2012: The C.l. Prime Connection

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The C.L. Prime Connection

Terror Attacks of 2001; Financial Crisis of 2008 11 September 2001; 2008 I was born on 27 December 1988 – more than a month and a half premature. Mom remembers looking at the clock and seeing that it was 9:11 pm. Not only did the terror attacks of 2001 occur on this date (11 September), but so did the bank run of 2008, 7 years later, which climaxed the financial crisis of 2007–2009.

Southeast Asian Tsunami 26 December 2004

Being a month and a half premature, my weight at birth was 79¾ ounces. Converting this fractional number of ounces to a decimal weight in pounds (with there being 16 ounces per pound) gives the following: 79.75 ÷ 16 = 4.984375 pounds. Take the number 4.984375 to be a date, representative of the number of years after 1 January 2000 (Y2K). The decimal, then, would represent a date in the year 2004 – almost 2005, as the decimal is less than a third of a percent short of 5. The decimal section of this number, 0.984375, gives the following date (with 366 being the number of days in the year 2004, and 31 being the number of days in December): 0.984375 × 366 = 360.28125, 360.28125 – 366 = -5.71875, -5.71875 + 31 = 25.28125. At first, the decimal 25.28125 may appear to represent the 25th of December, but note that there is no day 0. Midnight on December 1st is the equivalent of 0, and the next midnight, at the very beginning of December 2nd, would be 1. The integer (whole number) part is the number of whole days that have passed, and the decimal is the part of the current day that has passed. Therefore, 25.28125 represents 25 full days and 0.28125 of another. This part day, then, is the 26th. In fact, expanding the decimal, we get the following: 0.28125 × 24 = 6.75 hours = 6 hours, 45 minutes = 6:45 AM. Thus, the original decimal, 4.984375, represents 6:45 AM on 26 December 2004, the date and approximate (local) time of the parent Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, as well as the general time (UTC) of the tsunami event. Incidentally, this date was also the day before my 16th birthday.

“End” of the Mayan Calendar 21 December 2012 Take the number of hours in a typical year, 8760 (that is, 24 × 365). Now, make that number represent a number of days, and add it to my birth date, 27 December 1988. Doing so gives the apocalyptically significant date of 21 December 2012. This, of course, is 6 days before my 24th birthday.

End of an Age – The Eschaton Cycle 21 May 1998 – 21 December 2012

Many times, I’ve looked at the clock to see it read 4:44 (3:14 was also common). This has happened so often, and so regularly, in fact, that the number 444 became an important number to me, though I had no idea why. My belief that this number meant, or would come to mean, something significant was reinforced when I discovered that many other people had also been noticing the time 4:44, as well as other things involving triplicates of the number 4. Note the following websites, all dedicated to sightings of the number 444, or similar occurrences, and the people who sight them:     

http://www.ridingthebeast.com/numbers/nu444.php http://www.angelscribe.com/11114stor.html http://www.unsolvedmysteries.com/usm497292.html?t=ESP http://psychicempaths.blogspot.com/2008/08/meanings-of-444.html http://judyc.net/444.php

Considering the final cycle of the signs of the zodiac before the anticipated end of the Mayan Long Count calendar on 21 December 2012, I wondered if there might be a broader, more symbolic, astrological period leading up to the same date. Working from a starting point of twelve divisions in this period (corresponding to the twelve zodiac signs), I began a process of trial and error to determine what length of time might be represented by each of these divisions. 21 December 2012 is not just the alleged end of the Mayan calendar; it is also the winter solstice; and, more significantly, it corresponds to a time when the earth and sun are in direct alignment with the centre of our galaxy. This alignment, however, does not correspond solely to that date. In the sky, the width of the sun spans about half a degree. Due to the precession, or change in the tilt, of the earth’s axis over time (a period of about 26000 years), the stars, and, with them, the centre of the galaxy, move through the sky at a rate of about one degree every 73 years. This means that the time it takes for the centre of the galaxy to pass behind the sun is about half that, or 36.5 years. When the values above are taken to greater precision, we find that this period lasts a little more than 38 years (about 14000 days). The time when the sun is in exact alignment with the centre of the galaxy, then, is the midpoint of this period, typically estimated to have occurred during the year 1998. Individual estimates give varying dates, the most accurate of which I consider to be that of Professor Sergey Smelyakov, whose calculations arrive at 7 May 1998 (described, with the calculations linked, at http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/TIMEWAVEZERO2012/message/15675). Nonetheless, Smelyakov’s date is bounded by considerable uncertainty. With this in mind, and making the connection with my own experience with the number 444, I let each division mentioned earlier be equal to 444 days, for a total of 444 x 12 = 5328 days, or around 14 years, 7 months. 5328 days back from 21 December 2012 gives 21 May 1998. This is very close to Smelyakov’s estimate of the midpoint of the Galactic Alignment, which could very well be two weeks off. If the 444-day assumption is correct, then the midpoint (corresponding to the time when the sun, the earth, and the centre of the galaxy are in exact alignment) could mark the starting point of the final 5328 days of our current era. Beginning on 21 May 1998, here are the 12 444-day divisions and their respective astrological signs: Aries: Taurus: Gemini: Cancer: Leo: Virgo: Libra: Scorpio: Sagittarius: Capricorn: Aquarius: Pisces:

Thursday, 21 May 1998 – Sunday, 8 August 1999 Sunday, 8 August 1999 – Wednesday, 25 October 2000 Wednesday, 25 October 2000 – Saturday, 12 January 2002 Saturday, 12 January 2002 – Tuesday, 1 April 2003 Tuesday, 1 April 2003 – Friday, 18 June 2004 Friday, 18 June 2004 – Monday, 5 September 2005 Monday, 5 September 2005 – Thursday, 23 November 2006 Thursday, 23 November 2006 – Sunday, 10 February 2008 Sunday, 10 February 2008 – Wednesday, 29 April 2009 Wednesday, 29 April 2009 – Saturday, 17 July 2010 Saturday, 17 July 2010 – Tuesday, 4 October 2011 Tuesday, 4 October 2011 – Friday, 21 December 2012

Now, let’s take a closer look at these divisions and their signs. First of all, four of them are cardinal signs; they correspond to the start of specific seasons, and represent change. The four are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Each sign also represents one of the four classical elements – fire, earth, air, and water.

With the above in mind, the list delineates as follows: Aries: Taurus: Gemini:

Thursday, 21 May 1998 – Sunday, 8 August 1999 Sunday, 8 August 1999 – Wednesday, 25 October 2000 Wednesday, 25 October 2000 – Saturday, 12 January 2002

Cancer: Leo: Virgo:

Saturday, 12 January 2002 – Tuesday, 1 April 2003 Tuesday, 1 April 2003 – Friday, 18 June 2004 Friday, 18 June 2004 – Monday, 5 September 2005

Libra: Monday, 5 September 2005 – Thursday, 23 November 2006 Scorpio: Thursday, 23 November 2006 – Sunday, 10 February 2008 Sagittarius: Sunday, 10 February 2008 – Wednesday, 29 April 2009 Capricorn: Aquarius: Pisces: Italics: Red: Green: Blue: Purple:

Wednesday, 29 April 2009 – Saturday, 17 July 2010 Saturday, 17 July 2010 – Tuesday, 4 October 2011 Tuesday, 4 October 2011 – Friday, 21 December 2012

Cardinal sign Fire sign Earth sign Air sign Water sign

Notice the significance of each of the cardinal signs (which, again, represent change): Aries (fire): Cancer (water): Libra (air): Capricorn (earth):

changes in the sun: 1998 brought a drastic increase in solar activity, as part of the abnormally long (and active) Solar Cycle 23, building public interest in threats posed by the sun changes in the oceans: in 2002, reports began to caution that the oceans are being greatly affected by global warming; the following years saw relatively severe Atlantic hurricane seasons, culminating with hurricane Katrina in late-August 2005 changes in the atmosphere: 2005/2006 saw increasing attempts, initiated by the Kyoto Protocol, to stop, or lessen the impact of, global warming and the greenhouse effect changes in the earth: ....

There appears to be some correlation between the cardinal signs and the progression of people’s awareness of global warming (and, perhaps, other “earth changes”). The cardinal fire sign turned our attention to the sun; the cardinal water sign turned our attention to the oceans; and the cardinal air sign turned our attention to the atmosphere. What the cardinal earth sign will bring remains to be seen, but we can assume that it will turn our attention to the ground beneath us. That’s not all. There’s further significance in the final (or “closing”) sign of each quarter – namely: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.  Gemini is an air sign in the fire (first) quarter, and spans 25 October 2000 to 12 January 2002. During this sign, the terror attacks of 11 September 2001 (fire in the sky) occurred. Also, note the deeper symbolism of the terror attacks on 9/11. The most prominent of these attacks were on the two larger World Trade Center office buildings in New York – known as the Twin Towers. This occurred during the sign of Gemini – the Twins.  Virgo is an earth sign in the water (second) quarter, and spans 18 June 2004 to 5 September 2005. During this sign, the Southeast Asian tsunami of 26 December 2004 (water on the land) occurred.  Sagittarius is a fire sign in the air (third) quarter, and spans 10 February 2008 to 29 April 2009. During this sign, the bank run of 11 September 2008 occurred, as well as its precursors and the subsequent period of global financial instability. Taking this second round of elemental signs to be more metaphorical – air is symbolic of lesser spiritual powers, such as those of Satan, and fire is symbolic of turmoil and instability. What more prominent seat of Satan than in the pockets of the rich? The recession sent Satan’s mammon-based empire into chaos.  Pisces is a water sign in the earth (fourth) quarter, and spans 4 October 2011 to 21 December 2012. Continuing with the symbolism, earth is symbolic of society, while water is symbolic of the truth. What this combination might bring remains to be seen, but we can assume it will involve the eyes of the world being opened to the reality of the one true God and His absolute authority.

End of an Age – A Premature Birth 21 May 1998 – 21 December 2012

Earlier, it was stated that I was born more than a month and a half premature. In fact, I was 53 days (1 month, 22 days) early, my due date being February 18, 1989. When I considered this, I assumed it should have some sort of major significance. My birth time and weight predicted 9/11, the Southeast Asian tsunami, and, to a lesser extent, the financial crisis, so my first thought was that anything the prematurity of my birth might predict should be relatively substantial. The first thing that came to mind was to see if the ratio of my actual birth date to my due date might point to something. What if we take the typical pregnancy period and relate it to the so-called Eschaton Cycle? For humans, the average period of gestation is about 38 weeks (266 days). I was born 53 days short of this, after just 213 days. So, 213 ÷ 266 ≈ 0.8007518797. Alternatively, the due date is calculated by adding 40 weeks to the first day of the expectant mother’s last normal menstrual period. Using this instead gives 227 ÷ 280 ≈ 0.8107142857. Of course, for an individual case, such as my own, these are only approximate, but they point to the ratio being somewhere between 0.80 and 0.81. Let’s assume that the number, itself, isn’t based on my birth – rather, it should be the other way around. There should, then, be some more natural (and less vague) way of getting this value. Perhaps the most natural number in all of mathematics, appearing in a myriad of varied locations, small and large, throughout the universe, is the Golden Ratio – that is, phi, or φ. Its value is φ = 1/2(√5+1) ≈ 1.61803398875.

Now, half of this number is about 0.809017, which is within the range we were looking for. Let’s work with this for a moment. Remembering that the Eschaton Cycle is a period of (12 × 444 =) 5328 days: 0.809017 × 5328 = 4310.442576. This points to the 4311th day of the Cycle, which corresponds to Wednesday, 10 March 2010. This is also 314 days into the 10th 444-day period (Capricorn – my own birth sign). Recall that the number 314 was also a one I often saw on clocks, along with 444, and is a common approximation of the (paradoxically) irrational ratio pi, π. In addition to this… 314 ÷ 444 ≈ 0.7072072072. Within 3/100 of a percent error, this is half of the square-root of 2 – notably similar to the earlier value of half-phi. If we accept that these are all significant, then both should serve to pinpoint the exact date my premature birth represented. This date is March 10, 2010.

End of an Age – What’s in a Name 21 May 1998 – 21 December 2012

Inspired by the potential future implications of my premature birth, I began looking for any significance in my name. There is already significance in the meaning of my first name, Christopher, which means “he who bears Christ.” In fact, this wouldn’t have been my name now if it weren’t for certain laws which state that a name becomes official and binding as soon as it’s written on the birth certificate. My parents decided on the name Christopher for no other reason than it sounded good with the last name Prime. My middle name, Lawrence, was chosen in honour of my dad’s father, who died before I came along. This was despite a several-generation tradition of Floyd as a middle name. It was after this name, Christopher Lawrence Prime, had been written on the birth certificate that my parents realized there was a second Christopher Prime – a cousin of mine – in the rural area where they live. They asked if my name could be changed, but it couldn’t; the birth certificate made in final, and any changes would have to be made through the usual legal processes. So, my name remains the same. In looking at the possible significance of my name, a second thing inspired me: I Ching, and the system of hexagrams. Basically, this is a millennia-old Chinese process for predicting individual futures, using a group of 6 coin tosses to generate any of 64 possible hexagram patterns which can then be read and interpreted. These 64 hexagrams can also be represented

numerically and plotted on a graph. When 64 iterations of all 64 hexagrams are graphed and used to represent the years following the establishment of the I Ching system, the pattern ends on 21 December 2012, just as the Mayan calendar does. In addition to this, low points on the graph appear to coincide with major event throughout history, including the fall of the Roman Empire and the two world wars, the latter of which occurred 4000 years after the development of the system. Representing the numerical values of each character in my name, including spaces (space = 0, A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, etc.), in this way also yields interesting results. Below is the graph of these values:

Let the graph represent the period of the Eschaton Cycle, from 21 May 1998 to 21 December 2012. Each letter, then, represents a period of 7 months. Considering the low points of this graph, we again find that they correspond to key events during this time, including the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Southeast Asian tsunami, and the 2008-2009 financial crisis. The first of these, which appears to kick-off the rest, as it were, is 9/11, which occurs during the O low point – after the word CHRIST in my first name. Also, the most significant, the Southeast Asian tsunami, occurs when the graph bottoms out for the first time, between my first and middle name. However, where it bottoms out the second time, between my middle and last name, is even more impressive. Within its margin of error is 10 March 2010.

Major Celestial, Geological, and Political Events C H R I S T O P H E R L A W R E N C E P R I M E

3 8 18 9 19 20 15 16 8 5 18 0 12 1 23 18 5 14 3 5 0 16 18 9 13 5

――― May 21, 1998 ―――――――― ―――――――――――――――――― ――――――――― ――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――――――――――――――― ――――――――――――――― November 20, 2001 (9/11 Terrorist Attacks – September 11, 2001) ―――――――――――――――― (several bolide and near-earth events) ―――――――― January 21, 2003 (SARS Epidemic – November 2002 to July 2003) ――――― August 23, 2003 (First Total Solar Eclipse Viewed From Antarctica – November 23, 2003) ―――――――――――――――――― (Madrid terrorist attacks – March 11, 2004) October 21, 2004 (South-East Asian Tsunami – December 26, 2004) ―――――――――――― May 22, 2005 (Death of Pope John Paul II – April 2, 2005; Election of Benedict XVI 17 days later) ― December 21, 2005 (Final Seven Years Begin; Debilitation of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon – January 2006) ――――――――――――――――――――――― (Lebanon War – July 12 to August 14, 2006) ―――――――――――――――――― (The Chinese Correction – February 27, 2007) ――――― September 21, 2007 (Grand Planetary/Galactic Conjunction – December 23-24, 2007 *) ―――――――――――――― April 22, 2008 (Global Stock Market Plunge – January 2008) ――― November 21, 2008 (Economic Crisis and Subsequent Recession – beginning September 2008) ――――― May 22, 2009 (H1N1 Influenza Pandemic – beginning March 2009) January 21, 2010 (? – March 10, 2010) ―――――――――――――――― (?) ―――――――――――――――――― (?) ――――――――― October 22, 2011 (?) ――――――――――――― May 22, 2012 (?) ――――― December 21, 2012 (?)

*exactly 49 months after the first total solar eclipse viewed from Antarctica (November 23, 2003)

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