2x14 The Bean Jar

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 7
2x14 – The Bean Jar (Hugo “Hurley” Reyes & Libby Carlyle Centric) Previously on LOST: 1) Hurley talking to Leonard and Leonard telling him the numbers are cursed and about Sam Toomey in Australia – 1x17 2) Henry tied up in the net – 2x12 3) Ana Lucia showing Libby the map that Henry drew – 2x13 4) Ana Lucia and Libby walking off into the jungle – 2x13 “I know how to stop it” Hurley said, walking into the kitchen. Libby was in the middle of preparing their lunch. “Stop what?” Libby asked, looking up. “I’ve just been to see Lenny...” Hurley said. Libby cut him off. “Lenny? Leonard Simms from Santa Rosa?” Libby frowned, putting down her knife. She walked over to Hurley. “Why?” “I told him about the curse...” Hurley began but Libby cut him off again. “This is no curse, Hugo.” “Well not for you,” Hurley said, suddenly becoming excited. “But he told me to go to Australia. To go and see this man. Sam Toomey, or something like that.” “You are not going to Australia!” Libby said, going back to the food. “I know I’m not. We both are!” Hurley grinned, holding his arms out for a hug from Libby. He didn’t get it. She glared over at him. “There is no curse, Hurley. It would be a waste of a trip. We’re not going.” Libby began to chop up some food as Hurley frowned at her. Ana looked at the map before turning to Libby. “We’re nearly there.” “Good.” Libby replied. “We’ve been walking all day. I’m tired now. We’re never going to get back to camp tonight. It’s already getting dark.” She looked up at the darkening sky. “We’ll have to set up camp then.” Ana said. Libby looked slightly scared. “It’ll be ok.” Continued Ana, looking over at Libby. “Come on, let’s get going.” Ana continued to walk. Libby looked a little uneasy before following her. LOST “Yo’, dude.” Hurley said as he walked over to Charlie who was sat outside of Claire’s tent. Claire was sat beside him and they were both playing with Aaron. “Hey Hurley,” Claire said, smiling up at him. Aaron cooed from in her arms. “What can we do for you?” “I was just wondering if anyone wanted to do something. Go for a walk or something like that.” Hurley stopped outside of the tent.

“I’d love to, Hurley. But I have to look after Aaron. He didn’t sleep too well last night. Sorry.” She stood up, smiled at Hurley and walked into her tent. Charlie stood up. “I’ll come.” Charlie smiled. “Give me something to do.” Jack walked into the hatch and saw Locke asleep on the sofa. He smiled. The counter began to beep and Jack immediately went into the computer room, not wanting to wake Locke. He inputted the numbers and pressed execute. The counter flicked back up to “108.00” and Jack smiled again. Locke walked into the room, stretching. “Oh, it woke you.” Jack said, looking over at Locke. “Yeah, it did. It doesn’t matter though. I had to wake up anyway. I had to make breakfast for Henry.” Locke sighed. He walked out of the room and Locke followed him. Locke walked over to the pantry and brought out a couple of pieces of fruit. “That all you givin’ him?” Jack asked with raised eyebrows. “Yeah, why should we give him the good stuff?” Locke grinned and went over to the armoury door. He put the code into the dial and pulled the door open. Henry looked up. “I’ll knock when I wanna get out.” Locke said and closed the door after him. Libby woke up in the middle of the night. She looked up and saw Ana propped up against a tree looking down at the now nearly out fire. “What are you doing up?” Libby asked her as she herself got up and sat beside Ana. “I couldn’t sleep. I never sleep much nowadays.” Ana replied, throwing a twig into the burning embers of the fire. “Oh. You got the time?” Libby asked. Ana looked at her watch. “It’s half four. Not that it matters here, eh?” Ana laughs. “Try and get some more sleep.” Libby walked back over to her sleeping place and lay down. Ana threw another twig into the fire. Libby walked into the bedroom and saw Hurley half way through packing a bag. “What the hell are you doing?!” she asked, watching him for a moment. “I’m packing. Well I’ll have to if I’m to go to Australia, won’t I?” Hurley pulled out another shirt from the wardrobe and shoved it into the bag. “I told you! You’re not going.” Libby suddenly became angry. Hurley rushed over to Libby and took her hands. “Libby, please. I have to do this. I have to at least try and get rid of this curse. Please?” Hurley gave Libby a small smile. “I... Dunno, Hurley. I really don’t know.” Libby looked confused. “Go and see Leonard. Just mention the numbers and he’ll tell you it all. Please Libby, for me?” Libby thought for a moment. She gave him a tiny nod.

“Alright. I’ll go and see him. But I aint’ promising you anything.” Hurley and Charlie walked through the jungle together. “So where are we actually going, Hurley?” Charlie asked. “I dunno. I just wanted to get away from the beach camp. It gets a bit too much sometimes, doesn’t it?” “Yeah.” Agreed Charlie, nodding slightly. “I know what you mean.” They walked forward a little bit in silence. “So what have you been up to down in the hatch recently? You’ve been down there quite a bit, as of late.” Hurley said, glancing at Charlie. Charlie thought for a moment. “I... Dunno if I should tell you. I don’t know if I am really allowed to tell you.” Charlie said, frowning. “Allowed?” Hurley asked with raised eyebrows. “Do you have to have permission like?” “Well, no. Alright. But don’t tell anyone. Rousseau took me and Luke to show us something the other day. She had captured someone who she thought was one of the Others. We’ve had him locked up in the hatch ever since. Not knowing what to do with him.” “Flipping hell!” Hurley said with wide eyes. “So do you think he’s one of the Others?” I don’t know. I don’t know his story. I’ve never spoken to him really.” They continued to walk. “Do you have any ideas what we should do with him yet?” Jack asked Locke as he began to wash his dirty bowls. Locke shrugged. “I don’t know. I think we need to come up with some long term plan though.” “Long term plan?” Jack asked, turning to look at him. “What, like your long term plan for the button?” Jack raised his eyebrows. Locke sighed. It was beginning to get lighter now. Libby woke and saw a new fire burning on the ground. Ana was sat beside Libby. “Mango?” She asked, holding out a piece of fruit. Libby took it. “Thanks.” “Come on, let’s get going. I wanna get back to the beach as soon as possible.” Ana said. Libby stood up and began to pack up her things that she had brought with them. Mr. Eko walked up the beach. It was quite sparse due to people being off in the jungle and at the hatch. He walked over to Luke’s tent. “Hello, Luke. Could you help me with something please?” Eko asked as he reached the tent. Luke looked up. “Umm... Sure. With what?” “I need you to hold something for me. I am building something.” Eko said as he looked down at Luke. Luke shrugged.

Libby was sat opposite Leonard in Santa Rosa. Leonard wasn’t looking at her. He was playing connect four. Libby closed her arms. “It’s strange to be back here.” She said, almost to herself. Leonard didn’t look up. “4... 8, 15, 16... 23, 42,” grunted Leonard. “What do they mean, Leonard?” Libby asked. Leonard ignored her. “Cos... Hurley used them for the lottery. He played them. And then he won some money.” Leonard stopped playing and looked up. “He... He played them?” Leonard asked, seemingly forgetting his previous conversation with Hurley. “No! He shouldn’t have done that.” “He told me about someone in Australia. Someone who you told him about.” Libby said, leaning forward. Leonard jumped back and stood up. “Yes... Sam Toomey. He played the numbers. And then... No! He shouldn’t have played them. You won’t ever be able to get away from them!” Leonard rushed forward towards Libby who jumped back. Several doctors rushed forward and pulled Sam away from Libby and out of the room. Libby and Ana walked into a clearing in the jungle. Ana pulled out the map and looked at it. “It should be around here somewhere. Start looking.” She said. They began to walk through the tall grass. Hurley and Charlie were walking through the jungle again. “This place looks familiar.” Charlie said, looking around. “Does it? Why?” Hurley said, also looking around. “Doesn’t to me.” “I think I’ve been here before.” They walked into a clearing. “Dude.” Hurley said, looking down at the ground. Charlie looked down at the ground and saw a body lying there. The body of Robert Rousseau. “That’s why it looked familiar.” Charlie said, moving over to the body a little. “This is where we found Danielle.” “Who’s he?” Hurley asked, nodding down at the body. “That’s her husband. She killed him. Dunno why. I think we should bury him.” “Ok, dude.” Hurley said, moving over to join Charlie. Hurley was sat down on a couch. A little woman was sat beside him. they both had a cup of tea in front of them. “I, uh... I was looking for Sam. I was told I would be able to find him here.” Hurley looked a little uneasy. “No, not anymore. He’s dead, he is. I’m his wife, Martha. What you looking for him like?” “Uhh... I played some numbers on the lottery...” Martha cut him off. “Not the numbers?” “4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42, yeah? Yeah, I did. And I won. Like 112 million dollars. Everything was fine for a while. But then bad things began

to happen. My grandpa, Tito, died. And then my mom’s house caught on fire.” “Where did you hear them?” Martha asked. “Some guy named Leonard. I uh... Knew him from this... Club we were both part of. He mentioned the numbers a few times. Guess they just stuck in my head.” Hurley replied. “Leonard Simms?” Martha asked, raising her eyebrows. “Uhh... Yeah.” Hurley said.”You know him?” “Well I didn’t. But Sam did. They were in the US Navy together. They were stationed together at a military listening post monitoring long-wave transmissions in the South Pacific. He hated that job. Said there was nothing to do ‘but listen to static night after night.’ But then one night they heard this transmission. Theses numbers repeated over and over. So then he got home. And we went on holiday. There was this fair with this man who had this big jar of beans. And he was offering $50, 000 to anyone who could guess the correct number of beans within the range of 10. The numbers must’ve been stuck in Sam’s head. Cos he played the numbers. And he won. The jar must have been as big as a pony filled to the rim and Sam actually guessed the correct number! The man said he had been playing the same scam for 40 years and no one had came close to guessing the correct numbers. On the way back from the fair we were hit head-on by this truck. I lost my leg that night.” She pulled up her trouser leg and showed Hurley a prosthetic leg. Hurley went to talk but she continued. “Sam wasn’t injured at all. And then loads of bad things began to happen and he started to blame the numbers. Cos he had used them all them years ago. And he said he couldn’t get away from them. So he used the last of the money to buy this house out here. Cos he thought they’d go away is he got away from everything.” “And did they? Go away, I mean?” Asked Hurley who had been listening intensively. “Yeah, they did. Eventually.” “How?” Hurley asked, moving forward slightly. “He took a shot gun one night and put it in his mouth. Killed himself. If you used them numbers... There’s no getting away from them.” Martha picked up the cups that they had been drinking from earlier. Locke opened the armoury door and walked in. Henry was sat on the floor with a tray of empty dishes beside him. “All finished?” Locke asked. “Yeah. So have you decided what you’re going to do with me yet?” Henry asked, raising his eyebrows. “No... Not yet.” “Well of course, you wouldn’t be able to decide.” “What does that mean?” Locke asked, picking up the tray. “Well it seems like you don’t call the shots around here. The other man does. The doctor.” “No, it doesn’t work like that here. We make decisions together.” Locke said. “Alright then. If you say so.”

Locke glared at Henry and walked out of the armoury, closing the door behind him. He looked pissed off. Locke walked forward a little before he suddenly threw the dishes to the floor in a fit of rage. Inside the armoury, Henry was listening. He smiled to himself. LOST Next time: VO: Ana returns with news of the balloon. SAYID – “take me to the balloon” VO: Tempers are raised. Jin and Jae fighting on the beach. VO: And the smoke monster returns. The smoke monster floating high over some trees. VO: And claims a victim... Main Cast (Order of appearance): Hugo “Hurley” Reyes – Jorge Garcia Libby Carlyle – Cynthia Watros Ana Lucia Cortez – Michelle Rodriguez Charlie Pace – Dominic Monaghan Claire Littleton – Emilie De Ravin Jack Shepherd – Matthew Fox John Locke – Terry O’ Quinn Mr. Eko - Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje Luke Parsons – Eric Dane Guest Starring (Order of appearance): Henry Gale – Michael Emerson Leonard Simms – Ron Bottitta Robert Rousseau – Robert Knepper Martha Toomey – Jayne Taini Questions Raised: 1) Is the hot air balloon actually there? 2) What was the whole story to do with Sam Toomey and Leonard Simms about?! Questions Answered:

1) Who Sam Toomey is – Sam Toomey was in the US Navy with Leonard

Simms. They heard the numbers repeating on a transmission repeating over and over. Sam then used them to win some money and became ‘cursed’.

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