2x05 316

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 3,155
  • Pages: 18
2x05 – 316 (Flight 316 Survivors Centric) Previously on LOST: 1) Flight 316 breaking up in midair and crashing into the ocean. – 1x02 2) Ana Lucia talking to Jae on the plane. – 1x02 3) A tree being uprooted in front of Ana Lucia and Mr. Eko. – 1x02 4) Bernard and his group stood in the clearing surrounded by whispering. – 1x02 5) Bernard introducing Rose to Ana Lucia and Mr. Eko. – 1x02 Exterior. Jungle. (Day). The camera is focused on the sky as we see Oceanic Flight 316 breaking up in midflight. The cockpit flies down and is hidden behind a clump of trees. The tail section flies down after it and is hidden behind the trees. After a moment, we hear the splash of it hitting the water. The fuselage soon follows. We then get a quick series of flashes: 1) Ana Lucia bobbing in the ocean. 2) Ana Lucia crawling onto the beach. 3) Mr. Eko asking her if she is ok. 4) The group of survivors discussing their plan to find food and shelter. 5) Ana Lucia and Mr. Eko leading their group into the jungle. 6) Bernard leading his group into the jungle. 7) Nathan seeing the man and woman from the tree. Exterior. Jungle – Ana Lucia’s Group. (Day). The camera then cuts to Ana Lucia and Mr. Eko stood in the clearing with their group. Within the archive footage, we can now see Jae stood with the rest of this group. We also can see Cindy stood with them. We hear the monster’s roar and the tree in front of them is uprooted! The group huddles together

as we see the smoke monster drift over the trees and face the survivors. Ana Lucia: What the hell?! The smoke monster floats towards them. The camera switches to the point of view (POV) of the smoke monster (as seen in 1x19) as a bright light engulfs the group. We see several flashes of Ana Lucia and Mr. Eko on the beach the day of their crash. As the flashes stop and the smoke monster turns to look at the random red socks the camera switches from the POV. The camera focuses on the survivors as they just stand and stare at the monster. Jae: Should we just... go? The smoke monster turns sharply to face Jae who whimpers. Ana Lucia: Just... stay quiet! All right! The smoke monster clicks as it moves a little further forward towards Jae. Jae keeps his eyes remained on it, not daring to blink. The smoke monster suddenly grabs Jae and yanks him backwards!! This is much similar to when Locke was grabbed by it in 1x19. Jae is dragged into the jungle as the camera remains on the survivors. Cindy: What now?! Ana Lucia: You guys get back to the beach! Now! Mr. Eko: And what about you? Ana Lucia: I’m going to get Jae!

Ana runs off into the jungle in the direction that the smoke monster took Jae. Eko looks a little uncertain, before he chases after Ana. The camera smashes to black. -LOSTExterior. Jungle – Bernard’s Group. (Day). We see Bernard’s group stood in another clearing, silent and listening. Within the archive footage, we can now see Rose stood behind Bernard next to another female (Jaime). Random Survivor 1#: Hey, listen! Can you hear that? Jaime: We’ve already established, yes, we can hear the water! Random Survivor 1#: No, not that. Listen. The group falls silent and listens. There is nothing but the trickling of water until we begin to hear whispering! Rose: What the hell?! The whispering intensifies as the group moves closer to each other. In the whispering, we can hear snippets of words: Whispering: ... Tree line... Ana Lucia... No... But... No! Leave her... The camera focuses on Bernard and Rose’s faces before cutting to: Exterior. Jungle – Nathan’s Group. (Day). The camera is focused on a tree as we see Nathan at the top of it colleting fruit. He reaches out to a branch at the side and he spots a man and woman watching him. When they see Nathan is looking at them, they turn and walk into the jungle. Although

it is quite far away, we recognise the woman as Danielle Rousseau. Nathan quickly climbs back down the tree. Nathan: We should go... just take whatever fruit we have and get the hell outta here! Random Survivor 2#: What? Why? Nathan: Because there’s someone out there! In the jungle... Random Survivor 2#: What? Who? Nathan: Just run!!! The survivors all grab their packs and run off into the jungle. Nathan picks his up and runs after them. The camera follows him as he rushes through the trees. He suddenly stops in a clearing, staring ahead. The camera pans round and we see a man stood there. He looks at Nathan who looks back. Nathan: Who are you?! Man: It’s payback time! Get him! The man looks over Nathan’s shoulder. He whips round to see who the man is talking to and we see Rousseau! She smacks Nathan in the face with her gun and he falls to the floor. The camera fades to black. Interior. Rousseau’s Bunker. (Day). We see Nathan tied down to the metres-less bed similar to how we saw Jack and Kate in 1x09 “Three Fold”. The camera pans over and we see Danielle stood beside the switch again which

she flicks. Nathan screams out in pain until she flicks the switch again. Rousseau: Where is Alex? Nathan: Alex? Who’s Alex? Rousseau: Robert... We see Robert walking out of the shadows towards Nathan. Robert: Tell us... or we will hurt you! Nathan: I don’t know any Alex. Robert: Shock him again. Rousseau flicks the switch again and Nathan is electrocuted once more! He screams out in pain until the flick is switched again. Nathan: I swear! I don’t know anyone called Alex! I was... Robert: (Cutting him off) You’re one of them! Nathan: One of who? Robert: Them! In the jungle... Nathan: Yes! I am! But I don’t know anyone called Alex!

Robert: So you admit it?! Nathan: There wasn’t anyone called Alex on our plane! Rousseau: Plane? What plane? Nathan: I was on a plane. It crashed here about a week ago! No one called Alex was on board of it! Robert: So you’re not one of them? The Others? Nathan: Others? Robert: (To Danielle) Release him... Rousseau: What?! Robert: He’s not one of them. There’s no point in keeping him here. He’s useless... Danielle walks forward and unties the chains which Nathan has tied around his arms and legs. Nathan stands up and rubs his arms, looking at Danielle and Robert. The camera cuts to: Exterior. Jungle – Ana Lucia’s Group. (Day). The camera is focused on Jae as he is dragged through the jungle by the smoke monster. Jae: (Shouting)

Help! The camera cuts to Ana and Eko running after Jae and the smoke monster. The camera cuts back to Jae as he is dragged past some trees. The monster screeches as Eko runs towards Jae. He lunges forward and grabs Jae’s arms. Both Jae and Eko are dragged by the monster! The monster slows down due to the effort of pulling both of them, screeches loudly and releases them both. It darts off into the jungle as Jae and Eko lie on the ground, panting. Ana catches up to them. Ana Lucia: What happened?! Mr. Eko: (Panting) It just... let go of us! Ana Lucia: Why?! Jae: I don’t know... maybe it was too much to carry? Ana helps Jae to his feet and then pulls Eko to his. Ana Lucia: Come on. Let’s get back to the beach. The three of them head back towards the beach as the camera cuts to: Exterior. Jungle – Bernard’s Group. (Day). The camera is focused on Bernard and Rose as it pans out to show the full group. The whispering is still heard, although a little quieter than before. Rose: We should... go. Bernard:

What about that? The whispering! Rose: It’s not doing us any harm... let’s just get some water and go. Jaime: I agree, Rose. Come on. Jaime leads the way towards a cave where we see a small waterfall of fresh water. The whispering stops immediately as the group moves away from the clearing. One last word is heard... Whispering: ... Tonight... The camera focuses on Bernard’s group walking off towards the fountain before it fades to black. Commercial Break. Exterior. Beach. (Night). We get several flashes of previously seen footage now: Ana Lucia, Eko and Bernard sat on the beach, talking. 2) Rose walking up to them and Bernard introducing them. 3) Cindy and Nathan talking on the beach. 1)

The camera cuts to an empty beach as everyone is asleep. The camera pans over to the side as we see a pair of feet walk in front of the camera. The camera pans over the beach and we see silhouettes of several people stood on the outskirts of the beach. The camera pans up the feet and we see that it is Tom “Friendly”! He is stood beside two other men – Carnes and an unknown man. Tom: Only take who we need! Only those on the list. Carnes: Alright. I’ll see you when it’s over.

Tom: (To the man) Ethan, you take the far side of the beach. Ethan: Alright then. The three of them move off down the beach as the camera cuts to: Exterior. Beach. (Morning). We see Ana Lucia waking up and stretching. She yawns and stands up. Ana looks down the beach and spots that several of the beds are empty. Ana shrugs and walks down the beach towards the fruit pile. Bernard walks up to her. Bernard: Hello, Ana. Ana Lucia: Hello, Bernard. How are you today? Bernard: Have you seen Rose? Ana Lucia: (Shrugging) Nope, sorry. Bernard: I woke up... she’s no where to be seen. There are other people missing too. Ana Lucia: Missing? Ana looks down the beach and see’s something on the beach up near the trees. She frowns, walks over to it and picks it up. It is piece of paper.

Bernard: What is it? Ana Lucia: A list... of people’s names. Bernard: Who’s on it? Ana Lucia: Rose is on it... Bernard: What?! Who else? Ana Lucia: Tony is on it... Jaime... Bernard: They’ve both gone too! Ana Lucia: What? Where could they be? Why would there be a list of people’s names on it? Bernard: They were taken! Ana Lucia: Taken? By who? Nathan: The Others... Ana Lucia: (Turning to look at Nathan) The Others? Nathan: When we were out looking for food yesterday... I saw this man and woman. I was captured by them. They thought I was one of

these “Others” on the island. There are other people on this island! Ana Lucia: Oh, my God! The camera fades to black as subtitles appear on the screen: “One Year Later” The camera is focused on the beach camp before we get several flashes:


1) The make shift tents. Ana Lucia, Bernard and Mr. Eko talking on the beach. 3) Bernard saying he missed Rose.

We hear a metallic groaning and the camera pans up to the sky. We see Oceanic Flight 815 breaking up in midair! We see the fuselage tumbling down onto the island as the camera pans back down to the survivors on the beach, watching. Ana Lucia, Bernard, Eko, Jae, Cindy, Nathan, three red socks, two children and Vincent are all huddled together looking up at the sky. Ana Lucia: Oh, my God! Mr. Eko: Another plane crash! Cindy: We have to go find it! There could be some survivors! Ana Lucia: What about Zach and Emma? Ana looks down at the children beside them and sighs. Random Survivor 1#: We’ll stay here. Look after them. You go... Ana Lucia:

Alright then. The camera cuts to: Exterior. Oceanic 815 Cockpit – Jungle. (Day). We see several flashes of previously seen footage: 1) Jack, Kate, Locke, Michael and Walt stood outside of the cockpit. 2) Them leaving Walt outside. 3) Jack, Kate, Locke and Michael leaving the cockpit and finding Walt missing. 4) Michael shouting for Walt. 5) Them walking off. The camera pans round to the jungle and we see Ana, Eko, Jae, Bernard, Cindy and Nathan stood in the jungle watching them walk off. Ana Lucia: Others? Nathan: I don’t think so... Mr. Eko: Come on... I don’t think there’s anyone alive in there. If there was.... they would have gotten them. Ana Lucia: I guess we go to the fuselage now. Or tail section... The camera pans round to the cockpit before it cuts to: Exterior. Oceanic 815 Tail Section Crash Site – Jungle. (Day). The camera is focused on Ana, Eko, Jae, Bernard, Cindy and Nathan as they look out from some trees towards the tail section. The camera pans round and we see several people walking towards the tail of the plane. We recognise some of them as Tom “Friendly”, Carnes and Howard! They creep into

the plane as the camera pans back round to the survivors watching. They slowly turn and walk away. The camera fades to black. Commercial Break. Exterior. Beach. (Day). The camera is focused on the tree line as we see the six survivors walking from the jungle. Ana Lucia: I can’t believe that they just went in and took them! Cindy: Who are these people?! Mr. Eko, who is in the lead, stops and looks out at the camp. The others notice this and also look at the campsite. The camera pans round and we see that it has been trashed! Ana Lucia: (Rushing forward) Where are they? They’ve taken the kids! Nathan: We can’t stay here anymore! Ana Lucia: Grab your bags. We have to go! The camera cuts to: Exterior. Jungle. (Day). We see Ana, Eko, Jae, Bernard, Cindy and Nathan walking through the jungle. Ana, who is in the lead, stops. Bernard: What are you stopping for, Ana? Ana Lucia:

Look... The camera pans round and we see the Arrow door hidden amongst some trees. Cindy: Do you think it could be... them? Ana Lucia: It looks old. Like no one has been here for years. Nathan: Should we... Mr. Eko moves forward and slowly pushes the door open. The camera cuts to: Interior. Arrow Station. (Day). We see the survivors walking into the Arrow station. There is nothing inside of it except for a box on the ground. The survivors put down their bags and Nathan closes the door. Ana moves over to the box and opens it. Ana Lucia: What is all this stuff? We see Ana lift out a copy of the bible which Mr. Eko takes. She then takes out a gun as her eyes widen. Jae: What the hell? Jae takes the gun as takes out a glass eye. Ana Lucia: Gross... The camera fades to black and cuts to: Interior. Arrow Station. (Day).

We see a fire in the middle of the room with the survivors gathered around it. Ana Lucia: Do you think we’re safe now? Cindy: I hope so. Nathan: It doesn’t look like they know about this place. How could they find us? The camera cuts to: Exterior. Jungle. (Day). We see Nathan and Cindy in the jungle in the middle of collecting fruit. Suddenly, we hear whispering surrounding them and they move closer to each other. The whispering gets louder... Whispering: ... Beach... Swan Stati... Black Rock... Jack... Walt... Tonight... Nathan looks at Cindy and takes her hand. The two of them run! The camera fades to black and cuts to: Interior. Arrow Station. (Evening). We see Cindy and Nathan run into the door of the Arrow Station. Cindy: (Panting) Whispering! In the jungle! Nathan: Said something about a Swan, Black Rock... Jack! Ana Lucia: What does it mean?

The music intensifies as we get a montage of scenes now: 1) Interior. Arrow Station. (Evening). Ana is stood in front of Jae, Bernard, Cindy and Nathan. Ana Lucia: You stay... We’ll go. Ana and Eko walking through the jungle. Night time – Ana and Eko watching the survivors at the top of the hatch. 4) Eko and Ana confronting them. 5) Ana and Eko leading them to the Arrow Station. 6) Sun and Jae reunited. 7) The smoke monster breaking the door. 8) Neil being killed. 9) The survivors fleeing. 2)


Exterior. Makeshift Campsite – Jungle. (Night). We see Claire, Charlie, Ana, Eko, Jae, Sun, Jin, Rose, Bernard, Cindy, Nathan and the rest of the red socks huddled around a small campfire. Vincent is asleep at their feet. Claire: So... What’s your story? Ana Lucia: (Looking at Eko) Oh... not much. Now come on, we need to rest. We have to get back to your camp tomorrow. The survivors all make their way to their make-shift beds as the camera fades to black.

LOST Next time: VO: The two camps are finally united.

1) Clip of Kate hugging Sun 2) Jack holding Aaron. VO: Further mysteries of the island are uncovered. 1)

Clip of Claire looking into the jungle. 2) A roaring sound. 3) Ana Lucia firing a gun.

VO: And we get the back story of one of the new characters. 1) Clip of Ana Lucia dressed in a police officers uniform. 2) Ana holding a gun pointed at someone. Main Cast (Order of appearance): Ana Lucia Cortez – Michelle Rodriguez Mr. Eko - Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje Jae Lee – Tony Lee Claire Littleton – Emilie De Ravin Charlie Pace – Dominic Monaghan Sun Kwon – Yunjin Kim Jin Kwon – Daniel Dae Kim Guest Starring (Order of appearance): Cindy Chandler – Kimberly Joseph Bernard Nadler – Sam Anderson Rose Nadler – L. Scott Caldwell Jaime Taylor – Jaime Murray Nathan Stiles – Josh Randall Danielle Rousseau – Mira Furlan Robert Rousseau – Robert Knepper Tom “Friendly” – M. C. Gainy Jim Carnes – Christopher Eccleston Ethan Rom – William Mapother Zach – Mickey Graue Emma – Kiersten Havelock Vincent – Madison Howard Tolland – David Boreanaz Questions Raised:

Why did the smoke monster try to take Jae, but release him when Eko grabbed Jae. 2) What were the whisperers talking about? 3) What list was Tom “Friendly” talking about? 4) Why did the Others kidnap Rose, Jaime, Zach, Emma and the rest of the red socks? 5) Did anyone survive from the tail section of the plane? 6) Why were there a bible and a glass eye in the box in the Arrow Station? 7) Are the whisperers the Others? 1)

Questions Answered: 1)


The thing that uprooted the tree in front of Ana’s group (although kinda obvious) is confirmed to be the smoke monster. The woman and man whom Nathan saw were Rousseau and her husband, Robert.

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