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  • Words: 648
  • Pages: 2
United Nations Educational, Scientic and Cultural Organization


OpenEMIS Builder: This programme allows database administrators to adapt the generic tool to the particular characteristics of a national education system, to set parameters and customize the elements of the information system and to create the data input forms. The software is used before deployment and then once a year to adjust the system to the data needs.

The modules currently available in OpenEMIS User include the following:

OpenEMIS User: This is made of different modules to handle daily operations at each level of the administrative structure of the educational system. The modules allow the actual data inputs and queries, and the production of reports, charts and indicators. OpenEMIS User can be installed down to the school level, even in institutions without an internet connection.

OpenEMIS thus consists of a comprehensive package which can be quickly deployed and used in Member States. Moreover, additional customisation and adaptations are made possible as UNESCO is providing documented source code to Member States without restrictions, in addition to training and technical assistance upon request.

• Educational Institution Management Module; • Educational Institution Directory Module; • Data Aggregation and Analysis Module; • Export Module (including to GIS); • User Rights Management Module; • Data Collection and Dissemination Policy Module; • Instant Messaging Module; • Offline Module (for countries with weak IT infrastructure).

© UNESCO 2008/ Abdelhak Senna

© UNESCO 2010


CONTACT US Section for Sector Planning and Emergency Responses Division for Planning and Development of Education Systems Education Sector UNESCO [email protected]

Open Education Management Information System



Because reliable information to support the formulation of evidence-based and credible education policies and plans is lacking, UNESCO has developed OpenEMIS to address the needs of its Member States in this area.

OpenEMIS is built around a generic database structure which is able to store data over several years. It also provides a software programming environment for the quick development of additional modules attuned to national contexts.

OpenEMIS aims at facilitating the process of setting up national information systems which are adapted to the needs of the education administration at central, regional and local levels. The flexibility of OpenEMIS allows for its use in a variety of developing country contexts, with or without internet connection, and enables the transfer of data at all levels, from schools to ministries of education, through regional and local administrative units. Issued without conditions or restrictions for use by Member States, OpenEMIS can readily be adapted to the information needs of their education systems. Source codes are available for all via the internet or upon request to UNESCO.

WHAT CAN BE DONE WITH OpenEMIS? Once adapted to the national education context, OpenEMIS allows: •

Improvement of data collection, processing, analysis and information dissemination;

Creation of easy-to-use forms for data entry and storage of information;

© UNESCO 2010

By default, the database stores the administrative structures and education system structures defined by the country (down to national curricula school subjects, by grade). Data can then be collected and processed down to the educational institution level. The system handles and produces descriptive data, tabular datasets (pupils, teaching and non-teaching staff, classes, buildings, rooms, equipment, textbooks) and individual registers for pupils and teachers to facilitate classroom management, if necessary.

OpenEMIS has been piloted in Mongolia

Facilitation of access to and manipulation of data for the three types of data users: application programmers, database administrators and end-users;

in a representative sample of educational

Sharing of information in a multi-user environment; and

involving users from each administrative

Exchange of information with other systems, such as data warehouses, geographical information systems (GIS), spreadsheets, etc.

oriented functions into OpenEMIS for the

institutions. A participatory approach

level allowed UNESCO to incorporate user-

daily management of the education system

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