3x01 The Boy Who Lived

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  • Pages: 6
3x01 – The Boy Who Lived (Jack Shepherd Centric) Previously on LOST: 1) Sawyer speaking with Tom – 1x06 2) Sawyer on the plane – 1x19 3) The man and woman in the room with the Cerberus chamber and smoke monster – 1x19 4) Jack, Kate, Ana and Luke getting shot with the darts – 2x22 5) Jack, Kate, Ana and Luke tied up on the pier with the Others – 2x23 6) “Henry” saying that they are coming home with them – 2x23 A man walked along a road. He looked behind him to make sure he wasn’t being watched. The man had dark hair and glasses on, dressed in a suit. He took out a piece of paper from his pocket with an address on. The man looked at a block of flats before him and checked the address. He then crumpled up the paper and threw it to the floor. He then took out an envelope and opened it. Two tickets for “Oceanic Flight 815” were inside of it. The man walked up to a door and walked through. The man walked along the corridor and came to a stop outside of a door with the number “23” on it. The man took out his cell phone and dialled a number. “It’s me. I’m about to make contact.” The man hung up the phone and threw it into a nearby trash bin. He then turned back to the door and knocked. There was no response so he knocked again. There was shuffling behind the door as a key turned and a chain was drawn back. The door creaked open and Rose Nadler peered around the door. “Hello?” Rose asked, curiously. “Can I help you?” “No, but I can help you.” The man replied. He took off his glasses and pulled off his dark wig. “My name is James Ford. May I come in?” LOST Jack woke up in a darkened room. There was a glass wall to the right of him. Beyond the wall, there was a table beside a half-open door. Jack sat up and looked around his “prison”. There were chains dangling from the ceiling and water dripping onto the raised platform where Jack was sat on. He stood up and moved over to the glass wall where he began to knock on it loudly. “Hello?!” He called. “Can anyone hear me?!” The door creaked open and a blonde haired woman walked in. “Hello Jack.” He woman said in a chipper voice. She smiled. “Where are my friends?!” Jack demanded. “They’re close. They’re fine. I would like to ask you a few questions if that is ok?” “What is this place?” Jack asked, looking around. He realized that he wouldn’t be getting any answers about Kate, Luke and Ana. “It is a Dharma station. They called it the “Hydra”. “So you’re what are left of them?”

“Well that was a very long time ago.” The woman replied. “My name is Juliet. Juliet Burke. And if you cooperate with me... I’ll answer your questions about your friends.” Jack stood in the operation room as the doors were pushed open and a trolley with a small boy lying on it. He was surrounded by nurses and doctors. “The room is ready,” Jack said as he pointed over to a room. “Take him straight in there. I’ll be right behind you.” The doctors pushed the trolley through into a nearby room as a woman rushed into the room. She was crying loudly. She rushed over to Jack. “Save my boy, save my son!” She cried loudly. “I’ll do what I can.” Jack made to move but the woman gripped onto his arm. “Please! Help him, save him!” “I’ll do what I can,” Jack replied, pulling away from the woman. “I’m sorry, I must go!” Jack rushed from the room into the operational room leaving the woman standing there. She watched as the door swung to and cried: “Save my Walt!” Luke blinked under the sharp sunlight as he looked up. He was lying in the middle of a large cage. The cage was bare – only dirt and leaves on the ground. He looked through the bars and saw a second large cage opposite him. There was a young man inside. He was leant against the bars watching Luke as he stirred. “Hello,” the boy said as Luke stood up. “Umm... Hello.” Luke replied, frowning. “Who are you?” the boy frowned. “What are you doing here? Why did they bring you?” “I don’t know,” Luke replied. “They captured us. Tied us up and brought us here.” Luke looked around the clearing before turning back to the boy. “Are you one of them?” The boy didn’t reply. His cage door swung open and he sprinted over to Luke’s cage. “Where are your people?” “I don’t know...” The boy placed the hair-clip into the lock of Luke’s cage and pulled the door open. A bell began to ring loudly around them. “RUN!!” The boy shouted and sprinted off. Luke ran after him. Kate was guided through the jungle. Tom was stood at one side of her and Howard at the other. “Where are you taking me?!” Kate asked. “There is someone who would like to see you.” Tom replied. “Who?” “You’ll see in a minute.” Howard said from her other side.

They led her through a clearing and out onto a beach. There was a table beside the ocean where “Henry Gale” sat. He was looking out at the ocean. “Go.” Tom said to Kate. Kate looked at him, frowning before walking forward. “Hello, Kate.” Henry said, looking over at her. “Would you like to join me for breakfast? Sit.” Kate sat opposite “Henry”. There was a pair of handcuffs in front of her. “I’m going to have to ask you to put them on,” Henry said, looking down at them. Kate once again did as she was told. “And then I would like to formally introduce myself, and my companions,” Henry glanced over at Tom and Howard. “My name is Benjamin Linus, and they are Tomas Gardener and Howard Tolland.” “What do you want with me?” “That’s the thing Kate, we don’t. Coffee?” Ben held up a fresh coffee pot and poured some into his cup. Kate frowned. “What do you mean?” “I mean... Would you like some coffee?” Ben asked slowly. “No... I mean you said you didn’t want me.” “Ahh, yes. It seems that Jacob got it wrong. We don’t need you Kate.” Kate frowned as Ben took a bite of some toast. “But...Why?” “I thought you would have been happy. You don’t have to go through what the others have to go through.” “But what do they have to go through? Why don’t I have to go through it?” Kate stood up but Ben remained in his seat. He smiled. “Trust me, Kate, you will be going through quite enough of your own shortly. I advise you to return to your beach as soon as possible and then... Run.” Howard walked up to Kate with a syringe in his hand. Before Kate could do anything, Howard stuck the syringe into Kate’s arm and she collapsed to the floor, unconscious. Jack was sat in front of Susan Dawson. He had a folder in his hands which he was looking at. Susan’s eyes were wet. “Is he going to be ok? Is my son going to be ok?!” “We are trying all we can, I promise you.” Jack closed the folder and looked at Susan. “I need you to tell me what happened.” “A car crashed into us. Walt was knocked out immediately. He died... But they brought him back. He was dead for five minutes! My Walt...” Susan began to cry loudly. Jack was stood over the young Walt who was lying in a bed. Walt was attached to a heart-rate monitor. Walt’s eyes slowly opened and he coughed. “Darkness...” The little boy croaked. He coughed again and a small cloud of smoke issued from his mouth. Jack frowned. “What the...”

“Doctor Shepherd?” A voice said from the doorway. “Could I speak with you a moment?” Jack looked down. Walt was a sleep again. He turned and followed the doctor out of the room. Juliet had now sat down on the table in the glass room. Jack was sat on the platform facing Juliet. “Who are you?” Jack asked. “I am one of the good guys. The others... Some of them are bad. But oh, they will be tested soon.” Juliet replied. “What do you mean?” “Jack... You have to answer my questions. Not the other way round. You will find out everything you want to know soon. “ “I don’t understand...” A knock at the door interrupted the conversation. Juliet turned and saw as Ben walked into the room. Ben nodded in Jack’s direction. “Jack.” He said curtly. “Juliet... A moment please?” Ben walked from the room and Juliet followed him. Ana woke up tied up to a chair. There was a screen in front of her which was showing a muted orientation film. Dr. “Marvin Candle” was on the screen and Ana tried to lip-read him. She gave up when a Dharma logo appeared on the screen – the same logo on the wall of the room. She looked around the room as the door swung open. Ethan Rom stood there. “What the hell are you doing to me?!” Ana called. “I am going to ask you a series of questions and I would like you to answer them,” Ethan closed the door behind him and stood in front of the screen. “Please?” “Why should I?” Ana asked. “Because we are trying to help you. Trying to protect you!” Ethan replied. Ana rolled her eyes. “Alright. What do you want to know?” “Tell me about the people at your beach camp. All of them.” Luke sprinted through some low trees as a man chased after him. A dart flew into Luke’s neck and he dropped to the floor. Sawyer stood over him before picking him up. Jack took a folder out from his desk and opened it. There was a Dharma logo on the front page but Jack didn’t acknowledge it. He turned a few pages before he came to a picture of room with a glass cylinder in the middle. The title “Cerberus” was heading the page. He smiled to himself as he bgan to flick through the pages. Ben and Juliet walked along a small corridor. Ben turned to Juliet. “So... Ethan is gathering the information as we speak. And then we will take Kate back.” “And then divide our people?” Juliet prompted. “Exactly.” Ben replied.

Jack was leant against the wall of the room staring a head. Juliet walked back into the room. “Jack... I have something I have to tell you.” “What is it?” Jack asked, looking up. Jack walked into a room. He had a full-grown beard and looked pretty much out of it. There was a large coffin to the far side of the room. Jack looked at it before walking over towards it. A man walked into the room. “Oh, sorry to disturb you.” The man glanced at the coffin. “Are you here for...?” Jack nodded. “Are you a friend of family of the deceased?” The man asked. Jack frowned. “Uhh... Both.” Jack replied. “Would you like me to open the casket?” “No, thanks.” Jack said. The man nodded and walked out of the room. Jack stumbled over to the coffin and placed his hand on it. He slowly lifted the lid open and stared down at the person inside. Desmond woke up in the jungle. He stood up and squinted into the darkness. He could hear something. A helicopter propeller turning!! Desmond began to run through the jungle following the sound. He looked up as a helicopter flew past him and a woman bailed out of it. Desmond stared, wide-eyed, before running towards the woman. LOST Next time: VO: Who survived the hatch implosion? Desmond running through the jungle. Locke lying on the ground. Eko beside him. VO: Who was shot? Rose turning as a gunshot is heard. CHARLIE: “Where’s Jack?!” VO: And what are the Others up to? Ethan, Ms. Klugh, Tom and Kate in the jungle. Main Cast (Order of appearance): James “Sawyer” Ford – Josh Holloway Jack Shepherd – Matthew Fox Juliet Burke – Elizabeth Mitchell Luke Parsons – Eric Dane Kate Austin – Evangeline Lilly

Benjamin Linus – Michael Emerson Ana Lucia Cortez – Michelle Rodriguez Desmond David Hume – Henry Ian Cusick Guest Starring (Order of appearance): Rose Nadler – L. Scott Caldwell Susan Dawson – Tamara Taylor Karl Tate – Blake Bashoff Tom Gardener – M. C. Gainey Howard Tolland - David Boreanaz Dr. Marvin Candle – Franҫois Chau Ethan Rom – William Mapother Woman – Marsha Thomason Press Release 3x02 – Jacob’s List Desmond begins to learn the truth about the new arrival as the fate of the people at the beach is revealed after shots were fired. Lost stars: Naveen Andrews as Sayid Jarrah, Henry Ian Cusick as Desmond David Hume, Eric Dane as Luke Parsons, Jeremy Davies as Daniel Faraday, Emilie de Ravin as Claire Littleton, Michael Emerson as Benjamin Linus, Matthew Fox as Jack Shepherd, Jorge Garcia as Hugo “Hurley” Reyes, Josh Holloway as James “Sawyer” Ford, Daniel Dae Kim as Jin Kwon, Yunjin Kim as Sun Kwon, Ken Leung as Miles Straume, Evangeline Lilly as Kate Austin, Elizabeth Mitchell as Juliet Burke, Dominic Monaghan as Charlie Pace, Terry O’ Quinn as John Locke, Michelle Rodriguez as Ana Lucia Cortez and Ian Somerhalder as Boone Carlyle Special Guest Starring: Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Mr. Eko Guest Starring: Julie Adams as Amelia, Sam Anderson as Bernard Nadler, L. Scott Caldwell as Rose Nadler, M. C. Gainey as Tom Gardner, April Grace as Ms. Bea Klugh, William Mapother as Ethan Rom, Murray Melvin as Brother Campbell, Marsha Thomason as Naomi Dorrit and Sonya Walger as Penelope Widmore.

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