26.video Trong Html

  • May 2020
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BÀI 26 NGÀY 7.9.2006 SOẠN THEO KS LÊ MINH PHƯƠNG I.NHẬP NỘI DUNG DƯỚI ĐÂY VÀO NOTEPAD : TAG : A HREF trước đây thường sử dụng : Xem File video.html

Nhấp lên đây để xem đoạn video clip : Đoạn nầy được lấy Trong Ổ D với đường dẫn sau đây : D:\CANON Video Clip\100-0005_mvi.avi

Khi nhấp lên nó tự động được chuyển sang máy tính của bạn và auto play. Có những TAG đã được sử dụng gần đây : Xem File Video1.html TAG :

<embed src="D:\CANON Video Clip\100-0005_mvi.avi"/> Nhấp lên đây để xem đoạn video clip : Đoạn nầy được lấy Trong Ổ D với đường dẫn sau đây : D:\CANON Video Clip\100-0005_mvi.avi

Hour 16: Embedding Multimedia in Web Pages 1

Tags and Attributes

View Hour 16 Examples


Embeds a file to be read or displayed by a Netscape plug-in or helper application. (This tag is supported by both Microsoft and Netscape browsers, but is not part of the official HTML standard.)


The URL of the file to embed.


The width of the embedded object in pixels.


The height of the embedded object in pixels.


Determines the alignment of the media window. Values are the same as for the tag.


The space between the media and the text above or below it.


The space between the media and the text to its left or right.


Draws a border of the specified size in pixels around the media.

Alternate text or images to be shown to users who do not have a ... plug-in installed or are using browsers that don't recognize the <EMBED> tag. (Not part of the official HTML standard.) ...

Inserts images, videos, Java applets, ActiveX controls, or other objects into a document. (See Hour 17 for attributes.)

Hour 16: Embedding Multimedia in Web Pages http://24hourhtmlcafe.com/hour16/index.htm In this hour, you learn how to embed video and sound into a Web page using the non-standard <EMBED> tag. (Its officially sanctioned successor, the tag, does not yet function reliably in any available Web browser.) These tags can be used to include a vast array of media types, including besides just AVI and MIDI files. Some of these media types are alternative audio and video formats that aim to achieve greater compression, quality, or compatibility than the Windows standard formats. Others, such as Shockwave and QuickTime VR, add a variety of interactive features that oldfashioned audiovisual media types lack. (View HTML tags covered in Hour 16.)

Example Pages Shown in the Book Music(Figures 16.1 - 16.2)


Even though the <EMBED> is not part of the HTML standard, it is currently the easiest reliable way to embed media files for both Netscape and Microsoft browsers. Fractal Video Clip(Figures 16.3 - 16.5) You can embed a video into a Web page with the same tag used to embed sound. The <EMBED> tag in this example also includes the AUTOSTART and LOOP attributes, which tell Netscape and Microsoft's media players to start playing the video when the page loads, and to repeat it over and over again as long as the page is being displayed.

Additional Online Examples The Downeast Restaurant Use the <EMBED> tag only for short sounds that don't repeat. For videos and background music, you'll avoid annoying a lot of people by offering a good old fashioned link to the media file instead of embedding it.

Key Quote from This Hour "In this hour's sample pages, I use Windows AVI video and MIDI sound files. For better compatibility with non-Windows computers, you could use Apple's QuickTime audio/video, the Real Audio/Real Video, format or any other video format supported by today's Web browsers. The procedures shown in this hour for incorporating the files into your Web pages are the same, no matter which file format you choose."

Next Hour: Interactive Pages with Applets and ActiveX

II.NHẬP NỘI DUNG NẦY VÀO NOTEPAD : Xem File video3.html Fractal Video Clip <embed src="http://24hourhtmlcafe.com/hour16/3dtetra2.avi" autostart="true" loop="true" width="160" height="120" vspace="10" hspace="20" align="left" />


A Spinning 3-D Fractal

If the video clip to the left doesn't start on its own, click on it to make it play. Once it starts, you can right-click on it and choose Pause to make it stop.

KẾT QUẢ : Bạn Down về để xem Video Clip nầy : 3

III.GIẢI THÍCH : • • • • • •

Quick Time là định dạng Video phổ biến nhất với những người dùng Macintosh. Quick Time Player thích hợp cho Window , tương tự như AVI , WAV MPEG 1 là video hiệu quả nhất cho việc truyền tải qua Internet. MPEP 3 phổ biến do chất lượng âm thanh , File nén MP4 File cực nén hiện nay , điển hình các bản nhạc Karaoke dược thay đổi nền hình liên tục , các dỉa DVD có trên 6 giờ Play. Nếu cần tương thích nền , nên xem dạng ReaL Video hay Real Audio.Tải nó từ : www.real.com mới có thể xem dạng nầy. Viết HTML để nhúng 1 File Video sao cho cả người dùng Microsoft và Netscape đều có thể xem thấy nó : <embeb src=” D:\CANON Video Clip\100-0005_mvi.avi"/> <noembed> Tag thay thế <embed/> là


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