuf ret "4"*2+#"&'5G( +,


get_command: jnb ri,exit_get_command clr ri mov a,sbuf mov command,a ret exit_get_command: mov command,#-1 ret adjust_min: mov a,command cjne a,#'m',exit_adjust_min mov a,min add a,#1


da a mov min,a cjne a,#60h,adjust1 mov min,#0 call print_time1 ret

exit_adjust_min: ret adjust_hour: mov a,command cjne a,#'h',exit_adjust_hour mov a,hour add a,#1 da a mov hour,a cjne a,#24h,adjust2 mov hour,#0 adjust2: call print_time1 ret exit_adjust_hour: ret



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