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General Programme Information


2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

Academic Award Professional Accreditation Attendance mode Medium of Instruction

1 1 2 2

Aims and Outcomes of the Programme


3.1 Objectives 3.2 Aims 3.3 Outcomes

2 2 2

Entrance Requirements


4.1 For Year 1 4.2 For Senior Year Intake

4 5

Programme Contents, Subject Registration and Student Exchange


5.1 General University Requirements (GUR) 5.1.1 Language and Communication Requirements (LCR) 5.1.2 Cluster Area Requirements (CAR) 5.1.3 Leadership and Intra-personal Development 5.1.4 Service Learning 5.1.5 Freshman Seminar 5.1.6 Healthy Lifestyle

5 6 6 7 8 8 8




5.2 Discipline Specific Requirements (DSR) 5.2.1 Core Studies 5.2.2 Design Project 5.2.3 Individual Project 5.2.4 Industrial Centre Training 5.2.5 Work-Integrated Education 5.2.6 Stream of Structural Engineering

9 9 10 10 10 11 11

5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6

12 13 13 13

Minor Programmes Subject Registration Student Exchange Study Load i



5.7 Summary of Study Credits of GUR and DSR and Training Credits


5.8 Programme Curriculum 5.8.1 Coding System 5.8.2 Pre-requisites and Exclusions

15 20 21

5.9 Senior Year Curriculum Framework


5.10 Credit Transfer



Teaching and Learning Methods



Assessment, Progression and Awards


7.1 Assessment of Subjects


7.2 Progression


7.3 Retaking of Subjects


7.4 Absence from an Assessment Components


7.5 Rules Governing the Conduct of Examinations


7.6 Regulations for Awards


7.7 Award Classification


7.8 Pass-without-Honours


7.9 Aegrotat Award


7.10 Student Appeals


Programme Management


8.1 Departmental Programme Committee


8.2 Programme Leaders


8.3 Programme Executive Group


8.4 Student-Staff Consultative Group


8.5 Dual Advising System




Subject Description Forms



Curriculum Mapping


This Definitive Programme Document is subject to review and changes which the Programme Offering Faculty / Department can decide to make from time to time. Students will be informed of the changes as and when appropriate.




While being an international commercial and financial centre in Asia, Hong Kong has the world’s highest population density in its urban area. The negative effects of high population density can be mitigated by better planning, design and layout of commercial and residential buildings, open spaces, public transport, and community facilities and through the development of new towns in the New Territories and outlying islands. In the past two decades, many mega-projects have been implemented in Hong Kong to increase the land supply and improve the infrastructure systems. It stimulates a consistently increasing demand for well-trained civil engineers. The booming economy in Mainland China also opens up new opportunities for local civil engineers to participate in the infrastructure developments in China. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has engaged in teaching and research on different disciplines of civil engineering for more than three decades. This credit-based Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Degree Programme in Civil Engineering is designed to provide students with a broad-based and high quality interdisciplinary education in areas of structural, geotechnical, hydraulic, transportation and environmental engineering as well as construction management. This professional programme aims to nurture students as all-round civil engineers who are ready to work on large engineering projects under different social, environmental, legal and political constraints, and to embrace the principle of sustainable development. This programme has the following features:  Four-year full-time comprehensive programme with a wide range of core and elective subjects;  Opportunity to study abroad for one to two semesters in subsidised exchange programmes at internationally famed universities;  Eight weeks of practical training modules in the technologically advanced Industrial Centre;  A minimum of four weeks of summer industrial placement in Hong Kong, Mainland China, or overseas between the third- and fourth-year of the programme;  Prestigious scholarships available for students with excellent academic performance.



2.1 Academic Award Successful completion of the curriculum will lead to the award of the Bachelor of Engineering Degree with Honours [BEng(Hons)] in Civil Engineering. In exceptional circumstances, the award of a Pass-without-Honours degree may be made at the discretion of the Board of Examiners. An option of being awarded with a Bachelor of Engineering Degree with Honours in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering) is also offered. Details of the Structural Engineering stream are listed in Section 5.2.6. 2.2 Professional Accreditation Provisional Accreditation for the programme has been granted by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) in 2014 until the first cohort of graduates of the 4-year curriculum. Full accreditation will be considered following a full visit by the HKIE afterwards. Graduates of this Programme are expected to be qualified for Corporate Membership of the HKIE. 1

2.3 Attendance Mode The normal duration of the programme is four years of full time study. Each academic year consists of two 13-weeks terms. The contact hours for each 3-credit subject are usually 3 hours per week. It is expected that students should normally take 5 or 6 subjects in a semester. Summer term study is not mandatory. 2.4 Medium of Instruction English

3. AIMS AND OUTCOMES OF THE PROGRAMME 3.1 Objectives We prepare students as professional civil engineers. More specifically, the objectives of the programme are: (1) To train students to master the fundamental principles, analytical and experimental techniques and design methodology of structural, geotechnical, hydraulic and environmental engineering for identifying and solving civil engineering problems within constraints; (2) To develop students' abilities to function in teams and communicate effectively through drawing, calculations, and written and verbal presentation; (3) To train students to appreciate the managerial, social and ethical responsibilities of professional engineers; and (4) To train students to appreciate the need for life-long learning and keeping abreast of current issues. 3.2 Aims This programme provides rigorous education in civil engineering that satisfies the requirements of relevant professional institutions, both local and overseas. Emphasis is on the application of the fundamentals of applied science to solve engineering problems within a context of technical, social and economic priorities and constraints. 3.3 Outcomes It is intended that the graduates of this programme will attain the following professional and general abilities: 1.

an ability to apply the fundamentals of applied science, mathematics, ands statistical methods to formulate effective solutions across a wide range of civil engineering domains, including construction engineering, environmental engineering, geotechnical engineering, hydraulic engineering, structural engineering, and transportation engineering; 2


an ability to design and conduct modern experimental studies and relate their bearing on theoretical concepts;


an ability to identify, structure and analyze diverse problems arising from the changing constraints that influence engineering projects, such as economic, environmental, legal, social, health and safety, sustainability, and technological considerations;


an ability to develop and function effectively in multi-disciplinary teams;


an ability to synthesize logical solutions to civil engineering problems independently with a creative and imaginative mind;


an ability to work professionally and ethically;


an ability to communicate logically and lucidly through drawing, calculation, and in writing;


an ability to acquire broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context;


an ability to acquire knowledge of contemporary and global issues;


an ability to acquire a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning;


an ability to utilize the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice to meet desired needs within realistic constraints;


an ability to cope with challenges and developments of the profession, including the increasing application of information technology in practice.

Graduates will be able to use various techniques of analysis in the process of design of civil engineering works. Their approach to design will be tempered by their appreciation of the practical limitations of the analytical models in common use and their understanding of the materials at their disposal. They will understand the construction, management and contractual aspects of civil engineering work and be familiar with the structure of the industry, and also the profession of which they are to become part. Lastly, they should understand their social responsibilities as engineers including safety management at construction sites and possess confidence, decisiveness and ethical standards necessary to enable their potential value to the community to be fully realized. The achievement of these objectives is a matter concerning the efforts of all staff, the University and, most importantly, the students themselves. All elements of the programme also make their contributions; the lectures, the tutorials, the laboratories and the coursework will provide the core of knowledge and experience of all subjects. The design project and the individual project in the final year draw upon this core of experience, acting as mechanisms to integrate different subjects and providing opportunities to practise both conceptual and detailed design. The subject in construction materials allied to the substantial Industrial Centre training periods, enhances the students' understanding of the materials and the techniques of construction within a context of their practical limitations, and provides further support to their developing design judgment. Exposure to the analytical techniques of civil engineering, particularly within the core subjects of structures, 3

environment, geotechnology and hydraulics, is supported by the substantial mathematics content of the programme and the wide range of computing facilities. The importance of management subjects and elective subjects are not underestimated as they provide those dimensions necessary to the students’ eventual success in the civil engineering profession. The correlation between the Programme’s Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) and institutional learning outcome (ILOs) are shown in the below table. ILOs Competent professional Critical thinker Effective communicator Innovative problem Lifelong learner Ethical leader

PILO PILO PILO PILO PILO PILO PILO PILO PILO PILO PILO PILO (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) o o o o o o o

















o o

o o


Institutional learning outcome (ILOs) are: Competent professional: Graduates should be able to integrate and apply in practice the fundamental knowledge and skills required for functioning effectively as an entry-level professional. Critical thinker: Graduates should be able to examine and critique the validity of information, arguments, and different viewpoints, and reach a sound judgment on the basis of credible evidence and logical reasoning. Effective communicator: Graduates should be able to comprehend and communicate effectively in English and Chinese, orally and in writing, in professional and daily contexts. Innovative problem solver: Graduates should be able to identify and define problems in professional and daily contexts, and produce creative and workable solutions to the problems. Lifelong learner: Graduates should recognise the need for continual learning and selfdevelopment, and be able to plan, manage and improve their own learning in pursuit of selfdetermined development goals. Ethical leader: Graduates should have an understanding of leadership and be prepared to lead a team, and should acknowledge their responsibilities as professionals and citizens to the society and their own nation, and be able to demonstrate ethical reasoning in professional and daily contexts.

4. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.1 For Year 1 For entry with HKDSE (Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education) Qualifications, students must satisfy the General Minimum Entrance Requirements of the University, and the following specific subject requirement(s) of this programme: Level 3: English Language and Chinese Language, AND Level 2: Mathematics, Liberal Studies , AND 4

Level 3: Two other elective subjects [can include Extended Modules of Mathematics (M1/M2)] Preferred Subject  Preferably Physics/Combined Science with a Physics component Other Preferred Subject(s)  Preferably with any of the extended modules in Mathematics For Entry with other Qualifications Applicants with other academic qualifications, such as HKALE, IB (International Baccalaureate), GCE (General Certificate of Education), SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test), and JEE (Chinese Mainland Joint Entrance Examination); OR Holders of Higher Diploma or Associate Degree in Civil Engineering or Structural Engineering or equivalent from a recognized institution will also be considered. For those applying on the basis of other qualifications, the specified requirements are: a) Good Grades in the GCE ‘O’ and ‘A’ level examinations are acceptable. b) Exceptionally, mature applicants with relevant working experiences may be considered. In such cases the Department may require the applicant to take a separate entrance examination. c) Applicants may be invited to attend an interview prior to being offered a place. The purpose of this interview is to assess the applicant’s command of English and Chinese, to determine the breadth and depth of the applicant’s general knowledge and also to understand the applicant’s motivation of pursuing his/her studies. 4.2

For Senior Year Intake

Applicants possessing a relevant Higher Diploma or Associate Degree may be considered for entry into the programme with Senior Year places, provided that they have demonstrated a high level of attainment in their studies.

5. PROGRAMME CONTENTS, SUBEJCT REGISTRATION AND STUDENT EXCHANGE The programme curriculum consists of both General University Requirement (GUR) subjects and Discipline Specific Requirement (DSR) subjects. 5.1 General University Requirements (GUR) GUR stands for “General University Requirements”. It constitutes the core general education curriculum of PolyU that all students must engage in. As a citizen in the modern world and a unique human being, students need to appreciate the importance of active and life-long learning. This is the rationale for the GUR — to tap into students’ human potential. The followings are components of GUR subjects:


5.1.1 Language and Communication Requirements (LCR) The purposes of LCR are to help students become effective communicators by developing their language competence in support of academic and professional needs. All students are required to take 9 credits of LCR subjects, including English (6 credits) and Chinese (3 credits). Depending upon their level of language proficiency at entry, students are required to take different LCR subjects. The list of LCR subjects in English and Chinese can be found at http://elc.polyu.edu.hk/Subjects/ and http://www.cbs.polyu.edu.hk/gur.php?lcrList=1#lcrList. Language learning is not restricted to LCR subjects. There are additional literacy requirements called 'Reading and Writing Requirements' in both English and Chinese embedded in the CAR subjects as listed below. To further learn about these requirements, please visit http://rwr.polyu.edu.hk/. The LCR requirements for Senior Year intake students are listed in Section 5.9. 5.1.2 Cluster Area Requirements (CAR) To expand student’s intellectual capacity beyond their own disciplinary domain and to enable them to tackle professional and global issues from a multidisciplinary perspective, students are required to successfully complete at least one 3-credit subject in each of the following four Cluster Areas: CAR A

Human Nature, Relations and Development (HRD) Focus: Individual reflection and experience


Community, Organisation and Globalization (COG) Focus: Society and citizenship


History, Culture and World Views (HCW) Focus: Different ways of relating to the world such as philosophy, art, history, religion and comparative culture


Science, Technology and Environment (STE) Focus: Science as a way of thinking which in the modern world has led to an explosion of technology and its impact on our common environment

In addition to the four clusters, there are three attributes embedded in some CAR subjects. 1. China Studies Requirements (CSR) to help students understand aspects of Chinese culture, history and contemporary developments. 2. English Writing and Reading Requirements (EW/ER) to further enhance their proficiency in English. 3. Chinese Writing and Reading Requirements (CW/CR) to further enhance their proficiency in Chinese. To successfully complete CAR, students must fulfill all the following requirements by the time of graduation: 1. Complete at least four CAR subjects (12 credits). 2. Complete at least one CAR subject from each cluster area, i.e. CAR A-D. 6


Cover all three attributes among the CAR subjects you completed.

Students admitted via the Senior Year intake are required to fulfill the following by the time of graduation: 4. Complete at least two CAR subjects (6 credits). 5. Complete at least two CAR subject from two different cluster area among CAR A-D. 6. Cover all three attributes among the CAR subjects you completed. Before you start to select a subject, it is important to understand the format of GUR subject code. An example is illustrated below:

GUR types A to K represent cluster area(s) as below GUR Type A B C D E F G H J K

The Subject will fulfill Cluster Area A Cluster Area B Cluster Area C Cluster Area D Cluster Area A OR B Cluster Area A OR C Cluster Area A OR D Cluster Area B OR C Cluster Area B OR D Cluster Area C OR D

You can access the subject synopsis of GUR subjects from this database https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ogur/GURSubjects/ The Department offers the following CAR subjects : CSE1B01W CSE1B02W CSE1D03

Transport and Society Civil Infrastructure and Society How Safe are We at Work?

A list of approved CAR subjects under each of the four Cluster Areas is available at: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ogur/GURSubjects/CAR.php. 5.1.3 Leadership and Intra-personal Development In order to prepare students to lead themselves and others, students will be required to successfully complete a 3-credit subject in the area of Leadership and Intra-Personal Development. Such a subject will enable students to understand theories and research on the intra-personal and interpersonal qualities of effective leaders, develop self-awareness and a better understanding of oneself, acquire interpersonal skills essential for functioning as an effective leader, and develop 7

self-reflection skills. This requirement is not applicable to students admitted via the Senior Year intake. 5.1.4 Service Learning All students must successfully complete one 3-credit subject designated to meet the servicelearning requirement, in which they are required to:  Apply the knowledge and skills students have acquired to deal with complex issues in the service setting.  Reflect on their role and responsibilities both as a professional in their chosen discipline and as a responsible citizen.  Demonstrate empathy for people in need and a strong sense of civic responsibility.  Demonstrate an understanding of the linkage between service-learning and the academic content of the subject. The Department offers the following service-learning subjects which are devised specifically for students of the Faculty of Construction and Environment: CSE3S01 Built Environment Enhancement for Underprivileged Communities CSE2S02 Serving Disadvantaged Communities Suffering from Urban Decay A list of approved Service-learning subjects is available at the URL: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ogur/GURSubjects/SL.php 5.1.5 Freshman Seminar There will be a 3-credit Freshman Seminar in the first year of curriculum through which students will be introduced to many different aspects associated with the Broad Discipline helping them make an informed choice as to their major and make the adjustment from studying in a secondary school to a university. The overall purpose of the Freshman Seminar is to introduce students to the professional world of a Broad Discipline. Specifically, it is intended to:  Introduce students to the Broad Discipline and their potential major  Cultivate students’ higher order thinking skills  Encourage students’ entrepreneurship  Help students learn to engage in self-directed and autonomous study The Freshman Seminar relevant to students is listed out in the curriculum table in Section 5.8. This requirement is not applicable to students admitted via the Senior Year intake. 5.1.6 Healthy Lifestyle The Revised Healthy Lifestyle Programme (HLS) is a set of courses and activities covering different dimensions of health that aims to help students build up a healthy lifestyle, which is an important and positive aspect to promote success in the university. In this revised programme, students will get to:  acquire, synthesise, and evaluate knowledge on healthy living; 8

 

differentiate between useful health facts and myths about health; identify components of healthy living that contribute in one’s well-being

make responsible health decisions for self

There are four components in the programme and it will take around 24 hours to complete. Students are strongly recommended to start Component 1 in Year 1 so as to proceed to other components as soon as possible. More details can be found at https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ogur/GURSubjects/HLS.php. This requirement is not applicable to students admitted via the Senior Year intake. 5.2 Discipline Specific Requirements (DSR) The course of study in the DSR consists of the major(s) and/ or the minor(s) which students will choose leading to professional credentials in a given discipline or disciplines. Design projects, individual project and practical training also form part of the DSR of the curriculum. 5.2.1 Core Studies The Department consists of five academic units which broadly represent the major areas of civil engineering activities. Whilst these units are responsible for the operation of subjects within their own areas, each is required to play an active role in the development and operation of those subjects of the programme intended to integrate ideas and skills across subject boundaries, and to establish a full and proper appreciation of civil engineering. The core subject areas in the programme curricula are briefly described in the following sections. Structural Engineering Structural Analysis and Advanced Structural Mechanics are core subjects. The overall objective of the BEng(Hons) degree is to establish a sound understanding of the fundamentals of structural mechanics and structural analysis and their applications to the design of common concrete and steel structures. These are achieved in the second and third year of the Programme. Furthermore, 2 deepening elective subjects, Advanced Structural Analysis and Advanced Structural Design, are offered in the final year. Geotechnical Engineering All students in the programme take the basic subjects in Geology for Engineers, Soil Mechanics for Civil Engineers and Geotechnical Design. In the final year, two elective subjects, namely, Rock Engineering and Advanced Geotechnical Design, are available to those students wishing to extend their exposures to geotechnical engineering. Hydraulic Engineering Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers is offered in Year 2 whilst Hydraulics and Hydrology in Year 3. An elective subject, Applied Fluid Mechanics is offered in the final year. Both fundamental principles and applications to situations that are of concern to civil engineers are covered. 9

Environmental Engineering Environmental engineering concerns the application of scientific principles and engineering expertise to the development, protection and management of the natural environment in order to promote the health and well-being of society. The two compulsory core subjects, namely Air and Noise Pollution Studies for Civil Engineers and Water and Waste Management, which are of most relevant to civil engineers among all environmental engineering disciplines, are covered in the third year of the Programme. In the final year, two deepening elective subjects, namely, Solid and Hazardous Waste Control, and Water and Wastewater Treatment Techniques for Civil Engineers, are available for further studies in the area of environmental engineering. Construction & Transportation Subjects in construction comprise construction materials and construction management. An introductory subject in Transportation and Highway Engineering is included in the Year Three curriculum. Two elective subjects, namely, Design of Transport Infrastructure and Traffic Surveys and Transport Planning, are available in the final year. 5.2.2 Design Project The design project in the final year requires students to apply their engineering skills acquired in subjects of various disciplines of the programme to develop both schematic and detailed design of a civil engineering project. Students are required to work as a group to propose at least two different schemes for buildings or bridges, each with a brief description on their construction sequences, for comparison. Key structural systems and members should then be identified for detailed design performed by individual students in a coordinated manner. For example, students may be required to propose different structural forms for a multi-storey building. Depending on the geological conditions of the foundation, students may also be required to propose different foundation systems. 5.2.3 Individual Project The individual project in the final year is normally carried out under the supervision of an academic staff in the Department. Broadly, there are two main components, a critical assessment of appropriate literature and the completion of some experimental or theoretical work of an original nature. The project thus provides useful experience in civil engineering as well as a good ground in the synthesis of knowledge and skills required for a career in the civil engineering field. The project requires students to exercise their independent thinking and learning and provides an opportunity for students to tackle a problem in Civil Engineering area individually. 5.2.4 Industrial Centre Training A fundamental aim of this programme is to nurture theoretical, analytical, design and construction skills within a context of realistic engineering situations. Hence, students are provided with an opportunity to experience, understand and appreciate the skills required to complete a construction project as part of the Work Integrated Education (WIE). Students shall spend a period of eight weeks to attend various practical training modules offered by the Industrial Centre (IC) of the University in the summer of Year One and Year Two. The training includes safety issues and hands-on experience 10

in scaffolding, bricklaying, formwork, reinforced concrete practices and erection of steelwork. Taking reference to the comments given by HKIE, Building Information Modelling is introduced as a new teaching module. Details of IC training modules are provided in Appendix of this document. 5.2.5 Work-Integrated Education A minimum of four-week summer training is scheduled in the third year of study (first year summer for Senior Year intake). The objectives of this training are: a. b. c.

Expose students to civil engineering projects in practice; Enable students to gain practical experiences; and Provide students an opportunity to interact with professional engineers and other relevant parties.

To ensure students are benefited from the summer training, each student is supervised by an academic supervisor and an industrial supervisor (usually his direct supervisor in the company). The academic supervisor will contact the industrial supervisor during the training period in order to assess students’ performance. Upon completion of the training period, the industrial supervisor shall complete an assessment form for each student. The academic supervisor will mark the training report submitted by each student. The assessment of the training is based on the training report and the feedback from the industrial supervisor. Students are required to submit another report in essay format and the reports will be marked by a professional English teacher. Assessment of summer training is based on: i) Final report; and (60%) ii) Appraisal by the two tutors (40%) Students must attain at least “Satisfactory” grade from the industrial supervisor in the performance appraisal and a grade D of the Final Report in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. For the contents and format of the reports, students shall refer to the information posted at the student intranet of the departmental website. To meet the graduation requirement, students must perform satisfactorily in summer training. 5.2.6

Stream of Structural Engineering

Contributions made in structural engineering by the Department have brought high recognition to this field locally and internationally. Furthermore, structural engineers enjoy a high professional status and play a vital role in local economy as Hong Kong has the highest density of high-rise buildings in the world with leading structural engineering consultants. An option of being awarded with a Bachelor of Engineering Degree with Honours in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering) is thus offered.


The criteria for opting the stream are as follows: a)

Obtained an average grade B or above for the below subjects in structural engineering area in the second and the third years of study. CSE20201 Structural Mechanics CSE20204 Advanced Structural Mechanics CSE30301 Structural Analysis CSE30311 Design of Steel Structures CSE30310 Design of Concrete Structures


Completed the final year project under the supervision of an academic staff in the structural engineering unit.


Completed at least one of the following elective subjects in structural engineering area: CSE40418 Advanced Structural Analysis CSE40422 Infrastructure Management CSE49400 Advanced Structural Design

In Semester 1 of the final year study, student should apply for incorporating the stream (Structural Engineering) to the Department. Application form can be downloaded from student intranet of the departmental website. No application will be considered after the add/drop period of Semester 2 of the final year study. The applications will be discussed and confirmed by the Board of Examiners (BoE) at the end of Semester 2. Students who failed to meet any of the above criteria shall not be awarded with the stream. The Department reserves the right to limit the number of students admitted to this stream and to select students at its own discretion. 5.3 Minor Programmes For enrichment of the learning experience, students are allowed to opt for Minor Programmes offered in the University. Each Minor Programme is usually arranged to have a total of 18 credits. Only students with a GPA of 2.5 or above can be considered for Minor study enrolment. Each student is allowed to take not more than one Minor. Normally, this option to study for a Minor will not be applicable to students who are admitted to the advanced stage of a programme, nor to students who are admitted to an articulation degree programme. Students interested in a Minor must submit their applications to and obtain approval from the Minor-offering Department, at the start of second year of study. Students should submit their applications to their Major Department, which will indicate its support or otherwise (since the taking of a Minor will increase the student’s study load), before the Minor-offering Department makes a final decision on the application. Students are expected to complete their approved Minor as part of their graduation requirements. Students who wish to withdraw from a Minor need to apply for approval officially from the Minor offering department, before the end of the add/drop period of the last Semester of study. Students are required to obtain a GPA of at least 2.0 in order to satisfy the requirement for graduation with a Major plus a Minor.


In addition, to be eligible for the Major and Minor awards, the total number of credits taken by the students for their Major-Minor studies must not be lower than the credit requirement of the single discipline Major programme. 5.4 Subject Registration Students need to register for the subjects at specified periods prior to the commencement of the semester. An add/drop period will also be scheduled for each semester. Students must fulfill the pre-requisite requirements of a particular subject if they wish to register for that subject. Students may apply for subject withdrawal within the add/drop period. All subject withdrawal requests will not be considered after the add/drop period unless under very exceptional circumstances. Students should submit an application for withdrawal of subjects to the General Office. Such requests will be considered by both the programme leader and the subject lecturer concerned if strong justifications are provided and when the tuition fee of the subject concerned has been settled. Requests for subject withdrawal will not be entertained after the commencement of the examination period for the programme. 5.5 Student Exchange The University and Department offer scholarships to enable students to experience different cultures through exchange programmes. This exposure helps broadening student’s global outlook, explore and develop their potentials, and increase their competitiveness for career development while fulfilling the academic requirements of the University. Currently, the Department is engaged in student exchange collaboration with the following universities:  Imperial College, London  University of Leeds  The Catholic University of America  University of Calgary  Delft University of Technology  University of Illinois, Chicago This credit bearing exchange offers students maximum flexibility and exchange duration ranges from one semester to one academic year. Subject to the curriculum of the partner university, the credits earned overseas may be transferable to the programme of student’s current degree. However, in order to complete the programme curriculum, students may need to prolong their study period upon participation in the Student Exchange Programme. No additional tuition fee is required for the exchange. Students only need to pay the current PolyU tuition. Financial assistance may be provided. For more details, please visit the website of the International Affairs Office. 5.6 Study Load For students following the progression pattern specified for the programme, they have to take the number of credits and subjects, as specified in Section 5.8 and 5.9 of this document, for each semester. Students cannot drop those subjects assigned by the department unless prior approval has been given by the department. 13

The maximum study load to be taken by a student in a semester is 21 credits, unless exceptional approval is given by the Department. For such cases, students should be reminded that the study load approved should not be taken as grounds for academic appeal. To help improve the academic performance of students on academic probation, they will be required to take a reduced study load in the following semester (Summer Term excluded). The maximum number of credits to be taken in a semester by students on academic probation will be decided by the Department. Students are not allowed to take zero subject in any semester, unless they have obtained prior approval from the Department; otherwise they will be classified as having unofficially withdrawn from their programme. Students who have been approved for zero subject enrolment (i.e. taking zero subject in a semester) are allowed to retain their student status and continue using campus facilities and library facilities. Any semester in which the students are allowed to take zero subject will nevertheless be counted towards the maximum period of registration. 5.7 Summary of Study Credits of GUR and DSR and Training Credits GUR LCR English Chinese Year 1 (Sem 1 & 2) Year 1 (Summer Term) Year 2 (Sem 1 & 2) Year 2 (Summer Term) Year 3 (Sem 1 & 2) Year 3 (Summer Term) Year 4 (Sem 1 & 2) Sub-total Total Credits for 31469

Freshman Seminar




Healthy Lifestyle


Total of GUR & DSR

Practical Training Credits




















































































Total No. of Credits of the 4-year Programme: 124 credits and 12 practical training credits


5.8 Programme Curriculum Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4 show the curriculum for Years One, Two, Three and Four of the BEng(Hons) Degree, respectively. Detailed syllabi are given in the Subject Description Forms in Appendix.

Table 1: Year One Curriculum Subject Code AP10001^ CE1000 CBS1104C / CBS1104P ELC1011 APSS1L01

AMA1130 ELC1012 CSE20308 CSE30312


Assessment Weighting Subject Title Introduction to Physics Construction for Better Living University Chinese Practical English for University Studies Tomorrow’s Leaders CAR Subject 1# (Cluster Area A) CAR Subject 2# (Cluster Area B) Healthy Lifestyle Calculus for Engineers English for University Studies Construction Materials Transportation and Highway Engineering CAR Subject 3# (Cluster Area C) IC Training for DG in Civil Engineering TOTAL:


Total contact hours

Total no. of credits







































1 and 2

































2 3





^This is an underpinning subject for students who did not pass the relevant subjects in HKDSE. It has not been counted in the total of 33 credits in the curriculum table. # CSE1B01W Transport and Society, CSE1B02W Civil Infrastructure and Society and CSE1D03 How Safe are We at Work?, which are CAR subjects, will be offered by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The offering pattern and the timetable can be found at https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ogur/GURSubjects/CAR.php. Instead of these three CAR subjects, students may register for any CAR subjects offered by another department. ~

The exact training schedule will be announced by Industrial Centre in May to June every year.

ptc: Practical training credit


Table 2: Year Two Curriculum Assessment Weighting Subject Code


CBS3231P *

CSE20201 CSE20206 CSE30307 COMP1011 CSE20202




LSGI2961 IC2116

Subject Title

Mathematics for Engineers Chinese Communication for Construction and Environment Structural Mechanics Geology for Engineers Soil Mechanics for Civil Engineering Programming Fundamentals Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineering Advanced Structural Mechanics Engineering Analysis and Computation English for Construction and Environmental Professionals Engineering Surveying IC Training for DG in Civil Engineering



Total contact hours




































































6 ptc





1 1



Total no. of credits


ptc: Practical training credit * CBS3231P is designed for local students or Chinese, if any international student who may encounter difficulty in taking this subject, he/she can apply for a subject exemption and a replacement subject will be arranged.


Table 3: Year Three Curriculum

Subject Code CSE30301 CSE30303 CSE30311




CSE30310 CSE30337 CSE40403


Assessment Weighting Subject Title Structural Analysis Construction Management Design of Steel Structures Air and Noise Pollution Studies for Civil Engineering Hydraulics and Hydrology Analytical and Quantitative Methods for Civil Engineers Design of Concrete Structures Water and Waste Management Geotechnical Design Service-learning subject # Summer Training TOTAL:



Total contact hours
























































Total no. of credits

3 3




4 ptc



30+4 ptc

ptc: Practical training credit # CSE2S02 Serving the Disadvantaged Section of Community Suffering from Urban Decay and CSE3S01 Built Environment Enhancement for Underprivileged Communities, which are service learning subjects, will be offered to students under the Faculty of Construction and Environment. The offering pattern and timetable can be found at https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ogur/GURSubjects/SL.php. Instead of CSE2S02 and CSE3S01, students may register for any service learning subject offered by another department.


Table 4: Year Four Curriculum Subject Code CSE48404 CSE49405

CSE40407 CSE40411 CSE40420 CSE40432 CSE49400 CSE40419 CSE40408


CSE40418 CSE40422


Subject Title Design Project for Civil Engineers Individual Project for Civil Engineering CAR Subject 4 (Cluster Area D) Design of Transport Infrastructure Rock Engineering Applied Fluid Mechanics Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Advanced Structural Design Engineers in Society Traffic Surveys and Transport Planning Advanced Geotechnical Design Advanced Structural Analysis Infrastructure Management Water and Wastewater Treatment Techniques for Civil Engineering TOTAL:



Total contact hours
















Assessment Weighting


Total no. of credits

























































DSR Elective Subject (choice of any two)


DSR Elective Subject (choice of any two)


Total No. of Credits of the 4-year Programme: 124 credits and 12 practical training credits

Apart from the curriculum requirement, students must fulfill the followings in order to graduate: -

Work-integrated Education Seminar requirement – Students are required to attend SIX seminars during their entire period of study, among which TWO of them must be organized by HKIE. Students are required to present the attendance certificates of the related seminars.


*LCR Requirement

for 4-year undergraduate programme

English All undergraduate students (admitted in/after 2018/19) must successfully complete two 3-credit English language subjects as stipulated by the University, according to their English language proficiency level (Table 5). Students entering the University with specified attainment grades in certain public examinations / advanced qualifications can be given credit transfer or exemption for one or both LCR English subjects. Table 5: English LCR Subjects (each 3 credits) Subject English language competence level

Practical English for University Studies (ELC1011)

English for University Studies (ELC1012)

Any LCR Proficient level elective subject in English (Table 2)

HKDSE Level 4 and above or equivalent


Subject 1

Subject 2

HKDSE Level 3 or equivalent

Subject 1

Subject 2


Table 6: Proficient level elective subjects for DSE Level 4 students and above (or equivalent) (each 3 credits) Advanced English for University Studies (ELC2014) LCR Proficient level elective subjects

Advanced English Reading and Writing Skills (ELC2011) English in Literature and Film (ELC2013) Persuasive Communication (ELC2012)

Chinese All undergraduate students (admitted in/after 2018/19) must successfully complete one 3-credit Chinese language subject as stipulated by the University, according to their Chinese language proficiency level. All Chinese-speaking students will be required to take the same Chinese LCR subject. Cantonese will be used as the Medium of Instruction (MoI) of a certain proportion of Chinese LCR subject (Table 8). Students taking the Cantonese version of the subjects will be offered a 39 hour non-credit bearing e-Learning course in Putonghua (optional). Students entering the University with specified attainment grades in certain public examinations / advanced qualifications can be given credit transfer or exemption.


Table 7: Chinese LCR Subjects (each 3 credits) Subject Code

Subject Title



University Chinese



University Chinese


For non-Chinese speaking students or students whose Chinese standards are at junior secondary level or below: Depending on the result of the Chinese Language Centre entry assessment, one subject from Table 8 will be pre-assigned to students as Chinese LCR. Students are also exempted from the Chinese Reading and Writing Requirements of CAR. Table 8: Chinese LCR Subjects for non-Chinese speakers or students whose Chinese standards are at junior secondary level or below Subject Code CBS1151



Subject Title Chinese I (for nonChinese speaking students) Chinese II (for nonChinese speaking students)

Pre-requisite / exclusion For non-Chinese speaking students at beginners’ level. -


Chinese III (for nonChinese speaking students)


Chinese IV (for nonChinese speaking students)


Chinese Literature – Linguistics and Cultural Perspectives (for non-Chinese speaking students)


For non-Chinese speaking students; and Students who have completed Chinese I or equivalent For non-Chinese speaking students at lower competence levels; and Students who have completed Chinese II or equivalent For non-Chinese speaking students at intermediate competence levels; and Students who have completed Chinese III or equivalent For non-Chinese speaking students at higher competence levels.

Coding System

Under the credit-based system, each subject is given a unique code for identification. The subject code will indicate the level (i.e. the intellectual demand placed upon students), the recommended sequence of study, and the discipline. The following is the Subject Level code adopted by the University:


Level Code 0

Explanation Pre-university level standard (and remedial subjects taken by new admittees to a 4-year degree programme, or some subjects offered to Higher Diploma student only) Standard comparable to year 1 of a 4-year degree programme Standard comparable to year 2 of a 4-year degree programme Standard comparable to year 3 of a 4-year degree programme Standard comparable to the final year of a 4-year degree programme Master’s degree level Doctoral degree level

1 2 3 4 5 6 5.8.2

Pre-requisites and Exclusions

Where required, pre-requisites and exclusions for individual subjects are defined in the subject description forms given in Appendix. This is to ensure students taking a particular subject already have the fundamental knowledge required for studying that subject and to restrict students from gaining extra credits by taking subjects which cover more or less the same set of topics at the same level. 5.9

Senior Year Curriculum Framework

The curriculum for Senior Year Intakes to the full-time UGC-funded BEng(Hons) in Civil Engineering programme is basically the same as the third year and the fourth year of the four year curriculum. In order to satisfy the requirements of 6 credits of Discipline-Specific requirements (DSR) embedded language requirements, the following subjects have been included: a.

Year 1 Semester 1 CBS3231P Chinese Communication for Construction and Environment


Year 1 Semester 2 ELC3421 English for Construction and Environmental Professionals

Moreover, two GUR (CAR) subjects are also included, in additional to the service learning subject. Total Number of Credit Required for graduation is as follows: Total:

67 credits + 4 practical training credits




9 including: 3 from a Service Learning Project, 6 from Cluster Area Subjects.

Those students not meeting the equivalent standard of the Undergraduate Degree LCR (based on their previous studies in AD/HD programmes and their academic performance) will be required to take degree LCR subjects on top of the normal curriculum requirement. The Department will refer to the guidelines provided by the Language Centres (ELC and CBS) to determine whether a new student has met the equivalent standard. LCR subjects have not been counted in the below curriculum tables. 21

Curriculum Table for Senior Year Intakes Table 9: Year One Curriculum Subject Code CBS3231P CSE30301 CSE30311 CSE30312 CSE39300 COMP1011

CSE30306 CSE30307 CSE30310 CSE30337

ELC3421 CSE30323



Total no. of credits






1 1

0.3 0.3

0.7 0.7

3 3
















Assessment Weighting Subject Title Chinese Communication for Construction and Environment Structural Analysis Design of Steel Structures Transportation and Highway Engineering Analytical and Quantitative Methods for Civil Engineers Programme Fundamentals



CAR Subject 1 ^


Hydraulics and Hydrology Soil Mechanics for Civil Engineering Design of Concrete Structures Water and Waste Management Service-learning subject *


































4 ptc 39+4 ptc


English for Construction and Environmental Professionals Summer Training TOTAL:



Table 10: Year Two Curriculum Subject Code CSE40403 CSE48404 CSE49405 CSE40407 CSE40411 CSE40420 CSE40432 CSE49400 CSE30331 CSE49405 CSE40419 CSE40408 CSE40410 CSE40418 CSE40422 CSE40461



1 1



Total no. of credits 3 3















1 1

0.3 0.3

0.7 0.7

3 3












































Assessment Weighting Subject Title CAR Subject 2 ^ Geotechnical Design Design Project for Civil Engineers Individual Project for Civil Engineering Design of Transport Infrastructure Rock Engineering Applied Fluid Mechanics Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Advanced Structural Design Air and Noise Pollution Studies for Civil Engineering Individual Project for Civil Engineering Engineers in Society Traffic Surveys and Transport Planning Advanced Geotechnical Design Advanced Structural Analysis Infrastructure Management Water and Wastewater Treatment Techniques for Civil Engineering TOTAL:


Remark GUR (CAR) DSR

DSR Elective Subject (choice of any one)

DSR Elective Subject (choice of any one)


^ CSE1B01W Transport and Society, CSE1B02W Civil Infrastructure and Society and CSE1D03 How Safe are We at Work?, which are CAR subjects, will be offered by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The offering pattern and the timetable can be found at https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ogur/GURSubjects/CAR.php. ^ SY intake students are required to complete two CAR subjects during degree study and they are FREE to choose ANY two CAR subjects of the four clusters. Instead of the CAR subjects offered by the department, students may register for any CAR subjects offered by another department. ^ Students are required to fulfil the English and Chinese reading and writing requirements and 3 credits of Chinarelated Studies Requirement (CSR). Students should not take more than 3 credits (1 subject) from the same cluster area. Waiver may be granted to students who have fulfilled the English and Chinese reading and writing requirements and/or CSR requirement in their previous studies. * CSE2S02 Serving the Disadvantaged Section of Community Suffering from Urban Decay and CSE3S01 Built Environment Enhancement for Underprivileged Communities, which are service learning subjects, will be offered to students under the Faculty of Construction and Environment. The offering pattern and timetable can be found at https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ogur/GURSubjects/SL.php. Instead of CSE2S02 and CSE3S01, students may register for any service learning subject offered by another department.

Total No. of Credits for Senior Year curriculum: 67 credits and 4 practical training credits 23

Apart from the curriculum requirement, students must fulfill the followings in order to graduate: - Work-integrated Education Seminar requirement – Students are required to attend FOUR seminars during their entire period of study, among which TWO of them must be organized by HKIE. Students are required to present the attendance certificates of the related seminars. - Complete the Online Tutorial on Academic Integrity 5.10 Credit Transfer * Application for credit transfer should be submitted upon the initial enrolment on the programme or before the end of the add/drop period of the first semester of the first year of study. Credit transfer may be done with or without the grade being carried over, the former is normally used when the credits were gained from an identical subject, having the same subject code from PolyU. The validity period of credits previously earned is eight years after the year of attainment. Subject credit transfer will be decided by the subject offering department. Normally, not more than 50% of the credit requirement for award may be transferrable from approved institution outside the University. For transfer of credits from programmes offered by PolyU, normally not more than 67% of the credit requirement for award can be transferred. Credit transfer can be applicable to credits earned by students through study at an overseas institution under an approved exchange programme. Students should, before they go abroad for the exchange programme, seek prior approval from the subject offering Departments and the programme offering Department on their study plan and credit transferability. In order to overcome the problems associated with subject-to-subject mappings, block credit transfer rather than subject-by-subject credit transfer can be given. For students admitted to an Articulation Degree or Senior Year curriculum which is already a reduced curriculum, they should not be given credit transfer for any required GUR subjects, and they must complete at least 60 credits to be eligible for award. Students exceptionally admitted to an Articulation Degree or Senior Year curriculum before 2017/18 based on qualification more advanced than Associate Degree/Higher Diploma may be given credit transfer for the required GUR subjects if they had completed comparable components in their earlier studies. These students can take fewer than 60 credits for attaining the award. As from the 2017/18 intake cohort, all students admitted to an Articulation Degree or Senior Year curriculum, irrespective of the entry qualifications they held when applying for admission to the programmes, are required to complete at least 60 credits to be eligible for award. For credit transfer of retaken subjects, the grade attained in the last attempt should be taken in the case of credit transfer with grade being carried over. Students applying for credit transfer for a subject taken in other institutions are required to declare that the subject grade used for claiming credit transfer was attained in the last attempt of the subject in their previous studies. If a student fails in the last attempt of a retaken subject, no credit transfer should be granted, despite the fact that the student may have attained a pass grade for the subject in the earlier attempts. Students should not be granted credit transfer for a subject which they have attempted and failed in their current study unless the subject was taken by the student as an exchange-out student in his current programme. *The regulations on credit transfer are subject to revision. Please refer to the prevailing regulations as promulgated by the Academic Secretariat from time to time. 24

6. TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS By adopting an outcome-based approach, the primary objective of the implemented teaching and learning methods is to ensure that students attain critical thinking and all-roundedness with professional competence defined in the programme outcomes. In particular, they are tailored to develop abilities to apply knowledge to solve real-life civil engineering problems. Students work individually or in small groups depending on the nature of the work involved. The group size varies according to the teaching and learning activity. Moreover, the idea of the ‘active classroom’, entailing educational concepts and strategies that are relevant to the development of a high level of understanding of academic knowledge and functioning abilities, is advocated in the Department. Where appropriate, the following major teaching and learning methods are implemented: 1. Interactive lecture; 2. Tutorial; 3. Laboratory work; 4. Experiential learning; 5. Problem-based learning; 6. Self-directed learning; 7. E-learning; 8. Site visit and fieldwork; and 9. Technical seminar.

7. ASSESSMENT, PROGRESSION AND AWARDS 7.1 Assessment of Subjects Students' performance in a subject can be assessed by continuous assessment and/or examinations. Continuous assessment involves assessment at different points of the learning process, and is carried out on an on-going basis while students are processing through a subject of study. It may include tests, assignments, projects, laboratory works, field exercises, presentations and other forms of classroom participation. The contributions made by each student in continuous assessment involving a group effort shall be assessed individually, and this can result in different grades being awarded to students in the same group. The examination mark is the mark obtained in a final examination. Where both methods of assessment are used, the weighting of each component in the overall subject grade is defined in the subject description forms. The overall assessment result will be given in grades and each grade corresponds to a grade point as specified below. Unless specified by individual subject, all subjects offered by this Department require students to attain a passing grade in both continuous assessment and examination components in order to attain an overall subject passing grade.


Subject Short grade description A+ Exceptionally Outstanding

Grade point 4.5





Very Good





Wholly Satisfactory Satisfactory



Barely Satisfactory



Barely Adequate








Elaboration on subject grading description The student's work is exceptionally outstanding. It exceeds the intended subject learning outcomes in all regards. The student's work is outstanding. It exceeds the intended subject learning outcomes in nearly all regards. The student's work is very good. It exceeds the intended subject learning outcomes in most regards. The student's work is good. It exceeds the intended subject learning outcomes in some regards. The student's work is wholly satisfactory. It fully meets the intended subject learning outcomes. The student's work is satisfactory. It largely meets the intended subject learning outcomes. The student's work is barely satisfactory. It marginally meets the intended subject learning outcomes. The student's work is barely adequate. It meets the intended subject learning outcomes only in some regards. The student's work is inadequate. It fails to meet many of the intended subject learning outcomes.

“F” is a subject failure grade, whilst all others (“D” to “A+”) are subject passing grades. No credit will be earned if a subject is failed. At the end of each semester/term, a Grade Point Average (GPA) will be computed as follows:


 Subject Grade Point x Subject Credit Value  Subject Credit Value n


where n = number of all subjects (inclusive of failed subjects) taken by the student up to and including the latest semester/term. For subjects which have been retaken, only the grade point obtained in the final attempt will be included in the GPA calculation. In addition, the following subjects will be excluded from the GPA calculation: (i) exempted subjects; (ii) ungraded subjects; (iii) incomplete subjects; (iv) subjects for which credit transfer has been approved, but without any grade assigned; and (v) subjects from which a student has been allowed to withdraw (i.e. those with the code ‘w’). Subjects which have been given a “S” code, i.e. absent from assessment, will be included in the GPA calculation and will be counted as “zero” grade point. 26

GPA is thus the unweighted cumulative average calculated for a student, for all relevant subjects taken from the start of the programme to a particular point of time. GPA is an indicator of overall performance, and is capped at 4.0. 7.2 Progression The membership of the Board of Examiners (BoE) comprises the Head, the Chairman of the Departmental Programme Committee, Programme Leaders, and Subject Lecturers of major subjects. The BoE shall, at the end of each semester, determine whether each student is i) eligible for progression towards an award; or ii) eligible for an award; or iii) required to be de-registered from the programme. A student will have progressing status unless he/she falls within any one of the following categories, which may be regarded as grounds for de-registration from the programme: i)

The maximum period of registration of 8 years is exceeded (For students admitted with Senior Year places, the maximum period of registration of 4 years is exceeded); or


The student's GPA is lower than 2.0 for two consecutive semesters and his/her Semester GPA in the 2nd semester is also lower than 2.0; or

iii) The student's GPA is lower than 2.0 for three consecutive semesters. When a student falls within the categories as stipulated above, the Board of Examiners shall deregister the student from the programme without exception. A student may be de-registered from the programme enrolled before the time frame specified in (ii) or (iii) above if his academic performance is poor to the extent that the Board of Examiners deems that his chance of attaining a GPA of 2.0 at the end of the programme is slim or impossible. If the student is not satisfied with the de-registration decision of the Board of Examiners, he/she can lodge an appeal. All such appeal cases will be referred directly to Academic Appeals Committee (AAC) for final decision. Views of Departments will be sought and made available to AAC for reference. The progression of students to the following academic year will NOT be affected by the GPA obtained in the Summer Term, as Summer Term study is not mandatory for all students of the programme and constitutes a requirement for graduation. When a student has a GPA lower than 2.0, he/she will be put on academic probation in the following semester. If a student is able to pull his/her GPA up to 2.0 or above at the end of the semester, the status of 'academic probation' will be lifted. The status of 'academic probation' will be reflected in the examination result notification, but not in the transcript of studies.


7.3 Retaking of Subjects * Students must retake a compulsory subject which they have failed. Students may retake any subject for the purpose of improving their grade. However, students who have passed a General University Requirements (GUR) subject are not allowed to re-take the same GUR subject for the purpose of improving their grade. Retaking of subjects is with the condition that the maximum study load of 21 credits per semesters is not exceeded. Students wishing to retake passed subjects will be accorded a lower priority than those who are required to retake due to subject failure and can only do so if places are available. The number of retakes of a subject is not restricted. Only the grade attained in the final attempt of retaking (even if the retake grade is lower than the original grade for originally passed subject) will be included in the calculation of GPA. If students have passed a subject but failed after retake, credits accumulated for passing the subject in a previous attempt will remain valid for satisfying the credit requirement for award. The grades attained in previous attempts will only be reflected in transcript of studies. In cases where a student takes another subject to replace a failed elective subject, the fail grade will be taken into account in the calculation of GPA, despite the passing of the replacement subject. Likewise, students who fail a Cluster Area Requirement (CAR) subject may need to take another subject from the same Cluster Area in order to fulfill this part of the GUR, since the original CAR subject may not be offered; in such cases, the fail grade for the first CAR subject will be taken into account in the calculation of the GPA, despite the passing of the second CAR subject. 7.4 Absence from an Assessment Components If a student is unable to complete all the assessment components of a subject, due to serious illness or other circumstances beyond the student's control and considered by the subject offering department as legitimate, the department will determine whether the student will have to complete a late assessment and, if so, by what means. This late assessment shall take place at the earliest opportunity, and before the commencement of the following academic year. The student concerned is required to submit his/her application for late assessment in writing to the Head of Department offering the subject, within five working days from the date of the examination, together with any supporting documents. Approval of applications for late assessment and the means for such late assessment shall be given by the Head of Department offering the subject, in consultation with the Programme Leader. 7.5 Rules Governing the Conducts of Examinations No books, scrap papers and other written materials, etc. shall be brought into the examination room/hall. Articles brought into the examination room/hall with the permission of the invigilator shall be deposited in a place designated by the invigilator. The possession of unauthorised materials by a candidate during an examination shall constitute a breach of regulations and the candidate concerned will be subjected to disciplinary penalties. The case shall be reported to the department concerned and the Student Discipline Committee as well as the Chairman of the relevant Board of Examiners. *The regulations on retaking of subjects are subject to revision. Please refer to the prevailing regulations as promulgated by the Academic Secretariat from time to time. 28

The use of electronic devices (e.g. iPod, tablets, PDA, mobile phones, MP3 players, electronic dictionaries, wearable devices, databank watches, smart watches with mobile applications installed or wireless technologies supported, computers and pagers) are not allowed in an examination except those which are expressly allowed by the subject offering department. Candidates are strongly advised not to bring their electronic devices to the examination room/hall. During the examination, candidates shall not leave the examination room/hall temporarily and return subsequently, unless accompanied by an invigilator (this applies to examinations held in both the examination room and examination hall). They must not take with them any written materials or electronic/communication devices. The time of leaving and returning to the examination room/hall shall be logged down for reference/record. In case of any suspected use of electronic/communication devices by a candidate, the candidate concerned is required to show the content (such as call log/SMS/instant messages/web pages) to the invigilator upon his request. The invigilator will take a record of the relevant information to assess if any cheating is involved. Invigilators shall then instruct the candidate to switch off the electronic/communication device or remove the battery. The case will then be reported to the department concerned and the Student Discipline Committee. 7.6 Regulations for Awards A student is eligible for the BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering award if he/she satisfies all the conditions listed below. i) For students with normal intake, they are required to completed 124 academic credits and 12 practical training credits; while for students with Senior Year places, only 67 academic credits with 4 practical training credits are required; ii) Satisfying the residential requirement for at least 1/3 of the credits to be completed for the

award he/she is currently enrolled, unless the professional bodies stipulate otherwise. This 1/3 requirement is also applicable to Minor programme. Students must take at least 6 credits from their chosen Minor programme in order to satisfy the residential requirement of their chosen Minor. iii) Achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above at graduation; iv) Satisfying other requirements as stipulated in the definitive programme document, e.g. Workintegrated Education (WIE) and other language requirements; and v) Seminar requirement – as indicated in the related session(s) above. vi) Satisfying all requirements as defined in this definitive programme document and as specified by the University; A student is required to graduate as soon as he/she satisfies the graduation requirements stated above. The student concerned is required to apply for graduation, in the semester in which he/she is able to fulfill all his/her graduation requirements, and after the add/drop period for that semester has ended.


7.7 Award Classification The weighted GPA shall be used as a guide for determination of award classification. The Weighted GPA is computed as follows:

 Subject Grade Point x Subject Credit Value x W Weighted GPA =  Subject Credit Value x W





where n =number of all subjects counted in GPA calculation as set out in Section 7.1., except those exclusions specified in the same Section. Wi = a weighing of 2 for Level 1 and 2 subjects, a weighing of 3 for Level 3 and 4 subjects. Same as for GPA, Weighted GPA is capped at 4.0. Any subjects passed after the graduation requirement has been met will not be taken into account in the grade point calculation for award classification. The following is a set of indicators, for BoE’s reference, which can be used in helping to determine award classification: Weighted Honours Classification GPA 3.7+ - 4 1st Honours 3.2+ – 3.72nd Honours, Upper Division 2.3+ – 3.22nd Honours, Lower Division 2.0 – 2.3 3rd Honours Note: “+” sign denotes ‘equal to and more than’; “-” sign denotes ‘less than’. When a student has satisfied the requirements for award, an award GPA will be calculated to determine his/her award classification. For students who have completed a Major/Minor programme, a single classification will be awarded and their award classification will mainly be based on the "Major GPA", but it can be moderated by the Board of Examiners with reference to the "Minor GPA". Students who have committed academic dishonesty will be subject to the penalty of the lowering of award classification by one level. For undergraduate students who should be awarded a Third class Honours degree, they will be downgraded to a Pass-without-Honours. The minimum of downgraded overall result will be kept at a Pass. In rare circumstances where both the Student Discipline Committee and Board of Examiners of a Department consider that there are strong justifications showing the offence be less serious, the requirement for lowering the award classification can be waived. The University reserves the right to withhold the issuance of any certificate of study / an award parchment to a student who has unsettled matters with the University, or subject to disciplinary action. 30

7.8 Pass-without-Honours Under exceptional circumstances, a student who has completed an Honours degree programme, but has not attained Honours standard, may be awarded a Pass-without-Honours Degree. A Passwithout-Honours degree award will be recommended when the student has demonstrated a level of final attainment which is below the 'essential minimum' required for graduation with Honours from the programme in question, but when he/she has nonetheless covered the prescribed work of the programme in an adequate fashion, while failing to show sufficient evidence of the intellectual calibre expected of Honours degree graduates. A Pass-without-Honours is an unclassified award, but the award parchment will not include this specification. For example, if a student has a GPA of 2.0 or higher, but his/her Weighted GPA lower than 2.0, he/she may be considered for a Pass-without-Honours classification. It should be noted that a Passwithout-Honours degree may not satisfy the educational requirements for corporate membership of professional institutions. 7.9 Aegrotat Award If a student is unable to complete the requirements of the programme in question for the award due to very serious illness, or other very special circumstances which are beyond his/her control, and considered by the Board of Examiners as legitimate, the Faculty Board will determine whether the student will be granted an aegrotat award. Aegrotat award will be granted under very exceptional circumstances. A student who has been offered an aegrotat award shall have the right to opt either to accept such an award, or request to be assessed on another occasion to be stipulated by the Board of Examiners; the student’s exercise of this option shall be irrevocable. The acceptance of an aegrotat award by a student shall disqualify him/her from any subsequent assessment for the same award. An aegrotat award shall normally not be classified, and the award parchment shall not state that it is an aegrotat award. However, the Board of Examiners may determine whether the award should be classified, provided that they have adequate information on the students’ academic performance. 7.10 Student Appeals Procedures for appeals against assessment results (other than de-registration decisions) by the Board of Examiners A student may appeal against a decision of a Subject Lecturer/ Subject Assessment Review Panel/Board of Examiners within 7 working days upon the public announcement of the overall results, i.e. the date when the overall results are announced to students via the web. Students should make his/her appeal in writing to the Head of Department. The appeal should be accompanied by a copy of the fee receipt. He/She should give a complete account of the grounds for the appeal in the letter, and provide any supporting evidence. If the student's ground for appeal is that he/she suspects, with prima facie grounds, that his/her examination results have been affected by a material error in marking, the Department shall arrange for the checking and re-marking of the examination scripts concerned. 31

The Head of Department shall attempt to resolve the case and inform the student of the result of his/her appeal within 7 working days after either the announcement of the student's overall result or receipt of the letter of appeal, whichever is later. If the appellant is dissatisfied with the decision at departmental level, he/she may then appeal in writing to the Academic Secretary within 7 working days after receipt of the Head of Department’s reply. The Academic Secretary shall then refer the case to the Chairman of the Academic Appeals Committee, who shall determine whether there are prima facie grounds for a re-consideration of the decision of the Board of Examiners. The decisions of the Academic Appeals Committee shall be final within the University. The fee shall be refunded if the appeal is upheld. Procedures for appeals against de-registration decisions by the Board of Examiners A student should make his appeal in writing to his Head of Department within 1 calendar week upon the public announcement of the overall results (This refers to the date when results are announced to students via the web.) A designated form should be used when students submit their appeals. In the form, the student should give a full account of the grounds for appeal against the decision of Board of Examiners on de-registration, and provides supporting evidence with relevant documentary proof (such as medical certificates or other supporting documentations from relevant organizations). It is the appellant’s responsibility to make known to the University full details and evidence that will support his/her appeal. Departments should review the appeals and submit their recommendations with justifications to the Faculty Dean within 3 working days from the end of the appeal period. The Faculty Dean should submit his/her recommendations, within 3 working days upon receiving the case from Departments, to the Academic Appeals Committee (AAC) for final decision. Under normal circumstances, the AAC will attempt to complete its consideration of the appeal cases within one calendar week upon receiving the cases, making reference to the recommendations from the Department and Faculty Dean. The decision of AAC is final within the University.



The daily operation of the programme, such as general administration of admission, registrations, student records, preparation for Board-of-Examiners (BoE) meetings and documentations, is overseen by the Programme Leader and fully supported by the General Office of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. All enquiries regarding registration and general administration from students on the programme are referred to the General Office as the first contact point. 8.1 Departmental Programme Committee The Departmental Programme Committee (DPC), in which the Chairman is nominated by the Head of Department and the Programme Leaders of all programmes offered by the Department are members, discusses and reviews the programme structure, syllabus content, high-level integration and future directions of the programme. The Committee shall exercise the overall 32

academic and operational responsibility for the programmes and their development within defined policies, procedures and regulations. The membership of DPC shall be approved by the Faculty Board and will, thereafter, be notified annually to that Board. 8.2 Programme Leader The Programme Leader is appointed by the Head of Department subject to the confirmation by the Chairman of the Faculty Board. A Programme Leader is accountable in day-to-day operation of the programme and will normally hold office for a full cycle of the programme. In the unavoidable absence of the Programme Leader, the Deputy Programme Leader appointed by the Head of the Department shall take up the related duties. 8.3 Programme Executive Group The Group which is organized by the Programme Leader and includes staff with key programme responsibilities, operates informally. 8.4 Student-Staff Consultative Group At least one student representative from each year of study under the normal progression pattern of the programme shall be elected annually by students of that year at the beginning of the first semester. The Student-Staff Consultative Group, comprising the Departmental Programme Committee Chairman, the Programme Leader, the Deputy Programme Leader and Student Representatives, meet at least once in a semester to provide a formal channel through which students’ views can be collected. The meeting ensures that there are adequate and effective opportunities for discussion of the programme between students and staff in a context which allows wide student participation. The meetings of the Group shall not be perceived as the only or main channel for dealing with student problems and complaints accumulated since the last meetings; such matters should have been dealt with when they occurred, through the Programme Leader or other appropriate staff. The meetings of the Group should be used for constructive discussion of the programme in general, of the demands of the programme on students, and of possible improvements. 8.5 Dual Advising System There are two components to the academic advising system which PolyU currently provides for students – department-based academic advising and academic advising at the institutional level operated by the Office of General University Requirements. The Academic Advisors, as front-line advisors to students, are responsible for providing students with relevant and current information about curriculum and programme requirements, advising students of the suitable combination of subjects before subject registration in each semester, giving academic advice to students related to their studies, and referring students to other offices and units for relevant information or support.



Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering

Appendix I: Subject Description Forms


Year 1 Subject Code

Subject Title Semester I

Page Number

AP10001 CE1000 CBS1104C/ CBS1104P ELC1011 APSS1L01

Introduction to Physics Construction for Better Living Fundamentals of Chinese Communication Practical English for University Studies Tomorrow’s Leaders CAR Subject 1 (Cluster Area A) CAR Subject 2 (Cluster Area B) (CSE1B02W / CSE1D03)# Healthy Lifestyle

A3 A5 A9 A12 A15 A22

Semester II AMA1130 ELC1012 CSE20308 CSE30312

Healthy Lifestyle Calculus for Engineers English for University Studies Construction Materials Transportation and Highway Engineering CAR Subject 3 (Cluster Area C) (CSE1B01W) #

A29 A31 A34 A36 A40

Summer IC2116

IC Training for DG in Civil Engineering


# CSE1B01W Transport and Society, CSE1B02W Civil Infrastructure and Society and CSE1D03 How Safe are We at Work?, which are CAR subjects, will be offered by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The offering semesters are shown in the above table. Instead of these three CAR subjects, students may register for any CAR subjects offered by another department.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/ Exclusion

AP10001 Introduction to Physics 3 1 Nil


This is a subject designed for students with no background in physics studies. Fundamental concepts in major topics of physics (mechanics, heat, wave and electromagnetism) will be discussed. The aim of this subject is to equip students with some basic physics knowledge, and to appreciate its applications in various branches of science and technology. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

Intended Learning Outcomes

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

solve simple problems in kinematics Newton’s law and Energy; solve problems in heat capacity and latent heat; explain phenomena related to the wave character of light; apply the superposition of waves; understand electrostatic field and potential; solve problems on interaction between current and magnetic field; and describe and demonstrate the phenomenon of electromagnetism. Mechanics: scalars and vectors; kinematics and dynamics; Newton’s laws; momentum, impulse, work and energy; conservation of momentum and conservation of energy. Thermal physics: heat and internal energy; heat capacity; conduction, convection and radiation; latent heat. Waves: nature of waves; wave motion; reflection and refraction; image formation by mirrors and lenses; superposition of waves; standing waves; diffraction and interference; electromagnetic spectrum; sound waves. Electromagnetism: charges; Coulomb’s law; electric field and potential; current and resistance; Ohm’s law; magnetic field; magnetic force on moving charges and current-carrying conductors; Faraday’s law and Lenz’s law.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Lecture: Fundamentals in mechanics, waves and electromagnetism will be explained. Examples will be used to illustrate the concepts and ideas in the lecture. Students are free to request help. Homework problem sets will be given. Student-centered Tutorial: Students will work on a set of problems in tutorials. Students are encouraged to solve problems and to use their own knowledge to verify their solutions before seeking assistance. These problem sets provide them opportunities to apply their knowledge gained from the lecture. They also help the students to consolidate what they have learned. Furthermore, students can develop a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to daily life phenomena or experience.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

e-learning: In order to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning processes, electronic means and multimedia technologies would be adopted for presentations of lectures; communication between students and lecturer; delivery of handouts, homework and notices etc.

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a







(1) Continuous assessment


(2) Examination




Continuous assessment: The continuous assessment includes assignments, quizzes and test(s) which aim at checking the progress of students study throughout the course, assisting them in fulfilling the learning outcomes. Assignments in general include end-of-chapter problems, which are used to reinforce and assess the concepts and skills acquired by the students; and to let them know the level of understanding that they are expected to reach. At least one test would be administered during the course of the subject as a means of timely checking of learning progress by referring to the intended outcomes, and as means of checking how effective the students digest and consolidate the materials taught in the class. Examination: This is a major assessment component of the subject. It would be a closed-book examination. Complicated formulas would be given to avoid rote memory, such that the emphasis of assessment would be put on testing the understanding, analysis and problem solving ability of the students. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:  Lecture

33 h

 Tutorial


Other student study effort:  Self-study

81 h

Total student study effort Reading List and References

120 h

John D. Cutnell & Kenneth W. Johnson, Introduction to Physics, 9th edition, 2013, John Wiley & Sons. Hewitt, Conceptual Physics, 11th edition, 2010, Benjamin Cummings.


Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite / requisite/ Exclusion Objectives


Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Description Form CE1000 Construction for Better Living 3 1 Nil This subject is a Freshman Seminar entitled “Construction for Better Living” specially devised for all first-year students enrolled in Construction and Environment (CE) Disciplines. It focuses on CE from the perspective of a very fundamental human desire, “Better Living” and its objectives are to: - introduce students how their chosen CE disciplines can contribute to “Better Living” in their freshman year, and enthuse them about their major study; - cultivate students’ creativity, problem-solving ability, and global outlook; - expose students to the concepts and an understanding of entrepreneurship; and - engage students, in their first year of study, in desirable forms of learning at university that emphasizes self-regulation, autonomous learning, deep understanding and academic integrity Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: (a) state the overall construction process from planning to execution where PolyU’s CE professionals are involved; (b) correlate various parameters with the effectiveness of technologies/interventions in the CE context for enhancing living quality;


(c) explain the importance of PolyU’s CE professionals in the construction industry and their contributions to “Better Living” and “Sustainability”; (d) demonstrate creative thinking, problem solving, global outlook and entrepreneurship abilities for addressing “Better Living” and “Sustainability” issues in the CE context; (e) adopt desirable forms of learning for the university study and aware of academic integrity and plagiarism. Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Subject Synopsis FCE has a long history in working with sustainable urban development and built environment, and is one of the leading contributors on these areas. In this subject, colleagues from various departments in FCE will brief students the various existing technologies, latest thoughts and developments which are expected to be able to enhance the living quality of human beings, and hence sustainable urban development, through real life examples (e.g. green roof, wing walls, building orientation and architectural forms, material selection, energy efficient equipment, etc). Living quality in the present subject is not restricted to the residential environment though it is probably the most important area having substantial impact on human health. Information on the design of leisure and cultural establishments such as theatres, performance halls, museums, etc will also be provided to students. The importance of the construction industry and its professionals in enhancing these living standards and sustainable development will be emphasized. A5

Reputable industrial practitioners and FCE alumni and colleagues from Business School will be invited to give seminars to students to share their experiences in handling construction projects and solving problems on technical, financial and other issues in the industry. Site visits and a mini project will be set up for the students to have a deeper understanding on the related technologies and the knowledge covered in the subject and how they have been applied in practice. Indicative Syllabus : Week 1 Introduction to the FCE and the Construction Industry and Process Weeks 2 – 6 Environmental Parameters, Standards and Technology: Noise, Lighting, Ventilation, Thermal Comfort, Heat, Geo-informatics, Sustainability Week 7 – Sustainability and mini project briefing Weeks 8 – 10 Site Visit I to III Weeks 11 – 12 Seminars by Faculty of Business and Practitioners/Alumni Week 13 Mini Project Group Work Teaching/Learning Methodology

The teaching and learning methodology involves inspirational lectures, mini project group work, online assignments, practitioners’/alumni’ seminars, site visits and tutorials. A blended approach involving a combination of face-to-face teaching and an online companion site will be employed to support the teaching and learning delivery for facilitating easy access to teaching and learning materials and teacher-student and student-student interactions in class and out of class. The knowledge gained from the inspirational lectures, tutorials and online activities in the early stage of the curriculum constitute a part of the foundation for students in developing their creative thinking, problem solving, global outlook and entrepreneurship abilities in the discipline. Practitioners’/alumni’ seminars and site visits are purposefully arranged to introduce students how the knowledge are applied in practice, the gap between theory and practice in the construction industry and the aforementioned abilities this Freshman Seminar aims to emphasize. Lastly, it is noteworthy to mention that the key feature of the teaching and learning methodology is experiential in nature and through the mini project group work, students are expected to base on what they learn from FCE colleagues through inspirational lectures and tutorials, practitioners’/alumni’ seminars, site visits, etc to come up with solutions/ideas that demonstrate their creative thinking, problem solving, global outlook and entrepreneurship abilities for addressing “Better Living” and “Sustainability” issues in the CE context.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

1. Online Participation + Assignments 2. Mini Project Group Work 3. Online Tutorial on Academic Integrity Total

% Intended subject learning outcomes to weighting be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e 40%    60%


 

100 %

The assessment task 1 is knowledge-oriented and plays a part in addressing the intended learning outcomes (a) – (c) covered in inspirational lectures, tutorials and online activities in the early stage of the curriculum. The assessment task 2 is high-order in nature and the mini project group work serves as a main and effective assessed task (i.e. 60% of the overall assessment grade) for students to demonstrate their overall attainment of intended learning outcomes (a) – (e) at the end of the curriculum. The assessment task 3 is for awareness of the expected honest academic behavior and of the importance of academic integrity. Students are required to complete the online tutorial within the first 5 weeks of the subject. Students who cannot complete the tutorial will fail the subject. Information of the online tutorial can be found using the link http://www.polyu.edu.hk/ogur/academic_integrity/Student_Guide.pdf A letter-grading system will be used to assess students’ performance. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 

Inspirational Lectures

Practitioner/Alumni Seminars

4 Hrs.


14 Hrs

Site Visits

12 Hrs

12 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Online Assignments/Self Study

33 Hrs.

Preparation, Reporting and Presentation for Mini Projects

50 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

125 Hrs

J.Wines, Green Architecture, Taschen, 2000 (or similar references) S.V.Szokolay, Introduction to architectural science: the basis of sustainable design, Architectural Press, Oxford 2008 A7

P.Green, Double-skin facades: integrated planning, building physics, construction, aerophysics, air-conditioning, economic viability, Prestel, Munich, 2001. F.E.Gould, Managing the construction process: estimating, scheduling and project control, Pearson, New York, 2005. R.Tomlinson, Thinking About GIS, ESRI Press, New York, 2007. K.W.Kolodziej, J.Hjelm, Local Positioning Systems, LBS Applications and Services. CRC, Taylor & Francis, 2006. B. Stein, J.S. Reynolds, Mechanical and electrical equipment for buildings, Wiley, New York, 2000.


Subject Description Form

Subject Code

Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite / requisite/ Exclusion Objectives


CBS1104C (Cantonese) / CBS1104P (Putonghua) Remarks: Students taking the Cantonese version of CBS1104 (i.e. CBS1104C) will be offered a 39 hour non-credit bearing e-learning course in Putonghua (optional). University Chinese(大學中文) 3 1 Students with HKDSE Chinese subject result at level 3 or above or equivalent This subject aims at enhancing the students’ command of language knowledge to communicate effectively in both written and spoken Chinese, with particular reference to the stylistic variations of expression in different communicative settings. The ultimate goal of this subject is to train students to be effective communicators and lifelong learners, and to equip them for the Chinese Discipline-Specific Language Requirement subject.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. consolidate the ability to identify and correct the most common errors in written texts; b. develop Chinese writing skills through the analysis and in-depth reading of selected literary masterpieces; c. master the format, organization, language and style of expression of various genres of Chinese writing; d. produce formal presentations in spoken Chinese effectively and appropriately

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

1. Written communication Language, format and organization of each genre; coherence and thread of thinking in Chinese writing; style of expression of different genres; context dependent stylistic variation; development of logical and persuasive arguments. 2. Spoken communication Choice of words; articulation and flow of speaking; manner of speaking and gesture; identification of main idea and key messages; evaluation of relevancy of information in a message; skills of summarizing; agreeing / disagreeing / answering to questions politely; use of visual aids; body movement. 3. Reading strategies Intensive and critical reading; identification of authors’ stances, arguments and purposes; extracting useful information from the texts; determination of the meanings of the important concept words in context; evaluation of the validity of the factual information and arguments of the texts; appreciation of different genres including literary masterpieces. 4. Language development Grammatical skills; use of clear words; use of specific sentences; choice of diction.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

The teaching/learning methodology is a combination of highly interactive seminars, self-formed study groups, seminar discussion, oral presentations and written assignments. E-learning materials for enhancing students’ proficiency in both spoken and written Chinese are included in Chinese LCR teaching. Students are expected to follow teachers’ guidelines and get access to the materials on the e-Learning platform for self-study on a voluntary basis.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% Intended subject learning outcomes to weighting be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d 20% √ √ 55% √ √ √ 25% √ √ √ 100 %

Quizzes / Exercises Written Assignments Oral presentation Total

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The quizzes and exercises are designed to assess students’ basic knowledge of Chinese linguistics and how well they achieve ILOs (a) and (c). The writing assessments aim to obtain an objective measurement of students’ basic competence in the use of written Chinese in accurate and appropriate grammatical structures (ref. ILOs (a), (b) and (c)). The oral assessment assesses students’ ability to plan and present accurately, appropriately and effectively (ref. ILOs (a), (c) and (d)). Explanations and exercises are provided in classroom teaching. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


39 Hrs.

Additional activity: 

e-Learning in Putonghua and written Chinese

9 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Outside Class Practice

39 Hrs.


39 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

126 Hrs.

于成鯤、陳瑞端、秦扶一、金振邦主編︰《當代應用文寫作規範叢書》, 上海:復旦大學出版社,2011年。 任伯江︰《口語傳意權能 : 人際關係策略與潛力》,香港:香港中文大學出 版社,2006年。 吳禮權︰《演講的技巧》,香港:商務印書館,2013年。 李錦昌︰《商業溝通與應用文大全》,香港:商務印書館,2012年。 邵敬敏︰《現代漢語通論》,上海:上海教育出版社,2007年。 香港城市大學語文學部編著:《中文傳意─ 基礎篇》。香港 : 香港城市大學 出版社,2001。 A10

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

香港城市大學語文學部編著﹔《中文傳意─ 寫作篇》。香港 : 香港城市大學 出版社,2001。 孫光萱︰《中國現代散文名家名篇賞讀》,上海:上海教育出版社,2001 年。 梁慧敏:《正識中文》,香港:三聯書店,2010年。 梁慧敏:《語文正解》,香港:三聯書店,2015年。 梁慧敏:《語文通病》,香港:三聯書店,2014年。 陳瑞端,《生活病語》,香港 : 中華書局,2000。 陳瑞端︰《生活錯別字》,香港:中華書局,2000年。 賴蘭香︰《傳媒中文寫作》(新修本),香港:中華書局,2012年。


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite / requisite/ Exclusion



Intended Learning Outcomes

ELC1011 Practical English for University Studies 3 1 Nil

This subject aims to develop and enhance students’ general proficiency and communication skills in English. A strong focus will be given to enhancing competence and confidence in writing, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and fluency. Upon successful completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. organise and write accurate and coherent short texts b. improve language accuracy and the ability to proofread for common errors in written texts c. use appropriate verbal and non-verbal skills to enhance fluency and accuracy in spoken communication such as short presentations To achieve the above outcomes, students are expected to use language and text structure appropriate to the context, select information critically, and present their views logically and coherently.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

1. Written communication Enhancing the use of accurate and appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary for various communicative purposes; improving the ability to organise written texts logically; and improving cohesion and coherence in writing. 2. Spoken communication Developing verbal and non-verbal interaction strategies appropriate to the context and level of formality. 3. Reading and listening Understanding the content and structure of information delivered in written and spoken texts; developing effective reading and listening strategies. 4. Language development Improving and extending relevant features of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and fluency.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

The study method is primarily seminar-based. Following a blended delivery approach, activities include teacher input as well as in- and out-of-class individual and group work involving drafting of texts, information search, mini-presentations and discussions. Students will make use of elearning resources and web-based work to improve their grammar and vocabulary, and other language skills. Learning materials developed by the English Language Centre are used throughout the course. Students will be referred to learning resources on the Internet and in the ELC’s A12

Centre for Independent Language Learning. Additional reference materials will be recommended as required. Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1. In-class paragraph writing 2. Essay writing 3. Documentary presentation Total

20% 40% 40% 100 %

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c       

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The paragraph writing test, which assess students’ grammar, vocabulary and paragraph organization skills, necessitate achievement of LOs (a) and (b). The essay writing assessment evaluates students' ability write a longer text in accurate and appropriate grammatical structures (ref. LOs (a) and (b)). The documentary presentation assesses students’ ability to speak accurately, appropriately and confidently. Students will research a topic, organise information from a variety of sources, and deliver the information as a digital documentary and mini-presentation (ref. LOs (a), (b) and (c)). In addition to these assessments, students are required to complete further language training through web-based language work. The additional language training offered in online tasks is aligned with all the three LOs and corresponds to their learning in class. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:  Seminar

39 Hrs.

Other student study effort:  Self-study/preparation

78 Hrs.

Total student study effort

117 Hrs.


Reading List and References

Course material Learning materials developed by the English Language Centre Recommended references Boyle, J. & Boyle, L. (1998). Common Spoken English Errors in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Longman. Brannan, B. (2003). A writer’s workshop: Crafting paragraphs, building essays (3rd ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill. Hancock, M. (2003). English pronunciation in use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Nettle, M. and Hopkins, D. (2003). Developing grammar in context: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Redman, S. (2003). English vocabulary in use: Pre-intermediate and intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Powell, M. (2011). Presenting in English. How to get successful presentations. USA. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level GUR Requirements Intended to Fulfill

APSS1L01 Tomorrow’s Leaders 3 1 This subject intends to fulfill the following requirement(s) : Healthy Lifestyle Freshman Seminar Languages and Communication Requirement (LCR) Leadership and Intra-Personal Development Service-Learning Cluster-Area Requirement (CAR) Human Nature, Relations and Development Community, Organization and Globalization History, Cultures and World Views Science, Technology and Environment China-Study Requirement Yes or No Writing and Reading Requirements English or Chinese

Pre-requisite / Corequisite/ Exclusion Assessment Methods


Intended Learning Outcomes


100% Continuous Assessment Individual Assessment Group Assessment 1. Class Participation 20% -2. Group Project -30% 3. Term Paper 50% -Note:  The grade is calculated according to the percentage assigned;  The completion and submission of all component assignments are required for passing the subject The course is designed to enable students to learn and integrate theories, research and concepts of the basic personal qualities (particularly intrapersonal and interpersonal qualities) of effective leaders. This subject also intends to help students develop and reflect on their intrapersonal qualities, interpersonal qualities and connection of learning to oneself. Finally, the subject cultivates students’ appreciation of the importance of intrapersonal and interpersonal qualities in effective leadership. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. b. c. d. e.

understand and integrate theories, research and concepts on the basic qualities (particularly intrapersonal and interpersonal qualities) of effective leaders; develop self-awareness and self-understanding; acquire interpersonal skills; develop self-reflection skills; understand the importance of intrapersonal and interpersonal qualities in effective leadership, particularly the connection of learning in the subject to one’s personal development. A15

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Teaching/Learning Methodology


An overview of the personal attributes of effective leaders: roles of selfunderstanding and interpersonal relationship qualities in effective leadership. 2. Cognitive competence: different types of thinking styles; higher-order thinking; experiential learning; role of cognitive competence, critical thinking and problem solving in effective leadership. 3. Emotional competence: awareness and understanding of emotions; emotional quotient (EQ); role of emotional management in effective leadership; mental health and stress management. 4. Resilience: stresses faced by adolescents; life adversities; coping with life stresses; role of resilience in effective leadership. 5. Morality and integrity: moral issues and moral competence; role of morality in effective leadership; ethical leadership; integrity and effective leadership. 6. Positive and healthy identity: self-identity, self-esteem and self-concept; selfdiscrepancies; role of self-concept in effective leadership. 7. Spirituality: meaning of life and adolescent development; role of spirituality in effective leadership; servant leadership. 8. Social competence and egocentrism: basic social competence skills; roles of social competence, care and compassion in effective leadership; egocentrism in university students. 9. Relationship building, team building and conflict management: relationship quality and effective leadership; conflict management and effective leadership. 10. Interpersonal communication: theories, concepts, skills and blocks of interpersonal communication; role of communication skills in effective leadership. 11. Self-leadership and sense of responsibility in effective leaders; life-long learning and leadership. 12. Mental health and effective leadership: stress management; importance of mental health and wellness among university students. Students taking this course are expected to be sensitive to their own behavior in intrapersonal and interpersonal contexts. Intellectual thinking, reflective learning, experiential learning and collaborative learning are emphasized in the course. Case studies on successful and fallen leaders will also be covered in the course. The teaching/learning methodology includes: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Lectures; Experiential classroom activities; Group project presentation; Written assignment.

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1. Class Participation^ 2. Group Project* 3. Term Paper^ Total

20% 30% 50% 100%

*assessment is based on group effort ^assessment is based on individual effort A16

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e              

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: 1.

Assessment of Class Participation (20%): It is expected that classroom activities and preparation for lectures can help students understand the subject matter and oneself, develop social skills, connect learning to oneself and promote an appreciation of the importance of intrapersonal and interpersonal leadership qualities. Hence, marks for class participation and preparation for lectures will be given. Students will be assessed by: a) preparation for class (e.g., complete online assignment and dig up materials before class), b) participation in class (e.g., completion of worksheets and sharing) and c) volunteering to answer questions and join discussions in class. Also, students will be invited to rate the performance and learning of other group members in an honest and authentic manner. The marks will reflect the mastery of knowledge, self-reflection and quality of interpersonal skills (such as collaboration with other members and contribution to the group) of the group members. Peer assessment will contribute to marks in class participation.


Assessment of Group Project (30%): Group project presentation can give an indication of the students’ understanding and integration of theories and concepts on personal qualities in effective leadership, personal and group reflections, interpersonal skills and degree of recognition of the importance of active pursuit of knowledge covered in the course.


Assessment of Term Paper (50%): Individual paper can give an indication of the students’ understanding and integration of theories and concepts on the personal qualities in effective leadership, self-assessment, self-reflection, connection of the subject matter to oneself and degree of recognition of the importance of active pursuit of knowledge covered in the course.

Based on the implementation of this subject in the past four academic years (2010-2011; 2011-2012; 2012-2013; 2013-2014), evaluation findings consistently showed that this subject was able to achieve the intended learning outcomes in the students. The positive evaluation findings are documented as follows: Shek, D. T. L. (2012a). Development of a positive youth development subject in a university context in Hong Kong. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 11(3), 173-179. Shek, D. T. L. (2012b). Post-lecture evaluation of a positive youth development subject for university students in Hong Kong. The Scientific World Journal. Article ID 934679, 8 pages, doi:10.1100/2012/934679 Shek, D. T. L. (2013). Promotion of holistic development in university students: A credit-bearing subject on leadership and intrapersonal development. Best Practices in Mental Health, 9(1), 47-61. Shek, D. T. L., & Law, M. Y. M. (2014). Evaluation of a subject on leadership and intrapersonal development: views of the students based on qualitative evaluation. International Journal on Disability and Human Development.doi:10.1515/ijdhd-2014-0339 Shek, D. T. L., & Leung, H. (2014). Post-lecture subjective outcome evaluation of a university subject on leadership and positive youth development in Hong Kong. International Journal on Disability and Human Development.doi:10.1515/ijdhd-2014-0343 A17

Shek, D. T. L., & Leung, J. T. Y. (2014) Perceived benefits of a university subject on leadership and intrapersonal development. International Journal on Disability and Human Development.doi:10.1515/ijdhd-2014-0345 Shek, D. T. L., & Ma, C. M. S. (2014). Do university students change after taking a subject on leadership and intrapersonal development? International Journal on Disability and Human Development. doi:10.1515/ijdhd-2014-0341 Shek, D. T. L., & Sun, R. C. F. (2012a). Focus group evaluation of a positive youth development course in a university in Hong Kong. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 11(3), 249-254. Shek, D. T. L., & Sun, R. C. F. (2012b). Process evaluation of a positive youth development course in a university setting in Hong Kong. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 11(3), 235-241. Shek, D. T. L., & Sun, R. C. F. (2012c). Promoting leadership and intrapersonal competence in university students: What can we learn from Hong Kong? International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 11(3), 221228. Shek, D. T. L., & Sun, R. C. F. (2012d). Promoting psychosocial competencies in university students: Evaluation based on a one group pretest-posttest design. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 11(3), 229234. Shek, D. T. L., & Sun, R. C. F. (2012e). Qualitative evaluation of a positive youth development course in a university setting in Hong Kong. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 11(3), 243-248. Shek, D. T. L., & Sun, R. C. F. (2013). Post-course subjective outcome evaluation of a course promoting leadership and intrapersonal development in university students in Hong Kong. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 12(2), 193-201. Shek, D. T. L., & Sun, R. C. F. (2013). Post-lecture evaluation of a university course on leadership and intrapersonal development. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 12(2), 185-191. Shek, D. T. L., Sun, R. C. F., & Merrick, J. (2012). Editorial: How to promote holistic development in university students? International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 11(3), 171-172. Shek, D. T. L., Sun, R. C. F., Tsien-Wong, T. B. K., Cheng, C. T., & Yim H. Y. (2013). Objective outcome evaluation of a leadership and intrapersonal development subject for university students. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 12(2), 221-227. Shek, D. T. L., Sun, R. C. F., Yuen, W. W. H., Chui, Y. H., Dorcas, A., Ma, C. M. S., Yu, L., Chak, Y. L. Y., Law, M. Y. M., Chung, Y.Y. H., & Tsui, P. F. (2013). Second piloting of a leadership and intrapersonal development subject at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 12(2), 107-114. Shek, D. T. L., & Wu, F. K. Y. (2012). Reflective journals of students taking a positive youth development course in a university context in Hong Kong. The Scientific World Journal. Article ID 131560, 8 pages, 2012. doi:10.1100/2012/131560 Shek, D. T. L., & Wu, F. K. Y. (2014). The role of teachers in youth development: Reflections of students. International Journal on Disability and Human Development. doi:10.1515/ijdhd-2014-0344 Shek, D. T. L., Wu, F. K. Y., & Law, M. Y. M. (2014). Perceptions of a university subject on leadership and intrapersonal development: Reflections of the A18

scholarship recipients. International Journal on Disability and Human Development. doi:10.1515/ijdhd-2014-0340 Shek, D. T. L., & Yu, L. (2014). Post-course subjective outcome evaluation of a subject on leadership and intrapersonal development for university students in Hong Kong. International Journal on Disability and Human Development. doi:10.1515/ijdhd-2014-0342 Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:  Lectures and experiential learning activities

39 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Group project preparation

20 Hrs.

Reading and writing term paper

76 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

135 Hrs.

Basic References: Barki, H., & Hartwick, J. (2004). Conceptualizing the construct of interpersonal conflict. The International Journal of Conflict Management, 15(3), 216-244. Catalano, R. F., Berglund, M. L., Ryan, J. A. M., Lonczak, H. S., & Hawkins, J. D. (2002). Positive youth development in the United States: Research findings on evaluations of positive youth development programs. Prevention and Treatment, 5(15), 1-106. Dalton, J., & Crosby, P. (2007). Being and having: Shouldn’t excellence in higher education (and people) be a measure of what one does rather than what one has? Journal of College and Character, 9(1), 1-5. Dolbier, C. L., Soderstrom, M. & Steinhardt, M. A. (2001). The relationships between self-leaders and enhanced psychological, health and work outcomes. Journal of Psychology, 135(5), 469-485. Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity: Youth and crisis. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. Gilley, A., Gilley, J. W., McConnell, C. W., & Veliquette. A. (2010). The competencies used by effective managers to build teams: An empirical study. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 12(1), 29-45. Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. New York: Bantam Books. Houghton, J. D., & Yoho, S. K. (2005). Toward a contingency model of leadership and psychological empowerment: When should self-leadership be encouraged? Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 11(4), 65-84. Kim, Y. H., Chiu, C. Y., & Zou, Z. M. (2010). Know thyself: Misperceptions of actual performance undermine achievement motivation, future performance, and A19

subjective well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99(3), 395-409. Kohlberg, L. (1964). Development of moral character and moral ideology. In M. L. Hoffman, & L. W. Hoffman (Eds.), Review of child development research (pp. 381-431). New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Lau, P. S. Y., & Wu, F. K. Y. (2012). Emotional competence as a positive youth development construct: A conceptual review. The Scientific World Journal, 2012, 8 pages. doi:10.1100/2012/975189 Ma, H. K. (2012). Social competence as a positive youth development construct: A conceptual review. The Scientific World Journal, 2012, 7 pages. doi:10.1100/2012/287472. Marsh, H. W. (1990). A multidimensional, hierarchical self-concept: Theoretical and empirical justification. Educational Psychological Review, 2(2), 77-172. Masten, A. S., & Obradović, J. (2006). Competence and resilience in development. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1094(1), 13-27. Rycek, R. F., Stuhr, S. L., McDermott, J., Benker, J., & Swartz, M. D. (1998). Adolescent egocentrism and cognitive functioning during late adolescence. Adolescence, 33(132), 745-749. Salovey, P., & Mayer, J. D. (1990). Emotional intelligence. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 9(3), 185-211. Seligman, M. E. P., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000). Positive psychology: An introduction. American Psychologist, 55(1), 5-14. Shek, D. T. L. (2010). Nurturing holistic development of university students in Hong Kong: Where are we and where should we go? The Scientific World Journal, 10, 563-575. Shek, D. T. L. (2012). Spirituality as a positive youth development construct: A conceptual review. The Scientific World Journal, 2012, 8 pages. doi:10.1100/2012/458953 Sun, R. C. F., & Hui, E. K. P. (2012). Cognitive competence as a positive youth development construct: A conceptual review. The Scientific World Journal, 2012, 7 pages. doi:10.1100/2012/210953 Supplementary References: Adler, R. B., Rosenfeld, L. B., & Proctor II, R. F. (2010). Interply: The process of interpersonal communication. New York: Oxford University Press. Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action. New Jersey: PrenticeHall. Bass, B. M., & Steidlmeier, P. (1999). Ethics, character, and authentic transformational leadership behavior. Leadership Quarterly, 10(2), 181-217. A20

Brown, M. E., Treviño, L. K., & Harrison, D. A. (2005). Ethical leadership: A social learning theory perspective for construct development and testing. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 97(2), 117-134. Cao, L., & Nietfeld, J. L. (2007). College students’ metacognitive awareness of difficulties in learning the class content does not automatically lead to adjustment of study strategies. Australian Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology, 7, 31-46. Cheung, C. K., & Lee, T. Y. (2010). Contributions of moral education lectures and moral discussion in Hong Kong secondary schools. Social Psychology of Education: An International Journal, 13(4), 575-591. Davey, M., Eaker, D. G., & Walters, L. H. (2003). Resilience processes in adolescents: Personality profiles, self-worth, and coping. Journal of Adolescent Research, 18(4), 347-362. Govier, I. (2000). Spiritual care in nursing: A systematic approach. Nursing Standard, 14(17), 32-36. Kumru, A., & Thompson, R. A. (2003). Ego identity status and self-monitoring behavior in adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research, 18(5), 481-495. Luthans, F., Vogelgesang, G. R., & Lester, P. B. (2006). Developing the psychological capital of resiliency. Human Resource Development Review, 5(1), 25-44. Neck, C. P., & Houghton, J. D. (2006). Two decades of self-leadership theory and research: Past developments, present trends, and future possibilities. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 21(4), 270-295. Rose-Krasnor, L. (1997). The nature of social competence: A theoretical review. Social Development, 6(1), 111-135. Saarni, C. (1999). The development of emotional competence. New York: Guilford.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite / requisite/ Exclusion Objectives


Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

CSE1B02W Civil Infrastructure and Society 3 1 Nil

The objectives of the subject are to enable students to: 1) have a general overview of civil infrastructure around our society and the world, and understand infrastructure as a system of interrelated physical components; 2) appreciate how infrastructure affects nearly all aspects of our lives locally and globally such as economy, environment, society, ethics, security, safety, aesthetics, politics and sustainability. 3) appreciate how engineering technology be applied to address issues related to infrastructural developments; 4) understand the planning process and the controversial issues in relation to infrastructural developments in Hong Kong as megacities 5) empathize with people, groups and stakeholders affected by the infrastructural development and acquire interaction skills to communicate with affected stakeholders Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: (a) develop a critical perspective for understanding the importance of infrastructure and how it is necessary for the functioning of society; (b) address critically how infrastructure affects nearly all aspects of our lives locally and globally such as economy, environment, society, ethics, security, safety, aesthetics, politics and sustainability; (c) continuously reflect on the future challenges in light of social, economic, environmental, technological changes and globalization, and actively engage in further enquiry and other life-long learning activities in relation to infrastructural developments; (d) consider critically the controversial issues in relation to the development of infrastructure with due emphasis on empathizing people, groups and stakeholders, and acquiring interaction skills to communicate with affected stakeholders (e) acquire English language skills in both reading and writing from studying the context of infrastructure and society; This subject is so designed that students will be expected to do reading and substantive writing. Students will also be expected to apply systematic, critical, creative thinking in dealing with recent issues related to infrastructural developments. This definitely promotes higher order thinking and equips students with skills for active enquiry and life-long learning which are in line with the necessity of continuing professional development in engineering disciplines. Introduction to infrastructure(Weeks 1-2): Water supplies, skyscrapers, highways, bridges, flood control, drainage, water pollution control, sewerage, new town development, town planning and slope protection. Functionality, life cycle and sustainability.


Natural environment(Week 3): Interrelationship between infrastructure and land, water and air, the potential impacts of climatic change on infrastructure. History, heritage, and future(Weeks 4-5): Historical evolution of infrastructure such as roads, canals and bridges. Technological innovations for the improvement to infrastructure such as high speed rails, super-tall buildings, long span bridges, intelligent transport system and others. Infrastructure systems and changing constraints(Weeks 6-9): Infrastructure sectors and components, intra-sector system, inter-sector system. Interaction between the infrastructural development and society. Urbanization and globalization. Understanding how the systems affect, and are affected by society, ethics, security, safety, aesthetics, politics, environment, economy, planning, energy demand, sustainability and legal consideration. Planning and Public Engagement(Weeks 10-13): Government, stakeholders and the public. Public engagement approach. Interaction skills such as listening, questioning, reflecting, explaining, informing and summarizing skills to be acquired for understanding and communication.. Analysis of controversial issues regarding the recent infrastructural developments in Hong Kong . Teaching/Learning Methodology

The course materials are delivered mainly through a combination of lectures, site visit and tutorials. Students acquire the fundamental knowledge through lectures and tutorials. Students will work together during tutorials, facilitated by the teaching staff, for various case studies and a project to reinforce their knowledge acquired during lectures. In particular, case studies allow students to review these social issues and the project requires students to understand the planning process and the pros and cons of recent infrastructural developments in Hong Kong and the world. During the site visit, engineers and/or managers will outline the necessary skills required for sustainable design and construction of an engineering project or operation facility, and impacts of the project to daily lives of the community as well as the neighbourhood. EW and ER requirements Extensive reading of the designated references is required in this subject for enhancing students’ reading skills as well as the fulfilling the ER requirement. Interactive online learning resources and tutorials are developed and provided by ELC for students acquiring necessary reading and writing skills for academic learning in English. Two “embedded tutorials” led by ELC teachers will be arranged in small groups for providing and discussing detailed feedback on the first and revised drafts submitted by students. The quality of their first and second submissions can also be compared and assessed.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

1.Quiz (ER) 2. Online assignments (ER) 3. Project report including public engagement and site visit (at least 2500 words for EW) Total

% Intended subject learning outcomes to weighting be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e 25      25           50

100 %

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: Students will have finished reading the designated references on their own. The quiz (25%) and online assignments (25%) will be devised based on the designated references, teaching and learning materials for the purpose of fulfilling the ER requirement and assessing the intended subject learning outcomes. The quiz is intended to assess the understanding of various items highlighted in the intended subject learning outcomes (a) to (e). Online assignments which include cases studies related to the infrastructural development and society are used to continuously assess the understanding of various items (a) to (e) acquired by the students. Each student will need to write articles to address the questions in case studies for the purpose of evaluating their learning achievement in items (a) to (e). Project report is composed of two parts. The first part of the project report required to write at least 1250 words for a site visit is intended to let students have an appreciation of the on-going projects and highlight the necessary skills required for the sustainable design and construction. This part is designed to assess the intended learning outcomes (a) to (c) and (e). The second part of the project report further required to write at least 1250 words in relation to public engagement is intended to provide students with an opportunity to understand the planning process in a deeper dimension, and the pros and cons of recent infrastructural developments for the purpose of assessing the intended learning outcomes (a) to (e). Students will be required to submit their first draft of the project report having at least 700 words by week 8, and their revised draft of at least 2000 words by week 12 in order to get detailed feedback on the quality of their writing from ELC teachers. The submission of their final version of 2500 words is not later than week 13. The project report will be graded by the instructor (40%) and ELC (10%). In order to pass this subject, students must pass the writing component, i.e., attain a minimum grade “D” in the writing component.


Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


9 Hrs.

Site visit

4 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Self study

39 Hrs.

Preparation for assignments and reports

39 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

Essential References Brammer, L.M. (2003). The helping relationship: Process and skills. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. (Ch.2&4) (10,000 words of reading) nd

Hargie, O. (2006). The handbook of communication skills (2 ed.). London: Routledge. (Ch.6&7) (10,000 words of reading) Lee, E.W.Y., Chan, E.Y.M., & Chan, J.C.W. (2013) Public Policymaking in Hong Kong : Civic Engagement and State-society Relations in a Semi-democracy.(Ch.14&6) (20,000 words of reading) Penn, M.R., & Parker, P.J. (2012) Introduction to Infrastructure : An Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering. Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons. (Ch.1-5, 78,11-18) (60,000 words of reading) Supplementary References Dandy, G., Walker, D., Daniell, T. & Warner, R. (2008) Planning and Design of Engineering Systems. London ; New York : Taylor & Francis. Gerston, L.N. (2008) Public policymaking in a democratic society : a guide to civic engagement, 2nd Ed., Armonk, N.Y. : M.E. Sharpe. Grigg, N.S., Criswell, M.E., Fontane, D.G., & Siller, T.J. (2001) Civil Engineering Practice in the Twenty-first Century: Knowledge and Skills for Design and Management. Reston, Va.: American Society of Civil Engineers. Kennard, M. (2009) Civil Engineering Procedure, 6th edition. Institution of Civil Engineers. London: Thomas Telford Ltd. Lenihan, D. (2012) Rescuing Policy. The Case for Public Engagement. Ottawa: Public Policy Forum. CEDD (2014) Project Administration Handbook for Civil Engineering Works. Chapter 1 - Project Planning. HKIE(2011) Ethics in Practice. A Practical Guide for Professional Engineer. 周子京(2003) 工程人生 : 香港基建五十年. 香港 : 香港大學出版社 A25

Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite / requisite/ Exclusion Objectives


Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

CSE1D03 How Safe are We at Work? 3 1 Nil

Occupational safety and health is essential to all modern organizations or businesses so as to ensure employees’ well-being and foster a productive working environment. This subject aims to help students understand the principles and practice of workplace safety and acquire skills and knowledge about general preventive measures. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Understand the basic principles of occupational safety and health. b. Interpret the current occupational safety and health legislation through applications in various workplace settings. c. Identify and evaluate general safety and health hazards commonly found in workplaces. d. Provide solutions to prevent workplace accidents, by applying the knowledge of hazard identification and evaluation. e. Enhance English language skills in both reading and writing. 1. Basic Concepts of Occupational Safety and Health  Definition of key occupational safety and health terms  Basic knowledge of different types of hazards  Principles of hazard control  Introduction of risk management 2. Overview of Occupational Safety and Health in Hong Kong  Introduction of occupational safety and health related legislation in Hong Kong.  Roles and responsibilities of employers and employees.  Factors affecting accident occurrence in local industries. 3. Health and Hygiene at Workplace  General occupational health issues in Hong Kong: chemicals, display screen equipment, manual handling operations, heat stroke and influenza.  Health risk in the workplace: air quality, lighting, ventilation, workstation design and use of chemicals.  Occupational diseases, stresses, and illness. 4.

Safety at Workplace  Common types of accidents in Hong Kong: slip, trip, and fall on the same level, struck by objects or vehicles, injured by hand tools, injured by animals, fall from height, injured whilst lifting.  General occupational safety hazards and preventive measures. 5. Ergonomics and Occupational Health  Work-related musculoskeletal disorders: introduction to work-related musculoskeletal injuries and disorders; risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorders (physical and psychosocial), occupational rehabilitation models and programs. A26

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Office ergonomic and assessment: introduction to ergonomics; the body at work; anthropometry; simple biomechanics; workplace design; work seating; work related upper limb disorders; display screen equipment; influence of work organization.  Ergonomic intervention for workplace health promotion: introduction to workplace-based interventions; physical activities in the workplace; participatory ergonomic in the workplace. With the aid of lecture notes and reference materials, the basic contents of this subject will be presented by lectures. In order to facilitate higher order of thinking, coursework assignments will be set for the students. Students will be required to relate the lecture materials with real life application. The assignment will help achieve all the intended learning outcomes. Besides, tutorials will be provided to supplement lectures and case studies. The tutorials will facilitate learning to achieve all the intended learning outcomes of the subject. Case studies with group discussions and presentations will be used to enhance analytical and critical thinking skills of students. Through case studies or exercises, students will analyze the causes of occupational injuries, carry out job hazard analysis and risk assessment for workplace activities. Students will be asked to demonstrate ideas with logical thinking and reasoning by searching related reference cases. Self-study by students, including literature and information searching, is required to achieve all the intended learning outcomes of the subject.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

Continuous Assessment Essay/ Project Report 1 Tutorial activities and Class Participation 2 Quiz 3 Total

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed a b c d

50% 20%

√ √

√ √

√ √


√ √

e √ √



Essay or Project Report: Students are expected to view online short lectures that focus on writing strategies before preparing the essay or project report. For the assessment of essay or project report, the literacy of students including their abilities to comprehend occupational safety and health information based on the stated indicative syllabus, to think analytically and critically, as well as to communicate in written form individually will be assessed. Students will be required to prepare an essay or project report of at least 2,500 words. This piece of writing will be graded jointly by the subject instructor and the ELC staff member. Subject instructor and ELC staff member will take up 40% and 10% of the total assessment respectively. Students must obtain grade D or above in the essay or project report in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. 2

Tutorial activities and Class Participation: The tutorial sessions allow students to demonstrate their level of learning with respect to this subject’s intended outcomes in a more elaborated manner. Class assignments including case studies are set to evaluate and reinforce the understanding of the knowledge covered in the indicative syllabus of the subject. A27


Quiz: Students are expected to view online learning resources that focus on reading skills for academic learning in English. For the assessment of students’ reading assignment, students are asked to read an extensive text of at least 200 pages, such as code of practices, guidance notes and journal papers on occupational safety and health topics , and answer pre-designed questions in the form of a quiz which is counted 30% of the total assessment of the subject. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:  Lectures/ Tutorials Other student study effort:  Coursework  Self-Study

39 Hrs. 35 Hrs. 46 Hrs.

Total student study effort Cluster Area Requirements Intended to Fulfill Reading List and References

120 Hrs.

Science, Technology and Environment Eligible for ‘‘Writing’’ (W) designation – include an extensive piece of writing as essay or project report (2,500 words) AND ‘‘Reading’’ (R) designation – include a reading of an extensive text (100,000 words or 200 pages) as reference materials for the preparation of written assignment and carrying out tutorial activities. Essential Textbook: 1. Bohle, P. (2000). Managing occupational health and safety : a multidisciplinary approach. South Yarra : Macmillan Publishers Australia. 2. Stranks, J.W. (2006). Health and safety pocket book. Oxford : ButterworthHeinemann. 3. Hughes, P., Ferrett, E. (2016). International Health and Safety at Work. 3rd ed. Oxford: Taylor & Francis Group. Recommended Reading:  Graham, R.P. (1999). Safety at work. Aldershot, England : Gower. 

Reese, C. D. (2012). Accident/incident prevention techniques. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group.

Schneild, T.D. (2014). Workplace Safety and Health : Assessing Current Practices and Promoting Change in the Profession. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press.

Karwowski, W., Marras, W.S. (2006) The Occupational Ergonomics Handbook. CRC press

Chaffin, D.B., Andersson, G.B.J. (2006). Occupational Biomechanics. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley Interscience.

Grandjean, E. (1988) Fitting the Task to the Man: A Textbook of Occupational Ergonomics. 4th ed. London: Taylor and Francis.

Marek, T., Karwowski, W., Rice, V. (2011) Advances in Understanding Human Performance: Neuroergonomics, Human Factors Design, and Special Populations. Boca Raton: CRC Press.


Subject Description Form Subject Code


Subject Title

Calculus for Engineers

Credit Value




Pre-requisite / Exclusion

Pre-requisite: None


To acquire knowledge of calculus up to first year university level, and to apply these tools for their feasible solution of practical problems in engineering.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. b. c.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Teaching/Learning Methodology

master the basics of differentiation and recognize its usefulness applications in engineering problems; master the basics of integration and recognize its usefulness applications in engineering problems; apply the basics of calculus in formulating and applying to engineering problems;


Limit and continuity, derivatives and their geometric meaning, rules of differentiation including chain rule, Leibniz’s rule and L’Hopital’s rule, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions and their inverses, hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions, applications of differential calculus in optimization. Mean Value Theorem in differentiation.


Definite and indefinite integrals, fundamental theorem of calculus, methods of integration (integration by substitution, integration by parts, integration of rational functions using partial fractions and integration of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions), reduction formulas, applications to geometry and engineering. Mean Value Theorem in integration.

Emphasis is placed on a pro-active learning approach. Fundamental knowledge will be introduced in the lectures, with interspersed questions, exercises and quizzes for class discussion and after class self study. Formal tutorial classes will be conducted (1 hour per week), with additional worked examples and tutorial sheets being discussed. Students will be expected to read up, do exercises and reflect critically on the material covered in class. A companion web site-cum-discussion forum will be available to facilitate questioning and discussion. Additional face-to-face discussion sessions can be arranged on request.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting



2. Final Examination



Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a



100 %

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


13 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Coursework and Self Study

Total student study effort Reading List and References

81 Hrs. 120 Hrs.

Hung, KF, Kwan, WCK, Pong, GTY. Foundation Mathematics & Statistics. McGraw Hill 2013. Thomas, GB, Weir, MD, & Hass, JR. Thomas’ Calculus Early Transcendentals 14th ed. Pearson Education 2017. Lang, S. A First Course in Calculus, 3rd ed., Springer Verlag, 1986.


Subject Description Form Subject Code


Subject Title

English for University Studies (This subject will be offered in two versions for students who will primarily be using (1) APA/Harvard referencing styles or (2) IEEE/Vancouver referencing styles in their university studies.)

Credit Value




Pre-requisite / Co-requisite/ Exclusion

Students entering the University with Level 3 – 5** from the HKDSE will be required to take this course.


This subject aims to help students study effectively in the University’s English medium learning environment, and to improve and develop their English language proficiency within a framework of university study contexts.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Refer to sources in written texts and oral presentations b. Paraphrase and summarise materials from written and spoken sources c. Plan, write and revise expository essays with references to sources d. Deliver effective oral presentations To achieve the above outcomes, students are expected to use language and text structure appropriate to the context, select information critically, and present information logically and coherently.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

1. Written communication Analysing and practicing common writing functions; improving the ability of writing topic sentences and strategies for paragraph development; understanding common patterns of organization in expository writing; taking notes from written and spoken sources; practicing summarizing and paraphrasing skills; improving coherence and cohesion in writing; developing revision and proofreading skills. 2. Spoken communication Recognising the purposes of and differences between spoken and written communication in English in university study contexts; identifying and practicing the verbal and non-verbal interaction strategies in oral presentations; developing and applying critical thinking skills to discussions of issues. 3. Language development Improving and extending relevant features of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

The study method is primarily seminar-based. Following a blended delivery approach, activities include teacher input as well as in- and out-of-class individual and group work involving drafting and evaluating texts, minipresentations, discussions and simulations. The process approach to writing is adopted, and students make use of eLearning resources to engage in academic discussions and to reflect on their learning. Learning materials developed by the English Language Centre are used throughout the course. Students will be referred to learning resources on the Internet and in the ELC’s Centre for Independent Language Learning. Additional reference materials will be recommended as required.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a



1. Academic essay 1


2. Academic essay 2


3. Oral presentation



100 %


Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: Assessments 1 and 2 necessitate achievement of LOs (a), (b) and (c) in order to write an effective academic essay via the process of extending and improving the essay for assessment 1. In order for students to present an effective academic oral presentation, as demanded in assessment 3, they will need to read, note and synthesize from a variety of sources, and refer to those sources in their presentation (ref. LOs (a), (b) and (d)). In addition to these assessments, students are required to complete further language training, through web-based language work, reading tasks and online reflections. The additional language training offered in online tasks is aligned with all the four LOs. In some of the tasks, students to critically read and summarize information contained in a variety of sources, as required in LOs (a) and (b).


Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

39 Hrs.


Other student study effort:

Self-study / Preparation

Total student study effort Reading List and References

78 Hrs. 117Hrs.

Course material Learning materials developed by the English Language Centre Recommended references  Bailey, S. (2014). Academic writing: a handbook for international students. Abingdon: Routledge.  Comfort, J. (2001). Effective presentations. Oxford: Cornelsen & Oxford University Press.  Hung, T. T. N. (2005). Understanding English grammar: A course book for Chinese learners of English. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.  Tang, R. (2012). Academic writing in a second or foreign language: Issues and challenges facing ESL/EFL academic writers in higher education contexts. London: Continuum International Pub.  Zwier, L. J. (2002). Building academic vocabulary. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Exclusion Objectives

CSE20308 Construction Materials 3 2 CSE308 Construction Materials To introduce the science of concrete and steel technologies commonly used in civil engineering construction.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. b. c.

d. e. Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus


Able to critically analyze and interpret data collected from construction materials testing; Able to design and conduct construction materials experimental studies and relate their bearing on theoretical concepts; Able to draw on the properties and behaviour of common materials of civil engineering construction to evaluate and formulate the appropriate solutions; Able to communicate logically and lucidly through writing of laboratory and project reports; Able to function, take responsibility and lead effectively in group project work. Concrete (10 weeks) Cements - chemical composition, fineness, hydration, setting and hardening. Types. Aggregates - physical properties, shapes and surface texture, grading. Types. Admixtures - mineral and chemical admixtures types. Properties of fresh concrete - workability, factors affecting workability, stability. Properties of hardened concrete - strength, factors affecting strength. Influence of constituent materials, preparation, curing, test conditions, elastic behavior, creep. Durability - weathering, chemical attack, sulphate attack, alkaliaggregate reaction, volume changes, permeability and absorption, shrinkage. Concrete mix design and quality control - required concrete properties : workability, strength and durability, concrete mix design methods : DOE, ACI and absolute volume approach. Testing of Concrete.


Steel (3 weeks) Iron and Steel: Manufacturing of steel, heat treatments of steel, cast iron. Behaviour in Service: A34

Stress-strain curve, tensile and compressive strength, brittle and ductile fracture, creep, fatigue. Durability: corrosion and its prevention, performance at high temperature, fire protection. Mechanical Testing: Tensile test, hardness test, impact test, fatigue test, creep test. 3.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Laboratory Mechanical testing of concrete and steel, Non-destructive testing of concrete, concrete mix design. Basic knowledge of construction materials will be provided in lectures. Tutorials will be conducted mainly in the form of example class and problemsolving session to enhance students' understanding of the subject matter. Laboratory works provide opportunities for testing of metals and concrete. Group project to enhance students’ problem solving skills. Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e

Laboratory reports, project, quizzes Final Examination Total


70 100 %

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


3 Hrs.

 Laboratory

10 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Reading / Study / Reports

Total student study effort Reading List and References

78 Hrs. 117 Hrs.

Essential Textbooks G.D. Taylor, Materials in Construction, An Introduction , Pearson, 2000. A.M. Neville & J.J. Brooks, “Concrete Technology 2nd Edition”, Prentice Hall, 2010. Reference A.M. Neville, "Properties of Concrete", 4th Edition, Longman Group Limited, 1995.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Exclusion Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

CSE30312 Transportation and Highway Engineering 3 3 CSE312 Transportation and Highway Engineering a. To promote a basic appreciation of the nature of transportation engineering; b. To introduce students to those engineering activities essential to the planning and design of highway and transportation systems; c. To enable students to acquire basic principles of highway planning and engineering; d. To train students with basic techniques in highway design and pavement material studies; e. To enable students to make engineering judgment on highway planning and design. Upon completion of the subject, students will be:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Able to apply the fundamentals of applied physics and principles of engineering design to carry out geometric design of highway alignments and mix design of pavement materials; Able to exercise professional judgement and engineering sense in the design and evaluation of alternative highway alignment schemes in view of the complex site environment; Able to analyze and interpret laboratory data for optimal design of highway pavement materials; Able to explain the design of highway alignments and pavement materials logically and lucidly; Able to understand the limitations of the site constraints and to recognize the assumptions and principles adopted in the highway design so as to develop alternative highway design schemes and optimal mix for pavement materials.

1. Introduction to Transportation and Highway Engineering (1week) The scope of transportation engineering. Transportation in society; economic, social and environmental factors. Transportation modes. Urban transportation problems; aspects of transport planning studies and traffic management. 2. Highway Planning (2 weeks) Highway hierarchy, classification and design standards; Standard layout of roads; Cross-section elements of highways; Highway junctions: atgrade and grade-separated junctions. Safety considerations. 3. Geometric Design (5 weeks) Design principle and procedure; Basic assumptions and theories for geometric design; Sight distance; Design of vertical and horizontal alignment: Circular curve, transition curve, horizontal curve widening; sag curve and summit curve.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

Highway Construction (1 week) Application of the principles of soil mechanics to subgrade compaction and testing. California Bearing Ratio Test of subgrade. Highway materials and construction control. Soil stabilization. Road Structures and Components (2 weeks) Principal types of road structures. Structural elements of flexible and rigid pavements and their functions. Preparation of subgrade. Joints for rigid pavements and construction details. Highway Materials (2 weeks) Bituminous road materials. Types and uses of pre-mixed bituminous materials. Recycled materials. Design of bituminous materials; Marshall test procedure. Binder characteristics; consistency and composition tests. Mechanical tests on bituminous mixture; indirect tensile fatigue test, indirect tensile stiffness modulus test, rutting test. Non-bituminous materials for road base. Laboratory Basic highway material testing procedures; Marshall test, California Bearing Ratio test.

Fundamental knowledge will be covered in lectures. Tutorials will provide opportunities for discussion of lecture materials and will also be conducted in the form of example class and problem-solving session to supplement understanding from lectures. Laboratory work will help students appreciate the basic principles and familiarize themselves with basic instruments.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e f

(1) Assignments and Lab Reports (2) Mid-term Test(s) (3) Final Examination Total


10 70

√ √ √ √

100 %

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The students will be assessed with three components, i.e., the laboratory session and assignment, mid-term test(s) and a final examination at the end of the semester. The students will be required to attend laboratory sessions and submit group laboratory reports. These laboratory sessions will enable students to acquire basic laboratory techniques and report writing. The works in the laboratory sessions are closely related to practicing highway engineering requirements. Students will have to exert engineering judgments to complete the laboratory sessions. The laboratory sessions to together with the report writing are best to achieve intended learning outcomes a, c, and d. The mid-term test will emphasize on assessing students’ basic concept and current practices of highway engineering. It is appropriate to achieve intended learning outcomes a, b and e. The final examination will consolidate students’ learning in lectures and tutorials. It is most appropriate to achieve the intended learning outcomes a, b, and e.


learning outcomes a, c, and d. The mid-term test will emphasize on assessing students’ basic concept and current practices of highway engineering. It is appropriate to achieve intended learning outcomes a, b and e. The final examination will consolidate students’ learning in lectures and tutorials. It is most appropriate to achieve the intended learning outcomes a, b, and e. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:


26 Hrs.


4 Hrs.

9 Hrs.

Laboratory Sessions

Other student study effort:

 

52 Hrs.

Reading and studying

Completion of Assignments/Lab Reports

26 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

Essential Textbooks "Highways", 3rd ed., O'Flaherty, C.A. (Edward Arnold), 1986-1988. "Highways Construction (Longman), 1994.







Reference Textbooks "Highway Design Characteristics, Transport Planning and Design Manual", Vol. 2, Hong Kong Transport Department, March 1984. "Highway Materials, Soils & Concretes", Atkins, H.N. (Reston). "Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Mannering, F.L., Kilareski, W.P. (John Wiley & Sons), 1990.


American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). AASHTO Guide for Design of New and Rehabilitated Pavement Structures, 2002. http://www.hyd.gov.hk/eng/public/publications/index.htm


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite / requisite/ Exclusion Objectives


Intended Learning Outcomes

CSE1B01W Transport and Society 3 1 Nil

This course aims to familiarize students with the major and current issues affecting transportation in local and global contexts. The significance of transport to the social and economic development is analyzed with particular emphasis on the concept of sustainability. Students will acquire knowledge of different forms of transportation and be able to discuss and analyze their significance to society in various aspects. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: (a) (b) (c) (d)

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Identify the role and characteristics of transportation systems Describe the role of transportation in social and economic development, and its environmental impacts Appraise transportation challenges in Hong Kong and overseas, and ways in addressing these issues Describe the contemporary trends in transportation development, such as smart city/ smart transportation

1. Overview – What is transportation, nature of transport demand, the role of transportation in society 2. Evolution of transportation – Development of transport modes. Transport and spatial organization in global, regional, and local scale 3. Transportation modes and travel patterns– characteristics of transportation systems and modes for: (i) passenger transport: urban, regional, long-distance; and (ii) freight transport. Passenger and freight travel patterns. Advanced technology and future developments. 4. Transportation, Economy and Society – Transport and economy. The full cost of transportation. Social impacts of transportation – health, safety, and equity issues 5. Environmental impacts of transportation – Fuel consumption, emission, noise, urban sprawl, ecology 6. Sustainable transport 6.1. Introduction – Mobility needs and costs, automobile dependence, unsustainable travel pattern. Business as usual versus sustainable transport 6.2. Spectrum of Sustainable Transport solutions – Options for sustainable mobility: avoid, shift, improve. Global and local policies, personal actions. Barriers to implementation. Sustainable transport in developing countries 6.3. Technological solutions – Advances in fuel, vehicle technology (emission and energy efficiency), information and communication technology (ICT) in transport, smart transportation 6.4. Policy & Planning solutions – Travel demand management, land-use policy, smart city 6.5. Fiscal measures – congestion pricing, fuel tax, carbon tax, tradable permits


6.6. Transport policy evaluation and planning – conventional economic evaluation approach, hidden costs. Public policy planning process, public participation. New planning paradigm. Teaching/Learning Methodology

In this subject, various teaching/ learning activities and assessment approaches are employed to facilitate collaborative learning both inside and out of classroom. Basic concepts and techniques are being introduced in weekly lectures, achieving learning at knowledge level. Students are expected to read relevant materials in textbooks and online (such as websites and videos) to reinforce their knowledge and broaden their learning. In the interactive tutorial sessions, students will present, discuss, or debate the reading materials to stimulate critical thinking and higher-order reasoning. In the tutorial sessions, students will have opportunity to apply the numerical techniques learnt in class through exercises. Teaching/ learning activities extends to the online platform. Each student will write an online essay upon transport development and sustainability issue. Students will receive comments from their peers before the revised article is being graded by the instructor. EW/ER requirements To enable students to meet the EW requirement, students can refer to an online lecture series provided by ELC. The series aims at equipping students with writing skills to enable them to write more effectively in English. Students are also required to submit two drafts of the term paper to staff of ELC in order to gain feedback regarding their writing. The submissions will allow ELC staff to assess the progress made by students in the writing process and the quality of their work. To enable students to meet the ER requirement, students can also refer to the respective online lecture service developed by ELC. The kit comprises resources that will enhance students’ reading skills. In additional to the materials covered in lectures, students are expected to study the prescribed textbook in order to attempt the tests.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% Intended subject learning weighting outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d

1. Two Tests (ER requirement) 2. Tutorial activities (^) 3. Term Paper (#)(40% by instructors, 10% by ELC for EW requirement) Total





100 %

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The accuracy of students’ understanding of and ability to apply the concepts learnt in class and reading the textbook (mostly ILOs (a) and (b)) are assessed through tests (two tests, 15% + 15%). ^: The tutorial sessions provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their level of learning with respect to ILO (b), (c) and (d). Assessment of students performance (such as preparation, participation, and quality of presentation) is formative in nature but still carries some weighting (20%) to promote continuous participation in these teaching/ learning activities. #: Each student need to write a term paper (40% + 10% by ELC) upon a transport development and sustainability issue, which allows students to demonstrate their learning in ILO (b), (c) and (d) in a more elaborated manner. Students will submit two drafts (first draft: at least 700 words, second draft: at least 1500 words) to ELC for comments and improvements before submitting the final version (2500 words). The term paper will be graded by the instructor (40%) and ELC (10%). Students must obtain grade D or above in this the term paper in order to pass this subject. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


13 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Preparing for tutorial sessions

13 Hrs.

Reading required text and

26 Hrs.

completing online essay

39 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

Textbook: [ER Requirement] Rodrigue, J.-P. (2013). The Geography of Transport Systems (Third ed.). New York: Routledge. Remark: around 200 pages of assigned reading from this textbook will be used to fulfil the ER Major references: Schiller, P., Brunn, E., & Kenworthy, J. (2010). An introduction to Sustainable Transportation. London, UK: Earthscan. Banister, D. (2005). Unsustainable Transport. Oxfordshire: Routledge. Hoyle, B., & Knowles, R. (Eds.). (1998). Modern Transport Geography (Second, revised ed.). West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Other references: Cahill, M. (2010). Transport, Environment and Society. Berkshire: Open Univesity Press, McGraw-Hill Education. Khisty, J. C., & Lall, K. B. (2002). Transportation Engineering: An Introduction (Third ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Vuchic, V. (2005). Urban Transit: operations, planning, and economics. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. Vuchic, V. (2006). Urban transit systems and technology. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. International Transport Forum. (2011). Transport for Society - Highlights. 2011 Annual Summit. Leipzig, Germany: OECD Publishing. Proceedings of the Motor Vehicle Emissions Control Workshop (MoVE) A42

Subject Description Form IC2116 IC Training for DG in Civil Engineering 8 Training Credits 2 Nil

Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/ Exclusion Objectives

To provide the students with knowledge of principles and techniques in civil engineering and building construction; and to enable them to appreciate basic site construction methods and fundamental drafting skills for communication in typical construction projects. Intended Learning Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. identify relevant engineering theories and fundamental principles and to apply Outcomes them in the hands-on training exercises to extend their knowledge and skills; b. compare and contrast conceptual design and actual work sequences and methods to become a practical engineering practitioner; c. assess technology impact on equipment, materials and work methods to keep abreast of technology development and construction engineering practices; d. integrate different training experiences and knowledge to formulate appropriate and comprehensive design of civil and structural engineering works; e. use their knowledge and understanding to analyse and evaluate critically; and give recommendations to engineering questions and workplace issues related to safety and health; f. prepare and produce technical drawings and use them as communication tools in civil engineering projects; and g. work independently and effectively as part of a team to tackle engineering problem. Subject Cluster Description Synopsis/ Compulsory Indicative 1a Bricklaying and Trowel Trades Syllabus 1b Formwork and Scaffolding Cluster 1 1c Structural Concrete and Steelwork 1d Non-destructive Tests (NDT) in Building Survey Cluster 2 2a Industrial Safety (TM2009) 3a AutoCAD Cluster 3 3b Building Information Modelling (BIM) Cluster 4 4 Construction Drawing and Detailing Cluster 5 5 Construction Project IV Overall Logbook The training subject is composed of 5 compulsory clusters as tabulated above. Learning Methodology

     

Assessment Methods in Alignment with

Small group hands-on exercises on common construction processes in different workshops as shown in the indicative syllabus, Individual workshop reports and appreciation tests, Appreciation of good practices, workmanship and skills in construction practice; and essential non-destructive test survey skills in construction industry, Demonstration, application classroom exercises on AutoCAD and BIM software, Observation and interactive feedback on hands-on exercises and assignments, Self-revision by reviewing the reading materials on webs developed by IC. Assessment Cluster Assessment Methods Weighting Report

Cluster 1 A43


Intended Learning Outcomes

Quiz Course Work Quiz Course Work Quiz Course Work Quiz Continuous Assessment Reports & oral Presentation

Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4 Cluster 5

30% 70% 30% 60% 40% 60% 40% 70% 30%

Intended Learning Outcomes Assessed a b c d e f g

Assessment Methods Report


Cluster 1

Course Work


Cluster 2 Course Work


Course Work


Cluster 3

Cluster 4 

Continuous Assessment

Cluster 5

Reports & oral  Presentation Student are required to compile an overall logbook at the completion of the training by including all the workshop reports and give their personal reflections on the whole training programme with reference to the intended learning outcomes. Students are organized to work closely in small groups with IC training staff, wide range of construction process and good practices are exercised in workshops and lectures. Students will acquire skills through participation in different tasks and handson practices; their skills are recorded and assessed in their coursework and reports. Basically, the performance of students will be monitored and assessed continuously throughout in different dimensions with respective to the intended learning outcomes of the subject. Student Study Effort Required

Class Contact

Cluster 1

Lecture / Tutorial Workshops / In-class practice / Test Other Study Effort



Cluster 2

Hours Cluster 3

Clust er 4







Cluster 5

Subtotal 39 Hrs


200 Hrs

Self-development Coursework



Total Study Effort : Reading List and References




7 Hrs



59 Hrs 305 Hrs

Essential Textbooks/ Reading Materials:    

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Construction Workshop, Reading Materials for the Training Modules of the Industrial Centre. Mastering Autodesk® Revit® 2018 Indianapolis, Indiana : Sybex, a Wiley brand Wong, Eric Autodesk Revit architecture 2017 [electronic resource] : no experience required, Wiley Pub http://www.ic.polyu.edu.hk/e-learning/OES/TM2009.htm

References:  IC Training Materials & Presentation for Construction Students, web site developed by the Industrial Centre for the training module.  Labour Department publications on occupational safety available at: http://www.labour.gov.hk/eng/public/content2_8.htm  Labour Department publications on occupational health available at: http://www.labour.gov.hk/eng/public/content2_9.htm  Hong Kong Law Cap 59, Cap 509 and Cap 282 available at: http://www.legislation.gov.hk/eng/index.htm


Year 2 Subject Code

AMA2308 CBS3231P CSE20201 CSE20206 CSE30307 COMP1011 CSE20202 CSE20204 CSE20302 ELC3421 LSGI2961 IC2116

Subject Title

Page Number

Semester I Mathematics for Engineers Chinese Communication for Construction and Environment Structural Mechanics Geology for Engineers Soil Mechanics for Civil Engineering Semester II Programming Fundamentals Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineering Advanced Structural Mechanics Engineering Analysis and Computation English for Construction and Environmental Professionals Engineering Surveying Summer IC Training for DG in Civil Engineering


A47 A49 A52 A55 A58 A60 A62 A64 A67 A69 A72

Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/ Exclusion

AMA2308 Mathematics for Engineers 3 2 Pre-requisite: AMA1130 Calculus for Engineers Exclusion: Intermediate Calculus and Linear Algebra (AMA2007), Mathematics I (AMA2111), Engineering Mathematics (AMA290)


To acquire knowledge of engineering mathematics and to apply these tools for their feasible solution of practical problems in civil engineering. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

Intended Learning Outcomes

a. b. c. d.


Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Teaching/Learning Methodology

apply mathematical reasoning to analyze essential features of different problems; apply the fundamentals of mathematics to formulate problems; apply such fundamentals to obtain solutions to problems formulated; critically analyze and interpret the models formulated and solutions obtained to support the synthesis of logical and cost-effective solutions; communicate solutions logically and lucidly through calculation, sketch, drawing and in writing.


Function of several variables, partial derivatives, chain rule for several independent variables, material derivatives, Taylor’s formula and Taylor’s series, stationary points, maxima, minima and saddle points. Applications to Optimization.


Multiple integration, double and triple integrals, change of variables and Jacobian, polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Volume, Centroid and Moment of inertia of a solid.


Vector calculus (gradient, curl and divergence), scalar and vectors fields, line integrals, surface integrals, Stokes Theorem, Gauss Divergence Theorem, and Green’s Theorem. Applications to fluid flows.


Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, positive definite matrices and their basic properties, diagonalization of real symmetric matrices.

Emphasis is placed on a pro-active learning approach. Fundamental knowledge will be introduced in the lectures, with interspersed questions, exercises and quizzes for class discussion and after class self study. Students will be expected to read up, do exercises and reflect critically on the material covered in class. A companion web site-cum-discussion forum will be available to facilitate questioning and discussion. Additional face-to-face discussion sessions can be arranged on request.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1.Coursework 2. Final Examination Total

40 60

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e      

100 %

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


13 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Coursework and Self Study

Total student study effort Reading List and References

78 Hrs. 117 Hrs.

Kreyszig, E. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th ed., Wiley, 2011. Zill, D.G. and Wright W.S. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 5th ed., Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2014. Marsden, J.E. Basic Multivariable Calculus, 3rd ed., Springer Verlag, 2002. Chan, CK, Chan, CW, Hung KF Basic Engineering Mathematics, McGraw-Hill, 2015


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite / Co-requisite/ Exclusion Objectives

CBS3231P Chinese Communication for Construction and Environment 建設及環境專業中文傳意 3 3 According to the policy of the new 4-years curriculum, students should have normally completed the general requirement in language, i.e. the Language and Communication Requirement (LCR) before taking this subject. This subject aims to enhance students’ Chinese competence to cope with the workplace communication requirements in relation to their professional training in construction and environment. Taken that the activity of writing is semantic, cognitive, and functional, the subject treats Chinese writing both as an end product and a process of advanced performance. By the end of the training, the students are expected to have mastered

a. b. c. Intended Learning Outcomes

accuracy in Chinese expressions, effective applications of cognitive methods in presenting contents and thought relationships in writing, a variety of appropriate written genres for academic and communicative purposes.

This is a Chinese language subject aiming at enhancing students’ proficiency in written Chinese and Putonghua for communication in the professional context of construction and language use. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

(a) develop effective communication skills and strategies in both written Chinese and Putonghua required for workplace in professional context; (b) master the format, organization, language and style of expression of various genres of Chinese practical writing such as notice, letter, news release, publicity materials, reports and proposals; (c) read and write professional documents/articles/report for practical purposes; (d) give formal presentation and engage in formal discussion in Putonghua; Students will be required to read and write intensively for enhancing their proficiency level in written Chinese. The mastering of effective communication skills in both written Chinese and Putonghua will also facilitate their life-long learning in various disciplines.


Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

1. Written Chinese of context dependent variation for practical

Teaching/Learning Methodology

The subject will be delivered in Putonghua, in highly interactive seminars. The subject will motivate the students’ active participation by assigning group presentation /discussion in class. In a forum-like format, students are guided to:

purposes such as: • Letters of application, invitation, thanks, request, response to complaint; • Official notice, email corresponding, instruction, draft of speech, • Press release, introductory leaflet, poster information for publicity 2. Professional related literacy in Chinese such as: • Reading of academic essay, reports and proposals; • Writing of professional report and proposal • Professional related project to different intended readers. 3. Oral Communication such as: • Formal presentation with multimedia material to industrial clients and government officers. • Formal discussion

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

create Chinese documents for practical purposes; present to the class, their understanding of each genre designed for the syllabus for discussions and improvement; modify passages in a given genre/style into other genres/styles for addressing different audiences and purposes; give a power-point presentation in Putonghua in front of the whole class, then receive on spot feedback for discussion and improvement; then prepare a written report/proposal on the same topic; and engage in formal discussion in Putonghua on topics related to current issues and/or business operation; then produce a written document on the same topic using a chosen genre.

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1. Practical Writings 2. One Group Assignment (Professional Report/Proposal)

45 % 20 %

a √ √

3. Oral Presentation with multimedia material

20 %

4. Formal Discussion

15 %


100 %


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed b √ √

c √ √


Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: Subject Assessment 100% coursework • For the coursework, the students will be assessed by their final product of the assigned exercises and genres in the syllabus. • Each assignment will be assessed in terms of criterion reference assessing. The overall achievement will be obtained by formative assessment. Student Study Effort Required

Class Contact

39 Hrs.


Other Study Effort

 Outside class practice e.g. Researching, planning, writing, and preparing the project

 Self-study

48 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

45 Hrs.

132 Hrs.

(1) 路德慶主編(1982)《寫作教程》,華東師範大學出版 社。 (2) 邵守義(1991)《演講全書》,吉林人民出版社。 (3) 陳建民(1994)《說話的藝術》,語文出版社。 (4) 李軍華(1996)《口才學》,華中理工大學出版社。 (5) 陳瑞端著(2000)《生活錯別字》,中華書局。 (6) 于成鯤主編(2003)《現代應用文》,復旦大學出版社。 (7) 邢福義、汪國勝主編(2003)《現代漢語》,華中師範大 學出版社。 (8) 于成鯤等主編(2011)《當代應用文寫作規範叢書》,復 旦大學出版社。 (9) Lawrence, M. S. 1975. Writing as a thinking process. The University of Michigan Press. (10) White, R. & Arndt, V. 1997. Process Writing. Addison Wesley Longman Ltd. (11) Beer, D. F. (ed.) 2003 Writing and speaking in the technology professions (2nd edition). John Wiley & SonINC., Publication.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Exclusion Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

CSE20201 Structural Mechanics 3 2 CSE201 Structural Mechanics I (1) To offer students fundamental principles of structural mechanics; (2) To enable students to apply the theory of structural mechanics to analyze the physical behavior of simple structures under loads; (3) To train students with basic laboratory techniques of material testing; (4) To train students to logically analyze and interpret the test results. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Apply the basic principles on structural mechanics, e.g. equilibrium conditions, to effectively analyze the behavior of simple structures; b. Provide simple and logical solutions to structural problems using basic structural concepts; c. Compare the performance of various simple structures under different loading conditions; d. Express the characteristics of simple structures logically and lucidly; e. Interpret experimental data correctly and apply the experimental results to structural applications. 1. Philosophy of Structural Engineering (1 week) Structural engineering. Structural analysis. Loading conditions. Load combinations. Building materials. Numerical computations. Static determinacy. Support conditions. 2.

Equilibrium (1 week) Statics. Free-body diagram. Equations of equilibrium. Support reactions. Internal loadings.


Analysis of Statically Determinate Trusses (3 weeks) Determinacy and stability. Support reactions. Method of joints. Method of sections.


Analysis of Statically Determinate Beams and 2-D Frames (3 weeks) Determinacy. Bending moment and shear force diagrams. Relationship between bending moment, shear force and external loading. Internal forces in plane frames. Internal forces in arches.


Simple Stress and Strain (2 weeks) Normal stress and strain. Shear stress and strain. Tensile tests. Mechanical properties of materials.


Stresses in Beams – Part 1 (3 weeks) First moment of area. Second moment of area. Bending stresses in beams. Shear stresses in bending. Deflection of simple beams by double integration.

7. Teaching/Learning Methodology

Laboratory Work Tensile test of steel bar. Bending of simple beams. Fundamental knowledge will be covered in lectures. Tutorials will provide opportunities for discussion of lecture materials and will also be conducted in the form of example class and problem-solving session to supplement understanding from lectures. Laboratory work will help students appreciate the basic principles and train them with basic laboratory techniques. A52

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e

1. Assignments and lab reports 2. Mid-term test 3. Final examination Total


10 70 100 %

√ √

√ √

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The students will be assessed by three components, i.e. the assignments and lab reports, the mid-term test and the final examination. Assignments are intended to provide a timely assessment of lecture contents. The assignments include homework and tutorial question sheets. All the assignments need to be answered and submitted on time. The students will be required to attend laboratory sessions and submit group laboratory reports. These laboratory sessions will enable students to acquire basic laboratory techniques of material testing and structural member testing. The work in the laboratory sessions provides a supplement to the lectures. In particular, the assignments will be designed to achieve the learning outcomes a, b, c and d, and the laboratory reports will be designed to achieve the learning outcomes e, and f. The final examinations will provide a comprehensive assessment to students’ learning in lectures, tutorials and laboratories, and it will examine all the learning outcomes except f. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


6 Hrs.


7 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Reading and Study

39 Hrs.

Completion of assignments and laboratory reports

39 Hrs.

Total student study effort Textbook

117 Hrs.

Hibbeler, R.C. (2016) “Mechanics of Materials”, 10th SI Edition, Pearson. Hibbeler, R.C. (2017) “Structural Analysis”, 10th Edition, Pearson.


Reading List and References

Leet, K.M., Uang, C.M. and Lanning J. (2017) “Fundamentals of Structural Analysis”, 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill Eduction. Goodno, B.J. and Gere, J.M. (2017) “Mechanics of Materials”, 9th Edition, Cengage Learning. Beer, F.P., Johnston, E.R., Dewolf, J.T., and Mazurek, D.F. (2014) “Mechanics of Materials”, 7th Eedition, McGraw-Hill Education. Schodek, D.L. and Bechthold, M. (2013) “Structures”, 7th edition, Pearson. Durka, F., Al Nageim, H., Morgan, W. and Williams, D. (2010) “Structural Mechanics: Loads, Analysis, Materials and Design of Structural Elements”, 7th Edition, Trans-Altantic. Hulse, R. and Cain, J. (2000) “Structural Mechanics”, 2nd Edition, Palgrave.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Exclusion Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Teaching/Learning Methodology

CSE20206 Geology for Engineers 3 2 CSE206 Geology for Engineers This subject is intended to: (1) Provide students with instruction on the fundamentals of Geology; (2) Provide an essential background for studies in rock engineering, foundation engineering and geotechnical designs. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Apply the fundamentals of geology knowledge to identify geotechnical problems, including soil and rock slope, foundation and tunnel, that may have bearing on civil engineering projects; b. Identify and analyze the data from site investigation and suggest suitable designs for foundations, tunnels and slopes; c. Synthesize logical solution to geotechnical problems independently such as the suitable locations for dam foundation and tunnel alignment; d. Work professionally and ethically with foundation engineers, tunneling engineers, rock and soil engineers; e. Explain geological problems logically and lucidly through drawing and writing. 1. Mineralogy, Petrology and Geology of Hong Kong (3 weeks) Physical properties of silicate and non-silicate minerals and their identification; classification of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and their identification. Rocks and geological structure of Hong Kong, geological history of Hong Kong. 2. Surface Processes and Ground Water Geology (2 weeks) Weathering; erosion and deposition including river, marine, desert, glacier, karst; formation of engineering soils, hydrological cycle; aquifers and ground water table. 3. Structural Geology (2 weeks) Unconformities, fold, fault, joint, map reading, mapping skill maps and the use of stereographic projection. 4. Basics of Rock Mechanics (1 weeks) Index properties for rock specimen, rock mass classification (rock mass rating), uniaxial and triaxial compressive strength, Brazilian test, and Point Load Index test. 5. Site Investigations (2 weeks) Plan for site investigation; direct and indirect methods for site investigation and sampling, logging of boreholes; in-situ tests (e.g. SPT, CPT, PMT, DMT, VST); interpretation of test results. Methods of geophysical exploration. 6. Geology for Engineering (3 weeks) Geological application to tunnels, transportation links, dams, reservoirs and catchments, coastline protection, slopes, and foundation. 7. Laboratory and Fieldwork Identification of common minerals and rocks. Field and site visits to illustrate course topics. Mapping, borehole logging. Fundamental knowledge will be covered in lectures. Laboratory sessions will provide opportunities for identification of minerals & rocks, learning the mapping skill and bore log skill. The students need to complete the work A55

sheets in laboratory sessions. Laboratory works and field studies will help students appreciate the basic principles and familiarize themselves with basic instruments. Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e √ √ √ √ √

1. Coursework 30 2. Final 70 √ √ √ √ Examination Total 100 % Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The students will be assessed with three components: the laboratory sessions, field trip session and assignment, minerals test and rocks test will be arranged after about one month of the laboratory session of identification of minerals and rocks, an examination at the end of the semester. The student will be required to attend laboratory sessions and submit laboratory reports. The laboratory sessions will strengthen geology knowledge of students include identify minerals & rock, mapping skill and bore log skill. The student will be required to attend field trip session and submit field trip report. The works in the laboratory sessions and field trip session are closely related to practicing geotechnical engineering requirements. Students will have to exert engineering judgment to complete the laboratory sessions and field trip session. The assignment, laboratory sessions and field trip session to together with the report writing are best to achieve intended learning outcomes a), b), c), d), and e). Minerals test and rocks test will emphasize on assessing student basic concept and current practices of mineral and rock identification. It is appropriate to achieve intended learning outcome a) and b). The examination will consolidate students’ learning in lectures. It is appropriate to achieve the intended learning a), b), c), and e). Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: Lectures

26 Hrs.


8 Hrs.

Field Trip

5 Hrs.

Other student study effort: Self Study

78 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

Atherton, M. J. and Burnett, A. D., Hong Kong Rocks, Urban Council, 1986. Bell, F.G., Engineering Geology, Second Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007. Davis, G. H. and Reynolds, S. J., Structural geology of Rocks and Regions, Third Edition, Wiley, 2012. A56

Fletcher, C. J. N., Geology of Site Investigation Boreholes from Hong Kong, C. Fletcher, 2004. Goodman, R. E., Introduction to Rock Mechanics, Second Edition, Wiley, 1989. Lisle, R. J., Geological Structures and Maps, Third Edition, ButterworthHeinemann, 2004. Lutgens, F. K., Tarbuck, E. J. and Tasa, D., Essentials of Geology, Thirteenth Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2018. McLean, A. C. and Gribble, C. D., Geology for Civil Engineers, Allen & Unwin, 1985. Mottana, A., Crespi, R. and Liborio, G., Simon & Schuster’s guide to Rocks and Minerals, Simon & Schuster, 1978. Raymond, L. A., Petrology: The study of Igneous, Sedimentary & Metamorphic Rocks, Second Edition, McGraw Hill, 2002. Sewell, R. J., Campbell, S. D. G., Fletcher, C. J. N., Lai, K. W. and Kirk, P. A., The Pre-Quaternary Geology of Hong Kong, Printing Dept., 2000. West, T. R., Geology: Applied to Engineering, Prentice Hall, 1995.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Exclusion Objectives Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Teaching/Learning Methodology

CSE30307 Soil Mechanics for Civil Engineering 3 3 CSE307 Soil Mechanics To learn the fundamentals of soil mechanics. To apply theories to solve practical soil mechanics problems. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a) Able to apply the fundamentals of physics and mathematics to understand the physical properties and behaviour of soils for civil engineering purposes; b) Able to carry out laboratory tests to measure the properties and behaviour of soils for civil engineering applications; c) Able to develop analytical skills to solve soil mechanics problems; d) Able to work in small groups as teams and to build both team and individual responsibility in laboratory tests; e) Able to learn independently. 1. Basic Soil Characteristics (1 week) Particle size analysis; plasticity and density; phase relationship and soil compaction. 2. Theory of Seepage (2 weeks) Hydraulic conductivity and Darcy's law; seepage theory; flow net method, anisotropic flow. 3. Effective Stress (2 weeks) The principle of effective stress; response of effective stress in sand or clay; influence of seepage on effective stress. Solutions of stress and displacements based on elastic theories. 4. Shear Strength (2 weeks) The Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion; shear strength tests; stress-strain behaviour; pore water pressure response. 5. Lateral Earth Pressure (2 weeks) Active and passive states of soils; Rankine's theory of earth pressure; Coulomb's theory of earth pressure; earth pressure on retaining walls; stability of retaining walls against overturning and sliding. 6. Consolidation Theory (2 weeks) One-dimensional (1-D) consolidation tests and stress-strain (or void ratio) relationships; consolidation settlement; degree of consolidation; Terzaghi's theory of 1-D consolidation; determination of coefficient of consolidation; construction time correction. 7. Soil Dynamics and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (2 weeks) Seismic ground motions, Wave propagation in half-spaces, Singledegree-of-freedom oscillator, Response spectrum, Nonlinear dynamic characteristics of soil, (shear modulus and damping ratio with shear strain), analysis and design of earth retaining wall for seismic condition. 8. Laboratory Testing Four laboratory sessions, including the following tests: (i) index test for liquid limit and plastic limit, (ii) sieving and permeability tests, (iii) triaxial test, and (iv) 1-D consolidation test. Learning methodology: lectures, tutorials and laboratory. There are selfreading components in the syllabus. The assessment methods include lab reports, assignments, tests and final examinations.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1. Lab Reports 2. Assignments 3. Tests 4. Final Examination Total

10 10 10 70

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e         

100 %

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. The understanding of theories will be assessed through lab report, assignments, tests and final examination. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


6 Hrs.

Laboratory Sessions

12 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Reading and studying

34 Hrs.

Completion of Assignments/Lab Reports

39 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

Essential Texts Knappett, J. and Craig, R.F. (2012) Criag’s Soil Mechanics, 8th edition, CRC press. Reference Texts Towhata I. (2008). Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, SpringerVerlag, Berlin. BS 1377. (1990) Part 1-9: 1990, British Standards Institution. Das B.M. (2007). Principles of Foundation Engineering, 6th Edition (adapted international student edition), Thomson. GEO (1987). Guide to Site Investigation. Geoguide 2, GEO, Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering Department. GEO (1988). Guide to Rock and Soil Descriptions, Geoguide 3, GEO, Civil Engineering Services Department, Hong Kong. GEO (1993). Guide to Retaining Wall Design. 2nd Edition, Geoguide 1, CED, Hong Kong. Lambe T.W. and Whitman R.V. (1979). Soil Mechanics, SI Version, Wiley, New York. Sutton B.H.C. (1993). Solving Problems in Soil Mechanics, 2nd Edition, Longman. Terzaghi, Karl, Ralph B., Peck, and Gholamreza Mesri. (1996). Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, 3rd Edition, Wiley: New York.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/ Exclusion

COMP1011 Programming Fundamentals 3 1 None


The objectives of this subject are to: a. To provide students with knowledge on the fundamental elements in computer programming. b. To introduce advanced computer programming techniques necessary for developing more sophisticated computer application programs.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: Professional/academic knowledge and skills (a) understand the programming elements for solving computing- related problems; (b) possess the ability to design and develop efficient computer programs for solving problems; (c) possess the ability to learn other high level programming languages independently; Attributes for all-roundedness (d) develop skills in problem solving using systematic approaches; (e) identify and develop problem solutions in a logical manner; (f) solve complex problems in groups and develop group work.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

1. Fundamentals of Computing. Basic concepts of computers and

Teaching/Learnin g Methodology

This subject emphasizes both the conceptual elements in computer programming and practical experiences. Teaching includes both lectures and hands-on Lab exercises reinforcing taught concepts. Students should attend both lectures and laboratory sessions. Continuous assessments help to reinforce the programming concepts and skills learned for applications.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

computing, compilation and interpretation, elementary programming constructs. 2. Flow controls. Basic flow control: selection, repetition and functions. 3. Data Collections. Structures, lists, sets and strings 4. Program Design. Problem solving, problem correctness, testing and debugging

Specific Assessment Methods/Tasks

% weighting

Assignments Quizzes Project(s) Final Examination Total

65% 35% 100%


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed a b c d e f                  

Note: Students must pass both the continuous assessment and examination components to pass the course. The continuous assessment and the final examination will be designed to assess the specified learning outcomes. The formats may include written questions, programming exercises and quizzes. Student study effort expected

Class Contact: Lecture

39 hrs.


13 hrs.

Other student study effort:

Reading list and references

Assignments, Quizzes, Projects, Exams

68 hrs.

Total student study effort

120 hrs.


Stephen Prata, C Primer Plus, 6th Edition, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2013.


K. N. King, C Programming: A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition, W. W. Norton & Company, 2008.


B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie, C Programming Language, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1988.


V. Anton Spraul, Think Like a Programmer: An Introduction to Creative Problem Solving, No Starch Press, 2012. (examples in this book are written in C++, but will improve your ability to think like a programmer in any language)


John Zelle, Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science, 2nd Edition, Franklin, Beedle & Associates, 2010


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Exclusion Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

CSE20202 Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineering 3 2 CSE202 Fluid Mechanics This subject aims to: (1) familiarize students with the basic principles of fluid mechanics; (2) enable students to acquire basic laboratory techniques of fluid mechanics; and (3) To train students to apply the basic principles to explain fluid mechanics related phenomena and solve practical engineering problems. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Master the fundamentals of fluid mechanics, i.e. the basic fluid properties, hydrostatics, conservations of mass, momentum and energy, and dimensional analysis; b. Be competent to apply the laws of similitude and identify the important dimensionless parameters in designing fluid flow models to predict the performance of the prototype; c. Be competent to apply the basic knowledge of vector algebra and calculus to solve the integral and differential forms of conservation of mass, momentum and energy equations in steady state situations; d. Evaluate the correct application of basic fluid concepts to different situations critically and independently; e. Be eager to participate in team discussions and ask questions for group work.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

1. Fundamental Concepts Relating to Fluids (3 weeks) The nature of the problem, including a brief outline of the history of the subject and some typical engineering problems. Definitions and properties, including density, specific volume, relative density, pressure, compressibility, bulk modulus, surface tension, capillarity, and state, units and dimensions, ideal fluid, viscosity, Newton's equations for viscous shear, real fluid. 2. Fluids at Rest (2 weeks) Hydrostatic pressure distribution. Thrust on surface. Pressure measurement. Elementary treatment of the equilibrium of submerged and floating objects, and of liquid in containers subject to acceleration. 3. Types of Flow, Methods of Description (1 week) Velocity fields. Streamlines, path lines, streak lines, streamtubes. Steady and unsteady, laminar and turbulent, uniform and non-uniform flows. 4. Conservation Principles and Derived Equations (5 weeks) Control volumes and surfaces. Conservation of mass. Equation of continuity. The momentum principle. Steady flow energy equation. Euler's equation. Bernoulli's equation. Jet impact and propulsion, nozzles. Velocity and flow measurement: Pitot tube, current meter, anemometer, venturi meter, orifice meter, notches and weirs. 5. Similitude and Models (2 weeks) Geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity. Dimensional analysis, Rayleigh and Buckingham methods. Dimensionless parameters as force ratios. Basic introduction to CFD and hydraulic modelling. 6. Laboratory Work Hydrostatic force; V-notch; Venturi meter; and Jet impact. A62

Teaching/Learning Methodology

(1) (2) (3)

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Basic principles of fluid mechanics will be discussed in lectures; Tutorials will be conducted mainly in the form of example class and problem-solving session to supplement understanding from lectures; Laboratory work will help student appreciate the limitations of physical principles and will provide the opportunities for familiarity with basic instruments.

Specific assessment methods/tasks 1. Homework, quizzes, laboratory reports and mid-term tests 2. Final Examination Total

% weighting

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e



100 %

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: A student will demonstrate successful completion of all the outcomes by achieving a grade C or above on 1 midterm test, 2 laboratory reports and a final examination. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


6 Hrs.


7 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Reading and study

39 Hrs.

Completion of assignments and laboratory reports

39 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

(1) “Fluid Mechanic: Fundamentals and Applications”, 4th Edition, 2017 – Cengel, Y.A. and Cimbala, J.M., McGraw Hill. (2) “Mechanics of Fluids”, 4th Edition, 2012 – Potter M.C., and Wiggert D.C., Cengage Learning. (3) “Fluid boundaries”, Video Materials, 2014 – Mun, J.H., Haryanto, D.R., and Todorovic, V. South Korea: CinemaDAL (4) “Engineering Mathematics”, 8th Edition, – Bird, J., Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisites/ Exclusion Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

CSE20204 Advanced Structural Mechanics 3 2 Pre-requisites: CSE20201 Structural Mechanics Exclusion: CSE204 Structural Mechanics II (1) To offer students a sound understanding of fundamental concepts, theories and principles of structural mechanics, and a basic knowledge required for structural analysis and design; (2) To enable students to apply the theory of structural mechanics to analyze the behavior of structures under load in a simple and logical manner; (3) To train students with basic laboratory techniques of structural testing, and to enable students to logically analyze and interpret the test results. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Apply the fundamentals of mathematics and mechanics to analyze and find effective solutions to simple structural problems under various load and environmental conditions; b. Creatively synthesize knowledge of loads, material strength, and structural analysis to design simple structures and evaluate their performance; c. Present simple structural engineering problems and their solutions logically and lucidly through derivation, calculation, and experimental reports; d. Work with others in a group effectively and cooperatively in experimental and tutorial sessions of the subject; e. Collectively conduct experimental work on the properties of construction materials and the strength, deflection, and stability of simple structures; f. Identify the limitations and inadequacies of the current subject and recognize the need for continual learning of advanced subjects in structural engineering. 1. Stresses in Beams – Part 2 (4 weeks) Product second moment of area. Principal second moment of area. Beams of two materials. Unsymmetrical bending. Shear flow. Shear centre. 2. Torsion (1 weeks) Polar moment of area. Simple torsion theory. Torsion of circular shafts. Torsion of hollow shafts. Torsion of thin wall tubes. 3. Analysis of Plane Stress and Plane Strain (3 weeks) Stresses on oblique planes. Principal stresses. Maximum shear stress. Analysis of strain. The strain rosette. Strain energy. 4. Strength and Design (2 weeks) Combined loading. Maximum normal stress theory. Maximum shear stress theory, Maximum strain energy of distortion. Concept of strength and serviceability. Introduction to allowable stress and limit state design. 5. Theory of Columns (3 weeks) Eccentric loading of short columns. Long columns. Euler's column formula. The secant formula. Imperfections. Design formula of long columns. 6. Laboratory Work Unsymmetrical bending. Shear centre. Torsion test. Column buckling. A64

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Fundamental knowledge will be covered in lectures. Tutorials will provide opportunities for discussion of lecture materials and will also be conducted in the form of example class and problem-solving session to supplement understanding from lectures. Laboratory work will help students appreciate the basic principles and train them with basic laboratory techniques.

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1. Assignments and lab reports 2. Mid-term test 3. Final examination Total

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e f


10 70

100 %

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The students will be assessed by three components, i.e. the assignments and lab reports, the mid-term test and the final examination. Assignments are intended to provide a timely assessment of lecture contents. The assignments include homework and tutorial question sheets. All the assignments need to be answered and submitted on time. The students will be required to attend laboratory sessions and submit group laboratory reports. These laboratory sessions will enable students to acquire basic laboratory techniques of structural testing. The work in the laboratory sessions provides a supplement to the lectures. Mid-term test mainly provides the assessment of the course materials covered in the first half of the semester. In particular, the assignments will be designed to achieve the learning outcomes a, b, c and f, and the laboratory reports will be designed to achieve the learning outcomes d, e, and f. The final examinations will provide a comprehensive assessment to students’ learning in lectures, tutorials and laboratories, and it will examine all the learning outcomes except e. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


6 Hrs.


7 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Reading and Study

39 Hrs.

Completion of assignments and laboratory reports

39 Hrs.

Total student study effort A65

117 Hrs.


Hibbeler, R.C. (2016) “Mechanics of Materials”, 10th SI Edition, Pearson. Hibbeler, R.C. (2017) “Structural Analysis”, 10th Edition, Pearson.

Reading List and References

Leet, K.M., Uang, C.M. and Lanning J. (2017) “Fundamentals of Structural Analysis”, 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill Eduction. Beer, F.P., Johnston, E.R., Dewolf, J.T., and Mazurek, D.F. (2014) “Mechanics of Materials”, 7th Eedition, McGraw-Hill Education. Hulse, R. and Cain, J. (2000) “Structural Mechanics”, 2nd Edition, Palgrave. Goodno, B.J. and Gere, J.M. (2017) “Mechanics of Materials”, 9th Edition, Cengage Learning. Smith, P. (2001) “Introduction to Structural Mechanics”, Palgrave Macmillan. Kassimali A (2014) “Structural Analysis”. 5th Edition. Cengage Learning. Popov, E.P. (1998) “Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite / Exclusion

CSE20302 Engineering Analysis and Computation 3 2 Pre-requisite: Passing of the mathematics subjects required in Year-1 Exclusion: CSE302 Engineering Analysis I


To acquire knowledge of engineering mathematics up to degree level for the formulation and solution of practical problems in civil engineering. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

a. apply mathematical reasoning to analyse essential features of different problems; b. apply the fundamentals of mathematics and science to formulate problems in civil engineering; c. apply such fundamentals to obtain solutions to problems formulated; d. critically analyze and interpret the models formulated and solutions obtained to support the synthesis of logical and cost-effective solutions; e. communicate solutions logically and lucidly through calculation, sketch, drawing and in writing. 1. Application of calculus to 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional problems in civil engineering such as state of stresses in solid mechanics, fluid pressure and velocities in fluid flow problems. Function of several variables such as fluid pressure, velocities and stresses. Material derivatives, partial derivatives, chain rule, Taylor’s formula. Constrained and unconstrained optimization problems for transportation planning. Existence and uniqueness of solution. Other applications in civil engineering such as geometric properties of structural cross-sections, hydrostatic thrusts on submerged surfaces, strain energy and external work. Double and triple integrals, change of variables, Gauss divergence theorem, Green’s theorem. 2. Elementary differential formulation of civil engineering problems and applications in fluid flow problems, temperature control of fresh concrete, traffic forecast and noise level. First order equations, separate equations, initial value problem and boundary value problems.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Other applications such as vibration of lumped mass systems, beam on elastic foundation, beam-column problems and hydraulic surge tank in unsteady flow. Second order and higher order equations, general solutions, non-homogeneous equations, particular solutions by undetermined coefficients and variation of Parameters. Emphasis is placed on a pro-active learning approach. Fundamental knowledge will be introduced in the lectures, with interspersed questions, exercises and quizzes for class discussion and after class self study. Students will be expected to read up, do exercises and reflect critically on the material covered in class. A companion web site-cum-discussion forum will be available to facilitate questioning and discussion. Additional face-to-face discussion sessions can be arranged on request.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks 1.Coursework 2. Final Examination Total

% weighting 30 70

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e      

100 %

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:  

Lectures Tutorials

26 Hrs. 13 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Coursework and Self Study

Total student study effort Reading List and References

78 Hrs. 117 Hrs.

Boyce, W. E. and DiPrima, R.C.,Elementary differential equations and boundary value problems, 10/e, Wiley, Hoboken NJ, 2013. Edwards, C.H. and D.E. Penney, Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 4th ed., Prentice-Hall, 2008. Kreyszig, E. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th ed., Wiley, 2006. Marsden, J.E. Basic Multivariable Calculus, 3rd ed., Springer Verlag, 2002. Simmons, G.F. and S.G. Krantz, Differential Equations, McGraw-Hill, 2007. Zill, D.G. and Wright W.S., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 4th ed., Sudbury, Mass. : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2011.


Subject Description Form Subject Code


Subject Title

English for Construction and Environmental Professionals

Credit Value





LCR English subjects


This subject aims to develop the English language skills required by students to communicate effectively in their future careers.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a) b) c) d)

interact professionally in job interviews, participate actively in workplace discussions, plan, organise and produce effective workplace correspondence, and plan, organise and produce technical documents.

To achieve the above outcomes, students are expected to use language and text structure appropriate to the context, select information critically, and present and support stance and opinion.


Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

This syllabus is indicative. The balance of the components, and the corresponding weighting, will be based on the specific needs of the students.

(a) Technical texts and documents Improving comprehension of technical texts; understanding and applying organisation structures and language features to produce professional technical documents such as proposals and reports; achieving cohesion and coherence; using an appropriate style, format, structure and layout.

(b) Job interviews and work-related discussions Practising the specific verbal and non-verbal skills required in job-seeking interviews for communication with potential employers, and in workplace discussions with a range of participants such as co-workers, clients and staff of government departments.

(c) Workplace correspondence Selecting and using relevant content; organising ideas and information; maintaining appropriate tone, distance and level of formality; achieving cohesion and coherence; using an appropriate style, format, structure and layout.

(d) Language appropriacy Using context-sensitive language in spoken and written English.

(e) Language development Improving and extending relevant features of grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

The study method is primarily seminar-based. Activities include teacher input as well as individual and group work involving drafting and evaluating texts, mini-presentations, discussions and simulations. Contexts that involve the different fields of construction, surveying and property management, and environmental management will be used in the teaching and learning activities. Students will be referred to information on the Internet and the ELC’s Centre for Independent Language Learning. Learning materials developed by the English Language Centre are used throughout this course. Additional reference materials will be recommended as required.


Assessment Methods in Specific assessment methods/tasks Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes 1. Job interview and discussion 2. Correspondence 3. Technical document Total

% weighting


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d  

30% 30% 100 %

 

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: This subject adopts the method of 100% continuous assessment. Students’ oral and writing skills are evaluated through assessment tasks related to the learning outcome areas. Students are assessed on the accuracy and the appropriacy of the language used in fulfilling the assessment tasks, as well as the selection and organisation of ideas. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:  Seminars

39 hrs.

Other student study effort:

 Classwork-related, assessment-related, and selfaccess work Total student study effort Reading List and References

78 hrs. 117 hrs.

Required reading Course materials prepared by the English Language Centre Recommended readings Beer, D. F. (Ed.). (2003). Writing and speaking in the technology professions: A practical guide (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Deluca, M. J. (2001). More best answers to the 201 most frequently asked interview questions. New York: McGraw-Hill. Houp, K. W., Pearsall, T. E., Tebeaux, E. & Dragga, S. (2006). Reporting technical information (11th ed.). New York: Oxford University Press. Johnson-Sheehan, R. (2008). Writing proposals (2nd ed.). New York: Pearson/Longman. Krannich, C. R. & Krannich, R. L. (2003). Interview for success: A practical guide to increasing job interviews, offers, and salaries. Manassas Park, VA: Impact Publications. Lindsell-Roberts, S. (2004). Strategic business letters and e-mail. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Northey, M. & Jewinski, J. (2009). Making sense: A student’s guide to research and writing: Engineering and the technical sciences (3rd ed.). Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press. Reep, D. C. (2011). Technical Writing: Principles, strategies and readings (8th ed.). Boston: Longman.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite / requisite/ Exclusion Objectives


Intended Learning Outcomes

LSGI2961 Engineering Surveying 3 2 Nil

Provide students with elementary concept and practice of modern surveying instruments and methods, and their applications for construction projects. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: Category A - Professional/academic knowledge and skills a. Able to master the elementary concept and methods of engineering surveying. b. Able to operate basic and modern surveying instruments. c. Able to collect, analyse and report basic survey data for the design and construction of civil and building infrastructures. Category B - Attributes for all-roundedness d. Students’ communication skill and cooperative attitudes of work with others will be developed through group field practicals.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Fundamentals of Surveying Geomatics and surveying. Survey reference systems. Measurement errors. Distance Measurements Tape measurement and corrections. Offset surveying Electromagnetic distance measurement and corrections.



Angular Measurements Optical and electronic digital theodolites. Basic features of a typical theodolite. Operation, observation procedures and data reduction. Height Measurements Optical and digital levelling instruments. Basic features of a typical levelling instrument. Operation, observation procedures, and data reduction. Position Determination Height determination: ordinary and trigonometric levelling. Horizontal position determination: radiation and resection methods. Satellite Surveying Concept of satellite surveying. 3-D position determination by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). Horizontal and Vertical Control Surveys Concept of control survey. Specifications. Monumentation. Traverse computation, quality check and adjustment. Height control establishment by ordinary levelling, quality check and adjustment. Establishment of horizontal and vertical controls by GPS. A72

Detail Survey Detail surveying using modern survey instruments and GNSS. Engineering Surveying Road alignments: Horizontal alignment: straight, circular, transition curves. Vertical alignment: Parabolic curve. Super-elevation in road/railway design. Area and cross sections. Earthwork volume computation. Setting out. Teaching/Learning Methodology

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Teaching and learning will be basically lectures and reinforced by tutorials and field practicals. In order to consolidate students learning, in-class exercise will be given in tutorials. Group discussion is encouraged for the possible solutions to the inclass exercise, followed by the concluding session at the end of the tutorial. Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1. Examination 2. Coursework Pass both components Total

60% 40% Yes 100 %

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed a b c d       

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The coursework assessments include a practical test and a mini project to reinforce the concepts taught in lectures. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 2 hrs  11 weeks =22Hrs.


Practical work (2 practical hours = 1 lecture hour)

3 hours 10 weeks + 2 hours  2 weeks=34 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Self-study and practice on equipment operation

Total student study effort Reading List and References

120 Hrs. 176 Hrs.

Recommended: Schofield, W. (2007). Engineering Surveying, 6th ed. Butterworth-Heinemann. Uren, J. and Price, W. F. (2006). Surveying for Engineers, 4th ed. Palgrave Macmillan


Year 3 Subject Code CSE30301 CSE30303 CSE30311 CSE30331 CSE30306 CSE39300 CSE30310 CSE30337 CSE40403


Subject Title

Page Number

Semester I Structural Analysis Construction Management Design of Steel Structures Air and Noise Pollution Studies for Civil Engineering Hydraulics and Hydrology Semester II Analytical and Quantitative Methods for Civil Engineers Design of Concrete Structures Water and Waste Management Geotechnical Design Service-learning Subject (*CSE2S02 / CSE3S01) Summer Summer Training

A75 A77 A80 A82 A85 A88 A91 A93 A96 A98

* CSE2S02 Serving Disadvantaged Communities Suffering from Urban Decay and CSE3S01 Built Environment Enhancement for Underprivileged Communities, which are servicelearning subjects, will be offered to students under the Faculty of Construction and Environment. Instead of CSE2S02 / CSE3S01, students may register for any service learning subject offered by another department.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisites/ Exclusion Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Teaching/Learning Methodology

CSE30301 Structural Analysis 3 3 Pre-requisites: CSE204 Structural Mechanics II or CSE20204 Advanced Structural Mechanics Exclusion: CSE301 Structural Analysis I (1) To enable students to correctly analyze skeletal structures through calculations; (2) To educate students to use commercial software for analyzing skeletal structures; (3) To educate students to collectively conduct experimental work on the displacement of simple structures; (4) To enable students to synthesize knowledge of loads, modeling, and structural analysis to design simple structures and evaluate structural performance. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Evaluate the displacements of skeletal structures with the principle of virtual work and establish influence lines; b. Calculate the response of skeletal structures using the flexibility method and stiffness methods; c. Conduct simple structural experiments; d. Analyze skeletal structures using commercial software packages; e. Present structural calculations logically and lucidly through the solution of structural analysis problems; f. Present logical and lucid reports on laboratory test results and computer analysis results. 1. Principle of Virtual Work (2 weeks) External work. Strain energy. Virtual work. Principle of virtual work: trusses. Principle of virtual work: beams and frames. Virtual strain energy caused by axial load, shear, and temperature. 2. Flexibility Method (3 weeks) Statical indeterminacy. Redundancy. Simultaneous equations of geometrical compatibility. Analysis of trusses, beams and frames. Determination of displacements. Effect of environmental changes. 3. Stiffness Method (3 weeks) Kinematic indeterminacy. Stiffness matrix. Simultaneous equations of equilibrium. Joint displacements. Determination of internal forces and support reactions. Analysis of 2-D and 3-D structures. 4. Introduction to Finite Element Method (3 weeks) Finite elements. Discretization of structures. Displacement function. Node numbering scheme. Element stiffness matrix. Type of elements. 5. Influence Lines (2 weeks) Muller-Breslau's principle. Influence lines for simple trusses, beams and frames. 6. Laboratory and Project Work Loading test of a continuous beam. Influence lines of a continuous beam. Computer analysis of a plane frame. Fundamental concepts illustrated with examples are presented in the lectures. The students should review these and prepare themselves for the tutorials. The solution of tutorials will be discussed. In the laboratory the students would carry out experiments to compare the numerical results that are obtained using a commonly used computer software package. A75

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1. Assignments and Lab 2. Mid-term Test 3. Final Examination Total

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e f


12 70

100 %

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The students will be assessed with three components, i.e., the laboratory session and assignment, a mid-term test, and an examination at the end of the semester. The students will be required to complete five assignments independently. The assignments are closely related to structural analysis methods and allow the students consolidate the understanding the basic methods of structural analysis. The mid-term test is designed to check the students’ learning outcome in solving simple problems. The homework and mid-term test are appropriate to achieve intended learning outcomes a and b. The students are required to attend the laboratory session and computer session and submit group laboratory reports. The laboratory session will enable students to acquire basic laboratory techniques, master the fundamental procedures of computer software package in structural analysis, and write report. The laboratory session and the report writing are best to achieve intended learning outcomes c, d and f. The final examination will emphasize on assessing students’ basic concept of structural analysis, analytical methods of skeletal structures, and synthesis of structural analysis for structural design. It is appropriate to achieve intended learning outcomes a, b, c and e. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:  

Lectures Tutorials

Laboratory Sessions

26 Hrs. 6 Hrs. 7 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Reading and Computer Project

39 Hrs.

Completion of Assignments and Lab Reports

39 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

Hibbeler, R. C., Structural Analysis, 6th Edition in SI Units, Pearson Education, Inc., 2006. Coates, R. C., Coutie, M. G. and Kong, F. K., Structural Analysis, 3rd edition, Chapman and Hall, London, 1988. McCormac, J. C., Structural Analysis: A Classical and Matrix Approach, Addison Wesley, 1997. Rao, S. S., The Finite Element Method in Engineering, ButterworthHeinemann, 2011. A76

Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Exclusion Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

CSE30303 Construction Management 3 3 CSE303 Construction Management I To provide students with the basic knowledge applicable to Hong Kong related to management of a civil engineering project. Students should gain basic knowledge in contemporary construction engineering and management with consideration of practical constraints and develop a variety of skills in construction management as well as decision optimization. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: (i) Have the knowledge of the unique characteristics of construction industry, its stakeholders, and social and environmental constraints in managing a civil construction project; (ii) Have the knowledge of construction project development process and the inputs and outputs of the process such as specifications and contracts; (iii) Have the knowledge of construction project management and company organization; (iv) Develop skills in cost estimate, construction project scheduling, quality management, and safety management; (v) Have the ability to use decision analysis techniques such as linear programming to optimize management decisions; (vi) Able to use critical path scheduling software to analyse construction projects; (vii) Able to use building information modeling (BIM) software to analyse construction projects; (viii) Able to further develop computer application skills, English proficiency, communication ability, and work ethics as needed for a construction management career. Emphasis is placed on developing students’ competence and confidence in writing and presentation in English in the context of construction management. 1. Introduction to construction industry and project management (1 week) The characteristics of construction industry, construction project development process, sustainability considerations in project development. 2. Organisations (1 week) Organisations of head offices of a consulting engineer and a construction firm; site organisations of a consulting engineer and a contractor. 3. Contract Administration (2 week) Types of civil engineering contracts; parties to a contract; responsibilities of the Engineer; tendering procedures and negotiation; contract documents; relationship between design and construction; pre-tender, pre-contract and post-contract planning; variations; claims; contract determination; final payment; settlement of disputes. 4. Specification and Quantities (1 week) Types and principles of specification writing; preparation of Bills of Quantities; prime cost and provisional sums; types of Bills of Quantities; Contract price fluctuations; interim payment. A77

5. Safety on Site and Safety Management (1 week) Identification of hazardous situations; precautions and training; safety of temporary works; safety audit; promotion of the importance of safety; safety costs; safety officer; reporting procedures on accidents; insurances. 6. Linear Programming (3 weeks) L.P. Models; transportation and assignment problems; graphical method; Simplex Technique; primal and dual; special algorithms. 7. Quality Management of Construction Project (1 weeks) Introduction to quality management processes; including quality assurance; quality acceptance; and quality control. 8. Critical Path Networks and Computer Applications (2weeks) Introduction to CPM/PERT as a tool for planning and scheduling, as compared to the traditional Grant Chart programming; time-cost tradeoff; work breakdown structures (WBS); computer applications.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

9. Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Applications (1 week) Introduction to BIM as a tool for construction planning, project process integration, and project administration; computer applications. Lectures will be delivered to serve as an introduction to the topics, to provide an overview of knowledge, and to define significant areas. Case studies, specific applications of the knowledge will be demonstrated. Students will be given handouts on the main points of the lectures and are required to read the relevant chapters in the recommended reference books as well as articles and research papers in related journals.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks 1. Coursework 2. Final Examination Total

% weighting

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii)



100 %

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result.

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The students will be assessed with two components, i.e., the assignment and a final examination at the end of the semester. Various assignments will be provided to assess students’ learning outcomes of (i) to (v). Special assignments on business communication and development of schedules using computer programs will be used to assess learning outcome (vi) and (vii). The examination will help students consolidate knowledge learnt in lectures and tutorials and thus achieving intended learning outcomes (i) to (v). A78

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


13 Hr.

Other student study effort: 

Self Study

78 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

“Modern Construction Project Management”, by Tang S.L., Poon, S.W., Ahmed, S.M. and Wong, Francis K.W., Hong Kong University Press, 2nd ed., 2003. “Project management for construction: Fundamental concepts for owners, engineers, architects, and builders”, by Hendrickson, C. and Au, T., 2008. “An Introduction to Management Science—Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making,” by Anderson, et al., 2009.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisites/ Exclusion Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

CSE30311 Design of Steel Structures 3 3 Pre-requisites: CSE204 Structural Mechanics II or CSE20204 Advanced Structural Mechanics Exclusion: CSE311 Design of Steel Structures To provide training to students to design in steel. Detailing for connections will be covered in order to allow students on-hand knowledge on design of steel structures used in practice. Upon completion of the subject, students will be: a. Able to understand structural behaviour for subsequent application of the theory of structural mechanics and engineering mathematics to design and construction of steel structures; b. Able to develop an appreciation of design philosophy behind steel structures against strength, ductility, stability and durability; c. Able to formulate a concept of constructing structures with reference to the design codes in various places. More focus on local design code is provided; d. Able to appreciate the effective and efficient use of steel as an engineering material and to understand its engineering properties; e. Able to realise the basic requirements for steel as a proper building material and the minimum requirements for using a batch of steel material in construction; f. Able to think critically and independently in design of structures in the aspects of safety, cost and serviceability. 1. Steelwork Design (9 weeks) Section classification. Eccentric connections. Tension and compression members. Beams and columns using hot-rolled sections. Column bases. Trusses and frames. Euler's column buckling and beam lateral-torsional buckling. Beam-columns. Bolted joints. Welded joints. Elements of structural detailing. 2.

Ductility, Integrity, Fire Protection and Corrosion Resistance (2 weeks) Mechanical and chemical tests. Structural design for fire. Bimetallic action. Methods of corrosion protection. Ductility. Seismic design of steel structures.


System Design of Steel Buildings (2 weeks) Framed structures. Structural integrity and robustness. Sway and non-sway frames. Braced and unbraced moment frames. Continuous frames. Simple construction. Typical structural systems. Second-order analysis for structural design.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

Laboratory Work Lateral-torsional buckling test of an I-beam. Tensile test of eccentrically connected angle sections. The teaching method is mainly in the form of lectures with interaction during tutorial class.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1. Assignment and laboratory report 2. Test 3. Project 4. Final Examination Total

5 15 10 70 100 %

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e f        

 

 

  

 

Students must attain at least grade D in coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: Assignment and laboratory report assists students to appreciate the design of a real structure. Test is to assess the understanding of various items in the intended subject learning outcomes. Project assists students in working as team members. Examination assesses understanding and appreciation of design of steel structures. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


6 Hrs.


7 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 


28 Hrs.


50 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

Code of practice for structural uses of steel, Hong Kong, 2011. Handbook for design of steel structures, Structural Division, HKIE, 2011. Nethercot, D.A., Limit States Design of Structural Steelwork, Spon Press, 2001. Lam, D, Ang, T.C. & Chiew, S.P., Structural Steelwork : Design to Limit State Theory, Oxford; Burlington, MA. : Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Exclusions

Objectives Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

CSE30331 Air and Noise Pollution Studies for Civil Engineering 3 3 CSE331 Air and Noise Pollution Studies or CSE336 Air and Noise Pollution Studies or CSE20331 Air and Noise Pollution Studies for ESD To provide basic knowledge about the causes, impact and control of air and noise pollution. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Have the basic knowledge of contemporary air and noise pollution, including chemistry and/or physics involved, commonly used methods for monitoring, prediction, and assessment; b. Have general understanding of commonly used control technologies for reducing air and noise pollution; c. Able to work as an entry-level staff in the air and noise pollution profession; d. Have the basic ability to analyze data and issue in a logical way. Air Pollution Studies 1. Chemical and physical characteristics of the atmosphere Sources and sink of main air pollutants in the atmosphere; meteorological parameters affecting the concentrations of air pollutants. 2. Measurement and analysis of ambient air pollutants Methods and techniques for the measurement and analysis of ambient gaseous pollutants, particulate pollutants, and odor pollutants in the environment. 3. Source sampling and pollution analysis Source sampling criteria, method of measurement and analysis for gaseous pollutants, particulate pollutants, and odor pollutants from the sources. 4. Air pollution dispersion modelling Application of Gaussian Dispersion Models, transport of air pollutants and atmospheric stability, wind profile, factors affecting pollution dispersion in the atmosphere. 5. Stationary and mobile sources of air pollutants and their control Control devices of gas- and particle-phase pollutants from stationary sources; control methods of gas- and particle-phase pollutants from mobile sources. Noise Pollution Studies 1. Environmental Noise Prediction Geometric spreading of sound from simple sources. Outdoor sound propagation. Effects of meteorological conditions - sound refraction and sound ray equations, air absorption. Sound radiation near boundary, ground absorption, ground/facade reflection. Sound diffraction around obstacles. 2. Noise Assessment Need for noise impact assessment. Basic principles - baseline study, noise prediction, monitoring and evaluation. Background noise survey instrumentation, approach and data analysis. Assessment criteria - local and international codes. 3. Road Traffic Noise A82

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Vehicle noise - sources, emission limits. Traffic noise - characteristics, propagation. Computer prediction methods. Noise criteria. Methods of noise control - land use, road design, traffic measures, barrier, enclosure and others. 4. Railbound Traffic Noise Train noise and railway noise, Wayside noise and vibration, squealing noise. Noise sources and control technology. Noise prediction methodology. 5. Construction Noise Major noise sources. Noise prediction - stationary and moving sources. Regulatory standard, work permits. Engineering and management control. 6. Laboratory Works (a) Noise Barrier (b) Industrial Noise Measurement In lectures students will be presented with an overview of the nature of air and noise pollution. They will also be taught the knowledge required to predict and assess air and noise pollution impact and to make recommendations for solution. The lecture will be keynote in nature, and students will be encouraged to read pre-assigned references. Laboratory sessions will involve familiarization with the relevant basic measuring instruments. Tutorials will be used to discuss readings, assignments and laboratory reports. Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1. Homework, quizzes, in-class problems and lab report 2. Final examination Total

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d


70 100 %

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: Homework – To help students further understand what they learnt in the lectures. Quiz –To test if students have grasped the underlying ideas. In-class problem - During class periods, students will sometimes be asked to work a problem in a group or individually. These problems are designed to help students learn to utilize the concepts discussed in the reading material and covered in the quiz. Lab experiment – It will provide students first-hand experience in understanding the sources, analysis and control of air pollutants and noise. Students are required to carry out experiments under the supervision of lecturers and lab technicians.


Final examination - The exam tests student’s ability to utilize the concepts covered in this course. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


7 Hrs.


6 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Completion of assignments and lab reports

39 Hrs.

Self Study

39 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

Thad Godish, Air quality, 4th edition, Lewis Publishers, 2004. Noel De Nevers, Air pollution control engineering, McGraw Hill, 2000. Daniel A. Vallero, Fundamentals of Air Pollution (5th Edition), Academic Press, Elsevier, 2014. Peter Brimblecombe, Air Pollution Reviews – Vol. 6: Air Pollution Episodes, London: World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd., 2018. Urban sound environment by Jian Kang, Taylor & Francis, 2007. Industrial noise and hearing conservation / edited by Julian B. Olishifski, Earl R. Harford, National Safety Council, c1975. Industrial noise control and acoustics, Randall F. Barron, CRC Press, Inc. 2002.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisites/ Exclusion Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

CSE30306 Hydraulics and Hydrology 3 3 Pre-requisites: CSE202 Fluid Mechanics or CSE20202 Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineering Exclusion: CSE306 Hydraulics and Hydrology The objective is to provide students with the basic knowledge in the analysis and design of hydraulic system commonly found in Hong Kong and other countries. Students will be equipped with the knowledge to integrate fluid mechanics, engineering hydrology, cost and time consideration in selecting the suitable drainage and water supply system to meet the needs of the client. Students should be able to integrate the knowledge in engineering to prepare a good feasibility study, to carry out detailed analysis and design with due considerations to the environment as well as the cost and time of construction. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a.






Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus


Able to apply the basic principles of fluid mechanics to analyze and formulate creatively effective solutions to hydraulic engineering and engineering hydrology problems; Able to adequately employ contemporary numerical tools to model drainage problems and to design logical and cost-effective solutions utilizing pipes or open channels as conveyors; Able to evaluate the performance of pipe networks and channel control structures, and to establish local rainfall-runoff correlations through a combination of theoretical and empirical studies; Able to explain hydraulic and hydrological problems and their solutions logically and lucidly through drainage design calculations, drawings and technical reports; Able to appreciate the limitations and inadequacies of current hydraulic analysis tools and the need for continual enhancement of existing theories and methods; Able to embrace more advanced hydraulic theories and analysis techniques after graduation based on a thorough understanding of basic hydraulic principles, including their practical applications. Pipeflow (4 weeks) Darcy equation, friction factor, effect of roughness. Pipes in parallel & in series. Minor losses. Pipe networks. Quasi-steady flow in pipes.

2. Open Channel Flow (4 weeks) Uniform flow. Specific energy. 'Total force' (or momentum). Critical depth. Gradually varied steady flow. Energy equation for channels of rectangular cross-section. Calculation of surface profiles for mild, critical and steep slopes. Profile classifications. Profile combination determined by change of slope, sluices, spillways and the like. Occurrence and location of the hydraulic jump. Conditions governing the formation of critical conditions, use as channel control and in determining flow. Channel structures: gates, spillways, syphons, energy dissipators, protection from scour. A85

3. Hydrology (5 weeks) The hydrological cycle. Measurement of precipitation. Estimation of evaporation and other losses. Infiltration and percolation. Groundwater flow. Surface runoff: flow rating curves, duration of runoff, catchment characteristics, climatic factors and rainfall/runoff correlation. Hydrograph analysis: baseflow, unit hydrographs. Flood routing: storage equation, reservoir routing and routing in river channel.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

4. Laboratory Work Yield of wells, pipe friction, uniform open channel flow, gradually varied flow. In the lecture programme, fundamental knowledge relating to pipe flow, open channel flow and hydrology will be established. Students will be required to undertake various coursework activities which will enable them to thoroughly digest the taught materials. Tutorials will provide opportunities for students and lecturers to communicate and discuss any difficulties relating to lecture programme. It will also provide a forum for students and lecturer to discuss the ongoing coursework and laboratory activities. Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1.Assignments/Reports 2. Mid-term test 3.Final Examination Total

20 10 70 100 %

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e               

f   

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: Assignments and laboratory reports are used to test students’ ability in achieving the intended learning outcomes through a more in-depth investigation of a particular subject issue. Mid-term test and final examination are used to test students’ overall ability in achieving the intended learning outcomes. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


6 Hrs.

 Laboratory Other student study effort:

7 Hrs.

Reading and Study

39 Hrs.

Completion of assignments and laboratory reports

39 Hrs.


Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

Essential Textbooks J.F. Douglas, J.M. Gasiorek & J.A. Swaffield, “Fluid Mechanics”, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011. E.M. Wilson, “Engineering Hydrology”, 4th Edition, Macmillan, 2011. Reference Textbooks K.W. Chau, “Use of Meta-Heuristic Techniques in Rainfall-Runoff Modelling,” MDPI AG, Switzerland, 2017, 260p. (ISBN: 978-3-03842-3263) K.W. Chau, “Modelling for Coastal Hydraulics and Engineering”, Taylor & Francis, UK, 2010, 240pp. (ISBN: 978-0-415-48254-7). K.W. Chau & C.L. Wu, “Hydrological Predictions: Using Data-Driven Models Coupled with Data Preprocessing Techniques,” LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, 2010, 248pp. (ISBN: 978-3-8433-64461) K.W. Chau, “Knowledge-Based System for Analysis and Design of Liquid Retaining Structures,” Nova Science Publishers, USA, 2011, 159p. (ISBN: 978-1-61209-550-9) C. Nalluri & R.E. Featherstone, “Nalluri & Featherstone's Civil Engineering Hydraulics: Essential Theory with Worked Examples”, 5th Edition, Rev. by Martin Marriott, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. E.J. Finnemore & J.B. Franzini, “Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications”, 10th Edition, McGrawV.T. Chow, D.R. Maidment & L.W. Mays, “Applied Hydrology”, McGraw-


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

CSE39300 Analytical and Quantitative Methods for Civil Engineers 3 3 CSE20302 Engineering Analysis and Computation To provide the basic tools of mathematics and fundamental concepts to enable the students to formulate civil engineering problems in analytical and statistical terms, and to apply these tools for their feasible solution. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. summarize and present information effectively from data; b. design sampling plans for experiments and surveys; c. select and construct proper statistical models for engineering problems; d. apply the fundamentals of mathematics and science to formulate problems and obtain solutions in civil engineering; e. critically analyze and interpret the models formulated and solutions obtained to support the synthesis of logical and cost-effective solutions; f. integrate knowledge across different subject domains, including structures, geotechnics, hydraulics, environmental and transportation engineering when trying to achieve objectives; g. communicate solutions logically and lucidly through calculation, sketch, drawing and in writing. 1.

Techniques for analysis of experimental data, field data and meteorological data such as concrete compressive strengths, traffic volumes, wind velocities, wave heights, earthquake magnitudes and frequencies: first moment and second moment, locations and spread, outliers, scatter plots, box plots, frequency distribution and sample size required. (2 weeks) Distributions of experimental results, measured data and meteorological data: normal distribution (concrete cube and traffic flow data), lognormal distribution (flood and travel time data), Weibull distribution (wind data). Sampling distribution and estimators. Goodness-of-fit test. (2 weeks) Correlation between collected data such as traffic speed, runoff and precipitation for river basin, void ratio and compression index of soils: regression models, coefficient of determination, prediction intervals, residual. (2 weeks)


Teaching/Learning Methodology

Partial differential formulation of civil engineering problems: Laplace equation, steady-state seepage, potential flow, solution by method of separation of variables. Diffusion equation, heat conduction, consolidation equation, convection term in diffusion problems, Fourier series and transform, Laplace transform. Wave equation, vibration of a string, principle of minimum potential energy for the equilibrium of structures, vibration of beams, orthogonality of mode shapes. (7 weeks) Emphasis is placed on a pro-active learning approach. Fundamental knowledge will be introduced in the lectures, with interspersed questions, exercises and quizzes for class discussion and after class self study. Students will be expected to read up, do exercises and reflect critically on the material covered in class. A companion web site-cum-discussion forum will be A88

available to facilitate questioning and discussion. Additional face-to-face discussion sessions can be arranged on request. Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1. Assignments 2. Mini-project 3. Examination Total

20 10 70 100 %

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e f g         

 

 

 

 

 

 

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: Assignments - Problem solving teaches students how to carry out statistical tests and interpret the results. Real life data set given in assignments help students learn how to explore, summarize and present data. It also enables students to formulate engineering problems in mathematical models and to obtain solutions to problems formulated. Mini-project takes the homework to deeper dimensions. It teaches students how to formulate problems, search for appropriate data, think independently and hence develop lifelong learning skills. The project report will help the student to develop his written English. The final examination tests how much the students has learnt in this module. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


13 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 


22 Hrs.

Mini projects

4 Hrs.

Self Study

52 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

Essential References Navidi, W. S., Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2015. William E. Boyce, Richard C. Diprima., Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 11th Ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2017. Zill D.G. and Cullen M.R., Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems. 9th ed., Cengage Learning, 2018. A89

Supplementary References Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2011 Keller G., Thomson, Statistics for Management and Economics, 11th edition, Cengage Learning, 2018. D.S.Wilks, Statistical Methods in Atmospheric Sciences, 3rd, ed., Academic Press, 2011. C.H. Edwards and D.E. Penney, Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems: Computing and Modeling, 5th ed., Prentice-Hall, 2015. G.F. Simmons and S.G. Krantz, Differential Equations: Theory, Technique and Practice, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, 2015.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisites / Exclusion Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

CSE30310 Design of Concrete Structures 3 3 Pre-requisites: CSE204 Structural Mechanics II or CSE20204 Advanced Structural Mechanics Exclusion: CSE310 Design of Concrete Structures (1) to provide students with the knowledge to properly design reinforced concrete structures and simple prestressed concrete structures; (2) to provide students with the knowledge on proper construction details for the design and the fundamental knowledge for more advanced training in concrete structures design after graduation to solve complex engineering problems. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a.

b. c.


Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus


acquire basic knowledge on the design concepts and detailing techniques of the slabs, beams, columns, walls, and foundations of reinforced concrete structures; understand the basic design principles of prestressed concrete beams; carry out practical design of concrete elements according to code requirements and communicate logically and lucidly through construction drawings and calculations; appreciate the performance of concrete structures through design calculations and laboratory tests and understand the limitations of design assumptions through the laboratory tests. Fundamentals of design (2 weeks) Mechanical properties of reinforced concrete. Typical structural forms. Limit state design. Load Combinations. Load Cases. Analysis of the structure.


Design of beams, slab and columns (8 weeks) Sectional analysis. Shear, bond and torsion. Serviceability, durability and stability. Design of reinforced concrete beams. Design of reinforced concrete slabs. Design of reinforced concrete columns.


Design of other structural elements (1 weeks) Footings, Foundations, Staircases. Footings and Pile caps.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

Principles of prestress concrete (2 weeks) Principles of prestressing. Methods of prestressing. Analysis of concrete section under working loads. Design for the serviceability limit state. Fundamental knowledge will be covered in lectures. Tutorials will provide opportunities for discussion of lecture materials, and will also be conducted in the form of example class and problem-solving session to supplement understanding from lectures. Assignments will help students to consolidate the knowledge learnt from the lectures and train them how to implement the code requirements into practical design. Laboratory work will help students to appreciate the basic principles and familiarize themselves with the basic instruments.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

1. Assignments 10 2. Mid-term test(s) 10 3. Laboratory report 10 4. Final examination 70 Total 100 % Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The students will be assessed with four components, i.e., a laboratory session, assignments, mid-term written test(s) and a written examination at the end of the semester. The students will be required to complete regularly assignments. These regular assignments attached to corresponding lecture contents are closely related to practicing engineering requirements on structural concrete design. They will help students to enhance their understanding of the basic design principles and procedures learnt from lectures and exert their engineering judgments to solve practical engineering problems. They are very suited for the intended learning outcomes a, b, c and d. The students will also be required to attend a laboratory session and submit group laboratory reports. These laboratory sessions will enable students to acquire basic laboratory techniques and report writing and to understand the limitations of design assumptions. The purpose of providing laboratory sessions will also help students to achieve the intended learning outcomes a, c and d. The mid-term test(s) and the final examination at the end of semester test will emphasize on assessing students’ understanding of the basic concepts and current practices of design of concrete structures. They will help students to consolidate their learning from lectures, tutorials, and the laboratory session and are well suited for the intended learning outcomes a, b, and c. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:  

Lectures Tutorials


26 Hrs. 4 Hrs. 9 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Reading and studying

39 Hrs.

Completion of Assignments/Lab Reports

39 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

British Standards Institution, "Structural Use of Concrete-BS8110: Part 3", 1990. Buildings Department, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Code of Practice for Structural Use of Concrete 2013. Kong, F.K. & Evans, R.H. “Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete”, Chapman and Hall (UK), 3rd edition, 1987. Mosley, W.H. and Bungey, J.H. "Reinforced Concrete Design", 5th edition, Palgrave, 1999. A92

Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Exclusions Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Teaching/Learning Methodology

CSE30337 Water and Waste Management 3 3 CSE335 Water and Waste Management or CSE337 Water and Waste Management To provide a basic appreciation of the environmental issues associated with water, wastewater and solid waste and to introduce the basics of engineered systems for the control of water quality and management of solid waste. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. obtain the basic knowledge and ideas relating to the principle of water and waste management; b. formulate effective solutions to environmental engineering problems relevant to water supply, sewerage, and solid waste management in Hong Kong; c. work with others in group work and take responsibility for shared activities; and d. cultivate creative and critical thinking and an ability to work independently. 1. Water Supply and Sewerage Systems (3 weeks) Water demand, Quality and quantity of raw water; Types of water resources; Municipal water supply system; Quality and quantity of municipal wastewater; Types of sewerage systems; Principles of layout and design. 2.

Water Quality Control and Treatment (7 weeks) Required standards for portable water and sewage effluents; Layout of water and sewage treatment system. Principles of physical, chemical and biological treatment processes in water and sewage treatment systems. Impact of effluent disposal on receiving water bodies.


Solid Waste Management (3 weeks) Management options of municipal solid waste; Waste minimization and recycling; Waste treatment and disposal.

Lectures will provide fundamental knowledge relating to the theoretical processing operations, and treatment techniques of water purification and wastewater treatment systems. Students will be required to undertake various coursework activities, which will enable them to thoroughly digest the taught contents. Tutorials will provide opportunities for students and lecturer to communicate and discuss any difficulties related to the course. It will also provide a forum for students and lecturer to discuss the ongoing coursework and laboratory activities. Laboratory will provide students with opportunities to carry out real experimental tests for water quality analysis and different treatment processes in order to facilitate their learning. Independent study and associated reading will require students to conduct some problem-solving exercises individually, analyze the experimental data obtained from laboratory sessions and prepare integrated laboratory reports. A93

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

1. Continuous Assessment 2. Examination Total

% Intended subject learning weighting outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d 30 √ √ √ √ 70 √ √ √ 100%

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: (1) Tutorials/assignments to exercise and strengthen understanding of the principle of waste and waste management, sewerage design, and solid waste management; (2) Laboratory work and report writing to work in group with critical thinking and shared activity; and (3) Mid-term test and end-of-semester examination to work independently to analyze diverse problems arising from various environmental engineering problems with respect to water supply, sewerage, and waste management in Hong Kong. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


6.5 Hrs.


6.5 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Reading and study

49 Hrs.

Assignments and laboratory reports

29 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

Davis, M.L., Water and Wastewater Engineering: Design Principles and Practice. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2011. Davis, M.L., Masten, S.J., Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science, 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2009. Crittenden, J.C., Trussell, R.R., D.W., Howe, K.J., Tchobanoglous, G., Water Treatment: Principles and Design, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2005. Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F.L., Stensel, H.D., Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, 4th edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2003. Masters, G.M., Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, 2nd edition. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1997. Henry, J.G., Heinke, G.W., Environmental Science and Engineering, PrenticeHall, 1996. A94

Peavy, H.S., Rowe, D.R., Tchobanoglous, G., Environmental Engineering. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1985. Relevant websites of Hong Kong Government at (i) www.epd.gov.hk; (ii) www.wsd.gov.hk; and (iii) www.dsd.gov.hk


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisites / Exclusion Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

CSE40403 Geotechnical Design 3 4 Pre-requisites: CSE307 Soil Mechanics or CSE30307 Soil Mechanics for Civil Engineering Exclusion: CSE403 Geotechnical Design I (1) To familiarize students with the basic principle of geotechnical design; (2) To integrate the knowledge on soil mechanics and structural engineering to solve engineering problems; (3) To equip students with classical methods of analysis as well as modern computational method of analysis. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Plan and design site investigation and in-situ tests and to interpret the results; b. Have the knowledge on ultimate and serviceability limit state analysis and design of shallow foundation; c. Have the knowledge on deep excavation and pile foundation analysis and design; d. Carry out practical design according to local code with knowledge of codes of China, U.K. and other countries; e. Communicate lucidly the pros and cons of alternative designs with reference to different site constraints; f. Develop creative solutions to solve complex geotechnical problems in different types of construction sites. 1.



Site Investigation (1.5 weeks) Subsurface exploration program, borings in the field, soil sampling, observation of water tables, in-situ tests (Standard Penetration Test, Vane Shear Test, Cone Penetration Test, Pressuremeter Test, Seismic Refraction Test) and test result interpretation and correlations, rock coring, preparation of boring logs, subsoil exploration report. Slope Stability (2 weeks) Fundamental nature of limit equilibrium methods, stability table, undrained analysis, the method of slices (Fellenius, Bishop, and Janbu methods), and analysis of a plane translational slip. Shallow Foundation (2 weeks) Bearing capacity, stress distribution, elastic settlement, consolidation settlement, tolerable settlement of buildings, field plate load test, presumptive bearing capacity.

4. Mat (Raft) Foundation (2 weeks) Common types of mat foundations, bearing capacity of a mat foundation, compensated foundations, bending moment and shear force of a mat foundation, rigid and flexible foundation analyses. 5. Earth Retaining Structures (2.5 weeks) Brief review of lateral earth pressure theory, various lateral supports system and top down/bottom up construction methods, analysis and design of cantilever and propped retaining wall by classical methods, analysis and design of braced cuts. Excavation with lateral support (ELS). 6. Pile Foundation (3 weeks)


Vertical bearing capacity of a single pile, settlement of a single pile and pile group, calculation of vertical loads on piles of a pile group with a rigid and flexible cap, pile driving and Hiley’s formula, pile dynamic tests. Teaching/Learning Methodology

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

The fundamental knowledge about site investigation, analysis and design of shallow and deep foundation as well as slope stability analysis will be introduced. These topics will be reinforced with many case studies from Hong Kong and other countries, and both classical and computational method of analyses will be introduced. Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1. Assignment


2. Test


3. Final Examination Total

70 100 %

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e f √ √ √ √ √ √ √

√ √

√ √

√ √

√ √

√ √

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: Assignment to some more tedious problems will help the students to utilize the more difficult and tedious teaching materials. The test will concentrate on some fundamental principle and challenging concept of the course. The examination questions consist of some fundamental concept, conceptual understanding and application of the knowledge to solve different engineering problems. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:  

Lecture tutorial

26 Hrs. 13 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Self study

78 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

Textbooks B.M. Das, Principle of Foundation Engineering, 8th edition, Prentice hall, 2014. B.M. Das, Shallow Foundations, Bearing capacity and settlement, CRC Press, 2009. Cheng Y.M. and Lau C.K. (2014), Soil Slope stability analysis and stabilization – new methods and insights, 2nd edition, Spon Press References Fleming, Weltman, Randolph (2009), Piling Engineering, 3rd edition, Taylors and Francis. GEO, Foundation design and construction, CEDD, Hong Kong, 2006. Buildings Department, Code of Practice for Foundation, 2004. GEO, Geotechnical Manual for Slope, 1984. HKIE, Code of practice for foundation - Handbook, 2011. A97

Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite / requisite/ Exclusion Objectives


Intended Learning Outcomes

CSE2S02 Serving Disadvantaged Communities Suffering from Urban Decay 3 2 Open for students from the Faculty of Construction and Environment or the Faculty of Engineering, excluding students from BRE and COMP The objectives of this subject are: 1. To introduce students to the concept and practice of service-learning 2. To enable students to acquire academic and project-specific knowledge in relation to urban decay 3. To foster the application of their knowledge in solving the real-life problems and helping the people in need through serving the community 4. To enable students to develop an increased understanding and empathy for disadvantaged people and groups suffering from urban decay 5. To enhance students’ generic competence of communication, teamwork and problem solving, and enrich their sense of civic responsibility as well as engagement as a professional and a responsible citizen Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: (a) Apply the academic and project-specific knowledge in relation to aged buildings in urban districts to improve the living environment of the disadvantaged groups in the service setting with reference to relevant policies, current standards and guidelines (b) Reflect on their roles and responsibilities both as engineers and as responsible citizens (c) Demonstrate a strong sense of social responsibility and empathy for people suffering from urban decay (d) Link their service-learning activities and experiences with engineering contents of the subject (e) Work effectively in multidisciplinary teams to solve problems encountered in planning and delivering the service, and communicate effectively with clients and/or other stakeholders

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

The topics in the subject syllabus comprise three major areas: 1. Concept and practice of service-learning  Principles, concepts and myths of service-learning  Benefits of service-learning to students, the university and the community  Ethical issues in service-learning  Social responsibilities of global citizens as intellectuals and professionals  Proper attitudes and behaviours in service delivery  Developing a service project proposal/ plan  Effective team work and problem solving skills in service-learning projects  Reflection as a tool for learning 2. Discipline-specific contents  Addressing the problems of urban decay and the living conditions of disadvantaged groups in dilapidated urban areas  The roles of the government, statutory bodies and non-government organizations in tackling the problems A98

    

Redevelopment, rehabilitation, revitalization and heritage preservation as a comprehensive and holistic approach for rejuvenating older urban areas Identification of structural and non-structural elements, and causes of concrete deterioration in aged buildings Standards, statutory, universal design guidebooks and international guidelines relevant to the living environment Planning and public engagement: Government, stakeholders and the public. Public engagement approach Economic, environmental, social and sustainability considerations related to the problem and suggested solutions. Social impact assessment

3. Project-specific contents  Understanding the background of the community partner(s) and the disadvantaged groups, and acquiring interaction skills such as listening, questioning, reflecting, explaining, informing and summarizing skills for understanding and communication  Concepts of age-friendly city and ageing in place. Measuring the age-friendliness of the living environment  Risk management, health, safety and other issues relevant to the service delivery  Empathy, moral and ethical concerns specific to the project and the disadvantaged groups Teaching/Learning Methodology

1. E-Learning Module The e-learning module is developed and delivered by the Office of Service-learning of PolyU, consisting of reading, exercises and assessment tasks that are designed to introduce students to the basic concept and practice of service-learning. Students are required to successfully complete the e-learning module within the first four weeks of the semester in which they are taking the subject. 2. Discipline-specific sessions These lectures, seminars and/or workshops are designed and conducted by the CEE staff. Experts and speakers will also be invited to equip students with the discipline-specific knowledge and skills required for planning and conducting the service-learning project. 3. Project-specific sessions The project-specific sessions are designed to (a) develop students’ understanding of the community partner(s), service recipients as well as other issues relating to the service-learning project, (b) provide training for students in generic skills in planning and delivering the service project. CEE staff members and speakers from outside the subjectoffering department (e.g. Office of Service-learning, collaborating organizations, NGOs) will be invited to contribute to some of these sessions as appropriate. Project-specific workshops and guided visits to exploration centre and elderly resources centre are arranged for an indepth understanding of the problem and the service recipients.


Students are required to attend all of the discipline-specific and projectspecific lectures, seminars and workshops and successfully complete all of the required assessment tasks prior to participation in the servicelearning project. 4. Service-Learning project (Weeks 5-12) The service-learning project is designed to develop students’ generic competencies of problem-solving, teamwork and communication, and enhance students’ sense of social awareness, responsibilities and engagement. With the aid of the collaborating organizations, disadvantaged groups will be identified. Students will work in groups of 3 or 4, interact constantly with the service recipients to gain in-depth understanding of their concerns, develop empathy for the service recipients and establish a long-term, trusted and caring relationship with them. 4.1 Project proposal Students will work in groups to formulate a project proposal for subsequent delivery of service. They will formally submit the revised proposal online after discussing the draft proposal with CEE teaching staff in the 1 st group project meeting. 4.2 Delivery of service (duration: 6 weeks; frequency: once/twice a week; service hours: 6-7 hours per week) Students will conduct home visits, condition surveys, data collection and assessment. They will, based on the concept of universal design, advise the disadvantaged groups such as the elderly and low-income families/individuals living in private buildings on how to enhance home safety and improve home environment. With the service recipients’ consent, students will also carry out minor improvement works/small renovations such as hand drilling, fixing, plastering and painting to bring immediate benefits to them. Students will also introduce the available building rehabilitation assistance schemes for medium-scale renovation and maintenance works. Students need to discuss with the collaborating organizations and the service recipients on the exact schedule of the activities involved in the servicelearning project, such as home visits. Students may need to render daytime services on weekdays and/or during weekends. To further address the problem of urban decay, other potential projects may include but are not limited to measuring the age-friendliness of urban districts with elderly and enhancing pedestrian facilities to improve accessibility for the elderly. The 2nd group meeting will be arranged in week 8 to review the progress of students’ delivery of service. Further advice from the teaching staff can be sought for a timely completion of the service, monitoring purpose and quality assurance. The 3rd group meeting will be held to discuss the draft project report in week 11. Group presentation on the project will be held in week 12. Group project report will be submitted by the end of week 12. 5.Reflective Journals and debriefing session


Students will be required to write reflective journals both during and after the service-learning project to demonstrate their ability to: (a) link their service-learning experience with the academic focus / discipline-specific content of the subject, (b) reflect on their service-learning experience to identify their learning gains as well as areas for future improvements, (c) reflect on their roles and social responsibilities both as engineers and as responsible citizens. Moreover, a warp-up session will be arranged in week 13 to enable students to share the service-learning experience among different student groups. Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

1. Coursework in elearning module, discipline-specific and project-specific sessions (individual) 2. Reflective Journals (individual) 3. Project proposal, report and presentation (group) 4. Performance in rendering service (individual 20% & group 10%) Total

% Intended subject learning weighting outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e 10%   




100 %

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: 1. The e-learning module and discipline-/ project-specific sessions will include assignments and learning tasks that are designed to assess students' ability to link service-learning with the engineering contents of the subject (ILO d), their understanding of their role and responsibilities in society (ILO b) as well as their empathy for the disadvantaged groups (ILO c). 2. Students will write reflective journals during and after the service project to reflect on their learning experience. This assesses their ability to link service-learning and the engineering contents of the subject (ILO d), their empathy for the disadvantaged groups (ILO c), and their ability to reflect on their roles and responsibilities in the society (ILO b). 3. Students will compile a project proposal and a project report as key deliverables of the service-learning project. The project report comprises the findings of the condition survey, data collection and in-home assessment. Students will advise the disadvantaged groups on ways to enhance home safety and improve home environment; will conduct minor improvement works/small renovation for the service recipients; and will introduce to them the assistance schemes for medium-scale renovation and maintenance works (ILO d). Students will directly apply the academic knowledge in compiling the project report (ILO a). Students’ empathy for the people in need will be assessed through group work and engagement (ILOs c & e). 4. During the service delivery, students will have close interaction with the collaborating organizations as well as the service recipients. Students will A101

conduct home visits, surveys and in-home assessment, and make suggestions, and present their findings to the collaborating organizations and the service recipients. Students' attitude/performance during the service delivery and their level of engagement with the service recipients will be good indications of whether students can apply their knowledge and skills in the service setting (ILO a), demonstrate empathy to the disadvantaged groups (ILO c), link their service-learning activities and experiences with engineering contents (ILO d) and work effectively with various parties (ILO e). This part of assessment of students’ performance in rendering service involves instructors' observation and collection of feedbacks from the collaborating organizations and the service recipients. Student Study Effort Expected

e-learning Module

10 Hrs.

Class contact: 

Discipline-related lectures, project-specific seminars, workshops and meetings

Project presentation and wrap-up session

20 Hrs. 6 Hrs.

Other student study effort:   

Direct rendering of service Readings, self study, and planning and preparation for the service project Reflection and review

Total student study effort Reading List and References

40 Hrs. 25 Hrs. 25 Hrs. 126 Hrs.

1. Cress, C.M., Collier, P.J. & Reitenauer, V.L. (2005). Learning Through Serving: A Student Guidebook for Service-Learning Across the Disciplines. Stylus Publishing 2. Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W., Castaneda, C.R., Hackman, H.W., Peters, M.L., Zuniga, X. (Ed.) (2010). Readings for Diversity and Social Justice. Routledge 3. Johnson, A. (2005). Privilege, Power, and Difference. McGraw-Hill 4. Sen, A. (2011). The Idea of Justice. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 5. Sandel, M.J. (2010). Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do?, Farrar, Straus and Giroux 6. Brammer, L.M. (2003). The helping relationship: Process and skills. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. nd

7. Hargie, O. (2006). The handbook of communication skills (2 ed.). London: Routledge. 8. Lee, E.W.Y., Chan, E.Y.M., & Chan, J.C.W. (2013) Public Policymaking in Hong Kong: Civic Engagement and State-society Relations in a Semi-democracy. 9. D. Lenihan (2012) Rescuing Policy. The Case for Public Engagement. Ottawa: Public Policy Forum. 10. Building Department (2002). Building Maintenance Guidebook. 11. Hong Kong Housing Society (2005) Universal Design Guidebook for Residential Development in Hong Kong 12. World Health Organisation. (2007). Global age-friendly cities: A guide. Geneva: World 13. World Health Organisation. (2015). Measuring the age-friendliness of cities: a guide to using core indicators. Geneva: World Health Organisation. A102

Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite / requisite/ Exclusion Objectives

CSE3S01 Built Environment Enhancement for Underprivileged Communities 3 3 Co-

The objectives of this subject are: 1. To introduce to students the concept and practice of service learning. 2. To raise students' awareness of the problem with the build environment in Hong Kong and educate them on the challenges and needs of the underprivileged communities. 3. To provide students' an opportunity to apply their classroom knowledge in solving real-life problems in local communities. 4. To raise students' awareness of their role as a construction industry professional in society. 5. To enhance students' generic competence of innovative problem solving, communication and teamwork. Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Demonstrate an understanding of how the built environment enhancement improves the welfare of the community b. Propose and evaluate alternative solutions to address the needs of the underprivileged c. Reflect on their role and responsibilities as a professional d. Work effectively in a multi-disciplinary team to solve problems and communicate effectively with clients and stakeholders. e. Demonstrate empathy for the underprivileged and a strong sense of civic responsibility

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Built environment refers to the man-made space in which people live, work, and recreate on a day-to-day basis. The built environment encompasses places and spaces including buildings and parks, local districts and their supporting infrastructure, such as water and electricity supply, transportation system, and also the ambient environment, such as ventilation, temperature, air quality and noise. It is a multi-disciplinary field that addresses the design, construction, management, and use of these man-made surroundings as well as their relationships with human activities. This service learning subject serves as a platform for students to work in a multi-disciplinary team to identify and investigate built-environment related problems faced by the underprivileged group with quantitative and qualitative techniques, and devise solutions from a human-centred approach. The topics in the subject syllabus cover three major areas: 4. Concept and Practice of Service Learning (e-learning module)  Principles, concepts and myths of service learning  Benefits of service learning to students, the university and the community  Ethical issues in service learning A103

     

Basic concepts and theories of social problems, developments and justices Social responsibilities of global citizens as intellectuals and professionals Proper attitudes and behaviours in service delivery Developing a service project proposal/ plan Effective team work and problem solving skills in service-learning projects Reflection as a tool for learning

5. Discipline-specific contents  Practical issues and problems faced by the underprivileged in the built environment  Impacts of construction and management of the built environment in social, economic and environmental aspects  Developing project proposal  Standards, statutory and international guidelines relevant to the underprivileged, and approval procedures  Data collection, analysis and elementary design knowledge relevant to the built environment and the community service 6. Project-specific contents  Understand the background of the community partner and the beneficiaries  Health, safety and other issues relevant to the service project  Empathy, moral and ethical concerns specific for the project and the beneficiaries Teaching/Learning Methodology

1. E-learning module The e-learning module is developed and delivered by the Office of Service Learning (OSL) of PolyU to introduce students to the basic concepts and the practice of service learning. 2. Discipline-specific sessions Lectures/ seminars/ tutorials/ workshops are designed and conducted by CEE staffs, senior practicing engineers to equip students with the disciplinespecific knowledge and skills required for planning and delivery of the service learning project. 3. Project-specific sessions The project-specific sessions are designed to: (a) develop students' understanding of the community partner, beneficiaries as well as other issues relating to the service learning project, (b) provide training for students in generic skills in planning and delivering the service project. CEE staffs and experts from outside the department, such as OSL, academic staff from other departments, representatives from the community partner and senior practicing engineers will be invited to contribute to some of these sessions as appropriate. 4. Service project The service project is designed to raise students' awareness of how the built environment impacts the welfare of the underprivileged community through engagement. The objective is to come up with a proposal that will have the potential to be actualized to bring benefits to the community. In this subject, students are expected to: A104

(i) Identify built-environment related problems that underprivileged people (or communities) are facing with quantitative and qualitative techniques; (ii) Develop feasible solution(s) to address the problem identified in item (i) together with the beneficiaries; (iii) Communicate their proposals to a community partner and/or beneficiaries through reports/ exhibition/ talks Potential projects may include (but are not limited to):  Age-friendly community  Indoor or outdoor air quality monitoring and improvement strategies  Roadside pollutant exposure and health studies  Investigation on the locations of addition of footbridges or at-grade road crossing facilities  Walkability survey and walking behavior study and the implications for the provision of public facilities and services  Public transport affordability and travel pattern the low-income groups The service project can be divided into three phases: preparation, service delivery and completion. Preparation phase (Weeks 1 – 5) Weeks 1 to 3: Students will be equipped with relevant knowledge and skills required through the e-learning module, discipline- and project-specific sessions. Students must complete all of the required tasks in weeks 1 to 3 prior to participation in the service project. Weeks 4 – 5: students will work in groups to formulate an inception plan in carrying out the problem identification Service delivery phase (Weeks 6 – 12) Inception phase (duration: 3 to 4 weeks) To identify and assess a problem the beneficiaries are facing in the built environments, students will perform (i) interviews with the community partner and the beneficiaries; (ii) shadowing the lives of the beneficiaries in the community; and (iii) quantitative and qualitative measurements.. Students are expected to have sufficient direct contact with the beneficiaries in order to develop empathy toward their needs, and thus the inception effort is expected to be continuous rather than a one-time event. Project development phase (duration: 3 to 4 weeks) Students will devise solution(s) to solve or alleviate the problem(s) identified in the inception stage. The proposal will be developed under the guidance of the project supervisors/ course instructors and the beneficiaries will be consulted during the process to ensure the proposal is technically sound and with due consideration of the needs of the beneficiaries. Completion phase (Week 13) The final project report will be submitted to the community partner for consideration of implementation/ adoption. Students will communicate their findings and suggestions to the beneficiaries or local residents through an exhibition/a talk. Moreover, there will be a wrap-up session to share the service learning experience among different student groups. Students need to discuss with the community partner and the beneficiaries on the exact schedule of activities involved in the service project. Students may need to work on the service project in the evenings or weekend. A105

5. Reflective journals, final reflective report, and wrap-up session Students are required to write reflective journals during and after service to critically reflect on various stages service delivery. The wrap-up session summarizes students' learning and service experience of the project and it is shared with other student groups. Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific methods/tasks


1. Coursework in e-learning module , disciplinespecific and projectspecific sessions (individual) 2. Pre-service case study and inception plan (group) 3. Project report (15%) and presentation (10%) (group) 4. Performance during service delivery (individual 10% & group 5%) 5. Wrap-up session (group) 6. Two reflective journals (individual) Total

% weighting


Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e   




5% 40%

 

 

 

 

 

 

100 %

Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: 1. The e-learning module and discipline-/ project-specific sessions will include assignments and learning tasks that are designed to assess students' ability to link service learning with the academic contents of the subject (ILO a), their empathy for the underprivileged (ILO e) as well as their understanding of their role and responsibilities in society (ILO c). 2. The pre-service case study verifies students' ability to anticipate possible difficulties that may arise during the service delivery (ILO a, d). Students will apply their academic knowledge (ILO a) and work in a team (ILO d) to develop an inception plan on how to gain a thorough understanding on the difficulties faced by and the needs of the underprivileged in association with the built environment (ILO e). 3. Students will compile a project report as the key deliverable of their service project. This project report includes identification and assessment of the problem in the built environment that has adverse impacts on the underprivileged (ILO a), comparison of alternative ways to improve the situation, and a final suggestion (ILO b). The report will be submitted to the community partner for consideration of implementation. The project report will be direct application of the students' academic knowledge and materializing students' empathy to the clients' needs through group work and engagement of the beneficiaries (ILO d, e). Compilation of the report also provides opportunities for students to reflect what they have learnt and how their profession may impact on the beneficiaries (ILO c).


4. During the service delivery, students will have close interaction with the community partner as well as the beneficiaries. Students will deliver their findings to the community partner, and present to the beneficiaries and local residents in exhibitions/ talks. Students' attitude and performance during the process of service delivery, their level of engagement with the beneficiaries, collaboration with service partners will be good indications of whether students can demonstrate empathy to the underprivileged (ILO e), effectively address the stakeholders' concerns (ILO b) and communicate well with various parties (ILO d). This part involves instructors' observation, evaluation by the community partner and the beneficiaries. 5. Students will consolidate and reflect on their service project experience and share with other groups. This wrap-up session not only demonstrates effective application of their professional knowledge in solving problems faced by the underprivileged in the built environment (ILO a, b, e), it also serves as an opportunity for students to review their professional role in society (ILO c). Moreover, the success of the project itself and the presentation will be a direct measure of students' teamwork and communication skills (ILO d). 6. Students will write reflective journals during and after the service project to reflection on their learning experience. This assesses their ability to link service learning and the academic contents of the subject (ILO a), their ability to apply their knowledge to the solve real-world problems (ILO b), their empathy for the underprivileged people (ILO e), and their ability to reflect on their roles and responsibilities in the society (ILO c). Students' contribution and performance in team (ILO d) will also be assessed in this assessment component. It should be noted that all reflective journals and the final reflective report are individual assessments. Student Study Effort Expected

e-Learning Module

10 Hrs.

Class contact:  

Discipline- or project-specific sessions Project meetings and wrap-up session

12 Hrs. 16 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Readings, self-study, and planning and preparation for the service project

16 Hrs.

Service delivery

40 Hrs.

Reflection and review

28 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

122 Hrs.

Required Readings: 1. World Health Organization. (2007). Global Age-friendly Cities: A Guide. 2. World Health Organization. (2015). Measuring the age-friendliness of cities: a guide to using core indicators. References: 1. Cress, C.M., Collier, P.J., Reitenauer, V.L., & Associates. (2005). Learning through serving: A student guidebook for service-learning across the disciplines. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing. 2. Adams, M., Blumenfeld, C.R., Castañeda, C.R., Hackman, H.W., Peters, M.L., & Zúñiga, X. (Eds) (2010). Readings for Diversity and Social Justice, 3rd ed., UK: Routledge. A107

3. Johnson, A.G. (2005). Privilege, Power, and Difference. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 4. Sen, A.K. (2009). The Idea of Justice. Harvard University Press.


Year 4 Subject Code

CSE48404 CSE49405

CSE40407 CSE40411 CSE40420 CSE40432 CSE49400 CSE49405 CSE40419 CSE40408 CSE40410 CSE40418 CSE40422 CSE40461

Subject Title

Page Number

Semester I Design Project for Civil Engineers Individual Project for Civil Engineering CAR Subject 4 (Cluster Area D) Elective Subjects (choice of any two) Design of Transport Infrastructure Rock Engineering Applied Fluid Mechanics Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Advanced Structural Design Semester II Individual Project for Civil Engineering Engineers in Society Elective Subjects (choice of any two) Traffic Surveys and Transport Planning Advanced Geotechnical Design Advanced Structural Analysis Infrastructure Management Water and Wastewater Treatment Techniques for Civil Engineering


A110 A112

A114 A117 A119 A121 A124 A112 A126 A128 A131 A134 A137 A140

Subject Description Form Subject Code


Subject Title

Design Project for Civil Engineers

Credit Value




Pre-requisites / Exclusion Exclusion

Pre-requisites: All CSE core subjects at 300-399 or 30000-39999 level Exclusion: CSE404 Design Project, CSE49404 Design Project CSE404 Design Project


To enable the students to develop the first hand practical design experience before graduation.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: 1. apply the fundamentals of applied science, mathematics, and statistical methods to formulate effective solutions across a wide range of civil engineering domains; 2.

identify, structure and analyze diverse problems arising from the changing constraints that influence engineering projects, such as economic, environmental, legal, social, health and safety, sustainability, and technological considerations;


develop and function effectively in multi-disciplinary teams;


to synthesize logical solutions to civil engineering problems independently with a creative and imaginative mind;


to work professionally and ethically;


communicate logically and lucidly through drawing, calculation, and in writing;


acquire broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context;


utilize the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice to meet desired needs within realistic constraints;


cope with challenges and developments of the profession, including the increasing application of information technology in practice.

The above-mentioned are written in line with the outcomes of the degree programme. Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Students will be required to participate in the formulation of conceptual solutions to a large scale civil engineering problem, appraisal of the feasible schemes and then recommend the selected scheme with rationale and justification. For example, a link is required to connect two places within an area where ground conditions and difficulties of access are apparent. Students may be required to examine the feasibility of various proposed elevated road crossing schemes and explain with acceptable reasons for the finally chosen scheme. Students would also consider the construction techniques, the scheduling and management of the construction phase of the project and costs. A110

Teaching/Learning Methodology

The project will last for one semester. In general, students will work in group and are expected to have regular group discussions and meetings with their supervisors. Project briefing, lectures, and presentations of the projects will also be arranged. The project includes the following components: - design appraisal of distinct and viable schemes with appropriate sketches / drawings and calculations; - scheme selection with justifications; - preparation of design calculations to establish the size and form of typical and critical structural elements including the foundation for the selected scheme and - preparation of general arrangement drawings / structural framing including sufficient plans, elevations, sections and typical and critical structural details for estimating purposes. - compilation of design reports Supervision Students are supervised by both academic staff and visiting lecturers. The visiting lecturers are experienced practicing engineers and will contribute to formulate real-life construction projects that are based on real engineering problems and bring in up-to-date practical engineering knowledge.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks


1. Project Presentation ## 2. Project Report

% Intended subject learning outcomes weighting to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 50 50


√ √

√ √ √

100 %

Notes: # Project Presentation: consultation meetings, presentation for schematic design and presentation for preliminary design. ## Project Report: report on schematic design and report on preliminary design. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:  

Consultation Meetings Project Presentation and Feedback

34.5 Hrs. 4.5 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Self Study and Project Works

Total student study effort Reading List and References

To be provided by the project supervisors.


117 Hrs. 156 Hrs.

Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisites Objectives Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Teaching/Learning Methodology

CSE49405 Individual Project for Civil Engineering 6 4 All CSE core subjects at 300-399 or 30000-39999 level The objective of this subject is to train students to design a research type of work to solve problems in major engineering areas. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Apply the fundamentals of applied science, mathematics, and statistical methods to formulate effective solutions across a wide range of civil engineering domains; b. Critically analyze and interpret data for an in-depth study of a particular process or subject area in the recognized major civil engineering areas; c. Cope with the challenges and developments of the profession, including the increasing application of information technology in real practices; d. Communicate logically and lucidly through drawing, calculation, and in writing; e. Present ideas and arguments verbally in formal presentations; f. Have critical and creative thinking and an ability to work independently; g. Recognize the need for and develop an ability to engage in life-long learning; h. Reflect on and review their progress, and seek assistance or guidance as appropriate in order to enhance the quality of their work. Broadly, there are two main components, a critical assessment of appropriate literature and the completion of some experimental or theoretical work of an original nature. Literature reviews, in the absence of any significant laboratory, design, analysis, programming or fieldwork are not encouraged. Project Allocation The Department produces a list of project titles and synopses proposed by staff. Students are encouraged to discuss these proposals with the staff members concerned and to identify their preferences on the list. Students are also encouraged to propose topics of their own, perhaps related to their work during Industrial Training placements. Subject to acceptance of the academic credibility of such proposals, and the availability of a suitable staff supervisor, the Department would then sanction such projects. The project allocation exercise is completed prior to the commencement of the academic year. Time Allocation A formal allocation of 4 hrs/wk is provided in the timetable. However, in practice, one "free" day per week is provided for students to concentrate on their Individual Project activities. Supervision Each student is supervised by the staff member who is the proposer of the project. Such supervision requires the regular discussion of the student's work and guidance and advice throughout the year. Although such guidance is available to the student, it is stressed that the ultimate responsibility for the direction and content of the project lies with the student. A112

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks 1.Project Report 2. Oral Presentation Total

Student Study Effort Expected

Reading List and References

% weighting

85 15

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e f g h √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

100 %

Class contact: 

Laboratory and /or other related works

78 Hrs.

Other student study effort:

78 Hrs.

Total student study effort

156 Hrs.

To be provided by the project supervisors.


Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/ Exclusion


Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Description Form CSE40407 Design of Transport Infrastructure 3 4 Pre-requisites: CSE304 / CSE312 / CSE30312 For TSE Students (41081 and 41481): EE2029B, CSE292 / CSE30292 and CSE312 / CSE30312 Exclusion: CSE407 (1) To enable students to acquire basic knowledge of design principles for transport infrastructure development; (2) To enable students to design major transport infrastructures including road drainage, road pavement, road junction, railways and airport runway; (3) To enable students to assess engineering judgment on alternative transport infrastructure designs. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Have the basic knowledge of the design principles of transport infrastructure including roads, railways and airport runways as well as the skills to plan and design transport elements such as road, railway and airport layout and structures; b. Be familiar with the common design computer packages as well as manual calculations for road drainage, junction and pavement designs as well as railway station and airport layout designs and be able to exercise professional judgments on design parameters; c. Able to carry out and evaluate proper material tests for road pavements as well as tests on railway civil element requirements; d. Able to formulate and design cost-effective transport infrastructure; e. Able to write formal laboratory test reports and project report as well as analyze and present data in a logical way; f. Able to work in groups and share responsibility in the required group works; g. Able to understand the current transport infrastructure development issues and contribute to discussion on these contemporary issues.


Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

1. Introduction (2 weeks) Basic consideration of transport infrastructure developments.


development programmes. Design concept. 2. Highway Drainage (2 weeks) General considerations. Types of drainage structure. Design and construction of surface drainage and sub-soil drainage. Effects on pavement support. Filter layer design. 3. Pavements (2 weeks) Design principles for flexible and rigid pavements. Loading on pavements. Theoretical and empirical design methods. Pavements evaluation and rehabilitation. 4. Junction Design (4 weeks) Types of at-grade junction. Design of signal controlled junctions, priority junctions and rotary junctions. Co-ordination of traffic signal systems. 5. Railway Design (1 week) Railway development. Railway capacity. Railway alignment. Rail joints and ballast. 6. Airport Design (3 weeks) Airport activity systems. Airport planning procedure. Runway orientation. Runway length and layout design. 7. Project and Laboratory Laboratory work will include: skid-resistance; pavement conditions studies; junction studies; and railway studies. Field data collection exercises will be undertaken and case studies will augment this course. Teaching/Learning Methodology

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Fundamental knowledge will be covered in lectures. Tutorials will provide opportunities for discussion of lecture materials; examples and problem-solving discussion session will supplement the lectures. Laboratory work will help students appreciate the basic principles and familiarize themselves with realworld problems. Specific assessment methods/tasks 1. Project Assignment/ Quizzes 2. Laboratory reports 3. Final Examination Total

% Intended subject learning outcomes to weighting be assessed a b c d e f g 20%

20% 60% 100%

 

  

 

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The project assignment will involve assessment of a large transport infrastructure proposal. Students will be asked to appreciate the critical issues (both planning, design and construction) of the project; considerations and A115

alternative designs and construction methods. Students will have to submit group reports (no more than 5 students in a group) and present their arguments/ findings. The assessment will be based on the report and presentation. This element will achieve the all intended learning outcomes except c. There will be 4 laboratory sessions and students will be required to submit 2 individual reports and 2 group reports. This laboratory will enable students to acquire laboratory techniques and skill of laboratory report writing. Students will be asked to comment on the laboratory results. The assessment will be based on the laboratory reports and this element will achieve the intended learning outcomes b, c, e and f. The examination will help students consolidate knowledge learnt in lectures and tutorials and thus achieving intended learning outcomes a, b, d and g. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


6 Hrs.

Laboratory sessions

7 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Reading and studying

39 Hrs.

Completion of project assignment/Lab reports

26 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

104 Hrs.

1. Roess R. P., Prassas E.S., and McShane W.R., Traffic Engineering, 4th Edition, Pearson, 2011. 2. Mallick R.B. and Korchi T.E., Pavement Engineering: principles and practice, CRC Press, 2009. 3. Ashford Norman., Airport Engineering: planning, design and development of 21st century airports, Wiley, 2011, 4th edition. 4. Guidance Note on Road Pavement Drainage Design, Highways Department, RD/RN/035,2010 http://www.hyd.gov.hk/eng/public/publications/road_notes/index.htm. 5. Watson, J., Highway Construction & Maintenance, Longman Scientific & Technical, 1994. 6. Wright, P., Highway Engineering-sixth edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2004. 7. Transport Planning Design Manual, Transport Department, HKSARG. 8. http://www.hyd.gov.hk/eng/public/publications/index.htm 9. http://www.hk2030.gov.hk/


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisites / Exclusion Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Teaching/Learning Methodology

CSE40411 Rock Engineering 3 4 Pre-requisites: CSE206 Geology for Engineers or CSE20206 Geology for Engineers Exclusion: CSE411 Rock Engineering This subject aims to train students with acquisition of properties of intact rock and rock discontinuities and characterization of rock masses, and enable students to apply techniques, tools and design methods to solve engineering problems of rock slope stability and tunneling. This subject also designs to train students with basic laboratory techniques for determining the material parameter for design purpose. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able: a. to apply fundamental mechanics to understand the properties of intact rock and rock masses for civil engineering purposes; b. to provide solutions for rock engineering projects including slopes and tunnels; c. to analyze and derive the properties of rock from laboratory testing for the effective solutions of engineering problems through teamwork; d. Able to explain the problem of rock engineering projects and their solutions logically through drawing, calculation and in writing; e. to have critical and creative thinking in solving rock engineering problems and have an ability to work independently. 1. Index Properties of Rock and Rock Mass Classification (1.5 weeks ) Geological classification of rocks, index properties of rock: porosity; density; permeability; strength, slaking and durability; and degree of fissuring; classification of rock masses. 2. Rock Strength and Failure Criteria (1.5 weeks) Mode of rock failure and their measurement, stress-strain behaviour, failure criteria, effect of water, size and anisotropy on the strength of rock specimens. 3. Planes of Weakness in Rock (3 weeks) Stereographic projection of joint orientation, shear strength measurement joint roughness and its measurement, effect of water on jointed rock. 4. In-situ Stresses (1 week) Estimating the initial vertical and horizontal stress; their field measurement and use. 5. Rock Slope Engineering (3 weeks ) Stereographic projection in rock slope stability analysis; plane and wedge failure analyses; design and control. 6. Tunnelling (3 weeks) Data measurement; the concept of rock mechanics applied into the different geological condition of rock mass for design and construction of underground excavation; stresses around the excavation; rock support systems. Fundamental knowledge will be covered in lectures. Tutorials will provide opportunities for discussion of lecture materials and will also be conducted in the form of example class and problem-solving session to supplement understanding from lectures. Laboratory work will help students appreciate the basic principles and familiarize themselves with basic instruments.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

(1) Tutorial assignments, lab reports (2) Mid-term test (3) Final examination Total


20 70

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e 

 

100 %

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The students will be required to attend laboratory sessions and submit laboratory reports. These laboratory sessions will strengthen students the knowledge on the material properties of rock. The works in the laboratory sessions are closely related to practicing geotechnical engineering requirements. Students will have to exert engineering judgments to complete the laboratory sessions. The assignments and laboratory sessions together with the report writing are to achieve intended learning outcomes a), b), c), d) and e). The mid-term test will emphasize on assessing students’ basic concept and current practices of geotechnical engineering. It is appropriate to achieve intended learning outcomes a), d) and e). The final examination will consolidate students’ learning in lectures and tutorials. It is most appropriate to achieve the intended learning outcomes a), b), d) and e). Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.

Laboratory Sessions

7.5 Hrs.


Mid-Term Test

4 Hrs. 1.5 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Reading and studying

52 Hrs.

Completion of Assignments/ Lab Report

26 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

Books Goodman RE, Introduction to Rock Mechanics, 2nd Edition, Wiley (1989). Jaeger JC, Cook NGW, Zimmerman RW, Fundamentals of Rock Engineering, 4th Edition, Blackwell (2007). Hoek E, Brady J, Rock Slope Engineering, IMM (1981). Hoek E, Brown ET, Underground Excavations in Rock, IMM (1980). Journals Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences A118

Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisites / Exclusion


Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Teaching/Learning Methodology

CSE40420 Applied Fluid Mechanics 3 4 Pre-requisites: CSE202 Fluid Mechanics or CSE20202 Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineering and CSE306 Hydraulics and Hydrology or CSE30306 Hydraulics and Hydrology Exclusion: CSE420 Applied Fluid Mechanics This subject aims to familiarize students with advanced principles of fluid mechanics and provide them opportunities and experiences in applying and analyzing the principles to civil engineering problems in coastal hydraulics, air-structure interactions, drainage and flood control. The subject also designs to raise student interests in fluid phenomena and applications. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Have the knowledge of the basic phenomena of flow around structures and skills to calculate wind loads and pressures on structures; b. Have the basic knowledge in the hydraulics and hydrology of flood phenomena and skills to design stormwater drainage structures; c. Have the skills to apply the fundamental principles of fluid mechanics to basic problems in coastal and hydraulic engineering; d. Write technically sound reports on laboratory studies; e. Have the ability to compile, analyze and interpret data with engineering sense; f. Function in a team. 1. Coastal Hydraulics (4 weeks) Small amplitude wave theory. Introduction to wave transformation and wind generated waves. Wave forces on structures. Coastal Zone Processes. 2. Unsteady Flows (2 weeks) Unsteady incompressible flow in closed conduits. Basic equations for water hammer calculations. Surge tanks. Unsteady flow in open channels. 3. Wind Loading on Structures (4 weeks) Atmospheric boundary layer. Flow around bluff bodies. Wind pressures and moments and their effects on building design. Vortex shedding. Code of Practice. 4. Stormwater Drainage (3 weeks) Empirical flood formulae; Flood probability. Design of storm sewers. Gutters, inlets, manholes and outlets. Hydraulic network modeling. Design of road drainage - longitudinal and cross drainage, culverts. 5. Laboratory Work Flow around a circular cylinder, surge tank, wave characteristics, runoff hydrographs. Fundamental knowledge will be covered in lectures. Tutorials will provide opportunities for discussion of lecture materials and will also be conducted in the form of example class and problem-solving session to supplement understanding from lectures. Laboratory work will help students appreciate the basic principles and familiarize themselves with basic instruments.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1. Homework, quizzes, laboratory reports and mid-term tests 2. Final Examination Total


70 100 %

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e f      

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: A student will demonstrate successful completion of all the outcomes by achieving a grade C or above on 2 midterm tests, 3 laboratory reports and a final examination. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


6 Hrs.


7 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Homework and self-study

Total student study effort Reading List and References

78 Hrs. 117 Hrs.

"Fluid Mechanics", V.L. Streeter, K.W. Bedford & E.B. Wylie, 9th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1998. "Hydraulic Analysis of Unsteady Flow in Pipe Networks", J.A. Fox, Macmillan, 1977. "Water Wave Mechanics for Engineers and Scientists", R.G. Dean. & R.A. Dalrymple, Prentice - Hall, 1984. “Wind loading of structures”, J.D. Holmes, Taylor & Francis, 2007. "Wind Engineering - A Handbook for Structural Engineers", H. Liu, Prentice Hall, 1990. “Water Resources Engineering”, L.W. Mays, John Wiley & Sons, 2005. “Stormwater Drainage Manual, Planning, Design and Management”, Drainage Service Department, Hong Kong Government, 1995. “Coastal Engineering Manual – Part I & Part II”, US Army Corps of Engineers, 2003.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisites

CSE40432 Solid and Hazardous Waste Control 3 4 Pre-requisites: CSE337 Water and Waste Management or CSE30337 Water and Waste Management Exclusion: CSE432 Solid and Hazardous Waste Control I


To provide students with an understanding of the principles and applications of solid and hazardous waste control policy, management and technology.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to:

a) b) c) d) e) Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Able to apply the fundamentals of applied science to formulate effective solutions for solid and hazardous waste management problem; Able to exercise professional judgement in the assessment and evaluation of alternative solid and hazardous waste management options; Able to present waste minimization ideas and arguments in formal presentations and informal discussions; Able to function effectively and take responsibility in group projects; Have the broad education necessary to understand the impact of waste management on the global and Hong Kong community.

Solid Waste

1. Introduction Solid waste management systems, terminology, and technical options; review of solid waste management strategy in Hong Kong and selected regions/countries. 2. Generation of Solid Waste Types and sources of solid waste, physical and chemical characteristics of municipal solid wastes; moisture content, density; heating value. 3. Collection and Transfer of Waste Collection type and methods; role and function of refuse transfer station; types of transfer stations; general layout and operational aspects of transfer stations; refuse collection and transport systems in Hong Kong. 4. Waste Treatment Introduction to different types of solid waste treatment methods, i.e. composting, incineration, and landfilling. Introduction of the stateof-the-art biological, thermal treatment processes, and other waste-toenergy approaches, such as anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis.


Hazardous Waste 5. Introduction Hazardous waste management systems and options; environmental impacts and public concern of hazardous wastes; hazardous waste disposal strategy and associated legislation in Hong Kong. 6. Toxicology Risk Assessment Acute, sub-acute and chronic effects of toxic and hazardous materials; food chain contamination; assessment of exposure risk to hazardous materials to factory and sewage workers. 7. Industrial and Hazardous Waste Sources Defining categories and forms of industrial and hazardous solid and liquid wastes, sources of industrial and hazardous wastes, including specific characteristics of wastes from electroplating industries. 8. Laboratory Work Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure. 9. Team Project and Seminar Perform literature review with teammates and present team projects on selected topics for waste treatment and management. Teaching/Learning Methodology

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Basic understanding of problems and techniques of control and management will be covered in the lectures. Students will be required to relate the lectured materials with real problems and practice basic engineering concepts for waste management. Laboratory work will provide students with basic analytical skill for identifying solid and hazardous wastes and will include toxicity characteristic leaching procedure and analysis of landfill leachate. Tutorials and/or site visit(s) will provide students related exercises to incorporate the learned knowledge into the real-world examples.

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

(1) Continuous assessment (2) Final Examination Total

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed a b c d e




Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. The students will be assessed with two components, i.e. (1) assignments, laboratory reports, and a team project, and (2) a final examination at the end of the semester.


Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact:

26 Hrs.



13 Hrs.

Other student study effort:

Reading references and self study

39 Hrs.


26 Hrs.

Assignment(s) and lab report(s)

Total student study effort Reading List and References

13 Hr. 117 Hrs.

Michael, D. LaGrega et. al., Hazardous Waste Management, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2001. Tchobanoglous, G., Theisen, H. and Vigil, S.A., Integrated Solid Waste Management. McGraw-Hill, 1993. Eckenfelder, W.W. Jr., Industrial Water Pollution Control, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2000. Pichtel, John., Waste Management Practices: Municipal, Hazardous, and Industrial., Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, 2005. Williams, Paul T., Waste Treatment and Disposal, John Wiley & Sons, 1999. LaGrega M., Buckingham, P. & Evans, J., ERM, Hazardous Waste Management, 2nd Ed., McGraw Hill, 2000. McBean, E.A., Rovers, F.A. & Farguhar, G.J., Solid Waste Landfill Engineering and Design, Prentice Hall, 1994. Pfeffer., J.T., Solid Waste Management Engineering, Prentice Hall, 1992. http://www.ped.gov.hk


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisites


Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

CSE49400 Advanced Structural Design 3 4 CSE310 Design of Concrete Structures or CSE30310 Design of Concrete Structures and CSE311 Design of Steel Structures or CSE30311 Design of Steel Structures (1) To provide fundamental knowledge in the design of steel-concrete composite structures; (2) To further the understanding of various aspects of structural design of prestressed concrete structures; (3) To provide fundamental understanding of seismic behavior of structures and knowledge in earthquake resistant design. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. To apply the fundamental knowledge of composite design to formulate solutions to the problems relevant to the design of steelconcrete composite structures; b. To apply the fundamental knowledge of structural design to formulate solutions to the problems relevant to the design of prestressed concrete structures; c. To apply the fundamental knowledge of earthquake engineering to formulate schematic solutions to problems relevant to earthquake resistant design of structures; d. Able to think critically to provide different viable solutions meeting the global economy; e. Able to develop creative thinking for the built environment; f. Able to communicate and work effectively in a team.  Design of Steel-Concrete Composite Structures o General design principle o Design of composite beams o Design of composite columns  Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures o Loss of prestress o Tendon concordancy o Limit state design and prestressed concrete beams  Earthquake Engineering o Principle of earthquake resistant design o Capacity design and structural system o Member ductility and energy absorption

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Throughout the course students will be encouraged to learn through participation in lectures and tutorials. Lectures will be conducted in an interactive manner, requiring prior preparation and class participation of all students. To facilitate this approach, students will be given details of the course in advance.


Tutorials will also be conducted to reinforce the lectures and to promote critical thinking. Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1. Continuous assessment 2. Final examination Total

30 70

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e f √ √ √ √ √ √ √

100 %

Students must attain at least grade D in both continuous assessment and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: Students will be assessed with the following components: continuous assessment and an examination to meet the intended learning outcomes. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


13 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Continuous assessment

Total student study effort Reading List and References

o o

78 Hrs. 117 Hrs.

B. Davison and G.W. Owens, The Steel Designers' Manual, Steel Construction Institute, 7th edition, 2012. F.K. Kong and R.H. Evans, Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete, London, Nelson, 1975.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Exclusion Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

CSE40419 Engineers in Society 3 CSE419 Engineers in Society The subject aims to provide students with appreciation and understanding of legal, social and ethical aspects of engineering solutions and their impact to the society. The emphasis will be on application of the above to assess the legal and social impact of engineering projects and to deal with ethical dilemma. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Identify and analyze the legal, social and ethical aspects of engineering projects. b. Assess and discuss the ethical and social implications of action and proposal. c. Discuss wider problems which face the society and to diagnose the engineer’s contribution to possible solutions. d. Present ideas and arguments logically in formal presentations and informal discussions. e. Understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, legal, and societal context. 1. Hong Kong Legal System Common Law and Legislations. Hong Kong Courts. Civil and Criminal Law. Mediation and Arbitration. 3.

Contract Law Formation of a contract. Offer, acceptance, consideration and intention to be legally binding. Irregularity, void, voidable, illegality and unenforceable contract. Breach of contract and remedies.


Law of Tort Negligence, duty of care, breach of duty and damages. Nuisance. Defence and damages. Professional negligence.


Ethics for Construction Professionals Ethical concepts. Ethical management. Standards of behaviour. Case studies of malpractices and ethical dilemmas.


Environmental Law Environmental legislation and regulations. Pollution control. Instruments and Processes of Public Administration.


Teaching/Learning Methodology

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Sustainable Development Concepts of sustainable development. International efforts to cope with climate change; regional corporations for environmental issues. Teaching methodology includes lectures by subject lecturers; invited lectures by government officer(s), engineer(s) and/or politician(s); and lectures on prevention of corruption by officers of the ICAC. Learning outcomes will be assessed continuously by monitoring the in-class response, tutorials, case study reports and assignments. Specific assessment % Intended subject learning methods/tasks weight outcomes to be assessed ing a b c d e 1. Assignments 20 √ √ √ √ √ 2. Case study reports 10 √ √ √ √ √ 3. Final examination 70 √ √ √ Total 100 Students must attain at least grade D in coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result.


1. The intended learning outcomes are monitored through in-class response, continuous assessment and tutorials, and are assessed by continuous assessment and one final examination. 2. Case study reports, assignments and discussions will be used in the continuous assessment so that any shortfall in the learning process may be improved in subsequent lectures/tutorials. 3. To encourage group discussion and interaction/discussion between students, students will submit their work in groups of six (one leader per group) including assignments and case study reports. Student Study Effort Required

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


13 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 


39 Hrs.

Case study reports

13 Hrs.

Self study

26 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

1. V. Bermingham, Tort in a Nutshell, Sweet & Maxwell, 6th Edition, 2002. 2. J.T. Bockrath, Contracts and the Legal Environment for Engineers & Architects, 6th edition, McGraw Hill, 2000. 3. Patten, Professional Negligence in Construction, Spon Press, 2003. 4. B. Wasserman et al, Ethics and the Practice of Architecture, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000. 5. For Environmental Laws - EPD, (2015), A Concise Guide to the Air Pollution Control Ordinance. - EPD, (2017), A Concise Guide to the Noise Control Ordinance. - EPD, (2003), Training Manual for the EIA Mechanism. - https://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/laws_regulations/envir_legislation/la ws_overview.html 6. For Sustainable Development - HKSAR Government, (2005), A First Sustainable Development Strategy for Hong Kong. - Blewitt, John, Understanding sustainable development. Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge 2015 Second edition. - Planning Department, The Study on Sustainable Development for the 21st Century in Hong Kong. - United Nations, (2015), The Paris Agreement. 7. Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong – Building & Construction.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite/ Co-requisite/ Exclusion


Intended Learning Outcomes

CSE40408 Traffic Surveys and Transport Planning 3 4 Pre-requisites: CSE304 / CSE312 / CSE30312 For TSE students (41081 and 41481): EE2029B, CSE292 / CSE30292 and CSE390 / CSE30390 Exclusion: CSE408 (1) To expose students to the various techniques of traffic survey and transport modelling; (2) To develop an understanding of the nature and extent of urban transportation planning processes; and (3) To enable students to conduct traffic surveys and modelling traffic impacts for urban transportation planning purposes. Upon completion of the subject, students will be: a.

b. c.



f. Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus


Able to design and conduct traffic surveys for assessment of the impacts due to transport improvement projects and/or other travel demand management measures; Able to systemically analyze and interpret data from traffic and traveller surveys for strategic transport planning and travel demand forecasting; Able to utilize the four-steps modelling techniques for forecasting the future travel demand and analyzing the effects of transport infrastructure facilities on a transport system; Able to marshal logically the facts for illustrating the impacts of the traffic congestion and illustrate the feasible solutions lucidly through demand and capacity analysis, and economic analysis of congestion externality; Able to understand the traffic restraints and practical difficulties so as to come up with engineering feasible solutions and management measures for solving the specific transportation problems at a particular study area; Able to identify the merits and limitations of current approach in data collection and transport modelling for strategic planning purposes. Traffic Surveys and Analysis (3 weeks) Traffic characteristics and census. Hong Kong Annual Traffic Census. Volume studies; speed studies; travel time and delay studies. Capacity analysis; parking studies.


Transportation Planning Process (2 weeks) Data collection and preparation. Origin and Destination surveys. Network and zoning. Planning process. Transport-land use planning.


Planning for Public Transport (1 week) Public transport operations studies. Levels of public transport planning. Performance indicators. Route design and line frequency.


Transportation System Modelling (5 weeks) Four-steps modelling approach; trip generation and attraction analysis, trip classification, multiple regression analysis, category analysis, Bayesian update of trip rate. Trip distribution; the Furness method; the gravity model. Modal split; A128

Aggregated demand model; Disaggregated demand model; Stated Preference Survey. Traffic assignment analysis; User equilibrium, System optimal assignment, network assignment techniques. 5.

Travel Demand Management and Road Pricing (2 weeks) Traffic restraint and road pricing. Economic analysis of congestion externality. Barriers to implementation of travel demand management measures, Best practices of urban road pricing schemes.


Project and Laboratory Laboratory and tutorial on this course will include: traffic counts; speed studies; parking surveys; network building; transport modelling; trip distribution; traffic assignment. Case studies and field work will support exercises in the application of transportation system models. Teaching/Learning The underlying principles and techniques relating to traffic survey and transport planning will be dealt with in lectures. However, it is important that the students be Methodology exposed to the interdependence between theories and practice in transport planning. Students will therefore be required to undertake survey design and data collection on sites so as to understand the associated techniques in practice. Individual assignments will consist of numerical problems on transport modelling and analysis, while computer laboratory sessions will be held to demonstrate the applications of transport model and to provide opportunity for students to appreciate the difference between manual calculation and computer modelling. Occasionally, professionals from government or industry will be invited to give lectures on current issues of Hong Kong transport planning. Assessment Methods in Specific assessment % Intended subject learning outcomes Alignment with methods/tasks weighting to be assessed Intended Learning a b c d e f Outcomes 1. Assignments and Lab 20%     Reports 2. Mid-term Test(s) 20%    3. Final Examination 60%      Total 100 % Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework (items 1 & 2) and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The students will be assessed with three components, i.e., the laboratory session and assignment, at least one mid-term test and a final examination at the end of the semester. The students will be required to attend laboratory sessions and submit individual (or group) laboratory reports. These laboratory sessions will enable students to acquire basic laboratory techniques and report writing. The works in the laboratory sessions are closely related to practicing transportation engineering requirements. Students will have to exert engineering judgments to complete the laboratory sessions. The laboratory sessions to together with the report writing are best to achieve intended learning outcomes a, b, c and d. The mid-term test(s) will emphasize on assessing students’ basic concept and current practices of traffic surveys and transport modelling. It is appropriate to achieve intended learning A129

outcomes b, c and d. The final examination will consolidate students’ learning in lectures and tutorials. It is most appropriate to achieve the intended learning outcomes b, c, d, e and f. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


30 Hrs.



Laboratory Sessions

6 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Reading and studying


Completion of Assignments/Lab Reports


Total student study effort Reading List and References


Essential Textbooks 1. Ortuzar, J.D and Willumsen, L.G. “Modelling Transport” 3rd Edition, Wiley, 2001. 2. Taylor, M.A.P, Young, W. and Bonsall, P.W., “Understanding Traffic Systems: Data, Presentation and Analysis”, Avebury Technical Books: Aldershot, 1996. 3. Norbert Oppenheim, “Urban Travel Demand Modelling”, John Wiley & Sons. Inc., 1995. 4. Michael J. Burton, "Introduction to Transportation Planning", 3rd Edition, Hutchinson & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 1985. Reference Textbooks 1. D.A. Hensher and K.J. Button, “Handbook of Transport Modelling”, Elsevier Science, 2007. 2. P. Stopher and C. Stecher, “Travel survey methods: quality and future directions”, Elsevier, 2006. 3. C.S. Papacosta and P.D. Prevedouros, “Transportation Engineering and Planning”, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005. 4. J.D. Fricker and R.K. Whitford, “Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering: A Multimodal Systems Approach”, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004. 5. E. Cascetta, “Transportation Systems Engineering: Theory and Methods”, Springer, 2001. 6. C.A. O’Flaherty, “Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering” 4th Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996. 7. Yosef Sheffi, “Urban Transportation Networks”, Prentice Hall, Inc., 1985. 8. http://www.td.gov.hk/en/publications_and_press_releases/publications/index.html 9. http://www.hk2030.gov.hk/


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisites / Exclusion


Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

Teaching/Learning Methodology

CSE40410 Advanced Geotechnical Design 3 4 Pre-requisites: CSE307 Soil Mechanics or CSE30307 Soil Mechanics for Civil Engineering and CSE403 Geotechnical Design I or CSE40403 Geotechnical Design Exclusion: CSE410 Geotechnical Design II (1) To enable students to acquire basic knowledge of advanced geotechnical design; (2) To enable students to make engineering judgment on geotechnical design. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. Have an understanding of 1-D, 2-D and 3-D consolidation of soils without or with creep; b. Have knowledge on pile group effect and lateral load on pile; c. Be familiar with stability analysis of a slope with soil nails with particular reference to Hong Kong situation; d. Have an appreciation of excavation supports, soil reinforcement, a number of ground treatment methods. 1. Consolidation of Soils (2 weeks) Analysis of 1-D, 2-D (axi-symmetric), and 3-D consolidation of soils without or with creep; use of wick drains with pre-loading and/or vacuum preloading. 2. Pile Foundation (4 weeks) Lateral loading capacity of a single pile, lateral displacement of a single pile, pile group effect, capacity of a pile group, settlement of a pile group, pile driving formula and wave equation, dynamic pile tests by small and large strain methods. 3. Soil Nailed Slopes (3 weeks) Stability analysis and design of a soil nailed slope under complicated conditions with earthquake and external loads, design of soil nails, soil nail pullout tests, search for critical failure surface. 4. Excavation and Soil Reinforcement (2.5 weeks) Diaphragm walls, stability of slurry trench, lateral displacement and settlement of excavation, basal stability, seepage of excavation; mechanism and test methods for reinforcing strips and geo-synthetics; design and construction of reinforced earth retaining structures. 5. Ground Modification (1.5 weeks) Field compaction, vibroflotation, vertical drains and preloading, soil stabilization by admixture (deep lime/cement mixing), grouting, stone columns, sand compaction pile, dewatering systems and analysis, case studies. Fundamental knowledge will be covered in lectures. Tutorials will provide opportunities for discussion of lecture materials and will also be conducted in the form of example class and problem-solving session to supplement understanding from lectures.


Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

(1) Assignments (2) Mid-term Test(s) (3) Final Examination Total

15 15 70 100 %

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: The students will be assessed with three components, i.e., assignments, a written test in the middle of the semester and a final examination. The three components are best to achieve intended learning outcomes in a, b, c, and d. The students will be required to do and submit assignments. Students will have to exert engineering judgments to complete assignments. The examination will consolidate students’ learning in lectures and tutorials. It is most appropriate to achieve the intended learning outcomes a, b, c and d. Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.

Tutorials / Laboratory

13 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Reading and studying

52 Hrs.

Completion of Assignments

26 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reference List

117 Hrs.

Bowles, Joseph E. (1997). Foundation Analysis and Design. 5th Edition. Publisher: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Das, Baraja M. (2018). Principles of Foundation Engineering. 8th International Edition. Publisher: Cengage Learning. Feng, W.Q. and JH Yin (2017). A New Simplified Hypothesis B Method for Calculating Consolidation Settlements of Double Soil Layers Exhibiting Creep. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 41, 899–917. Geotechnical Engineering Office (1996). Pile Design and Construction. GEO Publication No.1/2006, Civil Engineering and Development, HKSARG. Pandolph, M.F. (1977). A Theoretical Study of the Performance of Piles. PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge. Pandolph, M.F. and Wroth, C.P. (1978). Analysis of Vertically Loaded Piles. J. Geotech. Enggin. Div. ASCE, 104(GT12), 1465-1488. A132

Pandolph, M.F. and Wroth, C.P. (1979). An Analysis of the Vertical Deformation of Pile Groups. Geotechnique 29(4), 423-439. Poulos, H. G. and E. H. Davis (1980). Pile Foundation Analysis and Design. Publisher: John Wiley and Sons. Reese, Lymon C., Reese, William F. Van Impe (2001). Single Piles and Pile Groups under Lateral Loading. Publisher: Taylor & Francis/Balkema. Yin, JH and Feng. WQ (2017). A New Simplified Method and Its Verification for Calculation of Consolidation Settlement of a Clayey Soil with Creep. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Can. Geotech. J. 54(3), 333–347.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisites / Exclusion Objectives

Intended Learning Outcomes

CSE40418 Advanced Structural Analysis 3 4 Pre-requisites : CSE301 Structural Analysis I or CSE30301 Structural Analysis Exclusion: CSE418 Structural Analysis II (1) To give students a workable understanding and appreciation of the principles and analysis methods in relation to structural dynamics, structural stability, and plastic theory; (2) To give students an opportunity to enhance their capacities in thinking critically and logically and solving problems independently. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a.

b. c.

d. e. f. g.

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus


apply the fundamentals of applied science, mathematics, and statistical methods to formulate effective solutions to solve problems in structural engineering; be familiar with the important issues and philosophies associated with structural dynamics, structural stability and plastic theory; be conversant in the terminology of the above areas of advanced structural analysis, and develop a workable understanding of these issues related to structural engineering systems; design and conduct experimental studies to validate important theoretical concepts in the above areas; explain logically and lucidly structural engineering problems through idealisation, analysis and calculation; work with others in a structural design team, identify the nature of various structural problems and take responsibility for a shared activity; embrace more advanced structural analysis techniques and further their studies or seek assistance or guidance to engage in life-long learning as a civil engineer. Structural Dynamics (7 weeks) Equation of motion. Natural frequency and period. Damping. Dynamic loading. Resonance. Dynamics of single-degree-of-freedom structures. Dynamics of multi-degree-of-freedom structures. Approximate methods.


Plastic Theory (3 weeks) Elastic and plastic properties. Ductility. Plastic hinge. Plastic moment. Theorems of plastic analysis. Equilibrium method. Work method. Plastic collapse of fixed-ended and continuous beams. Plastic collapse of portal frames. Yield line theory.


Structural Stability (3 weeks) Methods of stability analysis. Types of buckling. Stiffness equations of beam-columns. Stability functions. Linear and geometric stiffness matrices. Instability of frames. Ultimate load analysis of structures. Elastic critical load. Second-order effect.


Laboratory Work Harmonically excited vibration of a shear building model. Plastic collapse of a steel beam. A134

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Engaged learning is conducted during lectures; Problem-based learning is conducted during tutorials; Discovery-based learning is conducted during assignment; Cooperative learning is conducted during self-reading; Collaborative learning is conducted during laboratories.

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1. Assignment 2. Mid-term test 3. Laboratory 4. Final examination Total

10 12 8 70

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e f g √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

100 %

Students must attain at least grade D in coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: 1. Assignment is to assess the student’s capability of applying the knowledge and methods learned to formulate effective solutions to solve problems in structural engineering;

Student Study Effort Expected


Mid-term test is to assess the student’s capability of developing a workable understanding of the philosophies behind structural dynamics theory;


Laboratories and Reporting in Group is to assess the student’s capability of communication, presentation, experimental design and verification, working and negotiation with peers in group, and seeking assistance and guidance to engage in life-long learning as a civil engineer;


Final examination is to assess the student’s capability of critically analyzing and interpreting a wide range of problems in relation to structural dynamics, structural stability, and plastic theory.

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


6 Hrs.


7 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 


24 Hrs.

Laboratory Reports

16 Hrs.


38 Hrs. A135

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

1. Paz, M. and Leigh, W. (2004), Structural Dynamics: Theory and Computation, 5th Edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 2. Paultre, P. (2010), Dynamics of Structures, John Wiley & Sons. 3. Chen, W.-F. and Lui, E.M. (1987), Structural Stability: Theory and Implementation, PTR Prentice Hall. 4. Simitses, G.J. and Hodges, D.H. (2006), Fundamentals of Structural Stability, Elsevier. 5. Chen, W.-F. and Sohal, I.(1995), Plastic Design and Second-Order Analysis of Steel Frames, Springer-Verlag. 6. Wong, M.B. (2009), Plastic Design and Second-Order Analysis of Steel Frames, Elsevier.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisites / Exclusions


Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

CSE40422 Infrastructure Management 3 4 Pre-requisites: CSE303 Construction Management I or CSE30303 Construction Management Exclusions: CSE414 Construction Management II or CSE422 Infrastructure Management To provide students with basic knowledge related to the development and management of civil infrastructures. Students should be able to integrate the knowledge of civil engineering with consideration of practical management constraints, including: feasibility study, life-cycle cost analysis, asset management, and performance of analysis and design within the environment, time, quality, and cost constraints. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: (i) Apply life-cycle management techniques to the management of modern civil infrastructures with considerations of constraints in fiscal requirements, time requirements, and quality standards; (ii) Apply contemporary construction management knowledge in project delivery systems, innovative contracting and financing methods to infrastructure project development; (iii) Apply analytical techniques for critically analyzing infrastructure management related data in a practical setting and using the data to make managerial decisions; (iv) Apply computer-based techniques including Building Information Modelling (BIM) for project management, optimization, and simulation to cope with the complexities and uncertainties in managing infrastructure projects; (v) Develop critical thinking, lateral thinking, and systematic thinking in perceiving, understanding and solving practical infrastructure management problems; (vi) Develop basic mathematical, statistical, and modeling skills needed for evaluating engineering and management alternatives subject to technological, economic, environmental, and social constraints. 1. Economic Appraisal of Projects (3 weeks) Annual equivalent costs and present worth; discount cash flow and internal rate of return; inflation and depreciation, comparison of multiple alternatives; project feasibility study. 2. Decision Tools (2 weeks) Introduction to decision analysis tools such as AHP, ANP, goal programming, etc. 3. Life-cycle Management of Infrastructure Systems with BIM (1 week) Analysis of the typical life-cycles of civil infrastructure systems using BIM and introduction to the concepts and techniques of asset management. 4. Infrastructure Performance Prediction (2 weeks) Performance prediction of infrastructure system through stochastic techniques. A137

5. Infrastructure Performance Monitoring, Maintenance and Rehabilitation (1.5 weeks) Techniques for monitoring the performance of built infrastructures and development of management decisions in maintaining and rehabilitating infrastructures. 6. Infrastructure Project Delivery Systems and Financing (1.5 weeks) Introduction to different types of project delivery systems for infrastructure development and innovative financing schemes. 7. Quality Management (1 week) Basic concept; common methods used and their procedures, Quality Assurance, ISO9000, Total quality Management.

Teaching/Learning Methodology

8. Sustainability Considerations in Infrastructure Planning and Operation (1 week) Consideration of social, environmental, and economic dimensions in infrastructure planning and operation. Lectures will be delivered to serve as an introduction to the topics, to provide overview knowledge, and to define significant areas. Case studies, specific application of the knowledge will be demonstrated. Students will be given handouts on the main contents of the lectures and are required to read the relevant chapters in the recommended reference books as well as articles and research papers in related journals. Students will be provided with infrastructure dataset based on which they can perform various analyses.

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Specific assessment methods/tasks

% weighting

1. Coursework 3. Final Examination Total

30 70 100 %

Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: Students will be assessed with two components: various assignments and a final examination at the end of the semester. During the course of this class, various assignments will be provided to assess students’ learning outcomes of (i) to (vi). The examination will help students consolidate knowledge learnt in lectures and tutorials and thus achieving intended learning outcomes of (i) to (vi). A138

Student Study Effort Expected

Class contact: 


26 Hrs.


13 Hrs.

Other student study effort: 

Self Study

78 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

117 Hrs.

“Engineering Economic Analysis” by Donald G. Newnan, Ted G. Eschenbach, and Jerome P. Lavelle, Oxford University Press; 13th edition, 2017. “BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers, and Contractors,” by Chuck Eastman, Paul Teicholz, Rafael Sacks, and Kathleen Liston, WILEY; 2 nd edition, 2011. “Principles of Public and Private Infrastructure Delivery (Infrastructure Systems: Delivery and Finance Volume 101,” by John B. Miller, 2000. “Infrastructure Management: Integrating Design, Construction, Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Renovation,” by W. Hudson, R. Haas, and W. Uddin, 1997.


Subject Description Form Subject Code Subject Title Credit Value Level Pre-requisite / requisite/ Exclusion



Intended Learning Outcomes

Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus

CSE40461 Water and Wastewater Treatment Techniques for Civil Engineering 3 4 Pre-requisites: CSE335 Water and Waste Management or CSE337 Water and Waste Management or CSE373 Water Supply and Sewerage or CSE30337 Water and Waste Management Exclusions: CSE461 Water and Wastewater Treatment Techniques or CSE30461 Water and Wastewater Treatment Techniques for ESD (1) To provide basic knowledge on water and wastewater treatment technologies for water supply and wastewater disposal in Hong Kong; and (2) To provide practical laboratory works to familiarize with the treatment technique for water, sewage and sludge treatment. Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: a. apply the fundamental knowledge of water and wastewater treatment processes and engineering concepts to formulate effective solutions to environmental engineering problems relevant to water supply and wastewater disposal in Hong Kong; b.

identify, structure and analyze diverse problems arising from the changing constraints that influence engineering projects, such as environmental, legislative, sustainability, and technological considerations;


offer the employers in Hong Kong a useful contribution to design and operations of water and wastewater treatment works;


work with others in group work, and take responsibility for an agreed area of shared activities; and


have critical and creative thinking and an ability to work independently.


Wastewater Treatment Operations and Processes (7 weeks) Operational principle and basic technique of wastewater treatment processes-pumping, screening, grit removal, comminution, flow measurement, primary sedimentation, activated sludge process and its variants, biological filtration and RBC, final sedimentation, disinfection; advanced wastewater treatment technique including filtration, carbon adsorption, chemical precipitation and nitrogen and phosphorous removal; eff1uent discharge and reuse.


Treatment and Disposal of Sludges (3 weeks) Characteristics of alum sludge and wastewater sludge, quantity of sludges; Principle and technique of sludge treatment processes-thickening, stabilisation, conditioning and dewatering; sludge disposal and utilization.


Design of unit treatment processes (3 weeks) A140

Teaching/Learning Methodology

Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes

Principle of engineering design, sizing of tanks and flow, choice of equipment, costing. In the lectures, fundamental knowledge relating to the theoretical processing, operation and treatment technique of water purification and wastewater treatment systems will be established. Students will be required to undertake various coursework activities, which will enable them to thoroughly digest the taught materials. Tutorials will provide opportunities for students and lecturers to communicate and discuss any difficulties relating to the lectures. It will also provide a forum for students and lecturer to discuss the ongoing coursework and laboratory activities. Video-show in tutorial sessions and the site visit develop students' interest and motivation for learning. Specific assessment methods/tasks

1. Assignments including a small design project 2. Laboratory Reports 3. Tests 4. Examination Total

% Intended subject learning weighting outcomes to be assessed (Please tick as appropriate) a b c d e 15      7.5 7.5 70 100 %

  

  

  

Students must attain at least grade D in both coursework and final examination (whenever applicable) in order to attain a passing grade in the overall result. Explanation of the appropriateness of the assessment methods in assessing the intended learning outcomes: (1) Assignments based on calculations and designs of wastewater treatment technique, and familiarize with diverse engineering problems;

Student Study Effort Expected


Laboratory works and report writing will enable students to familiarize with practical experiment and in-depth understanding of the technique involved in water and wastewater treatment, as well as training for group work and sharing individual responsibility; and


Test and examination can attribute critical and creative thinking for independent work and ability to carry out water and wastewater techniques for design and solving environmental engineering problems on operation.

Class contact: 


22 Hrs.


4 Hrs.


9 Hrs.

Other student study effort:  

Reading and Studying Completion of Assignment/Design project/Lab. Reports. A141

45 Hrs. 40 Hrs.

Total student study effort Reading List and References

120 Hrs.

Reading 1. Mark J. Hammer, Water and Wastewater Technology, 5th edition, Prentice Hall, 2003.

2. Metcalf & Eddy, Wastewater Engineering – Treatment, Disposal, Reuse; Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2003. Reference


Mackenzie L. Davis, Susan J. Masten., Principle of Environmental Engineering & Science, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2009.


Mackenzie L. Davis and David A. Cornwell, Introduction to Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hall International Editions, 2008.

3. Eckenfelder, W.W. Jr., Industrial Water Quality, McGraw-Hill, 2009. 4. Mackenizie L. Davis, David A. Cornwell., Introduction to Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill, 2008.


Appendix II Curriculum Mapping This curriculum map gives a holistic view of the programme to which each intended learning outcome will be taught and assessed in this programme The following indicators (I, R, A) to show the treatment of the programme outcome in a subject : I R A

(Introduced) (Reinforced) (Assessed)

That the learning leading to the particular intended outcome is introduced in that subject. That the learning leading to the particular intended outcome is reinforced in that subject. That the performance which demonstrates the particular intended outcome is assessed in that subject.

Year 2

Year 1

1 CE1000 Construction for Better Living ELC1011 Practical English for University Studies CBS1104C / CBS1104P University Chinese APSS1L01 Tomorrow’s Leaders ELC1012 English for University Studies AMA1130 Calculus for Engineers CSE20308 Construction Materials CSE30312 Transportation and Highway Engineering IC2116 IC Training for DG in Civil Engineering Healthy Lifestyle CAR Subject 1 (Human Nature, Relations & Development) CAR Subject 2 (Community, Organisation and Globalisation) CAR Subject 3 (History, Cultures and World Views) CBS3231P Chinese Communication for Construction and Environment AMA2308 Mathematics for Engineers CSE20201 Structural Mechanics CSE20206 Geology for Engineers CSE30307 Soil Mechanics for Civil Engineering COMP1011 Programming Fundamentals CSE20202 Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineering CSE20204 Advanced Structural Mechanics CSE20302 Engineering Analysis and Computation ELC3421 English for Construction and Environmental Professionals LSGI2961 Engineering Surveying






























10 I






Year 3 Year 4

CSE30301 Structural Analysis CSE30303 Construction Management CSE30311 Design of Steel Structures CSE30306 Hydraulics and Hydrology CSE30331 Air and Noise Pollution Studies for Civil Engineering CSE39300 Analytical and Quantitative Methods for Civil Engineers CSE30310 Design of Concrete Structures CSE30337 Water and Waste Management CSE40403 Geotechnical Design Service-learning subject CSE30323 Summer Training CSE48404 Design Project for Civil Engineers CSE49405 Individual Project for Civil Engineering CAR Subject 4 (Science, Technology and Environment) CSE40407 Design of Transport Infrastructure CSE40411 Rock Engineering CSE40420 Applied Fluid Mechanics CSE40432 Solid and Hazardous Waste Control CSE49400 Advanced Structural Design CSE40419 Engineers in Society CSE40408 Traffic Surveys and Transport Planning CSE40410 Advanced Geotechnical Design CSE40418 Advanced Structural Analysis CSE40422 Infrastructure Management CSE40461 Water and Wastewater Treatment Techniques for Civil Engineering








11 RA


12 RA






























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