Assign Gate keeper device to the host In the previous session an unprotected device (0011) of 5 cylinders has been created. Assign dev 0011 as gate keeper device on sun7 Follow the steps to assign gate keeper device: 1) Check if any gate keeper device is assigned Sun7#symgate list 2) Assign the device 0011 to sun7 a) List the ports Sun7# symcfg –sid 277 list –connection ,
b) Assign the device (0011) to the ports Sun7# symmask –sid 277 add dev 0011 –awn sun7/port0 –p 0 –dir 1c Sun7# symmask –sid 277 add dev 0011 –awn sun7/port0 –p 0 –dir 2c Sun7# symmask –sid 277 add dev 0011 –awn sun7/port0 –p 0 –dir 16c Sun7# symmask –sid 277 add dev 0011 –awn sun7/port0 –p 0 –dir 15c c) Refresh the database Sun7 # symmask refresh
d) Update symapi_db Sun7# symcfg discover e) Define the gate keeper device Sun7# symgate –sid 277 define dev 0011 f) Update the symapi_db Sun7# symcfg discover g) To view the gate keeper device assigned to the host Sun7# symgate list