3rd Sem

  • November 2019
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DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Government Engineering College, Raipur (C.G.)-492010



Course Contents Course Credits-3C Code L T P CS301




Theory Paper (ES) Max. Marks- 50 Min. Marks- 18 Duration-3hrs.

1 Non Linear System Various types of errors - Bisection method-Secant method Regula falsi method Newton - Raphson method - Order of convergence of these methods Graeffe’s method - Bairstow’s method — Newton’s method for solvingf(x,y)=O and g(x,y) 2. Linear System: Gaussian elimination and Gauss Jordan methods - LU decomposition method - Crout’s method - Gauss seidel and Jacobi iterative methods - sufficient conditions for convergence - Power method to find the dominant eigent value and eigen vector. 3. Interpolation and Curve fitting: Newton’s Forward and Backward interpolation — Lagrange’s interpolation — Newton’s divided difference method — Gauss Forward and Backward interpolation -curve fitting - method of least squares to fit equations of the formy=ab2,y=ab2,y =ax2+bx+c 4. Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Numerical Differentiation -Numerical Integration using Trapezoidal rule — Simpson’s one third rule —Simpson’s three eighth rule - Romberg integration — Double integration using Trapezoidal and Simpson’s one third rule. 5. Numerical Solution of Differential Equation: Euler’s method - Euler’s modified method -Taylor’s method Runge Kutta method of fourh order - Multistep methods - Mime’s and Adams’ predictor connector methods-numerical solution of Laplace equation, one dimensional heat flow equation and wave equation by finite difference methods. TEXT 1. M.K. JAIN,S.R.K. IYENGAR and R.K. JAIN, Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering REFERENCE: 1. C.F.GERALD & P.O.WHEATLEY, Applied Numerical analysis, McGraw Hill, 1981.


DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Government Engineering College, Raipur (C.G.)-492010



Course Contents Course Credits-3C Code L T P CS302




Theory Paper (ES) Max. Marks- 50 Min. Marks-18 Duration-3hrs.

1. Binary Systems, Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates: Binary Codes: Weighted and Non Weighted, Binary arithmetic conversion algorithms, Error detecting and error correcting codes, Alphanumeric codes, Complements. Boolean algebra: Basic operations, Universal building blocks, Boolean expressions, Logic diagrams. Canonical and standard boolean expressions, Truth table. Sum of products and Product of sums. 2. Simplification of Boolean functions to design combinational circuits: K-map reduction, Don’t care conditions, Tabular minimization. Combinational logic: Design procedure, Adders I Subtractors, Carry look-ahead adder, Code conversion algorithms, Design of code converters, Equivalence functions. 3. Combinational Logic with MSI & LSI: Binary/Decimal Parallel Adder/Subtractor for signed numbers, Magnitude Comparator, Decoders and Encoders, Multiplexers and Demultiplexers, Boolean function implementation using Multiplexers. 4. Synchronous Sequential Logic: Sequential logic: Basic latch, Flip-Flops(SR,D, JK.T and Master Slave), Triggering of flip-flops - Flip-Flop Excitation tables, State reduction and assignment, Sequential logic design procedure. Counters: Design procedure, Ripple counters - BCD and Binary. Synchronous counters Binary, Up-Down and BCD, Ring counters. 5. Registers, memory unit and Asynchronous Sequential Logic: Registers-Shift Registers, Registers with parallel load. Memory unit- examples of RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM etc. Asynchronous sequential logic - Analysis and Design procedure, Reduction of State and Flow Tables, Race-free state assignment, hazards, Design Examples. Use of PLA in logic circuits.

TEXT M.M.MANO, Digital Design,Prentice Hall of India, 1984. REFERENCES 1. FLOYED, JAIN: DIGIGITAL FUNDAMENTALS, PEARSON EDUCATION ,2005 2. D.D. Gajski, Principles of Digital Design, Prentice Hall International, 1997. 3. S. E. LEE, Digital Circuits and Logic Design. Prentice Hall of India, 1976. 4. W.H. GOTHMANN, Digital Electronics - An Introduction to Theory and Practice, Prentice Hall of India.


DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Government Engineering College, Raipur (C.G.)-492010



Course Contents Course Credits-4C Code


L 3

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Theory Paper (ES)

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Max. Marks- 100 Min. Marks- 35 Duration-3hrs.

1. Set theory: Basic concepts, subset, set operations, power set, Methods of proof for sets using definitions, using previously proven results and proof by Contradiction method. Relations: Basic concepts, Graph and matrix of a relation, properties of a relation. Functions: Definition and notation, 1—I onto and 1-I and onto, composition. density and Inverse, related results. 2. Basics of Structures: Peano’s axioms, Mathematical induction (simple and strong), Pigeonhole principle. Algebraic structures - properties, Semi group, Monoid; Group and Sub group examples and standard results. 3. Groups: Cyclic groups - Application - Fast adders, Cosets, Factor Groups, Permutation ups, normal sub groups, Homomorphism and Isomorphism of groups, examples and standard results. Rings and Fields (only definition and examples). 4. Logic & Recursion: Prepositional calculus - propositions, logical operators, truth tables and propositions generated by a set recurrence relations - partial and total recursion problems. S. Graph Theory: Generating functions, Graph theory - Basic concepts and definitions, Matrix representation, storage representation, incident matrix and matrix-standard results. TEXT 1. KOLMAN, Discrete Mathematical Structure, 5e , PEARSON EDUCATION . 1. Richard Johnsonbaugh, “Discrete Mathematics”, Macmillan Publishing Company, Third Edition, 1993. REFERENCE 1. J.P.TREMBLAY and R. MANOHAR, Discrete Mathematical structures with Applications to Computer Science, McGraw Hill, 1975. 2. C.L.LIU, Elements of Discrete Mathematics, McGraw Hill, 1987. 3. M.A.ARBIB, A.J.KFOWRY and R.N.MOUL, A Basis for Theoretical Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 1988. 4. T.H.CORMEN, C.E. LEISERSON, R.L. RI VEST, Introduction to Algorithms, The MIT press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and McGraw Hill, PEARSON EDUCATION 2005.


DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Government Engineering College, Raipur (C.G.)-492010


Course Contents Course Credits-4C Code L T P CS304 3



Theory Paper (ES) Max. Marks- 100 Min. Marks- 35 Duration-3hrs.

1. Resonance & Transients : Overview of network analysis - Series and Parallel Resonance - Reactance curves for series and Parallel resonance, variation of current and voltage distribution in a series and Parallel RLC circuits with frequency, Selectivity and Bandwidth, Q factor, Magnification, Condition for maximum impedance when L and C are varying.- Transients. 2. Wave filters: Wave filters — Constant-K filters - Low pass, High pass, Band pass and Band elimination filters - rn-derived filters — Bridged T and Parallel networks. 3. Semiconductor Devices: Junction diodes, Zener diodes, Application as Half wave and Full wave Rectifiers, Filters, Zener regulators. Characteristics and configurations of BJT, FET and MOSFETConstruction of CMOS. 4. BJT & FET: Operating point of a BJT, BJT biasing - Bias stability, fixed bias, collector to Base bias, Self bias, CE amplifier. BIT small signal model using ‘h’ parameters- hybrid n model - FET bias , CS amplifier FET small signal model. 5. Types of Coupling: Various types of coupling: Direct coupled amplifier, RC coupled amplifier, Frequency Response. BIT differential amplifier, Distortion in amplifiers. Regulators using BIT. — Feedback concepts. TEXT 1. W.H.HAYT AND J.E.KEMMERLEY, Engineering Circuit Analysis, Gian, 1993. 2. M.E.VAN VALKENBURG, Network Analysis, Third Edition, Prentice Hall Inc., 1974. 3. J. MILLMAN and A. GRABEL, Microelectronics, Second Edition, McGraw Hill International Editions. REFERENCE 1. J.A. EDMINISTER, Electrical Circuits, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw Hill, 1965. 2. P.M.CHIRLIAN, Analysis and Design of Integrated Electronic Circuits, John Wiley Publishers, 1987


DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Government Engineering College, Raipur (C.G.)-492010



Course Contents Course Credits-4C Code CS305 L T P 3 1 -

Theory Paper (ES) Max. Marks- 100 Min. Marks- 35 Duration-3hrs.

1. Basic concepts of Netware: Overview of MSDOS Commands, Netware 4.1 Features, Netware File System, Netware Directory and File commands. 2. Netware-Advanced Features: Netware Printing services, Netware Login Scripts. Netware Data Protection and Backup, Netware Accounting- system, Network File Systems, Network Information Systems. Message Passing Interface. 3. UNIX-Basic Concepts: Introduction to UNIX operating system, File System, Visual Editor, Essential UNIX commands, Bourne shell. 4. UNIX-Advanced Features: Overview of UNIX System Administration, Introduction to shell programming, Disk Blocks and i-nodes. 5. WINDOWS: Features of Windows, Windows Programming, HTML programming REFERENCES: 0. Kerningan : The Unix Prgg envmt: , PEARSON EDUCATION . 1. TOM SHELDON, Netware 4.1 The complete reference, 2 edition, 1997, Tata McGraw Hill Publications. 2. RACHEL MORGAN. HENRY MCGILTON, Introduction UNIX system V. Tata McGraw Hill, 1997. 3. Windows Primer plus 3.1 BPB Publications. 4. C.H. PAPPAS and N.H. MURRAY, Visual C++ 5: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1998. 5. S. PRATA, Advanced UNIX - A programmer’s Guide, BPB Pub., ‘1992. 6. R. DUNCAN, MS DOS Encyclopedia. 7. Sumitabha Das, “Unix Concepts and Applications”, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1998. 8. www.lammpi.org


DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Government Engineering College, Raipur (C.G.)-492010



Course Contents Course Credits-4C Code CS306 L T P 3 1 -

Theory Paper (ES) Max. Marks- 100 Min. Marks-35 Duration-3hrs.

1. Development of Algorithms: Application of Mathematical Induction - Development of Algorithms Notations and Analysis. Storage structures for arrays - sparse matrices structures and arrays of structures. Stacks and Queues: Representations and applications. 2. Linked Lists: Linked Lists - singly linked lists - Linked stacks and queues - operations on Polynomials Linked Dictionary - Doubly Linked Lists - Circularly Linked Lists. Dynamic storage management garbage collection and compaction. 3. Binary Trees: Binary Trees - Binary Search Trees - General Trees - Tree Traversing Operations on Binary Trees — Expression Manipulations - Symbol Table construction -Height Balanced Trees — Red black Trees. 4. Graphs: Graphs - Representation of Graphs - Path Matrix - BFS, DFS – Biconnected Graphs Topological sort - Shortest path problems. Strings-Representation manipulations Pattern Matching. 5. Sorting Techniques: Selection, Bubble, Insertion, Merge, Heap, Quick, Radix and address calculation. Linear searching - Binary Searching. Hash Table Methods. TEXT 1. J.P.TREMBLAY and P.G.SORENSON , An Introduction to Data Structures with applications, Second Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1981. 2. T.H.CORMEN, C.E. LEISERSON, R.L. RI VEST, Introduction to Algorithms, The MIT press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and McGraw Hill, 1990. 3. E. HOROWITZ and S. SAHNI, Fundamentals of Data Structures in Pascal. Galgotia, 1983. 4. S.SAHNI. “Data Structures. Algorithms and Applications in C++”, WCBIMcGraw Hill, 1998. REFERENCES 1. R. L. KRUSE, B.P. LEUNG and C.L Tondo, Data Structures and Program Design in ‘C’, Prentice Hall of India, 1991. 2. A.TANENBAUM and M.J.AUGUSTEIN, Data Structures using Pascal, Prentice Hall of India, 1981.


DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Government Engineering College, Raipur (C.G.)-492010

NETWARE, UNIX AND WINDOWS LABORATORY Faculty Member Practice on: Netware Commands. Unix shell Programming. Programming Tools and Windows

DATA STRUCTURES LABORATORY Faculty Member: Problems in PASCAL / C / C++ using Data Structures involving arrays, stacks, queues, strings, linked lists, trees, graphs. Using STACK to check matching left and right characters such as parantheses, curly braces and square brackets in a given string. Single server queuing system and gathering statistics. Operations on Stacks. Sparse Matrices Linear linked list implementation Operations on Doubly Linked List and Circular List with a test application Operations on Ordered Binary Trees. Graph Traversal Techniques Implementation of Quicksort, Mergesort and Heapsort Operations on Binary Trees Shortest Path Problem


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