2nd Qtr Report '09

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April – June 2009

Prepared by ___________________ NALONGO KIRUMIRA BRANCH COORDINATOR

Approved by __________________________ MAKUMBI HENRY KAMYA BOARD CHAIRMAN

1 Uganda Red cross society Mityana. Email address: [email protected]

UGANDA RED-CROSS SOCIETY – MITYANA BRANCH QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT April – June 2009 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (A) CAPACITY BUILDING - Dissemination and membership recruitment -Life planning skills project - Monitoring and supervision (B) SERVICE PROGRAMS - Seminars and workshop - Blood Donors recruitment - Tracing services - First Aid services (C) ADMINISTRATION - Branch Governing Board / BYC meetings - Mubende sub-Branch activities

2 Uganda Red cross society Mityana. Email address: [email protected]


Overview The report covers activities conducted from January – March 2009. Financial Report Statement of Affairs Accumulated Fund Opening Bal. (31/03/09) Receipts: Membership Youth Tracing CBFA Branch Total receipts Total payments Closing balance Represented by: Cash at bank Cash at hand Closing Bal. (30/06/09)

Ug. Shs 297.000=

Expenditure Forecast expenditure For next quarter For 1st month of quarter

3.696.000= 412.000= Cash at bank 220.000= Cash request 1.700.000= Request in USD 6.325.000= 3.055.000= Annual Budget 3.270.000= Expenditure to date 3.270.000=

Ug. Shs

3.878.000= 3.270.000 12.000.000= 6000 46.538.000= 10.976.000=

Exp. To date as a % of the budget



3 Uganda Red cross society Mityana. Email address: [email protected]

UGANDA RED CROSS SOCIETY –MITYANA BRANCH QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT APRIL-JUNE 2009 Overview The report covers activities conducted from April - June 2009. The youth were able to implement both planned and unplanned activities amidst the challenges and constraints with financial and technical support from headquarter Branch Governing board, Branch Youth Council and Youth volunteers among others. SUMMARY OF ACHIEVEMENTS The branch continued to work with the purpose of fulfilling the society's vision and mission. Below are some of the activities carried out during the quarter. • Community based first aid training • Dissemination and membership recruitment • Blood donor recruitment • Networking • Tracing • Meetings • First aid services • Branch projects • Life planning skills programme • Condom distribution OVERALL GOAL To build and strengthen Branch capacity, youth and volunteer management and community development to improve the lives of the vulnerable. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 1. To enhance the capacity of the branch to effectively implement programs and activities for the most vulnerable. 2. To improve the capacity of the community to enable them mitigate against mortality and morbidity resulting from diseases. 3. To enhance networking with URCS branches and promotion of international friendship and understanding. 4. To strengthen the governance and management to be able to render effective support, monitoring and implementing of branch activities and programs.

4 Uganda Red cross society Mityana. Email address: [email protected]

OBJECTIVE: STRENGTHEN THE CAPACITY OF BRANCHES FOR EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT SERVICE DELIVERY. Aim: To create avenues for income generation for branch sustainability. Funds collected from the Branch’s income generating project-a girl’s hostel, have continuously susutained the branch. It has catered for the general running of the branch plus wages of the security guard and the office attendant. The project has contributed to the branch sustainability. Activity: MONITORING AND EVALUATION AIM: Follow up on all branch projects and assess the impact. A follow up of the branch project (Life planning skills) was carried out by the Branch field coordinator, Branch youth council plus the Branch governing board throughout on a weekly basis evaluation meetings and visits to the model links, out of school links and the community.

The board representative central region Mr.Kaganda Godfrey and Ms.Jesca Bagenda,had a monitoring visit to the Branch. Among projects visited included the girls’ hostel and the canteen at the Branch premises and appreciated for the good plans drawn by branch as one of the income generating activities

The board representative in central region had a meeting in Mityana branch aimed at meeting the branch governing board members looking at what is done, challenges and way forward and youth members also having their representative on they also attended the meeting. This took place on 9th June 2009. The Central Governing Board member Mr. Kaganda and Madam Jessica during the BGB meeting during the Monitoring visit on 9th June 2009.

The branch coordinator explaining 5 Uganda Red cross society Mityana. Email address: [email protected]

how the girls’ hostel is progressing to the Central Governing Board member Mr. Kaganda Godfrey and Madam Jessica from Headquarter.

To observe is to see the reality, the branch coordinator leading the central governing board member and are observing the girls’ hostel.

The branch coordinator, central governing board member Mr. Kaganda Godfrey, Madam Jessica observing what is prepared for the students during their break hours at the Branch canteen

6 Uganda Red cross society Mityana. Email address: [email protected]

Activity: DISSEMINATION AND MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT AIM: To improve on the branch’s membership and volunteer base The Branch youth council member in charge of the Dissemination Ms.Eroni Kitamirike,in conjunction with the working team plus the Focal person participated in the mobilization for membership recruitment, this quarter. Dissemination of Red Cross information and ideals were carried out in various places, links and communities and managed to recruit 34 members plus two youth links;Naama s.s, and Mityana Kikumbi College.


Activity: First Aid trainings and services: The health department transferred funds for Community Based First Aid training to the Branch and one of the new registered link (Mityana College Kikumbi) with its 42 students, 22 male and 20 female were trained by Mr.Buule Elvis and Mr. Ngobi Philly.Certificates will be prepared by National Headquarter this took place from 22nd to 26th March 2009. The Uganda Red Cross volunteers provided first aid service on Labour Day 1st may 2009 as one of the core activities of society The function was organized by Mityana district local government with a theme “up lifting the level of income for Mityana district in all business circles”. The chief guest for the function was the District Police Commander that is Mubangizi Ben and the master of ceremony was the town clerk Mr. Lwanga Edward. The function started with matching of all workers in the district that is MAMCO (taxi drivers), Mityana district leaders and Centenary bank, Stanbic bank ICOBI and bodaboda drivers.

7 Uganda Red cross society Mityana. Email address: [email protected]

SPEECHES Different people’s speeches were rotating on encouraging people of Mityana district to involve themselves in starting up their income generating projects to overcome poverty and those who are working for the government and private institution must make sure that there is a change in development at their work place. The main speakers of the day included; the Residential District Commissioner, THE MAYOR at the same time the branch governing Board Chairman and the Chief Administrative Officer.

Five youth from United States of America have their project that is “Project Naama” that aims at community development in the area of health. They organized a community health fair and invited different organizations that is RED CROSS, TASO, Family Planning, Mityana community development foundation and Mityana Government hospital to provide services as regards their organizations. On a special note Uganda Red Cross Mityana Branch was invited to provide first aid service and facilitate information about life planning skills and other organizations gave talks about immunization, malaria, eye care, Antenatal care, nutrition, water sanitation and family planning. This took place at Naama Play ground in Mityana district on 28th June 2009.

A first Aider (Ntabadde Phionah) getting a response from the fainted casualty at Naama play Grounds on Sunday28thJune 2009

8 Uganda Red cross society Mityana. Email address: [email protected]

Below are the details of some of the cases handled; HEALTH PROBLEM &






COMMENT aid Casualties



for fainting was Nose bleeding



given casualties First Casualties management for



nose continued

bleeding given matching. to casualties. Headache




aid Casualties got



done Panadol Stomachache




to casualties First aid Casualties management



done Magnesium given


casualties TOTAL




9 Uganda Red cross society Mityana. Email address: [email protected]

Mityana branch is carrying out the life planning skills programme aimed at meeting the in school students, out of school youth, and parents. So far the sessions are moving on well and the focus person in conjunction with LPS team have managed to meet model schools that were selected Since August 2008 up to June 2009. The Life Planning Taskforce has managed to carry out 34 peer sessions,various review and planning meetings on a weekly basis and managed to meet 568youth youth, 15 out of school youth and 37 parents. An LPS facilitator (Kwizera John) carrying out a session at Mityana Modern S.S Below is the LPS facilitator (Kairi Ruth) carrying out a session at Pride S.S Mityana on 30th June 2009.

The Branch coordinator giving a talk to the parents on 22nd May 2009 at Family planning hall. LPS

facilitators carrying out the parents’ session on 22nd May 2009 at Family planning hall. (Ntabadde Phionah and Batambula Betty) 10 Uganda Red cross society Mityana. Email address: [email protected]

Objective: To improve the capacity of the community to enable they mitigate against mortality and morbidity resulting from diseases.

Activity: Blood donor recruitment Blood donor recruitment is one of the core-implemented activities at the branch. The impact created by the youth volunteers is still felt as far as this activity is concerned. Great thanks go to school administrators for allowing us carry out the activity to save the very many innocent lives. BLOOD DONATION TABULATION TABLE DATE DONOR CLUB PHILEBOTOMIES 20/04/09 Mityana town s.s 37 20/04/09 Agro vet institute 23 21/04/09 Mumsa high sch. 40 28th /05/2009 Mityana taxi park 27 Total Activity: Meetings


Aim: To discuss issues pertaining to the branch generating activities and other issues about the development of the branch. Various meetings,were conducted and these included; The Branch youth council held it’s second quarterly meeting and plan for the implementation of the branch youth activities. They came up with a plan of action to lay strategies how best the youth activities can be run. This took place on 16th May 2009 The BYC and the focus person in conjunction with the Life Planning skill taskforce held four meetings aimed at planning and review of programme for successful implementation of the work. The first meeting took place on The National Headquarters organized a meeting on Friday 12th June 2009 for organizing a holiday junior and senior youth camp that will be self sponsored each youth to pay 11 Uganda Red cross society Mityana. Email address: [email protected]

40,000/= for five days. This idea was brought after realizing that camps are one of the ways to promote life skills among the youth. Mityana branch was represented by 2 patrons from Mityana Town S.S and Mityana Trinity College and it was a great achievement that Mityana was selected as the hosting branch for the Holiday camp. This will take place starting on Friday 14th to 20th July 2009. The participating Branches were requested to select 50 in school youth each. The branch organizes Board meetings on a quarterly basis. This took place on 23 rd 2009 to discuss issues pertaining the branch. In particular they resolved a long pending issue of refunding building materials for Kiggundu that were destroyed during construction of Mityana Branch years back. was successfully resolved and the Branch started by paying off starting this quarter.

June time Mr. This

The Organizational development department at National Headquarters transferred funds for organizing the membership/volunteers forum at branch level and the Branch held it on 30th June 2009 aimed at increasing on membership and volunteer retention. A headquarter representative plus the Branch Coordinator led the meeting. Members also identified some of the strategies that can be used to increase membership and their retention. One the strategies was to use the patrons in the links, youth also suggested that members should pay membership fee and Red Cross takes the role of passport photos freely, end of year youth parties, exchange visits, Red cross sports activities and joint meeting for the volunteers to equipped with what is going on in the Branch and at National. Further they resolved to form working teams headed by the Branch youth council members in line with four part programme. They bought the idea and promised to work as a team.

The branch coordinator during the volunteers’ membership meeting at Kolping House Mityana on 30th June 2009.

The secretary BYC (Nassamula Harriet) making a presentation during the membership/volunteer forum at Kolping House Mityana on Tuesday 30th June 2009

12 Uganda Red cross society Mityana. Email address: [email protected]

Activity: Networking 1. Through networking with the district Dr. Lwasampijja the DDHS, he provided 5 cartons of condoms to Red Cross youth Volunteers to distribute them to community members as a preventive measure against HIV/AIDS.. The condoms were distributed to Bodaboda men, hotels and taxi drivers with the help of redcross volunteers.. 2. Child days plus is an annual activity being carried out. Again redcross volunteers play the part. This time the exercise took place in May 2009 and a total of 4000 tablets were given to children between ages of 1-14years.

Mubende Sub- Branch Activities Details about the Mubende Sub-Branch Activities during the quarter are contained in a -separate report.

FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 2nd QUARTER 2009 BY BRANCH: MITYANA BRANCH Balance b/f : 297.,000/= Headquarter: 4.328,000/= Branch : 1.700,000/= Cash at bank: 3.270,000/= Cash at hand : Total : 6.325,000/= Expenditures: 3.055,000/= Budget Actual A: Program Youth (IYEP) 3.696.000 3.696.000




Used according budget Used according budget Used according Budget









B. Capacity Building


13 Uganda Red cross society Mityana. Email address: [email protected]

to to to

D.Administation Branch




Catered for salaries, administration and the general running costs of the branch.

Total Income Transfers - Headquarters - Partners - Own income - Balance c/d Grand Total

4.328,000/= Nil 1.700.000/= 297.000 6.325.000/=

PROBLEMS - The high expectations from the youth volunteers. - Low turn up of blood donors from the community members due to delay of results from the blood bank. - High rates of accidents in the area. - A few LPS T-shirts during peer sessions that are carried out through out the week. RECOMMENDATION - Need to create road safety awareness to the school children, cyclists and drivers and put up zebra crossings along busy areas. - Need to sensitize the community blood mobilisers and open up more donor clubs. - There is need for a second T-shirts for LPS facilitators to appear presentable to all the sessions they carry out during the week. The Youth are very grateful for the financial and material support from the national Headquarter Kampala that enables in the implementation various activities.

Compiled by: ………………………….

14 Uganda Red cross society Mityana. Email address: [email protected]


15 Uganda Red cross society Mityana. Email address: [email protected]

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