6.10 The End Of The Beginning

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  • Words: 10,942
  • Pages: 44
***NOTE: This episode would be an extended episode. Instead of 60 minutes it would be 67.***

Season 6 Episode 10 "The End of the Beginning" Previously On Lost: Maxwell and Jack finding the Epsilon Station in 6.9. Cindy telling Frank he will die if he helps Kate in 6.9. Kate, Frank and Ben at the Pala Ferry Pier looking at the Galaga in 6.9. Pierre telling Daniel the Smoke Monster runs on electromagnetic energy in 6.8. Roberta and Amelia visiting the Man with the Tubes in 6.7. Locke telling Ben he must purge the DI in 6.7. Widmore dead in 6.9. Ben having a nosebleed in 6.8 and 6.9. Sawyer and Claire being taken prisoner in 6.9. 1) EXT. PALA FERRY PIER. DAWN. The camera is focused on the Galaga as Kate, Ben, Jin and Frank walk up to it sitting next to the pier. Frank walks over to it and puts his hand on it as he turns back and looks at Ben. Frank: You've had this the whole time? Why didn't you use this earlier? Ben: I didn't know we needed it until a little while ago... like everyone else, I thought that John blew it up. Frank: Blew it up? It looks like it's in fine condition to me... Kate: Jack said he blew it, Frank... If he didn't believe it, Jack woulda left the Island a long time ago. Frank: How did he not know? He knew it was here! Ben, very cold, tilts his head towards Frank and says. Ben: What happened to your friend Desmond... it's happening to me. It's only a matter of time now.

Frank looks at Ben like "oh" as the camera cuts back to Ben and the flash sound begins... 2) --FLASH-- INT. BEN'S HOUSE. LIVING ROOM. NIGHT. SUBTITLED: "2004" We pick up from 3.13 where Locke has his arm on Alex and is walking out of the house to blow up the submarine. Ben quickly rushes to say: Ben: John, before you go you should know! Jack and I made a deal. In less than an hour he's leaving this island on that submarine, and it's a one-way ticket. The anomaly wiped out our communications. We have no way of contacting the outside world. Which means when that sub leaves, it can never come back. So whether you destroy the submarine or whether you let it go, the end result is the same. No one will find this island. Locke grabs Alex and says: Locke: Let's go. Alex looks back at Ben. Locke tugs Alex towards the door. Locke: Come on. The camera cuts to Alex and Locke outside and Alex says: Alex: You know he's manipulating you, right? Locke: How's that? Alex: That's what my father does. He manipulates people. He makes you think it's your idea, but it's his. (End of direct 3.13 footage) The camera cuts back to Ben in the house and Richard walks out of the back hallway. Ben: You secured John's father? Richard:

Yes. Why? Ben: We'll need him... I made John think it was the only way off the Island, the Galaga... all you have you to do convince him he could be trapped... John hates to be boxed into a corner. Ben looks at Richard rather untrustingly. Ben: Go, I want to be alone... Richard looks at Ben a bit strangely as well, but he turns and walks out of the house. Ben wheels himself over to the drawer and he pulls out a notepad. It already reads: "To PastMe: Mind-Trip 1: Widmore is dead. I will die soon unless she can be my constant; Time Tripping." He then skims down to "Mind-Trip 4: Locke has died. He is one with the Island now. Richard maybe untrustworthy. Keep an eye on him... He isn' (...there are dried drops of blood on the notebook after that line and the rest is incomplete)." The camera cuts to: 3) --FLASH CONTINUED-- EXT. PALA FERRY PIER. NIGHT. We see Danielle in the bushes watching Alex walk past as we did in 3.13 when Alex left John at the Ferry after she showed him where the Galaga is. The camera cuts to Locke at the controls of the submarine, but he looks really confused. Just then we hear a voice behind him: Voice: What are you doing? Locke spins around and we see Danielle! He says to her: Locke: Trying to figure out how to drive this thing... Danielle pushes Locke aside and she sits in the chair. Locke just looks at her. Locke: There's no way you... Danielle: I was French Navy for 4 years before I was recruited for the science expedition. I had 2 years training with submersibles. Locke: Well, I'm glad you decided to not trust me and tail me... can you take it across the lagoon... to the tree line?

Danielle doesn't even answer. She just starts playing with things and turns back to Locke. Danielle: You can go. Close the porthole on your way out. Locke backs up. He hesitates. Locke: How do I know you won't.... Danielle: Because, where would I go? My life is here... my daughter... she is here. Locke notices the sincerity on Danielle's face. He walks out. The camera cuts to Locke outside on the pier as Danielle takes the submarine under and across the lagoon. Locke takes out his C-4 and starts strapping it to the pier. The camera cuts to: 4) --FLASH CON'T-- INT. BEN'S HOUSE. LIVING-ROOM. NIGHT. Ben wheels himself over to the chicken that Locke took out of the fridge as he reads in his notebook: "Mind-Trip 7: The Galaga is needed in the future, so you must manipulate Locke to pretend to blow it up. If done correctly, I believe that Locke will instead hide it. I hope I'm not wrong about this. It is crucial that we have it in the future. I will..." Just then, Ben hears something outside. He quickly closes the notebook. The cover reads "The Beginning of the End: 1988". He picks up the chicken and opens the door to the fridge. Just then, Jack and Juliet come in behind him and he slips the notebook under the chicken and puts it in the fridge. Jack says: Jack: Look, I know you don't owe me anything, but I need to ask you for one last favor. Ben, almost being caught says: Ben: Don't you knock?! Ben is about to promise Jack and Juliet they will get off the island, when he knows they won't as the flash sound begins... 5) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. PALA FERRY. DAWN. Jin: We use this? Does it have bombs? Ben: No, but it will get us there undetected... which is most important.

Frank: And what are we gonna do when we get there?! Ben: We kill them... we kill them all. Kate: Jin, we need you to stay behind. Can you do that? You stay here and you give this to Jack. Kate hands a letter to Jin. Kate: He's at the Orchid. Kate hands Jin her gun. Frank: Just call him up on that radio Ben has. Ben: No, because then they all will hear it. Ben picks up the walkie and looks at his watch. He puts the walkie to his mouth. Frank looks at Kate like "what the hell is he doing?!" Ben: Attention, This is an alert. There has been a breach of the Hydra. All men are to report back to the Hydra Island, immediately! The hostiles have secured a ferry. This is a direct order of Roberta Owen. Ben puts it down. Frank: What the hell was that?! Won't Roberta hear it? Ben: Juliet should have taken care of her two minutes ago. Granted she was on schedule. Frank: I don't like this... Kate swings around and looks at Frank a bit unsure of him.

Kate: Why all of a sudden are you questioning everything, Frank? Frank looks off in the distance and he sees Cindy standing in the jungle. He swallows hard and looks back to Kate. Frank: I uh... nothing. The camera cuts back to Cindy then cuts to: 6) EXT. JUNGLE. HYDRA. DAWN. The camera is focused on a group of DI guys who run past and we hear them saying: DI GUY 1: You hear that?! DI GUY 2: I don't know why she's so worried... there are only a handful of them... DI GUY 1: I don't know, but we better listen... get our men out to figure out which ferry they took. The two guys run past just as the Hydra alarm starts to sound throughout the island. The camera does a complete 180 and hiding in the bushes overhearing their conversation is Christine, Zach and Emma. She turns to them. Christine: You hear that! They're going to save us! Zach: Cindy's dead, huh? Emma hits Zach. Emma: Don't say that about mommy! Christine looks really hurt from Emma saying that. She gets them up and says: Christine: Come on, we got to get to safety.

The 3 of them get up and they rush into the jungle, but Cindy stops dead in her tracks and holds on to the kids as she looks up and says: Christine: Who... who the hell are you?! The camera turns and reveals it is Christian: Christian: I am here to help you... with your children. Christine: What?! Look, get out of my way or... Christine starts to rush past him, but he says: Christian: I can help you get your kids' memory of you back... She stops and looks at him. Christian: But afterwards, you need to do something for me... He looks down and so does she. On the ground there is a photo of Kate. Christine looks back up at Zach and Emma then at Christian. She has a look in her eye like "I'm listening." Christian smiles as the music builds and we see:

LOST -commercial7) EXT. FIELD EPSILON STATION. DAWN. Jack, Berger, Max, Daniel and Kaname are standing around the station hatch looking down at it. Maxwell bends down to open it (it looks more like a porthole on a submarine than the Swan Hatch). As he does this his walkie goes off and we hear Ben's message to the DI. They all listen and Maxwell turns back to Jack. Maxwell: That's Linus' voice... what's he up to? Jack: I have no idea...

Maxwell: Damn it, Jack! He could screw up everything. Jack turns to Daniel and Kaname. Daniel: He said he was going to strike the Hydra. Jack: Do you know where he is?! Daniel: No... well... I... Daniel looks at Maxwell untrustingly. Jack: I'll watch him, don't worry. Maxwell: Take Berger with you... as collateral. Berger just looks at Maxwell. Berger: I vant to see zis station vat you hid from ze rest of us! Maxwell: I'll give you the grand tour later, but you need to go... we need to stop Roberta, Hans. Berger: Fine... later though! Jack looks at Kaname and Daniel. Jack: All right, go! Find out what he's up to! Daniel and Kaname shake their heads and Kaname grabs Berger. The three of them head off out towards the edges of the huge field. Jack turns to Maxwell. Jack: Open it.

Maxwell: Jack, let's get something straight. I am running the show once we get down there. Do not touch anything. Understand? Jack nods and motions for Maxwell to get on with it. Maxwell stares at Jack to make sure he is in compliance. Maxwell then turns and unscrews the porthole door after putting in some sort of code. We hear a decompression sound and the porthole clicks open. Maxwell looks back at Jack who is looking on in anticipation. Maxwell heads in and Jack follows down the ladder. 8) EXT. JUNGLE. MAIN ISLAND. DAWN. Jin is making his way through the jungle towards the Orchid when he hears whispering and he spins around. He looks around quite unsure of the situation and yells out: Jin: Sun? Just then, we see a whisp of Black Smoke whirl past him. Jin sees this and he stumbles backwards. He cocks his gun and takes off towards the Orchid again. The Smoke Monster trails behind him. 9) EXT. HYDRA ISLAND. STAFF STATION. DAWN. The sirens are sounding as Juliet and Charlotte head down towards the Staff Station and duck inside nearly missing a group of DI men as they rush past. Juliet and Charlotte head down the hallway and to a cell/room and swing open the door. Juliet sees Richard laying in there. She stares at him, unsure of what to do. She says: Juliet: I suppose this is what you had in store for me... my mark? Richard: You are my fail-safe, Juliet. I knew you would be the one to save us from Roberta. Did you kill her? Juliet: Unlike you, Richard... I'm not a murderer. Richard jumps up, not happy at that answer. Richard: You didn't kill her?! Juliet: I didn't even know what I was doing!

Richard: I thought for sure Ben knew what to do... Damn it! Richard runs past Juliet and down the hall. Charlotte screams from down the hall and Juliet turns and looks as Charlotte lets Sawyer and Claire out of their cell. Juliet turns and sees Sawyer. Sawyer and Juliet rush towards each-other, until Claire pushes Sawyer out of the way and runs towards Juliet jumping at her and taking her to the floor! Claire smacks Juliet across the face as hard as she can! Claire: Where is Aaron!? What did you do with Aaron!? Juliet: We'll get him back, Claire... I promise! Claire smacks Juliet again. Claire: You promise?! How dare you! Claire is about to slap Juliet again, but we hear the cocking of a gun and she looks up. Standing there is Sanjit and he has a gun pointed directly at Claire and the others. He looks up at Richard's open room and he says: Sanjit: 10) INT. GALAGA. DAWN.

Yes, Juliet... how dare you...

Kate and Ben are sitting in the Galaga in the bed area as Frank is up front at the controls. He is manning his way towards the Hydra. The camera cuts back to Kate and Ben. Kate looks real nervous. Kate: Is it hard? Ben: Is what hard? Kate: Being responsible for the entire Island? Ben smirks. He looks up at Kate, sincere with a half smile on his face. Ben:

The short answer is yes... Kate: How... how can I... How can I dedicate myself to something I'm not even sure I believe in. Ben: You're never fully dedicated unless you have faith in this place, Kate. Kate: I don't think I do... Ben: Do you know how many times I almost gave up on this place... just wanted to leave and live a normal life... like the one you had? Ben thinks about his choice in words describing Kate's life as normal. Ben: In a lot of ways... we aren't very different. You always ran, me... I was afraid to run. You never had a commitment, all I ever had was a commitment to the Island. You always wanted more, but me... I just wanted this. Kate: How's that the same? Ben: Because Kate... we, me and you, deep down... we're the same person. You and I, we always put ourselves first. We do what is best for us. We don't care who we hurt in the process... until today. You, you found yourself today. You came back to this Island and you are putting your life on the line for Aaron and your friends. You are putting your life on the line for this Island and what needs to be done to protect it... That's why there is no room here for me. I'm not what the Island wanted. I never was. I was just a pawn... a means of getting you from point A to point B... Kate: But... today, you're putting your life on the line for everything that is right. You are saving them, our friends... and the Island. Ben smiles and looks down. Ben: Yeah, Kate... that's what I'm doing. Kate looks at him wary of his sarcastic tone.

Ben: Kate, I'm not gonna last much longer... I don't have a choice. This is your Island now... Kate: Well, I don't know if I want it. Kate smiles a fake smile and gets up and walks up towards where Frank is. Ben looks away and says to himself: Ben: And that's why I have take it away... Up front we see Frank and Kate. Frank turns to Kate and says: Frank: I think I can get it close to the spot where I docked the boat. Kate: What boat? Frank: Giovanni's fishing boat... Kate looks at Frank oddly. He looks back at her and says: Frank: Long story... Kate: Yeah... get us as close as you can. Frank: Am I going to die? Kate: Wha... why would you ask me that? Frank, what's been wrong with you? Frank: I just have a bad feeling. Kate spins Frank around and looks at him in the eye. Kate:

I saved you from the tree when you were bleeding to death, didn't I? From now on, I won't let anything happen to you, Frank. I promise you that. Frank smiles and turns back to the controls. Kate seems to be a bit more confident in herself as Ben stands behind her not looking as confident in Kate as she seems to be and the flash sound begins... 11) --FLASH-- EXT. BARRACKS. DAY. SUBTITLED: "1998" Ben is sitting out on his front-porch with Amelia. They are sipping on some iced-tea and Ben is watching a 10 year old Alex playing a cops-and-robbers type game with a boy about the same age. Ben turns to Amelia and says: Ben: And you think this was a good idea? Amelia: Oh, Richard thinks it would be good for Alex to have someone her own age around. Ben looks at Amelia. He doesn't seem like he likes the mention of Richard. Ben: I don't really care what Richard thinks, what do you think? Amelia: I think sending Karl back out to the outside could compromise our whole operation. Besides, we are his only family. After his mother died in childbirth and his father, that shameful man, killed himself... Karl needs people around who love him. Ben: Well, Amelia, with Karl being the only male around that is Alex's age... you know what is bound to happen in a few years time... Amelia: Well, we will deal with that when the time comes. Ben: Yes, indeed we will. Just then, Alex runs over towards the merry-go-round (playground style) and she jumps on as little Karl pretends to shoot her. She yells over to Ben and screams: Alex:

Daddy! Come turn me! Ben walks over and he starts spinning the merry-go-round and Alex goes round and round in circles. Ben seems lost in thought and he continues to push her around and around and the merry-go-round picks up speed. Alex starts to get scared and she screams: Alex: Stop! Daddy! That's too fast! Ben doesn't seem to hear her and Alex goes tumbling off the merry-go-round and falls to the ground. Ben snaps out of his daydream and he rushes over to Alex. He bends down next to her and he looks at her knee which has been scraped. Alex is crying and Ben looks down at her. Alex: Why didn't you listen to me?! Ben: I'm so sorry, Alex, I was thinking about something else... Alex: You're always thinking about something else... Ben looks away, guilty. He gets a very serious look on his face and he looks into Alex's eyes with intensity. He says to her: Ben: From now on, I won't let anything happen to you, Alex. I promise you that. That statement echos what Kate just told Frank. Alex and Ben share a moment, which is quickly interrupted by little Karl, who runs up to Alex with his gun and holds it to her head and says: Karl: Bang! Bang! Got you!! Ben, furious, grabs the gun out of Karl's hand and throws it towards the houses. Amelia stands up and notices Ben's anger and watches. Amelia: Ben! He was just playing! Ben turns to Amelia and gives her a dirty look and he walks across the lawn into his house. He goes straight for the drawer next to the fridge and opens it and pulls out the notebook we saw in the earlier flash. He opens "The Beginning of the End" and reads down to "Mind-Trip 2: Alex is dead. She was shot to death by the Freighter Men who Kaname told you back in 1988 would someday come to the Island. There is nothing you can do. You can't

change this. Unfortunately, it is something that needs to happen. A sacrifice you must make for the Island." Ben closes the book. He looks out the window towards Alex. Ben: The hell if I will... Ben then picks up the manual to the Temple. Underneath he writes: "The Safe-haven." Ben closes his flash notebook and puts it into the drawer. The music builds and cuts to: --commercial-12) INT. ROBERTA'S OFFICE. MORNING. Roberta awakes from when Juliet knocked her unconscious on the floor of her office. Standing over her is Gina, the Asian doctor that helped try to save Sun's life. Gina is shaking Roberta and Roberta says: Roberta: Richard... he... he lied about the fail-safe... where is Charlotte?! Gina: I... I don't know. Roberta: She's going to ruin it! The end won't come now! Gina: I thought we were preventing the end... what is going on?! Roberta: Why is the alarm sounding? Gina: The hostiles... they secured one of the ferries... they're on their way here. Roberta rubs her head and thinks for a moment. Something strikes her. Roberta: Damn it! Maxwell! Roberta grabs Gina's walkie and switches it to a different channel and she says: Roberta: Hello. Construction division, come in.

DI Guy: This is Ralph, go ahead Ms. Owen. Roberta: Where are you? DI Guy: We just finished up the Swan Station... Roberta: Never-mind that, I need you to get to the Epsilon station... I trust you know where that is since you constructed it, Ralph. Ralph: Yes. Roberta: Clark Maxwell will be going there, if he isn't already there. You must stop him... by all means... shoot to kill. Gina's eyes light up with fear and she turns to Roberta. Gina: What are you doing?! Roberta: Saving the last 35 years of my work! Gina: If they send it back, shouldn't we initiate the destruction sequence?! Roberta turns to Gina and says to Gina in a mean tone: Roberta: That won't be necessary, Gina. I have a much larger destruction sequence that will take care of that.... Roberta stands up and rushes out of the office. Gina stands there, unsure of what to do. She turns and also rushes out of the office. The camera cuts to: 13) INT. EPSILON STATION. MORNING. Jack and Maxwell are down inside of the Epsilon Station. It is a circular station carved out of rock with lights hanging on the rock walls that you would find in a coal mine. Jack walks

over to the wall and puts his hand up to it and notices little specks of a shiny mineral in it. Jack picks one out and turns back to Maxwell and holds it up. Maxwell: Holmium. Jack: The stuff that... Maxwell: Yeah, the stuff that creates the electromagnetic anomalies. The stuff the Island runs on. Jack: Isn't it rare? Ben said it was rare. Maxwell: Very. Jack: Where did it come from? Maxwell: Haven't you noticed where we are? I mean... geographically, on this Island? Jack thinks. Jack: A crater. Maxwell: The meteor crashed here some time ago. For millions of years the meteor is on a rotation that nearly misses Earth... but one time... one time it hit. Here, this Island. Jack: That's why the Island is so special. Maxwell: Well, put simply, yes. It's negative charged electron count is phenomenal. Jack: Why are we here?

Maxwell: Well, Jack, like any good scientist, I have a back-up plan for safety measures. Maxwell steps out of the way and in the center of the rock station is a computer hooked up to a lot of machines and an electrical box. In the very center is a large silvery metal core. It has veins that seem to run down into the ground and out into all of the walls of the rock station. Jack: What's that?! Maxwell: Aluminum. We drilled holes into the walls and the base of the meteor's core. Jack: Why?! I mean... why would... Maxwell: Aluminum has the highest proton count, Jack. Do you understand? Jack thinks and looks at one of the Aluminum veins down into the rock. He shoots a look back up at Maxwell. Jack: You mean... Voice: That's exactly what he means... Jack and Maxwell turn and standing across from them is Ralph. Ralph takes aim at Maxwell. The music builds and the camera cuts to: 14) EXT. JUNGLE. MAIN ISLAND. MORNING. Daniel, Kaname and Dr. Berger are making their way to the Pala Ferry. Dr. Berger steps on a rock and twists his ankle. He screams in pain and Daniel and Kaname turn around. Dr. Berger drops to the ground holding his ankle. Daniel: You ok?! Dr. Berger: Ah, damn it! I zink I sprained it! Kaname turns to Daniel and looks worried and rushed. He says:

Kaname: Grab is arm, we'll carry him. Dr. Berger flings his hand up and says: Dr. Berger: No... you go on. Find Linus! I vill catch up. Dan and Kaname look at each-other and turn back. Dan says to Berger. Dan: We'll be back. Ok? Dr. Berger shakes his head and waves them off. Dan and Kaname turns and head off towards the pier. They pick up their pace and Dan says to Kaname: Dan: What'd they do to you back there... at the Orchid? Kaname: I uh... it's a long story, man... and one I'd rather not tell right now. Dan just looks at him. Just then they stop and look up. Standing there is Jin! Daniel's eyes light up and he rushes over to Jin and says: Daniel: Buddy! You're safe! How'd you get here?!.... Where's Sun? Jin looks down. Daniel realizes that isn't good. He moves in closer to Jin and he puts his arm around him. Daniel: I'm sorry, buddy. Jin fakes a smile and then something catches his attention! The camera turns back and we see Berger hobbling towards them. Berger: I zink I can keep up! Jin, without thinking, pushes Daniel out of the way and aims his gun at Berger! Kaname: No! Jin! He's with...

Jin doesn't let him finish. Jin raises the gun and BANG BANG BANG!!! Dr. Berger stops dead in his tracks and looks down. There are bullet holes all through him! Kaname: Jin! What'd you do?! Jin, not understanding that he just shot a good guy, turns to Daniel as Dr. Berger falls to the ground, dead. They all look at each-other, speechless in the silence. Just then, SCREECH!!!! A tree is ripped out of the ground! They all turn and see the Smoke Monster coming at them full speed! They turn and the three of them run off as the camera pans down to Dr. Berger's lifeless body. 15) INT. ROOM 23 BUILDING. MORNING. Christian and Christine walk into the building and they walk over to a desk that has a box on it. Christian points down at a box sitting on the desk that says: "To be Destroyed prior to Reverse Protocol: Harper Stanhope Files" Christian: Open it. Christine hesitates and she opens the box. There are files on everyone that Harper has ever encountered. She flips through and finds the files for Zach and Emma. She looks up at Christian and he says: Christian: Your answers are in there. Christine: How will this help? They are just files. Christian: Trust me. Christine opens up the file and in bold red it is stamped "Room 23 Psycho-Conditioned." She reads down over the file and pictures of Zach and Emma with Cindy. The kids look happy. She looks back at the kids and they are just standing there looking dirty and sad. She turns back Christian and says: Christine: Fine, I'll help you... I can't... I can't stand to see them like this. Christian: Good. Look down at page 4. There should be a box that says "Reverse Trigger."

Christine flip to page 4 and sure enough there is a box that says that. She reads over it and looks up at Christian. Christine: You mean, this is all I have to do? Christian: Yep. Christine's eyes light up and she turns back to her kids, but Christian stops her. Christian: If you don't follow through with our agreement, then I will personally make sure you never see your children again, do you understand me? Christine: I... I understand. Christine looks down. Christian smiles. Christine: I'll take care of Kate. The camera focuses on Christine's face and she looks a bit sorrowful after that statement. The camera cuts to: 16) EXT. HYDRA BEACH. MORNING. Kate, Ben and Frank come out of the water. We can see the top of the submarine sticking out of the water in the background. Frank looks at the two of them and says: Frank: There's something I need to do... I'll meet you guys back here. Kate: No! Frank! You don't... Frank runs off, not paying attention. Kate turns to Ben and says: Kate: Ok, I'll go after our friends... you, you do what you have to do. Ben: No, Kate... I purged them once... this time, it's your turn. I'm going after Roberta myself.

Kate: I can't kill all these people, Ben! Ben: You're the leader now, aren't you? Kate: But... Ben: Sometimes being the leader means you have to make some sacrifices... Kate closes her eyes and looks down. Ben, for once showing some compassion, puts his hand on her shoulder as the flash sound begins... 17) --FLASH-- EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. SUBTITLED: "1992" Ben is wearing his DI Workman Jumpsuit as he walks out of the Sonar Fence and into the woods. He comes up to Richard, who is holding a gas-mask in his hands. Ben, who looks a bit nervous and unsure of himself says: Ben: You are sure this is the only way? Richard: I am positive, Ben. It is the only way... all other attempts to this point, they have failed. Ben: I don't... I don't see how this, how doing this will save us from it. Richard: It's like a map, Ben. Every little detail has been mapped out. This, well... this is one of the stops on the way to our destination. Ben: Yeah, I get it... saving the world. Richard: Yes. You will understand someday, Ben. Ben:

What's to come... I mean, how do you know all this? Richard: The prophecies, Ben... so far they've been right, no? Ben: Yes. I am the leader... and I've got to do this... to fulfill the prophecy. Richard: Yes, you do. You're mother had died and now, now you must kill your father. Ben, without a word, turns and walks back to the Barracks. The camera stays focused on Ben's face as he walks and his expression turns from unsteady nervousness to absolute certainty. Richard watches on almost looking sorry for Ben. 18) --FLASH CON'T-- EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. Ben looks on at the Dharma Van that his father is sitting in while waiting for Ben. Ben looks down at his notebook that we've seen earlier. He opens it and it reads: "Mind-Trip 3: Everything Richard has told you is a lie. You were never the chosen leader. There were no prophecies. He made that all up." Ben looks up at the van. He takes a pencil out of his pocket and he crosses out the word "never" so it reads "You were the chosen leader." He looks a bit mad/insane as he does this. He starts towards the van and says: Ben: I am the chosen leader... the Island just doesn't know it yet... I am the chosen leader... I am the chosen leader... Ben repeats that to himself as he walks up to the van where he is about to kill his father as the flash sound starts... 19) --END OF FLASH-- EXT. HYDRA BEACH. MORNING. Ben still has his hand on Kate's shoulder as she looks up at him. A tear rolls down her face. Ben looks at her and says: Ben: Kate... Kate: Yeah? Ben: I will spare you those sacrifices... Kate looks at him questionably. Ben then backhands Kate knocking her out! She falls to the ground. Ben looks up towards the Hydra and says:

Ben: Because this is my Island and I am the chosen leader... Ben takes off inland as the music builds and the camera cuts to: ---commercial--20) EXT. HYDRA BEACH. MORNING. Kate wakes up to someone splashing water on her face. She looks up and it is Gina! Gina backs away from Kate as Kate jumps up looking for Ben. Kate focuses her attention on Gina and rips a gun out of her back waistband. Kate: Who are you?! Gina: I saw the man, he ran towards the complex. Kate: Why are you telling me this? Gina: I was on my way, to that boat. Gina points to Giovanni's fishing boat. Kate: Why? Gina: To get away from here. Roberta is going to do something... something bad. Kate: Roberta? Kate thinks, then grabs Gina and says: Kate: You're going to take me to Roberta's office... got it? Gina: We need to get out of here!

Kate: I'll protect you, but I need your help. Gina, without much choice, nods in agreement. The camera cuts to: 21) EXT. STAFF STATION REPLICA. HYDRA ISLAND. DAY. Sanjit and another DI guy have Claire, Juliet, Sawyer and Charlotte at gunpoint as they come out of the Staff Station into the open field area in front. Sanjit's walkie goes off and he says: Roberta: Bring Charlotte Lewis to my office. Now. Sanjit: You got it. (he turns to the other DI guy) Take the red-head to Roberta. I got these guys. The DI Guy goes over to Charlotte and picks her up. He pulls her along as Sawyer attempts to get up and help her, but Sanjit fires his gun at the ground next to Sawyer. BANG! Juliet and Claire cringe and look at Sawyer. He is fine. The DI guy takes Charlotte away. Sanjit pulls out a second gun and it is an automatic. Sanjit: You guys just don't get it do you? We're done with you now. None of you are worth dealing with anymore. Sanjit aims the gun at the group as he is about to fire, but we hear a whisping noise and Sanjit's face drops and he looks at his arm. There is a knife sticking out of it! He turns and we see Walt standing in the jungle treeline! He threw the knife! Sanjit turns and aims the gun at Walt, but before he can fire he is grabbed and turned around and he is face to face with Sayid!!! Sanjit: You're dead! Sayid: I suggest you keep in better communication with your colleagues. With that, Sayid punches Sanjit in the face! Sanjit falls to the ground, but as he does this he grabs Sayid's arms and pulls him down with him. Sanjit lands on his back and with one thrust of his legs and holding on to Sayid's arms he kicks Sayid in the stomach and flings Sayid over him backwards! Sawyer jumps up and looks at Juliet and Claire. Sawyer: Get Charlotte, here.

He throws his gun to Claire and the two women run off into the jungle. Sawyer then charges towards Sanjit, but Sanjit grabs the gun laying next to him and throws it at Sawyer who is distracted and tries to catch it as Sanjit back-flips up and kicks Sawyer in the chest causing him to fall back. Sanjit then turns and backward punches Sayid who is running towards him, but Sayid grabs Sanjit's arm and pulls down on it and we hear a SNAP! Sanjit screams out in pain and falls to his knees. He clenches his teeth and side-spins kicking Sayid's legs out from under him. Sawyer gets up and grabs the gun, but Sayid flies landing on top of Sawyer. Sanjit picks up his second gun and aims it at the two men as they lay there. 22) INT. ROBERTA'S OFFICE. DAY. Kate and Gina make their way into Roberta's office. Gina runs over to Roberta's desk and she opens up a drawer and pulls out a detonation device. She hands it to Kate. Kate: What's this? Gina: It's the detonator. It will blow up all the station replicas. Kate: Why do you have this? Gina: Because... we couldn't leave a trace when we send the Island back. Kate looks really confused. Gina looks sincere and urgent. Gina: Do it! It's where all of the DI men would be. The whole new complex will blow... along with them. Kate, unsure of this, looks at Gina and realizes she is being serious and sincere. Kate opens the outer casing and she pushes a red button. A few moments go by. Nothing. Kate: What is this? Why are you helping me. Gina: I have my reasons... 23) EXT. STAFF STATION REPLICA. DAY. Sanjit is standing there with the gun to Sayid and Sawyer. Just then we hear over the intercom inside of the Staff Station.

Intercom: Station will self-detonate in :30 seconds. Sanjit turns back, unsure of what is going on, as Sawyer jumps up and grabs the gun off of Sanjit and hits him with the butt of it! Sanjit falls back, but catches himself with his one good hand on the ground and he springs back up and punches Sawyer with the same hand! Sawyer falls back and Sayid charges Sanjit and pushes him all the way back into the station! The two men fall backwards down inside the station and we hear the intercom: Intercom: :15 seconds until self-detonation. Sanjit and Sayid land beside each-other and Sanjit attempts to get up, but Sayid rolls over and pins him down. Sanjit lays there staring at Sayid and says: Sanjit: You kill me and you'll die too. Sayid: I've died once already... Death doesn't scare me anymore. Sanjit swallows hard as the timer starts to countdown. 10,9,8,7,6... The camera cuts to the outside as Walt runs up to Sawyer. Sawyer and Walt look at the station as the counter says 6,5,4... Sawyer takes Walt and pulls him away from the Station and the two of them dive down into the jungle. Sawyer turns back and the camera stays on his face as KABLAAMMM!!!! The station blows! 24) EXT. SWAN STATION REPLICA. DAY. There are DI Men running to get out of the station, but not in time as the counter says: 3,2,1. KABLAAAAM!!! The Swan replica explodes and flames rush into the air sending DI guys flying!!! 25) EXT. MAIN ISLAND. DAY. Jin, Kaname and Daniel run out of the jungle looking behind them and out of breath. They look at each-other as Daniel says: Daniel: You guys.... you guys (pants)... you all right? Kaname: Yeah... yeah, I'm ok... I think we lost that thing... Jin, you ok? They turn to Jin, but he isn't paying attention. He is looking off into the distance. Daniel and Kaname look at Jin, then look in the direction that he is staring off at. That's when they see it and their mouths drop. The camera does a complete 180 and we see it: They have come out of the jungle to the location of the 4-Toed Statue. It's standing there in complete

form towering into the sky. We finally see who it is of... it is of Richard Alpert in a Greek Style, 4 toes on the right foot, 5 on the left... when Suddenly KABLAAAAAAAM!!!! It explodes and the pieces all fall into the ocean below!!!! The camera cuts back to: 26) EXT. ENTIRE NEW HYDRA COMPLEX. DAY. The camera is at a sky view of the entire new portion of the Hydra Complex. When KABLAMMMMM!!!! The whole thing goes up in flames!!! Over the water we can see the new Piers with all the ferries also explode! KABLAAAAAM!!!! The camera cuts to: 27) INT. HYDRA STATION. OBSERVATION ROOM. MORNING. We follow someone walk down the hallway outside of Jack's holding tank in season 3. They walk past Jack's old door and they continue down to the computer room/observation room where Ben watched over the Island. The Station looks like it is in mint condition and there are buckets of paint in the hallway. There is the faint rumble in the station and the lights flicker. It must be the explosion. The POV swings open the door and sitting there is Roberta. She turns around, shocked as a gun is pointed in her face. The camera turns to reveal Ben! Roberta: I was wondering if we'd ever get a chance to meet... I'm Roberta Owen. Ben: Save it, I know who you are. Roberta: How'd you... Ben: Because if I were trying to escape danger and keep an eye on things, this is where I'd go. Ben lowers his gun. Ben: I'm here to help you. Roberta: Help me? Ben: I want the end... just as badly as you do. Roberta smiles and looks at Ben. Just then, behind Ben there is a gun raised to his head. Roberta looks behind Ben and rolls her eyes. Roberta:

How the hell'd you get out? The camera cuts back to Richard. Richard: I know you two better than anyone else here, don't I? Ben drops his head, but then he turns around and elbows Richard in the face and Richard drops his gun and Ben drops to the floor and picks up the gun and holds it to Richard's head. Ben: Apparently not as well as I know you. Ben sits there over Richard with the gun to his head as he cocks it and the flash sound begins... 28) --FLASH-- EXT. JUNGLE. DAY. SUBTITLED: "1990" Ben is walking through the jungle following someone who appears to be injured. They are stumbling through the jungle and turn back because they hear Ben crack a branch. Ben hides behind a tree as we see who the injured person is. It is Richard! Richard then turns and rushes up to a tree where he drops down. On the tree, there is a marking. It is the same as the logo for the "Epsilon Station" and that of which was branded on Juliet's back. Richard removes his pack and he pulls something out. It is a camcorder! Ben stands there watching as Richard turns on the small camera and shoots himself as he says: Richard: This is the end of attempt 87. Mostly everything to date has been successful... (cough)... except the attempts at giving Widmore the motivation to pursue the Island. I think... I think it can be done through Ben's manipulation. Widmore must return here for this to all work. This time, I have been injured by a stray bullet during one of the attacks from Horace's group. The DI isn't going as planned. I think a new protocol must be...(cough)... enacted. I think they must be purged. They've served their purpose. End of attempt 87. Richard looks down at his stomach which is bleeding badly. He takes the camera and places it deep inside of the tree's truck in a hole that looks to have been dug out. Richard then proceeds to look around to ensure that no one has been watching him. He then stands up and walks over to a stone boulder. He presses some sort of button and it swings open! Richard walks inside. Ben sees all this and looks absolutely mesmerized and he runs over and follows Richard. Richard is about to close the boulder in on himself, but Ben stops him! Richard looks at up Ben like "oh crap!" Richard: Ben! Ben:

Richard, what the hell's going on?! Richard: You, you can't come in here... Richard tries to force Ben out, but Ben over-powers him and he gets inside! He kicks Richard backwards and Richard falls down a few steps and then we see it! There are dozens of dead skeletal remains in this tomb-like hatch! Ben looks around, completely amazed. Richard sits up and very matter-of-factly says: Richard: So, you found me out, did you? Ben: Kaname came from the future... which... I suppose is where you came from. Richard: It's not that simple. Ben: Who's... what are these? Richard: I've tried so hard to keep this from you... Ben: All of these... they're... you. Aren't they?! Richard: You don't understand. Now that you know, I will just have to go back further in time to stop you from knowing. Ben stands up and he walks over to a pile of corpses. Ben: What... is all this for?! Richard, with Ben's back to him, stands up and he goes over to the wall of the cave and opens a small keypad and he types in some numbers and closes it without Ben seeing. Ben spins around. Richard:

It doesn't matter now, we're both going to die... because you had to follow me... you're going to die. Ben: What?! Just then, a smoke starts to fill the chamber. Ben looks around, frantic. Ben: What did you do?! Richard turns and he realizes that the door outside is open a crack. Ben sees this too. Ben and Richard both dive towards the door, but Ben makes it first! He kicks Richard back and he jumps outside and slams the door shut! He thinks about what just happened and he rushes around to the side of the cave and leans down beside it. He whips out his notebook and we see already written down "Mind Trip 4: Locke has died. He is one with the Island now. Richard maybe untrustworthy. Keep an eye on him... He isn' (the dried drops of blood and unfinished sentence)." This is where strikes out the "maybe" in that sentence as we saw in the first flash. Ben strikes out the maybe and then we see a flash of light in the woods. Ben peaks up through the trees and we see Richard, but... another Richard... standing there. Ben's expression shows amazement. He looks back and sees that Richard is going for the video-tape he left for himself! Just then, Ben drops his pack and Richard swings around. Ben, knowing he is caught, grabs his pack and he walks out from behind the trees and acts as if nothing is wrong. He says: Ben: Richard! There you are! I thought that when Horace shot into the woods he may have hit you, but you look ok to me! Thank God! Richard, wary at first as if he had gotten caught, now looks a bit relaxed. He turns to Ben. Richard: No, I'm fine... thanks for coming out here, though. Ben smiles the most fake smile ever and the flash sound begins... 29) --END OF FLASH-- INT. HYDRA STATION. Ben sits there on top of Richard and Richard looks at Ben as Ben must have just told him that story. Richard: You knew? Ben:

Since 1990... I knew that if I pretended I didn't know, you would never know... cause before you locked yourself in that tomb you never had the chance to tell Richard Jr. about my little discovery. Richard: I see... Ben: And Richard, I've been doing a bit of time-tripping myself... ever since Widmore died... back to 1988... leaving little notes for my past self. Richard looks at Ben, a bit surprised by all this news. Ben: So, you weren't the only one keeping secrets... and whats even more of a kicker... everything you think you've done from that point on... it has really been my doing... cause you used me all along to manipulate people into doing things for you. I knew that. Richard, you've been the one getting manipulated this whole time... you stupid bastard. Richard: Now what? Ben: I stopped switching consciousness at some point back in '88... so I must find a constant eventually. Richard: Maybe not. Ben: But you, Richard... you aren't so lucky. Your manipulation of me... it ends here. Ben puts the gun to Richard's head and he says: Ben: Goodbye, Richard. Ben pulls the trigger!!! BANG! He says to Roberta while staring at Richard's body. Ben: Bring me Charlotte. Cuts immediately to: ----commercial----

30) INT. ROBERTA'S OFFICE. DAY. Kate stands there holding the detonator looking at Gina and then drops it to the floor. Gina and Kate both look at each-other a bit shocked at what they had just done. Kate: I.... I just... I just killed.... Kate's eyes start to tear up and Gina takes her hand. Gina: You did what you had to do. For the Island. Kate just looks at Gina and rips her hand away. Kate: What the hell do you know about the Island?! Kate turns to walk out of Roberta's office, but standing there in her way is Christine! She is holding a gun to Kate. Kate: Christine! Christine aims the gun up. Kate's expression changes. Kate: Christine, what are you doing? Christine: I'm sorry, Kate... but... (tears)... I have to do this... Kate: Do what?! You don't know what you're doing! Christine holds the gun up and in the doorway we see Zach and Emma. Zach says: Zach: Mommy! What are you doing?! Kate looks at Zach. She smiles and says: Kate: You found your children! Christine... you found them!

Christine sobs and she looks back at her kids. They are standing there looking scared and obviously remember her now. Kate: You don't have to do this... Christine: He said he'd take them if I didn't! Kate: Who?! Christine: The ... his name was Christian. Kate's expression changes. Kate: He wants me dead because I'm going to get you off this Island, Christine. If you kill me... your kids won't make it off anyway. He wants me dead so I can't save us. Christine pauses and she cocks the gun. She has a trail of tears coming down her face. Just then, behind Christine walks in the DI Guy with Charlotte. Christine turns and aims the gun at him. He now has a gun pointed at Zach, Emma and Charlotte. They are at a standoff. Christine looks down at Zach and Emma. She says without looking at Kate: Christine: Go... take my children with you. Kate and Gina step forward and walk towards the door. Kate walks slowly over to Zach and Emma and takes their hands. The DI guy looks at Kate, but can't take his gun off of Christine. Kate grabs the kids and walks towards the door as Gina attempts to grab Charlotte, but the DI Guy grabs Charlotte and pulls her close. DI Guy: She stays with me. Charlotte: Go... get out of here. I'll be ok. Kate nods at Gina and Kate, Gina and the kids make their way out of the office and turn the corner. The camera focuses on Charlotte, the DI Guy and Christine as they point guns at each-other. 31) INT. EPSILON STATION. DAY.

Jack and Maxwell are held there standing against the wall as Ralph holds a gun to them. He looks like he's having a hard time holding on to it. Maxwell notices this and he says to Jack: Maxwell: What do you say we just get up and walk out of here? Jack just looks at him. Ralph: I would advise against that. Maxwell: Oh? And whys that? Ralph: I've had orders to shoot you. Maxwell: And you haven't... if I know Roberta, and I do... She would have told you to shoot me on site. Ralph: I... uh... I... I respect you too much. Maxwell: Come on, Jack. Maxwell stands up and so does Jack, but Jack with hesitation. Ralph aims the gun up at Maxwell. Ralph: Don't make me! Maxwell: Be my guest. Maxwell walks closer to Ralph in complete confidence. Jack looks at Maxwell like "what the hell are you doing?" Maxwell walks closer and Ralph aims the gun up and then, BANG!!! Nothing happens. Maxwell is standing there, fine. Maxwell walks closer and Ralph fires again! BANG BANG! Maxwell is fine! He walks up to Ralph, takes the gun out of his hand and hits him over the head with it knocking him out. Maxwell then turns to Jack and says: Maxwell:

The dumb-ass didn't realize that even though the gun is made out of titanium, the bullets are iron and nickel.... both highly magnetic. Maxwell points to the wall of the station. There are several smoking bullets sticking out of the rock. Maxwell: The second the bullets exited the gun. the magnetic pull of the Holmium pulled them off course. Jack: Oh... here I just thought you were playin' it fast and loose... Maxwell: If you haven't noticed Jack, nothing about me is fast and loose. Jack smiles. Jack: Next time, how about you clue me in. Maxwell: Next time, there won't be a next time. Get out of here Jack. Jack: Why?! What are you doing?! Maxwell: I'm putting an end to Roberta's tyranny. Go, get to the Hydra Island, there you will find my office. What you'll have to do next is in the bottom left drawer. Now... get going. Jack: What?! Maxwell: Go. Close the porthole on your way out. Maxwell winks at Jack and Jack walks over and shakes Maxwell's hand. Jack then walks over to the ladder and starts up. 32) INT. ROBERTA'S OFFICE. DAY. Christine and the DI guy are holding each-other off. Charlotte kicks the DI Guy's shin and breaks away. He turns to catch Charlotte and as he does this Christine shoots him! BANG! He falls to the floor. Christine turns to Charlotte.

Charlotte: Who the bloody hell are you?! Christine: I'm Christi... Before she can finish, BANG! The camera turns to reveal Roberta standing in the doorway with a smoking gun! Christine drops to the floor and Charlotte looks at Roberta. Charlotte looks back down at Christine, who manages to get out: Christine: Tell Zach and Emma... (coughs up blood)... that I love them... very much. She drops over, dead! Charlotte turns to Ben and Roberta. Roberta: Just in time, I see. Glad you could make it, Charlotte. Roberta walks to her desk and sits on the edge. Roberta: This is the girl... the one who could potentially put a stop to the end. If they use her to move the Island before the the event, then the end won't happen. Ben: I see. Ben turns and points his gun at Charlotte. Charlotte: What are you doing?! We're... you told me you were going to help us! Ben: I lied. This Island... is mine. If I can't save it... no one can. Ben's nose starts to bleed. Then, from the doorway, we hear it. Juliet: Ben... what are you doing? Ben turns back to her. Ben:

I'm dying, Juliet. This ship is going down with the captain. Juliet: What... Ben, you can't do this! Ben: Unless... unless you can stop it Juliet. Juliet: What makes you think I can stop this?! Ben: You... you could be my constant. Juliet just stares at Ben. Ben: All you need to do is care for me... Juliet looks at Ben and he seems so utterly sincere. Juliet looks back at him and blankly says: Juliet: Ben... Ben: Yeah? Juliet starts walking towards Ben and puts her gun down to her side. With such hate and absolute disgust she says to him: Juliet: How could you ask me to do that... Ben, I hate you... I hate you more than anyone else I've ever come across. The camera cuts to Ben, who looks bad as his nose bleeds. He looks like Juliet's words are daggers going into his heart. Juliet: You are a despicable person with only one thing... one thing on his mind. Ben, all you care about is this Island... This isn't about me... The camera shows Roberta and Charlotte watching on. Claire stands in the doorway with an eyebrow raised in awe of Juliet's words.

Juliet: Even if I said I loved you... that wouldn't be enough to save you... don't you see Ben... you can't destroy this place. It's the only thing you have ever loved... Ben looks at Juliet and he drops to the floor. Blood pouring out his nose and his eyes rolling back in his head. He is having a time-trip, the first one we've actually seen. The flash sound beings... 33) --FLASH-- EXT. ORCHID STATION. DAY. SUBTITLED: "1988" The scene picks up at the end of where we left Ben off when he got his nosebleed after sending Kaname 2 into the Orchid station in "Man in the Mirror" 6.8. He turns as Horace and the DI Guy walk off into the jungle after he lied to them about killing Daniel. Ben turns and slouches down against the station and he pulls out the notebook. The notebook as already been written in, all the notes up to this point came from earlier. He looks at the note about Kaname and the freighter people in Mind-Trip 2. Having learned that Steve is actually Kaname at the Looking Glass in 6.8, he says to himself: Ben: I understand now... Ben's eyes begin to roll back in his head and he convulses. He has switched consciousness with Ben from the present time. He looks around. He stands up and looks out over the Island. The view is absolutely beautiful. Suddenly there is a voice behind him. Voice: It's time, Benjamin. Ben swings around. Standing there is Emily Linus, Ben's mother. She smiles at him and Ben stares at her in disbelief. Ben: Mom? Emily: Benjamin. It's time... it's time for you to join me. Ben: But... this is my life. This is... the one thing I ever cared about... Emily: Benjamin... you were the only thing I cared about, but for you to go on to become the great man you are today, I had to let you go. Ben just looks at her. A tear forms in his eye and streams down his face.

Emily: It's time now, for you Ben... time to let go. Do what you were always destined to do... save the Island, save them. Ben's nose beings to bleed harder. Emily begins to fade away. Ben screams: Ben: Mom! Stay with me! Please! Emily: I'll be with you soon, my son. Emily is gone. Ben sits there staring at her with tears as he realizes something. He rips open the book and writes a final note to his past self. He reads it aloud as he writes it: Ben: Final note: Let it go. This is your destiny. The Island is your legacy. Let it go. He flips the notebook over and the cover of it is bare. He writes on it "The Beginning of the End." He closes it and he lays back as if he is accepting his fate. Through the blood and the tears, we see Ben smile... a real smile for a change. The flash sound begins... 34) --END OF FLASH-- INT. ROBERTA'S OFFICE. DAY. Ben, on his knees, looks up at Juliet as he comes out of his flash. Ben: You're right. The Island does need me. With that, Ben grabs the gun off of Juliet and turns and BANG! He shoots Roberta in the head! She falls head first into her desk! Ben turns back to Juliet and says: Ben: I promised you that you could leave the Island... you can go now, Juliet. Ben falls to the floor and his eyes roll back in his head. Juliet drops down beside him and grabs his hand and a tear falls down her face. She fights back the tears, but she bends down next to him and she whispers in his ear: Juliet: You are a great man. The camera pans up over the room as Charlotte runs to Claire and Walt and Sawyer run up and inside the office. Juliet is huddled down over Ben's body. The camera cuts to: 35) EXT. CRATER FIELD. DAY.

Jack is standing outside of the Epsilon Station when suddenly a bright flash of light shoots up through the porthole window and it even sends Jack flying backwards falling flat on his back. He looks up in the sky as the light streams upwards. The camera cuts to: 36) EXT. MAIN ISLAND. JUNGLE. DAY. Jin, Daniel and Kaname are sitting on some rocks when suddenly they hear SCREECHHHH. They all jump up to run, but the Smoke Monster grabs Kaname and lifts him into the air. Then they hear it: The loud and almost grinding sound of a HUMMMM. They look up and in the sky is the light from the Epsilon Station. Jin looks at the Smoke Monster and it is fading! Daniel looks up and the light stops. The Smoke Monster's cloud suddenly vanishes and Kaname is dropped to the ground below. The camera focuses on Kaname as he scurries to his feet and says: Kaname: What the hell happened? 37) EXT. CRATER FIELD. DAY. Jack sits up as the HUMMM stops and the light vanishes. He looks around and says to himself. Jack: The bastard turned off the Island... (Jack smiles). 38) EXT. HYDRA STATION. DAY. Kate, Gina and the kids walk up to the Hydra Station. Gina stops. Gina: This is it. Kate: What is? Gina: He's in there. Kate: Who? Gina: Him. Kate:

What is all this?! Tell me, tell me that at least! Gina: This was the original... the beginning of the DI... as you know it. What you saw, what Ben was part of... they were the new DI. Kate: Are you saying... Gina: Yes. Gina backs off as Kate looks at her funny. Kate turns and she walks up the stairs to the doors and opens them. She walks in. 39) EXT. RUBBLE FROM STAFF REPLICA EXPLOSION. DAY. We see Sayid on the edge of the rubble! He managed to somehow get out of the station before it exploded! He is all bloody and cut up though. This is when we see him fall to his knees and look up at the sky. The camera cuts behind someone who is watching in the distance and they begin to walk towards him. He turns to them and pulls a gun up and aims at it them. He looks on, in astonishment as the camera cuts to: 40) INT. THE MAN WITH THE TUBE'S OFFICE. DAY. Kate kicks the door to the office open and she draws her gun and points it at the man with the tubes sitting at his desk! The camera cuts behind him as we see the machines behind him moving up and down helping him breath. Kate looks at him and her jaw drops. The camera begins to do a complete 180 and as it comes almost fully around we hear Kate say: Kate: Desmond?!? The camera shows his face and it is Desmond! He looks much, much older, but you can tell it is Desmond! Desmond: Hello, Kate. The music builds as the camera cuts from Kate's complete shock to Desmond's old wrinkled face and the camera cuts to:

LOST --No Previews, just VO--

VO: On the Next Lost... Learn how it all began... Next week, on Lost. Cast in order of Appearance: Frank Lapidus............Jeff Fahey Ben Linus..................Michael Emerson Kate Austen...............Evangeline Lilly Jin Kwon...................Daniel Dae Kim John Locke...............Terry O'Quinn Alex........................Tania Raymonde Richard Alpert...........Nestor Carbonell Danielle Rousseau......Mira Furlan Jack Shephard...........Matthew Fox Juliet Burke..............Elizabeth Mitchell Charlotte Lewis........Rebecca Mader Cindy Chandler..........Kimberly Joseph Christine DeVries.......Jody Thompson Emma......................Kiersten Havelock Zach.......................Mickey Graue Christian Shephard....John Terry J. Clark Maxwell.........Ben Stein Daniel Faraday..........Jeremy Davies Kaname Tanizaki........Steve Tanizaki Dr. Hans Berger.........Philippe Brenninkmeyer Claire Littleton..........Emilie de Ravin James "Sawyer" Ford.Josh Holloway Sanjit.....................Hrithik Roshan Amelia....................Julie Adams Little Alex...............??? Little Karl................??? Roberta Owen..........Kathy Bates Gina.......................Song Yun-ah Walt Lloyd...............Malcolm David Kelley Sayid Jarrah............Naveen Andrews Ralph.....................??? Emily Linus..............Carrie Preston Nadia Abed Jazeem...Andrea Gabriel Desmond Hume........Henry Ian Cusick Questions Asked: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

How is Desmond there? What was up with Richard in Ben's flashback? What happens now that the electromagnetivity is turned off? What does Maxwell want Jack to find in his desk? Why was Richard the statue? Where did Frank go?

Questions Answered: 1) Desmond is the Man with the Tubes. 2) Roberta is dead. 3) Maxwell is dead.

4) Berger is dead. 5) Sanjit is dead. 6) Christine is dead. 7) Ben is dead. 8) The DI as we see it here was the beginning. 9) Richard has traveled back in time several times and has had some issues. 10) Ben knew about Richard all along since 1988. 11) Danielle helped Locke move the submarine. 12) Karl's mom died giving birth and his father shot himself. 13) The island's Holmium is from a meteor that crashed there. 14) The 4-Toed Statue was a statue of Richard Alpert.

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