
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 7,481
  • Pages: 25
i. : {





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pârno{Eu¡lsec iras¡rop¡çe ql!/v\'ucç x çZ x ç¿¡o tu¡¡sec (:lO) 'plou eql ol,¡!Álluruozlroq e¡o ezlsoql ale¡nc¡e3(r}(¡unbr nlp puu'l{) respl?clrpu¡¡Á.q qglstâ-epB pe,l¡o1,{resseceu

-' , (10) ' r' (80)


o/ytlâtllpusztt¡tu 9l';9J;oeeælsuollcãsssorctri¡nuq :qcse{lpl¡nuu¡g¿¡ose¡e8ul . / aieãu¡aqtu8¡seq(q) r fcosg¡ u¡ Er¡jsecBX gt e¡o Bu¡rnodtgJsuolsueru¡p


(eo) tuli [ 'Ò..] lpyiiqiùrerò¡uo¡renr''áàl¡e¿

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(c) | stllete¡nc¡u3 Eu¡tsucro¡ au¡rÊuunod 1eu¡ldo [iueBXoOt p!sseuêsoqnr .Jo ssâulc¡.{l .c erereq/t\(Ð, ,q ol sluâttlorlnber qrqß perâplsuo, ¡e¡tuo,sse tulte8tu¡ull¡sop (¡O) ¿ruols,{s


(so) zþÐJo,utsluuugaur u¡u¡dxg(q) .'-':' f ' ' ' Bu¡ugpreq ,. , --1-,.-)ssaco¡d 'tu¡p¡otu g(v)"9:Ìf'l .llâr'lsssncsr . . .. . . ' . . . . . . . ] ': . . '. : '. i ': r''-7), ........t;¡uã^o:tu!ïBqarocc¡'r1Óe¡a¡pgre'teq¡n 'tur>pru ssncslc c¡ue8ro,{garrq ¡oJ:sJãpurq âroc G)'l : / ' r r - - - - - -^ - . - ì .sod,ü¡ârU ssncslrX a.roc ereluq^\ (P)'þ,|ó ¿stu¡.rd *

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rtl,¡l4ut¡'t ldd'lù ¡uJ r''''|,HrH'







ssnJslG(e) 'z ð^ rÐqloJo^oacuurryc¡Blcârlp?Jo saËBluunpe aql uru¡dxg.¡eats¡otuit¡aur'ro¡,¡;eoeur(u . . i . . t .


. . . '

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€lodnj¡o uer8€lPãull ]€âus /t\uj(I 'l ure¡dxepuuâcuurnJ uó¡lcn.r1suoc'e¡drcurrd .io¡uo¡1e.redo;þlu '':";'

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-uollsonba$ oì sla \sue dno.rg {r) :¡f¡essecau p g rtrre-r lenateqm suet6e¡ lel (z) :uo¡¡sahb, eqÌ ol ipollollesìJeg unrulxeuirelec¡pu¡ ,¡q6¡i:,eq¡1,o¡,êarn6¡r¿ : '"r,:.i.. Áge,ldtlelV (r); " t ¡ ' N 'srro1¡sa¡bra^! , ,:.:,;,,:,.!,: ,1. (sr¡ro¡1rg )

õ -:q







l) (/)"


i il,i,

I navrssDcc[rnse


'( (1) (2)


(3) (4)

I 88_637

3 uours )

I notat Marks : lO0 Atter¡pt tt-rree questions from eaeh section. Rnsweis 1nV to Lhe t"o u"oti.rn" *u,;t-';;-wriL.o, in r:h* scgrrate ans¡un:r_hno lcs. mr¡^';ttrr corìLinLr',¡r, ar on. on I y an-l *ï"j;";.åt, î"1ìlî"'ion ¡>r.rcr,, Marks asrsigned to a querition are indic¿rtecr at right. Sectio¡r I

(a) /L\ tÞ,

Discuss the principlertypes applications advancagesand limitations of cent¡:ifugJr How is bentonite"u"iingí.-'-of rrõuldinq sand ciei:ermined?


( a ) Explain the mechanismof CO, process, ( b ) Discuss the cotlapsibility irf- Co, process* ( c ) What are core prints ? praw neat sketche¡¡ ancl explain any two types of core prints. 3l


5 5 6


Discuss the developnents of sherr nrcurd:rng, With neat expi"ain the orinciple, pr""ã""" advantages ðrrl limitations sketches nnulding. of shell ( b ) Discuss the sand suitable fc¡r shell nr:uldi.lrq. I I Write short notes on the following (any three) : 1(a Functions of riser, ; ( o Blind Riser. : (c Progressive directional I solidification. (o Coke bed heighr.'',lt











Explain the design feat,ures of the foÌlowing : ( i ) sp,fluQ (iii) Runner. (ii) Pouring basin, Discuss the causes and remedies of the fol.[owinq; (i) H o t r e a r s , _ (iii) Cross jojlnt. (ii) B L o wh o t e s ,

¡ '




(a) (b) ( a) (b) ( c)



Diseuss the princlOle, construction and o¡xrration Discuss the use or- uatanc;ã;i;. of cupola furnace. and hot btasr in cupoþ nelting. Discuss the operation of direcl arp.furnacel melting E x þ l oi ¡ the metarturqicar, of steel. .ã;;;id;: ;;' rorerry,fl¡rnace mekins. Explain the Bishop's

nrethodof riser desiqn.

I¡rlrite Ee short. notes on the following (a )


i nrr ¡.,^r ¡

.Ê--- rr

: (any three) _

of nnlreabreiron. iËi å:::î:lH, :I::._"::f-.h.. manufacture

ilï;';åi. iån,,ãå I:í l3å"å:':::ii"g. ::::_,*9., läremarins. ffåjï":'il;".

i;i il:;,3f":':l:"6::i...:4.¡;; Moulding sand additives"






lo 6 B 4 4 IB


r"{ ) '!ï:\:


't l)-""s*

f¡.] q- \ \.*;


'5 ll \ | l'| ', r'1



l* \



'(3Hours) tf.B" ( 1)

', I








any gþr questions. a question sggt sproad over. Marks asslgned to a question



( 2 1 Ànswer to



a.re indfcated



one place


and ngt"

and 1l:s

(b) (c)

Shell Morrlding principle, aclvantaÇeo llmitatio¡rrs appllcatione. Explain the sand suitabte for shell moulding. What, are Shell Cores

(a) (bl

Exp].ain the pz'inciple, Define perneability.

(al (b) (cl

Discuss the properties of mouldinE sand. Dietlng¡uish between Organic and inorganic !,lhat are dielectríc core baking ovens ?

at r¡gh,L.

( a ) ExpIal.n the

rl il'

types and applicâtions of cen.trifugal ca.sting. FIowis perreabÍIity of mor.rJ.dirrgsand dete,rnined.J

(any tlggEr) :Ïlrite note6 on the following (a) Rotarjl furnace. (b) Prfncipte and advant,ages of induction (c) Cupola F.urnace operatf-on. . (d) Meltlng losses in Cupo1a furnace.

core bind.ers giving




ti !t (i ltt


(al (b) (cl

Þiscuss the functlons ,lf rlser. Explain the location a:nd any one method of riser design. llhaÈ are insulatlng maherials and eNothermic materials ?


Dra$t neat diagran of direct arc furnace ancl explai:r Èhe typical nelting operatÍon for steel inrlicating lts advantage€r over other furnaces. What are top gates ?


Draw neat dfagran of giltlng system lndicating its varlous Dfscuss the use of folìLowing in Cupola nelt,ing : (f) oxygen enriched blast (ií) , Hot btasr. (lii) Balanced blar¡t.

4l lit


t¡ 1l


!Írite ehort notes on the fo.Llowing (any three) :(a ) BlLnder Ri-ser" (b) stage graphit.isation First and second stage g:raphitisati'cn manufacture of rnalle¿lbLe iron. (c) Causes and remedies r:f any trdô steel castlng defects. (d) Core prints.

lÍl in


:Ë," rl.tr,:ch;pc,,,r yE iwrtsen ccx.&,,sE ] ¡"[ A

' "":ir¡Iüifr;{1 -


o:fi/¡;4'/;(]-.."-', ,?:,,f.j.k/ e-(rt.fJ r¡,ar.,r.t*ff^



( .l l-lüur;s)

f Tbtil M¿mks: tffi) Atteurpt, any three questi,ens f rr:xneach sect.ion. t t lC, 7,1c '"i'7' 'in Angh¡errs to the t.r,uoseflti.on$ nûust be $¡ritt,gn s*puraúe il**"-

trooks. Answrlt to a quest,ion ml;st tx¡ contirruous,, ,lt örle p,lace onJ.y and not spre,:rd over. Markt¡ aesigneC to a c¡uiestiorr are ini:lcatecl at fjf-lb¡i, f:ic.¡c{:.ic¡m T

, p. i l I


I r j

, J'

Disct¡ss br:iefly the rr¡ou-Lclirl<¡ s;errilacidit:ive.s;. hlhat ars¡ cor:e bindel';g i Discur¡s their tpers. Whaf arr¡ cc,re suppor[s l?

6 6 4

Ðefine ¡:ernr,aability" Horuj.s pern€ability of rrotrld:lng sand debe.rmined ? Dispuss briefly the pro¡u:r[ies, of rncu]rting sand., ,Exçrlain ther principle anrl epplications of centrÍfur'Jerl caeting"

5 5 6




e:<¡>lcr:in tl'le




Iinti.tatic¡n¡r of, CO^ proce,ss,, ¿ Di¡¡gr¡ss the causes ancl r,3medi-esof: any two cast:inc¡


ehort nott¡s on Lhe fol.l,rwing. (¡\ny three) : SheLl nouldinE" Fro::en rnercury proc€lss" 1 rCold chamber and hot ch,amberr d:le castira3. Riser design.




4 6 6

the follor¿ing in Cu¡xrla melti.nE (tury thrnre) : Melting losses, Coke bed heightr Oxygen,enriched blar¡t r Bali¡nced b1ast.





arc furnac'e rneltirrg of steel

skeLr:h t.he constructio:n

for melting crf rsteel. B"


,iecLion II , Discus€¡ the requisiLes c,f good castinç desi<¡n. Whnt ar:e Lop gates 1? DistcustsLheir t1pes" Elxplain the desÍgn :Eeatun<¡s of pourinçt basirr and srp'nre.


t,he' foll.ovrirrg (Any three) : dirarcL i.ona I .sc,licli.f icaL.ion. n:elt i ng "

ir ic ¡t:b** *irJr



over other




arrd ouerratíon of direct


n't<'ch| ¡3,:"¿ -fJc[,tcr,íì cu-] ¡7cÊlect\u<

o Ò

f^)1aþttJ['""1n1 r /.-\ |




i-rl<- No 2-

( 3 Hours ) i



I'tarks : 1,0'0


lü.8. .



( 1) l2l (3) ( 4)

(a) . (b)

Q, No. f is conpr.loor'9'. aix gues'L.Lons. Ànstver any four quest;Lons frorn the remaining marks. Fiquroe to tho rtEht lndicate IÌluetraÈe : â n $ w g r e t r ¿ 1t . h s k e t c h e s w h e r e v o r r : o q u l r s d , IIcLwls D l s c u s s t h e ' p r o p e r t l e s r o f uor¡l.dinV sand. sand measured ? Discuss the nechanism and t y p e s . o f c o r e b i n i l e r s .



development o.f COZ process"

advantages, limitat,lons, 3.




B 12


and coll-apsibili'Ey




of CO, prrocess.

solidifi.cation. the progressiv'e directional the Caj-ne's neth<¡d of Outtine the' requireuelts of ,riser. pressure wirat are ris¡er Exp1aÍ.n the atmospheri-c aids ?

{a) (b)

ßxplain Dlscuss dectgrn. rieer.

(a) (b)

Discuss the desigm fea'L,ures of pouring basi-n, sprue and rttnner bar. advantaqes and types indit:ating What are top gates '? Discuss thelr limitatlons.

(a ) (b)

nJ.r¡cu¡¡stho ülith a neat furnace for arc furnace

(a )

of c'upola fu¡:nace meltl-ng of cast and operation Explaln t,he prlnciple of any 1:ero irregularities of Discuss the causes and remedies iron. cupola neLting. and oxygen enr.Lched blaet 1n cupola Discuss the use of balancod blast nelting.



surrfaCe finish


e;r:me¡ab1l_ity of


riser bllnd

. a d v a n t a < J r t n t o f < . ì l r ( - r c t . r r c f u r n ¿ r c : t l nreI L i.nr¡ o ll n1.:l¡e¡1 and o¡eratlon of direct arc sketËh explai-n the consl-ructlotl i{ow is oxygen lancinçt useful in of steel. the manuf itcture melting ?

(a) j'Diseuss the shell noulding. What are shell cores ? (b) ¡{1th a neat sketeh rrxplain the principJ.e advantages, I =applicatlons of cent,ri.fugal casting.



l,ii iì.1


t2 I





l2 tì


f'felàrh *ùô




BB-512 I Total Marks: 10i)

(lì I'tours)

N.E. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Atternptarrythree questions fronre a c h s e c t i o n . Answersto the two sectionslrust be writtenin separate answer-books. U s eo f ð t e a ml a b l o ,p s y c h o n r e t rcihr :a r t a n d t ¿ r b l oa n d P - l l r : h a r lf o r r e l r i g e r a n t iss a l l o w e d . = 7 6 0 n l mo f H g , Barometrp i cr e s s u r e Assurne s u l t a b l er l a t ai f a n v . SerctioltI

1 . ( a ) D e f i n el h e t e r m s ; ( i ) f ì e l a t i v etr, l u n r i d i t y ( i i i ) D e v vp o i n t t ( i i ) S p o c i f i ch r r r r r i c i i t y . (iv) Entlral¡ry ( b ) A t n r o s p h e r iaci r r s a t 3 5 , ,D B T a n d 2 0 " W t l T . U s i n gt le dr3tennine(i) RH ( i v ) E n t h a l p yo < 1 i l . (i¡) Sp.humidity ( v ) V o l u m eo a t r , ( i i ¡ ) D e w p o i n tt e m p e r a t u r e .



( a ) D i s c u s sv a r i o u sf a c t r r r sa f f e c t i n gh u m a n c , o m f o r t . ( b ) E x p l a i n ' c o m f o cr th a r t ' . (c) Compare c o m f o rat n d l n d u s t r i a l c on di t i oni n g .).


D e s c r i bw e i n t e rA i r c o n d i t i o n i p n rgo c e s s!! ith a

(b) Explain e v a p o r a t i vceo o l i n gs y s t e r na n d c o m Á


6 4 6

sk e t ch .

T h ef o l l o w i nogb s e r v a t i o nasr e m a d ef o r a n a i r c d i t i o n i n gs y s t e m . O u t s i d eD e s i g n 3 2 ' D B T 2 7 5 ' \ i u Inside Design 23" DBT 50% Rfl Roornsensibleheat = 60kw R o o ml a t e n th e a t = 't6kw O u t s i d ea i r 4 0 c n r m .B P t - = 0 . 1 Analyse t h e p r o b l e mo n p s y c h o m e t rci ch a a n d d e t e r n r n et h e f o l l o w i n g: - -T ( i ) R o o mS H F (v) enrperuture o rf n l i x e da i r e l n l e r r i nt li ¡r oc o í l ( i i ) R o o n rA D P (vi) CoilADf) (iii) Ternperi:rlure of ¿rirleavinS¡ ( v i i ) M o i s t L ¡ r er re n l o v e d t coil ( ¡ v ) T o t n l a i r q u a n t i t yr e q u i r c d

5 . Writeshortnoteson anv three :.-


-['o¡lr; o l [ : ì e l l t i q c l ¿ r t r r p- rrr lr-. 1 r .

Section ll


( a ) D u c t< j e s i g n i e t h o d s . ( b ) C o o l i n gl o a de s t i m a t i ofn a i r c o n d i l i o n i r tsgy s t e m ( c ) S p i i ta i r c o n d i t i o n e r .



r e i t w i t h s u r r r m ear i r - c o n d i t i o n i n o .

(d) Air washers. ( e ) P s y c h c l n r e t rci cl r a r l

(a) Compare i d e a l r e f r i g e r a t i ocn l e w i t h B e l l - C o l e m a a n i r r e f r i , J e r a t icoync l eu s i n gT - S c h a r t . , 4 ( b ) D e r i v ea n e x p r e s s i ofn o r C O o f B e l l - C o l e m ac n v c l e .Compression and expansion are a$ per law.--".Ì 6

pun= C.


( c ) A t m o s p h e ra i ci r a t p r e s s u r 1 b a r a n d l e n ' ì p e r a t u r.e- 1 0 " C i s d r a w n i n l o c o r n p r e s s oorf a B e l l - ' 6 C o l e n r asny s t e m .l t i s c o r r e s s e di s e n l r o p i c ; a ltlov { l t r a r .l ' h e c o m p r e s s e da r i ri s c o o l e c i n t h e i n t h e c o o l e rt o 1 5 " Ca t c o n a n t p r e s s u r e . l t i s l h e n e > t ¡ l a r r r j ct o. dã rD r e s s u r eo f 1 b a r l r r t n lw f r e r ei t e n t e r si n t o c o l d c h a m b e r L a w o l o x p a r r s i o nP. V 1: r, . .t ) Fint.j (a) W.D ¡rer k o f ¿ i r


(b) coP


( a ) E x p l a i ns t a n d a r dv a o o r ( ì o r l ' ì p r e s s i ocny c l e v , i r i l lt " . S ia n c l P - l l c l t a r t ( b ) l - h e f o l l o w i n ov a l u e s q i v e n f o r a r r N l - 1 .r ( l fr r q e r ¿ ¡ l r r(r).¿ r k t t r l i t C l oO F rf o r 'l'lte



vi,t[)orJr c rrI tl ri rrg t lìrl r.lorn¡)rcs;l;o r

Systcnropcrûtor [ t < t l w t l c n- l ì 0 " C E 3 0 " C r c s ¡ r r , r c l i v c l y

Entrofy rcJll
108.6 341.77

_Liq __ 0.6544 1.4877

14|t'/.73 14 B ( i . 41

_v1p_ 5.9025 5.262t4

( a ) D i s c u s se f f e c to n p e r f o r m a n coef s t o .v a o o u rcompression cyclefor( i ) V a r i a t i o inn e v a p o r a t oprr e s s u r e . ( i i ) V a r i a t i o ni n c o n d e n s e rp r e s s u r e

( b ) E x p l a i np r a c t i c a vl a p o u rc o r n p r e s s i o cny c t ew i t h a n e a t sket<;h, 9. (a) What are primaryantj sècoflcjaryrefrigerani, ì i v e d e s i r a b l ep r o p e r t i e so f ¡ t r i m a r yr e l r i g e r a n t s , D e s c r i b ep r a c t i c avl a p o i l râ b s o r p t i o nc y c l e 'eat sketch, l:, ,' .fb) '1,J0ìjl,l¡VIil€ ehort not@son qñY ÈhÈetì:-* Ér¡,id, +r:i ttê.mlakrn,iJ mak iir';¡sv$tr::rr t$li:,:-,.' iu,Ï : (á) , commorstai itJì f-loalpunrp.

;,,,,;;fll:li 'CoollÉ:g 1?TI]lgTower.

plegglyåi ii rFPoc: I Fl-9-99f-Yilig,1*


Mu il:rg¡syrc.Itl rgf ailç¡. s_ys_ rem1" li l-j* ¡i..Jg¡


18 ¡

l r l l q t'ilatal|t





(otÞ üo[JHSE) (íl l-lours)

,:,. $¡.8.(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

BB-512 I T o t a lM a r k s: 1 0 b

Atternptany three quest¡ons frorì each section. Answersto the two sectionsûlustb e w r i t t e ni n s e p a r a t ea n s w e r - b o o k s . Uso of slêiîmtablo,psychonrotrir: c h a r t , u n dt ¿ L b laen d P - H ¡ : h a r lf o r r o l r i c l e r a n li s a l l o w e d . = 7 6 0 n l m o f l-'lg. B a r o m e t r ipcr e s s u r e A s s u m es u l t a b l ed a t ai f a n y . Ser:tion I

'1, (a) Definetlre ternrs;(i) Hetariverflunridity ( i i i ) D e wp o i n t ( i i ) $ p e c i f i ch;u r r r i d i t y . (iv) Fntlr;ilpy ( b ) A t r " n o s p h ear i rci s a l 3 S , D ' B Ta n d 2 0 ' W t 3 T . U s i n gtaAle<Jrltennine(i) RH ( i v ) E n t h a l p yo a l r . ( i ¡ ) S p .h u m i d i r y ( v ) V o l u m eo a t r . I ( i i i ) D e wp o i n t e r n p e r a t u r e ,



( a ) D i s c u s sv a r i o u sf a c t o r sa f f e c t i n gh u m a n c o m f o r t . { b ) E x p l a i n ' c o m f o cr th a r t ' . ( c ) C o m p a r ec o m f o r ta n d l n d u s t r i aal i r c o n d i t i o n i n g

6 4 6


( a ) D e s c r ì bw e i n t e rA i r c o n d i t i o n i p n rgo c e s sv r , i tah e a t s k e t c h . /h\ E x p l a i ne v a p o r a t i v ec o o l i n gs y s t e ma n d c o m r e i t w i t h s u r r r m ear i r - c o n di t i o n i n g . \",1



T h e f o l l o w i no g b s e r v a t i o nasr e m a d ef o r a n a i r c n d i t i o n i nsgy s t e , m .

, :


i i

ì 8Ð-.,

O u t s i dD e esign 32' DBT


2 7 . 5 "\ i u


Inside Design 23' DBT R o o r ns e n s i b l eh e a t = R o o m l a t e n th e a l = O u t s i d ea i r 4 0 c m m , B P Ë =

S0% Rf.l 60kW 16 kW 0.1 A n a l y s et h e p r o b l e mo n p s y c h o m e t rci ch a a n d d e t e r n t i n et h e f o l l o w i n g: * -T'enrperuturer ( i ) R o o mS H F (v) o f n r i x e da i r e l n t e r r i rlri r ¡o c o i l ( l i ) R o o mA D P ( v i ) C o i lA D f ) ( i i i ) T e r n p e r a t uo r ef a i r l e a v i n çt ¡ c o i l ( v i i ) M o i s l u r erre n l o v e c l -['t-r¡ts (iv) Toteia l i r q u a n t i t yr e q u i l c d (viii) pr llr riç¡criltrorr. of Flerf Section ll

5 . W r i t es h o r tn o t e so n a n yt h r e e : .

( â ) D u c td e s i g nn l e t h o d s . ( b ) C o o l i n gl o a de s t ì m a t i ofn a ir c o n d i t i o inr rg s y s t r - ' r n ( c ) S p i i ta i r c o n d i t i o n e r .


18 (d) Air w¿lshors. ( e ) P s y c h o m e t r ic h a r l .

( a ) C o m p a r ei d e a l r e f r i g e r a t ¡ ocn l e w i t h B e l l - C o l e m a ¿i¡ n ¡sf¡irlerâtion cycleusingT-S chart. ,.. , 4 ( b ) D e r i v ea n e x p r e s s i ofno r C O o f B e l l - C o l e m a cn y c l e .C o m p r e s s i oann de x p a n s i oanr ea $ p e r l a w t _ ' 6ì

pun= C.

( c ) A t m o s p h e r i ca i r a t p r e s s L l f 1 b a r a n d t e n r p e r a t u r-e- 1 0 " Ci s d r a w n i n l o c o m p r e s s o or f a B e l l - " 6 C o l e r n a ns y s t e m . l l i s c o r e s s e di s e n t r o p i c ; a tl loy 5 t r a r .l ' h e c o m p r e s s e raJi r i s c o o l e c ij n t h e i n l h e c o o l e rt o 1 5 ' C a l c o n ¿ ì f ìpt r e s s L l r e I. t i s l h e n e > t ¡ l a r r c jteod; t p r e s s u r eo f j b a r f r o n tw h e r e i t e n t e r si n t o c o l d c h a m b e r L a w o f r , ' x p a n s i o rPr .V r r l . , C [ : i n d ( a ) W .D p e r k c l f . , t i r

(b) coP 7.

( a ) Ë x p l a r ns t a n d a r dv a p o r c o r ì p r e s s i r :cny c l ew r t hT - S (tt) l - h e f o l l o w i n cv¡a l u e s r ) 0 i v e n f o r a n N l - 1 .r ' t , r lfr l ç l r í l l o r (i) Dry sltrrratecl (ii) Dry siltur:teclv i l l ) o r l rc r r l e r i n r )t l r r :r ; o r l ¡ l r o s : ; o r 'lnhe Systenroperatof b r t l w c r t : n- , ? 0 " C & 3 0 ' C r c s ¡ r o c l i v c l y Temperature

-20 30

E n t l r a l p yK J / k g

6 t0

Ent.ropy KJ/Kg, K



1 4 3 7, 7 3 14 8 6 . 41

0.6544 1.4877

5.9025 5.262'.4

( a ) D i s c u s se f f e c to n p e r f o r m a n coef s t d ,v a o o u rc o m p r e s s i ocny c l ef o r ( i ) V a r i a t i o inn e v a p o r a t oprr e s s u r e . ( i i ) V a r i a t i o ni n c o n d e n s e rp r e s s u r e ( b ) E x p l a i np r a c t i c avla p o u rc o r n p r e s s i oc ny c t ew i t ha neat sketr;h, B 9 . ( a ) W h a ta r ep r i m a r ya n r ls Q c o r ì d arreyfr i g e r a l r i i i v e d e s i r a b l ep r o p e r t i e so f ¡ l r i m a r yr e fr i g e r a n t s . B âtrcorption 'eat sketch ) Describepracticalvapodr' cvcle B Sy.st6:Ï¡

i d ) l - l e a lp u n t p .

, t


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1Ç) Multipressrr.rre Nf.t*-ref¡itgi¡!.qfSYgtean-*,-,,:,.-^*"..-, ..*,^.*-è

1 3 Ë . r = , r r e . c L r3 ¿ r r - v l l Ç t't-t¿2. <*'h ud'-r'-,ì c '-'4



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?78¡¡-05. ( 3 f{ours) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)



¡, ¡'l'"{it ;',

BB-s02 '! t TotatMarks : 00

Q u e s l l oN n o ,1 l s c o m p u t s o r y . Solvoanyfour out of romaining six questions. Drawdlagramswhersv€rnecsssary. Groupanswersto a quostiontogether. Flguresto the rlght Indicatsmax.marksallottedto the questions.

(a) Whatis pattern? Describe factors,,which aretakenintoconsideration, pattern. '!0 whileselecting matorialfor (b) Usingdiagramsexplainany fourtypesof cores. 10 one. any Answer 20 (a) Explainshollmolding. (b) Dgscribetho essentialfeaturesof CO, molding.


(a) Ëxplainthe dondritlcgrowthin pureme{als. (b) Whatars key featuresof full motdcasting?

10 10

(a) Differontiate betwoen(anytwo) :(i) pressuredie castingM/c and Coldchamberpressuredie castingM/c. Hot chamber . (ii) Sandand Clay. (¡i¡) Woodand Metalas patternmaterials. (b) Writea noteon GatlngRatio.

5 5 5 10

.,Ll'=f'(a) Explainstructureof casting. ,,j,,¡î,t,,

(b) Discussany fourcastlngdefects"

:Me. (a) W r i t ea n o t eo r 1C a l n o ' sm e t h o do f R i s o rd e s i g n .


(b.) Explaindifferentallowances employedin patterndesign.


(a) what is gfalnstructure? How to conlrolthe grainstructureof a casting? (b) Explainlnduction furnaceoperationand enumerate disadvantages only.



,:. . t . )I l t . : i r l








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-- ----OfHet hing..a,.a pou{io-g-

t 6.Cte,rni^.3 ;1ncl costing




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