312 Windows Basics

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MS-Windows Basics Updated in Sept., 2003

MS-WINDOWS Features of Windows : • Fully employs graphics and uses icons (small idol like images) thereby tickling the perceptive abilities of Humans. The screen looks more lively, particularly on colour monitors and induces interest of the user. •

All features are menu based and the user is relieved of the botheration of remembering the possible commands.

With the induction of the MOUSE, operations are through the click of the mouse and they become easy and even lay users love the play-like operations. Ofcourse the experienced user can use the Mouse in combination with the KB achieving tremendous saving of time and effort.

On-line help is always available.

Any window relating to an application can be resized. It can also be minimised in order to take up some other task and maximised / restored later. This helps better utilisation of the resources like the KB, VDU, printer, etc. Above all it makes possible Data Transfer between tasks.

Windows employs GUI (Graphic User Interface) and consequently memory requirements are very large. One has to go in for higher configurations. The only redeeming phenomenon is that prices of such improved hardware is steadily decreasing / tumbling down.

Users on gaining more and more experience can CUSTOMISE their windows to suit their requirements, tastes and personal preferences.

Being a large program in size, start up takes time and shutdown has to be carefully done lest the files / disks get affected.

For the DOS addict, Windows offers a way of reaching DOS PROMPT and using the machine as a DOS machine or by invoking shutdown and choosing the option RESTART THE MACHINE IN MS-DOS MODE, the user can use the machine as DOS machine.

HOW TO USE THE VARIOUS TOOLS OF WINDOWS : FAMILIARITY WITH THE MOUSE : The Mouse pointer always appears on the screen of a Windows computer. The user should constantly note the shape of the Mouse Pointer. It is normally an arrow pointing towards North West. But from time to time, the Mouse Pointer will change in shape. The shape of the Mouse Pointer conveys to the user, What can be done or What the user is attempting to do. Example : When the mouse pointer turns to the picture of an Hourglass, it is an indication that the system is busy and that the user should wait. When at an appropriate place, the pointer shows a left arrow and a right arrow, it indicates that the user can Click and Drag in either of the directions, etc. SBIICM, Hyderabad


MS-Windows Basics Updated in Aug., 2004

As a basic prerequisite, you should develop skills in MOUSE HANDLING – namely 1. Moving the mouse pointer to any point on the screen by moving the mouse (thereby rolling the ball of the mouse). This is called POINTING. 2. RIGHT CLICK : A mouse has two buttons. Pressing the right button once and lifting the finger from it is is called a Right Click. This opens up a pop up menu specific to the object on which you right clicked. (Observe that usually one item on the pop up menu appears in BOLD lettering, which is the most popular option.) (Since Windows is a highly user friendly operating system, it allows a left handed user, to change the meanings of the two buttons to suit the personal requirements of such a user.) 3. CLICK : A single click of the left button (for a normal mouse; the configuration of the mouse can be changed for a left handed user, in which case the click of the left button). The click (or left click) is used to choose an item for an operation or to choose a menu option, etc. 4. DOUBLE CLICK : Two clicks of the left button in quick succession. A double click on an icon opens the file referred to by the icon. The DOUBLE CLICK on any object performs the most popular option applicable on that item. If you are not comfortable with DOUBLE CLICK, one need not despair. Right Click followed by a (left) click on the bold option on the pop up will exactly perform the job of a DOUBLE CLICK. 5. CLICK AND DRAG: Press the left button and without taking your finger from the left button, drag the mouse from one position to another. CLICK AND DRAG is used to adjust the size of windows (by bringing the mouse pointer to a border or a corner and then by click and drag). It is also used to move objects from one source location to a target location, by keeping the mouse pointer on the object (or on the title bar if it is a window that you are moving from one place to another) and then by using click and drag. This operation of moving an object is also called Drag and Drop. OVER VIEW OF COMPUTERS IN BRIEF : A computer is essentially a Programmable Electronic Data Processing Machine. Data Processing involves picking up an INPUT, applying a PROCESS on it and generating an OUTPUT. Thus it converts a less useful INPUT into a more useful OUTPUT. A computer has devices for Input, Process and Output. In fact, today if you utter the word computer people immediately take it to stand for an assembly of (1) Keyboard (2) VDU (3) CPU (4) Mouse and (5) Printer. Such components of a computer which can be touched and felt are collectively called 'HARDWARE'. But we can also infer that just like breathing life into a body, there is something which activates such inanimate components which makes a computer perform various tasks. This component which we know is there, but cannot touch and feel is referred to as 'SOFTWARE'. (By way of an analogy, when you buy a music cassette, the casing, the tape, the screws, paper slip are all hardware, but the song itself is software For an Indian audience, it is easy to explain the difference between Hardware and Software : the Body is hardware and Soul is software!). Software is a collection of Programs (and certain data files in the form of Parameter files, Configuration files or Driver files which are used by the Programs.) But what is a program? A program is a set of executable instructions.

SBIICM, HYDERABAD R. Srinivasan, Faculty : [email protected] or [email protected]


MS-Windows Basics Updated in Aug., 2004

In a computer, software is classified into two categories : (1) System Software and (2) Application Software. System software are machine specific instructions and consists of Operating Systems, other utilities, etc. Virus programs written by malicious programmers and anti-virus or vaccine programs needed to detect and remove such viruses are also System Software. Application Software are task-specific or use-specific instructions : If we go by the order of frequent use of a computer the popular tasks can be listed as under : a) Word Processing namely Generating letters, reports, memos, etc. The ultimate in Word Processing is DTP (Desk Top Publishing). But sophisticated word processors like MSWord program of the MS-Office suite allow specialized taks like MAIL MERGE. Mail merge allows a user to generate several letters, address slips for these letters, etc., by a single set of operations. b) Database Processing : Organisations usually collect Information on entities in which they are interested by filling up Forms or by providing a Form and collecting the filled up Form from them. A collection of Forms is called a Database. Each form contains several items like Name, Date of Birth, Age, Gender, Account Balance, Transaction Amount, etc. Computers are being popularly utilised for Data base management by using application programs known as DBMS (Data Base Management Systems) like dBase, Foxbase, etc. when the size and scope of the database is limited. When the size and complexity of the Database increases, RDBMS (Relational Data Base Management Ssytems) like Oracle, DB2, MS-SQL SERVER, etc. can be used. MS-ACCESS program of MS-OFFICE suite comes as a Quasi-RDBMS. c) Spreadsheet Processing : In real life a Spreadsheet is a tabular data arrangement. A blank table having several preprinted columns and rows is made available. And the user can keep data in such tables. Any one cell is a spreadsheet can have a Number, Text, Date or a FORMULA. Once the basic data or fundamental data items are entered in the spreadsheet, the computed data items which are defined through Formulas are automatically computed. d) Graphics : Logically, a picture can be looked upon as a Graph Sheet with presence or absence of dots in those cells. A graph paper being only a spreadsheet where the columns and rows are densely packed, graphics data can be handled by computers. By animating these still pictures, VIDEO data can also be processed using a computer. e) Music and Voice : By appropriate coding of the Musical notes, music and voice data is also processed on Computers f) Multi media applications : By combining graphics, text, video and audio data, multi media data can be easily processed on a computer. g) DEDICATED / SPECIALISED applications : An application like BANKMASTER which enables data processing for a specific task like Accounting for Banking Transactions is an example. Participant Registration and Feedback system, Library Management System, The Railway Reservation System, Inventory Control programs, Pay Roll programs, etc. are other examples. They can be developed using Programming Languages like Assembly Language, FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, PASCAL, C, etc. or by using Programming Platforms like FOXPRO, ORACLE, etc. SBIICM, HYDERABAD R. Srinivasan, Faculty : [email protected] or [email protected]


MS-Windows Basics Updated in Aug., 2004

h) While all the above applications can run on Stand alone computers, on networked systems additional applications like e-Mail, Internet, e-Commerce applications, etc. have in fact made information technology more interesting, more useful and more popular. Applications like ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning), CRM (Customer Relations Management), HRM (Human Resources Mangement), etc. are being implemented within an organization as well as across related organizations like Subsidiaries, Associates and Strategic Partners, etc. i)

By appropriate interface with other electro mechanical and other electronic equipments, use of computers has assumed greater significance in the areas of Medicine, Production Management, Production Control, etc.

FEATURES OF WINDOWS : On starting a Windows computer, which is referred to as booting up the system in Windows, one starts with a screen has two portions : Major portion of the screen in the form of what is called a DESKTOP and a bar at the bottom with a button START at the left edge and probably the time at the right edge. This thin bar is called the TASK BAR. Persons with a penchant for being different from the general populace, can shift this task bar to any edge of the Window, by just clicking on this bar and dragging it till you reach the edge (the top or right or left edge) that is preferred by you.

ICON for My Computer


Wall Paper

SBIICM, HYDERABAD R. Srinivasan, Faculty : [email protected] or [email protected]

Task Bar 4

MS-Windows Basics Updated in Aug., 2004

Start Button

Tasks which are Open (but not active)

FAMILIARISE YOURSELF WITH THE FOLLOWING FACTS : In the DESKTOP one sees several icons, each icon being a combination of a picture and a small cryptic English explanation as to what that picture stands for. Each icon represents one of the four resources in a computer : 1. A Data File : Also called a DOCUMENT. A data file can be placed directly on the Desktop itself if the user is planning to use that document frequently. (But the disadvantage is that others also get to know that you are keeping such a data file on your desktop. So do not keep such files on your desktop.) 2. A Program File : Also called an APPLICATION. An application can be placed on the desktop similar to a data file. 3. A Folder : Instead of keeping too many things on the desktop, files can be neatly organized groupwise or subjectwise, by creating folders and then keeping files in the folders. A folder can hold files or Sub-Folders. Such a folder can be directly placed on the desktop or preferably it should be held in a folder which can only be accessed by going through its proper path. Folders are rather easy to identify because of the icon associated with them resembles a yellow colour folder like the Methodex folder used for holding one or more files or sub-folders. 4. A shortcut : While users keep files and folders in a hierarchy (a Tree-like structure), Windows allows the facility of creating a short cut for a resource (a File or a Folder) in any other folder. Under this facility a user may create a short cut on the Desktop itself for any File or Folder. Short cuts are also rather easy to locate because by and large a short cut icon has an arrow at the left bottom corner. (NOTE :My documents icon on the Desktop is in fact a short cut to this folder which is located under C:\ . As one of the anomalies in Windows, this short cut does not show the arrow on the left corner!) The normal icons one sees on the DESKTOP are detailed below : •

MY COMPUTER : By opening MY COMPUTER (either by double clicking on it or in the alternative right clicking on it and clicking on the OPEN option in the pop up), you get quick access to your computer’s disk drives and to the Control Panel and Printers. MY DOCUMENTS is a special folder. Any data file that is generated when saved is by default saved in the My Documents folder. (As you have already observed, it is in fact a short cut.) The RECYCLE BIN is also special folder, whose use comes when you delete resources, is explained later. (Incidentally this is also a short cut for the folder which is actually held elsewhere like c:\recycled!) The NETWORK NEIGHBOURHOOD is normally seen in all Windows machines. But its utility comes only when your computer is connected in Network. You explore and work with other computers on your network through this program.

SBIICM, HYDERABAD R. Srinivasan, Faculty : [email protected] or [email protected]


MS-Windows Basics Updated in Aug., 2004 • •

Similarly the INTERNET EXPLORER is also normally seen in all Windows machines. But its utility comes only when the system has the benefit of an Internet Connection. Other files or folders can be placed directly on the DESKTOP or shortcuts can be created on the Desktop for such resources which are located elsewhere.by a process called CREATING A SHORTCUT TO THE DESKTOP. The Taskbar has the start button in one end, and possibly shows the time at the other end. It is also likely some important resources like the Internet Explorer find a place in the Task Bar in the form of small icons. When you open one or more windows, which occupy the Desktop area, each window also generates a button on the taskbar. When more than one window is open, among the several buttons corresponding to the open windows, the task bar button corresponding to the active window is brighter than the buttons of the other windows. Clicking on these TASKBAR buttons corresponding to the open windows, you can switch between (visible or minimised) windows. By clicking on the START button, you can start programs, open recently used documents . change settings, find files or folders, get ON-LINE HELP and finally shutdown your computer. Steps needed to shutdown a Windows computer are : Click on the START button in Taskbar, Click on Shutdown , opt for Shutdown in the pop up window and finally confirm OK.

IN AND OUT OF WINDOWS : To summarise and to reiterate the need for proper shutdown note that on a Windows 95/98 computer, when you switch your computer on it will automatically bring up the desktop on the VDU. Shutdown has to be properly done in Windows : (After closing down any application that may be open), click on START and on the pop-up menu, click on SHUTDOWN, click on the MODE of shutdown and confirm by clicking the OK button. BETWEEN START UP AND SHUTDOWN : In the normal course of things, you should first click on START, click on one of the items, say, PROGRAMS, that occurs in the pull up / pull down / pull out menu / sub-menu, and proceed clicking till you start the program you want. Once you start an application like MS-WORD later you may open the relative data file. If a short cut has been created to the Desktop, DOUBLE CLICKING on the icon will start the application. A better alternative for Double Clicking on an icon, is to Right Click on that icon and then click on the option shown in bold writing namely OPEN in the normal course. This is because a DOUBLE CLICK on an icon invokes the most popular option on that icon. If the icon happens to be data file, Windows stamps the details of the application through which that data file has to be opened. As such opening an icon for a data will first open the application concerned (like MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Powerpoint or Internet Explorer, etc. and then open that data file in that program window.) Minimised windows appear as icons on the taskbar and open windows are framed areas. The size of any window can be resized / maximised or minimised. (Remember that minimised

SBIICM, HYDERABAD R. Srinivasan, Faculty : [email protected] or [email protected]


MS-Windows Basics Updated in Aug., 2004

windows are applications we have tentatively suspended and before shutdown they should be properly closed). PROPERTIES OF THE TASKBAR : Right Click on the Task Bar and you may alter the properties of the taskbar. The task bar can also be moved to any edge of the Desktop. It can also be resized. When several windows are open, they can be controlled by right clicking on the task bar and then clicking on the type of arrangement needed. Pop up Menu: If against an item you see an arrow like > it indicates that the item concerned leads to a sub-menu, which sometimes pops up even when you move the mouse pointer over that item. Otherwise you have to click on that item to see the sub menu. To back out of a menu, just click on an empty area outside the menu. CHOOSING A PROGRAM WHICH IS NOT FOUND ON THE DESKTOP : Click on the START button on the left bottom corner. This gets you a pop up which has a menu item PROGRAMS. When you click on it, the list of programs installed on your computer appears as a menu. Click on the relevant item to invoke it. CHOOSING PROGRAMMES FOR WHICH THERE IS NO SHORTCUT TO THE DESKTOP OR TO THE PROGRAMS MENU : Click start and then click on RUN. A dialogue box appears in which details have to be given and a confirmation by clicking OK. (In such situations there is a CANCEL button also, which may be clicked if you change your mind). For entering data in such dialogue boxes, you may have a BROWSE button clicking which we may see all relevant files and then by moving the mouse pointer, the appropriate file may be chosen by clicking on that filename. STOPPING : Any running programme may be stopped by clicking on the CLOSE button on the resizing toolbar. INTERRUPTING A HANGING PROGRAMME : When you realise that the system is hanging, press CTRL + ALT + DEL (i.e all the three keys together). A dialogue box appears showing you a list of all programs that are running; click on the one you want to stop and click on END TASK button at the bottom. One more dialogue box appears seeking a confirmation and when you click on OK, the task is abandoned. The dialogue box that appears also has a button SHUTDOWN when you press CTRL+ALT+DEL. If you want to opt for comfortably shutting down, you may resort to this button to do so. THE FILE MANAGER IN WINDOWS 95 / 98 : All data and instructions are stored in the form of files. DOS follows a naming convention of filenames not exceeding 8 characters and an optional three character extension. Windows takes up longer filenames (upto 255 characters). But it is usually better to follow the DOS convention. Directories (concept of which has to be fully understood for managing file systems) are referred to as folders in Windows. An object will refer to a file / folder. Contextually it will also stand for other things like a selected portion of text, graph, clipping, etc. SBIICM, HYDERABAD R. Srinivasan, Faculty : [email protected] or [email protected]


MS-Windows Basics Updated in Aug., 2004

To manage files or folders, we have to first FIND, then SELECT and then perform operations like DELETE, COPY, MOVE, etc. FIND : Check if there is an icon corresponding to the object on the desktop. Next check under DOCUMENTS option under START. If you know the name, use FIND under START. If you don’t know the name or other crucial details but you are on a wild goose chase, patiently BROWSE using MYCOMPUTER to locate the needle in the haystack. A more powerful option is to use WINDOWS EXPLORER programe available in Programs Menu which you can invoke by START -> PROGRAMS -> WINDOWS EXPLORER. Operations on Objects : (DELETE, COPY, MOVE) : Windows uses a clipboard for keeping objects (files / folders or even a block of text, worksheet, graph, etc.). For deleting files, first mark the object and use DELETE option. For copying mark the source object, use COPY option and go to the target location and use the PASTE option. For moving, first CUT the object, go to the target location and use the PASTE option. Windows offers a powerful technique of click and drag for moving files and folders. (Cut objects are taken to the clipboard and as such the clipboard works across programmes – you can cut an object from Word and take it to Powerpoint, etc.) CHANGING THE CURRENT DIRECTORY (THE CD COMMAND OF DOS) : One can click on a folder that is seen on the screen. If the UP option is seen, use that to go back one step. (equivalent of the Dos command CD ..). Making a new folder : Any folder should come under an existing folder. Therefore, first reach the folder under which you want to create the new folder. Now, Under FILE menu, click on NEW. In the sub menu, choose NEW FOLDER. Windows creates the folder with a standard NEW FOLDER name. Change the name of the folder by editing that field on screen or by right clicking on it and then choosing RENAME option which allows you to edit the name by using the Cursor keys (left arrow and right arrow keys) to reach any place inside the data and by using the Backspace character to delete the previous character and the Delete key to delete the character following the cursor and by typing new characters from the keyboard. MEDIA AND DRIVE OPERATIONS : In such situations where you need to switch to A: from C: etc., click on the appropriate Drive on screen. Formatting a floppy : Right Clicking on the Floppy Drive brings up a menu which has the Format option. A TUTORIAL ON MS-WINDOWS : CLICK ON “START” IN TASK BAR CLICK ON “PROGRAMS” CLICK ON “ACCESSORIES” CLICK ON “SYSTEM TOOLS” CLICK ON “WELCOME TO WINDOWS” If the Windows Tutorial is loaded on your system, you get an on-line Hands On Tutorial Explaining the various features of Windows. SBIICM, HYDERABAD R. Srinivasan, Faculty : [email protected] or [email protected]


MS-Windows Basics Updated in Aug., 2004

OTHER WINDOW ACCESSORIES : Accessories are application software distributed as FREEWARE along with the Windows Operating System. 1. Notepad is a fundamental level word processor, which allows you enter only Text and Numbers without any beautification like Font, Font size adjustments, etc. 2. Wordpad : Is a slightly sophisticated word processor having the capabilities of notepad together with Font, fontsize, Bold, Italisize and Underline adjustments along with Left Align, Centre Align and Right Align with a minimum color pallete. 3. Paintbrush : Is a graphic editor using which one can create pictures, colour them, etc. 4. Calculator : A program which gets a calculator on-screen. It can be used in two modes : either as a normal business calculator or as a scientific calculator by clicking on VIEW and choosing the appropriate choice. 5. Games : Windows gives a small set of games which have their utility in familiarizing the users with mouse operations and of course they are good fun if not great fun. WINDOWS AND WEB: In Windows 95 /98, the very screens are arranged like web pages on the internet. In the toolbar in a window like My Computer, My documents, etc., you see the Back, Forward, One Level up icons which occur on web pages window as well. These enable us to switch between the various windows we have perused over a period of time. On account of this, if you are familiar with Windows, you can be automatically familiar with the Internet web pages. Similarly, the more you use, the better your understanding of MSWINDOWS. A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO OPERATIONS ON WINDOWS : VIEWING THE CONTENTS OF MY COMPUTER : 1. Note that there is always a Mouse Pointer on the Monitor. The shape of the mouse pointer is an arrow pointing towards North West. The pointer can be moved by moving the mouse : up, down, right or left. 2. Take the mouse pointer to the ICON called My Comupter on your desktop (squarely to the centre of the picture and not to the brief English text that appears below). 3. Now RIGHT CLICK (i.e. press the right button of your mouse). A pop up menu appears showing the following menu options.

(In fact RIGHT CLICK will normally result in a pop up menu which shows what a user can do on the chosen object like My Computer in the present case.) 4. Observe that in this menu, each option has one letter underlined. Example : O is underlined in Open, E is underlined in Explore and so on. Further observe that among SBIICM, HYDERABAD R. Srinivasan, Faculty : [email protected] or [email protected]


MS-Windows Basics Updated in Aug., 2004

the various options, one option is shown in bold lettering. That is the most popular option on the chosen object. In other words, OPEN is the most frequently invoked option on My Computer. 5. To invoke any one of these options : a) Pressing the underlined letter from the keyboard will invoke the corresponding option (Pressing O from keyboard will invoke the Open Option.) b) When you bring the mouse pointer inside the pop up, you will observe that a highlighter appears on one of the options. This highlighter can be moved up or down, either by moving the mouse up or down, or as a second alternative, it can be moved up or down by pressing the up arrow key or down arrow key from the Navigation pad of the key board. Once you have brought the highlighter to the desired option, you may invoke it by a CLICK of the mouse. (A CLICK in Windows parlance, always refers to a LEFT CLICK, namely press of the left button of the mouse once.) Alternatively, after keeping the highlighter on the desired option, you may press the ENTER key from the keyboard. MYCOMPUTER WINDOW :

The window that appears now, needs good understanding, since most windows from now will have a similar appearance. On top, appearing in purple colour (normally) is called the Title Bar. It has the icon on the left most corner and the Brief text, namely My Computer, next to the icon. At the right extreme corner, there are three buttons. There is no explanatory text on them. But when you move the mouse pointer on to the right most button (which has an X on it), you find that a yellow colour rectangle pops us showing the word CLOSE inside. Such a feature of Windows is called Bubble Help. The window as it has appeared may be occupying the entire area of the Desktop or occupying an area smaller than the Desktop (in which case you will be able to see some portions of the Desktop behind the My Computer window). Assuming that the window has come in a full size, the size can be reduced to a smaller size by invoking the RESTORE button. When a Window is in this condition, the size may be further customized. First take the mouse pointer to one of the edges SBIICM, HYDERABAD R. Srinivasan, Faculty : [email protected] or [email protected]


MS-Windows Basics Updated in Aug., 2004

(Right edge / Left edge / Top edge / Bottom edge). The mouse pointer shows graphically that the window may be dragged in or out. The size can now be adjusted by using CLICK and DRAG. The Click and Drag operation can also be used to reposition the window. Take the mouse pointer to the centre of the Title Bar and now Click and Drag. After learning to control the size of the window, maximize the window by clicking on the middle button on the right edge of the Title Bar, which now reads as Maximize. The third button from right on the title bar reads as Minimize. Before you do any operation, observe that there is a button on the Task bar for every window that is open. By clicking on this Minimize button an active window may be converted to an inactive stage. When you click on this button you will observe that the window collapses to the button corresponding to it in the Title bar. The Minimize option thus allows multi-talking on a Windows system. Now that you have reduced My Computer to its button on the task bar, you can take up another task for which you may require a new window ; example : now you can open My Documents icon. The window appears and a button corresponding to it also appears on the Task Bar. The fact that you are having two windows, My Computer and My Documents is evident from the task bar. But even when more than one window is open, only one is active. (Other windows are open but not active.) If you want to switch your attention from one window to another, the window needed may be activated by just clicking on the corresponding button in the task bar. (If due to their sizes both windows are seen in the monitor, clicking on the visible portion of a non-active window will also activate it.) But the moment you activate another window, the window which was earlier active becomes inactive. Next to the TITLE BAR, you have the MENU BAR having options like FILE, EDIT, VIEW, FAVOURITES, GO and HELP. All the operations which a user can do inside a window are arranged into menu categories which are placed on the MENU BAR. In other words, the MENU BAR offers all options for a user inside a window. You can invoke the FILE category from the Menu bar by clicking on FILE. A menu opens showing options under File category. You may observe that certain options appear in dull grey (also called as Ghost Writing by some authors!). If you click on such a grey option, nothing happens. i.e. such option is not available for invoking. In fact, such an option requires a prerequisite activity to be completed, and becomes available by appearing in regular black letters, only when the pre-requisite activity is completed.). Just for inerest, click on every Menu Bar category and take a cursory glance on options available under that category (for example EDIT has options like CUT, COPY, Paste, etc.). The next bar in a Window is the TOOLBAR (also called a STANDARD BUTTONS TOOLBAR). While the Menu Bar has all the options, the TOOLBAR has icons for frequently used menu options. The next bar is the ADDRESS BAR : The address bar has come into the Windows system because of the Internet, where resources are identified by URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or otherwise called an Internet Site address like http://www.sbi.co.in . In any Window, when the user wants access to the Internet, typing the address in the Address Bar and pressing the ENTER key will immediately get that web page on the Internet, provided of course, the system is connected to the Internet. Later after understanding the storage locations in a computer and the

SBIICM, HYDERABAD R. Srinivasan, Faculty : [email protected] or [email protected]


MS-Windows Basics Updated in Aug., 2004

hierarchical file structure, any file or folder can be specified by its full path name like c:\My Documents\abc.doc, A:\LIST.Xls, etc. which can be referred to as Internal Addresses. At the bottom of the Window, you may observer a Status bar which throws up some brief information on what the user can do or what the user is attempting to do. CONTENTS OF MY COMPUTER, STORAGE DEVICES, HIERARCHICAL FILE STRUCTURE and FULL PATH NAME OF FILES : In a computer data is always stored in Files. That brings a question as to where the files are stored. In real life, for storing files, we use Filing Cabinets or Almirahs, which can hold large number of files but suffer from the inability of mobility. If one wants mobility, we may use a Suit Case, Brief case, etc. but this has the limitation on the number of files that may be stored. In a Computer the equivalent of the immobile Filing Cabinet is the Hard Disk which offers large amount of storage and the Floppy disk resembles the Brief case offering mobility but suffering from limitation of storage capacity. A : refers to the First Floppy drive if one exists B : refers to the Second Floppy drive if it exists C : refers to the First Hard Disk if it exists D: E: , etc refer to subsequent hard disks if they exist. If the system has the CD-ROM (Compact Disk Read Only Memory) drive it is referred by the next available letter. On a networked computer, other resources may be mapped as notional drives like M:, etc. The My computer window also shows folders for Printers, Scheduled Tasks, etc. Now move your attention to the first hard disk c: This may be done by opening C: (Right click on it and click on Open or alternatively Double Click on it.) This shows the list of folders and files directly stored in C: To get into any folder like My Documents, open that icon. This way a user can always start from the My Computer icon and locate any file / folder which is kept in any Drive in any folder. As you keep navigating among the internal resources in your computer, you observe that your address bar shows the internal pathname of that resource. Having familiarized with such pathnames, a user can seek any resource directly by typing the full path name in the address bar and pressing the ENTER key. IMPORTANT WINDOWS FUNCTIONS : For operating on data held in a file (namely operations at the data level inside a file) you need an appropriate application. If it is a Word file, you need Word program and so on. But if operations are needed only at the whole file level like copying the entire file, such operations can be performed by options on the WINDOWS operating system options. 1. Open a NEW FOLDER : (i) Open the folder under which you want to open the new folder. (ii) Click on FILE menu option. (iii) Click on NEW on the pop up. (iii) Click on FOLDER on the new pop up. (iv) This creates a new folder with a default name NEW FOLDER. (v) Use the BACKSPACE key from the keyboard and erase this name (vi) type a new name for this folder and (vii) press ENTER key on KEYBOARD to complete the task. SBIICM, HYDERABAD R. Srinivasan, Faculty : [email protected] or [email protected]


MS-Windows Basics Updated in Aug., 2004

2. Rename a FOLDER/ FILE : (I) Right click on that item (ii) Click on RENAME on the pop up. (iii) Use BACKSPACE key on keyboard to erase the existing name (iv) type a new name (v) press ENTER key to complete the process. 3. COPY an item from one folder to another : (I) Click on the item to be copied (ii) Click on EDIT menu and Click on COPY on the pop up (Alternatively if you see the COPY button on the TOOLBAR, you may click on it straightaway) (iii) Open the target folder after minimising the current window if necessary (iv) Click on EDIT menu and Click on PASTE on the pop up (alternatively if you see the PASTE button on the TOOLBAR, you may click on it straightaway). 4. MOVE an item from one folder to another : (I) Click on the item to be copied (ii) Click on EDIT menu and Click on CUT on the pop up (Alternatively if you see the CUT button on the TOOLBAR, you may click on it straightaway) (iii) Open the target folder after minimising the current window if necessary (iv) Click on EDIT menu and Click on PASTE on the pop up (alternatively if you see the PASTE button on the TOOLBAR, you may click on it straightaway). 5. Delete a FOLDER / FILE : (I) Right click on that item (ii) Click on DELETE on the pop up (iii) If you are trying to delete a file from FLOPPY disk, you will be asked for a confirmation and if only you click on the YES button, the file will be deleted. Such a deletion is permanent (iv) However, if you are trying to delete a file from the HARD DISK, you will be asked for a confirmation for sending that item to the RECYCLE BIN. If only you click on the YES button the item is sent to a special folder called RECYCLE BIN. 3 (a) If you regret having sent it to the RECYCLE BIN, you may subsequently restore that item as under : (i) open the RECYCLE BIN icon on your desktop (ii) Right Click on the item you want to restore (iii) Click on RESTORE menu option on the pop up. This will take that item to the folder from which it was originally sent to the recycle bin. 3(b) Once in a while, verify the contents of recycle bin and delete items which are not wanted as under : (I) Click on the item you want to delete permanently (ii) Click on DELETE on the pop up. (iii) You will be asked for a confirmation. If only you click on the YES button, that item will be deleted. This deletion is permanent and no restore is possible thereafter. RECYCLE BIN : Under DOS if you delete a file from the hard disk, there is no ready means of recovering the file. Any mechanism like the UNDELETE command of DOS or even Norton's Utilities had never been a sure mechanism for recovering a deleted file. To prevent accidental deletion of files, Windows has evolved a mechanism referred to as RECYCLE BIN. By allocating a fixed percentage of the hard disk capacity, say 10%, any time a user deletes a file, Windows asks for a confirmation "Are you sure you want to send the selected file(s) to Recycle Bin". If you click on the NO button, deletion is abandoned. If you click on OK button, the file is moved from its current folder to the Recycle Bin. The icon for Recycle Bin itself changes depending on whether there are any contents in the recycle bin folder. An empty box indicates that there are no contents, whereas if the recycle bin icon appears with a few documents in it, then it indicates that there are one or more documents in it.

SBIICM, HYDERABAD R. Srinivasan, Faculty : [email protected] or [email protected]


MS-Windows Basics Updated in Aug., 2004

If you open the Recycle Bin icon, you will get to see the contents of the recycle bin. If you right click on any icon among the contents of the Recycle Bin, you get option to Restore. If you click this, the resource is restored to the folder from where it was moved to the Recycle Bin. But periodically, one should audit the contents of the recycle bin and if a file is not needed more, and has to be surely deleted, the right click pop us shows an option DELETE. If you click on this, a confirmation is sought and if you confirm OK, the file is irrevocably deleted from the computer. IMPORTANT : The facility of Recycle Bin is available only on resources in the Hard Disks. It is not available on removable media like FLOPPY DISK. When you delete a file / folder from a floppy disk, it is straightaway deleted. This has to be remembered. 6. Create a shortcut for any item (Data file, Program file or FOLDER) so that it appears on the desktop : (I) Right Click on the item (ii) Click on SEND TO on the pop up (iii) Send to Desktop as a shortcut on the new popup.


SBIICM, HYDERABAD R. Srinivasan, Faculty : [email protected] or [email protected]


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