2nd Meeting

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 872
  • Pages: 12
Sponsor: Mrs. Concepcion [email protected] Room: 3119 September 24, 2009

Strive to inspire competent young men and women to consider teaching as a career.

Provide members with knowledge and experiences that develop qualities and aptitudes essential to successful teaching.

Offer pre-teaching experiences that are both exploratory and developmental in nature.

Provide information on professional career opportunities in education and the special competencies required.

Develop an appreciation of public education and the contributions that have been made by teachers teachers, public schools schools, colleges and universities universities, teacher unions, and other professional organizations to American society.

Encourage members to exercise their rights and privileges as citizens and to participate and accept leadership in civic affairs affairs.

Membership & Laws

Chapter Council

◦ Maintain a 2.5 2 5 cumulative Grade, Grade demonstrate satisfactory conduct, pay their dues regularly attend meetings, participate in service and other activities, and help raise funds

◦ Officers elected by a majority vote during a regular meeting i ◦ The chapter council shall be responsible for conducting all the business of the chapter including:

Setting the dates dates, times times, and locations of meetings; Enforcing rules and procedures as determined by the constitution; Making recommendations with respect to membership; Keeping adequate records of funds and expenditures, minutes of council meetings and regular meetings; and  Representing the chapter at the FFEA state conference.

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The President shall:

◦ Preside P id over meetings; ti ◦ Call special meetings when needed; ◦ Conduct meetings in an orderly manner, keeping members on the subject and within the time limits of the agenda; use the gavel of authority when necessary; ◦ Select or appoint members to chair committees; ◦ Start meetings on time time, making sure a quorum is present before conducting any business; ◦ Recognize members wishing to speak on an issue; ◦ Permit discussion only after a motion has been made made, seconded, and stated by the “chair;” and ◦ Announce the results of the vote, voting only to break a tie.

The Vice-President shall:

◦ Assist the president in all matters; ◦ Preside at meetings in the absence of the president; ◦ Be prepared to assume other duties and responsibilities of the president; and ◦ Act as an ex-officio member at committee meetings. ti

The Secretary shall: ◦ Take roll and report to the president if a quorum is present; ◦ Record the minutes of all meetings – regular, council, and special meetings; obtain a copy of all committee meeting minutes; prepare, in g form, and read the minutes of the previous p meeting; g write a legible corrections to the minutes in the margins; ◦ Maintain accurate roll and records of the chapter; ◦ Notify officers of meetings and appointments; ◦ Record the exact wording of motions; whether the motions are carried or lost in a vote and record who made the motion; count and record a vote when taken; and ◦ Have on hand for each meeting:  a. Secretary’s book of meetings;  b. Copy of the Constitution and By-laws; c List of committees and committee reports; and  c.  d. Copy of he Yearly Action Plan.

The Treasurer shall:

◦ Form an ad hoc committee to complete the Yearly Budget Plan; ◦ Collect dues; keep financial records of credits and expenditures; ◦ Prepare a monthly report of the chapter finances; and ◦ Serve as chairperson of fund-raising committee.

The Reporter/Historian shall:

◦ Take pictures of chapter events for a scrapbook/blog and for use in publicizing the chapter; p ; ◦ Gather and classify chapter news; ◦ Maintain a cumulative file of clippings, pictures, charts and copies of special programs; and charts, ◦ Maintain the state FFEA scrapbook and display.

The Parliamentarian shall:

◦ Act in the capacity of arbitrator in matters of parliamentary procedures; ◦ Assist the presiding officer in answering any question regarding ruling on procedures; and ◦ Assist in the total conduct of all meetings.

The Standing Committees shall be Awards and Ceremonies, Membership, Service Programs, Activities, Fund-raising, and Public Relations. Relations The president, with the approval of the chapter council, has the authority to establish ad hoc committees for specified purposes and fixed tenure.

The activities of the chapter shall be subject to the approval of the chapter advisor and principal. Th advisor The d i shall h ll b be a ffull-time ll i ffaculty l member and must be willing to provide activities and guidance for students who have expressed interest in membership. The advisor or designee shall be present at all chapter meetings and activities.


◦ Fourth Thursday of every month @ 12:00 p.m.        

October 22 – Officer Elections November 19 December 17 January 28 February 25 March 28 April 22 May 27

Upcoming Events

◦ Starbooks Café: Monday – Friday 6:45 – 7:20 ◦ Hispanic Heritage Assembly: October 23

diti R d S t 30  A Auditions: Room 3132 W Wed. Sept.  If you would like to assist please see Ms. Manfra

◦ Alzheimer’s Essay Writing: October 16 ◦ Alzheimer’s Memory Walk: November 14

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