7272 Brief-3 Professional Conduct

  • June 2020
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More details

  • Words: 281
  • Pages: 1
ASSESSMENT BRIEF Department of Performing and Screen Arts

Bachelor in Performing and Screen Arts Course No. PASA7272

Course Name Camera 3b

Semester 2

Year 2009

Lecturer (s) Dan Wagner, Alan Locke

Course Co-ordinator Dan Wagner

Marker(s) Dan Wagner

Moderator(s) Alan Locke

Assignment No. & Title

Course grade %

Due Date

Return Date


13th November

7th December


Professional Conduct

Course aim:

To enable students to consolidate a body of advanced theories, concepts and techniques relating to specialised creative practice utilising specialist camera technologies and to articulate a personal voice for camera. Learning Outcomes:

2. Employ discipline specific professional behaviour and practices. Description: This assessment looks at how you treat the equipment and facilities used in your specialty. Tutors and personnel in the technical office will be observing and noting your performance throughout the semester. Marking Criteria: 1. Engage in proactive communication with Technical Office in all instances where your use of school gear is involved. (request gear in a timely manner; inform the office of any malfunctioning or damaged equipment; advise the technical staff if you expect any gear to be returned later than indicated on your booking sheet) 25%

2. Return gear in an orderly fashion.

(cables coiled; items stowed neatly in their proper cases)


3. Return all gear, in good condition (no damage on your watch) 25% 4. Leave all school facilities in a tidy and orderly condition. (locker rooms organised and clean; all lockers closed and locked; all keys deposited in lockers or Tech Office door lockbox; studio, hallways and locker areas put back neatly and swept; care and consideration given to other students using the gear and tutors teaching with it) 25%

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