7-frequency Response

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ELECTRIC CIRCUITS THEORY 1 These lecture slides have been compiled by Mohammed LECTURE 7 SalahUdDin Ayubi. Frequency Response (Phasor Domain Analysis) 22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Dynamic Circuit Analysis Two Approaches to solving circuits with energy storage elements and time-varying inputs: • Transient Analysis (time-domain) • Phasor Analysis (frequency-domain)

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Outline • Complex numbers review – Notation – Operations

• Phasor analysis – – – – 22 August 2005

Overview Impedance Analysis steps Examples Engineer M S Ayubi


Outline • Complex numbers review – Notation – Operations

• Phasor analysis – – – – 22 August 2005

Overview Impedance Analysis steps Examples Engineer M S Ayubi


Complex Numbers • Notation – Rectangular form – Polar form – Exponential form

• Operations – Addition, subtraction – Multiplication, division – Conjugate 22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Rectangular Form z = a + jb z = complex value a, b = real values j = √-1 a = Re(z) b = Im(z) 22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Polar Form z = |z| ∠ θ z = complex value |z| = magnitude = √ a2+b2 θ = phase angle = arctan(b/a) a = |z| cos θ b = |z| sin θ 22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Exponential Form z = |z| ejθ Derived by combining rectangular & polar: z = |z| (cos θ + j sin θ ) and Euler’s Identity: ejθ = cos θ + j sin θ 22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Complex Numbers • Notation – Rectangular form – Polar form – Exponential form

• Operations – Addition, subtraction – Multiplication, division – Conjugate 22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Complex Addition x = a + jb y = c + jd x + y = (a + c) + j(b + d) x – y = (a - c) + j(b - d)

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Complex Multiplication x = |x| ∠ θ y = |y| ∠ φ xy = |x| |y| ∠ θ +φ x/y = |x| / |y| ∠ θ -φ

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Complex Conjugate x = a + jb x* = a - jb x x* = |x|2

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Example x = a + jb y = c + jd Compute x/y directly:

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Outline • Complex numbers review – Notation – Operations

• Phasor analysis – – – – 22 August 2005

Overview Impedance Analysis steps Examples Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Charles Steinmetz developed phasor analysis, introducing it at the International Electrical Congress in Chicago in 1893 “The method of calculation is considerably simplified. Whereas before we had to deal with periodic functions of an independent variable ‘time’, now we obtain a solution through the simple addition, subtraction, etc of constant numbers … Neither are we restricted to sine waves, since we can construct a general periodic function out of its sine wave components … With the aid of Ohm’s Law in its complex form any circuit or network of circuits can be analysed in the same way, and just as easily, as for direct current, provided only that all the variables are allowed to take on complex values.” -- Steinmetz, C. P., ‘Die Anwendung complexer Grössen in der Elektrotechnik’, Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, 42, 597-99; 44, 631-5; 45, 641-3; 46, 653-4, 1893 22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Charles Steinmetz developed phasor analysis, introducing it at the International Electrical Congress in Chicago in 1893 “The method of calculation is considerably simplified. Whereas before we had to deal with periodic functions of an independent variable ‘time’, now we obtain a solution through the simple addition, subtraction, etc of constant numbers … Neither are we restricted to sine waves, since we can construct a general periodic function out of its sine wave components … With the aid of Ohm’s Law in its complex form any circuit or network of circuits can be analysed in the same way, and just as easily, as for direct current, provided only that all the variables are allowed to take on complex values.” -- Steinmetz, C. P., ‘Die Anwendung complexer Grössen in der Elektrotechnik’, Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift, 42, 597-99; 44, 631-5; 45, 641-3; 46, 653-4, 1893 22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis • Original problem (time domain)

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis • Original problem (time domain) V


22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis • New, easier problem (phasor domain) (No, Really!)

5e2jt 22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis • New, easier problem (phasor domain)

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Guess a solution for v(t). Try: v(t)=Vkej2t, where Vk is a constant

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis For R=10Ω and C=2F,

0.31-j1.25 = 1.25∠ -88.6° V=Vkej2t =(1.25∠ -88.6°) ej2t 22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Back to original problem: Original input was Im(5ej2t ), so solution is Im(V) = Im{(1.25∠ -88.6°) ej2t} =1.25 sin(2t - 88.6°) V

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Summary Time Domain Circuit

Phasor Domain Circuit


Time Domain Solution

22 August 2005


Phasor Domain Solution

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor to Time Domain • Convert solution from phasor domain to time domain – If input was cos, output is cos (take real part) – If input was sin, output is sin (take imaginary part)

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Outline • Complex numbers review – Notation – Operations

• Phasor analysis – – – – 22 August 2005

Overview Impedance Analysis steps Examples Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Domain Sources • Convert time domain cos/sin source to phasor domain by keeping magnitude and phase Time Domain


22 August 2005

Phasor Domain

6∠ 30°

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Domain Impedance • Resistor – Time Domain:

vR(t) = RiR(t)

– Phasor Domain:

VRejω t = RIRejω t


22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Domain Impedance • Inductor – Time Domain:

– Phasor Domain:

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Domain Impedance • Capacitor – Time Domain:

– Phasor Domain:

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Impedance • Each phasor circuit element (R, L, C) relates phasor voltage and current by a complex constant • V=ZI Ohm’s Law in the Phasor Domain • Z = Impedance • Y = 1/Z = Admittance 22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Impedance ZR = R ZL = jω L ZC = 1/(jω C)

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Outline • Complex numbers review – Notation – Operations

• Phasor analysis – – – – 22 August 2005

Overview Impedance Analysis steps Examples Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Steps 1. Convert time-domain circuit to phasor domain •

Keep magnitude and phase of source, write impedance for R, L, C

1. Solve for desired quantities in phasor-domain •

Use same techniques as for time-domain, but with complex-valued circuit elements

1. Convert phasor-domain solution to time-domain •

Keep sin/cos and frequency of source, use magnitude and phase from phasor solution

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Example 1 • Find i(t)

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Steps 1. Convert time-domain circuit to phasor domain •

Keep magnitude and phase of source, write impedance for R, L, C

1. Solve for desired quantities in phasor-domain •

Use same techniques as for time-domain, but with complex-valued circuit elements

1. Convert phasor-domain solution to time-domain •

Keep sin/cos and frequency of source, use magnitude and phase from phasor solution

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Example 1

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Steps 1. Convert time-domain circuit to phasor domain •

Keep magnitude and phase of source, write impedance for R, L, C

1. Solve for desired quantities in phasor-domain •

Use same techniques as for time-domain, but with complex-valued circuit elements

1. Convert phasor-domain solution to time-domain •

Keep sin/cos and frequency of source, use magnitude and phase from phasor solution

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Outline • Complex numbers review – Notation – Operations

• Phasor analysis – – – – 22 August 2005

Overview Impedance Analysis steps Examples Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Example 1

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Steps 1. Convert time-domain circuit to phasor domain •

Keep magnitude and phase of source, write impedance for R, L, C

1. Solve for desired quantities in phasor-domain •

Use same techniques as for time-domain, but with complex-valued circuit elements

1. Convert phasor-domain solution to time-domain •

Keep sin/cos and frequency of source, use magnitude and phase from phasor solution

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Example 1 i(t)=Im(Iej5t) i(t)=0.09sin(5t + 42.4º) A From phasor domain

22 August 2005

Copy from time domain

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Example 2 • Find i(t)

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Steps 1. Convert time-domain circuit to phasor domain •

Keep magnitude and phase of source, write impedance for R, L, C

1. Solve for desired quantities in phasor-domain •

Use same techniques as for time-domain, but with complex-valued circuit elements

1. Convert phasor-domain solution to time-domain •

Keep sin/cos and frequency of source, use magnitude and phase from phasor solution

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Example 2

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Steps 1. Convert time-domain circuit to phasor domain •

Keep magnitude and phase of source, write impedance for R, L, C

1. Solve for desired quantities in phasor-domain •

Use same techniques as for time-domain, but with complex-valued circuit elements

1. Convert phasor-domain solution to time-domain •

Keep sin/cos and frequency of source, use magnitude and phase from phasor solution

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Example 2

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Steps 1. Convert time-domain circuit to phasor domain •

Keep magnitude and phase of source, write impedance for R, L, C

1. Solve for desired quantities in phasor-domain •

Use same techniques as for time-domain, but with complex-valued circuit elements

1. Convert phasor-domain solution to time-domain •

Keep sin/cos and frequency of source, use magnitude and phase from phasor solution

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Example 2 i(t) = Re(Iej500t) = 2.88 cos (500t – 5.9º) mA

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Example 3 • Find |Z|(ω )

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Example 3

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


|Z|(w) 5.0E+02






0.0E+00 5.0E+01

1.5E+02 Frequency (rad/s)

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Example 4 • Find ω so that |Z| = 20 Ω

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Example 4

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


Phasor Analysis Example 4 ω =14,434 rad/s ω =2π f f = 2.3KHz

22 August 2005

Engineer M S Ayubi


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