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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Tarlac City Schools Division TIBAG HIGH SCHOOL (Formerly Maliwalo National High School-Annex) Tibag, Tarlac City FOURTH QUARTERLY ASSESSMENT (SY:2018-2019) ________________ Parent’s Signature Name:__________________




____1. It is a simple dialog box for graphical input/output a. JOptionPane b. JFrame ____2. A graphical window on the screen a. Frame b. Container ____3. import javax.swing.*;

c. JPanel

d. Jpane

c. Components

d. JOptionPane

public class SimpleFrame { public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame frame = new JFrame(); frame.setVisible(true); } } Is a sample program that creates and shows a _____ a. Frame b. JFrame c. SimpleFrame d. JSimpleFrame ____4. Default close operation is one of the properties of JFrame, how to set this propertis on java a. CloseOperation b. DefaulCloseOperation c. setDefaulCloseOperation d. SetOperation ____5. Setting the title of JFrame a. Title b. setTitle c. getTitle d.setgetTitle ____6. Create a set of classes/methods that can be used to write a multi-platform GUI a. Swing b. Javac c. Javax d. AWT ____7. A newer library written from the ground up that allows much powerful graphics and GUI construction a. Swing b. Javac c. Javax d. AWT ____8. Call ________ to make a frame appear on screen after creating it. a. setInvisible b. setVisible(true) c. setInvisible(true) d. setVisible ____9. It is the most common component of java a. Label b. Button c. String d. TextField

____10. it is a sample of what component of java? a. Label B. TextField c. TextArea d. String ____11. Specify exact pixel coordinates for every component a. FlowLayout c. Abstract Positioning c. Absolute Positioning d. Layout Managers ____12. Have special objects that decide where to position each component based on some criteria a. FlowLayout c. Abstract Positioning c. Absolute Positioning d. Layout Managers ____13. Here are some several common Java Layout managers except, a. FlowLayout c. GridLayout c. BoxLayout d. Layout Managers ____14. An object that holds components; it also governs their positions, sizes, resizing behavior a. Frame b. Container c. Components d. JOptionPane ____15. It treats container as a left-to-right , top-to-bottom page or paragraph a. FlowLayout c. GridLayout c. BoxLayout d. BorderLayout ____16. Create panels within panels a. FlowLayout c. Box Layout c. Composite Layout d. Layout Managers

____17. Predict output of following program int main() { int i; int arr[5] = {1}; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) printf("%d ", arr[i]); return 0;

} a.

1 followed by four garbage values

b. 1 0 0 0 0

c. 1 1 1 1 1

d. 0 0 0 0 0

____18. int main() { int a[][] = {{1,2},{3,4}}; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) printf("%d ", a[i][j]); return 0; } a. 1 2 3 4 b. Compiler Error in line “ int a[][] = {{1,2},{3,4}};” c. 4 garbage values ____19. Which of the following is FALSE about arrays on Java

d. 4 3 2 1

a. A java array is always an object b. Length of array can be changed after creation of array c. Arrays in Java are always allocated on heap d. A java array is always an array ____20. A variable that stores many values of the same type a. Element b. index c. array d. frame ____21. Array Declaration a. = new b. = new C. = d. = new ____22. Example of array declaration a. Int[] numbers = new int[10] b. Int[] numbers = new int[numbers] C Int[] numbers = int d. numbers = new int[numbers] ____23. what is the value of this program? double[] results = new double[6]; results[2] = 3.4; results[5] = -0.5; .a. 0 0 0 3.4 0 0 b. 0 0 0 3.4 0 0.5 ____24. System.out.println(data[-1]); is example of a. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException C IndexOutOfBounds

c. 0 0 3.4 0 0 0.5

d. 0 0 3.4 0 0 0.5

b. ArrayIndexOutOfBounds d. IndexOutOfBounds

____25. a.

declare the array of this output Boolean[] test = new new double [6] b. Boolean[] test = new new double [6] Test[2]=true test[3]=true C Boolean[] test = new new double [6] d. Boolean[] test = new new double [6] Test[4]=true test[5]=true ____26. What is the output of this program for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { numbers[i] = 2 * i; } a. 0|2|4|6|8|10|12|14 b. 0|3|6|9|12|15|18|21 c. 0|4|8|12|16|20|24|28 d. 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7 ____27. One value in an array. A. Element b. index c. array d. frame ____28. A 0-based integer used to access an element from an array. A. Element b. index c. array d. frame ____29. What values would be stored into the array after this code? for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { numbers[i] = i * i; } A. 0|1|4|9|16|25|36|49 b 0|2|5|10|17|26|37|50 c. 0|3|6|12|19|28|39|52 d. 0|4|7|13|20|29|40|53 ____30. assigning a value to an array element A. <array name> [ ] = ; b. <array name> [ ] = ; C <array name> [ <10> ] = ; d. <array name> [ ] = <10> ; For 31 - 40 what is the output of this program * note answer the following on the box on the right side. // This program reads several days' temperatures from the user // and computes the average and how many days were above average. import java.util.*; public class Weather { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("How many days' temperatures? "); int days = console.nextInt();

Write your answer here

int[] temperatures = new int[days]; // array to store days' temperatures int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < days; i++) { // read/store each day's temperature System.out.print("Day " + (i + 1) + "'s high temp: "); temperatures[i] = console.nextInt(); sum += temperatures[i]; } double average = (double) sum / days; int count = 0; // see if each day is above average for (int i = 0; i < days; i++) { if (temperatures[i] > average) { count++; } } // report results System.out.println("Average temp = " + average); System.out.println(count + " days above average"); } }

For 41 - 50 Write a program that will show the image below * note write your answer inside the box below.

Prepared by:


Noted: REBECCA K. SOTTO, Ph.D Principal III

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