4 Integration And Inter Operation

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Day 1 Track 1 Session 3

Integration and Interoperability Michael Platt Architect Microsoft UK

Executive Email – Bill Gates


Executive Email – Bill Gates …I want to focus on two major thrusts of Microsoft’s product interoperability strategy: First, we continue to support customers’ needs for software that works well with what they have today. Second, we are working with the industry to define a new generation of software and Web services based on eXtensible Markup Language (XML)… http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/execmail/2005/02-03interoperability.asp

Executive Email – Bill Gates

Works with What You Have


Designed for Interoperabilit y

The Areas of Interoperability Management Identity Process Works with What You Have Programmatic Data Network

WS-* Designed for Web Interoperabilit Services y XML

The Areas of Interoperability Management Identity Process Programmatic

Networking Protocols TCP/IP DNS AppleTalk IPX/SPX SNA

Data Network

NFS/NIS File and Print

Network and Infrastructure Interoperability with Novell and Apple Microsoft Services for Macintosh (WS 2000 - 3) Interoperability with Apple Networking AppleTalk Routing between networks AppleTalk (PPP) Remote Access

Interoperability with file and print Windows folders and printers accessible from Macs

Microsoft Services for Netware 5.03 (web download) IPX / SPX network support Windows File and Print support for Netware File Migration Utility (Nw to Windows) Directory Synchronization Services (MSDSS) Synchronization of AD and NDS, eDirectory Tactical, NDS specific IDM solution

Network and Infrastructure Interoperability with Mainframes TCP/IP vs SNA Customer Upgrading to New z900 Mainframes IBM Retiring SNA FEP

TN3270 Distributed Link Service IP-DLC Link Service Based on IBM APPN HPR/IP (RFC 2535 IP-DLC)

APPC LU 6.2 support File AS400 / VSAM / KDS / PDS native drivers Print LU 1 and 3

Network and Infrastructure Interoperability with UNIX and Linux (SFU 3.5) Interoperability with UNIX Files and Directories NFS Support for v2 and v3 of NFS Windows NFS support as client, server or gateway ACL to mode bit mapping

NIS Support Tactical, UNIX specific IDM solution for NIS deployments Password update support

Interix Subsystem SDK contains 1,900+ UNIX APIs, 300+ UNIX Tools Tools to interoperate work same as the UNIX derivatives

C and Korn Shell

http://www.interopsystems.com/tools/ Apache, CVS….

The Areas of Interoperability Management Identity Process


Programmatic Data Network


Data Formats XML

Data Access Other Databases from the Microsoft Platform ADO.NET Managed Providers IBM DB2 DB2 UDB v7.1, v7.2, v8.1 for Windows, UNIX, and Linux DB2 (MVS) V5 through 8, DB2 (OS400) V4 through V5R2

Oracle Oracle 8i R2, R3 (8.1.6, 8.1.7) Oracle 9i R1, R2 (9.0.1, 9.2) Oracle 10g R1 (10.1)

Sybase Sybase Adaptive Server 11.5 and 11.9 Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.0, 12.5, 12.5.1

Any other database Any database accessible through OLEDB, ODBC

ODBC, OLEDB, ADO SQL Integration Services

SQL Server from Java / J2EE SQL Server 2000 JDBC driver SP2 Type 4 native driver for Websphere, Weblogic, Jbos

Data Access XML File Interoperability Parsing and Serialization XML Parsing System.Xml.XMLDocument System.Xml.XmlReader and XmlWriter Interoperability with DOM and SAX in Java implementations

XML Serialization XML Serializer in .NET for object to XML mapping Interoperable with: Sun JAXB (Java API for XML Binding) IBM WebSphere Java Beans for XML Schema BEA WebLogic Workshop Schema compiler

The Areas of Interoperability Management

Custom Channels HTTP GET

Identity Binary Channels

Process Programmatic

.NET Remoting COM Interop Mainframe

Data Network

Web Services WS-* WS-I Basic Profile SOAP, WSDL, UDDI

Programmatic Interoperability HTTP GET Call Simple, HTTP-based interoperability REST (Representational State Transfer) HTTP GET with list of parameters Very common when using Java Servlets http://site/OrderServlet?item=123&price=99&qty=1 Response returned in XML document

.NET calling HTTP-based Service Programmed via System.Net.WebRequest namespace

SQLXML toolkit enables queries from HTTP GET For example, client Perl script running on Linux

Programmatic Interoperability Binary Communication .NET Remoting Microsoft specification 3rd Party implementations for Java 1.2+ Intrinsyc Ja.NET 1.5 (http://www.intrinsyc.com) JNBridge Pro 1.5 (http://www.jnbridge.com)

RMI/IIOP Channel to CORBA objects CORBA underlying interfaces to all EJBs .NET Client Implementations Borland Janeva (http://www.borland.com) Remoting.Corba (http://remoting-corba.sourceforge.net) IIOP.NET (http://iiop-net.sourceforge.net)

COM support from .NET Call an existing COM component from .NET Import registered component and create wrapper with VS.NET

Call a new .NET component from COM Export and register type library using TLBEXP utility Call as if regular COM component

Programmatic Interoperability Mainframe Integration Screen Logic Interface (SLI) Access via Screen Scraping (3270, LU 2) Presentation Integration (3270 -> HTML) Programmatic Integration (3270 -> COM, .NET Objects) Many third party products

Business Logic Interface (BLI) Access via callable interfaces (LU6.2, APPC)

Transaction Integrator Wrap business rules with COM or .NET wrapper Import COBOL, parse declarations, create interface, publish Use in VS.NET and MMC Experience

Windows or Host Initiated HIS looks like another CICS or IMS region Asynchronous solutions (without using MQSeries)

Programmatic Interoperability Web Services Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Universal Description, Discovery and integration (UDDI)

WS-I : Web Services Interoperability Org. http://www.ws-i.org 170+ Vendors, ISVs, SIs and Enterprise Customers

Profiles, Testing Tools and Sample Applications Profiles WS-I Basic Profile WS-I Basic Security Profile in Draft WS-I Attachments Profile in Draft

Programmatic Interoperability Web Services Support in Microsoft Products Microsoft .NET Framework Part of the Framework – no extra additions Compliant with the WS-I Basic Profile 1.0 Create Web Services in any .NET Language C#, C++, Visual Basic .NET, J#... Even COBOL!

Microsoft WSE (Web Services Enhancements) Enhances the current Web Services stack WS-Security, WS-SecureConversation, WS-Trust, WS-Policy Fully supported product

Programmatic Interoperability Web Services Support for Java Sun Microsystems Web Services support through JAX-RPC specification Java Web Services Developer Pack (JWSDP) 1.5

IBM WebSphere Application Developer Studio (WSAD) 5.1.2 WebSphere Web Services Development Kit (WSDK)

BEA BEA WebLogic 8.1.4

Open Source Apache Axis 1.2, Apache SOAP, GSoap

ISV Systinet Server 5.0 webMethods Glue 5.0.2

The Areas of Interoperability Management

Message Queuing MSMQ


IBM MQSeries

Process Programmatic Data Network

Business Process Orchestration Adapters

Service and Process Integration Accessing MSMQ from other Platforms HTTP SRMP in MSMQ 3.0 JMS->COM from SpiritSoft

Accessing other message queues from Microsoft .NET TIBCO and other vendors TIBCO RV .NET support via COM adapter Open source managed adapters

IBM MQSeries (WebSphere MQ since 5.3) MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge in HIS 2004 MQSeries Adapter for BizTalk 2004 JMS MDB listener for IBM MQSeries WebSphereMQ 5.3 support for .NET in CSD05 onwards

Service and Process Integration Process Orchestration

BizTalk Server

CICS Adapter


Web Service

MQ Adapter

SAP Adapter

The Areas of Interoperability Management Identity Process Programmatic







PKIX X509 TLS/SSL Authorization

Data Network


Identity Standards Compliant Authentication TLS/SSL, HTTP Basic, HTTP Digest, IPSec, 802.11b,, EAP-TLS PKIX X509. SAML, XrML

Kerberos Authentication Kerberos Cross Realm Trust in WSS 2003 Tested with MIT v5 Kerberos implementation

Products available for extending Kerberos into non-Microsoft environments Vintela VAS (http://www.vintela.com) CyberSafe TrustBroker (http://www.cybersafe.com)

Single Sign On ESSO: HIS 2004 (RACF, ACF2 Top End) Proginet, Blockade Systems, M-Tech Web SSO third party solutions OpenNetwork Universal IdP (http:// www.opennetwork.com)) (http://www.opennetwork.com Oblix COREId (http:// www.oblix.com)) (http://www.oblix.com Netegrity SiteMinder (http:// www.netegrity.com)) (http://www.netegrity.com Entrust GetAccess (http:// www.entrust.com)) (http://www.entrust.com

WS-Federation Passive Client Profile Enables Federated Security Standards based approach using WS-Security

Web SSO adapters for HttpModule and ISAPI Ability to extend for Apache, NSAPI etc.

Identity Directory Synchronization Microsoft Identity Integration Server Formerly MMS (Microsoft MetaDirectory Services)

Comprehensive IdM Solution Synchronize identity information Provision and de-provision of accounts Self-service and helpdesk password management

•Active Directory •Active Directory Application Mode •Attribute value pair text files •Delimited text files •Directory Services Markup Language •Global Address Lists (Exchange) •LDAP Directory Interchange Format •Lotus Notes/Domino 4.6 & 5.0 •Microsoft NT 4 Domains •Microsoft Exchange 5.5, 2000 & 2003 •Microsoft SQL 7 & 2000 databases •Novell eDirectory v8.6.2 & v8.7 •Oracle 8i & 9i databases •SunONE/iPlanet/Netscape Directory •IBM Informix, DB2, dBase, Access, Excel

Identity WS-Security Who is adopting it? Microsoft (Web Services Enhancements) WSE 2.0 BEA WebLogic 8.1.3 IBM WebSphere 5.1.2 (OASIS compliant in 6.0) Systinet Server 5.0 Sun Microsystems JWSDP 1.5 Oracle (through acquisition of Phaos) webMethods Glue 5.0.2 Apache Projects (WS-FX and Axis-WSSE) RSA BSAFE Verisign TSIK Toolkit (xmldsig and xmlenc) Entrust Authority Security Toolkit (xmldsig and xmlenc)

The Areas of Interoperability Management Identity


Web Services




Process Programmatic Data Network


Management Management frameworks MOM Connector Framework (MCF) eXc (http://www.excsoftware.com) WMI event provider for MVS and AS/400

Skywire (http://www.skywiresoftware.com) Integration of MOM with help desks via alerts and iWave Adapters

Aprisma (http://www.aprisma.com) Integration of SNMP management with MOM

Integration of MOM alerts Support for Tivoli, CA today

MOM Extensions for Web Services Actional (http://www.actional.com) Actional Web Services Management Platform

AmberPoint (http://www.amberpoint.com) Amberpoint Management Foundation

CA (http://www.ca.com) Unicenter Web Services Distribution Management (Unicenter WSDM)

Management Distribution Microsoft SMS 2003 Vintela (http://www.vintela.com) UNIX and Linux inventory and software distribution VMX (Vintela Management Extensions) built around OpenWBEM

Xcellenet Afaria (http://www.excellenet.com) Management of PDAs from SMS PocketPC, Palm and RIM

The Areas of Interoperability Management Identity Process Works with What You Have Programmatic Data Network

WS-* Designed for Web Interoperabilit Services y XML

http ://msd n.m icro soft .c om /vstu dio/ jav a/inte rop

Conclusion Microsoft and Interoperability Architectural Interoperability Model for the Enterprise Tactical: Adapters Strategic: XML and Web Services

Resources Interop Month http://www.interopmonth.com

Web Services Interoperability Home Page http://msdn.microsoft.com/webservices/building/interop

My Blog http://blogs.technet.com/michael_platt

My Email [email protected]

© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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