4 Quadrant Mos Multiplier

  • November 2019
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ANALOG CMOS FOUR-QUADRANT MULTIPLIER AND DIVIDER S. Vlassis and S. Siskos Electronics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki 54006, Greece e-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT An analog CMOS four-quadrant multiplier and a twoquadrant divider circuit are introduced. The multiplier operates for a power supply f 1.5 V and its differential input range is & I V with less than 0.2% linearity error. The THD is less than 0.3% with input range up to f O . S V . The divider offers the facility of independent control of the sensitivity and has acceptable precision usefil in analog signal processing, fizzy control and instrumentation applications. Experimental results verify the simulation ones demonstrating the feasibility of both circuits. 1.


Analog multipliers and dividers are between the more important building blocks in analog signal processing, fuzzy control and instrumentation [l-31. The most popular technique in bipolar technology is the variable transconductance technique, which is based on the Gilbert's translinear principle. Recently, MOS low voltage analog multipliers based on the well-known square-law model of the MOS transistor operating in the saturation region have been presented [4-61. On the other hand, dividers require more complex circuitry. A simple way to perform the quotient operation is the use of a multiplier in the feedback path of an inverting operational amplifier [7]. Another approach is to subtract two log-amplifier outputs from one another and apply antilogarithmic operation on their derived output [SI. Other implementations utilize the voltage variable resistance of a FET or MOS transistor [9-1 I]. A recently proposed circuit uses pool circuits to realize the quotient operation [121. In addition, many sampled-data quotient circuit realizations have been presented in the literature [7], but they are limited in low frequency applications and have increased power consumption and chip area. In this work a new very simple CMOS voltage fourquadrant multiplier is proposed. The idea is based on the operation of two stacked MOS transistors that the first one operates in the saturation and the second one in the linear region. The voltage divider is based on a voltage variable resistor (VVR) circuit, which is generated from 0-7803-5471-0I99l$10.0001999 IEEE

the multiplier circuit. Both multiplier and divider have been fabricated in CMOS 2 p MIETEC technology. The theory of the circuit operation is presented along with simulated and experimental results that verify theoretical analysis. 2. CIRCUITS DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION

2.1 Multiplier circuit The proposed four-quadrant multiplier circuit is shown in fig.1. Transistors M1-M4 operate in the saturation region and Ms-Ms operate in the linear region. The drain current Id of an MOS in the saturation and in the linear region, neglecting the body effect, is given by eqs (1 a) and (lb) respectively: Id ' y k1 (vGS










= k,,, = p , c M ( ~ / ~ ) , , ~and 4 k, = k M 5 - 8 = =p, C, (W/L ) MJ-8 , are the transconductance parameters of the transistors M14 and Ms-8, respectively, pn is the electron mobility, C, is the gate capacitance and w / ~ i sthe aspect ratio of the transistors and VT is the


threshold voltage. All undefined parameters have their usual meaning. VDD




Figure 1. The circuit of the four-quadrant multiplier

The total circuit consists of four branches, as it is shown in Fig.1, formed by the transistor pairs (MI,M5),(M4,Ms)


(M3,M7) and (M2,Ms). The voltages V,,V3 and V4 are the inputs signals and the voltage Vc is the common mode voltage which bias the transistors MS-8 in the linear region. Solving the system of eqs.( 1a) and (1 b) we obtain the current drawn each branch. These currents for the four branches are given by the following equations



where v3=v,+vz,v,=v,-vz ,,,=v,+vT

and k l , kz are the transconductance parameters of transistors (MI-M4)and (M5-M,) respectively (see eq.( 1). From eq.(2-5) the currents which draw each branch are functions of two voltages; the voltages at the gates of transistors which operate at the saturation and at the linear region. Taking into account the first and the second order terms of the Taylor’s series expansion, for a function of two variables x, y around zero, the currents of each branch (eq.(2)-(5)) is expanded as

After routine calculations the total differential output current I, can be given as Io =(Il + 1 2 ) - ( I ; + I ; ) = GV,(V, -V,)=


Figure 2. The circuit of the two-quadrant divider

It has a differential input voltage Vl-V2and a differential input current I,-&, while the differential voltage V,, -VOz is the output of the circuit. Since the gates of transistors M5,8and M6,, are tied to the drains of transistor and M2.4 , respectively, the transistor M5.8operate into the linear region. The constant current IC is the common mode input current of the differential input current which establishes the common mode voltage of the differential output voltage. The equation that relate the current IC with the common mode voltage output V,, is :

From equation (7) for V3 -V4= V,, -Vat it is obtained : 1 v, = v,,- v,, = -(I, 2GV,




It is obvious from eq.( 10) that the VVR circuit realizes an equivalent resistance The-output voltage V, of the multiplier will be which is inversely proportional to the differential input voltage VI. The differential input currents IIand Zz are given by The non-linearity error is limited to be at third order terms. 2.2 Divider

The proposed divider circuit is shown in Fig.2. It consists of two parts; the fvst part is the voltage-variable resistance (the circuit in the dashed line fiame) and the second part is a second-generation current conveyor

(CCII). The voltage-variable resistance (VVR) circuit is generated from the multiplier if V,, V4 voltages are tied to the corresponding output nodes V,I and V,2.

where Ia Iw are the two output currents of the CCII. The

CCII performs two follower operations, voltage and current: VFV, and Zx= &=-Iw, where current Ix is the current at port X. Thus the two output currents are given by where V , is the input voltage at port Y of the CCII. Combining the eqs(10,12,13) the output voltage of the two-quadrant divider circuit is given by


OSV, 8KH2, while the voltage V, is a sinusoidal signal



is the sensitivity of the divider . It is

clear from eq.( 14) that the output voltage is proportional to the quotient of two analogue voltage inputs; the voltage V 2 , which is the numerator input and the voltage VI is the denominator input. The proposed circuit, also features independent control of the sensitivity by the resistance R. For easy tunability of the sensitivity the denominator G . R in the expression of the sensitivity must take considerably large values. Therefore, in order to use reasonably small values of the resistance R, the constant G must take large values. For this purpose the aspect ratio of the MI-4 and MSe8should be W / L > 1

of O.SV, 200KHz.The simulated -3dB bandwidth of the multiplier is up to 400MHz while the total harmonic distortion level of the output voltage of the multiplier circuit was found to be less than 0.3%.

1 x 1 ; '/7! .........

0 1 4-




3. EXPERIMENTAL AND SIMULATED RESULTS The CMOS four-quadrant multiplier and divider circuit was fabricated 2 p MIETEC CMOS technology. The transistors MI-M4 and M5-M8 had W/L)=100/5 and respectively. Fig.3 shows the (W/L) =20/5 microphotograph of the multiplier. The measurements conditions for the multiplier are JQ=lKR, the common mode voltage was set Vc=0.9V and the power supply was k 1SV.

.! . 1


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i...........i ...........+.....".j i . .;; .;....-..... :








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i...........j ............i. ............i.....i .... ...........j:...........:............1............4!...........;i...._..... ! i .;. ._ , , ; :j. i j . i i j i............:........... _I ..... i....!............ i...........!.-.........i...........j......:.....i........... j........... _i


Figure 4 (4a)Experimental DC transfer characteristics

of the multiplier (4b)Transient response, y-axis; CHI: O.SV/div, CH2: 0.2Vldiv (x-axis: 25ps/div) Figure 3. The microphotograph of the multiplier

Fig.4a shows the experimental DC transfer characteristics of the multiplier. It can be seen that the output voltage V, against the input voltage VI for changes of VI from -0.75V to 0.75V and V2 from -0.5V to OSV with 250mV step. The experimental and the calculated data are displayed together. This multiplier has a linear differential input range up to k l V with a nonlinearity error less than 0.2%. To demonstrate its time-domain response, two signals are applied to the proposed multiplier. FigAb shows the output voltage V, and the input voltage VI. VI is a sinusoidal signal of

For the proposed divider circuit, the CCII circuit was previously designed with only one current output Z [ 131 and fabricated now on the same chip with the VVR circuit with an additional current output W in order to implement the proposed quotient circuit. The measurement conditions are : power supply +/-2.5V, current Ic=600pA and R=lOKf2. The curves in Fig.5a show the output voltage V,-J against VI with V2 taking values from -1.2 to 1.2V with 0.3V steps. The output voltage range is *1.5V whereas the voltage VI varies from 0.05V to 1.4V with less than 1mV offset for V2=0. The experimental and the calculated data are displayed together. The relative error is less than


power supply of f 1 . 5 V and for the differential input range k 1 V has a linearity error less than 0.2%. The simulated -3dB bandwidth is up of 4OOMHz and the total harmonic distortion level was computed less than 0.3%. This multiplier is expected to be useful in many analog signal-processing applications. The divider offers the facility of independent control of the sensitivity and has acceptable precision useful in analog signal processing, fuzzy control and instrumentation applications.

52.5% for -1.2V

Figure 5. (5a) The DC transfer characteristics of the divider (5b) The transient response (axes; O.ZV/div and 20psec/div)


In this work two circuits were presented; a four-quadrant CMOS analog multiplier and a two-quadrant analog divider. The four-quadrant multiplier operates with

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